#I believe that Yuuri sees Viktor exactly like that and I will die on this hill
Not sure if that's the ace or the lesbian speaking, but Viktor really looks here like the sculpture of an acient hero someone put into a pool for decoration. Yuuri must be very happy to be graced with this sight in his parents' onsen and have the privilege to marvel at this beauty every day.
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yuuri-nsane · 4 years
Bloom [Part Two]
Fandom: Yuuri On Ice
Ship: Viktuuri [Viktor Nikiforov x Katsuki Yuuri]
T/W: nothing, apart from confused&toogoodforanyone!yuuri and troublesome!viktor - dont forget though, if you read this and feel that there should be a specific warning added for whatever reason, please dont hesitate to reach out!
Summary: Chamberlain Yuuri Katsuki has grown into quite a hard-working young man. He's efficient, really, and surprisingly strong (at least when it comes to hauling ridiculous heaps of laundry, and trapping the likes of royalty within his arms on a whim). Although considerably quiet, irrational and paranoid, one thing's for sure: all he wants to do is see the gorgeous blooming of The Royal Azalea. What happens when someone interrupts his way there, in a partially concerning, and definitely suspicious way?
[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three]
a/n: yayyyy!! part two of bLooOoM!!! I had a sudden spout of inspiration and wrote this at 2am last night! awesome, right? :’)
anyway, this chapters quite long actually - a lot longer than the first, so sorry for that. but still, i hope you enjoy! and don't forget, constructive criticism is always welcome! thank you!!
"...What do you say?"
Yuuri could only stare at the prince; entranced by his words alone.
Not like he wasn't completely floored by other aspects of The Prince Viktor Nikiforov - considering this was probably the only time he'd held more than a three-word exchange with the man, he could barely believe the circumstance he had somehow found himself in.
It was most definitely a dream.
And Yuuri most definitely prayed to any deity that was willing to listen, that he would wake up.
Any time now.
See, Yuuri was more than horrified that he had not only touched the prince in an unwarranted manner, but that the prince was set on thanking him for it!
His gaze trailed tragically along the extended arm laid out before him (since when had that happened?), as if his majesty had expected for Yuuri to take his hand and ride into the sunset with him in a golden carriage, like a damned princess.
And the chamberlain, quite unfortunately, knew he was anything but.
Yuuri retraces his steps, recalling how exactly he had found himself face to face with the crown prince of Vreosia, who was next in line to take the throne and become king.
It had been quite a long day.
And Yuuri was more than ready to fall asleep on the hard, cold, so very cold, floor of the corridors.
For he had insisted for some unknown reason, that he were to cover for Guang-Hong Ji - who had not incidentally, no, purposefully, attended to his own chores in the castle.
For the last three days that is.
How had he not been caught?!
Yuuri couldn't help the small, indignant screech that had echoed the walls of storage room when the launderer had first cornered him, early in the morning, begging for help. Supposedly, he had been sneaking around the castle to meet one of the guards. What was his name, Lenny? Lucas? No, it was...Logan...? Wait! Leo!
Anyway, their schedules had never lined up, so Ji had risked it all for a little rendezvous.
It was basically love at first sight, he had whispered dreamily.
Yuuri couldn't help but roll his eyes at that, and yet a subtle smile graced his lips lovingly.
And because of his golden heart, he had thus agreed to finish up Ji's aborted chores around the castle.
With the condition, of course, that this would never happen again, and Ji would do his own chores from now on.
The launderer had agreed with much reluctance, to which Yuuri had responded with a light sigh and a general 'if you want to see that soldier again, you're going to have to put the work in - and not get into trouble'.
Much to Yuuri's dismay, there was a lot more to do than he had first expected.
He could barely fathom the pile of dirty sheets in the corner of the spare bedroom Ji had ended up secretly leading him to - it was almost as tall as him for goodness' sake!
Not to mention the additional list that his friend had sheepishly handed him: an entire two pages.
If Phichit saw him now, he'd never hear the end of it.
Three days worth of tasks, and Yuuri had exactly one day to do them all.
He was going to die.
And probably by suffocation of laundry.
Luckily, he did not.
He had just managed to sweep the floors of the spare bedroom and change the linen of the bed as dusk so elegantly arrived. Getting rid of the evidence was far too demanding, though Yuuri swallowed his complaints; he would never in a thousand years jeopardise Ji or himself for being caught for something as menial as a failure to do the laundry.
Prior to that, he had laboriously struggled with said laundry, the whole day consisting of his efforts to drag ridiculous masses of extravagant cloths down to the laundry rooms to be washed.
It was laughable, Yuuri concluded, how an entire castle full of at least fifty, had enough riches to provide for them all - and yet it was spent only on such materialistic values, that just the royal family could actually use or even touch.
Yuuri shook his head, he needed to hurry up. He had been planning to make way to the gardens for weeks now - but hadn't had such a chance. Especially with having to tend to Ji's overlooked errands.
The maid sighed as he paced through the halls, away from the bedrooms and further downstairs. The Royal Azalea were rumoured to bloom quite beautifully during the springtime, and as luck would have it, the castle gardens had quite the selection. Though in the three quiet years that he had been working for the royal family, he'd never been able to actually take a look.
Once, Phichit (a very close friend who he had first met when he started working in the castle) had recognised that the Rhododendron Schlippenbachii were quite so extravagant.
Trust Yuuri to avow shamefully that the binomial name of this flower had slipped through one ear of his and out the other.
But to Yuuri's relief, Phichit had also disclosed the more manageable name, albeit excitedly spurting more random facts about the flowers as well, which Yuuri could barely remember.
It was the chamberlain's own fault for becoming friends with someone who specialised in plants, specifically that in the Castle’s herber.
Hurrying slightly, the young man sped almost desperately through the castle - wishing to see the flowers already. He had things to do tomorrow, and God knew that he was too impatient to miss the blooming for the third time in a row.
He continued, carefully watching out for any patrols - as a now usual resident of the castle, and a working maid of so, he was nonchalant. He thought about which route to take, knowing that conveniently, going through the kitchens would be quicker and there would be less a chance of being stopped by guards outside. Yuuri shuddered: he wouldn't know how to explain himself if that happened.
"Oh, I just wanted to see The Royal Azalea in bloom, so I snuck out of the castle after dark! Which violates the rules of the castle, because you probably mistook me for a barbarian or worse! Not like you can get worse than that or something. But either way, that meant having to leave your posts to chase me down! What a waste of time and space!"
Now that he had reflected on it, there was actually nothing to think about.
He headed straight to the cookery.
As he skipped stealthily into the aisle leading to the kitchens, his breath caught. He stiffened. His eyes glued relentlessly to the back of a silhouette that creeped through the large, umber doors and into the kitchens.
A-a thief?
Yuuri shook his head.
No. There was no way a thief could've managed to sneak through the guards. Not with the new recruits...
Then Yuuri painfully remembered, most had little to no training nor experience, for the castle had been suffering a shortage of soldiers for quite some time now. Vreosia had always been a peaceful kingdom, but with new threat now arising from a nearby domain and its ruffians, the royal family had decided to take precautions - blindly, if Yuuri could say so much, taking in as many willing volunteers and making them swear their loyalty over to the Nikiforov's.
The chamberlain winced. He squeezed his eyes and counted slowly.
This wasn't his responsibility.
He should just make a run for the maid's quarters; pretend he saw nothing.
He didn't want any trouble.
He was only a maid.
He'll probably die if he followed them.
Yuuri sighed in frustration. A long and deep exhale gushed out of his nostril and onto the cupid's bow of his lips.
He continued after the mysterious shadow.
In doing so, he slipped through the doors leading into the cookery, and watched discreetly, as the offender passed the island in the middle - their silver hair gleaming in the moonlight that squeezed through the cracks in between hanging cutlery, and from the mighty window beside.
-silver hair?
Silver, as in...
Yuuri gasped against his will. He quickly covered his mouth in disbelief, the realisation hitting him square in the face like a brick.
It was Viktor Nikiforov.
No, it was The Viktor Nikiforov.
The Prince Viktor Nikiforov: beloved by the entire kingdom for, well, everything.
Not only was he, for lack of better words, Prince Charming - but he was also the same man who had given Katsuki Yuuri quite a memorable first day at the castle.
With that, Yuuri recollects, the time he had witnessed Prince Nikiforov get absolutely hounded by both the King and his advisor at what was barely sunrise, for sneaking out of boundaries at such a late time.
Yuuri had spent the day being somewhat awkwardly showed around by none other than Phichit and Guang-Hong Ji, as well the the Steward; Georgi Popovich.
And funnily enough, the day didn't exactly end there.
He giggles, barely audible, as he remembers the way the entire castle had been awoken by Yakov's uninterrupted reprimanding, along with the King's very audible (so much so that it was slightly concerning) sighs and face palms.
All the staff, now disturbed from their slumber, stayed curious and intrigued in the lower chambers of the castle. They had somehow managed to convince Yuuri and Phichit (mostly just Phichit who had tugged Yuuri along without much pity) to go and see what the fuss was all about.
The two had made their way to the Great Hall, where Prince Nikiforov was sitting at a marvellous table, surrounded by the King and who Yuuri had assumed to be the prince's advisor, Yakov. He also remembers the four other guards present in the room, who seemed to shrink away as Yakov continued to yell in absolute annoyance.
He doesn't remember what exactly they had been discussing, but Yuuri reminisces the bored look on Viktor's face - but also dwells on the underlying fear that had been ever-present in his body language.
He goes as far as to think about the fact that he swears the crown prince had saw him then, behind a small entrance to the left, where he had hidden stupidly with Phichit: who seemed content staying in the corner behind Yuuri, listening carefully to the gossip but shielding himself away from the source - much to his exasperation.
With a hesitant flinch that became a full turn of his head, he remembers the way his highness' eyes had widened ever so slightly at him; the unmistakable eye-contact.
Curious blue eyes that glinted magically in a dizzy haze - an almost taunting look that beckoned Yuuri from the darkness. He also remembers the vague purse of his lips, a thin line that the maid couldn't help but fantasise about. Not to mention his shining hair and smooth-looking skin.
He wonders briefly what it would feel like to hold his face in his hands.
He's never told anybody about this.
Not Guang-Hong Ji, nor Phichit - who, as previously mentioned, had hidden behind Yuuri at the time, and so he missed exact moment the prince had possibly seen them, because it had been blocked off from his field of view. And either way, if Yuuri had ever told either of them about his little crush on the blue blood, he'd never live it down. They'd tease and meddle and so on.
The chamberlain was much more content admiring such beauty from afar. Quietly, that is.
And he knew, obviously, he wasn't the only admirer of Prince Viktor Nikiforov: royals and peasants alike.
Yuuri's glad it was almost pitch black in the Hall then, save for a few lit candles that had been placed atop the dining table as well as the one that the advisor had been holding, well, waving around quite dangerously.
If it hadn't been-
He's suddenly snapped out of his thoughts, after hearing an almost silent but nevertheless, shrill creak of a door.
The back door.
Why was Prince Nikiforov...?
He was sneaking out.
Yuuri raised an unimpressed eyebrow - of course, this handsome but likely spoiled brat was intent on getting into more trouble.
He hadn't truly met the man, only exchanging polite greetings when he happened to set foot into the same room as him - a room in which would coincidentally happen to be where Yuuri was carrying out a task of his or two.
This had only happened a measly three times, over the expanse of his near three-year stay in the castle.
He supposes it's not fair to call his majesty spoilt or a brat, or any combination of the two. Not when he at least acknowledged him when he entered the room, unlike other important people who had visited the Nikiforov's kingdom for whatever business.
(And being born into fortune wasn't his fault anyway - it didn't automatically make him the selfish person Yuuri had first prejudiced)
He'd always kept his down during his completion of tasks, though - never fully looking the prince in the eye, minding his own affairs and scurrying away as soon as he'd finished.
He feared that he would be recognised from that night in the Great Hall, a good three years ago - if the royal had truly seen him.
He had taken extra precautions anyway, always avoiding the prince when he could afford to, and dragging someone with him to hide behind when needed. He knows he hadn't let the his majesty get a good look at his face, and yet, it wasn't enough to truly ensure that he wouldn't have registered his face by now. But it was enough to deceptively relieve Yuuri of the constant nagging worry that he'd be punished for eavesdropping on a fairly private matter.
And besides, it wasn't as if he had run into the man in question a countless number of times afterward - again, Yuuri could recall their one-on-one encounters on only one hand.
Even more so, he recounts that there had been a sort of business that the royal family had to attend to over the course of his first week there, meaning that Yuuri and other newly hired staff hadn't been properly introduced. Additionally, they never found the time afterwards, and soon enough two years and three quarters had passed, and no one in the castle felt introductions were quite so needed anymore.
This meant that his majesty hopefully wouldn't recognise him if he saw him, nor would he recall his name.
Yuuri had begun to head back out the kitchen, making a silent promise to visit the flowers tomorrow, when he noted a flicker of black through the corner of his eye.
A shape that had flitted across the expanse of the large window of the cookery.
Out of intuition, Yuuri ran over to the crown prince, wordlessly apologising before yanking him by the shoulders, away from the door and forcing his mouth shut with a single hand.
He had underestimated his own strength - or overestimated the prince's; it seemed that the taller man struggled in his grasp, bending backward to accommodate Yuuri's stand.
Perhaps carrying all that laundry had toughened him up.
The chamberlain stumbled blindly over to the wall behind, grappling against the royalty he had bundled up in his grasp.
It was then that he had begged the Prince to stay quiet, which had somehow proved effective with the sudden stillness of the man.
Or maybe it was because he could now hear the idle chatter of two guards from outside.
Yuuri's fairly sure he heard the name 'Leo'.
The name of the mystery man Ji had been sneaking around to meet. The very man who was probably the reason why Yuuri found himself backed up into a wall, currently giving what might've looked like a back-hug to Prince Viktor Nikiforov, but was instead a strange and sad parody of something more aggressive.
He silently curses him.
Soon enough, the guards had dashed away, and Yuuri had mentally started saying thank you, to who, he wasn't sure - yet, it didn't cease his sudden joy for successfully staying hidden away from said guards.
Yuuri can pinpoint, however, the exact moment it all went to shit.
Prince Nikiforov had half the mind to, all of a sudden, push Yuuri off of him, and pin him down to the wall - reversing their roles of captive and captor.
The maid recalls the initial overwhelming fear that had possessed his body then, and he was certain he was to be executed by dawn.
Who would've thought he'd live to tell the tale?
His lips parted in anticipated response, not yet fully knowing what he wanted to say.
Viktor Nikiforov now knew exactly what he looked like, as well as his given name. All his efforts over the years, gone lay to waste.
He should've minded his own business.
He could try to run as far and fast as his legs would allow, but it would do nothing to aid Yuuri, for the royal family could put a bounty on his head with such information.
The prince stood, awaiting, arm still stretched out invitingly toward Yuuri, hopeful blue eyes that made the chamberlain feel small.
Yuuri flushes yet again, embarrassed and unsure - the crown prince was quite the charmer, he'd allowed himself to admitwithout much indifference.
It was then that the abrupt clatter of armour could be distinctly heard again, and two out-of-breath soldiers came bustling through the back kitchen door - one pointing accusingly at the maid himself.
"I told you I heard something!"
@thatonespidermonkey @stainedglassm
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tardiscompanion · 5 years
Surprise Birthday Talents
It was a quiet night at home. That was all Yuuri had asked for. They ordered in pizza and watched a movie once Yuuri had finished Skyping with his family, Minako, and the Nishigoris. The movie got paused a few times so that Yuuri could answer his phone for calls of birthday wishes from all their friends.
