#He loves his guild and his partner and his apprentices so much
shima-draws · 1 year
I just got to the whole Fogbound Lake part of the story where Team Skull is about to gang up on you and your partner and like. Idk if this is a common headcanon or just smth I’ve personally believed for years but. When Wigglytuff comes charging out of the woods chasing his Perfect Apple at the EXACT moment Team Skull was about to attack you…that cannot be a coincidence. I bet you he was probably standing by the entire time, probably even before Team Skull came out of hiding, watching his apprentices solve the mystery of the Groudon Statue…and then when Team Skull revealed what absolute assholes they were, and even hinted at what took place in Apple Woods…he was probably like oh NO they don’t. Not MY apprentices. Not MY guild. So he chose to come running in at that exact moment. And played the oblivious buffoon card right up until the very end, and promptly served Team Skull’s asses to them on a platter.
I mean we get lots of little hints within the game (especially his special episode) that Wigglytuff is way smarter and way more resourceful than he lets on. I just love the idea of him jumping in to protect his apprentices and thrashing Team Skull to hell for not only being bullies but also for lying to the guild? And playing Chatot for a fool? NOT gonna stand. Nothing but respect for MY Guildmaster
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xiv-wolfram · 2 months
WolfBahn Ship Summary - Part 2
A Realm Reborn
Part 1 - Prequel I realized the comics are... a lot. So I decided to make a short summary of my Wolfram x Raubahn ship. As I started to write I realized it was also... a lot. So clearly WolfBahn is simply... a lot. Eh, this is still way less to read than the comics, enjoy.
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13 years after Wolfram and Raubahn had broken up, Wolf knew full well that he was still in love and would never move on. Frequently hearing news about the famous Flame General of Ul'dah probably hadn't helped matters. He'd made a sort of peace with it and was living as an adventurer in Limsa Lominsa, helping others in order to atone for his past. He and his friend X’Rhun Tia, trained red mages on the rare occasion they had an apprentice. Otherwise, Wolfram's time was usually spent working for the guild or doing odd jobs for the Admiral to pay the bills while Rhun traveled.
During one such job, Wolf stumbled upon a plot by the Serpent Reaver pirates to kidnap people and have them enthralled by the Sahagain god Leviathan. After saving the day, Admiral Merlwyb threw a banquet with the adventurer as her honored guest. It was here that Wolf revealed a crystal he had found to the city leader and his new acquaintance Y’Shtola. They talked about the Warriors of Light that had helped during the Calamity. He was told he held a Crystal of Light and was the vessel of a higher power. Once getting some clarification Wolfram burst out laughing. Obviously, someone tainted like him wouldn't be chosen by a powerful and benevolent goddess. Despite his skepticism, Y'Shtola invited him to meet with the leader of her organization.
After meeting Minfillia, he was relieved to learn about the Echo - it meant the voidsent hadn't been getting stronger as it had claimed. Wolfram joined the Scions to study his mysterious power and help people on a larger scale. However, he couldn't deny that another motivation for joining the was to potentially see his ex-partner again (without the threat of jail, given the Scions' political standing). Having an Echo vision of Carteneau was honestly a bit too much Raubahn for Wolfram to shake off.
Wolf spent some time getting to know his new allies whilst aiding Limsa Lominsa and Gridania. Then he found himself in Thanalan face to face with the primal Ifrit and only had a brief moment to question why he wasn't being tempered before having to fight for his life. He made it out but many of the Immortal Flames weren't so lucky. He lamented not being strong enough to protect them. While thrilled and terrified at the idea - he would apologize to their leader in person.
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Wolfram entered Ul'dah for the first time in over a decade. He attended a speech Flame General Aldynn was giving. Instead of the fear he assumed would invade his thoughts - Wolf felt nothing but pride in how far the gladiator had come. His cheers were the loudest.
Raubahn noticed Wolfram in the crowd and hardly believed his eyes. He had spent years lamenting his actions, trying to move on but plagued with regrets and wondering if his former love had survived the Calamity. Even if he’d betrayed his trust, the gladiator didn’t want him dead. Finally, he knew - Wolfram was alive and well! After he was done addressing the Ul'dahn citizens he walked up to Wolf, doing his best to hide a smile, and asked if the adventurer would like a private meeting.
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The General had a busy schedule but they had a few moments to speak before his next obligation. Neither could hide their happiness to see each other again. Wolf even teased Rau a bit for being surprised that Wolf hadn’t wondered about him, forgetting that he was famous. Raubahn didn't blame Wolfram for his soldiers Ifrit had taken and was impressed that the man he used to know as a simple cook had defeated a primal. He extended an invitation to join his Grand Company and Wolfram said he would be happy to join the Immortal Flames. The gladiator was relieved to know the mage was alive and well after so long wondering. Their reunion felt wonderfully strange to both of them - any awkwardness was overshadowed by their pure joy. 
After returning to the Waking Sands to give Minfilia his report, Wolf went back to Ul'dah the next day to formally join the Grand Company. Raubahn had the day off but wanted to give Wolfram a tour of the headquarters. A new recruit receiving a tour from the General himself drew notice, but most assumed it was because he'd bested Ifrit. However, those who knew him best noted an odd change in their leader’s demeanor. Wolfram and Raubahn did some proper catching up, with Rau asking the mage what he’d been up to since he’d left Ul’dah. After hearing his journey of self-improvement, Raubahn told Wolf that he would have been happy to see him earlier and that his threat had been an empty one born from anger. Wolfram told the gladiator about his new life devoted to aiding others and was surprised to receive praise for the efforts he'd made to become a better person. Unfortunately due to some miscommunication and false assumptions about the other's preference, they ended up agreeing to keep things professional and not let anyone know about their past, despite them each secretly wishing to be friends. 
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For most of the events of ARR they were coworkers who occasionally fell out of formality accidentally - like when Livia raided the Waking Sands and everyone thought the Scions were dead. Raubahn couldn't hide his relief when Wolf walked into the Alliance’s meeting to discuss the Black Wolf’s ultimatum. Merlwyb even teased Raubahn in private later for the most she'd ever seen him smile in a single sitting. Whenever someone caught on to their familiarity they admitted only that they had been friends years ago but asked that the information not be spread. The Monetarists were enough of a problem already and would absolutely use it to accuse the Scions of favoring the Royalists.
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Things started to change between them the night before their attack on Castrum Meridianum. Raubahn took Wolfram aside to speak privately. He hesitantly asked if the mage had enough control over the voidsent to go into a building full of Garleans. Wolf was offended, assuming Rau was worried he would hurt the other Flames. He swore he would end his own life if he felt his control slipping rather than endanger anyone else. The General explained that's not what he meant - he didn't want Wolfram to risk himself and ordered him to flee the battle if he became panicked as he had occasionally in the past. The mage was furious at the suggestion and repeated back word for word something cruel that Raubahn had said to him when they broke up. The gladiator was horrified that those hateful words said in anger had stayed with Wolf all those years and started apologizing in an uncharacteristic panic, stating that if anything he said made Wolf not value his own life he was sorry and didn't mean any of it. Wolfram calmed down and explained that he was just bothered by the hypocrisy of suggesting he take such cowardly action by someone who’d called him selfish. He told the General that his harsh words were the catalyst that had set him on the path of atonement. If he was the hero people claimed him to be - it was because of Raubahn. While tense, that night helped resolve a bit of the pain from their past they were holding onto, helping them move forward and finally become more casual with each other.
Part 3 - A Ream Reborn Patches
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Drowning in his gaze (part 1)
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Elendil x reader
This is mainly inspired by this post by @the-haven-of-fiction about Lloyd Owen’s character in Monarch of the Glen. This is part one of three.
Imagine being a family friend of Elendil; your parents die when you are very young, and his father, Amandil, becomes your guardian. The two of you grow up together, and are inseparable even after he joins the Sea Guard and you become an apprentice at the Scribes Guild, an art you are both capable in and passionate for. It has been Amandil himself to suggest you pursue a career as a copyist and writer: there is always work for a capable scribe, he told you, and once you were part of the Guild your future would have been secured.
Unspoken feelings develop between you and Elendil when you are still too young to understand them and to consider each other more than a playmate and confidante; you just know you are important for each other, get along very well and would trust each other with your life, and have no reason to think things will change in the future.
They do. 
A few days after you come of age Amandil talks privately to you concering your future. You are now old enough to inherit your parents’ estate, that he has managed for you in accordance with their desires, but it is not just that. 
“Your mother and father wished for you to settle down, marry and raise a family. You descend from a respected family and your dowry is... not unsubstantial, not to mention your personal qualities, and because of all of this it shouldn’t be difficult to arrange a good match for you. Do you have an intended? Is there someone who has... captured your heart? Otherwise, if you want, I can find an husband worthy of you.” 
It takes you a while to find an answer, since your dear guardian caught you completely unaware; even though you know you are now old enough to marry and some of your friends have already found a partner -or are desperately trying to, even resorting to professional matchmakers to select an adequate spouse- you never thought the same thing could happen to, or interest, you. You wouldn’t mind getting married, one day, and have children, but to actively pursue a relationship? That had, somehow, never crossed your mind, nor the idea to look for a person you could live and share your life with...
“So? What is your answer, (name)?” Amandil asks, sitting behind his desk as you stand in front of him; matchmaking is not really his area of expertise, or something that interests him in the slightest, but he takes the promise he made to your parents very seriously, and in his heart he has come to love you as if you were really a child of his own blood, and is determined to make an honourable match for you “You do not have to decide right now, and the last word will be yours in any case; but you are a grown woman, and while you will forever be welcome in this house, it is time for you to think about your future.”
Obviously he is right, and you don’t have the heart to tell him that to be a bride is the last thing on your mind, and you are much more focused on becoming a member of your Guild and earn enough to become independent. Therefore, “I appreciate your concern, father.” you answer; you have always called him that, spontaneously rather than because he asked, and it has made you both happy “I promise I will think about it.”
And in the following days you do, so much that Elendil, who today you have gone riding with as you often do, notices something is off. “Are you all right?” he asks; you are walking side by side on the beach, your footprints visible on the sand behind you and soon covered by the waves lapping on the shore “You have been... distant, these last few days. Is something bothering you?”
You hesitate, finding yourself unable to confide in him, maybe for the first time in your life, and for a reason you cannot quite understand. You are not surprised that he, alone among all your friends and acquaintances, has noticed there is something on your mind, since he knows you better, and loves you more, than anyone else, just like there is no one in Númenor that you care for and trust as you do him. You wouldn’t be too concerned if you really were to become an old maid, you could accept it, but what you could never renounce is Elendil’s friendship, his unwavering loyalty, his presence in your life...
In a word, you will never let him go.
“I spoke to your father, this morning.” you tell him in the end, as you sit on a rock at the far edge of the beach, where you often stop to admire the sunset; a gentle wind blows around you, flicking Elendil’s brown hair and the hem of your dress. Your horses are a stone’s throw away, nibbling on the sparse vegetation growing at the base of the low hills surrounding the beach. You tell Elendil of the conversation with Amandil, “... and so now he is ready to find me a husband, like those old ladies who plot to have their grandchildren marry.” you laugh in the end, expecting your friend to share your amusement.
But he doesn’t. Elendil, standing by your side, is looking at you as if you have suddenly grown wings, or stated you want to move to live under the Sea - as if, in brief, he is seeing a side of you, and a possibility, he never thought existed. 
“... and what did you answer?” he asks in the end, leaning on the rock; he is not even smiling.
“Well, that I would accept to meet a few potential husbands, were he to find someone he deemed acceptable, but that since I am in no hurry to get married, I would do it only if I were completely sure.” you explain, confused by his reaction “Elendil, what is wrong? Don’t you think I should get married? Or you fear no one will ever want me, whatever dowry I can offer?”
“Of course not! Any man would be fortunate to earn your hand, and your love."
“I am glad to hear that. Why do you seem so upset, then? You do know I will care for you forever, even when I have an husband and five children.”
He knows, he assures you, and he must know, because since you were barely more than children you have sworn you will never leave each other’s side; he cannot doubt of your affection and friendship, but then, why has he grown sad all of a sudden, and worried...?
“I am all right.” he answers quickly, almost curtly, as if he desperately wants to close the conversation “I only wish...”
“Nothing. Shall we head back? Father has invited guests for dinner, we will have to clean ourselves.”
You wouldn’t say that he is angry, or saddened, but you know Elendil well enough to perceive there is something wrong, something bothering or scaring him. You would ask about it, to offer him your help as the two of you have always done, but you cannot, because for some reason, your friend has started avoiding you. Not openly, leaving as you enter a room or pretending to be busy when you know he is actually lying; it is way more subtle. He avoids your eyes when you sit in front of each other at dinner, and accepts the request of his friend Raumos, the assistant Sail Master, to help training some cadets for the Sea Trial, only two days after telling you he had decided to refuse, which leaves him much less time to spend with you.
He is avoiding you; Elendil, your dearest friend, is doing everything he can to keep away from you, something he has never done before, not even when you occasionally fought as children and were both too proud to make an offer for peace. This situation is painful enough, but not as much as not having the faintest idea why. You have not fought, and after spending a whole afternoon reflecting on the matter, you are quite sure you have done nothing to offend him; you really have no idea what might have caused this new surliness. You could ask, of course; confront him and beg him to tell you the truth. If only you had the courage, and were able to go beyond the deep, inexpressible but strong suspicion that sometimes, it is better not to know...
If Amandil has noticed the change in his son’s attitude towards you, he keeps it to himself, and in any case, as much as you love and trust him, you certainly cannot ask his opinion on such a personal matter. You try and focus on your work, and spend time with your other friends, but cannot stop wondering why Elendil has suddenly become so cold and distant... and why you have taken it to heart so much, and why, when you think about it, you cannot help being also reminded of the conversation you had with your guardian, about your marriage prospects. 
Do you have an intended? Is there someone who has... captured your heart?
The truth is so simple and evident, as clear as water, that you cannot understand how it took you so long to realize it. Someone has captured your heart; someone you could see yourself marrying, sharing your life and raising a family with, and there is a reason why it pains you so much to see Elendil grow so cold towards you, and you are unable to even contemplate a future where he is not by your side...
