#I even went to school there when I was 14
ifindus · 3 days
since you seem to know a lot of history, I was wondering if you could tell us a little more about norway and his role during ww2, I feel like not a lot of people talk about his importance as an ally.
Let's pretend this wasn't sent back in November! Of course I can!!And "a little" turned into a decent amount 😳
Norway declared itself neutral when the war started in 1939, but became occupied by Germany in April 1940. Throughout the war Norway played an important role helping the allies win. Note that there is also a lot to be said about Norwegian collaboration with the occupiers during these years as well, but that is not the topic of this post.
During the war Norway had both a military and a civil resistance movement. The civil movement was directed towards NS (Nasjonal Samling, the Norwegian nazi party and the only party allowed during these years) attempts at converting people to nazism, while the military resistance were building an underground army who were prepared to step in for the liberation and who also organized sabotages during the last year.
Norway’s government went into exile in London, and was in large responsible for Norway’s war effort and resistance. They took control of the Norwegian merchant ships and put it at the allies disposal, probably Norway’s most important asset and contribution to the war effort. The Norwegian marine and air-force also partook in operations along the Allies, and a Norwegian brigade was organized in Scotland, who were to partake in the final liberation of Norway.
The exiled government had an extensive running contact with the growing resistance back home in Norway, and could gradually provide the resistance with supplies and other support. Soldiers from the Scottish base were sent on missions to aid the resistance in Norway and conduct sabotages.
There as also a base for Norwegian resistance established in Stockholm, who were eventually allowed by the Swedish government to form a military force of 14 500 people under disguise of being police. About 50 000 Norwegians fled to Sweden during the war, and many Norwegians in the border areas aided them as guides over the mountains through difficult and secret passages – they also smuggled goods and supplies through the same routes.
The civil resistance was not exclusively organized, but included everyone who was not a nazi and could be as simple as civil disobedience. Teachers, parents, and priests opposed the effort to convert the youth to nazism by the NS through forced nazi curriculums in schools and obligatory youth service. Other examples of civil resistance were Norwegian workers sabotaging or not even doing the bare minimum at the jobs in factories for the Germans, and the publishing of illegal news-papers which were spread by people handing them to the next person. The most famous illegal news-paper was London-Nytt (London News), and were just Norwegian translations of BBC broadcasts transcribed directly from illegal radios.
The military resistance was known as MILORG, and this secret group had its peak in the last year of the war. This was when they began receiving guns, military equipment and professionals. During the last year they carried out assassinations and sabotages to a much more effective and extensive degree. MILORG was taking orders from the Norwegian military in London and coordinating with them, passing vital information back and forth.
When the Second World War began, Norway was the world’s fourth largest shipping nation, after Great Britain, USA, and Japan, with the Norwegian fleet being the most modern. When Norway was occupied and the Germans demanded Norwegian ships return to Norwegian ports, all of the around 1 000 ships set sail for Allied ports. The Norwegian government in exile commanded all Norwegian ships sail for securing supplies for Norway and the Allies. The ships supplied Great Britain with invaluable wares such as food and oil, and kept up the transatlantic trade during the war. The Norwegian sailors were also present at evacuations and invasions of occupied France and fascist Italy, North-Africa, and Normandy in 1944. The Norwegian ships were under constant attack from the German fleet and many sailors lost their lives transporting for the Allies, most of them working continuously for the five years Norway was at war. Almost half of Norway’s fallen during the war were sailors killed at sea.
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malii-the-bonehead · 3 days
The Other Woman pt6
Heres Part 6, finallyyyyy.
Slow burn
Summary: Chris, a popular hockey player at school where Y/n went, found himself falling for the beautiful, shy girl. As time went on he found out who Y/n truly was as a person and ultimately, he had to make the choice, his girlfriend, or the other woman.
Part 6
Monday came by quicker than I had hoped. When I woke up that morning I felt so sick. I had a throbbing headache and my stomach was killing me. I had been up for probably 30 minutes before I had rushed to the bathroom to vomit the acids in my stomach, since I hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday afternoon. 
Yeah, I was not going to school today. I also called work and explained the situation. My boss was understanding. She told me to take as much time as I needed.
I turned off my lights and put the mini trash can from my bathroom next to my bed. I flipped onto my side, facing the edge of my bed in case I had to lean over and puke again. I curled up and held my stomach, feeling the pain finally take over.
