#How to make a portable Mini Fan
ddoxhan · 2 months
all I wanna do
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like a rain shower in midsummer, I need you cuz all I wanna do is be with you
word count : 5.3k words
genre : fluff revolving around two goofballs; scriptwriter! ningning x office worker! reader; experiencing a disastrous date won't stop you from planning the best date for the love of your life
t/w : none :)
a/n : a light-hearted, playful date with ms ning yizhuo! imagine her laughters throughout the entire thing and just seeing how happy she is being with you 🤍 I love this baby so much :') anyways enjoy !!
outfit? check. water bottles? check. portable fan? check. power bank? check. umbrella? check. snacks for your pretty girlfriend? check. after that disastrous date with yizhuo last time, you were traumatized hence the over-the-board preparation for today's date with her. you had planned a lot of events for the day, hoping that she would be surprised with how you made sure things were to go according to plan. her reactions are just the cutest and no one can tell you otherwise.
regardless of whether it was going to rain, or if you lose her in a crowd as her phone dies, or if she gets incredibly hungry that she's in the mood to murder you. yes, that was how the entire date went the last time when you two headed for a mini concert in the outskirts. just thinking about it again sent chills down your spine. never again, you thought.
as you take a step out of your apartment, that annoying ringtone informed you of who the caller was.
"yeah, babe?"
'on the way? or you just woke up and getting ready to throw on just anything?'
"missy, I'm slaying my fit of the year. and yes, I'm on my way. maybe in another thirty minutes?"
'okay, missy. sounds good to me, see you then babe!'
"love you."
'love you too!'
her voice got softer, as usual walking away from her phone to do her own things. she usually lets you end the call, either you'd end it while chuckling at her antics or listening a little longer to hear her humming a song that's on her 36th spotify playlist.
the sun was shining, the clouds were fluffy, and the bus just passed by the stop before heading for yours. was it more than enough time for you to make it? sure, but, that was if you ran for it. you were definitely not waiting for the next one that was going to be in the next 15 minutes.
the run wasn't too bad, giving you a chance to try out your new pair of sneakers. definitely not made for running, but they were sure looking amazing with your outfit. yizhuo had gotten them for you when you had finished that torturing physics paper one semester ago but you couldn't get yourself to wear them. she insisted that you wore it after she saw them in a new display box you got for it when she slept over after spending hours playing animal crossing with you.
'jagi, didn't I get those for you?'
'wear them when we go on a date next week.'
'no buts.'
so that was how you were striding in these slides. they made you a little taller, which was the perfect height to pull yizhuo into a hug and rub your head on her hair. she hated those the most, but you love the scent of her vanilla shampoo, calming and soothing. as you stared out the bus window from your seat, your lips naturally curled into a smile as you reminisced those times when you and her took the bus home during your uni days.
when you had shared social law with her, you always took the bus with her after classes at the end of the day. you had known that she lived a little further from campus instead of the dorms and you happened to also take the same bus line as she did. acquaintances bloomed into friends, and you took your friendship with her to the next stage when you confessed that you saw her as more than a friend. you were the happiest girl alive when she said that she felt the same too.
when you had graduated with your psychology degree and her with her communication degree, that was when you found out that yizhuo had not lived three bus stops away from yours. and that was also when she had found out that you lived two bus stops before where she supposedly lived. in summary, you were two idiots thinking that you guys were so smart for trying to fool each other.
she did indeed live in the campus dorm, but just got down the stop where her friend lived at, in a way using her as an excuse to spend more time with you. you on the other hand, did similarly to spend more time with her by pretending that you got off at the next stop after hers. for four months straight, you had took a whole trip around the neighbourhood each time you had social law.
till this day, this was still something that you and her would bring up and laugh about at how stupid you two were. but you didn't complain, you were stupid in love with her.
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a ring on yizhuo's doorbell was enough to make her frown from finishing her favourite shampoo to smiling as it indicated that her huggable human was by the door. when she swung the door open, she was surprised to find you with a bouquet of crocheted pink tulips and a puffy tote bag. first, you hated tote bags because you were afraid of forgetting them on your seat. second, what occasion was it for the flowers?
"hello, girlfriend."
"hello to you too. what's with the flowers?"
a toothy grin was all it took to convince that it wasn't a special occasion that she knew, but rather one that you wanted to celebrate because, you just wanted to.
"it's 520 days since we've started dating. so yeah, happy 520!"
"and here I thought that I had forgotten our anniversary or something."
"well, it's still something to celebrate about."
if yizhuo had her clumsy and quirky antics, you had your puppy-like and unpredictable antics. it wasn't once or twice that you had showed up to her front door with tulips or roses, be it real or fake, or crocheted. or that one time you had a spur in the moment and made her beef wellington for lunch. you didn't even like cooking that much.
'I saw this recipe and I thought you would like it a lot!' as she quotes from you.
but none of that can stop her from loving you more as each day went by. the good morning and good night texts were a must and meeting up at least once every day was the base, whether it be face-to-face or through facetime. as much as she could feel her fatigue from her day fade away when she saw that smile of yours, so did you when you heard that laughter of hers when you crack a joke.
"thank you, babe. I like it a lot."
she tiptoed to press a little peck on your cheek, which led to that big ass grin on your face and your tail would have wagged hard like a helicopter, if you had one. seeing your usual reaction, yizhuo went back to her room to proceed getting ready for the day. oh, did you mention that she looks amazing even when she had her hair up in a messy bun, and the most worn out, comfortable home clothes? yeah, now you know.
as you took your spot on the couch, it didn't take her longer than 20 minutes to be in the cutest outfit for your anticipated outing. the opening of her bedroom door prompted you to stand by the shoe rack and put your shoes on.
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after you leaving her place, she naturally headed over to the bus stop while you stepped further from it, making her confused at the way you had a mischievous smile on your face. you walked over to her and dragged her along to the nearest car rental shop, rendering her further confusion.
leaving her at the entrance for a bit, you returned while twirling a shiny key with a far too recognizable logo printed on it,
"I knew we were going to the aquarium, but you didn't mention anything about driving there. when did you even have a driver's license?"
"well, surprise."
driving wasn't a practical option since you lived four bus stops away from your now alma mater. public transportation was a pain in the ass during before and after work peak hours but that was more worth than paying for the parking fee. that included having not told yizhuo about your driving capabilities.
your campus was practically in the middle of the city where most necessities were within public transportation reach. it didn't really matter if you had a car or not cause that was how convenient travelling for stuff was. if there was a need for a car, you would just ask minjeong for hers since she drives. even now, you could get to your job without a car, and you only head to office 3 days a week.
"and you rented a BMW?"
the look on her face darkened further as she couldn't comprehend your spending tendencies. you weren't a thrifty douchebag, so this was really a firsthand experience of you being willing to spend so much when there were cheaper options.
"please tell me you're joking. this could easily cost you half of your monthly salary for a day."
"okay okay, yes, I'm joking."
"thank god."
" but I did buy a kawasaki though."
yizhuo's jaw could not drop further as you said those seven words. she couldn't even form words, let alone sentences.
"wha- huh- you- eh?"
"come on, I got a second hand one so it's a lot cheaper. and it was a snatch with its low mileage."
the whole ride to the aquarium was just her bombarding you with questions on why you decided to get a motorcycle, when did you get your driver's license and a whole lot more. the entire ride there. though you weren't annoyed, you found it adorable that she wanted to know more. you being down bad was an understatement, you were just so in love with her that you don't see any chance of you getting back from being down bad.
you sure didn't need a second hand kawasaki to get to work considering the many reasons that would have stopped you from getting it. but there was one extremely big reason to get it that surpass every other. it was yizhuo. at the end of every day where you would drop by her place to spend time together, she would tell you about the things she encountered on the way home on the train, be it good or bad.
you were content with listening to how she would coo at the children and babies she saw, but grimaced at some things she would witness that you don't even want to reiterate. just then you thought, maybe you should get a vehicle to fetch yizhuo after work. as a scriptwriter, the expectation to get things done by her deadlines were brutal, from your nine-to-five job perspective. at times, she would finish past dinner hours and leave the broadcasting station with slumping shoulders while you waited for her at a nearby cafe to have dinner together after she clocks out. it always made a part of your heart ache a little when she drapes her body over you, with her basking in your scent.
she had always reassured you that she would feel her energy pick up when she spots you at your usual spot waiting. and even more so when she hugs you, as if you were her human energizer. but to imagine the days that you wouldn't be there, it was the right decision to get a vehicle for her to relax in after work on the way home. regardless of whether it was this nice BMW or the kawasaki you got, you get to accompany her back home while she talks about her day at the broadcasting station.
to head home together after a long day and lay in her arms on the couch while watching a movie was always your dream. usually her housemates would be around and it wasn't that comfortable to have the whole living room to yourselves. you would either leave after dropping her off or you would spend some time in her room for a while since she would reason that you have work the next day. one day, you would get a house together with her and make that dream a reality. one day.
"for me? this nice ass bike because you wanted me to get home safe?"
she looked at you in disbelief, worried that the cost of this damn bike would put a hole in your wallet while you had a sheepish smile knowing exactly what she had in mind.
"I know it sounds crazy but trust me, I've planned this for a long time."
"how long?"
"roughly 5 years."
as yizhuo mentally counted, she figured that that was when you were still freshmen back in university. although she was flattered by the fact that you fell for her since then, she couldn't help but feel bad. and you knew she would from the way her smile fell a little, just enough for you to be able to tell.
"don't feel bad babe. I did say it's for you, but it's also for me, for us. it's a lot better than having to squeeze into the train and having body odour rubbed all over my face."
the joke managed to lift her mood as she giggles at the way she could relate too. well, you could say that this kawasaki was a dream motorcycle that you've had your eye on for some time now too. her hand reached over to yours on the gear stick, her eyes looking into yours, feeling that she was the luckiest girlfriend on earth.
"you're welcome, and let's go see those penguins, shall we?"
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"welcome to underwater haven, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! I will be your guide today, so make sure to remember how I look like. you wouldn't wanna get lost and bump into the polar bear."
the crowd laughed at the humor of the male guide, before following to enter into the aquarium for the day.
in one hand, was your professional camera to capture the beauty of the animals (as well as your girlfriend), and yizhuo's hand intertwined with yours in the other. although she was more fond of furry animals in the petting zoos, she absolutely loved the way your eyes would sparkle when you tell her about your favourite aquatic animals that even she had managed to remember by now. you looked like an excited child jumping around and she just wants to give you all the kisses that you deserved for being so cute.
"oh! that's the angelfish. isn't it such a nice shade of pastel blue? and the way they just look so pretty."
