queensconquest · 1 year
@yeonban​ said: 📜 SHAL AND CHROLLO!!
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Shalnark : Okay, truth or dare? Chrollo: Truth Shalnark : How many hours have you slept this week? Chrollo: Chrollo: ...Dare  Shalnark : Go to bed. Chrollo: I don’t like this game.
Chrollo: Shalnark... Shalnark: Oh no, 'Shalnark' in b-flat. Shalnark: You're disappointed.
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feifood · 3 years
Can I request for Feitan having a crush on y/n but since the troupe knows he have a crush on her and he isn't confessing yet even when they tried to help him shalnark maybe even phinks just flirts with y/n to make feitan jealous thinking it will encourage him to confess?of course y/n will be oblivious to whats going on haha , thanks.
Phinks and Shalnark Flirting w/ Feitan’s Crush
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hello anon !!!! I think I wrote something similar to this before and it was so fun + I love the entire concept of Phinks and Shal messing w/ Feitan so how could I say no hehe --  I hope you like these hcs and have a great day/night love <33
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It’s been quite a while now since Feitan’s admitted to having a crush on you and believe me when I tell you THAT was an entire struggle within itself
But now progress has been made and at least Feitan’s admitted that he is crushing -- the next step is to having him confess which Phinks and Shalnark lowkey thought was going to be an easy task because of how straight forward and blunt Feitan always is
Turns out that was NOT true at all
This man cannot flirt for the life of him and what’s worse is that everyone else knows about his crush so whenever he talks to you it’s pretty clear that he’s trying to flirt and he draws in others’ attentions when he talks to you
The amount of times Phinks and Shalnark tried to get him to confess you can’t even imagine
And then the two suddenly take matters into their own hands and they came up with the plan to try and make Feitan jealous
Suddenly Shalnark is getting a little too touchy with you whenever he hugs you to welcome you back into the room 
And Phinks is spitting out these very funny jokes that no one’s ever heard him say before but it makes you laugh until your stomach hurts
Feitan is NOT having it at all this man is just 24/7 like >:(( now
Everyone else can tell that you’re oblivious to what Phinks and Shalnark are doing,, you don’t understand that they’re technically trying to flirt with you because to you it just seems like they’re being nicer to you than usual
But Feitan doesn’t know that you don’t realize it so he genuinely thinks that you’re playing along with their flirting and that you enjoy it
This pushes him to a point where he literally can’t stand seeing Shalnark and Phinks making advances at you and he literally blurts out a confession out of nowhere when you were in the middle of a conversation with Phinks and Shalnark
*Cue Phinks and Shalnark quietly leaving the room so you two can talk alone*
Right after the leave the room you hear giggling right away form the two men who just left because they’re excited for Feitan LOLOL
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asexual-abomination · 3 years
Hi 🥺 I saw requests were open? Could you maybe do platonic Phantom Troupe with the reader having echolalia? If the troupe is too much, maybe just Chrollo and Feitan? Thank you in advance 🥺
Thank you so much for this request! I had a lot of fun writing it!
I know that echolalia and a lot of other symptoms show up differently in different people, so I had to base this on my own experience, and I have a tendency to echo literally anything, words, sounds, rhythms, anything.
I decided to have this take place in a scenario where reader copies each member individually!
Probably the one who has read up on any and all of your symptoms, since he considers it his responsibility to be educated on your needs
When, after you happened to be sat in a meeting with the Troupe, you began muttering to yourself, he wanted to see if you were alright
As he walked up to after, hoping to speak with you, he was surprised to see you repeating a seemingly innocuous phrase from somewhere in the middle of the meeting
Chrollo would recognize this as a stim, but he wouldn’t understand immediately why you would be stimming something he randomly said
He would be a bit thrown off when your explanation is very simple, telling him that it just sounded right, felt right in your brain
He wouldn’t tell a soul, but a little part of him was proud that you found his voice that nice to listen to that you’d imitate it for fun
He definitely doesn’t mind, and even encourages any stimming in general, since he can see that it makes you happy
While most of her medical training is in more physical things, after it was mentioned that you were autistic, she decided to go and top up her knowledge of neurodivergency.
At one point during a mission, she murmured to herself to remember a safe’s code, not realizing that she was within earshot of you
Several hours after the mission was over and everyone was celebrating the spoils of victory, she overheard you repeating the code to yourself over and over again
She expressed her confusion to you, reminding you that the mission was over and there was no need for the code anymore
When your response was to tell her that the code simply sounded nice, she would probably get confused for a moment
Machi doesn’t quite understand how some random string of numbers can ‘sound nice’ but she also knows that your brain functions differently from hers
I don’t see her making too big a deal out of it, but she’d actually make a sly comment about how much you listen to her
Other than that, she happy to let you stim as you please!
Probably not educated at all about the intricacies of your stimming or any symptoms in general, but he'll never get upset with you, since he understands on some level that it's just how you are
I'd imagine that the way you'd echo from him miiight come from overhearing him death threatening a scared hostage
Definitely spooks him when he hears you mumbling the harshest and longest string of curses he's ever heard
Mostly because you're spitting the words with the exact same tone as he did, and he thinks that you're trying to threaten him
(He doesn't wanna mess with you 😆)
When he finally figures out that you're copying him, he jumps to the next conclusion that you're mocking him
"What? Am I not intimidating to you? I sure scared that scum back there!"