You have fallen in love with your dearest friend, maybe when you were still too young to know what it means, and since then that feeling has never wavered, nor, you suspect, it will in the future. You would be content to remain Elendil’s friend for the rest of your life but, with an ambition you have never experienced elsewhere, you cannot help wishing for more, and while you have never given too much thought to matters of the heart, everything has changed, in the blink of an eye, as if the truth had always been in front of you and you were simply too naive or blind to see it. Being his best friend and confidante is not enough; you want to be Elendil’s partner, his lover and his companion and one day, if you both so wish, his wife and the mother of the children you know he wishes for. You know you could never wish for a better partner, and you would gladly do your utmost to make him the happiest of men. 
How could you never see it? For years you have slept next to him, even in the same bed when one of the two had had a nightmare or simply you had so much to tell each other that it couldn’t wait until the next morning, seen him half-naked when you went swimming together and been held in his arms as you danced -he is an excellent dancer- close enough to feel his heartbeat, and you never realized... you never understood...
You do not feel as if you had wasted time; Elendil has always been part of your life, and because of it you are happy. But all the same, you feel you have to tell him the truth, and be sincere about your feelings.
Obviously, there is just one problem; you have no idea whether Elendil feels the same or not. Beginning a courtship is usually men’s duty and prerogative, and he has never given you the impression he has even just thought about you as a potential partner, let alone proposing. If anything, for a few days now he has acted as if he can barely be in your presence, let alone spend time with you - a behaviour that you cannot explain and that saddens you deeply, and not just because it suggests that he doesn’t share your feelings.
What to do? You think about it while you are at work, pouring over the old scrolls you are copying and the important letters you are tasked with writing under dictation, or you choose fruit and bread at the market’s stalls, or you mend a tear in Amandil’s favourite tunic. You fear that confessing your feelings might put a strain on your already tense relationship, but at the same time, you fear that if you don’t tell him what you feel, Elendil could end up slipping away, either because someone else catches his interest -it has not happened yet, but your friend does not lack admirers- or because whatever problem has arisen between you ruins the long years of close friendship you have shared.
When you were barely more than children, you had promised to be always sincere with each other; and so you will be, even though you are trembling with fear at the mere idea. 
The opportunity arises two days later; Amandil is supping with some friends, which leaves you and your friend alone in the house. “May I come in?” you ask as you peek in his room, and Elendil, sitting on his bed, is visibly startled as he quickly hides a piece of parchment, maybe a letter, behind his back.
“What is it?” he asks, forcing himself to smile “Is dinner already on the table?”
You assure him dinner is the last thing on your mind. “May we talk for a moment?” you ask as you step in the room, and he silently nods, making space for you on the bed. He is clearly ill at ease, so much that he can barely look you in the eyes, something that had never happened between the two of you; even when you occasionally fought, you have always talked about whatever problem there was between you, and in the end made peace without any lingering resentment. This is different; this is scary.
You sit quietly for a minute next to him before stating: “You have been avoiding me.”
He doesn’t protest; he doesn’t try to justify himself; he just looks at you, with those Sea-blue eyes that have never felt so full of emotion, so focused on you, after many days of avoidance.
“Have I done something to upset you? Are you cross for something I have said?”
“No; it is not that. You have done nothing wrong.”
“It pleases me to hear that. Then, would you please tell me why you suddenly cannot even bear to look me in the eyes? We have been friends for so many years, Elendil; I think we should be honest with each other. I don’t want to lose you, and... and I must confess that I also have something to tell you.”
Silence. You have never been shy, but suddenly you would rather jump in shark-infested waters rather than confessing your feelings; still, you force yourself to go on, eyes lowered to your now shaking hands.
“You have always been a part of me; my best friend, my confidante, my ally against whatever enemy or danger I could have to face, and I would be grateful for things to remain like this. But just now I have realized that for a while... maybe for a long time... my feelings have changed. I...”
“No, please; if I stop now I’ll never find courage again. Elendil... my dearest Elendil, I have fallen in love with you." you confess, and now it is you who is forced to keep her eyes low on her knees “Fully and truly, my heart is yours. I do not expect that you feel the same, especially now that you have been so cold towards me, but I wanted you to know, and if there is a possibility, however small, that you see a future for the two of us, I wish you would, well... consider it...”
Why are you talking as if you were proposing a business offer, with that foolish formal tone? You sigh, feeling at once relieved and disappointed, and then a warm, calloused hand enters your field of view, and takes yours, the thumb caressing your palm. You finally meet his gaze, and those blue eyes express such emotion to make you dizzy; it is as if you are drowning in his gaze.
“You... you do not know how happy...”
That is enough. A hint of a smile, words that do not suggest a rejection, and all your fears and hesitations disappear; you look at him, your breath caught in your throat, and he is smiling, his hands outstretched towards you...
A moment later your bodies are pressed against each other, your hands have grasped Elendil’s tunic while his arm is wrapped around your waist, and you are kissing, desperately, hungrily, avidly, your desire fuelled rather than quenched the longer the kisses last, and your friend is groaning -a sound you had never heard him make, nor you ever thought you would, and it is exciting and delicious and so raw in its sensuality, and then you are the one moaning as his tongue caresses yours and Elendil’s warm, strong hands have started moving on your body...
“Yes... yes, darling, like this...”
“You are... oh, how beautiful you feel...”
For a few exhilarating minutes, it is as if you are flying; and then the warm, solid body you have been holding on slips away. Your friend stands and steps away from the bed as if he feared for his safety; he turns, his face in his hands, and for a whole minute it is as if he is fighting against himself.
“I am sorry. Forgive me, I... I cannot do it.”
You remain silent, kneeling on the bed, your heart in your throat and the presentiment that something terrible is about to happen, and in the end your friend turns to look at you. 
“The Sea Guard has offered me commission away from Númenor, in a kingdom we are at war with.” he tells you, and he is uncharacteristically curt in doing so, as if he wanted to get it over with “I have accepted. I shall leave in two days.”
“How long.”
“I do not know. Five years at least. Maybe more.”
Five years. Five years without seeing him...
You stand. You talk, hating the pleading in your voice. “Take me with you.”
“I am serious, Elendil.”
“I am serious as well. We both know you are only halfway trough your apprenticeship with the Scribes’ Guild; you cannot give it up, and furthermore, I am going to war, and it will be dangerous enough for us soldier, let alone a civilian. If something were to happen to you, I... I wouldn’t know how to live with myself.”
He is sincere, it is easy to see it in his blue eyes, and he only has your safety and well-being at heart; still, the simple idea of losing him, just now that a new world of possibilities has opened in front of you, terrifies you.
“I do not care about the danger; and I can postpone my apprenticeship until we come back.” you propose, taking a step and then another towards him; your heart is beating so fast it hurt, and you can barely restrain yourself from throwing yourself in his arms, begging him not to leave you, and then kissing him until you can no longer say where one of you ends and the other begins. 
“We both know that cannot be done, unless an apprentice has fallen ill or for an equally serious reason. If you leave the Guild, it will mean wasting all your years of work. You need to stay here, where you will be safe, continue your studies...”
He is serious as he speaks, reasonable, focused on your good even if it means to suffer himself; it is exactly what you would have expected from him, selfless and kind, more concerned with protecting the people he cares for than himself, but in that moment you are not grateful at all; you are angry, and terrified, because you know you are losing him and there is nothing you can do to stop it...
“I will return.”
“When?!” you ask - you scream, actually, and you flinch when you realize that you are dangerously close to losing control. Elendil is still in front of you, and does not protest when you take his hands in yours; the sacrifice he is making is enormous, heartbreaking, but he believes he is doing the right thing for you, and this makes his convinctions as immovable as the Meneltarma.
"I care for you; more than I ever cared for anyone else." you state in the end, and while expressing your feelings has always proved difficult for you, your friend is the exception: he has always known your heart, without judgement or criticism, and because of this it has felt so easy, and natural, gifting it to him "Do you care for me as well?"
He sighs; he is the bravest man you know, but still what he is doing requires more courage than a man can have. "(name), please..."
"Do not beg me; be honest instead. If you want me as much as I want you, you will tell me, and I will leave with you; whatever danger, we will face it together, and I will be content to share your destiny. Tell me now, or... or...”
“Or what?” he asks, still in that brusque tone you have already started to hate; he doesn’t want to hurt you, far from it, and he has never been cruel in his life, but for a moment you are dangerously close to hating him; how dare he decide for both of you? What gives him the right to take responsibility for your safety, as if he were your father? “Will you renege on your confession? And accept another man’s marriage proposal?”
“Maybe I will!” you answer; you regret those words a moment after you have uttered them, but you are too angry, too humiliated, to stop and talk reasonably “Maybe I will, as soon as I find a man who is not scared of his own feelings!”
Elendil falls silent; the rage in his eyes is deep, burning, but unlike so many other men, he doesn’t express it with shouts, insults, accusations or fits of rage. He just looks at you as if he dosen’t even know who you are, and that... that is worse, and more painful, than a slap on your face.
“Very well. If this is what you want.”
You move to let him leave the room, silent, determined but not at a run, and half of you wishes you could run after him, apologize and confess that while you disapprove, you are grateful for his desire to protect you, and you will never marry anyone else, because your heart is his, and his alone. It would be enough to make peace between the two of you; and while it would not solve everything, it would make things enormously better.
Unfortunately that is not the part of you that you decide to listen to, and you wait to hear the sound of Elendil’s footstep reach the other end of the house before giving in to crying.
You do not talk about it anymore; not on that day, not on the next, not on the clear, cool morning the expedition Elendil is part of makes ready to depart, for only Eru knows how long. Amandil decides to accompany his son to the harbour, while you decline because, you explain, you have an important commission to present to the Guild tomorrow. 
He is more splendid than ever in his soldier uniform, the long blue cape shaken by the wind and the helm under his arm, as you say your goodbyes on the porch. 
“I will pray for you.” you tell him, and you hate yourself for that, because while the sentiment is sincere, you doubt your pleas to Eru and Ulmo will make some difference, and there is so much you should tell him instead, while you still have the chance “Be... be careful, I pray you.”
The ghost of a smile touches his lips; the sadness in his eyes breaks your heart.  “I will.” he promises; after a moment of hesitation a kiss touches your forehead, and then he has turned and left, his strong and stately figure silhouetted against the azure sky.
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Tagging @starlady66 and @elvenenby .
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kudzucataclysm · 6 days
how has se changed since you first created it? are there any plot ideas or concepts that fell by the wayside?
oh god, let me travel back in time mentally almost 3-4 years or so-
well first off, i rmm that a large foundation of SE was inspired by the Venture Bros? the guild of villains aspect of it most likely cuz i genuinely found that interesting. Dez and Francis were proper like, apprentices to VILLAINY and it was all meant to be a more lighthearted story, of them going on adventures while trying to be “professional criminals” (Dez doing so accidentally). Francis was actually NICER somewhat? and Dez’s family loved him to bits. Carmine was much more of a father figure to Frank (EUGH) and he wasn’t a former nazi? And Maya acted more like a chill business partner/friend to Carmine rather than like, his leash holder of sorts…Carson was also egging to be a prof villain and sucked at it so Hammond had to help her or something
i rmm also that the worldbuilding aspect of SE was ULTRA FLIPPANT? like, i would make just the stupidest/most fantastical shit happen in the timeline for no reason and i think that mainly fell through cuz i ended up wanting to justify everything…and the timeline became so cluttered and chaotic tbh. so much was going on that didn’t make sense, im much happier with the one i have now (smaller/less detailed tho it may be)
i genuinely don’t rmm how the city of Necropolis came to be however. i just knew it was Necropolis and it was BIG and built on top of the ruins of an old city, inspired by the coast spanning megacities in judge dredd. the babel-like structure of the city is entirely new/recent and its no longer in new york (got tired of ny…TBH…)
mmm what else…ah plotlines. i rmm one that primarily featured tugarin as an antag and old foe of Carmine’s and there was gonna be a big confrontation in Soviet Russia or something…tugarin is now like, SUUUUPER background fodder. the villain awards ceremony plotline. dumb asf. i also rmm exploring a plotline where Martians tried to like, pull a transformers 3 and PUSH MARS right next to earth for some reason. it was dumb 😭 lots of nigh world ending events that these kids had to deal with…not anymore!!! and superheroes! that was a major thing. like them being corporate tools and such, and there being a lot of them that the kids had to fight due to aforementioned villainy…thats all def backseat now, there’s like only a handful of people considered supes now, everyone else is just a freak…and as of rn im wondering whether or not to dash everything with ATLAS and the comet and stuff like that…or maybe just redo the lore surrounding them! im unsure
EDIT OMFG LAS NEVADAS!!! how can i forget ok so like, it was meant to be a sort of solo arc kind of? like how pokemon had the spin off movies that weren’t like lore accurate. the main crew were to go to the city state of Las Nevadas and do a whole nuclear casino heist thing inspired by oceans 11 and casino 1995. WOW ya that got abandoned sadly 😔
that’s all i can rmm rn! mainly that it used to be way more lighthearted and episodic (think Adventure Time), just kids messing around with atompunk superscience, villainy and going on adventures together…i’m attempting to go through old notes but there’s not much substance to be found unfortunately- a lot of it is just dialogue…? like my mind straight up refused proper notes and things i think, all i have is old cringey dialogue between characters from 3 years ago now 😭😭😭
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teshamerkel · 1 year
thought about this a little while ago, and now i'm curious. if tobias had managed to save vivi from team zenith when they were kids and they both ended up at the lexym guild with maggie, what do you think that would've been like? how different would tobias' first impression towards the guild had differed with him having at least gotten his sister out safely? would they both have been working as herbalists under maggie by the events of seekers, or would they have taken different jobs? would they both have eventually become seekers, or just one of them? i do love me a good ol what if scenario, so i'm just wondering.
I also love a good “what if” scenario!!!
I think if both Tobias and Vivi made it out and went back to the Lexym Guild with Maggie, it would’ve been a very different situation. First, they would’ve still been close to Maggie and visited her often, but they would’ve clung to each other more and likely stayed in the nursery with Arlo growing up.
Tobias’ personality would be very different, too! Much more open and warm to others, despite the occasional sadness and anger about his parents. With Vivi’s outgoing nature, the two of them would’ve flourished at the guild and made a lot of friends. I dare say Tobias would end up really close to Xander, bonding as protective big brothers!
