#I don’t understand lighting
ryelleart · 1 year
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TQ was released one year ago today, and it not only gave me a story with a cool concept and fun characters that I adore, but it also introduced me to a bunch of awesome people and creators online who love this game as much as I do
So, to commemorate the game’s release, I give you this Polaroid of the counselors having some summer fun
Happy Anniversary Hacketteers! 🐻
Fun Fact: I didn’t wanna draw the background or the floorboards bc I’m ✨lazy✨, so I just reused a background from a tarot card project I never posted and the wood beams from the TQ themed 80’s horror movie poster I made last year
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nynevefromthelake · 9 months
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I love how some of you thought it was Abelard and Eloisa reference! It was Paolo and Francesca da Rimini by Rossetti but you can see it any way you like :3
(details and ref under cut)
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lotus-pear · 4 months
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whatever happens, please don’t break
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daylighteclipsed · 9 months
Y’all ever think about if Sora falls to darkness that inside his heart will look like the Destiny Islands falling again
#i do a lot#kingdom hearts#one of the biggest reasons i think we’ll see something like this in canon. briefly at least#not only would parallel ddd w ven’s heart/armor no longer there to protect sora#and roxas and xion gone from sora’s heart too. so sora would be alone#and actually there as opposed to in the RoL/awake when riku dives in#but also there is no way nomura’s gonna pass up the chance to bring us full circle like this. he loves making his characters revisit/relive#worlds and memories like this to make a point. and sora’s heart was sunset in ddd… following kh1 the dark and stormy night comes next#The thought of sora and riku reaffirming their love and friendship here when it broke the first time the islands fell#both of them having to in a way relive this horrible night for the final time#but riku doing the total opposite of last time. trying to save sora trying to stop the darkness from consuming everything#being totally honest with sora. reaching his hand out for sora but this time he’s not being consumed by darkness.#he’s become the light in the darkness. and they finally reach each other they finally grasp hands. I’m chewing on glass#i don’t think sora would ‘fall’ to darkness in the traditional sense#thematically i think it makes more sense for him to be faced w another martyr choice#though his own negative feelings would still be tangled up in there. and this would parallel kh3#and if sora chooses to let darkness into his heart to save others it’d also parallel kh1 w riku choosing to open the door/let the darkness#into destiny islands at the risk of others#god it’d be just like kh1 but we’d be playing as riku and he’d be the one looking frantically for sora#a reversed dynamic. but now they understand each other’s pain and feelings so they can reach each other#figuratively and literally#i love parallels i love symbolism i love themes kick my ass !!!!
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rowanoftheunknown · 2 months
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“I hope I’ll find all the pieces of my mind that fell out of my head over all those years, and that I’ll be able to put myself together again. I hope the echoes of pain will fade, and memories of sorrow will die, and that you’ll visit me here some day…”
“And I hope you have a happy ending of your own.”
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 276
Fuck it, let’s do another three-way crossover prompt, it’s been a little while since I did that. 
And y’know what let’s do legend of zelda crossover too. After all, liminals are already uncanny-valley towards humans, but hylians? Who already have pointed ears and less human features? Oh how ecto-contaminated beings look to them is horrifying. Like something predatory mimicking them, like some sort of body horror vibes. 
Well, to everyone except for Link, who happens to also perhaps be slightly contaminated, what with the reincarnation, ghost-seeing and the fact that he died… and then was revived. Huh. You died too huh? Hey Dami (“Don’t call me that”) Jay, Ellie, we have another undead pal! 
Everyone else? Would like these beings to get out of their village now, please- oh goddesses one is looking at them- 
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chrxnicdaydream · 2 months
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this brand of skk >>>
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mx-metronome · 5 months
Meditations on Eden 1
Writing for the sake of writing. Eden spoilers under the cut (also it’s long, oops)
Imagine you are a star in the sky, having only known the indifferent twinkling of your distant siblings and the loud silence of the universe.
Now imagine that you fall from such a comforting nothingness, at a blazing speed, towards a solid something below. You’ve been pushed out of your cradle of Light & Song and into a land of coldness and chaotic noise.
