#He eats strange mushrooms just like kyle
corvidsaremybesties · 2 years
5yr old Aiden: daddy?
Super human infected Kyle: DO I LOOK LIKE-
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alpaca-writes · 3 years
Mystics, Chapter 18
When Arch becomes hired on at Mystics by the strange shopkeeper Lyrem Nomadus, everything seems to be going well- in fact, their life nearly becomes perfection. Soon enough, however, Arch realizes that perhaps not everything is as perfect as it seems….
Read Chapters 1-17 and more HERE
Taglist: @myst-in-the-mirror, @livingforthewhump
CW: Gore, food gore, captivity, swearing.
        Perhaps the floor wouldn’t have felt so rough- Perhaps the air would have felt less dry- Perhaps the bars wouldn’t have been staring back at Arch so mockingly- if…
        If they hadn’t practically waltzed into their own prison. Perhaps it would have felt less humbling to be there if they had tried to fight back just a little bit. But it was impossible to do. It was like Paimon had every little one of their muscles at his beck and call. The thought of it made Arch sick to their stomach. They were disgusted with him- with themselves for being too weak to oppose his whims.
        Arch stood in their cell, back to the door as they heard the clanging shut. They felt themselves released from the hold Paimon had and immediately they turned to charge the bars.
         “Let me out you wretched animal!” they noted the distinct change in the way they insulted him. Usually the go-to word was bastard or jackass. Lyrem had really rubbed off on them more than they realized.
         Paimon tilted his head and placed his keys within his robe. Its green silken sheen seemed drastically out of place for a cavern full of tortured souls.
         “That’s no way to speak to your employer.” He wagged a single finger. “Consider this a verbal warning.”
         “Fuck you,” Arch spit. Their hazel eyes still brought a fire of life to their words- all of it burning with the hatred of a thousand suns.
         Paimon raised his eyebrows and moved on.
         That had been… probably hours ago… maybe twelve? Arch had passed out against the cave wall for a while and when they had awoken, nothing had changed. Not a shadow moved along the corridor, and not a single discernable word echoed through to them. They heard screams, whimpers, and cries from men, women, and sometimes even the sounds of young children.
        Their knees hugged up to their chin and they settled their cheeks into the crevasse they created there, allowing their tears to be soaked into the light purple chiffon and satin. And their feet, their poor feet ached. They didn’t know how long it would take the soles to heal, but Arch wasn’t betting that Paimon would be bringing them shoes any time soon- not after their last encounter… And there was no way in hell they’d ask for any.
        The thought was tremendously tempting though.
        The sound of clacking hooves against the ground forced Arch to wipe their tears away, determined to maintain their composure. Soon enough, Paimon appeared at their cell door with a glass of water in their hand.
        Arch didn’t move an inch, but they shifted their eyes up, glaringly.
        Paimon sipped on the glass silently, paying them no attention- refusing them the honour. As though he had planned the moment carefully, Arch found themselves swallowing, and suddenly becoming parched. None of their usual bodily functions seemed to be operating before now.
        It was like Lyrem’s back room- Jess, Kyle, and Marcus never used a bathroom, never ate, never drank any water, and never died from it- even though the time Kyle and Marcus had spent back there without any form of sustenance would have been enough to kill a person. Places like Paimon’s home- places like the back room, were odd exceptions to this rule of human functioning.
        Arch breathed heavily, though they tried their best not to show it.
        “How long do you think it’s been?” Paimon asked, swirling the clear liquid in his hand.
        “What?” Arch’s voice cracked. “I don’t know.”
        They rolled their eyes and threw out a higher number than they would have regularly guessed.
        “Seventeen hours.”
        Paimon looked over to them in mild shock. “Close… Eighteen.”
        “Why does it matter?” Arch raised a skeptical brow. They found their eyes lingering on the water glass more than they would have liked.
        “Because I have always been fascinated by the perception of time,” he admitted.
        Arch blinked, and wiped a hand against their face.
        “When can I see Lyrem again?”
        “You won’t be seeing Lyrem for a very long time,” Paimon replied.
        Arch fell contemplatively silent.
        “You see? Perception,” he added, patronizingly. He emptied the glass and it vanished out of his hand as though it had never been there at all. “It’s fascinating. Guess how long it’s been on Earth.”
        Their eyes focused on the rocky floor. They had no choice but to obey.
        “I don’t know,” they answered, honestly.
        “About ten minutes,” Paimon replied. He stared down at them with shining eyes. He turned around, his hooves clacking against the ground as Arch heard his words echo back. “Fascinating, I think.”
        Arch was left alone again, with nothing but a bleak reminder that Paimon was more of an asshole than he ever let on as he had known them on Earth. Arch was still thirsty; and now they knew it was only because Paimon wanted them to be. What felt like many hours, had passed by again. At the knowledge of time being meaningless here, Arch didn’t bother to try and keep track of the minutes. They closed their eyes against the most comfortable of notches in the wall and allowed whatever time to flow, to flow as freely as it willed as they tried to sleep it off.
        Their head lifted up from the wall with a sudden jolt as they heard a rumbling noise. The ground wasn’t moving like it had before, and then Arch heard the rumble again. They looked down, and grew annoyed when the sound originated from their stomach, carrying with it some small pangs of hunger.
        A pressure in their forehead, made them wish to close their eyes again- and they also wished to have something soft… a pillow, a bed… a blanket-
        Arch couldn’t afford to think like that. This was the game Paimon wanted them to play. He wanted them to bargain with him. He wanted them to ask for shoes and pillows and water and food. They would stretch their legs, sit back down and try to get some rest again instead of entertaining the notion for even a second that they would give in to a single one of their basic needs.