As for jobs, Vivi would 100% want to be a Seeker. Tobias would want to protect her, but I think without vengeance as such a big motivator he would actually gravitate towards the medical field on his own, even without living with Maggie. I see him signing on as Fen’s apprentice, handling diagnoses of injuries and illness rather than creating the medicines themselves.
Tobias would’ve been much friendlier towards Nia upon her arrival, but they never would’ve became partners or gotten as close as they currently are. Nia probably would’ve become a researcher under Alistair’s wing, or joined Andyn’s team of Seekers instead!
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Say hello to my HoK! You can read or ignore this! Choose whichever you want!
(Note that all of the Art is older than a year due to my HoK being associated with my ex and I have not drawn them since me and my ex-partner broke up [Also tried to keep it short])
Cw: mentions of abuse, murder and pastel gore art
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Ben living in Bruma.
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The battle of Kvatch
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Them being stuck in the middle of their transformation into Sheogorath.
How I played them in game was: joins the mages guild after breaking out of prison > joining the arena > main quest and falling in love with Martin > end of main quest > thieves guild > knights of the nine > dark brotherhood struck by grief after purification > shivering isles
Their name is Ben.
They use they/he pronouns. (Prefer They/Them)
And they are selective mute and hard of hearing.
They were born around 18 years prior to the events of the Oblivion Crisis to a breton mother and an imperial father.
Their mother died when they were six and their father gave them the blame since she only got sick after he was born.
With 16 they killed their father in his sleep.
They tried to learn magic for around 2 years like their mother wanted but they ended up in prison.
That's when the whole thing started.
They try to join the mages guild, but only work as an apprentice until they had enough. They joined the arena where they easily went through the ranks to subdue their wrath and hate. Ben then recognize that something is wrong with Cyrodiil.
They instantly fell in love with helping people and deeply fell in love with Martin after rescuing him.
Saving the world and losing Martin took a great toll on them. Ben started to take part in small crimes leading up to murder once again until they meet Lucien Lachance.
Ben joined the Dark Brotherhood and realized that he had finally found their found family. They led a double life. Juggling the responsibilities of a holy knight and the dark brotherhood. In the end it wasn't meant to be though.
During the dark brotherhood, they fell in love with Vicente and they even tried to marry at the end. Ben helped stage the death of every member so that they could decide to live in peace or die for Sithis.
Lucien didn't survive which only led them closer to insanity.
They murdered the entire black hand and moved on to marry Vicente, but Sheogorath's portal called out to them.
They tried to live a very quiet life. Not doing anything anymore and being haunted by their past and... the dreams of the future. Ben discovered himself more and more, starting to wear dresses and living in Bruma with Vicente.
But that's when the trouble with the Shivering Isles started. They travelled there. Not expecting much, but still doing Sheogorath's bidding and destroying Jyggalag... for now.
In the end they didn't want to become Sheogorath and they successfully fled the isles which was a big mistake because their transformation into Sheogorath was oddly stopped anyways.
They were pregnant. Only realizing after they had fled the isles, being too busy with... saving everyone but themselves.
Begrudgingly they returned to the isles, leaving Vicente behind and complete their transformation into Sheogorath with the help of the pure Chaotic Creatia all the way down under the New Sheoth palace.
(Reference to "The making of a vestige...")
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how-to-do-it-better · 2 months
The Blowjob Guild's Handbook
 A textbook For the Art of fellatio.
By Bee cee. Listen to the podcast at How To Sex.
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The old world of centuries past, had a trusted process of passing on skills from one generation to the next. Apprenticeships were an effective way to learn through practice. The concept is still used in many trades, But today it also incorporates testing and demonstrations of skills acquired, in order to be certified by an oversight guild or trade association.
We’re instituting this same concept of mastery, to help lovers assess their progress in the art of erotic coupling.
Youthful pledges enter apprenticeships where they learn fundamental skills and benefit from supervised practice.
When they show consistent aptitude of the fundamentals, The guild certifies them as journeymen.
They continue to develop their artistry, until they attain the level of Master, where they are trusted to properly mentor others.
Only the most highly talented and very experienced, will ever be regarded as a grandmaster.
The Apprentice
Many women have only a basic idea of how to give a man a good blow job. Most seem to think that by closing their mouth around a man’s cock and bobbing their head lustily up and down as fast as they can until he shoots his load constitutes a good blow job.
This is true to a point and all well and good for a quick blow job in the car or under the office desk when time is limited. If you want to bring him off quickly then this is an extremely satisfying way, but what does the man's cock really want?
You should preferably pick a time when you will not be disturbed in a reasonably lit area so that both you and he can see what's going on.
Overcome any shyness that you may have and let him see his cock disappear deep inside your mouth, observe and make a mental note of the responses from his cock and indeed the look of pleasure on his face that your tongue and lips are providing are the first steps to master.
For a typical guy, your lips around his ‘family jewels’ is the greatest visual expression of love & devotion. It dramatically impacts his arousal, emotionally, even more than physical.
Pull his foreskin down to reveal his corona and run the tip of your tongue around the base of it.
Close your mouth onto his cock and flick the underside of his corona with your tongue.
Talk to him, tell him his cock is wonderful and that you are not going to stop until he cums in your mouth.
Always stay in control and don't ask which part he likes best, find that out for yourself. Keep your tongue, mouth and hands active.
Cup his balls and gently scratch with your finger nails the area between his anus and balls.
If you are wary of the amount of cum he will produce, just as he is about to erupt, place your thumb and forefinger at the base of his cock and gently squeeze to restrict the flow.
The amount of cum a man produces is a good indication of how much he has enjoyed what you have done for him. Most men who have been stimulated in this way will produce copious amounts. Slow down and relax are the golden rules.
Every woman should also be aware of the most sensitive and sensual moment that a man's cock experiences.
Most mornings, men wake up with a hard on, referred to generally as piss proud. This moment is about two or three minutes after he has relieved himself; and is the ideal time to give him a sensual blow job.
What position should you be in?
Because of the structure of his cock, as well as the structure of your mouth, lips, tongue and teeth, you can provide the highest degree of sensation for yourself and your partner by kneeling between his legs with him either sat down or standing up and with your head tipped slightly back, approaching his cock from the bottom rather than from the side or top.
 This will enable you to read the expressions on his face and observe how his cock is reacting to your stimulation.
Alternatively, lie on your back on the bed and position yourself so that your back is on a pillow or two, but your head is just beyond the pillow. Let your head drop to the mattress so you are able to take him deep.
Relax and make yourself as comfortable as possible and open your mouth ready to accept him.
He should approach you on his knees from above; and as soon as you have his cock in your mouth, take control of the situation by placing both of your hands on his buttocks. This will allow you to guide him in and out at your own pace and to stop him thrusting and gagging you.
His ball sack will likely straddle the bridge of your nose, so close your eyes and concentrate, as you direct his hips with your hands.
Types of Blow Jobs
There are three types:
·         The Quickie, which we just outlined; for when there is not much time e.g. in the shop doorway on your way home from the pub, in the car or even in aunt Mabel's living room when she is making the tea.
·         Pure sensual oral love making when you really want to do something special and you have plenty of time. We’re about to discuss that art, in great detail.
·         Deep Throat which needs plenty of practice to be able to accommodate his cock fully down your throat and past your tonsils without choking you, discussed last in this episode.
Plan on improving your skills and expressions every new lovemaking event. If you’re perfect in your execution on the very first time, we probably don’t believe you.
If your performance is awkward and disrupted by clumsiness, just know that you’ll only get better as you apply yourself. Your man is more impressed by your devotion to his pleasure, than your prowess.
Take Initiative
The ‘journeywoman’
Lead him in to the bedroom, telling him that you have a very special surprise for him and that it will be something he will always remember. You will most probably have given your man a number of blow jobs before and will be quite comfortable to take his cum in your mouth and swallow it.
Also, know exactly which point of your stimulation brings him to his point of no return. Sit on the edge of the bed with him and reach over for a couple of pillows. Push him down on to his back and place the pillows under his head making sure that his head is tipped slightly forward so that he can observe everything you are doing.
Remove his trousers and underwear. Part his legs and approach his cock from below, with your mouth slightly open and your tongue licking your top and bottom lips until they are really wet.
Tell him that he is about to receive the best blow job of his life, and that he should just relax and let you take control of the situation.
He should already have at least a semi hard-on, at this stage; so take his cock in your hand and very slowly start to stroke him.
Bring your wet lips close to his cock and do full, long, slow hand strokes, so that the corona, or head; is extended.
Don't be shy. Encourage him to watch you loving on his cock!
Any man loves to see his cock disappear deep into a woman's mouth.
This will be one of the most erotic scenes either of you will ever experience. Occasionally, pause the downward stroke long enough to give the corona a long lick with your wet tongue.
Look up to see the response on his face each time your tongue touches different parts of his cock and let him see that you are wanting him to enjoy every minute of it.
Close your eyes down to a slit and make erotic facial gestures. No man can stay soft under these circumstances, especially in anticipation of what you have made clear that you are going to do for him next.
Anticipation and teasing are all part of giving tremendous oral sex; but don't spend too much time in this area or his cock may stop responding and could even go limp on you.
Once you have started to wank and lick his cock, it will obviously become very hard and swollen.
Gaze into his eyes lovingly and open your mouth fairly wide, then slowly take his cock as deep into your mouth as possible. Hold this moment for as long as you feel is right then very slowly pull back until his cock is just at the tip of your lips.
Pull down gently on his foreskin as far as you can to reveal his corona.
Gently lick under and around the rim of his corona, you will see by the expression on his face how much pleasure he is receiving from you.
Close your mouth onto his cock again keeping his foreskin pulled down with one hand and slowly feed it as deep into your mouth as possible, again slowly pull back off repeating this action several times.
After a self determined number of "sucks", pull off and lick his cock up, down and around to see which option gives him the most pleasure.
Let the tip of your tongue softly caress his "opening, at the very tip.
This is heavenly for most men. Talk to him and tell him what a lovely cock he has and that you will not stop until he has cum in your mouth.
With all this sucking and licking, his cock must be ready to explode by now.
You will certainly feel it pulsing and twitching, (and surely him groaning with pleasure).
He will probably tell you amid his groans of pleasure; that he is ready to cum but you should already have a good idea anyway.
He may instinctively try to push his cock further down your throat than you are comfortable with.
To keep the situation fully under your control, move both your hands up to his hands and place them on to his stomach, hold them there while you carry on sucking him at your own slow pace.
Now is the time to give your man the greatest pleasure of all, to take his cum in your mouth.
Keep his cock as deep into your mouth as you can, tilt your head back slightly and make eye contact whilst sucking   nodding back and forth ever so slowly, your tongue swallowing or rubbing on the under side of his glans. until you feel his climax ripple through his body and up through his cock.
Just as his cum is about to erupt, hold your mouth and lips still, maintain eye contact and let him sense and feel his cum spraying inside your mouth.
Swallow as much as you can. Let him feel you swallowing it, but don't release the grip of your lips from his cock just yet.
Once his orgasm has subsided, let go of his hands and bring one of your hands round to the base of his cock and squeeze it gently between your thumb and fore finger in an upward motion (slightly wanking it into your mouth).
This will force most of the remaining cum up and out of his cock. When his cock has stopped pulsating in ecstasy; and he has relaxed, pull back very slowly making sure that his foreskin is still pulled down, then gently lick and suck any remaining cum into your mouth.
Place your thumb and forefinger at the base of his cock as before, gently squeeze and with an upward motion, milk his cock for any remaining cum, this will usually produce a small amount which you can dip your tongue into and swirl it around the head of his cock.
Let him see his cum on your tongue and in your mouth before you take his cock back into your mouth for a further self determined number of deep sucks.
This is the ultimate in sexual dreams that a man can have (at least until the next time); so make your man’s dreams come true.
Sensual Fellatio Arts
The mistress
Experience and practice are the only requirements needed to give a sensual blow job and provide a man with the highest degree of pleasure possible.
Try some variety. If the two of you are enjoying a movie night at home, You might want to take initiative on the sofa.
Get your man to sit on the edge of the sofa with his legs apart and Kneel in front of him.
If he’s more interested in the tv screen than you are, Just tell him to unbuckle and slide out of the pants, and shorts; so you can visit his manhood for a while. With your mouth fairly close and partly open, wank his cock ever so slowly, occasionally rubbing your thumb over the head.
 Look into his eyes. Tease him by licking your lips (a wet warm mouth is very erotic).
 It won't be long before you have a raging hard on in your hand; so turn your attention to a different area to take his mind off cumming too soon.
Cup his balls gently with your free hand and let your fingers explore the underside scratching lightly with your fingernails and paying particular attention to the area just before his anus. Gently pull down his foreskin to expose the full head of his cock. Close your mouth around the head and tease it with your tongue, still looking into his eyes and observing any reactions. Using your tongue, lick softly along the entire underside of his now throbbing cock.
 As you suck and lick; you will learn those areas that give him the greatest pleasure when your tongue is touching them. Are you paying attention to his signals?
 He should by now have provided you with several clues as to which areas are most pleasurable to him.
The most sensitive area for most men will be the ring (or corona) of the head. The underside of the cock head, called the glans penis
By continued licking and sucking around this area with your tongue you are going to bring forth a geyser.
 If you are not skilled and you want to please him in a hurry I suggest that you get him off in this manner in order to become familiar at first hand with the nature and delight of his climax.
As he is approaching climax you will note changes in his cock. These signs will be the same every time he climaxes and you can learn how to react and prepare for his cum properly.
The head of his cock will swell somewhat larger than it is during the normal course of his erection. He may reflexively thrust his hips forward as he tries to shove his cock deeper into your mouth.
 For most men, immediately prior to his cum, there will appear at the tip of his cock a clear drop or two of pre-cum. This isn’t urine. It’s not gross. When you see or taste his pre-cum you will know that he is ready to shoot his load.
By now you will have a very swollen throbbing cock in your mouth and will feel and sense the urgency in which he needs to shoot his load. His cock is probably deep red, or maybe slightly purple.
His cock and his whole body is now quivering and you can feel his cum emptying from his balls, up the length of his cock and spurting uncontrollably into your hot wet mouth. His balls will constrict up tightly against the base of his cock when his cum starts to flow.
Don't let him rush you. Take as much of his cock into your mouth as you can, and suck him up and down slowly keeping your lips fairly tight round his cock. Try to make eye contact just before he cums and let him see that you are enjoying this moment as much as he is.