Imagine that you’ve been born. Would you not be angry? Would you not feel betrayed that a caring Mother would do such a thing to you, to remove you from your comfort? Perhaps that is why babies cry. Perhaps that is why many moths so quickly abandon their journey.
You settle into the terrible noise, learning the sound of the waves crashing on a shore and the sensation of wind whistling past your ears, and then out of the senseless noise you hear the tolling of bells and feel the vibrations resonate through you. Imagine that the star at your core trembles in response: it sounds like Her beckoning you back home.
All the while, you think, Why cast me out from the stars if only to call me back home again? What purpose does this serve? And yet She calls; and yet you trust Her.
So you follow.
You are told that all is given breath by starlight. Was I not breathing before?
You continue to follow Her voice.
Imagine that time passes, and existence becomes more bearable.
You find other fallen stars like you, other Children of the Light. Some are much taller, some much shorter, many in all shapes and colors adorning their vessels.
They sing songs of the Eye of Eden, the place of salvation, where Her Warmth proves itself true to those who have fallen to darkness. Have I fallen to darkness? Did she send me into this darkness, or was I dragged down by force?
The children gesture towards the Mountain crowned with a halo that She had been calling you to, an intense light extending from the summit back to the stars. That is where She is, She will save me and bring me home when I get there.
The children urge you to collect winged light, for these are the key to salvation. They caution that the Darkness wishes to reclaim these and that you must keep them safe. I will take these wings to Her to gain her favor.
So you continue to follow Her voice.
You pass through troubled lands devoid of the creatures’ songs, replaced instead by heavy air and the dead ground. Large creatures of not-Light swim through the thick air in endless circles, hunting for Her essences. They seek your winged light, your tickets home. You guard them jealously as you slip past, you refuse to give them up.
You ascend a mighty tower, full of graves and old stories and the dangers of hubris and ambition. The dreamlike void swirling with particles of light make you feel the closest to home you’ve ever been. These wings will surely be enough to get me home.
You continue to follow Her voice.
She leads you to the base of the Mountain, the Holy Site, irradiated with darkness, clouded in ash. Surely this must be a mistake? This doesn’t look like salvation at all!
And yet, in all your doubt, She calls; and yet, in all your apprehension, you trust Her. You continue to follow Her voice.
You scale this peak, cloaked in a storm of stones, patrolled by more of these dark creatures. You make a dash towards the open hallway, where She is calling from. You want to trust Her.
A gust of wind pushes you backward just a few inches, and your foot slips. Enough lost momentum for a torrent of rocks to pelt you, knocking you to your back. Helplessly you watch as the winged light that would surely bring you home scatter to the winds, dwindling and then fading to nothing, like candlelights in a hurricane.
Why? Why did She bring me here? This place is only pain, only anger. She couldn’t possibly dwell in a place like this, a place of absolute darkness. How could I possibly trust Her?
And yet, She calls.
You crawl between flung rocks and dragons’ eyesight towards Her voice, the loudest it’s ever been. You have no choice but to trust Her.
As you enter the hallway littered with winged light, you wonder if this is the salvation the children meant, the ultimate reward for your troubles. But it isn’t home. She beckons you further inward, Her sound is almost deafening now.
You hesitate a moment before continuing to follow Her voice.
You follow the voice into the Eye of Eden, the place of salvation.
A crystal of darkness so intense that it’s poisoned the land for miles around it.
A shattered palace whose tile floors are now strewn with the petrified corpses of children who came before you.
Imagine that She has brought you here to a place reeking of death, dissonant with the scraping of stone against stone.
A place that children sang about.
Now imagine, right then, that you can’t hear Her voice anymore. You call out, just in case you’re missing something, but you feel no response.
Would you not be angry? Would you not feel betrayed that a caring Mother would do such a thing to you, to lead you to the place where you’d die again with no further explanation? Was falling away from the warm stars not enough?? You tried your best, you brought the light here, you did as you were told. Why couldn’t you be saved? Why isn’t She here???
You let out your anger and pain in a fiery scream, but the red crystal screams louder. You feel the darkness begin to slow you down and the threads holding the winged light to you begin to fray. Resigning to your arrogance and greed for answers, you step out into the downpour of rocks and kneel before the nearest stone child.
