#I don’t know if tumblr is being weird if people are softblocking me or if I’m
placeinthisworld · 7 months
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anantaru · 2 years
IMPORTANT, this is going to be long (re. complaining about writers/quality of fics):
i‘m going to touch on that subject just this once (the people who follow me know i normally dislike any form of discourse strongly) because of numerous asks i got about a post that has being going around regarding the "current" genshin writers content being lazy and bluntly said, bad.
i‘m not going to link the post here because i don‘t want to give that person any attention at all since i‘m pretty sure that‘s the only thing they‘re trying to achieve. In my honest opinion they sounded pretty desperate, as if they’re mad their works don’t get enough votes etc. Also the fact they said stuff like that on a spam account??? i suppose they were scared of posting it on their real account which is plain embarrassing and literally blows my mind. Their wording kinda looked familiar to me too which freaks me even more out and makes me want to softblock every single person because i‘m just plain scared of being mutuals with a piece of dirt like that. more under the cut.
so what they pointed out was that most writers re-use adjectives and that most posts sound like they‘re coming out of a factory. When i got that post of them sent into my askbox i read through it and i felt heavily targetted since i post a lot and focus more on headcanons which are naturally shorter. I‘m going to say this once:
-> i, yoru, in no way think i‘m a SUPER DUPER talented writer with outstanding skills etc. like i never ever said that. People who follow me know exactly that i only write for funsies and because i‘m bored. I have huge respect and admiration for writers who write longer fics that are like 10k+ words long like jesus, you guys fucking rock! i could never because i prefer writing headcanons and i‘m not the best at writing things which need build up which is again, totally okay!
i don‘t have to be good at this, for fucks sake this is tumblr, we‘re all just a bunch of people on this platform who‘re horny for that 2d dick and just write our thoughts out and have fun thirsting over them, or at least that‘s what i thought so.
when i write, i do it because i love it, i might be bored or even horny and type out what i‘m thinking about at the moment and once i‘m done i feel a huge seratonin boost, i love writing. I don‘t care if you like my stuff or not, quite frankly you can just block my account. It‘s sad to see that so many adults on here are the most immature bunch i have seen in my entire life it‘s honestly concerning.
you‘re a grown adult, why do you care about what another person writes? Like jesus fucking christ get a life, why are you so pressed. Honestly when i read that person‘s post i bursted out laughing at first, they sounded so desperate for attention and likes/votes whatever which they probably don‘t get on their fics lolol. They weren‘t even saying that from their real account, but from a shitposting one which only implies on how fucking embarrassing their ass is.
not to mention that they even said "some writers might buy interactions on their posts" bruh what? do you even listen to yourself. How dare you just disregard someone‘s work like that. You claim you‘re a writer yourself yet the way you‘re acting just implies you‘re an awful human being with no morals or anything else. Get a fucking life, leave writers alone and let them write whatever their heart desires, it‘s not that deep so stop making it deep.
in the end i‘m just speechless and weirded out, if i softblock any of my moots its because i‘m growing paranoid, the fact that their wording kinda looked similar as if i‘ve seen it before is freaking me out so fucking much.
before i leave this one last thing -> If you got a problem with a writer, BLOCK THEM.