He’ll never forget this moment of devotion.
A natural reaction at the point of ejaculation is to suck harder and faster, don't!
Just carry on slowly and when you feel the first spurt, almost stop, gazing into his eyes and let his cock as deep into your wrapped mouth as you can and hold still. Use your flat tongue to stroke under his shaft as your tight lips hold him wrapped in an oral hug.
Tilt your head slightly back so that he can see his raging cock buried deep in your mouth. Breathe only through your nostrils during this precious event.
Now just hold still and gently suck, let his cum flow over your tongue and down your throat.
You can swallow most of his cum directly at this stage without releasing the grip of your lips. His cock will spasm several times during orgasm and each spasm will produce a fair amount of cum.
The amount of cum your man produces is a general guide as to how much you have pleased him.
When his cock stops pumping, pull back very slowly, to wring out his spent cock;  then take the head back into your mouth and gently suck the remaining cum into your mouth. Carry on licking gently around the head and occasionally, close your wet mouth over it until he stops spasming and jerking.
He will love the sensuality of your mouth caressing his cock, extending his orgasmic bliss for as long as possible.
This bliss only lasts about half a minute, for a guy. Females’ orgasms can last a good bit longer. So let his fully enjoy each precious second.
Becoming His Fellatio Artist
The Grandmistress
By understanding your anatomy you will begin to understand the requirements that will allow you to take the full length of your man’s hard cock into your mouth and all the way down your throat without choking you.
The biggest obstacle is the fact that there is a bend of almost eighty degrees behind your tongue leading down into your throat. So the first thing you need to do is get his cock past that angle without you gasping for breath and ruining the moment.
A relaxed and well-lubricated throat is essential. Warm sweet tea is a good thing to have sitting at the nightstand before you begin. Take a long drink before you get into position.
Now get in a position where you can tilt your head in such a way that your mouth and throat lie almost in a straight line. The best way to accomplish this position is to lie on your back on the bed with your head positioned just over the edge of a pillow, cushion, or mattress; and tipped sharply back.
This position will put your mouth and throat nearly in a line and will allow him to approach on his knees giving you full control over how much of his cock you can take.
You can then gently guide him in and out of your mouth at your own pace by grasping his buttocks and pulling & pushing him. Keep a firm grip on his cock with your lips and keep your tongue as straight as possible.
It is possible that not everyone will learn the "Deep Throat" technique until several sessions have been completed but this should not stop you from practicing. You must learn to allow your throat to relax completely and breathe through your nose instead of your mouth.
Pull his cock as deep into your throat as you comfortably can. To do this long enough for him to completely orgasm and cum down your throat is very difficult and may require practice beyond this one day alone.
It may be that you will be able to take his cock completely down your throat, but you will not be able to maintain a good grip with your mouth. If this is the situation, then pull, push and suck as deeply as you can until he is just about to erupt.
As his cum starts to pump in to your mouth, pull him past your tonsils and hold him still for as long as you can.
Next time you will know precisely what to expect and how to react. It is important for the first few times at least that you let him know that you must be in complete control of his cock in this situation because only you know how much you can comfortably take.
After several sessions on your deep throat skills; you will learn to relax and will feel more comfortable each time.
You will know precisely when he is about to cum; and how much of his cock you can take.
If you are feeling comfortable at this point, let him fuck your mouth at his own pace.
 It is possible to take a full 10 inch cock all the way past your tonsils and deep into your throat. His thickness is the biggest challenge, not his length.
You can feel his foreskin peel back as it eases past the back of your throat just as it does when he first enters your cunt. As he fucks your throat, he will not be able to or want to hold back for very long. The pure sensation of his foreskin pulling back and forth deep inside your throat will bring forth an enormous amount of cum.
Another technique, which is not really deep throating but will still give him the same sensation is to clench your hand around his cock as near to the base as possible;  and as you go down on him with your mouth, pull slightly downwards. 
And on the way up, pull slightly upwards pulling his foreskin back and forth over the corona. Keep your clenched hand close to your mouth and this will feel to him like his whole cock is engorged; and again will produce copious amounts of cum.
As mentioned before, the amount of cum a man produces is a direct result of how much pleasure you have given him. Feel free to follow all or some of these exercises, and maybe make your own alterations & improvements along the way.
If the man has any sense of gratitude, he’ll already be yanking your panties down and eating you out with a passion. Let him! This is a perfect redirect, while his cock recovers for another round of fucking, but the finale will be his cock visiting the depth of your very wet cunt. And his 2nd serving of spunk only erupts after a longer, more sensual time of deep fucking.
By Bee cee for Literotica.
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sroop · 9 months
guided (v) - discont.
You're not strong enough alone. How could he be? They'd crushed an entire galaxy of them, what was one lone star?
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A/N: warnings for death, violence, and some #brooding! also takes place in episode 3 of season 1, towards the end of it. also, i'm not sure about the pacing of this chapter. i feel like this whole thing moves a bit too slowly, but let me know if you have any thoughts
Summary: Din chose to trust Reyza a long time ago, and today, she chooses to return the favor.
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Maker curse that blasted, stubborn, good-for-nothing hunk of beskar Reyza called a partner. Because what had she done but warn him from the very beginning?
Don't get attached, when he'd killed the droid for threatening the bounty. But that she'd written off as needing the full beskar reward.
This doesn't mean anything, when he'd cradled the child too closely after it had saved their lives from the rampaging Mudhorn. But she'd thought that was only natural, too.
Don't cause any trouble, when he'd stopped her from taking the child back to the Imperials. Pleading with her with nothing but the gentle resoluteness only he could express with total and complete silence. It hadn't mattered what she'd said, his entire being an unmovable wall.
It hadn't occurred to her in the moment to tell him why she didn't want him to go. Why she needed him to stay. She didn't know how to tell him that she'd had a creed once, a constellation to belong to, a family of fellow stars. She didn't know how to tell him that the Empire had finished them off, with so little struggle and so much blood. She didn't know how to tell him that if he did this, then he was letting them take the last thing she had.
So Reyza just said, you're not strong enough alone.
How could he be? They'd crushed an entire galaxy of them, what was one lone star?
He was playing with fire hot enough to melt the armor off his back, even if he didn't think so. And ever since Karga had hailed Reyza promising great rewards and high standing in the guild, a career of her own without Din as her mentor, in return for turning him in with the child, she'd been pacing back and forth and back and forth in the hull of the Crest. This couldn't be happening. Not again.
Bring him back, convince him to let the child go.
And if he refuses?
Bring him back anyway.
Karga was generally a cheerful man, charming and diplomatic. So the iciness he'd said those words with and left a hard knot in her stomach. Reyza tries not to recall all the times Mando had saved her life. She tries not to feel understanding for why he'd run off alone to take the child back. But she can't.
In the one year she'd known him, he had been a pillar of trustworthiness and dedication. Sometimes, she thinks he even pulls off being an honorable bounty hunter, if such a thing existed. He loved his people and his religion, and sometimes, in his own way, even her. That was the kind of loyalty he'd offered her. The kind where he'd put himself in front of a charging blurg, or let her pilot his precious ship, or give her her own pucks when she was only an apprentice. That unwavering, steadfast protection that whispered I trust you.
The sound of blasters being fired shakes her from her thoughts, and with a jolt, she realizes her decision has been made without so much a choice. Her allegiance would ever be to that Mandalorian.
As she steps off the ship and into the fray, she thinks to herself, if not for him, or the child, then for me. For my brothers and sisters.
His eyes are big and black and so damningly reflective, Din can't really look away. He sees, in those eyes, every inch of the Mandalorian he should be, shining in beskar. And it was partly the armor that had driven him to do this. Because how could he wear a full set of beskar, knowing that the only reason he'd gotten the metal in the first place was by failing his duty to protect a foundling. The baby gurgles, and Din holds him closer to his chest and the speeder bike he was taking cover behind.
He hears some of the mercenaries and hunters shouting every once in a while. For what exactly, he's not sure; but when he dares to lift his helmet slightly to survey the situation, he swears there are fewer people attacking him than he'd first counted.
And then someone from the rooftops, a would-be sniper, flails over him and lands on the bike. Dead. Din turns in time to see Reyza's figure disappear back into shadows.
She's here. It's a breathless thought, especially the one that follows it. She's for me.
Din sets the child down and begins shooting back. Her words are echoing in his mind, not strong enough alone, and he feels the implication of it afresh. He's not alone. Not if she joined him. Din's hopelessly outnumbered, but if he could draw fire and attention for long enough, then they wouldn't notice the silhouette darting from rooftop to ground to behind them. Once she shaved down enough of their numbers, he could take it from there.
Soon his blaster fire is rarely returned, the survivors flee, and it's just Karga, the child, and him. He wants to look around for Reyza, but he knows better. He couldn't find her even if he tried.
"Now let's think this through, Mando," Karga says lowly. "You know I've got more men coming, and it doesn't matter how many you or Reyza picks off. There will always be more."
"I know," Din replies lamely.
And yet, he can't find it in himself to really care. He's been a wanted man for decades now, having taken bounties that made him more rich in enemies than credits as a young man. But his thoughts turn to Reyza again. She is young, talented, and has a whole life ahead of her free of any Creed. If he did this, it was going to become an ugly black hole that sucked every bit of his life into. Including her.
He's too far gone, but maybe she could still change her mind.
Reyza doesn't let him make that choice for her and slips behind Karga, star in hand. It pierces the soft, unsuspecting skin of his neck without resistance and he crumples, falling into her arms. As he gasps for air, eyes wide, drinking in the face of betrayal, Reyza slides him to the ground. Sorry, and yet, unremorseful.
"Sleep well," she whispers, before looking up at the Mandalorian.
"Take the child, and go."
thanks for reading! please consider leaving some feedback :D
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Introducing my Lavellan brothers;
Fenrir Maliel - Assassin Blades Rogue (the oldest & a shameless self insert) - 27-31
Lin Maliel - Two Handed Reaver Warrior (the middle child, and the Official Inquisitor) - 25-29
Sandu Thevael - Necromancer Mage (the youngest, the “black sheep” that isn’t actually the black sheep: the red herring if you will) - 18-24
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Fenrir and Lin were originally of Clan Maliel, which was massacred in an event the elder brothers refer to exclusively as “The Trample”. Clan Maliel was caught in the crossfire between two human settlements, both of which decided to take a shortcut through Clan Maliel’s campsite. The brothers, as young as 4-7 years of age, hid during the duration of the battle. They emerged after the ground was razed, and the fires were long cold.
They were fortunate to have survived the month long journey they took to find safety, picking up scraps as they went. After that period of time, they encountered a trail Clan Lavellan left: freshly put out bonfires, Halla tracks, indents from footsteps and wagon wheels. Tired and hungry, they stumbled into the open, and were caught by one of the healers.
Fenrir is blind in his right eye, Lin has an unnamed heart condition and the tip of one ear is cut off, they both manage. They gain inspiration from the other elves in Clan Lavellan, who have lost much more than an eye or an ear.
They were adopted into the clan as full blooded members, and nobody questioned why neither of them looked or acted quite like the other elves. They trained with the masters, and became an integral part of their community.
Five years later, they go out as a junior party to scout the Emerald Graves, where they encounter another site of a wrecked elven clan. They determine a demon outbreak to be the cause. Sifting through the rubble they find records of this clan: formerly known as Clan Thevael, sister clan of Clan Maliel. They pack as many intact journals and scrolls as possible, and as they were about to leave, encountered a young Sandu. It was clear to them they were taking this child in. The Clan Lavellan healers determined that Sandu was left alone for some time, and that there was no easy way to tell his age due to malnourishment.
Sandu turned out to be a proficient mage, but he was one too many in the clan. Fenrir and Lin begged Keeper Istimaethoriel to keep Sandu around, and somehow convinced her. Sandu is timid, and does not take up more space than he feels he absolutely needs. Keeper Istimaethoriel, though careful around him, tries to make him feel welcome. It’s a work in progress.
Around the time Lin was pulled into the Inquisition, Fenrir investigated the files they found in Clan Thevael’s ruins. He read letters exchanged between his mother and a friend of hers, talking about their origins, how their clan was shunned by others. A few years after Lin’s emergence as Inquisitor, Fenrir arranged a meeting between his two brothers to discuss exactly who they were.
This meeting between the brothers enlightens Lin on many things, and when the time comes to confront Fen’Harel, he is able to put the pieces together as to his original clan’s history. Fenrir discovers why his peers hesitate when saying his name. Sandu has the closest relation to Fen’Harel, but his clan buried these records deep within their stories to protect themselves from scorn, and his exact ancestry is unrecoverable.
They do know that Sandu is more precisely Fenrir and Lin’s nephew, but they treat him as a brother anyway. Fenrir is three years older than Lin. They don’t know exactly how much younger Sandu is, but they estimate the difference to be as little as two years to as much as eleven years to Lin. Sandu’s stunted growth made it a difficult task.
If Fenrir were the Inquisitor, he would have married Cassandra (Vivienne as Divine), and travelled between his estate in Kirkwall and where the new generation of Seekers train. He abandoned the elven gods and adopted Andrastian faith, and became somewhat of a religious zealot. While running errands in Kirkwall, a masked assassin targeted him, and Fenrir was afflicted with a deadly poison. He died within days, and though Varric sent for Cassandra as soon as he could, she was barely too late to make it before Fenrir passed. They had a single child, who Cassandra named “Maliel”, after his lost clan, even though their child was not elven.
Otherwise, Fenrir remained within Clan Lavellan. He became an elder, who was tasked with training their non-mages. He was well-loved and respected, but clan members were always wary of him, as he had an edge to him that unnerved them at times. He recognized that his past experiences would always have made him cynical. Fenrir connected with one of the mages, a woman named Ghili, and they had twin daughters: Juna and Fenwe.
Lin became partners with Iron Bull, and vied to rebuild everything he could. He did not want for anyone to be unreasonably vulnerable, and so he remained meticulous in how he influenced Thedas. He gained favor from Fen’Harel because of the care he put into his actions, though he was always spiteful of the betrayal. After the conclusion of the events in Trespasser, Lin joined the Chargers, and became quite a hit. His arm, amputated from the elbow down, was a roadblock for him. He switched from two handed weapons to a sword and a shield. The shield, specifically tailored to him, acted as a prosthetic arm. Iron Bull jokes that it’s more of a boon than anything else, as its massive size is akin to an impenetrable wall. Lin encounters a small child during a job, and nearly dies protecting it. They are a human toddler, simply nicknamed “Finn”.
