#He loved french fries and chicken nuggets just like his mama
Sending my old man out with his favorite meal.. i’ll see you again pete ❤️
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coco-loco-nut · 2 months
pairing: Pierre x reader
summary: Pierre and his annoyed, heavily pregnant, wife
TW: references to spicy activities, pregnancy, cussing, use of French learned via Duolingo and high-school French class from like 4 years ago
“I regret ever letting your French ass charm me,” you scowl at your husband who picked you up at the train station in London. He had been away for a week, and initially you did miss your husband, but the pregnancy began to really wear on you this week.
“I missed your too, mamour,” Pierre kisses you, taking your bags and placing them in his rental car.
“I should’ve stayed home,” you grumble as he helps you into the car. You missed your French home, the villa was sunny and it wasn’t England, but you promised your sweet husband you would come to Silverstone. He came straight from
Pierre knows you are hurting, the third trimester taking a toll on you, so he doesn’t take any of your words to heart, instead he intends on showing you how much he loves you.
“I wish I were home too,” Pierre squeezes your hand gently once he is in the car. He has been hoping and praying that the baby comes during the summer break, just so he can spend time with you. You hadn’t been to a race since Imola and Monaco and you were able to hide the pregnancy pretty easily with flowy dresses. Despite being pregnant with twins, you didn’t balloon up until right after.
“What would Mrs. Glasly and the Baby Gasly’s like to do first, get to the hotel or get some food?” Pierre asks and you think about it for a second.
“Mmm food. Chicken nuggets and fries, preferably,” you give Pierre puppy dog eyes despite telling him you hated him moments ago.
“There is a McDonald’s in the next town over from Silverstone. I won’t tell if you don’t,” Pierre says, you swear in that moment that you fall in love with him all over again.
“I would never,” you gasp before yawning a little. At this point, you could take a nap anywhere, despite being extremely uncomfortable with the babies dropping. Some luck happened and your thirty-sixth week of pregnancy falls at the very start of summer break.
“Take a nap, chérie, we have about an hour and a half,” Pierre tells you as he pulls out of the parking lot, turning the music on softly. You don’t need to be told twice as you doze off. You don’t even wake up to Pierre ordering a ridiculous amount of food at McDonald’s, you only wake up when he gently shakes your shoulder.
“Mon ange, tu dois te lève,” Pierre says gently, coaxing you awake.
“Mm, mon bonhuer, feed me and take me to bed,” you say sleepily, a sly smile on your face.
“The things you do to me,” Pierre groans, getting out of the car. You carry the food into the hotel from the garage so his trainer can’t yell at him.
“Y/n! How are you doing?” Charles comes up beside you. He knew about the pregnancy, despite Pierre and you keeping it under wraps, only because the both of you attended dinner at the Leclerc’s house during the Monaco GP. It's only natural, you were Pierre's childhood best friend. Charles was Pierre's childhood best friend, you tolerated the both of them.
“How do you think,” you glare at the Monégasque.
“Maman asked me to give you this, and I added a little something too,” Charles says, handing Pierre a bag and kissing your cheek.
“Thank you, Charlot,” Pierre waves to his friend, guiding you to the hotel room.
“Pierre, this is so good,” you practically moan as you eat the nuggets.
“You gotta stop talking like that, you’re driving me nuts,” he groans. You grin, biting into a fry.
“Or what?” your tease, his eyes darken. As soon as you both finish your dinner, he is kissing you.
“Pierre!” you groan, he helps you stand up, moving towards the bed.
"Do you want to do this?" Pierre looks at you with concern.
"Pierre, I am not a glass doll, I am pregnant and horny and I miss your cuddles, and I haven't seen you in weeks. I think you know what I want," you look Pierre in the eyes who is quick to help you into a safe, yet comfortable position. It is safe to say that the two of you missed each other very, very much.
You woke up in the morning, a rare occurrence of sleeping through the night, to your husband's arm wrapped around you, holding you close to him.
"Pierre," you nudge him. He hums, only half awake. "If you don't let me go, I may puke on this bed," you whisper to him. Pierre quickly wakes up and helps you to the bathroom. He had to get up soon anyway for the race.
"You ok?" Pierre continues rubbing your back after you've puked.
"I look like shit, feel like shit, and you watched me puke, I think the answer is no," you groan, resting your head on his shoulder.
"Why don't we shower, then I'll order some breakfast while I get ready?" Pierre offers, helping you undress and get into the shower. Like the gentleman he is, he helps you clean where you can't reach anymore, and in return, you scrub the shampoo into his hair.
The two of you eat quickly and get ready for the day. You both get in a chauffeured car and head to the circuit, you left a little later than usual due to eating breakfast in the hotel instead of in the paddock. Cameras capture the two of you walking in, more like you waddling as Pierre walks with an arm around you. He heads into a strategy meeting while you rest on the couch in his room.
"Apparently social media is blowing up over pictures of us walking in. They may love pregnant you more than I do, and that is nearly impossible," Pierre tells you when he gets back, the F2 race playing quietly in the background.
"I'm glad someone is enjoying it, because I want them out," you groan as they kick you simultaneously. Pierre helps you stand up and wraps his arms around you, hands under your bump. You relax into his chest, letting him take some of the pressure off of your body for a little bit. His touch always seems to calm the babies down.
"I know, just another month, then we will have our precious babies. You are doing incredibly, you will be the best mom," he praises you causing you to blush.
"They will have the coolest daddy," you hum, enjoying the temporary relief.
"Pierre, you gotta do your warm-ups," his trainer knocks on the doorframe. "Y/n, I can help you with some stretches that may provide some relief and better mobility," the trainer offers as Pierre slowly lowers your stomach, trying to ease the weight back. You follow Pierre and his trainer to the weight room. The trainer mainly focuses on helping you, claiming Pierre knew what he was doing, only stepping away when a spotter was required. Apparently, his wife was recently pregnant so he did a lot of research to help her.
"Congratulations, Y/n, you and Pierre will make great parents," despite neither of you particularly caring for Esteban, you thanked him anyway and wished him a good race. Pierre took you on some light strolls across the paddock, frequently being stopped by drivers, before the race where you sat in the garage and watched with his team. Pierre got in the points and you both celebrated by going home to France and sleeping.
By the time summer break rolled around, the nursery was filled with gifts from drivers and teams. Charles was begging the both of you to either name one of your babies after him or name him godfather. He was pleased to learn he was going to be named godfather regardless. A few days into break, your babies decided it was time to meet the world.
"Pierre, car, now," you look at your husband from the passenger seat.
"Charles! I am panicking! Yes, I am getting in the car. Fine you, can talk to y/n while I drive," Pierre says, frazzled, as he drives away from your home, the back seat filled with what you might need, two car seats already installed.
"Hello Charles," you say into the phone, quite amused despite the contractions becoming more frequent.
"Hi y/n, are you ready to meet the two rascals who have been torturing you for months? You will get to be a mom to three babies, god knows Pierre needs his mom right now," Charles laughs, helping to distract you as Pierre flies down roads.
"Mhmm, I'm excited to know the genders if anything. Are you still coming out later this week?" You ask him, the conversation oddly calm.
"I'm getting my plane ready now, I have to be there to meet my godchildren," Charles informs you and you feel another contraction coming on.
"Great, I'll be sure to hold them in for you. I gotta go, see you soon," you laugh through the pain, quickly hanging up. Pierre cut off an impossible amount of time, granted you didn't live too far from the hospital. Pierre is more stressed than you are, it's cute.
After 6 hours of labor, you and Pierre have greeted the most beautiful babies, at least in your eyes. The love of your life has now expanded to include the little bundles.
"Congratulations," Charles says, the first to arrive since you and Pierre didn't live too close to your families.
"Meet your godchildren, Anthoine Romeo and Genevieve Charlie," you smile tiredly at Pierre, who helped you through your labor, even as you screamed some very nasty things at him.
"They are perfect," Charles looks at you, a little teary as he holds Genevieve, "thank you," he says softly.
"We named them after the two people who have always stood beside us," you say, Pierre fascinated by his son. You really were the luckiest woman alive.
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lavaffair · 2 years
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Inukag Secret Santa 2021 on tumblr. @inusecretsanta
A sweet and fluffy secret santa fic for my giftee @nikelaos87!
I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
You can also read it on ao3 if you choose! https://archiveofourown.org/works/35961598
The day before Christmas is always filled with insanity and chaos, horrible traffic, and angry, tired people everywhere. If planned accordingly, one can easily avoid leaving their homes and leave the craziness for them, unless your name is Inuyasha and you have had no time to go shopping because of work. So, on the eve of the twenty-fifth, with a sleepy four year old clinging onto his shoulders, Inuyasha and his son Haru are one of the millions of people running around the mall searching for a last minute gift. As much as he blames himself for being forgetful, he was the complete opposite, but he was so swamped at work completing the financing counts of the year, as well as closing the lingering projects of his family's company that he had no time to buy Kagome her gift.
He had tried to buy something online, but each time he logged on to finally make a purchase, it was sold out soon after. Leaving him speechless, stressed, and utterly pissed off at himself and his indecisiveness. Kagome is the love of his life, his wife and the mother of his first born child. She is the only other women; besides his mother, who has loved him unconditionally despite being a half demon, and has shown him time and time again that he is worthy of her love. Before meeting her, he was a miserable asshole who was following his father’s footsteps into co-owning the company with his half-brother Sesshomaru. Once she came into his life it had felt like it was too good to be true, and after two years of dating, he asked her to marry him and he has been the luckiest man ever since.
His son's voice was so faint that if it were not for his sensitive hearing Inuaysha would have missed it.
“Yes Haru? What is it?”
“I’m hungry.”
As if on cue, both Inuyasha heard Haru’s stomach grumble in protest. He could not help but laugh at the timing of it all, and gently squeezed the tiny body in his arms.
“Alright bud, let’s go get ya some food. Papa’s been so busy lookin’ for mama’s present that we’re late on lunch.”
Inuyasha darted towards the food court as fast as he could within a crowd of people, successfully avoiding a collision and ignoring the vendors that pestered in the middle of the walkway. The food court was just as crazy with long lines and seating being hard to find, but he will deal with that later, first he needs to get them some food.
“Papa,” Haru pointed towards his favorite spot in the mall. “I want chicken nuggets.”
Inuyasha let out a snort, knowing good and well that his son would choose the restaurant before announcing his decision. “Hm, good choice bud. Let’s go before the line gets longer!” After waiting in line for ten minutes and hunting down an empty table Inuyasha and Haru finally found a place to sit down and eat. Haru happily danced in his chair while munching on his fries and Inuyasha could not help but compare him to Kagome. Although his son shares his golden eyes, he has his mothers hair and smile, aside from also getting Inuyasha’s fangs, he did not get his ears. Kagome was heartbroken when she did not see two little dog ears on Haru’s head but quickly got over it, because with human ears or dog ears their son was the most perfect human they have ever seen. They each could see parts of each other within him, as well as some shared behaviors, like dancing when eating or pouting when he gets mad. They created this little version of them with love and adoration, and they will continue to give their son all of the love he deserves.
“You happy now?” Inuaysha asked with a grin.
