#I don’t even care about ‘add all 3’ just stop making us pick 😭
poppyseed799 · 8 months
You know that was the least interested in a mob vote I’ve ever been. I didn’t even vote (I honestly didn’t realize it was going on BUT I wasn’t planning on voting anyways)
And no it’s NOT because I was boycotting it or whatever. I just didn’t care at that point.
Anyways, I hate minecraft wolves but I was still leaning towards armadillo cuz it’s cute so congrats armadillo. I’m not getting wolves tho.
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angelsmist · 2 years
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prompt: a leak in your residence hall calls for unexpected pairings…
contains: shuri x fem!reader, cursing
disclaimers - this is not my idea!! all credits to @vargskelegore for hbcu shuri. it is an amazing idea. however, the storyline is mine. also, i would prefer if only black people read this story, simply because it is a reader insert specifically for us. thank you <3
also, this is a continuous storyline although it’ll consist of one-shots. it will have the same characters and plot overall. you can see all the parts so far on my master list!
this is the last part of the roommate dorms storyline but the hbcu storyline with the same characters and background will still go on! also i’d like to add my requests are open and feel free to drop something in there!
this is not proofread because a sister is TIREDDDD and stressed out…just comment if there are errors or some weird bs i forgot to take out 😭
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“Jesus. I didn’t know the campus even had dorms this big,” You spoke in awe, entering Shuri’s dorm.
It looked something like you thought it would. Most of it was decorated like a bedroom that would be in a palace, but with a touch of African-American culture. You couldn’t help but smile when you saw a few pictures of music artists that you had introduced to Shuri hung up in her room.
A breathy chuckle came from Shuri’s lips as she dropped her keys onto the table next to the door. She laughed again when she heard you gasp after your eyes locked with the view Shuri got every night from her balcony. You could see the beautifully lit up city of Atlanta through the glass.
Once your brain had fully processed the room, you looked to Shuri who had moved up to be alongside you. You quirked an eyebrow. “What happened to being treated like a normal student?”
She tilted her head at you with a small grin playing at her lips. “I cannot decline every perk.”
Shuri walked past you, going towards her dresser and picking out clothes. Once she did so, she turned to you. “You can unpack your stuff while I shower. I can take the couch.”
She had already began to walk towards the restroom, but you quickly grabbed her bicep to stop her. “Uh, no. I’m not about to make you sleep on the couch in your own dorm. I’m fine on the couch.”
“And I’m not going to make my guest sleep on the couch,” She quipped, her tone less playful than earlier.
“Shuri, it’s fine. I’m serious,” You reassured her. “I love couches. I usually fall asleep on them, anyways. You’d be doing me a favor.”
“(Name), you-”
“I don’t care,” You interrupted her before she could even form a proper sentence. “You take the bed, and if you try to take the couch, I’ll sleep on the floor to make you feel worse.”
You removed your hand from Shuri’s bicep after speaking, waiting to see what she’d say.
Shuri pointed a finger at you, narrowing her eyes and grinning in defeat. “Oh, you’re good. You are good.”
You shrugged innocently. “I know.”
Once Shuri had entered the bathroom and locked it, you took the chance to look around the room. Not in a creepy way, but you were a bit curious to see what things she had used to set up her room.
There were a few things in Shuri’s room that were no doubt put there to remind her of her home in Wakanda. You recognized a few of these things to be vibranium which slightly caught you off guard because of the fact that she had them out in the open like that.
On one of the sides of her bed, she had a few records laid messily on it. A lot of it was music that you had recommended to her or music she had listened to when you two would share airpods in class.
After looking around a bit, you began to set up your blanket and pillow on the oddly big couch. Once you had finished that, you pulled out a random pair of shorts and a baggy shirt from your bag.
Shuri came out of the bathroom barely two minutes later, and to say that you were left speechless would’ve been an understatement.
She wore a black tank top with blue and green plaid pajama pants that drove you crazy. The wet curls that covered the top of her face was just the icing on her cake.
You couldn’t tell if Shuri knew that you had been staring at her for a while when her gaze finally locked with yours. You had a small feeling that she felt your eyes burning into her body judging by the smug grin she held on her face.
You were first to break the silence. “I’m…I’m gonna go shower now.”
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You could honestly get used to this.
She had the type of bathroom the average college student would dream of. Although it was connected, presumably with the dorm next to hers, it was still very spacious and made you feel more refreshed than you’ve felt in a while.
Needless to say, it was definitely a step-up from the bathroom you used in your hall.
When you exited the bathroom and entered the bedroom, you were a bit surprised to see Shuri awake. You had been in there for a while.
“Oh, you’re awake?”
“Yeah, I wanted to wait on you,” Shuri informed, leaning onto her headboard.
“I’m sorry I kept you waiting, then,” You apologized as you made your way over to the couch to put your towel next to your suitcase. “Long dance practices usually call for longer showers.”