"yes yes, very pretty."
and her gaze was just fixated on your smile that hasn't fell ever since you stepped foot in here. she couldn't give a damn about all these fishes that looked the same to her. all it did was make her crave for some good sushi, but she shall not talk about that while you're here. maybe in the next few days, she should bring it up. for now, she would enjoy this aquarium date.
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"did you have fun?"
"mhm. did you? weren't you bored a little halfway?"
"I mean yeah but when I look over to you, wow best day ever."
you shot yizhuo a glare before relaxing when you knew that she had eyes only for you.
"I love you too."
that sheepish smile on her face made you chuckle at the way you found it cute, realization for the nth time that you would never be able to win against her. be it her random rendezvous at odd hours or cheeky remarks like this.
"so where would lunch be, ms. 'I have a BMW now so we can go anywhere we want'?"
she's just not gonna let you breathe huh?
"well, it is a thursday today. so you know what that means."
"the bazaar!"
the first time she found out about the bazaar, she had always gone there either alone since her friend had clashing schedules or would resort to the cafeteria food which she disliked a little. after knowing you through social law, she deciced to persuade you to accompany her there.
'you mean be your chaperone?'
'I wouldn't put it that way, think of it that you're there as my food mate.'
it was a weekly food bazaar that happened at the city square, filled with all kinds of food from all around the world. yizhuo was always down to try anything that was edible, while you were just there to be with her as you didn't fancy trying new things.
'come on! try this, the vendor said it's glutinous rice cooked in a bamboo tube.'
'it looks questionable.'
but to be honest, it did taste good. while she had a habit of ordering a variety to try, she wouldn't hesitate to share it with her friends, encouraging them to head to the bazaar to try out too. when you looked back and thought about it, she was also helping out the local businesses that had a hard time. she tried to deny, giving you the reason that they had better food that whatever the cafeteria served. however, you would notice each time you stood by her while she talked to the vendors. the way her eyes fold into crescents, truly grateful that they were doing great.
as you spent more time with her throughout your days, you harbored feelings for her and they just grew out of control when you would malfunction from being around her. you were there once as an acquaintance, now you were back there again, as her girlfriend. wow, thinking about it made you feel overwhelmed.
"are you sure we're able to finish this?"
"if we can't, we could bring it over for minjeong."
"I'm pretty sure she would be too full from lunch with jimin. you know how those two are."
"well, I guess this is all for us!"
just watching yizhuo enjoy the food in front of her made you feel as if you had ate. if your girlfriend was happily full, then so were you. at some point, the vendors didn't change often, and they soon became permanent at the bazaar, being able to find a crowd of customers for themselves. you didn't remember how it happened, but when yizhuo would always recommend it to the people around her, you knew who it was because of.
"what? is there anything on my face?"
your gentle gaze had her rub the sides of her mouth, then her cheeks. full of food while she mumbles, it was just a sight too adorable. you succeeded at holding back your urge to squeeze her cheeks, or you would end up with a flick on your forehead.
"nothing, you just look really pretty."
"thank you, but I can't tell if you're being sarcastic cause I am stuffing my face full of food right now."
"nothing beats a happy girlfriend who loves her food. and it's cute."
extending a hand over to clear that sauce stain on the corner of her mouth, you looked so lovesick, it almost made the people at the table on the right gag. what did single people do to be punished like this?
you would only cut it out with the lovey dovey eyes when yizhuo made sure that you were eating enough unlike when you were in your final year. that final year research paper had you lose 5kg throughout the journey and you wish to not experience that ever again. sleep was an option and so was food. if it wasn't for her threatening to have your meals properly or she would not see you again, you would have probably fainted at least twice that year.
so now, you have a wonderful girlfriend and a stomach full of good food. the day was going spectacularly smooth without any problems. but you spoke too soon when the sun had set and night had came.
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after the bazaar lunch, you were to drive to a restaurant by the beach that yizhuo had really wanted to try but didn't insist on going as it was far. since you had rented a car, it was only right to bring her there. before night would fall, it would have been perfect to enjoy the sunset by the time you would have arrived considering the journey.
that was until the car started to smoke on the front all of a sudden. pulling over to the side of the road, you had to call for help from the nearest car repair shop to send a tow truck. you weren't going to risk driving there despite it being a short distance, not with her in the car.
as the tow truck arrived along with another car, you thanked the foreman for offering to drive you two to your destination when he couldn't get you a spare car. nevertheless, you managed to reach just in time to sit by the beach to admire the sunset with yizhuo. that was before it got windy and droplets of rain turned into a downpour.
"why is it always like this whenever we decide to go out for dates?"
she was feeling a little down from the mishaps from the car to the downpour. to be frank, you were too, since you had hoped that the date ended perfectly since she had looked forward to it a lot. although she didn't verbally express her excitement, you could tell from the way she had already put together an outfit for the day a week before and marked the date on her calendar with a big red circle and hearts around it.
"babe, things happen. plus it was my fault that I didn't check the car properly before today."
"it's not your fault, like you said things happen. just why on our dates..."
you were half soaked from the rain even with an umbrella. as you sought shelter at nearby shop, yizhuo wasn't soaked as much because you had wrapped yourself over her to make sure she didn't. that also made her a little more upset as she was scared you would get sick because of her. on the brighter side, you were at a vintage shop where they had quite a collection of film cameras. you had to take the opportunity to get one from here before you left. but first, back to making your girlfriend feel better.
"hey hey, babe. look at me."
you placed your hands on her cheeks and made her face you, squishing them a little. around her colleagues, she was competent and very professional when dealing with the producers and directors at her workplace. but when she comes home and relaxes around you, she would turn into a small little kitten that needed her favourite human pillow. just like how you had her pouting and leaning into your hands.
"things don't have to always go as planned. it's best if it did, but now that it didn't. we're here at this vintage shop and it looks like there's a lot of stuff to explore around here."
"sure we missed the sunset for a little, but we stumbled upon this place."
and with that, your girlfriend was back to her normal self.
"okay, but promise me you're not going to get too many things. nothing else is going to fit that glass case."
"yes, ma'am."
giving her a tiny salute and a cheeky smile, it was another mission success of making the best out of a (sorta) ruined date.
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"I did mention not to get too many things, but you did get something that was very expensive."
"but it does take really good film pictures. plus, a good camera to fit the most beautiful model in the world."
yizhuo scoffed at the compliment but couldn't help but blush a little. thankfully, the downpour had come to a stop, only a small drizzle remained.
as you headed towards the restaurant that you had made reservation for, you couldn't help but feel super lucky at that moment as the sky was still lit and the ambience of the waves hitting the shore, as well as the drizzle adding its touch. along with the beautiful sight of her while her hair is blown by the wind, that gorgeous smile making you fall for her all over again.
arriving there, you were brought to your reserved table before ordering whatever she wanted on the menu. the wait wasn't too long, which was good as it was quite eventful before this meal. as you indulged in the local delicacies, you couldn't help asking yizhuo if she was in for some alcohol. and knowing her, she wouldn't pass on the offer.
you only drank a little as you would still need to drive back, as the foreman had mentioned that it wouldn't take till the next day to fix the car. just as you wrapped up your fulfilling meal, your phone rang, indicating the caller to be the foreman.
"yes, mr. lee. is the car done?"
"I'm very sorry miss, but I've called to inform you that we've come across another problem from the engine as we looked into it earlier. we would need another day for it as we are closing soon."
"ohh... umm... alright then. we'll look around for somewhere to stay for the time being. thank you very much."
hearing how you would need to look for somewhere to stay and seeing that apologetic smile plastered on your lips, yizhuo just knew that the plans for the day had changed for third time.
"we need to look for a motel?"
"hey! you don't need to put it that way."
the ends of your ears started burning a little as you hid your face in your hands, trying to lower the rising temperature of your cheeks. her word choice had caught you very off guard while she remained calm.
"it is what it is. plus, we could get separate rooms so why so shy?"
she was definitely having a great time teasing you.
you managed to find a decent place after asking the locals. but being there on the weekends only meant that there was no such things as vacancy. however, you still decided to shoot your shot, praying for two rooms.
"we've got only one room left, with a single bed."
and you definitely didn't expect that shot to miss entirely. it was better than no rooms at all, and it meant using the same room as yizhuo. you had to repeat that to yourself several times to fully register what you had heard. number 1, you had not slept over at her place before as you didn't want her housemates to feel uncomfortable with your unfamiliar presence. number 2, it would only be you and her in a room. nothing would probably happen, given that you would be sleeping on the couch.
"where are you going?"
"to sleep...?"
drying your hair with the provided towel, you glanced over to your girlfriend who already dried her hair and changed into a set of pajamas that you had got from a nearby shop. you were in a similar one with a different color, reminding you too much of what married couples would usually where in dramas. 'enough!', you thought.
as much as you wanted to wake the next morning in your arms, you held yourself back as it might make her uneasy. what if she's not used to sharing the bed with someone? what if she thinks it would be hot? what if you snore? what if―
before you could complete all the possible scenarios from overthinking, yizhuo stretched out her arms, telling you to hug her. and so you did. as you fell for her temptation, she pulled you in closer to make you fall onto the bed. as she leaned over to place her lips on yours, your brain short-circuited with too many things happening at once. pulling away, all she saw was a shocked puppy speechless and thoughtless.
"you good?"
"were you going to sleep on the couch?"
it was as if you lost your ability to speak because all you could do was nod or give short answers to her questions. well, you were being considerate for your girlfriend in case she didn't want to share the bed with you and you were more than willing to let her have the bed for herself. after all, the bed wasn't the biggest and it was just fitting for two people, no more, no less. but she didn't mind at all.
"why when we could just sleep together?"
you hit her a few times for her choice of words and she just wondered what she said so wrong. 'sleep together', technically you were going to sleep together but not sleep together. there was a difference, but you were just being overly sensitive from the way that your body was in close proximity with yizhuo.
it wasn't like you didn't cuddle with her before in the living room while watching dramas and movies. it wasn't like you didn't hug her every single time you would leave by the end of the day. it wasn't like she wasn't already clingy and always finding an excuse to stick right next to you, be it be holding hands or just pulling you into a bear hug. but why was this time so different just because it was on a bed?
"you could take this as practice before we get married in the future."
right, that was why it made you so fidgety and anxious like a teenage girl who was in love with her first love. true enough, she was your first love, if you were to minus out the short fling back in high school that wasn't even a relationship nor situationship.
your relationship had not even turned 2 years old and yizhuo already had confidence in that you would marry her when the time comes. and she was darn right that you would. that day just sealed the deal where you definitely couldn't see yourself spending the rest of your life with someone else other than her.
the way she would enjoy your rants about sea animals that she couldn't care less, the way she reminds you about spending too much, the way she held your hand throughout the whole date.
although she wasn't interested in the many species of fishes that you knew, she didn't complain about it and just enjoyed how you were ecstatic about them. she would nag you a little about getting too many vintage cameras when you wouldn't even use some of them, but she knew that every single one you've bought had at least taken one picture of her. she knew that physical affection wasn't your way of expression where gift giving and words of affirmation was, she made sure that you felt hers.
just like this very moment, you could feel it through the way her gaze bores into your eyes, letting you know that she loved you as much as you did for her, if not more.