“Happy papa! I’m doing the happy dance!” Haru giggled with one french fry in each hand.
“A happy Haru makes papa happy, but we gotta hurry and find mama her present.” Inuyasha grinned. “She won’t be with aunty Sango for long, and we need to race her home.”
“We’re faster papa.” Haru proclaimed confidently.
The half demon laughed, “That’s why we gotta get outta here as soon as possible bud.”
As soon as the boys were finished with their meals they were back on their journey to find Kagome the perfect gift. Inuyasha knew exactly what she wanted, but he had not been able to find the right one. None of the jewelry stores they went to had the right size or color, and at this rate he was getting worried he would have to settle. Since he had known Kagome, she has always wanted a gold locket with a heart big enough to fit a photo of her and Inuyasha. With Haru now added to the picture, the locket size would still be perfect to fit the three of them and she would be able to wear it happily around her neck. Every year Inuyasha tries to look for a locket that fits her description, and yet every year he fails.
Except maybe not this time, because right in front of him was a locket and chain that checked off all of the boxes. He could care less about the price, because all he could think about was seeing his precious wife wearing it around her neck. It was an immediate purchase, with added insurance and all, and the Taisho boys were finished with their last minute Christmas shopping.
“Papa, papa!” Haru bounced happily in his arms. “Bear for mama!”
“You wanna get mama a bear?” The half demon stared at the store his son was pointing to and knew exactly why. “Okay Haru, let’s make it quick.”
Haru knew what bear to get immediately, because he wanted a bear that looked like him, because Kagome called him her baby bear. In his mind, this teddy bear look alike will be there for Kagome when he was not around for her to hug instead. He found a fluffy black and brown bear with a white tail and big button eyes and showed it to Inuyasha, who completely agreed that this small bear looked exactly like his quarter dog demon son.
Quickly they ran to develop the picture that Inuyasha would place inside of the locket and wrapped up the gifts nicely. The boys had beat Kagome home by 20 minutes, and it gave them ample time to put the gifts under the tree and change into comfortable clothing.
Kagome entered her home soon after in a desperate need for a long, hot shower after helping Sango set up for the party. She unsuccessfully dragged her feet to the kitchen and clung onto her husband for leverage and support, and snuggled into his arms once he pulled her in closer.
“Long morning?” he cheekily asked.
Kagome groaned, “You have no idea.”
“Want some coffee? You’re freezing, and I just made it.”
“Mmmm… yes please.” She snuggled in closer to his warm chest, breathing in his scent of pine and mint. “Where’s Haru?”
Inuyasha nodded towards the couch with a big grin, “Passed out in the living room. I gave him hot chocolate and he was a goner.”
Kagome giggled. “This is when he takes his nap, the hot chocolate just helped him fall asleep faster. I'm a sucker for it too, but I definitely need some coffee right now.”
The couple fell into a comfortable silence as they held onto each other for a few extra minutes. Kagome had dozed off, completely oblivious to the fact that there were two new presents under the tree, and forgot about her cup of coffee. Not that it mattered much, because Inuyasha would make her as many fresh batches of coffee she wants as many times as she asks.
_ _ _
After a much needed nap for the Taisho-Higurashi family, it was time to get ready for the Christmas party at Sango and Miroku’s. It was traditional for the group of friends to take turns hosting every year, and this year it fell on Sango and Miroku’s hands. Kagome had been over earlier to help set up, and everyone who was invited would be bringing a homemade dish for dinner. It was going to be a good party full of friends and family and delicious food.
“You ready bud?” Inuyasha excitedly asked his son. “Hisui and the twins are probably waiting for you to get there!”
“Yeah papa for hide and seek!”
Crouched on the ground as she tied Haru’s shoes Kagome was in a fit of giggles. “I wonder how long it’ll take them to find you this time baby bear.”
Inuyasha nodded, “Yeah, our kids is too good at hiding.”
“-But also seeking.” Kagome chimed in.
“It’s because he’s part demon like his dad!” The half demon proudly yelled. “Strong sense and strong arms right bud?!”
Haru scrunched his face and flexed as menacing as he could, making sure that his two fangs poked out of his mouth. “Strong like papa!”
Kagome gently squished Haru’s cheeks and pulled him in to give me a kiss on his forehead. “Yes baby, strong just like papa.”
Haru laughed and danced where he stood, “Papa, can mama open her present?”
Kagome smiled at her son before glancing up towards her blushing husband. “What do you say Yash, we can open mine before we go? He’s way too excited, and who can say no to that face.”
“It doesn’t hurt, alright bud, give mama her present.”
Haru giggled excitedly and bent down to grab the little box wrapped in red paper and a gold bow. Blushing a cute shade of pink, he quietly placed the little box in Kagome’s empty hands.
Realizing which gift his son picked out Inuyasha quickly took his seat onto the ground beside his wife.
“You sure you wanna give that one to mama?” Inuyasha asked, his cheeks red with anticipation.
Saying nothing else the little boy nodded and nudged Kagome to unwrap the little box. He walked over to Inuyasha and sat snugly on his lap as he watched his mother carefully rip the paper apart. Upon seeing the little box Kagome knew it would be jewelry, maybe new earrings or bracelet, but she could not hold back the surprised gasp when the gold chain and heart locket appeared before her.
“Inuyasha…” She stammered, “You didn’t! I mean, you did, but you didn’t!”
“We did.” Inuyasha grinned with pink cheeks.”
“Open it mama!” Haru cheered.
Her heart was beating a mile a minute as she went to open the locket. For years Kagome has wished for a locket to wear around her neck, before Haru, it would be to showcase a picture of her and Inuyasha, but now it would also include her son. Kagome has always been proud to show off her husband and child, because she loves them more than anything else in the world, and together they make up their little family. Of course, Kagome does not need any jewelry to tell people about her husband and son, but this locket means something very precious to her.
Placed inside the locket is a photo of the three of them laying in bed, with Haru smiling happily in the middle. That was a morning like any other, where Inuyasha was off work and the three of them were able to have a lazy morning. Haru was telling his parents about the dinosaur dream he had the night before, and had erupted in a fit of giggles before Inuyasha captured the moment with his phone. It was an unplanned and beautiful moment between the three of them, and a moment Kagome will cherish forever.
With tears in her eyes she leaned over to kiss Inuyasha and Haru on their cheeks, “Thank you. You don’t know how happy this makes me.”
“Happy crying?” the little boy asked.
“Yeah bud, mama’s happy crying. don’t worry.” Inuyasha clarified.
Kagome laughed as Inuyasha wiped her tears from her cheeks and pulled her in for a gentle, tender kiss. As they shared their moment together, Haru quickly climbed off his fathers lap and grabbed the other present for Kagome.
“Mama, one more present!” He placed the gift bag on her lap and clapped. “Papa helped me find it!”
Kagome grinned, “Another one? For me?” She leaned in and kissed her son’s nose, “My boys spoil me too much!”
Gently she removed the tissue paper and uncovered the little teddy bear that was hiding underneath it. The bear was incredibly soft and fluffy with a beautiful black and brown coat.
“Haru said that whenever you need a hug and he’s not available, you can hug this bear that looks exactly like him.” Inuyasha explained, “Because of the nickname you gave him.”
“Oh my baby bear.” Kagome smiled. “Thank you so much! He might get jealous though, because I’m still going to give you way more hugs!” She quickly grabbed her son by the waist and pulled him into her chest for a warm hug and joined the chorus of giggles that were escaping from her son. Inuyasha could not stop the grin from forming on his face, and in turn his cheeks began to hurt.
“Merry Christmas mama.” Haru kissed her cheek. “We love you.”
Fighting back new tears from forming in her eyes she hugged her son once again, before leaning in to kiss Inuyasha. “I love you too, so, so much.”
As Inuyasha held both his blushing wife and his giggling child in his arms, he had to remind himself that he was not dreaming. This wonderful woman, and his beautiful son were part of his family, a family he once thought he would never have. Kagome could have shown up on Christmas morning with absolutely no physical gift in her hands and he would not care. Her infinite love for him, and the gift of their son are the most incredible gifts he has ever been given.
Inuyasha silently declared that he is the luckiest man on Christmas, and beyond it.
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
Alone in the Ashes {2}
A Court of Thorns and Roses fanfction, characters belong to Sarah J Maas. Modern au. Revolves around Nesta x Cassian, Feyre x Rhysand, and Elain x Azriel. Other characters appear throughout. Based on multiple prompts sent in by anons tbr below.
Warning: Mature content. Alcohol abuse, verbal abuse, sex, language, eating disorders.
For summary & chapter index, click >  Alone in the Ashes {Acotar}
Word Count: 4.4k
A/N: And so it begins.
Comment to tell me what you think, or to be tagged! x
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“When you spend so long trapped in darkness, Lucien, you find that the darkness begins to stare back.” ― Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury
“I’m so sorry, you poor bastard,” Feyre breathed, after learning that Cassian now lived across the hall from her eldest sister. 
He chuckled, drinking from his glass. “She doesn’t seem that bad. That guy of hers seems like a real prick, though.”
Feyre snorted. “Don’t get me started.”
Cassian opened his mouth to speak but Rhysand leaned over. “No, seriously, don’t get her started.”
Feyre nudged him in the shoulder, causing him to laugh. “Anyway, where’s Azriel? He said he’d be here by now.” 
“Had to go get Mila,” Cassian said, finishing off his glass. “Unexpectedly. Just texted about a half hour ago. There was an incident, apparently. The police called this time.”
Feyre nodded, understandingly. It wasn’t the first time Azriel’s plans had changed last minute, but when he was called on, he always went to get Mila. 
Rhysand waved the bartender over, calling for another beer. “Karaoke night. Added you to the list, Feyre.”
Feyre froze. “Uh, no. I’m not going up there. Not after last time.”
Cassian grinned as Rhysand said, “I thought you gave a beautiful rendition of Like a Virgin.” 
“Fuck you,” she murmured, and cursed herself for smiling.
A live band played in the corner, the lead singer getting far too into it. He’d taken his shirt off and given it to a drunk girl cheering him on about thirty minutes before, and after that, Feyre just hadn’t been able to take him seriously. 
“Alright, I’ve had enough sadness,” Feyre said, hopping off her bar stool and handing her tall glass to Rhysand. “Come on, Cass. We’re going to dance.”
Cassian groaned, but it was all for show, because the moment he was on the dance floor, he had his arms around Feyre’s waist and he was swinging her around. 
“You should ask Rhys!” Cassian yelled into her ear above the music. “He’s a better dancer than me!”
“But this is how I get all the ladies to notice you!” Feyre yelled back, grinning from ear to ear. 
Cassian laughed, and spun her in a circle. 
Feyre loved to dance. She didn’t do it often, only when she went out with the boys. She used to dance with Mor, but she was always busy with school, lately, since she decided to further her education. She wanted to be a doctor. How selfish. 
She had called her on the way to the bar, with Rhysand in the car with her, behind the wheel. 
Stop studying and come dance with me, she had said into the phone.
Mor had laughed. It’s finals week! A few more days and I get to come home for the summer. Then, we will dance, I promise. 
Until then, she had Cassian. 
And every time Feyre brought Cassian out onto the dance floor, the girls gravitated toward him. 