I woke up from the sound of my door being opened harshly. I groaned and opened my eyes. My mom was standing in my doorway.
“Y/n, what are you still doing here? It’s Monday. You have school.”
I explained to her how I wasn’t feeling well. She walked out of the room and came back with some water and medicine for me to take.
“Rest up then, kiddo.” She kissed my forehead. “If you need anything, just call me.” She pushed my hair out of my face then turned to leave the room. I checked my phone to see what time it was.
It was 11:30. They had 3 new messages. 2 of them from Chris and 1 of them from my dad. I checked the one from my dad first.
When you coming visit? I miss yall. Don’t be a stranger, Y/n. Text me back when you can. I love you.
I sighed and closed out of the message, then clicked Chris’s contact. I looked at his message, soon responding after reading them. 
Why aren’t you in 3rd hour? Are you here today? Soon after his first message he had sent, Hello?? 
I typed back, Sorry, Chris. I’ve been sleeping all morning. I’m sick with what I think is the stomach flu. But I should be back by Wednesday or Thursday. 
I shut off my phone. I wasn’t tired anymore so I grabbed my TV remote and played some music. I sat up in my bed and grabbed my school bag from the floor. I opened it and grabbed my computer, checking my school work I had missed for the day. I had probably 4 assignments. Soon after starting my first assignment, my phone buzzed. I picked it up and checked the message. Chris had texted back rather quickly. 
Send me your address. I’ll bring you some food and medicine. I laid back on my pillow, smiling like a 14 year old with a crush. I practically kicked my feet at his message. To be honest, I knew I’d get to this point with Chris. Where I would fall for him. But I think a part of me had always liked Chris. Even just seeing him walk past me in the hallways would always make my heart hurt, I just never realized I actually liked him until he talked to me the first time. I sent him a message back.
No, don’t worry about it. I should be fine but thank you. He read it. I sat waiting for his message for a while before I figured he wasn’t texting back. I shut off my phone and started working on my school assignments once again.
It took me about 2 hours to do everything I had missed. By the time I finished, school would have been 10 minutes from the final bell ringing. Chris had never texted back. I was kind of bummed about it, but tried not to think about it too much. 
I got up out of my bed and immediately felt a wave of dizziness overcome me. I rushed to the bathroom, emptying my already empty stomach once again. I sat on the bathroom floor for a good 20 minutes, too scared to move. Throwing up was definitely my least favorite thing. 
My mom came knocking on the bathroom door once I hit the 25 minute mark. Not that anyone was counting, except for me. 
I flushed the toilet and pushed myself against the wall. “You can come in.”
“Are you sure? Someone’s here to see you.”
My eyes furrowed in confusion. The bathroom door opened after a few seconds of silence. I saw my mom, water bottle in hand. She walked in, sitting next to me. After she sat down she called out, “Don’t be shy, we don’t bite.” She giggled and pushed my shoulder softly. I just looked at her, then towards the door. 
“I brought you some food and things to help with your stomach.” Chris walked in. My eyes widened and I tried to quickly stand up. The second I felt dizzy, I collapsed back into the position I was in again. Mom ran her fingers through my hair. Then she started to rub big circles into my back. Chris put the toilet seat down and sat on it. He was now in front of me holding a bag of food and medicine. “I didn’t know what kind of food you ate but Alice said you liked strawberries and toaster strudels so I grabbed a few packs of everything.”
Yep, I was for sure going to kill Alice. He pulled out of the bag a packet of medicine and a sweet tea, as well as a pepsi. He left the food in the bag but placed it on the counter next to my sink. He read the back of the packet and took out 2 pills, handing them to me along with the sweet tea. 
“How did you get here? I didn’t tell you where I lived.” I grabbed the things from his hands. My face was flushed and I was hot. I probably looked like a mess. My face was pale and my cheeks were red. My hair was a mess and I was wearing fuzzy socks and some shorts with a hoodie. It was hot and I was sweaty.
“That was also Alice. She’s very helpful.” He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. My mom put her hand on my knee. I looked at her.
“Say thank you, Y/n. He came all this way for you.”
My head was throbbing. “Thank you,” I mumbled. 
“I’ll leave you alone.” Mom stood up and walked to the bathroom door. “Yell if you need anything.” She walked out, leaving only me and Chris in the small bathroom.