"What are you talking about?"
His face when you explain yourself to him is nothing short of flustered, and he begins profusely apologizing
He gets super caught up whenever he's accidentally ableist, since he wants you to feel safe around him
Once you've cleared up the situation, he actually takes joy in seeing you copy him, and if he gets the chance he'll want to teach you how to be more intimidating
Another case of not really knowing what stims are, but being respectful of them anyway
I mean, man is literally eight feet tall, he doesn't care about whatever weird things anyone else might do
He roars at the back of his throat once, and that's it
When he's walking past you after a mission, Uvo's almost shocked to hear you making a vague growling noise constantly
Since he likes to lean into his animal side a bit more than others, he'll jokingly ask if you're trying to intimidate him, much like Phinks
When you explain to him to you thought that his roar was fun enough to copy, he also takes an odd sense of pride in it
He's not normally a man for any kind of subtlety, but if you actually found his roars pleasing to listen to, he'll see if he can roar at a volume that won't immediately burst your eardrums without protection or distance
If you do a lot of vocal stimming in general, especially imitation of his roars, I can see him taking you out to some mountain or cave or whatever to practice your roar for some fun bonding
Okay so we know that he spends plenty of time around Machi, so she's probably explained some of the main symptoms of your autism at some point when he asked
But when he sits next to you and hears you trying to imitate the sounds that his sword makes when he charges it with his Nen, he looks at you incredulously for a moment
You may not have even noticed that you were echoing at first, so you'll probably be confused when you see him looking at you
"Oh, sorry, your sword just sounds nice!"
*Cue even further confusion from him*
Completely doesn't get how a sword sounds nice, but kind of has this "You do you, kid" attitude about it
May or may not invite you to listen to his practice and then wait until afterwards to listen for your echoes because he finds it cute
Okay I'm gonna be honest, when Blinky first appeared in show and made that noise, I was taken and kept trying to make the same noise for hours whenever it appeared
"Shizuku, why did you summon Blinky? Is something wrong?"
"What are you talking about? I didn't summon them?"
"Oh that was me, sorry."
Definitely has a giggle about it when she finds that you enjoy echoing her Nen ability
Will summon Blinky whenever you want to 'have a chat' with them
Very openly thinks you're absolutely adorable with it, and it's one of the first things she'll do every time she gets to see you
Honestly, he says everything with such a happy, upbeat tone, anything he says can be copied for fun
His laugh is the best, so you're probably echoing that
He's probably not too shocked when he hears an attempt his own laugh coming from down the hallway, thinking someone's trying to play a prank on him
But he'll be a little confused when he finds you
When you reveal the truth of what you were doing, oh god, be prepared
"Aww, you like my voice that much??"
"You do a pretty good impression of me, must spend a lot of time listening, huh?"
He WILL NOT stop until he gets to see you blush, though if he does overstep and upset you, he'll tone it back down immediately
Might not change anything especially big with his usual way of talking, but will take a moment to appreciate his own voice whenever he catches you imitating him
Okay I know that they're mainly used for battle and injuring people's ears, but he definitely has more calm songs that he plays for his friends
When you first hear it, the tunes are so enchanting that you will be humming or whistling it for weeks afterwards
He's sitting and relaxing when he hears you attempting to hum the tune of a sweet lullaby he had once played for the Troupe
It's probably not a perfect replication, since it takes a while to learn the songs he makes, but it makes his heart melt to think that you want to try your hand at his beloved music
When he overhears you, he jumps in to begin gushing about the song you found so lovely
Asking if you'd like to hear it again -  he'd certainly love to play it for you again!
He might seem really overexcited, but he's genuinely happy that he can bring you joy with his ability
Took me a moment to think of something for him, but after a while of thinking:
He speaks slowly and calmly quite often, so I can imagine that he can sometimes say things in very rhythmic fashion, which will catch on very quick
You're walking away from a quick chat with him, when he hears you whispering under your breath
Normally wouldn't even make a note of it, but he wants to make sure you're okay
(Definitely isn't worried about you and wanting to keep you safe)
His reaction when you tell him that you liked the way that he said something is a mix between "Oh, that's nice" and "What are you on about"
Has probably the least amount of education on stimming, but also one of the most open to learning, since he wants to do what he can to keep those he cares about safe and happy
Will be a bit put off by the way you seem to copy him at first, but definitely doesn't mind after a while
Silently thanks you for making him take a moment to appreciate his own voice
Sweetheart hums a meteor city anthem one day, and isn't really shocked when she comes upon you humming it yourself
Since she's looked into your mind with her ability, she knows the way that you like to echo certain sounds, and doesn't mind at all
If she's listening from around a corner or such, she will smile joyfully and quietly wait out of your sight
Unless you catch her in the act, she's actually quite happy to not let you know of presence while she enjoys the thought of you enjoying her culture
But, if you do catch her, she'll probably start gushing to you about the origin of whichever song you wanted to imitate
She wants you to feel happy, however you wish to pursue that, and will absolutely hype you up in any sort of stimming you need to do
Whether you want her to ignore your echoing, or to join in whenever she hears, she's happy to do whatever you ask to keep you happy
If he catches you copying something he said in broken language, at first he will assume that you were making fun of him
Not because he thinks that you're mean spirited, just because he's used to people mocking
With most members of the Troupe, he would show no mercy at this point, but since he actually likes you, you get one chance to explain yourself
Once you tell him about why you're copying him, he'll be seriously confused for a moment
Yeah he's never heard the word echolalia before
So you'll have to explain it to him
Probably doesn't immediately get it, but he lets you off the hook for it, since he does understand that you're very different from him and the others
Doesn't really think too much of it once you've cleared up that you aren't mocking him, although he finds it interesting to listen to you talking about how stimming works, even when he doesn't understand half of it
Actually another case that assumes that you're mocking him
He's used to being acknowledged as a weak link in the Troupe, and would get quite internally upset if he thought you were also in on the joke
I can't explain why I think this, but I actually see him as one of the most educated members of the group when it comes to any sort of neurodiversity, since I think he's neurodivergent himself, but he probably doesn't catch on immediately that this stems from your own autism
Wouldn't confront you straight away, but when he does, he tries to be as professional as possible about it
Cue a string of quiet apologies when you explain yourself
Quickly tries to explain himself to you, and you probably bond over how annoying it can be to have stimming misunderstood
Tries his best to let you know from then on that any symptoms you need to express are accepted around him, since he knows that you accept him as well
Thanks for reading!