True enough, as the second the song ended and another was beginning, a tall, blonde woman with a short black dress and combat boots had come up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. The second he turned to face her, Feyre hurried away. 
Rhysand was laughing, watching the scene unfold. He handed Feyre her glass as she sat back on her stool.
“Works every time.”
“You’re the greatest wing man,” Rhysand agreed, pressing his bottle to his lips. “Alright, now it’s my turn.”
He set his glass on the bar top before standing up and holding out his hand. Feyre drained her glass before putting her hand in his. 
He pulled her close to his body. He smelled of lavender and vanilla.
“Have you been using my soap?” she asked, leaning forward to talk into his ear. 
He laughed, his breath hot against the side of her face as he said, “That depends...will you be pissed if I said yes?”
“Damn it, Rhys,” she said, unable to stop her grin as one of his hands found her waist, the other still in her hand. 
They danced, and Feyre found herself loving every minute of it. Everything came so natural with Rhys. For the first time in a long time, Feyre was enjoying herself without any thought of all she had been going through. 
That joy was nice, while it lasted.
Because half an hour later, Rhysand was pulled back by the shoulder and knocked to the floor by a fist that belonged to a man, all too familiar.
“What the fuck?” Feyre yelled, looking into Tamlin’s deep, green eyes.
“I knew it,” he hissed. “I fucking knew it.”
It was what he had accused her of, once more, when she was at his apartment that morning, getting the rest of her things.
You fucking Rhys, yet? He’d asked.
Feyre never answered him. She just got the box of her shit and left.
Rhysand was back on his feet, a bruise already forming on his eye bone, Cassian having come to Feyre’s side. 
“Fucking whore,” Tamlin spat, then Cassian was standing in front of Feyre.
“You need to leave,” Rhysand said, as the music died down, obvious that there was a scene about to play out.
Feyre was mortified. 
“Why?” Tamlin asked, turning around to face Rhysand. “This is a public space, I am just as welcome here as anyone else.”
“No,” Rhysand said, eyes narrowed. “You’re not.”
“Says the guy that was just knocked on his ass.”
Cassian took a step closer to Tamlin’s back, just as Rhysand took a step closer in front of him. “You need to leave, Tam.”
“Tam,” he repeated the old nickname. “Been a while since I heard that from you. Or Feyre, for that matter. But, I suppose she would stop calling me by my nickname the moment she started fucking you-”
Rhysand’s fist met Tamlin’s jaw, and Tamlin stumbled, catching himself before he could fall onto the floor. 
Feyre’s eyes went wide as blood trickled out of the side of Tamlin’s mouth.
Tamlin started forward, but Cassian intervened, pushing Tamlin back by his shoulders. He whispered something feral into his ear, which made Tamlin stop. He looked from Feyre to Rhysand, shook his head, and walked out. Cassian looked back at the band, and said, “Where’s the music?”
They started up again and people began dancing like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. 
Feyre’s hands were shaking, though, as she excused herself and hurried to the restroom. She locked herself inside of a stall and cried.
She was pissed.
Pissed at Tamlin, pissed at the sight of him, pissed that he came to ruin her night.
She was pissed at Rhysand, pissed that he’d punched her ex. He was better that than, better than to stoop to Tamlin’s level.
She was pissed at herself. Pissed that she cared. Pissed that it bothered her at all. 
The door opened, and loud footsteps trailed to the other side of the stall door. 
“Feyre.” A soft knock. “Open up.”
“Fuck off,” she said, wiping at her eyes.
“Open the door or I’ll crawl underneath and this floor is disgusting.”
Angrily, Feyre unlocked the door and pushed it open.
Rhysand was standing there, arms crossed. The bruise beneath his eye was turning a soft shade of blue. “I’m sor-”
“I’m ready to go home.”
Rhysand frowned. He reached out for her hand, and she let him take it. He pulled her toward him, into his chest, and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m sorry. Okay? I got pissed. I caused a scene. I’m sorry.”
“You can’t just go around hitting people,” she said, voice muffled into his shirt. 
“I know,” he said.
“And I can stand up for myself without the two of you brutes causing a scene,” she said, referring to him and Cassian, who was most likely back to dancing with the tall blonde.
“I know,” he said, and leaned back, taking her face into her hands.
His eyes were full of worry, full of regret.
She understood where Tamlin was coming from, she supposed, in the fact that it would not be the craziest thing for Feyre to end up with Rhys. He was her best friend and she loved him, more than she loved most people, differently than she loved anyone else. 
But they had never done anything. They had only ever been friends.
“Let’s go back out there. Drinks are on me,” he said.
“I thought they were already on you,” Feyre said, and Rhysand grinned, although it didn’t meet his eyes.
“I am sorry,” he said. “You can hit me, if you want.”
“Tempting,” Feyre mumbled, before pushing against his chest. “I’m going to poke you in your bruise when you least expect it.”
Rhysand laughed. “Feel better, do you?”
Feyre rolled her eyes, then pressed her lips to his cheek. Rhysand tensed, but it quickly faded. “Thank you for defending my honor, you savage caveman.” 
Rhysand’s smile was contagious as he took her hand and led her back into the bar.
He called for the bartender and ordered a round of shots. 
“Hungry?” Azriel asked, looking in the rear view mirror of his truck.
Mila sat in the backseat, her pink Velcro shoes kicking wildly. “Yes. I want chicken nuggets.”
Azriel chuckled. “You always want chicken nuggets.”
“Yeah,” she said, as if it were obvious, “because they’re yummy.”
“Alright,” he said, “but then we have to go home and get ready for bed. Okay?” 
“Okay,” she said, slowly. “When can I see Rhysie?”
Mila loved Rhysand more than anyone else. He was her man.
“Tomorrow, maybe. He’s not home tonight.”
“Is he somewhere being naughty?” she asked, giggling.
Azriel snorted. “Probably.”
He pulled into the parking lot of a fast food restaurant and parked. He unbuckled her car seat and carried her inside on his hip. Her arms were wrapped tightly around his neck.
After ordering, they sat near a window and ate chicken nuggets, french fries, and chocolate shakes.
“Is mama okay?” she asked, looking up at Azriel with big, brown eyes. 
She may have only been four, but she saw far more than most people thought she did. Her mother, included.
Azriel set down the chicken nugget he was about to eat. “Yeah, babe. She just...she needs to get a little help, you know?”
Mila nodded, slowly, not quite understanding. “Help?”
“Yeah, from a doctor,” he explained, popping the chicken nugget into his mouth. “Here, know what you should try?”
Mila blinked. “What?” 
He took the lid off her chocolate shake and dipped a french fry into it before putting it into his mouth.
Mila scrunched her nose. “Ewww!”
“You don’t know if it’s ewww until you try it,” he winked. “Try it and I’ll give you a dollar.”
Mila’s eyes grew wide. “A whole dollar?”
Azriel nodded. “Mhmm.”
“Fine,” she said, sassily, before dipping a french fry into her milkshake. She took a bite and thought about it for a second. “That’s yummy.”
“Told you so,” Azriel said, before dipping another french fry into her milkshake.
She stuck her tongue out at him. 
He stuck his tongue out at her, too.
She giggled, and continued to eat. 
And once she was full, Azriel carried her back to his truck and strapped her into her car seat before taking her back to his apartment. The minute he pulled in, she was already fast asleep. She’d had a big day.
He carried her up the stairs and unlocked his apartment door. After slipping off his shoes, he carried her to the back room, the guest room, which was dominantly covered in Mila’s belongings, and laid her down. He took off her shoes and covered her with a blanket.
Mila flopped around before she opened her eyes, sleepily. With a yawn, she said, “G’night, Uncle Az.” 
“Goodnight, babe,” he whispered, and kissed her forehead before clicking on a batman nightlight and cracking the door behind him. 
He meandered into the living room and slumped down in his chair. He grabbed the remote but didn’t turn on the t.v. 
It wasn’t the first time it had happened.
And it wasn’t that he didn’t like having Mila. He loved having his niece with him, but that wasn’t the point, that wasn’t what pissed him off.
Mila was only four, living in a world she didn’t deserve. She was tossed into a situation the moment she had been born that wasn’t fair. 
He fished his phone out of his pocket to see if anyone had called, but his screen was blank. Unsure of what happened with his sister after he’d picked up Mila from the police, Azriel tossed his phone on the side table, turned on the t.v., and settled back into the comfort of his lazyboy. 
Mila believed that the crack of dawn was an appropriate time to wake up.
He’d better get some sleep.
“Mother’s tits, Feyre, your breath smells like shit.”
Rhysand had carried her up the stairs, and she had giggled in his face the entire time. By the time they were inside of their apartment and he was dropping her on the couch, he could hardly breathe from the overwhelming scent of tequila. 
“Thank you for carrying me,” she sang, reaching up for him.
Rhysand shook his head, slipping off one of her sandals, then the other. “You are so fucking drunk.” 
“Says the guy that gave me the shots,” she laughed, and then Rhysand turned on a light and she groaned. “Turn it off!”
Rhysand grinned. “Alright, come on. Let’s get you cleaned up and in bed.”
“No,” she said, yawning, snuggling into the couch. “This is where I’m staying tonight. Right. Fuckin. Here.”
“Let’s at least brush your teeth,” Rhysand said, laughing quietly. “And take a quick shower.”
“You just wanna see me naked,” she slurred.
Rhysand lifted a brow. “If I wanted to see you naked, I would’ve made up an excuse a long time ago. Come on.” 
A lie, but she cooperated, nonetheless.
She clung to him as she stumbled down the hallway. And when she fell into the little bathroom, Rhysand flicked on a light, causing her to groan again. Rhysand, paying her whininess no mind, lifted her up onto the counter top of the vanity and turned on the sink. He grabbed her toothbrush, and put toothpaste on it, before handing it to her.
She blew a raspberry at him.
Rhysand shook his head, exasperated. “Very mature. Open up.”
“Come on, Feyre, open up.”
“Open your fucking mouth, Feyre,” Rhysand laughed, pulling at her bottom lip. 
“Fine,” she groaned, obnoxiously, and opened her mouth, wide.
Rhysand, oh so patiently, brushed her teeth for her. “Spit,” he ordered. She did so. Then, he handed her a tiny cup full of water. “Rinse.” She did that, too.
“Better?” he asked, rinsing off her toothbrush before putting it back in the holder. 
When he looked back to Feyre, she was staring at him. “You’re really fucking pretty.”
Rhysand snorted. “So I’m told.”
She took his face in her hands and squeezed his cheeks. His lips popped out as he rolled his eyes. “I’m gonna start the shower. Alright?”
She shook her head. “No, not yet.”
Her voice had grown quiet, her hands on his face loosening. “Do you love me, Rhysand?”
Rhysand lifted a brow as Feyre’s hands trailed down his cheeks, his neck, to his chest, where they rested over his heart. “You know I do.”
“Your heart is beating super fast,” she slurred, eyes bright.
“You are a beautiful woman, Feyre,” Rhysand said, smiling fondly. “But you are not a pretty drunk.”
Feyre scowled. “Start my shower, peasant.”
Rhysand huffed a laugh. “Yes, my Lady.”
He turned to do just that, but she pulled him back by the neck of his shirt, until his face was only an inch from hers. 