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cordrot · 1 year
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name:      cherry!  pronouns:    she/her.    she/her preference of communication:     i prefer disco usually!   i feel like things normally start off on tumblr ims and then it’s a natural progression to discord,   but i also don’t mind just hopping straight in from disco!  most active muse:    currently,   it’s tess because the brainrot is so unbelievably real but @ltdice is always taking up most of my (1) braincell so there’s that too experience / how many years:     god i really don’t know how long i’ve been doing this i mean it’s been so long?!   it’s almost a bit of a blur really but i’m pretty sure i started out when i was around 12 years old so that would be around   ...   12 years now.   holy cow that’s half my life platforms you use:     tumblr and disco!   i’ve been a lot more active on disco lately just because things are a bit busy with work and what not and it’s also just a lot easier / more accessible.   but i am still predominantly on tumblr,   esp with the creation of this tess blog because this has really bolstered my muse to be writing on here!  best experience:      honestly?   i think this past year and a bit has been my best experience on here simply because of the people that i’ve met and gotten close to?   i’ve been writing on tumblr for a really long time and for a lot of that time,   i was writing in groups and we all know that the lifespan of groups is not particularly great so i was involving myself in a lot of stop/start development?   and then when i finally made the switch to indie,   i was definitely enjoying it more too but i also think that the connections i made initially were a lot more surface level and not as meaningful to me in comparison to the connections i have now?   like i truly appreciate the friends i have made on here so much,   no matter how much or how little we chat,   i know that there’s a genuine level of support,  care and connection there?   which has really made my time on here so much better honestly!  rp pet peeves:    oh gosh i don’t know i feel like honestly not a lot actually annoys me on here idk if that sounds weird maybe i just don’t follow annoying people ... lol but i’ve never been a fan of guilt tripping of course,   like making people feel bad if you’re lacking interaction or something when you might not be trying to get interaction yourself?   i also am not a huge fan of,   i don’t really know how to word this,   but i feel like entitlement might be a good word?   like if you follow someone and then softblock them because they haven’t made an attempt to interact yet but you haven’t either?   everything on here is a two way street and i think sometimes people forget that!   you have to put in effort and interest to get it back from others as well.   because i also think maybe sometimes people forget that this is just a hobby and sometimes we’re not always around all the time but that shouldn’t be taken as a sign of disinterest either!  fluff,   angst,   or smut:      honestly i am a sucker for angst i just love?!   being hurt!   it’s as simple as that!   but i also love fluff so much because i think it’s so wonderful to be able to develop and write about the softer sides of relationships/friendships/etc it’s just so sweet!   and smut is totally dependent on the relationship between the muses + the relationship i have with the mun too.   i feel like in past years i haven’t written a ton of smut just because i don’t think i’m really that good at it anyway but in more recency,   it’s been something i’m more interested in exploring if the circumstances call for it!  plots or memes:     both!!   i love chatting about plots like i could ramble all day about plot ideas and dynamics etc,   so it’s something i enjoy a lot!   but i also think memes are a great way to get things started too which is why i always frame my memes in a way that makes it easy   ( or,    i would hope so at least )    for people to use it as a starter if they wish to!  long or short replies:   i think i probably fall somewhere in between long and short,   really?!   but it all depends on my mood as well as the thread itself.   i can definitely write a lot if the situation calls for it best time to write:      if i’m working from home,   i like to write during the day sometimes if i have a bit of free time here and there but i do most of my writing i think in the evenings!  are you like your muses:      in some ways,  yes!   i tend to be drawn to quite chaotic muses so in that case yes because i am very chaotic?!   but a lot of the similarities between the muses i like writing are the fact that they’re certified badasses who can kick your ass and look good doing it but i can confirm that i am ..... not that so 🤍
tagged by:    @gunbash  ily!!  tagging:      @dtperez , @51163 , @battlehood , @cordecept , @infectd , @lth4ngman , @destage / @enhaunts , @wolfehunt , @statesangria , @batfall , @riverspat , @engests​ , @gurrillero​ , @wtrss​ and anyone else who wants to do it tag me!! 
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vypcr · 2 years
Went on a softblocking spree, besties. I softblocked nonmutuals, some inactives, and people who never really tried to interact with me here or elsewhere despite it being months. If we were mutuals before and you were softblocked, you’re welcome to follow back, but only if you actually intend to interact with me this time around. (I don’t bite bbs, I promise.)
I’m just going to put it out there. Overall? There’s too much weird, high school level shit happening around the rpc lately and seeing my friends (and myself) being stalked, harassed by bigoted anons, and outright bullied at times has really made me want to cut down my circle strictly to just my friends and chill mutuals and people who I know are here to, y’know, actually participate in this shared hobby with me instead of just keeping me around to pad a follower count. I’m perpetually tired and stressed out because of life in general, and this is my escape. I’ve come to a place where I’m very liberal with the block button and I really just don’t have tolerance for things like I used to. It makes me scared to meet new people sometimes, not gonna lie, but hey if you’re chill and kind to others (both in public AND in private)? You’re welcome here. If not? If you’re going to be shitty to people either to their faces or behind their backs? Get the fuck out.