        From far off down the tunnel, there was a wheel squeaking. It grew louder, and then outside the cell, Arch saw the shining silver rolling tray stop to park. Paimon wasn’t far behind it. There were two dinner settings, covered with their own silver warming bowls. Paimon lifted one of them off, and immediately the scent of a salt and pepper steak, roasted potatoes and mushrooms filled the air. Arch couldn’t help it; their mouth began to water the moment it was uncovered.
        “Hungry?” Paimon asked with a slightly playful note in his voice.
        “No,” Arch lied.
        “Tell the truth.”
        “Hm. Well, I have some good news for you, Arch. You and I will be enjoying a lovely dinner together.”
        Paimon unlocked the cell door.
        “Stay,” he commanded and Arch stayed, as if they had any other choice. “Good pup.”
        He lifted one of the covered dishes and handed it to Arch as they stood warily in the corner of their small prison. Paimon returned for a knife and fork and set down a glass of water on the ground before locked the cell again.
        Behind him, a simple stick chair materialized out of the ground below and he sat down in it, using the rolling tray as his table.
        “Go ahead. Eat.”
        Arch heard the command and sat cross legged on the ground, setting their plate in front of them.
        Lifting off the silver warmer, it was soon clear that Paimon had not come to bring them any desirable meal. The dark red liquid ran along the sides of the plate and smelled much worse than the steak did.
        That was because their main course was a raw human heart about the size of their fist.
        Arch gagged at the sight, letting the silver clang noisily to the ground. They were going to be sick- any second now-
        “Eat,” Paimon knew he didn’t need to repeat the command, he was just growing impatient and placed a linen napkin over his lap.
        Shaking and pale, Arch lifted the knife and fork. Sticking it into the left atrium, they heard and felt the sickening pop as the fork broke through. Then, the knife slowly sawed away at a small piece. Arch gagged again before lifting the forkful to their mouth and wished they had a clothespin to stop the heavy scent of blood from rushing into their sinuses. It was warm on their tongue. It was probably fresh.
        It was also rubbery. Hard to chew. Tasted… a little bit too much like metal and vaguely musty with a hint of… was that canola oil? Creamed corn? They shut their eyes tight. Hoping they could just imagine away the uncooked organ as some raw beef. They served that in France, didn’t they? The chewing took the longest time. With each bite down, Arch tried to ignore the rubber band sensation, but it was much harder to ignore the heavy taste of blood and the recurring thought that it had just been inside of someone’s chest.
        They finally choked it down with a hard swallow as Paimon watched on with a smile. Arch shuffled to the side to pick up their water glass and drank it greedily as a stray tear rolled down the side of their face.
         “I was worried that Lyrem would grow soft.” Paimon said, placing a small potato in his mouth. He chewed and swallowed and savored the delicious taste as he reminisced. “Before he had met me, he had nothing. He ran around the world searching for meaning and purpose at the behest of millionaires and politicians but it was never enough. I brought him true love, and in exchange I put his skills to good use. Then, like all men eventually, he decided that he wanted to settle down. He wanted to live normally; grow old with his love and start a family. Well, I certainly couldn’t have that be the reason for a failing business. The last thing I ever wanted was to see him fail... I kept him on the right path. I saw him through the worst of his emotional tribulations with Maria until she finally left the picture, and I convinced him to find someone to new to work with.
        I wasn’t convinced by you in the beginning, I admit. You were too green for my tastes, and that is saying something. But, after I heard what you did for him, and what you did to your poor uncle, well… I realized that perhaps he did not make the mistake I thought he did.
         Then, I heard that Hekate’s debt to Lyrem had been forgiven. She no longer wanted his life paid out in full so, there was no more rush for you. I could sense that he would want to pump the brakes on your advancement in this field. That is why you’re here. I need to make sure you progress properly. Go ahead, sweet thing. Eat up. It will make you big and strong.”
        Arch had taken several bites already, but stopped as they listened to Paimon speak. They sliced into a side of the heart, allowing blood to escape and further pool into the plate.
        “Whose heart is this?” they asked.
        “Are you sure you want to know?”
        A blink, and Arch stuck their tongue between a gap in their teeth in the effort to loosen a piece of tough muscle that had been lodged there.
        “Probably not,” they replied, thankful for the response he gave. They took another bite. Arch burped and covered their mouth. “Excuse me.”
        “It’s a bit hard to get down the first time. That is why I am here to help,” Paimon remarked understandingly. He was nearly finished his meal now.
        “How did you meet Lyrem?” Arch inquired, carving out their next piece onto their fork.
        “He threw himself off a balcony and I saved him.”
        Arch’s eyes grew wide. They couldn’t imagine Lyrem to be anything less than self-preserving. He certainly couldn’t be suicidal.
        “He threw himself off a balcony? … Why would he do that?”
        “Because he was sad, and he was alone. Though, I never understood why he felt that way. He had it all, he had done it all. It turns out all he really needed was a good friend.”
        “Pfft. You?” They commented. “You think you’re a good friend?”
        Paimon raised a comical brow, unoffended and unironically he replied.
        “Well, yes, of course.” He set his plate aside. “I taught him plenty of tricks until he nearly became a god himself. Of course, he will never reach that tier but I was the only one who encouraged him to follow that yellow brick road. Then and even now, all sorts of people; rich, poor, young and old, sought him out for favours of his own, or favours from me. All they needed was something… genuine. An ancient sacrifice, a recent sacrifice, …or something simply more valuable than money could buy, and we would be willing to make an offer and give them whatever they wanted.”