“Will you join me in the shower, Rhysie?” she crooned.
Rhysand had imagined her asking him that so many times throughout the years, but her breath did not smell like mint-coated-tequila in any of those fantasies.
“As tempting as that sounds, I don’t think-”
She pressed her mouth against his, hungrily, and Rhysand froze. Her tongue slid against his, her teeth nipping at his bottom lip. 
He pulled back, hastily, and cleared his throat. “Um….I think we should-”
Feyre leaned forward and heaved, puking violently all over Rhysand’s jeans. With nothing left to do, he sighed, gathering her hair into his hands as she cleared her stomach. “You should be happy I fucking love you, Feyre, darling.” 
When she was done, her eyes were glazed over, watering, her skin pale, clammy. He waited a few minutes, holding back her hair with one hand and rubbing her knee with the other, before asking, “Done?”
Feyre groaned, eyelids growing heavy. 
“Alright.” Rhysand pulled off his vomit-covered jeans and t-shirt and tossed them in the corner before taking off her tank top, tossing it in the corner, too.
“Take off your jeans, Feyre,” he ordered, gently, “unless you want to wake up smelling like shit in the morning.”
Rhysand laid a towel down on top of the mess on the floor and helped Feyre to her feet, where he unbuttoned her jeans and helped her slip them off. Her eyes were already fluttered shut as she sat back on the counter top in her bra and panties. Rhysand covered a washcloth in warm water and soap before cleaning around her mouth and down her chest, her abdomen, and her thighs - everywhere the vomit had landed. When he was done, he gathered her up into his arms, and carried her across the hall to her bedroom.
She was already sound asleep when he laid her down and tucked her in.
After shutting her door, in nothing but his boxer-briefs, Rhysand cleaned the vomit off the bathroom tile and vanity before gathering all the dirty shit and putting it into the washing machine. After taking a quick shower himself, he stumbled into his bedroom and fell onto his bed, face first, moaning as his bruise, where he’d been punched, made contact with his pillow. 
It had been a hell of a night.
Nesta stared at the opposite side of the bathroom stall as Tomas thrust himself into her. She tried to fake the noises of pleasure at first, but she eventually gave up as the boredom grew.
Tomas leaned back, eventually, breathing heavily as he took in her expression. “You’re not enjoying this at all, are you?” 
Nesta sighed. “I’ve fucked you too many times. Now, it just feels forced and never lasts long enough.”
His eyes narrowed and he stepped back, dropping his grip on her thighs.
She reached for her jeans on the dingy floor as he zipped up his pants and fled from the stall. 
“Seriously?” Nesta called after him. “Quit acting like an ass.”
Her jeans were halfway up her legs when he left, leaving her alone in the restroom.
Once she was dressed, she left the stall and looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was still looking good, hanging loosely behind her in curls. Her makeup was hardly smudged. 
Pulling out a cigarette and her lighter, Nesta left the restroom and fell back into the loud, busy club. She pushed her way through the crowd until she was out the front door, into the parking lot.
When she got to their parking spot, Tomas’ car was gone.
“Fuck!” she yelled, looking around, exasperated, but he was already gone. “Fucking prick.”
She took a drag of her cigarette before running a hand anxiously through her hair. 
It was dark.
She lived five blocks away.
It was not the best part of town. 
She pulled her phone out of her back pocket, but it was dead. Of course.
With a sigh, and a hope that no one jumped her, Nesta began to walk back home. 
Nesta liked the dark, the quiet. She liked being alone.
The only reason she had kept Tomas around for so long was because he was convenient. He bought her whatever she wanted and was able to find the shit that was hard to find. Now, she found all that a ridiculous reason to keep him around.
She dented his pride, and he had abandoned her at two in the morning. 
Nesta walked quickly, looking around her often. She finished her cigarette and tossed it in the bushes, crossing her arms across her chest. 
Behind her, a black truck turned the corner, driving slowly in her direction.
Nesta’s heart began beating fast, her pace picking up, just a little bit. She didn’t want them to know she was afraid, didn’t want them to think she was vulnerable. 
Hopefully, soon, they would pass her and let her carry on with her walk.
She had four blocks to go. 
The truck did not speed up. In fact, as the truck got closer to her, it slowed down more. 
She walked even faster, her feet starting to hurt against the pavement in her thin flip-flops. But before she could panic any further, the truck was beside her, and the window was rolling down. “Need a ride?”
She didn’t look their way. She kept her eyes forward, walking quickly, chin held high.
Her eyes shot to the road, where Cassian was looking at her with a curious expression.
Nesta stopped.
Cassian stepped on the brakes. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” she asked, arms crossed. “You can’t just drive behind a woman in the middle of the night on an abandoned street!” 
Cassian raised a thick eyebrow. “Well, I thought it was you from back there, but I just wanted to be sure. Stopping for a random woman would have been creepy.”
Nesta scoffed. “We don’t know each other. To you, I am a random woman.”
“True,” Cassian agreed. “But we’re neighbors and I’m friends with your sister. So. Get in.”
“No, thanks,” Nesta murmured, pulling another cigarette out of her pocket. “I’m fine.”
“Come on,” Cassian said, following her, slowly, as she started to walk, again. “Get in the car. It’s not safe for you to be walking out here alone and you know it.”
“If I get in the fucking truck will you shut up and let me ride in silence?” she asked, turning to meet him, once more.
Cassian took a few seconds to debate it. “Yeah, alright.”
Nesta rolled her eyes as she went to the truck, but when she pulled on the handle, it was locked. “What the fuck?” she looked at him, annoyed.
“Cigarette stays out,” he said.
Nesta’s lips formed a straight line. “Seriously?”
“Uh, yeah,” he said, mocking her tone. “This is a new truck, it won’t be smelling like shit. Put it out.”
Nesta scowled, but did as she was told before opening up the door, this time unlocked, and climbing inside.
Cassian didn’t move.
Nesta sighed. “What now?”
“Seat belt,” he said, and she swore she saw humor dancing in those damned hazel eyes. 
She furiously strapped on her seat belt before grinding out, “There.”
“Good,” Cassian grinned, putting his truck in drive. “Do I want to know why you were walking down the street alone?”
“You probably do,” Nesta said, “but I won’t tell you.”
Cassian chuckled. “Fair enough.” 
They rode the next few blocks in silence, Nesta staring at the dashboard, Cassian sneaking glances at her, every so often. 
“I think you think it’s charming when you look at me like that, but it's not, and I prefer you cut it out,” she mumbled, as they pulled into the parking lot of their apartment complex.
Cassian shook his head. “I think you think people are looking at you when they’re not.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re insufferable.”
“Insufferable,” he repeated. “Nice word. What others would you use to describe me?”
He parked the car and she got out.
She was halfway up the first flight of stairs before he called from behind her, “A thank you would be nice!”
Her middle finger greeted him as he started at the stairs behind her. 
“You’re welcome,” he purred. 
Nesta wanted so badly to come back with a retort, to turn around and snap at him, but she didn’t. She was tired. Exhausted. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally.
All she wanted was to go to bed.
After reaching her apartment and digging her key out of her pocket, she opened the door and shut herself inside. A moment later she could hear Cassian’s door open and close behind him. 
Elain should have been sleeping along with the rest of the city but she had too much energy.
She played her music, softly, careful not to wake her dad.
She did pushups for a minute.
Looked in the mirror.
Did sit ups for a minute.
Looked in the mirror.
Mountain climbers.
Looked in the mirror.
Leg extensions.
Looked in the mirror.
Flutter kicks…
She was breathing hard nearly an hour after she had begun, sweat glistening on her skin.
She stripped off her clothes and after one more glance in her bedroom mirror, she got into the shower. She let the cool water wash over her skin, let it wash away the impurities - the sweat, the stench, the thoughts she couldn’t shake. 
She found her mind wandering all day, those thoughts running wild, after she had seen Graysen’s instagram. 
She was so beautiful, his girlfriend. Long, auburn hair, striking blue eyes. 
She was who he preferred. 
Even when they were together, she was who he preferred. There was a time Graysen had loved her, she knew that, but that didn’t make it any easier when Elain got home early from work one day and saw her little blue car parked in their driveway. 
Elain and Graysen were to be married in two months.
But they would not be getting married anymore. 
Elain no longer warmed his bed, Elain no longer woke up next to him every morning, Elain no longer kissed him goodbye as they both left their home to go to work, to make money, to save for their future. 
Graysen no longer loved her. Graysen no longer found her worthy. Graysen had grown bored with her, bored with the perfect, sweet, Elain Archeron. 
The image still burned in her mind.
She had opened their front door and saw her shoes lying by the welcome mat. Noises of pleasure flooded out of the bedroom, from the bed where Elain and Graysen slept every night. 
Elain would never sleep another night with Graysen in that bed again.
She and Graysen would never share anything again.
Not even the endless void that he’d created in the depths of her soul, nor the voice of insecurity, the voice that sounded a hell of a lot like his, that never left the back of her mind. 
Elain hated him.
Elain loved him.
Elain hated that her love for him wouldn’t fade, hated that she still felt the pain so strongly, too strongly, as if it had just happened yesterday.
As the water grew colder, Elain sunk down into the tub and closed her eyes.
Perhaps she would sleep there tonight. 
Tag List (to be tagged, comment or send me an ask!)
{ “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever met that asshole” - Feysand } -anonymous
{ “How about Nessian needing to fake date when they go home for the holidays?!” } - anonymous
{ “could u pls do like an elriel fic where azriel is like this mysterious bad boy and elain is a goody two shoes lik aaaaa i cant get that image out of my head” } - anonymous
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Erik watches his landlords child and afterwards wants to practice making a little bundle of joy himrself with Reader
Warnings: FLUFF. Mentions of Smut.
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There was so many things on the agenda for Erik on this windy Thursday....
Gym at 6 AM
Shower, eat breakfast
Head to work at the Outreach for an 8 hour shift
Come home, cook dinner, shower
See his baby girl, fuck, pillow talk
Come home and sleep for six hours.
He didn’t realize how much he was putting his body through hell until he passed out asleep during an Outreach meeting. No one woke him up but he was angry with himself for sleeping through it and having to ask what happened. Currently, Erik was stuck in traffic on his way home. He was off for about an hour now and he wouldn’t be home for another hour. Pissed and hungry, Erik resulted to listening to the Joe Budden podcast.
“What where you’re going, BITCH!”
Some reckless driver was about to side sweep his car; new car. She was on her phone talking away, clearly not paying attention to the road. He angry talked to himself in the drivers seat, praying that no one else pisses him off. The podcast pauses as an incoming call comes through
“What now, Justine,” Erik answers it anyway via Bluetooth, “Sup, Justine?”
“Hey Erik!”
Justine was Erik’s landlord at the luxury apartment complex he lived in.
“Is everything okay?” Erik’s asks while making a right turn.
“Everything is fine! You know I don’t have any problems with you.”
“Glad to know. I would hate to take some bad news right now especially with how frustrated I already am.”
“Oh, shit, well, maybe I shouldn’t ask this then.”
Erik raised a brow, “Ask what?”
“Uhm,” Justine could be heard rustling around in the background, “You rememebr my daughter, Bianca?”
