#He's 100% a shapeshifter
theskeletalsys · 10 months
i saw your other hermitcraft emojis and i wanted to humbly request some etho emojis? /np
you're an awesome artist btw :) your style is so cool
I love this request so much you don't even know!! I have so many head cannons for etho that I honestly could have done so so many more (and may in the future if it gets requested) but I was already pushing hour three or so on these bsksksk!!
So like I think he's totally a shape shifter, so I kinda put that into the emojis here!
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I also did a snapping stim that our Etho does a lot, and yes we like to think he also wears compression socks ^^
Tysm for the ask and I'm so sorry it took so long I've been looking forward to this one!! /gen
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tswwwit · 11 months
Who is your favorite character to write and why?
Bill, because I get to abuse exclamation points, along with really weird turns of phrase!
And he's a fantastic target for slapstick.
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berryblu-soda · 3 months
if lloyd´s gold eye color came back after the Dragons Rising conduit thing, would that be messed up or what?
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icepoptrio · 1 year
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Been seeing a lot of art of the MP100 cast as animals recently & wanted to do one
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crownin-thestars · 1 month
I just realised the reason why it's so hard for me to figure out how to write the bad boys hogwarts au is because Harry Potter has like the shittest world building. Like I love Harry Potter but holy crap the amount of problems there are in it's entirety
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pellelavellan · 28 days
Not me reading the wiki on Druid’s to make sure I know what I’m taking about and realizing da pelle is already damn near a fuckin Druid
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alchemistdetective · 8 months
Does modern Eri arrive to DND in character costume?
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"... This... is really awkward... Ahaha...-"
HONESTLY? HE PROBABLY COULD if he has time to like, gather costume materials, get prepared and stuff, but being the only one in costume is... REALLY awkward.
Not to mention it's tough dressing up as a 5'3 kitsune woman wearing revealing clothing, but the biggest point is embarassment to do it in the player table surrounded by people-
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cordycepsbian · 1 year
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post this spider when they least expect it
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noesinferno · 1 year
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silly jayson doodle to practice some anatomy :P
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tswwwit · 2 years
Any more headcanons for that oneshot you made where Bill is Ford's familiar? How does Ford react to Bill getting close to his nephew? How does Bill use this to his advantage? If Dipper can't get a slice of Bill's power, how does his magic shape up in the end?
Sure, why not!
This got longer than I wanted, so it's under a read more. Also, here's the link to the snippet in question.
I think that Dipper and Bill end up hanging out a lot, honestly. Dipper's a lonely guy, and Bill's bored out of his angles, so he's going to be on at least sorta decent behavior, since Dipper's providing more entertainment than he's had in decades. (Ford is unaware of this)
Still very much Bill, though; he absolutely tries multiple tricks in the book to try and get Dipper to break him out, or subtly trick him into getting Ford into a fatal accident. Dipper's been warned, though - I don't think any of them work!
Eventually Dipper gives in and offers a deal: He'll banish Bill back to his realm (He's been trapped in a basement for thirty years, no surprise he wants Ford dead, that sort of thing just straight-up sucks-) as long as Bill doesn't harm him or his family. Bill, once again in a terrible position to bargain, is happy to get the hell out of reality rather than be stuck in a circle for another decade or so.
This.... probably ends up in a pretty big fight between Ford and Dipper. Once he notices Bill is missing. If the Stans weren't already at odds, that'd be the kicker to set it off.
Little does Dipper know, but now that Bill's 'free' - he's gotten his stuff in order, hummed a little tune to himself - and decided it's the perfect opportunity to start courting that cute little mortal in earnest.
#answers#Ford's still bonded to Bill and that'll be true until he dies#But since it likely wasn't an accident in his case he doesn't have Mindscape access#His prisoner has escaped and he's absolutely furious. Does Dipper have *any idea* how much havoc Cipher could cause#Dipper meanwhile has gotten Emotionally Attached at some point and goes off about maybe keeping PRISONERS for thirty years is fucked up#Dipper has a restless night of upset sleep#And wouldn't you know it Bill pops in with some creepy gift (flowers?? A screaming head? In a bouquet of flowers)#What can he say? The kid's real cute. He's been pretty decent company. He betrayed his uncle for Bill!! VERY Sexy of him#And MAN that MIND#He's straightening his tie and spritzing cologne on as he comes up with Date Ideas#Cue: Dipper Not Getting that Bill's 100% after him romantically now#Bill might be stuck with a familiar bond to Ford but since he's not powering THAT guy#Nothing stops him from going 'aw you're cute. Have a little magic why don'tcha' to Dipper#Like a rich man slapping a huge wad of cash in their partner's hand and pinching their butt while they tell 'em to go shopping#Demons *can* give power to mortals - they just don't usually do it without taking something in return during a deal#I enjoy the mental image of Bill taking a page from Hua Cheng's book and going 'oh you need some energy?? Sure!!'#'We gotta lock lips to make the transfer though so pucker up'#Dipper has no reason to question this statement even if he is skeptical#Anyway it probably all works out well in the end! With presumably Bill causing chaos more directly this time#Dipper all not realizing he has a crush until Bill shapeshifts human one time and he goes 'oh no I'm in danger'#I should stop before I get tempted to write this#I have other stuff to do damn it
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ecce-felix · 4 months
Another thing rhys girlies how is your man less pro choice than Edward Cullen
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keets-writing-corner · 4 months
Love how Lucifer just manhandles Adam during their 'fight' despite everyone else getting their asses kicked. Plus him effortlessly destroying him when Charlie's in danger is really sweet.
