#I am not brave enough for more
brookiedaaroacecookie · 3 months
N’s gender reveal party
Hi everyone! This is the OFFICIAL N gender reveal details + invite!! Click read more for the info!
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(Credits to @mischiefburns for the npreg drawing!) Now how would this even happen? Well, I was thinking either a. We have a discord server and at 3:30 we all just unleash chaos, or b. Tumblr chain. I’m personally opting for a, but both work. That’s why we have this poll!
We also have roles! Currently:
@brookiedaaroacecookie is organizing (me!!)
@electronix-arts is cutting the cake
@idunaflo is flower girl
@mischiefburns is N
if anyone else wants to reserve a role, tell me!
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ryssbelle · 3 months
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Poppy for N2 au, it took me so long to make her design cuz I didn't really know what I wanted to do only because I feel like her design is pretty perfect.
But then I just thought about fun outfits to give her or outfits that I would find comfortable if I was wearing them and it all came together.
Poppy here is pretty much the same as here movie counterpart, as nothing really changes on her end of things other than having more insight on Branch through his brothers, and through Lief. Shes also a bit more understanding a bit earlier on because of it but it doesnt do much to change her own character arc I would say.
Part of Poppys design was based off a design I had made for previous rulers of Troll Village/Tree
Namely Queen Protea who I designed as Poppys grandmother
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Named after the Protea flower which part of her design is based off :D
In the context of this Au Protea was the one who conceptualized the tunnels while her son, King Peppy, was the one to follow through after her death
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froizetta · 5 months
Looooove how Dan Mora draws the El crest on Superman costume as if his pecs are so juicy they practically distort spacetime around them. Like look at this:
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That's not a subtle indentation over his cleavage, as you'd expect from a spandex-like material stretching over bulky muscle. It's a crease. Like the spine of a comic book but tits. That suit is fucking vacuum-sealed to his body.
It really makes me wonder what would happen if he took off the trunks. Like would the whole shape of the superdick just be fully identifiable against one thigh, like a single link of Kryptonian sausage in a vacuum-sealed package? I will never know, but the thought of it haunts me.
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rusty-courage · 6 months
Out of sheer curiosity, are you planning on making a design for yourself on Woven Life? Like a specific design for it- yknow
[and would it be ok if I make one for shits and giggles despite knowing nothing-]
My Woven Life design is just this character, but the flowers, scarf, and eyes change color depending on the life amounts, and on red the scarf will be tattered and torn.
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mearcatsreturns · 4 months
I have a bookstagram, and I recently followed someone because they posted about the overconsumption issue that most bookish social media seems to have. Today, though, they posted another controversial "opinion": that listening to audiobooks isn't reading, and people who claim to have read a bunch of books that they listened to as audiobooks are lying and/or deluded. Listening to audiobooks, she said, is just consuming books.
I disagreed in a fairly politely worded reply, and I intend to unfollow/block, because I find it unlikely this person will change their mind, especially since I'm far from the only person to point out that this is exclusionary and ableist. But this is tumblr/my house, and now I'm going to be as blunt as I want to be.
I'm a librarian and archivist. So much of the work I and others in my field do focuses on making books and reading more accessible and less exclusionary. It is, in fact, incredibly ableist to negate how important audiobooks are for people who have certain disabilities or challenges, and I would in no universe say they aren’t reading. For that matter, a busy person who only has time for audiobooks and for people who just prefer them--it still counts, as far as I'm concerned.
See, there's a difference between an audiobook and a podcast or long song or radio program. An audiobook is still a book--it was written with a particular narrative structure, and the author plays a defined but limited role (once the book is written, it's written; the author isn't tuning in next episode with comments and corrections based on what listeners said). An audiobook is a book, ergo, listening to one is reading. Using braille is reading, and listening to audiobooks is reading.