On a brighter note? The past almost nine months  (nine months!!)  I’ve spent here writing Tory has been the BEST experience I’ve ever had on tumblr and by far the most comfortable I’ve ever been on this site. I love it here. I love the friends I’ve made. I truly love my muse and your muses and all of our shenanigans and having this neat shared world between a lot of us and some really fucking cool au verses. And I’m more than happy staying here in my own lane, vibing and having fun and doing what makes me happy. The broader rpc has gotten so toxic and popularity driven, so it just makes me even more grateful that I do have this comfy dash with only the nicest mutuals. I really do love you all so much, and you guys make me feel like I hit the jackpot <3
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finalshaper · 4 months
Rant below
I am if you can’t tell extremely nonconfrontational — if I’m out in a situation where I know I can’t reason with someone or won’t ever be able to reason with someone, or if I know it’ll be a losing battle and just worse if I try to speak my piece, I just leave. And I burn the bridges behind me so that I can’t get a “Hey why did you (x)” from other people presumably asked to message me. Not only do I ask to please not message me on the behalf of others (unless it is extremely important) especially if I blocked that individual because it will just bother me depending on context because (if I haven’t blocked you) I would rather people tell me things themselves and I most likely have that person blocked for a reason. Could be anything from they were weird about a character I like to something as serious as being some sort of major league shithead. If any of that makes sense.
I’m a very on my own terms person and I will do anything to keep control of a situation for myself because when I’m out of control of myself it usually isn’t pretty. So I eliminate the risk for anything horrible happening or something being blown out of proportion happening by cutting off any and every outlet that I can consider a risk to this control. usually I don’t block people on discord — I just unfriend them and make sure we aren’t sharing any servers (if so, I turn off “allow messages from server members” from the server we share if it’s a server like one for emotes or whatever) and let discord do all the rest.
Tumblr though I may softblock people just to quick-remove them from my followers+following circle. I still do however hardblock liberally lmao.
So anyways rant over I needed to articulate this before it bothered me to being wide awake again lmao
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badassxbirdy · 3 years
Activity Update - 1st October (Pinned post)
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It’s time once again for the monthly activity update. These posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. This one only includes activity for September, everything else can be found over on my thread tracker (here). At the time of posting I’m up to to date on things as far as I’m aware, so if I owe you a reply, message, meme, etc, please do let me know!
The full activity update is below the cut. Bolded text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, I have some new opens, or you can hit up the memes. Alternatively you can just message me to say “WHAT UP, NERD” if you’d like to chat.
An important OOC note before we get into the update proper:
I’m having some weirdness with my follow list. I haven’t intentionally unfollowed anyone as of late, so please let me know if I’m no longer following you. Please also excuse extra notifications from me if I’m refollowing a few times. I’m not trying to bother you! If you’ve softblocked me, my apologies for refollowing. Please let me know so I don’t refollow, or just hardblock if you’re more comfortable with that. No hard feelings either way!
Now onto the update! Fear not, it’s a pretty short one this month. 😂
Threads, replies, and other IC interactions:
“You’re creepy, like when Tom Cruise laughs.” - @wolfhymns (Joshua)
Tyler continues to be be confused by Jonathan/Jeremy - @harkcr
Damon and Ty make their escape. - @derschwarzeengel
“i told you there were zombies. you didn’t believe me.” - @crackedmxgic
Ty is feeling conflicted. - @magaprima
Damon gets himself into trouble. Tyler is unsurprised. - @derschwarzeengel
“I’ll take orbs over bullets!” (A sensible choice for once. 😂) - @derschwarzeengel
Ty is hired to spy on Adam. - @bloodyimmortal
Damon gets punched. - @derschwarzeengel
First meetings: Ty and Michael at the bar - @real-michael-demiurgos
Tyler meets The Doctor - @timelxrd-victorious
KilliTy are arrested - @nightiingaled (Killian)
Tyler is very concerned. - @seesgood
Awkward cuties! I think this is a good place to end this one? - @heavenguided
Being nosy as usual. - @wolfhymns (Drevyn)
“Easy there. Try to sit up.” - @wolfhymns (Deacon)
A disagreement at the cafe. - @normallyxstrange (Carla)
Meeting Fish - @the-immortals-assistant
Headcanons, memes, and various silliness:
“Hunters are fuckin’ hypocrites.” - unpopular opinion meme.