        “And you want me to sell your… indulgences? Lyrem said it himself, I’m not the greatest salesperson. I’m not the same as him.”
        “Oh, sweet thing, yes you are. Just look at you. You’ll carve up a classmate for Lyrem’s spell work- just as he once did for me. Right now, you’re eating a raw human heart to gain mystical power- not even he was willing to do that without a firm shove in the right direction. With just a nudge of encouragement from yours truly, you’re nearly finished your very first. You belong with us. Lyrem’s an old friend; he’s a business partner and you’ve signed on as an employee of this great enterprise.” Paimon’s eyes shone with the inkling of pride as Arch finished the heart in two quick bites and shoved the plate away. “In fact, one day, I believe you’ll make partner.”
        They wanted to puke, but their body wouldn’t let them.
        “Is this the way all your business meetings go?”
        He laughed, throwing his head back.
        “Only the important ones.”
        Arch lifted their head; the life coming back to them that they had felt they had lost time and time again was returning now. Their feet no longer ached. Their head no longer pounded. Their stomach had been satiated completely.
        “So, tell me then,” Arch began, “when do I get a raise?” 
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justlightlysedated · 5 years
i’ll take thee away into a land of enchantment
for @vlamito 💖💖💖
faerie au where michael is a faerie, alex is a changeling, and kyle is just curious to where his best friend is disappearing to at nights
Kyle waits until Alex slides the window back down before he gets out of bed, and hurries as quietly as possible to get downstairs.
Alex has been living with them for about six months now, while his dad served a four year sentence for violating several federal laws.
By the time he gets downstairs and outside and to his bike, Alex is almost out of sight.
Kyle follows Alex, and isn't surprised that Alex doesn't notice him. He seems to be distracted, and had been moving like he was uncomfortable in his own skin for weeks now.
Kyle thinks that maybe there was nothing to be worried about, and that Alex was just going on walks, when he spots Alex crossing the road and heading into the trees lining the other side of the road.
Kyle slows down for a minute, before he takes a deep breath and follows him in. 
Kyle’s dad has always warned him to never go into the woods, and if he had to, then to never go off the path.
He’s intending to follow the second rule to a t, when Alex goes off the path, skipping slightly before he starts to run.
Kyle really hates disobeying his dad.
He follows after Alex anyway, getting a little lost but still being able to keep track of him by the sound of his feet on the ground.
Kyle swears he hears someone giggling and then a blast of heat as something seems to pass right by him.
He stops for a second, and hears Alex stumble to a stop not too far away, letting out a delighted sound as though he found something that he’d been looking for.
Kyle moves closer slowly as Alex says something in a low voice, and starts to move faster when another voice answers him.
He makes it out into a clearing just in time to see Alex jumping over a mushroom ring, laughing brightly and disappearing from sight.
Kyle doesn't really think about it as he follows right after Alex.
The second his feet land on the other side of the ring, Kyle feels like he's about to fall off the face of the earth, and then he seems to be dropped back into his body hard enough that he stumbles forward and falls to the ground.
He rolls to his back and blinks up at the sky that looks too bright for it being the middle of the night, and he tries to breathe and it almost feels like the air is too thick somehow.
He sits up and sways, and almost falls back to the floor.
Kyle blinks and looks around himself trying to see if he can spot Alex, but there's nothing around but tree, that seem to be moving strangely even though there is no wind.
He blinks several times as the shadows in the trees seem to be shifting into solid shapes and the sound of multiple people giggling reaches his ears.
He blinks again and the shadows have eyes, bright and luminous like stars. He blinks again and there are people. Or well, at first glance they kind of look like people, the silhouette of a head with two arms and two legs.
Kyle blinks again and he's surrounded by greens and blues and endless giggling. He feels pinches along his arms, and when he inhales sharply the air is sickly sweet and thick coating the inside of his mouth like cotton candy. It goes to his head, a heady dizzy feeling that makes him feel like he did last summer when he and Alex stole half a bottle of whiskey from his dad’s office and had drunk most of it hidden away in the tree house.
Too big curious eyes stare at him from sharp faces with pointy ears and blue-green colored skin that glittered everytime they moved.
A smile full of small pointy teeth with a voice that sounds like the wind chimes his mom keeps hanging from the back porch, asks him, “How old are you?”
“Seventeen,” Kyle answers promptly, unable to help himself.
There is a chitter of delighted laughter, and Kyle feels like he’s surrounded by a crowd of people, but when he looks around he can’t really make out individual faces. Sharp fingernails dig beneath his chin and he turns towards the touch and looks back into huge luminous green eyes.
“And your full name?” 
Kyle blinks a little finding the question a little bit odd, and then he breathes in again and feels fingers in his hair, scratching against his scalp and digging into the back of his neck.
“Kyle Valenti,” he says his voice low and sluggish.
“Kyle Valenti,” the voice says, and there’s a strange quality to it that makes Kyle blink rapidly trying to clear his thoughts.
A chitter goes through the air and then, “Do you have a middle name?”
“Yes,” Kyle answers slowly. “Its-”
“Hey!” a familiar voice calls out, and it breaks through the fog in Kyle’s brain. “Get away from him!”
He hears Alex get closer and suddenly he can breathe normally, and he gasps and every breath clears his head a little bit more, and he sees whatever it was that had been asking him questions surrounding Alex and there was a strange hissing in the air, until someone else stepped up from behind Alex, and the figure, or figures dispersed back into the shadows of the trees.