“Yeah, fat mama, right?” Erik remembered her nickname when his landlord stopped by with her on her hip, “How is she?”
“She’s good. Sleeping right now.”
“Awww, you sound like she wore you out, girl.”
“She did,” Justine spike with an exhausting tone.
“So what’s going on with her?” He was almost home free.
“Well...I don’t want to be a burden...but could you watch her for me tonight?”
“What?” Erik didn’t mean to actually say that out loud.
“Watch Bianca? I have to take care of something important tonight involving my family and I can’t watch over fat mama and do that at the same time. If you can’t, it’s fine, I’ll see if my bestfriend can do it if she picks up.”
Erik was quiet for a fraction to mule this over. Watching a baby? The last time he even held a baby was when he was 18 years old. It was his best friends older sisters baby. The baby threw up on his shirt and he quickly handed him back to his mother. He was smart, he could figure out changing diapers and feeding a child but taking care of a baby that isn’t his made him nervous.
“Erik?” Justine called his name.
“Y-yeah, I’m still here,” He licks his lips, “How long do you need me to watch her?”
“For about a few hours?”
“...Okay, I can do it.” He couldn’t believe he was agreeing to this.
“Really?! Oh, thank God, you’re the best, Erik.”
He shook his head with a smirk, “I try. Plus, you’re a great fucking landlord, I’ve had shitty landlords so,” Erik laughs.
“Thanks so much! I would ask her father but...never mind-“
“Aye, it’s cool, I got you. Me and fat mama can watch ummm, Vamperina? You said she likes that, right?”
“Yes,” Justine giggles in the phone.
“What does fat mama like to eat?” Erik had nothing but meal prepped food that Bianca would definitely spit out.
“She likes nuggets, hot sticks- I mean, those Jimmy Dean pancake sausages, she calls them hot sticks, she likes French fries, you can give her a little bit of cooked kale, grilled cheese-“
“Why don’t you bring her some chicken nuggets and hot sticks over just in case. I have fries, kale, and I can whip up a grilled cheese depending on what she chooses. Apple juice cool?”
“Yeah, but not after 8. After 8 I prefer to give her water.”
“I agree. Aight, I’m almost home you can come through, Justine.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“No problem, girl.”
The call ended and Joe Budden came back on.
“Baby...I’m not gonna be able to come over tonight.”
“I have to babysit my landlords daughter.”
“Seriously? You? Babysitting? You’re kidding, right?”
“Nah, I’m dead ass. She needs help, I got her. She’s cool.”
“Sounds like you have a huge task on your hands, Daddy.”
“Nothing I can’t handle. I got this, Aight? Don’t clown me.”
“Don’t call me for help when you gotta change her diaper.”
“It’s just a shitty or pissy diaper, Y/N, ain’t nothing hard about that.”
“Yeah, okay, we’ll see.”
Knock knock.
“That’s them, I’ll talk to your cute ass later. Love you irky.”
“Love you too dumb ass.”
Erik lets out a sigh, walking out of his bedroom and towards his door. He unlocks it, opening the door, coming face to face with Justine holding a babbling Bianca. Just was dressed in a nice black turtle neck dress, some thigh high black suede boots, and her long dreads pulled up into a bun. Fat mama wore a pink onsie that read spoil me in gold glitter letters, feet bare and a gold anklet around her left ankle that patched the little gold heart earrings in her ears. She has big light brown eyes and messy curly hair with the barettes all over the place from her messing with her hair.
“Hey Erik! Say hi, fat mama!”
Bianca nervously looks at Erik with a finger in her mouth. Erik smiles at her.
“Weren’t you in the car asking about Mr. Ewik?”
Erik laughs at that. It sounded so cute.
“Now say hi,” Justine persists.
“Hi Erwik,” Bianca waves with her chubby hand.
“Hi, fat mama,” He grabs one of her chubby feet, swinging it, “You came to spend time with me?”
Bianca nods her head, one of her barrettes falling out of her hair and to the floor. Erik bends down to pick it up, Bianca putting her foot on top of his head.
“Stop that!” Justine pulls her foot away.
“It’s cool, she’s just having fun,” Erik acts like he was about to bite Bianca’s foot, making her giggle.
“Hey Erik, do you mind holding Bianca while I go get her play pin? She won’t play with her toys unless she’s in there.”
“I can get it for you,” Erik opened her door further, letting Justine and Bianca inside, “Just give me your keys.”
Justine hands Erik her keys, “It’s in the back seat folded up since I have too much junk in my trunk.
Erik slips on his Adidas slides that he had by the front door, walking out of the apartment to retrieve that play pin.
Justine brought over nuggets and Mac and cheese. She told him Bianca was screaming about Velveeta Mac and cheese with nuggets. Erik made a little bit of kale, put the nuggets in the oven, and boiled the water on the stove for the Mac and cheese. Currently, fat mama was sitting in her play pin tossing around her LOL dolls that has tangled hair and missing outfits. She asked Erik to comb the hair for her but he couldn’t even do it. Erik stepped back into the living room, walking over to Bianca’s baby bag that Justine left on the couch. She had a change of clothes, some undies, a first aid kit just in case, and a blanket.
“Vamp-rina! Vamp-rina! Turn up! Turn up!”
“Hold on, fat mama,” Erik placed the baby bag on the floor next to the couch, laying her blanket down just in case she fell asleep.
“Turn up, EWIK!”
“Fat mama, stop bossing me around like a little diva.”
Erik looked up to see one of fat mama’s LOL dolls on the floor in front of the TV. He looked from the doll to Bianca’s smiling face.
“Did you just throw that, fat mama?”
“Yesssss!” She spoke joyfully.
“I told you I was coming, don’t do that, you’re gonna break your doll.”
“Ewik,” she pointed a spit covered finger to the TV again.
Erik shakes his head, picking up his remote to turn the TV up.
“Shit!” He runs to the kitchen, thankful that the food was still good. Erik added the noodles to the boiling water, stirring it in before placing it on low heat. While he was flipping the nuggets over in the oven, he heard small footsteps behind him. Startled, Erik looks up to see Bianca crawling on one of his barstools to get to the counter.
“Aye, get down, girl,” Erik grabs her, fat mama wiggling in his arms, “chill out, girl.”
She starts crying.
“Shit,” Erik began to panic. He was dealing with a fussy toddler.
“Calm down fat mama, calm down? Girl,” Erik soothes her by rubbing her back, “The food is almost done and then you can eat and watch Vamperina.”
“I want my mommy,” she rubbed her teary eyes.
“I know, I know. She’ll be back soon, okay? But you have to be a good girl. You don’t want to hang out with Mr. Ewik?”
“You don’t comb the hair for me.”
“I tried, it’s too tangled,” Erik walks over to the stove with Bianca in his arms, turning off the flame, “I’ll try again after you eat, okay?”
“Okay,” She calmed down, “I wanna get down.”
“Okay, fat mama,” Erik lets her down, “go watch TV.”
Erik watched fat mama walk away with her chubby legs back to the living room. Erik quickly drains the noodles before adding the cheese. He takes the nuggets out of the stove, and grabs the kale from the microwave. Erik plates fat mama’s food in a bowl before walking out to her. She was standing at the TV stand, pulling out Erik’s DVDs that he still enjoyed collecting. That didn’t include his books from his book shelf on the bottom row on the floor. Fat mama was so invested in opening his DVDs to get the CDs out. Erik rushed over to her, picking her up, and placing her back in her play pin.
“You need a play pin with bars because you keep getting into everything, girl.”
“I’m hungry,” She spoke while looking up at Erik with her big light brown eyes that reminded Erik of maple syrup.
“I got you food coming right now. Stay put,” Erik pointed a finger at her, “Don’t get out.”
Bianca didn’t respond, she simply looked at the cartoon on TV while aggressively moving her toys around. Erik heaved a sigh, walking back to the TV stand to get her food. Erik handed fat mama her food before sitting down on the couch to relax a little he grabs his phone, calling Y/N back.
“Hey, Baby Sitter,” she spoke with a teasing tone of voice.
“I wish you were here to help me. She is wild. Gets into everything.”
“How old is she?”
“Two in a half. She’ll be three in like a few months I think,” Erik peeks over to see fat mama eating her Mac and cheese with the baby spoon that Justine had in her food bag, “She’s giving me a run for my money.”
“Told you so, babe. You want me to come over...don’t you?”
“Please?” Erik heard a noise, looking over to see fat mama trying to feed her dolls some kale, “Shit, she’s trying to feed her damn dolls, I gotta go, are you coming?”
“Yes, I’ll be to the rescue. I’ll even bring chocolate chip cookies for her.”
“Thanks baby, you’re the best,” Erik gets up from the couch, kissing Y/N through the phone before hanging up to stop fat mama from making a mess.
Erik wanted to rip his dreads out of his head. Y/N texted that she was stuck in traffic and Erik was currently chasing fat mama around his apartment because she wanted to play tag. She said her mama always plays tag with her. She was a quick one too, besting Erik every chance she got, her giggles so heart warming.
“Come on, girl, that’s enough, I’m tired,” Erik was sleepy and he didn’t have the energy anymore to keep up with a toddler, “aren’t you tired? All this running you’re doing.”
“NO!” She shouts, hiding behind one of Erik’s house plants, she almost made it fall over from how fast she bolted away before Erik could grab her. Fat mama was streaking and laughing.
“That’s enough now, come on!” Erik was growing frustrated. Y/N needed to hurry her ass up. He texted Justine back letting her know that everything was fine but what he really wanted to do was tell her to come get fat mama because she wouldn’t stay in one place. This was a challenge, but Erik didn’t want to give up.
“Fat mama, don’t you wanna watch Aladdin together?” He yelled out to her, “We can watch Aladdin and sing A Whole New World!”
“Really?!!!” She finally stops, coming from behind the kitchen island, running up to Erik. He smiled, inwardly cheering himself on for finally gaining her attention.
“Yeah, I have Disney+, we can watch it and sing together.”
“YAY!!!!” She reached out for him to pick her up, Erik grabbing her and bringing her to the living room. Fat mama insisted that Erik lay in the play pin with her and watch it. He didn’t think he would fit but he did, grabbing fat mama to sit in his lap while he turned in the movie. He told her that the cartoon version was better. Fat mama drank her apple juice while her and Erik watched the move. She was finally calm, singing along to the music. Erik remembered the songs from his own childhood. He yawns, blinking his eyes rapidly to try and stay awake. Erik looks down at fat mama, noticing that she was asleep with her little mouth hanging open.
“Success,” Erik carefully holds her in his arms while he laid down with her resting on his chest. Her soft snores were soothing to him while he continued to watch Aladdin.
“Baby?” Y/N opened the door with her own key that Erik gave her. She had a bag filled with fresh baked cookies since she owned a bakery. Y/N kicked off her sneakers, taking off her denim jacket to hang on a coat rack near Erik’s door before walking through the foyer and into his living room. There, in a play pin was Erik and Bianca sleeping. Bianca was asleep on his chest. Y/N looked up at the TV seeing that they were watching Aladdin. The image before her was so adorable. She couldn’t help the big smile on her face. Erik looked good with a baby. Calming her ovaries down, Y/N walks past, heading to the kitchen to put the cookies away. When she got into the kitchen, she placed the cookies in the counter, looking around at all the mess from Erik cooking Bianca food. Y/N decides to clean up since Erik was asleep with Bianca.
