#I don't want to come across as just full miguel hate
ghostflowerhotpotch · 11 months
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
This originally was going to be a reblog to another post, but it happened what it always happens: It got too long.
This is the post in question.
The response I wanted to talk about was that a lot of people were defending Peter's actions in the context that he has good intentions because he believes that this is the right thing to do. There was a mistake I didn't address in that initial post, so I will say the quiet part out loud for this post.
Despite being about Peter, I will talk a lot about Miguel, because Peter is doing what he is doing because he believes in Miguel, which is a problem.
(Disclaimer: I don't hate Miguel, I honestly think he is a great ambiguous character, and I am just going as hard as I do in this post because I'm very passionate about this subject not because I think Miguel should be hated. Fans may want to stay away just in case.)
Pls don't kill me.
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This is false, and that's a problem.
Okay, so let's start with this: Miguel is wrong by his own standards. I had already talked about this in other small posts but let's dig deeper into it.
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Did you catch the issue yet?
Here is the thing: How a canon event can happen if the person who caused it wasn't supposed to be there?
Miguel is blaming the hole on Miles, saying that it happened because it disrupted the canon event; yet what caused the canon event?
Spot. He did it.
However, Spot is not the arch-nemesis of Pavitr, Spot didn't even want to talk to Pavitr and was mostly ignoring anyone who wasn't Miles. And again, MIGUEL SAYS HOW SPOT SHOULDN'T have EXISTED TOO.
How come Captain Singh was supposed to die in that bridge, if this wasn't the canon event?
Because remember, Miguel says it needs to be a battle against an arch-nemesis too; meaning that if this needed to happen today, THE CANON EVENT WAS ALREADY DISRUPTED BECAUSE THE WRONG PERSON DID IT.
Now, I think the audience not catching this is pretty normal; I think it took me until like my fourth watch to notice that detail. In terms of writing, is supposed to be a small little hole when the next movie talks about what's going on.
(Because yes I am convinced this is the proof that Miguel is wrong about the canon and not just a mistake the writers didn't think of. Like the fact that in Into the Spider-verse Miles's spider glitches; and then in the next movie we realize it was from another dimension.)
However, is one thing the audience to not figured out this thing; another is that Miguel is doing what he is doing when this is the situation.
Let's mention other things Miguel got wrong, not because I want to dunk on Miguel, but because those mistakes had something in common that we need to address.
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This is wrong, regardless of how you sliced it, this is wrong.
For starters, Miguel is blaming Miles for being bitten, which is...dumb. Like Miguel doesn't need the context that Miles didn't try to get bitten, it just happens; that's literally what happens to most Spiders, they just got bitten. Someone who objectively has learned about the story of multiple spiders in order to create an algorithm should have noticed that.
Second, this is stupid because now that we had established Miles was going to get stuck in this situation no matter what; let's go said this: The anomaly issues started before Miles was involved.
Miguel establishes how to travel between dimensions and anomalies in general fucks things up; and guess that: there was a spider from another dimension before Miles was involved. Actually, there are more!
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Is hard to see, but as you can see, there are OTHER spiders! And considering 42 is the one that says decease yet not the rest, this means they are alive!
This fact I don't know if it will be canon, because it wasn't stated in the movies; but in the artbook is stated that Dr. Oct from 1610 stole John's designs to create the collider; Spot literally created Miles because the Spider was brought by his work.
Not only is Miguel blaming Miles for this mess, but if Miguel thought it was bad that a spider bit someone when they weren't from the same universe; well how good it is to have MULTIPLE being in the hands of one lunatic scientist that is the REAL reason this mess is happening?
Fact aside Miguel is hellbent on catching anomalies yet this slipped past his radar, let's remember that he should probably be aware of much of this.
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Call me crazy but when you can get footage of all the spiders and what they are doing, and then you hear about the multiverse almost falling apart; wouldn't you try to look into EXACTLY what happened?
Speaking of exactly what happened-
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Oh really? Because if you ask me.
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None of these are the same.
Let me break it down.
Miguel's second universe: Things glitch briefly before they start crumbling and disappear entirely.
Pavtir's universe after the Spot: Hole starts sinking an entire building and it is led to believe more can be dragged.
Miles's universe in ITSV: Things glitch before making things from another universe take the place of the original thing.
None of these behave the same, which would be weird if these ones were all truly, made because the canon was disrupted. But what a coincidence that they start to make sense the second you put some context in two of these.
Pavitr's universe is being swallowed by a hole just after the guy who creates holes and wants to open some more became a multidimensional monster thanks to a big Collider who of course can magnify the Spot's effect.
And Miles universe has buildings and the like being replaced because they are trying to bring things from another universe.
So no, I don't believe Miguel's universe is falling apart because 'Canon.' I am sure there is more to it.
I am pretty sure I could find more things if I needed to, but I think this showcases my point. Miguel is wrong, on multiple levels; you can even see this in this post early on with how Miguel blames Gwen even when a perfectly available excuse was right there. Miguel is shown to be in the wrong constantly.
Here is the thing, I am not bringing all of this up because I want to trash Miguel (if I am honest considering how many of the things he does become retroactively worst when you think about it, this is pretty tame.) I am bringing this up because the information is wrong, and they are doing decisions on the basis of that.
Because Miguel doesn't know. None of them do.
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They all believe in this.
I don't believe Miguel is a villain, I don't believe he is giving the wrong information because he wants to trick everyone into whatever he would want to do. There is no one in the organization that believes in this more than Miguel.
And that's the problem.
Seeing this movie the number of times I had and rewatching parts for certain things, one of the conclusions I got is that Miguel is hellbent that is his way or the highway on this one. Everybody else? I feel they are being strung along.
For example, Miguel believes Gwen and Miles shouldn't have been involved at all. Jess thought Gwen was okay but sees Miles as an issue. Peter thinks Miles is a fine, anomaly or not.
The cardinal Sin I didn't mention in my original post wasn't left out not because I knew that Miguel, Jess, and the others are just trying to avoid the multiverse from collapsing, and ergo deserve that defense. (Though to clarify, I do believe it is something to consider because is not the same as doing things for selfish reasons than for altruistic ones.)
It was left out because I firmly believe that making a mistake in good faith is wrong by default and doesn't need an explanation.
Also because for reasons I'm going to delve right now, I just can't be normal talking about this topic.
Look, without deviating too much and making this about myself, in real life, I am sick of "But they have good intentions!" Excuse. Is actually laughable how many things that are wrong with me started with good intentions.
But! That sob story only affects one person, right? And is different when it affects others!
My mom saw in me someone with potential, she saw someone smart, that may be able to achieve things, if I just push myself hard enough, I could get the best marks in the class. I just needed to apply myself.
This meant my mom ignored the difficulties I had, chalking them up as excuses, that I wasn't trying hard enough. She loved me so much that she didn't want to believe there was something wrong with me that could stifle my potential.
Without giving unnecessary details, what ended up happening is that I have mental scars that are not going away. Some of the things that happened left irreversible damage.
I think is not a surprise to hear that I am part of the LGTBQ+ Community, in more than just being trans. Do you guys want to know how many times in my life I had heard of "think of the children!" from parents that legitimately believe presenting content that isn't cishet is actually harmful?
I lost the count years ago.
"But that's bigotry! Is not the same if you are doing it for the actual good of the people!"
Sure, hey had you ever learned about the father of gynecology, J. Marion Sims? Without his contributions, we wouldn't have the knowledge we have today, he has been praised for years for his work especially since is an under-researched field.
Did I mention the guy had almost a messianic complex believing he had every right to do what he did, which was torture black women who were slaves?
"Oh but this is fiction!"
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For those who don't know or don't remember, this is Tony Stark with Bruce Banner, talking about creating an AI that could help save humanity from the next catastrophe. Bruce was reticent, yet Tony wanted to do this as a response to the events in the first Avengers movie, because he wants to have something that can stop another float of aliens from invading the world.
This thing becomes Ultron, the supervillain of that movie and a villain that created a domino effect that catapulted multiple plot threads later on.
Now class, what do Tony Stark and Miguel O'Hara have in common?
They both have good intentions, and they are trying to save the world/multiverse, yet because they are still wrong, the consequences of it are still their fault.
Let's remember who are the ones paying over this.
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Ah yes, basically everyone!
Miguel has noble intentions, he suffered a great tragedy that scarred him for life, and the burden of what he did has driven him to do whatever it takes to save the multiverse, so his mistakes can't happen again. He has been focusing on this entirely, refusing to focus on other things (including his mental health because he needs extensive therapy,) yet for some reason, call it hasty conclusions, call it hubris, I honestly don't know why; he ended up coming up with a flawed theory.
Because here is the thing, is fine for the audience to not catch the logical fallacy as a newcomer who is just new to all of this; yet imagine someone who created an entire theory that they are using as the baseline of rules in order to protect the entire multiverse, and yet somehow he doesn't catch a mistake that you can figure out if you say it slowly.
This is a problem because Miguel has the entire multiverse pending on a wrong theory, because if he focuses on keeping 'canon intact' instead of the real reason why stuff like this happens, it means resources, time and effort are poured into the wrong thing.
This is a problem because has a team that I believe is over a thousand people, including teens that honestly need more help than what this SpiderSociety is doing for them; being accomplices in reinforcing the suffering they had lived. Not to mention the moral dilemma everyone here is going to have.
Speaking of this, let's circle back to how this affects Peter too.
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Because he is reinforcing this.
Yes, this is not his theory, yes, clearly how things are being run is not how he would do it. But he still lets this happen, EVERYONE is letting this happen.
This is the problem with Peter, Jess, and everyone else being strung along. Basically, everyone gave one look at Miguel, saw his theory, didn't think too hard about it, and went with it.