Yuuri had never been too fond of parties. He didn't like being the center of attention. And with the Grand Prix Final looming, neither he or Viktor really wanted to make a big fuss about his birthday. Well, that wasn't exactly true, Viktor always wanted to make a fuss, he just understood when it was welcome and when it wasn't. The rest of the Russian team was just glad to enjoy lunch together at practice, and everyone else was too far away to celebrate, but for Yuuri it was fine. All he needed was his husband and their poodle beside him. He already felt more than blessed to have them both in his life.
So couch cuddles and slobbery Makka kisses made up the evening of Yuuri's 27th birthday, and he was sure he couldn't be more happy.
"I have something for you," Viktor whispered softly into his ear. Yuuri had his head resting on the man's shoulder, tucked into the safety and warmth of Viktor's embrace.
"You didn't have to get me anything," Yuuri chided, smiling to himself. It seemed completely unfathomable to Viktor that Yuuri could be happy without presents, so of course he had to give him something.
"Well I know you said you didn't want me to get you anything. So I didn't."
"Huh?" Yuuri sat up as Viktor left the couch to retrieve his surprise. Confused he and Makka watched as his husband made his escape to the guest bedroom, or really Yuri's room. Since he usually spent the night whenever he came over for dinner, which was often.
Viktor walked back into the living room with a sheepish smile and his arms behind his back. "It's not very good, but I wanted to do something special. I, uh, I made it myself."
Yuuri couldn't help the smile that came across his face when he saw Viktor's nervous blush. "You made me something?"
"Mmmhm." Viktor nodded sitting back down, still hiding the gift behind his back. "So even if it's really bad, you have promise not to laugh, okay?"
"As long as you made it, I'll cherish it forever."
Satisfied with Yuuri's response, Viktor handed over the present. It was crudely wrapped with too much tape and a small gap in once spot where the paper didn't meet, but it just made Yuuri's smile grow wider. Viktor still hadn't gotten the hang of wrapping presents after all serveral years if Yuuri trying to teach him. He left him all the square or rectangular boxes whenever they had gifts to wrap, but it was still obvious who wrapped what when they were done.
The gift itself wasn't very large, about the size of a book, but nowhere near as thick. "Can I open it now? Or do you want me to wait for you to start recording?" Yuuri teased, familiar with his husband's love for sharing their life with fans online.
"You can open it now. This is just for you. Plus I'll probably die if you don't like it, so I'd rather not film it, just in case," he winked.
Yuuri chuckled as he carefully tore the wrapping paper away. He recognized the back of a picture frame easily, he had opened it upside down apparently. He could sense Viktor vibrating with a mix of nerves and excitement beside him as he flipped it over.
Yuuri could feel the cold air, pulled in from his gasp, hit his teeth. His eyes started watering. "Vitya," his voice trembled as the tears threatened to spill. "You drew this?" Yuuri's smile sparkled as the tears finally slid down his cheeks.
"Well, you know I doodle from time to time."
"Viktor! This is... I can't believe... This amazing! Thank you! Thank you so much!" Yuuri pulled Viktor into a tight hug.
"So you like it then?" He laughed, wiping away the tears streaking down Viktor's face. "I was worried it wasn't good enough."
"Are you kidding me? love it! I had no idea you could draw so well. No not draw, this is... It's art, Vitya! It's wonderful!"
Viktor felt his cheeks run hot, he set the frame up on the coffee table then pulled Yuuri back into his arms. "Happy birthday, my love."
Yuuri oohed and ahhed and asked questions about his present for the rest of the night, bestowing Viktor with kisses of gratitude nearly every time he looked at it. Viktor was ridiculously pleased with how happy the drawing had made Yuuri. It completely made up for the seven or so times he gave up and started over.
By the time Viktor was ready for bed, he was surprised Yuuri still hadn't made it to the bedroom. He was even more surprised to find the love of his life snapping a picture of his gift and uploading it to his Instagram.
Did anyone else know @v-katsuki.nikiforov was such a talented artist?! Or was I just supposed to find that out on my own when he gives me this amazing birthday present?! #justdoodlesmyass #art #surprised #thankyou #youarethebestbirthdaypresent #iloveyou
I can't draw, but I always love seeing amazing art cover my dash every year for Yuuri's birthday! So this is a thank you to everyone who puts out new content, whether it's art or fics, or anything else! Thanks for keeping this fandom alive and filled with so much love. Happy birthday Yuuri!
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possibleplatypus · 6 years
Last Holiday (movie) au?
I had to look this up because I’ve never seen the movies before and I’m just going by the wikipedia summaries XD;;;
Superstar Viktor Nikiforov goes for his annual physical and is diagnosed with Lampington’s Disease, a condition for which there is no cure. He only has weeks to live.
Well, it wasn’t like he was really living right now anyway, Viktor thinks, and promptly feels ashamed because he has Makkachin, and Yakov, and Christophe and Yuri and his friends and fans– but it’s been so long since he felt alive, and now he might not get another chance. There’s no point in moping around like he’s been doing for the past few years, so he makes arrangements for Makkachin to be cared for and his assets to be donated to charity after his death. Faced with his impending mortality, he can only think of one thing he wants to do: find his college sweetheart, who he hasn’t seen nor spoken to since he ended his dance career, dropped off the face of the earth, and stopped answering Viktor’s calls (all of which occurred during Viktor’s meteoric rise to stardom, and Viktor had always wondered if that was part of what had driven him away).
He isn’t expecting to find Katsuki Yuuri in his family’s onsen– he’s never met Yuuri’s family and was fully expecting be turned away, to have to beg them to tell him where Yuuri is, or at least pass on a message for him– but Yuuri is there, and he is still the most beautiful thing Viktor has ever seen. Yuuri is there and he drops the towels he was carrying when he sees Viktor at the front desk; his sister looks on with the most unimpressed expression on her face when Yuuri stutters out “Viktor? Why are you here?” Viktor extends an arm (his other occupied with keeping Makkachin from throwing herself at Yuuri), pastes on his most charming smile, and says “Yuuri, because I’ve missed you!” with a wink. In retrospect, he should have expected Yuuri to scream and run away. Mari tells him they have one room available; Viktor pays for the next six months in full (more than enough time, he thinks).
The next few weeks are spent in blissful obscurity. With his hat and sunglasses, he’s just another bumbling tourist in this sleepy seaside town. Viktor turns off his phone and refuses to watch TV or go online. He spends his time walking on the beach with Makkachin, learning how to cook with Yuuri’s parents, practicing his Japanese with Yuuri’s extremely patient sister, and soaking in the wonderful hot springs. Best of all, he’s reconnecting with Yuuri, who (to Viktor’s guilty joy) hadn’t gotten married and had five kids and twenty poodles like he and Viktor had joked about doing (except Viktor hadn’t really been joking). Viktor has been called a selfish asshole quite a few times– never by Yuuri, bless him– but he’s never felt more like one than when he basks in Yuuri’s undivided attention again. He’s never felt more like one than when he sits next to Yuuri and they just talk and share all the ways they’ve changed and stayed the same since the six years they’ve been apart. He’s never felt more like one than when Yuuri finally gives him that tentative, familiar, treasured smile that cracks Viktor’s heart open all over again. He can tell that Yuuri doesn’t fully believe that Viktor is “taking a break,” but Yuuri doesn’t pry. They marathon all of Viktor’s movies (Viktor makes fun of himself and Yuuri defends him hotly). They visit all the shops and tourist traps. They swim in the ocean and light sparklers at night. The last time Viktor was this happy, he and Yuuri had been together.The plan had been to see Yuuri one last time. He’d thought he would be content with a glimpse. Maybe a greeting, perhaps a short chat. Viktor should have known that he could never have been satisfied with only looking at Yuuri, when he never should have let him go in the first place.
It’s been a month since Viktor’s diagnosis. His doctor had given him six to eight weeks. Viktor needs to tell Yuuri, and he’s prepared to be thrown out– he deserves it. There’s no good way to tell someone “I just wanted to see you again before I died,” but Viktor owes Yuuri many things, least of all the truth, and so he gives Yuuri exactly that. He thinks Yuuri is going to cry and scream at him. He thinks Yuuri is going to call him a selfish asshole. But since the moment they met, Yuuri has never ceased to surprise him.“What is this disease called again?” Yuuri asks, and “You didn’t think to ask for a second opinion? You were just going to, what, come to Hasetsu and die?”“Lampington’s Disease, and she’s been my doctor for eight years, why wouldn’t I trust her?” Viktor sputters. “And I didn’t come to Hasetsu to die, I came to Hasetsu to see you and live again– and that’s what I’ve been doing.”After Yuuri stops crying into Viktor’s chest, he tells Viktor to turn on his phone and call his doctor. He has two to four weeks left, maybe something can be done. When Viktor has recharged his phone, the first voicemail he listens to is from his doctor, telling him that the hospital had made a mistake and he doesn’t have the disease after all. There are maybe three other messages from her saying the same thing. This time, Yuuri holds Viktor while he cries.
With Viktor’s encouragement, Yuuri eases himself back into the world of dance, eventually becoming a world-renowned choreographer. For his part, Viktor has a new appreciation for his life and inspiration for his work. He chooses his next projects based not on how well they’re predicted to do at the box office but by how much fun he’ll have with them, and ends up directing and producing his own films, dedicating all of them to Yuuri.
Yurio’s speech at their wedding includes a quip about how Viktor was too scared to talk to Yuuri again until he thought he was going to die. Viktor can’t even deny it. Yuuri doesn’t think it’s funny.
They adopt three children and three dogs. Viktor is still wheedling Yuuri for a fourth.
Send me a potential AU and I’ll write five facts about it or a story outline
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sickdaysofficial · 6 years
day 6: reluctant caretaker
author: @casper-wants-a-cat
fandom: yuri!!! on ice
characters: viktor nikiforov and yuri plisetsky
summary: yuri is forced to take care of a sick viktor nikiforov (pre-yuuri)
WARNING: descriptions of vomit below!
read the warning!
read the warning!
read the warning!
okay, you’ve been warned!  please enjoy the fic!
Of course the one time Yakov was away dealing with a family emergency, Viktor Nikiforov had to go and get a stomachache and fever.
Yuri frowned.  “Weren’t you the one who was supposed to be taking care of me?”
He was right, more or less - Yakov’s justification for having them share a hotel room was so that Viktor could “keep an eye on Yuri” - but Viktor just whimpered in response.  “Don’t leave,” he said, teeth chattering violently as fever chills ran through his body.  “Please.”
Yuri sighed.  “I’m not going to leave you.  Yakov would kill me if I let you die here,” he grumbled.  Viktor smiled blissfully and pulled the covers up to his chin.  Gross.  Yuri decided that it was about time to ruin the mood.  “And how old are you, anyway?  You whine like a five year old.”
The fact that Viktor’s smile faltered, while rewarding, was concerning in its own way.  Yuri had come to know exactly how much it took to push the older man past his limits, and normally it took much more than that.
“Do you feel really bad?”  Yuri asked, voice softening just a touch.
Viktor shrugged - maybe a belated attempt at playing the tough guy act - but Yuri could see tears in his eyes.
“You should sleep,” Yuri said.  Thankfully, Viktor nodded, and curled onto his side.  With one last murmured reminder.
“Don’t leave me alone,” he said.  Yuri rolled his eyes.
“I know,” he said savagely.  Then he went to brush his teeth and take a shower before donning his kitty print pajamas.
When he woke up at 2 am, Yuri knew immediately that something was off, but it took him a moment to realize what.  The first thing was an unpleasant smell which was rapidly becoming more prominent.  The second was that Viktor was quietly, but earnestly, crying.
“Oi,” Yuri whisper-yelled.  “What is your problem, Viktor?  We have to be up in like 4 hours for our flight.”
For a moment, Viktor went quiet.  Then Yuri heard his breathing hitch and become louder, and frantically erratic - in a word, panicky.
“No,” Viktor said.
“What?”  Yuri couldn’t believe this.  How did Yakov put up with him?  Yuri wrinkled his nose for more reasons than one.  “Ugh, what is that smell?”
“No,” Viktor repeated.  “I can’t.”
Yuri groaned.  This wasn’t helping.  He stumbled out of his bed to the light switch and flipped on the lights.  He turned back to Viktor, ready to demand that he grow up and get over himself but was stopped in his tracks.
Viktor was trembling.  The flush over his cheeks was even deeper than before.  And he was hugging a trash can to his chest like he needed it to breathe.
“Viktor, don’t tell me you-”
“I’m sorry,” Viktor whispered, and Yuri was suddenly aware of a rawness in his voice which confirmed his fears.  “I tried not to wake you up, but-”  A hiccup caught Viktor off guard and Yuri had to suppress a retch of his own as vomit splattered into the trashcan.
“Yuri…”  Viktor whined, just before coughing and being sick again.
“I’ll get you some water,” Yuri said, and then rushed to the bathroom.  He wished with everything he had that Yakov was here.  Or any adult, really.  Yuri was 14 years old and not equipped to deal with this.
The fact that Viktor was sobbing and dry heaving when he got back did not help Yuri’s confidence.  He shoved the water in the older man’s face.
“Drink this,” Yuri demanded.  Viktor took it obediently, but his hands were shaking so bad that some of it splashed over the rim.
“Never mind,” Yuri said snatching the glass back.  “Here.”  He held it to Viktor’s lips and tilted it slowly back until the sick man held up a hand.
“You said you wouldn’t leave,” Viktor sniffled, letting his hand fall to the bed.  “Everyone leaves me.”
Yuri’s heart did something weird, then, and the next thing he knew, he was squeezing Viktor’s hand.
“I won’t,” Yuri said.  “And I’ll cancel our flight, alright?  So don’t get so freaked out and just rest.”
Viktor nodded, exhausted to his core, and Yuri took the trash can from him.
“Everything’s gonna be fine,” Yuri said.  He hoped he was telling the truth.
to find more of my writing and send me asks, check out my blog @casper-wants-a-cat
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chessala · 7 years
Ok, I’m still in love with @victorsporosya​‘s Little Mermaid AU casting Yuuri as the prince and Viktor as the mermaid. I’m probably getting way too invested in this so I apologize because I have the feeling there will be more ficlets ahead! (In my defense, Ariel was and still is my favourite disney princess and this AU just goes along so well with me.
History: Part 1 | Parts 2
“Washed ashore after a storm, you’re so luck that Yuuri found you! It must have been horrible to go through that.”
“It really was! I was so scared!” Viktor said cheerfully right before blowing some of the strange foam from his hands. Upon arrival at the castle, Viktor, now somewhat steady on his feet, had been pulled away by two of the servants right away. He had been dumped into a barrel filled with water and the best smelling sea foam Viktor had ever seen before. He didn’t know why, but the female servant had suddenly lost a lot of blood from her nose when she had removed the jacket Yuuri had so kindly provided him with. He hoped he would get it back, it smelled like him.
“It’s Prince Yuuri, Yuuko. Don’t let the Madam hear you drop the title again.” Minami said, glancing around nervously. While Prince Yuuri insisted all the servants just called him by his name, everyone caught doing so by Madam Minako was due a an hour long lecture. If they were lucky. Servants disappearing for a whole day to be educated hasn’t been unheard of.
“I’ve known Yuuri since he was two years old, one would think she would stop fussing about it.” Yuuko said with an exasperated sigh.
“What kind of person is Yu- Prince Yuuri?” Viktor asked, ears perking up at the topic of the man of his dreams.
“He is wonderful!” Minami started gushing instantly. “He is humble and kind to everyone. He never orders the servants around and helps out in the kitchens whenever he can. Everyone loves him!”
Viktor could definitely understand that. He had only gotten a glimpse at the prince while sitting on the outside of the ship. His smile had been radiant and genuine, capable of lighting up the whole ship despite it being night. He had the cutest furry animal with him, a dog called Vicchan as Viktor knew now. Viktor had a pet seal called Makkachin at home as well that he hoped to introduce to Yuuri eventually.