gawd me too anon me too
that was everything me to me. like everything. It was built up so well too
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we spent the whole season building up alastor as this massive powerhouse, eldritch, nobody messes with him. Only one who tried picking a fight with him (Vox) got utterly humiliated and everyone else was clearly outclassed. Except for Lucifer where Alastor merely just went with annoying instead of power challenging. Like we got vibes okay yeah makes sense that the King of Hell isn't intimidated by anyone, even if it's alastor, but Alastor got TWO wtf moments in Dad Beat Dad one with Husk and one with defending the hotel
other than that, it was pretty much, nobody messes with him cuz he will mess you up
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and he fights Adam evenly sorta for a bit before Adam pulls out the "I'm an angel which is stronger than any demon" card and alastor gets his ass handed to him.
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Like what a way to set up how strong ADAM is, having him beat Alastor. And then no one else in the hotel is as strong as Alastor was, so everyone's struggling. Charlie at least gets one good hit in but her inexperience kicks her in the ass and then Lucifer just shows up and
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like hot DAMN that was just one hit! He broke Adam's mask, the force was enough to send him FLYING across the roof top, and bounce so hard against the billboard he BROKE THE SKYLIGHT
That was just a "HANDS OFF MY BABY" warning too, like LOOK at that face, that's not a "fight me" face it's a "if you touch my baby again, I will screw you so bad your bones will need therapy and you never recover"
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Lucifer not even .2 seconds later, just upon seeing Charlie
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and then yeah, Lucifer was NOT taking the fight with Adam serious at all, like the dude was taunting him, mocking him, dodging all of his attacks, just shapeshifting like Adam was a joke LIKE LOOK AT THIS
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Lucifer isn't even scared, he's just "oh there's a wall there"
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His FACE IM DYING he's legit like "wowwww you just tried shoving me into a wall? really? didn't have any other ideas? Soooooo original of you. I will mock you now"
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rewatching rn for the screenshots, he's legit just shapeshifting for the fun of it. 70% of the time nothing has happened, he's just dodging adam and shapeshifting while doing it, like he doesn't need to be doing that this is 100% mockery.
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And then the iconic
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like omgggg this is soooo satisfying and amazing to watch. Like the set up of Adam being powerful was great, and then we just get this absolute trolling from Lucifer cuz he really doesn't care about Adam
And listen the trolling is great and all, but when Adam makes the mistake of not heeding Lucifer's warning of messing with his baby, and then does it a second time
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RIP Adam just getting one shot-ed like that but hnnnnnggggg we got to see Lucifer fully pissed and it was GREAT
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And somehow my favorite part wasn't even watching Lucifer go absolute ham on Adam, it was that even at his absolute most rage fueled moment, snarling like a beast where he was going to and fully intended on making good on his threat about messing with his baby
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just one shoulder touch from Charlie and he's immediately chill. Like it's instantaneous, like how much do you love someone to be able to be absolutely livid, about to incinerate someone levels of rage only to immediately be "o oki! No more violence!" the second that person touches you???
Ugh I love them so much! Like everything about that fight, but especially how Lucifer can just go from absolutely the most dangerous person in one second and then OWO SOFT the next just by looking at Charlie
oops this post got long... IMSORRYYYYY other than "More than Anything" and the phonecall with charlie this is one of the scenes I replay the most, I love them so much
Characters going absolutely feral over loved ones is just aasdfadffalklkmafdjalsg 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
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legendofzoodles · 1 year
Four: Try explaining your fight with Ganon or whatever evil was wrecking your kingdom, but without context.
Wind: Old-ass wizard kicks around some minors while the only other adult is a shapeshifting boat-man who prioritised claiming some triangles. Beat that. 