Let me remind you, Peter isn't stupid, he knows a few things, about the multiverse. Remember how in the first movie, he was the one who knew why he was glitching? Remember how he was planning to make a new goober himself, meaning he understands enough about it to know how to make it stop?
Here is my thing, "Good intentions" depend on how many people were harmed by those "good intentions." If I decide to bring a glass of water as a courtesy, and I drop the glass; I may have good intentions, but the glass is still going to be broken. However, this is just a glass, which makes it not that big of a deal.
Miguel, by deciding to take care of the multiverse and dictate how the interdimensional travel should be done and by who, is responsible for any mess his rushed conclusions had caused. And anyone who reinforces his ideology is an accomplice.
Now imagine I am a doctor, and I am convinced I found this miracle cure to cancer, and somehow I am able to bypass trials and legal bullshit and launch it into the market, and then is when we realize my cure's research was so poor it ends up making people actually get sicker.
In this scenario I rushed to get the cure to the public so people could be saved quicker, yet by doing so I ended up harming a bunch of people; which meant no good intentions should save me for a trial and judgment for the people who suffered.
Look, I am not a philosopher, and no one is asking me to give a class on Morals and Ethics. You are free to see the situation as you see fit.
The reason I decided to do this entire post, is because I as a person, can't and will not accept "Good Intentions" as an excuse.
I am not saying Miguel is as bad as Kingpin, of course. Again, I truly feel it for his character and his tragic nature; but Good intentions stop being an excuse and become an explanation the moment other people are affected. And at this point, that number is unmeasurable.
Miguel, Peter and Jess, and everyone else decided to preserve canon to save the universe, but if preserving a fake canon ends up making the lives of people worse if not contribute to letting people die; all that means is that the mistakes are marked in blood.
And the pain the people feel from those mistakes isn't erased by good intentions.
Again, sorry for coming way too strong in this one; this is just one of those topics that like the strike, I just can't contain how much it makes my blood boil.
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spdrvyn · 1 year
full stomachs, fuller hearts — MIGUEL O'HARA
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SUMMARY: miguel has gotten used to eating dinner by himself so you decide to change his nightly routine.
THIS FIC CONTAINS: literally nothing but pure unaldulterated fluff. gender neutral terms mostly but querido is used once.
NOTES: OKAY so this was actually a request for someone but i was a dumbass and accidentally POSTED the draft when i meant to save it for later, i panicked and deleted the post so now i lost the request from my inbox forever 💔 whoever that dude was i hope you find this and i hope you enjoy
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Lonely dinners were always a common occurence for Miguel.
That was just how things are. After a long and drawn out day of protecting the multiverse, protecting the city, protecting everything that he's built up and coming home to a desolate penthouse.
It was the norm for him, he had grown accustomed to it. Being isolated in general wasn't a foreign concept to him, but you brought more change to his life that he thought he would hate.
He loves you a lot. You two had been in a committed relationship for a few months now but haven't moved in yet. The every few hours during a day that you would get to visit him or perhaps he could swing by to your apartment were the only times he felt some sense of warmth in his cold, silent life.
It's not like he didn't want to ask you to move in, he does. Oh, so badly. It's just that the constant fear that he's going too fast or getting too excited over this newfound love. He doesn't want to scare you away.
There was also just a small part of him that was getting too used to being around you. It's gone to the fact that whenever he ate dinner, he'd always imagine you on the other side of that table, laughing and sharing stories about how you're day went.
When he snapped out of it, the sight of the empty chair across him brought his spirits down even more.
You were aware of this too.
Which was why you were up at the wee hours of the night, trying to watch an online video recipe for making empanadas. You knew how to cook enough meals to get by but you wanted to try something different for Miguel.
The bar was set a little bit higher this time. You've been over at Miguel's place before and he has cooked for you and every single time you've tried his dishes they were utterly delectable.
You didn't only want to make all of this food for him just because he's constantly eating alone but because he's really expanded your tastebuds ever since you two developed a much more intimate relationship. You could at least owe him one homecooked dinner.
Reminders to yourself, thank Lyla for letting you in and don't blow up Miguel's penthouse.
As you followed the tutorial step-by-step, you couldn't help but let your mind wander a little further. You wondered how Miguel was doing right now.
Yes, he's strong and agile in an almost inhuman way but at the same time you still worried for him. If only he could be here right now, you'd love to have the opportunity to cook with him.
He was grateful that you weren't in the present moment with him right now, his stomach growl in anticipation for it's next meal as he was running and swinging from rooftop to rooftop to get back to his penthouse.
There were many obstacles that he encountered on the way back. The classic old lady getting her purse snatched which gave him severe déjà vu, a bank robbery, and a cat stuck in a tree.
He grew progressively exhausted with each stop, not forgetting that he had his actual duties at the headquarters that he just left from. Sore muscles and a throbbing head, a painful combo for Miguel.
Maybe he should just skip dinner altogether and opt to immediately pass out on his bed, showering in the morning and having a very heavy breakfast. Yeah, that would work...
He glares into the window of his penthouse, not because he was hesitant to make the jump but because the lights were open. He was sure that he left all of his rooms in complete darkness before leaving.
With one final jump, his claws dig into the edge of his window as he pulls himself up. His eyes narrow, in attempts of getting a good peek of what exactly was going on.
An intruder, a home invasion, Lyla having a party without telling him were all of his possible theories.
What he didn't expect was to see you setting up his plate on his kitchen island, plates of delicious smelling food prepared as well.
There was an intrusion, that's for sure. The intrusion of blush on his cheeks, which he quickly had to shake as he took his mask off.
However, as quickly as it disappeared, it came back once he saw the look on your face the moment you noticed his presence.
Pure glee and warmth is how he'd describe it. It's also how he'd describe the embrace that you immediately pull him into, throwing the silverware that you were readying.
It's not like he hesitated to touch you either, he wrapped his arms around you. So glad that he gets to bask in your existence again, bask in you.
"What's all this, querido?"
You separate from Miguel for a brief moment before walking over to the kitchen counter, proudly showing off your creations. "Empanadas and menudo!"
It was like stars clouded Miguel's vision as it all goes through his mind. You came to his house, fixed up a whole meal for him, and for what? He doesn't remember getting you any gifts recently.
So why?
"Are you just going to stare or are you going to try one?" chuckled you, at least it got Miguel to snap out of his daze. His hands reaches out to one of the empanadas and he takes a bite.
Okay, if he was being honest, he's tasted much better before.
But you put so much thought, so much time, and so much care into making this for him. All of those qualities overshadowed the taste and dryness of it, filling his stomach with something else entirely.
This was probably one of the best empanadas he's ever tasted.
"It's really good." He says, swallowing the last of his food, "Best that one I've ever tasted, mi cielo." Then leaning in to press a small kiss to your forehead, warm hand cupping your cheek.
"You're just saying that, Miguel. I tasted them before you got here and they're really dry."
"Still the best I've ever tasted."
He continues to plant kisses on you, trailing from your forehead to the bridge of your nose to your cheek then boarding at your lips, you giggle into the kiss but before it progresses any further, he stops and pulls away.
"Do you want to move in with me?"
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request rules here, masterlist here
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gejo333 · 10 months
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A Misunderstanding- Epilogue
Father Miguel O’Hara x Mother Spider Reader
Pt. 1
Art credit: I couldn’t find the artist. Please lmk if you know who it is.
Note: Not the full photo.
Summary: Little moments during your 9 months of pregnancy waiting for your little bundle of joy. And this time, with Miguel.
Hope you enjoy this chapter. I’m sorry I got it you you guys so late. But I hope it’s a sweet ending to this story.
I apologize for any grammatical mistakes I missed
Wc: 6.1k
Month 3
The small cracks and imperfections on the ceiling have become memorized as you lay on your bed feeling miserable for the hundredth time this month. Ever since you found out you were pregnant about a month ago, you have had a serious case of morning sickness.
You've been critically bored since your OB/GYN recommended bed rest during your morning sickness. And knowing Miguel, he followed the doctor's recommendation exactly, making you stay in bed or couch most of the day.
"Here, mi amor." Miguel handed you a plate of chicken nuggets and green beans. Ever since you cooked Mateo chicken nuggets weeks ago and tried one, it's the only thing you haven't thrown up. Your nose scrunches up at the site of the green beans. One thing you hated, or the baby hated, was vegetables during your morning sickness.
"You need to eat something healthy. Just please eat some of them." Miguel pleaded with you as he sat down next to you on the bed and continued working. He's been staying home most of the time to handle household duties and Mateo.
"Well, it's your baby that's making me not like them. But thank you for the food." You pout as you eat your food. Miguel chuckled at your comment as he looked at a mission report.
After you forced yourself to eat the green beans, which from Miguel's perspective was a comical sight as you made a face every time you took a bite. But half an hour later, as you leaned against Miguel for comfort as he wrapped an arm around your waist, you felt a sudden surge of nausea. But instead of rushing to the bathroom, you sat there, not needing to vomit, as your eyes grew wide in shock.
"Oh my god, I think my morning sickness is improving." You cheer as you look at Miguel with a big smile. He turns to you with the same smile as he kisses your forehead. "I'm glad to hear that, cariño."
"Now I don't have to be on constant bed rest! Finally! Maybe I can even go back to work? Not for missions, of course, cause I know that would practically give you a heart attack if I did. But at least doing some desk work?" You are pleased with Miguel. One good thing about dating the leader of Spider Society was that you didn't have to worry about missing work. But the downside, too, is that he's the leader.
