#I DO BELIEVE in LARRY but I don't think it means anything
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dinasfavslut · 11 months
hello could you do a sal fisher x fem reader who is very confident but also really friendly?
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Ok so I tried but I wasn’t sure if you wanted smut or fluff I guess it’s just more fluff and to be completely honest is was kinda lazy with it I’m sorry it’s not my best but I hope you like it (probably will delete later)
Sally Face x Fem!r
No major warnings slight smut near the end but just like leaving marks and neck kisses
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I believe that he has many insecurities because of the trauma he experienced as a child and because of the mask he wears.
When you go to the beach, Sal normally doesn't get in the water; he doesn't want his mask to get torn or fly off by a large wave, and if he does, he makes sure it doesn't get above his knees.
As much as he adores you, he is also envious of your confidence and unaffected demeanor when you fall flat on your face in public. People fall all the time. So, if someone messes up your or his order when getting food, you call the waitress back so they may make the necessary corrections.
You met for the first time in college. You could say you were popular, but it was more about how kind you were and how many friends you had. You were well-known, but not everyone knew who you were or wished to be like you. So you were sitting in chemistry as the "popular" girl next to the "quiet" guy (it's always the quiet ones). "Woah, that's such a cool mask!"
"Oh, uh, thanks."
"Did you make it yourself or get it from somewhere?"
“It’s just prosthetic." He didn't want to give into too much information since he didn't want to scare you away too quickly. He was surprised you didn't ask him what the mask was for; that hadn't come up in a long time.
You've been dating for a few months but have only known each other for around a year."Don't you want to know why I am wearing this?"
"I mean, yeah, I've always wondered, but you haven't seemed at ease talking about why you wear it or what happened, but I think you'll tell me when you're ready."
It took him some time. He removed his mask totally about five months into the relationship. He was stunning. You couldn't help but run your fingers through his hair and kiss him like you'd wanted to for so long. His lips were surprisingly soft. Larry and Ash are the only people who have seen his face (his father is irrelevant). You're now staring at him in awe. "I knew you'd look lovely, but I really underestimated myself." He drew you back into the embrace. It was brimming with passion, love, hunger, and lust.
You feel like it was harder not to kiss him. Consider how many times he's wanted to pull off the mask and make out with you, but he couldn't be too concerned about how you'd scream in fright or slap him for leading you on for so long just to be mortified under his mask. He was well aware that they were ridiculous ideas.
It was dark and rainy outside, and he had planned to take you out to a nice meal. You had your hair done perfectly, your makeup was simple, highlighting your best features, and you wore a dress that accentuated all of your curves as well as a pair of sneakers to look attractive while remaining comfortable. He was driving with his headlights on, barely able to see due to the heavy rain. "Holy shit, Sal! Stop the car, Sal!" He pushed on the brakes, forcing himself forward as you jumped out of the car. A cat was frozen in front of the car; it was dark, wet, and shivering. You cloaked it in a hoodie.
Your hair was a mess, and what you thought was smear-proof mascara was running down your cheeks. "We don't have to go if you don't want us to."
“No no, I'll just put my hair up and clean my make-up." You walked into the restaurant, garnering strange looks as if you'd been living on the street. "sal table for two?"
The night finished with you leaving markings all over him and him biting into your neck, which was okay because you were willing to wear anything that claimed you as his.
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inbarfink · 10 months
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So the AA Fandom has no shortage of jokes about how our favorite Anime Laywers generally prioritize stuff like the Power of Friendship above more mundane concerns like 'getting paid for doing their job' but...seriously now, how often do they actually get paid for lawyering?
Well, welcome to...
The Big Overview of WAA Lawyers and Actually Getting Paid!!
The vast majority of AA Cases do not discuss payments for legal services explictly, so I will be Ranking how probable I feel it is the Lawyers got Paid. With a 0 standing for 'explictly and unambigiously did not get paid' and 1 standing for 'explictly and unambigiously did get paid'
The First Turnabout
That's an easy one, it is actually explicitly mentioned that no, Larry did not pay Phoenix for his services as a Lawyer.
And so, my first trial came to a close. Larry slapped me on the back and said, "Gee, Nick, it's good to have friends!" But I'm pretty sure he's not going to pay us. Unless you count the clock he gave Mia.
Which is brought up again months later during 'Turnabout Goodbyes'
Butz: Whoa… Nick. S-so, is that why you helped me out for free? Phoenix: Uh… yes. I helped you because I believed in you. (Except I don't remember saying I'd do it for free…)
So Phoenix expected and wanted to get paid, but he’s just, like, not assertive enough to get his money off Larry. And thus a long legacy of Not Getting Money was born!
Probability of Getting Paid: 0
Turnabout Sisters
Okay, so the subject of money does not come up directly in ‘Turnabout Sisters’ but like… Maya does not seem to have a lot of liquid funds on her at this point. For most of the games she generally relays on Phoenix to pay for things for her. At best right now she is semi-dependent on Morgan for cash - and considering her motivations, she probably came out with some excuse like ‘oooh Mystic Maya must prove her independence in such a dire situation or something, the whole Fey Family is broke we can’t afford to give you any more money I feel so bad ooooh’.
So I think if Phoenix got paid for defending her that was mostly a token symbolic gesture of gratitude more than actually anything that’ll help him pay the rent. And obviously Phoenix wouldn’t gain anything if he paid himself for that second trial of the case lol
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.1
Turnabout Samurai
Okay, so this is the first case where I think it is more likely than not Phoenix Actually Got Paid. There’s nothing textual, but I think with the implications of Phoenix starting the case fretting over how to pay the rent:
Phoenix: A month has passed since my trial. Mia's murder was the talk of the town for some time… But no one paid any attention to the Wright & Co. Law Offices… How am I going to pay the rent this month? Maya: It'll be okay. I'm sure some big client is just around the corner! Phoenix: Hmph.
And THEN his new Client is Will Powers who is:
a fairly sucessful actor whose life and career seems to be unglamorous but financially stable.
the first cilent Phoenix has who isn't a friend, a relative-of-a-friend or Literally Himself
generally just a really nice and wholesome guy.
It seems pretty likely to me that Phoenix and Maya got paid for this one!
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.8
Turnabout Goodbyes
OKAY so, I've seen folks say that Phoenix would've probably done this for free cause he sees this whole thing as repaying a debt for Being Nice to Him in Fourth Grade because as we all know, Phoenix is a Certified Ridiculous Human Being.
Phoenix: This is my chance to finally pay you back. Maya: Pay him back…? Edgeworth: Pay me back? For what? I don't remember ever doing anything for you. Phoenix: Never mind… I guess you don't really need to know.
Buuuuut... Larry at the time was also part of that Class Trial Bestie Pact and Phoenix did expect him to pay I mean Larry is not the Love of His Life but still.
And more important, this case ALSO established that Miles has a problem expressing gratitude and overcompensate using financial gifts.
Phoenix: Thank you. Oh, wait! Umm… I was wondering, how much is bail going to be? Gumshoe: Don't worry about that. Mr. Edgeworth is posting the whole amount. Phoenix: What? Edgeworth…? Gumshoe: Didn't I tell you? He's grateful to her for what she did. Alright, pal. Well don't forget to go pick her up, okay? Phoenix: (Hmm… Maybe I can get Edgeworth to pay this month's rent, too…)
So I feel, like, regardless of what Phoenix wanted - at the end of this trial - Miles IS going to make sure he is GETTING PAID. Dude was probably shoving checks into his mailbox like a full month after the trial concluded.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.9
Rise from the Ashes
So... the person who initially hires Phoenix to the case is Ema Skye, a 16 year old girl whose main funds are her allowance. And Phoenix was kinda willfully ignoring his financial situation at the start and only took this case for sentimental reasons. (just more evidence that Miles was STILL sending him payments for 'Goodbyes' lol)
It's been two months since Maya left the office… Two months without a single trial. I've had offers… But none I took. That is… until the day that girl showed up.
However he does get 'formally requested' by her probably-well-off-considering-prosecutors-in-this-series older sister shortly thereafter.
Lana: … Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Y-yes? Lana: I believe our discussion here is ended. The rest… I leave to you. Phoenix: …! Um… you mean, you're requesting my services as your defense? Lana: Don't lose any sleep over it. Your client has confessed, after all. The case is over. Phoenix: Right… I'll do what I can to get to the bottom of this. Lana: …
And after a very long and harrowing journey of being in-conflict with his own client, Lana did end up being very grateful for what he did. And again, this case espacially emphasizes that 'prosecutors make the big bucks' - so she had both the means and will to pay him.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.6
The Lost Turnabout
Alrighty, so, Maggey is generally a nice girl and also a fangirl of Phoenix Wright and that gives her an incentive to support him financially...
Actually, I really love to watch court proceedings, and I always root for you to win! When I'm off duty, I like to come here and…
But with how unlucky she is, that might imply that she could have Money Troubles. Although on the other hand she at least has a stable job at the moment... But on the other OTHER hand she does mention how all the other lawyers 'laughed her off'
Just when I thought all hope was lost; when all the other lawyers had laughed me off… "Leave it to me!" you said! You! The one and only Phoenix Wright came to save the day! And just like that, I was moved to tears, sir! I'll never forget what you're doing for me, EVER!
Which usually I wouldn't note as a financial thing. Usually when an AA Defendant is like 'oooh I have no one else to turn too, all the other lawyers turned me down......" this is because the case is considered too impossible to win or Unbearably Wacky (or some sort of conspiracy like with Maya in 'Sisters'). But, like, this is a Tutorial Case. Phoenix won that one with Fucking Amnesia. The 'impossibility' of the case was not the issue, so, yeah, it might legitimately be the money?
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.4
Reunion, and Turnabout
It's Maya Murder Trial Time Again! Pretty much the same as before with the two added factors being:
Maya is now officially employed in the Wright & Co. Law Offices during the duration of the trial.
AFTER the Trial, when Morgan is like, in jail - Maya might have a bit more acess to her family funds. Although they are established to Not Be Doing Well Financially in general....
A piece of cloth with a ton of finely-written characters jammed onto it. Probably esoteric knowledge only mediums should know. …Hmm, let's see… Here's one in English… It says… "100 Ways to Save Money". … Being a medium sounds like a rough way of life…
I think all in all these kinda even out to the same Chances of Getting Paid at last time??
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.1
Turnabout Big Top
So if you ever start discussing how pointless the AA 'middle cases' are - just remember this one crucial detail; they are the most reliable way Phoenix Wright gets food on his plate! We once again have a stranger (that Phoenix won't feel obligated to defend for free) that is very explictly Fabulously Wealthy.
He's not as nicey-nice as Will Powers is but I feel like paying Phoenix's legal fees is not something Max will bet an eye at.
Phoenix: It's a table for guests… There are some papers scattered on top. Maya: Ah! Look at this! Max's salary is written on this piece of paper. YIKES! Phoenix: W-What is it? Maya: I didn't know a magician… This salary is incredible! Phoenix: (She looks like she's about ready to pass out from shock…) How much is it!? How much is it!? T-T-THAT MUCH!? Maya: Incredible, huh? Phoenix: You can say that again.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Farewell, My Turnabout
Okay so this is the Big One. This one’s a really complicated one to determine.
Let’s just get the first thing out of the way, the fact that Phoenix “”lost”” the case does not matter one way or another. Criminal Defense Lawyers, as a general rule, do not work on a Contingency Fee Basis. That means they are paid regardless of the result of the trial. So if this was a normal trial, Phoenix would probably be paid.
But this was not a normal trial, was it?
Phoenix was FORCED to work as a Defense Attorney due to a KIDNAPPER. And, like, my first instinct is ‘if you are already forcing someone to work via criminal means, why the hell would you also pay them??’ 
Buuuuut….. This is MY instinct, not the instinct of goddam Shelly De Killer. 
Since Shelly’s whole thing is being the Honorable Assassin, and he has some level of respect towards Phoenix as like a Fellow Professional. I can see him thinking maybe wanting Phoenix to get paid for the work he is Coercing Him To Do Under Threat of Murdering His Best Friend for the sake of Honor. 
But also also, Phoenix’s terms are not officially with De Killer, it’s with This Asshole!
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And Matt Engarde is absolutely the kind of guy to casually take advantage of Phoenix’s frantic ‘please please just let me be your lawyer or my Friend is gonna Die!’ thing where, like, obviously getting paid is NOT gonna cross through Phoenix’s head atm in order to not pay/severely underpay the guy even though he can obviously afford it.
All in all, things are not looking good for this case’s probability, which is a shame considering how it ends.
Powers: Um, anyway… So, who's paying for this lovely dinner party? Maya: As if you need to ask! Everyone say, "Thank you" to Nick! Phoenix: Huh? Gumshoe: Ah, yeah… I'm kinda at the point where I can't even buy instant noodles, pal. So I kinda already put your name on the bill.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.3
Turnabout Memories
First time covering a Lawyer that’s not Phoenix!
Now, Mia’s client in this case is a college student who probably doesn't have tons of personal funds, and considering her own motivations for taking on the case she probably would’ve done it for free but…
At the time she was employed at the Grossberg Law Offices, and Phoenix hired just the office in general and then Mia took over the case just last night.
Grossberg: Still, you surprised me… What, with your earnest request last night… "Let me handle this case!" you suddenly said. And quite forcefully, too! Mia: I just found out yesterday. About the case, I mean.