“But he has also been a bit sad lately.” Yuuko continued for Minami. “A few weeks ago he almost drowned in a storm just like you but it seems he was saved by a mysterious man with long silver hair and blue eyes and he has been looking for him since then. He even had painters recreate his face by his description and the portraits are all-over his ro-” Yuuko stopped in the middle of her sentence and looked at Viktor with a frown. “If it weren’t for your short hair, I could swear you look just like him….”
Viktor beamed at her, grasping her hands in his.
“It was me! I watched Yuuri on the ship and he was so wonderful! But then the storm came and I just couldn’t let him die even though Yakov hates humans. But then I couldn’t forget about him and asked the sea witch to turn me into human!” Viktor rambled down, almost forgetting to breathe in the process. Yuuri remembered him! Yuuri had been looking for him! Yuuri hadn’t been able to forget about Viktor, just like Viktor hadn’t been able to forget about him.
“Merman?” Yuuko asked with a raised eyebrow. “Are you sure you didn’t swallow too much water? Merfolk are old fishwife tales!”
She took a jug full of hot water from a table and helped rinse Viktor’s hair and eyes. Viktor sighed, suddenly feeling very alone. Of course they wouldn’t believe him,l Yakov had done all he could to ensure that humans and merfolk don’t interact. It didn’t really matter, all he wanted was to be with Yuuri anyway.
“Don’t tell that story to Prince Yuuri, it will upset him!” Minami said to Viktor with a scolding voice and Viktor nodded. Minami helped him out of the bathtub, causing the female he now knew was called Yuuko to bleed from her nose again. Humans truly were strange creatures after all.
“Let’s get you dressed!” Yuuko said after putting some paper into her nose. “You might not be Yuuri’s mysterious saviour but that doesn’t mean he can’t fall in love with you rather than chasing a dream.
“And did you see that ASS!” Phichit said excitedly, making Yuuri roll his eyes. It wasn’t exactly possible to not stare at the ass of the man they had found at the beach. Phichit looked at him from the corner of his eyes, causing Yuuri to blush.
“I-I would never!” Yuuri stuttered, trying to swallow the tightness in his throat away. Why was it suddenly so hot in here anyway?
“You know….” Phichit continued, sounding more serious suddenly. “Why don’t you forget about that mysterious stranger and instead focus on what’s right in front of you?”
“I don’t even know his name, Phichit.” Yuuri started to protest just to be interrupted by Phichit.
“Didn’t stop you from looking through every village within a two-days ride to look for a, and I quote you here, beautiful stranger that swims around in the ocean and saves princes from drowning.”
Yuuri groaned. He had indeed said that, exact words and all. After waking up on the beach, the stranger with the long silver hair and blue eyes was everything Yuuri could think about, dream about, fantasize about. He blushed a little when some of those fantasies came back to him now, some of them including a very particular reunion on the beach.
“I just want to thank him for saving me!” Yuuri said weakly, knowing full well that his friend would see through him right away.
“Well, he obviously doesn’t want your thanks, so just let it rest Yuuri.” Phichit said a bit softer. He stepped behind Yuuri and helped him to straighten his loose shirt so it fell just the right way to expose a bit of chest and accent his hips. “As for his name, I’m sure he will tell you if you manage to actually use your mouth to talk instead of just drooling.”
“I didn’t...I mean….Phichit!”
Phichit laughed happily, obviously satisfied with flustering Yuuri to oblivion. Yuuri couldn’t deny that he had stared at the stranger just a little, even after giving him his jacket. And his face looked so much like the one Yuuri remembered from waking up after the storm, except that his hair was short. But his eyes had the same beautiful shade of blue that made Yuuri want to get lost in them.
And he seemed nice, if not a bit over-dramatic. After Phichit and Yuuri had steadied him on his feet, he had gushed on about how glad he was to have met them and that he wouldn’t have known what to do if they hadn’t come by. Yuuri could also swear he saw a crab glare at him right before it disappeared into the sea. Crabs didn’t glare, Yuuri was at least sure of that.
“Yuuri!” Minako’s familiar voice filled the room even before she the open the doors to Yuuri’s bedroom. “What do i have to hear about you bringing home a stray man from the beach?”
“M-Minako!” Yuuri said with a slightly panicked voice, taking a step back automatically. Minako was the head servant and like a second mother for him. Whenever his parents had been too busy, she had taken care of Yuuri and made sure to educate him. He loved her but she always had a talent to get involved in everything that was going on.
“He was washed ashore.” Phichit explained. “So we brought him here.”
Minako squinted first at Phichit and then at Yuuri. “He is real this time, right?”
Yuuri sighed and let himself fall on one of the cushioned chairs. Of course she would tease him about this as well. No one believed Yuuri that he had really seen someone on the beach. Phichit said he had been alone when he found Yuuri groaning on the sand. He knew the man had been there, though, how could he have imagined the soft feeling of his hair and those beautiful eyes.
“Be it as it may.” Minako continued when Yuuri didn’t reply to her teasing. “I want to see this man. We can’t allow random strangers to roam the palace and endanger the royal family. He will join us for dinner.”
“What!” Yuuri choked out, almost managing to fall off his chair. He couldn’t possible have dinner with the man, he didn’t have his feelings under enough control for that. “Minako, isn’t that too dangerous?”
“What exactly could he do? Impale the king with chopsticks?” Minako asked, raising her eyebrows and resting her hands on her hips.
“He might!” Yuuri countered, doing his best to keep his voice strong and his heart steady. He couldn’t possibly so fickle to forget the stranger in favour of a set of nice abs and a perky ass. And a pair of beautiful eyes and a smile to die for. And a voice that made his skin feel too tight in entirely the wrong way.
“Fine…” he relented with a sigh, heart already beating faster. Seemed like he was that fickle after all.
“Good I’ll let your mother know. She took over the kitchen to make Katsudon.” Minako said with nod.
“Wasn’t today supposed to be stuffed crab?” Phichit asked. It wasn’t often that the royal menu changed so suddenly after all. Minako shrugged and turned towards the door.
“Seems there was a series of accidents, something about aggressive crabs.”
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the sea in the darkness calls
Summary: and the tide rises, the tide falls
In which Viktor is a lost prince and doesn’t know it, Yuuri is a syren who wants to see his Queen happy and Yura is a noble stowaway who wants to be free. 
(And also in which there is no universe where they do not find their way to each other and no universe in which their love does not change the world)
(Title quote from ‘the tide rises, the tide falls’ by H.W.Longfellow)
A/N: Birthday fic for @adreamingsongbird, I’m pretty sure that this will be your last present today and I hope you like it!! You’re an absolutely wonderful person Rimi and I really, really love you!! I hope you have a wonderful year and that you get only the best of what life has to offer because you deserve nothing less!
Chapter 1
It started like this. Falling, hard and fast. Something that must have been an uncontrollable descent into madness. 
It started like this. A wish made under the light of a thousand stars, to hold on and never let go. Though neither of them would remember it later, it started, with a kiss. ------------ Viktor has only ever known the sea. Well no. Not exactly. He's known seagulls and his crew and Makkachin! The light of his life, the star of his heart, his best friend. And he loves the sea. He's had the best moments of his life on it, he's met people he'd be willing to die for on it, hell, there's very few memories he has off of it. It's just that sometimes it gets a little... lonely, is all. Make no mistake, he loves the life he leads adventuring on the seas, and he loves the crew that he's gathered. But none of them understand what it's like to give you life to the sea and have her take and take and take. Sometimes it feels like she's left nothing behind. He thinks the stowaway they found when they left the Royal Port, Duke Nikolai's grandson, Yuri, might come the closest to understanding, but for all his faults, Viktor wouldn't wish the life he's had to lead on him. Giving your heart to the sea, leaves a gaping hole that can never be completely filled. (It has been two decades since he last saw his mother.
She'd warned him. She'd told him, again and again and again to not go too close to the shore, that it would take him away, away from her, from their people, his family- He'd forgotten, too captivated by the water, the waves, that voice. And he's had to live with that since he was seven. It was his fault, all his fault if he'd just listened- He's had to live with that and he thinks that has been punishment enough) Viktor believed that one day, one day, he would find something that made the year's he'd given to the sea (and all the mistakes he's made-) worthwhile. He had to believe. He wanted to believe.
(He needed to believe.)
But belief, did not mean that he would stop searching. All he had left of his mother (their home, their people-) was the seashell crest that he had found on his clothes when he had first washed up at the Royal Port. It was his only physical link to his past and he'd do anything to keep it safe. Unfortunately for him, no sailor or landsman seemed to recognise it. (Which, honestly? Made no sense. The only people who had crests were nobility and it was unreasonable that no one he'd met on all his travels would recognise it.) But Viktor held onto hope that one day he'd find something that would guide him home. And then maybe, he wouldn't be.... sad. Yes, sad, anymore. "Viktor! Yura just threw a bucket of fish at Georgi, get down here and make sure that he doesn't kill the kid!" Well, sad or not, he doesn't have the time to spend (waste) thinking about himself, he has a ship to run. 
---------- Yuuri can feel the magic swirling around him like a tangible thing. The magic he was born with - Shifter Magic - while hard to accurately control, is something that has always answered his call when he's needed it. It used to be small things - changing the colour of his eyes, the shape of his tail - and then larger things as Minako took over his training - but today, with the added knowledge he has gained at Court, today, he can feel all the magic in the water bending to him. It sings, and Yuuri can feel the syren in him trill a reply. Yuuri feels like he could do anything, be anyone and that's what Minako's been trying to teach him, isn't it? The power to give himself the freedom to be anything. He thinks that this is what being invincible feels like. "Well done Yuuri." He starts. He had been so engrossed that he hadn't noticed the queen, the Queen, come up to him. "Th-Thank you, Your Majesty." He says. "Is there anything I can do for you?" "You could resume that lovely show. Has anyone told you how mesmerizing it is to watch you work? If I hadn't studied the subject extensively, I would assume that it was Syren charm - but I have studied the subject and I know enough to know that this? This is all you. And that’s a wondrous thing, Yuuri" Yuuri has died. That's the only reasonable explanation. He's died and ascended to a higher level of existence. Because there is no way that the most powerful shifter ever recognised by the Currents is telling him that his magic is mesmerising. No. Way. "I'll admit - when Minako approached me asking to allow you to study at Court, I had my misgivings. But you've proven them all wrong, Yuuri. And gracefully at that." She laughs, "In fact - I'm sure that if you wanted to, you could ask the Court to help you stage a revolt and they'd create an army to follow you!" Yuuri stiffens, because he loves his queen and he would die for her should she ask, and he says quietly, "I-I'm sorry Your Majesty, but I think you underestimate h-how much the Court loves you." Because everyone knows what she's given up to keep them safe. (Yuuri remembers the stories his mother told him - of how the kingdom rejoiced when the Crown Prince was born. She was one of the first to be appointed to the Queen's Guard and thus has pictures - pictures she's shown him of Queen Vasilisa with the newborn Prince. It is the happiest Yuuri has ever seen her. He also remembers the day his mother came home pale-faced and harried. He remembers her clutching him and his sister to her chest and telling their father in broken tones that the Prince was gone. That he'd been snatched away by the Currents. That the Queen was powerless to stop them. (If she did try, the kingdom would fall - the Currents did not take lightly to being crossed.) She'd said that the Queen could keep track of the Prince's life force but that she couldn't go to him. A law she'd said. Once an untrained Royal left Court, they had to come back themselves and no help could be given or arranged for by a Royal. This meant that not only could the Queen not go - she couldn't send anyone in her place. Which meant that the Crown Prince - all of seven years old - was alone.  "Vasi, gods Toshiya, Vasi says that she can't leave and I've never seen her so devastated and I could never do what she's done, gods.”
He remembers those words. His mother was crying. Yet no one's seen the Queen shed a tear.) The Queen is smiling at him, "You never cease to surprise, do you Yuuri?" He swims forward and offers her his hand, "I-I'm not very sure about surprises Your Majesty, but would you care to join me for some tea? Aunt Minako disagrees but I've always found tea relaxing after practice." She takes his hand and says, "How could I ever turn down tea with you, Yuuri? You always have your mother's blends and those are better than any others in all the realms I've visited. Besides, I still need to talk to you." He frowns, "Is there something wrong Your Majesty?" "Minako submitted your request to visit the Human world with an entourage of your choosing, now that you've mastered giving yourself legs. And I am inclined to approve it, but I would also like to hear you explain why you want to visit the human world and to see whether you can convince me to let you go, hmm? I'll meet you at the pavilion in a few minutes." She let's go of his hand and swims forward to join her Guard and he can see Minako smirking at him - and when did she even get here? He loves his Queen - but she and her Guard terrify him, and he's grown up with a very healthy respect for all of them as a result of it. But, she'd said that she was considering letting him and his entourage go to the human world, and if that was true, if their request might really be granted, then he needs to ensure that they don't fail her final test. Only the best are allowed to venture into that world after all, and she has considered many hopefuls before but none of them have ever made it past tea. However, he thinks that he will make it. He believes in the power they hold together. (And Yuuri can't wait. To see the music and the dancing and the singing he's only ever heard about from his teacher and his mother. To feel the magic of an entirely new world. To go on an adventure.)
(And also to fulfil a promise, no matter that he's forgotten he made it.) (The Currents are churning again.)
(It is time for the Lost Prince to come home)
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(Art by the ever-wonderful @riki-cartblog who is an absolute gem and who I am so incredibly lucky to know! It was an absolute honour to work with you Riki, thank you so much!) 
(Edit: Because I’m a moron and an idiot I forgot to mention what a huge thank you I owe to both @adreamingsongbird and @riki-cartblog for being my first friends in the trfl fandom (and what fucking luck is that??? that one of my first friends was the writer herself???) and for just being all round amazing friends in general, I love you guys!!)
You can find the fic on FFN here
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Reverse AU drabble
I’ve wanted to write a reverse AU for the longest time so I wrote this, indulging myself. Contains some mentions of nsfw themes. 
There are three things Viktor loves, but only one of them causes him an equal amount of grief.
The first is Makkachin, most adorable and wonderful poodle in the whole world.
The second is the ice, and the feeling of freedom that comes with it.
Third is Katsuki Yuuri, Japan’s living legend, Viktor’s gay awakening and dream husband.
A week ago, Yuuri announced his retirement.
“Vitya, I know you’re in there! It’s been a week, stop this nonsense and get back to practice!”
It’s Yakov calling through his apartment door, and Viktor sends him a resentful look from his position on the couch. He then resumes watching Yuuri’s record-winning free skate from the Olympics, a pathetic whine making its way out of his throat when Yuuri lands a perfect quad flip.
For years Viktor’s dreamt of competing against his idol, to share the same ice and maybe – in his wildest dreams – a bed as well. He’s well aware of how impossible the bed-sharing is, and so he’d thought that if he at least got to meet him as a competitor…
But no. Life is cruel and Viktor is not the only Russian skater in the men’s single division.
“Yeah, he’s not even that good anyway!”
Speaking of other skaters, Viktor feels his mood sour further as Yuri Plisetsky joins Yakov on the other side of the door. He’s pretty sure that Yuri is just tagging along to mock Viktor. After all, it’s a well-known fact that Yuri hates losing to Katsuki, and Viktor loves reminding him that most of the time that’s exactly what he does.
“Vitya! Open up or we’ll come in anyway!”
Viktor’s head falls back, and Makkachin licks his chin. A mere week is not long enough to mourn the loss of figure skating’s brightest and most handsome star. In fact, Viktor is not the only heartbroken fan, even if he takes the loss a little more personally than most others.
I was almost there, he thinks, scrubbing at his eyes. Just ten more points at the European championships and they would have sent me.
