#Homology Lit
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Louise Gluck, Mary Oliver, Jack Gilbert, Denise Levertov, Ocean Vuong, Ilya Kaminsky, Mahmoud Darwish, Christian Wiman, j.p.berame (@existential-celestial)
praise to our endurance 🌱✨
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christophe76460 · 8 months
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< Mauvaise histoire du climat - 49 >
La seule manière correcte météorologiquement de mesurer les températures est présentée dans la photo en bas à droite.
Le fait que je l'ai mise à droite la rend inacceptable pour la pensée unique de gauche. En effet, tout ce qui est à droite étant fasciste, la main droite des gauchistes se trouve être "ipso facto" du côté des fascistes. Autrement dit, les gauchistes sont à moitié fascistes !!!
Trève de plaisanterie ! Cette photo de droite est celle d'un abri météorologique. Seules les températures relevées, toutes les trois heures, sous ce genre d'abri sont homologuées et sont représentatives des températures "prises sous abri", ou "à l'ombre" si vous préférez. Tous les autres moyens de prise de température ne sont pas homologables. Les 44°C du thermomètre jaune et les 51°C du thermomètre mural sont faussées par le simple fait que le soleil frappe directement ou indirectement ces thermomètres.
Dans les conditions, hors abris, ON peut battre des records, surtout si, subrepticement, on chauffe le petit ballon rouge du thermomètre avec un briquet. (Si, si ! Ça s'est vu !, il y a eu des flagrants délits... En général, c'était pour garder le lit et ne pas aller à l'école 😃😄.)
"ON pourrait atteindre...". Avec du conditionnel, on peut tout faire ! Mais, aujourd'hui, la période ANNONCÉE de canicule caniculairement caniculaire est passée et elle n'a pas donné les résultats escomptés par la nouvelle religion mensongère du réchauffe MENT climatique.
Je rappelle pour mémoire que le record absolu de température enregistrée SOUS ABRI sur Terre est de 56,7°C et date du 17 juillet 1913. Cela fait 110 ans que ce record tient malgré un "réchauffement GIECQUEMENT INEXORABLE et IRRÉVERSIBLE" !!!
Vous êtes-vous demandé de qui le GIEC se moque ?
Mais de vous, tout simplement. Le comprendrez-vous un jour ?
Hélas, Mark Twain avait bien raison quand il disait : "Il est facile de tromper les gens, mais il est impossible de leur faire admettre qu'ils ont été trompés !"
La NOUVELLE RELIGION veut unifier les croyances des Terriens et des Terriennes, par la Terreur. C'est une religion sans Dieu et même sans morale pour le plus grand bénéfice d'une caste de diaboliques milliardaires égoïstes qui veulent se réserver la planète pour eux tout seuls.
Une seule solution pour échapper à leur plan de génocide est de vous tourner vers Dieu le Père. IL a envoyé Jésus-Christ pour racheter les humains qui souhaitent être libérés de la servitude du Malin. Jésus est le Chemin, la Vérité et la Vie et personne ne peut atteindre Dieu sans passer par Lui.
Jean-Marc Tartar, 26 août 2023
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zawya1 · 5 years
Burj Khalifa lights up the sky with a Lebanese company at the heart of the event
Beirut: On Sunday, October 28, Burj Khalifa was lit during an unprecedented and historical event to celebrate the exclusive collaboration between the Saudi electronics giant retailer eXtra Stores and the largest E-commerce platform Noon, and to announce eXtra’s long-awaited Mega Sale in the region. The Mega Sale started on November 1 and continues until November 7 at eXtra’s showrooms in KSA as well as on its website.
Behind this exceptional event and light display is the Lebanese agency Accelerate ME Online, which succeeded in lighting up the tower, in terms of animation, conceptualization as well as creativity and design. Mr. Patrick Lahoud, a digital media entrepreneur and the Managing Director of the agency, invested his creative skills and significant expertise to organize this first-ever event.
The attendees in Dubai were awestruck by its magnitude, and the tower video went viral on social media and attracted a significant number of shares and interactions.
Electoral jackpot
It all started on Jan. 20, 2011, when the Congolese Parliament passed, at Joseph Kabila’s initiative, a revision of the 2006 Constitution allowing for the president to be elected by a simple majority, facilitating the re-election of the outgoing candidate.
Kabila had already chosen his champion to lead the INEC: Pastor Daniel Ngoy Mulunda, a founding member of the People’s Party for Reconstruction and Democracy (PPRD). Even before his appointment, Mulunda identified which bank to open the INEC’s accounts at: the Congolese subsidiary of BGFIBank, run by Francis Selemani Ntwale, the head of state’s brother.
To our readers,
Regarding the project in the Central African Republic, Inkript's subsidiary ‘Africard Co RCA’ won the tender for the issuance of biometric passports in 2010 and since then, it has been managing the said operation under the supervision and control of the local authorities concerned, as well as the CEMAC Commission (Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa). In 2014, and contrary to what the article insinuates in a completely erroneous and above all malicious manner, Africard received praise (…) from the CEMAC homologation commission for the work undertaken.
Regarding the elections project in the Democratic Republic of Congo, your article’s insinuation that my client was involved in any suspicious activity is unacceptable and rejected. The article itself confirmed that the study of multiple documents proved without a doubt that Inkript is well deserving of its success and regional reputation, especially in the field of secure printing.