The part that has me in full Captain Raymond Holt "apparently that is a trigger for me" mode is that this bookstagrammer called listening to audiobooks consumption. In the context of her other posts about overconsumption as an issue in the bookish community (again, agree, but also...mind your own business), this seems particularly insidious to me. Conflating influencer-driven (and capitalist hellscape) consumption with listening to an audiobook (again, a massive boon for the visually impaired and those with disabilities like ADHD, dyslexia, etc.) is rude at best and dangerously exclusionary at worst. Stop letting comparison be the thief of joy; mind your own business and stop looking at the pages that bother you. Focus on the kindness of leaning towards inclusion, meeting people where they are, and leaving judgment behind.*
*This person also said "feel free to comment if you disagree but please don't be mean or judgmental," as if they hadn't just posted the most ableist and judgmental sludge I've seen today.
tl;dr: don’t be a gatekeeping shithead, mind your own business, and
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(gif by matalyn on tenor, couldn't find on tumblr)
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girlhell9999 · 9 months
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its not septemeber 15th YET but ramiro dont care. chara and asriel upon you !!! now!!!!
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zoedog51 · 4 months
When Carmen leaves VILE island she does not have her ears pierced
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The next time we see her chronologically is in the Boston tea party caper, supposedly just a few months later, and she does
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Now I know there are bigger things people focus on in this few months timeskip such as literally everything about her appearance but I want to know like. Why and how she did it. Did she go to Claire's? Did she pierce them herself? Are they fake? Was it for any reason, or just because she wanted to?
I've long gotten over the hair and height thing but this lives rent free in my head I don't think it's unrealistic I just want to know more
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kinnbig · 8 months
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I just think Big should have been allowed a knife. or two. as a treat.
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ilostmymojo · 8 months
Hello, Pikmin community, please accept my humble offering.
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sindrakart · 3 months
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alastor won the poll
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chiropteracupola · 3 months
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just a couple of creepy 18th-century innkeepers talking shop!
[featuring @borisyvain's lazarus mcclure and my own james webster]
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coredrill · 4 months
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to-a-merrier-world · 5 months
as a chronic age gap ship enjoyer, i have to say, it’s kinda disappointing how little MarcoAce shippers engage with their age difference. Marco is 25 years older! He was a pirate before Ace was even born! He’s already in his 40s when he meets a teen Ace! And yet it’s so rare to see anyone engage with that, and even when they do, it’s so often just a throw away “I’m old” kinda line and is never given any weight or thought. It’s just so bizarre to me, cause other age gap ships I’ve liked that had a smaller gap than this (more like 10 yrs) engage a lot more with the age difference, but MarcoAce just… doesn’t. It’s so odd to me lol, and kinda a bummer cause i find half the fun of age gap ships is engaging with that age difference and the conflict it can cause (as well as the kinky aspects).
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poemega · 1 year
I need my ted lasso friends on here to be mean to me more so I get brave enough to post ted lasso fanart
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aceghosts · 2 months
“i don’t have time for distractions right now.” for Rooney x Yori if your taking prompt requests??? 🩷
Thank you for sending this prompt in! I think this prompt was supposed to be angsty, but my muse took me in a rather smutty direction. So...uh...yeah.