He doesn’t resent Georgi for being picked instead of him, but… Okay he definitely resents Georgi. He hopes his girlfriend breaks up with him or something.
There’s the click of the door unlocking, and Viktor sinks deeper into the couch. Another of Yuuri’s performances plays on his phone, an exhibition skate this time. Viktor knows them all by heart, anyway.
“Oi, what’s with this pigsty?!” Yuri exclaims, kicking at an empty pizza carton on his way over to the couch. “What have you been doing all week, crying?”
Viktor sniffles, cuddling Makkachin closer to his chest.
“It’s none of your business.”
“Fine!” Yuri throws his hands in the air, turning to Yakov. “I tried, can I leave now?”
Yakov sighs, coming around to sit by Viktor’s feet. Makkachin scrambles over to be petted, and Viktor glares at her for abandoning him like that.
“Vitya, listen. I know he was an important motivational factor for you, but binge eating on the couch for a week is not the answer.”
Wrong. Yuuri is his only motivation, and Viktor’s heart is broken in a million pieces. He doesn’t know how to move on from this point in time. He can’t move on after this.
“I don’t think he’s listening,” Yuri mutters, hand on hip, intimidating and pretty and a menace on the ice.
Viktor definitely kind of resents him, too. There’s been a lot of rumors going on about how the infamous rivalry between Katsuki and Plisetsky has led to more than one night of passion, and despite Yuri’s vehement denials, Viktor feels like he’s getting stabbed every time he thinks about it.
“I just need some time to mourn,” Viktor tells them, combing his fingers through the loose end of his long braid, where the hair tie has gone mysteriously missing.
“Mourn,” Yuri spits, stalking over to tower above him, one hand on the back of the couch so he can lean into Viktor’s space, shoulder length hair tickling Viktor’s face. “Like you’re the only one who cares about Katsuki quitting out of nowhere!”
Swallowing against the lump in his throat, Viktor squints accusingly at him.
“So you are sleeping with him!”
Rather than get mad like Viktor expected, Yuri stares at him for long, good while, eventually rolling his eyes so hard that Viktor fears they might get stuck. He then digs his phone out of a pocket, tapping at it with unnecessary force, and soon enough dial tones are coming out of the speaker.
“Ah, Yuri, it’s been a while.”
Viktor is dead. Dead.
“Katsuki, have we ever slept with each other?”
“Huh?! Slept with- Why are you asking that! Of course not!”
Red creeps up Viktor’s cheeks as Yuri gives him a look. Only some of it is from shame, however. Yuuri’s voice just has that effect on him.
On the inside, Viktor freaks out.
On the outside he’s frozen, staring at the phone like it’s connecting them with the voice of god.
(In a way, that’s precisely what it’s doing.)
“Just asking for a friend who refuses to believe me.”
“Oh! I see, um, wait! Are you on a date? Oh my god, are the rumors really that bad?!”
Viktor’s mouth open and closes like a fish. He wants to say something, because Yuuri is right there, on the phone, and he sounds exactly as kind and perfect as he does on TV.
“Why would I call you if I’m on a date, oh my god,” Yuri says, but Viktor can tell he’s not as angry as he usually is.
If they’re not sleeping with each other they’re at least friends, and Viktor can’t believe Yuri has kept this from him the whole time? He could have introduced them!
“I guess you’re right,” Yuuri replies, letting out an embarrassed little laugh that kind of does things to Viktor. “Was there something else? It’s pretty late over here.”
“Nah, I just wanted to-“ Yuri pauses, stares down at Viktor in contemplation. Then his teeth show in a downright evil grin, and Viktor feels shivers of fear run down his spine. “Actually, there is something else.”
Viktor shakes his head, frantic. Whatever’s going to come out of Yuri’s mouth will not be good, and Viktor does not want to die because he was embarrassed in front of his longtime idol (and dream husband) without even being able to defend himself.
“Got any plans for the summer yet?”
“Summer? Ah, well. I’m not sure. I think I’ll return to Hasetsu, for a while.”
“Take a detour to Russia.”
“Eeeh? To Russia?”
Heart palpitating like mad, Viktor struggles to breathe. He claws at Yuri’s arm, making strangled noises and begging him to stop, but all Yuri does is straighten up and shake him off. It doesn’t matter that Viktor is taller than him, or can bench press more weight if he wants to. Yuri flicks him off like a fly, still grinning like someone with the most diabolical plan they can’t wait to set in motion.
“You heard me. I want to see for myself if you’re serious about this retirement crap.”
“I am serious, but…” Yuuri sighs, and Viktor hurts with the sound. “Well, I don’t see why not. I’ll check for tickets tomorrow, alright?”
“Good. Call me when you find something.”
With that, Yuri unceremoniously ends the call, raising his eyebrows at Viktor.
Staring up at Yuri, Viktor feels his eyes water, vision blurring as the lump in his throat threatens to choke him.
“Yuriiiiiiiii,” he cries, throwing his arms around Yuri’s waist and burying his face in his stomach.
“Ugh, gross! You’re getting snot all over my shirt!”
“I take back every mean thing I ever said or thought about you,” he sobs, Yuri awkwardly patting his head.
“Yeah you better, you dumb kid.”
“I’m twenty!”
“Yes yes, whatever. Are you coming back to the rink now?”
“Of course. Ah! But my apartment is such a mess! And my hair! I have to fix everything before Yuuri arrives!”
He makes a move to shoot out of his seat, but Yuri’s hand on his head pushes him back.
“It’s not as if he will arrive tomorrow,” Yakov grunts, Viktor puffing his cheeks at the words.
“But what if he does!”
“Worry about your jumps in that case!” Yuri scolds him, and Makkachin lets out a bark as if to agree.
Viktor slumps into the couch, Makkachin stepping onto his lap to lick at the tear tracks on his face.
“Nooo,” he whines, flopping his arms aside dramatically. “It’s over, I’ve forgotten how to skate.”
“Vitya-“ Yakov starts, but Yuri grabs him by the ankle and drags him off the couch.
“Rink! Now!”
Three days later, Yuuri arrives in St. Petersburg.
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theyoilibrary · 7 years
Teacher x Student Masterlist
Yes, Professor? - "Good morning! I'm Professor Viktor Nikiforov! I look forward to being with you all this semester."Dammit! No one told me he had an accent too! And to think this was all started because I wanted some pudding!
Slavonic Studies -  Yuuri sleeps with a hot stranger the night before university begins but surprise, surprise.
I will break the ice of your heart - “Yuuri…” The teacher whispered near his ear. Fuck… he’s… “Y… Yes?” he stuttered. Hot…Yuuri is a talented but very shy student who enters in a new university for his last year. There, he meets a coldhearted and strict philosophy teacher: Viktor Nikiforov. Despite their differences, the two of them start to get closer...
Black Ice -  Yuri is a freshman in college, trying to make ends meet by working part-time as a prostitute. Victor is a renowned author and professor who stumbles across one of Yuri's essays. Inspired by Yuri, Victor travels across the world to find him. When they meet, stars collide and so do they.
Mystical Lessons - Another year, the same school. Yuuri Katsuki is the boy who causes trouble, the boy who has trouble following him no matter where he went. Yuuri Katsuki is... A wizard.A new teacher has joined the row, a new teacher younger than all, and his eyes were set on Yuuri as soon as he had looked out towards the students walking into the hall. Is it love? Is it just infatuation? Their love progresses, his teachings commences, and slowly... After private lessons... That's when the trouble begins.
Location - Yuri attended a new school for about week now and everything is going well. His mom insist he should walk home for today since she wont be able too.Yuri makes it half way but it doesnt go all to well.
Hard Rain - My name is Yuuri Katsuki, I am 23 years old and I am in love with Victor Nikiforov. That’s the naked truth. To be honest, I don’t believe in destiny and I don’t think that faith exists, but when I saw him for the first time I knew, he is the one. It was not just a feeling, more like some punch right into my heart it just came without warning. It’s like I was blind all this time and now I can see fully HD. My heart jumps every time he smiles or just touches his lower lip with fingertip thinking about something. I stop breathing when I see him coming towards me. His voice is sweet and gentle, he never shouts, he is always kind and I have never seen him angry. When I think about love, Victor’s image comes to my mind as the definition. It’s the first time I am in love, maybe that’s the reason for everything. He is perfect and everything would be perfect… but there is one tiny problem.Victor doesn’t know that I exist.
To You, 2000 Years From Now - Katsuki Yuuri had been dreaming about the same mysterious man with silver hair for the past few years. He didn’t know the man, was sure that he never even met the man, yet the man always appeared in his dreams night after night. He knew it wasn’t exactly normal, and he had learned from past experience to not tell his weird dreams to just anyone. The dreams, had become the beginning of his anxiety problem.Viktor Nikiforov is a pureblood vampire who cannot die from old age. He was broken hearted once, and after that he went into hibernation for almost 2000 years, until one day, he woke up again in a new world where vampire was a mere myth. The one who woke him up, Chris, his best friend and almost sibling, told him that his lover had been reborn. Viktor, as the very definition of a romantic, couldn’t pass up the opportunity to meet his old lover and, if needed, court the love of his life again.So, meet Katsuki Yuuri the student, who are very overwhelmed and confused most of the time, when his hot new teacher, Viktor Nikiforov, flirted with him whenever he had the chance.Viktor was dead set on writing history on the most scandalous relationship between teacher and student, ever.
Viktor!!! on Yuuri -  Yuuri and Mr. Nikiforov get frisky in the school's library.
Broken Rules -  Yuuri has some problems: he's the new student in a big city school, he misses classes frequently because of his health, and, worst of all, he's failing his history class. Viktor has some problems as well: he's bored with his life, he has no idea what to do as a first-time educator, and, worst of all, no matter what he does, a certain student continues to fail his class. Falling in love is the unspoken rule that mustn't be broken no matter what, but when the teacher and the student come together, it's almost impossible not to.
Behind Locked Doors -  College student Yuuri Katsuki is in love with his professor, Viktor Nikiforov. A love he plans on keeping to himself, until one drunken mistake leads him to a world of pleasure.
The Inversed Butterfly -  Viktor and Yuuri. A teacher and a student. Obsession and Blackmail. A dysfunctional relationship and debauchery at its finest.
Taste of Secrets -  »He absolutely caught you dreaming again, Yuuri«, Phichit teased with a low voice, after the class finished a bit early. Slowly he let his books slide into his bag and avoided eye contact to his best friend. Of course he knew of his crush on Victor but he never took it seriously. Phichit always told him, that he wasn't alone with his crush and yes, he knew. Victor had all possibilities. Everyone would gladly accept this Alpha's courting, but he was still single. Maybe he only didn't meet the one he was meant to be with yet.
Teach Me to Love - Everyone’s had a hot teacher that they’ve crushed on.The less common situation is when your new teacher turns out to be your drunken summer fling.
Classical Yuri - Otabek Altin a world famous classic musicians. He's played in some of the most prestigious places and yet he was still not satisfied.Yuri Plisetsky, an angry 15-year-old who only wants to take care of his grand-father, play music, and meet his idol. Although, he was stuck writing his music on napkins and playing on an old piano in his local café.What happens when Otabek walks into Yuri's local café and here's him playing? Will Otabek final find the thing that could satisfy him?
Location - Yuri attended a new school for about week now and everything is going well. His mom insist he should walk home for today since she wont be able too.Yuri makes it half way but it doesnt go all to well.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 7 years
Y’all, between the extended video of Welcome to the Madness (fuck me), and the translated Manga pages of what happened BEFORE Welcome to the Madness (fuck. me.), I can not tell you how much fucking fun it is to figure out exactly HOW those boys came up with THAT, and I want to share the various versions I have.
Platonic: Two seasoned performers--who are also teenagers--decide to work together to blow the doors off perceptions of Yuri because they are friends, and this will be fun. Then, when Viktor and Yuuri do their pair skate RIGHT BEFORE YURI GOES ON YOU FUCKS, Yuri reacts like any 15-year-old and lets impulse drive him. “Hey, Beka,” he might be heard to say. “Stand on the edge of the rink, and let’s REALLY fuck them up with their perceptions of us.”
So, Otabek Altin, super-masculine Hero of Kazakhstan, known for being a bit of a loner and very serious, stands to one side looking cool as fuck and removes Yuri’s glove with his goddamn teeth. 
Because this is fucking INSPIRED in their minds and who gives a shit about how it gets read because they’re teenagers and seasoned performers, and this is gonna look SO RAD.
Non-Platonic: This one’s got a few variations. Maybe they made out on the beach after they agreed to work together. Maybe they fell for each other while Beka helped Yuri practice. Maybe each of them has a crush but doesn’t know how to say anything. Maybe Beka has fallen very much in lust and Yuri has no clue, and Beka would like to die now. Or Yuri has fallen very much in lust and Beka has no clue, and Yuri would like to die now.
Or maybe, after it’s done, they giddily kiss each other in the lockerroom as a joke except. Oh. Um. Well. And then decide to just be friends for a while and see what happens the next time they see each other in person (more kissing). 
Christophe’s Reaction: He can’t believe those assholes out-slutted him, and he is very pleased. They argue they did NOT, thank you. They were merely playing with public perceptions of them as people. Chris points out Yuri finger-fucked Beka’s mouth and walks away triumphant as they’re both struck silent.
Viktor’s Reaction: Screaming encouragement from the second Yuri stepped on the ice. 110% behind it. It’s raw and hard and angry and so perfectly Yuri, and Viktor is so impressed Yuri can already design a program so personal.
Yuuri’s reaction: Can’t watch it live because HE has anxiety FOR Yuri being so out there. He watches it later and loves it for all the same reasons Viktor does.
Yakov: Straight into a bottle of vodka.
Lilia: Same, but laughing.
Mila: So proud of her angry little brother and his fuck you attitude.
Georgi: Jealous Yuri’s eye makeup game was better.
JJ: Confused by tingling in his pants.
Phichit: Took 4,000 pictures and is pretty sure he died.
Seung-Gil: Wasn’t watching.
Mickey: Super worried Otabeka’s gonna make a move on Sara.
Sara: REALLY enjoys the show. Especially that night in her hotel room. Alone.
Emil: Wants to know where Yuri got that jacket.
Guang Hong: Screams about it via texting to Phichit, who screams right back.
Leo: Cheers through the whole thing because it’s amazing.
Minami: Watches it fourteen times and decides to steal Yuri’s tank top.
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fyeahleoji · 7 years
@bathsoaps - 4 times Guang-Hong brought the gasoline. umm, hope you like?? haha, this got a little long, too. 
The whole world probably had a simultaneous aneurysm when Ji Guang-Hong announced his theme for the 2015 Grand Prix finals as Bonds and Violence. Shy, sweet Guang-Hong, who blushed for the media and sent Snapchats with flowers threaded through his hair…
And sure, Leo was a little bit surprised. But at the same time, he wasn’t, because even though skating was supposed to be about reaching outside your comfort level, he knew Guang-Hong better than that. Anyone who thought he was all flowers and blushing was an idiot.
(Or they just didn’t know him well enough. Not the way Leo did, at least.)
Because Guang-Hong was ten thousand tons of explosive energy corked into the world’s cutest bomb, his pretty smile the curved sheath to a knife. He was dirty jokes slid under your ribs at 3 AM and slivers of pale skin right beneath the edges of his sweater…
He could probably kill Leo and not even get any blood on his pink cheetah-print curtains.
Fortunately, Guang-Hong wasn’t like that all the time. (Leo was glad for that-  he’d probably die.) But when he was, it brought feelings up to the surface of Leo’s skin that he wasn’t quite ready to face, like even though he wanted to run, there was the inexplicable urge of wanting to grab the front of Guang-Hong’s costume and smash their mouths together on the ice.
He was standing in the room watching Guang-Hong’s programme on television. And it was terrifying, like he was fighting instead of skating, a spark in his eyes that couldn’t just be there for the crowd.