"Alright, fine. Of course, I miss you at HQ, but you know why I stress about you being pregnant in such a dangerous environment." Miguel looked at you as his eyebrows furrowed and a pout on his face. He was worried for you and the baby. And you understood where he was coming from.
You cup the side of his face as you gently brush your thumb across his cheek to ease his worries.
"I know I'll be safe since you will be there to protect me. And you built Spider Society from the ground up. You know it's safe."
"But what if an anomaly broke out and hurt you both. I'll never forgive myself." Miguel continued to worry.
"Miggy, I'll be fine. I'm Spiderwoman too. Plus, if Jess can be pregnant and still do her full job, I can do mine too." Your words finally reassured him as he smiled down at you and kissed your lips lovingly. You get up from the bed to Miguel's disappointment as he wants to continue holding you in his arms. But his disappointment was quickly replaced with joy as he saw your small baby bump as you walked into the bathroom to get ready.
Today was the day that you and Miguel would reveal that you were pregnant to your friends at Spider Society and later in the day with your family.
Miguel, in his own way, was excited about the reveal to your family. But he was slightly annoyed to tell the teenage spiders and the others. Like, tell Jess. But making a thing out of it. It was 100% your idea. But since he loves you and you were his world, he didn't mind the cheesy pregnancy reveal.
The two of you went through the portal after you both were ready as you walked to Miguel's office. As you entered, you saw Jessica watching the monitors with the rest of the gang, Peter B. MayDay, Hobie, Pavitr, Ben, and Gwen.
"Y/n! We missed you! Where have you been?" Said Pavitr as he jumped down from the platform. He was helping to look at the monitors before he came to you for a hug. You happily returned the hug, ensuring he didn't feel the baby bump.
"I've been busy with some things in my universe. So I wasn't able to come to HQ this past month." You say.
"Will you be coming back?" Asked Gwen as she also came up to give you a hug. Ever since you've been back to hq since being back with Miguel, you have become a big sister/mother figure to the teenage spiders.
"I am." A big smile appeared on your face; you couldn't fight the urge to hide the surprise. Miguel saw the look on your face and chuckled, a small smile appearing as he wrapped an arm around your waist and brought you to his side.
"Wow, something must be up if a boss man is smiling like that." Hobie chuckled, noticing the change of demeanor between the two of you. You look up at Miguel as you smile up at him. He smiled at you and gestured towards the group of curious spiders with a slight move of his head.
"Hey Peter, I'm so sorry we missed Mayday's 1st birthday, two weeks ago. Here's a gift for her." You say as you hold out a spider gift bag. Peter walked over with the adorable Mayday in his arms, who was babbling to herself.
"Aw, that was sweet of you. Thank you for the gift. Look, Mayday Auntie Y/n and Uncle Miguel got you a gift." Peter said the last sentence in his baby voice as he opened the bag for her. He grabbed an adorable spider kitty stuffed animal, which made Mayday squeal in excitement. Peter handed her the stuffed animal, and she hugged it.
"I'm glad she loves it. There is actually one more gift in there for her. It's a surprise." You smile as Peter searches through the bag to find the other gift. He drops the bag as he takes out a shirt for Mayday. He looks up at you and Miguel with a shocked and happy look.
"Oh my god! You guys!" Said Peter as he hugged the both of you.
"What's going on?" Asked Ben Reilly, who was speaking everyone else's mind. Peter turns around from hugging you and Miguel as he shows the shirt to the rest of the spider gang.
Printed in red and blue text with two iconic spider logos below the text.
Spider-Baby Duo!
"Omg! No way!" Gwen cheered as she jumped for joy and hugged you again. "Congratulations!"
"Another spider, baby! I can't wait to meet the little bundle!" Pavitr jumped for joy. Jess jumped down from the platform with a big smile on her face.
"Congrats, you two." Said Jess as she hugged you two.
"Thanks, everyone. We just wanted to tell you the reason for my recent absence. But I'm happy to return to work after my painful month of morning sickness." You smile from all the excitement as you glance up to see Miguel with a smile on his face enjoying it too.
You so badly wanted to tease him for showing he enjoyed telling your friends at Spider HQ. But you decided to tease him when you returned home to save him from the embarrassment of the other spiders teasing him. Though you would miss his ears and cheeks going red.
After talking and celebrating with everyone for a bit longer, you both had to return home to pick up Mateo. You wait with Miguel outside the school as you see the kindergarten class run out of the building. A familiar little curly-haired brunette with the most adorable face as he came running to you.
"Mama, you cane to pick me up!" Mateo hugged you as he jumped for joy to see you.
"Of course, sweetie. Mama feels well enough to drop you off and pick you up from school with Papa." You say as you hug your baby boy.
"Can you hold me, mama?" Mateo asked as he tried to jump into your arms. Miguel swooped in as he grabbed Mateo and lifted him into his arms.
"Wow there, papito. Remember, no roughhousing around Mama. She's caring your brother or sister in there. But I can carry you."
"Okay." Mateo pouted as he looked down at the ground, which hurt your heart. You look at Miguel as he looks back at you with a sigh knowing what you were asking of him.
"Come here, Mateo." You open your arms as Miguel hands him to you. It had been a while since you carried him, so you noticed the weight change.
"Yay!" Mateo smiled as he wrapped his arms around your neck and rested his head on your shoulder.
After getting to your new apartment, a penthouse in the same area as your old one, Miguel paid no expense to a lavish, not two, but six-bedroom and four-bath apartment. When Miguel originally told you about the listing, you thought it was too big for a family of four. But he said he wanted to buy a bigger place when you had more children. You lightly glared at him as you were already suffering from the current pregnancy. Of course, you didn't admit to him that you would want to have one or two more children. Two keep it an even number, of course.
When you found out you were pregnant, you both began to look at apartments. Of course, you had completely forgotten that Miguel's part-time job at Alchamex gave him very deep pockets. You insisted on paying as much as possible. Still, Miguel insisted on paying it himself, saying he wanted to give this to you and his children as a gift.
When you both finally agreed on a place, you moved in almost immediately, so you didn't have to worry about moving when the baby was born.
Two hours after you got home, you and Miguel made sure the house was ready for your family to come over, mainly your sister, her husband, kids, and your parents.
It was just your family as you and Miguel went to his universe to tell his brother Gabriel and mother Conchata the news. You had met them many times before, six years ago when you were dating Miguel. After Miguel moved in three months ago, you brought Mateo to visit his paternal grandmother and uncle, who adored him. Now you go at least twice a month to visit. Of course, the last time you went a week ago, you had revealed to them your pregnancy which they were both very happy about.
As you got your last earring on, you heard the doorbell ring. As you walked to the door, Mateo rushed by you. "Let me get it!" You chuckled as you saw him rush towards the door.
"Be careful, sweetie. Don't run." You smile as he opens the door revealing your sister, her family, and your parents.
"Hi!" Mateo half-yelled as he jumped up and down as his aunt and cousins walked in. Your niece and nephew run off with Mateo to his room to play, not before giving you a hug.
"Heyy! I've barely seen you this month! I've missed my little sister! Where's Miguel?" Nora walked in and gave you a hug.
"He's in the kitchen. He'll be-speak of the devil." You chuckle as he walks into the main family room as he walks to your side. "Hey, Nora, Luke." Miguel smiled.
"Do you guys want a drink? We have red, white, or something stronger." You offered.
"What are you having?" Asked Nora, which made you almost ruin the surprise, but you remembered the white grape soda juice that you bought from a winery a while back for Mateo. But you decided to use it tonight. Just to trick your sister and parents for a bit.
"Just a white wine. Hey, mom, dad. I've missed you." You hugged your parents. "Hi, sweetheart. It's good to see you." Said your father as he hugged you.
After settling down and catching up with everyone, you made sure the kids were in the living room with everyone else. Miguel grabbed two thin boxes and handed one to your mom and your sister.
"What is this?" Nora looked at the wrapped box with a confused smile on her face. You smiled wide. As you watch, your sister and mother open the tops of the boxes. Within a few seconds, you heard your mother gasp, and your sister scream in surprise.
"Omg! I'm going to be an aunt again! Congrats, you two!" Nora got up from her seat and hugged you.
"Congrats, sweetie." Your mother said as both she and your father also got up to congratulate you and Miguel. The kids all jumped excitedly to have another kid coming to the family to hang out and play with.
Month 4
You were in your fourth month of pregnancy, and despite it only being your fourth month, you felt like you were in your sixth for how big you felt. God, why did you have to have a baby daddy who could be characterized as a giant.
As you tried to put on one of your bras, you couldn't get the clasp to close. When you finally did get it clasped, your breasts were threatening to pop out, which, within seconds, they did. You groaned in frustration as you threw the bra on the ground.
Your damn breasts have gotten too big because of your pregnancy. You didn't think you would need to go to a maternity clothing store since when you were pregnant with Mateo, you didn't need to get maternity clothing. But guess every pregnancy is different.
You walked to Miguel's closet and grabbed one of his sweatshirts and a pair of your sweatpants. You glared at yourself in the mirror, not liking your lazy outfit choice.
Arms wrapped around your waist as large hands rested on your swollen belly. Your pout turned into a smile as you looked at your boyfriend through the mirror.
"What's wrong, Hermosa?" Miguel left kisses up
your neck to your cheek to help cheer you up.
"I don't fit into my clothes anymore because of this baby. My belly has gotten larger, my breasts too." You pout. You missed your curvy figure.
"I think you look beautiful, amor. And your breasts look like they were sculpted by god himself."
You turn to face him, and he keeps his arms around you and kisses you lovingly.
"How about I take you to buy some new outfits tomorrow?" You smiled at Miguel's kind gesture as you reached on your toes to kiss him. "That would be amazing. Thank you for offering."