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bostonpoetryslam · 4 years
it's possible to care about someone more than you actually know them. knowing is not linear but it is shimmering. the heart shimmers 60 - 100 times a minute. like an ocean. we call this Beating. like it's a race.
Jess Rizkallah, “‘california in the summer and my hair is growing long,’” published in Homology Lit
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lifeinpoetry · 5 years
& I'm still wishing to live outside of this body, / wishing to disappear & reappear, only when i want to.
Kailah Figueroa, from “june 4th, new york city,” published in Homology Lit
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I have two flash fiction pieces up over at Homology Lit today, and I would love if you all would check them out! Content warnings for sexual assault and mentions of self harm.
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Pablo Neruda, The Essential Neruda: Selected Poems // @sunsbleeding // Anaïs Nin, from Henry & June; A Journal of Love: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin (1932–1934) // Kailah Figueroa, from “june 4th, new york city,” published in Homology Lit
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dorizardthewizard · 3 years
The Revival of Akillian: Chapter 9
Prologue / Chapter 8 / Chapter 10
At six o’clock sharp, Micro-Ice’s alarm clock starts screaming “Get up, Micro-Ice! It’s time!” to the tune of “Your Tracks in the Snow”, the latest hit from Freeze, number 1 in Akillian’s Top 10.
- Grmph! - the boy grumbles, pulling the quilt over his head. – Already? Tell me it’s a nightmare!
In the bed across from him, D’jok straightens up and stretches, yawning.
- Did you sleep badly? I dozed off like Ahito.
- I can imagine. (Micro-Ice emerges from under the duvet and whacks the clock to turn it off) You didn't have to put up with a crazy guy who kept going on about how he would be the greatest football player in the galaxy, all night!
- Are you talking about me? Did I talk in my sleep?
Micro-Ice sits up and stretches. D’jok is already out of bed.
- If only that’s all you did! Right then, it seemed like you had won the Galactik Football Cup all by yourself. In just one night!
- And why not? – questions D’jok, grabbing a towel from his locker to go to the shower.
- Why not what?
- Why wouldn’t we win the Cup?
- There are many reasons! - Micro-Ice shrugs. - Stop dreaming, D’jok… we’re awake now, you know?
“Hello everyone,” Aarch’s voice sounds through a speaker built into the ceiling. “You have exactly half an hour to get ready and join the holo-trainer. Be happy, Micro-Ice: you are finally going to play a match!”
Half an hour later (Aarch does not tolerate delays, nor lack of discipline in general), they all find themselves in the holo-trainer, separated into two groups: on one side, in yellow, are Tia, D’jok and Micro-Ice with Ahito in goal; on the other, in purple, are Mei, Thran and Sinedd, the goalkeeper being represented by a sim. D’jok and Sinedd look at each other.
- Let's go! – calls Clamp, with the press of a button.
The ball bursts from the center hole, flaring between D’jok and Sinedd, attackers of each team. Immediately, there is a fight between the two rivals to recover it. D’jok wins with a short header, passing to Micro-Ice. Thran intercepts the ball with his chest. He passes to Mei, who is immediately tackled by Tia, who returns the ball to D’jok. He rushes towards the goals and finds Sinedd in his way, who sticks to him like a leech. With no other solution than to get rid of the ball, he sends it back to Micro-Ice. Thran immediately comes to mark him, but Micro-Ice manages to dribble around by juggling the ball, foot-head-chest, so fast that Thran can no longer follow... a final flip-flop and presto, Micro-Ice is free from Thran, rushing in turn towards the goal, in which the sim bounces from one foot to the other, his eyes following the trajectory of the ball exactly. Sinedd rushes after Micro-Ice… he throws his foot forward, hitting him in the calf and sending him tumbling onto the fake grass.
- Can’t stand up, Micro-Chip? – taunts Sinedd.
Micro-Ice grabs his leg, wincing in pain – if only that was virtual! Tia comes to his aid, helping him up.
- Foul! - shouts Aarch, who had replayed the footage in slow motion on the console.
- I'll get him, that jerk. – grumbles Micro-Ice.
Leaning on Tia, he casts a hateful look at Sinedd, who walks up to his team with his head held high and his face smirking.
D’jok will take the free kick. The three purple players make a wall in front of the goal. Mei gives Sinedd a look, whether one of reproach or admiration, it’s hard to say. D’jok takes a few steps forward... he runs and fires full force. The ball grazes Sinedd's head - who pulls away at the last minute – and bounces off the top bar of the goal, launching into oblivion.
- What strength! – exclaims Clamp in front of his console. - 120 km/h, are you seeing this?
- I would have preferred if he were shooting less hard but his shot was on target! - reproaches Aarch, in front of the general monitor.
The match continues, with varying degrees of success and a number of errors: missed passes, aborted dribbles, corners, players who collide to retrieve the ball… a somewhat sterile duel between D’jok and Sinedd, about who will hit the hardest or farthest, or who will score a goal first, to the detriment of a less spectacular but more constructed team play.
- Do you know what we’re missing, Aarch? – prompts Clamp with a smirk.
- Time, - Aarch replies, not smiling at all. - A lot of time!
- Maybe, yes... but we would gain a lot if we recruited a good passer... if you know what I mean!
Having managed to steal the ball away from Sinedd, D’jok arrives in front of the purples’ goal, but is blocked by Mei and Thran, who surround him and leave him no way out. Having no one within walking distance, D’jok is forced to shoot in the air, by guesswork... suddenly a kind of rocket flies above him, stops the ball in the sky in a blaze of moving waves, rolls over onto her back and swings her foot on the fly - the ball shoots towards the goals like a missile, hits the poor blue sim and pulverizes him, then sinks into the back of the net.