“Your boyfriend’s fire,” one of the other skaters commented, and Leo blushed and tore his gaze from the screen.
That wasn’t true. Guang-Hong was just his friend.
The second time it happened (in Leo’s decidedly terrible memory), they were thousands of miles apart.
Most of the time, Leo hated those thousands of miles. Hated that Guang-Hong was just pixels on a screen, their day and nights reversed. But this time, he was quietly relieved, because he wouldn’t be close enough for Guang-Hong to burn with his flame.
(That might not be true, actually. Guang-Hong managed to wreck him from an ocean away better than anyone else in America ever had.)
They were both tired today. Their practices were long and grueling, and somehow, (scientific phenomena) their bad moods tended to sync up. They sat without talking, a miniature version of Guang-Hong bandaging his feet up on the screen. Leo plucked at the strings of his guitar, the music for once not making him feel any better.
God… skating had killed him today, a series of one trainwreck after another. All of his muscles were sore, not a single bone in his body spared from the torture, and usually, he was okay with that. Okay with that because he felt like he was making progress?
But he was just stuck.
Leo relied on presentation. Relied on his own choreography, on the way he was able to understand the music. But last year’s GPF had showed him that wasn’t enough, so he’d been on the ice for weeks on end now, trying to master a quad. And today his coach had snapped.
She’d apologized right afterward, but her words didn’t hurt any less. Because they were true.
“What’s on your mind?” Guang-Hong asked. “I just sent you a doge meme. And like, you didn’t respond.” Leo checked his phone- there was indeed an image in his inbox. His mouth twitched in the beginnings of a smile before settling down into a hard neutral name.
“My coach told me I should quit today,” Leo said finally.
Guang-Hong’s eyes hardened. “Did she mean it?”
“Does it matter?” Leo asked.
“God, don’t ask stupid questions. Of course it does.”
Leo took a deep breath, putting the guitar down. “I don’t know. Maybe.”
Guang-Hong was silent on the other end of the line before whispering, “You can’t possibly believe that.”
And maybe that was the motivation Leo needed to just spill, because it’d been building up for weeks at this point, and right now it almost didn’t matter that Guang-Hong might never look at him the same way again…
Leo laughed bitterly, running his hands through his hair. “I do. Because you know what, we can’t all be Yuuri and Viktor and Chris… some of us just aren’t good enough.”
“Don’t,” Guang-Hong said, and his voice was hard. “Don’t, if you do, I’ll never forgive you.”
Leo’s voice rose, cold and broken. “Can’t you just let me fuck up my quad toe in peace? You got them in what, after a month? And I’ve been going at this for almost a quarter of a year and I’ve been landing on my ass every single time.”
“This isn’t you,” Guang-Hong said. His phone trembled, like he couldn’t hold it right.
“Yeah- well. I guess it’s not. Because all I am- is…”
“A what.”
“A nothing,” he said. “A fuck-up. I don’t deserve to stand on the same ice as you guys…”
There was nothing for a couple of seconds, and Leo thought that Guang-Hong had hung up. If he had, Leo deserved it- he felt like he was spiralling, quick and hard and uncontrollable, and he wasn’t going to drag Guang-Hong down with him.
And then the phone exploded. No- just the volume. He nearly dropped the device from the sheer force of Guang-Hong’s voice, hard and angry and jesus was that the boy that had stood eating jianbing near a street vendor-
“Clearly, you need someone to knock some sense into you!” he yelled. “Okay, listen up- and you’re going to listen, I don’t care if I fucking blow your eardrums out with this speech, because you need to hear this. Do you even know how much I admire the way you skate? How much I wish I could do choreography like that? Your quad toe can go fuck itself for all I care, because I love the way you skate, and so many people love the way you skate- and maybe you don’t believe in yourself but I fucking do and you. Are not. Going to question that.”
“Leo de la Iglesia, if you hung up, I’m going to take a plane over there and murder you with an ancient Chinese blood ritual. Or maybe a kitchen knife. Both.”
“No, I’m still here,” Leo said, dazed.
“God, you better be.”
“I deserved that, didn’t I.”
“Trust me, you don’t deserve anything,” Guang-Hong said, and Leo’s head dropped. “I just- don’t let it get so bad that you threaten to quit on me, okay? We still need to podium together at the GPF… don’t try and drown everything out with your trashy pop music. Talk to me.”
“I don’t listen to trashy pop music.”
“If you say so.”
Leo never really had any memorable airplane scenes before. Sure, there was that one time he couldn’t fall asleep and ended up puking on the landing… but he wasn’t referring to the actual airplane part. Just the airport.
Usually, waiting at an airport felt comfortable. He felt slightly dizzy, sometimes, if he was the one getting off, and slightly bored if he was the one waiting. Because he knew what he’d see, that they would look the same way they always did.
But Guang-Hong was uncharted territory.
There were only a certain amount of pixels on a screen, and Guang-Hong was- well, the planes of his face, his body, was infinite. Leo could probably make an entire soundtrack from his freckles alone (he considered that one night before deciding he’d be way too embarrassed if anyone ever found it… Guang-Hong did have a playlist on his phone, though. Gasolina. Andas en mi Cabeza. Shooting Star. It was way too long and Leo listened to it way too often.)
So he didn’t really know how it would be when he saw Guang-Hong again. And Jesus, it felt like he was getting ready to jump out of his skin at this point.
And then- there. In the crowd. He was wearing his Team China jacket and pulling a beat-up red suitcase behind him, at least a dozen charms attached to the straps.
He’s full-screen, Leo thought. Then, because that was the dumbest thought ever, No. Duh. That’s because he’s here.
His heart pounded. Guang-Hong still hadn’t seen him, and Leo couldn’t even move.
I should. Tell him I’m here. He’d thought of plenty of first sentences he wanted to say, witty and cool. Something about overpriced airport empanadas or American-flavored t-shirts. But all he could think about when he saw him was oh my god he’s here and I really, really want to kiss him.
He’d have to work on that second urge. Who knew if Guang-Hong wanted to kiss him back?
It turned out that he didn’t have to worry because Guang-Hong said it first. “Leo!” he said. Not that loud.
Leo bit his mouth. “Hi,” he managed to get out. He’s so real. How is his face and voice so different than what they were an hour ago? Also, can my thoughts please dial back on the gay? This is getting out of hand. Don’t scoop him up- airport security will probably think you’re trying to kill him or something.
Guang-Hong ran over. And his posture was shy, but his face was blazing, and the way he mumbled I missed you nearly melted Leo into the floor.
July. Fireflies appearing in the bushes like spots of light, and Leo was only a little bit sad that Guang-Hong was leaving tomorrow. (That’s Guang-Hong for you; hard to say hello to, and hard to say goodbye, but the middle left Leo dizzy and breathless and alive.)
“I don’t want to go,” Guang-Hong confessed. “Your family’s so nice.”
“My little sister’s, like, in love with you,” Leo said. So am I- maybe it’s a gene that runs in the family.
Guang-Hong smirked. “Nah, she just loves my hair.” And Leo grinned, because Guang-Hong was the kind of guy that would let seven-year-old girls stick pins in his hair and then actually keep them in for the rest of the day until they fell out in his sleep.
“So,” Leo said. “I feel like we should be talking about something.”
“And we’re not?” Guang-Hong asked. “This is usually how conversations work, Leo. With words.”
“You know what I meant,” Leo mumbled. “Just- you’re going tomorrow. I feel like I should be making some kind of sappy dramatic speech right now. Like at the end of a movie.”
Guang-Hong smiled. “Oh, so like in the King and the Skater.”
“Exactly like in the King and the Skater.”
“What, you want me to kiss you before I leave for China?”
Silence. Leo couldn’t breathe. “I- I mean,” he stammered. “Um.”
Guang-Hong rolled his eyes. “Oh my god, shut up-” before he stood up on his tiptoes and yanked Leo’s mouth down to meet his.
(And Leo learned that Guang-Hong kissed like fire.)
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lavenderprose · 7 years
Fic: Perjury
Why did I write 2700 words of lawyer AU? Haha, who knows! I think I just really like the idea of illicit affairs in offices made of windows on the 10th floor of important buildings.
Here’s where I tell you guys that my familiarity with the law profession stems completely from one class I took five years ago and about fifteen minutes’ worth of wheatgoogling.
Also: Mature content ahoy.
Viktor leans over and presses the com button on his phone. "Yes, Mila?"
"Yuuri Katsuki is here." Mila sounds more apprehensive than Viktor thinks he's ever heard her, even over the phone. Considering that this is a woman who's seen just as many photos of gruesome crime scenes as he has, that's something to be remarked upon.
Viktor sighs and bites the inside of his cheek, drums his fingers on the desk and finally replies, "Send him in." He can't say he wasn't expecting this turn of events. The fact that Yuuri has actually waited until seven in the evening actually presents evidence of remarkable self-restraint, considering the situation.
Several beats later, Viktor sees Mila approaching from down the hall. The entire floor is leased under Feltsman, Baranovskaya and Nikiforov, but as the newest partner Viktor didn't exactly get a broad choice of office space. His office is essentially a glass box at the very back of the floor, bracketed in on either side by nosy junior partners whose hobbies seem to be pressing their noses against the windows of Viktor's office and waiting for something to rub off on them.
Mila opens the door and holds it open for Yuuri, who skulks through in the same clothes he was wearing at nine this morning, minus the suit jacket and minus the tie that made Viktor want to put it through the nearest shredder. Yuuri is far too attractive of a man to be wearing anything paisley. Instead, Yuuri is wearing a thin black jacket, likely donned for the walk here from the courthouse, that presents an almost incongruous counterpoint to the rest of his wardrobe. It's cotton, and has a hood. Viktor can imagine Yuuri wearing it at home over a T-shirt, soft and barefoot with his hair unslicked.
"Thank you, Mila," Viktor says, leaning back in his chair and tapping his pen against the edge of the desk. "Um…hey, why don't you go home for the night? It's been a long day."
Mila glances between them, him and Yuuri, with an unreadable quality to her expression. She finally nods, loose hairs that have fallen out of her twist swaying, and waves slightly before she leaves.
There is a beat of silence between him and Yuuri before Viktor says, "Do you want something to drink?"
At almost the same time, Yuuri also tires of the silence and snaps, "What the fuck, Viktor?" and then, once Viktor's words have processed, continues, "No, I don't want anything to drink. I want you to tell me why you motioned for a mistrial three days before we were set to make closing statements. We've been in court for two months, Viktor, and now we have to go through all of it again!" Without prompting, Yuuri throws himself into one of the plush leather chairs in the seating area on the other end of the office. Makkachin, who almost blends in with the sofa, hops off and goes immediately to Yuuri's knees. Yuuri despondently pats Makkachin's head.
Viktor has a very good, stalwart reputation amongst the midwest law community, and probably about 85% of it is his tendency to take his dog with him everywhere. Makkachin is a well-behaved, kind dog that has on multiple occasions brought comfort to people on both sides of warring courtrooms.
"I think you need a drink," Viktor says, and opens the lowest drawer in his desk. "I have vodka, gin, teq—"
"Tequila," Yuuri mutters, Makkachin's face mushed happily between his gentle hands. "Give me tequila."
Viktor smirks as he pours half a small Styrofoam cup's worth of tequila. "Phichit is rubbing off on you." Viktor doesn't know ADA Chulanont very well, but he does know that the man can put away spirits like he's in possession of a special second gut. Of course, Viktor doesn't judge—where he's from, such a thing is a talent. Then he says, "Or maybe I'm rubbing off on you," as an afterthought, because it's genuinely just occurred to him.
Yuuri snorts. It's not as mean a sound as Viktor was expecting.
He crosses the room and delivers the cup to a glowering Yuuri, sits down on the side of the sofa closest to the chair Yuuri has chosen and clucks his tongue for Makkachin. It shows how much regard his poodle holds for Yuuri that he just tosses a glance of his big brown eyes at Viktor before returning his muzzle to Yuuri's knee.
Viktor waits until Yuuri has a few gulps of tequila in him before saying, "The mistrial was going to happen one way or another. Anything else would have been a miscarriage of justice, Yuuri, and you know it."
Yuuri sighs and leans forward over his lap, elbows on knees, and rubs his fingers over his face. When he lowers them, it is to give them an emphatic shake as he says, "It wasn't our problem, Viktor. Why did you have to make it our problem?"
Leaning back to cross his legs, Viktor crosses his arms and legs his foot swing. "How is a rumor regarding our love lives—yours and mine, that is, and more specially the love life we are rumored to share—"
"Exactly. That's all it is. Rumors. You've seen just as many big publicity cases as I have; sometimes the media just throws things at a wall hoping one of them will stick and they'll have a story to t—"
"—how, Yuuri, is that not our problem?"
"Because it's not!" Yuuri's hands are now gesturing frantically in front of him. He uses his hands to talk more than Viktor has seen anyone do since Sara Crispino. They're thin and graceful, his hands are, and Viktor has watched them twirl a pen around and around for minutes on end without dropping it. Yuuri Katsuki has a sort of understated elegance about him that is hard to put into words. If one were to try, they would probably use similar vocabulary to what would be used for a dancer. Only Yuuri is a member of the American Bar Association, and not the American Ballet Theatre. As Viktor muses all of this, he's aware of Yuuri continuing: "It's not our problem, it's the media's problem. We were three days away from ending this case, Viktor. It was so close I could taste it. My first big case as lead prosecutor, a conviction—"
"Is that so?" Viktor huffs, straightening up and crossing his arms. "We have absolutely no reason to believe that jury wasn't going to acquit my client."
"Okay, fine. Maybe he would have been acquitted. Maybe there are a few literal vegetables on the jury who—"
"Yuuri," Viktor says, scolding tone to his voice. "It's not like you to say something like that."
Yuuri drags his hands down his face again, then finally meets Viktor's eyes. There is something horrible there, something afraid. He says, "Viktor, I might lose my job over this. Especially if they cite double jeopardy, throw out the case—which you know as well as I do is something your client has full right to do, considering the fact that we just put him and his family through an almost-complete trial, only to mistrial at the eleventh hour because of—because someone sent a picture of us having dinner together seven months ago to some skeezy tabloid!" He utters a shaky sound, some slow and wounded noise exiting his throat. He folds his hands in front of his face. They turn into fists after a moment. "Why—why, Viktor? Do you want me to get disbarred?"
"Of course not," Viktor snaps, unfolding his legs to lean forward. "You're one of the best lawyers I know. You're passionate. You care. I would never do something like that to you, or anyone." At only twenty-seven, Yuuri Katsuki is one of the youngest lawyers in Michigan history to make Assistant DA. Viktor first became acquainted with him four years ago, when Yuuri was a beautiful face looming behind large piles of paperwork and DA Cialdini's back. He remembers thinking Yuuri standoffish at that point, although he now knows his silences to be born of anxiety, not distrust. He's a kind man, even if he lets things get to him a little more than is ideal for a prosecutor. Viktor was as surprised as anybody when Yuuri was promoted earlier this year, although he knows he shouldn't be. Yuuri is horribly dedicated, almost to a fault. Viktor sometimes walks by the courthouse late at night and sees a single light still on, and has a feeling it's Yuuri up there.
Viktor softly adds, "But especially to you," and Yuuri's wide, deep eyes bore into his for almost a solid minute.
He takes in a shaky breath to say, "They're going to accuse me of prosecutorial misconduct. And what do I say to that? It was just dinner? I mean, yes, that's the truth, but who's going to believe that? I have no way of defending myself now."
"But you weren't even an ADA at the time," Viktor says. "Tell them that."