Chris held his hand to my forehead. “Yeah, you’re definitely sick. You’re burning up. Where do you keep your towels?” I pointed to the cabinets under the sink. He got up and rummaged through the cabinet before pulling out a small black towel and running it under the cold water from the sink. He rang it out then placed it on my head. I went to grab it but he pushed my hand away, holding his hand and the towel to my forehead. 
“Thank you, Chris.”
He smiled and sat next to me, replacing the spot mom was previously in. 
“You know, 3rd hour was soooo boring without you.” He dragged out the so, making it seem way too dramatic. I looked at him. He pushed the hair out of my face and tucked the strands behind my ears. “Can I put your hair up for you?” I nodded my head.
“Let’s go to my room first. I’ve been here way too long.” Chris got up first, grabbing my hand to help me get up. If I wasn’t in so much pain, I would have been so nervous. 
He led me out the door and to my bed. He let go of my hand and grabbed my desk chair. He pulled it to the side of my bed next to me. I turned my back to him, handing him the hair tie on my wrist. I held the towel to my head.
He gathered all my hair and pulled it back into a ponytail. He was very gentle. So gentle I almost didn’t feel it. “There, that’s better”
I felt my face heat up. I shifted and turned back to face him. He got up and went back to the bathroom, soon coming back with the bag of food in his hand. He placed it on my bed next to me. I rummaged through it, grabbing the pack of strawberries. They looked so good. 
“Here,” I handed him a strawberry. He took it and ate it. I also grabbed one and ate it. They were so sweet. 
“You have a nice room. It really describes who you are.” I looked at him puzzled.
“That is a good thing, right?”
He nodded his head at me. A few seconds passed but it felt like minutes.
“You know, you really didn’t have to come here for me. I’m grateful, but you could have been doing better things.” I looked at him. He was studying my room, looking around and messing with the trinkets on my side table. 
“I don’t mind. I wanted to see you anyway.” He looked at me, his head tilted. He had a grin on his face. My face was red once again. I kept eating the strawberries silently, offering some to Chris whenever he had finished his last. I grabbed the remote from my bed and turned off the music that had been playing for the past few hours. Now the room was completely silent. It was a comfortable silence. Something about Chris being here was making my heart calm down. My stomach started to feel better. 
He looked at me for a while before saying, “Alice is worried about you too. You should text her. Let her know you’re okay.” I smiled at him. 
“For being sick, you’re still really beautiful.” He pushed my hair back. I removed the towel from my head and put it on the empty spot next to me. I grabbed his hand from my hair. I dropped our hands into my lap and fiddled our fingers together. I played with his hand, but it didn't seem like he minded. I lifted our hands, placing one of mine against his. His were bigger than mine, only by a little bit. We both looked at our hands. I interlocked our fingers. I don’t know why I did that, but he didn’t pull away. We looked at each other. 
He’s so beautiful. So much prettier than me, that’s for sure.
I put our hands down on my bed. Our fingers were still wrapped around each other. 
“Why is it that everytime you come around, I get nervous?” I looked at him.
“I don’t know.” He responded slowly. “But, I think you make me nervous too. I get a tingly feeling around you.” His small confession caught my attention.
My eyes widened. “I get a tingly feeling too. Right.. Here.” I placed his hand on my heart. He held it there, feeling my heart beat. 
“Your heart’s racing.”
“I know.”
He looked at me and moved his hand away. He grabbed mine and placed it on his heart.
His heart is racing too. I felt my body go numb.
“Mine’s beating fast too, isn’t it.” He said that as more of a statement than anything. 
My breath hitched. I scanned over his face. His cheeks were a light pink. His hair was slicked back into a baseball hat, a little bit sticking out by his ears. He looked so good. I looked at his eyes then down to his lips. He noticed it and I moved my hand away.
I want to kiss him. God, I want to kiss him so fucking bad. 
I looked back to his eyes, his finding mine. I looked away from him. 
You’re sick, Y/n. No, that’s not important, he has a girlfriend. A beautiful and sweet girlfriend. Someone who doesn’t deserve anything less than Chris. Someone who is way better for him than you could ever imagine. 
Chris and Clairissa were perfect together. They’ve been dating since the beginning of our junior year. Everyone knew who they were and who they belonged to. It would be a sin to separate them. 
Chris spoke, pulling me from my thoughts. 
“I guess I should get going soon. I have a hockey game tonight. You should come.” I looked back at him.