Damon getting punched be like…
Tyler’s type.
The coven had no idea what they were doing. Also they’re narrow-minded snobs.
Tyler’s professional criticisms of the people who tried to kill her.
OOC housekeeping:
I’ll be home the first week of October, and so will be able to trim threads again! Thank you for being patient with me on that while I’ve been lacking PC access.
Some unanswered starters have been posted as opens, along with a couple that just never went anywhere.
Spooky season avatar is in effect!
I think that’s everything! I hope you’re all well. Have a great spooky season! 🎃
— Em
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thegeminisage · 3 years
u don't have to publish this, i don't mean to make u the spokesperson for the ace community on tumblr but sometimes i feel really uncomfortable being ace on spn tumblr. like i have a lot of beloved mutuals with whom i talk abt fun narrative threads and stuff but i don't really post about my sexuality anymore post-nov 5 because i am slightly worried they might be weird about or something. probably irrational but i did see one or two of people in our circle interact w/ That User's Post and well you know.
but generally i don't like being ace online because people can be real weird about it. not sure how much of it is just me being a weirdo or legitimately picking up on a vibe.
oh yeah like i fully dumped like half of the friends i made after nov 5 because people made fun of the word queerplatonic one too many times - there was also this post going around that said something like "why are subcultures so lame today, asexual this fandom that" and yeah it was a joke post but i am no longer speaking to any of those motherfuckers who reblogged it. in my experience, it's less likely that people will be weird about your sexuality and more likely that they will straight up forget or ignore it. like i was MODDING in a discord server WITH OTHER ASEXUAL PEOPLE IN IT who were out and questionable shit would still get said bc nobody gives a fuck. like we're generally acceptable targets online. obviously i no longer speak in that server either. like i don't have the time or the patience for that bullshit.
honestly the best solution i've found is to be as loud about it as possible, and the shitheads will weed themselves out, either by being shitty to you about it directly or shitty where you can see it. bc it's such an invisible sexuality sometimes people say stuff out of ignorance rather than malice but generally the good ones will only do that a couple of times before they catch on and get better at figuring out what is & isn't acceptable. you'd actually be surprised how many people actively desire to clean up their act once they realize they're not being their best selves - when you're loud about being ace, people who are not jerks will remember you before they say something awful and think twice. (kind of how like people tend to make less blonde jokes if they know there's a blonde in the room listening.) the shitheads will continue to be shitheads. block 'em!! like if the price of admission to that internet relationship is you having to be uncomfortable w/ yourself, it's too fucking high. nobody's headcanons are worth that. (on that note since not everybody remembers which tumblr users are shitheads, i generally give close friends a pass/the benefit of the doubt if they reblog a normal post from someone else that just happens to have been written by an aphobic OP - that is ignorance and not malice and it's not that big of a deal if it only happens once in awhile.)
anyway, i've found there's quite a lot of spn tumblr that is perfectly capable of being normal about asexuals, but you won't find it if you keep the assholes on your dash. absolutely valid if you don't feel like painting a target on your back by being loud about it, how out you are is everyone's personal choice to make, but if someone says something shitty or gives you a bad vibe, just block or softblock them, reduce the time spent talking to them. better people will fill in the empty spots eventually.
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honeypoticns · 4 years
i’ve been going back and forth for almost a year trying to decide whether this is a story i want to be made public, but between a message i got and what i’m seeing on the dashboard, i think i should share my experience with simvicii and oliveandoak. 
i won’t go into too much detail, and i want to preface this by stating that i only heard about the second server a couple months ago, as my experiences with them lasted for three-ish months at the end of 2019 and ended shortly before christmas.
i will also say in advance that i don’t have any screenshots because this happened almost a year ago and i frankly didn’t think to screenshot anything at the time. you’ll have to just take my word for it, or not at all. either way, here it goes.
i made my simblr in september if i’m not mistaken and nicole was one of my first followers, always super nice and engaging with my content. meg was also my mutual, and i messaged her once i believe telling her i enjoyed her content (i used to just randomly dm people a lot then, something i’ve stopped after my interactions with them). i happened to reblog one of their ‘squad posts’ once and apparently they found my tags amusing because meg dmed me and out of nowhere invited them to their server, and i said sure. there were only 5 people including me, and that stayed the same for the majority of my time there (towards the final days i spent in the server a few more people joined, but we didn’t interact much).
