From the bottom of my worthless heart, I genuinely don’t know if I can survive another year.
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every time i hear the song “love bites” i feel like i’m having a super intimate moment with joe elliott in between the sheets
just his voice alone makes me feel that way
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lemongrass77777 · 8 months
Honestly I kinda hate the double standards within the Marauders fandom. We can turn characters like Peter Pettigrew, Regulus Black, and Barty Crouch Jr. Into little sweethearts who are occasionally bastards, but we have to hate teenage/child Severus Snape.
I hate adult Snape, he bullied children, but Peter Pettigrew did a whole lot worse as an adult and we can still like teenage Peter. He never did anything worse than Regulus before Regulus found out about the Horcruxes.
I don’t think you have to like Snape, but pretending everyone other than him is an angel because “the marauders fandom has no canon, we can all come up with characterisations🤪” but never including him in that, and being mean to marauders fans who also like him, feels lowkey fucked up. If Barty Crouch Jr can be best friends with the marauders, then Severus Snape can not be a bigoted incel too.
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xxweyussyenjoyerxx · 2 months
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@jeffrey-combs-smash-or-pass oh boy it’s Dino B time!
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anteomnia · 4 months
emily and spencer . are autistic and siblings, thanks
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cowbeeboy · 2 months
guys my horse just died??? tf am i supposed to do now, just get a new one???? that’s outfuckingrageous.
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patchodraws · 4 months
i seriously really wish i knew how to tuck 😣😭
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aprylynn · 3 months
my cousin is getting married in may and my mom doesn’t want to go because ANXIETY! and i get it because i have the same anxiety as her and i just found out my brother wasn’t invited and i know that my mom will be pissed about that even though i’m sure my cousin had her reasons and as the one getting married she is allowed to invite who she wants but i just know my mom is going to make a big deal about that which i love!!! i love family drama i love making a big deal about things!!!!!!! I LOVE BEING THE DIPLOMATIC ONE
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sailforvalinor · 2 years
I really love everyone’s headcanon that Twilight has a country accent—but because I’m originally from outskirts-of-Appalachia-West Virginia, my first thought is to imagine Twi talking like my grandparents and I LOVE IT SO MUCH
Because I was born there, but moved when I was five, so whatever accent I may have had I lost (I don’t know if I ever had it, since my dad isn’t from around there—I’ll have to ask my mom sometime). My mom also has lost her accent over the years and it only comes out when she’s tired, but she still uses a lot of the same figures of speech. And as my grandparents (and entire side of my mom’s family) still live there, they have the full package, and I get to hear lots of it when I go visit. (Before you ask, yes, they DO actually say “crick” and “holler,” though the vernacular is dying a bit. I hope it doesn’t, it’s kinda nostalgic for me)
Meanwhile, on top of this, my entire side of my mom’s family likes to MAKE UP IDOMS. It usually happens on about a monthly basis that my mom will say something completely out of left field that I’ll ask her to explain and she’ll say “oh I think I made this up with my friends at band camp once” or “your great-grandma used to say it—I think she was getting it confused with another idiom?”
So now I’m just imagining Twi saying things like
“Wild, get yerself out of that crick this instant before you get yer britches wet.”
“Well ain’t he just full of his Cheerios.”
“All y’all are movin’ slower than molasses—“
“Whatever that was set Wind here screamin’ like a banshee!”
“Oh, bless his heart—“
“We might be able to set up camp once we get up in the holler.”
“Over yonder”
“Wars here ran like someone had lit a fire under his behind.”
And etc, please feel free to add on
Also Twi 100% percent sings the “Bushel and a Peck” song to babies and you can’t convince me otherwise
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gale-gentlepenguin · 11 months
Something that makes the end of Season 5 make even less sense is that the whole point of Season 4 was that Marinette had to stop keeping secrets from Cat Noir.
I can’t respond to this how I want, it will just be sarcastic and I don’t want to be salty all the time I want to be positive. But the more good I try to see, the more the flaws in the writing pop out.
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a-dorin · 4 months
forever hoping my future employers find this blog so they know i’m not afraid to write about aliens fucking
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
when billy walked through the door and went “well, well, well”
like who do you think you are
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alchemicalwerewolf · 6 days
*sipping my apple juice*
Oh, your shoes are on the wrong feet.
no they aren’t because I don’t wear shoes. Ha.
Also ooh juice can I have some?
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spock-smokes-weed · 1 year
For the life of me I don’t want to be a sequels hater, because the way fans reacted to those movies really soured my opinion of Star Wars for years, and I don’t want to pile on to the garbage that those movies get.
However. I fundamentally despise the what they did to Luke and I can’t not think about it anytime I think about Luke showing up in Disney brand Star Wars stuff. 
Because now that I’ve seen the prequels, now that I have the full picture, Luke becoming a bitter and pathetic old man that fell on his own sword goes against not just the themes of the originals, but the whole damn story.
Luke is not meant to be a pathetic Obi-Wan type. He’s not supposed to be the master that failed and is stuck in his ways. We already got that with Yoda and Obi-Wan!!! Why rehash it with Luke?!????
Because like after watching the prequels, the original six movies create a pretty complete and whole story. Anakin wasn’t the chosen one, it was Luke who was the chosen one. He’s the one that brought balance to the force and destroyed the Sith. And he was able to do that because he refused to let go of his emotions and compassions. Whether Luke is literally “the chosen one” in canon, or just on a meta level, he is the one that’s going to restore the Jedi order and bring balance back to the force.
The whole point is that Luke won’t make the same mistakes that the Jedis before him did. The Jedi order fell because they were stuck in their ways and lost touch with what the Jedi were supposed to be for the galaxy. The Jedi order as it had been created the monster of Darth Vader. Their flaws are exactly what set up Anakin to fail, and the WHOLE POINT of Return of the Jedi was Luke setting him free and vowing to right the wrongs of the past. The Jedi Order under Luke was supposed to be different!!! Never in my life would Luke adhere to the no attachments rule, nor would he be so blind to the dark side of the force. Luke isn’t supposed to be Obi-Wan!!! He’s supposed to be Luke!!! He’s supposed to be the hero that never turns his back on his friends!! DOES THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP MEAN NOTHING TO YOU DISNEY
Anyway. If you like that interpretation of Luke, I’m not going to be one to poopoo on your fun. Nor am I going to loudly talk about how I hate the sequels. I’m neutral about them for the most part, aside from the butchering of Luke’s character. and like I feel so weird talking about how much I hate Luke in those movies because I know a lot of horrible people used that to be horrible to the actors online. And I don’t want to add to that.
But like idk. I just don’t like that this is the Luke was have now because Disney owns his soul. That this ending for him is “canon” now.
You may own his body Disney. But you’ll never have his spirit. Fuck you.
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vampyrsm · 8 months
okay jjk prediction: kenjaku talks more, absorbs takaba, it’s game over 👍🏻
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mandyyvibes · 2 months
i swear being nineteen is just being the dumbest bitch in the world
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