#Himeya Jun
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chacerider · 1 year
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(*strolls in 19 years late with starbucks*)
so, nexus is wild
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animasmith263 · 11 months
The Penitent One (my fanart)
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I’m in love with Nexus right now. Drawing this while watching the second arc of Ultraman Nexus 
Jun Himeya is a peak character!
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ask-cloverfield · 9 months
How do you perceive nexus as a whole
I think despite its several production limitations Nexus was pretty good
I love the outside pov perspective, gives a new angle to explore this type of setting and makes the Ultraman scenes even more impactful
The defense team is a fun cast and do well in the more cynical setting. The villainous Ultras are excellent and do some fun takes on the more traditional dynamics
The soundtrack is incredible and Encounter has etched itself into my brain
I like that the titular Ultra isn’t made grittier or edgier to account for the darker setting. Noa is a traditional entirely hopeful and heroic character and their sparser usage makes their brief appearances so much more memorable.
Their limited dialogue also makes some great dynamics with their mutual hosts as they bond with broken people desperately trying to give them purpose and find a reason to like hope again.
Komon and Nagi are enjoyable foils with their world views beginning to mirror more and it is a shame the bookend to their arc had to be cut. While the reveal had to be truncated heavily I still love the reveal that the hidden villain was one of the two comic relief characters. The moment it becomes blatant and he just shoots the other member of the duo in the head is… memorable to say the least.
My biggest issue lies with the Space Beasts and the monster of the week being turned into monster of the arc. All the monsters kinda started to feel the same after a while characterization wise.
I understand that the Evil Ultras were introduced to counter this but still most Monsters being some variation of the monster is a completely evil beast eating humans we gotta kill it felt a little repetitive after a while
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kabutoraiger · 11 months
Oryx I'm losing it. Did you know that Jun himeya's actor from ultraman nexus didn't realize that the show was canceled until TODAY
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say it ain't so, lads 😔
since his role pretty much ended halfway through it makes sense that maybe he wouldn't have been on-set to hear the news of the show getting cut short but it's genuinely impressive that he's managed to avoid this information in like, interviews, articles, tweets, etc. for the past ~18 years. we all can only wish we were this logged out
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Total Vote Count!
Some final data for a true Eurovision style ending; counting up the votes themselves to see what the final placement is!
So, Who has the most dedicated fanbase?
Junichi Chouno/Tsubaki Shuuichi - 6 Kazuki Komon/Jun Himeya, Matoi Tatsumi/Yuji Kudo, Kouta Fukuda/Makoto Shidou - 14 Kiriya Kujou/Graphite - 19 Daimon Tatsumi/Eiji Nagase - 20 Shinji Kido/Shiro Kanzaki, Hayato Ichimonji/Amazon - 21 Parad/Kuroto Dan, Sougo Tokiwa/Woz - 22 Chihiro/Hiroki Nagase, Yuka Osada/Keitaro Kikuchi, Kuroto Dan/Emu Hojo - 25 Hikari Nonomura/Haru Tokashiki - 26 Right Suzuki/Z, Jun Maehara/Ryuusuke Ootaki - 27 Long/Rio - 29 Sosuke Esumi/Renn Kousaka, Kaoru Kino/Koji Majima - 34 Mirai Hibino/Ryu Aihara - 37 Belial/Kei Fukuide, Miyuki Tezuka/Jun Shibaura - 39 Tatsuya Asami/Ayase - 43 Lucky/Stinger - 49 Shou Tatsumi/Big Douser - 50 Kiriya Kujou/Emu Hojo - 55 Gunpei Ishihara/Hant Jou - 56 Matsuri Tatsumi/Denus, Basco ta Jolokia/Captain Marvelous - 57 Miyuki Tezuka/Ren Akiyama - 59 Haruka Mizusawa/Mamoru - 61 Homare Soya/Hiroyuki Kudo - 62 Sou Yaguruma/Shun Kageyama - 63 Urataros/Kintaros - 64 Sougo Tokiwa/Heure, Domon/Honami Moriyama - 65 Alain/Makoto Fukami - 72 Jin Takayama/Izumi Nanaha - 78 Kagura Izumi/Mio Natsumi - 81 Hayato Ichimonji/Kazuya Taki - 84 Hideyuki Kagawa/Satoru Tojo - 91 Sid Bamick/Joe Gibken - 93 Ryouga Hakua/Mikoto Nakadai - 96 Asahi Minato/Saki Mitsurugi - 97 Enter/Hiromu Sakurada - 106 Momotaros/Ryoutarou Nogami - 110 Joji Yuki/Shiro Kazami - 137 Balance/Naga Ray - 145 Ikkou Kasumi/Yousuke Shiina - 152 Yuji Kiba/Takumi Inui - 156 Ren Akiyama/Shinji Kido - 170 Miu Sutou/Saki Rouyama - 183 Shoutarou Hidari/Philip - 187 Hanaya Taiga/Hiiro Kagami - 192 Ruriko Midorikawa/Hiromi - 197 King OOO/Ankh - 202 Tsukasa Kadoya/Daiki Kaito - 203 Teddy/Kotaro Nogami - 232 Takeshi Kuroki/Masato Jin - 256 Jugglus Juggler/Gai Kurenai - 273 Shuichi Kitaoka/Goro Yura - 369 Akira Date/Shintaro Goto - 469 Yusuke Godai/Kaoru Ichijou - 485 Momoi Tarou/Sonoi - 534
Congratulations to winner of most dedicated fanbase; Momoi Tarou/Sonoi!