i didn’t witness any racism, ableism, homophobia or antisemitism in my time in that server, but it didn’t shock or surprise me that they were capable of that sort of behaviour.
what i did witness was a series of toxic behaviours. they talked shit about other content creators and their posts and then i saw them interacting with them and praising them on the dashboard, for what i can only assume was “”simblr clout””. they viciously critiqued anything that wasn’t stereotypically “beautiful” and had no issues about it. they were extremely two-faced, but at the time i ignored it because they’d been nothing but extremely nice, considerate and supportive of me and for that i apologise.
a couple weeks after i was in the server, the mood shifted and i was made to feel like an outsider – the people there were friends, i was just tagging along. they had group projects and talked about doing things on simblr together and that conversation didn’t include me. i started doing timezone reblogs and they liked the posts while talking on the server about how trashy it was. i enjoyed my content more on the warm side and they talked about how ugly it was when posts were brown/pink tinted. it was a weird give and take that didn’t make a lot of sense and made me feel discouraged and embarassed about my content, but every time that happened they would turn around and compliment something else i did so it evened out.
the falling out we had was something that to this day has confused me and it seriously affected my mental health as at the time i was dealing with untreated anxiety, i was in the process of grieving my mother and had undiagnosed ocd, which in short means i wasn’t alright at all. i won’t go into what happened, but i will say that i was dropped without a second thought for virtually nothing (i accidentally called meg nicole and apologised a thousand times) with not even an explanation as to what the fuck was going on. i removed myself from the server because i could tell that meg was uncomfortable and i wasn’t going to stay there when it was first and foremost her space. i thought i’d hurt her, it was my fault, i had to leave.
what i find more telling is the experiences i had afterwards. i stayed active on tumblr for a month or so after this, but i began to be so anxious to even come online because of their presence and before i could talk myself into calming down i was blocked by meg out of the blue and softblocked by a few people i had no issues with, and who seemingly had no issues with me. after that i left and stayed away for a month or two (i don’t really recall).
when i returned, a friend invited me to a server and i met some really nice, supportive people who took the time to message me privately and apologise for ever thinking poorly of me because of what they’d been told by meg and nicole. that’s the sort of people they are – they’ll take a situation that held no drama, no confusion, no apparent casualties and talked absolute shit about me to people daily. i’ve been told that they talked about how they’d taught me everything i knew and then was a bitch towards them and how much they hated me. 
when meg left tumblr i was comfortable being on again, and when nicole returned i left again. my interactions with them weigh heavily on me and still affect my mental health to this day.
i know i should’ve said something earlier, but at the time that i interacted with them i was afraid that i was going to get run out of this website because before the meg situation went down, heaven forbid anyone said a word about them. i still wish i had, as i know they hurt a lot of good people and perhaps i could’ve prevented that. i’m always gonna be sorry i didn’t say something, but i can’t change it now.
this has nothing on what’s come to light about meg and nicole’s behaviour, and it’s miniscule in the grand scheme of things but i’ve been holding this shit in for close to a year and i really have nothing to lose at this point by saying something. they’re manipulative, two-faced bullies and you can add that to their long rolecall of bullshit.
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eternasci · 3 years
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MUN name’s synnie! comp scientist. competitive gamer. hobbyist artist. super chill and quiet. loves to help. obsessed w/ cats. autistic. i don’t bite. she/they/he. born ‘94. rp’d on tumblr since 2014. rp’d in general longer. i’m in my final semester of college, so i’m pretty low activity.
CONTACT INFO don’t ask for my discord. i’ll ask for yours. if we’ve been talking/plotting for a hot minute, then feel free! i just have had too many weird ppl beg me for porn of my chars i’m sorry y’all you’d be surprised how common this is; it’s not my first blog and i had mostly female muses
MULTIFANDOM i run an oc. i can handle any of your fandoms if i partake in them myself. if i’m following you, it’s because i want to rp and think it’ll work! i’ll probably hop into your dms asap and plot, too. i like reading people’s histories and capitalizing on things on rp wishlists!