Back in the living room, Erik’s phone began to ring, waking him up out of his sleep suddenly. His hand came up to settle on fat mama’s back before using his other hand to feel around for his phone.
“Hello?” Erik clears his throat since he still had sleep in his voice.
“It’s Justine. Everything okay? I’m on my way to get Bianca.”
Erik looked down at the top of fat mama’s curly hair, “she’s good, we goofed around a little bit, fell asleep while watching Aladdin.”
“Awww, you remembered she loves Aladdin!”
“Yes, we sang A Whole New World together too,” Erik takes his hand to play in her hair.
“So sweet! I bet you two sounded nice.”
Movements could be heard coming from the kitchen. Erik looked up to find Y/N waving at him with a dish towel in her hand. Fat mama began to stir on him, moving her head to look up at him. She blinked, one side of her face imprinted from sleeping on Erik’s shirt and her hair even more wild.
“She’s looking up at me with her pretty eyes right now.”
“Can I speak to her?”
Erik put the phone to fat mama’s ear, “It’s mommy!”
“MOMMY!” She yelled into the phone, reaching to grab it. Erik gave it to her.
“Mommy! Where are you?”
Erik places Bianca down while he got out of the play pin. He walks over to Y/N pulling her close and cuffing both of her ass cheeks. Erik kisses her neck, using some tongue. Y/N looked over to see Bianca looking at them.
“Erik, she’s watching us,” Y/N whispered.
Erik looks over his shoulder at fat mama.
“Hey, mommy gone?”
She nodded her head while her eyes watched Y/N.
“This is Y/N, my girlfriend.”
Y/N smiled, waving at Bianca, “Hi, pretty girl!
Bianca only smiles.
“She’s so freaking cute, Erik! Let me stop! Now, I’m having baby fever!”
“You want some cookies?” Erik asks.
Bianca was up and out of her play pin without a word.
Knock knock
Erik walks to the door while Y/N and fat mama combed the dolls hair. Justine was there with a tired smile on her face.
“I’m here! Thanks again Erik,” Justine reaches out to hug Erik, Erik wrapping his arm around her.
“Like I said, no problem, girl.”
“Where is she? Did she fall asleep?”
“Yeah, her and I. She had some cookies too.”
“Oooooo you really spoiled her,” Justine looks Erik up and down, “I hope she wasn’t too much trouble.”
“Well...I did run into a few bumps but I came out on top,” He smirked at Justin, showing off his dimples. Justine bashfully looked down at her shoes before looking back up into his eyes through her lashes. Erik noticed that look in any women’s eyes. He cleared his throat, stepping aside so Justine could walk in. When Erik moved out of the way, Justine spotted Y/N and Bianca in the play pin.
“Oh,” Justine looked from Erik to them, “Is that your girlfriend?”
“Yeah, she came over to help out. Thank God too because fat mama kept asking me to comb her dolls hair for her. I couldn’t do that shit at all.”
“How cute,” Justine spoke in a flat tone while giving Erik a small smile, “Bianca seems to like her.”
“This is the calmest she’s been all night.”
Justine walks inside, making her way over to the play pin to get Bianca’s attention.
“Fat mama!!”
Bianca looked up, beaming at her mother, before rushing towards her. Y/N watched the interaction, before grabbing Bianca’s dolls.
“You miss me?!”
“Yeah!!” Fat mama squeezed Justine’s neck.
“Awww! Have fun with Mr. Ewik?!”
“Uh-huh! And Miss Y/N too!”
Y/N walked over to Justine, holding out her hand to greet her, “That’s me, how are you?”
“Hi,” Justine shakes her hand, “Thanks for the dolls even though it will be tangled again.”
“No worries, It was fun.”
Justine gave Y/N a smile before accepting Bianca’s bag from Erik.
“I put everything away. I’ll bring the play pin out for you.”
“You’re so helpful,” Justine gently touches Erik’s arm.
“I told you, I got you.”
“Say good bye to Y/N?” Justine whispered to Bianca.
“See you soon, beautiful!” Y/N waved.
Justine walks out of the house, Bianca looking at Y/N and Erik with sad eyes. Erik pouts, following them out the door with the folded up play pin.
It was 10 PM and Erik knew he had to be asleep for work in the morning but he couldn’t keep his hands off of Y/N. He missed his baby.
“Daddy, shouldn’t you be sleeping? Tomorrow is Friday we can have more fun then,” Y/N spoke between gasps while Erik sucked on her nipples.
“I ain’t have you all day, girl,” He licks her nipples, “You didn’t miss Daddy’s tongue on you?”
“I missed all of Daddy...not just his tongue.”
“Damn,” Erik’s hand descends her body to slip inside of her jeans, “what’s this?”
“My wet little pussy,” Y/N whispered.
“Daddy’s wet little pussy,” Erik corrected her.
“Mhm,” Y/N ran a hand through his dreads.
“Thank you for coming to the rescue again.” Erik whispers in her ear.
“Baby...you had it under control. And you looked so damn adorable sleeping with Bianca in your chest. My ovaries were screaming,” Y/N giggles.
“Oh, yeah?” Erik’s fingers rubbed Y/N’s clit, “You like seeing me with a baby?”
“Yes,” Y/N sighs with pleasure, “Fuck, it was so cute.”
“What if I put a baby in you then?”
Y/N gawked at him, “what?!”
“Did I say something wrong?” Erik spoke with an elevated brow.
“N-no, just surprised me, that’s all.” Y/N got wetter when he said that. She would love to get pregnant by Erik. Become his baby mama. Be the reason why she’s pregnant because his cum filled her womb. It all sounded so...good.
“You’re serious?” She asks timidly.
“...what do you think?”
“I don’t know...are you?”
Erik looked from her lips to her eyes, “I am. I already made you my one and only.”
Her heart fluttered in her chest. She felt like everything around her stood still.
“Only if you want to though,” Erik still rubbed her clit, making Y/N squirm, “because we can do this right now.”
“Yeah, yeah, I want to,” Y/N murmurs. She felt so excited saying those words. All of this because she saw Bianca and Erik sleeping.
“Shit, bet,” Erik got onto his knees, snatching her jeans off, “You don’t know what you just started girl.”
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blkgirlcafe · 4 years
Home PT. 4
Viktor Drago x Cyra (Black OFC)
Cyra (Ky-Ra) -Sun or throne
Kazimir (Kah-Zee-Meer) - Bringer or Announcer of peace
Viktor Drago is married to the love of his life, they have a 5 year old son. He is willing to do anything to keep them safe.
Warning: Kidnapping, abuse, mentions of child abuse
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Flashback 2
Viktor watched her everyday, he hoped it did not come off creepy but she was different and so pretty. If Ivan caught his eye wondering he would smack  him back into focus. Ivan had given him a break, he was sitting on the floor, with his water, protein bar and fruit, watching her. She was on the treadmill, going a good pace. He couldn't help but look at her butt, it was so shapely, more than the other women from this area. 
She stopped running, using a towel to wipe her face. She cleaned the equipment, never once taking off her headphones. Viktor watched her mouth the songs, he wondered what she was listening to too. 
She began to walk his way, maybe she was leaving, she had only been here 30 minutes. In horror he realized she was walking towards him, she was smiling at him. He quickly swallowed the bite of food in his mouth, chasing it down with a big gulp of water. 
“You know if you are going to stare at me, you could come say hi.” she smiled. 
“I’m Sorry, I didn't mean to.” he mumbled, letting his head fall. 
“It's fine kinda, I’m Cyra, nice to meet you.” she held out her hand. 
Viktor scrambled to get up, drawing a giggle from her. He shook her hand, “Viktor, nice to meet you.” 
He said the name a few times in his head, not trusting himself to say it just yet. She licked her lips and he caught himself staring, looking away. 
“Povernutysya do roboty!”Ivan yelled at him. (Back to work!)
Cyra jumped and Viktor hated it, hated that she felt scared. Without a word he turned back to the punching bag.
Viktor picked Ivan up from the airport, he had not seen his father in over 7 years. When he left the Ukraine to be with Cyra. His dad told him he would regret it, that it was a mistake, that no one would love him like he did, and that he belonged in his country, fighting for it. 
But the love and acceptance he found with Cyra, with her family, the warmth, was a million times better than he could have dreamed of. He got up everyday happy, he felt whole, he truly smiled. 
“Have you talked to them?” Ivan asked.
“Today no, yesterday I did, just a little bit so I know they are still alive.”
“Then there is hope.”
“Why do you owe him 500k?” Viktor asked, turning into the driveway of his home. Part of him wished Cyra's car was  parked outside the garage like usual. He never understood why they had three garages and she always parked outside the door unless it was raining. When Viktor came home he would always put her car in the garage. 
“I made some bets, I didn't win.”
“So this is what you do now, you bet on fights?” Viktor was pissed off. 
“What else am I supposed to do, you left me.” Ivan shot back. 
Viktor got out, slamming the door behind him. Unbelievable, no matter what his dad would find a way to blame him. His mom left, somehow his fault, he lost a fight, his fault, he won a fight, not his fault. 
He put his phone on the kitchen charger, as obsessed Cyra was with phones, she had chargers all over the house. She wouldn't let his phone slip below 80% in fear of a missed call. His thoughts kept going back to his wife and child. 
“Nice place you got here. How much does it cost you?”
“None of your damn business, you can sleep in the guest bedroom, as soon as this is over you are on the first flight back home.”
“If I want to see my grandson?”
“You don't deserve to, you are the reason he is in this mess.”
“We will pay him and this will be over?” Ivan said. 
“We? You don't have a dime to your name and he doesn't want money.”
“Well what does he want?”
As far as Cyra could tell that they were here for 3 days. They were fed 3 meals a day, and they currently were on their 3rd dinner. Kazi seemed a little happy with his french fries and chicken nuggets. Their captors had bought kazi toys, she guess they got tired of his whining. 
They gave her nothing to occupy her time, it was driving her crazy. The door opened and the guy called Andriy mentioned for her to come here. Kazi stopped eating, sensing the shift in the room. 
“Mama be back baby.”
“Ok Mama.” he sat there, watching her leave. The door was closed and locked behind her. 
She was sitting on a couch, given her phone and told to facetime her husband, she did eagerly wanting to see his face, just to know everything was alright. He picked up quickly and Cyra smiled despite herself, she missed her husband. 
“Baby are you okay?” he blurted out and the phone was snatched from her hand. 
“She is fine, just finishing up dinner. I believe Kazi loves his dino nuggets. Is Ivan there?”
“Give the old man the phone.” 
Cyra watched with tears in her eyes, she wanted to see him so bad, to hear him say it was going to be okay. He was her rock, the only thing that made her feel better when shit was tough. 
“Ivan, nice to see you, especially since you've been ducking me and my men.”
“Wasn't ducking, just getting my affairs in order.”
“Did your son tell you what I want?”
“Yes, he will do it.”
“Of course he will, because you know two lives mean nothing to me.”
“Yes I know.”