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doubledgesword-2 · 3 years
Can I get Vil Schoenheit x Rival Celebrity? They shoot insults at each other but end up flirting? Take it as far as you want! Any gender reader is fine lol
Oh, ma Gooosh!! This is the first Matcha Tea I've gotten, and I'm all for this. I had so much fun with this one, and I want to show you lil' sugar cubes the difference between characters I know and the ones that I don't. I do my research before writing a character that I'm unfamiliar with, but I will be sincere: I butchered the last request (Shalnark's). I will try to rewrite it, but other characters apart from the stated ones are a bit hard for me ( ˘︹˘ ).
I will always try my best for ya'll! Enjoy this steaming Matcha (❛‿❛✿)
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“What a shameless potato,” nimble fingers scrolled down on their phone, looking at the menagerie of pictures from one single account: yours.
You and Vil were from the same industry, just not the same department per se. While he was a model and actor, you were a j pop star and actress. Your popularity and his were on the same level, but he was slightly higher if you asked him or his fans. Ever since the two of you met on set for a fantasy-like movie, you repelled each other’s presence like oil and water.
Amethyst eyes glared at your smiling picture, and a thousand critiques passed through his mind. Your make-up did not complement your features; what was your make-up artist thinking? That nail polish didn’t match with your skin, and your haircut didn’t go with your face and countless other thoughts. But that wasn’t his place to tell, and besides, you living in his head rent-free wasn’t good for his skin. Stress kills, and thinking about you was very stressful.
The subway doors opened, and Vil gripped his side bag, adjusting his beret and sunglasses and walking out with the amount of confidence and power it took to walk down the runway. The sea of people diligently coming and going parted for him without a cue. They just did like mindless fish around a predator. It was in their nature to give in, in the presence of something so regal.
Vil had a photoshoot to go, and he couldn’t miss a beat. His agenda was full and complicated; anyone who tried to follow it would surely lose their minds after the first three days of the same arduous pace. But he could handle it with the grace of a swan. He was the great Vil Shoenheit. He wondered if you could handle a week in his shoes. You probably would drop exhausted and disheveled, complaining about the hard work. The thought made him smirk smugly, and passerby fans who recognized him couldn’t even keep up to ask for an autograph.
He just couldn’t fathom how you had such a fan base with your attitude and manners. Sure, in front of the cameras, you were a sweetheart, stealing everyone’s hearts, singing like an empowered angel, and making them think you were as far from the villain he knew you truly were. Vil knew your kind and recognized it the moment he met you on set. Heck, you couldn’t even contain your disdain in interviews when the two of you had to sit side by side. It was uncomfortable, to say the least; the poor reporter was so painfully awkward trying to alleviate the tenseness in the room.
“So (Y/N), how do you feel being an actress in a big-budget movie while also singing and performing the next week? Is it exhausting?”
You sided glared at Vil, and gave the reporter a smug grin. “Well, I think I can handle a little bit of work. It’s not in me to sit around and look pretty, you know. But then again, I guess that’s what some people are into, so we can’t judge them. They might not understand hard work.”
Vil smiled with closed eyes. You were such an amateur. If it weren’t for the fact that you were actively throwing shade on him and being so annoying at it, too, he might think you were cute.
Of course, Vil wouldn’t back down; that’s not what he was taught. The crown was his, and he would take it with hard work and determination. Which means potatoes like you don’t really matter in the long run of things.
“Vil-senpai, how do you manage your modeling gig and your acting? I mean, it must be hard to run from one event to the next since they’re so close behind each other?”
“Well, dear, we models are more than just a pretty face. We represent big companies and events that many couldn’t even fathom getting into. My schedule might be a bit tight, but I was born into this lifestyle, and I have learned many skills to help me move and work in these types of environments. I can say one thing for sure not a lot of people can handle my agenda, one day in my heels, and they might slip if you know what I mean, darling.”
You scoffed under your breath, and it made Vil’s smile grow wider.
“Ahh, Vil-senpai is a hard worker for sure. Perhaps one day I could do an interview that can provide insight to one day of your agenda.”
“Anytime you want, darling, it would be lovely,” he knew with every word that came out of his mouth; you simmered even more.
“Are there any hobbies or activities that can fit into your schedules?
Vil was about to open his mouth when you beat him to it.
