#Hi sily gay
nasa-real · 3 months
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ikoarts · 5 months
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November 2022 Art
huh. a lot of silly doodles this month, some random stuff from my phone too, was on some silly energy i think x
vvv dates + info under the cut vvv
1 - 08/11/2022 : horse Ru but like, an actual horse. shes real. get horsed idiot. shes a bay tobiano marwari (also one i did on my phone)
2, 3 - 09/11/2022 : much silliness. was thinking of koopas again, theres barley, who is weird, and also lemmy, giving good advice x
4 - 10/11/2022 : horsie! again! thats about it
5, 6 - 12/11/2022 : more koopaz, they smoke veed together i guess, i liked drawing these i was on sily energy
7 - 13/11/2022 : jammy lammy. drawn on my phone x ,, i think i doodled this then i started on my full digital piece of her?
8, 9, 10 - 14/11/2022 : roosh in the rush shirt, ive been asked if she likes rush bc shes rush-ada which i find funny (no sadly i wish i was that funny), she never dresses like this but i like to draw her in things she'd probably Want to wear but wouldn't bc shes a self conscious old lady..... ANYWAY omg first drawing where i drew Ru with her iconic half moon eyes instead of having the empty space, now her eyes are a full shape,, its been this way ever since and it feels so much better, maximum droopiness, shes pathetic really but i love her, toni might invoke this rage on me if she catches me saying that tho
also penguin dance. watch that autistic girl groove
11 - 15/11/2022 : moar drawing Ru in outfits she would want to wear but wouldn't normally, like this is how i dress so this is projection probably.. i was on my peak boingo fix at this point (has not stopped) so Toni is having a sing x (has been misinterpreted as her ripping a bong at least three times) and a little Luisa hehe
12, 13 - 16/11/2022 : Toni would have a YT channel in canon, like thats how she breaks into the music scene, but i like thinking of her doing cliche youtuber things.. also the first (not first but the First first is like an incomplete concept doodle) drawing of Trixie! i knew i wanted a new robo oc, and she had to be a gnasty diesel powered idiot, she hasn't changed too much
14 - 18/11/2022 : silly time again, ru n toni on their catgirl and horsegirl business, i am 5 and poop is funny
15-18 - 25/11/2022 : holy ponies batman! horseshada (yes thats what i call her) as a G3 styled MLP, both in her natural colours, and unnatural colours (her pony name is Blue Moon), also TONI PONY! (her pony name is Heart-To-Heart). gay ass little ponies
19-23 - 28/11/2022 : so like. at this point i was in the middle of watching waterloo road (classic series the new one sucks big balls), and this is like the only thing i could conjure up...... also another mettatetta, was still unsure about his design, but its comin!! later!! have patience!! the rest are some various Rushadas, in an outfit from animal crossing pocket camp since i was playing that again at this point, i should draw her in it again bc she SERVES.. also her in her jammies, i wanted a go at drawing plaits, pretty proud of that one, her hair is so thick and lovely <3
24 - 29/11/2022 : so like i really dont have enough aus i guess, catgirl toni n horsegirl rushada, but like, they're more anthro this time, that was basically the concept, and to recap, ive got like centaur au, like full animal au, and one where its just them but they have the ears and tails, its complicated!
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sinceileftyoublog · 2 years
Shamir Interview: A Post-Lil Nas X World
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Photo by Marcus Maddox
Shamir Bailey is a popstar--yes--but he’s also a pop master. Ever since his electropop debut Ratchet was released in 2015, he’s added a new dimension to his sound on every release. 2020′s self-titled record (one of our favorites of that year) even featured some country crooning, yet another feather in the cap. On his latest album Heterosexuality, out today and self-released, Shamir collaborated with producer Hollow Comet (Strange Ranger’s Isaac Eiger) to make an album inspired by dark, industrial music from Nine Inch Nails to The Haxan Cloak. It’s also the first record of Shamir’s to center around his queerness.