- Waaaouh! What a goal! - exclaims D’jok in shock.
As usual, Tia takes no personal pride in this. No sooner has she landed than she gets up and goes back to her place, as if nothing had happened.
- Little Tia seems to have adapted perfectly to my holo-trainer! - rejoices Clamp. - I told you, Aarch: with your ideas and my machines, we’ll get there, you’ll see!
A few miles away, in his office in the luxury Confederation building, Artegor Nexus watches Tia’s Breath-magnified goal on his own console. Behind the screen is a small device, no bigger than a credit card, its green LEDs flashing frantically: reception is perfect.
Hacking into Clamp’s hardware proved too easy: Jorg didn't need to break in, or bribe anyone. It was easier to enter the Arena Stadium than a spaceport... if Aarch and his friends continue to be so naive, thinks Artegor, the Red Tigers will hardly have to make an effort to crush them, even with this kid who possesses the Breath: so long as one has studied the tactics of the adversary well and knows all their secret moves...
Artegor pauses his console and opens a transpace channel for an interstellar call: he must send his report to the Honorable Galahaas, Grandmaster of the Shadow Council.
The Interplanetary League of Galactik Football has its headquarters on the planet Oeno, a cosmopolitan world mainly made up of archipelagos scattered over a vast pink ocean. This bizarre color of the water, combined with a light but permanent haze, tints the sky over Oeno purple, which, lit by two synchronously rotating stars, offers the most magnificent sunsets in the entire Galaxy. Bathed in a climate of roughly equal mildness from pole to pole, Oeno is a paradise for tourism, water sports and floating palaces. The League’s headquarters, on the edge of a lagoon of delicately pearly waters, is a bizarre construction meant to feature two stylized players, standing up to retrieve a football. But, apart from the sphere which sits at its top, nothing makes it possible to distinguish such a symbol: the building is rather a mess of columns, pillars, and flying buttresses... the architect, a Cyclops, apparently only had a vague idea of ​​humanoid anatomy.
Massimo Spoto, human delegate to the League and vice-president of the Homologation Commission, introduces himself to the receptionist in the vast hall which serves as the entrance, a sort of cathedral all in glass and wooden beams, and steel that rises to a dizzying height, which makes one wonder, considering its incredible angles and overhangs, how it stands at all.
- Is the Commission meeting taking place on the fifteenth floor?
- Yes, sir, it is. - answers the hostess. - Do you have your accreditation? (Spoto shows her the small holo-card) Perfect, sir. The elevators are at the end of the hall.
- I know, thanks.
As he walks towards the elevators, Spoto notices a man sitting in an armchair, absorbed in reading a newscast. He recognizes him: that curved nose, those thick lips, those fancy features, that rebellious lock on smooth, shiny hair… General Bleylok, here? On the day of the Commission’s vote? Bad sign…
Bleylok is one of the leaders of Technoid, and the leader of what is customarily called the Cartel, this square of vengeful officers, nostalgic for the time when Technoid was the main military force of the Galaxy, when it could have made Humans absolute masters of the two most powerful fluxes: the Smog of the Shadows and the Charge of the Lightnings… yet when the Shadow Wars broke out, Bleylok was barely born. Spoto suspects the general of harboring in his fiendish heart something far worse than a spirit of revenge: an inordinate ambition, an unquenchable thirst for power. However, all this hardly concerns the vice-president of the Homologation Commission… except that Bleylok – and therefore Technoid, or at least the Cartel - took a sudden interest for the new Akillian team trained by Aarch, the former star striker of the planet. An interest that Spoto cannot explain, because this team has not yet proven itself and demonstrated the slightest ability to measure up to the current stars of Galactik Football…
Bleylok joins Spoto in the elevator and presses the button for the tenth floor. Being a rather frank man, Spoto decides to attack him head-on:
- There is one thing I do not understand, Bleylok. Why does Technoid want Aarch’s team to be homologated so much?
- I don’t speak for Technoid. - answers Bleylok coldly.
- Ah, excuse me. So why are you, Bleylok, Cartel general, so keen to have this team certified?
- It’s none of your business.
- Yet this is my vote!
- This is my floor. - evades the general.
The elevator doors open on the tenth floor. Before exiting, Bleylok hands Spoto a small briefcase, then slips away with a smile and a small nod.
- But, wait…
Too late: the doors close and the cabin resumes its ascent. Intrigued, Spoto opens the briefcase...
Credits. Thousands of credits.
Because he is vice-chairman of the Homologation Commission, Spoto's voice counts for two...
Taking advantage of the fact that the evening is “free time”, Micro-Ice had gone back to see his mother in the Cafeteria. He wanted some good hot chocolate and a slice of pie, just to make a change from the “special sport” vitamin food scientifically studied by Clamp and prepared like a chemical formula by a Scrap, thereby being entirely tasteless. In fact, he mostly wanted to complain and pamper himself a little.
- I have never worked so hard in my life! - he whimpers, slumped over the counter. - It’s sure worse than the ice mines. I’m aching all over, even my hair!
- I saw you on TV, - Gail smiles, stroking his chin. - You were very good!
Micro-Ice straightens up at this and smiles.
- Really? Didn’t I look too tense, mom?