"okay, if you say so, wifey."
"oh? already agreeing to the proposal?"
"no way, I will be the one proposing to you in the best way possible when that day comes."
"but does that mean you want to marry me?"
yizhuo was glad to see how you snapped out of your trance with the playful banter between you and her. not only that, your string of thoughts had brought you to a conclusion that sounded like the best one to your life story.
"yes, ms. ning yizhuo. I would love to marry you."
"cause all I wanna do is be with you."
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accio-victuuri · 2 months
cpn talk: of camping fans, the number 38 and future concerts.
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happy monday to everyone! ^^ what better way to start the week than some clowning. i hope this makes it easier for you to get through the day and rest of the week. nothing too ground breaking, just some good old minor cpns i picked up here and there. enjoy~ and yes i used that gif of gege as clickbait! hahahahaha!
i wanna start with a usual observation, the way they do not clash in terms of project promotions. in the past weeks, WoF was in full swing, and now it’s FPU which will most likely continue till it’s release and the week after that. in the meantime, XZ is on radio silence. you still have the usual ads and stock photos from XZS + some random hot searches but nothing else. i have a feeling that after Bobo’s promotions, XZ will come out for LOCH.
and speaking of XZS posting photos, let me direct you to this one. he is holding a fan again. not the 380 yuan but we’ve seen it before and he is using it during his drama filming right now.
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so as the clowns that we are, we had to search for it so we can get the same style. how it’s describe on online markets is: F30 handheld rechargeable small fan mini portable wind power household. carry-on fan for camping. camping? interesting. of course you can use outside of that, but with our cpn of them and camping— this is yet another clue. did the same guy who bought him the 380 yuan fan before, searched up something his beloved can use for camping and beyond? they are so cute! i swear! i’m here for this whole soft era of them loving camping and relaxing!
bonus clowning is that the photoset form XZS was posted 19:30 which was the broadcast time for WoF. and considering it was the finale, maybe this was also ZZ’s gift? we already speculate that he is fond of lai lai so it could be…. 🤷🏻‍♀️
moving on to the number 38, which was a recurring number we have noticed from posts made sunday 4/7. 38 zhan bo. 💕 it could mean nothing but somehow, it got me, especially since yibo used it.
video uploaded by ybo is 01:38 and yibo posted 10:38.
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now about the future concert of yibo which i screamed about here & here — whether that’s true or not— us cpfs will of course do what we do best. to clown. so here are some points:
1. some are connecting this concert thing to a previous hs related to xz. it was about him and his company adding services which includes concerts. the actual tag was: #xiaozhanstudio adds new commercial performance license#. of course whatever this is, if yibo does hold a concert, it will be under yuehua but i understand where the clowning is coming from.
this comment was so hilarious tho 😂😂😂😂
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2. what if yibo invites guests? that’s usual for solo concerts. so we’ve been day dreaming about him singing bu wang, and why not wuji too? and then invite xiao zhan? imagine that. lol. and solos couldn’t even be angry cause wyb invited him. wouldn’t that be amazing?
3. this part in one of xzs vlogs where gg was in an open area and he “jokingly” said something like “Come to my concert, thank you!”
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we may be thinking too much about it but what if. what if gege also plans to have a solo concert some time in the future? i know both of them are so focused on being actors but they also have so much passion for performing.
i’m imagining how they both have a bucket list and one entry there is to have a solo concert. i hope we get to witness that come true ✨
FINALLY, with yibo’s post earlier, we saw him playing tennis. so tennis boyfriends at it again! 🎾
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hunieday · 6 months
Yuki Rabbitube Mini - Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Yuki: I saw you two in my dream today
Yuki: Thank you for appearing
Nanase Riku: Huh!? I appeared in your dream!? 😲✨
Yaotome Gaku: I’m kinda happy!
Yaotome Gaku: Do you remember what it was about?
Yuki: Well, it had a strong and vivid impact
Yuki: You were wearing happi coats and twisted headbands as you carried a portable shrine all night long.
Nanase Riku: 
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Yaotome Gaku: All night!? That's some dedication.
Nanase Riku: You were completely influenced by Rabbimini weren’t you?!
Yuki: not only did you carry the shrine the entire night, you were also shouting "wasshoi" without a break.
Yaotome Gaku: Why?
Yuki: Who knows. You were the one shouting, Gaku-kun, not me
Yaotome Gaku: No that was me in the dream!?
Nanase Riku: Then let's decide on a reason now! What do you think, Yaotome-san!
Yaotome Gaku: Hmm. Not sure...
Yuki: That’s hilarious. you're seriously thinking about it
Nanase Riku: Maybe saying "wasshoi" increases your power!
Yaotome Gaku: I like that! And it also enhances our sense of unity, so let's go with that!
Nanase Riku: Yippee! 😆 It's decided then, Yuki-san!
Yuki: good for you
Yuki: Just as you two were saying, “let’s aim for the top of Mount Fuji!” I jolted awake. 
Yaotome Gaku: Ain’t that a big scale dream!
Nanase Riku: A festival at the top of Mount Fuji sounds amazing! 🪭✨
Yuki: I bet you’d still have high energy even after climbing
Yuki: I'll just wait down here
Nanase Riku: Then we have to make the festival lively enough for Yuki-san to see us 💪😤
Yaotome Gaku: I wonder if he’ll be able to? Maybe we should set off fireworks
Yuki: Real fireworks? or human fireworks like in rabbimini?
Yaotome Gaku: Please don't call it human fireworks lmao
Nanase Riku: Human fireworks…how about we play that in the background!
Nanase Riku: "Tarumono boys! ~MATSURI~" 🎆🎆🎆
Yaotome Gaku: The way you phrased it…
Yuki: Sounds good. Are they gonna be set off in sync with "wasshoi" too?
Nanase Riku: 
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Nanase Riku: That’s gonna be real hard since they keep shouting wasshoi in the second half 😂✨ lol
Yuki: I really wanna see it now. I’ll go back to sleep and see the rest
Yaotome Gaku: You're going back to sleep!?
Yuki: i shouldn’t... let's listen to Matsuri for now
Yuki: It's a great song. Yamato-kun sounds very energetic
Nanase Riku: Yamato-san always looks happy while performing it live! He always holds a large fan, he’s so lively >u<🪭
Yuki: You must have a ton of fun performing it live too, Gaku-kun.
Yaotome Gaku: It's hella fun!
Yaotome Gaku: Riding a trolley and seeing fans' smiles up close makes it really easy to join in. You can feel a growing sense of unity and excitement alongside the audience.
Yuki: The "wasshoi" chant solves all problems
Nanase Riku: I have an idea! How about we sing it together next time? I wanna go to karaoke!
Yuki: Sounds fun. who will take which part?
Yaotome Gaku: I’m gonna take any part that’s not mine since it’s a special occasion!
Nanase Riku: Oh! Can I try your part, Yaotome-san? I want to say "appare...😏” It sounds fun 💪
Yaotome Gaku: Hell yeah! Looking forward to the Nanase Version of "appare"
Yuki: What about you, Gaku-kun. maybe nagi-kun's part?
Nanase Riku: I wanna hear it!!!!
Yaotome Gaku: I’ll put my heart and soul on the "Ladies and gentlemen!!" part! What about you, Yuki-san?
Yuki: I'll go with Yamato-kun’s part. I'll bring glasses and shout "now, it's a festival!!" though I might run out of energy right at the start
Yuki: I’m glad nobody took Mitsuki-kun’s part. I’m planning to give that to Momo
Nanase Riku: so you decided…! Tho I’m sure Momo-san will do that part very well! Especially the part where you laugh “Ha ha ha ha ha” real loud!
Nanase Riku: 
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Yaotome Gaku: Should we bring happi coats or headbands while singing?
Yuki: huh?
Yaotome Gaku: Oh, headbands might be better than happi coats after all
Yuki: are you really that into it?
Nanase Riku: I think it’s a great idea! Our office presidents performed a TRIGGER song the other day, they sang and even dressed up like them >:)👍
Yuki: Isn't Takanashi Production amazing?
Yaotome Gaku: Sorry, I've gotten too used to that kind of thing lmao
Yuki: Okay. let's carry a portable shrine while we’re at it
Nanase Riku: Huh!?
Yaotome Gaku: A portable shrine!?
Yuki: The NEXT Re:vale spirit has been ignited. We can't lose to Takanashi Production.
Nanase Riku: Our agency is amazing for setting Re:vale on fire ‼
Yaotome Gaku: How are we even gonna bring it to karaoke...? should we rent the place?
Yuki: I told you the NEXT Re:vale spirit is awake. we'll do it on the show
Yuki: Since it's the very last Rabbimini, let's gather all 16 of us and have a "Rabbimini Thank You Festival." what do you think?
Nanase Riku: Th-that's awesome...!
Yaotome Gaku: As expected of Re:vale...!
Yuki: If we're gonna do this then let's have a full-fledged festival. We gotta set up stalls, which ones do you want?
Nanase Riku: Ohhh!! I'm torn!! Maybe candy apples or baked potatoes...
Nanase Riku: Cotton candy!! I wanna make cotton candy!! i’m so excited to spin it around and make fluffy candy!
Yaotome Gaku: Then I'll make yakisoba! we did it in Rabbimini too. I'll cook up some delicious soba!
Nanase Riku: Yaotome-san cooking on a griddle, so cool...! ✨
Yaotome Gaku: Thanks. I think you'd look good making cotton candy
Yuki: I'll be in charge of the mask stall. Sitting sounds comfortable
Nanase Riku: Please make one of Kokona-chan too!
Yuki: Sure thing. I know a kid who’d be happy with it
Yaotome Gaku: Can you make Saddle man too? I know a few guys who’d like that!
Yuki: who...?
Nanase Riku: It's a character from a game Tamaki’s playing! 😳
Yuki: A game...? Is his face a saddle...?
Yaotome Gaku: You don't know "Seventh Riders"?
Yuki: I don't know... I wonder if they’re supposed to be riding something…
Nanase Riku: Yes! Saddle doesn’t wear anything on his head 😳 his face is half hidden though!
Yuki: he’s in a biker gang?
Yaotome Gaku: nuh-uh, It's not a bike it's a bicycle!
Yuki: he’s a pervert?
Yaotome Gaku: lmao
Yaotome Gaku: I'm explaining it poorly, but from an outsider's perspective he sure is a weird character lmao 
Nanase Riku: We have no other choice but to spread the word, Yaotome-san! 🔥
Yaotome Gaku: Yeah. Rokuya knows a lot about that sorta thing right? We should ask him how to spread propaganda
Yuki: that sounds terrifying... make sure the room is well-lit.