As the years go by, Lin’s health declines, and eventually he retires from fighting for good. Iron Bull and Lin retreat to the Storm Coast, bringing Finn along with them. The mantle of leader of the Chargers passes to Krem. Finn learns to fight the Reaver style, and alters Lin’s shield to be useful to them. Finn joins the Chargers, and makes a name for themself as the Lightning Bolt of the Chargers, “Finn the Bolt”, for short. They all find it to be a funny title.
If Lin is not the Inquisitor, he joins Fenrir in the search for their heritage, and becomes an elder as well. Lin teaches healing and non-violence, diplomacy, and culture. He becomes a father through surrogacy, and has a child who they call “Denmirr”.
Or he stays with Clan Lavellan and searches for elven orphans, adopting a bit of a clan of his own. Because of how many children he adopts, Clan Lavellan sends him away with extra members to revive Clan Maliel. Most of the children are not related by blood, but it becomes somewhat of a family of its own.
He himself develops a flirtatious relationship with one of the male warriors, Naris. Fenrir teases him often, but means well.
Sandu, as the Inquisitor, had to learn how to insert himself as the dominant party. He observed Vivienne and found her to be his greatest confidant. Not only did she teach him much about magic, she taught him confidence and that his image didn’t need to reflect who he is completely. She didn’t approve of his choice to establish Leliana as the Divine, but she respected his decision and his reasoning. Sandu felt foolish when he faced Solas for the last time: wondered how he could have missed the signs. After he disbanded the Inquisition, he returned to Clan Lavellan. He remained accessible for Cassandra to summon him when needed, but became Keeper after some time passed, and his connection to the clan became strong again. He never assumed the name Lavellan, but was referred to as that, similarly to a title.
He otherwise would become a tradesman for the clan. He sent to towns and cities to be a spokesman, and learned to deal with ruffians after being abused into a bad situation on a few occasions. In one far trip to the Anderfels, he met a surface Dwarf named Jekard (ym/yr [yim•yer]), and formed a brother-like bond with ym. They exchanged insight and advantages with each other, and both Clan Lavellan and Jekard’s guild benefitted. He met Krem once, and looks up to him like an idol. Sandu never fell in love, and really had no interest to, but took a group of apprentices who aspired to learn from their Keeper. Imposter’s Syndrome hit him hard for a very long time, before he realized he was right where he belonged.
If none of the brothers became Inquisitor, all three stayed together, and functioned as a single mind. They dedicated their lives to Clan Lavellan out of gratitude, and the clan evolved into one of the strongest outposts in all of southern Ferelden and Orlais. They all had different roles, but the future generations of the clan benefitted greatly from their presence.
If all three brothers became influential members of the Inquisition, their power would likely have gone uncontested. Their strengths would allow them to spread farther than if only one of them were Inquisitor. The Inquisition would be an empire, and almost definitely considered a threat to even Par Vollen. Fenrir and Lin would take it different directions, and the possibility of a schism turned great. Sandu would side with Lin for the sole reason that he found Fenrir’s ideologies to be extreme. The Inquisition would be built up by the brothers, and torn down by the brothers.
In that scenario, a civil war would erupt between Fenrir’s loyalists (the Fenedhis), and Lin’s loyalists (the Athim). Fenrir would slay Lin, but Sandu would defeat Fenrir. Sandu would dismiss all soldiers and scatter the army, and soon after would disappear without a trace. He wasn’t dead though- his presence was tangible even though he could not be seen.
While this doesn’t encompass all that these characters are, I thought it was a nice overview of these brothers I’ve had in my mind for a while. The inspiration came from my realization that most of my DA:I characters are elves and Qunari. I might do more in-depth timelines for each brother later. This is completely separate from Dragon Age canon, clearly, and is just a fun little thing I put together. I may revise it if there are details I want to alter.
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cornelthecursed · 3 years
The story behind the vampire
// Finally after weeks of putting it off, Cornel’s story is ‘revamped’ so to speak (see the pun hehehe) A lot was added and a lot was redacted, but it does not change the interaction you might have with the vampire gentleman. Don’t worry you didn’t loose all too much from his story if you didn’t read the previous version and I quite get that asking you to read around 1,7k words long background to my character might be a little more than usual, however, I would very much appreciate if you could at least give it a skim.
Without further ado - let’s dive into it:
🩸 Early childhood
Cornelius’ life started like any other - being born to parents that were well off, he never had to worry about not having anything to eat at the end of the day. He had not suspected that he might have been of supernatural origin at all. However, not everything is all nice and pleasant when you are born in the 1500s. Even if he had no idea about magics and vampires or other supernatural creatures, humans around them did. You see, his parents were not regular humans either - a mother who was a renowned vampiress and his father being the son of the Lightbringer himself, attracted unwanted attention.
The city was in uproar with accusing everyone of witchcraft and his parents were no exception. His mother had enough foresight to hide the poor child in the tool shed of their gardens when the inquisition came to get them. Cornelius stayed there for hours not knowing what was going on exactly, he had thought that bad people came to speak to his parents and so he had to hide (it was not the first time he had done so, an antichrist and a vampire marrying and actually creating an offspring isn’t exactly approved of), however, as the hours passed and his stomach grumbled with bigger intensity the longer he stayed there he slipped outside.
It didn’t take long to figure out that his parents were not home, nor their servants. Everyone was dragged off apparently and the boy did the next best thing. Grabbing a few pieces of food to eat at the moment he slipped into his bed. Being woken up early the next day by shouts of the guards to bag anything they saw for their taking Cornel used every wit he had at his disposal to hide and run away from his family home.
He realized pretty soon that he would have to scavenge for food to make due, going around town he begged where he could, nipping a bread or a grape from the odd basket put on the floor while they bantered for a better price. A first sneak peek into the life of crime for our little Cornelius. However it wasn’t long before a certain man found the boy stealing from him and decided to make him pay for the food by actually working for him - as an apprentice, since he had no children of his own. The man turned out to be the later famous man Leonardo da Vinci.
🩸 Adolescence
Gaining skills in woodworking and actually staying still (whenever muse struck his adoptive father to draw him) kept Cornel busy during his early years. Soon he was being sent out to make deals, or meet people in Leonardo’s stead when he had proven capable enough. He trained almost daily to keep his body well kept and he had a prospect in joining an order that went against the corruption that was going on in the city they lived in.
However, fate had a different plan for him. Around the age fourteen he had got very sick, to a point where he was bed ridden. No one knew what was happening to him, the doctor that was called had thought it was tuberculosis, since he was coughing up blood.
Turns out it was the year that changed his life completely. He had eventually, after weeks upon weeks of the lungs hurting and heart palpitations, turned into a creature of the night he had never heard of, with thirst that could not be satiated with normal means.
He could still feel his heartbeat, he could still breathe (even if the time he could spend underwater drastically prolonged), yet he looked different. His eyes changed from their previous blue color to red, whites exchanged for blackness that seemed to be unending, not to mention the fangs. He couldn’t go out during the day anymore either. And yet he had started researching (perhaps he had learned from his adoptive father or not), looking into anything supernatural he could get his hands on. Eventually he had found a witch who helped him with the sun dilemma, the constant voices in his head (turns out our boy is telepathic) and the weird object movement that happened around him (telekinetic powers as well). She even taught him a few glamour spells to cover up his real identity, which helped him to establish himself into the society once again.
🩸 Adulthood - until the WW I
The years went by and he trained with the assassins. He wasn't very skilled in hand-to-hand combat (and still has trouble with it) but he had been shaped into a skillful tracker, strategist and sniper/long range combatant. He used his powers to help the guild where he could, but more often than not he got captured by the enemy and tortured in many various ways, which left scars on his physical body. Surprisingly he coped with the mental scars pretty well.
Still as a young vampire, he fell in love with a beautiful mortal woman. He had created a bond with her on a spiritual level he had not known was possible (granted that was the result of his supernatural nature and them exchanging their blood accidentally), he was at first scared of the fact that they could feel each other’s emotions and had to come forth to his partner as not being completely human. Yet Emalia took it in stride and accepted him for what he was, which Cornel was eternally grateful for.Their wedding was the most joyous thing in his life, right after the birth of his daughter, Caitlin. Few months after that he picked on work yet again, this time he decided for a more docile one, since he had a family to take care of.
Yet as it was in life - when there are good things, bad ones are right behind the corner. One night when he had stayed longer in town working on a wooden piece for one of his clients his world turned upside down. He had found his family murdered in their own home, his heart breaking in half at the sight. Not to mention the chest ache from the bond breaking didn’t help any. 
After burying them and still stricken with grief he made it his personal mission to hunt down those that killed his immediate family, since that was the only one he had in this world. But oh, if it ended there. He found the two hunters of course, but the newfound bloodlust that dulled the pain he felt, the surge of power with the amount of blood he consumed….it didn’t end well for the city of Venice, near which he had lived. 
The bloodshed that he had caused took around five vampires to stop. Only when he was face down on the flagstones, tears running down his cheeks from the amount of pain he was feeling and seeing what he had caused made him sober up. That was the day he met his best friend Leoric - not without a nice little story to exchange between themselves now as they recalled the old days, the poor two thousand year old vampire of a viking had a scar to prove their first meeting made by none other than yours truly.
After that incident with Leoric keeping a close eye on the young pureblood, Cornelius had moved out of his home country, not being able to stay because of the memories and more importantly hunters that were hot on his tail. Few attempts were made at his life during his stay in Italy by the aforementioned group, scarring the otherwise perfect skin around his heart and a thin line across his throat.  Finding a  nice spot in the UK, a few hours away from London and near a small village Ibberton, Cornel started on building his dream home in the middle of a clearing. Not even realizing how but had built himself a sizable mansion.
🩸 Adulthood - WW I & after
The world wars rolled in. Cornel felt obliged to answer the call to arms and yet there was more imminent war than the one between the humans. His own race was warring against the werewolves all the while archduke was assassinated in Sarajevo. It was not a big battle, a skirmish at most a couple of hundred of kilometers away from his own home, yet Cornelius was not left unscathed. 
Up until that point he was making his fortune in tracking people and even killing them if the contract required it off him, however, after he returned home from the vampire-werewolf war he had to put that kind of job on hold. He prided himself on being a good strategist, on observing and using the information the best he could, yet it is completely different to do so on the battlefield. One second of not paying attention and he ended with a spear coated in werewolf’s blood through his left knee. 
Even after years or healing, of drinking antidote for months after the battle, he was left with a limp. Relieving him of duties towards the United Kingdom in the upcoming wars. With the time that suddenly appeared in his hands he started to seek different hobbies (not sure how tracking and killing people could be a hobby but to each their own). Leoric, who was always somewhere around his old time friend suggested to take up cooking, since he himself was baking and found enjoyment in it. Few tries later and the vampire sacrificed sleep in attempt to perfect his skills in the kitchen.
By the end of the twentieth century, he was a skilled chef that would give Gordon a run for his money and since there really was no better time than to start his own business than after the world wars he did that. Funding the rent of a place in Ibberton, he founded Assaggia la Storia, an Italian restaurant keeping true to his family roots.
Granted there are many stories and little tidbits that occurred in vampire’s life - be it how other vampires flocked to him or how he actually managed to lay claim to his family heirloom back in Italy. Yet these are the ones that marked his life the most, making an impact on how he is now. The rest are for you to discover through mutual interaction.
Updated: 18th August 2021
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honestlywrites · 4 years
Clan of Three | Chapter Five (Din Djarin x Mando!Reader)
Summary: Becoming partners with the famed Mandalorian bounty hunter proves to come with many issues as you navigate the world of where warrior culture and bounty hunting stop relating to each other. You decide to learn from the best and begin to find that the silent killer is more than just a bounty hunter.
A/N: Quickly I just wanted to ask, does anyone want to be tagged for Clan of Three? Send me an ask if so. Thanks for the love! <3
Clan of Three Masterlist 
You come to realize that the Mandalorian is a quiet man with very few words. Soaring through the depths of hyperspace is completely silent, save for the creaking of the ship around you as the two of you fly to your next destination. Perhaps you should have asked more questions about where the two of you were headed, but you knew better than to say anything. The two of you were most likely going toward a bounty, probably many bounties that would be taken out one by one. 
Before the two of you left, you stopped by your ship to grab the little supplies that you had. A few blasters and a change of clothes were the only things you had and it made for very difficult living. There was no place for luxury in space, especially because you were out of a job. You decided to leave your ship on Nevarro in case this partnership went south and you needed to be alone once more. Yet, as you fly through space with nothing but the sound of the ship to comfort you, you are grateful to not be alone for once. It makes the sea of space seem less terrifying.
You arrive onto a dry, desolate planet, much like Nevarro in looks and experience. A small settlement is spotted past some sand dunes and so the man in front of you lands in the stable rocky terrain to serve as a base. Even now, as the Mandalorian stands from his seat and makes his way to the cargo hold, you have no idea what your role is in this and follow him quickly down the ladder to his weapons cabinet.
“What do you want me to do?” you quickly ask, watching the man in front of you quickly get to work in choosing his weapons.
“Nothing, I’ve got this,” he mutters lowly and brushes past you, gently hitting your shoulder. Behind you, the ramp lowers and the Mandalorian exits the ship. Your mouth parts slightly in shock and you turn to see him gone to take care of the bounty himself. The shock strikes deeply as you replay the conversation you had with him in your head, the proposition of a partnership. You are no damsel and you can certainly hold your own against a number of foes so why did he feel obligated to leave you on the ship instead of taking you with him. 
It takes a good amount of self-control to not take offense to his actions. Perhaps he did not want to stand out too much with the presence of two Mandalorians in a small desert town. The facts were there, but some mention of the plan would have been nice. 
Turning around, you close the ramp and decide to wait patiently in the cargo hold. You find yourself walking around and getting accustomed to the ship, finding all of the necessary supplies needed to survive. After extensive searching, you find a pack of rations and greedily eat it as you sit on a cot in the low lighting. Though, the low lighting is quite bright when you take your helmet off to devour the dried meat and portion bread. Eating food takes little time and the boredom hits you like a truck when you simply walk around the ship, trying to entertain yourself with the few things inside. 