[Prompt List]
Summary: Rooney makes an off-handed comment about their boyfriend being a distraction. Yorinobu takes that as a personal challenge. Title comes from Måneskin's HONEY (ARE U COMING?). Words: 3.9k words Content Warnings: MINORS, DO NOT INTERACT! Lots of flirting, teasing, sexual tension, and making out. Also, Rooney is AFAB and nonbinary, not a woman. Nonbinary is not fucking women-lite. (Mutuals and followers, that comment is not directed at you. All of you are awesome.) Towards the end of the fic, I need to give a warning for explicit sexual content, specifically: Dirty Talk, Light Bondage, Light Body Worship, Blow Jobs/Oral Sex, Safe word usage, vaginal fingering, Penis In Vagina Sex, and Unprotected Sex. Really, this is just porn with a light plot draped over it. I am going to give a light warning for potential Dom/Sub overtones to be on the safe side, but in my mind, Rooney and Yori are switches, if either of them could be called that. If you feel you need more warnings, I would also double check the AO3 version, but I think I covered everything here. Author’s note: This fic takes place in the timeline after Rooney and Yorinobu get together. When specifically? Haven't really nailed that down. Also, this is the first time I've posted an honest to god smutfic on my blog. Yay? NSFW Taglist (Opt In/Out): @bbrocklesnar, @voidika, @roofgeese, @cloudofbutterflies92, @strangefable @inafieldofdaisies, @derelictheretic, @clicheantagonist, @direwombat, @nightbloodbix
“I missed you.”  Their wonderfully distracting boyfriend wraps his arms around their waist, pressing himself close to their back. Rooney resists the urge to lean back into him, crossing their arms over their chest. He places soft kisses along their jawline, Rooney letting out a contented hum. “I thought about you all day. Did you think about me?”
Yorinobu lays it on thick, clearly having thought about how the two would spend their evening. Unfortunately, duty calls for Rooney. In front of them is a pin board, notes connected with red string and written in Rooney’s indecipherable scrawl, a helpful way to visualize their case. They hope that it will lead them to revelation, a lead that might have been overlooked. “Yorinobu, I don’t have time for distractions right now.”
“Is that what I am? A distraction?” He asks playfully, pressing a kiss to the corner of their jaw, “You should teach me a lesson for being so distracting.” 
Dammit, it almost works on them. Under their tough, cold exterior, Rooney was a softie for the people they loved, especially Yorinobu, who seemed to delight in it. “Yori, you know I didn’t mean it like that; I really need to focus right now.” Rooney wants to get into whatever trouble he’s cooked up in his head, but their case needs to take priority.
“Understood,” He acquiesces with no hard feelings, “Please promise that you will make time for us tomorrow night. We need to go to the Flores’ party.”
Rooney nods, already having scheduled that as their night off. They would be there for him unless something truly urgent arises. “I promise; I’m all yours tomorrow.”
“Good.” He pulls away from them, Rooney already missing the warmth and comfort of his arms. Taking a few steps, Yorinobu turns to face them. “Rooney?”
“Yes?” Their arms drop to their sides as they face him.
“You have no understanding of how distracting I can be,” He teases, closing the gap between them. Yorinobu cups the back of their neck, pulling Rooney in for a deep kiss. They grab his vest, their head spinning, knees going slightly weak. He pulls away a few seconds later, leaving them desperately aching for more. Yorinobu turns his back to them, and as he leaves, Rooney watches him, wide-eyed with desire. They really wish they weren’t in the middle of a case.
Rooney should have known Yorinobu might be planning something when they were getting ready in the bathroom. In front of the mirror, Rooney ties their black tie, a gift from a client whose wife Rooney had found after the NCPD refused to investigate. Yorinobu joins them in the bathroom, leaning against the dark gray granite counter. His eyes closely watch the deft movements of their fingers as Rooney finishes with the tie, smoothing it down against their chest. Smirking, he leans closer, purring, “I love it when you wear a tie.”
They raise an eyebrow in curiosity. Yorinobu takes the tie in his hand, rubbing a thumb over the silky fabric. “Makes it easier to pull me to you,” He tugs the tie gently, pulling Rooney towards him, their faces only inches apart. Yorinobu’s eyes glance down at their lips, his stare lingering for a few seconds. He meets their eyes again, Rooney’s face feeling warm as they swallow in anticipation. “I can also tie you up with it while I am fu-.”
“Yorinobu!” Their tone is sharp, their cheeks burning. They weren’t against the idea, not really caring whether he tied them up or Rooney tied him up. (Rooney had no preference, enjoying both.) Rather, someone had to keep them on track to go to this party. “Please behave. We need to go to this party, remember?” His idea for tonight sounds much better than being around a bunch of woefully out-of-touch rich people. (Present company excluded.) But this would have to wait until after. “You and I can have fun after the party.”