Miguel fell on his knees, putting his hands on your belly as he smiled. You gently combed your fingers through his dark brown hair as you gazed at him lovingly and watched him whisper sweet things to your unborn child.
A tang of guilt etched into your heart as you didn't give Miguel the experience to do this when you were pregnant with Mateo. But you were happy to be able to give him the experience with both of your second children.
A gasp escaped your lips as you pressed your hand over Miguel's, as he looked up at you with concern. You look down at Miguel with a huge smile.
"It was the baby. I felt them move."
Month 5
It was a sunny day at the beach. You relaxed in your beach chair with a cup of lemonade in your hand as you enjoyed the sun's heat.
You take out your phone and choose a song from your playlist, resting it on your stomach for the baby to hear. The ocean view was gorgeous, but the site that caught your eye was Miguel with Mateo, who helped his son find shells and sea glass. It was a mission for you and the baby.
Mateo wanted to make something out of the shells and sea glass he would find on the beach. It made your heart glow as you saw Miguel bond with his son, holding the shells, rocks, and sea glass in his hands as he followed Mateo's lead.
After a few more minutes of watching them, you noticed them returning.
"Mamma, I collected so many pretty shells! Papa will show you! He was holding them for me while I collected them." Mateo ran over to you a few strides behind him, Miguel, who sat down in the chair next to you as he grabbed a container Mateo brought and put the shells and other pretty beach objects in there. He then passed it to Mateo to show you his favorite shells.
"Those look really pretty. I can't wait to see what you create with them!" You tell Mateo as you listen to story to each shell he shows you. You smile when you feel Miguel place a kiss on your cheek.
"How are you two doing?" He asked as he took your hand in his and kissed your knuckles.
"We're both doing good." You smile as you place the hand you held on your round belly. Suddenly both your eyes widened as you looked at each other with large smiles.
"Did they just?" Miguel smiled wide as he rested the palm of his hand on your belly.
"I know! They kicked! They only seem to do that when they can hear your voice. Guess we know who will be their favorite parent." You let out a chuckle as you watch Miguel move his hand on different places of your belly, where you would then find a light flutter in the area, which meant the baby was kicking.
"Come here, Mateo. Do you want to feel your younger sibling kick?" You ask your son as he gets up from his spot on the beach towel in excitement as he comes to you. You gently take his hand and place it on your stomach. As soon as you did, Mateo giggled as he felt the baby kick.
You were happy that your family was already getting love from your unborn baby. Still, you internally pouted as you felt left out. As if your youngest child read your mind, you felt them kick where your hand was placed as you whispered back to your round belly, "I love you too."
Month 6
Miguel was running errands all over the place for the gender reveal party. Though he thought it was a bit cheesy, you loved the idea of having one, so he ensured the party would be perfect.
He set the cake down on the dining room table. Half of it was blue, and the other half pink. Once the cake was cut, you would see if the cake was pink or blue.
You walked in with Mateo after picking him up from school. Miguel smiled when he saw you as he wrapped an arm around you and kissed your lips lovingly.
"Sorry I couldn't be there to pick up Mateo with you," Miguel said as he scanned his surroundings. The main living room was filled with pink and blue decorations. You gently touched his cheek and caressed his face, which he loved.
"You don't have to apologize for anything. You had errands to run for the party, which looks amazing. Thank you, Miggy." You lean up and kiss him again, which Miguel happily accepts.
"When do we find out?" Asked Mateo as he played with one of the balloons.
"When everyone arrives and is settled, we'll announce it." Says Miguel as you both chuckle at your son's excited attitude as he jumps around.
Another hour passed as you made sure all the snacks and drinks were out on the dining table when you heard the doorbell ring. Miguel kissed your cheek as he walked to the door and opened it revealing your spider friends in casual clothing holding baby gifts.
"Y/n! Oh my god, look at you. You're glowing!" Jess smiled as she hugged you. "Here you go. Something for the baby." She handed you a bag.
"Aww, thank you. Miguel and I can't wait to open it. If you are hungry or want a drink, there’s some snacks and champagne on the dining table. How's your baby boy?"
"He's doing good. Keeps me and hubby up late at night. But I still love him to bits despite the sleep deprivation." Jess chuckled as you walked over to the dining table to set down the gift with the others; you picked up a stork-shaped cookie. You picked up two cause your hunger this month has increased tenfold.
"These are cute." Said Gwen as she came up to you both and picked up one of the pinkish-blue cupcakes. "Thanks for inviting me, Pavitr, and Hobie. We can't wait to meet the baby! Oh here! This is a gift from all three of us. We hope you like it." She hands you the bag as you hug her in thanks before putting it on a table.
"I'm sure we'll love it." You smile lovingly at her. Those three teenage spiders were so adorable.
You let Gwen go back to mingle with Hobie, Pavitr, and Jess with your sister, who had arrived with your parents and her family not too long ago.
You were about to take a bite of one of the cookies when Miguel wrapped his arm around you from behind and pulled you against him as he grabbed your cookie and took a large bite out of it. Your jaw opened in shock before a pout was placed on your lips. "Hey, that was mine." You see him smirk as you take the rest of the cookie and take a bite out of it. Miguel chuckled as he kissed your cheek.
"I know. I just wanted to see that cute pout on your face, amor." You purse your lips into a smile as you playfully roll your eyes.
"Do you want to do the reveal?" Miguel smiled down at you. Your eyes brighten as you smile, starting to feel the excitement bubble up inside you; you nod.
"Hey, everyone! It's time!" You say in excitement as you try to stay calm but fail horribly. Miguel looks at your overjoyed attitude and smiles lovingly at you. You really were the light of his life.
Miguel grabs the plate and knife as you hold the knife with him. You both turn around and cut into the cake to make a slice. As soon as you lift it up, you smile brightly at Miguel as he looks down at you with the same happy expression. You both turned around and showed off the slice of cake to everyone.
It was pink.
Month 7
You took a deep breath as you sat down in a chair and placed a hand on your large belly. You tried to distract the feeling of your stomach tightening with the sounds of kids' laughter.
You opened your eyes to see your now six year old son running around with his friends at the arcade.
"Hey, are you okay?" Georgia touched your shoulder as she looked at you in concern.
"I-I'm fine. Just feeling some cramps." You give her a reassuring smile before you feel another stomach cramp. You grab your water bottle as you take a sip of water.
"Are you sure, y/n? Aren't you having contractions? I'm going to get Miguel." Georgia said as she was about to walk away before you grabbed her arm.
"It's Braxton hicks. I-I'm fine. I've had them before. If you tell M-Miguel, he'll take me to the hospital. It's Mateo's birthday. I don't want his special day ruined because the baby got in the way." Lauren approached you as you tried to convince Georgia not to get Miguel.
"The kids were asking when to cut the- y/n? Are you okay?" Lauren gazed at you with concern.
"Y-yep. It's Braxton hicks. No need to worry. They'll p-pass." You reassure Lauren as you try to stand up. It takes you a second, but you manage to stand up. "Let's cut the cake."
"Y/n, are you sure it's Braxton hicks? When I was pregnant with Simon, I went into early labor. But I thought it was only Braxton hicks. Maybe you should go to the hospital to be safe." Lauren gently guides you to Miguel despite your protests, but Lauren was more stubborn than her wife, Georgia.
She walks you over to Miguel, who is talking to a few other parents; his gaze turns to you when he notices you coming towards him. Miguel's smile was quickly replaced with a small frown as concern grew when he saw Lauren help you walk over.
"Is everything alright, cariño? Is it the baby?" Miguel brushed some of your hair behind your ear. You would explode if one more person asked you if you were alright.
"Y-yes. It's just Braxton hicks. I-I'm fine. Let's just cut the cake."
"How long have you been feeling this way?" You lightly glared at Miguel, knowing he would take you to the hospital no matter what you said. He sent you the same glare back.
"30 minutes." You tell him.
"How far apart are they?" You roll your eyes.
"Like 30 seconds. We're not-"
"I'm taking you to the hospital." Miguel gently placed his arm around your waist as he was about to lead you out.
"Miguel, no, we are not leaving our son's birthday. I'm fine. I can wait until after the party is over." You close your eyes, feeling another cramp. You sit down in a chair in protest.
"Amor, I'll carry you to the hospital if necessary," Miguel said as you both had a stare down. You take your phone as you call the doctor's office.
"To ease your worries, I'll call the doctor." Miguel nods, admitting defeat as you put the phone to your ear.
"Yep, Doctor says it's Braxton hicks." You say to Miguel. He holds out his hand, asking to talk to the doctor. You roll your eyes as you pass him the phone. After a few minutes, he hung up the phone as you arch your eyebrow.
"Yeah, alright. It's Braxton hicks. I wanted to see if you weren't lying just so I wouldn’t take you to the hospital." You smile at him in victory as he rolls his eyes playfully with a smile and kisses your cheek.
Miguel calls for the kids saying it's time for cake. Mateo sits with his friends at the table, jumping in his seat excitedly. You get your phone out and start a video as everyone sings happy birthday.
Tears brimmed the corners of your eyes as Mateo blew out the candles. You couldn't believe he was already six years old. You remember when he was just a baby sleeping in your arms.
"What did you wish for, Mateo?" Asked Simon, Mateo's best friend.
"I wished for my baby sister and me to get along. And I wish for a Nintendo Switch." Said Mateo, which made your heart glow. You felt as if an invisible weight was lifted off your shoulders. Mateo was excited to meet his baby sister.
You couldn't wait to meet her too.
Month 8
Your due date was in three weeks. In three weeks, there will be an infant in your home. It was a Friday night, and Mateo had a playdate/sleepover after school, so you didn't have to worry about picking him up until morning.