So... really this is just the Vibes I get from the Grossberg Law Offices, being generally the more professional and by-the-book law offices compared to the utter chaotic energy of Wright and Co, that makes me assume that they usually reliably charge their clients and pay their lawyers.
There’s some evidence further down the line (which we’ll get to soon) that some of their lawyers do some pro-bono work - but I dunno if Phoenix’s case was extreme enough to necessitate that (I mean he might be a broke college student but his family would probably help him with the legal funds although that assumes they even exist) . So my assumption is that Mia probably did get paid. Probably?
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.75
The Stolen Turnabout
So, Ron DeLite used to really financially struggle to keep up with his wife’s shopaholic habits - but that seems to have stabilized ever since his ‘benefactor’ showed up. So I’d assume he still has some funds left to pay his lawyer. I mean I guess it won’t be totally implausible if Desiree did manage to blow through them all…. Or maybe being a a high-spending shopaholic means that she’d want to pay extravagantly for her lawyer as well?
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Recipe for Turnabout
It’s Maggey again! And now she’s:
Closer to a friend, or at least a friend-of-friend. Rather than Just Another Client.
Is probably in a more dire financial state than before, on account of being unemployed and also in jail for the last two months.
Also being a waitress isn’t that prestigious a job anyways 
And if anyone is gonna help her cover her legal fees it could only be Gumshoe which… does not bode well to anyone involved!
Pissed at Phoenix cause it took her some time to realize that no, that guy who got her found guilty two months ago is not him
So basically everything that changed since her last trial makes it less likely that Phoenix charged for his legal services. I'm sure she'd try her best by the end, but Phoenix might just wave it off to save everyone a headache.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.3
Turnabout Beginnings
So first things first I want to reiterate that Criminal Defense Attorneys generally get paid regardless of if they ‘win’ and while I couldn’t find any concrete statements about the matter - I believe they get paid even if their clients die mid-trial??? I mean, the legal fees just get added to their posthumous debts? So the lawyer would hypothetically be able to claim their due payment from the deceased’s remaining funds and possessions. If they wanted to, that is…
Cause, well, this is why I said the Grossberg Law Offices might do some pro-bono cases. Terry Fawles was, like, a part-time tutor who has been incarcerated for the last five years. If he has any family or friends outside that could help him with his legal fees, he never mentions them. 
So I’m really not sure if he bought Mia services or if she volunteered to do this pro-bono after hearing he had no options for legal representations out of concern for, like, prisoners rights. 
And even if he was supposed to pay Mia for her service, after the grim ending of the case - I’m not sure if she would’ve even tried to pursue getting her legal fees from Fawles’ posthumously/from his next of kin. From how deeply traumatized she was by that trial, I think that would’ve only made her feel worse about the whole situation. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.05
Bridge to the Turnabout
Iris is a nun from a small temple that is mentioned to not-be-doing-so-hot (cause it’s tied with the Kurain Channeling Technique and it’s been on a downturn since DL-6), but she does have at least enough personal funds to have her own cell-phone and occasionally go into town. So it’s not a lot, but I think it’s enough to get Phoenix at least a a symbolic token-of-gratitude payment.
Also, it might be possible Phoenix will wave off the fees due to the Personal Connection to the case. You know, he was doing this primarily to Uncover the Truth and get some personal closure for the Dahlia mess.... Or maybe not, cause he did still get paid (or tried to get paid, or forced to get paid) to save his two Fourth-Grade-Life-Debt Childhood Best Friends in court?
(And I do mean just Phoenix, Miles probably would never charge for his services as ‘acting defense attorney’, we don’t need that farce to get any farcier)
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.3
Turnabout Trump
Now this is a complicated one, let us list the factors here one-by-one:
1. As per Apollo’s comment in the next episode, the Gavin Law Offices probably operated strictly quid pro quo.
(Good-bye, quid pro quo. Hello pro bono. sigh)
2. Phoenix is supposedly friends with the boss of the Agency. And in reality, Kritoph Gavin has a very VERY vested interest in making sure the trial goes According to Plan. Incentivising him to at least give Phoenix a discount.
3. Phoenix is also not doing that great financially right now. 
4. Oh right, that entire law agency disbanded once the boss got arrested at the end of the trial!
…Speaking of which, I may be out of a job. I work for Gavin Law Offices, after all. (I still can't believe I just saw Mr. Gavin get led away in handcuffs…)
I think it is most likely that Phoenix got some sort of “”Friend”” Discount from Kristoph. But I really don’t know what happens if an entire law firm gets disbanded right after the trial cause the owner got arrested as a result of it. It probably depends on whether Phoenix was in agreement with the Gavin Law Offices who then assigned Apollo on the case or if Phoenix had an agreement with Apollo directly.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.5
Turnabout Corner
Oh hey, look! Another rare case of an Ace Attorney that actually discusses the issue of money directly!
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Well, I mean we know how much Apollo got paid for solving the case of Phoenix’s accident and Trucy’s panties (nothing) and for solving Eldoon’s Noodle Cart Theft (a free bowl of ramen). We don’t see them directly discuss the subject of payment regarding Apollo’s Actual Job…
Apollo: Your request… let me guess, something's been stolen? Alita: Um, your flyer… It says "now defending" so I thought… Apollo: Whaaaat!? You mean, you mean you want me to defend you? Me? Trucy: Maybe you can tell us what happened? Were you hit by a car? Did someone steal your stand? Or your panties? Alita: No! No… I'm not the client, actually. The client would be my… well, my fiancé, I suppose you'd call him. Apollo: Fiancé…? What happened to him, then? Alita: He was arrested this morning. The charge… was murder.
But as he was complaining before about not only being pigeonholed as some sort of a detective, but also not getting paid for anything…
Um… I was wondering when I get paid? We solved the case of your accident, and um, found a missing article of clothing.
And then getting this job and being so happy about it...
Trucy: Polly! You look as happy as a clam in its shell. Apollo: For a lawyer this is it, the place where the battle begins!
Implies that He’s Getting Paid - just as much as with Phoenix’s rent stuff in ‘Turnabout Samurai’ if not more. 
Also, I don’t think the fact that the person who hired him wanted him to fail and is now going to prison is a factor here.
As I already mentioned, Defense Attorneys get paid regardless of the outcome of a trial and logically that would apply both when they lose and when they win. Plus, I am pretty sure Alita filed her request officially through Wocky’s name or the Kitaki family in general and they were obviously very grateful for what Apollo did, and they had both the wins and wills to pay him.
So let’s give a big round of applause for Apollo Justice, the WAA Lawyer most likely to get paid!
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.99
Turnabout Serenade
These kind of showbiz-focused Middle Cases are generally pretty good for Getting Paid Probabilities, but this case is a bit more complicated.
Cause the plot of this case hinges on Machi being so desperate for money that he was willing to risk death via cocoon smuggling,
Situation… I cannot explain. But money. I needed. Very much money.
That doesn’t necessarily mean he was unable to afford a lawyer - without details of why exactly he needed that Sweet, Sweet Cocoon Money we can’t be sure.  But it’s plausible that hiring Apollo was not out of his price range but he was desperate for something far more expensive. 
Considering his young age and… you know, until the final day of the trial he pretended to not understand a word of English, it’s also possible hiring Apollo was a matter handled by Lamirior and/or the duo’s agency. Both of which will probably feel committed to Actually Paying, each from their own angle. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Turnabout Succession
Now, HERE’S a complicated one! 
Going generally over the usual stuff, Vera is a pretty nice person and she’s clearly grateful for what Apollo and Trucy did for her. And while the Misham Family was driven into forgeries by financial desperation, at the present-time they seem stable enough that Vera could at least afford the rates of the WAA. If this was just another case, it’ll get like a solid 0.7 at minimum. Pretty typical stuff by now.
But this isn’t just one more ordinary case. This a weird sort of ‘Test Trial’ for the Jurist System with every factor - including the Defendant and the Attorney - arranged by Phoenix’s weird little committee.
Well, for one, I'll be chair of the Jurist System Simulated Court Committee. The chair constructs the ideal situation… choosing the case, the jurist candidates… …even the judge and the courtroom.
Apollo: So… what kind of case is the trial simulation about? Phoenix: Well, since it is the first run through of a new system, I wanted something simple. Trucy: Good thinking! No sense wearing yourself out on something too serious! Phoenix: True. The case is a murder. Apollo: That's not simple at all!! Trucy: By "simple", did you mean that the defendant is… Phoenix: …Guilty. Yes. Most likely. …So, good luck, Apollo. Apollo: Um… with what? Phoenix: With the trial tomorrow. You're defending, of course. Recall that I said it had something to do with you.
So I guess the question here, did Phoenix basically make Vera officially hire Apollo? Did the committee hire Apollo and they’re the one paying him? Is this another case of Phoenix trolling Apollo into doing Free Volunteer Work for him?
Honestly I wouldn’t put that past the AA4 version of Phoenix..............but also if he did that I doubt he would’ve missed a chance to crack a joke at Apollo’s expense about that. 
...You know, I started this thread of thought with the thought I’m arguing for a lower Getting Paid score for this case but I think I just talked myself into increasing the probability.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.8
Zero fucking chances Phoenix got paid on this one. HIS CLIENT DISAPPEARED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE COURT PROCEEDING! And even if Phoenix gets paid before a trial is concluded (unlikely, since he didn’t know Larry wasn’t paying him until after the case was closed), he was his attorney for like half-a-day before he disappeared so wouldn’t have much of a chance either way.  And considering Zak’s character (and how he also tried to sabotage Phoenix’s current Poker-based career seven years after that), I doubt he put that much thought into Phoenix and his financial considerations to give him a down payment in case he had to to do his disappearnce act or whatever. The only thing Zak left Phoenix with when he left was his goddam abandoned child and ONE LESS BADGE!
So I think this case deserves a very special score!
Probability of Getting Paid: -1
Turnabout Countdown
It’s time for Athena’s first case! Or second case, depending on how you look at it.
Now, one of the major ways that Dual Destinies is gonna shake this Deep Serious Analysis up is that before we had, like, one Active Full-Time Lawyer at any time (maybe with a backup lawyer for Flashback Cases), and we now have Three Different Lawyers actively working together on the same cases. My main concern is primarily not which WAA Lawyers get paid for these cases, but IF any of them got paid at all. Still, shenanigans of cases changing hands officially and unofficially are gonna play a factor in my analysis as well.
And it’s here right from the start! We once again have a Lawyer defending their bestest friend in the whole world, and while some people’s instincts might suggest that means that Defense was for free, well… First things first, we already established Precedence for that back in the first trial of the first game with Larry (not for Lawyers getting paid by their friends, but at least expecting payment) and Juniper’s family is probably doing Just Fine considering she attends this super-fancy-pant prestigious Lawyer High School - so she would want to financially support Athena I would think.
And ALSO, Juniper technically didn’t hire Athena, Apollo was the one supposed to defend Junie in court at first. And although Juniper is… growing closer to Apollo at this point in canon, I don't think it's quite the ‘defend me in court for Free’ point of their relationship, compared to where Juniper and Athena are at. So this is just, like, one extra point to the Final Score!
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
The Monstrous Turnabout
So in this episode, we actually have two different jobs we need to make sure if Apollo actually got paid for. We have the actual criminal defense case, and we also have Babysitting Trucy.
Trucy: Oh, we'd better hurry. Doesn't look Daddy's going to make it, so let's get going. Apollo: Huh? Where are we going? What about the job he mentioned? Trucy: This IS the job, Polly! You're supposed to keep me company today! Now, come on! Apollo: Another day of not being a lawyer. Should've seen this coming. Trucy: Well, this is the "Wright ANYTHING Agency," y'know. And there's no law-related work at the moment, so… Apollo: (Tell me again why I chose to "work" here?) Where is Mr. Wright, anyway?
That being said, Phoenix might still be a bit of a troll but the WAA is doing a lot better financially now that Trucy has those Sweet Gramarye rights and he’s not quite as mean to Apollo as he was back in Hobomode. So I get a feeling that even with this little runaround, Apollo is probably at least getting paid for chaperoning Trucy around?? Probably?
The actual case is actually a lot more clear cut. It is directly mentioned that Damian Tenma could probably afford lawyers much more prestigious than the WAA, it’s just a matter of the WAA being the only ones crazy enough to take on this ‘doomed’ case. 
Trucy: Apollo! Maybe this is your chance. Apollo: Chance for what? Trucy: To do the right thing and defend Jinxie's dad in court! Apollo: Who, me? Wouldn't a man like Mayor Tenma have access to more experienced lawyers? Jinxie: Umm… You wanna know what the detectives said? They doubted there was a lawyer who could get a not-guilty verdict in this one.
And with Mayor Tenma’s personality being based around being almost overly-generous and grateful…
Tenma: How… incredibly… RUDE! Apollo: Umm, sorry. Did I do something to offend you? Tenma: A visitor when all others shun me like a common criminal! And here I am with nothing to offer! I am the epitome of rude! Apollo: (………Wait, so he wasn't mad at me?)
I feel like it is almost a certainty that Apollo and Athena did get paid for this case! 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.85
Turnabout Academy
Okay so, it’s Junie again! Or Junie for the first time depending on how you look at it!