When you find and analyze the Carbon Freezers, you blanch in shock once more. Space is a rough universe to live in and you know this. The Great Purge happened only a few years ago and you were ripped away from your home planet because of greedy Imps that wanted to strip Mandalore of its resources. Even then, you always preferred taking more peaceful routes instead of constantly resorting to violence. In your mind, Mandalorians were prepared to fight and fight well but should never be the first to strike, so seeing the Carbon Freezers were a shock to your system. It was efficient, though, and made sense for a viral bounty hunter like the Mandalorian to be using, but it was harsh and simply seemed like an abuse of the technology you were gifted. It also reminded you too much of the Imps. 
Finding your way back to the cockpit, you settle down into the copilot seat and decide to just stay there until the Mandalorian returns. Then, you would talk to him about your role in all of this. You lean your head back against the hard headrest and sigh, staring out into the endless hills of sand. Slowly, your eyes flutter closed and you find rest as you wait for your partner to return from his job.
The loud sounds of pressurized gas wake you and you jump slightly in your seat, realizing that the Mandalorian had returned. You track his heavy footsteps as they make their way up the ladder and to the cockpit where the man settles into the pilot seat, readying himself to take off into space to track the next bounty. His pre-flight checks are like clockwork and you allow yourself to talk even though you fear he may not answer. 
“Why did you make me stay?” your voice rings slightly in the small enclosed space and is followed by silence as the Razor Crest takes off from the ground, leaving a cloud of dust in its trail. He is silent as he clicks the buttons and flips the switches of the control panel, working the ship as it takes off past the atmosphere of this small planet. Your patience wears thin as you take off into hyperspace once more, the quiet taunting you and leaving you with an endless amount of questions.
“Is it because you think I’m not strong enough?” you spit out, the words dancing like fire on your tongue. The quiet man in front of you quickly turns his seat to face you and your heart jumps in your chest at the sudden movement. You two stare at each other through the visors of your helmets, the experience feeling like his vision could glare a hole in your skull.
“I don’t question your skills, but you weren’t a bounty hunter, you were a guard. Those two jobs are very different,” he states and you begin to shrink in response, feeling as if you were being scolded. This fact was true and showed in the fact that you barely escaped with the bounties that belonged to him. In all honesty, the possibility that he allowed you to take his bounties was probable and so your self-esteem begins to wither away at the idea that you could be losing your skill.
“Then teach me,” you speak out in defense of yourself and in the minute hope that you could find some redemption for yourself. He seems to ponder this thought for a moment, and your thoughts run wild as you consider the idea that he may see you as dead weight or that you had been taken on due to pity. His sharp nod breaks the silence and the man turns back to pilot the ship, accepting you as a pseudo-apprentice. It was not the skill that you lacked, it was the philosophy and you hoped that the details of bounty hunting could be easily picked up by a skilled warrior as yourself. This thought comforts you as the ship soars through the sky toward another planet, probably to track down another bounty and perhaps to refuel. You occupy yourself by counting the switches on the control panel until you arrive at your next destination. 
The swirling blues and gray world of Iego comes into your vision as you exit hyperspace, the Razor Crest navigating the many astroids and debris surrounding the planet. You take a moment to observe the beauty of the atmosphere, the ship flying easily through the clouds and down to the mountainous terrain of the world below. Iego is a smaller planet and visitors only used it for refueling due to the deadly creatures that lurk beyond the city. The city located within the russet spire-like mountains contrasts the previous locations of the bounties you were involved with, feeling more alive then desolate. The Mandalorian calls into the aviation tower, locating a landing bay where the ship can refuel. Landing the ship is easy and seeing the hustle and bustle of the city, you are eager to escape into a world that is somewhat familiar to you. 
Once the Razor Crest is secured, the Mandalorian stands and goes down to his weapons cabinet, grabbing equipped blasters to strap into his holsters. You follow him again, feeling the bubbling excitement grow in your chest when he hands you a blaster to strap into your own holsters. 
“Follow me,” he mutters and you walk down the ramp behind him watching as he deposits some credits in the hands of the mechanic who will refuel the ship. Wordlessly, the two of you walk out of the landing bay and into the streets. You analyze and watch your partner’s every move, seeing as he marches swiftly and confidently through the streets and into the alleyways. He watches the tracking fob carefully, never breaking focus on the path in front of him. Weaving through the back streets, the Mandalorian finds himself at a small hostel where few of the visitors stay if they need to occupy the city for more than one day. 
The building is entered quickly and the man in front of you has no regard for any other patrons as he marches up a set of stairs to the first set of rooms filled with beds. He makes a beeline toward a room as he pockets the fob, entering the quarters once the door slides open. You follow after, staying near the door to watch him wordlessly set the bounty puck down. The Rodian man in the bed perks up, staring in awe at the presence of two Mandalorians. He speaks a couple of words in Rodian that sound like pleading, but the two of you would not give in to such weak pleas for freedom. While you stand tall in the corner, your gut instinct is to recognize the situation as wrong and unfair. You offset these thoughts with the basic idea that the guild is formed to hunt down bad people. The ethics were questionable, but you were doing good and that is all that needs to be understood.
As the Rodian stands, you watch him carefully as he offers his wrists to be encased in binders. The situation feels a little too easy, though and you watch as the man quickly butts his head against your partner’s and attempts to jump out the window of the room. You are quick to catch him, pointing the gauntlet affixed to wrist toward the man and activating your grapple to prevent him from going anywhere. It catches his jacket, pulling him back to allow the Mandalorian ample time to clamp the binders onto the wrist of the Rodian man. You detach the end of your grapple and reel it back in, watching as your partner roughly pulls the bounty to their feet. The three of you exit the room, going down the stairs to the base floor of the establishment. Many eyes follow you as you walk out of the hostel and you simply let it wash over you with no acknowledgment.  Retracing your steps, the three of you end up back at the Razor Crest where your partner is eager to put your bounty into the Carbon Freezer. You turn away at the sight, jumping at the harsh sounds of pressurized gas encasing a living being inside of metal. The thought of it makes you shiver as you glance back at the Mandalorian.
“That wasn’t too hard. He might have gotten away from you if it weren’t for me,” you mutter, a small smile playing on the edges of your lips. The Mandalorian begins to walk to the ladder, swiftly moving past you. 
“You got lucky,” he states and climbs up to the cockpit. “Besides, they never get away.”
You let out a small laugh, the contraction of your lungs unfamiliar to you due to the lack of humor and banter you have experienced in the past years. Following him, you crawl up the ladder too and take your seat at the copilot.
“I think it just shows that guards can be bounty hunters too,” you mutter, looking to the man in front of you who turns the ship on and prepares to take off. He surprises you by turning his chair, wanting to address you face to face.
“You may have the skills to be a bounty hunter, but I can tell you are still not one up here,” his hand lifts and points at your helmet. You simply stay silent and nod, letting out a sigh. Those who were simply voyeurs into the lives of two Mandalorians would see stoicism and pure professionalism, but when you grow up unable to watch people’s faces, you learn to watch body language. This was your tell, the tense muscles and sharp movements. It was hard to be accustomed to a ruthless life of hunting people down, but you are learning and reserve the hope of one day being able to impress the man in front of you with the skills you acquire. 
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catflowerqueen · 3 years
Rescue Team Retrospective Part 4: Characterization, Part 1
There are a few different characters/groups of characters I want to discuss over all, so I’m going to go ahead and split this up into a few separate posts. I’ll go ahead and start with the townsfolk of Pokemon Square.
So I said in my last post that Pokemon Square felt more like an actual community that Treasure Town did, despite being smaller, and a lot of that really has to do with what I said in a previous post about Treasure Town reminding me of a college town. Like, sure, Treasure Town has a lot of people coming in and out that you can talk to… but while that is successful in making your own little team friends with everyone, that doesn’t actually have anything to do with the community at large. During the town meeting scene there is even commentary about how things must be serious if the guild is being brought in, and I distinctly remember one discussion with someone where everyone is out preparing (I think it was right before Brine Cave?) where the person being talked to is surprised to see all the apprentices out and about and wonders if something happened at the Guild. Not to mention the fact that the town becomes noticeably empty after Team Skull starts staying at the guild. So there is some degree of separation there (though not nearly to the extent between Post Town and Paradise). Even among those implied to live in/near the town itself don’t really seem all that close to one another? They’re friendly, sure, but they don’t really seem to discuss each other much outside of their own little groups. I feel like maybe people do talk about Vigoroth a little or make commentary when a new shop opens up, but even then it feels a little different since they aren’t talking about him as a person but, rather, in his capacity as what is essentially a barker/ walking advertisement.
But that just makes the little community of Pokemon Square all the more interesting. They will reference each other, and different events that have happened. They seem interested in your progress and what you’re up to. They participate in gossip with each other. Team Meanies is actually fully part of the town—people know them and talk to them, and let them participate in things even as they’re kind of jerks.
Even as far as the whole fugitive arc goes… yeah, that was a jerk move on everyone’s part. But even then, it was clear that there was some reluctance there. Bellsprout looks shocked and horrified after hearing about the possibility of it being you, and Lombre begs for forgiveness before directly attacking you. And then a lot of teams backed down after Mt. Blaze. And, sure, you could argue that they really did think it was too much for them to handle (like a lot of their spoken dialogue says), but so was Magma Cavern and they took up the mantle for that easily enough after the partner’s rousing speech. Not to mention the fact that no one tried to attack you in the night before you left. Sure, they had a town meeting about what to do about the situation and agreed that they needed to get rid of the hero… but they also pretty readily seemed to agree to look the other way for a bit while you snuck out. Not to mention that you did have your own steady supporters within the town. Also… well, the situation was dire and they were panicking. It’s not an excuse, but it does mean that I, personally, am more willing to forgive them and let them have a second chance and am less overall annoyed with them about the whole thing than I am about any of the adults in PSMD who actually have a duty of care for you and are given way too many second chances in general.
And commentary from characters like Whiscash do imply that it was just a situation that got way out of hand really quickly due to mass panic and hysteria. Like… he apologizes for his role in things even though it really was not in any way his fault. Sure, he told that story when people asked—but it was just a case of him telling some well known folklore from the area. And Bellsprout (or was it Lombre?) even implies that he already knew about it beforehand, so really the only people it was news to were your team and then the Butterfree-line kids who didn’t even think it was you anyways. And Dugtrio didn’t even seem all that aware that much was happening.
Side note—I love how the whole thing revealed that Gulpin is actually secretly kind of a jerk who is just really good at putting on a convincing customer service face. Like, if you talk to him for your last-minute prep while the town is still asleep he reveals that he’s always thought the hero looked like a very forgetful person and that he hopes they forget more moves specifically so they’ll have to come to him and pay him in order to use his reminder service (even though I’m pretty sure that particular service of his was actually free? I ended up finding a lot of link boxes in my last playthrough, and I typically don’t use too many linked moves in general so I don’t end up talking to the shops providing those services much beyond looking for those extra bits of dialogue at certain story points). He does backtrack a little and remember that you’re leaving, but it’s hard to say whether the tinge of regret at the fact is more money-focused or not.
Also I feel like the Friend Area seller Wigglytuff is a bit of a hypocrite when you return and he says that he knew the hero was innocent, because you definitely see him prominently as one of the ones converging on the hero when they get kicked out of town…
Anyways, as to some of the specific townspeople… I liked that Whiscash actually had a bit more of a role and some more characterization than his counterpart Torkoal did, and I like to believe that Dugtrio was actually telling his son the truth the whole time about all his exploits, if perhaps with a bit of exaggeration on the “travelling the world” or “I will defeat Groudon” parts. This Diglett and Dugtrio pair seem a bit closer than their Explorers counterparts do, but I think that might be because this Diglett seems a bit younger than the Apprentice Diglett does. I don’t think they’re the same pair across both games, but I can easily see them as being related.
I think overall they still have less general characterization than the townsfolk in other games, but they also have a bit more than I remember them as having.
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
im curious (again XD); do you have any favorite mozenrath headcanons/or headcanons in general ? :D
I mean, I see him as a very anti-social person most of the time - his ideal fun day is just reading in his library all day - but I do think if you met him up with people who shared his lack of moral compass and ambitious fervor, his walls would come down a bit. (I mean, I have a whole crossover fic about this, and then I got into a Disney villain RP where I wrote as him and the exact same thing ended up happening with a different group of characters entirely)
I think it’s pretty canon at this point that his favorite color is blue, but in case it isn’t - he loves blue. Everything must be blue. It’s an AESTHETIC.
I’ve modified my backstory for him a few times, but it usually boils down to: he was one of Cassim’s children (I used to have him as Aladdin’s twin but now he’s a half-brother who peaced out of that house when Aladdin was a babey), he felt his father was an absolute jerk who didn’t understand his intellectual pursuits (and really, his instincts were kinda right, since Cassim ran off), he set out to find the most feared man in the Seven Deserts on purpose, Destane was impressed that a kiddo had managed to make it all the way to the Black Sands without dying, too bad Destane was more in the mood for a personal servant and test subject than an actual apprentice, but don’t get me wrong, as horrible as he was to Mozenrath, Mozenrath had actually fantasized about world domination BEFORE turning up on his door - and then, finally, Mozenrath got a lucky shot and managed to suck the life out of Destane.
Also, Destane at least kept the people of the Black Sands human while he subjected them to his iron-fisted rule. Mozenrath was the one who decided they should all be shambling undead
He doesn’t want to talk about the actual two weeks he spent inside Dagger Rock. I’m thinking Mirage let him out for a lark because she knew the playing field was just that more evil with him on it
Mozenrath can literally necromance - the Mamluks aren’t just drained of life force; they were killed and brought back intentionally half-souled. He’s a one-in-a-million case for having this ability; however, necromancy =/= healing and therefore he cannot extend his own life force with his own magic, nor can he resurrect himself once his own soul hits the afterlife
He isn’t a Muslim but actually closer to a Zoroastrian/Mithraist. This ties in to how I am pretty sure the Black Sands is Persia/Iran (but this is a more common larger headcanon). He may have been born into a Muslim family, but the moment he turned his back on Destane, he decided to adopt a practice that made more sense to him. However, in Mithraism, the belief is that Mithras, the good god, will defeat Ahriman, lord of evil. Mozenrath wants this to be the other way around. I actually like subbing in “Ahriman” for him for expressions where we might casually use “God” - “Oh, goddammit” for us = “Oh, Ahriman curse it” for him.
