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 Kraegon Thul by Helge C. Balzer
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probablygayattorneys · 8 months
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-Tina Tran, Even If We Did Things Differently, I Still Would Have Chosen You
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ilwolf · 1 year
Margaret: Do you believe in fate?
Missandei: I don't know if this is a pick up line, beginning of a philosophical debate or you needing an alibi.
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squidult · 2 years
yes, i WILL draw magical Cawl when i have the chance to
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cryptotheism · 18 days
did any heresies ever do anything with the idea that God descended to Earth in human form as Jesus Christ, was crucified, and died? And was just, dead?
Imagine if when christ died the sun just stopped setting. "oh fuck guys I think he's dead for real."
As far as I'm aware, that doesn't show up. There are some hereseies who say that Christ was never really alive, in that he never had a body, and was just a projection or a ghost or w/e. That's a pretty common one.
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bigbroemen · 1 month
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その力を使いこなせる人を 「魔導士」 と呼んだとか。
sono chikara wo tsukai konaseru hito wo "madoushi" to yonda to ka.
Those who could master that power were said to be called "sorcerers".
I'm not on desktop so i can't go as in depth as usual, but some of these words:
力 ちから・chikara - power, strength, ability
使いこなせる・tsukaikonaseru - potential "can do [x]" conjugation of 使いこなす tsukaikonasu, [from jisho.org] to handle (men); to master (a tool); to manage; to acquire a command of (a language)​
使いこなす is a compound verb comprised of the stem form of 使う tsukau, to use, and こなす konasu, to digest, to break down, to be 'good at'
魔導士 まどうし・madoushi - sorcerer, wizard, mage
魔導士 is a compound of two terms, 魔導 madou, magic, and 士 shi, soldier
魔導 madou is comprised of two kanji. the kanji 魔 ma connotes things like evil spirits, demons, and witches, and is a kanji that's commonly present in any words referring to magical or fantastical things. the kanji 導 dou is an alternate kanji for 道 dou, which can mean a "way" in terms of a path or a road or "way" in terms of teaching and principle. 導 may or may not have connotations separate from 道. it sure does look more fancy
魔導 is a less common way to refer to magic than 魔法 mahou - "magic" and "law" - is. 魔導 has a darker and more reviled reputation than 魔法, being more referred to as "heresey, evil ways, path of evil" and "sorcery, black magic" than just plain "magic"
there's another word used to describe a wizard/sorcerer/mage that's called 魔法使い mahou tsukai, "magic" and "user". using 士 rather than 使い has me wondering if "battle mage" might be a more apt translation of 魔導士 than just something like "sorcerer" or "mage"
these kinds of posts have been very sparse the past couple of years! the weight of adulthood has been setting in the past few years and ive one half have been having a crisis over it and one half have been feeling my way through that crisis
we managed to nab this super famicom for a REALLY cheap price of under $200, and every game ive bought for it so far has been no more than $20, and it's been a blessing. searching up words on my phone takes more time than doing it on my computer, and my attention span is shit so im frequently having to lasso myself back into playing/reading/learning, but i know more vocab/grammar now than ever so i haven't been having to stall my flow for very long
this particular text box just managed to catch my attention enough to make a post about it. it's really simple but also fun to inspect
I've been jumping through a bunch of games because, again, shit attention span, but I've also just been really excited to touch on all of them, so I guess I'm hitting each a little at a time, lol. we'll see which ones I stay on over the next few months
hope everyone is ok, ik we're smack dab in the middle of this loneliness epidemic and this huge ass economic disparity/crisis and the like continued Slide into scarier more right wing policy/fascism pretty much. let's do our best in these times, love to yall
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p5x-theories · 1 month
So, because Mementos already has some similarities to the titular Inferno from Dante’s Inferno, what if the sins of palace rulers aren’t the seven deadly ones, but rather the ones from the circles of hell (Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Wrath, Heresey, Violence, and Fraud)?
Oh, that would be a fun spin on the theme from P5! It also wouldn't (necessarily) be immediately obvious, since there's enough overlap between the two groups of sins that the first couple Palaces could use sins from both lists, before revealing they're using the Inferno ones as a minor/subtle twist later on, haha.
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candycryptids · 4 months
i think i'm going elezen father au ra mother! with the story i added on the post as his general backstory, and his parents feleing when a heresey charge is on the table!
and now hes gonna be the warrior of light
time to face ur past boyo
OHOHOHOOOO!!!!! This is so exciting sorry I dropped off the face of da earth I was playing enshrouded !!! The spicy drama….
AND BEING THE WOL!!!! Forced to face the music of his parents choices!!!!! This is so tasty.
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nat-20s · 1 year
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LMAO why not make something shitty and bad instead of something that's cool and can do a kick flip? Also sorry yeah the Great Gatsby you know the novel the Great Gatsby written by man who definitely was never a heathen and also didn't hate his wife and how the whole theme of the novel definitely for sure revolves about how good ""trad homes"" are yep perfect book for a Christian adaptation. Also to anyone seeing this how fuckin godless can we make ALL these adaptions babey let's go FULL heresey
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hazel-of-sodor · 8 months
Who is your favourite of your oc engines?
