#I got my first jellycat plushie and it is SO SOFT so I am in SUPER SOFT FABRIC mode
tj-crochets · 1 year
Hey y’all! I saw a drawing of a smilodon and now I’m thinking about, uh, I am blanking on the word. Prehistoric mammals? Animals in those years between “most creatures are dinosaurs” and “the present”?  Whatever that word/phrase is, if I was going to plushify some of them, which one(s) should I plushify? If you have links to the best/cutest* art/drawing/sketches/etc of that creature, can you please include them? Sometimes the ideas of what the creatures look like are so disparate idk which one to go with  *whichever metric of “best” you want to use for your favorite illustration. My knowledge of extinct creatures is very limited, and I’m not really going for realism in my plushie patterns, but I do want them to be recognizable 
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bunnybunlover · 6 months
How I realized I am objectum (specifically plushum):
When I was very little (though the memories are blurred) I remember spending at least like 10 minutes every morning kissing my plushies. I always had so many plushies that I adored. I think my first objectum “relationship” (I’d call it platonic) was with a Webkinz German Shepard I named Charlie. One day I lost him and never got him back and I was so upset for like months on end.
My life went on until around middle school (so I was like 11-13) I started seeing a new therapist and she had this one Beanie Baby in her office, it was a bird but I remember I loved holding him and I wasn’t entirely sure why but looking back now I think it was my first plush crush. I remember looking online for him and he was really expensive and I was really upset about it because there was no way my parents would buy me a Beanie Baby that cost that much. Eventually I stopped seeing that therapist and I kind of moved on but he would cross my mind every now and then.
During early high school I started going on walks more often and there’s a store near my house that sells Jellycat plushies and I remember looking and seeing this bunny. Oh my god, I was in love. I knew what it was and I didn’t understand why I felt the way I did about him but I bought him and took him home and became really attached to him. I still had those feelings about him though so I looked it up and discovered what plushophilia was and it clicked. He was my first real plushie love and I do miss his soft fur and floppy ears and cute tail. I believe my Mom accidentally donated him and I was a bit crushed.
When I was about 14-15 I rebounded to this penguin plush (can’t remember the brand or anything) and he became my best friend for a while but after I bit I drifted from him.
Now I’m in a relationship with my plushie of Bugs Bunny who is also my fictional other.
A few weeks ago I was at a friend’s house (he isn’t plushum or objectum but has many plushies) and he had a plushie of Bugs Bunny on his bed and I instantly started crushing on it. He noticed me looking at it and he told me I could hold him if I wanted. My life was changed from that moment, every time I go to see him I get reunited with that Bugs plushie. Unfortunately, the plush was sold out so I couldn’t get that exact one but I was desperate so I took to EBay.
And I saw him
I saw the most adorable 1991 Bugs Bunny plushie and I was instantly head-over-heels and I needed him. I bought him as soon as I had the money and he arrived. Ever since I revived him we’ve been inseparable.
I think I’ve truly been plushum for my whole life but didn’t really grasp what it was until I was older.
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hootsewers · 1 year
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okay so first of all, how dare you, but second of all
some time last month i went to a place called The Paper Store because i thought it was gonna be stationary and like artsy shit but no it was just a hallmark gift store which was incredibly lame but i decided to look around inside anyways cause i was already there. this was just after halloween so all the christmas shit was in full-swing as were general like lame things to take up space under trees such socks that said "fuck this shit" hidden behind a sock-shaped cardboard sign that said "STRONG LANGUAGE MUST BE OVER 18" and a one-quart wine glass that said "JUST ONE MORE."
there was a jellycat section in there. if you aren't already aware, jellycat is a uk-based company that makes Very Good soft toys. I owned like four jellycats toys at this point, including a large Bashful Dragon which is my current favorite plushy here he is:
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(don't mind the fact that im strangling him i was just excited that he'd finally arrived in the mail. very soft fur but fairly firm body, sits up on his own. 10/10 he's great)
so i was like, ah fuck, my wallet. i have like 90 items on my wishlist on their fucking website so i KNOW i'm not leaving this store without a little creature. they have one of the octopi i'd been wanting for a while at a slightly cheaper price than the website, so i was like fine, i'll let myself have that. but then i saw Them
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just like. sat next to each other like that. matching. i didn't really have much prior interest in the bashful bunny series aside from maybe getting a big one in the future, and these were the kinda default "medium" size but like. they were all together. and i was like "if i leave them here alone they might get separated. they're already friends. i have to bring them all home."
so yeah i left a store i didnt even actually want to be in with $80 worth of plush toys lol
anyways i got home and was recounting all this to my roommate because i have a compulsion to justify all of my wanton spending to anyone who sees that i've bought something.