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reillyissof · 10 months
Jun Himeya.
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ultramantr1gger · 5 months
do u think jun himeya of ultraman nexus fame wouldve listened to linkin park i think he would like it depressed bastard
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toku-explained · 1 year
ULTRAMAN Suit Another Universe Extra: Maniacs
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This guidebook covers most existing content for the ULTRAMAN SUIT Another Universe project (still ongoing in the form of ULTRAMAN Be Ultra, although I haven't seen any new content promoted recently, and new figures still to come from threezero), and is the official collection of the Extra Edition stories, but contains a couple of new USAU stories within.
Episode Universe
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Fujimiya Hiroya, who obtained the light of earth, created the ULTRAMAN Suit AGUL, and believed it to be the earth's will that humanity be destroyed. He clashed many times with Takayama Gamu, who also received the light of earth but believes in a different way, and fought him using the ULTRAMAN Suit GAIA, after numerous battles Fujimiya has updated the AGUL Suit to a V2 version. He now intends to awaken a horde of Kaiju.
Daigo, TIGA, appears from another world and tries to convince him to reconsider his actions, but Fujimiya views him and GAIA as cancers, whose idealism keeps them from doing what is needed, and attack using his Agul Saber but TIGA takes an advantage. Rather than attacking he opts to show Fujimiya of the world he aims to create, by showing him his own world's history, destroyed by the darkness, and the allies he made who helped him overcome the darkness, and he then set out to visit other worlds to help them too.
Yuzare shows Fujimiya a vision of a world where the wearer of the MEBIUS Suit fights along allies while challenged by the wearer of the HIKARI Suit, and both clash with an emperor of darkness. In another world a novice in the ZEARTH Suit rides a mechanical Kaiju, and in another world the MAX Suit wearer fights darkness. All of these worlds are threatened by the darkness, and ULTRAMAN is there to stand against it.
Both suit's crystals resonate, and Daigo leaves him. Affected by the experience, Fujimiya looks out at the sunset, and vows to protect the beauty of the world, as GAIA approaches, asking him to help him fight the darkness.
Himeya Jun has come to photograph an old ballet school in Munich, leaving Sera in her certain country. He has been having new visions of devil sacrifices there. He is confronted by Olga, a woman who claims to be a teacher, and witnesses the girl from his visions among the students. The girl, Stella, asks him for help, with her friend, Jessie, who went missing.
Unfortunately, when he investigates a mysterious space, he finds both girls dead, as well as Olga, and has a vision of Principal Rudou leading the sacrifice. Then he realises the sacrifice was performed twice, once on students, then on teachers, and he remembers the sacrifice that brought Gatanazoa, and Stella appears, possessed by Bishimar, another entity brought from another realm, it deliberately lured him, a Deunamist, here, so it could possess him.
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In South America, Daigo senses what is happening to Himeya, but he cannot risk leaving the infant Yuzare to go to him. Willing Himeya to hold strong, the gem on his cufflink glows, and travels to Himeya, on his bracelet, forcing Bishimar away.
The image of TIGA Suit appears to Himeya, but the armour that appears is different, Non EXistential Ultraman Suit, NEXUS.
Tapping into his martial arts knowledge, he transforms the suit into a red colouration. He fights off and defeats Bishimar, declaring he is ULTRAMAN.
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theonlil · 7 years
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Himeya Jun from Ultraman nexus
I’m liking the gesture on this one I kind of quickly found what In was looking for.
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tsunflowers · 3 years
I should go to sleep but I have to tell you my nexus idol anime au
komon is the ordinary young man who never thought he would become an idol but when he saw top idol himeya jun perform (under his stage name nexus) he fell in love, with idols and a little bit with himeya. he joins an idol agency as an assistant and meets nagi who's the rival character that hates idols. shes like a cool punk babe and komon is like "when you go onstage in a fancy outfit and perform isn't that kind of like being an idol" and shes like its completely different. fuck you. ren is an upstart prodigy who enters the scene after himeya's abrupt retirement and he also takes the name nexus which komon is kind of offended by but he comes to realize that ren also loves being an idol just as much as himeya did and is also deserving of the name. zagi is like an evil manager who schedules a concert for nexus when ren is in the hospital so nagi ends up going onstage and doing her own thing totally unlike what the fans were expecting from nexus. so they're mad at her but it makes komon realize that being an idol is about showing your best self and he's no longer afraid to perform so he too has his first performance under the name nexus to symbolize the bond he shares with his fellow idols
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did anyone from the Ultra Series (ultraman, etc) get in?
I have Himeya Jun from Ultraman Nexus :)
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transjinako · 3 years
What if Himeya Jun from cancelled series ultraman Nexus contacted you telepathically from his healing pod drenched in sweat telling you that you shouldnt rely on hatred or darkness to become strong 
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ask-cloverfield · 4 years
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You ever see an Ultra so beautiful you start crying
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kabutoraiger · 6 months
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to all the 5 other himeya jun stans in this world... we are so fucking back bros
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Toku Ship Poll Round 1
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