Alex rushed towards him, but Kyle's gaze was caught by the person who came with Alex, leaning back casually against one of the trees giving Kyle an agitated look, like he had interrupted something important.
Kyle stares because they seem to be glowing from within, all golden lights, like the sun is trapped beneath their skin, the bronze curls tumbling around their head as they tilt their head at Kyle the longer that he stares, bounce enticingly, and Kyle gets trapped in a fire honey gaze that seems more mischievous and considering than upset.
And then Alex appears in his line of vision and the spell is broken.
“Hey,” he says as he leans down to help Kyle to his feet. “Are you okay?”
Kyle licks his lips and stares up at Alex who lets him go as soon as he is stable enough.
“What was that?” Kyle asks as he looks back into the shadows of the trees.
Alex exhales roughly, and then gasps a little, and when Kyle looks back to him it’s to see that the golden figure is right behind him, one arm wrapped around his waist the other around his neck.
Kyle’s brow furrows as Alex just leans back into him with a pleased little smile on his face.
“You should tell him the truth,” the figure says voice like honey, looking at Kyle through long lashes as they lean their chin on Alex’s shoulder.
“He’s not going to believe me,” Alex answers, eyes fluttering open as he looks at Kyle too, with fondness. “It’s too fantastical. Kyle is really analytical.”
“Then we’ll show him,” they say as they press a kiss to Alex’s neck.
“Okay,” Alex answers in a low voice. And then he looks at Kyle intently.
Kyle looks at him and raises an eyebrow at the way he’s still leaning into the person behind him, but Alex seems to be unbothered by it as though he’s gotten used to it.
“You fell into a swarm of pixies,” Alex says seriously like it makes any sense at all.
Kyle gives him a look. “Pixies? As in faeries?”
“They don’t like to be called that,” Alex says as the person behind him shows him their teeth, hissing.
Kyle shakes his head, and tries to think this through rationally.
Alex scoffs, “Okay, show him.”
“With pleasure,” they reply and Kyle jumps back a little as they drag their fingers to Alex’s hair and tugs his head back exposing his neck, before they press another kiss to Alex’s throat, and this time light seems to be spilling from their mouth.
Light that spreads through Alex, covering him like a second skin before it bleeds away like paint sliding down a canvas to reveal glittering blue skin.
Kyle stares as Alex’s eyes go lighter and lighter until they’re almost white, and his lips go a darker blue than his skin, and his hair seems to be shining like the night sky, and his ears go pointed, and when he smiles a little nervously at Kyle, his teeth are small and sharp.
“What?” Kyle says blankly, maybe this is all just a really strange dream, and he’s at home in his bed asleep and dreaming about this because he had meant to follow Alex.
“I’m a changeling,” Alex responds. “Sprites stole the real Alex Manes away from his home and left me in his place.”
“How?” Kyle asks reaching towards Alex, and feeling relief when he moves away from the figure behind him, who lets him go reluctantly, and steps closer to Kyle, who touches his arms and gasps at how cold he feels, not dead, but freezing, like sticking your hand into a pile of snow.
“It was a while ago,” Alex says. “So essentially, I’m the Alex you’ve always known really. The other Alex Manes is a chubby little toddler who eats way too many sweets.”
Kyle furrows his brow, and lets him go. “I-”
“It makes sense really,” Alex keeps talking looking down at his hands, and then back at Kyle with a self deprecating smile. “I’m a freak. No wonder Jesse Manes hated me so much.”
“No,” Kyle says immediately taking a step forward and it puts him firmly in Alex’s personal space. “There was no reason to hate you at all.”
Alex stares at him, and Kyle looks at him as earnestly and honest as he can, and he feels something like a pulse of warmth in the air surrounding them, and then Alex is moving.
He steps forward and wraps cold fingers around the back of Kyle’s neck and then he’s kissing him.
A light touch, cold like ice, and just as startling, especially when it sends a spiral of heat going through Kyle.
Kyle gasps and pulls back, eyes wide, and he looks at Alex who blinks his eyes open slowly, and then looks a little horrified, and then he looks at the golden figure still standing behind Alex, who is looking at them with a really interested look on his face, and he smirks when he catches Kyle’s eyes.
“Kyle,” Alex starts, but Kyle is already moving back feeling like he’s not really in control of his actions.
“Kyle wait!” Alex says taking a step forward and then Kyle turns and runs.
He hears Alex following after him, but then he goes off the path and suddenly all sounds disappear as he feels as though the world tilts once again, and then he turns and he’s right at the edge of what looks like a ballroom.
Figures of all shapes and sizes and colors are dancing in a mesmerizing whirl that is difficult to really tell where one figure ends and the other begins. The music is lively and hypnotic, and the air is heavy and fragrant and sweet, and before Kyle really knows what’s going on, he’s being swept up into the crowd.
Laughing faces and silky soft hair that leave behind fragrant overpowering smells that make him feel like he’s drunk all over again, swirl pass as they spin him around and around and around.
Kyle feels like he’s floating on a sweet scented colorful cloud, and he feels like maybe he actually is dreaming.
The sweet air coats the insides of his mouth like sand, and he feels so thirsty, like he just ran a marathon, and when he’s spun out into the middle of the room, he catches himself on the edge of an ornate wooden table that is almost buckling with the weight of the amount of fruits and sweets on top. There is a huge punch bowl set at the center of the table that seems to be calling Kyle's name, and he can barely find it in himself to resist as he stumbles towards it.
He grabs one of the delicate cups surrounding it and dunks it into the bowl, holding the cup by the handle as it fills with juice and then he brings the cup to his mouth and takes a sip.