He also has a thorough knowledge of the other gods of the world. Just in case.
It’s canon that he knows about at least one other world, as he pulled the Thirdac from it. If you like thinking about Mozenrath in the Kingdom Heartsverse, nobody needs to explain to him what a Keyblade is; if Sora drew one in front of him, he’d just be “Oh. One of THOSE. All right, you’re a world-hopper.” He might’ve even toured a few.
This is more of a general Agrabah headcanon - ever notice how in the series, there ALWAYS seems to be a new sorcerer whose time has passed but left a MacGuffin lying around? Wizard Khufu, the Witches of the Sand, Khartoum, Shamash, Destane...I have it that before the generation Aladdin is set in fully took hold, there was an “Age of Sorcery” where these sorcerers controlled all. Jafar was basically the end of it; Mozenrath is a one-man revival who takes his cues from the sorcerers from old and studies their legacies. (Well, okay, Ayam Aghoul is another example in his own way)
Mozenrath and Ayam Aghoul are the two most compatible Agrabah rogues; we were robbed when they never had a team-up episode. Most of the folks at the Guild of Thieves, such as Amin Damoola, Abis Mal, or Mechanicles, Mozenrath could not STAND. Aghoul GETS him, though. They both have morbid fascinations with death and ample collections of magic. Total bros.
Mozenrath isn’t afraid of death. Well, mostly not. What happens is that when the gauntlet starts to burn him too fast, he panics and realizes this might not be exactly what he wanted. But usually, he doesn’t mind spending a lot of his life force at a time because he feels it’s worth it, and sometimes, when faced with a near-death experience, he’s just...ready, only to be glad when he finds himself alive. His actual greatest fear is of dying sick/old/weak in bed. He wants to die going out with a bang: using up his last life force on some amazing spell that lets him get the last word.
The gauntlet has his affected body in constant pain - wherever the edge of his flesh is. (I used to think that around the time of the series, it was only his arm; then I saw an AMAZING fanart of him with his skin stripped from half his upper body so you could see through to his beating heart and I LOVE THAT so that’s where I place him.) However, it’s comparatively mild; just incessant. His pain tolerance is slightly better than most, but not completely (the Mukhtar’s ropes backfiring on him were significantly a different beast than the eating away of the gauntlet).
Gay, but during the time of the series, has never really cared enough about finding a partner to even wonder what his sexuality is. When your company is countless rotting undead, you don’t really have much room to find your type (though Ayam Aghoul would disagree and say that’s the BEST place to find your type - incidentally, to follow up, I don’t ship Mozenrath and Aghoul. They’re just bros. Aghoul is pretty straight and also incredibly not Mozenrath’s romantic type - though I did once read an amusing AU fanfiction that suggested Mozenrath was the person who Aghoul tried to “marry” with the enchanted pendant and also the one who turned it to backfire on him).
Don’t give him coffee. Just...don’t. He doesn’t handle coffee well. He gets incredibly hyperactive (read: destructive) and then just crashes unconscious.
I think that’s all I can think of for now. As soon as I hit “Post” I’m going to realize something super important I forgot, I KNOW it
Well, okay, this one is not really relevant to canon-compliant works but his drag name would be Brandisia Black it’s a long story
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Super excited for more Backfire chapters!! 💖 Also DX. Is a thing it's happening i t s h a p p e n i n g
Y e s it’s going to be so great!!!
Also I’m just. going to use this ask for my other catch up chapter of Backfire since it’s one of my favourites
(Previous Chapters)
Uxie’s powers aren’t just limited to his lake, and affect all memories which could be traced back to the Time Gears. It’s easy to imagine the mental catastrophe this could cause in the mind of someone who’s spent nearly their entire life looking into them. In his defense, Uxie was really mad at Grovyle.
Azelf was anxious. He had everyright to be, of course, after what he’d heard from his siblings’ telepathy.
“I’ve finished at LimestoneCavern,” Uxie had said, “Ditto was trapped when time froze. Iput the time gear back, but nothing’s changed yet. I don’t know how long it’llbe until everything’s back to normal.”
“Nobody was at TreeshroudForest,” Mesprit had said, “There were hardly any ferals, andthere was no one at the end. I’m worried. I don’t know if she left of her ownaccord or not. I hope she’ll be back when time starts working here again.”
As worried as he was about Ditto,it was the state of Treeshroud Forest that had him particularly wound up. Andso, unfortunately, Azelf found himself teleporting off the central island helived on to its smaller, much more volcanic neighbour. He struggled his waythrough Dark Crater to reach the lesser-known sixth time gear.
In the heart of an almost-activevolcano, Azelf didn’t have much of a chance to admire the time gear held aloftby a quartet of obsidian spikes. He was here on business. So he raised his headand called out to the time gear’s guardian.
“Darkrai! Are you here?”
The room got the slightest bitdarker.
“Unfortunately,” came a voicefrom behind him, and Azelf turned to see the dark-type lurking in the shadowsbehind him.
Azelf did not jump; he frownedand ignored Darkrai’s thirst for drama. “Is everything okay?”
“Last I checked, we weren’tsupposed to leave our gears.” Darkrai snapped, “Don’t tell me you actually sealedyours in crystal?”
“That was a rumour,” Azelf saidcalmly. “We used it to draw the thief out. It worked, everything can go back tonormal now.”
Darkrai scoffed. “Too bad. Youshould have sent him my way.” He gestured to his own time gear inches above itslake of magma. “I’d love to watch a grass type try to get his hands on that.”
A rather large bubble of moltenrock burst right under the gear and sent a ripple across the lake.
“Right.” Azelf said, barelypaying attention to Darkrai’s faux querulousness. If he wanted to be needlesslydramatic, who was Azelf to stop him? “You’ve heard Cresselia’s gear was taken?”
“I found the wanted poster in abottle and read all about it. I’m sure she’s been insufferable about it.”
“Do you know where she is?”
Darkrai was silent for severallong seconds.
“How long has she been missing?”He asked, his tone much more careful now.
“We don’t know,” Azelf admitted.“There was no trace of her when Mesprit returned her gear. Do you have any ideawhere she could be?”
Darkrai frowned. “No. Have youchecked with Dialga?”
“You know it’s not that easy.”Azelf sighed, “We’ll keep a lookout for her. In the meantime, the threat may begone, but be careful, okay?”
At first, Azelf thought he’dmisread Darkrai’s look, but no. The other pokemon sneered at him.
“You too,” Darkrai said, and thecave lit up once more.
In a handful of seconds, Azelfnoticed a few things.
Darkrai was no longer in front ofhim, nor was he behind him. Darkrai was gone – as was the time gear. There wasa hole torn through time and space right beside it, which disappeared thesecond Azelf saw it. An overwhelming stillness had surrounded him. A wave ofelectric grayscale raced across the lake towards him.
Azelf didn’t have a chance tocall for his siblings. He didn’t have a chance to run. All Azelf could do wasscream as the wave hit him full-force.
A bubble of magma sat in themiddle of the lake, under where the time gear had been, frozen half-popped.
Chatot, currently, had twoPokemon under house arrest in Team Relic’s room.
Riolu had decided to tryrepeatedly to throw himself out the same window his partner had leapt from, asif that would miraculously reunite them in anything but the afterlife. As soonas the first lights hit, Corphish had gathered a team of water types to do theunfortunate deed of searching for the two. They had come back empty-handed, andDugtrio just so happened to realize that the currents at thattime last night could have carried them right across the bay towards themystery dungeon known as Brine Cave.
Experiencing that dungeon wasn’tsomething Chatot would wish on his worst enemy. But Riolu had been determinedto go reunite with his partner, so inevitably Chatot had made the executivedecision that there was no chance the boy would be leaving the guild.Especially with the still significant possibility that Vulpix, as a fire type,hadn’t survived her fall.
The other Pokemon was Dusknoir,who was much more understanding. He didn’t have any explanation for what hadhappened and seemed genuinely shocked when they only asked him to stay in theguild until they knew more about it. Chatot would deal with whateverimplications there were with that situation when he had a moment to think. Fornow, the Guild was closed to outsiders, the other apprentices had left up thecoast in search of anything, and the Guildmaster had gone toscour Brine Cave just in case. Chatot, as the head of intelligence, had stayedbehind to dig through files.
Well, officially he had beenasked to stay behind and rest. His injuries weren’t nearly that severe,however, and Chatot saw no reason why he couldn’t be productive.
Vulpix had seen something beforeshe jumped and had done so to push Dusknoir out of the way. When she’d savedGrovyle as well, the ledge they’d been standing on had been attacked. Thosewere the facts. Someone had tried to assault and kill the Pokemon from thefuture, and Vulpix had been an unfortunate extra casualty. The questionwas why?
So Chatot found himself buried inhundreds of mission reports and wanted posters as he tried to figure out whathe was missing when it came to Grovyle and the Great Dusknoir.
For a grass type, Grovyle hadhorrible sun tolerance. Breeze would be annoyed and embarrassed, but her’swasn’t much better – though, she was a fire type, she didn’t need thesun. It was just a nice and pretty bonus that could sometimes make her firetype moves stronger. Most grass types, on the other hand, would probably wasteaway and die without the sun.
Apparently, Grovyle was anexception to a rule that really shouldn’t have any of those. And Breeze was nota fan of that at all.
Most of the plants beside thedried riverbed they’d been traveling along were withered and dead. As soon asthey’d found a patch of shade, Grovyle had requested they stop for a rest.Breeze had tried to sit beside him, she really had! She was tired too, and he’dbeen so nice throughout the whole trip so far. He’d given her every healingitem they’d come across – which, admittedly, was only an oran berry and acouple heal seeds – and had double-triple checked to make sure she wasn’thaving any issues with their pace. He hadn’t been anything like the Pokemonwho’d nearly killed her and Dusk.
Unfortunately, vouching forsomeone’s second chance and actually giving it to them weren’t the same thing.As much as she tried to ignore it, Grovyle still terrified her. Every time shelooked at his leaf blades, all she could think was how he’d easily he’d thrownher and Dusk aside every time they’d tried to fight. She’d been knocked outbefore he’d struck her partner’s neck, but Breeze could picture it anyway – shehad been just outside the door when he’d told Chimecho all about it, becausehe’d thought she was worried enough about him without having to learn detailsabout how Dusk had nearly gotten his throat slit while trying to revive her.
So while Grovyle called for abreak in their journey to rest, Breeze lasted all of one minute waiting besidehim before she’d anxiously made an excuse and wandered off to ‘scout ahead.’
Breeze kept her head down as shefollowed the cracked, dry dirt further inland. Her tails dragged behind her andknocked bits of sand into her footprints. The wind from earlier had died downand left the smell of the ocean replaced by the scent of dust.
It wasn’t fair to Grovyle for herto be acting like this. Breeze knew that. He barely had any idea what was goingon, but he’d still tried to help her. She should at least be able to return thefavour instead of wandering off to who-knows-where because she was scared forno reason!
Breeze felt her eyes sting andstarted trying to blink away tears as she took another step forward – andautomatically stumbled back as her eyes and nose burned. Severalsteps back, for the first time, Breeze looked up and really took in where shewas.
She was on the edge of asandstorm, frozen in place mid-air. The wind didn’t blow. The sky was dark –the only light came from back the way Breeze had come. It reflected off eachfloating sand particle and speckled the ground in front of her with tiny silversparkles. A trickle of motionless water ran to her left, through weeds and mudthat were still fresh – but frozen. A lone magikarp was stuck mid-air, barelyabove the water, frozen in a desperate last jump to freedom.
Everything was frozen.
Breeze practically threw herselfback into the sunlight, back into the dust-scented wind, back onto the dry andcracked ground. She could feel her body tremble as she stood on the edge of thefrozen time and she nearly collapsed.
That was why the riverbed wasdry. That was why the plants had been dead, and the sun was so intense. Thisriver had probably come from the same spring Mesprit’s lake did. It was at theedge of Northern Desert and Quicksand Cave. Time was still destroyed here,thanks to Grovyle.
Breeze dropped to the ground andrubbed her face with a paw. What was she thinking? Dusknoir was right. Chatotwas right. Everyone was right. This was stupid. Just because he didn’t rememberit didn’t mean it didn’t happen. Grovyle had been trying to destroy the world! Shecouldn’t just ignore that. She couldn’t get distracted by the fact that he wasnice now, when he had no idea who she was or what was going on. If he ever gothis memories back he’d start again, and he’d attack everyone again, andeveryone would be hurt because she’d been an idiot.
There was a shadow cast over her.Breeze froze, waiting for Grovyle to speak – and then she realized that theshadow was nowhere near his body shape. The scent sunk in past the dust amoment later.
“Cha-haw-haw, what’s this?”
Breeze felt her breath catch inher throat. Very slowly, she turned – and Team Skull towered over her.
Breeze swore.
“Well isn’t this a surprise,”Skuntank said. He took a step forward, and Breeze braced herself. “Boys, itlooks like we’ve run into a friend.”
“I’m not your friend, you rottenjerk.” She snapped and let a fire spin build up in her throat.“Leave me alone.”
“Why? Who’s going to make me?”Skuntank replied. “You’re all alone, brat. We watched you walk here.”
“All the more reason to leave mealone,” Breeze growled. “What are you even doing here? Don’t you have anythingbetter to do?”
“I could ask you the same thing,”he said, “Come on Vulpix, help an old friend out.”
Breeze steadied her paws and spatthe fire spin right in Skuntank’s awful face before she duckedunder him and ran back the way she’d came.
“ Agh, boys -”Breeze was already out of earshot.
Her pounding paws dredged up moredust as she fled back the way she’d came. But she saw the shadow over herbefore she saw Grovyle’s rest stop.
Breeze tucked and rolled, dartingto the side as Zubat swooped down where she had been only a second before. Thestink hit her before Koffing did – but they both hit her hard. Breeze flippedand tumbled, her leg catching on a dying root and sending her right on herface. She felt a paw press down on her back.
“No Guildmaster, no cowardlyRiolu, no one coming to help you.” Skuntank said and leaned in as Breezesquirmed. “So why don’t we have that conversation now?”
“Get off.”
“Why does this matter to you?!”She tried to push herself up – Skuntank pushed down harder, and Breeze didn’tmanage to stifle a pained gasp when his claws dug into her still fresh scabs.