As you succumb to the intense darkness, you feel your remaining winged light tugging you, as though it were reaching for the fallen child. Reluctantly, you cradle one of your precious light in your hands and place it against the statue. Immediately, a golden light peeks through the cracks in their stone skin as the winged light combines with the child’s soul. You see your winged light count fall by 1.
They sing songs of the Eye of Eden…
You understand.
…the place of salvation…
You cannot save yourself. That is not why She brought you here.
…where Her Warmth proves itself true to those who have fallen to darkness.
The winged light was never yours to keep. Your salvation was never yours to claim. Love was never meant to be taken.
Realizing that time is short and your light is waning, you arise to your feet one final time and trudge through the storm and the sludge, reaching out and touching the damned with the light you had protected all this time. One by one, the winged light shine gold through the cracks in the stone like an ore vein, and the rocks begin to rain harder, as though the Darkness is punishing you for daring to be selfless in this final act.
As you reach out to the furthest sky kids in the darkest places, you feel the polluted water burn the soles of your feet, the pointed stones in your lungs. Your winged light reserves grow emptier and emptier, and the darkness begins to seep into your eyes and your joints and your heart.
As a loose stone clobbers the back of your head, your last winged light violently tears away from you, shattering instantly against the intense radiation. With your core now devoid of light and your soul emptied of all your achievements, you feel the darkness coat your body like a thick skin. The vessel you took on becomes heavy and movements laborious. The searing pain is unbearable.
You feel so hot, like your body is burning away, and as your heartbeat slows to a crawl, you grow cold. Is this the salvation? Will I spend eternity in a void?
What will become of them?
And as you exhale your last breath, the cold dissipates, and you feel nothing.
It is almost like falling asleep.
It is almost like waking up.
Imagine you were a star in the sky, having only known the indifferent twinkling of your distant siblings and the loud silence of the universe.
Except now that twinkling is far gone, and the silence is even louder. You left your nonexistence and fell into existence. You left your cradle, learned to point, learned to charm the butterflies, learned to laugh, learned to cry, learned to dance, learned to fear, learned to pray.
And in your final moments of existence, you learned to love. Truly, wholly, and with wild abandon, even without the guarantee that it would benefit you somehow in the end.
Yes, another child comes along on the same pilgrimage and saves you too. You’re reborn, you get to reenter the world you’ve come to love again. But that’s not necessarily what this story is about.
Imagine that She is you. Imagine that you are Her. You are Her Warmth, Her Salvation made manifest, Her Guiding Light. You are the Voice that She led you along, and you are Her Kindness.
When the children sang the songs of the Eye of Eden, they were singing about Her, and they were singing about each other, and they were also singing about You.
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frnkiebby · 4 months
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cynopoe · 3 months
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This 👆 was the idea. Unfortunately 30 minutes of break time is all I can offer to entertain it for now
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ablizmal · 5 months
tbh the first thing i thought of when prompted to think of lawlight having a kid was this
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How on Earth does Misa, a literal model, deal with dating a guy who dresses like Light does
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“I can’t compete in the trials!” Teo you are the main character of the novel The Sunbearer Trials
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1000dactyls · 4 months
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(admiringly) hermann hesse the yaoi writer that you are… my take on limbus demian btw. they fucked up massively trying to translate book!sinclair and demian’s weird psychosexual vengeful loving relationship. but i can make them better.worse. Blasphemous
2nd pic is demian without the “florid red lips” he’s described in with the book because he needs to retain his pale boy swagger without looking too much like iori
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alchemicalwerewolf · 4 days
Opinions Differ
Why can’t you be you and me be me?
Why can’t things be how they were designed to be?
I have my opinion and you have yours?
Just put aside the differences,
go back to days of yore.
But wait those weren’t right either!
What? With lying, cheating whores?
Some would say for better,
some would say for worse.
I just say,
for better days,
we must excuse this curse.
One opinion differs from yours?
Why send them to the chopping block?
Why not move on?
‘stead of making them walk?
Things could be better
if we’d just come together,
and love altogether
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opticsel · 20 days
crazy to think that people my age want to have sex… and that many of them have had sex before… and that they are actively seeking out people to have sex with….. and that they talk about sex with their other sex-having friends……. couldn’t be me but y’all have fun tho! stay safe out there and stuff
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