“Well, I don’t think he’s allowed to have any, you know, with his busy schedule. But I do love partaking in (hobby). I think it is a nice way to unwind and take my mind off of everything. Since stress it’s not good for your vocals, you know. I try to keep myself in top shape for my lovely fans.”
Vil was raging. How dare you interrupt him when he was clearly about to talk. Didn’t your parent taught you any manners, or are you so much of a spoiled brat to care for?
“Ahh, interesting. Does Vil Sendai have any hobbies in particular?
“As a matter of fact, I do” you were looking at him with an expectant smirk. You were genuinely curious to hear what he had to say. “I like to make beauty and make-up tutorials that are beneficial for a lot of my fans. I like to show them how to use brushes correctly what and what not to do with concealer. Those are bonding moments for me and my fans. I think they are important.”
At the end of that interview, a single question brought the anger and tense meter to burst. Now the tensions and dislikes weren’t palpable. They were visible.
“Oh, I’ve had some partners, but I like to focus more on my work, unlike some other artists who like to jump around; my projects come first, and I don’t want to ruin my partner’s and I relationship by not spending enough time with them.”
“Wow, he really doesn’t like to have fun.”
“I do just not with the likes of you.”
“Come on, pretty boy, you couldn’t handle me even if you were begging pretty on your knees.”
“Dream on, potato, you might be prettier than most potatoes, but you’re still that a potato with some potential. I bet if push came to shove, you wouldn’t last seconds with me.
“I bet you wouldn’t make it into the second round without having to retouch your make-up with me. Besides, it’s not like you’ll last long enough to even sweat that much.”
“Well, that’s a relief to know I wouldn’t have to put much effort into pleasing someone like you.”
The reporter was utterly flushed, and that was cut from the interview recording. Good thing that it was, or people might’ve gotten the wrong impression. That you liked each other or something.
Or something.
After that interview, rumors spread like they always do, and fans started gossiping about the two of you secretly together but having to hate each other in public to save face since it’s a big rumor that singers and models don’t actually go well together in the industry.
Such wild imagination and machinations fans have. It brought out a small chuckle.
Vil passed through the automatic doors telling the receptionist his name and guiding him to the set. Once there, he settled his stuff over the make-up table and sat back to look once more through his phone.
“Have you seen this?” A text notification annoying appeared on the screen.
Vil tch and opened the message to reveal a very well photoshopped photo of him and you sitting and drinking at some café. You were smiling like he just told you you were beautiful, and it was a good look on you.
This was outrageous. Who would go to such lengths? Suddenly a bag dropped right on the table next to him. He looked up to meet your eyes as you took off your sunglasses, slowly realizing who was sitting beside you.
“Oh no,” you faintly muttered underneath your breath but not faintly enough that Vil couldn’t hear you.
He scoffed and went back to look at the stupid picture, texting his manager as mad as he was.
“Oh, you saw it too,” you commented, sitting down and looking at your own phone.
Vil didn’t answer. He really didn’t care about your opinion on this; his credibility was on the line. He was supposed to hate you, and that’s how things should go.
“Well, at least they got a good angle of my face, not to mention I’m actually smiling for once.”
“Actually, smil- what are you talking about potato? All you do is smile in all of your pictures. That’s why you have to hide your wrinkles with make-up,” he said as if it was the most obvious thing.
“Well, as presumptuous as that was, proud little peacock, I actually never smile genuinely for the cameras. My genuine smile is reserved for good moments. I guess not anymore.”
At that, Vil felt like the two of you clicked. He knew the feeling, the invasive nature of fame, and the lack of privacy was very real in the industry. It’s the first thing you have to get through. But listening to you say made him realize you’re just like him.
“Well, if you behave during the shoot, I might feel inclined to reward you for good behavior” he grinned at you.
“Mmm, you make it sound as if you don’t like the way I make you crumble in front of everyone. It’s like you’re denying yourself the pleasure, and here I thought you liked the masochism.”
“Hahahaha, I’ll step on you once we’re done here. Maybe that and a little bit of discipline will put you in your place. However, your lack of manners and running mouth might be a problem; perhaps all you need is a nice pacifier. I can help with that.”
You both were so close to each other muttering salacious threats that you didn’t realize how flustered everyone else was in the room.
It was going to be another one of those shoots.
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ask-hunterxhunter · 3 years
Can I have the trouble trio with a pregnant s/o? Hiw do they handle the pregnancy? How do they handle labor and holding their newborn for the first time.
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Pregnancy will be a huge surprise for Feitan. Oh, it’s not that he didn’t know it could happen, it’s just one of those things that seem to happen only to other people. Cue a mix of emotions, to the point he may not react for a second: Happiness, nervousness, insecurity… It will take a while for Feitan to get used to the idea. Yes, he is happy, he is, but he can’t imagine himself as a father, he isn’t sure he would be a good one… At the same time, he is just so excited and happy about this!
Few people would be able to notice this mess of emotions he’s going through (you being one of the exceptions) because Feitan would keep that cold self-control of his while secretly checking books about pregnancy and babies (something not even the most suicidal person would mock him for).
 Many would regard Feitan as an uninterested father-to-be since he would keep that cold attitude of his, to the point a few people would send him dirty looks while you’re out buying stuff for the baby and he seems almost bored. It’s not exactly the case… First, some of the things you’re checking do seem to be exactly the same, so whichever you pick is fine. Second, there will be times when his “any-of-those-is-fine” is not disinterest, but because he genuinely thinks that any of those options are good. And while it seems he just picked a few things at random and tossed them inside the cart, believe me, it was carefully chosen. Others won’t see it, but you know him enough to feel the warmth beneath his actions.