So all of the points I already brought up about Juniper from ‘Countdown’ still apply (save for the stuff about Apollo, of course) but ALSO this is right when Athena and Juniper reunited and their whole emotional arc in this case is about Athena feeling Juniper is being Uncharacteristically Cold and Distant towards her. So defending her on a Friend Discount would be a bit strange at this point. Maybe I can see Athena trying to insist she’d do it for free but Juniper refused?
Although I think that IS a bit weird that they had this big whole scene with Professor ScaryStatue taking over Juniper’s case and the issue of payment doesn’t even come up in passing. I mean, yes obviously, the issues of Trust and Truth and Aristotle Means being Sus as Fuck are the important things in this narrative but I’m suprised there’s not even a mention in passing. Like Means accusing Athena and Apollo of wanting this case back for the Money but they refute him???
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.8
The Cosmic Turnabout
Okay, look, I know I keep bringing up the Larry Precedence but it really IS quite relevant. If Actual Overly-Sentimental Human Disaster Phoenix Wright tried to charge a rate for his childhood best friend who was drifting through life doing weird odd jobs at that time. - Then Apollo, who is generally more practical minded, is probably going to charge a rate for his older acquaintance with the stable Astronaut Job. And while Solomon is a bit of a Space Larry, I don’t think he’d try and avoid the payment in quite the same way. Probably.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Turnabout for Tomorrow
This trial has Phoenix defending one of his own employees in a trial forced on by a hostage situation. I feel silly even extending this paragraph any longer. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.01
Turnabout Reclaimed
First things first, yes, an Orca cannot pay for an attorney - but I assume that the person who hired Phoenix is officially Sasha Buckler. Who IS a human being with her own funds capable of hiring a lawyer. Especially as we know that other lawyers turned her down specifically because her case is ridiculous (and not for financial reasons). 
Phoenix: What's the real reason you picked me, Sasha? Buckler: …Well, to be honest, I asked a whole slew of lawyers, but they all refused. They said stuff like, "There's no merit to taking your case," or "I'm not sure I can help." They're all as cruel as sharks, with hearts punier than whitebait!
She does mention doing a performance as thanks at the ending of the trial but that’s probably no replacement for Actual Money.
But I think most notable for our analysis about this case, is not actually any of the Orca stuff - it’s this exchange right here.
Blackquill: Today, the orca. Tomorrow, Sasha Buckler. You intend to save them both? Hmph. You say you "believe" in your clients, but isn't money really your true motivation? Why not admit you're only doing this for your own benefit? I could understand that much more readily than your empty, righteous talk. Athena: Our own benefit?! That's not why we're doing it! Phoenix: Now, Athena. Try not to let him get to you.
Yet another rare case of the game Acknowledging Lawyers Are Paid As a General Rule! And notably, when Phoenix and Athena deny it, they don’t deny the fact that they are getting paid - just that it’s not why they’re doing this. This is not exactly an explicit confirmation of Getting Paid to get the score up to a full 1, but it’s probably as close as we’re gonna get. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.95
The Foreign Turnabout
Okay, so Phoenix basically just bursted into the Courtroom and bluffed his way onto the empty defense bench despite the protests of his own so-called Client. Said client also only started unlearning his Defense-Attorney-Hate during that same trial. And is ALSO a tiny little child who has to work part time as a tour-guide to make end’s meet. I highly doubt Phoenix asked for anything more than, like, a very token rate or maybe a discount on his next tour. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.1
The Magical Turnabout
Considering how this case has a WAA Lawyer defending the actual CEO of the WAA, I highly doubt the WAA got any money from it. But maybe Trucy could give him some of her personal funds as a token of gratitude?
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.2
The Rite of Turnabout
It’s MAYA TIME again! And while some consideration has to go to her bond with Phoenix or the possibility of some sort of Frequent Accused card the WAA issued for her - the fact that she is not currently a Coworker at the law office and has been an Actual Independent Adult for quite some time now means it is actually a lot more likely she’s able to pay Phoenix now than in any case in the Original Trilogy!
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.5
Turnabout Storyteller
This one’s a pretty average case. The Defendant is not a total stranger, but he is more of a friend-of-a-friend (and Simon was originally planning to get Apollo or Phoenix into the courtroom so the connection was even more distant when he contacted the WAA). He seems to be doing alright financially with his own noodle business, and he’s a pretty alright kinda guy. The only possible concern is that he’s too totally slushed to remember he’s supposed to pay his attorney. But then again, Simon might be ‘officially’ the one who hired the lawyer for the case.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.6
Turnabout Revolution
It’s time for the THREE CASES IN ONE SPECIAL!! Because we don’t just need to consider Dhurke’s trial, I think it’s only appropriate that we take into account both Apollo and Phoenix’s side of the civil case. They are both WAA Lawyers, after all.
On Apollo’s side, he is defending Datz Are'bal, an escaped prisoner/wanted revolutionary criminal in his own country hiding away in an abandoned building and making homemade lizard skewers for food- but Datz did apparently enter Japanifornia legally via legitimate means.
Apollo: What are the charges this time? Datz: Unauthorized entry, or something like that. They think I'm an illegal alien! And I can't prove otherwise ‘cause I lost my passport! Trucy: Is there any way they'd let you go? Datz: Not without my passport… If only I had it! Dhurke, AJ! You gotta find my passport! Apollo: …All right, we'll find it. (One more thing to add to our to-do list. Now, where might Datz's passport be?)
So he presumably has some sort of funds to pay Apollo for his legal services, at least a little bit. 
And with him being Dhurke’s best friend and knowing that he also struggled financially to make end’s meet as a defense attorney at first - I would like to think that’ll incentivise him to support Apollo financially if he can?
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Meanwhile on Phoenix’s side, while Phoenix uses the word ‘hire’ when talking about working for Atishon. Phoenix was once again coerced via kidnapping into the position of attorney. 
And THIS time, there is no Assassin with a Code of Honor who might consider paying Phoenix a fair rate. Both Atishon and his ‘benefactor’ are sleazeballs who would not pay Phoenix a dime if they can get away with it. Plus, with this being a civil case, there might actually be a Contingency Basis going on when Phoenix basically quit and then they lose.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.001
And finally, the grand event of this case - the Trial of Dhurke! 
So… Can a summoned undead spirit pay for an attorney? I suppose it’s probably easier in Khura'in than in other places. And it’ll mostly work the same as if the client died before the case finished, right? It’ll be considered a debt to be carried by their next of kin. Who in this case will be Nahyuta… but also maybe Apollo? Still, considering all of Dhurke’s living family ranges between ‘wealthy and well-respected’ and ‘Literal Royalty’ - I’m going to assume they’d be more than happy then to pay their Weird Brother for his help. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.75
Turnabout Time Traveler
And here we are! The last case, and a relatively straightforward one at that - at least compared to the last one lol!
Ellen herself does not have many funds as a housemaid, it seems - but since she literally just married one of the richest inventors in the world, I assume her husband is gonna cover the legal fees. The WAA Legal Team and Also Edgeworth and Ema also got an invite to the Wedding but I assume this is not instead of actual payment?
That is, of course, unless it’s technically Larry who hired Phoenix actually.
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Then he’s never getting the goddam money he deserves for his labor.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Average Probability Score for All Cases (not counting the Zak Bonus Round): 0.51721875
So what have we learned today? I think that while the WAA’s reputation for basically giving away legal services for free is not entirely unearned, it is perhaps somewhat exaggerated. While there’s certainly a lot of Shennanigans and their rates are probably not high (especially not for people they know), they still get paid for a decent amount of high-profile cases. I mean, this Getting Paid Probability Score is over the 50% mark at least....
And… the odd thing is that the First Turnabout really is the only time the subject of the lawyer getting paid is really brought up directly. I get that it might, y’know, ruin the Drama if we acknowledge that our Brave Heroes are getting paid to save people from being convicted of a crime they didn’t commit - or on the other hand of the equation, that they should get paid cause They Need Money to Live. But still…
Is the fact that the only time payment is brought up directly is when Larry isn’t paying Phoenix a bad sign for the general financial situation of our Anime Lawyers? Or is it actually a good sign? Like, that they only mention Larry not paying implying that every time it is not mentioned that means the client did pay them?
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statementlou · 1 year
why do you talk about Louis using blue and green signalling as if it isn't about Harry, that what the blue and green are- do you not believe in larrie?
short answer for the reading challenged trolls to cut down on asks yes I am a larrie, not that anything is wrong with not being one. But longer (much more interesting imo) answer: We know H and L were together, but no one really knows if they are still or again- I personally mostly believe that they are, but I get why people don't think so and can't see any reason to get pressed about it. But you make a solid point- blue and green and certainly things like Louis wearing the H shirt don't potentially signify anything other than larry right? Well that's what makes it so interesting to me- I kind of don't think Louis IS using those things that way! As my recent anon pointed out (and I agree) he wants people to think he is Freddie's dad, he is not presently trying to be perceived as gay in the face of people trying to force him in the closet- he is in charge of his image and is choosing to publicly put forward that he is a guy who got someone pregnant and dates women. And I do think him and H are together, but I don't think he particularly wants to talk to us about that, if that makes sense? But I believe he does want to connect with his beloved fans on a more personal level, to revel in the acceptance and love and shared wink, I know you know I know, me and you until the end, our eyes meet, together we're the greatest- and I think he uses the larry imagery to do that, rather than to talk about his relationship. I could do this for days he gives us SO MANY examples to choose from but just to pick one: the all blue and green lighting for All This Time. Think about it- if he actually had images of a rainbow flag on the screens at his shows or waved one or something, it would make the articles and press and be a whole thing and revive every rumor ever about him in every tabloid! But if he makes the entire lighting and screens for a song blue and green (or wears a shirt with a giant H on it or any of the other one million coded things he does), well so what? No journalist would think a thing of it, nothing to see here- but the larrie majority of his fanbase hears him saying "you were right about everything and yes I am gay and I love you for seeing it" and go completely bananas! It's fucking ingenious tbh, SBB at his finest! And the fact that the song he chose for his current unhinged bluegreener fest was All This Time was for me the thing that really cemented this theory for me; I know some people disagree, but to me that song reads as being about him being closeted and his public life and the fans and choosing this lighting for that rather than for like We Made It or something really feeds my conviction that he is bluegreening on main as a way to tell us that he is gay rather than to tell us anything about his personal relationship. TLDR yeah I DO think he is signaling, a lot, but I don't think it tells us anything about the status of his relationship with Harry or anyone else and the reasons I think they are together don't have anything to do with Louis' stage lighting choices, but also that means I don't think it makes sense to say he's not signaling anything ever because you don't think they're together; both can coexist and I think it's just weird to act like he's not making pretty clear choices
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r0-boat · 2 years
Scarlet and violet Normal type gym leader
Spoilers for the game below
Sfw and NSFW
Larry Sfw and Nsfw Headcannons
Why are you surprised lol?
Sfw/ random head cannons
Has no sense of humor and if he did jokes never land because of his monotone voice.
This man has negative communication skills he will never say shit unless you ask him.
Has a collection of ties. His favorite ones are the ones you get him and the ones that represent his or your Pokemon. He will wear the most ridiculous ties with a straight face.
Dating is like the last thing on his mind actually he doesn't even think about it. Like sure he's had crushes before but usually he just brushes it aside and does his own thing.
He's so normal he's so boring his coworkers set him up... Without his knowledge. Of course when he finds out he's very annoyed by this but goes on the date anyway just to clear the air. Blunt yes, harsh Maybe, but honest.
However he can't seem to get the words out at the end of the date. A lot of people and I mean a lot of people. I usually bored of him or get sick of his completely monotone tone deaf voice for the fact that he just doesn't talk much. You though you just seem to enjoy his presence regardless.
But you though you think he absolutely hates the date, and you, I mean, it's hard to tell when he just looks so unamused most of the time... He did seem to perk up a bit when you talked about your Pokemon. Anything else? Nothing. At this point, you don't even know why you like this man. Your heart feels things, and you don't understand.
This man doesn't sleep he works three different jobs one as a gym leader two as the elite four and three as the Pokemon League accountant. He has a credit card to the treasury and is incredibly smart. Greeta and Larry's boss employee relationship is funny. Larry being an employee always thinks the worst of his boss always thinks he's on edge with them. Meanwhile, Greeta always wants to go drinking with Larry and is always wanting to hang out with him. Greeta thanks Larry is an incredible hard worker and needs to take a break.
Listen I know this man looks like a pure vanilla ice cream but you got to let a whore like me dream.
Dom leaning switch
Cw:rough sex
Because of his looks and well his you honest to God, you thought he was a virgin. So you were being gentle with him while your mouth was around him. You couldn't help but notice how hard he was grabbing your hair. Brushed it off as just a mistake. Until he asked rougher treatment. You nod he asks again, you smile and say " Larry I'm sure nothing you will do will be too rough for me-"
Suddenly his hand is around your throat and you sea stars. All you remember is waking up your entire body feeling sore. With marks all over. No way, it's all hitting you now your face turning red with the memories of him holding you down with all his strength( he's stronger than he looks you know) fucking you through orgasm after orgasm before finally he's done.
And suddenly he's back to normal- I-didn't-just-blow-your-back-out-like-a-god-Larry.
He's either extremely oblivious or absolutely fucking with you. Because he will just look at you and say " I apologize I've been pretty stressed lately"
Tldr: rough sex, no talking, stress reliever, fuck toy.
And to be honest he expects the same from you
Because bitch got masochism Tango energy.
No matter how much pain and teasing you give him they only sound you're getting back as a slight whimper, or a hiss in pain.