Four: I’m sorry, what?
Wind: That’s how Grandma saw it. But I get it, he did take a few pot shots at me and especially Tetra.
Time: [remembering when Ganondorf, chasing after Zelda on horseback, stopped his pursuit solely to blast a 9 year old in the face and monologue]
Time: Sounds like him.
Wild: Appointed knight finally fulfills his mission after waiting 100 years to reload his save.
The Chain: What?
Time: That sucks, I only waited seven. 
The Chain: What?!
Twilight: Local ranch-hand stops a nightmare induced apocalypse alongside an imp who’s a princess and a hermit, who’s also a princess.  
Time: [clears his throat]
Twilight: After screaming at the moon vocal coaching from a ghost stalking the entire journey, who wasn’t a princess. 
Sky: Local daydreamer wakes up, fights god, and wins. 
Wild: I mean...did you though?
Legend: Yeah, jury’s still out on that one.
Hyrule: Mute kid brutalises pigman after assembling wish granting triangles, and saves the princess. He does it again years later.
Wild: You were silent back then?
Hyrule: Well, I couldn’t speak because I didn’t know the language. After saving the first Zelda she asked members of the nobility teach me- and how to read and write.
Twilight: Did you bite them when they tried to scold you for getting an answer wrong?
Hyrule: You did that too?!
Warriors: Pairs of powerful fighters from across the ages band together to defeat creepy time sorceress, then conquer red-maned wizard. 
Legend: Ugh, the power of friendship. Really?
Warriors: Comradery, actually. 
Legend: [mimicking his tone] Cringe, actually. 
Legend: Which one?
Four: Choose your favourite.
Legend: [thinks for a moment] A scarf wearing hooded hobo breaks into my house on several occasions and stages a coup to save two worlds. 
Four: What...were you doing?
Legend: [sighing] All the hard work. 
Thanks for reading! 
9th place in the LU character design ranking
Character analysis posts:
Hero of the Sky, Hero of Time, Hero of Twilight, Hero of the Wild, Hero of Warriors
Parkour team - LU drabble
How each member of the chain laughs - LU headcanon
I didn't know what to do for Time since I've already made the speedrunning puberty joke and I don't know much about Four's adventures.
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shadowqueenjude · 6 months
The most disturbing things portrayed in ACOTAR
Victim-blaming: Lucien tries to help Feyre and gets physically abused by Tamlin as a result. Feyre then proceeds to call him a dog despite Lucien doing everything he could in a difficult situation. And we're supposed to...support Feyre on this? And Rhysand throws around words like "can never forgive" man stfu you prick.
Sexual Assault: The most disturbing thing is not that Rhysand sexually assaulted Feyre. It's that he's never held accountable for this and never even apologizes at ANY point in the series. There are so many examples but this is the one that is the most disturbing.
Double Standards: We have Tamlin locking Feyre up for her own good being vilified, yet Rhysand is championed for locking Lucien and Nesta up in houses for their own good. Huh? WTF.
War Crimes: What Feyre did to the Spring Court, manipulating the sentries with the whole Ianthe thing and basically getting them killed, then weakening the Spring Court rulership which resulted in all those villagers in the Spring Court getting killed, then laying the Summer Court bare to Hybern as well, are nothing short of war crimes. And...instead of feeling regret, we have the main characters saying "Hybern's actions are their own." Like bitch what? Hybern wouldn't have been able to do shit if it wasn't for you! Have some damn accountability! And the fact that Tamlin and Tarquin are vilified for this never ceases to irk me.
Grooming: Rhysand groomed Feyre. He made excuses for everything he did with trauma, then sent Feyre out to do tasks for him like she's some kind of weapon he can use. WITHOUT giving her proper information, there is no choice. And everything he does is constantly explained away, until eventually Feyre becomes his trophy wife. Rhysand basically assigns Cassian to do the same for Nesta. I'm holding out hope that Elain will be saved from the Night Court.
The pregnancy debacle: the whole thing with the baby having wings and Rhysand withholding information from Feyre is just...disturbing. Idc if you're not telling her FoR hEr OwN gOoD, it is HER life at stake and she deserves to know. They didn't even try to shapeshift her to try and save her life? Like why is everybody seemingly more concerned about the baby than the mother? Disgusting. And why is Nesta vilified for being the only one to tell Feyre? She said it to hurt her, blah blah blah. She also wanted to show Feyre that their situations are similar. That they're BOTH being shit on by the Night Court. And when she's close to a breaking point...Nesta is forced to hike a mountain? That is physical abuse. Also, Rhysand being extremely territorial putting a shield over her and barely letting Feyre go anywhere is beyond weird.