 This warmth, like always, is something you can only notice when you’re together. That’s when he will touch your stomach, perhaps whisper a few words to the baby (when he believes you’re sleeping)… Feitan will have the natural worries of a father-to-be and want to give you the best care he can.
 When it’s time for the baby to be born, well, nothing will keep him from being there in the room with you. Not that anyone will ask him to, since Feitan will (again) give the impression of a perfectly collected and calm person (perhaps even a little too much for certain people’s opinion), but it’s in the way he holds your hand, how he whispers to you and how he keeps looking from you to the doctor that shows he’s both excited and nervous.
 Once Feitan holds the baby for the first time… Well, it’s a moment to behold. It’s rare to see his features so soft, how his gaze becomes less severe, the way he smiles… It’s actually one of the very few times no one can tell he’s a sadistic murderer. Internally, he will swear to always be there for his child. It’s… Pretty sweet, actually. Perhaps a little weird/disturbing considering who Feitan is, but still.
 Now, while he never, and I mean never, doubts being part of the Spider, this doesn’t mean he isn’t aware of the complications involved in raising a baby when you’re a wanted criminal. No, I don’t mean “Oh, I want my child to be a good person, I should change my life around” style (please, have you met this guy?), but in the realistic sense: Moving around, staying away from you and the baby for long periods of time while he “works”, having to deal with those who hunt the Spider (he wouldn’t show it, but he would be terrified at the idea of Hisoka killing you or the baby), it’s simply not exactly the best.
 Feitan would not renounce the Spider, but he would try to balance things in the best way possible, such as not joining in any jobs during the baby’s first months, being there as you recover from giving birth, so on. And because the Troupe is so united, some of the members would offer help whenever they can.
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He is kind of a “freaked-out-soon-to-be-dad” sort of guy (though he tries to hide it as best as he can). He may have thought about having children, but when it finally happens, it just catches him off guard. It’s not that he isn’t happy, far from it! So much that his first reaction is just to hug you! But the questions of pregnancy/fatherhood keep hitting him: There are so many things to buy. Oh, he needs to keep you safe, he can’t let those who hate the Spider find out about the baby. Will he be a good dad? He doesn’t know a thing about pregnancies, how can he help you? Oh, you need to find a good doctor. Wait, what if the baby doesn’t like him?  
 Those are normal questions, though, and you go through them together (just as with the same questions that may hit you). Whenever you’re in doubt or nervous, Phinks will be there to give you support, just like you do when he’s the one unsure about the future. Hey, being a thief and a murderer is one thing, being a father is… Is quite different.
 Those doubts don’t stop Phinks from being simply thrilled at the idea of being a dad at the end of the day. Oh, you don’t have to worry about him being the “embarrassingly-loud-and-excited” sort of person in public (c’mon, he has manners), but it’s pretty clear that he loves buying stuff for the baby with you, preparing the room, thinking about names… In those moments, he is not a murderer or a member of the Spider, he is simply a man in love who is expecting his first child. And while he also keeps his usual posture with the other members of the Spider, they can see he is over the moon with joy (a few members may even joke a little about it). Now, when he’s alone with you, there is often this goofy smile on his face when he touches your stomach and whispers to the bay. And when the baby starts kicking, Phinks is drunk with happiness.
 Speaking of which, while the last month approaches, Phinks becomes… A little (more) too excited/nervous. As the “predicted” day approaches, any moan or whimper from you will have him rushing to your side asking if it’s the time.
 So you can imagine how he gets when the actual day arrives. He’s there with the camera, all happy and while he won’t pester the doctors with every little detail, trying to tell them how to do their job, he is so nervous that you’d think he is the one giving birth (he tries to hide it and be calm for your sake, yes. Let’s just be honest: He fails). However, if it becomes too much and the doctors call his attention, Phinks will regain his self-control.
 When the baby is born, Phinks may hesitate to hold it… He is so used to hurt people and the baby looks so small and fragile that he fears he will hurt it by accident. It takes a gentle coaxing, perhaps you showing him to do it, but when he does it, it’s like something changes in him… You can see his eyes brightening, the way he smiles and gently talks to his child… He may not know how to be a father. His own childhood may not have been perfect (hey, he’s from Meteor City, does that seem like a place full of happy childhoods?), but damn if he won’t do his best for his child. It’s like, for that moment, he isn’t a murderer or a member of the Spider or anything, except for a man holding his baby for the first time.
 Like with Feitan, don’t expect the birth of a child to change his views, okay? The “change” mentioned is just how something (often) changes when a woman becomes a mother. It doesn’t strictly mean Phinks will become a good person and repent. Like with Feitan, he will try to balance his lifestyle and raising a child the best he can, but that’s it. Well, when you got together with him, you knew who he was, so you shouldn’t expect anything different.
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Shalnark will go from the “wait, what did you say” to “this is the best news ever” in a matter of seconds. Despite who he is, it’s kinda of cute (that innocent face of his do help). Maybe he wasn’t planning on having children, maybe he never thought about it, but he is thrilled when it happens (which may surprise him a little if he never considered it before, since Shalnark is not exactly a “family man” type). Once he processes the news, he isn’t sure he can wait nine whole months for the baby to arrive!