Yuki: But anyways, the Rabbimini Thank You Festival sounds like it'll be a blast. I'll talk to Momo about it and call you later
Nanase Riku: Yes!! Looking forward to it 🥳
Nanase Riku:
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Yaotome Gaku: 
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kodzukenmaaa · 10 months
↷ ⋯ ♡ᵎ pairing: Kazehaya Shouta x Reader
↷ ⋯ ♡ᵎ contents: you're a ticking bomb in a hot weather
↷ ⋯ ♡ᵎ warnings: cursing.
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In the scorching summer heat, you couldn't help the heat but feel your temper is also rising along the temperature. Every single hot day, it seemed like it fueled your temper for the hot day. You always come prepared with a small portable fan you carry around somehow today you couldn't find it after charging it all night, your mom answered your question when you come to her asking "Hey mom have you seen my portable mini fan I just charged last night?"
"Oh yeah, I think your sister has it. I saw her running outside with it in her hand."
Ah yes, that bitch. As much as you love her, you hate her with passion now during summer. Your family and friends often joked how that you're like a ticking time bomb during a heatwave.
Your boyfriend, Kazehaya Shouta. Your caring, patient, and understanding boyfriend is well aware of your seasonal struggle. He knows long before summer when it's a hot day he noticed how you're always snap at people and have that frown and furrowed eyebrows everywhere when it's really hot.
So when summer came, he came prepared for your fiery spirit. One afternoon, when you started to fan yourself with exaggerated exasperation, Shouta appeared with a knowing smile and switched the small portable fan and pointed it towards you. You couldn't help but grin at his gestures.
The gentle breeze instantly lifted your spirits, and you shot a playful glare at your boyfriend, who was smiling innocently.
"Are you saying I'm hot-headed?" You asked him, Shouta nodded. "Just a little, but who wouldn't?"
Over the next few days, Shouta's small acts of kindness continue. He surprises you with cold drinks like ice lemonade, ice cold tea, and, of course, every day he brings his portable mini fan.
His efforts didn't just help her physical comfort; they spoke volumes about his understanding of her emotions and his desire to make her smile.
As you cooled down physically, your emotional temperature also started to stabilize. People found you less prone to snapping at others and even began to enjoy the summer days a little more. Shouta's presence and care were like a soothing balm for your soul.
"You know, I think people mistaken about you being ticking time bomb because to me, you're a controlled burn." Touched by his words, you kissed him on the lips which he hum and kisses back.
As the summer continued, you still felt the heat's effects, but now you had Shouta's calming presence to anchor you. Your love blossomed like a flame in the midst of the season's blaze, reminding you that even the hottest days could lead to growth and renewal.
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mishwanders · 9 months
hiya mish! can i request Time reacting to someone who has an electric guitar [and they have a mini amp clipped to their hip] [we aren't gonna talk about how it's powered. uh.. solar power. yeah why not. idk ever since i saw the art where he had the guitar from majora's mask i just went "haha funny guitar" like maybe they are playing a bunch of different genres of music kindof makes me wonder how good Time himself is with the guitar. hmm...
I just want to serenade him so bad.
Characters: Time x Guitar Player!Reader
A/N+Warnings: N/A, safe for everyone. Written by Mishwanders - pls do not repost.
Time is well versed in music by ear, able to pick up on any tune and easily replicate it (due to the many years and time travels worth of practice of course).
So, when you asked if you could borrow his guitar, he was rather curious and intrigued to hear you play - seeing as you hadn’t mentioned it before on your adventure together.
He was fascinated by the small portable hookup that you had in your bag, he’d never seen anything like it before, not even by the greatest of bards in his era.
When you began to play though, he was in awe of your talent.
Regardless of whatever genre you played, he could tell how much you enjoyed it, as the tune took over you as you focused in and let your soul run wild with it.
He enjoyed getting to see you in this state, the vulnerability that comes with it. It was like he was getting to see a whole other side of you that was rare, especially on the road.
Time DEFINITELY becomes your biggest supporter after that. Want to play at a tavern? He might as well already be pushing/carrying you onto the stage before you even mention it.
Busking? Time is standing on guard for you!
All in all, very supportive, loves to hear you play, is like a dad whose wearing all of his kids merch out in the crowd and wants everyone to know he’s your biggest fan lol.
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malcontentmathador · 6 months
Full Party Control is not a straight improvement :(
I am a bit sad but not wholly surprised to see P3R will have total party control.
Not to be pedantic or boomer about this, but I am not a fan of sanding away the quirks of older games like this. Not having party control is kind of annoying, I agree; even if you understand the tactics menu well, you have less precise control over what your party members do than in newer games, sure.
But it was an intentional choice by the original dev team. Adding it into a game that was not thought out for it fucks up balance really hard - see how much Portable gets meme'd on for the bad combat because they changed Down mechanics and party control, without putting in the immense work of making sure every single mini-boss still works in the new system.
This is maybe not so bad for the main game, but it's really, really shitty for the Answer, which was designed completely around the way Down worked in the original game. Part of why you'll never see it adapted is because it would represent a tremendous amount of effort to remake all its miniboss fights for modern mechanics.
And it is also a bit of storytelling in itself. The lack of party control is meant to reflect that your party members are more independant and less suboordinate to the MC than in say, P4.
Akihiko and Mitsuru have been doing this Dark Hour business for much longer than you have, they know what they are doing.
A large part of Junpei's arc is him being resentful of the MC for outshining him. A pretty damn important establishing moment for him is when he ignores orders on the first full moon operation. That Junpei is not waiting for you to tell him exactly what to do on each turn.
Shinjiro is gruff, unfriendly and more than a little stubborn. He already barely accepts his predicament; when he is in your party and you give him orders, he'll often respond with "Tch... Who does he think he is?".
SEES is not a friend group in the same way the Investigation Team is. They do end up becoming friends... but there is plenty of conflict within the group that justifies why they tend to act more independantly.
Those things are part of P3's identity, and I think removing them is a regrettable sanitasation of things that made the game really unique :(
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS on Crack short take (16)
*When Festus, Lysistrata, and Sejanus joined Coryo at the train station to meet their Tributes*
Festus: Oh, for the love of Panem! We have been waiting here all morning!😩
Sejanus: It’s so hot! I’m sweating like a pig for slaughter!
Festus: The sun! The sun is burning me! I’m melting! *starts taking off his clothes*
Coryo: I told you guys to bring a freaking umbrella- Festus! Festus, No! Stop stripping on broad daylight!
Sejanus: Can’t they just use a hovercraft or something?!
Coryo: We don’t make the rules, Babe!
Sejanus: But I’m hot!
Coryo: Of course you are, Babe.
Sejanus: So you’re saying I’m hot?
Coryo: I’m not dating you for nothing, ya know.
Sejanus: Oh, Coryo, my love, you are the best!😍
Festus: Stop being so lovey-dovey, Snow! I’m literally sweating like some poor soul in Dr. Gaul’s lab!😩
Lysistrata: *pulls out four sunglasses and a mini portable electric fan* This is why I’m here. You guys can’t live without me.
Coryo: Thank Panem for Lizzie!
Lysistrata: True. I am a gift.
Coryo: If it weren’t for you, I would’ve been stuck here waiting with two naked classmates.
Festus: To be fair, I still have my skirt uniform on.
Sejanus: I haven’t even taken off my pants yet, Coryo, my Snow Angel~.😘
Lysistrata: *Side eyes Coryo* We don’t know these idiots.
Coryo: Indeed. We have never met them before.
Sejanus: By the way, I brought ham sandwiches for all the Tributes.
Lysistrata: You what?!
Coryo: Thanks for reminding me why I love you, Babe.
Festus: Can I have a bite?🥺
Sejanus: I thought feeding them might help us give a good first impression.
Coryo: That’s not a bad idea, Babe. Good thinking.
Sejanus: Was that a compliment, my love?!😍
Coryo: Yeah. . .
Lysistrata: And I thought I was the only one who has brain cells.
Festus: But do you have extra sandwiches for us? I know Coryo wants one as well-
Coryo: Don’t call me out on the open, Creed! I just haven’t eaten my breakfast yet.
Festus: Which is?
Coryo: Obviously, whatever my rich boyfriend provides.
Sejanus: You mean your fiancé.😘
Coryo: Sure. Why not.
Sejanus: Oh, Coryo, my Snow Angel, I love you-
Coryo: Thanks. Love you too, Babe.
Sejanus: But seriously, please don’t tell me that I’m the only one who brought gifts.
Lysistrata: I did brought some vitamins.
Coryo: Well, you all know that I’m poor and don’t have any money. So don’t expect much from me.
Festus: Nobody told me to bring gifts for the Tributes.
Lysistrata: So you and Coryo have nothing?
Coryo: What? Do you expect me to ransack my grandmother’s rose garden?
Sejanus: *sighs* I’ll call my Ma. Let’s just give them something sweet.
Festus: And please tell Ma to bring us 4 bottles of posca. I’m thirsty~.🥺
*24 gift baskets and 4 empty bottles of posca later, the train with the Tributes finally arrived*
Drunk!Sejanus: YOO-HOO~!😙 Marcus, remember me? It’s me! Your classmate from District 2! Sejanus Plinth!
Marcus: Oh, Panem, no! Just no! Not him! Not Idiot Sejanus Plinth!
Reaper: Oi, two! You guys know each other?!😠
Marcus: *starts sweating profusely* Nope. Never. Never met those drunks before in my life.
Coral: Oh, really?😒
Marcus: I swear on my mother’s cooking! Just look at those posh idiots! They’re too Capitol!
Drunk!Sejanus: Marcus~! Hey, Marcus, meet my gorgeous boyfriend, Coryo Snow~!🥰
Drunk!Coryo: *waves both hands up in the air* Hi, Marcus~!🥴 Welcome to the Capitol! I hope to see you at my wedding!
Marcus: This must be a fever dream.
Sabyn: More like a nightmare.
Drunk!Sejanus: So how’s District 2,
My bro~? Did they miss me?
Reaper: You’re bros?!
Dill: You know these people, Marc-
Marcus: No! They’re clearly talking about a different Marcus!
Treech: Who is apparently also from District 2?!
Drunk!Coryo: We also brought you some gift baskets and ham sandwiches~!
Drunk!Sejanus: We should celebrate!
Drunk!Lysistrata: Yeah~! Where are the confettis?! Festus, where are the mini party poppers?! Did you eat them too?
Drunk!Festus: Wait just a minute, Lizzie~. I still need to put my skirt on- Where’s my skirt?!
Drunk!Coryo: You’re wearing them on your head, stupid~!