Though Shamir has been open about being nonbinary for pretty much his entire musical career and has talked about his queerness in past songs, Heterosexuality confronts it head-on. “I don’t wanna be a girl / I don’t wanna be a man,” he sings on “Cisgender”, essentially his ask to others to quit pigeonholing him and forcing labels on him. “I’m married to me,” he proclaims on funky bop “Marriage”, an anthem of self-love. Whether intentional or not, you could say Shamir does the same thing with his music by being so effortlessly varied in style and subject. Shoegaze guitars and stadium-sized snares back his blistering falsetto on one song; on the next, he raps. He closes the album with a bossa nova tune. And Shamir is also unafraid to tell stories from other perspectives. Standout “Caught Up”, a club track with acoustic guitar, propulsive beats, shiny synths, and ping-ponging arpeggios, is especially dark-sounding--“I couldn’t wait till I’d be killed,” Shamir sings--until you realize he’s writing a song from the perspective of someone whose friend is dying of cancer. It’s not that Shamir forces these dark thoughts onto himself; rather, his ability to empathize allows him to enter nadirs and come out changed--and with a song.
I spoke to Shamir over the phone last week from Washington, D.C. where he was on tour with Courtney Barnett. Read our conversation below, edited for length and clarity, where we talk about Heterosexuality, Lil Nas X, cold brew, and much more.
Since I Left You: Why did you choose "Gay Agenda”, “Cisgender”, and “Reproductive” as the introductions to the record? Was it to present a newfound aesthetic?
Shamir Bailey: Looking back I probably wouldn’t have done “Gay Agenda” as the first single. The only reason I did is because it’s the shortest song on the record. The other two after that are 5 minutes, but people have been enjoying these 5-minute singles! [laughs] Maybe even more than the 2-minute singles. I definitely feel like the titles “Gay Agenda”, “Cisgender”, and “Reproductive” link up.
SILY: You’ve said this was the first album of yours to explicitly confront queerness. What made now the time to do that?
SB: I’m older and wiser. I think I even had the foresight when I was younger to not tackle something like this until I was fully able to understand how to do it correctly.
SILY: What does “correctly” mean to you in the context of this record?
SB: I don’t think addressing it was the problem, just making an album like this. I’ve talked about my queerness in past records and songs before. I think now what’s different is that I’m not trying to preach anything or teach anything. With the times, people understand a little bit better. When I was first premiered as an artist in 2014, the concept of a nonbinary popstar was very new, and I spent the entire time talking about that. We live now in what I like to call a “post-Lil Nas X world” so being myself as an artist isn’t that crazy anymore. I can talk about my queerness in a way without having to carry the entire community on my back.
SILY: Are you a Lil Nas X fan?
SB: I mean, who isn’t? If you’re not, I don’t trust you!
SILY: A few of these tracks have momentary background speaking or vocal samples. Where did those come from?
SB: That’s Hollow Comet. He likes that. His production isn’t based around clips, but he really likes them in a way that I can’t describe because I’m not him. But when we made the record, he had me make him a YouTube playlist of my favorite funny YouTube clips. He used them. There was one we wanted to have on the record that was distinctive so you could tell where it was from, but we couldn’t get permission. [laughs]
SILY: What’s the inspiration behind the lyrics of “Caught Up”?
SB: It’s an older song. I wrote it in 2016. I was watching this movie [Miss You Already] with Toni Collette and Drew Barrymore, and the Toni Collette character gets cancer, and they’re best friends. It’s so sad. I immediately wrote that song, so then I started thinking about if my best friend since eighth grade were to die. It made me incredibly sad, so the song is about what I would do or how I would feel if I were to lose my best friend.
SILY: What’s the significance of the line “cold brew and ginger beer to get rid of these nightmares” on “Cold Brew”?
SB: I am a cold brew addict. I basically made it my personality the past couple years. That song is specifically about how over the pandemic, on top of COVID and everything, I had just quit smoking cigarettes and weed, so my brain chemical makeup was readjusting. [laughs] For a good couple months, I was having crazy nightmares. I drank cold brew to stay up so I didn’t have to go to sleep and have these nightmares. “Cold brew and ginger beer,” I just liked how that sounded, but they’re two things that have caffeine.
SILY: Do you make your own cold brew?
SB: I do not, but I want to eventually for sure.
SILY: The final track on the record, “Nuclear”, is another aesthetic about-face: a bossa nova tune. What’s the inspiration behind that song?