- Nervous, you? The only times you look upset are when you’re sick. (She serves him a large mug of steaming hot chocolate to accompany his slice of pie) What about D’jok and the others? Didn't they come down with you?
- They stayed over there to watch a game on TV. (Micro-Ice sighs, bites into his pie, and swallows a sip of hot chocolate) How do they manage to watch more football? It’s beyond me. If I see one more ball, I’ll pulverize it!
- My poor darling, you’re going to be seeing a lot more balls!
- Why do you say that, mom?
Gail smiles at him again, barely concealing her pride.
- I just heard on TV that your team has been officially recognized by the League...
D’jok, Thran and Ahito (well: if he wasn’t asleep) are also hearing of this in front of the wall-mounted screen in the “relaxation room” in the depths of the Arena Stadium. Live from the League headquarters on Oeno, the unrelenting Callie Mystic clarifies:
- It is now up to the Federation to organize a match between the Red Tigers team and that of Aarch, in order to determine which of the two will have the honor of wearing Akillian’s colors during the qualifying phases of the next Galactik Football Cup...
- Yeah! - D’jok exclaims, punching the air. - I tell you, we will win this cup! I can smell it, yeah!
- You’re right, D’jok! – agrees Thran. - We are awesome!
The two high-five over Ahito’s head, who suddenly wakes up.
- Yeah, awesome! Go, Warren! - he cries.
- Hey, brother, the match is over…
Thran breaks the news to him and the three of them hug, congratulate each other, pat each other on the shoulder, and jump in excitement, shouting victoriously. As they enter the room, Aarch and Clamp observe this joyous commotion.
- At least they’re motivated… - Aarch sighs.
Clamp rests a compassionate hand on his friend’s shoulder.
- We still have a few days to train as much as possible… plus, there’s the friendly match against the Wambas. We’ll get there, Aarch!
- Not without a proper passer. (He clenches his fist) I have to try again. How do I convince him, damn it!
Norata is suddenly awakened by a noise. He sits up in bed, heart pounding, and listens... yes, he recognizes a creaking sound: that of the front door, the slides of which have started to rust because of all the humidity from the plants. Good heavens! If he catches Rocket running away to join this bunch of freaks at the old stadium...
He jumps out of bed, puts on a jacket, arms himself with a powerful halogen torch, and hobbles as fast as he can to the entrance, going out into the courtyard which he sweeps over with the beam of his torch: the jet-snow has not moved… but there, next to it - footprints! A robber?
Footsteps behind him in his house! He turns around abruptly, to shine his torch at a face. A face he knows all too well, even though he tried to forget it for fifteen years...
- Do you remember our reaction when dad banned us from playing soccer? - reminisces Aarch. - We wanted to build a rocket so we could escape to another planet!
- If I had listened to dad, I would still have my leg today. - Norata retorts, lowering his torch nonetheless.
- And you would have died like him in the Catastrophe! In any case, we would never have shared all these moments that we lived together... when we set out to conquer the world. Your son is very talented, Norata. Far more talented than we were at his age. He can become a galaxy-renown player!
Norata frowns suspiciously.
- What makes you think he’s good?
Aarch frowns: apparently his father doesn’t know about Rocket’s visit to Arena Stadium, or his training session.
- I can feel it, that’s all. - he evades. - Question of genes, no doubt...
- Good or not, he will be a florist on Akillian, period! There is nothing wrong with that, it is an honorable job!
- But football is his passion, you know that very well!
Norata shines his torch at his brother’s face again.
- You’re here on private property. I’ll ask you to leave, or I’ll call the police!
- Okay, I understood. I won’t bother you with this football thing anymore. You have my word. (Aarch slowly steps out the door, then turns back on the threshold) Farewell, Norata.
Norata watches Aarch go into the night, his head bowed, his step heavy. He remembers that rocket story well. He was eight years old, his brother ten. It was Aarch who drew up the plans. Then the two of them had gone to Arcadia’s Brico-Store to look for materials. The salesman’s eyes had opened wide, and he had laughed at them. “Build a rocket? Sure, no problem. But it’s not a toy store here. We sell gear for grown-ups... you’re not even old enough to handle a laser drill”. Aarch then realized that this business was really beyond their reach. Both had been sorely disappointed... but they left the planet anyway. Later.
Norata rushes to the porch.
- Aarch!
His brother comes to a stop in the snow in the yard, and pivots slowly. Norata holds up one finger.
- One match. I’ll leave you Rocket for one single match: the one against the Red Tigers. If you lose this match, Rocket comes right back here, and I never want to hear from you again. Never!
Curled up in the bed of his hotel room, Wouwambou, the captain of Team Wamba, coughs, shivering and chattering his teeth, eyes murky and gray in complexion. What an idea he had to want to accompany his trainer on this cursed frozen planet! While he was so at home, in the heart of the jungle, where the temperature is around forty degrees... but when he learned that the Akillian Federation was offering the trip for two in order to negotiate the conditions of the game of Aarch’s team against the Wambas, he jumped at the chance: the Wambas are a peaceful but poor people, footballers are very poorly paid by galactic standards (although they earn more than enough to live comfortably on their planet) and interplanetary travel is usually an expensive dream...
But Wouwambou had forgotten that, on Akillian, the average temperature is minus ten. As a result, he’s got a rife fever, he’s sick like a swamp gnok. He waits for the doctor, but wonders how he will be able to pay him: a bad flu was not included in the fees… and a doctor’s fee on Akillian is one month’s salary for a Wamba! Too bad, he has to get better, otherwise he will die here, and his team needs him...