It was also a day when Miguel had to go into HQ to work, to his annoyance as he wanted to be home just in case the baby came early. You assured him you would be fine. Since he left, you have been in the nursery, ensuring everything was perfect before the baby came. You learned from one of your many pregnancy classes that what you were doing was called nesting. When you first learned about the term, you thought it was ridiculous. But now that it's happening to you, it wasn't so silly.
It was 1 am when Miguel got home. He expected you to be asleep in their bedroom, but when he noticed a light in the nursery, he went to check it out. And there you were, sorting through diapers, clothes, and other baby products. You were facing away from the door while folding baby clothes on the changing table.
You felt Miguel wrap his arms around you and place a kiss on your neck. But you barely noticed as your mind focused on ensuring you were ready for the baby's arrival.
"It's very late; you should head to bed." His words fell deaf to your ears. Miguel pouted as he turned your head and kissed your lips lovingly, which broke your trance.
"Oh, hi, Miggy. When did you get back?" You say as you go back to folding.
"A few minutes ago. Amor, how long have you been doing this?"
"When did you leave this morning?" You asked.
"Did you rest at all? Did you eat or drink anything?" Miguel asked, concerned for your well-being. You paused for a second, trying to remember what you did, but your mind went blank.
"I guess not." You say as you take the folded clothes and move to the set of drawers you put them away. Miguel follows you as he takes the clothes from your hands and puts them on top of the drawers.
"You need to rest."
"I will when I'm done." You gasp when Miguel picks you up bridal style and carries you to your shared bedroom. He then set you down gently on the bed.
" I love you, but sleep." He commanded as he kissed your cheek before getting ready for bed and getting into bed with you.
When the lights were off, and you thought Miguel was asleep, you carefully got up and out of bed and returned to the nursery. But of course, as soon as you walked into the nursery, Miguel was right behind you, giving you a small heart attack as he picked you up and returned you to bed.
This time when you both got into bed, he placed his arm around you so you wouldn't escape. You pouted up at Miguel as you both lay in bed. He kissed you on the lips before turning off the lights again.
"Buenas Noches, hermosa. Go to sleep."
Month 9
It was a week before your due date. And any day you could burst.
You woke up feeling fine this morning, and you and Miguel began your weekly morning routine with Mateo as you walked him to school. It happened after saying goodbye and walking a block from the school.
Your water broke. At first, you didn't 100% know what happened, but as soon as it did, you felt an unbearable pain in your stomach. It was a contraction. As your mind was finally coming to terms with what was happening. You registered that you were in labor. And your baby girl was coming today.
At your side, Miguel picked you up in his arms as he quickly returned to the apartment and grabbed your go back for the hospital. He then put you in the car and rushed over to the hospital.
Before you knew it, you were in a hospital gown with Miguel holding your hand, nurses all around you, and a doctor ready to deliver your child as they coached you through the contractions.
Even with the epidural, you still felt some of the pressure of the contractions, which were still painful. Time didn't feel real as you tried to push the baby out. It was your second time. Why did it feel like you had never given birth before? Your head rested on Miguel's shoulder as tears fell down your eyes.
"I-I c-can't. I'm too tired." You sob out loud. Miguel pressed his lips to your forehead. He hated seeing you in pain. It tore at his heart. He wishes he could remove the pain to make it easier for you.
"You got this cariño. You can do this. Five more minutes of pain for a lifetime of happiness." Miguel's words of affirmation brought some hidden strength inside you as you gave it one final push. And you were done.
You laid back against the hospital bed in tears of joy and relief when you heard the cries of your daughter.
"Mi amor, you did amazing. Thank you for bringing our baby girl into this world." Miguel kissed your head as a tear rolled down his cheek. He was overcome with joy as were you.
"Congratulations." Said the doctor as she passed you, your little bundle of joy in your arms. Tears began to pool in the corner of your eyes as you saw your daughter for the first time.
"Hi there." You say in a baby voice as you kiss your daughter's forehead. You see her move slightly in your arms. Even though she was only a few minutes old, you could see the strong O'Hara features she shared with her brother and father.
"What name have you chosen for her?" Asked one of the nurses.
"I was thinking of the name Mariana." You look at your baby girl before your gaze meets Miguel's. You could see his heart glow in his eyes as he looked at you in surprise as tears brimmed the corner of his eyes.
"Gabi's middle name?" Miguel said out loud to you.
"To honor her big sister." You say to Miguel as a tear falls down his cheek. The biggest smile spreads across his face as you gently give him your newborn daughter.
She was so tiny in his arms. Some of her features reminded him of Gabi, as he held his newborn daughter in his arms and gently kissed the top of her head. He smiled at you as another tear rolled down his cheek. "Mariana is perfect for her."
"Mariana Catalina L/n O'Hara."
Three Months Later
The sound of your daughter crying on the baby monitor instantly woke you up. Looking at the alarm, it was 2:15 am. She was hungry.
You were about to get up when Miguel touched your shoulder and kissed your neck. "Don't worry, amor. I'll get up. You go back to sleep."
Miguel stood up from the bed and walked out of the bedroom and towards the nursery. As he entered the room, he picked up his wailing daughter. "Shhhh, it's okay, Princesa. Papa's here." Miguel whispered as he cradled her in one of his arms as he walked to the kitchen to grab his daughter her bottle.
Within a few minutes of being in his arms, she calmed down as she cooed and giggled as she looked up at him with her big brown eyes.
He walked back to the nursery as he fed her. He rocked her in his arms after he finished feeding her. He could see her not falling asleep immediately, so he began singing her a lullaby.
You heard Miguel begin to sing to your daughter through the monitor. You got out of bed, unable to resist seeing the adorable sight in person. You quietly walk to the nursery, lean against the door, and watch Miguel lull your daughter back to sleep.
"Hush, little baby, don't say a word; Papa's going to buy you a mockingbird..." You hear Miguel sing.
Your heart melted at the sight. A memory you will always keep forever close to you. Once Mariana returned to sleep, he gently kissed her forehead before settling her back in her crib. You gently walked up to him as you both watched your daughter sleep.
"I thought you were asleep?" Whispered Miguel to you as he wrapped an arm around your waist.
"I couldn't resist not seeing her adorable face." You whisper back as you gaze lovingly at your daughter. "I can't believe it's already been three months since we brought her back from the hospital." You add.
"I know, it's going by too fast," Miguel said as he led you out of the nursery and back towards your bedroom. “We could give Mariana and Mateo another brother or sister in a year or two." Miguel added.
"Funny joke." You look up at him wide-eyed as you lightly chuckle.
"No, cariño. I'm serious."
The End
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I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did.💕
Stay tuned for “ An Unexpected Match.”
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glowstick-cafe · 1 year
♡Across the Spiderverse: Relationship Hc's♡
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Hobie Brown x reader
Genre: Fluff(?)
Warning: Hobie is so cool and he knows it, black peepole(British rizz) being in love, as always reader is gender neutral.
Summary: You actully hated him at first, but the line between hate and love are often blurred.
A/n: You guys liked me being delulu with Pav so imma be delulu with Hobie. Also, leave a comment if you want. :]
You are a part of the spider society, Miguel just picked you up and said, "You're coming with me, kid." And you've just been on it ever since.
Your often aided Margo with her work(not like she minded), mostly because talking to spiders other than her, Miguel, Jessica, and Lyla were scary.
That's when you met Hobie, you truly had no idea what the hell he was saying for a full hour into him talking becauseof his accent, and he probably picked up on that from your constant confused nodding.
Hobie was fine with you not wanting to talk, which you appreciated; the boy was always happy to carry the conversation, and he assumed you wanted to be friends because you've been following him around and listening to him attentively.
Your friendship with Hobie was great, you've even stayed over at his house a few times to watch a movie you never made it through because you always fell asleep.
That was when Gwen came into the picture. You didn't hate her, she was actully really sweet and you had a lot of fun with her, but Hobies' attention began to be more on Gwen rather than you.
When Hobie began to notice how distant you were becoming he confronted you when you both were watching a movie at his house again, for old time sake.
"You've been ignorin' me lately, why?" He asked bluntly, Hobie was laying on your lap looking straight up at you.
"I'm not ignoring you, you have Gwen to talk to, anyway." You quickly realized how you sounded and cursed yourself, you looked down to meet Hobie's gaze only to see him with an amused expression. "A bit jealous, are ye?" He jokingly questioned, then sat up from you lap.
You could feel the heat emanating from your face, "No! Not like that- I just....fuck off!" You retorted, before you could embarrass yourself futher, Hobie placed a finger under your chin and gave you a peck on the lips. "It was never like that with Gwen, you idiot."
Safe to say that you stayed awake for that whole movie.
When you and Hobie started dating, he became more touchy, in the sense that he has to be touching you in some way.
He loves showing you off, it's like Peter B. showing off his kid, he takes offense if they don't wanna see you.
Hobie likes to rest is head on yours, it happens everywhere, standing in a line, washing dishes, it great for him, not so much for your neck though.
He also likes to likes to hug you from behind, but since your a bit jumpy about hugs the alternative is using your head as a pillow, or using your shoulder.
"Mate, wha chu' mean you don't wanna see my partner?"
He's so soft for you, even with he doesn't want to be.
He absolutely melts when you lightly tugg on his pinky finger or his jacket when you want his attention for something.
You love to kiss all of his piercings individually when you notice he's not having a great day.
You can't do cornrows for the life if you, but Hobie got you covered. He sits you down between his legs and does your hair as you watch whatever.
God forbid you touch your cornrows while he's doing them, he will hit your hand with that comb and it will hurt. "Why you tryin' to mess up my work, nah?"