Has he gets close he still doesn't make a sound but his eyes say everything pleading you to let him cum.
Sorry Simp but he's not into most Kinks. Having a hard no on exhibitionism. but knows his sex positions. Mercenary and doggy are is his favorite but he's not opposed to trying new things. With rough sex and "light" choking
Light choking as in if you start being loud he squeezes harder. I would think he doesn't like being loud.
And no one will ever believe you.
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twopoppies · 2 years
hi gina, i saw on twitter that antis/solo harries are blaming us larries for what harry said about people who „blur the lines for you“ and that he means us with „there's this corner of the thing, and they're going to say this, and it's going to be really crazy, and they're going to be really mean, and it's not real...“
like they think he’s indirectly calling us out and calling us disrespectful. i know that it’s twitter and i shouldn’t take this serious because i‘m confident in my believes, but i don’t really know what to say or think about that. what do you think?
Hi sweetheart. A friend sent me this tweet just now:
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And this really sums up Harry's promo. I think this article is particularly blatant and anyone who's will to look beyond their "side" can see it. He calls Twitter a shit hole and points fingers at fans (larries, sure, but really, also harries because everyone fucking hates Olivia). He comments about exploring his sexuality (what straight man ever?), but also has multiple quotes from his current "girlfriend". He allows a focuses on DWD, but only spoken about through teh author and Olivia while he speaks himself on the tenderness of the gay sex scenes in MP. One Direction and X Factor are mentioned, but there are plenty of comments about how he's surpassed even his time in "the band". Oh, and don't forget, there's lots of talk about his movies, but also mention of how he doesn't think he's that into making movies and he's already working on HS4.
They really laid out a little something for everyone.
And people are pissed. But just you wait, we'll get a little wholesome Harry content and everyone will forget how upset they are. @daisiesonafield-blog just pointed out to me how they did this after everyone was angry about the deluge of pap shoots and the fucking circus at the restaurant in New York. Suddenly we get a cutesy interview that was done months ago at Coachella and everyone forgot to be mad at Harry.
It's exhausting being his fan. And you either have to roll with it and accept that this is the way it always has been and will continue to be, or you ignore it all and just focus on his music.
But this is how he and his team are playing things. There's something for everyone. He's not going to double down on anything without also having wiggle room for dissenters to clutch at something else he's said that proves their beliefs. I really don't see how this is sustainable, but so far his charm and his talent are carrying him through it.
And just to be clear. I think H is queer. I think he and Louis are together. I think Holivia is a steaming pile of horseshit. My beliefs remain the same. I just don't know how much abuse I care to take in exchange for being vocal about it.
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wolffoxnation2 · 5 months
VineOwls Christmas
Pollux's Pov
Pollux felt like he was in a fairyland. Bright blue, red, yellow, and white lights flashed around him and his twin like a kaleidoscope. Snow covered everything, like a crystal wonderland. It was just a (Probably) mortal village decorated for Christmas. But it looked so pretty.
Luke Castellan, a son of Hermes, chuckled behind them. "Haven't you ever seen Christmas lights before?".
"We have, Larry. They're just pretty." Pollux replied, though he didn't think Luke heard him over the scarf.
"Not that you'd know anything about prettiness," Pollux's twin brother, Castor, said. 
Castor always made it clear if he disliked someone by making sarcastic remarks or insults. 
And Pollux liked to be sneaky, like being passive-aggressive or tripping someone while they're carrying something with a vine.
To put it mildly, neither he nor Castor liked Luke Castellan. Sure, there was nothing wrong with the guy. He was nice enough to them. He doesn't talk badly about their dad like the other campers (at least Pollux has never heard him do). But since he came back from his quest, there was a feeling at the back of Pollux's mind, like a gut feeling, that gets stronger by the day. 
"Hey, wait up!" Annabeth called from down the street. Her blonde curls bouncing under her grey woolly hat like a halo as she ran to catch up.
Annabeth had been him and Castor's friend since —well, not since they met her. In fact, they were kinda very mean to her when they first met when they were eight. But they're ten now! They've matured now and become best friends.
He even made space on the sidewalk for her.
"The Christmas lights are so pretty," she said, walking between them, Castor on her right, Pollux on the left.
"Yeah," Pollux said.
"Can you believe what Leonard quoth to us?" Castor said, putting an annoying amount of emphasis on quoth.
Annabeth giggled. "It's Luke, Cast. And what did he quoth to you?"
Pollux sighed, "Don't encourage him, Owlbrain." 
Castor discovered Shakespeare a week ago, and he's been hyper-fixated on it ever since. And Pollux isn't sure how much longer he can take hearing about symbolism in Romeo and Juliet in the middle of the night before he starts thinking he's in a Shakespearean tragedy himself.
"O, speak to me no more. These words like daggers enter my ears." Castor annoyingly grinned as he quoted Hamlet. He turned to Annabeth, "Lenny here," He gestured to Luke, "thinks we've never seen Christmas lights before".
Luke put his hands up in defence, "Hey, I was just saying, you guys seemed so amazed by the lights; it's like you haven't seen Christmas before".
"Probably 'cause me and Cass don't celebrate Christmas," Pollux said.
"Dad has beef with Jesus," Castor explained, scooping up snow in his gloved hand.
"And Mom's relatives come over around Christmas, and Dad says they're a bunch of—" 
"Pollux," Chiron chided, rolling up behind them in his wheelchair, "Language. And Castor put that snowball down."
Castor stared at Chiron. The snowball he was about to throw at Luke dropped to the pavement. "I wasn't going to do anything!" 
"I don't celebrate Christmas either, though not because of that," Annabeth said.
"Then why?" Pollux asked, kicking a ball of snow as he walked.
Annabeth hesitated, "...Because of how it's about family and how great it is. And since I ran away from my 'family'. It's kinda a sore subject."
"Oh," is all he said.
It was all he could say; one of the only downsides to having your godly parent at camp was that you'll never understand your fellow campers.
Annabeth laughed, "Guess neither of us are getting Christmas presents this year."
Pollux giggled. "Yeah," he said.
But he was lying. He had already made up his mind.
Annabeth was getting a Christmas present.
A laugh rang out, and Pollux heard Chiron say, "Don't."
He and Annabeth whipped their heads around to see what was going on.
Luke was standing behind Castor, who had lagged behind and was too distracted by a red robin nearby to see the giant ball of snow Luke had looming over his head.
Pollux scooped up some snow, and Annabeth did the same.
"Cassie, look out!" he yelled, throwing a snowball as hard as he could at Luke's chest. Unfortunately, Pollux was never much good at being a marksman, and instead of hitting the much bigger son of Hermes, he hit the much smaller Castor's left arm.
Annabeth on the other hand, was a better shot than him...unfortunately, not better by much.
Her snowball sailed over Castor's head and past Luke's chest.
Hitting him in the armpit.
Luke dropped the snowball in mild shock...directly onto Castor's head.
'Whoopsie' was all that went through Pollux's head.
Part 1 of 7
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captain-rickbond · 2 months
Okay alright OKAY Right, first of all, I love your art SO MUCH and I know I keep telling you, but that's because my love for your art keeps growing with every piece <3 That Mike Peabody pic? Ben as a villain??? WHY CAN'T WE HAVE A VILLAIN PLAYED BY BEN FUCKING WILLBOND?????? (technically we do in A Kind of Spark, but you know what I mean) NOW To be quite honest, I thought it was an illustration for one of your old fics "Aiming for Love" because that's exactly what i pictured for Ben (and Larry as well) to look like! xD So I was thinking, would you ever consider drawing a scene from one of your fanfictions? :> (And maybe, juuuuuust maybe, Mike could have a villanous right-hand man, Bob Hale...? 👀)
thank you for your fanart service 🙏
Don't stop telling me if you like something 👀 it's good to know when I'm doing things right 💜
omg yes, this is a perfect image of Ben from Aiming for Love
I've done 4 illustrations for my fics so far (all of them on my ao3), one of them was for the fic you mentioned - it's here
I also do the opposite - I write fics for illustrations I've already made 😅 like Fall for me and Movie Night (fail) (both fics in progress)
I can't believe that one day (6 months ago, I checked) I made a random illustration for one of my fics (Bruised, jesus, look at that old thing) and that's how it all started... and now I draw every day (!)
hmm… Mike P. Body and Bob W. Hale – this sounds… interesting (already on my to-do list)
feels weird not to post anything with this long-ass message so have my chaotic drawing process, 3h compressed to 30s, have fun watching me struggle ✌🏻 (and let me know what fic would you like me to do an illustration for 💜)
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chaos0pikachu · 2 months
Hi chaos,
I don't know if you've heard of the Ohm-Nanon fans going to Nanon's concert wearing Ohm masks but it happened? (I don't know how to end that sentence.) (Sorry, English isn't my first language.)
You have written about parasocial relationships so I wanted to ask why are people still involved in Ohm-Nanon? Bad Buddy ended so long ago and they are still doing all this. What makes Ohm-Nanon so special? We haven't see such huge bad behaviour from other pair brands.
Please never ever apologize for how you sound in English which is a dumb broken language anyway lol fr you're English is great
anyways um, what in the fucking purge?? lmao sorry the masks thing is just taking me out I'm imagining it and the image in my head is giving kdrama to the max with the discord music and everything lmaoooo
I had not heard of that b/c I don't follow actors like that at all this is very much Brand New Information.gif for me whew wow
Soft disclaimer here I am not an expert behavioral science or anything related so like, anything I say in regards to this is based only on what I've read, can link to from experts in the field, and speculation.
I don't think OhmNanon are necessarily "special" tbh like this behavior is extreme but I wouldn't call it "new".
In western fandom you had or still have fans behaving like this we just call them "tinhats".
Like, take Larries for instance, Louis just spoke about it in an interview that nothing he can say will deter the conspiracies theorists so he's kinda stuck. This article from VOX is old (2016) but it features a pretty clear cut timeline of the theories, and obsession tinhats have with Larry. Even before Larry there was J2 (Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki from Supernatural):
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I want to note that One Direction stopped being an active band in 2016, almost 8 years ago. And neither Harry nor Louis have been spotted like, hanging out~~ in public for almost that entire time. Meanwhile Jared and Jensen have been been married to their wives since 2010, almost 15 years.
To play fair, Caitríona Mary Balfe (best known for Outlander) is also at the root of a tinhat conspiracy with her costar Sam Heughan. Caitriona has been married since 2019.
Western fandom likes to pretend this environment of fan entitlement, and obsessing over costars relationships is an East Asian entertainment only thing. I thoroughly disagree, and I'm sure the people involved in these various tinhat conspiracies, many who have been thoroughly and ruthlessly harassed along with their spouses, family, friends, and anyone else caught in the crossfire would also disagree.
For me the only arguable difference between like MewGulf and Larry is MewGulf played up skinship as a means of capital and for work, while Louis and Harry were just two dudes in a band.
[I even watched the old school MewGulf videos of them during Peak Fanservice Era and I gotta say it's all so obviously hilarious fake and played up I would have never taken them seriously as a true blue couple. They reminded me more of Adam Lambert making out with his bassist during his FYE tour (Tommy, who from what I remember is straight but idk 100%) for the fun and rock n roll of it all.]
I'm getting off track, I don't think OhmNanon are "special" by-the-by because I've seen this entitled and obsessive behavior with other tinhat ships. The length of time doesn't really matter, what matters is sunk cost fallacy:
"the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial."
Fans have invested time, love, and literal money into Ohm and Nanon, therefore giving them up - and thus giving up the "community" they've build with other Ohm and Nanon fans - is unthinkable and painful.
Combine that with general fan entitlement towards public figures, the para-sociality of believe you, individually, know what's "best" for this person - aka this STRANGER - and there's a belief that you can change or force an outcome that suits your needs and wants.
There's a lot of dehumanization involved in fan entitlement, ppl stop viewing public figures - especially actors and musicians - as products rather than people. And with a product if you leave a bad review, and enough bad reviews the company will fix and change the product.
But people aren't products, and you can't force them to do what you want or be who you want them to be just because it upsets YOU individually.
So at the end of the day, what's gonna happen with Ohm and Nanon? Well, they'll probably just keeping doing what they do. Filming their individual shows, maybe one of them will do another BL - I think Ohm already has one in the works? - and try to move on with their lives. They're coworkers and from what I've seen seem fine being coworkers. I'm not interested in speculating what their relationship is, or was, publicly, they've said they're fine with each other so I'm very es lo que es about it.
For fans, well they're probably slowly taper off eventually with only a core group of "true believers" or whatever like some MewGulf, BrightWin and others have. As fans I think the only thing we can do is discourage the behavior, and be empathetic towards the people being harassed.
Now I'm gonna leave you with my favorite debunk of a tinhat post:
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skepticalarrie · 1 year
I haven't seen the doc yet. But i had Larry break downs from only a few seconds of videos of doc , I was thinking if it was really because of these few Larry moments that Louis had to bring up F in the doc? Or is this narrative something he's trying to sell to fans, larrie and non-larrie. And after what happened , he wants to larring with us again in his tour? I really don't know how to feel about it
I fully believe babygate always was and always will be connected to Louis' closeting and his relationship with Harry. It severs so many purposes on that front and it really solidifies Louis’ heterosexuality for now and assures that a long-term relationship with Harry from the beginning wouldn't be possible, it gives them privacy, it allows them to be both free of stunt relationships at the same time, the lack of mention of Louis' love life in the documentary is massive. It's the only thing that allows them that - in the future, if they want to come out - they wouldn't be putting a lot of people in hot water over so many rumours.