The punch is cool and sweet at first and he swallows it down eagerly and then it turns sour and rotten, making him gag as he drops the cup down and it shatters on the floor.
Almost as though it's a signal of some sort, everything stops. The figures stop swirling and dancing to stare right at him and the music stops and he can hear Alex yelling for him and at someone else to let him go.
Kyle tries to see if he can find where his voice is coming from, but before he can the crowd parts and a figure dressed all in white steps forward. 
Long white blonde hair and wings that look like they're made of icicles instead of feathers are the first thing that he notices before he gets to their eyes and sees the same fire honey as the golden figure that had been with Alex earlier.
His breath catches in his throat as they glide forward and stop gracefully in front of Kyle, smiling gently, an almost eager look on their face.
"What is your name mortal?" Their voice melodic and sweet like molasses.
Kyle opens his mouth to answer when he feels freezing cold fingers wrap around his arms and tug him back.
"Don't say anything," Alex whispers in his ear, voice like a minty winter breeze sweeping through him and making him double take as he looks around and all the beautiful faces suddenly turn terrible and sharp.
Kyle inhales sharply and Alex moves to step in front of him.
"You cannot keep him, your majesty," Alex states looking at the figure in front of him, who looks really amused.
"Oh," they say, smiling indulgently. "And why is that?"
"He didn't know the risks-" Alex starts and the Queen, Kyle guesses, cuts him off with a hand.
"Not good enough," she says and takes a step forward. "You should've prepared him if you were planning on bringing him here."
"He followed me here without my knowledge," Alex says, and the Queen just shakes her head again and looks at Kyle over Alex's shoulder.
"Doesn't matter how he got here," she grins pointy sharp teeth in his direction and Kyle feels a shudder go down his spine. "He would make an excellent addition to my collection."
Alex moves back until he's practically covering Kyle from view.
"But," she says and looks back at Alex with what Kyle can only call hunger. "If you accept my offer, I'll think about letting him go back home, eventually."
Alex inhales deeply, "I'll accept, if you promise to let him go immediately."
The Queen scoffs, "Because it will be such a hardship for you to work under the command of my Golden Knight."
She looks over both Kyle and Alex, and Kyle turns to see that the figure who'd been with Alex before with his arms crossed looking at the Queen with a cocky little smirk.
"I'll give you my name," Alex says, voice trembling a little bit, and the Golden Knight's face falls as he takes a step towards them.
"Really?" The Queen says sounding delighted and when Kyle turns to her it's to see that she's a whole lot closer and looking at Alex very intently.
"But you have to let him go now," Alex finishes.
She purses her mouth, and darts a look at Kyle before she looks at the Knight behind them and then back at Alex.
"I'll let him go, once you give me your name and your vow that you won't step foot in the mortal realm for fifty years."
"What?" Kyle says as his stomach drops. "No."
He can't imagine living a single day without seeing Alex, let alone fifty years.
"Deal," Alex says, and steps forward, leaning into the Queen to whisper.
"Wait," Kyle starts moving closer, intending to grab Alex, when he feels hot hands, like brands around his arms tugging him backwards until he's pressed into what feels like a furnace heating him up immediately, and making the sweat break out along his hairline and the back of his neck.
The Queen laughs, delighted and bright, and brushes her cheek against Alex's, and looks directly at Kyle and says, "Thank you."
And then she flicks the fingers of one hand in his direction and Kyle feels the heat leave him suddenly, and then a whirlwind of leaves and the fragrant smell of crushed flowers surrounds him and he turns around and calls out for Alex, and then suddenly the whole world starts fading out around the edges and everything goes black.
Kyle feels like he's going crazy. He'd woken up from a dream where Alex was some kind of faerie and had traded himself so that Kyle could go home to find that Alex had run away some time during the night.
His dad had pulled out all the stops to find him but nothing ever came up besides the fact that some time in the last couple of weeks he'd been seen in the company of a known trouble maker and shoplifter.
Kyle almost tells his dad about his dreams many times, before he stops himself feeling like it's something that would hinder the case rather than help.
A week after Alex disappears, Kyle wakes up covered in sweat, kicking his sheets off as he twists in bed trying to get comfortable.
He hears a familiar sounding giggle and his eyes snap open.
He finds the Golden Knight without his usual glow, sitting on the window sill looking up at the night sky with a wondering look on his face.
"Night is so fascinating. Don't you think?" he says turning to look at Kyle, eyes full of light. "We don't get any of that in the Unseelie Realm."
Kyle stares at him for a long second. "Am I dreaming?"
The Golden Knight smirks and lets one of his legs drop down from the window sill, leaning back against the side and arching his back, putting himself out on display.
"Trust me, if you were having dreams about me they would not be like this."
Kyle swallows hard, and ignores the way the heat of the room seems to be going to his head making him feel a little dizzy.
He sits up in his bed, and the Golden Knight slides off the window sill.
"What are you doing here then?"
The Golden Knight moves closer, sliding something out of his pocket and handing it over to Kyle.
Kyle grabs it immediately recognizing Alex's handwriting.
"I would've left it for you to find, but Alex wants me to make sure that you're safe and sound with my own two eyes."
His gaze drags down from Kyle's neck all the way to his feet and back up, slowly as he licks his bottom lip 
"You look pretty safe and sound to me," he says and Kyle ignores the voice at the back of his head telling him to move in closer, and looks down at Alex's letter.
He reads through it twice and feels a clenching in his stomach at the apologies and the I miss yous. He folds the letter carefully and looks up at who he assumes is the Michael Alex mentions at the end.