REGARDING BEING PRIVATE/SELECTIVE i’d prefer if you’re over 20 years of age. i also prefer to roleplay with mutuals.  i also break this rule; sometimes i just can’t look at images you post, etc. i’ll let you know. aaand for this blog, i’d prefer humanoid muses. i’m working on verses to kind of fix that, but rn, brain confused by certain fandom interactions. (sorry! follow burstbombbitch instead! i’m a bit more used to it there!)
FOLLOWING i prefer a slow dash. if you post a ton of ooc, i probably won’t follow. i’ll softblock if i wish to break mutuals. don’t ask. likewise, i won’t ask if you unfollow me. if you don’t follow back (within reasonable time), i’ll assume you don’t want to rp. no harm done. have fun.
WRITING i prefer multi-para and novella, but can do anything. if you prefer to see my writing first, look here, or any of my verse tags on this blog. eternasci’s pretty new, so nothing’s here just yet!
I HAVE SEVERE TRYPHOPHOBIA pleeeease tag anything that you think might set it off. holes, clusters, etc. if it occurs too much i’ll have to unfollow for my health.
SHIPPING this blog is single-ship and already romantically shipped. down for any kind of other relationship, though!
NSFW CONTENT mun and muse are of age. i will tag anything asked of me, or verging on nsfw.
PASSWORDS i’m not sending these. i will read your rules.
CREDITS this character is mine. the art is mine (some commissioned, some drawn by me). all sources can be found here!
note: this blog is dash only til i get my theme aight? aight. im sry tumblr did side only blogs dirty but lbr they do everything dirty. fonts arent even the same anymore
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thevagueambition · 6 years
i don't know how chill you are w dm so i didn't send this there but I've seen tumblr's been softblocking people? like a friend of mine had a similar issue, I think, where her blog's out of order (with some flagged posts being hidden and also not displayed as flagged) and new stuff isn't showing, she's not showing in tumblr search etc. might be something to look into? i can message a relevant post if I come across one (if you'd like) (also a+ solas meta a while back i meant to message before)
I think what I was running into was having a LOT of mutual to whom that was happening and then assuming it was something with my blog rather than something with ALL of their’s... but now, I do think that’s the case. Still, I don’t know man, lots of weird shit going on. Didn’t think the ban would actually affect me that much but here we are and I’m already finding this site much less usable than before (and the ban’s not even in effect yet!) 
Do you mean the old Loki-Solas one I just archived on ao3? Or the leftist one I recently reblogged? Either way, thanks! 
For the record, if we’re mutuals I’m fine with dm’ing, just don’t expect it to be instant messaging
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ultimateuob · 3 years
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Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my rules! It really does mean a lot to me!
1 - This blog will contain NSFW content. That is not limited to “Sexual” things, and will span across both elements of gore and/or other adult topics! I will not write any serious RPs with anyone under the age of 18! I am more than okay writing silly or meme threads with anyone, however, I will not do anything more than that.
2 - My muse has a slightly different backstory than the canon one. I take HUGE elements from the Salmon storyline. This isn’t your normal Rantaro. Please check out my “About Muse” section!
3 - The blog is 100% Cross Over friendly! If your muse is from a series/fandom I know about, I will gladly write with you! Feel free to message me if you want to see if we have a series in common! I also will write with OCs, as long as there is an about page, and as long as the OC interests me, like any other character I would write with.
4 - I will write nonserious RPs with anyone, but for any asks/starters, I will require that we are mutuals. Thank you for understanding!
5 - If you don’t like me as a person/my muse, please simply hardblock me! I won’t take any offense. I don’t realize when people softblock me. I instead think Tumblr was dumb and simply had me unfollow them- thus, if you hardblock me, it won’t ever become an issue.
Aggressive Communication Against Mun
This might sound a bit weird, but to put it into simple terms, if you have a problem with me, please come forward and try and talk it out with my civilly. Group messages or long, passive-aggressive paragraphs will get you nowhere but blocked/ignored. I don’t do well in high-pressure situations and I tend to fall back onto bad habits. To avoid this, all I ask is that when I do something wrong, please try and come as calmly to me as you can. 9/10 times conversations will always be okay with me, even if both sides get a bit heated. I merely can not stand the idea of being “ganged up on” or “suddenly screamed at”. If you have any more questions about this topic, feel free to message me personally!