Tanner: Oh, Panem, Horn of Plenty! Please don’t tell me they’re in charge of the Hunger Games?!😫
Treech: Oh, calm down, Tanner. That’s stupid if you think they’ll allow kids to do that.
Drunk!Festus: My man’s right! That’s so stupid!
Brandy: What’s stupid?
Drunk!Coryo: Making us your Mentors for this year’s Hunger Games.
Lucy Gray: What?! Why?!
Drunk!Festus: Can’t graduate if can’t do it!
Facet: You guys can’t even hold one drink!
Drunk!Coryo: Yes, we can! Look at us~!
Drunk!Sejanus: To be fair, our Dean said that he’ll punish us if we don’t participate~.
Drunk!Lysistrata: Yeah!
Lamina: So you’re Mentors?😧
Tanner: Our Mentors?!
Drunk!Sejanus: Yeah~!
Treech: F*ck! We’re doomed! Just look at them!😫
Mizzen: You know what! I like them idiots! They gave us these gift baskets and sandwiches. *starts eating*
Coral: Mizzen, you pig! Stop eating those evil Capitol cookies!
Mizzen: Why?! It literally taste like ✨Paradise✨ to me!
Drunk!Festus: Is Coral from District 4 here? I’m her Mentor-
Coral: Nope. No Coral from District 4 today!
Drunk!Festus: Why?
Coral: She said she ain’t available.
Drunk!Festus: But I got her a free cheesecake coupon!🥺
Coral: Cheesecake?!
Drunk!Festus: Yeah.
Coral: Hi! My name’s Coral-
Drunk!Coryo: How about one Lucy Gray from District 12? Does she know how to sing ✨Snow On The Beach✨?
Lucy Gray: *starts laughing and rolling on the ground*
Drunk!Lysistrata: Jessup~! Jessup from 12~? Where you at, my man? I have vitamins for you!
Jessup: Jessup ain’t here either-
Drunk!Lysistrata: Are you Jessup? ‘Cuz if you are, you’re just up my alley-
Peacekeepers: Ok! That’s enough! Show’s over! We’re taking the Tributes to the zoo!
Drunk!Coryo: *points at the Tributes’ truck* Is that the party bus?
Peacekeepers: Party what?
Drunk!Coryo: Can we ride with them to the zoo?🥺
Drunk!Sejanus: Yeah! Can we, Sir? Pretty please?
Drunk!Coryo: Sir, I wanna ride the party bus with my friends!
Drunk!Festus: I call shotgun!
Drunk!Lysistrata: Can I drive?
Peacekeepers: That’s it! Show’s over! Everyone, get in the freaking bus before I call the authorities!
Drunk!Sejanus: But Felix Ravinstill is the authority!
Drunk!Festus: And he said yes!
Drunk!Coryo: Yeah! We’re gonna ride the party bus!
Lucy Gray: Can we still keep the gift baskets and sandwiches?
Drunk!Sejanus: Of course! I’ll tell my Ma you like them.
Drunk!Lysistrata: Yeah! They better give those to the Tributes!
Peacekeepers: Or what, kid. You four are already in trouble.
Drunk!Coryo: We’ll tell Felix Ravinstill! Don’t you know that he’s the current President of Panem!
Peacekeepers: *sighs* We don’t get paid enough for this.
Reaper: *grabs a very drunk Coryo by the waist and carries him like a sack of potatoes* Damn! This one’s light as a feather!
Drunk!Sejanus: Hey! Let go of my boyfriend! He’s mine!
Treech: I am not sitting with those weirdos!
Marcus: Could someone please trade places with me?!
Jessup: Nah. We good. *starts to carry a very drunk Lysistrata*
Coral: Yo, I think my Mender just fainted.
Drunk!Festus: Mentor. Not Mend-
Mizzen: Can I get another gift basket?
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derekscorner · 2 months
Reloaded Rambling: Persona 3
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Broken Fulfillment
I finished Persona 3 Reloaded last night and ever since I've been torn between rambling about it and sobbing because the ending never fails to wound me.
I'm not exaggerating for narrative emphasis nor am I joking, I cried. I am a grown man and I cried just as much last night as I did when I beat Persona 3 Fes in the late 2000s to early 2010s.
I can not express in words to you just how much the ending hurts me nor can I express how much I love it. That's why I am broken but find fulfillment...which is as on point with the death theme as anything else.
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I even delayed finishing the game because I could feel the emotions and tears welling up as soon as the final month started. I even took a moment to note how ironic it was that the color palette literally grows gray throughout the month.
As 'The Fall' draws near and apathy syndrome grows the very world itself begins to white out yet I feel the story the strongest as it does.
Every interaction with Aigis is emotional pain because I knew what was coming. As she grew as a person, understood love, and found a reason in life I knew that she was about to have that ripped from her.
It wasn't just her either. P3 already had a lot of little moments in the final month as the cast finds their resolve and as you finish what social links you've started, everyone is finding a resolution, they're preparing for a battle they believe they may not win.
In fact, Reload improved on this more with it's link episodes. Everyone playing in the park, Ken's silly combat and coffee practice, the movies with Koromaru, Akihiko and Yukari, everything.
Several of these mini stories wrap up toward the end and it's only when you know about P3's ending that you realize why.
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Constant Improvement
I'd even argue that Persona 3 is one of the few stories to properly be remade in recent years. They only added small things to make the story better, updated gameplay, and just overall refined the package.
That's the kind of treatment a remake should be given rather than the laziness you see in movies today or the bait & switch SE pulled with FF7.
And it was only upon typing this that I realized that P3 has had this treatment from the start. P3 Fes only ever expanded the original hit game. Even though many fans didn't like 'The Answer' they at least loved everything added to the Journey.
P3 was then made a classic for a third time with P3 Portable. The PSP limited some things but it is loved for it's female MC and the story changes.
Persona 3 has always been given a positive treatment each time it's tackled and it's so rare.
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That cycles back into Reload. We fans had to beg and complain for years but they tackled the remake with every bit of love that you could've hoped for.
The only things they did to earn ere was not including 'The Answer' or the FeMC and as of the time I type this 'The Answer' will at least be added as DLC.
I don't intend to downplay the feelings of those who strongly desired the FeMC either, I am playing through P3P so I get it, I just want to point out that having so few complaints about a remake is so rare.
I went on this whole side tangent to emphasize how impressed I was with the things added. The episodes, a few scenes, it made the feelings that P3Fes gives me just as potent years later.
I'm an indifferent man, I rarely feel emotion let alone genuinely show it, but for years one thing that always broke me was P3's story. To see it remade so well meant a lot to me.
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Memento Mori
When I first played P3 I was actually looking for P4. A friend on a KH forum had suggested it as a fan but I couldn't find it on sale. P4 was at the height of its popularity so I couldn't find it at all.
Instead, I found P3 and bought it. My friend was a bit annoyed and said P4 was better but I played it anyway and by God it broke me.
At that time I had a depression problem. I have had one since 8th grade at that point in my life so P3's theme of death resonated with my core.
I had no spoilers for this story then, I thought we were defying fate like any other RPG and looking back I should've expected something. People died often in P3, even main cast, and the story put time into seeing the cast process that.
The single dungeon of the game is Tartarus but no, nothing clipped for me till that final scene.
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That final scene caused a whirlwind of emotion to hit me because I could sense something was wrong and your MC only gets weaker as Aigis affirms her feelings and goal in life and the music doesn't stop.
Just when the other SEES remember and rush to find you they arrive only to find you gone. That.Fucking.Broke.Me.
The credits then has the audacity to play an upbeat song as the credits roll. That was it, you died and the entire game clicked in my brain.
The entire game just hits me all at once. The MC's persona is Orpheus, you literally climb through Tartarus towards Nyx, death itself, and you do not come out of it unscathed.
The characters each dealt with death and found a reason to keep living while Aigis found humanity, in those tears I understood that the games message.
Death is not avoidable, even for your MC. His miracle came at a cost, his ultimate persona is the Messiah for a reason but that's not what truly important.
It's the journey to that ending. The MC helped everyone he had a bond with find a reason to live, the games story is a positive one not a sad one.
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I felt my brain rewire that day, aside from truly depressing events in my life, I have never truly been depressed again. Not permanently.
Even if I live a life like a hermit I'll never just give up on everything because this story broke me and rewired how I see things.
More importantly for this post, my initial breakdown of emotion always resurfaces when I play P3. I find myself attached to Aigis in particular due to her specific journey and her role in 'The Answer'.
So when I say this remake only added to the positive I meant it. (you probably thought I forgot about that and went on a seperate tangent didn't you~)
Every little scene new or expanded they put in this game makes it stronger. I did not want January to end but I was already a few days in and the game was breaking me.
Koromaru's new linked stories, Shinji, and Aigis in particular were wonderfully done. Everything just ties together in a way that I can't explain to you in a singular post.
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These things I've stated not only apply to added content but old as well. A complaint you'll see at times is how some Persona social links seem to contradict the casts main story progression or how some are weaker than others.
Persona 3, any version of Persona 3, does not have that issue. Whether you personally like them all my vary but they are all remarkably consistent with the Death theme, the theme of finding new direction or meaning in life, or they're harmless at worst.
A key part of the reason why is because the Fool & Judgement Social Links are tied to main story progression. The whole reason linked episodes were added was because the main SEES cast have character growth alongside those two arcana as the story progresses.
In P3Fes or P3Portable you could have friend/romance with some SEES based on MC chosen but their actual growth as a character is tied to the story. They grow with you.
And what you do learn on those friend/romance links doesn't contradict with that main story progression. You won't have a situation like in P5 where Ryugi feels like two different people between his personal social link and the main story.
No game is flawless mind you, all I mean to say is that P3 meshes better with it's links and main story. All those lives you help along the way just hit harder during the finale for it.
You can feel like it meant something.
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I can't wait for 'The Answer'
I have no decent transition here nor am I sure I conveyed my feelings/meaning as well as I had hoped above. So before these P3 images and OST make me cry again I'll talk about 'The Answer'.
If nothing else, I do hope I have explained how important the main story is to me and I hope that it makes sense to you that I do not consider P3 complete without this story addition.
It had issues in P3Fes, there is no way around that, but given how well they handled this remake I hope they can give 'The Answer' that same love.
Because it's very important to Aigis as a character as well as to the overall themes of life & death. If you have not seen the scenes of The Answer or played P3Fes yourself you may want to skip from here on out btw.
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You still there? Good because I need anyone reading to understand that 'The Answer' is key. It's key because it's about grief.
Many of the main cast had to deal with loss and grief in the main story so people find their relapse odd here but you have to remember that no one death is the same. You do not just become okay with important people dying.
You can always fall back on your sadness and that's what happens here. Aigis literally loses the will to live and becomes more machine like, Yukari quite frankly becomes bitchy, and the overall crew is somber.