“Because we’ve heardthe stories your Guild’s been putting out,” he said, “And how they’d offer up ajuicy reward to bring you back. So what was so important that you had to leaveyour Guild last night, huh? ”
“I didn’t run away, you idiot! ”Breeze squirmed again – if she could just flip over, she could roar, andthat would get them all far enough away from her that she could run again. “Andif you try to ransom me back to them, you’re not going to likewhat the Great Dusknoir does to you.”
Skuntank laughed again, and hiscronies joined in. “Why would an explorer like Dusknoir still care about aweakling like you?”
“He’s already saved me fromyou once, you think he won’t do it again?” She snapped, “Backoff, or you’ll have to deal with him.”
“That implies he knows where youare,” Skuntank leaned in, “if we shoot enough supersonics yourway, no one will believe anything you say. And you’ll talk then, too – so whydon’t you make this easier for yourself?” One of his claws hooked under herpersim band, “Tell us why you’re here.”
Zubat cleared his throat. “Uh,boss?”
Skuntank huffed. “What?”
“We’ve got company.”
Breeze had a brief, hopefulsecond where she was sure Dusknoir or the Guildmaster or Dusk or someone washere before Grovyle sprung out of the ground in front of her and clockedSkuntank square in the jaw.
Breeze scrambled out of his gripthe second she could, ducking behind Grovyle when he landed. “What are youdoing?!” She whispered, “They’re poison types, you’re a grass type, areyou insane?! ”
“Get ready to run,” He whisperedback.
Skuntank recovered from the blow,with Koffing at his side and Zubat ducked behind them. Breeze had a terrifyingsense of familiarity as she shuffled a few steps back.
Except, Team Skull didn’timmediately attack. They stared. “G-Groyvle?!” Zubat choked out.
“How do you know?” Breeze snappedback, “You don’t even have eyes!”
“You’re running around with theTime Gear thief?” Skuntank stared at her as he shuffled back. Breeze shot apanicked glance at Grovyle, who just looked confused.
“Y- no?” She said.
“The what thief?” Grovyle said.
Skuntank still looked shocked –and then his expression dropped. He chortled, and his cronies joined in. “I’llbet you’re worth a pretty penny.”
There was no chance for Breeze tospit back any flames – barely a chance for Grovyle to grab her and pullher down – before Koffing and Skuntank spat their noxious gascombo at them.
The pressure in Breeze’s noseturned from stench to sand, and Grovyle’s dig dropped them ina small, crooked hole.
Breeze coughed and wheezed,hacking up a few tiny flames. They smouldered and died in the sand, and theirsmoke hung heavy in the air. In the flicker of dim light, she saw the purpletinge around Grovyle’s nose and lips – and that he wasn’t moving, either.
“No,” she choked out, “no, no,come on.” She crawled forwards and nudged him with a shaking paw. “Why wouldyou do that? You – you’re a grass type, they had every advantage againstyou, why –” The smoldering bile she choked up this time had apurple tinge. “Why didn’t you hide behind me? You could’ve run. You could havesaved yourself. You – you could have…”
Breeze’s breath shook. Shethought then, about Grovyle asking why did you save me? Shethought of all the healing items he’d passed her way. He could have let herdrown. He could have abandoned her when she was unconscious – he hadn’twanted to stay, but he had. He could have let her suffer and kept the berriesfor himself. He didn’t know anything - he could have lookedafter himself.
But he’d chosen to look after herinstead.
A familiar sense of helplessnessclawed at Breeze’s heart and she didn’t like that at all.
“Help!” she choked out. TeamSkull didn’t matter – she could talk to them, not fight, and they’d take herhome. It was better than letting Grovyle die. It was better than doing nothingwhen he’d been trying so hard for her. “Please – please! HELP!”
Breeze choked up another poisonedfireball, and for a split second, she saw something floatingon Grovyle’s other side. She couldn’t make out the colours or details, butthere was something there.
“Help,” Breeze said again,“please.”
There was a heavy moment ofsilence. Breeze flattened herself down and coughed on the smoke from her ownfires.
“Alright,” a feminine voice said,and the tunnel lit up.
Dusknoir sat in the corner of aroom, a book in his hands and a panicked Riolu pacing around him. He’d tonedout every word the boy had said. Genuinely, he didn’t care. He, unfortunately,knew better than anyone how resilient Breanna and Grovyle could be.
Besides, Darkrai wouldn’t havebothered to target his sableye if the two were actually dead. And as far asprisons went, he’d certainly had far worse. If something came up, it would beno issue to escape before the situation turned serious.
A sudden silence struck him asodd, and Dusknoir looked up to see what had finally silenced the Riolu in frontof him.
The answer, apparently, was aDimensional Hole floating in the middle of the room.
Dusknoir mentally cursed, slowlyrising and inching towards the door. “Riolu,” he said, “you need to go getChatot.”
“Do you know what that is?” Theboy asked, his voice raw.
“Yes,” Dusknoir said, and floatedforwards, ready to grab and throw the Riolu the second anything changed. “Fornow, go - ”
The dimensional hole tossed outtwo prone forms and a significant amount of sand.
Riolu lunged for them at the sametime Dusknoir tried to snatch him. Riolu’s arms wrapped tight around a badlypoisoned Breanna. He pulled her away from Grovyle – fainted and unstable, worseoff than Breanna was – and nearly sobbed onto her shoulder.
Breanna held him back, tearing upas well. She looked up at Dusknoir. “Get help,” she croaked.
Dusknoir stared at her as hebacked out of the room and didn’t say the thought that stuck out in his mind –he hated the familiarity of this.
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vicekings · 4 years
for bryn: 💍 ☄️ 🍵
💍 Does your OC have a specific item that is priceless to them but may (or may not) be completely worthless to someone else? Is there a story behind this item or is it just because they like it so much?
Robin Starkwinter’s wedding band. It’s a simple gold band with no enchantments, and is worth much, much less than Robin’s stealth enhancing ring, Marian’s magicka regeneration ring, and Ianto’s amulet of Talos. Brynden favors it the most because it’s simple, was forged by Marian herself to give to Robin, and is engraved with “I am yours and you are mine” on the inside.
Marian’s wedding band is the same, and is worn on a fine chain around Erik’s neck. The rings are nothing fancy, but they’ve stayed in the Stark family for generations and have bound many partners together over the eras.
☄️ Does your OC believe in fate and destiny or do they think it’s a load of garbage? Would they ever get this fortune told? What would a fortune-teller tell them about their future?
Bryn only believes in fate when it’s convenient. He doesn’t put much weight into destiny and prefers to face each day as it comes. He’d much rather stick to predicting his own future based on past experience than visit a fortune teller.
He did get dragged along to a khajiiti fortune teller in his college years when he and his fellow apprentices took a trip to the Imperial City. The khajiit predicted he would fall in love with a short, dark stranger, but that the romance was not meant to be. He met Gemma the next day, and you know how it goes. Betrayal, Boethiah, and Bryn narrowly escaping with his life. By the time Bryn was stable and being cared for by healers at a temple of Kynareth, he’d long forgotten the fortune teller’s words.
🍵 Are there any rumours about your OC hanging around? Nasty ones or just good humoured? Got any gossip to share about them?
The Thieves Guild gossip a little bit about Brynden, mostly just the ones that remember him from before the Nothing’s Men and the Guild broke off their partnership. A lot of it is harmless musing on what Bryn and Atla might be doing now.
The rumours amongst the nobles are more nasty.
Most of the gossip revolves around Bryn’s true parentage, as Atla has never formally stated who his dad is. The most popular guesses are Ulfric, Galmar, Balgruuf, or Gallus. All guesses continue to be wrong.
Some of the other gossip revolves around the relationship between Brynden and Erik. Those tend to be popular among the noble ladies who study at the Bard’s College. Bryn brought Erik to a few college festivals, resulting in many young bards writing about how they wished someone would look at them like Bryn looked at Erik.
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timeforelfnonsense · 4 years
Apprentice April
I’m a little late but I’m going to do Apprentice April!
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(sprite by Jilljoycearts )
(banner by me)
1. The Basics.  What is your character’s name?  How old are they?  How tall are they?  Skin color?  Eye color?  Hair color?  Gender identification?
Captain Faunalyn Catrìona “Fable” Amastacia 
Half-elf || Bard || Pirate
Age:25 (ish timelines are wild)
Skin: Olive
Eyes: amber gold 
Hair: Cinnamon brown Wild curls 
Height: 5”0
Gender: Cis woman (she/her)
Fable started her life as my very first d&d oc. I love her so dearly and she was way to perfect for Julian for me not to use her as my arcana mc. That being said her backstory is the same up to the point she started questing in our campaign. In the Arcanaverse it is after her failed mutiny she ends up in Vesuvia rather than adventuring with the party. I.e the arcanaverse is AU for her and I try to tag it so it’s less messy. How did she get there? Dimension door? The lord of portals? Me pretending the places from our homebrew d&d campaign exist in the Arcana Universe? Who knows! (I sure don’t)
2.  Love Interest.  Who does your character love?  What attracted them to that particular LI?
Fable is a Julian girl through and through. They are both rowdy swashbucklers for a start. They are both very flirty and adventurous. She’s always been a sucker for the roguish sort and Julian was basically in love the first time he saw her. More than that, however, Fable is a bit of Gamophobia and has always felt like a temporary fixture in other people’s lives. Julian’s dedication to her, while sometimes overwhelming gives her some stability. Julian cares so deeply for others and Fable can be a little selfish. Fable is very assertive and quick to call Julian on his self-flagellation. Fable is fiercely independent and reminds him she’s his partner not a damsel in distress. For as much as they have in common, they also are opposites in a lot of ways and bring out the best in each other.
3. Familiar.  Does your character have a familiar?  How did they meet?
Fable has a fae songbird named Bonnie. She was a gift from Fable’s father when she was young.  
4. Hobbies.  What kinds of things does your character like to do for fun?
She’s a bard so music is the obvious one! She sings, plays herdy gerdy, lute, and pan flute. She loves to drink and party. She loves sailing and finds a lot of comfort in being on the water.
5. Hidden talents.  Is there something neat that your character can do?  Tie a cherry stem into a knot with their tongue?  Say any word backward perfectly?
She can Knit really well
She can hold her breath longer than most people
6. Magical talents.  Is there a specific type of magic that your character excels at?  Any magic they aren’t so great at?  Or do they actually shy away from magic altogether?
Bardic Magic
Nature Magic/Wood elf magic 
Dimension Door Conjuration  
Polymorphing & Illusion magic
She is VERY superstitious and she’s terrified of necromancy and the undead (Ironic for her Arcanaverse cannon) 
7. Interaction.  How does your character typically interact with people?
By charming the pants off them, sometimes literally! She’s quick to make allies and friends. She knows just how to butter someone up.
8. Romance.  What is something that your character and their LI love to do together?  How do they show affection?
Fable’s love languages are quality time, physical touch and gifts.
I HC Julian’s as quality time, physical touch and words of affirmation. 
They love to sail together. The sea was such a fundamental part of both their lives. They go dancing at the Raven and get sloshed. They are almost always touching when they are together, holding hands, brushing against each other.
9. Travel.  Does your character like to travel outside of Vesuvia?  How often?  For how long?  What kinds of things do they do away from home?
Fable can not be suck in one place for too long. It makes her restless and she craves adventure and a change of scenery. I’d like to think she and Julian take piracy back up for a while post-game.
10. WTF.  Has anything just…weird ever happened to your character?  Something that made them stop and go “What just happened?!”
Find out she died from the plague was a pretty major one.
11. Crime.  Has your character ever been arrested?  If so, what did they do?  Have they ever helped stop a crime?
Oh boy, yes she has. She was raised in a city run by pirates and thieves, known as the “city of freedom.” She definitely doesn’t respect authority and has been known to have a few too many.
12. Secrets.  What is a secret that your character has?  Are they in line for the throne in a far off land?  Was there this one time at band camp…?  Are they secretly involved in an assassin’s guild?
I would say she has secrets per say, just that she’s a bit evasive about her feelings and past.
“None of us really know Fable. Anyway… Fable is so weird. I’d love to meet her someday.”
On a darker note, I suppose the fact a lot of her bravado is performative and she’s got a lot of stuff she just doesn’t want to deal with. 
13. Overcompensation.  Is there something that your character just HAS to do better than anyone else?  Or are they just that dang good without trying?  If they see someone else showing off, what is their knee-jerk reaction?
She is an awful showoff and definitely feels like she has to prove herself to others for approval but she’d never admitted that.
14. Fight Club.  Is your character a good fighter?  What kind of skills do they have?
She is! Her fighting style is a mix between huntress and harly quinn! She’s not super strong but she’s fast and scrappy. She’s skilled with rapiers and crossbows.
15. The Arts.  Is your character a creative type?  What kinds of things can they create?  Can they act?  Street perform?
BBE (big bard energy). She’s always performing. 
16. Goofy.  Is your character a clown?  Do they like to make people laugh?
She can be funny! She’s got a sharp but cheap wit.
17. Language.  Is your character multilingual?  How many languages do they speak?  Do they have an accent?  Is it sexy?  Is it silly?  Do they have a multilingual lisp?
She has a Scottish accent. She speaks common, Òran*,  elvish, & orcish 
Common is a given, she is, however, bearly literate in common. Her mother’s culture doesn’t have a written language and it’s not their mother tongue so they really only learn enough written common for trade and dealings with other people.
Òran*: it’s just Gaelic but for the human culture I made up for her mother’s side of the family in d&d. I will link the whole post about that here. It’s an oral-only language and Fable’s first language.
Elvish: She’s a half-elf and spent a lot of time with the elves when she was younger. As much as she hates being connected to the elves, it’s her strongest written language. She’s the knows wood-elf dialect best..
Orcish:  Her long time on again off again ex-partner was a half-orc. 
18. Embarrassment.  What is something really embarrassing that your character has done/said?
Indecent exposure.
19. Memory.  Has your character gotten any of their memory back?  If so, what?  Did it change them?
She has. It’s hard because she got a lot of good memories back but also a lot of trauma. I think she had started to lean into some of her bad habits at first but tries to work through them. She definitely went home to her mom with Julian. Their relationship is very important to her and she would want to see her as soon as she could! 
20. Family.  Talk about your character’s family.  Who were they
I’m just going to link this here lmao.
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