"They already know that, Viktor!" Yuuri practically screams. "Me telling me that isn't going to change anything! I've embarrassed them! Even if I don't lose my job, even if I don't get disbarred—they'll never put me on a case like this again! I'll be doing armed robberies and grand theft auto until the day I die—"
"Alone and sad and without anyone ever thinking I actually made a difference—"
Viktor stands up and tilts Yuuri's face towards his own, shaking his head. "Yuuri, you have to calm down."
"I don't want to calm down!" Yuuri snaps up from his chair, glowering up at Viktor from four inches down, face red with upset. "I want you to tell me why you're risking both of our careers for a rumor, something that doesn't even deserve to be given merit!"
Viktor feels his toes go suddenly and completely numb as he realizes that Yuuri expects an actual answer from him. He wobbles his tongue around inside his head, trying to gather enough saliva to speak from his suddenly arid mouth. He stutters, "What—suppose that it did—"
Before he can even form a full thought, Yuuri yelps, "Fuck it!" and clamps his hands around Viktor's head, draws his mouth down to meet his own in a ferocious clack of lips and teeth that sends then reeling back onto the sofa. Viktor twists to land first, Yuuri clamoring into his lap afterwards. He groans against Yuuri's mouth and buries a hand in thick hair, tilting both their heads at a deeper angle to get as much of his mouth against Yuuri's as possible. Yuuri has a fist in his tie now, pulling him in, and Viktor never wants him to let go.
When Yuuri breaks away, he gasps, "If this is going to end my career, then it'll at least be true." He dives back in, going for Viktor's neck this time. Viktor, who hasn't had sex in almost a year and currently has the object of his affections for at least the last two in his lap sucking at his neck, is powerless to do anything but make a sound that closely resembles a squeal. Makkachin makes an anxious sound at his knee—Viktor only then remembers his dog's presence. He manages to coordinate himself for long enough to snap his fingers and cry, "Makka! Go lay down!"
Makkachin, thankfully, is well-trained enough that he obeys. Viktor leans back, more content to die here in this spot than he is to tell Yuuri to stop, until he realizes that all the blinds in his office are open.
He nudges at Yuuri's belly to move him away. "The blinds—Yuuri, the blinds are open. I work in a glass fucking box, anyone could see—"
"You're the only person in the office; I walked through the entire floor when I came in." Yuuri's voice attains a low growling quality, it would seem, during moments such as these; Viktor wants to feel it between his legs.
"Still…" Viktor apologetically pulls away to rush around the perimeter of the office to slide all of his blinds closed. This has the added effect of plunging the room into a darkness than is only interrupted by Viktor's desk lap across the room. Yuuri stays on the sofa and throws off his jacket. When he returns to Yuuri, he knees between Yuuri's spread thighs and kisses his cheek, his chin, his neck, his chest. He groans, "Do you know how long I've wanted to do this?" and sinks his thumbs into the soft flesh along high on Yuuri's thighs.
"Maybe about a year less than I've wanted you to do it," Yuuri says, almost whispering he's so overcome. He undoes the buttons on his shirt from bottom to top. Viktor leans forward and brings down the zipper on Yuuri's slacks with his teeth. He smells masculine arousal there; Yuuri gasps.
"You want to do this?" Viktor murmurs against his navel, dragging his lips back and forth. "If we do this, we can't—we can't say we didn't, anymore. It'd be—"
"Perjury, I know." Yuuri throws a leg over Viktor's shoulder and throws himself back against the couch. "I think it's already perjury, Viktor. Even if you—even if you don't put your mouth where you're trying to put it, I don't think I'd ever be able to look someone in the eyes and say what was between us was—was just friendly."
Viktor doesn't want to be just friendly with Yuuri Katsuki. Viktor wants to have Yuuri Katsuki inside of him in every way possible and then bury himself somewhere next to Yuuri's heart and be the thing that keeps that beautiful heart beating. Viktor wants to take the sizeable fortune he inherited from his parents, not to mention his own wealth, and go somewhere sunny with Yuuri where they can while away what's left of their twenties swinging on hammocks and drinking margaritas. Viktor wants to give Yuuri Katsuki the blow job of his life and then take him home to the house that his first high-profile acquittal bought, screw him ferociously until at least three o'clock in the morning and then, maybe about a year from now, get down on one knee in front of the Spirit of Detroit and ask Yuuri Katsuki to marry him.
What Viktor does instead of airing these thoughts is go down on Yuuri Katsuki, taking him into his mouth as though his very continued existence depends upon getting his lips over a cock. Part of him thinks it does.
Yuuri comes down his throat with a wail and a hand fisted so tight into Viktor's hair that it feels like he's one flex of Yuuri's finger away from being bald. Yuuri pulls him up and Viktor rides his thigh until his own orgasm, throbbing against Yuuri's soft belly, toes curled in his shoes, fingers arched into the upholstery of the couch.
It's as Viktor is pressing kiss after open-mouthed kiss to Yuuri's neck, touching him and caressing him like someone who's afraid of being forgotten, that Yuuri presses his lips to the hair above Viktor's ear and half-laughs, half-whimpers, "I'm gonna lose my goddamn job."
"You're lost on the DA's office," Viktor whispers sloppily against his chest. It's something he's been thinking for at least six months, certainly the last two, and something that is no less true for all it comes from the mouth of a man whose throat still feels the throb of another man's arousal on his tongue. He takes Yuuri's earlobe between his teeth to inform him that this is not the end of the night; this is just a breather, a plateau, and while his mouth is there murmurs, "Come work for us. Yakov will find you a desk."
"Okay," Yuuri chuckles, as though it's that simple. It's not, but he says it anyway. "Okay."
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kuroko-on-ice · 7 years
Hello! It's nice to see a new blog and I hope you'll do well and be happy in general! Could you do a scenario or hdc where Viktor gets back to Russia (with Yuuri ofcourse^^) he meets a friend who's been gone for few years. As in they were very close but at some point a rumor made her leave. Sorry if it's too detailed!
Thanks a lot! :3
Don’t worry, your request was perfectly fine. I hope the scenario is to your liking :)
Pairing: [Platonic] Viktor x Reader
Words: ~ 1630
                                                                                                          ~ Chiyo
“How come we haven’t met any of your acquaintances so far?” Yuuri asked, sitting down on a free chair in the café. They had arrived in Russia a couple of days ago. However, Viktor didn’t go to meet up with old friends like Yuuri expected him to do but instead spent time guiding him around Saint Petersburg.
“Not many people were able to endure my selfish behaviour and being neglected because I was entirely focusing on figure skating.”
“Come on, Viktor. Are you telling me in a roundabout way that you have no friends at all?” It was difficult to imagine Viktor as a lonely guy even though he attracted all kind of people.
“Turning a blind eye on the people you know, there actually was one girl I spent quite a lot time with. Because our parents used to be really close, we almost grew up like siblings.”
Yuuri listened closely, not daring to interrupt him. It was quite rare to hear Viktor talking about his early childhood days without him pestering him to do so. Though, his answers were brusquely as usual on this topic.
“Well, she was one of those few people who still treated me like a human being and kept me on the ground. In fact, she really enjoyed to make fun of me. But someday she suddenly disappeared and I’d give almost anything in the world to meet her one more time.”
The very second he voiced his wish he could feel somebody tugging his hair. Makkachin started to bark excitedly.
“Getting old, aren’t we?” A girl asked, twirling one strand of his hair between her fingers. “I’ve always been wondering when I was watching your interviews, but waved it of as one of the cameras’ faults not being able to catch your handsomeness. However, seeing you in reality I am afraid to admit that I have been mistaken. Are you going to try to do something against your hair loss?” she asked in a jokingly manner.
“_______?!” Viktor exclaimed, causing the whole café to turn their attention towards them. “Where have you been all this time?”
She frowned, not having expected such a surprised reaction. “By any chance, didn’t you read the letter I left on your desk?”
“Which letter?”
No wonder her gut told her that day she should have decided on another way to inform him about her plans. She sighed. “Apparently, you didn’t.”
Viktor gave some thought to it, putting his index finger on his lips. To which letter she was referring to?
“Forget it. Considering your forgetfulness you probably don’t even remember the date I left.”
“I do!” he objected. How he suddenly couldn’t get in touch with her, how her parents refused to give him a clue about her whereabouts – he still remembers every single moment. It has been painful to find out that he has been left behind without any kind of information, without knowing the reason. Sleepless nights were the consequence, wondering what he did wrong to make her leave. Even his training had been affected, as he had made more careless mistakes during that time than someone would have expected him to do. However, in order to calm himself down he decided at some point that she must have had a good reason and that she would return to him when the right time was right. “I really do …”
Not knowing what to say in this situation, she kept quiet, her fingers endlessly stroking through his hair. She had heard the pain in his voice, causing her heart to ache. Viktor has never been one to lose his coolness; he had always had a good handle on his temper since their childhood. But in her case, he wouldn’t need to utter even one syllable because she understood him even without words, solely reading his facial expressions or gestures to get a grip on how he feels. If she had known that her sudden disappearance would affect him so much, she would have definitely contacted him in another way.
Yuuri curiously watched the scenario. The two of them were talking way to fast in their mother language – Yuuri was only able to make out a few bits and pieces of their conversation. Yet, he was quite sure that the two of them were making up with each other in a way, nobody else would ever be able to. Though, if he hadn’t known better, he would have mistaken them as a couple …
“So, why did you leave?” Viktor questioned while poking her arms every few seconds to make sure she was the real thing after all. Albeit, seeing Makkachin happily resting her head on her lap, his worries evaporated quickly.
“You probably still remember that my kidneys don’t work properly anymore, don’t you?” She shrugged when she saw a glint of concern in his eyes. “Don’t worry, Viktor. I’m going to the hospital and getting an erythropoietin treatment for my renal anaemia on a regular basis. However, this treatment was actually the cause for my leave.”
Viktor frowned, missing the link between those two points.
“You see,” she explained, “what kind of effects does erythropoietin have?”
“Erythropoietin stimulates the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells. The resulting rise in red cells increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood,” he repeated what he often had heard in the hospital.
“Exactly, and because of that it’s often abused as a doping substance in sport.” Viktor’s face brightened, apparently he understood. “Because you often accompanied me to the hospital, you were actually quite a well-known face. My doctor and his colleagues trusted you enough to get a bottle of erythropoietin for me when the nurses were busy. One day, some people saw you carrying around a bottle and promptly assumed you would take it, given your impressive career.”
“I see your point there,” he conceded. “But why did you need that kind of drastic measure?”
“I wanted the rumours to die down as quickly as possible in order not to endanger your future. However, they were more persistent than I’ve thought. I never imagined it to be so exhausting to be friends with a celebrity.” She sighed. “Hey, don’t judge me. Afterwards, I realized that my method of handling things was quite stupid and I could have slapped myself because it would have existed so many easier ways.”
“It still doesn’t explain why I couldn’t get in touch with you any more,” Viktor kept pondering.
“My phone was stolen a few days after I arrived at my new place and due to that I lost all my contacts. I didn’t want to call my parents for help because it would have been the same as admitting defeat.”
She felt a look of disappointed being directed towards her which drew a smirk on her lips.
“Viktor, you might be my best friend but don’t expect me to memorize your phone number. Moreover, I saw you were doing fine during your interviews, so I was content. Though, I couldn’t help but think you were behaving … not like you. Nevertheless, I cannot believe that a couple of years without me were enough to make you completely lose the ability to interact with other people.” She pulled her phone out of her pocket and after typing her password, she laid it down in front of Viktor. “We have to work on your interactions with people. Please save your number in my contacts,” she stole a glance towards his companion, “and while you are at it, please save this cutie’s number as well.”
Raising an eyebrow at her words, he eyed her for a couple of seconds before breaking into a smile. “He is truly adorable, isn’t he?” he commented before keeping himself busy with her phone again. It would be no surprise for her, if she would find thousands of pictures of him and his friends on her phone later.
  Not wanting to bother with Viktor any more, she turned to his friend and introduced herself in English: “Hello, how are you doing? My name is ______  ______. I’ve known Viktor since forever.”
“Hello, _______. My name is Yuuri,” he shyly responded in Russian, his voice almost inaudible due to his insecurity to speak in a foreign language – as well as the fact that Russia was known for not being really fond of homosexual relationships. It would be quite a blow, if ______, as one of Viktor’s best friends, were going to reject him. “I’m Viktor’s f … fi … fi … ancé.”
He lost himself in his nervousness, only leaving a stuttering mess behind; though, he did not fail to make her smile.
“Adorable indeed,” she giggled and moved her chair closer to him. She rested her elbows on the table, putting her face into the palms of her hand.  “If you ever get bored with Viktor, don’t hesitate to ca-”
  A loud yelp escaped her lips when she suddenly felt her head painfully throbbing. Quickly she turned around to find the culprit of her pain – Who would it dare to flick their finger against her head like that?! – only to meet a familiar pair of eyes.  Nervously, she bit her lips and desperately tried to avoid eye contact.
“You’re going around flirting again?” The girl standing at the table asked, one eyebrow critically raised. She let out a dry laugh before she spun around her heel, aiming for another table in the café. “The last time I checked, we were in a relationship. Correct me, if I am wrong.”
“I am sorry! Don’t misunderstand!” She yanked her phone out of Viktor’s hands, causing him to mutter words of protest. Hurriedly, she followed her friend, only turning around one more time to say: “Let’s keep in touch, guys!”
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fortunesrevolver · 7 years
I’ve been having a thought lately. I know I’ve seen a few posts claiming Guang-HongPhichit is canon now because of something in Guang-Hong’s profile and the third DVD cover, and it honestly sort of… baffles me?
Like, let me be clear: I am not bashing the pair, nor is this a hate post, but what bothers me is the fact that we… never see this. At all.
It’s cool that they’re on a DVD cover together, don’t get me wrong. But Yuuri is ALSO on the cover with them, and on Volume 2, it was Yuuri and Yurio, but I don’t think that makes them canon. (To be fair: Guang-Hong and Phichit also had one piece of official art together that appeared to be Phichit teaching Guang-Hong to do something.)
Now, I have to be fair and address the fact that the website says “Guang-Hong longs for his friend Phichit a little” but again… that’s where I’m confused.
Yuri on Ice was pretty great about showing and developing its relationships in the show. Like, even Yurio and Otabek who came in much later, I completely believed their friendship in the way it was shown and the small amount of history we were given.
(thrown under read more because I had a lot of thoughts, apparently.
Mostly me also having a lot of thoughts on LeoJi too but??? I tried to stick to facts.)
But we… don’t get that with Guang-Hong and Phichit. I mean, they had multiple opportunities to address it, but the most we REALLY see (in show canon) is a selfie they took together.
Almost all of Guang-Hong’s development is shown with and around Leo (and I will admit I *do* prefer LeoJi, but that’s not the point of this post.)
We’re told and shown multiple times that everything the skaters show on the ice is some form of love, and all the stories we’re shown are incredibly significant to the skaters. With Yuuri we namely see his developing relationship with Viktor. With Yurio we see his innocent and warm love for his grandfather. With Phichit, we get to know why the music is using is so important to him as a person and being from Thailand -- and on top of that we get to see a little bit about his dreams to have an ice show. Even though Georgi’s was… a little concerning, we see his heartbreak over his former girlfriend and even JJ we get to see a lot of his inner personality. (We also see a fair amount of Chris’ feelings on a few things, but I digress.)
With Guang-Hong, we see Leo, and a lot of it. His entire story was a pretty dark fight and he even claims that he won’t simply “die in a ditch” somewhere, but contrary to his words, he willingly throws himself in front of a barrage of bullets to save Leo’s life. And it’s Leo he imagines as an alley and someone trustworthy and worthy of dying for. (I could go into some more cinematic analysis about how Leo, wearing white and no cloaking black jacket or coat, was also the brightest image in Guang-Hong’s little story, but that is a small aside.)