“I know you aren’t feeling well, but if you end up feeling better, come watch it. It starts at 7 at the rink.” 
“I’ll think about it.” I smiled softly. He smiled back and patted my head. He stood up and pushed the chair back to its original spot. Chris walked to the door of my room, opening it. 
“If I don’t see you later, text me.” 
I looked down at my lap. “I will. Thank you again, Christopher.” He grinned.
“Anything for the pretty lady.” My head snapped up. There it was again. He called me pretty again. He turned and shut the door. Soon after, my door opened again and mom walked in. She practically skipped over to my bed, a big smile on her face. She pushed my shoulder softly again.
“He was cute,” She wiggled her eyebrows at me and giggled like a little girl. I smiled and sighed. 
“I know.”
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clarabowmp3 · 4 months
omg also I have so much tea (?) to spill online cuz I can’t do it irl 😭😭😭
#okay SO#i have this long time friend from sec school#Like we’ve known each other 6+ years now and she’s rlly nice and fun#We were much closer abt 4-5 years back when we were in the same class#But other than that we were still kind of close cuz we stay like a block from each other + we shared a class all 4 years of sec school#So now that we’ve graduated from jc we went out etc and and it’s been so fun BUT#she met this guy on discord thru a server and they had/are still having some weird situationship thing#And at first I didn’t mind her telling me abt it etc but I mighttt be a lil tired of hearing abt it#I FEEL SO BAD she’s literally done nothing wrong but idk how to express how im feeling w/out seeming like im NOT 100% supportive of her yk#Like she also had a pick me phase (we were 14 when ELSE were we going to have that phase) and has always struggled a lil w emptions/affecti#Part of which has to do w her parents so also understandable#But I find myself feeling soooo annoyed now#Like recently she texted me that she texted him that she was taking a sm break which was true but now she misses him#And she was like omg I want to turn off my feelings 😭😭😭#It makes me feel JSNXKLDLS girllll what r u doing#grow a backbone??#Maybe it’s also cuz I totally don’t understand what she sees in that guy#Omg I could make a whole other post abt how MEDIOCRE he is jkskdn#but atp im starting to miss her pick me era 😭😭😭 and I feel SO BAD it’s smth I’ve had all my life#I will dislike ppl who I find annoying even when they literally did nothing and are living their best life#KILL ME#it’s okay I’m so normal abt this hehe
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livvyofthelake · 1 month
also. movie that takes place in virginiaaaaa <3 ok it only takes place in va because it was based on a true story but still. that's my state :)
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sampilled · 2 months
im going to get my hair dyed blonde!!!!!!!
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viktortittiforov · 3 months
the 2010s sure were a time in my life
#there's just....... there's just something about that time#it might have something to do with 2011 being the year i started high school and 2019 being the year i finished my BA#and also the last year before the pandemic#I DON'T KNOW I JUST. THINKING BACK ON IT THERE IS THIS MYSTIQUE TO THAT TIME. THIS STRANGE EXCITEMENT#which is most likely a result of me finally beginning to feel like i can shape my own life and who i am and daydreaming abt a better future#and like exploring myself. in 2010 i turned 14 and fully realised i'm bi and throughout the decade#i experimented with a variety of different like...... identifications and imaginations of who i am#some of those were quite consumer identities (e.g. i strove to be and was a very hipster teen) but nevertheless#i don't know dudes like. the pandemic took a lot from me in terms of ability to be excited about what's to come i think#even though my life is pretty good i'd say#but also maybe that's just what it's like to grow into adulthood and get a job etc. SIGH why am i writing an entire fucking essay#abt my 2010s teenagehood nostalgia#like majority of those years also SUCKED because i had zero real irl friends and was really lonely lmfao#it felt like life didn't really start for me yet#and i was constantly waiting to burst into it. maybe that's the mystique. constantly hoping i am on the precipice of smth extraordinary#is nostalgia for one's teenage yrs inevitable? even if you feel like you missed out on most experiences considered quintessentially teenage?#i only started having Teenage Experiences™ when i went to uni lmfao (i.e. early 20s)#but idk it's such a loaded period psychologically and it's horrible and frustrating when you're living it but then you think back on it#and you're like man..... sure was a time huh. wow#but idk my experience could also be influenced by so many other variables#e.g. smartphones and social networks becoming widespread and common#that was also a pretty significant thing that happened#anyway i think i'm abt to run out of tags so. that's it#sry this shoulda gone into my diary probably but i inflicted it on you instead#neptalks