 Shalnark is at once completely on board about being a father, though he has no idea of how to do it (cue him buying lots of books and checking many sites). It gets to the point no one would ever suspect of him being part of the Spider when you’re out together buying things for the baby or visiting the doctor, especially when he offers that “good boy” smile of his.
 Of course he has the same worries that everyone else has (especially if/since this is his first child), but almost no one can notice it, except for you due to how well you know Shal. Yes, he is excited and confident most of the time, but there are always those moments when he can’t help but consider possible issues… It just happens. Now, when you two go out, he is that happy future dad that wants to buy just everything for the baby (and if he’s in doubt between two pieces of clothing? He buys both of them!), who can’t wait for the baby to start kicking… Again, many people watching from afar wouldn’t believe this guy is a member of the Phantom Troupe.
 Shalnark is not as reserved as Feitan and Phinks when he is with the other members of the Spider. During a job, he will be as focused and deadly as ever… As soon as it is over, while they check the profit and results, Shaknark will end up commenting about how you’ve been feeling, how he can’t wait for the baby to be born, how he can’t believe he will be a dad… Some members will find it kinda of cute (Shalnark knows how to make such a cute face that you just can’t be mad at him) and be happy for him, while others might hope the baby will be born soon just to see if he’ll shut up then. It’s not that he’s obnoxious or annoying about it, but some of them just aren’t interested in the whole “family” subject, you know?
 It might be surprising, but Shalnark can be sweet when he’s with you, so during those months he will love to have extra cuddle time, touching your stomach, thinking about the baby (hoping he will feel it move soon), imagining the future… And also already imagining training the little one to join the Spiders one day as well.
 When you start to give birth, Shalnark is actually rather good with it. He’s excited and a little nervous, yes, but as soon as you lay on the table, he stays at your side, holding your hand, talking calmly with you.
 When he sees the baby, he is already feeling that warmth of being a father… When you suggest that he holds it, however, he hesitates for a second before doing it. It’s a strange sensation for Shalnark: He is so used to see people as objects, to only care about the Spiders and you, that he is surprised at how his feelings suddenly hit him. It’s a bit like when he realized he was in love with you, but different. He slowly grows more comfortable with the baby in his arms, gently touches its face and tiny hands… So small, so delicate… For a while, Shalnark will just sit at your side, holding the baby. For once, he won’t be thinking about the future, about the Spider, or anything else that is not you and the baby.
 It's just for a moment and it won’t last (he will never stop being who and what he is, after all, no more than any of the others would), but it’s a sweet moment all the same.
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angelanika · 4 years
There’s no “We”
 {Chrollo x Reader}
Genre: Angst (imma angst girl XD), Fluff
Summary: Chrollo tells y/n tha- JUST READ IT PLZ 
Warnings: Light cursing, suggestive remarks, reader’s ATTITUDE
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It wasn’t uncommon for Chrollo to constantly be on the move, but it was for the whole Phantom Troupe to be assembled in one place. They usually worked individually, all across the globe so when Chrollo had told you that the whole gang was meeting in Yorknew City soon, you were beyond excited. 
“I can’t wait to see Machi again!” you squealed.
Chrollo was simply seated on his side of the bed with a small book in hand, paying you no mind. Was he even listening? Eh, you don’t really care. You were too thrilled to even fight for his attention right now.
 Although you couldn’t tag along when they were out on missions (read: murdering people mercilessly), hanging out with them in the hideouts was always enjoyable. They treated you well...partially because you were their boss’s partner...but other than that, they genuinely adored you. Most of them that is. Some like Nobunaga, would just greet you boredly then ignore your presence. But others like Shalnark and Phinks? They would always include you in whatever shenanigans or games they’re playing. 
“Haha y/n, you suck at this,” Shalnark teased.
“Shut up!! I know you rigged my controller you ass,” you shot back. 
You quietly shuffled around under the covers in the dimly lit room, smiling up at the ceiling thinking about all the fun you had with them. Meanwhile, Chrollo sat straight up against the wooden headboard beside you, staring down into his book. He was shirtless (as he always is when sleeping) and only wore a pair of grey sweatpants. 
Oh shi- Not the GrEy sWeAtpaNts!!
 As yummy as he looked with the golden light from his bedside lamp giving him a radiant glow, you decided not to pounce on him. Not tonight at least. Instead, you continued to chatter excitedly. 
 “And Feitan and Shizuku! Haha they’re so fun. I can’t forget about Uvo too!! Chrollo I need to start packing when do we lea-” 
“Y/N,” Chrollo interrupts.
He noisily shut his book and placed it on the bedside table with a huff, before slowly turning to you. 
“There is no ‘we’. I don’t understand where you got the idea that you’re coming too from,” he says clearly. “All I said was that the entire troupe will be meeting up soon.”
There was no malice laced in his tone but you still felt a sharp jab in your chest.
“But I usually tag along...” you replied sassily, not appreciating his sudden rain on your parade. Especially after he’s been too enchanted by his book to give you any attention?! Naww, he has no right to do that!
“And you shouldn’t. It’s not safe.”
“That’s why I get a hotel room for when you guys are out.”
“I can’t guarantee that a hotel will be secure either.”
“But I want to see the gang again. It’s been so long,” now you were just whining.
“You only serve as a distraction Y/N, now drop it. You’re not coming.”