SB: That song is basically me doing my own version of “This Masquerade” by Carpenters. I love Karen. 
SILY: Are you playing these songs live right now?
SB: We learned a good amount of them, mostly for a session we’re gonna do, but on this tour, we’re doing “Reproductive” and “Cisgender”.
SILY: How was adapting the songs to the live stage this time around?
SB: Not that hard. Now that I know my live set up and have had the same live set up [for a while], I do write with it in mind. We’re only a three-piece rock band, one guitarist, one bassist, one drummer, so it’s a bit more stripped-down live, so I make sure the elements of my songs are still there so the lack of production doesn’t stand out.
SILY: Are you playing “Father”? On its own, that song is pretty stripped down.
SB: No, maybe eventually. We have an opening set, so I just want to do 2 new ones and plenty of self-titled, which I didn’t really get to tour!
SILY: How have the shows been so far?
SB: This was my first tour since the pandemic, so I was extremely nervous hitting the road, but it’s been going so smoothly I’m actually weary. It’s wonderful. [Editor’s note: Unfortunately, a day after this interview was conducted, the rest of the tour was postponed due to a positive COVID case in Courtney Barnett’s touring group.] Everywhere we go, people have been pretty good about wearing masks. It’s basically a quarantine tour, so once we get off stage, we just go to the green room. We don’t sell our own merch or go into the audience.
SILY: Are you the type of artist who’s always writing? Anything you’re working on?
SB: I have a whole other record already written and about a half a record’s worth of songs.
SILY: Anything you’ve been listening to, watching, or reading lately that’s influenced you?
SB: Heterosexuality was the first record where the influence is really clear, since I was working with Hollow Comet. Generally, I take inspiration from everything. Songs come to me. Heterosexuality is my first roughly conceptual album, so it’s funny going back to the older way I used to write. I haven’t been influenced by anything specifically. One of the songs is a really mournful tune about climate change, and another one is a really cinematic love story that’s not even mine, I just had the idea for it after watching It’s A Sin.
SILY: “Abomination” is the first time you’ve rapped in a while. Did you go into the record thinking you wanted to rap on a song again?
SB: Absolutely not. I have so much trauma about rapping, so it was actually really hard for me to do. I remember telling Isaac that I felt like I needed to rap on the song because I couldn’t sing on it, but I didn’t know if I could bring myself to rap on it. I’m glad I pushed myself to do it.
SILY: Do you have any upcoming tour plans?
SB: I’m not that eager to get back on the road. I’m only doing this one because I love Courtney Barnett. 
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
Hi goldy. hope you are enjoying tar tae's birthday 🎂 hehe anyways I just came across some tweets lol and tuktukers were saying that "hybe" and "members" didn't allowed jk to post 'ily' to tae lmao !! They are bashing jimin because jk posted tae's picture and 'cropped' himself because it was sus? Then Tae himself posted to show The World that his "baby" was also there ..I mean say whatever uh want but LEAVE JM.
Why bringing him in your mess or between T@ekook ? Can't we just enjoy his birthday?
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I just want an open fight so I can beat these people ass with my bare hands. Pull their hair and bite their nipples.
Physical violence is the way to go. Said I, me. Goldy. Signed and approved.
The members posting love you is a perfect opportunity for JK or anyone else to slip a very gay I love you post in there. SO HOW ABOUT THE FUCK NO TO THIS SILY ASS CONSPIRACY THEORY.
See this is why JK be minding his own business not posting for any one.
how about he didn't post that Taekook photo himself because he didn't want to make Tae's birthday about some stupid ship theory?
Hobi posted him and Tae. Jk could have posted that too but he chose not to- HE CHOSE NOT TO.
How about we respect that??
Hybe asked JK not to post Tae Kook but Tae posted it didn't he?? Is Tae less contractually bound to Hybe than JK?
JK COULD HAVE ASKED TAE NOT TO POST THAT FULL PHOTO THOUGH- it's a matter of whether or not Tae would respect that decision because again it all comes down to 'boundaries.'
Did he ask Jk why he didn't post that full photo himself? I'm sure he had his reasons just as he had his reasons for not signing his name to that post.