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
sometimes I am like 'boy I am So Normal' and other times I am like 'wow my grandmother sure did give me a lot of undergrad level art criticism to chew on when I was like 13'
#red said#both the good thing and the bad thing about my grandma was that she didn't talk down to kids#and she had taught undergrad art school#and I'm not sure i was always 100% on board on account of being A Child#but she had me reading Klee's pedagogy of drawing when i was like 8#and oh god what was it. herbert read's 1930s analysis of modern art? when i was like 14#i know this bc my year 9 portfolio is full of anime art and a big typographic quote about interpreting art from read#now when i go to art galleries with my friends i vacillate wildly between 'haha look at how weird this guy's hair is'#and 'the impasto creates a kind of paradoxical verisimilitude!'#bless them but i was walking around a gallery with my partner enthusiastically going on about trompe d'oeil and marxist analysis of realism#and i said '... does that make sense' and they said 'nothing you've said for the last 20 minutes made sense but it sounds cool'#and people think I'm like this because i went to art school#NO THE ROT SET IN WELL BEFORE THAT and also like i did a year less study than my classmates at undergrad#and i still found most of them hadn't heard of most of the terminologies i was throwing around#it wasn't until my masters i started meeting other people who were hype about critical theory#and then i felt stupid bc tbh i haven't like. STUDIED it formally. i just pick bits up.#so when i was talking to someone with a really thorough grounding in semiotics i was just Saying Words#understood what she was saying but couldn't back up my own points enough to feel like we were on an even keel
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girlwithfish · 1 year
5am instagram stalking ppl i used to go to hs with. its crazy bc some people are still friends with other ppl from our hs. i guess crazy to me bc i dont talk to anyone at all from either hs i went to nor anyone from the same school district i was in from 4 grade-8grade. i hvent mantained friendships or anything w anyone from any place ive lived. thinking its me. . ...
#the realjty is i was just really shy when i was a kid. the ppl i went to school w from ages 9-14 i didnt really have lasting friendships#i follow like 3-4 ppl from that time in school on Instagram but thats it rly. ive never kept a friendship#then fhe school i went to for under 2 yrs in hs I follow several ppl from cuz i guess i was somehow a little more social where i followed#some classmates on instagram but yeah no contacg w anyone and yeah. i really doubf anyone from either of those schools remembers me#i just wasnt rly close w anyone ever to remain in contact w. and i didnt reallly make friends at the hs i graduated from#and i follow a couple ppl from my last hs but thats it i havent talked to anyone from any of those times in my life again rly#Which is crazy like#I guess ive always just been standoffish. never unfriendly to ppl but i never really connected w anyone#beyond school and stuff. nd i doutb anyone remembers me anyway. i really was a nobody in hs without even my own circle of friends#crazy how rhat wrks out nd not thay i have many relationships atall rn besides family and my s/o but like its crazy cuz#sometimes my bf when were in his hometown will run into someone he wnt to school w cuz he stayed in the same school district#k-12 nd theyll recognize him and talk to him and its ctazy cuz ive movd twice so i just never stsyed in a place where that would happen.#i like dont know anyone from my high school here in nc nd have never seen anyone barely#LOL#sometimes i wonder what itd be like if i had stayed in ohio and gone to hs with all the ppl i had known a bit for all of middle school#Cuz i just really do not know anyone maybe my life seems a little lonely bc of that. idk..#its hard when a lot of ppls friendships r built on the fact that theyve known each otber for a long time or since x grade and are childhood#friends or something
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birdmenmanga · 1 year
it's literally so funny that the kekkaishi wiki lists sumiko's age as "35-42" like I know she looks young as fuck but also. masamori is literally 21 do you think she gave birth to him at age 14??? genuinely??? do you really think that??? you think that 21 is the OLDEST she possibly could have been when she had her first son???????
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oldtvandcomics · 1 year
Happy Queer Media Monday!
Today: Cocoon (2020)
Yeah, not really my kind of story, but it sure made some memorable points.
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(The last and most memorable picture from the movie, when Nora finds that her pet caterpillar has hatched.)
Summer 2018. Berlin is suffering under a heatwave. 14-year-old Nora’s life is changing, as she navigates everyday relationships, starts menstruating and discovers her sexuality. 