He pouts playfully, letting go of their tie as Rooney smooths it down again. “Afterward.” Sounds like it could be a promise or a threat, and Rooney really hopes it’s the former. His smirk returns as he teases them, “I will have you dragging me home tonight.”
“Sure.” Rooney rolls their eyes, pretending his words have no effect on them.
“I will. I am distracting, and your restraint is not infinite.” He pulls away from them, pushing off the counter with a wink. Yorinobu leaves them alone in the bathroom as Rooney slowly blinks, their brain resetting. A second later, they urge themself to get it together, turning to face the mirror. In the soft golden glow of the bathroom lights, their face bright red, pupils wide.
Yorinobu’s flirty behavior continues as the night goes on, giving Rooney no reprieve. Whenever the two had a moment alone, he would flirt with them, dirty little things whispered in their ear. His hands would stray a little lower than they should, ghosting over Rooney’s body. With others, he is on his best behavior, but Rooney catches him with a smirk and a troublesome look in his eyes as if he is plotting his next move. Not that Rooney was complaining, but they were trying to be on their best behavior.
Rooney sighs, happy to have found some food, which would give them an excuse not to talk to people. Hiding in a corner out of sight, Rooney dips a strawberry into the chocolate fondue, taking a bite. Damn, that chocolate tasted good. (Although, they preferred the spicy kind that Yorinobu would bring back from occasional business trips. Rooney could never get enough of that stuff.) “Enjoying yourself?” Yorinobu asks, wrapping an arm around their waist as he pulls them into his side. Where had he come from? He eyes their plate, a mischievous smile on his face. Swallowing, they put down the half-eaten strawberry. What was he up to now? “Chocolate…maybe you could give me a taste.”
They freeze, narrowing their eyes suspiciously. “Yeah…,” Rooney responds, reaching for an uneaten strawberry on their plate.
Yorinobu grabs their wrist. “I asked you to give me a taste.”     
He lets go of their wrist, Rooney deciding to play along against their better judgment. Scooping some chocolate onto their index finger, they hold it out for him. Yorinobu takes their hand, bringing their finger up to his mouth. Sucking on their finger, his tongue swirls around their finger. His eyes never leave their eyes as Rooney’s mouth drops slightly in surprise. Their mind races with thoughts of where his mouth could be put to better use.
With a pop, Yorinobu pulls their finger from his mouth. “Delicious. Do you think I could have another taste? Or perhaps I could give you a taste of something else?” Their mouth drops further at the innuendo, the wheels in their mind spinning uselessly as they try to respond.
“Yorinobu-sama!” He looks over his shoulder, glaring at the person who called his name.
“I need to go,” Yorinobu whispers into their ear, “I hope that distracts you when talking to others.” He releases them, leaving Rooney alone as they try to process what the hell just happened.
Entering the fresh night air, Rooney breathes deeply, finding a secluded spot on the balcony, somewhere they could clear their head quietly. Yorinobu occupies their thoughts, their cheeks warming up again. What was he doing tonight? The couple both liked to flirt with each other, but Yorinobu seems desperate to prove something tonight. What it was, Rooney was unsure.
The door to the balcony opens, the sound of the party floating towards them. Turning around, Rooney jumps up on the railing, sitting on it as Yorinobu approaches them with a smile. “I thought I saw you come out here.” Anticipation rises in their chest as Rooney tucks a strand of dark red hair behind their ear.
“Just needed a breather.”
“Is that all?” He asks, his hands resting on their thighs.
Rooney nods. “Yeah,” they let out a sigh, “I have a lot on my mind right now.”
“What would that be?”
“Work. You know how I am.”
