#Half-yearly examinations
anubisfarm · 6 days
Unethical || Harvey
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Synopsis - It's time for your first Pap Smear Test with Doctor Harvey when something unexpected and unethical happens.
Warnings - NSFW.
Word Count - 2.8k.
{Caffeinate Me}
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You had been in Pelican Town for just over a year now and during that time you had become increasingly close with the town’s local doctor, Harvey. Throughout the week you would bring his favourite gifts of coffee and pickles into his office, forcing the older man to fall head over heels in love with you relatively quickly. He would never pass up an opportunity to be by your side, whether it was as a friend, or as your doctor. Today though, he was your doctor. It was time for your yearly health check-up and, in fact. Was time for your first Pap Smear Test. Although you knew the examination was necessary to check for potential cancer cells, you were still dreading it. Your friends and family alike had told you that the procedure could be slightly painful and uncomfortable which only added to your already existing anxieties. 
As you approached the clinic your heart was thumping so loud against your chest that you swore other villagers passing by could hear it. You stood outside the clinic and took a few deep breaths before entering, only to be greeted with Maru’s friendly face. “Ah! There you are, just in time! Doctor Harvey is waiting for you in his office.”
You offered Maru a weak smile and nodded, “thanks Maru.”
You slumped your way down the hall to Harvey’s office, all while trying to stop yourself from bolting out of the clinic with every step you took. After what felt like an eternity, you reached the door and after another deep breath you knocked. A faint ‘come in’ sounded from the opposite side of the door and you slowly opened it, peering your head around the corner. Harvey was smiling at you already. “Y/N, it’s lovely to see you,” he greeted, motioning for you to enter his office further. 
“It’s lovely to see you too Harvey, although I wish the circumstances were different,” you mumbled, stepping further into the room. 
Harvey looked at you sympathetically and smiled. “You’re in good hands here Y/N, you’ve nothing to fear.” 
“You know hospitals make me nervous,” you said as you sat down in the chair opposite his desk. Immediately you began tapping your foot on the floor anxiously, which didn’t go unnoticed by Harvey. 
He typed some notes up on his computer before turning his attention to you once again. “I know it’s easier said than done but please try not to be nervous. I’m here to help you and ensure that everything is fine with your health.” 
You trusted Harvey with your life as both your friend and doctor, but still you couldn’t shake the nerves you were feeling about the Pap Smear examination. Your lips pressed into a thin line before you finally managed to stammer out, “w-will it hurt?” 
“I’m not going to lie to you Y/N, I’ve heard it can be quite uncomfortable but it will only last a few moments and I’ll do my best to make you as comfortable as possible,” he paused and offered you a reassuring smile. “Now, whenever you’re ready you can step behind that screen there and remove the bottom half of your clothes.” 
You looked at the screen a few feet away from his desk and nodded. For a few seconds, your feet reused to move but eventually you stood up from the chair and walked behind the screen. You looked around the small section of the room and noticed there was a hospital bed and next to it, a small station sink with a cabinet underneath it. The hospital bed had been made up for you, a small paper-like blanket had been folded neatly on the bed for you to cover your bottom half up. With a sharp exhale, you tucked your thumbs under the waistband of your trousers and underwear, pulling them down to your ankles in one fell swoop. You stepped out of your trousers and lay yourself down on the bed, grabbing the paper-like blanket to cover what remaining dignity you had left. Finally, after a few seconds of deliberating if this was really worth the embarrassment, you called out to Harvey. “I’m ready.”
Harvey walked behind the screen and pulled a small wheeling cart with him. Once he was behind the screen, he put on a pair of transparent gloves and flexed his fingers. “If you could bend your knees up for me please and put them together.” He sat down at the end of the bed before looking at you. “I’m going to lift this sheet and take a look, okay?” You nodded your head in understanding as your face flushed with embarrassment. 