A low budget coming of age story set in Berlin, I feel like this movie really captured well what it’s like to be a teenager, when everything in your life seems so big and important. The title is fitting, as, instead of a complete story with a conclusion, this “just” captures a moment of transformation in Nora’s life.
I watched this in summer 2020, when I was in Köln for a weekend. It was a very memorable experience, as 1) small village girl in a big city, and 2) summer 2020, so the whole evening had this beautifully forbidden in-between feel to it. It was a small cinema, so that was nice, too. I cried during the Pride scene. None of this has any significance in regard to the movie itself, but it matters to me, so I’m telling you about it.
You can find a trailer with subtitles here.
Queer Media Monday is an action I started to talk about some important and/or interesting parts of our queer heritage, that people, especially young people who are only just beginning to discover the wealth of stories out there, should be aware of. Please feel free to join in on the fun and make your own posts about things you personally find important!
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gxlden-angels · 2 years
Every once in a while I am reminded of that "I chose Jesus over Shiro" post because I quite literally chose Shiro over Jesus
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windfighter · 1 year
Comfy clothes
Prompt: Clothing that doesn't fit
Kouji woke up first. He always did. He stayed in his sleeping bag for a while, listened to the others. Tomoki was mumbling in his sleep, Kouichi was snoring lightly. Izumi turned around in her bag, hugged her pillow and kept sleeping. Kouji stretched. He sat up and yawned. Sunlight was starting to creep through the window. It would be a beautiful day and they’d probably go to the park when everyone had woken up. Which would take a few more hours, Kouichi always slept late when he didn’t have school.
Kouji reached for his clothes. He got someone elses, because apparently everyone had dumped their clothes in the same spot. Kouji grumbled a bit. His nightvision wasn’t good enough for him to search through the pile for his own, and he didn’t feel like turning on a light since it could wake up the others. He sighed.
Whatever. I’ll just roll with it.
He pulled them on, hoping it was Kouichi’s. Someone would get them confused if it was and it would be hilarious.
The clothes were big on him. Soft, but big. Very warm. Kouji pulled his hands into the sleeves and smiled. Junpei’s. Junpei was still sleeping soundly in his sleeping bag.
Kouji was starting to feel restless. He stood up, stretched again and snuck out from Takuya’s room. Takuya moved in the bed when Kouji opened the door, but didn’t wake up. Kouji went to the living room, sat down in the couch. The rest of Takuya’s family was still asleep.
There was a deck of cards on the couch table, left behind from the evening. Kouji briefly wondered how long the others had stayed up after he went to bed. He grabbed the deck, shuffled it and played solitaire.
The room got brighter as the sun rose. Tomoki woke up, greeted Kouji without looking at him and sat down to play a game on Takuya’s console. Shinya arrived next and didn’t even notice Kouji because there was a game he could join in on. Takuya ruffled Kouji’s hair before he disappeared to the kitchen to find breakfast. Kouji’s stomach growled, but he ignored it, prefered to wait until Kouichi woke up as well.
Izumi stopped when she noticed him. Tilted her head. At first he thought she was wondering why he had Junpei’s clothes, but there was too much worry in her eyes. Kouji frowned.
”What?” he asked.
”Are you… okay?” she asked. ”I didn’t notice it yesterday but…”
She gestured towards him. Tomoki turned around and Kouji felt blood rush to his cheeks.
”You’ve lost weight”, Izumi finished.
Kouji rolled his eyes.
”I’m fine.”
”You know you can always talk to us, right?”
Kouji buried his face in his hands and shook his head. He was so close to laughter.
”Nothing’s wrong”, he said. ”I promise.”
Izumi was clearly not convinced. Kouji wasn’t sure what to say to convince her.
”Hey, did anyone see my clothes?” Junpei asked as he came out of the bedroom.
He stopped when he noticed Kouji. Kouji’s cheeks were burning. Junpei’s cheeks got redder as well. Kouji pulled his hands into the sleeves again and buried himself in the sweater.
”Nevermind”, Junpei said. ”Found them.”
”I couldn’t find my own”, Kouji defended himself with. ”You want them back?”
Junpei scratched the back of his neck.
”I’m gonna need them if we’re heading outside later but uh… You can have them until then.”
Izumi glanced between them. Junpei looked away and Kouji pulled the sweater over his mouth to hide his smile.