There is a knock on the bedroom door. Ah, the doctor, finally!
- Come in, - he manages to articulate in a hoarse voice, between fits of coughing.
It’s not the doctor. Unless Artegor Nexus has changed jobs...
- What... what do you want? How did you find me?
- Why, - smiles Artegor. - When you are a fan of the Wambas like me, you will stop at nothing to visit their illustrious captain! But... it looks like you have a bad flu, my friend?
- Yes, I’m waiting for the doctor...
- And you don’t have enough to pay for one, I imagine? I know the Wambas are not rich...
Wouwambou stares at Artegor with his feverish eyes, wondering where he is going with this. The Red Tigers coach takes a wad of credits out of his pocket and places it on the bedside table.
- With that, you will have enough for a good treatment.
- But what... why...
Wouwambou doesn’t finish, seized with a new bout of coughing. Artegor places a holo-card reader on the table, then walks back to the bedroom door and says in an icy tone:
- She must not be able to play. Ever again. Am I clear enough? I am counting on you, dear friend!
The door slams behind Artegor Nexus. With a trembling finger, Wouwambou activates the reader. In the small field appears a slender young girl with silver hair, kicking a ball ferociously. A halo of bluish lightning emanates from her.
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boykeats · 5 years
You don’t know how to feel about us trotting around your mown lawn ravaging sweet wet apples off your tree. We lock antlers, raise a clatter in the wood, agitate your family dog to fits of barking, gnaw on your juniper bushes, garden violets. We see your chicken wire fences, your garden coated in hot sauce and sick fermented yolks. We’re the kind of beautiful that gets shot down. You forgot that we have been here since the eocene. Clothing you, feeding you. We’re in your myths, shadows in the trees, and after this long dead winter, our hunger will not be kept hidden in birch and pine.
Delany Lemke, “A poem in which I try to talk about being queer in the rural midwest and I just end up talking about deer again,” published in Homology Lit
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on love (i) --- Christian Wiman, C. S. Lewis, Mahmoud Darwish, Thomas Merton, Frank Bidart, Pat Scheider, Julian K. Jaboe, Rainer Maria Rilke, Derek Walcott, j. p. berame (@existential-celestial)
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menupail80 · 3 years
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In this write-up, we will certainly have a detailed discussion about different kinds of bonds discovered in biological molecules. Range-- A large selection of peptides are necessary in order to deal with a range of specific skin issues within the skin. A peptide is like a key unlocking timeless looking skin with an one-of-a-kind amino acid sequence.
Selective androgen receptor modulators bind to the androgen receptor and demonstrate osteo and also myo anabolic activity.
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The standard method for the production as well as the characterization of new BAPs consists in the selection of a substratum as well as a proteolytic enzyme or microbial/bacterial strain, followed by hydrolysis under details conditions. The resulting hydrolysate is analyzed artificial insemination for biological task and also recognition of BAPs. Nonetheless, this technique offers some restrictions such as the empirical selection of substratum and enzyme in addition to a lack of standard procedures for the artificial insemination assessment of the biological activities. All these results reveal that Lactobacillus strains have various hydrolytic specificities for healthy proteins as well as consequently may release really different BAPs. Some investigations are still needed to fully value the diversity in CEP activities. A current relative genomic study of 213 Lactobacillus genomes enabled the detection of 60 various genes presenting considerable homology with the presently understood CEP genes (amino acid identifications ranging from 100 to 20%). Regulative hurdles may also considerably postpone the scientific advancement of AMPs.
All About Peptides.
Collagen hydrolysate supplements are abundant in a variety of amino acids that play an essential function in the creation of collagen. Externally of a single cell, MHC class I molecules offer a readout of the expression level of up to 10,000 healthy proteins. This selection is translated by cytotoxic T lymphocytes and also All-natural Awesome cells, permitting them to keep an eye on the occasions inside the cell and spot infection as well as tumorigenesis. Peptidoglycans, sometimes described as mureins, are glycoconjugates discovered only in bacterial cell walls.
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When hydrolyzed, collagen comes to be very digestible and also bioavailable. Scientific studies have shown that collagen peptides kind 1 and also type 2 can contribute to numerous health and wellness advantages. They have actually published arise from scientific studies showing the advantages of Peptan for skin charm, joint health and wellness and also recuperation from exercise, as well as mechanistic information that describes exactly how Peptan conveys those effects at a cellular level. Rite-Flex Collagen Peptides with Peptan correspond the collagens located in human bones and also skin. It is a high-purity, all-natural bioactive product, including greater than 97% protein developed to supply multiple wellness benefits as well as useful residential or commercial properties. As an all-natural, non-allergenic and clean tag component, it can be quickly incorporated into foods as well as beverages without affecting taste or odour.
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As a result of its high resolution, this strategy of filtration is also particularly suitable for recognition of the certain peptides involved in a provided bioactivity. Peptide recognition is undoubtedly crucial to properly demonstrate that an offered activity is associated with a details BAP.