They thought they had won, your MC lived till graduation. They had their best and worst times with him and he died for reasons that they do not understand.
'The Answer' is quite literally that answer. They learn why he died, Aigis finds her own answer to life, and I wish I could elaborate more but I'm torn between telling you and just hoping you play it.
It's an epilogue and one that I feel P3 needs to have to feel right. It makes your MC's sacrifice feel more worth while to know the cast will use his memory to live better rather than fall back into grief.
It does my soul better to know that Aigis won't give up on life.
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I'm spent
There's more I could've said but I'm quite frankly to emotional to add more. I struggled to even be coherent with this and I'm not sure I was.
I consider this the best Persona game yet and I'll always love 3 more than the others. I simply didn't feel attached to the scooby doo gang from P4 and I'm too old to care about the teen rebellion in P5...plus their mascot characters literally agitate me.
I hope you play this game or already have and I hope you're willing to give 'The Answer' a shot. Bye now~
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marshmallowpartygame · 2 months
Pocket Gamers Connect: Seattle
Last April, Marshmallow Party was selected to be part of the Pocket Gamers Connect: Seattle showcase and it was a blast showing the game off to so many new faces.
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Playtesting went great and over the 2 day event, and over 50 people tried it for the first time. My favorite moment was when two middle school-aged kids schooled their dad and were constantly telling him how to play the game better. Before that moment, I hadn't had anyone younger play the game, so it was refreshing that they picked up the strategy so quickly.
Overall, it was fun watching people genuinely enjoy the game. Seeing so many games in a row gave me a good perspective on what to improve on the next iteration.
The venue was well-organized My friend Airie from the area was able to help out with my booth and they made some great additions ( including a portable campfire made with paper and a fan and gathering ingredients to make s'mores that we gave out for playing ).
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Lessons Learned ~ Stand out from the Crowd! Being the only tabletop card game on display helped make Marshmallow Party memorable. People enjoyed the novel experience compared to the rest of the crowd and the social aspect of playing a tabletop game helped attendees connect with each other while they played.
Lessons Learned ~ Make the Atmosphere of your Booth Fun Marshmallow Party's booth was inviting with plushie marshmallows and a mini campfire ( portable fan blowing colored paper ). These features attracted people walking by to take a closer look, which led some of them to try the game or sign up for the email list. Something as simple as a random plushie or some artwork can go a long way in giving people an extra reason to drawn to your booth from afar. With that, make sure it's visible from far away, if possible!
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catgirlhell · 10 months
🎶✨ when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to. then send this ask or tag 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨🎶
i'll kill you for cursing me @unclekow
the best way to describe what im listening to at any given moment is that im either playing the soundtrack to an anime that only exists in my head or attempting to block out all psychic attacks inflicted upon me from the world with the power of jazz and 90's/00's japanese alt rock and hip hop.
Get Down to Business, aka the Order Sol Theme by Daisuke Ishiwatari
It's the Sol Badguy music. It's the ultimate cool old guy who sucks music. I have a cool old guy who sucks that I've been thinking about. It's important for my delusions.
Lay Back by Lotus Juice
I am a *very* big fan of acoustic hip-hop, and I also really like japanese rap. I haven't actually listened to Lotus Juice that much (my teenage years were still defined squarely by Nujabes and his contemporaries!) but I've found this introduction to his work to be interesting! I'm looking forward to listening to more of it.
P.H.D. - Portable Headphone Dancefloor by 2mello
You, a buffoon, might say its cheating to list a whole album. I, a genius, would claim that its sacrilege to not treat a house mix as one whole song. If I were to take a single pick from it, dreamin on its own is probably my favorite track out of it all, so much so that I have spliced it out and extended it for my own listening. I've been a fan of 2mello for awhile now and I can safely say that every album he makes is my favorite of his until he makes the next.
Ka Bohaleng / On the Sharp Side by Abel Selaocoe
I don't talk about it much, but I was actually raised in a family that practiced and professionally performed Traditional West African Drum and Dance. As a result, I've always been partial to traditional/ethnic music worldwide, especially African music, and Abel Selaocoe is like the holy grail of such. His work can be described as "classically trained baroque that is distinctly African in nature," and I regularly stream his live performances and studio album. If there is anything in this list I would beg you hear, it is this song, and to a further extent, his performance at Cologne Jazzweek.
Akaneiro ga Moeru Toki/茜色が燃えるとき by Scoobie Do
This thing snuck up on me towards the start of the summer and blew my tits clean off. I'm a person very much trapped in the pre-2010's, especially the late 90's-late aughts. As I get older, I lean less and less towards new media and instead indulge in rediscovering older stuff. I have never watched a Gungrave. I have never played a Gungrave. But I have managed to get my hands on the majority of Scoobie Do's discography and play it regularly. The band is still active, but like all things, I am obsessed with their mini-album Kaze no Koibito, which has this song on it. Please listen to this song and please listen to Scoobie Do. The band is called Scoobie Do man, just do it.
Sleepy Head by the pillows
Earlier this spring, I finally watched Fooly Cooly for the first time ever, after maybe 6 years of people twice my age asking why I had never seen it when it seemed to be so completely grafted to my tastes. Well I did, and then I immediately drew my catgirl holding a guitar because of it. I'm not normal after that show. "Why did they keep asking you why you'd never seen it" I hear you asking. *ahem*
Because I've been listening to its soundtrack and the rest of the pillows discography since I was like. Twelve.
Don't ask me how I found it because I do not know. But between Ride on Shooting Star and this, I've returned to the FLCL soundtrack maybe once every 2 months for about a decade. This isn't propaganda to watch the anime, but it is propaganda to listen to the soundtrack.
@teffiniwynn, @kdinjenzen, @puyopuyo, @shukitanuki, @qwk, @lamphoera, @yuleloggu, @alien-tidays, @girlballs, @ockitten
im gonna go daydream about cringe shit goodnight
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hexitca · 15 days
So I've been staying at my friend's place watching her apartment and dog while she's on her honeymoon. I offered for free (as a wedding gift other than the glasses I bought them bc I love her and also a win for me bc this has been a nice relaxing vacation lol) but her husband being awesome buys the DMC5 game for me to play while I'm here!!! I was so blessed he just offered and I was like "woh! you don't have-" Him: "I don't mind! You're doing us a big favor! :)" omg so sweet ToT so I finished it last night and here are my thoughts:
Warning: a lot of rambling lmao
TLDR: 10/10 best game overall
10/10 on plot, characters, game design like it was just perfect!! I loved the whole game and while I had to play it on human mode in order to just get through the game for my short time here, I would love to play it on the harder modes and explore more. I can't wait to get a gaming computer so I can do that lol.
Obviously I'm bias bc I love DMC but having played all the DMC games at least once (never finished DMC2 and DMC4 but I at least played enough to get a sense of the games) DMC4 was my fave in game play, plot, and characters. That's not to say DMC1 and 3 are lesser like DMC3 is RIGHT behind DMC4 for me (I just loved Dante's character in DMC4 more and of course Nero and Kyrie with Trish haha). I hope to finish DMC2 next but I think that's gonna be the least liked but we'll see.
Looking at the time line of DMC and having it wrapped up pretty decently in DMC5 was amazing! I haven't played many series with continuous plot lines often but this would be top of the list. Even with something like DMC2 where it is the odd one out from all of them, how they handled it was very well done. When I saw that the game included a recap of the other games/plot I thought that was a nice touch. Especially since the games exist across different consoles (DMC 1,2,3 all being on PS2 and DMC4 PS3 and DMC5 PS5 (I know they are on other consoles but I'm a Play Station girlie haha I never played any of the game on PC but I never had a computer strong enough) like it's hard. I got the first 3 on PS2 and on the Switch for portable play but that's it. I hope they put all on switch but I'm gonna end up getting it for PC in the future lol)
It was nice of them to include that in DMC5. I do encourage ppl to play all the games once bc obviously a recap doesn't stand up to actually playing the plots of the other games. I think due to my past plays of the other games it really made me appreciate the wrap up in DMC5.
I know we all want a DMC6 (trust me I want to see Nero and Co. again plus to see the twins back from hell) but if the series ended now it would be a perfect end. Obviously again I never want this series to end I love it and the characters so much but again compared to most game series it's rare to have a clean wrap up.
Some personal gripes that is more on me than the actual game/characters/etc:
I wasn't happy with Dante's character it felt really mean spirited but in the whole context of the plot/his history it fits. I guess going from DMC4 Dante to DMC5 Dante (yes 5 years had passed and depression etc I totally get that that's why I'm like it fits honestly) but Idk. I just felt that it could have been more...smoother? if that makes sense? His lines/actions etc make sense but were choppy at times. AGAIN Idk how to explain it it MADE sense (trying to protect Nero, the drama/trauma between Vergil/Dante, the actual chance that the world is ending) but idk threw me off a little. Just a major asshole lol but not the loveable asshole that he usually is. Again like yes in the whole context of it all he was gonna have to kill his brother (again) but again I wasn't a huge fan.
I wish we got more of Lady/Trish/Kyrie. I LOVED that Lady and Trish were used as mini bosses like that was perfect but I also think they should had have some gameplay/more than just that. Of course the story is about the Sparda kin and there's time constraints etc but idk...I always felt that the DMC games could have had the ladies featured a little more lol. ESPECIALLY WITH KYRIE. She is Nero's love, voice of reason, his tie to humanity and she only got mentioned/a voice call that wasn't that long. Idk I just need more Kyrie love dammit
Not a lot of gripes lol again just 10/10 and the gripes are just my personal hang ups but everything was amazing despite those gripes.
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Rurikawa Yuki - Translation [SR] memories the camp (1/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Yuki: …
Kazunari: Found ya, Yukki! What’re you drawing over here?
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Yuki: Costume sketches. I kind of felt like switching up my mood so I left my room.
Kazunari: I feel you! When it comes to creative works, you can get more done just by changing your location, right? Say, I’ll give you something that’ll be a perfect change of pace for you.
Yuki: What is it?
Kazunari: Tah daaah! A polaroid camera! I found it when I was organizing my room earlier. I bought another one, so I’mma give this one to you!
Yuki: …I’m good. I have nothing to take pictures of even if I take it.
Kazunari: C’mon, don’t say that~! You have the rest of the summer to snap plenty of pics!
Yuki: Even if you say that, I don’t have any plans to go anywhere…
Kazunari: You don’t have plans now, but you might make some in the future, right? I’m sure that’ll come in handy then!
Yuki: …I got it. Thanks.
Tsuzuru: I’m handing these out. Please, take one. …Oh, what the? Yuki?
Yuki: Ahh, Tsuzuru. What are you doing here?
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Tsuzuru: As you can see, I’m handing out hand fans for my part-time job. Here. Take one too, Yuki.