“And I still want my money.” Andriy handed her the phone back, Ivan face way too close to the screen. 
“You have two minutes.”
Viktor came back into view, “Where is Kazi?”
“In the room babe, he's fine, we are fine.”
“Are you hurt, can I see him?” 
“I don't think that best baby, he has been crying for you since we left, he sees you. I wont get him calm again.”
A tear slid down her cheek, it was tearing her up to tell him no. She wanted nothing more than to have her boys back together. 
“Cyra I love you so much, I will do anything to get you two back here.”
“I know baby, I love you too.”
“Say bye.” Andriy said to her. 
Cyra teary eyed said goodbye. She was escorted back to her room, Kazi was laying on the bed crying. 
Cyra went to him, picking him up, trying to sooth him. 
“It's okay baby boy, mama wasn't far, right there, I would never leave you.”
Flashback 3
Their first date happened by accident. Cyra was running late to the gym, a study group ran super late, then she needed to do laundry before it closed. But she was determined to at least get her mile in. It was cold and dark by the time she got to the gym, lucky her it was open late. Not many people were left in the gym, a few stragglers like herself. She hopped on the treadmill and set a steady pace, being in a rush had Cyra had forgotten her headphones. 
She finished her mile and realized she was alone in the gym. She quickly grabbed her bag and hoody, heading towards the door. Waiting by the front desk was the giant Viktor. 
“Hey Vik.” She smiled at him.
He shyly looked away, mumbling a hi. She made it outside, throwing her hood over her head. 
“Hey, you walking home?” Viktor stopped her. 
“Yeah, I was going to get food first, want to come?” she smiled. Cyra watched the decisions play over his face, he didn't say much but his face did. 
“Sure if it means you aren't walking home alone in the cold and dark.”
“Well come on, my treat since you want to be a gentleman.” she bumped his arm with his shoulder, he didn't budge at all. 
They ended up at a local place not far from her shared apartment, the table was small, her and Vikor close together as the food was bought out. Cyra did most of the talking, Viktor listened and gave little input here and there, but he mostly was content with listening to her. 
“”Tell me something random about yourself?” she said, grabbing a potato pancake from his plate, he smiled at the action.
“I don't have anything, sorry.” he looked away. 
“Vik, if we are going to be friends you gotta stop saying sorry, don't be sorry for who you are.” she nudged his thigh. 
“Sor...I mean ok. I like silent films.”
“I can see that, you are like the strong but silent type, it fits you.”
Viktor felt like he was drowning, in a good way. She smelled great, her touch was soft, he was not used to these things. He was used to a smelly gym, with men with rough hands that threw hard shots. 
“I should get going, I do have class in the morning, and I am sore.”
“You are sore because your form is bad.”
She gasped and Viktor thought for a second she was upset for a second until a grin broke out on her face, “Wow, everyone can't be a pro like you, maybe show me one day the right way.” 
Cyra paid the check, which he felt bad about, he would get the next one he told himself. He walked her home, saying goodbye when they reached her apartment. He stood outside watching her go in, hoping she would be okay. 
He quickly made his way home, knowing that Ivan would be upset with him for being out too late, they got up at 4am to start training.
Cyra has been gone 5 days, his son gone 5 days, it was driving him crazy. Normally this close to a fight he tried to take it easy, doing light workouts, watching film, mentally preparing himself for battle. But this was different, he called his manager and had a press conference schedule for today. 
Viktor was doing this for his wife and child, he closed his eyes, he could see them. He could see Cyra and her soft smile,  the way she smiled at him. He could see Kazi and his unruly hair, bouncing all over the room, wanting to touch everything. His manager came back into the room, interrupting his daydream. 
“You sure you want to do this, this isn't like you, and you look like shit. Where is Cyra?”
“I have to do this, Cyra and kazi are with her family out of town.”
“She has always been by your side and now she goes out of town, not like her bro. We go on in 5 mintues. Want to tell me why your dad is here?”
“Bullshit Vik and you know it, something not right, there is something you aren't telling me. Did Cyra leave you?”
“What?! No!” he sighed. 
“Then what is it, because I swear on everything I love I have never seen you like this before.”
“Just drop it, Let them know I am ready.”
Viktor paced the room, he had ditched his normal gym attire for a dark blue suit, with a red tie. Cyra had picked it out for him, it was supposed to be for the press conference that happened 24 hours before the fight. 
The guy interviewing him wasted no time, jumping right in.
“Viktor Drago, to say I am surprised is an understatement, you usually are very quiet before a fight, why the sudden change?”
“I think I have proved myself enough that I can brag and be boastful, gone are the quiet days. Every person you guys have put before me, I have won against. Now it is time for me to talk my shit. I will beat Jaun lopez ass, just like I did everyone else before me.”
“This new Big Nasty, I love him. You are a champ and deserve to talk about your accomplishments.”
“I won lose this fight, I will prevail.” Viktor stood up, mimicking the ignorant stance he had seen other boxers take before walking off. He quickly made his way back to the room, locking the door behind him. He slid to the ground, hyperventilating. 
They let Cyra watch and she was sick the whole time, this was not like her husband. She couldn't believe that her son and herself were being held captive over a boxing match. It made her mad that these people thought her son's life was worth so little. They threw her back in the room afterwards, whenever they pulled her out Kazi always cried, she sat next to him, gently stroking his hair. 
“Mama, I heard Tata here?”
“No Sweetie I wish,he was on TV, the bad people made me watch.”
His tears flowed harder, this was the most seen ever song cry. Her Kazimir, her maker of peace, was always giggly and smiley, he always had a fun fact to share. He was a Daddy’s boy, preferring to hang on to Viktor's side when he could. His dad took him to the gym often with him, they spent countless hours together, without her. 
She knew being a father was so important to Viktor, he was intent on being the best dad he could be. His own spoiled relationship with his dad ensured he did everything different. He encouraged Kazi interest outside of sports, not pushing him like Ivan did to him. 
“Tata wouldn't leave us.” he cried. 
“I know baby and he didn't, he is looking for us, the bad people are keeping us hidden, like a game of hide and seek, tata will find us.”
“I don't like them.”
“Me either Kazi, they are so mean and stupid.”
“Mama bad word.”
“It's okay Kazi, in cases like this we can say bad words.” 
Her son perked up, he was never allowed to say bad words, words like stupid, ugly, were not allowed, he had to find others words to replace those.
“Can I say one mama.” he looked up at her teary eyed. 
“Yes baby, just one. But remember when we get home, no more.”
“I am going to save mine.”
Cyra smiled at this, just like her son to outsmart her. 
The door swung open, the woman telling them they could go to the bathroom. Kazi once again stood at the door while she used the restroom as if protecting her. 
“You go outside, but don't get loud or get any ideas.”
They were led out a backdoor, the yard fenced in, the sun was out and shining, Kazi ran to the fence and back to her happy to be outside. Cyra sat on the ground and let her son run circles around her. Eventually one of the guys joined them, kicking a soccer ball into the yard. Kazi perked up, still weary of the men. 
The ball was softly kicked to him, and he kicked it back. He looked at her uncertain of what to do. 
“It's okay baby.” 
She hoped that if he played enough he would sleep well tonight. He was having nightmares and not sleeping well. And once he woke up, there was no getting him back to sleep, he would ask her a million questions that she didn't have the answers for. 
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It continues again! Right so I'm just doing fics for Nano, I'll probably be posting most of them as I go along, because if I wait too long, I just sometimes don't post stuff for months and hate every word I write. So posting as I go.
Oh yeah, the title of this fic comes for "Scared" by The Tragically Hip. So here’s the 3rd chapter of “Make You Scared”.
Jester was right when she called the Chateau lavish. It dripped with finery. Caleb had never been anywhere half as fancy as the hotel. Not in the human world and certainly not in the monster world. The colors still felt wrong to Caleb, but he was growing used to it and the hint of alien made the Chateau all the more alluring.
"Come on, Caleb," Jester said as Caleb paused to take it all in. She still held onto his hand and she made her way up the stairs. It was obvious that she had been there many times before. "Here we go!" Jester stopped a particularly ornate door. A tough looking minotaur stood in front of it. "Blude! Is my mom here?"
Blude nodded with a snort. "She is, but she's currently occupied."
Jester giggled. "Oh okay. This is my new friend, Caleb. He's kinda weird and shy, but he's super nice and is going to be hanging out with me for a bit."
"Hallo," Caleb said softly.
Blude eyed him and then nodded. "They're serving dinner still downstairs."
Jester perked up. "Oh, yes! Thank you, Blude!" She grabbed Caleb's hand again and led him downstairs. "Oh man Caleb, you are in a treat. The food is super good here."
"Do you visit here often?” Caleb asked.
Jester shook her head. “Nope! Mama and I live here.”
Caleb looked around. He couldn’t imagine living in such a place.
“Come on. You’re going to love dinner here.” Jester pulled him along to the restaurant in the hotel.
“Can humans even eat what monsters do?” Caleb asked. “I don’t even know what monsters eat.”
Jester stopped and stared at him. “I didn’t think of that,” she whispered. “Oh crap! What if you can’t even eat food and then you starve and then taking you down here would be for nothing.” She ran her hands over her tail nervously.
Caleb was tempted to take one of her hands and try to calm her, but he wasn’t very good at that sort of thing. “We can try it. I’ve been down here before and didn’t starve.” The food wasn’t very good and all hospital fare, but he survived off of it. Though Ikithon might’ve had the food brought down for the test subjects. Ikithon was thorough to a fault.
“Oh, yeah.” Jester grinned and Caleb could feel his heart flutter. He had seen quite a few monster women since they were here, but none of them compared to Jester. “You’ll love it.”
Caleb stopped. “Is the restaurant as fancy as the rest of the hotel?”
“Yep and they have this really tasty thing with this broth that is super-” she paused and looked Caleb up and down. “There’s no way that they’d let you in dressed like that or let you keep your hat on.”
“I can’t eat with my scarf on anyways.” Caleb’s stomach grumbled its complaints.
Jester snickered as Caleb ducked his head down hiding even more. “We’ll go someplace else then.”
Someplace else being the monster equivalent of a burger joint. Technically it was a burger joint, but the shape of the buns was odd and the meat was the wrong color. The french fries were good though. Caleb rearranged his scarf so that he could slip fries through an opening and into his mouth. Jester also got him some chicken nuggets that looked suspect, but to be fair, Caleb was suspicious of most chicken nuggets.
Jester took a loud slurp of her milkshake. “So, what do you think?”
“No matter what world you are in, chicken nuggets’ true ingredients are unknown,” Caleb said. He took a cautious bite out of one. It didn’t poison him right out and it was as technically edible as a nugget was in his world.
Rolling her eyes, Jester stole a chicken nugget.
“Hey!” Caleb protested.
“I thought you didn’t like these?”
Caleb glowered. “It doesn’t stop them from being mine.”
Jester laughed and gave it back to him. “I’m sorry. I was just teasing.”
“Ja, I know.” Caleb smiled at her. There was something easy about being around her. “Where are we going to go?”
“After this? I figure we’d go back to the Chateau. My mom should be done soon,” Jester said.
Caleb shook his head. “I meant where do we go after the chateau. We can’t stay there long.”