Meanwhile on the other side of the situation, Harvey’s heart was racing. He couldn’t help but feel slightly perverted as he slowly lifted up the sheet, revealing your exposed pussy to him. Harvey couldn’t believe he was actually seeing you, up close and personal. Harvey bit his bottom lip as he inspected your pussy, his mouth practically watering at the sight. When Harvey never spoke, you whispered to him. “Is everything okay?”
He cleared his throat before answering you. “Y-Yeah. Everything is fine.” Then, he stood up and made his way over to the small stationed sink next to the bedside and reached into the cabinet underneath it. “I’m just grabbing some lubricant. It’ll be a lot easier to insert the speculum if you’re… well, lubed up.”
“Speculum?” You asked softly, looking at Harvey as he squeezed some of the transparent, odourless liquid onto his fingers. 
“Yes, speculum. That’s the name of this tool I’ll be using today,” Harvey nodded his head towards the wheeling cart and the instrument located on it. He then returned to his place at the end of the bed, between your legs and let out a silent, deep breath. “This might feel a little cold, but it will only last a second.” With that warning, and a nod of your head in understanding, Harvey pressed two fingers against your entrance quickly. A soft gasp left your lips at the cooling sensation and you felt yourself clench slightly as Harvey retracted his fingers. At your gasp, the older man felt his heart skip several beats and a varying number of inappropriate thoughts flashed through his mind. Harvey tripped to keep his now throbbing cock at bay as he looked at your glistening pussy and he swore a bit of saliva fell from the corner of his mouth and onto his lap. Shaking his head lightly, Harvey grabbed the speculum from the small medical table he had wheeled in with him. 
“That looks like a torture device,” you said with a nervous chuckle, looking down at the speculum in Harvey’s hand.  
“It does look scary, but I promise it’s not as bad as you’re thinking. It won’t be pleasant, but it won’t be unbearably painful either.” You nodded your head once again in response and sucked in a deep breath as Harvey placed the speculum at your entrance. “I’m going to push it in now, okay?” 
“O-Okay,” you whispered. Without hesitation, Harvey pushed the lubricated speculum inside you, ripping yet another gasp from your throat. He opened the speculum and looked inside, taking note of the things he needed to do before grabbing a swab and taking a sample. 
After a few seconds of an uncomfortable feeling, Harvey slowly pulled the speculum from you. “There. All done.” Harvey looked up from between your legs and offered you a weak smile and placed the speculum off to the side for sterilisation once you had left his office. 
“Done?” You asked, letting out a breath you had been holding in and sighed, your legs collapsing flat onto the bed and covering yourself with the thin paper-like blanket yet again. You looked at Harvey and offered him a weak smile before your eyes casted down to his little ‘problem’ between his legs. The colour drained from Harvey’s face when he saw your gaze downcast to his crotch and he immediately began to stammer out a sentence.
“I-I didn’t mean to - I couldn’t help it - I just-”
“Harvey, it’s okay,” you whispered softly, propping yourself up on your elbows. “I may just be a farmer, but I know the basics of human sex organs. You don’t have to be a doctor to understand that.”  
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable,” Harvey mumbled, playing with his fingers that rested gently on his lap. 
“Uncomfortable? “ You asked him quizzically. 
“Well, yes,” Harvey adjusted his glasses awkwardly as he shifted down in his seat. “It’s not professional at all and it’s extremely unethical.”
Your brain didn’t even get a chance to process the words before you blurted out, “do you need some help?” Your eyes widened as soon as the sentence left your lips and so did Harvey’s. Had he heard you right? To save face, you just allowed yourself to continue talking. “You know… Do you need me to help you get rid of your erection?”
“Y/N!” Harvey managed to stammer out, his face now bright red from shame and embarrassment. 
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about Harvey,” you whispered softly. “It’s natural.”
“Thank you for being so… Understanding,” Harvey mumbled softly. 