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scoobysnakz · 5 months
heyy girl i think if u haven’t what abt u write a dbf miguel x reader ik i see so many but theyre so gd to read they get me so invested every time🤷🏽‍♀️
summary: you’ve just come home from college for christmas but there’s a stranger in your bedroom
a/n: dbf as in dads best friend or dad boy friend? 😭 i’d do either but for this i’ll do dads best friend bc… yh. also tysm for the request it means sm 😚😚😚 also I guess this is a fic now? Bc I kinda hate one shots bci can never cut down on lore and stuff.
You hadn’t realised how easily college had managed to seep its way into every aspect of your life, pulling you away from both your family and social life, until you came home for Christmas.
Everyone looks so different, your mum is more colourful and chirpy, your father is healthier and your brother is surprisingly mature. But what takes you most by surprise is the lack of silence that has taken them by storm. When you had come home for the summer most of your stay had been filled with an uncomfortable but unfortunately familiar silence following you around but now, you can’t shut them up.
The entirety of the drive home from the train station is full of chatter, and for once they include you. They seem so genuinely invested about you that you don't even question the randomness of their questions, ranging from the journey home and the local shops that surround your campus.
“I heard that there's one of those pretentious, hipster coffee places nearby,” your dad claims from the driver's seat, not bothering to look around at you.
“Vegan?” you offer dryly, unsure of it he knows you work there or not.
“That's it!” he clicks proudly, resulting in both you and your brother sharing a sigh.
Part of you hopes that it’s because of you; that maybe they realised how much they loved you while you were gone and now feel overjoyed at your return. There’s a feeling of doubt floating around in your mind, telling you that this is just a random occurrence, but you push it to the side, wanting to focus on the positive and unrealistic.
Your brother helps you lug your suitcase into the house claiming, ‘It’s the least I can do’ which is surreal coming from someone who hasn’t written to you the entirety of your time away. You hand him your antler clifton all the same, glad you didn't have to carry it across the drive as well as up the stairs.
The warmth from the house welcomes you in, the softness of the heated air a stark difference from the harsh bitterness from outside. The sweet smell of cinnamon and gingerbread candles lures you in so soothingly that you don't even notice the extra pair of shoes neatly paired together with the rest by the front door.
“I'll leave it here,” your brother mutters before sliding across the floorboards towards the living room on the heels of his feet- not as mature as you presumed. You smile half-heartedly with a small nod, jealous of how easily he can dismiss himself.
And suddenly you’re alone again, left to your own devices as your parents go start dinner and your brother now yelling into his mic from the living room. It hurts slightly, moments ago they were all over you, so invested in you and your life that you forgot what they're truly like. It's the way it always been and you're a fool for thinking otherwise.
You scold yourself for being so naive as to believe that they'd changed, that they weren't as self-absorbed as they used to be, before pulling yourself away from your sea of negative thoughts.
You stare at your suitcase, bright white light shining on it from the lamp hanging above your head, and decide to leave it there, too tired to carry it upstairs to your room.
The steps creak under your weight as you slouch up the stairs, one hand idly dragging across the chipped bannister. You can't count how many times your dad’s tried to repaint it, how much money he's spent on overpriced glosses and varnishes, how many hours he's spent sanding the thing down.
As you cross the landing, thick carpet dampening the sound of your steps, you the bathroom door left ajar and the soft heat emanating from it. Which is… weird because both your parents and your brother are downstairs. But you shrug it off, too fed up to care, and drag yourself over to your bedroom, head drooping downwards with fatigue.
Casually, you push your door open, expecting the room to be empty and your bed freshly made as it often is when you come home for the holidays. Except it isn't.
Soft jazz music hums throughout the room, playing from a speaker you can't quite place, and the smell of an intoxicatingly strong aftershave clings to the air. Your walls are still decorated with the wallpaper you had when you left but it's covered in various posters. Some are boring and presumably scientific based on the array of symbols, whereas others are insanely niche but you don't really put too much effort into trying to understand them- you're too distracted by the man standing in the middle of your room, half naked and dripping with water.
He's tall, intimidatingly so, but the soft dimples that form in his cheeks as he smiles down at you soothe your nerves- slightly.
“Hey,” he grins down at you, head now cocked to the side and pats his ear causing water droplets to drip onto your carpeted floor.
You blink at him, completely dumbstruck and unsure of what to do. “What the fuck?” you breathe shakily, palms clamming up as your brain desperately flickers between arousal and fear.
The man’s brow furrows at your anxious tone and his smile falters slightly. “I think I should be the one cursing here,” he jests, tone annoyingly light, “you’ve just walked into my room without knocking or anything.”
“You're room?” you scoff, arms folding across your chest. “You're the stranger here, not me.”
He grins at your attitude, those dimples presenting themselves again. “I’m offended, has it been that long since you've last seen me?” he questions, large hand splayed across his chest feigning offence.
You pause for a moment and let your gaze scan him for a moment. He looks familiar, dark slicked back hair and mahogany eyes that are simultaneously scrutinizing and sympathetic.
“A la mierda, querida, have you really forgotten me?” he teases.
And then it clicks. You feel so embarrassed now, for not recognising him. Miguel, your dad’s best friend who you haven't seen for years, is finally visiting again.
He does look different now, though. He's still tall and his face is as chiselled as ever, though there are creases in his skin from when he's smiled too often or squinted too hard at the sun, but he's bulked up a considerable amount. His biceps look bigger than your thighs, tensing and relaxing with every slight movement and shining with the shower water in the yellow light of the evening sun. In fact, his entire body is covered in muscles, and what you can see of his lower half is toned, covered in dark tufts of hair, yes, but the curvature of each muscle is still visible.
He clears his throat and you realise that you’ve been staring longer than intended, shame burning hot on your neck.
“Sorry,” you mutter, “about not recognising you.”
He shrugs off your apology, which irks you slightly but you push past it, and smile once again. “I look different, old age is catching up on me.”
That's definitely what's different.
> next
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Ridiculous Groupie Things Diane does to Hobie @ Shows (aka, Hobie realizing how much misogyny Diane goes through)
[This post is about my Spider-sona Diane Pastors, aka DiscoSpider, aka Hobie's number one fan. Their relationship status is officially groupie and guitarist.]
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She owns a number of clothing that she wears only to his concerts, usually to annoy others
All of which Hobie loves. A couple are:
Of course, her signature guitar pick chain
A pair of booty shorts with 'HOBIE' bedazzeled across the ass
A number of shirts with his autograph, usually band tees from his tour
One of his spiked cuffs (he doesn't know she has it. yes, he's looking for it)
The most transferable lipstick she owns. She digs in the bottom of her makeup bag to find the one that smears the most and leaves a mark.
Hobie looks cute in kiss marks
A pair of Pleaser Brand stripper heels. Spider-balance means you'll never catch her tripping
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At 5'11 - Any heel over 6 inches makes Diane taller than him, which Hobie ADORES - and he tells her this. He loves a stallion.
So she'll where 8 inch Pleaser heels, so she stands over the crowd. You WILL see her from the stage she's like the only chick in here that's 6'7"
But Hobie still carries a spare pair of shoes. He'll give her his chucks - or if she drukenly begs, his boots, and he gets to walk around holding the world's tallest heels
Fuck it, it'll just swap shoes with her and put them on. He's standing there in heels while she's in his boots talking about how her feet hurt
She wears one of Hobies shirts around a belt loop.
Hobies likes to throw his shirt off stage.
Fans love fighting for that shit like it's a wedding reception and he's throwing the bouquet
But here comes Diane-
She's 6'7" in heels and RIGHT next to the stage - so she's always catches it. Snatches that shit right out the air. Full on interceptions.
And of course the other fans get pissed, because sis you already have his pick what more do you want
Is he aiming it in her direction? Or does she just know which way he's gonna throw it??
Who cares - either way she got it and will wear it on her waist the whole night. It's debatable if she even gives the shirt back to him. Only if she doesn't like the design that much
She always asks him what he's wearing so they can color coordinate
Gets annoyed when he shrugs and goes 'idunno was just gonna pull something on'
Cause Diane has to carefully algorithmically put together outfits like she's Cher from Clueless
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She uses the Lyla in her watch for fashion advice even though Miguel tells her that's not what Lylas for
(Diane: but look at her little coat and glasses and stuff. She knows what she's talking about)
Meanwhile Hobie can pull on ANYTHING and it'll come together like Alexander McQueen rose from the grave to construct it himself
She gets his autograph every time
She'll wait in the line like everyone else - she doesn't care
Hobie laughs every time she makes it to the front
He'll be ready to thank the fan and sign the photo only to look up and Diane's standing there - big ass smile on her face
Drunk, 6'7" like "Awwww I'm your biggest fan, I'm so happy to meet you, I love you so much AH 👅
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She's constantly caught by security who thinks she's just a rabid fan that snuck in
And she HATES bouncers with a passion. Like a vendetta against them irregardless of universe
It's a personal thing (they never let her into the Disco clubs before she turned 18. So she hates them, even though that's their job)
BUT NOW she looks at bouncers like 'im taller and stronger than you so don't put yourself between me and my man cause GOOD LUCK brotha'
Hobie has to step in all the time and break up arguments to tell security that yeah there's rabid groupies backstage that need to be taken care of
Except this one, this one he specifically knows already - she's fine
But there's some she's cool with
Some bouncers that know her face and guitar pick and let her through right away because she buys people drinks and she's a friendly drunk
It's not rare for Hobie to walk by a bouncer and have them say 'Oi, Diane's looking for you.'
She talks up every guitarist in the venue. Featuring Artist or an opening act? If you're a guitarist GREAT
it's like she spawns next to you like a COD lobby
Half the time she catches them off guard like
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Guitarists in the circuit know about her. She's THE GROUPIE.