The next signal is the interaction in between CD80/86 on the APC and also CD28 externally of the T cell, adhered to by a 3rd signal-- the manufacturing of cytokines by the APC which totally turns on the T cell to provide a particular response. MHC course I complicateds at the cell surface area might dissociate as time passes and the heavy chain can be internalised. When MHC class I molecules are internalised into the endosome, they enter the MHC class-II presentation pathway. Some of the MHC class I particles can be recycled as well as existing endosomal peptides as a part of a procedure which is called cross-presentation. IUPAC-IUB Joint Commission on Biochemical Classification, Nomenclature and symbolism for amino acids as well as peptides, Referrals 1983, Biochem. No authorities classification of glycoproteins, glycopeptides and also peptidoglycans has actually been available hitherto.
The term 'glycation' is recommended for all such reactions that link a sugar to a healthy protein or peptide. The item of glycation is a glycoprotein, or, in the grandfather clause of the reaction with hemoglobin, glycohemoglobin. When appropriate, a much more accurate name such as (1-deoxyfructos-1-yl) hemoglobin may be utilized. Impacts of Lactobacillus helveticus fermented milk and also its bioactive peptides on bone specifications in automatically hypertensive rats. This constraint might be attended to deliberately boosted fermentation media. For example, a chemically specified medium was established to boost the proteolytic activity of Lb. A major issue with this method is the expense of removal and purification.
The Newcollagen Peptides Plus.
In formulating today document, we follow the basic guidelines of biochemical language, especially the extra current ones on carbs [4-7] and also amino acids and also peptides. The terms 'protein glucosylation' and also 'glucosylated hemoglobin' have been made use of incorrectly to refer to the products of non-enzymic reactions in between glucose or other sugars and also free amino teams of proteins. Substances formed in this way are not glycosides, nevertheless, as they result from the development of a Schiff base complied with by Amadori rearrangement to 1-deoxyketos-1-yl by-products of the proteins. As an example, the product of the response between glucose and hemoglobin is not glucosylated hemoglobin however N-( 1-deoxyfructos-1-yl) hemoglobin.
'Safe' Sarms muscle-builder has deadly side-effects - The Times
'Safe' Sarms muscle-builder has deadly side-effects.
Posted: Sun, 25 Mar 2018 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Numerous clinical research studies have actually revealed collagen's wellness benefits, it guarantees flexibility as well as regeneration of all our connective tissues including skin and also hair. collaborating using highgrade-labs UK sterile water 2ml are identical to the collagen located in human bones and skin. This tub of Ceremony Flex Collagen Peptides have no addictives whatsoever. As a matter of fact, when collagen is hydrolyzed, its three-way helix crumbles and also the lengthy amino acid chains are broken down into tiny peptides of amino acids which are taken in, absorbed and provided to their website of action in our body. So it does not actually make a difference where animal resource the collagen peptides are produced. The amino acid structure coincides for collagen from for instance fish, bovine or porcine.
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The organic molecules have 2 sorts of bonds, key and also second. The acidic and basic teams. in the side chains of amino acids either have a positive or unfavorable fee at the physiologic pH. Together they form solid attractions in the tertiary structure of proteins. In living microorganisms, the hydrolysis of the peptide bond is militarized by enzymes throughout the digestion of healthy proteins in GIT along with the normal turnover of healthy proteins within the cell.
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Although there were no histological features of acute alcoholic hepatitis in the liver biopsy, alcohol use may have predisposed the patient to RAD-140- and LGD-4033-associated drug-induced liver injury. In conclusion, we reported severe drug-induced hepatotoxicity associated with RAD-140 and LGD-4033.
On the various other hand, AMPs presenting reduced MIC/MMC values in vitro may lack task in vivo due to their quick proteolytic deterioration and/or protein binding in the body. In recap, the poor correlation between artificial insemination antimicrobial task of AMPs as well as their in vivo effectiveness is just one of the technological obstacles, which has actually obstructed the progression of these medicine candidates towards clinical advancement. Lots of AMPs present a straight and also quick antimicrobial task by causing disturbance of the physical integrity of the microbial membrane layer and/or by translocating throughout the membrane into the cytoplasm of germs to act upon intracellular targets. Bacteria are typically divided right into 2 family members, Gram-positive and also Gram-negative, based upon the differences in cell envelope structure. In Gram-positive microorganisms, the cytoplasmic membrane layer is bordered by a thick peptidoglycan layer, whereas the cytoplasmic membrane layer of Gram-negative bacteria is bordered by a thin peptidoglycan layer along with an outer membrane. In a similar way, one little research study additionally located that taking a 15g vitamin C strengthened gelatin supplement together with brief ruptureds of activity increased levels of amino acids in the blood which are related to collagen synthesis.
However, there is little to no proof in people to support this. The Marketing Requirements Authority in the UK has actually likewise criticised promotions which suggest that eating collagen adds to vibrant skin, as a result of the absence of evidence supporting dental usage of collagen. In 2013, the European Food Security Authority also ruled that there wants evidence for a domino effect relationship in between supplements including hydrolysed collagen or collagen peptides as well as enhancements in skin health and wellness.
The cations get attracted in the direction of the favorable electrode and also the anions get drawn in towards the unfavorable electrode. Rite-Flex Collagen Peptides has 18 amino acids, the building blocks of our cells as well as the key component of healthy proteins. Glycine, proline and also hydroxyproline stand for around 50% of the complete amino acid content; the glycine and also proline focus is 10 to 20 times greater than in other healthy proteins. The common procedure of antigen discussion through the MHC I molecule is based upon an interaction between the T-cell receptor and also a peptide bound to the MHC class I particle. There is likewise an interaction in between the CD8+ particle on the surface of the T cell and non-peptide binding areas on the MHC course I molecule. Therefore, peptide offered in facility with MHC course I can just be recognised by CD8+ T cells. This interaction is a part of so-called 'three-signal activation design', and in fact represents the very first signal.