“It’s fine,” Shuri reassured her, waving a dismissive hand. “I’ve been listening to music.”
You paused for a second, letting the music flow through your ears. “Tiwa Savage?”
“You know your Afro-beats,” She observed, a proud beam on her face.
“Well, duh,” You mirrored her expression. It quickly faded when you looked over at the couch and realized everything you had used to set up a bed was gone. You knew it was Shuri’s doing, seeing as she was the only other person in the room. When you looked back over to you, the beam on her face soon became one of innocence with a hint of guilt under it.
“Oops,” She shrugged her shoulders. “I must have misplaced your stuff while tidying my room. “Guess you have no choice but to take the bed.”
You held up a finger at Shuri, doing the same thing she had done before she went to shower. “Oh, you’re good.”
She picked up on your reference. “I know.”
On the opposite side of the bed, your bonnet was laid out on the nightstand. You looked to your side to meet Shuri’s eyes. “You sure this is okay?”
Of course,” She confirmed. “As long as you don’t move too much in your sleep.”
You moved your head side to side in response, lifting up the blankets on her bed to get underneath them. “Oh, I would never. I don’t play about that.”
You slipped into the bed with ease, knowing that it hadn’t entirely sunk in that you’d be sharing a bed with the princess of Wakanda.
It didn’t help that she looked incredibly attractive at the moment. At least, more than usual.
You flipped off the lamp on your side and grabbed your bonnet, putting it on as you got comfortable. You wanted the night to last longer, considering the fact that your dorm would likely become safe to use again in less than a week, but you were exhausted, and you were sore.
Not to mention, your Tylenol was something that you left in your dorm so you were definitely eager to rest and put the pain on pause.
You had decided to sleep on the side that wasn’t facing Shuri, not because you didn’t wanna see her, but because you were sure you’d start staring like a creep.
It did catch you off guard when you felt a hand drawing circles on your back. It startled you at first, but soon became a soothing touch that you melted into.
Shuri brought her voice to a whisper. “Goodnight, (name).”
“Goodnight,” You muttered, nearly half-asleep. “And Shuri?”
“Will I ever be getting my blanket back?”
You could hear her laugh sleepily. “Yeah. You will.”
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lancermylove · 3 years
Tomboy MC (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: All x fem!Reader, Luke platonic
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: the obey me characters with tomboy mc who has a thicc body and really strong and always wears a black clothes- curse a lot and gets in too many fights aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and gets only soft for them?
A/N: Sorry for taking so long to write this, anon! I was struggling with the prompt, but I hope you like it. :3 Please like it lol. 😭🥺
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Lucifer doesn't like it when you use profanity and asks you to tone it down, especially in front of Diavolo. He doesn’t want the prince to learn those words and use them - the Avatar of Pride knows Diav will use them at the worst possible time, like in the middle of a school meeting or at a party with 1000s of demons present.
At least you can take care of yourself, but Luci still reminds you that you are among demons, so pick your fights carefully.
He finds your personality switch amusing, and the oldest brother would be lying if he said he didn't like your soft side. The best part is that only he gets to see that side. The Avatar of Pride also enjoys receiving hugs from you - your body is so soft and warm.
There really is no dull time with you around, but saying that Lucifer doesn’t like receiving all the angry mails complaining about your destroying property. If you continue this, the Avatar of Pride will make you get a job to pay for the damages, so enjoy your free time while you still can.
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Mammon is intimidated...no wait, INTIMIDATED by you when he first meets you. But as usual, he doesn’t admit it and puts on a brave face. 
He has a wtf just happened moment whenever he sees you suddenly go from “I’ll beat the living shit out of you” to “Mammon sweetie, come here and give me a hug”. 
The second brother likes that you are strong. You can stand up for him, you know, just in case he decides to “borrow” one of his siblings’ possessions, and the brother finds out. The perks of having your soft side reserved for him only. 
Even after seeing your gentle side, Mammon is still afraid of you, especially when he sees you angry or getting ready to beat the life out of someone. 
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Diavolo is startled when he first sees you beating up a demon, but he is speechless when you flip a switch from violent to sweet. He can’t understand your personality, but that only adds to his need to learn more about you.
Every time you curse, Diavolo adds the word to his dictionary without asking the meaning as he assumes the word is a cool slang in the Human Realm. Let’s just say the prince is horrified to learn the meaning behind the words, but he doesn’t like you any less.
He is always worried about you getting into fights, not because he gets a lot of complaints from the demons in RAD but because he cares about your well-being. Maybe next time you fight, he will appear behind you and hug you tightly. It’s a win-win situation, you stop fighting, and he gets to hug your thicc body.
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Barbatos finds you unique and entertaining until he hears Diavolo throwing curse words around. The butler has a jaw-drop moment and loses his composure, and even reprimands the prince for his language.  
When Barb learns you are the one who taught him the words, he gives you an earful and asks you to watch your words around the prince.