 “Anything else?” You, Rooney wants to answer, but they have a feeling that is the answer that Yorinobu is fishing for. Yet, they will not say anything until they get an answer. “If work is the only thing on your mind, I need to try harder.”
“What’s that suppo-?” He kisses them hungrily, pushing apart their legs. Yorinobu presses himself flush against Rooney, his hand coming to their waist steadying them. They wrap their legs around him tightly, eagerly returning the kiss. He tastes like the bubbly champagne served at the party with hints of chocolate. He feels so sturdy against them, so good against them. They grip onto his coat, intoxicated from his kiss. He sucks on their bottom lip, Rooney opening their mouth and allowing his tongue entrance. Rooney loses themself in the moment, the rest of the world disappearing around them. All that matters is Yorinobu. All they want is him.
He breaks the kiss, Rooney whining in disappointment. Before they can pull him back in for another kiss, Yorinobu asks, “Am I distracting enough?”
All of a sudden it clicks in Rooney’s mind. Was this really about last night? “Yori, you know I didn’t mean it that way.”
“I know. I wanted to prove I could be too distracting, even for you.”
They laugh, shaking their head. He is so dorky, but Rooney loves that about him. Giving him a seductive smile, they lean up, mouth near his ear, teasing, “I think I need to drag you home. What was it you said? My restraint isn’t infinite.”
He shivers, excitement in his eyes as Rooney lets him go. Yorinobu helps them off the railing, grabbing their metal hand as soon as their feet touch the ground. He drags them behind him, racing for the AV. Oh, Rooney is looking forward to this.
Rooney and Yorinobu stumble out of the AV, hair disheveled and clothes slightly messed. Yorinobu’s maroon shirt is half untucked, while Rooney’s waistcoat had been unbuttoned during the ride. Neither could keep their hands off each other, Rooney diving on Yorinobu the moment the AV door closed. Hand in hand, the pair run down the stairs, from the AV landing pad, towards their apartment. The door slides open, Rooney pulling Yorinobu inside. Yorinobu lets go of their hand, grabbing their waist and spinning Rooney to face him. He kisses them again, Rooney wrapping their arms around his neck. He pushes them up against the wall, forcing his knee between their legs. A soft cry escapes their throat, Yorinobu placing greedy kisses on their neck. It drives them mad, Rooney tilting their head back, letting out a desperate, whine.
“Yori,” they plead, overstimulated, “Need you, please.” Rooney’s head swirls, need and desire clouding out any rational thought. All they can think about is Yorinobu underneath them, breathless, sweaty, and hungry for more. It’s what he deserves for torturing them all night.
He hungrily kisses them, smirking into the kiss as they move away from the wall. Yorinobu breaks the kiss, scooping Rooney up into his arms as they let out a surprised yelp. He carries them to the shared bed, dropping Rooney onto the cream-colored comforter. The bed is soft beneath them as they prop themself up onto their elbows, kicking off their shoes. Yorinobu tosses off his coat, taking his shoes off, before leaning down to capture their lips. The couple fall into each other, Rooney landing on their back. He kisses them deeply, giving Rooney the opportune moment to strike. They roll him over, straddling Yorinobu as he lays on his back, breathless, staring up at Rooney with a mixture of surprise, desire, and excitement.
“I think,” They say, casually tossing off their white suit jacket and black waistcoat, “Someone needs to be taught a lesson for being a tease.” They roll up their sleeves of the button-up slowly before moving to their tie. As they loosen their tie, Rooney catches Yorinobu watching their hands closely, vibrating with anticipation beneath them. Taking their time, Rooney gently tugs on their tie, Yorinobu inhaling a sharp breath. Pulling their tie from their neck, Rooney wraps an end around each of their hands, stretching the tie tautly in front of him. They don’t miss the quiet whine that escapes from Yorinobu, the soft bob of his Adam’s apple. “I remember a certain distraction mentioning my tie earlier….”