The CEPs launch protein break down in the extracellular media during fermentation. Fermentation, nonetheless, is not required to achieve peptide manufacturing, the CEPs can be used as cleansed enzymes for artificial insemination hydrolysis. Consequently, greater peptide concentrations can be reached in contrast with those obtained with fermentation methods. Due to their capabilities to hydrolyze various proteins, Lactobacillus species are also used to create fermented food from non-dairy sources.
It has actually been recommended that bacterial susceptibility to AMPs might be dramatically higher in the mammalian ionic atmosphere, which is not replicated in MIC/MMC assays. It has actually additionally been proposed that the in vivo anti-bacterial activity of some AMPs is mediated largely via their immunomodulatory impacts instead of direct bacterial killing.
Notably, a few of one of the most well defined AMPs-- omiganan and pexiganan-- have during their professional testing encounter regulatory obstacles. The balance in this "mix" may vary in various territories, which makes the regulative landscape, specifically in relation to chemistry, manufacturing, as well as controls, more complicated. Several feasible descriptions for this apparent mystery have actually been put forward.
Nevertheless, these actions are needed for research studies focusing on exploration and also identification of BAPs. Filtration is likewise required for specific nutraceutical or pharmaceutical applications where top quality completed products are called for. Ultimately, chromatographic approaches can be used to achieve peptide filtration. These methods consist of size-exclusion chromatography as well as ion-exchange chromatography. The main problem, particularly for industrial applications, is the extremely high expense of these techniques. For research applications such as peptidomics, chromatographic techniques are widely utilized. As an example, the filtration and the preparation of antitumoral peptides were performed by gel purification chromatography from a milk fermented by Pound.
Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-3-- a signal peptide-- was the first peptide that supplied a choice to retinol for anti ageing due to its outstanding efficiency on all skin types, including delicate skins. Research has actually shown this initial generation peptide reactivated the signal for collagen I as well as IV, which recovered the skin's thickness, without the same sensitivity. If you use them continually, peptides can reduce the look of expression lines as well as aid you preserve healthy degrees of collagen and also elastin in your skin for longer. These peptides are just one of one of the most popular skincare ingredients since they prevent acetylcholine-- the chemical that activates muscular tissue motions. So, neurotransmitter inhibitors are almost Botox in a tube-- they relax the contractions of facial expression muscle mass and consequently can significantly decrease particular kinds of wrinkles such as crow's feet and also laugh lines.
It is worth highlighting that this is simply one study, and it just consisted of 8 individuals. Other studies have actually found that vitamin C may help with recovery tendon as well as tendon injuries, although more human researches are required to investigate this. There are a few ways in which collagen can in theory increase nail or hair health. For example, collagen is a good source of the amino acid proline, which is one of the main amino acids used to produce keratin-- the major foundation of our hair and nails. There is likewise some proof that collagen which is originated from fish might function as an anti-oxidant in our body, which could possibly be advantageous for hair as well as nail health.
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hey rachel! can you make a video about how to find literary magazines to submit to ? what's your process if you have one and so on ? i'm from Switzerland and as English is not our first language here it's more difficult, but in this day and age, there are surely magazines that accept submissions from all over the world, right? xxx just discovered your channel, and it made me want to write, when I'm someone easily scared to do so.
Hi there! First, thank you so much for your kind words, I’m so glad to hear!
tbh I get all my recs through friends/profs/googling and I don’t have a very big pool I submit to (I also only recently started submitting my stories just a few months ago and got lucky that I got a publication before a rejection on The Species is Dead) and I basically only submit to Canadian magazines, so I don’t think I have much to say on the matter?? I do think lots of magazines also take submissions internationally, but this is something that depends from magazine to magazine (some magazines I submit to prioritize Canadians etc, this would be in submission guidelines).
I know Reedsy has a great litmag directory and I refer to CBC’s list quite often (all Canadian magazines)!
These are the magazines I submit to/read/like (tho this changes often as I won’t always submit somewhere etc etc):
Minola Review
Room Magazine
Grain Magazine
The Puritan
PRISM international
The Fiddlehead
The Malahat Review
Homology Lit
Cosmonauts Avenue
The Masters Review
Little Fiction | Big Truths
But mostly I get my recs through word of mouth! Twitter is also a great way to find new magazines (by following one you’ll probably get a recommendation to follow another one etc etc). I’d just keep googling until you find a pool you like/that you can submit to (this is also how I find new magazines)!
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bostonpoetryslam · 4 years
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Tonight’s Boston Poetry Slam: Extremely Online feature is Saint Paul poet Adrienne Novy! This poem was originally published in Homology Lit.
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lifeinpoetry · 5 years
once / i haunted the house myself
Hannah Waldman, from “carving the staircase,” published in Homology Lit
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antigoneblue · 5 years
Are there any lit magazines you recommend to submit to?
hey anon! took me a few days to get to this because 5th sem’s getting over right now (this is the last week before our end sem exams) and there was too much going on & i wanted to like… sit down with a clear head and get this right. 
ok, i’m gonna list out some lit mags i trust. i’m also going to tell you how i choose where to submit, so that you can choose where to send your work in based on what works best for you. this got a little long so i’m putting it under a read more.