for additional context, i've been friends with this rat bastard since 2014, WAY before i got diagnosed, and their younger brother is also on the spectrum in a very similar Flavor. so like they like...kinda knew before i did that i was autistic? but didn't know how to say "hey maybe you should talk to your doctor about this" without sounding rude as fuck so they tried to just casually drop hints that i remind them of their brother which, like, idk if you've ever tried to drop hints with an autistic person, it does Not fucking work lmfao. they were in the house when i had my telehealth appointment earlier this year where i finally got diagnosed and they revealed all of that information to me when i excitedly told them that i finally had an answer about Why I Am The Way I Am lmfao. if that sounds Dickish rest assured that it's just the way we are at each other and i give them just as much shit for assorted other things but anyways
i go on and on about how I was only gonna get the octopus but then i saw the bunnies and they were already friends so i had to take them all and my roommate looked me dead in the eyes and was like
"edwin i don't want this to sound mean, and i say this with all the respect in the world, but did you ever really think you weren't autistic?"
anyways thats the story of getting read to filth by my allistic roommate and then immediately afterwords by the title of a scientific article
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lambspajamas · 1 year
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ My top 5 Jellycat Wishlist˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Hello darlings! ~ I’m at home sick today so why not share some of my most wanted Jellies!
5.) Bashful Blush Bunny
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I am a very avid lover of pastels and non-magenta/hot pinks, however, even then, I think pink is a hard color to truly nail with plushies. Especially when the plush is meant to be easy on the eyes and suitable for babies.
I think a blush is the perfect way to go! A good blush color is usually a soft pink with a peach/orangey undertone to it, of which this bunny nails perfectly. ~
I chose this bun over the petal bunny because I like the pink a bit more- So with that said let’s move on to four!
4.). Bashful Twinkle & Stardust Bunny 
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I know I have two plushies on #4- but I plan on getting these two at the same time one day! I love celestial bodies, anything dreamy and especially the night time! And these two bunnies are the dreamiest of the bunch! 
They’re also the perfect bunnies for any ageres who particularly regress at night like me! <3 
What I also love about the Jellycat bunnies is their long floppity ears and huggable bodies as well!
3.) Jade Dragon
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This absolute beauty of a dragon is very popular, for a very good reason indeed! It is just gorgeous, and yes I’m kind of redundant with my descriptions, but can you truly blame me?
I’ll get into the structure of the dragons later in the list! (Spoilers lol sorry TToTT)
2.) Smudge Lamb
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Yes yes I know I already have a fuddlewuddle lamb, but I. need. more. I want this flippity floppity baby so bad. The only reason I got the fuddlewuddle first is because the smudge lamb on any site, is a lot more expensive and would take forever and a half to arrive and I’m impatient. TToTT
But one day... one day...
1.) Snow Dragon
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Ahh the darling snow dragon!!! I just adore this baby so much! 🤧💕
The Jellycat dragons are just so floppy and chunky! I love their little fat bellies and muzzles. This one is my favorite because of its beautiful beige and white coloring!
ʚ Conclusion ɞ
Thank you all for reading this far! Be sure to give me a follow and reblog if you so feel obliged!
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jellycatfriends · 2 years
Hi, I wanted to show you the first Jellycat I got! He's a really wonderful addition to my collection, and especially my little bat family (that I still desperately need to get a picture of) and I'm so happy w/ him :) I've been really excited to show you bc your account introduced me to Jellycats in the first place, and you've inspired me a lot to lean back into my plushie special interest! It's been my special interest since I was rly rly young but ppl have always told me that I'm rly childish for it, that my collection takes up too much space, etc. so I put a lot of my stuffed animals away for a long time, but since finding your account and the plushie community on Tumblr I've been accepting myself for who I am again and I've brought almost my entire collection out of storage, and I've been so much happier since!
Thank you for inspiring me by being yourself and sharing your love for Jellycats :) anyways, heres the guy!
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He sadly doesn't have a name yet, but I've taken him pretty much everywhere with me since I got him :) I'm rly hoping to get the other bat Jellycat at some point
(I hope I did this right btw, I've never sent in any submissions)
i cannot put into words how happy reading this made me. i had a very similar experience - i loved soft toys when i was a kid but put them away when i was 'too old' for them, but the tumblr plushie community helped me return to them and now they are beginning to take over my bedroom but that is more than okay with me. to know that i have been part of that process of reclaiming and rediscovering a repressed 'childish' special interest makes running this blog entirely worth it.
i adore your bashful bat! he's so cute. i hope you find the perfect name for him soon :)
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