Yuki: I don’t need one since I have this. I don’t use hand fans.
Tsuzuru: A portable fan with bunny ears… Yeah. If you have that, then I guess you don’t need a hand fan, huh?
Yuki: This one cools you down pretty well. Wanna borrow it?
Tsuzuru: I appreciate the thought, but I can’t possibly use something so cute.
Yuki: Really? Bunny ears suit you more than anyone else though.
Tsuzuru: No, it’s cringe no matter how you think of it… anyways, it’s obvious it suits you more.
Yuki: Well, you’re not wrong. …Alright, will you use this simpler one then? Here.
Tsuzuru: You had two on you, huh… It’s hot today, so that honestly helps. Thanks.
Yuki: Don’t mention it. And I’ll take a hand fan too. I’ll feel bad if I don’t.
Tsuzuru: You could’ve just said that from the beginning. You’re not honest now, are you?
Yuki: …I’m going home.
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Tsuzuru: Alright, alright! I’m sorry!
Yuki: I’m home.
Kazunari: Welcome back, Yukki!
Kumon: Hey, hey. Is there any place you’re dying to go, Yuki?
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Yuki: A place I want to go… what’s this about?
Kazunari: We were talking about wanting to go somewhere as a troupe. But there’s too many places we have our eye on, so we can’t decide~.
Yuki: Ah, I see.
Kumon: By the way, is that a hand fan?
Yuki: Ah, this… Tsuzuru was handing them out for his job, so I had no choice but to take one.
Kazunari: Eh, Tsuzurun? Where!? Maybe I’ll swing by and grab one too~.
Yuki: No, you don’t have to go all the way there… … Hey, how about a yakatabune*?
Kumon: Eh?
Kazunari: A yakatabune?
Yuki: Yeah. Now that I have a look, that just happens to be written on this fan. See? It sounds like it’d be refreshing and we can all go together, right?
*A yakatabune is a traditional Japanese-style boat where passengers can have meals inside and enjoy the sights. (Kind of like a mini cruise ship)
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shofiuddin · 11 months
Best Stroller Fan.WiHoo Mini Handheld Stroller Fan,Personal Portable Car...
The Greatest Handheld Stroller Fan .
Consider this: you're out for a nice walk with your baby in the stroller, and it's a hot day. You start to sweat and feel a bit faint. What do you do? If you're carrying The Greatest Handheld Stroller Fan on Youtube with you, all you have to do is turn it on and point it in your direction. This battery-operated fan is small and lightweight, but it packs a powerful punch. With two speeds and a flexible neck, you can adjust the airflow to suit your needs. So, if you're looking for a way to stay cool and comfortable while pushing your baby around, look no further than the Greatest Handheld Stroller Fan on Youtube.
1. The Greatest Handheld Stroller Fan on Youtube is the iLIVING ILG8F20. 2. It is a battery-operated and rechargeable fan. 3. The fan has three speeds and an oscillating feature. 4. The fan can be used while strolling or stationary. 5. The fan is lightweight and portable. 6. The fan is durable and has a long lifespan. 7. The fan is affordable and easy to use.
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1. The Greatest Handheld Stroller Fan .
There are a lot of great handheld stroller fans on the market, but the iLIVING ILG8F20 is definitely the greatest one on Youtube. This powerful little fan can circulate air at up to 20 feet per second, making it perfect for strollers, car seats, and even baby swings. The battery life is also impressive, lasting up to 4 hours on a single charge. What makes the iLIVING ILG8F20 so great is its compact size and portability. It can easily be carried in a diaper bag or even a purse, making it ideal for on-the-go parents. The fan also comes with a built-in handle, so it can be hung from a stroller or car seat. Plus, the blades are made from soft, durable plastic, so there's no risk of injury if baby accidentally bumps into it. If you're looking for the perfect handheld stroller fan, the iLIVING ILG8F20 is definitely the one for you. It's powerful, portable, and safe for babies, making it the perfect choice for any parent.
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2. It is a battery-operated and rechargeable fan.
A fan is a battery-operated and rechargeable device that is used to create airflow by moving air. A handheld fan is a type of fan that can be held in the hand. A handheld stroller fan is a handheld fan that is specifically designed to be used with a stroller. There are many different types of handheld stroller fans on the market. Some are designed to be used with a specific type of stroller, while others are universal and can be used with any type of stroller. There are also different types of fans, such as, electric, battery-operated, and rechargeable fans. The best handheld stroller fan is the one that best meets the needs of the individual. Some people may prefer a fan that is electric, while others may prefer a battery-operated or rechargeable fan. There are also different features that may be important to someone when choosing a handheld stroller fan. Some of these features include, the ability to adjust the speed of the fan, the ability to adjust the angle of the fan, and the ability to operate the fan with a remote control. The best way to find the perfect handheld stroller fan is to read reviews. There are many websites that offer reviews on products. reviewers evaluate the pros and cons of a product and then give their honest opinion. This is a great way to see what others think about a particular product before making a purchase. When it comes to choosing the best handheld stroller fan, it is important to consider the needs of the individual. There are many different types of fans on the market, so it is important to find the one that best meets the needs of the individual.
3. The fan has three speeds and an oscillating feature.
The handheld stroller fan has three speeds, so you can control how much air circulation you need. The oscillating feature helps to distribute the air evenly throughout the stroller, so your baby stays cool and comfortable.
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4. The fan can be used while strolling or stationary.
The best handheld stroller fan is the one that can be used while strolling or stationary. There are many handheld stroller fans on the market, but not all of them can be used while strolling. Some require the stroller to be stationary, and some are too big and bulky to be used while strolling. The fan that can be used while strolling is the best handheld stroller fan on the market. The handheld stroller fan that can be used while strolling is the best because it is convenient. When the weather is hot, the last thing you want to do is stop and start the stroller to use the fan. With a handheld stroller fan that can be used while strolling, you can keep cool while on the go. Another reason the handheld stroller fan that can be used while strolling is the best is because it is not bulky. Some handheld fans are too big and bulky to be used while strolling. They can take up too much space and be inconvenient. A handheld stroller fan that can be used while strolling is the perfect size and is not bulky. The handheld stroller fan that can be used while strolling is the best because it is affordable. There are many handheld stroller fans on the market that are expensive. The fan that can be used while strolling is an affordable option that is just as good as the more expensive fans. The handheld stroller fan that can be used while strolling is the best because it is versatile. Some handheld stroller fans are only for strolling, and some are only for stationary use. The fan that can be used while strolling can be used for both strolling and stationary use. This makes it a versatile option for all your needs. The handheld stroller fan that can be used while strolling is the best option on the market. It is convenient, not bulky, affordable, and versatile. It is the perfect option for all your needs.
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5. The fan is lightweight and portable.
There are lots of handheld stroller fans on the market, but which one is the best? The answer might surprise you – it’s the one that’s been making waves on YouTube. The handheld stroller fan from iLIVING is one of the most popular on the market, and for good reason. It’s lightweight and portable, making it easy to carry with you when you’re on the go. Plus, it’s powerful enough to keep your little one cool and comfortable, even on the hottest days. You can use the fan on its own, or attach it to the stroller for hands-free operation. And if you need to move around, the fan’s 360-degree swivel head means you can direct the airflow just where you need it. The iLIVING fan is also one of the most affordable options on the market, making it a great choice for budget-conscious parents. So if you’re looking for a high-quality, affordable handheld stroller fan, the iLIVING is the one to beat.
6. The fan is durable and has a long lifespan.
The fan is durable and has a long lifespan. You can use it for a long time without having to worry about it breaking. It is also easy to clean and maintain.
7. The fan is affordable and easy to use.
When you are out and about with your baby, the last thing you want is for them to be uncomfortably hot. A handheld stroller fan is a great way to keep your little one cool and relaxed while you are on the go. The best handheld stroller fan on Youtube is the Baby Gliderz Fan. This fan is affordably priced and easy to use. It has a flexible neck that allows you to adjust the direction of the airflow, and it is also very lightweight and portable. The Baby Gliderz Fan is powered by AA batteries, so you can easily take it with you wherever you go. It is also very quiet, so it will not disturb your baby while they are sleeping. If you are looking for a handheld stroller fan that is affordable and easy to use, the Baby Gliderz Fan is the perfect choice for you.
If you are looking for a handheld stroller fan that will keep you cool and help you beat the heat, then you need to check out the greatest handheld stroller fan on Youtube. This fan is small and lightweight, making it easy to carry with you wherever you go. It also has a powerful motor that will make short work of cooling you down.
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albertonykus · 1 year
Doraemon Movie Review: Nobita and the Tin Labyrinth (1993)
What is Doraemon? The title character of the Doraemon manga and anime is a blue robotic cat from the 22nd Century who keeps an array of high-tech gadgets in a portable pocket dimension on his belly, and has traveled from the future to improve the fortunes of a hapless schoolboy named Nobita. Although relatively obscure in the English-speaking world, Doraemon is a Mickey-Mouse-level cultural icon in East Asia (and some other regions, too). The Doraemon franchise was a big part of my childhood, and there are still elements of it that I enjoy now.
Doraemon has released theatrical films almost annually since 1980, most of which involve Nobita and his friends (kind Shizuka, brash Gian, and crafty Suneo) getting swept into adventures thanks to Doraemon's gadgets. Despite being of potentially broad appeal to fans of science fiction and animated films, there are very few English reviews of the Doraemon movies, so I'm embarking on a project to write about all the films that have come out so far. Good luck to me…
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Movie premise: Nobita and his friends visit a strange yet luxurious hotel, but end up having to stop a robot uprising.
My spoiler-free take: I don’t love the lead-up to the main plot (as it makes the movie-exclusive characters seem unsympathetic), but this is overall an engaging movie that underscores the importance of Doraemon’s role in the story.
Review: Probably the standout feature of this movie’s narrative is that the kids are unable to rely on Doraemon for most of it, recalling a similar subplot in the previous film. However, whereas in that movie Doraemon was at least accompanied by Nobita for much of the time that he was broken, here he is physically separated from the children and they have little clue of where he is or what happened to him. It’s certainly an effective emotional setup: Nobita’s despair at Doraemon’s absence is palpable, and the moment when they finally locate and repair Doraemon is a real hope bringer.
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(Things really do proceed much more smoothly once Doraemon is back. Check out this cozy raft-in-a-jar that can get you across any ocean and comes with a palm tree that grows food.)
All things considered though, the kids handle themselves pretty well. Nobita is the one who figures out a way to reunite with Doraemon. Gian and Suneo infiltrating the robot society is seriously impressive, and even includes them figuring out how to drive a truck and pilot a plane by themselves. Shizuka takes more of a supporting role here, but it’s better than letting her do nothing other than getting rescued. Besides, she’s been the MVP, uh, let’s check the count... four times already.