We see Phichit and Guang-Hong stand together, sure, but for the most part, we see him standing with a starstruck look over Leo’s routine, and Leo’s is the only one he verbally comments on. Phichit has no issue talking the entire time, but there’s only really two moments when Guang-Hong actually talks -- that being Leo and then sort of an “ulgh” response to “the ice is wet” (which, you know, is understandable.)
We also see that Leo either knows enough of some form of Chinese (assumed Mandarin, but) to navigate Beijing without help, or he’s been there enough to know exactly where to go to find Guang-Hong at a foodstand (and in turn, it’s Phichit who seems to know that if he contacts Leo, he’ll likely get Guang-Hong.) I could also point out that while Leo said it was Phichit who invited them, Guang-Hong doesn’t actually seem interested in going (claiming he does not like Hot Pot, when he’s already eating so it’s assumed he wouldn’t eat anyway) until Leo mentions Viktor -- but, well, it’s Viktor, and we’ve established he is the God of Ice, so.
That aside. There were so many points where Guang-Hong’s crush(?), one-sided or not, could have been hinted at, but it’s just… not.
We also know that Guang-Hong trains during the summers in North America (and wants to become a Hollywood star) which, again, puts him closer to Leo (who I remember reading somewhere lives on the West Coast, which would most likely put him somewhere in California, but I can’t remember how canonical the West Coast bit is.)
It’s also noted that it was Phichit who got Guang-Hong and Leo into social media, but aside from that brief, scrolling selfie in one of the episodes, we never see Guang-Hong using that medium to contact Phichit. Just Leo -- and that was after he claimed he was going to quit all forms. (Though I suppose it’s debatable how much videochats and such count toward Social Media, but I digress… again.)
Even later on when it’s a quick little appearance during the GPF, it’s Guang-Hong and Leo who are on a stream together (despite Leo being at the rink, naughty naughty.) It’s been shown that skaters have their phones with them before and after performances, so it doesn’t seem unrealistic that Guang-Hong could have even sent Phichit a good luck message of some form. But. I digress again.
It just strikes me as very bizarre that a show that did so well at development would drop the ball on one, yet put a sentence like that on their website. I mean, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen a website make an error like that and not notice for a long time (meaning if it was supposed to be Leo, and I’m not saying it was 100%.) But yeah.
Now, Season 2 could be a total game-changer for all of this, but looking at all they’ve offered us it’s just seems… off. We don’t even really see Guang-Hong react to Phichit skating (just Yuuri and Seung-gil, most notably, but…???) At this point it just seems more like a website error to me.
I dunno, if it were Phichit in Leo’s place for most of those scenes, I’d be more likely to believe it.
But hey, again, this is just speculation. I’ll wait until Season 2 to see what happens.
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eloarei · 7 years
Because I like shipping and statistics, I guess.
(Sort of prompted by this post. ...Or maybe it was this post.) So, here's me, looking at all my ships and deciding if they (and their canon relationship) count as the “emotional heart of the story”, OR if I were to reach in and rip them (primarily their relationship) out, would the story be torn apart? YES = they are necessary to the story! NO = the story would get on fine without their relationship UNCLEAR = their relationship has an uncertain importance to the plot Before you read the whole long list (and keep in mind, these are just my ships, and not even all of them, and just my opinions), have some statistics. TOTAL SHIPS = about 87 YES ships = 56 (m/m = 28, f/m = 28) NO ships = 15 (m/m = 9, f/m = 6) UNCLEAR ships = 16 (m/m = 8, f/m = 7, f/f = 1) and because the original intent of this post (as mentioned here) was to see if m/m ships tend to be the “emotional heart of the story” (aka do I mostly ship m/m and is that why?) : M/M ships = 45 (YES = 28, NO = 9, UNCLEAR = 8) F/M ships = 41 (YES = 28, NO = 6, UNCLEAR = 7) F/F ships = 1 ^^; (UNCLEAR = 1) And have one more set of stats, dealing with if these ships are canon or not. (“Mostly Canon” are ships whose canon status is debatable, like it was never explicitly stated, or it's an option, like in some games.) CANON = 27 (m/m = 5, f/m = 21, f/f = 1) Mostly CANON = 12 (m/m = 2, f/m = 10) Not Canon = 48 (m/m = 38, f/m = 10) So, I could probably stand to analyze these stats a little more, but the overall takeaways I'm getting are these: – My ships are fairly evenly SPLIT between m/m and f/m. – MOST of my ships are relevant to the overarching story of the series. --Most of my ships are NOT CANON, but not by a huge margin. --The “heart of the story” is SPLIT between m/m and f/m ships in my favorite series. Feel free to scroll through my 87 ships, if you want to see how I labeled them (“heart of the story”, versus not). Includes some reasoning, in most cases. Ships (or their series, in a few cases) listed under the cut: Killugon, Leopika, Oumugi, Cobymeppo, UsoNa, ZoLu, Hanna/Zombie, McHanzo, Reaper76, Roadrat, Promptis, Gladnis, DekuMight, Mammet, Genosai, Victuri, Destiel, Shakarian, Jaal/Ryder, Newmann, R/Julie, Kataang, Zukaang, Korrasami, Wuko, Gigolas, ZADR, Wolfstar, Fawkes/LW, Gob/LW, Nick/SS, Trying Human, Otasune, Bosselot, Torikoma, Noragami, Oremo, Gamako, JeanMarco, CLAMP, Taibani, Tiger/Bunny, Okabe/Kurisu, 93, 58, Otani/Koizumi, Doctor/Rose, Johnlock, Sterek, Hannigram, Rumbelle, Hopurai, Sorriku, Akuroku, Leo/Ezio, Haytham/Ziio, JakDax, Nate/Elena, Lutecest, GoldenHeart, Mitjo, Blackice, Felix/Calhoun, Om/Shanti, Grocket, Max/Furiosa, Capable/Nux, Seregil/Alec, Thom/Goran, Diana Wynne Jones, Robin McKinley, Jesse/Suze, Mabelmando, Muck, Vito/Wilhelm, Lewis/Vivi, Fry/Leela, Goliath/Elisa. Good lord I can't believe I typed those all out. Well, anyway. Now you don't have to bother clicking through just to satisfy your curiosity, if none of those piques your interest.
Hunter x Hunter: --Gon/ Killua : YES, Gon and Killua's relationship IS the heart of the story. Without their intense friendship, many of the plot points in the story would never have happened. While Gon may still have found his father, the whole story would be extremely different, perhaps to the point of unrecognizability. –Leorio/Kurapika : NO. Unfortunately, as much as I love them, their relationship is not strictly integral to the story. --Meruem/Komugi : (mostly canon) YES. While it's not the entire story, their relationship IS vital to the fate of both characters and that particular arc. One Piece: --Coby/Helmeppo : UNCLEAR. While Coby and Helmeppo are not main characters, Coby was a catalyst in the early part of the series, and will probably be important again towards the end. Also, while Coby could have gotten where he is without Helmeppo, Helmeppo would likely not be who he is now without Coby, making Coby integral to Helmeppo's story. --Usopp/Nami : NO. I love them a lot, and they're both important to the story in different ways, but their relationship is not strictly necessary. --Zoro/Luffy : UNCLEAR. Obviously, Luffy is the main character, and Zoro is also super important. The story probably could have gotten where it was going without Zoro's involvement, but there have definitely been several key points which would have been different without him. (Early one, especially, and the end of Thriller Bark.) This one might require more thought. Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name: Hanna/{Zombie} : YES. While the story may still have happened without {…} (Conrad still showing up that night), the entire story would have had a different tone, as {…} is the narrator, and certain key events would have played out differently. Overwatch: McCree/Hanzo : NO. Admittedly, they don't have a lot to do with each other in canon, no matter how much I like them. Soldier 76/Reaper : YES. Their story was vital to the formation of Overwatch as we know it. Roadhot/Junkrat : NO. Not exactly vital to the overall story, although they do seem fairly important to each other. Final Fantasy XV:   Noctis/Prompto and Gladio/Ignis : NO. I mean, I love the ships, but technically neither of these ships are really super important to the overall story. I would be willing to listen to arguments for this one though, since obviously the relationship between the four of them actually is super important. Boku no Hero Academia: Izuku/All Might : YES. Nothing would have happened in this series if it weren't for the relationship between these two. Not only would Izuku be lacking the power to succeed, he'd have been lacking the training and also possibly the inspiration. Likewise, All Might would likely have stagnated, instead of grown as a character. Back to the Future: Marty/Doc : YES. There would be literally no point to the entire series without either character or their relationship exactly as it is. One Punch Man: Saitama/Genos : YES. Although it may be debatable, I believe that Genos' involvement with Saitama is critical to the story. Is it, at very least, critical to Genos' growth. Yuri on Ice!!: Viktor/Yuuri : (canon) YES. Canon-gay main characters; kind of the point of the story. Supernatural: Dean/Castiel : YES. Though Dean and Sam's relationship is probably still more important, I would definitely argue that most of the plot from season 4 on could not have happened without Castiel's involvement with Dean. Mass Effect: Shepard/Garrus : (mostly canon) UNCLEAR. Garrus was fairly important to the story, especially early on, but even if he had never come around at all, the story would have been about the same. However, since you get to determine the story to some degree, you could say their relationship is about as important as you make it. Ryder/Jaal : (mostly canon) UNCLEAR. About the same as above. Their relationship was important, but not significantly moreso than other characters'. Pacific Rim: Newton/Hermann : YES. Without them working together, the plot would not have been resolved. (One could even argue their arguing was critical to the story.) Warm Bodies: R/Julie : (canon) YES. Like most of my other book ships, these two were written with each other in mind. Avatar/Legend of Korra: Katara/Aang : (canon) YES. Though the story could have got along without their romantic involvement, their general relationship was absolutely vital to the plot. Zuko/Aang : YES. Their relationship provided most of the conflict from the early half, and much of the character development from the later half. Korra/Asami : (canon) UNCLEAR. If they had been only acquaintances, the plot would likely have carried on mostly the same, however the ending would have been different, of course. Mako/ Wu : NO. Their relationship made a couple of plot points in the last season, but the story would have got by okay without it. The Lord of the Rings: Gimli/Legolas : NO, although I'd be willing to hear arguments to this one. I don't recall that their relationship was particularly necessary to the plot's resolution. Invader Zim: Zim/Dib : YES. Literally the entirety of the story would be pointless without their relationship. Harry Potter: Sirius/Remus : YES. Primarily in the 3rd book/movie, but the story would have gone drastically differently if not for their past friendship. It would likely have had a huge butterfly effect. Fallout 3: Fawkes/Lone Wanderer : YES. Fawkes was key in helping get the GECK, and also having LW, y'know, not die in the DLC. If Fawkes didn't massively respect the LW, the LW would just be shit out of luck. And also dead. Gob/Lone Wanderer : NO. Poor Gob's just stuck slaving away as a bartender. Hell I don't think you even have to talk to him once to advance the story. =[ Fallout 4: Nick Valentine/Sole Survivor : YES. Nick is instrumental in helping SS find their son, and if it weren't for his respect for them, SS would have a very difficult time with several legs of the journey. And don't get me started on how their backstories are a mirror of each other! Trying Human: Rose/Hue, Longus/Don, Philena/EBE1, Quazky/Gracelis, FJ12/Pigment : (canon) YES. The charm of a good webcomic, eh? =D Metal Gear Solid: Snake/Otacon : YES. Moderately important in MGS1, Otacon and Snake's relationship becomes crucial in 2 and 4. Also, “Can love bloom on the battlefield?” Yes, Otacon. Yes it can. (I'd write a manifesto about these two if I had the energy.) Big Boss/Ocelot : YES. Quite a lot of the entire series would never have happened if it weren't for Ocelot's hero-worship crush on Big Boss. It's pretty important. Toriko: Toriko/Komatsu : YES. To be fair, I haven't read/watch this series in years, but the earlier parts of the series put a lot of focus on the budding partnership between these two characters. Ugh, talk to me about the part where they climb a giant beanstalk in order to eat a heart-shaped vegetable in tandem to commemorate their partnership. Geez. It's a little hard to say if their relationship was vital to the actual plot, because I'm still not sure what the plot was, but it was definitely vital to the story. Noragami: Yato/Hiyori : (mostly canon) YES. As the main characters, the story revolves mostly around them, and if they didn't care for each other, there would be no reason for half of the events to happen. Kazuma/Bishamon : (mostly canon) UNCLEAR. At least one key backstory event only occurred because of their relationship, but the story might have happened similarly without it. Kofuku/Daikoku : (mostly canon) NO. I love them, but the story could probably exist okay without them. Ore Monogatari: Takeo/Yamato : (canon) YES, but obviously, as it's a romantic comedy. The story is literally all about them. Kill la Kill: Gamagoori/Mako : NO. Although they featured together in a few important scenes, the story could have progressed without them ever being in the same frame. Attack on Titan: Jean/Marco : NO. The entire story would have probably been just fine without them, although Jean might be a different person without Marco's influence. CLAMP: (mostly canon) YES. I'm just gonna go ahead and say that all of my ships from CLAMP series are vital to both the story and the characters' growth. This might be an exaggeration, but only slightly. Tiger&Bunny: Kotetsu/Barnaby: YES. Because, obviously, what's Tiger&Bunny without Tiger and Bunny? The story would have gone nowhere without either of them, and the focus on their growing relationship was super important. Steins;Gate: Okabe/Kurisu : (mostly canon) YES. The plot forces the relationship between Okabe and Kurisu in an interesting way, so it is sort of super relevant. Saiyuki: Sanzo/Goku : YES. Gojyo/Hakkai : UNCLEAR. To be honest, I just haven't watched the series in a while, so I'm a little cloudy on the finer points of this ship. I'd say they're important, and from what I remember they are important to each other's story, but I don't recall how vital their relationship is to the overall plot. Lovely Complex: Otani/Koizumi : (canon) YES, because it's a romantic comedy and these are the two main characters. Doctor Who: Doctor/Rose : (canon) YES. In love with two different Doctors, and (as far as I know) the only one to end up with one permanently! Their relationship was so damn important that it came back even after Rose retired as a companion! Sherlock: Sherlock/John : YES. The series wouldn't even remotely exist without their relationship. Teen Wolf: Stiles/Derek : NO. The necessity of either character to the overall plot is debatable; they certainly didn't have to interact in order for the series to continue, even if those were some of the best scenes. Hannibal: Hannibal/Will : YES. Though I never caught up with the series, it was clear even from the very start of season 1 that the relationship between these two was the drive of the whole story. Once Upon a Time: Rumpelstiltskin/Belle : (canon) UNCLEAR. Though they're both important to each other and other characters at multiple points in the story, their relationship is probably not all that important to the other characters. (To be fair, this is based mostly off of seasons 1 and 2.) Final Fantasy XIII: Hope/Lightning : NO? It's been a while since I played the game, and while I love Hope, I seem to recall that he wasn't terribly important? (Was anybody important in that game? What even was the plot??) Kingdom Hearts: Sora/Riku : YES. I mean, Sora did spend pretty much forever searching for Riku, and Riku did spend basically the whole time being a pain. Axel/Roxas : UNCLEAR. Roxas' existence and story probably could have happened without Axel. But to be honest, it's Kingdom Hearts; I could never remember all the fine details. Assassin's Creed: Leonardo/Ezio : UNCLEAR. I mean, Ezio would have died or failed several times without Leo's inventions, but Leo himself wasn't strictly necessary. Haytham/Ziio : (canon) YES. Well, Conner wouldn't exists without them, so. Jak and Daxter: Jak/Daxter: YES. There would have been literally no point to the series if it weren't for their relationship. Uncharted: Nate/Elena : (canon) UNCLEAR. A rare female love interest, Elena was there from the very beginning and throughout the whole series, kicking ass and helping the plot along. Could the series have gone on without her and Nate's intricate relationship? Probably. But who would have wanted that? Bioshock Infinite: Robert/Rosalind : (mostly canon) YES. Only because of their fantastic weird obsession with science and themselves was the cross-dimensional travel that made the plot happen even possible. Nimona: Blackheart/Goldenloin : (mostly canon) YES. Their relationship is central to the backstory, and the later parts of the story. Long Exposure: Mitchel/Jonas : (canon) YES. Again, because it is a webcomic, and they're specifically written with each other in mind. Rise of the Guardians: Jack/Pitch : UNCLEAR. While both are critical to the story, it probably could have gone on fine without their interactions. However, Jack's personal arc wouldn't have had the same emotion without Pitch's involvement. Wreck-it Ralph: Felix/Calhoun : (canon) UNCLEAR. Their relationship was a key point in the story, but the overall plot could have probably happened without it. Om Shanti Om: Om/Shanti // Om/Sandy : (mostly canon) YES. Without Om's love for Shanti, the entire second half of the plot wouldn't have worked out. Sandy's love for Om was also critical. Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket/Groot : YES. I think it's safe to say that the whole crew would have died if it weren't for Groot, and it's unlikely that he would have been there in such a capacity without his partnership with Rocket. Mad Max: Fury Road: Max/Furiosa : (canon) YES. Story couldn't go anywhere without them, and their relationship was important at certain points. Capable/Nux : (canon) YES. Though their relationship was not vital to the overall story, it played a huge part in the resolution. Nightrunner: Seregil/Alec : (canon) YES. Canon-gay main characters, obviously the story goes nowhere without them. HERO: Thom/Goran : (canon) UNCLEAR. Though the relationship between the characters is a key element in the story, it probably could have happened pretty similarly even if the two did not develop a romantic involvement. (Would've been a different story; still, Thom's other relationships are roughly as important.) Diana Wynne Jones' books: Howl/Sophie, Vierran/Mordian, Tom/Penny, etc : (canon) YES. All main characters, written with the intention of being involved with each other, they are vital to their stories. Robin McKinley's books: Narl/Rosie, Cecily/Little John, Beauty/Beast, etc : (canon) YES (mostly). Main characters written to revolve around each other, with the exception of Cecily and Little John, whose relationship was probably not strictly necessary for the overall story. The Mediator: Jesse/Suze: (canon) YES. Same deal with my other canon book ships: they were literally made for each other. Gravity Falls: Mabel/Mermando : (mostly canon) NO. Their relationship was only relevant for an episode, and had it not existed, most of the story would have been the same. Motorcity: Mike/Chuck : UNCLEAR. It probably ought to be a “no”, but the series didn't get that far, so I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. XD; The Reward: Vito/Wilhelm: (??? canon?) YES. I mean, the story was 100% about their bromance. Mystery Skulls Animated: Lewis/Vivi : (canon) YES. Poor ghost man just misses his nerdy girlfriend. Futurama: Fry/Leela : (canon) UNCLEAR, since Futurama didn't really have an overarching plot for their relationship to be relevant to. But GOD did you see the last episode? I mean, they were definitely a central plot point of the story, even if they weren't strictly 'necessary' to it. Gargoyles: Goliath/Elisa : (canon) YES, hella yes. Their relationship (both platonic and romantic) was greatly important to the overall story, many times. Though the gargoyle characters could have existed without Elisa, the story would have lacked most of its emotional component. (And that’s just about that! I left off a bunch of old ships, because there’s just no way I have the time and energy to list stuff I haven’t been into in years. Also I probably forgot some, but oops?) 