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You had to take a quick glance around to try and find who he was talking to.
You also had to check your ears to make sure you were hearing him correctly.
There’s no ‘we’ huh? Alri BET!
Chrollo waited for whatever smartass comeback you had to shoot at him but when it never came, he just leaned over and switced off the lamp. Now trapping you both in complete darkness...and silence. 
After a few tense seconds of just sitting there, you sharply turned on your side with your back facing him...of course.
Chrollo, however, turned in your same direction with his arms stretching out to hold you like he usually did at night. It was like a stress reliever and quickly became a necessity for him so you can imagine his shock when you swiftly pulled yourself out of his embrace and shuffled towards the edge of the bed. 
He sat up in the bed and stared at you momentarily before lying back down to try again, only to receive the same result. 
“Y/n,” he says sternly, “if you continue like that, you’ll fall right off the bed.”
“Well then so be it. I don’t know where you got the idea that I want to cuddle tonight from,” you fired back, giving yourself a mental high-five for turning his words around on him. 
He immediately picks up on the familiar phrase and chuckles to himself about your attitude. Such a handful...
“Y/n, we always cuddle. Stop acting like this,” he declares, reaching out to hold you once again only for you to move even farther. 
“There is no ‘we’ Chrollo, remember?” 
Chrollo pauses briefly then throws himself on his back with a loud sigh, running his hands through his sleek, black hair. 
“I assume you could see them for one day..” 
“REALLY?!” You suddenly chirp up and turn to face him with a broad smile.
Hm. Where’s that attitude now?
“Yes. One day. But then i need you out the city.” 
“Two days!”
“Don’t push it.”
“One day!”
You promptly return to usual spot on the bed and cozily wrap yourself in your boyfriend’s arms. To which he does not deny. 
“I love you Chrollo,” you say sweetly in a sing-song voice pairing it with a quick kiss on the cheek.
“You only love me when I’m saying ‘yes’ ”, he retorts while pulling you onto himself with a low groan, “Now c’mere.” 
Y/N: 1  Chrollo: 0
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True Bloodlust Ch 10
The Hunt Begins
Finally, that violence and blood you've been craving is finally gifted. It's high time you show your true worth to the Phantom Troupe, and your worth to Feitan. (AO3)
Words: 1,770
Itching with anticipation, in unison Feitan, Phinks, and Nobunaga scooch to the edge of their seats watching everything play out on the plasma screen before them. Feitan stared at the television with ever-growing focus, his aura growing more intense by the second. Phinks and Nobunaga shared a glance at each other, smirking inwardly at how Feitan was losing his usual composure over you.  
Back at the gala, you too were itching with anticipation. Fidgeting and unable to stay still, Shalnark slinked his muscular arm around your waist and pulled you near.  
“You scared?” He whispered teasingly.  
“Hell no! I want something to happen already.” You whisper screamed in response. Back at the base Chrollo shook his head, humming contently to himself at your words.  
“Much like Uvogin,” he thought to himself. Down the hall the rest of the Spiders gave quiet commentary, making bets and guesses on your ability and its limits.  
“I don’t care what they can do, so long as they pull their own weight.” Machi comments, attempting to seem uninterested in the little game her comrades were making out of this.  
“Jealous already, Machi?” Hisoka purred into her ear after lifting a pink lock of hair out of his way. Machi swatted his hand away before returning her attention to the screen.
“I’m not jealous, jeez. I’m just not making a game out of something so serious. They’re clearly inexperienced when it comes to stealth.” Machi analyzed your body language, only an idiot would be able to ignore your bloodlust, you can’t even hold yourself still.  
“Ooh~ I understand, you’re worried about your new friend?” Hisoka says, an air of delight melting into his words. He leans back onto his hands, stifling his giggles at Machi’s flushed cheeks and muttered words.  
“Pay attention.” She spat, ending the conversation abruptly. Machi came to like you pretty quick, you were excitable, but still there was a weakness she couldn’t quite pinpoint about you. She’d hate to see you die so soon. You need discipline to make it in the Spiders. She hopes you aren’t as disposable as you seem right now.
Truthfully, many of the other Spiders, Phinks and Nobunaga including were having the same thoughts. Were you capable? Was the reason you were so quickly allowed into the Phantom Troupe because you were going to die on your first mission so it didn’t matter?
Yes, that was exactly what Chrollo figured would happen. In truth, the reason the Glam Gas Land Mafia are at the gala in waves this evening is because Chrollo Lucilfer himself had them hired. For if you and Shalnark are to fail, Chrollo still wins a check at the end of the night. He loses nothing from this bet. However, if you prove yourself, he gains the check and a new member strong enough to have earned their spot amongst the Spiders.  
If this task proves too much for Shalnark alone, he’ll send Feitan and the others for back up and kill everyone in attendance, despite the initial call for no violence. Chrollo simply can’t lose a thing in this scenario. It’s entertaining for one.
“Well, you got your wish. Someone’s coming this way, act normal.” Shalnark warns inconspicuously. It was true, to you and Shalnark’s left was a large burly man, shaved head and a menacing ragged scar decorating his sharp strong jaw.  
He had to be just shy of Franklin’s height, you imagined. He trudged fourth, a stern look on his face. He’s what you would imagine a caveman to look like, strong brow bone, a permanent scowl. Intimidating to most but an intriguing challenge to you.  