"Why is he writing like it's been months? It's only been a couple of days," Kyle asks and Michael stops tinkering with the notebooks Alex left behind on his desk, and gives Kyle a look.
"Time flows differently in the Unseelie Realm than it does here."
Kyle licks his lips and gives Michael a thoughtful look, "So fifty years would be how long up here?"
Michael shrugs, "It could be a considerably shorter time, or it could be even longer. One can never tell. We can also never know if my sister Queen meant fifty Unseelie years or fifty mortal ones."
Kyle feels his gut clenching at the thought that he might never see Alex again, might never be able to tell him that he wasn't scared because he didn't want Alex to kiss him, but because of what it would do to their friendship.
When he focuses on Michael it's to see that he's pocketing some of the jewelry pieces that Alex left behind.
“What’s your name?” Kyle asks, and Michael turns to him with a look, raising one eyebrow.
“Alex calls me Michael, but you can call me, Guerin.”
Kyle stands up then, leaving the letter behind on top of his pillow and walks over to Guerin, who is looking at him like he knows exactly what Kyle is going to do.
“I need you to give Alex a message from me,” Kyle says decisively.
Guerin grins sharply, “Anything.”
Kyle takes the last few steps and wraps his fingers around Guerin’s upper arms and then tugs him in close and kisses him, pressing their mouths together in a soft and chaste kiss.
Guerin is hot to the touch, and his mouth feels like a brand, and he makes a soft sound against Kyle’s mouth, before he moves into the kiss, pressing their mouths together harder and sucking on Kyle’s bottom lip, before he pulls away a huge delighted smile on his face.
“I’ll be sure he gets it,” he says and then pushes back into Kyle’s space to give him a harsher biting kiss that Kyle feels all the way down to his toes.
Guerin pulls back from it humming low in his throat, eyes closed.
“What was that for?” Kyle asks voice hoarse and breathless.
“That was a kiss from Alex,” Guerin responds laughing when Kyle gives him an incredulous look.
He pulls away from Kyle and bounces back over to the desk grabbing one of the notebooks. “See you later.”
Before Kyle can say anything, he’s gone in a whirlwind that leaves behind a mess of papers and sweeps through Kyle like a warm summer breeze.
Kyle exhales a little shakily and presses a hand to his mouth where he can still feel the heat of Guerin’s kiss.
He walks over to his bed and picks up Alex’s letter and reads it through one more time before he presses the letter to his face and leans back on his bed and hopes that the fifty years doesn’t take long at all.
.five years later.
The dismissal bell beeps just as Dr. Hamm finishes telling everyone about the requirements for the latest research paper.
Kyle has only been in medical school for not even a full semester and he already feels like maybe he’s going to burn out before the first year passes.
He gathers his books and notes and swings his bag over his shoulder, nodding at several people who smile and wave in his direction.
He’s walking out of the door and he catches the gaze of Emily Drake, who is in all of his classes and seems to want him to ask her out if all of the hints she’s been dropping mean anything.
Kyle is considering it given that he’s not in an actual relationship with anyone, but just as she opens her mouth to say something. Kyle feels a spike of heat going down the back of his neck almost like a physical caress, and he turns around fast, eyes searching and finding Guerin immediately.
He’s lying back on the grass that looks more vibrant and green around him in the direct sunlight, hands tucked against the back of his head, a pair of sunglasses on his face. He looks like he’s not paying attention to Kyle, but he’s also not wearing a shirt.
Kyle takes a step towards him, feeling his stomach buzzing with anticipation at news from Alex and the heat of Guerin’s body against him, when he stops as he feels a cool breeze brush past him and rustle his hair.
He turns his gaze slightly to the right to find a very familiar figure leaning back in the shade of a tree right beside Guerin, dressed in all black and wearing a pair of bug eyed sunglasses, a black umbrella leaning against the tree beside him. 
Alex, the name sweeps through Kyle as he catalogues the similarities, the clothes and the way that he’s standing, and the differences, the longer hair, and how he seems to be infinitely more comfortable in his skin than before.
“Alex,” Kyle breathes, and even though they’re too far to hear him, Alex straightens up, and Kyle can feel his gaze on him even though he can’t be sure that Alex is even looking at him.
He moves quickly, ignoring the calls of his name. He drops his books and notes on the floor once he hits the shade beneath the tree and once his hands are free, he’s wrapping his fingers in Alex’s hair and dragging him in.
Alex makes a relieved sound against his mouth, almost like a sob before he’s wrapping his arms around Kyle’s shoulders and kissing him back hard and fast and desperate.
Kyle kisses him back just as hard and fast, pushing in close until he has Alex pressed up against the tree.
He pulls away, brushing their noses together as he changes the angle of the kiss, breathing out an airy, “I missed you,” before he kisses him again, this time slower and deeper, parting Alex’s lips and licking into his mouth.
He tastes the complete opposite of Guerin whose kisses are hot and heady. Alex is cool and refreshing, making him want more and more and more until he’s drowning in it and his lips feel like he’s been pressing them against blocks of ice.
He pulls back, and drops his forehead to Alex’s exhaling and laughing a little at the way his breath fogs up the air between them.
“I missed you too,” Alex says, eyes open and bright and looking right into Kyle’s. “So fucking much, you don’t even know.”
Kyle makes a soft noise, and presses in close to kiss him again before he feels the heat of Guerin, pressing up close beside them, an arm draped around Kyle’s waist.
“Hey,” he says, and Kyle can hear the pout in his voice. “Where’s my kiss hello?”