”They’re comfy”, Kouji said. ”I can see why you like them so much.”
Izumi smiled. Kouji didn’t like that one bit. Junpei also smiled and Kouji liked that a lot more. Junpei sat down next to him in the couch and grabbed the deck of cards.
”I can show you were I got them later?”
Kouji shook his head. Junpei started shuffling the cards.
”No need to get my own, I’ll just borrow yours”, Kouji said with a laugh.
”Fair enough”, Junpei answered.
Izumi snuck away. Kouji could hear her whisper excitedly with Takuya and he feared for his and Junpei’s future.
”Up for a game of Canasta until Sleeping Beauty wakes up?”
Kouji laughed and nodded.
”Sounds fun. Betcha I’ll win.”
”Against the Card Master himself?” Junpei said and winked. ”We’ll see about that.”
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gothamcityneedsme · 7 months
god im still thinking about how everyone goes on about how terry ''has a record" and like. HE WAS 14!!!! GOD!!
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katya-goncharov · 8 months
i wonder if it's weird that i still bear a grudge against my friend from primary school for unfriending me on facebook over a decade ago
#it's just very very complicated because A. she's lived round the corner from me for her entire life and her mum and my mum are still friends#B. she's still facebook friends with a lot of other kids from my high school who she was far less good friends with than me and even some#kids who weren't even in our year so it felt very deliberate at the time that she chose to unfriend ME specifically#C. we never officially fell out or stopped being friends. it just sort of ended the way childhood friendships sometimes do when you're 14#D. it very much felt like she stopped being my friend because i wasn't popular at school and she didn't think it would be good for her#social cred#E. thinking back now i'm very sure she was a pretty toxic friend and she did and said a lot of shitty things when i was a teenager#F. i sort of still miss having her as a friend and i've never really managed to make a friend to fill that void since#G. i still remember this one time when i was like 16 when i saw she'd posted a bunch of pictures of our childhood friendship group and she#tagged every single person in it except me and it was sort of like i didn't exist to her and i never had even though i was THERE on the#photos#H. she went through a lot of really difficult stuff as a teenager and my mum always used to say i should reach out to her or message her bu#i COULDN'T do that because she'd unfriended me and i couldn't tell my mum that so it just looked like i was a selfish jerk#I. no-one even uses facebook anymore but because she set that boundary when we were 14 now i can really never follow her on instagram or#twitter even if i wanted to and i never will be able to and even though my best friend from high school does because it would be#breaking this boundary i'm not sure she'd even want to honour anymore 10 years later and it's just. such a weird situation#J. sometimes i wonder if she still thinks about me and it's weird when i'm at home because she STILL lives round the corner from me and we#were friends for the 7 years we were at primary school but i haven't seen or heard from her for years now and i don't know. it's 2am and i'#just thinking about it and i don't know why this particular friendship still gives me so many emotions i've been spending 10 years trying#to unpack and process#emma vents#anyway ignore me i'm just. thinking about it for some reason tonight
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it-was-yxu · 10 months
Was going through some suuuper old notebooks from when I was in 8th grade (12-14) and hoooollly shit I am.. so glad I got therapy??
PSA don't let your kids have unsupervised internet access at 11-14, it definitely damaged me like a LOT lmfao Also wouldn't recommend letting your kids under 12 watch horror movies 🫡
I had so much anger and trauma in me and I didn't know why and despite all of my art and writing being frankly disturbing back then, it's all just really sad to look back on tbh cuz I didn't know why I was so angry a(nd sad) all the time and I hated it and myself so much :( Like I didn't remember my trauma at the time, had no idea just how mentally ill I was, still figuring out my sexuality and gender all while being screamed at or neglected at home and bullied by my peers and harassed by teachers who didn't understand me and why I couldn't pay attention even when I didn't have a phone or anything to doodle on in front of me because it was my thoughts that were the distraction, the doodling actually helped me focus uggghhhh
Idk it's 3 am and I'm thinking sooo much about teenage me, wanna hug that lil fucker it's not they're fault they acted the way they did, they didn't know any better and so much shit was normalized by the fandom spaces they were in and soooo many people took advantage of them or treated them like shit because of it :(
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satoriberry · 1 year
can we talk about how fucked up someone's head can be after going to a gender-seperated school and not normally interacting with the opposite gender for +5 years cause dawg....
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