Every time he hears you cursing, the butler makes you eat a cupcake he created just for you. Did you think the cupcake was going to be sweet? Think again. The dessert is bitter and spicy, just like your words.
Barb likes that you still have a soft spot for him even after he fed you his special cupcakes. Unbeknownst to you, the butler also has a soft spot for you, but don’t think he's going to go easy on you.
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Luke doesn't understand why the students in RAD are so afraid of you, considering you are a nice person. He tries to ask the people around him, but no one answers. 
The day he sees you beating a demon raw, the young angel is shocked - so shocked that he doesn't speak for a few hours. You assume he is afraid of you; instead, Luke ends up saying he likes you even more now. The angel can sleep peacefully at night, knowing that no demon can lay a finger on you. 
Luke loves it when you dote on him. Your hugs are the best and can fix anything, even his sour mood and homesickness. 
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Levi is surprisingly comfortable around you, but even he can't explain why. Maybe you are not like the other women he knows, or maybe you have a naturally attractive aura. Whatever the reason, the Avatar of Envy finds solace in you. 
Levi is not fond of your loud cursing. It startles him to no end, not to mention, he has fallen out of his chair a few times thanks to you swearing loudly. 
He also wants to know why you are making his life difficult by only wearing black clothes. He really wants to make cosplay outfits for you, but you only wear black clothes. Why? Can you be nice to him and wear Ruri-chan's costume for once? 
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Satan is not fond of you swearing and wants to create a swear jar, but if he does that, then he won't get to see Lucifer's annoyed expressions. So, he makes a rule for you: if you curse in front of him, he will not kiss you for 24 hours. Hopefully, this rule doesn't backfire on him.
He loves you - he really does- but why do you have to pick so many fights? Satan doesn't care who you beat up, but he cares about the cuts, scrapes, and bruises on your body. Sometimes, he wants you to depend on him. after all, he is not called the Avatar of Wrath for no reason. 
Satan has a little secret that he doesn't want anyone to know - he loves cuddling with you just as much as he loves cats. But don't tell anyone since he has a reputation to mention and all. 
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Asmo adores you, especially when you get soft with him, but he dislikes your habit of picking fights. What exactly do you enjoy about beating someone up? Your skin will get damaged, your clothes will get blood-stained, and don't even get him started about how horrible the beaten-up demon looks. 
While he is complaining, Asmo also wants to say that you need color variation in your wardrobe. Don't get him wrong - black clothes are slimming and can be elegant -but don't you get bored of wearing the same color daily? Please, let him make changes to your closet. 
One last complaint, why must your body look like that? Do you know how many people stare at you? You deserve all the compliments and looks, and he isn't jealous, but Asmo doesn't like it when other men try to get your attention. You don't need to look at other men when the beautiful Asmo is by your side. 
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Belphie doesn't care that you like picking fights. He doesn't care that you wear black clothes - you look good in everything. He doesn't care that you curse, as that's just your way of talking. All he cares about is using your lap as a pillow and taking naps with you. 
Your lap is the best pillow he has ever had, and not even Devildom's best pillow can beat the feeling of using your thighs as a headrest. 
Taking naps with you is also the best feeling. Your body is warm, nice to hug, and very comforting. Whenever Belphie wants to nap, expect him to drag you along. 
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Beel loves you just the way you are. He doesn't see any issues with your cursing. So what if you like wearing only black clothes? That's who you are. If you enjoy fighting, go for it, especially if you are standing up for yourself or someone else. 
Whatever you do, just don't get hurt. Beel can't see any injuries on your body and will destroy the demon who injured you. 
The Avatar of Gluttony feeds off your soft side - it fills him up more than food. He likes it when you show him affection, but please be nice to his brothers, especially Belphie. They are his family, so by default, they are your family, and family members love each other. 
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Initially, when Solomon meets you, he thinks you are like any other human. Then, he sees you beating up a demon who is twice your size, and all he can do is stare in awe before laughing loudly.
He has no issue with you swearing as the sorcerer is used to humans using profanity freely in their daily language. Though, he thinks you should be careful using such words around certain people, namely Luke and Diavolo. Barbatos and Lucifer, too, if you don't want to get in trouble. 
Solomon enjoys seeing you wreaking havoc in Devildom and is tempted to teach you some spells so that you can cause more problems. But, of course, if he teaches you magic, Solomon will leave out that little detail.  
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Simeon likes you a lot, especially your kind side - the side you only show him and Luke. He thinks you are beautiful, strong, and charming, but...do you have to curse all the time?
The angel feels the need to bleach his ears after hearing your non-stop usage of profanity. It's okay to use those words sparsely, but all the time? Heavens help him. 
Simeon has no issues with you fighting demon as it is a sight to behold, but he can't worry about your safety. If one day you mess with a powerful demon, there's no telling what the fiend will do to you. He prays that day will never come. 
A random thought Simeon often has is "I wonder if (y/n) gets blinded by my bright clothes", considering you love to wear dark-colored apparel. 
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