Like the Godfather of Ginessing Guitarists
It's helpful that Hobie always knows when someone is talking about Diane.
He's heard it all - The groupie chick, the guitarist girl, or his favorite - "Hobie's girl."
One of the only times he doesn't correct people on that.
Because he knows they don't mean it like that, they just know that Diane is here for HIM, and she's his plus 1.
If you perform after Hobie - tough tiddies. She's leaving with him.
Shoot your shot before he gets on stage and DO NOT try and talk to her during his set.
All the guitarists know about her - and yeah she'll fuck them but they better know come Saturday she's gonna be at HOBIE's show goddamn it
Don't be asking her to come see you on show night she's gonna look at you like 'absolutely not. actually you're ridiculous for asking lose my number'
It doesn't come without it's slutshaming
And that's what surprised Hobie so much.
He knew about sexism OF COURSE but he just didn't realize how quick people are to just go there - for no reason.
Diane LOVES fellow groupies, but some don't love her. A small percentage.
And it's been a couple times Hobie's heard one call Diane a slut or bimbo under their breath. He seen girls outright call her a bitch.
There's been girls who try to trip her, or spill drinks down her dress, or get her kicked out or something
And Diane usually has the same response : "Can't wait to tell Hobie about this after I fuck him. AGAIN."
And if you don't like it - talk to this Daiquiri in the face cause she's throwing her drink yfvlhvjlj
She's not fighting anybody - for their sake. She has an unfair advantage being both pretty and semi-superhuman.
But Diane is more likely to be wounded by it if it comes from a girl. She's not taking any shit - but she's like 'Damn sis we could've been besties.'
But it's the dudes that get Hobie really heated, and it makes his skin crawl
Dudes who ask him questions, ask if Diane is easy or how many times they shagged. If he thinks they have a chance at getting her in bed, what she's willing to do
Sometimes dudes make the mistake of thinking Hobie is a safe space for sexist shit like that - HE ISN'T.
Sometimes they just say the most vulgar shit about her, or what she's wearing, thinking he'll be like 'i know that's right bruv'
Hobie isn't one to violence when someone is simply being a dumbass, but he will quickly tell them that if he catches dude around her, he's gonna ruin his mfing night
Hobie isn't possessive or protective of Diane by any means
But he hates people who take her for an idiot - just because she's enjoying herself. Especially guys who only see her as a little groupie bot that dispenses sex and attention
He's seen her defuse bombs and shit on missions. She's so much more than that
And Diane tells him to ignore it, or even better, laugh at it. That's what she does
Diane has been dealing with it all her life - being taken for one-dimensional, or worse, dumb
Sometimes even Miguel or Jess treat her like she's nowhere near as smart as an average Peter.
And sure it hurt sometimes, Diane would love if she could come up with plans or gadgets like everyone else
But she's realized that whenever she's called things like a bimbo or a groupie, usually the people who mean it hurtfully are just as one-dimensional as they think she is
She figures if these people lack the self awareness to see her for who she is, she already has an advantage on them
Sure, she wishes she could be the 'professional, respected' woman like Jess is. But then she thinks for more than two seconds
Then realizes she loves sparkles, and dancing, and funky basslines and fruity cocktails and pretty boys.
And all of that makes her way happier than all that stuffy shit
She likes being a groupie. She LOVES it.
The way Hobie smiles when she compliments him, doing her makeup in bar bathrooms and feeling the excitement backstage during soundcheck, or waiting in line for autographs with the Lucky Charms
Always making her way to the front row and looking up at him, seeing his eyes search for her in the crowd
And when they're eyes meet, it's always like she's back at her first time at a show.
She wouldn't do it if it didn't make her happy.
And that's why Hobie loves it too.
No matter how 'weird' someone may think it is.
She's not hurting anybody, she's just being happy.
She's showing her love for him - and she's not letting anyone stop her. And he loves her for it.
Every guitarist needs a great groupie.
Rockstar things Hobie does for Diane @ Shows
All the bartenders know about Diane. It's the first thing Hobie does.
And when she arrives, she always gets Daquiri's on the house. Courtesy of the guitarist.
He always gives an encore.
She'll always be cheering for one - and who is he to let his groupie down
He's always sure to play her favorite songs again
and he ALWAYS gives a solo. (She goes Miguel Mode everytime)
Diane picks every single.
It didn't start out that way, but Hobie found he loved songs a lot more when Diane couldn't get them out of her head
When she went around the boathouse humming a chorus or repeating a lyric
or outright GUSHING about how cool the song is, how awesome he'd look on stage playing it, which of his outfits goes along best.
And every time she says it's her favorite, he can help but make it a single.
He always wants to make the songs as catchy as he can, just to hear the sound of her singing them when only he can hear.
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danielfeketewrites · 1 year
Some "Across the Spider-verse" thoughts.
Also - there's gonna be quite a lot of rambling.
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Into the Spider-verse is my favourite superhero movie. It's also my favourite animated movie. And my favourite movie of 2018. So, yeah, I was pretty hyped for this...
And I have to say - Across the Spider-verse did not disappoint.
It's stylish, gorgeous, creative, and full of energy. I'm in love with this film.
But is it my favourite movie of the year, the same way Into the Spider-verse was? I dunno. It could be. But the first Spider-verse film was a complete package. Unfortunately, this one doesn't really have an ending. I really feel like I can't properly evaluate it without seeing the full picture.
So it might be my favourite film of 2023. But I'm going to find that out in 2024, when I see Beyond the Spider-verse.
With that out of the way...
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When he first makes his appearance, I though: "Oh, this is where Hobie and Miles get territorial about Gwen." And then they... Just don't. It was so goddamn refreshing to see Hobie actually being supportive of Miles. I dunno what kind of relationship Hobie and Gwen actually have, but I think that Hobie's approach to relationships is as anarchic as his approach to, well, everything else. In my headcannon, he's non-hierarchically polyamorous, or maybe just outright into relationship anarchy.
I obviously also love Spider-punk's art-style. Cutout animation mixed with collage - it's a bit like Monty Python animations but more manic energy.
I love that he says stuff like: "It's a metaphor for capitalism"... Which is exactly the kind of stuff I say. But he also just has a way with words.
I love that he's so fervently anti-establishmentarianist. I love that he just makes his own "watch" from the stuff he nicks at the HQ, which he then gives Gwen. I love that he supports Miles in trying to change the canon of his own story.
He's the best.
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The canon stuff brings us to the next thing I wanna talk about.
This film is about gatekeeping. Miguel's definition of who should be a Spider-man doesn't include Miles.
I love how the film dismantled the backlash against Miles.
Also, the fixed points for the Spider-People being called canon events is hilarious and I love it to bits.
Uuuh... That's about it for now, those are my main thoughts atm. Overall, I loved Across the Spider-verse, I just want it to have an ending. March 2024 better come real soon.
I hate the AM, I hate the PM.
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Part of the convocation (part 2) -Miguel Diaz x reader
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A/N: I was today years old when I found out I never posted the second part. I am so sorry I feel kinda bad ngl.
"Look, Tory, it was an accident. I only attacked cause I thought it might be you" I explain to her, even tho I don't owe her anything. "Really? Cause it's not what I just heard her tell Miguel" Tory says, and turned her back to me, walking away. "What? What the hell. Tory, hey, come back-" i call, but she ignores me. I can almost hear her little laugh, enjoining as things around her crumble. I hate that bitch, but she is not my biggest worry right now.
"You didn't actually hit her, on purpose, right?" Hawk asked  just as confused as me. "Of course not! I have nothing agains Sam, were not even In rival Dojos or anything!" I half-full at him. He looks a bit offended, but he quickly shakes it off. "Why would Sam lie to Miguel like that, I mean, there is no way he will buy it, right? You are the least violent person in, you know, Eagle Fang" Demetri says, highlighting the fact that compared to his Miagi-Do friends, I am very, very violent. "I don't fucking know" I say, anger slipping into my tone, "but I am not letting her get away with it". 
I make my way to the cafeteria, red in my eyes. Sam can suspect me, that's one thing, but making up shit about me so she can stay in Miguel's good graces is a whole other thing. I could feel my blood getting hot as the anger was bubbling inside me. I shook my hands in an attempt to calm down, fighting the urge to clench it into a first and punch that girl.
I entered the cafeteria and walked straight to Miguels usual spot. He was there, sitting with Sam. "I didn't know that the best defense Miagi-do teaches is 'bitch on, bitch off', Sam" I said. It's good right? Those past few minutes I've been thinking of a punch that is with words and not an actual punch. Sam looked at me, doe-eyed, fully preparing to deny her lies in front of Miguel. "Sam, what is she talking about?" Miguel asked, confused, and then when he got no response, he turned to me. "(Y/n), what is going in?" The words left Miguel's lips, and I looked at him, and then at sam. "Well, your girlfriend here-" I started, but I just couldn't. He'll be so hurt. If he'll see Sam for who she really is, he'll be mine, but I'll be just as bad as her. This is playing dirty, I think. I can't be the one who breaks his heart. "Is a lovely girl, and I am so happy for you two, that you found each other" I say, and with that I go away, as far as I can. My legs carry me, and before I know it I find myself at the Dojo. I throw my back to the side and kick if my shoes, getting into position across from the punch bag. "Stupid" I call out, punching the bag with my right hand, "fucking" I call, throwing another punch with my left hand, "morals" I scream, and kick the bag.