Self Starvation / Intentionally Harming Yourself
Saying that you missed lunch or skipped dinner is not what this trigger is. This is when topics fall into the realm of “I haven’t eaten in days” or making comments about how skipping meals has made you “slimmer.” I have almost lost two siblings to them “skipping meals” and “throwing up” their meals. This is a serious topic and I will never RP it or even have a casual conversation about it unless I am completely comfortable with you as a mun.
Asking The Mun About Sexual Things
Making sexual jokes and sending me NSFW asks/pictures is fine. When it isn’t fine is if you ask me if I personally am “aroused” or “turned on” by anything. I am Asexual so these kinds of things make me uncomfortable to think about. Mun does not equal muse. Feel free to ask my muse anything you would like! Just don’t include me.
Tickle Torture
This is a personal one, please do not even suggest that such a thread would happen. Tickling is fine- but strapping someone down and tickling them until they die/are in physical pain is a no go with me.
Updated: 12-16-2020
0 notes
swappedsurvival · 3 years
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Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my rules! It really does mean a lot to me!
1 - This blog will contain NSFW content. That is not limited to “Sexual” things, and will span across both elements of gore and/or other adult topics! I will not write any serious RPs with anyone under the age of 18! I am more than okay writing silly or meme threads with anyone, however, I will not do anything more than that.
2 - My muse has a slightly different backstory than the canon one. I have it all explained in my “About Muse” section, but for a quick version of it. Some motives get swapped around, so at the end, Ishimaru ends up surviving. I am 100% cool also writing the canon storyline as well!
3 - The blog is 100% Cross Over friendly! If your muse is from a series/fandom I know about, I will gladly write with you! Feel free to message me if you want to see if we have a series in common! I also will write with OCs, as long as there is an about page, and as long as the OC interests me, like any other character I would write with.
4 - I will write nonserious RPs with anyone, but for any asks/starters, I will require that we are mutuals!
5 - If you actually read all of this, please either like this post or send me “Kirby is the best.” This is not at all required, it just interests me on who actually still does these.
6 - If you don’t like me as a person/my muse, please simply hardblock me! I won’t take any offense. I don’t realize when people softblock me. I instead think Tumblr was dumb and simply had me unfollow them- thus, if you hardblock me, it won’t ever become an issue.
Aggressive Communication Against Mun
This might sound a bit weird, but to put it into simple terms, if you have a problem with me, please come forward and try and talk it out with my civilly. Group messages or long, passive-aggressive paragraphs will get you nowhere but blocked/ignored. I don’t do well in high-pressure situations and I tend to fall back onto bad habits. To avoid this, all I ask is that when I do something wrong, please try and come as calmly to me as you can. 9/10 times conversations will always be okay with me, even if both sides get a bit heated. I merely can not stand the idea of being “ganged up on” or “suddenly screamed at”. If you have any more questions about this topic, feel free to message me personally!
Self Starvation / Intentionally Harming Yourself
Saying that you missed lunch or skipped dinner is not what this trigger is. This is when topics fall into the realm of “I haven’t eaten in days” or making comments about how skipping meals has made you “slimmer.” I have almost lost two siblings to them “skipping meals” and “throwing up” their meals. This is a serious topic and I will never RP it or even have a casual conversation about it unless I am completely comfortable with you as a mun.
Asking The Mun About Sexual Things
Making sexual jokes and sending me NSFW asks/pictures is fine. When it isn’t fine is if you ask me if I personally am “aroused” or “turned on” by anything. I am Asexual so these kinds of things make me uncomfortable to think about. Mun does not equal muse. Feel free to ask my muse anything you would like! Just don’t include me.
Tickle Torture
This is a personal one, please do not even suggest that such a thread would happen. Tickling is fine- but strapping someone down and tickling them until they die/are in physical pain is a no go with me.
Updated: 12-16-2020
0 notes
badassxbirdy · 3 years
Activity Update - 1st September
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It’s time once again for the monthly activity update. These posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. This one only includes activity for August, everything else can be found over on my thread tracker (here). At the time of posting I’m up to to date on things as far as I’m aware, so if I owe you a reply, message, meme, etc, please do let me know!