I really hope Tae didn't get carried away in the moment and he posted and 'outed' Jk for posting out of consideration for him. For a guy who once told Jin he didn't want Jin letting fans know what he did for his birthday surely he must find this relatable.
Jungkook is an autonomous human being. I know some people grow up in households where boundaries aren't a thing so they don't know a thing about boundaries nor know how to respect it.
I hate when jokers question Jk's right to have and exercise boundaries within the group even against Jimin and i certainly hate when Tuktukkers dismiss his expressions of boundaries as a dictate from hybe. He is not a child. Hybe is not making him have boundaries. THE FUCK?!
Theorize away. Or whatever but if it's that deep I think Jk could have utilized his IG since we know hybe don't control that outlet as much and he has been posting whatever he wants there.
Why subject yourself to so much censorship? They give Kook so much props and then in the same breath invalidate his whole existence.
Tae is doing nothing JM hasn't done before and yet when Jm did it he was 'clingy' disrespecting boundaries and seeking attention. When Tae does it it is love uWu.
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captainxghafa · 2 years
The crows fave marvel characters
Inej- natasha Romanoff, they're alike in many ways and were both expolited and used but later freed to become first spider assasins and spys then runaway rescuers. I think she'd really love her as well as the whole ballet trapeze thing they have going on
Kaz- Michele jones, unpopular opinion i don't think it would be tony hes made too many sily decisions wlthough they are very alike,i think he would prefer mj with the whole brutal honesty and planning and dating a spider-
Nina- Yellena belova, it would be wanda at first but yellena after row definitely, she loves that she owns herself and is powerful and risk taking and is possibly one of the only female marvel characters who can have a peaceful scene just eating
Matthias- Shang chi okay listen listen the reason why it isnt vision or steve is because i think they both are too focused on their past rather than their futures and the friends they make and matthias loves his relationship with his sister and katy and his battles with his upbringing
Wylan- Bruce Banner my awkward gay science boys i love them also wylan can definitely go feral when he's crossed it's just rare he would love him also the feeling of not belonging is a huge theme so THAT OMG
Jesper- Sam Wilson easily because he is obviously the funniest character and obviously bisexual i dont eanna hear it but also had the struggles od having to reject something you're gifted with but take it back over time (aka the mantle of captain america and grisha powers)
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Kiri walks up to Baku, gives him a dumbbell ‘here, I’m finished with it, so you can use it. I made sure to get a heavier one to give it to you!’ Kiri was unaware of what he did. Baku comes to his dorm, knocks on it, asks to sleep in there. ‘Oh, sure.’ Kat walks in, collapses on his bed, Kiri lays down. ‘So, why’d you want to sleep in here?’ ‘You’re my fiancé now, aren’t you?’ Kiri pauses, ‘WAIT whEn’ ‘the dumbbell you gave, it was symbolising a ring?’ ‘Oh. Oh, yeah it was.’ ‘Gn ily’ ‘ily2..?’
oh this is canon
bakugou would def have these weird courtship rituals and kirishima would just b like “?? :)” bc he’s also hella whipped but he just doesnt understand wtf bakugou is even doing
i can see eventually bakugou does smth rlly subtle but its like Big to him and midoriya like Gasps out loud and bakugou tells him to shut up w the reddest face kiri has ever seen
when kiri doesnt respond to this rlly tho baku gets rlly dejected nd thinks kiri rejected him so hes being emo and sulking and rlly,,i dont blame him if someone like kiri turned me down i’d be in my feelings for a bit too but kiri didnt actually reject him jfc baku this is why u use words
anyway mido is talking w kiri later and mido is acting a lil weird and when kiri asks whats up, mido is like “its nothing really i just,,i rlly thought u liked kacchan” “i do mido ur the first person i told abt my crush” “then why did u reject him??” “he asked me out??”
so mido realizes whats going on RLLY fast and is like “oh my god kiri kacchan doesnt know how norman human interaction works so he thinks u rejected him” “WHY”
anyway its just a sily misunderstanding that doesnt last more than a day. kiri runs up to baku and before baku can say or do anything kiri is like “I HAVE GAY FEELINGS FOR YOU” and bing bang bong theyre dating now. every once nd a while mido will have to translate baku’s weirdass actions nd words but eventually kiri can read him all by himself. we love them
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