"I figured you'd come here" I hear a familiar voice. "What do you want?" I sigh as I keep punching the bag. "I want to know why you didn't tell me what happened" Miguel replied. I look at him, he's still in his school outfit, and he is leaning at the wall right next to the entrance.  "What do you mean by 'what happened'?" I ask him, playing clueless in order to avoid the subject. "Sam" he said, "she snuck up on you, questioning your morals and my loyalty" he explained, "not very cool of her". I let out a small laugh and punched the bag once again. And again. And again.
"Your stance is a little off" Miguel finally said something. He pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on and came close to me. 
"You need to like, raise your hands, you place one like so" Miguel said as he corrected my stance. "You need to have your hips turned, alright, it's all in the legs. Strong base" he continued, grabbing my shoulders from the back and turning me to him. He posed himself across from me to show me how it's done. I mimicked his pose. "Now throw a punch" he said, and so I did. He blocked it, and i recognized the movement as "wax on, wax off". "That was great" he smiled at me, "you know what wasn't great?" He asked, "you hiding the the run-in with Sam from me" he answered himself. I sigh.
"Look, can we just let it go? It was a misunderstanding, that's all" I say, walking away from him to grab my water bottle. "No, it wasn't just anything, (y/n), I saw you at the school, you were pissed, and rightfully so" he said, following me. "Yeah, I was pissed she lied about it and made me the bad guy, when in reality, there wasn't any bad guy in this story" I say, and started chugging some water. I can't have this conversation with him, at least not right now. "Hawk told me the truth, (y/n), Demetri said you looked like you were about to attack Sam for real, but you didn't" Miguel kept going. "Yeah, that'll just make her right" I say, holding myself back from confessing I just didn't wanna hurt him by hurting her. "She shouldn't have lied to me like that" Miguel says, "and at first, I didn't realise why, cause the only thing that she got out of it was me thinking less of you, and why would she want that?" He asked, "I mean, that's the only reason I believed her at first, it sounded so unlike you, but she had no reason to lie, except she does" Miguel continued. I looked at him, slightly confused, "yeah, the reason being she wants you all for herself and can't respect the fact you have female friends" I said, not caring how mean it sounds. "Yeah, I guess, but also, it's you. She sees you as a threat, and I get that, after everything that happened with Tory-"
"If you chased me all the way here to ask me to forgive her, then you are more than welcome to leave" the words escaped my lips before I could stop it. Tears were starting to form in my eyes, and no way in hell I'm letting him see me cry. I spun back in front of the punch bag and punched it hard. "I came here to say that i- look, she's right to see you as a threat. You are a pretty girl who I hang out with a lot, and have more in common with, and is sweet, and kind, and funny, and…" Miguel goes on and on, until he stops and fires his eyebrows. "Gee, how didn't I see that before? You are far more right for me than her" he sighed, "I guess she felt… she felt like she can't compare". I looked back at him, confused. "What are you talking about Miguel?" I finally say, but he stays quiet. "Miggie? I say, breaking the silence with a nickname in Hope's he'll talk. "Sensai.." I try again, but instead of breaking his silence he breaks the distance between us and pulls me in for what felt like magic, but was just a kiss. One that should not happen. As much as kissing him back felt right, I pull away. "Miguel, not to say I don't want this, but, uh, we really shouldn't. You're with sam, and I.. I am not a homewrecker" I say.
"No, no, I should have mentioned it before, I broke up with her" Miguel said. I want to smile, but I swallow the urge. "And why is that?" I end up asking. "Because I realised… I realized her jealousy of our connection is, well, it's justified. I like you, a lot, and I… I think, sam realized I like you as more then a friend before I did, you know, I was so convinced it's her I'm in love with, after all I've been through in order to get back to her.." he started rumbling, and I started to get upset. "What do you mean?" I sigh. "I mean that… look, I don't know what I mean, I just like you, as more than a friend, and I… that kiss felt pretty good, you know? And I… I don't know what to think or feel and this is so strange for me, cause like…" he tries to explain, but I'm done waiting. My instincts are telling to just leave him here, but for some reason i find myself pulling him back for a kiss. He kisses me, and the magic is back on. "Finally" I think, and I guess i thought out loud. "Finally what?" Miguel asks in between kisses. "I guess I… I was into you for a while" I admit, pulling him closer. I could feel how his lips curve into a smile against mine. "How didn't I see it before?" He asked himself, pulling away, hands resting on my shoulders. His brown eyes looked right into my eyes, shining in a way I never saw before. "You just.. saw me as part of the convocation" I said, and he smiled at me. 
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ultrahpfan5blog · 1 year
Spider-man: Across the Spider-verse is a dazzling and entertaining delight....
Having watched the film over the weekend, I wanted to sit down and digest it a bit and let the initial euphoria of the movie dissolve to give a more objective opinion. This film is undoubtedly a blast. Incredibly fun, with characters that you genuinely like, with breathtaking animation to boot. I remember Into the Spider-verse was an unexpected treat back in 2018. I watched it late at night in an almost empty theater, and I was similarly mesmerized at that time. Its tough for me to rank ATSV against ITSV, because the latter is the reason for the former. ASTV is much grander than ITSV, and uses multiple art styles to depict the different universes. However, ASTV is also a part of a whole while ITSV is a complete movie on its own. That isn't a major ding on ASTV, but definitely you don't get the narrative satisfaction of a complete product from the movie, even though I feel there are definitely story arcs for Miles, Gwen, and even Peter B, which do come full circle by the end of the film.
The way I see it, there are 3 types of multi parters. One is where the first part acts as an individual movie, where character and story arcs are completed and new ones are set up for the next film, like in Infinity War, which was a definitive conclusion of Thanos' journey to balance the universe by getting all the infinity stones. The second is where neither character nor story arcs are completed, and the film is left on a cliffhanger, similar to how Fast X did it a few weeks ago. The third is where character arcs are completed by story arcs are not. This third category is where ATSV lands. Without spoiling anything, it feels like Miles reaches a definitive point in his development. Gwen does too. But the primary villain and the story conflict are still to be resolved, and new story points are introduced towards the end of the movie.
The artwork in this movie is just stunning. The work for Gwen's world, with the watercolor effect and colors changing based on mood of the characters, looks magical on screen. Miles' world retains that comic aesthetic from the first film. But the main villain, Spot, is another artistic wonder. I also loved the escalation of the character. He starts off as a bit of a joke, but he slowly gets weirder and creepier, both in character and design, to the point where he's an incredibly powerful villain by the end. The artwork in Mumbatten is also lovely, as is the work done on Spider-punk. The film introduces many new characters, and all of them are appealing. Both Spider-man India and Spinder-Punk are immensely likable. Miguel is a character who you both love and hate. There is a lot of mystery around the character and I think there are many secrets to be unveiled in the next movie when it comes to him.
All the returning characters are fantastic. Miles of course is at the center of the film and he's a hero that we can genuinely root for. Gwen is almost a co-lead in this film and the film expands on her past and her relationship with Miles and her father quite a lot. She makes a lot of mistakes in the film, but the audience is always empathetic to her plight. Both of Miles' parents are vital characters in this film. While the father was great in ITSV, in this movie, Miles' mom is also a crucial character. That family unity is very loving and believable. I do think the film spends a little too much time at times, going over the dynamics and issues the parents are having with Miles, but the characters are great. Peter B. Parker, who was my favorite character from ITSV, has a reduced role, but he does have some vital scenes. Like Gwen, he also does a few things which are misguided, but given the context of his life, it makes sense. There is a conversation between Peter and MJ towards the end of the film about parenting. I didn't realize it at the time, but I later understood that he was essentially talking about how to correct mistakes and adjust course.
The voice acting is superb, with Shameik Moore as Miles, Hailey Steinfeld as Gwen, Jake Johnson as Peter B, Jason Schwartzman as the Spot, Oscar Isaac as Miguel, Brian Tyree Henry as Jeff Morales, and Luna Lauren Valez as Rio Morales being the standouts. All in all, this is a superb film that is worth watching and lives up to ITSV, in some ways surpasses it, some ways is just below it, but is always entertaining. A 9/10.
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mtridactyla · 9 months
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image description: an ask from @netisinfin8ty reading "hey, I know you haven't talked about Spider-Man much, but how do you feel about Across the Spider-Verse coming out soon?" end description.
this took me literal months and for that i am so sorry but i wanted to wait until i'd seen it to give thoughts beyond "looks pretty and miguel is there" so!!! we're doing it now
also before i get into it: in the interest of full disclosure, spiderman 2099 is the only spiderman comics i actually read. my brother hates him so i started reading his comics out of spite at like 14 and then never looked back. so i can't really talk about the changes made to other characters beyond visual choices, because i simply do not know enough!
overall, my feelings are overwhelmingly positive! it's a gorgeous movie, the character design changes are all absolutely wonderful. my two main qualms with the movie are regarding miguel's characterization, and the extended sequences of flashing lights.
extended sequences of flashing lights for obvious reasons. i have photosensitive migraines and although i have mostly managed to keep from triggering one (watching in a brightly lit room with low brightness and a saturation filter on my screen) but like. it's not ideal. and i feel like the movie could still be gorgeous without being dangerously inaccessible.
as for miguel. i have been making stream of consciousness posts about this for the last day but im going to try to get this like. readable. and also all in one place.
justin thompson hates miguel and it shows. i was not expecting a 1:1 adaptation, that's just not realistic, but the way he turned out... is not good. making him both darker skinned and angrier and more violent is just racist. miguel is a victim of abuse and i just cannot believe that he would send gwen back to her dad without a second thought. that + the insistence that miguel isn't a "real" spiderman, with the injection of spider... Something, and the technological webs instead of bio ones is just a lesson in character assassination.
if i don't stop now i will literally never shut up, so i'm stopping now. like i said! mostly good. i've watched it three times i will definitely watch it again. but i'm not happy with the way miguel was treated.
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