So I don't think Freddie being in the documentary is exactly about the larry videos or the hug or anything like that, I think it's about a bigger narrative and basically Louis trying to take control over something he fought against for many many years. I DO NOT believe Louis or Harry want anyone to stop believing Larry or expressing that, they always encouraged us about it and I don't think they're about to stop it. I think the reactions I personally experienced in the cinema and what I see from new fans is where they're aiming at. Which is getting excited about Larry, acknowledging them, but also fully believing Louis is a great father to Freddie.
The fandom has changed, this is the new era of fans. So I think fans like us, who are willing to really dive deeper into it and REALLY see through all the bullshit, need to recalibrate because we're not necessary anymore. Especially when it comes to babygate, I mean, Louis did go to Sunglass Hut earlier this year and he knew what he was doing, he knew we would see that and get the message. So we know he knows we're still here. But the message I get from the documentary is that there's no more reason to fight against it anymore.
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your-divine-ribs · 2 months
Red Part 13
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Words: 3.8k
Elevator sex and feelings 💔
Red Masterlist Main Masterlist
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His lips are warm and moist, pliant as they press firmly against yours. Intoxicating like a hit of the most addictive drug and infinitely more destructive. You can feel your resolve crumbling, your knees weak as his whole body pushes yours against the lift wall. But still you resist.
"Kiss me back," he breathes as he pulls back slightly, his forehead still pressed against yours. "Please Y/N. Just one kiss... that's all I ask."
He makes it sound so simple. A kiss. Just one kiss. Like you can indulge yourself for a brief moment and then part ways, go on living both your lives like it doesn't mean anything. Like you don't want more and more of him with each encounter, the need for him now so strong it's all-consuming, your mind fogging over as your self control ebbs away with each of your thudded heartbeats.
"Van... we can't..."
You dimly wonder when it all changed. The exact moment when your need for Van became so much more than just a few stolen sleazy encounters. You've tried so hard to write these feelings off as simple lust, a burning desire to taste the salt on his skin and hear his panted breaths in your ear and to feel the warm heavy weight of his body pressing down on yours, but you know that there's so much more.
You can feel it now, a yearning beneath the heat, an ache that will never be fulfilled with just these snatched moments. But you can't think of that now. You need to be strong.
He pulls one of your hands that he's still holding upwards towards his chest, pressing it flat against his rain-soaked shirt and holding it there.
"Can you feel it, huh? Can you feel my heart? It's fucking breaking for you and I can't stand it any longer. It's been hell not seeing you these past few weeks. I've missed you so goddamn much that it actually hurts."
He stops and closes his eyes for a brief moment, his long lashes dusting his cheeks. When he opens them again you're sure the yearning in them mirrors your own. "It's you Y/N... only you. It's always been you, even way back when we first met."
What the fuck is he talking about? Besides that stupid drunken kiss one time at a party you'd always been friends and nothing more... before you became sworn enemies. You're sure this dangerous mutual obsession is the product of both of your twisted minds craving something you know you shouldn't have.
"But... but you don't really want me... not really," you stutter. "There's been so many girls over the years I've lost count. It's easy come, easy go with you. You only think you want me because you can't have me. It's like some kind of challenge to you. Come on... admit it. If I wasn't with Larry we wouldn't be here now... doing this."
"Bullshit," he protests. "You think I actually wanted any of those other girls? They were just a distraction. No one compares to you." He releases your hands, raises his up to cup your face, tilting it up to his. "You were with Larry so you were out of bounds. I knew I had to accept it, much as it killed me, so that's what I did. I thought it'd get easier, and it did for a while..." He pauses, swallows deeply. "That's when I noticed you looking at me different. Fuck... I couldn't believe it at first... wouldn't believe it. I tried so hard to ignore it, believe me, but it's like there's some kind of connection between us... pulling me in. I can't explain it but I know you can feel it too."
You can't fully comprehend what you're hearing, you just know that you wished he wasn't saying it. Somehow he's making this fucked up situation that you're in seem acceptable, like you're justified in fooling around behind Larry's back because there's some higher power at work. But it's not, it's still wrong. You can't face breaking Larry's heart. You'd rather break your own.
"It doesn't matter how I feel..." you begin but Van cuts you off, his fingers brushing over your cheeks tenderly.
"Of course it does!" He exclaims. "Just listen to yourself. What you gonna do? Carry on living a lie, trying to tell yourself that you don't feel anything when you're around me? Because I know you do, I can see it in your eyes. You want me Y/N. No one else makes you feel the way that I do. Not even Larry."
"You don't know that!"
Your reply is no more than a sobbed whisper with no conviction. Van's hips are still pinning yours against the back wall, making it hard to form rational thoughts. It's so exhausting holding back, lying to yourself over and over. Every word that's coming out of his mouth is the truth and you hate it. The air around you both is heavy with the weight of your need.
"So go on then... tell me..." His voice is soft and smooth, gentle but seductive. He leans in and presses a featherlight kiss to your lips and pulls back. "Does he make you feel like I do?" Another kiss, on your cheek this time. "Can he make you feel as good as I do?" His hand moves to curl around the back of your head, giving him access to your neck. You extend it willingly, a shiver passing through you as his lips brush the sensitive skin there. "Be honest with me now." And then he catches the lobe of your ear in his teeth, lightly grazing it before he breathes his next line directly into your ear.
"Can he do what I do for you?"
You let out a long, shaky exhale, and with it the last ebb of your self-control disintegrates. It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong. It doesn't matter about broken hearts and lies and deceit. All of that melts away in a heartbeat. The only thing that matters is the here and now. His lips on your neck, the hand that's wound tightly through your hair, pulling you close, the other that's dropped down to glide over your hips. Everywhere your bodies are connected sparks electricity. He presses himself against you like he means to melt into you, like he wants nothing more than to be inside of you. And that's exactly where you want him to be. It's where he belongs, you're sure of that now.
"Kiss me Van, just fucking kiss me."
"Oh Y/N," he sighs, and then his lips are on yours again, feverous this time. They press against yours in desperation like he's discovered the elixir of life itself. Teeth clash, tongues entwine, lips mash against lips with bruising passion. He slides a thigh in between your parted legs and you let out an unexpected moan at the friction on your heat which he hungrily swallows down.
One hand's still pressed firmly against his chest where you can feel his heart thumping wildly whilst your other finds his hips, fingers twisting through his belt loop, pulling him closer. You tip your head back as his lips stray to your neck, kissing and nipping gently at first but then sucking harshly at a spot that makes you squirm.
"You'd better not leave bruises," you warn, even though a dark part of you relishes the thought of him shamelessly branding you in that way.
"Maybe I will," he teases, his teeth grazing your pulse point. "Mark you up so that everyone can see that you're my girl really."
With your head thrown back an image of the two of you entwined reflects back at you from the mirrored ceiling and you watch, entranced as he drags the hem of your damp t-shirt upwards in one swift movement, exposing your breasts.
"You're so perfect," he mutters, scattering hot kisses all over the column of your neck and down your collar bone.
A shuddered breath escapes you when his lips travel down to close around a nipple, your back arching off the wall when he starts to gently flick his tongue back and forth over the bud. It feels so good you think you could come undone right there and then. You grind yourself on his thigh, desperate to sate the ache building between your legs.
"Fuck Van," you moan as he roughly tugs up your skirt around your hips and slides a hand down between the apex of your thighs, a finger slipping under the lace of your thong.
Everything's happening so quickly you barely have time to catch a breath let alone consider the implications of what you're doing. Right and wrong are suddenly concepts with no meaning. Everything just feels so natural, like it's meant to be, and so goddamn good that you don't ever want him to stop. You reach down to tug at your panties, inching them down your hips and Van takes over, impatient, practically tearing them from your body in haste. They get discarded carelessly on the floor.
"Wanna fuck you so bad," he hisses, his eyes blazing with raw need. He rocks his hips hard against yours, sandwiching your body between his and the cool metal. "Wanna fuck you until your legs are shaking."
"I want that too," you gasp. "I want you inside of me... now."
His tongue laves hungrily over your nipple whilst he slides a fingertip over your slick folds, your breath catching as he pinches at your clit. You swear you can feel him smirk against your skin at your demands as you writhe under his touch. You don't think anyone has ever evoked such a feral need in you before.
"Please Van..."
Your hands fly straight to his belt buckle, fumbling with trembling fingers but he knocks them swiftly away.
"Not yet... want you to come for me first..."
He traces a finger along your slit before easing it inside you, swiftly following it with another, thrusting deep, twisting his hand so that he can press his thumb to your aching clit. You're so wet you can hear the lewd sounds of your slickness as he starts to fuck into you with his fingers, slow at first, a maddening pace that builds and builds like a throbbing heartbeat.
"That feel good?" He murmurs, his voice deep and dripping with arousal.
"Yeah," you breathe, feeling yourself clenching uncontrollably around his fingers. "Oh god yeah."
He raises his head to watch you then, loving seeing your face contort, drinking in your whimpers as you cling to him.
You're caught there, pressed up against the wall whilst pleasure streaks through you. He pulls his fingers back to spread your wetness over your clit before plunging them back inside you, making you mewl, repeating the motions until you can barely take it.
"Oh," you moan breathily. "Oh shit... oh fuck."
"That's it baby, don't hold back. I wanna hear you."
He does it over and over again, every pump of his fingers bringing you closer to the edge, every calculated flick of your swollen clit. Moan after moan slips from your lips, each one more urgent than the last until it all melts into one, your legs starting to tremble. You're absolutely soaked, your arousal dripping down your thighs, your eyes rolling back in your head as he coaxes your imminent high.
"Come on Y/N... let go for me..."
You're going to come. Any moment now. You can feel the promise of that euphoric pleasure like a tight white knot of pulsing heat in your core. As he feels your body tensing he hones in on your clit, hyper-focussed on your sweet spot, moving in tight circles.
And then you let it overtake you, a primal moan tearing from your throat as your body bucks and you spectacularly fall apart, grinding against his hand. Van doesn't let up, wringing every ounce of pleasure from your climax until your whole body's shaking from the sensitivity. You feel like you've died and gone to heaven.
But still it's not enough. You want more.
You're in a daze as he finally pulls back, not even in control of your own actions as your hands dart straight for his belt again, deftly unfastening it and hurriedly tearing at the buttons of his jeans. This time he lets you, taking over once they're unfastened to push his jeans and boxers down his hips in one swift motion. He's as hard as rock as you wrap your fingers around his length and the groan he lets out when you swipe your thumb over the head of his cock is positively sinful.
You give him a few tugs, sliding your hand up and down his length, the warm, hard throb of him in your palm so deliciously gratifying. You're both panting hard, the noises of your desperation bouncing off the walls, amplified in the small space.
He quickly stoops, hooking your legs in the crook of his arms, sliding your body easily upwards against the smooth wall as he straightens up to his full height.
"That's better," he smirks. "Wanna look you right in the eye this time when I make you come again."
Smug bastard, you think... but you love it.
You're on a level now as he holds you against the wall, his fingers curled tightly around your thighs. His cock slides tantalisingly against your wet centre as he grinds against you, tempting you, a look of pure satisfaction on his face that he has you right where he wants you.
"Just fuck me Van... please," you whine, no longer caring about consequences.
"Well... seeing as you asked me so nicely..." he grins salaciously, pushing his hips forward so just the tip of his cock ruts against your entrance, teasing you.
You fist at his damp shirt, trying to press your body closer but you can barely move. He has all the control in this position as he pins you against the wall. All you can do is cling to him and wrap your legs tightly around his hips, squeezing your thighs around him.
He presses his forehead to yours, both of your heads bent down to watch as he pushes his hips forward slowly and purposefully, filling you up inch by inch, the burn of the stretch aching in the most divine way.
"Fuck…” His voice is low and guttural, choked with need. He doesn't pull back straight away, just rests there inside you, buried up to the hilt so you're fused as one. "You don't know many nights I've dreamt about this very moment. You feel so right. Better than I ever could've imagined."
"I don't want this to end," you blurt, and your words take you by surprise, the admission hitting you all at once in a wave of certainty that shakes the very foundations of all that you've been fighting against. "I don't ever wanna stop."
"We don't have to," he replies, and before you can even react his lips are crashing into yours again, forcing your head back against the wall as he pulls his hips back and bucks into you hard, the blissful sensation making you cry out into his mouth.
Nothing matters now except the two of you, the driving force of his hips as he impales you with his thick cock, filling you up so perfectly, the fervour of his kiss, the desperate moans that fall from both of you as he fucks into you with animalistic passion.
You breathe his name, your head falling back as he trails wet kisses along your jaw, your fingers clawing at his shirt, trying to find some sort of purchase to ground yourself. Not that you ever want to come down from this high. Your pelvis is angled just right so that each thrust rubs a blissful friction on your clit as your bodies collide.
"I can't get enough of you," he growls into your ear.
Everything's so intense in the confined space, amplified somehow, the wet smacking sounds of his lips and your ragged whimpered breaths. Images of him thrusting into you are everywhere that you look, the obscene sounds of skin slapping on skin as his hips pound harshly against yours, driving your back against the wall with a punishing pressure. It's a sensory overload in the best possible way.