“I wanted to tie you up with it,” Yorinobu grins cheekily.
“I think you deserve to be tied up,” They get off him, motioning with their head, “Sit up and put your hands behind your back.”
He quickly complies, sitting up on the end of the bed, hands behind his back. Yorinobu looks over his shoulder at them, eager anticipation written his face. They come to him, reaching for his hands. “If this is too tight or if it starts to hurt,” Rooney starts as they tie his hands together, “Let me know.”
Yorinobu tests the finished knot. “I am fine, and-,” He bats his eyelashes at them, “I know to use our safeword.” Normandy. It wasn’t that Yorinobu or Rooney were into anything extreme, but Rooney liked having one word that either could use in case things got too much even in the tamest of situations.
“Good.” They move, straddling Yorinobu once more, kissing him roughly. Rooney grinds down on his forming erection, Yorinobu groaning as his hips jerk upwards in excitement. They place kisses along his jawline, the faint stubble of a five o’clock shadow tickling their lips. As they move to his throat, Rooney hears his breath catch, trembling beneath them. They kiss along the silver decorative chrome like they’re following a river toward the ocean. Rooney loves his silver chrome, having told him before. They love the way it glints in the sunlight, especially in the soft golden glow of the morning sunlight. It makes him look ethereal, just like it does now in the soft glow of their shared bedroom. When they reach the base of his throat, where it meets his collarbone, Rooney playfully nips him. Yorinobu gasps, his hips jerking upwards again in surprise.
 Rooney’s hand comes to his shirt, undoing the maroon shirt with practiced ease. Yorinobu squirms beneath them, always too damn impatient. Too bad for Yorinobu, Rooney plans to take their time. Perhaps, he will consider this the next time he plans to drive them mad. Rooney pushes his shirt off his chest, sliding down to his elbows. Yorinobu watches them with eager eyes, swallowing hard as Rooney gets off him.
They kneel in front of him, hands on his thighs. Teasing him, Rooney gently rubs his thighs, touch featherlight as his pupils widen. Eventually, they slowly push his thighs apart, coming closer to him. Rooney gets up on one knee, resuming kissing his collarbone. They trail kisses down his chest, paying special attention to any scars, like the small scar on his left side. Left from a stab wound by a Katana in a fight with an Arasaka operative during his time with the Steel Dragons, Rooney presses a soft kiss to the scar, Yorinobu letting out a contented sigh.  
“I love you,” They say, into the soft skin of his abdomen.
“I love you too,” Yorinobu replies, voice heady with pleasure.
They continue downward, getting back on both of their knees, Yorinobu shivering with anticipation. As they get closer to his belt, a dark trail of fuzz on his torso leading downwards, Yorinobu begs, “Please, Rooney, please.”
“All in good time, Yori.” Reaching his belt, as Rooney unbuckles it, he shudders, trying to bite back a moan that eventually escapes. They unzip his pants, pulling his cock free of his boxer briefs and pants. He’s hard already, precum leaking, as Rooney reaches out for him. Yorinobu watches in anticipation, eyes wide, breathing heavily as they take him in their hand. Gently running their thumb over the head, Rooney watches with a smirk as he moans with heady pleasure. They stroke him, Yorinobu trembling with desire. He reacts so well to their touch, a warm feeling coming over Rooney, hunger coursing through them.
Leaning down, they press a kiss to the tip of his cock. “Oh, Rooney…,” the words fall from his lips as they run their tongue slowly up the slit. Rooney takes him into their mouth, swirling their tongue around. With him still in their hand, Rooney sets a lazy pace, fucking with him. Bobbing their head up and down, Rooney strokes him, Yorinobu feeling like putty in their hands. He is lost in the pleasure of their mouth. “Fuck, you feel so good,” He pants as they continue their ministration. His hips gently move in time with their mouth, a restrained motion, careful not to hurt Rooney. Most people assume they’re made of steel, considering the way they take punches, but not Yorinobu. He’s always seen that tender side, always treating Rooney with the softness that the rest of life doesn’t provide. “Faster please…” He begs.