His hulking figure cast a shadow over your form, your eyes panned up to evenly hold his stare. Almost as if you two were testing each other’s strength though shared eye contact, but something about your eyes were so sinister and empty the stranger had to look away.  
Your smirk spread just a fraction wider at that small win, Feitan’s smirk mimicked yours little did you both know. Nothing got past his keen eye, he noticed the way the Mafia man shivered under your piercing gaze, Feitan only wished he could see that look in person.  
However, before he could have anymore lewd imaginations the man before you finally spoke, addressing Shalnark.  
“You two don’t look like you’re from around here...” He says, cracking his knuckles to look threatening.  
“We’re not.” Shalnark responds slyly, giving a soft smile that his big round eyes match perfectly. You smile as well, and it would look more genuine if not for your narrowed soulless eyes.  
“Hm. Well, outsiders weren’t welcome.” He grunts back, nodding to his other men to come join him. Two more large men, nearly identical to the first circle around you both.  
“How’s about we go talk in private?” The man asks smugly.  
“Sounds lovely.” You coo, following after the man dutifully. The two of you are led away from the main ballroom and closer towards the back of the building, empty and abandoned corridors at every corner. Perfect for the job that lies ahead.
The further away you walked the more men you noticed filing in behind you both. Shalnark wasn’t necessarily nervous but he was beginning to understand that this job would become more difficult than he’d like to admit. You however, were feeling giddy. Finally, a real job, bloodshed, a fight, something you’ve longed for for so long. Only thing that could make it better were if Feitan were present. You wanted nothing more than to fight along his side, to impress him further.
But for now, tonight, you needed to focus and show your worth to your new Boss. Without stealing a glance behind you, at lightning speed your nailed sharpened with channeled nen and you sliced a small cut on the back of the Mafia boss’s neck.  
To the untrained eye your movements were too fast to detect, simply looking like a trick of the light to the men following after you, if they caught that at all. You made sure to show the camera that was situated in your fake glasses the small drop of cherry red blood before ingesting it. You hummed at the flavor; it was sweet like candy.  
You desperately wanted more from him.  
Behind you, Shalnark has already stuck 2 pins in the men directly behind you. That leaves just ten men here that are free of being controlled for the time being. The Mafia Boss opened large double doors at the end of the hallway that led outside of the fancy hotel the gala was being held at.
The brutes filed out after you both and surrounded you and Shalnark. The boss rounded on the two of you, pulling a gun from out of his pants waistband.
“Do you want to die quickly or not?” He asked, not sparing you both a second glance.  
“What about you?” You asked, rocking back and forth on your heels. Stifling your giggles through pursed lips.  
"Childish glee," Chrollo commented to himself.  
The man simply quirked his thick brow at you before stopping in his tracks and coming to stand in front of you hoping to use his height as an intimidation tactic.
“I said, what about you? Do you want to die quickly or be my toy for the night? Your blood tastes so sweet, I hope we can play longer–” You say flicking some dust off of his broad chest. He roughly swatted your hand away before grabbing you by the collar.  
“I don’t know what you’re on but I ain’t dying tonight!” He barked lifting you by your collar until you struggled to keep yourself grounded.
“I don’t have the time to keep you, it has to be tonight.” You pouted, and before he could form words to respond back to you, you cut him off.
“Think about it a bit while I borrow your body.” With that you clasped your hands together and took control, gently the Mafia boss released your collar and set you back on the ground carefully. He pulled out his revolver, aiming it to colleague’s head.
Before the rest of the Mafia men could comprehend what was going on, you made him pull the trigger. Shalnark jumped out from the sea of men, pulling out his bat phone to begin using his subjects. The two of you used your three men to shoot and kill the other ten ruffians and subsequently the two that Shalnark was manipulating.  
Tears could be seen streaming down the Boss’s ashen cheeks. His lip bobbed pitifully as he wept, unable to control his body and stop the casualties.  
“Good job!” You exclaim, nudging Shalnark with your elbow playfully.  
“Though, I’m sure there’s more guys inside just waiting on us,” the Boss’s eyes widened a fraction and darted towards you, fearful.  
“Yup, that just about confirms it, let’s keep this one of course and take the dead one’s guns.” You explain, Shalnark allows you to take the lead given that this is your test and all.  
You release the man, only for a moment as you massage your temple. Controlling your puppets in this manner causes immense strain on the mind, and you were sure to take more puppets along the way. The Mafia Boss ran only a few steps before you sliced a deeper gash on the back of his neck. So deep, he’d need stitches if he were going to survive this at all.  
He barked in pain before his body went stiff in time with the clap of your hands meeting once again to regain control. The bond was stronger now, the more blood the better the control, yet the more strain on you in turn. But you didn’t mind, you can handle the excruciating headache later.  
You turned the Mafia man around to face you once more, his face was blank but, in his mind, he was screaming bloody murder. The look on your face was sickening and horrifying, he’d never been more afraid. Are you human? That grin that for sure could split your face in half at any moment, the glazed look in your eyes, you licked your lips, traces of his blood dripping down your chin. You moaned at the flavor sinfully, causing Feitan’s pants to grow tighter around him.  
“Tsk.” He sucked his teeth, evidently growing more frustrated that he couldn’t be out there with you enjoying himself.  
“Let’s go have some fun.” You said, before both you and Shalnark reentered the venue with your puppet, ready to claim that prize check by any means necessary.  
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