You hadn't thought it was possible for your body to react again so quickly but the feel of him hot and rigid inside you, filling you up so good is almost too much to bear. You can feel the pressure building with each rut of his hips, your bodies sliding slickly against each other.
"You feel so good... so good," he gasps, and his words peter off into a cacophony of groans so raw and urgent that you can feel yourself start to unravel, clutching at him as he spills into you, his darkened eyes fixed on yours as you both surrender to each other.
His fingers tighten their grip on your thighs as he surges into you one final time, your name falling from his lips like a prayer as you shudder in unison through your highs. His head quickly falls to rest in the crook of your neck as you feel the tension in his muscles finally dissipate, but he doesn't release you. He holds you tighter than ever, his body flush against yours, still connected in the most intimate way as both of your hearts thud wildly against each other's heaving chests.
The tiny lift carriage was sweltering before but it's practically unbearable now from your shared body heat and your passionate exertions. You feel dangerously faint, but neither of you can bear to part, lest it break the spell. There's a voice in the back of your mind chanting over and over how right it feels but you're terrified that as soon as he lets you go then the cold, hard weight of reality will come crashing down on you both.
It's inevitable... and you don't have a choice.
You clutch at the collar of his shirt with one hand, the other smoothing down his hair before you let your fingers stroke soothing touches down his spine. "Van... you're going to have to let me go."
"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N," he whispers into the skin of your neck, softly with an edge of hopeless desperation that wrenches at your heart. "I don't ever wanna let you go. I don't think I can do this any more. I can't carry on living like this... seeing you with him. I need you. I fucking need you. I'm falling Y/N... I'm falling so bad."
He lifts his head to look you right in the eye and you don't think you've ever seen him look so serious and determined. "I... I...." he starts, then he screws his eyes shut, biting his lip. Your stomach drops. His eyes flick open and he takes a deep breath. "I think I'm in…”
"NO!" You blurt with force, a panicked fear striking you suddenly in anticipation of what he might say. "No... don't say it. Don't you dare say it."
"But I..."
"I said no Van," you command him, your throat feeling thick. Your head's a jumbled mess of feelings and there's a surge of emotion building in your chest like a tsunami ready to break and wreak havoc and you can't deal with his heartfelt declarations now. Not when you're now sure you feel the same way and especially not when you're currently stuck between the twelfth and thirteenth floor of a hotel where your boyfriend's awaiting your arrival. Your loyal, loving boyfriend who has no idea that you've just been fucked to within an inch of your life by his traitorous best friend.
"Put me down... please... we need to work out how we're gonna get out of here. We can't talk about this now."
"So when can we talk?"
He reluctantly loosens his grip on you as he gently lowers you back down to your feet. You immediately falter, your legs shaky and weak, but he catches you, steadying you with strong hands around your waist.
"I don't know... I really don't know, I just think..." you begin, but your words are cut off as the lift suddenly jolts and the lights flicker as it shakily rumbles to life.
"Shit!" Van exclaims. "We're moving!"
You let out a sound that's somewhere between a whimper and a cry, panic clutching you in an ice cold vice as you lurch forward to grab at your panties from the floor, your feet getting tangled in the lace as you clumsily try to step into them. Van curses out loud as he hurriedly pulls his jeans up and tries to fasten them.
"The door's gonna open. Stop it! Can you stop it?" You cry out, your heart slamming against your rib cage, your blood running cold.
"I can't fucking stop it now!" He yawps, fumbling uselessly with the buttons on his fly.
You're still haphazardly trying to adjust clothing as a loud 'ding' blatantly announces your arrival at your destination and your eyes dart to each other's helplessly before flicking towards the door which immediately starts to slide open to your abject horror whilst you're still pulling your panties up your hips. Van's jeans are unfastened with his belt hanging loosely from his jeans, but he's too late now, you're out of time. He darts in front of you, hands outstretched in a weak attempt to hide you as the door fully opens to reveal a figure standing there.
In reality it all happens in a flash, but for you it feels like it's playing in slow motion. A series of incriminating freeze frame shots from a movie that documents the exact moment that's going to change all of your lives forever.
"Sophie..." Van mumbles as he stands there frozen in shock. "We were... we were just..."
He trails off as you peer meekly from behind him, smoothing your short skirt down your thighs which are wet and sticky with the evidence of your crimes.
Sophie just stands there, her eyes as wide as saucers and her mouth hanging agape, disbelieving shock rendering her speechless as her gaze falls on Van's disheveled appearance and his unfastened fly, then your scarlet cheeks and your crumpled clothes as you finally step around him to take your place at his side. It doesn't take a genius to work out what you've been up to. The air in the elevator is thick with the heady scent of sex and the cloying aura of guilt and shame is overwhelming.
Your sordid secret's finally out... and there's nothing that you can do about it.
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I think it's time for me to be done critiquing the jedtavious and natm fandom and start praising it for what it's doing right
Now I understand why some people don't like Oneshots, but for me personally, I love them, they're cute, fun and short (most of the time)
So I see a lit of the time, there's usually tropes in these oneshots, it's fanfiction, you cant escape it
But my all time favorite trope that I will absolutely never get tired of is the one where, it's the end of natm 3 and everyone is going back in their places, turning into wax, for the last time, Jedediah is beyond sad because he'll never get to talk to his Octavious again. So he finally confesses his feelings, after all this time, and Octavious confesses back, they kiss, they go back to their dioramas, then they get brought back to life 3 years later and reunite in a sweet and tender moment
I love love love love LOVE this trope, it's by far my absolute favorite
Why do I love it so much?
Now I know you're confused, let me explain
So in the first film, they're enemies, right? I know this, you know this, we all know this
But after Larry forced them to work together they immediately got along
Like there was no "I don't trust you quite yet" or "it will take me a while to warm up to you" it just jumps straight to "I AIN'T QUITTIN' YOU!!!" (Which leaves me to believe they never actually hated each other but that's a WHOLE 'nother argument for a WHOLE 'nother day)
Anyways, but they're just friends. They just stopped their feud, they don't love each other QUITE yet (i know Jed referenced brokeback but I honestly do not care, that doesn't mean that they're in love YET)
In the second movie, however, Larry has been away for a year (who tf is the night gaurd in that time?) And things are changing, soon they'll never wake up again
Now, like in the 3rd movie, at this point they supposedly will never see each other again, except it's not as emotional as the 3rd movie because it this point, they're friends, right? They are best friends, sure, but at this point Octavious just started noticing how different he feels around Jedediah, mean while Jed knows FULL WELL how he feels towards Octavious
Notice how Jed seems a bit closed off to Octy? Larry left, leaving them with, I assume, no gaurd. He's mad. He trusted this person, this person helped him get over his grudge with what is now the love of his life and then just LEFT
And now he has 2 options, 1: spend his last moments venerable to the people he cares about most or 2: be closed off so that no one notices how much this HURTS
Hes about to lose everyone and everything he loves but is he going to say anything about it? No! He doesn't want to appear weak, especially around Octavious, especially in his last moments
But then all of a sudden, their in a museum, fully alive, being attacked by Ahkmenrahs brother, Kahmunrah
Now, mind you, Jedediah thought that he was never gonna wake up again. He thought he was going to die, and he didn't, but also be aware that even if he didn't die tonight, someone was going to find the tablet and send it back, so he knew that they were gonna die anyways
But he'll be damned if they die in the hands of someone who only wants to bring pain and suffering into the world
He decides that he was going to save everyone from this guy, and if he was going to save everyone, he was going to save EVERYONE (hence why he called Larry)
But when he gets captured, he tells Octavious to get outta there, hes saving Octavious, no i don't think you guys get it, hes making sure that Octavious's life is extended as much as possible even if is means risking his own life
Because he loves Octavious
He loves the whole museum but he loves Octavious, he's doing this for Octavious
But he is also (quite literally) pushing Octavious away, so that Octy doesn't get hurt
When he gets trapped in an hour glass, he is fighting back because fuck you you don't get to touch me and make me vulnerable
But when Larry is told he has an hour to figure out how the tablet works, does Jedediah freak out? No. He tells Larry that hes got this, and that he can do it, because despite being mad at him before, he still cares about him
Jedediah, at this point, knows he's going to die, he acts like hes going to be fine but he's going to die
But the thing is that, he doesn't care
As long as the tablet, and everyone in the museum is safe, and Octavious is safe, he'll be alright?
Now does Octavious agree with this? NOPE!
That's his best friend! No way he was going to let Jedediah just die like that
He knows just as well a Jedediah that they're going to die anyways, but he wants Jeds life to be extended as much as possible, just like Jed wants that for Octavious
I know that Jedediah keeps talking about how Octavious is gonna come and save him, and how he looks worried that he won't, but I think deep down, he doesn't want Octavious to come and save him because that would put OCTAVIOUS'S life in danger, the thing he was trying to avoid in the first place
When Larry gets a hold of the hourglass he immediately apologizes to Jed
And you know what his reaction is?
He isn't angry, or scared, or sad, or even a little disappointed, he just says "it's alright, you tried your best. Dang, we almost had him too!"
Jedediah I love you and I'm glad you're not making people around you feel like it's their fault but that is NOT WHAT YOU SAY WHEN YOU'RE ABOUT TO FUCKING DIE!!!
"Oh, but he said that they almost had him, meaning he is disappointed" yeah, disappointed that they couldn't defeat Kahmunrah, not that he is literally DYEING!!!
Anyways, he gets thrown on the Ground and is seconds away from dyeing, and Octavious, after taming a squirrel and having a GIANT ABRAHAM LINCOLN COMING TO DESTROY KAHMUNRAHS FAKE ASS like the lengths this guy goes through for Jedediah
He finds Jedediah dyeing in the hourglass, and promises to get Jedediah out, but Jedediah has no fight in him left, and basically telling him that it's ok, telling him to remember how he was, how their lives were before Jedediah started pushing Octavious away out of fear, and I'm sure if given the chance, he would've apologized for pushing him away, and he would've talked about the story of their relationship from enemies, to friends, maybe he would've told Octavious how much he means to Jed and maybe... just maybe.... Jedediah would've had the chance to tell Octavious how he feels
But before he got to do any of that, Octavious saved him from the hourglass and they kicked some gigantor butt
And Jedediah ends up not telling Octavious about his feelings, he doesn't want Octavious to know. He knows Octavious cares about him, and Jed cares about him too. But he doesn't want to ruin their friendship. He loves him, so much, but he values their friendship above all else and would rather suppress these feelings then tell Octavious and lose the best friend he ever had
And Octavious doesn't want to tell Jed about his feelings either for similar reasons, he doesn't want Jedediah to think less of him because of these feelings, so he tells no one
Now for the third movie (if you made it this for here's a cookie 🍪)
Now I do realize that the cat video scene is a jedtavious moment, and it's a cute one, but it doesn't really prove my point and this is already tiring me so I'm skipping to the vent scene
So we all know the famous "hold my hand" scene, but I'd like to go more in depth into it
You see, as someone who would like to be more physically affectionate to someone they like but us too scared to, I understand that while holding hands can be a thing friends do, and I have seen it and even done it myself, if you don't usually hold hands with people, depending on the person, it can be seen as a romantic gesture
And considering Jed is someone who isn't a physically affectionate person, and Octavious knowing this, he might not have meant it this way, but Jedediah saw it as basically a love confession
Now when he asks, Octavious says no, Jedediah is like "mhm ok sure, whatever you say there toga boy" but he doesn't push it any further just on the slightest chance that he might be wrong
Later, Jedediah and Octavious meet Lancelot, and Octavious is immediately crushing on him HARD
Now, hot take here, I love the "jealous jed" trope, but I honestly see this as more of a "wait a second, you like guys?" thing
He never looks visibly angry, just, suprised? I guess?
This is a big deal to him, because it just further confirms that Octavious most likely feels the same towards him
Suddenly his fears go away, hes not scared of anyone getting hurt, hes not scared of getting rejected and losing a friend, he has gone through so much with Octavious and he's going to risk it all
In what he thinks are his last dyeing moments, he reaches out for Octavious's hand. No more hiding, no more suppressing his feelings, no more pushing his best friend away out of fear
He was going to take that hand now
And while for most of you, this seems like someone who isn't physically affectionate deciding to have his last moment be of physical touch, and while it can be that as well, I personally think that this is Jedediah telling Octavious that he loves him too
After they recover and go back to the museam, they tell Larry their goodbyes, and it's a sweet and tender moment, but I really wish that we got to see Jedediah and Octavious having their own moment
Which is where the fanfiction comes in
This is the point I was trying to get at, I just needed to over explain everything so that you guys understand where I'm getting at
In this trope most of the oneshots follow the same formula
Jedediah is really sad that they're going away forever and Octavious comforts him
Then they finally tell each other about their feelings, kiss, and go back to their dioramas for supposedly the last time
Then when they awake again, they reunite and you can feel the absolute relief and joy when they find each other again, and when they kiss and tell each other that they love each other despite the fact that people are watching
Then they go to the party and dance all their worries away, because this time they know just how much they care about each other, and in that moment, nothing else matters, because there's nothing better than finally getting to relax with the love of your life after going through so much
If the people who write this trope told me they based it off of a deleted scene, I wouldn't be suprised, this feels so real, like this actually happened in the movies
They went through so much together, so to have their story end like that makes perfect sense
This is what enemies to lovers should feel like, no toxicity, no miscommunication, no fighting after becoming friends, just this
Just, bliss
Just Jedediah and Octavious going through charecter development together, letting each other be vulnerable, dropping hints that they like each other, then finally, being together on harmony, and that's what this trope brings me
I love this trope
Because it's cannon
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headfullofpresley · 1 year
I was wondering how would you describe Elvis and his personality and differences, romantically/sexually, across his different eras? it's an interesting topic and I'd like to understand more about him from a fact-based perspective. thank you!
hi nonnieeee! i love this question and i love talking about elvis, so thank you sm for this. 💕
this got wayyy longer than expected, so check under the cut!
soooo, let's start off with elvis in the 1950s.
we all know elvis loved women and in my opinion, he was a cheeky bastard (lovingly). when elvis had his sights set on someone, he got them- simple as that. except for brigitte bardot, sorry el 👀. anyways, he was flirtyyyy as hell. the part in good rockin' tonight where he goes "why don't you come to my house and i'll give it to you?" actually came out of his own mouth irl (and i will never get over it). also, when he told june he was crazy about her ass and was shamelessly looking at her ass. and remember the letters he sent to anita when he was in germany?