“You’ve had plenty of them,” Alex starts, but Kyle just rolls his eyes, and kisses Alex quickly once, before he turns and presses a kiss to Guerin’s mouth, fast and chaste, and enough to make his mouth tingle as the warmth seeps into the cold.
He pulls away from Guerin, and Guerin smiles bright as the sun before he fits himself in the small space between them and kisses the pout on Alex’s face.
“Come on,” he whispers. “We should take this reunion somewhere more private.”
Kyle nods his head, and Alex smiles brightly at him before he grins and the air swirls around them sweeping through Kyle like a cool winter breeze.
They disappear out of sight, the notes and books that Kyle dropped to floor rustling in the breeze the only thing left behind.
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niall-is-my-dream · 5 years
You & Me - Part Seven
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2400 words
Callie's POV
Saturday 2nd September 2017 Stockholm, Sweden
You arrived at the hotel in Sweden just after 10am and checked yourself in with the team. Everything for this trip had been meticulously organised so even though near on 20 people were checking in, it actually went smoothly. Niall had a few interviews straight away, so he had gone straight to them and you were heading down to the venue to get organised. The show wasn't until tomorrow, but Martin always liked to get in early to view the venue even if you couldn't set up until the next day.
Martin said you'd only be a few hours and then you could all come back for lunch and a bit of free time.
You kept your distance from Niall while you were all travelling together, after getting caught by Deo and Tara the other night, you couldn't risk any more people finding out about you two. It was now out in the open amongst your close friends and they had assured you that they wouldn't mention it to anyone. Tara in particular understood your worry, she wouldn't tell anyone at work.
The venue wasn't far from the hotel and you spent about an hour walking around with the tour team discussing the agenda for tomorrow. There would be no need to set up anything today so your afternoon was free. Your stomach rumbled and you couldn't wait to get back to the hotel for lunch.
When you were in the car on the way back to the hotel you received a text from Niall.
"A few of us are going sight seeing and for lunch. What time will you be done with the walk around?"
"Already done, just in the car on the way back now."
"We are about 20 mins away. Want to join us for a bit of sight seeing?"
"Sounds good, who's going?"
"The lads and Tara."
"We are just pulling up at the hotel."
"Ok, I'll come to your room for a kiss before we go."
"Oh will you now?!"
"Yeah, I need one. It feels like forever since I had one."
"It was only last night!"
"That's ages ago. I missed you last night, my bed was lonely."
"Poor boy, ok I'll see you in a bit. Room 146 x"
You'd stayed the night at his Thursday, but with the early get up time for the flight you'd not stayed last night with him. Although he'd begged you to, you didn't think it was a good idea to try and get home in the early hours of Saturday morning. And it definitely wouldn't have been a good idea to be collected from Nialls, that wasn't exactly keeping it a secret.
Making your way to your room when you arrived back, you took the time to freshen up, throwing on a clean top before answering a message from Bex. A low knock at your door sounded Nialls arrival. Finishing your reply to Bex, you put your phone down on the side and opened the door.
"Thought you weren't going to answer then!" He said as he walked in your room.
"Wasn't that long! And anyway I was replying to a message from Bex."
"Well, we have about ten minutes before we have to be down in the lobby to meet everyone and I don't want to waste a second of our alone time."
He had a massive shit eating grin on this face as he made his way towards you. Within minutes you were a tangled mess of limbs laying on your bed, his hands wandering up your top to caress your skin, his lips peppering kisses along your neck.
"Mmm you smell so fucking good." He mumbled against your skin.
The weight of his body against you was something that you loved. He always wanted to be as close as possible. Your fingers wandering through his soft brown hair, running down his back and giving it a little scratch.
"Love it when you do that." He whispered and you smiled against his mouth.
A sharp loud knock at the door brought you out of your trance. Niall looked at you as you mouthed "no idea".
The pair of you stood up and Niall went into the bathroom and shut the door. Straightening your top out and tidying up your hair you looked through the peep hole. It was Kyle and Adam, part of the crew.
"Hi guys." You said as you opened the door.
"Hi Callie, a few of us are heading out for lunch if you want to join us?" Adam said.
"Ah thanks, but I already said I'd head out with Tara and the lads."
"No worries love." Kyle replied in his strong Yorkshire accent. "Didn't want you to be alone."
"That's appreciated thank you, but luckily I get on well with Tara so she invited me along."
"Yeah she's great, look we might head down to the bar next door for a beer later, come along if you want to." He added.
"I'll see what time we get back this afternoon, think we might do some sightseeing to."
And with a few quick goodbyes, the lads left and you closed the door.
Following a few minutes behind Niall, you made your way down to the lobby and over to the band, Tara and Basil, Nialls security guy who were waiting for you. You decided to all head out towards the centre of town and find somewhere to eat as you were all starving. Choosing to walk a bit behind with Tara, you soon fell into comfortable conversation. You really liked Tara. She was funny, kind and great company. You'd often hang out with her and some of the other girls when you were travelling doing shows.
Less than five minutes down the road and you had your first encounter with some fans. Niall was kind and sweet to them, giving them his autograph and posing for a picture. It was still strange to witness a situation like this. Niall was so laid back and "normal" that you forgot he was a multimillionaire pop star with nearly seven years experience of the industry. He was a true performer and you weren't going to lie, watching him in on stage was mesmerizing.
He turned to offer you a quick smile before you all carried on walking down the street. Spotting a cute restaurant some five minutes later, Tara took the lead and went inside while you and the others stood by the door. Basil was having a quick look around the place and you could tell he was trying to work out if it was private enough for you all.