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todokori-kun · 7 years
(sorry for disappearing, I had to go to bed ^^;;)
It says the video’s unavailable in my country ;-; gah. I’ll go search it up on youtube later and see if there’s a different video
You might not believe this, but I don’t cry while watching anything. I FEEL the pain on the inside and it hurts a lot but I just can’t cry XD like, the closest I got was when I watched the last movie of the Hobbit trilogy and that was only because the Hobbit/LOTR series has been a part of my life since I was tiny and my mom got me to read the books. And even then I didn’t actually cry; my eyes started stinging a bit but no real tears. I also got close while watching Inside Out, which was a little annoying because I didn’t even like the movie that much- I just related to the ending scenes (the family feels) and suddenly got all emotional because of that.
This is gonna make me sound like a heartless monster but I didn’t even cry during the last episodes of Your Lie in April…
(I’m a crybaby in real life, though LOL seriously anything can make the tears start falling to the point where it’s actually kinda frustrating)
Hisoka’s the trash LORD. Almost equal with Furuta, really.
It’s weird, though: a lot of people call him a pedo for his reactions to Gon but I don’t think that’s what it is…it’s not an attraction to Gon himself as much as it is an attraction Gon’s abilities and what he’s capable of? (which is still pretty creepy tho lol)
Yes, you should be done with him. Throw him back in the trashcan where he belongs. (he does have a really good voice though)
TYSM ;-; I’ll send you some soon, then! <3
Oh, my sister’s too little to watch most anime, but I’ve let her and my cousin (who’s just…seven? Eight? I think?) watch a little bit of Attack on Junior High. They ship Annie/Bertolt and both of them are huge fans of Annie and Mikasa. Also Levi, sorta.
I also let my sister watch the first episode of YoI (I forgot about the naked Viktor scene until it was actually happening but decided that it’s probably ok since it’s nobody makes sexual comments on it and besides, stuff like Doraemon shows 100% nude characters anyway). She didn’t get everything that was going on other than the fact that Yuuri lost and had to go home but Viktor was going to teach him how to skate again, but she liked it a lot and she kept singing ‘History Maker’ non-stop for a LONG time. She’s learning cello right now and she also kept making me show her cello covers of History Maker on youtube.
I’ll (probably) try to take it slow :) and I’ll definitely let you know when I start playing/finish a route!
(seriously though wth that middle picture is adorable)
Idk how it ended up that savage. I swear I wasn’t trying to be mean *innocent smile*
TYSM, Luna. What would I do without you?
But wait, you had a hard time writing Evans/Kimblee headcanons? Here- 
Kimblee: Kimblee Yes ;)’
that is literally the only headcanon you need for this relationship.
I just think Nishiki/Luna would make such a cool, sassy couple. Like, all other people and ghouls are just peasants next to the two of you, step aside Touken- bow down to the real king and queen
Still gonna try tho because tbh Greed/Luna keeps turning into a bigger OTP :) (I’m seriously really happy you’ve enjoyed all my headcanons up ‘til now though <3)
I used to 'like’ (‘like’ as in 'you’re a fun character to analyze and make headcanons about but you’re also sorta terrible’) and still find him an interesting character, but not as much as I used to…probably becase I’ve been losing interest in Kuro itself lately? Like, I still like it and I’m not going to drop it, but this arc dragged so much that even the plot twist couldn’t completely save it for me ;-; and nobody can deny that Seb IS trash. So on second thought, I ship Seb/Luna as more of a frenemy/enemies thing LOL please destroy the trashcan demon Queen Luna
I actually really liked Pietro and I’m still not over the fact that he had to go and DIE
Hange-Luna friendship would honestly be amazing. You’d always be joined by Evans-Moblit though lol
(Ok ok ok but after realizing that some of Tatsuo’s earlier designs look a LOT like an even leaner, meaner version of Kimblee…what if Kimblee was Tatsuo and Naomi’s oldest sibling. Imagine that messed up family. Oldest child is a mad bomber who’s been in jail for years. Second child is an bloodthirsty sloth who just DOESN’T CARE, ok. Third child is screaming on the inside 24/7 because her brothers suck.
Tatsuo likes his big bro’s style but thinks the explosions are a bit extreme. Naomi hates both of them. Just, I’m having so much fun imagining the family reunion when Kimblee gets out of jail.
Also if Kimblee actually DID care about his younger siblings to some extent, let’s go back to that Hamilton AU. Shuu, if you thought Tatsuo’s reaction to the Kaneki Pamphlet was scary…)
Tysm for answering my random, sorta creepy question ;-; that’s a good way to deal with things :) I just asked hoping to maybe get some advice because I’ve been having trouble expressing/dealing with anger lately and it’s just kinda painful XD
OMG. I’ve always wanted to do aesthetic edits but I still don’t quite get how to do them (I don’t have photoshop and it seems you have to pay to download it so I have to figure out how to do it on Gimp (which I do have) or somewhere else…). These are AMAZING! The masquerade is lovely, really reminds me of some sort of fairytale, the Ballerina one is beautiful and has a 'classic’ feel to it, if that makes sense? (Also loving that Hamilton reference, it fits perfectly.)
Luna’s mood board is so pretty though. Love all those pastel colors and that 'seductively takes off glasses’ XD Also just from the pictures I guess you like sweet food?
And wow. If the Blue one was really inspired by me, it’s creepily accurate (though those sneakers are too nice for me, I’d probably ruin them lol). Especially that 'overthinking always’ pic. It's amazing, I could stare at it for ages, tysm <3
Um, for ideas/suggestions…aesthetic edit for Saiko/Urie, our shared OTP? Or one for Shuu/Kaneki? Maybe? If it’s not too much to ask? ^^
btw, do you have playlists you listen to nowadays? Like, I’ve gotten obsessed with a ton of songs lately so
No worries, I went to bed shortly after that as well ^^ I completely understand that there’s a big time difference between here and Korea ;)
Ah, that’s a shame :/ Hopefully you’ll find a version that plays, because it’s a really tranquil song ^^ 
We’re opposites XD I can’t remember the last time I cried because of something that happened irl, but anime gets to me very easily (however, none of my friends know that and I always feel a bit smug when we’re watching sad movies and they’re bawling their eyes out while I’m unfazed). Aw, that’s actually adorable! I’ve never read or watched LOTR, but I’ve both read and watched The Hobbit ^^  At this point I can’t even say I’m surprised at that… What’d I expect anyway XD (about Your Lie in April)
Speaking of trash, I recently read a book that landed on the top spot of ‘Trashiest books I’ve read in my life’ and I’ve read a lot of books, so that’s not an easy feat. The whole time I was reading it, I was more or less like ‘Is this girl (protagonist) for real?’ Basically, she’s the typical ‘perfect, beautiful’ girl and her character flaw is supposed to be that she’s cold, but since she’s so intelligent and pretty, everyone worships her like a fucking goddess. Of course, she’s also skilled in combat and intrigues everyone, including the hot love interest, his hot friend, their hot enemy and probably all of the other males in the world. Most irritating thing about it? The book ends with the sentence ‘Let’s go home’. Obviously, that sentence has a lot of emotional value to me (Hideeeeee), so seeing it used in a supposedly bitter-sweet scene in such a bad book really makes me irritated. Do not underestimate the number of people you’ll reduce to tears with that sentence!
It’s… it’s still creepy as fuck, even though it’s not directly pedo… Yep, I’ll just return him to the trash can. He belongs there. ((I haven’t even watched the anime XD))
Ah, by the way, completely random, but do I curse too much? I’ve noticed I started cursing a bit more lately ^^;; So if it makes you uncomfortable, just say so!
Aw, that’s so cute! Junior High is actually a pretty good anime, though a lot of people I know would disagree with me. My favorite part was probably the one where they summon Levi by throwing a plastic bottle into the paper bin. The only thing I wonder about: Just what were the writers smoking when writing the script? It’s nowhere near as random as Hetalia, but it’s still very random. Worryingly random. I can’t believe I actually spelled that word correctly on my first try. Wow. 
I ship Berthold with happiness. Actually, I ship that whole universe, especially some individuals (ARMIN) with happiness. I ship Annie with Armin more, though. The blond OTP is cute~
That’s adorable! You probably know all the lyrics by now :P Did she ever learn the cover or nah?
Well, no one’s gonna blame you if you do route after route ^^ That’s what I did anyway *looks away with guilt* How’s Rod so far?
This is the moment where I put even more Urie/Saiko pics but the internet here is so shitty that I’m pretty sure it’ll die before I manage to load a single one. Yay.
I know, I almost melted while searching for those pics T^T Urie/Saiko gives me life. Ishidaaaaa come ooooh
Yeah, suuure, I totally believe that. Evans never meant to roast the flame alchemist. Nooo
Ahahahah, yeah, probably XD Who knows, maybe you could stop him from blowing up a building or two. Maybe. 
I cry. What did I ever do to deserve a friend this sweet? The last time I saw something that almost gave me diabetes was when I was watching Sweetness and Lighting, and it still wasn’t as cute as you! 
Honestly, I’m not exactly in the Kuro fandom, but the manga is intriguing enough for me to keep reading. Also, the art style is really pretty! And some of the arcs are my all time favorites. Not to mention, the little shit that is Ciel has somehow become my adopted son XD The thing Bassy would hate the most about me: I’m allergic to cats. I get a rash and start sneezing when near them. It’s gotten better in the last few years, but I’m still weary near them. Not to mention, getting red and itchy all over as a kid hasn’t really made me develop much liking towards the furballs. 
Well, what about the X-Men timeline? He appears there as well, right? I mean, I haven’t watched those movies, but I hope he’s alive there. I hope. 
We’d be the duo everyone is scared of, because we probably blow the lab up on a daily basis. You and Moblit have to take away the explosives XD Levi would (seemingly) hate me even more than Hange, cause I’m full 5cm taller than her, which makes me 15cm taller than him. Wow. He’s tiny XD And that just made me realize Armin and I would have that cute couple height difference, only I’d be the taller one :P I’m one of those people who are convinced puberty does wonders to him, though. Seriously, just google ‘Older Armin’
That’s... a very messed up family to say the least. Just. Wow. How can so much tragedy be crammed into genes?  Shuu better watch out when Kimblee hears what happened with his sis XD Somehow, I think that Kimblee’s version of Congratulations would involve shit blowing up.
It’s no problem ^^ If you want to ask any similar questions, feel free to! They’re not creepy at all. You should hear some of the shit I ask at times...  I hope you find a good way to deal with anger soon ^^ The only thing with my answer is that I rarely get angry, I mostly get frustrated. I’d recommend drawing as a way to express feelings. Bring out the red colors and murder that paper XD
Aah, I’m so glad you like them! I was really satisfied (ha) with them, since they were done in a rush ^^ Most of them were born from me finding one pic and thinking ‘I want an AU based on this pic’. For the masquerade, it was fans and ballroom, ballerina History has its eyes on you and the shoes. 
If you offer enough chocolate and/or cookies, I’m willing to sell my soul. I wish I was joking. I’m not.  I’m glad you like yours ^^ I was thinking about showing you the ones I made and was like ‘Why not make one for you?’ I remembered you saying you like blue, found some pics and ta-dah! It’s really fun to do, and it’s nice artistic expression for someone who can’t draw for shit XD
I’ve only managed to do Shuu ;-;
Tumblr media
((It actually looks more like it was meant for Kanae XD))
Tbh, I’ve tried to do the other ones as well, but it’s pretty hard to find pics that fit =3= I’ll keep trying tho ^^
Also, I made one for Rod, since he’s your first route, but it’s actually spoilerish, so tell me when you’re done and I can show it to you ^^
I mostly make my own playlists, and the ones I have right now have a lot of Ed Sheeran, a shitton of soundtracks, a few idol songs and probably more remixes than it would be considered healthy.  Also, while looking at my playlist to answer this, I realized what I liked in a song: The beat.  Which actually explains why I always seem to prefer remixes more than the original song and why I’m a sucker for Woodkid songs, especially Run Boy Run and Iron.  Also, I adore soundtracks. I’m content listening to just those, especially if they’re fantasy or medieval XD
I get my pictures from Pinterest! A lot of artsy pics are uploaded there, so it’s easy to find what I’m looking for ^^  I hope you’ll start making your own edits soon! I’d definitely love to see how that’d turn out ^^
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