"every time i lay in my bunk and i see your little eyes and your little nose and it's almost like you're here, like you're pressed up close to me. i can feel your little hair on the side of my face and sometimes i get so excited and want you so bad, i start sweating"
i think he definitely had his fun in germany. this shouldn't be a surprise.
i mean, he was a young male in his twenties and got the attention from girls left and right- and he liked it. he definitely was not shy and when it comes to sex, i don't think he was either. he told larry that he screwed pretty much anything in sight a week before he had to report in 1958 and i believe it. he later learned that there was more to it than only the physical act, but i mean... if i was a male in my 20s and looked like elvis, i would've done the same. 👀
if you want to use the term sub or dom, i think he was a dom but not in the way we know it today??? i was obv not there, but i can't be convinced he was a big sub or sub at all (even though i love subby men🥴). i just think he was in that standard "man role" if you know what i mean- and i believe this goes for all era's, tbh. he was also pretty jealous at times which honestly makes me giggle sometimes but also makes me want to slap his face a lil bit. anyways, in my opinion; he was at that age where you're exploring things in your sex life and finding out what you do and don't like and just like any other human being, he did just that. with... a lot.. of different.. girls. good for him. 💁🏼‍♀️
anyways, elvis in the 50s was a menace. and that's a hill i will die on.
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nowwww elvis in the 1960s? on a whole 'nother level. i feel like he was still at that stage of exploring at the beginning of the 60s, but he certainly knew what he liked. he had girls who'd make videos of themselves and watch them on the tv/video set ups he brought into hotel rooms. i believe he even had a girl fly over when he stopped at a motel once? and i mean... work. priscilla and him used to roleplay a lil, so i think he enjoyed that along with taking videos and pictures.
i don't think he had any extreme kinks. feet? white underwear? liking girls to be virgins? hardly extreme. he wasn't too fond of women who gave birth though and did not have sex with them if they did, which honestly... sucks for the women that had children and for cilla (i would simply fight his ass, anywaaaayyyy). i also read that he didn't believe in mixed race marriage/couples in the early 60s, but his view on that changed in the 70s. i can't tell you how true this is, so take this as you will. considering how different times were back then, i don't think it's entirely impossible.
emphasizing here that i do not think elvis was racist in any way possible, but life and the way people thought about certain things were very different back then!!
anyways, i don't think elvis was a selfish lover, he strikes me as the kind of person who likes giving as much as receiving and again, i don't see him being submissive at all though also not extremely dominant. elvis was a dominant person in general, but i feel like he was a gentle lover and wouldn't force anyone to do something they don't want. he'd kind of ease the girls into what he likes, but he would also make himself very clear on things he doesn't like.
i think he was big on the touchy touchy and foreplay, but i do believe him and cilla had, or were close to having, sex. as in penetration, not feeling each other up only- which imo is normal, but for a lot of people it's a touchy subject bc of their age difference. despite sleeping with others also, he considered cilla to be the steady woman in his life and love and sex go hand in hand for most people, doesn't it?
also him and ann-margret? freaky deaky in the sheets, i can't be convinced otherwise. but i also believed they genuinely loved each other and had a connection and that's what elvis preferred over simple one night stands. he wanted someone to both talk to and make love with and i think because ann was closer to him in age and so free spirited, he was drawn to that. also the fact that she got married a week after he did in the same city breaks my HEART- but that's a whole different conversation.
AND i do think him and nancy had a thing going on. even though nancy always said it was platonic between them... one can dream, right? they looked cute together.
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the 1970s, baby! who doesn't love the 70s? we all do. when it comes to elvis, a lot of people see him as the "daddy" and "big daddy elvis" persona but in my opinion, that's nothing but fictional.
elvis was big on the baby talk and used the term "mommy" for linda, but i highly doubt it was in a sexual manner. sure, none of us were actually there, but here we have a man that craved for deep human connections and love in several different girls, rather than just having a quick fuck and leave it at that. he liked to take care of his girls, but he also liked to be taken care of. i don't think elvis ever lost his interest in sex and liked sex throughout his entire life, but i do feel like things slowed down a little in the mid 70s. don't get me wrong- he was still definitely having sex, just not in the same way as when he was in his 20s, ya know? keep in mind he was not 100% healthy, as sad as that is.
elvis liked his girls petite and still, virgins. he gained a lot of experience through the years and i feel like he liked showing that experience to the younger females he dated. he liked to be The Man in relationships. the story about linda losing her virginity to him was honestly really sweet, he was extremely gentle with her, as it should be. and sure, elvis could be shy sometimes but imo not to an extreme- he was more so gentle and let's be honest, he knew just what the ladies liked. he knew how to sweep 'em off their feet. i think he was confident in his love making skills, but would elvis liked to have been called daddy? no. i don't think so. despite being a dominant man, he liked to be babied.
mirrors, man. mirrors. we've all seen his room. i think he liked seeing himself and his partner get it on, and i also think he liked watching other people (i don't believe he never had 2 girls in his bed at the same time and i definitely don't believe he never watched them).
above i stated about elvis possibly being prejudiced, but also that his views changed in the 70s. sexually, i do think he experimented with women from different races etc in these times.
jealousy. j e a l o u s y. he cares deeply, and it makes his jealous streak come out to play along the way. this was the man that had red west call "a guy" so he could get rid off mike stone, but eventually chickened out. i believe elvis to be a person with a lot of layers- and yes, maybe some of it has to do with the medicine abuse etc, but it was also who he was as a person. he could be unreasonable at times, in both friendships and relationships, but it doesn't take away that his heart was in the right place. elvis loved deeply, so he also hurt deeply.
writing about elvis and his life from a fan's perspective, especially one that was not alive at the same time as he was, is an extremely difficult thing to do. i don't agree with some of the things he did and said, but who am i to judge? elvis presley was a human made out of flesh, blood and bones. one that was on a forever search to find himself, to be comfortable in the vessel god gifted him. he made mistakes, did some shitty things, but he was also very kind and did very good things that changed people's lives for the better. it's said he could bring you to tears, but he also was a gentle, generous soul who could make you feel good about yourself, like you belonged. but doesn't that count for all of us? maybe not in the exact same way, but we're all just trying to find our path in this strange and sometimes cruel world. we sometimes say mean things that we regret and then we learn from it. we're all looking for that big, fat "why?" in life- we might never find the answer, but that doesn't mean we'll give up trying to find it.
i didn't mean to end in on a note like this, but i guess what i'm trying to say is that we should start treating elvis as a human being and not as the man we create in our heads and fanfictions. he wasn't perfect- but if he was, where would the fun be in that?
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(i'm obsessed with ginger's coat in this pic lol.)
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
jk jk. no but seriously- these are my opinions on the topic. if yours are different, that's okay too and i would love to hear your take on it. 💗
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juno-box · 8 months
Okay then! Moving onto your ideas for a fix-it time travel style fic for TWDG, do you have any concrete ideas so far of what you'd want to do with it? Who'd be going back in time, how drastically things would change, plot points, that sort of thing? If you don't mind sharing of course, I'd understand if a lot of that would be spoilers should you decide to actually write it.
Would you believe I’ve spent the better part of last night thinking of this very fic idea? I couldn’t land on WHO the heck would I send back.
I’d send them back as the age they were during that time, so Clem going back to S1 from S4 would be 8-years-old all over again but with the mind and knowledge of 16/17-year-old Clem.
Clementine would be an obvious choice, right? As a character from the start to finish, she could easily make the most change. Depending on what point she travels back from in the series, she could very well change a lot of things. For starts, Clem from any season after S1 could:
Not talk to the stranger over the walkie.
Knowing her folks are dead, and probably want to avoid Savannah all together.
Be aware about the St. John’s, not trust them and campaign for them not to go. But then comes the fact that she’s a child and possibly the only person who would take her seriously would be Lee. So that could be something she might not be able to fully change.
If she doesn’t or can’t stop the event of EP2, then there could be a chance that she can intervene on Ben’s deal with the bandits. She would have to keep an eye on him specific pay attention to him whenever he leaves the inn or is on watch, which she’ll have to do w/o raising any attention.
If she can do that, and convince Ben to listen to her, even if she’s just a kid, they might be able to warn the group and get out of dodge before the bandit’s raid begins, so they could leave for the road a few days early.
If that happens, Lilly’s meltdown might not happen. If Larry died during EP2, then she’d still be depressed and in mourning of course, but not paranoid since there’s not a conspiracy going around the group about betrayal. Meaning Carley/Doug might not get headshot.
This also means Katjaa & Duck survive for now, and thus Kenny doesn’t have his complete character arc in S2 if his whole family is alive, since that loss played a huge part in his arc.
That also means that Lilly might stick around longer, and we may not get a Delta!Lilly.
They still take the train, as Clem can’t do anything about the train being in the way.
But then Clem realizes the train rolls right through Savannah, and there’s no avoid it anymore.
But Clem knew not to listen to the Stranger, so her sneaking away to meet him only to be kidnapped possibly won’t happen.
Meaning… We don’t lose Lee, which would’ve been Number 1 on Clem’s list of things to fix.
If that happens, the group has no reason to leave the house, meaning Vernon and the cancer group can’t get the boat.
Speaking of the boat… it’s WAY too small for their group.
Lee, Clem, Kenny, Katjaa, Duck, Chuck (since our group is big, I doubt they’d let him die the way he did), Lilly, Carley/Doug, Ben, Christa & Omid? That’s 11 people on this boat meant for at most like… 4 or 5.
Cue the talks of changing their plans. And much to Kenny’s chagrin, Katjaa agrees.
The group decide to put a pin in the boat plan and mull over their next move. This is where Clem chimes in and says they should head for the country, and get out of the city ASAP.
At this point, Lee would be way more trusting of Clem’s intuition and agree, so would Christa. Katjaa, Lilly, Doug/Carley, Ben would agree with the majority, and Omid would pick whatever he thought was best for Christa and their unborn baby.
They gather their bearings and plan their route out of Savannah over the night. The next day they discover the boat’s gone. So, Kenny really has no choice but to agree with their plan.
I feel like once the group is out of Savannah, and Clem has time for, well, downtime, she’ll want to think about how she’ll get back the other important people in her life like AJ, Javi and his family, and the Ericsons kids (especially if she romanced Louis or Violet). She wants to see them again, albeit not in the same circumstances as before.
On the other hand, is would I send back Lee? Another start to finish character (at least for S1), Sending Lee back from the end of EP5, Lee could make changes as well, his only hold up would be protecting Clementine even more since she really is 8-years-old:
He’d probably train her earlier, like between EP1 and EP2.
EP2 is the hardest to change, because it’s a group choice. It would probably go down similar to that deleted scene of them voting, where Lee would vote against going but be out voted by everyone else.
He doesn’t trust the St. John’s in the slightest, and when he goes back with Mark to check the perimeter, he tells him keep his guard up and watch the trees. Since Mark’s a bit more attentive, Mark gets grazed by the arrow instead of full impaled, and the scene plays out the same.
They make it back and Mark’s still a bit injured but not remotely as bad as before, so he’s able to attended dinner without having to go through Brenda’s, ahem, “check-up”.
So, who’s for dinner then?
Mr. Parker! Mmm, barbequed band teacher-
Let’s for back a bit, during the hunt with Lee, Mark & Kenny. They find Ben, Travis & Mr. Parker.
They don’t cut him out in time, but this time Lee doesn’t try to hack his leg off, remembering last time how he still bled out and died by time they made it back.
Lee instead tells Mark and Kenny to grab the boys and go. Before they can protest, the walkers are coming in, not many, but enough.
Travis makes a go at Mark’s rifle, but Mark shoots him in the leg. So now they have to carry him back.
So, Ben and Travis live! And Mr. Parker… for now.
Hypothetically, let’s say the dairy boys got to Mr. P before the walkers did.
So, he’s for dinner.
Dinner scene plays out the same, but this time Parker takes Mark’s place.
The Larry in the locker moment plays out differently. Since Mark is there, he’d help Lilly revive Larry.
Unfortunately, leaving Lee to argue with Kenny about not killing Larry. He’s trying to prevent as many unnecessary deaths as possible.
I believe Kenny and Lee would actually tussle over this, but Kenny would lose.
And by some miracle, Larry would win. As in he’d live.