Ok, there are a few answers bc I see it as a few categorites.
First up is Freelance OCs. These engine were never even designed for a real railroad, they are purely my own creations.
Theres really one Choice:Sheila
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While in need of an update. Shes my favorite freelance OC. I love Northerns, and I'm still really proud of her.
Second is Sodor OCs, theses are engines that existed in real life, but I've saved for Sodor or one of my various fictional lines (Chester and Holyhead, London New Eastern, Ect.)
This is an incredibly tough choice, but I'm have to go with Great Northern.
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I love the Thompson pacifics...heresey I know. But they really are Hazel-bait. They're unloved engines, LNER engines, and Pacifics. Great Northern was one of the earliest engines to be saved and she has been the focus of several of the stories I'm most proud of. She's also Gordon's oldest sibling, and the character I used to explore what being trans would mean for a Locomotive.
Third is Myths- these are engines/beings who aren't a regular locomotive anymore or never were. Think my ghost engines or The Lady.
...its Screech
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While I love Emerald/Scarlet, Screech is arguably the character I've spent the most time with out of them all. A Screech in the Night was a passion project and I still love the world...even if it peforms really poorly. I have almost abandoned the Uman and Din fics several times because of a lack of interest from my audience, but Screech and co keep bringing me back. I've always had a hyperfixation with eldritch beings and Screech is my love letter to the idea/concept/genre.
It honestly feels wrong leaving some others off...but I already gave you three answers to a one answer question.
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sylvyspritii · 2 months
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Why am I getting these ads?
Who the frick is Frigg...? Who is Jörd...?
Is this like Norse religious heresey or something?
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squidult · 2 years
yes, i WILL draw magical Cawl when i have the chance to
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arch-magos-amberos · 7 months
Day 23 of Travel - Addendum
After self-imposed communicatory work; I successfully managed to locate the source of the heretics (heretechs?) signal.
It is worrying that such nonsense exists even within the confines of the Imperium's territory.
I have embedded the coordinates of the signal's source within the metadata of this transmission.
A vessel is the likely creator of this heresey. Since there is no system nearby.
Praise the Omnissiah.
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ravenloftian · 10 months
The Cult of Ezra
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Ezra is presumably a Lawful Neutral deity worshiped by the Cult of Ezra members. Also referred to as "Our Guardian in the Mists," Ezra is portrayed as a woman of grand stature but slim frame and black hair but pale skin. Her depictions portray her usual dress as long white robes, and she is usually shown carrying a longsword in one hand and an alabaster kite shield in the other. Her followers venerate her for her role in protecting and healing her people, though her followers recognize that she cannot save those who do not accept her in spirit. In imagery, Ezra's shield often carries the image of Belladonna, a recognition of her healing aspect.
Ezra's holy symbol is a silver longsword on an alabaster kite shield adorned with a sprig of belladonna.
Ezra's true nature is a subject of contention among the Cult's different sects, congregations, and theologians. However, the general consensus among major traditions is that she was once a mortal woman who offered up her life as a sacrifice to the Mists to protect the people in the face of rampant evil in the world. Some believe that Ezra broke her shield into five pieces before becoming one with the Mists and spreading them through the Land of Mists. One such part is held as a relic in Lechberg.
The cult considers several different ideas about Ezra heretical, both within and without her followers. Such heresies can be as simple as that she was a man. The Avatar Heresey contends that her mortal avatar is lost in some eldritch forest, while the Échansons Heresy centers on Ezara's human form and mortal bloodline.
Outside of her faith, Ezra is seen mainly as a small misguided cult from the East that follows the deeds of some mortal rather than a divine being. Clerics of Ezra are referred to as shamans by followers of the Morninglord.
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I have an idea that Ms. Historitor could be a little sentimental nerd for history. A good motivation for her could be that well, preserving grand pages of history for itself is nice, the mundane parts of life was beautiful, thousands of years back you could tell someone lived there. From paintings to writings to anything in between, a human has experienced great hardships but also many great in life.
While history can be brutal and tragic, it reminds us of our mistakes, that we are many years apart, but we still were people. Funny little messages written in a language perhaps long passed, heartfelt letters sent between lovers, art made by children for their parents, handprints still intact, and beloved family companions chronicled and given names. They all tell a thousand stories.
A part of her wishes she could have been there to witness it all. A part of her also knows that she is naive as these wonders have been lost to time due to fear and ignorance. She is.. probably never going to say the last parts out loud. She's been tethering on the line between heresey enough as it is.
She cries. Not because of sadness, she is only feeling nostalgic for moments long gone, a beautiful legacy that reminds her how it feels to be human. In a way, she feels cathartic from documenting it all, so it cannot be forgotten, memorialized for future generations. For that alone makes her happy and makes her feel not alone.
Please tell me if it actually makes sense!
This is beautiful and it makes perfect sense. I totally empathize with this because of my background in History (pursued it in undergrad and am still studying it in graduate school).
And this... this is why Guilliman is smitten with her so.
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keeper-not-hero · 2 days
I was today years old when i learned that maid rpg is compatabile with dark heresey
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