“I know. It’s just,” Jester sighed and shrugged, “this is just a lot. I’ve never done anything like this before.”
“I have,” Caleb said.
“When?” Jester asked.
Caleb took a fry, but didn’t eat it. “When I first escaped from Ikithon. Veth, Nott, gave me this backpack. I had a different fake id back then. Traveling place to place trying to be invisible, it was-”
“Hard?” Jester suggested.
“It was a lot. And I didn’t have anyone to miss me,” Caleb said. “You don’t have join me. You shouldn’t join me. You have a life and friends here. Don’t abandon it for me.”
Jester played with the straw of her milkshake making a point to stare downwards. “Not really. I mean I have Mama and Blude and Nott, but beyond that not really.”
“Someone as wonderful as you surely must have more friends than you can shake a stick at,” Caleb said.
Jester shook her head. “A lot of people wouldn’t agree with you on that one, Caleb.”
“Then there must be a lot of fools down here to not see how lucky they’d be to know you.”
“Well, that’s the thing. Not a lot of people know me. I mean they do now, but when I was little, I kinda had to hide a lot,” Jester said. She dabbed her fry into her milkshake and used it to draw pictures on napkins.
Caleb stared at her. “Hide?”
Jester nodded. “Yeah, see my mom was a super famous scarer and then there’s her side job and people wouldn’t want to hire her if they knew that she had a daughter.”
“That’s sexist.” Caleb pointed his fry at her. “At least that’s called sexist in my world.”
“Uh huh, it’s sexist here, but she still had to hide me. That doesn’t mean that she didn’t love me. She just had to hide me. So I’m super good at hiding and I’m used to it. I can help you hide too,” Jester said.
Caleb frowned. “It’s not that easy.”
“Yes it is,” Jester said.
“No it’s not. No one knew you existed, ja? Ikithon knows that I’m alive and he’s going to be looking for me once he realizes that I’m missing,” Caleb said. “No one was looking for you. No one realized that there was anything to look for.”
Jester slammed her hands down on the table. "I'm just trying to help!" she yelled and ran out of the restaurant.
Caleb stared helplessly as she disappeared out the doors. Only one thought ran through his mind. He screwed up.
Jester ran back to the hotel with tears in her eyes. She could barely see where she was going, but she didn't care. What Caleb said kept repeating in her head. It was good that no one knew about her that meant that herr mother's secret was safe, but that didn't mean she was unimportant. But the truth was that no one cared to find her mother’s secrets. And that indifference kept her family safe. But it still hurt. Jester wanted to be seen. When she was little she ran through scenes of someone accidentally finding her, but instead of her mom getting in trouble or people being disappointed in her, everyone was fascinated and awed by Jester and she'd be super popular. It would've never happened, but it was a nice day dream.
Stopping in front of the hotel, Jester wiped the tears out of her eyes and went inside calmly. She ascended the stairs like she didn't just yell at someone she thought could be her friend. Blude opened the door for her and Jester flashed him a smile. Her mother sat in front her mirror brushing her hair and spun around with a smile. "My little sapphire," she said brightly.
Jester leaned into her mother. "Hi mom."
"Oh what's the matter?" Jester's mother asked with the perfect amount of concern.
"Nothing Mama," Jester said. She was just being upset over silly little things and didn't need to bother her mom with them.
Jester's mom frowned. "Don't give me that. I've known you for far too long for you to hide your frowns from me. Now sit down." She got up from her chair and waved at Jester to sit down.
Jester had trouble saying to her mother and plopped down on the chair. Her mother stood behind her and began to comb her hair. "I got into a fight."
"What? Who was it? What happened?" The tone in her mom's voice was ready to begin and end wars.
"Not like that. I mean I got into an argument with an almost friend." Jester pouted. "He was being mean and dumb."
Her mother sighed. "That's part of having friends my little sapphire. It can be hard sometimes, but you need to know what arguments are worth ignoring and which ones are the signs to say goodbye."
"He said that no one knew to look for me," Jester said. "That I basically didn't exist. Well, maybe he didn't say it like that, but he was being mean."
"Oh, my little sapphire." Jester's mother wrapped her in a hug. "If only I could've put you on the display you deserved, but the world can be cruel sometimes. It's safer to be hidden."
Jester nodded but her stomach churned with the thought and how she left Caleb. "Mama? I might've been the one who was mean."
Caleb quickly finished his fries and stuffed the chicken nuggets into his pockets. As unappetizing as they were, they still counted as food and he couldn’t say no to a free meal. Part of him was tempted to go find Jester, but he knew that she was better off without him. The money that Jester used at the register was different from his, but from the way she talked, he could probably find some kind of shop where he could sell his cash for monster money. Apparently there was a market for human stuff. It’d be a little tricky to avoid questions on where he got it, but he’d manage.
As Caleb left the burger joint, he overheard a snippet of conversation and froze. "Yeah, it's all over the internet. Apparently someone totally saw a human down here."
"Yeah right. Has to be a hoax."
"I’m not lying, Phil. There's even a picture, see?"
"It's all blurry. There's no way it's real."
Caleb came back to his senses and hurried out of the restaurant. He had been seen. There was evidence of him being there. How could he be so dumb to have left his guard down? Of course hiding behind Jester wouldn't be enough. Now there was proof he was there and Ikithon was going to find him. It was stupid to think that he would ever get away.
But there was no way he was just going to give up now. Despite everything feeling wrong here in the monster world, Caleb's natural sense of direction was still with him. He'd just have to keep going in the opposite direction of where they exited his apartment and see if monsters had any form of public transportation. With any luck, he could get away for this city and find a place to lie low for a month before getting further away.
Caleb started to calm down. He's done this before and he'd just do it again. Distracted by his own thoughts, he walked into someone. "Oh sorry," Caleb said tugging his hat down lower.
A tall, yellow scaled monster smiled down at him. His teeth made Caleb feel like he was staring at the maw of a crocodile."Oh, that's quite alright, Bren."
Ice entered Caleb's veins. He knew that voice all too well. Ikithon.
So giving you guys a heads up, starting the next chapter, this fics going to be a bit dark and have some body horror cause Ikithon. It will most likely have a happy ending, but um yeah I'm currently writing some messed up stuff.
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yamatokasukawaca · 4 years
Lifestyle - Living Experience One Ounce Each Time | Yamato Kasukawa
Way of life, what is that? The very interpretation is "a person's way of living".
 There was a time in the not until now past that I had no concept of what that indicated. If a person had asked me outright what way of living implied to me, I would have stated something like, "of the rich as well as famous"?
 Being born as well as elevated in a little, country community my upbringing educated me how to strive. My siblings and also I functioned together with our mama and also grandmother in the areas. We began working for granny and also grandpa in their winery as well as graduated up to the trim and peach orchards.
 Those days were long, tough back-breaking job. In the fall as well as winter season we would reduce the root-stock mother plants and haul the 6 to 7 foot long vines right into the garage in bundles. We would cut and pack, grandpa, when he was home, would certainly pack them like a burro on his back. Granny wasn't as solid, so she made use of the little Cub Cadet tractor to draw them in. Cold and also damp it was job we had to do to get the item, origin supply, to market. In the spring it was time to assist till the areas, put down the airing out and also plastic to kill the weeds prior to planting the new stock. Summer months were spent basing on our heads, pulling weeds and chucking rocks.
Yamato Kasukawa
There was never time to imagine high-end vacations or what we think about today as way of living. Most of the time we were thankful just to obtain home for a warm bath, a large meal and bed.
 When the household took getaways it was normally all 5 people youngsters in the rear of the camper on dads pick up truck headed across nation to check out family members. Oh sure, we quit alongside the freeway at the Stuckey's or traveler attractions periodically.
 One trip in particular I keep in mind being so disappointed ... I was possibly in fifth or 6th grade and also we were going to Yellowstone Park. Currently, assume like a youngster for a minute, what do you suppose I was expecting? You're right; I assumed there would be swings, slides, a merry-go-round, points for children to do! Guess mama didn't really describe what the park remained in way too much information!
 As a grown-up recalling I sure really did not appreciate the effort it must have taken. Undoubtedly it took plenty of money to tote every one of those youngsters a couple thousand miles to see a geyser, a moose and also a bear, too!
 Things really did not transform a lot when I obtained wed and also had a family members of my own. There were medical professional expenses, healthcare facility expenses, as well as vehicle settlements. With house repayments that might think about a trip, specifically one like the way of life of the rich and popular.
 Our holidays, although enjoyable, were weekend journeys to the shore to camp. Have you ever before camped? With 2 children it is barely what I think about a vacation, it is just work! Occasionally we would certainly take a trip to the mountains for weekend break fishing expedition, camping with my folks or buddies.
 Once they recommended we get a hotel area and we flipped out, who could pay for a space? Our luxuriant suppers were the large order of chicken nuggets and household french fries at McDonald's with a soft drink!
 After that I was presented to multi level marketing as well as my reasoning started to broaden. The close friends who functioned close to me motivated us to take a trip to conferences; our very first was to Las Vega, Nevada. That was substantial for us, driving over 13 hrs we were exhausted yet excited.
 The next trip was to New Orleans, Louisiana. I'll always remember that trip, I was so ill with the flu ... however I enjoyed and also bear in mind every wonderful side journey we made. From allure songs drifting down Bourbon Road to the century old Coffee shop Du Monde and also the delightful beignets with cappucinos. Those are memories engraved in our hearts and also one day we will go back to take pleasure in that rich reward once again.
 That was my husband's very first plane trip ... he was so afraid that it took us 3 hours for a 2 hr trip to the airport terminal ... we needed to stop at every remainder quit, if you obtain my drift! But it was so worth it. The foods we experienced, the sights and also individuals we met all various from home. The globe is big as well as is simply waiting to be discovered.
 When we were introduced to nourishment our minds grew a lot more to the way of living waiting for us. Taking a trip to locations like the Caribbean on a first-rate cruise, San Francisco as well as a bay cruise, Las vega, Seattle and also the Room Needle!
 We consumed escargot, relish (icky I was like Tom Hanks in Big ... spew it out), yet I tried it! Snorkeling in the crystal blue waters of the Caribbean boggled the mind; I had to squeeze myself to make sure it was real.
 Debarking from San Juan, Puerto Rico my hubby cried in shock that a person like him could be experiencing something so amazing. Dancing on the deck of the ship as we pulled out of port was like enjoying the Love Watercraft on TELEVISION only we were the stars.
 Yet you understand, if we really did not have our health and wellness none of that would have mattered. Without taking the business seriously we never might have won that cruise to have experienced the lifestyle of the rich and popular.
 Having the ability to travel to Maui, Hawaii with our best friends was so unbelievable. We reached experience that way of life with people we enjoy and also appreciate, healthy enough to enjoy it. We enjoyed it so much that a pair years later on we were able to take both of our youngsters as well as grandkids back to Maui for a two week way of living holiday. That rocks, there's nothing like it.
 Today, when life throws us lemons, we just capture them and also squeeze hard ... the lemonade is sweet and also we expect the following journey in living lifestyle healthy one ounce each time.
 Join us; allow your mind go ... what would certainly your way of living healthy and balanced getaway resemble if you just release and visualized?
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