“So,” you whispered out softly, a teasing grin on your lips. “Do you want some help or not?” Harvey hesitated, unsure of what to say or do. On one hand, he wanted you so badly. The sight of your pussy alone had nearly pushed him to orgasm. On the other hand, he didn’t want to ruin possibly the only real friendship he had in Pelican Town. It took a few seconds of awkward silence before Harvey finally nodded a ‘yes’ in response to your question. You sat up, the paper-like blanket falling from your lap, and pulled him down on top of you so both of his hands were resting on either side of your head. Harvey gazed down at you with a look of longing in his eyes and slowly, he inched his face towards yours until your lips were placed firmly against his. The kiss was clumsy and it was clear to you at that moment that this man had limited experience when it came to women, if any. His tongue ran over your bottom lip in a desperate attempt to wriggle its way into your mouth, but teasingly, you kept your lips pressed together. Harvey let out a needy whimper and a simple ‘please’ left his lips. Sighing dreamily, you parted your lips and allowed Harvey’s tongue to delve into your mouth with such an eagerness you don’t think you had ever experienced. Your hands quickly began to unbuckle his trousers, feeling his straining erection pushing almost painfully against them. “Harvey,” you whispered softly against his lips, pulling his trousers and underwear down to his knees, allowing his cock to spring free. For someone so shy and anxious, you never expected him to be as large as he was, his cock was thick and veiny and heavily pressing against your exposed heat. 
“Y/N,” Harvey gasped. He felt the wetness of your cunt slick the side of his cock as he bucked his hips up against you desperately. “Can I put it in? Please.” How could you deny him when he begged so deliciously. You nodded your head and Harvey immediately jumped for joy, slicking the tip of his cock up your wet folds before slowly inching himself in. A gasp ripped from his throat as he fully sheathed himself inside of you, halting for a moment to allow you to adjust to his length. “Oh… You’re so tight.” 
“Harvey,” you whined out, bucking your hips up against his in a desperate attempt to get him to start moving. 
With clumsy thrusts, Harvey begins to move against you. His hands still rested next to your head, keeping himself upright as he moved against you slowly. Harvey was adamant he had never felt anything better than your pussy wrapped around his cock, adamant that there was no better feeling in the world that could compare. As his hips snapped against yours, Harvey’s lips met yours in a frantic kiss and a soft moan left him. “Yoba, Y/N,” he grunted against your lips. His moustache tickled your top lip, but it only seemingly added to the pleasure you were feeling. Moan after moan left your lips, as your legs wrapped around his waist to pull him ever closer to you. “You’re so wet for me. It’s intoxicating.” 
“Mhm,” you nod your head, trying to keep as quiet as you could. After all, you were in the doctor's office. Harvey kissed down your lips, to your jaw until he reached the sweet spot on your neck. He immediately began sucking on the tender flesh of your throat as soft noises left your mouth. This only spurred him on more, and soon he was leaving big red hickey’s along your neck. The pleasure only intensified when Harvey angled your hips so he could reach deeper inside of you. You were right on the edge. “Harvey, I’m going to cum,” you moaned out softly as your hands made their way to your clit, rubbing harsh and quick circles on the sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“Cum for me sweetheart,” Harvey moaned out as he felt the walls of your cunt contract around him, gripping his cock like a vice. Just as he had said those words, your orgasm rippled through you like a tidal wave. Your legs tightened around his waist before going slack, shaking with the pleasure you felt as Harvey continued to thrust against you haphazardly. As he felt you contract around him, Harvey knew that he would follow close behind, his breathing increased rapidly as his hips sped up of their own accord. “Where do you want me?” He asked breathlessly.
“Inside, please, inside,” you begged pathetically, your body still shaking from your release. 
Harvey didn’t even think about the potential consequences. Instead, he took your begging as consent and immediately, his orgasm ripped through him from the sound of your begging, mixed with your tight heat wrapped around him. “Oh my,” Harvey groaned out as his entire body shook with ecstasy. His hips spluttered against yours as rope after rope shot from his cockhead and his head fell back, mouth open wide with pleasure. “I love you,” he whimpered as his hips thrusted against you a few more times before finally stilling. 
Your eyes were wide at his admission, but you couldn’t deny that your heart was beating rapidly against your chest. “I love you too,” you whispered back, causing Harvey to stiffen at your words. He couldn’t believe that the words had slipped past his lips, but then again, he couldn’t believe any of this had happened.