When Tara emerged she seemed happy, they had a table that would accommodate you all and it would be private. Niall didn't expect special treatment when he went out, but if he could find somewhere that would allow him to not be stared at all the time then he would prefer that obviously.
You took a seat at the end of the table next to Gerry and saw Niall raise his eyebrows at you. If you were going to keep this a secret then you would need to keep your distance at times. Plus you were out in the open, anyone could see you and you had no doubt that Niall wouldn't be able to keep his hands to himself.
After ordering your food, you and Gerry began talking about music and gigs you had been to. He was really interesting to talk to, you hadn't had much time to sit with him one to one. The funniest thing was seeing Niall out the corner of your eye, he kept looking at you, trying to get your attention. You pretended you couldn't see him, he would have all your attention later.
Gerry was great company down the end of the table, with Conor and Jake in front of you both. You could see why Niall had chosen to work with them. You decided to give Niall a quick glance and could see him happily talking with John.
The food in the restaurant was really good, you'd ordered some mushroom ravioli, hoping you would fuel yourself up ready for a spot of sight seeing. The discussion soon came up of what to do next, agreeing just to have a walk about and see where you ended up.
When you'd paid up and Niall had had his photograph taken with the restaurant staff you headed out. Linking arms with Tara you both took the lead. You had a good look around the city, taking in the sights and having a look in some of the shops.
The weather was warm, so you decided to all stop for ice cream at this old fashioned looking shop.
"What flavour are you getting babe?" He asked you, his hand on the small of your back. He paused as if he realised how coupley that may have looked in front of people. But no one battered an eyelid.
Tara raised her eyebrows though, when she saw Niall stroke his fingers across your back. She cleared her throat and Niall moved his hand away when he realised what he was doing. A small smile appeared on her lips as you looked at her.
After getting your ice creams and realising you'd been walking for hours, you decided to walk back to the hotel making sure to keep your distance from Niall. He was spotted by some more fans on the way, three girls who excitedly took photos with him and said they were going to the show tomorrow.
Saying your goodbyes to everyone and getting a sneaky side glance from Niall, you made your way up to your room and collapsed on your bed. You had intended to use the gym this afternoon but your legs were aching from walking. You'd just kicked off your shoes and got comfy on the bed intending to take a nap when there was a knock on the door. You groaned as you got up, shuffling your way over to answer it.
Niall stood there looking all handsome and cute, immediately noticing the tired look on your face.
"Too much sight seeing?!" He asked as he came in and shut the door.
"Mmm was just going to take a nap. Want to join me?" You replied as you sat on the edge of the bed.
"God yes." He mumbled as he undid his jeans and slid them off.
"What sort of nap were you thinking I meant Ni?!" You smirked.
"Get your mind out the gutter Cal, I'm not sleeping in my jeans!"
He made a good point, luckily you'd come off your period, so hadn't got your comfy granny type knickers on. His eyes looked you up and down as he saw your lacy black thong when you took off your jeans to.
"Jesus." He whispered.
"Close your mouth." You giggled as you climbed into bed.
Shrugging his shoulders, he didn't even looked embarrassed by his remark. He climbed in bed beside you, laying so you were facing each other. His hand stroked across your hip as you tangled your legs together.
"Wish I could have held your hand today when we were out." He whispered.
"I know, I don't expect you to be able to do that with me."
"Just not easy for me to do normal things like that with who I'm seeing."
"It's ok." You replied leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on his lips.
Moving your mouth slowly over his, you licked across his lower lip with your tongue. His reaction was instant, his hands gripping your hips, fingers sliding up your t-shirt. Your hands that had been resting on his chest, stroked across his cheek and to the nape of his neck. His smell was intoxicating, every time he got close to you or kissed you, you felt yourself falling for him more and more.
When his fingers trailed down your stomach and toyed with the top of your knickers, you rolled your hips against him indicating that you wanted more. He could feel your arousal as he dipped his fingers between your folds. His lips had left yours and were nipping and kissing at your neck, the hot pants of his breath showing how much he was enjoying himself.
Simultaneously gliding two fingers inside you and using his palm to rub your clit, you were a mess within minutes. Teetering on the edge of your orgasm you rolled your hips against his fingers.
"You look so fucking good right now." He said breathlessly, and you knew he was aroused.
A whimper trembled on your lips as you felt yourself crumble. Gripping his shirt on his shoulders, eyes tight shut, his name falling from your lips in a whisper.
Both of you were breathless, easing his fingers from you, brushing his thumb over your sensitive nub. A shudder ran through your body as you came down from your high. His kisses were tender across your neck and up to your cheek.
When you finally opened your eyes, you could see him staring at you. Placing another few kisses across your cheek he whispered softly to you. "Now for that nap."
You had no idea how long you had both been asleep, but you were warm and cosy in the safety of his arms when you did. Managing to scoot out without waking him you hurried to the bathroom. When you emerged he was sitting up, the quilt pooled around his waist, rubbing the sleeping of his eyes.
He pulled back the cover, and patted the spot where you had slept. Crawling up the bed you settled yourself back in the warmth. His arm slid around your back, thumb stroking across your exposed skin.
"What do you have planned for tonight?" He asked.
"Lads said they might go to the bar next door to grab a drink later. What are you up to?"
"Was thinking about a date night actually."
"A date?"
"Yeah, well I figured we should probably have a date."
"Um, how will that work?"
"Well, we can stay here, half dressed, watch a movie, eat room service and drink wine."
You smiled and nudged his shoulder with yours. "Sounds perfect."
Part Eight
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