The full activity update is below the cut. Bolded text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, I have opens, memes, and a wishlist, or message me if you have a plot in mind! Alternatively you can just message me to say “WHAT UP, NERD” if you’d like to chat.
Two important OOC notes before we get into the update proper:
I’m still staying with family, and likely will be until October. That means no xkit access so I’m tagging threads with my mobile tag, which is “mobile post: Em’s on the move” and “long post” when needed. Block/filter those tags accordingly if the mobile reblogs become annoying to see on the dash.
I’m having some weirdness with my follow list and discrepancies in who I’m following depending on which platform I’m on. There are some people my tablet says I’m following that my phone says I’m not, so it’s getting rather confusing. I haven’t intentionally unfollowed anyone as of late, so please let me know if I’m no longer following you. If anyone’s softblocked me, my apologies for refollowing. I’m not trying to bother you. Please let me know, or hardblock if you’re more comfortable with that. No hard feelings either way. It’s just hard to tell what’s going on when glitches like this occur.
Now onto the update!
Threads, replies, and all other IC interactions:
“Easy, there. Try to sit up.” - @wolfhymns (Deacon)
Investigating with Fish - @the-immortals-assistant
“Wait a minute, you’re blaming me?!” - @normallyxstrange (Carla)
Meeting the Doctor - @timelxrd-victorious
Revelation - @ko3ak
WHY MUST YOU MAKE IT SAD, ROOK? 😭 - @nightiingaled
“I was just trying to help.” - @normallyxstrange (Casey)
vs the Fried Laptop - @spynerd
“What are you doing?!” - @schwarzerengeltm
Ty? Starting to listen?! Sorcery. - @magaprima
This conversation took a very sad turn. - @schwarzerengeltm
“If you believe in any god, I suggest praying to them now.” - @the-immortals-assistant
First meetings: at the bar - @real-michael-demiurgos
Tyler is relieved. 😂 - @tobeblamed
A very confusing conversation - @harkcr
“Get down!” - @normallyxstrange (Mason)
Awkward cuties! - @heavenguided
“Are you following me?” - @normallyxstrange (Jamie)
Birthday cuteness with the Walkers! 😭 - @nightiingaled
Tyler is concerned. - @seesgood
Ty flees the scene. - @normallyxstrange (Mason)
“What the hell is wrong with you?” - @wolfhymns (Drevyn)
My apologies once again. 😬 - @kxllerblond
Jail cell meme, because our idiots can’t stay out of trouble. 😂 - @schwarzerengeltm
“If you put your nose any deeper into that coffee cup, you’re gonna need a snorkel.” - @normallyxstrange (Dylan)
Important food questions and wine stealing. - @deliciouslyfilthytm (!crack)
“You’re being followed.” - @kiingstech
“Does it still hurt?” - @normallyxstrange (Mason)
Escape! - @schwarzerengeltm
OTP reunion! 😭 - @nightiingaled (Killian)
“I don’t wanna hear it, McCrane.” - @nightiingaled (Killian)
Headcanons, dash commentary, crack, and various silliness:
“It was unprofessional okay? 😤”
What obscure love language are you?
What does your muse consider the challenge they could never overcome?
What happens when someone tries to ask Mel out.
Never let any of the Walkers bake.
Horrific food ideas.
She doesn’t like Friday the 13th.
The most Tyler moment in the whole of BtVS.
Clark insults Tyler’s fashion choices.
Sokol also insults Tyler’s fashion choices. 😂
Ty insults Sokol’s fashion choices.
“What’s your least favorite food?”
“Ty, do you believe in soulmates?”
Ty talking to Lilith be like…
Why I use activity updates.
Damon belongs in horny jail.
Secure small items. 😂
Drabble: A very one sided conversation.
Drabble: Ty’s home, and she won’t sleep.
An eye for an eye. LOL just kidding, ALL THE PARTS.
OOC housekeeping:
I made a very serious and well designed promo. It’s extremely serious and very ✨aesthetic.✨
Blog description updated.
Rules updated, mainly for clarity on things I’ve had questions about.
If anyone else makes gifs in procreate, and knows why a border may be missing pieces after exporting, please hmu.
Guess who has a Wire now?
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