2 things to keep in mind when submitting is the kind of work they feature (genre, quality, whatever) & the masthead. when looking at the work they feature, ask yourself: is my work suitable for this mag? do the already published works here compliment what my work has & are they works i would like my piece to be featured alongside? a lot of mags may seem lucrative because they have a huge readership, but if the work they’re looking to publish doesn’t align with the work you’re bringing out, that’s not the right choice for you. also: check the masthead, always. sometimes, magazines might feature good work, but the masthead might be problematic. look up the editors! check out their twitter/facebook/insta whatever, check that they seem to be decent people that u trust. generally just research the magazine a bit before you send in any work.
ok! that said, here, from my experience, are some magazines that i like/ that i trust. these are based on what i know of them right now, and is in no way a Fact or whatever. 
off the top of my head, i can think of 
jellyfish review (their twitter account is really lovely, like, they’re super interactive and fun and give the energy of really caring abt their contributors. also when the whole pro life thing was blowing up they did a special feature on abortion and pro-choice related stories. i love that they did that.)
honey & lime lit (not to be That person but im friends with the editor of this mag and she’s a really lovely person, your work will be in safe hands, if you’re nervous) 
homology lit (the masthead seems pretty cool, and some amazing poetry’s featured in past issues, and i have a poem in their upcoming issue and i am so excited! haha)
moonchild magazine (their EIC is an actual angel, like, i kid you not. she’s so supportive and sweet and always speaks out against abuse and bigotry and supports survivors and whatnot, i just. she makes me feel safe, ok.)
half mystic (they were the first mag i EVER submitted to, so the rejection i got really stung, lol. but after sending work out to more places and whatnot, i realised that the rejection letter they’d sent me was actually really sweet…. much more than is the norm.)
brave voices magazine (they tweeted a few days ago asking for more submissions! so they might be open for subs RIGHT NOW, go check. i love the kind of work they feature, it’s usually identity-centric or deeply personal, from what i’ve read, and like. it’s Good. i’ve never submitted to them but i plan to soon. bonus: their editor is a lovely person)
flypaper lit (i have a monthly column up here!!! as someone who’s working with them, like, with that kind of frequency - it’s really a delight. their editor is super chill and amazing and i love them, haha.)
glass poetry (never actually published here or submitted so i can’t really say much but they do feature things i love.)
ghost city press (i remember a friend from a poetry network i was in recommending them much before i actually started sending out work. everyone seems to have a good opinion of them!)
adroit journal (again, i don’t know much abt this, but one of my mutuals suggested it and was excited about them.)
pigeonholes (this one’s on my lit mags to consider submitting to list, but i actually haven’t researched them very much. i remember one of my friends had a poem in here and she was pretty happy abt the experience!)
damaged goods (again, havent done anything much with this press, but heard mostly good things abt them. i think they focus on trans people specifically.)
empty mirror (heard good things about them, and i love the vibes they give off!) 
the nasiona (if you’re into writing nonfiction, they’re a good place to consider imo) 
coffin bell magazine! (esp since it’s spooky season! idk i read ONE story off this website and it changed my life lmao) 
barren magazine (i had a poem in issue 6 i think it was??? and like. the whole experience of working with them was amazing, they consulted me over edits, we discussed things out, they were very patient with me when i messed something up, etc etc etc) 
blanket sea magazine (i love the fact that this magazine exists! they focus on disability, if i remember right) 
so!! im not sure when the submissions for these magazines are open (if theyre open now, or opening later.) nor am i 100% sure abt the criteria of them - some of them, i think, are for specific groups like poc only or trans people only or, you know, things like that. there are definitely more that i’m forgetting!!! 
im too tired to add links right now, sorry. 
there are also a few lit mags that i would advise against submitting to.
not sure of the details but there was a whole thing with anti-heroin chic defending a racist editor and when one of my mutuals drew attention to the fact that the editor was racist, they were really rude to her. i don’t know what went on exactly and it’s not my place to ask, but i wouldnt ever submit there personally. 
i had a really shitty experience with storm of blue press in which they policed my identity and intentionally misunderstood me when i said “nonbinary is a spectrum of genders, not a single monolith gender identity” and got offended by the fact that i used the word ‘woman-aligned’ to refer to my friends……..who aren’t women……….but are woman-aligned…………like………..that’s the phrase they use for themselves?? there was other stuff too (biphobia) and they harassed one of my friends + tweeted about how her manuscript was “lazy work” and not good enough or something, so. steer clear 
apparently rust + moth published a terf once and when someone brought this to their notice, they made fun of the person who spoke out about it and refused to take down the work, so….. 
arkay artists was defending a racist author who said something about blackface not being too racist / implied it was forgiveable…… she’s white so. she isn’t an authority on this. then, the mag proceeded to call one of my nonbinary friends a b*tch off their official account, which is gross & unprofessional and an act of misgendering, to top that off. 
this is all i’ve got!!! i’m in no way a pro - if you’re really interested in submitting to lit mags, twitter’s a great platform to network. i follow a lot of lit mag accounts, and that’s how i keep in the loop of what’s happening, where to submit, etc etc. 
take this with as many pinches of salt as you want -im not an authority, i might be biased, but these r just observations based off what i’ve seen, what i’ve experienced and what my friends have told me! DO UR OWN RESEARCH TOO! 
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& I'm still wishing to live outside of this body, / wishing to disappear & reappear, only when i want to.
Kailah Figueroa, from “june 4th, new york city,” published in Homology Lit
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