Suicide baiting: What Rhysand did to Tamlin in ACOFAS is nothing short of suicide baiting. And...only Lucien seems to really be that concerned about it? Like...are you telling me I'm supposed to be supporting Rhysand after he basically told a depressed male to kill himself?
Segregation: Separating the Hewn City from Velaris IS segregation, no matter what excuse you try to come up with. You can't claim they're all shitty people, since your bestie Mor comes from the CoN. So, there are good people stuck in the CoN unable to get out of their torment because Rhysand decided that only certain individuals are allowed in Velaris.
Performance Feminism: Establishing laws to help women and not doing shit to enforce them is performance feminism. If he's as powerful as he says, he can 100% stop wing-cutting and r*pe. But, he's a goddamn virtue signaler so he doesn't fucking care. The thing is, SJM could've handled these topics in a much better way and it would've been fine. But she completely fucked shit up here and it's crazy that some people don't see it. Part of me is still waiting for the final book where she says, psych rhysand was the villain the whole time. If so, I'll take everything back.
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bet-on-me-13 · 9 months
Danny is Diana's Big Brother (and annoys the hell out of her)
Danny decided to reveal himself to his Parents one day, and it didn't go well. Thankfully, Jazz managed to get him out of the Lab and they fled into the Ghost Zone, destroying the Portal behind them.
They seek refuge with some of their friends, and after a while they find a permanent home with Pandora in the Ancient Greek Sector. She found them while they were wandering the Zone in search of a place to sleep and happily took them in.
Danny also finds out that he is the new Ghost Prince after an incident where Fright Knight almost kills Skulker for "Daring to attack the Prince!"
So life is getting better for Danny. But he soon finds out that as the Ghost Prince, he needs a Parent to take over until he comes of Age. And he doesn't really have parents anymore.
He tries to set up Jazz as his Legal Guardian, but since she is his sister (and a newly forming Halfa, therefore also too young) she doesn't count.
Thankfully, he had the perfect candidate right there with Pandora! And she happily adopted them, she was basically already acting like their new Mom anyways, do it wasn't that much of a change. All she needs to do is keep the peace for a few decades until Danny reaches the Legal Ghost Age. (100 yrs old)
And of course, since he was adopted by Pandora he wants to learn about her Culture! So he asks her to take him on a trip to her Home Dimension and Home Country to learn about it.
So they head off to Themyscira.
And since Danny is technically Royalty, Not a Human Man, and the adopted son of Pandora (one of their greatest heroes of the past) he is tentatively allowed to visit the Island.
(Also, Danny can shapeshift, so it wouldn't be too big of a problem if he wanted to)
While there he meets Pandora's sister, Hippolyta, and her newly born Daughter, Diana.
Danny instantly decides that Diana is his new Little Sister.
And he also decides to indulge in all of the Big Brother Urges he has never been able to get away with with Ellie, and annoys the hell out of her in a way only big brothers can manage.
He teases her in front of her friends, pranks her occasionally, has play fights with her that end with a Forest being wiped off the map, and generally annoys the hell out of her.
But he also does all the good brother things like protect her from bullies, gives her wise advice, comfort her when she feels sad, and even helps comb her hair (she realized that he thrives on domestic stuff, since he never got to appreciate it when he was a kid)
He also introduces Diana to Jazz, and they get on like a house on fire! Unfortunately, Diana found out that Jazz can actually reign in Danny whenever he gets too overbearing and weaponizes this to great effect.
Ellie too, although they are hence banned from ever hanging out without supervision ever again (the observants couldn't walk right for a decade after that incident)
They go on like this for a few centuries, even after Danny takes up the Throne and has less time to hang out with her.
But Diana still loves her big brother, annoyances and all. Still, she will absolutely never let him know about the League. She wouldn't survive the embarrassment.
Wait, who did this Cult just say they were summoning?
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habken · 1 year
Habs, I need to learn more about your headcanons for the Deku AUs you just posted. Pwease 🥺 ?
honestly I don’t have many thoughts for most of them :’) I’m doing a thing with 100 sketches of deku, and so most of the drawings were requests from twitter ! (If you wanna request different dekus for me to draw feel free, I still have 85 to go lmao)
I do have thoughts about ram!deku though !! I was planning a comic awhile back which I’ll finish maybe in december when it’s winter again lol, and I’ve been thinking about a version of the winter au where bkdk are shapeshifters/spirits and their alternate forms are a wolf and ram, and they’re in love hehe. Here’s some of the sketches I did for it!
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Oh also someone commented something about sea prince deku which is making me think so many things,, I absolutely want to expand on cecaelia!deku, he was so fun to draw!
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