Rewinding to where Lee was investigating the farmhouse, in the cabinet he found the morphine and wire in, he’d also find nitroglycerin pills. Lee kept them on the chance the moment in the locker happened.
Rest of the scene plays out the same until they make it out the locker.
Lee meets Carley/Doug, Ben & Travis outside the barn.
Since Mark’s arm is still a bit injured, Lilly shoots Andy.
Fight goes the same. Lee spares Andy and leaves him to his fate.
Interesting change, when it comes to the Stranger’s car, Lee purposely tries to distract the group from hearing the car.
Unfortunately, Mark sees it.
Lee is adamant about not taking from it, and doesn’t give Kenny the keys.
This almost prompts another Kenny v. Lee fight, until Larry steps in and argues they need it since the dairy was an absolute bust.
Lee uses Clementine’s argument that it’s more than likely someone’s car, and they might not be far. Since he knows it’s the strangers, he’d mention it probably belonged to a family.
A dreaded vote, and it’s Lee, Clem and surprisingly Lilly vs. Kenny, Katjaa, Travis, Carley/Doug, Mark and Larry.
Outvoted, Larry snatched the keys from Lee and they pillage the car. Doug/Carley comes up to Lee with batteries for Clem’s walkie, but Lee takes them instead, saying they might need them for something important.
EP2-3, Lee is aware that at this point the bandits are going to attack the inn because of Ben’s deal. So, Lee decided to nip the bud and go to Ben directly. He’d say something along the lines of “Don’t talk anyone in the woods, especially bandits who claim to have his friend.”
Sprinkle in a little, “Or else” because Lee’s DEAD serious on nothing that happened in EP3 happening twice. And Lee’s threat worked…
For Ben, at least. Because the difference between this time and last was Ben’s deal with the bandits.
He didn’t account for Travis being made the same deal.
So, color Lee terrified when Lilly comes to Lee about missing supplies.
He didn’t think she’d be paranoid, now that her dad was still alive.
He knew everywhere to check by the back of his hand, the signaling system, the chalk, all of it.
First, he trucked it over to Ben and immediately called him off the RV. Ben climbs down and Lee lays into him (well, where only he and Ben could hear) and accuses him of being guilty.
Ben’s confused more than defensive, which throws Lee off. Ben asks is it about what he warned him about a week ago, and says he hasn’t seen or talked to anyone outside the inn after he warned him about the bandits, and is generally confused as to what Lee’s blaming him for.
Lee apologizes and leaves. He checks the grate and what’s in it. Meds, of course.
He brings it to Lilly. The motel gets held hostage, but this is different; when they get held hostage, Mark taps on the window Lilly would exit from and warm them before they eventually hear for themselves.
While Lilly tells Lee to stall them, Larry does something stupid. Stubborn as an idiot, he refuses to be held up like he just was a week ago and goes for one of the bandit’s guns, getting shot in the process, causing all hell to break loose.
Lilly leaves her vantage point and goes to get Larry while Mark takes her place, the group splits up like they did before.
Lilly manages to pull Larry behind cover and tries to save him, so Mark has to deal with the bandits and keeping enemies off of her while she’s distracted.
The fending off goes the same, each group gets inside the RV, Duck is still bitten.
Lilly has to leave Larry, so now freshly mourning, and losing the inn, Lee knows all hells about to break loose.
Lilly pins it on Carley if she’s there, or Ben if Doug’s there.
Lee would defend Ben, saying he thinks it was someone else, and for the first time asks Travis.
Travis gets immediately defensive, just as Ben did before. Lee knows he did it.
But Carley/Doug would tell Lee to lay off him. Lilly would believe Lee’s claim that it was Travis since he’s helped her before.
Travis pins it on Carley/Doug.
Ben defends Travis, getting hi back under the microscope.
RV hits a walker, they’ve got to stop. Everyone exits.
Lilly shoots Travis in the head.
Lee knew it was Travis. But even so, the act alone caused the group to vote to leave her behind.
Katjaa calls Lee up front and tell him Duck’s bit.
Lee is angry that he’s failing to stave people this time around.
The train scene goes the same, they meet Chuck, Duck and Katjaa die, but instead of training Clem, since he already trained her a bit more and cut her hair, he decides he should tell Clem the new plan for Savannah.
Chuck compliments Lee on teaching the girl to survive.
He tells her that even though Kenny’s deadest on finding a boat, he thinks their best bet is getting out of the city ASAP and making it to the countryside.
Clem wants to find her parents, but Lee tries to gently tell her that they’ve been gone for so long that the chances of them being there or alive are slim to none.
Clem hates that answer.
“You can’t tell me what to do.”
“I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
Well, at least that radio won’t be a problem.
They meet Christa and Omid. The next morning, Lee is horrified to hear Clem’s radio go off.
She’d been talking to him again.
Kenny says he thought the thing was broken, to which Carley/Doug will admit they gave her batteries for it when she’d asked.
Without a second thought, Lee angrily chucked the radio out the train. He’d be damned if that bastard gets his hands on Clementine again.
The they get to Savannah. Molly tolls the bell, they make a break for it. Ben runs from Clem, Chuck saves her and gets split from the group.
They get to the house. And get inside, Doug/Carley keeps watch. Everything plays out the same. Clem goes to Crawford with them. Carley/Doug actually gets killed instead of Brie, however.
Lee saves Ben at the bell tower.
Since Ben isn’t guilty, Kenny has no ill will toward Ben, but also threatens that if he leaves Clem like that again he and Lee will tag team his ass. Ben gets the message quick.
Vernon still offers to take Clem. Lee knew it was coming but isn’t as mad as he was at the suggestion to give away his adoptive daughter. He still declines.
I should note that Clem has definitely notice her walkie’s missing, but Lee says she might’ve accidentally dropped it while they were one the train. She’s really sad about this, and a bit anxious.
Clem asks Lee if they’re going to get on the boat with Kenny. Lee says they might. Due to him trashing the walkie, cutting off all contact with the Stranger, they may be able to all get on the boat; He, Clem, Kenny, Christa, Omid and Ben.
Clem asks if they’ll have time to look for her parents, Lee tells her what he said on the train.
She cries and leaves the room.
Since the group is downstairs, Lee lets Clem have her space. She’s probably really upset with him.
He tries not to fall asleep, but dozes off for a bit.
Lee jolts awake when he realizes. He looks around and doesn’t see Clem near him before remembering she’s downstairs.
He turns and looks out the window, expecting to see Kenny working on the boat.
Instead, his blood runs cold as he sees Clementine, standing outside the fence, talking to someone beside a car.
A station wagon.
A station wagon that looked horribly identical to the one from the woods.
From the one that was parked in front of The Marsh House.
He could’ve sworn his heart stopped beating for a minute as she willfully climbed inside the backseat.
Lee booked it downstairs, nearly falling as he slammed through the backdoor as the car peeled off down the street. Lee runs out the back yard but is too late.
And that’s all I have for now! I spent a minuuuute conjuring this all up! Keep in mind, this is all a rough idea of what I could try, not definitive!
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statementlou · 10 months
i’m sorry to bring this up again, but i wanted to ask how are you making sense of harry having his former girlfriend’s name tattooed on his thigh if you don’t think they were really together? i’m not a larrie and i follow you for your louis content, but i respect your opinions, so i guess i’m coming more from a place of curiosity rather than seeking reassurance. do you not even entertain for one second the idea that you might’ve been wrong about things? that harry was really in a relationship with olivia? that he might actually be attracted to women? that he might’ve been with louis once upon a time but not anymore? have you ever challenged your confirmation bias? again, i’m not trying to attack you, i really just want to understand where you stand. i hope u don’t take this the wrong way.
well first of all you bring up the very good point that there are actually multiple Qs at play and not just one, despite the fandom's (and my) attempts to simplify things. I personally am open to the possibility that Harry and Louis are no longer together- we don't have enough info to say for sure either way about that, and I am constantly recalibrating and considering and I'm going to be totally honest, getting flat out ANNOYED at how often I find myself being like oh damn they ARE still (or again) together ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Because it seems so improbable and illogical! You think I don't KNOW I sound fucking crazy?! Absolutely infuriating, and yet there are just all these little Things all the time. Plus ofc the fact that they both constantly wink wink larrie stuff to the fandom which could just be playing to the crowd... except then they both continually take it that little extra way that makes me go oh but... you really didn't NEED to go THERE that seems VERY pointed?? But also sometimes I go well. Okay, maybe not. Since they both seem super happy at this point, it doesn't stress me out to think they might have split, the way it would if they seemed miserable and were still churning out heartbreak songs, but it's schrodingers relationship and with all the savvy they've acquired around this stuff and all the balls they're keeping in the air wrt to fandom etc that's unlikely to change in favor of us knowing anything for sure for a very long time, if ever. But I do not doubt that they WERE together, it's simply not realistic. The evidence of it is overwhelming and imo undeniable when taken all together. And the thing is that knowing one thing with certainty (that they were together back when), having really looked at the things that happened during that time, does actually have a lot of bearing on the rest of it even if they aren't together anymore. Because knowing that and having seen the way fake relationships to make them seem straight were managed back then means that when I see the EXACT SAME things being done in the current day, like they are working from a fucking blueprint, no, I don't look at that and think it might be real. I know that Louis and Eleanor wasn't real in... whenever they allegedly got together lol, that story still isn't even quite straight, so why would I believe they were together in 2020? And if I know Louis has a tattoo for a fake girlfriend why would it change my mind about a million things I can see with my own eyes if Harry did the same (if indeed he even has who tf knows)? So despite what I said at the beginning, in the end it kind of does just come down to the one question people are always asking, are you a larrie? Because when you've actually been down the rabbit hole of details that ends up with you saying yes to that question, it's like acquiring a rosetta stone that unlocks the ability to read everything else, like putting on xray glasses, and I look at what is so obviously a publicity relationship (holivia) and whether H and L are still together has nothing to do with why I don't think it's real. Like could a celeb relationship be both used in typical ways for publicity and be or become real on some level (looking at you Liam, heyyy), sure, but for this question the fact that I have never seen Harry show the slightest sign of attraction to a woman in his whole life and he so clearly embraces and identifies so strongly with gay male culture in every possible way and never shuts up about how much he loves cock does play into my thinking; I simply do not think he is attracted to women, no, and I have yet to see him do anything that doesn't seem consistent with things a closeted pop star might chose to do. So in conclusion yes I have challenged my bias and decided I'm right lol! But for real- all the time I consider that they perhaps aren't together but that isn't really the point when it comes to believing they are gay.
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sadaveniren · 11 months
The day I realised that what happens to them and the decisions they make don't actually affect my life my experience with the fandom improved soooo much!
Like sure, I still hate the stunts and specially hate that we live in a society that forces queer people to do things like that but at the end of the day they sure know what's better for their lifes than I do 🤷‍♀️ (and anyone who things that Harry's career would be the same today without any of the stunt is seriously naive, sure holivia was the worst and it damages Harry's image to an extent but it also got him a lot of exposure, and it doesn't matter if the go hates him and think he's the worst... They're still buying tickets and albums)
It also helps to understand that the same way we know we won't convince antis that they're queer and together, their teams KNOW that the stunts won't convince us that they aren't. The stunts are ridiculous and unbelievable but they aren't for us, all of this circus is for the gp and the gp don't care or knows enough to see the obvious lack of sense. It's NOT that their teams think we're idiots, they're not trying to make those things believable for us because they know we know.
And because I know that and I know I can't do anything about it I just don't care enough to let it ruin my experience. Like every time their location is unknown I just assume they're together... Idc if last known location is in opposite parts of the world because if there's a plane there's a way. I will assume they're in love and together until I become their personal friend and they look me in the eyes and tell me that not, that they broke up. I assume that all the love songs they write are for each other even when they say the opposite. Sometimes I'm wrong but meh... I literally don't care
Anon you get it! This is EXACTLY how I feel right down to the “things would be VERY different in his career if Harry didn’t stunt and people need to understand that”. I’m not saying Holivia is what got Harry his Grammy but I do think it would be naive to assume that he wouldn’t have been as common of a name if he didn’t have his names in the paper the way he has - and part of that WAS through Holivia. (I can sense the hate from those with lesser reading comprehension incoming)
I answered an anon a couple weeks ago that was all “how do you know they’re still together?” and my answer is “how do you know they’ve broken up?” I know what I consider to be signs they’ve broken up and they might not be stuff everyone agrees with but that’s okay! Cause it’s not about everyone else! I’m here for me because I enjoy it! I go to concerts and buy merch because I like the experience. I don’t buy merch I don’t like and I don’t go to shows I don’t think I’ll enjoy.
Louis and Harry’s team 100% knows larries exist and that we aren’t going anywhere. I fucking sat in a hotel room with a giant TPWK rainbow flag all day in the window that Louis’ team could VERY VISIBLY SEE and watched as they kinda pointed at it and moved on with their day. Harry picks up a flag every show and Louis posts pictures with the flags on his social media and they aren’t that stupid. They know what this means. They know their demographic, and above all else HARRY AND LOUIS know their demographic. And they also know what they have to do to sell music and make nice with the general public to keep financing their desire to perform as they want to.
Have fun in fandom people! If you aren’t having fun, if you’re feeling miserable or like it’s not your jam move on! It’s okay! No one will blame you. You will find a much more fulfilling life enjoying yourself with what you do than forcing yourself to do something you have zero interest in or even actively dislike doing.
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