The MVP of this movie, however, has to be the Mini Dora (a miniature version of Doraemon), which also marks the first appearance of a Mini Dora in the Doraemon films. He’s the one who fixes Doraemon, and has a critical role to play in the climax, too.
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If I have anything to complain about the story here, it’s that the protagonists’ movie-exclusive allies sometimes don’t come across as very sympathetic. I get that they’re in a desperate situation, but essentially tricking a group of children from a different planet into fighting for their cause doesn’t leave a great first impression! Not only that, but they also don’t give the protagonists a real opportunity to consent; by the time the movie characters explain all this, they’re already bringing the protagonists with them on the way to start a campaign against the enemy robots. Note that Doraemon had already gone missing by this point, so the main group really consists of regular kids who don’t even have gadgets to use.
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(Also, seeing this cute mouse robot break was always a bit upsetting, despite it not being a sentient character.)
This is neither here nor there, but it would be remiss of me to end this review without mentioning perhaps the wildest thing about this movie: at one point, the heroes receive help from Santa Claus.
Star rating: ★★★☆☆
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skelingtonsderek · 2 years
Ok this is gonna be long and without form I just want to talk without worrying my friends about the hellish fucking time I've had this past 7 days.
Early last Tuesday the city I live in experienced the largest amount of rain it has in over a century. The smaller municipality I'm in delayed opening the sewer for so long that my street was under several feet of rain.
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We got a little lucky in that the way houses were built in the neighborhood was a couple feet above street level. The water made it up to the top step of our porch. If the city waited any longer, if the rain had kept up, I'd be homeless, and have lost every single thing I owned.
Instead, I lost everything in the basement garage which had fully flooded from floor to ceiling. It wasn't much but it was enough. It was my washer dryer my water heater my air conditioner and it should have taken out my circuit breaker. It didn't and that's now full of water and living on a knife's edge and the other side of the knife is the house gets taken out in a fire instead of the flood
We are experiencing a heat wave. Which is not something that our area gets like this. Hot for here is 80. Very hot for here is 85. We've gotten up to 98 this past week.
With no ac. With no hot water. With no way to clean our sweaty disgusting clothes. With a land miser who texts everyday and promises this day is the day he'll get the restoration crew out to clear out the basement and make way for the brand new water heater and HVAC he's promised he's ordered.
7 fucking miserable days of having to constantly check how much water I've had, if I've eaten right, if despite my extra efforts if my medications have shoved me down the hill of heat exhaustion and dehydration anyway.
7 fucking days of managing 4 different fans and 2 mini swamp coolers to try to make my living space even remotely hospitable. It still reached 92 in there before some friends helped out and dropped off a portable air conditioner for us.
Oh right yeah. They had to drop it off because both mine and my partner's cars were totaled by the storm completely inoperable and towed off because they're nothing but scrap now. Trapped in a 90 degree apartment in one of the least pedestrian friendly cities I have ever been to
With TWO chronically ill disabled elderly cats who are too stupid to drink extra water when they're hot. Who suck at drinking water like we had to find a specific type of water fountain for them because they got more water on the floor and the top of their head than in their mouths.
One is arthritic, has kidney disease, and hyperthyroidism and JUST returned from the vet loaded up with NSAIDS, thyroid meds, and more arthritis medicine than the cat gods ever intended for a cat to have
The other is blind, diabetic, and so anxious that he gets scared by his own farts. Little guy couldn't find his way out of a paper bag with someone holding open the exit and trying to coach him out I wish I was joking
Have you ever tried to get a cat to do anything? Have you ever tried to give a cat a bath? How about periodically dipping their little arthritic paws into water you can't warm to a cool but not frigid temperature that isn't as distressing in order to help them cool down when it gets so warm you fear their tiny stupid hearts might give out?
It's been ice showers and constant noise and oven hot skin and chasing down elderly cats and calling insurance companies for cars and renters and chasing down gas company employees because there's a gas smell from my apparently illegally reignited water heater that my land miser should not have turned back on instead of replacing and constantly ordering food because I can't bare to cook and long days and longer nights because I can't sleep in the noise and the heat and the smell
The fucking smell of sewage and rain water and every basement and car and lawn and garbage can that got knocked over or floated down the road. The fucking smell. The constant smell of rot and wet and mold and shit and hot bodies. Hours and days and a fucking week of smells.
I was at my limit on day 2. I am so far beyond it that I feel gutted. I had groceries delivered a few days ago and the delivery driver said our neighborhood looked like the walking dead. I certainly feel like it. I just want it to stop.
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pheakrishia · 2 years
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At Central Mindanao University, the entrepreneur conducted an interview with 10 students from the college of arts and sciences and 10 students from the college of Engineering regarding the purchase of portable fans. A portable fan is more likely to be purchased by students who live in Boarding house and dorm, which has a hot place, as opposed to students who will go home to their houses.
In todays generation with the help of technology, technology made our lives easier, faster, better, and more fun. Also, Many people have their own ways of earning and wasting money in these year of pandemic. So, many people budget their money in a way to buy a worthwile product that is safe and has good quality. So, our team conducted a survey at Central Mindanao University, with our different venture proposal, that day in every proposal there are 20 respondents who answers our survey, according to them the Mini Rechargeable Fan is perfect for the hot temperature we’ve been experiencing right now specially when they are going to their next class, wandering in the campus and attending an event in University Convention Center, they also stated that they want an small, handy and affordable mini fan specially the students who budgeted their money, We make a Facebook page so that everyone can visit it anytime, anywhere, through Facebook page we can accommodate and address the target customer properly, we can connect and communicate to them easily. We expect that it will go with that flow but sad to say we did not get the approval of our venture proposal because it is already existing and continue developing.
We decided as a team to propose the Mini Rechargeable Fan, there are many things we considered, at first we want to try the small solar panels to power the mini fan but some of our members wants to consider the advantage of battery because the reason was, what if there is no sun, there are also no power to the mini fan. We decided to propose Mini Rechargeable Fan as our venture proposal because it has the highest number of votes that the student wants because it is helpful, eco-friendly and necessary specially at noon time when the temperature is very hot, the benefits of Mini Rechargeable Fan is it can easily fit to the small bag, it can cool you down when the surrounding is scorching, it is very handy and light to use
We have two (2) option to propose, the Mini Rechargeable Fan and the Recycled Paper, as we conducted a survey the Recycled Paper came in 2nd place, some student wants the Recycled Paper to be our venture proposal because according to them, Recycled Paper can help the environment and can lessen the paper pollution, you can remake the paper from its original form, but the Mini Rechargeable Fan came on first form the survey that is why we chose it as our venture proposal, but we chose to propose the mini fan because it has more votes than the recycled paper.
What I have learned:
A few weeks ago, our team came up with different ideas for our venture proposal. Each product didn’t work for our venture proposal. Despite every rejection, we realized and learned so many things. To begin with, how are we going to come up with another idea and how will we end up succeeding? Our team learned that how many rejections we are facing will be a start for us to get to success. Whether we succeed or fail, the key is that we learn something by trying that others do not. Above all, the team should not waste time pondering the ideas that have been proposed. Our biggest mistakes are focusing on how much it will cost when our product is produced. And to support it, we will try to broaden our minds on every idea, and then focusing on the team's goal. It is very useful for us to be rejected in our venture proposal because it forces us to come up with a brighter idea.
In the past week, we conducted a survey at Central Mindanao University students in history majors to determine if there are students who are interested in our new idea. There are respondents from different departments that also have history subjects, and most of them are freshmen. We conducted a survey about Histopedia. It is an app that is full of useful and factual information
about Philippine history. Initially, we intended to create a page/website with information about Philippine history and provide our target customers with a link that they could access after subscribing to us so that they could easily access our page anytime, anywhere.
It is the team’s decision and the target market’s suggestion that makes the entrepreneur decide as a team to innovate the service into an application. We came up with this idea because numerous history majors and students can’t easily study history because of books that are not available for each student, a lack of sources and information, and time to read thick books. Their problems have made us more realistic. That helps us be more productive and customer-focused. Therefore, we make sure that the end result is an essential application for students and non-students alike.
In addition, the team wants the product to be an online application, and for the team to earn, they will have to subscribe to make the app offline to be essential for them. Through subscription fees the team will earn.
What I have learned:
A few weeks ago, we were trying to innovate a product that is not new in the market. With every rejection, it pushes us to a brighter idea. That helps the team learn something new and discover new things. It is best to be rejected because it makes the team more real and productive. I’ve learned that it is important for a team to think positively and be more realistic because every problem has a solution. At first, it may be hard for us, but every rejection is also a journey for us to learn and accept. The team worked hard and gave all the time to present the ideas. It is so much fun and also important for us to give each other’s opinions because the team relies on each other in every team decision. For the team to improve, we need to study more about our problems and solutions to make our product more essential for our target market. It also made us realize the target market's problems that put us in success. It is also helpful for us to know its problems through survey.
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The teams learn by doing the following: • discovering• realizing• positive thinking• accepting• decision making
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The past week, the team has already been planning to change the content of BMC. We made a video and a PowerPoint to explain the relevance of our app to our target market and customers. As a team, we realized that planning to create an educational app is not as easy as counting 1-2-3; it takes a lot of time and effort. We planned and designed the features of Histopedia, computed the expenses, and planned how to get an investor to invest in our app.
At the UCC, one of our resource speakers, Engr. Bronson Mabulag, got my attention. He introduced to us how important start-up is and what start-up is. For me, it is having a more open mind that makes us better entrepreneurs. Also, one of our speakers made me do better by giving us words of wisdom on how we can make a product that is more convenient. Mr. Arnel Arreglado, a CEO, once said, "You should build your team with mindset, kung unsay gusto nmo mahitabo." Sir, Arnel always repeats the word "mindset" because for him "mindset lang ang tanan." For me, the answer is yes, because it's nice to start an idea in your own mindset. Also, sir, Arnel said, "If ma share nmo sa imong customer is iingon jod nmo na useful sya, mas ma validate nmo sya through sharing it." It's nice to hear and that I have so much on my mind now that how can I start again with this entrepreneur  mind? I also once heard him say, "There is a closure agreement, trust in your team members , and then Kailangan Kampanti." It is so nice to hear those because it makes you more mindful of the things you do and makes things better. And now we are still in the middle of our entrepreneurial mind. Even if I say we are in the middle, I know in myself that I do my part as a leader, I help my team, and I also explained enough for them. Even if some of our members did not participate well, I helped them enough to do their part. It's sad to say that they don’t take it seriously; it’s kind of disappointing, but still, we accept them. I learned that even though Sir Arniel said to trust your team members, I trust some of them, not all of them. A few of us are working hard, and some of them don’t even know what’s going on. I'm taking this part as a lesson learned. That even if how disappointed you are, still you know that you do your part and help them.
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