 Instead, they slow their pace down to a crawl, taking an agonizing amount of time with their actions. Although, Rooney knows they are fucking with themself as well, needing him so goddamn badly. “Normandy!”
Rooney immediately stops, pulling their mouth off his cock as they let go, wiping at their mouth. “Yori, are you okay,” They ask, getting up and frantically untying him, “I’m so sorry I-.”
“Don’t apologize,” He rasps, grabbing the collar of their shirt, pulling Rooney in for a rough kiss, their lips crushing against his. When the two pull away, both breathless, he rests his forehead against Rooney’s. “I need you. You take too long.”
They sigh in relief, happy to not have hurt him. “I thought I was teaching you a lesson for being so distracting,” Rooney laughs, as he pulls off his shirt.
“Lesson over,” Yorinobu growls, kissing them roughly again. As he kisses them again, his hands come to their button-up, practically ripping the gold buttons off.
“Careful,” Rooney snarks, “That’s my good shirt.”
“I will buy you more,” He says, pulling their shirt off. “I will even buy some to rip off you.” His hands undo the clasp of their bra, pulling it off.
“Deal.” His hands go down to their pants, hands shaking as he hurriedly unpops the button and unzips their slacks. They allow him to pull them out of their black slacks and boy shorts. Once free, Rooney helps him out of his slacks and boxer briefs, leaving them both in the nude. Yorinobu lightly pushes them back down onto the bed, their dark red hair fanning around them like a halo. He leans over them, one hand propping him up as his other hand trails their thigh. Rooney glances down, his hand trailing closer and closer. They swallow in anticipation, meeting his eyes and holding his stare as he slides a finger in, letting out a soft sigh. Yorinobu breaks the staring game, his eyes wandering over their body as he pumps a finger inside them, decorated with the scars of hard-fought battles that almost killed them. Self-consciousness washes over them, Rooney looking away.
“Rooney, look at me.” They meet his eyes again, as he slides another finger in. It feels good, a pleasurable warmth spreading over them. “You are gorgeous. Allow me to appreciate you.” Rooney fights the urge to cover their face, his corny words working all too well on them. He smirks as their cheeks heat up, increasing his pace. “I think you must have been thinking of me all night.”
They nod, their throat tight, need pooling within them. “I lied,” Rooney rocks against his hand, desperate for him, “It wasn’t work, it was you-.”
Yorinobu swears, sliding his fingers out of them. Rooney lets out a needy whine, propping themself up. He scoots backward, sitting against the headboard with some pillows behind him. He takes his glasses off, placing them on the side table. “On my lap,” Yorinobu commands, motioning for Rooney to come over. Rooney doesn’t waste time, following his order immediately. They hover over his lap, gently taking his cock and holding it in place. His hands grip their hips, fingers digging in. Rooney loves that Yorinobu is holding them like he won’t let go of them.
Slowly, Rooney sinks down onto him, a guttural groan escaping from him. Yorinobu feels so good, so damn fucking good. Rooney loves the way he feels inside them, how he fills them. He helps them, pulling Rooney down until he is buried within them. A shudder runs through them, breath catching in their throat. Finally seated in his lap, one of Yorinobu’s hands brushes away a dark strand of red hair from their face. “How do you feel?”
“Amazing.” And fucking ready.
“Good.” He cups their face, his right hand still on their hip as he kisses Rooney roughly. They wrap their arms around his neck as Yorinobu rolls his hips, Rooney letting out a breathy moan. Rooney feels dizzy with ecstasy, head swimming with only thoughts of Yorinobu. They rise only to sink back down on his cock repeatedly. Their thighs burn, Rooney enjoying how intense every second of this feels. Their breasts bouncing up and down, rubbing against his sweaty chest, the friction setting their nerves on fire. Yorinobu’s kisses grow sloppy, his hand leaving their face. His hand trails downward, eventually reaching their clit. He rubs their clit, Rooney hungrily mewling.
Rooney’s fingers weave his short, onyx-black hair, scratching their nails over his scalp. He gasps into the kiss, earning Rooney a husky groan. They nip at his bottom lip, his lips parting for them. Rooney tugs his short hair, Yorinobu sharply thrusting upward, rewarded with a keening cry from Rooney. “More,” Rooney begs, desperately, “More please.”
Yorinobu’s thrusts grow more intense, a steady rhythm as Rooney rides him. Up and down. Up and down, his cock sinking into them. Again and again. And again. All Rooney thinks is how they want more, so much more. They’re so greedy for him for all of him, especially as he cries their name like a chant. Rooney feels breathless, a warm fire pooling low in their abdomen. Their eyes water, tears of pleasure burning in the corner of their eyes. Yorinobu’s lips come to their neck, Rooney tilting their head to allow him better access. “Yori,” They mewl his name like a prayer, walls tightening around him.
What was once a steady rhythm in unison becomes disorganized, Rooney and Yorinobu hurtling towards the edge.  Rooney can’t hold it anymore, ready to let go. They snap, crying his name as they ride him into their orgasm. For a moment, their vision goes black, ecstasy coursing through their body.
Yorinobu isn’t far behind. A few thrusts later, his hips sputter as he buries himself fully into Rooney, spilling inside. He cries their name into their ear, sounding so goddamn good to Rooney. Breathless, he buries his face in the crook of their neck, needing a moment to collect himself. “Yori,” They run their fingers through his hair, “You know I didn’t mean to make you feel undesired last night, right?”
He nods, lifting his head to look Rooney in the eyes. “You did not. I know what your work means to you,” Yorinobu cups their face with his hand, thumb caressing their cheek, “I would never interfere with that, but-.”
Rooney doesn’t think they are going to like the next words out of his mouth.
“I do enjoy teasing you. I will have to distract you more.” Rooney groans, affectionately rolling their eyes as he laughs. Yorinobu is lucky that Rooney loves him. And they’re lucky that he loves them too.   
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compacflt · 8 months
do you ever think about/write about how maverick threw goose’s dog tags into the ocean? the letterboxd reviews have me thinking again.
yeah that was literally one of the first little things august 2022 me petulantly retconned . fuck that . he kept one.
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in my (and many other ppls) opinion those weren’t mavs to throw away they should’ve stayed with carole
and (i try not to talk about this as much as possible but) it suggests Something about mav & goose’s relationship that the filmmakers thought his dog tags should go to mav instead of to Goose’s wife (though i acknowledge and appreciate the usefulness of the visual metaphor of him saying goodbye to goose at the end of TG) (though that visual metaphor was rendered completely moot by the whole of TGM showing that mav HASNT moved on from goose and only moves on once he has the chance to save roosters life [which is why i retconned it])
ALSO? i am sure I’m not the first person to talk about this? But, to add a second layer of confusion & analysis, uh, the dogtags mav throws into the ocean aren’t goose’s.
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I’m reading “metcalf, mike” from the backside. Those are VIPER’s dogtags. for some reason.
now i choose to believe that’s a props issue… someone grabbed the wrong set of tags & they were like ehhh no one will notice… script supervisor not doing their fucking job… so i choose to believe the filmmakers MEANT goose’s dogtags & it doesn’t change the end of the movie for me.
But im interested to hear from you—does that change/add anything to anyone’s analysis to know that mav threw VIPER’s tags into the ocean? there are a lot of really weird implications that come from taking what is probably a props fuck-up at face value!!! (Viper giving mav his tags [weird], viper being mav’s surrogate dad figure, thereby this scene becomes about mav saying goodbye to his FATHER finally,.. etc.)
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