After a few seconds of silence, Harvey spoke up as he propped himself up above you so he could look down at you. “You do?”
You nodded your head eagerly, a sweet smile playing on your lips. “Yes.”
Harvey felt his heart skip a few beats at your words and a blush covered his face when he realised he was softening inside of you. He leaned down to kiss you once again, muttering against your lips. “I love you so much.”
You kissed back when there was a knock on Harvey’s office door followed by Maru’s voice. “Doctor Harvey, your next patient is here to see you.”
Harvey pulled his lips away from yours and groaned before calling back, “be right out!” Maru’s footsteps walked away from the door and Harvey finally pulled out of your sticky cunt with a low whine before whispering to you, “will I see you again?” 
You watched him quizzically as he pulled his trousers and underwear back up around his hips. “Why wouldn’t you?” You asked eventually after a few seconds of watching him. Harvey shrugged slightly and rubbed his moustache awkwardly. You grinned at him. “Come by my farm tonight after work, okay?” 
“What for?” Harvey asked, tilting his head as it was now his turn to watch you get your bottom-half dressed.
“Just… trust me, okay?” You said with a smile. Harvey nodded his head and returned your smile before walking over to you and wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling his face into your neck, inhaling your scent with a contented sigh. 
“I’ll see you later then,” he whispered before placing a soft kiss on your cheek. “Now, I have to get back to work.”
“I’ll see you later, Doctor,” you whispered, giving him a nod before turning on your heels to walk out of the door. 
You bid goodbye to Maru as you left the clinic and made your way back to the farm. Smiling to yourself, you tended to the farm and your animals, something that you were too anxious to do earlier. As you moved you felt Harvey’s spend trickle down your thigh, a constant reminder of what had happened at your appointment. Your heart skipped a few beats and you had to pinch yourself for the moment to feel real in your mind. You couldn’t wait for that evening, to see Harvey again in the comfort of your own home with no time limit. Maybe he’d even spend the night… Who knew what would happen, only time would tell. 
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Jin Fic Recommendations
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a - angst f - fluff s - smut
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
One Shots
Golden Boy (s) ⊹₊⋆ The golden boy of the porn industry, prettier than half his female co-stars. Will sue if you pull his hair. Always bothering his neighbors with pizza delivery.
glazed & dazed (s f) ⊹₊⋆ Vanilla, that’s what you do best as one of the industry’s most loved stars. Only you want a change. Taking the plunge to taint your pure image, knowing so many fans would love to see it sullied, even if just for one movie. There’s only one man for the job in your eyes. One you’ve always admired from afar, and the only one who’s perfect enough to take your innocence in the most fitting way. Seokjin Kim. Even more famous than you; a pro, a veteran, and someone you can’t wait to give your all for. Together you will be unstoppable.
meet me at the bar (s f) ⊹₊⋆ You're supposed to be staring down the barrel of the last — and most important — examination of your life, but you only have eyes for your study buddy.
Stuck with you (a s f) ⊹₊⋆ It’s the first Christmas since your dad passed away. You, your mum and sister are going to his favourite place to do his favourite thing, skiing. And yet you’re not there. Stuck. Stranded. Trapped. In seemingly the single hottest place in the world. Your transfer flight cancelled so you’re now stuck between home and your family. A snowstorm that causes all flights to be cancelled, heat that just seems wrong at Christmas, your sister crying and shouting down the phone at you, and to top it off, the most annoying man in the world who’s in the same position as you and seems to think you’re friends because of that fact. Merry Christmas to you.
fast lane (a f s) ⊹₊⋆ “Disgruntledly, you think to yourself how frustrating it is he can be quite so awful of a person and still be so good looking.” Alternatively; Boy Toy racer Kim Seokjin lives to test; the laws of speed, how many women he can bag, how much money he can convince people to give him, and quite how far you can be pushed before you snap.
small tuna fish (f s) ⊹₊⋆ Kim Seokjin is a really nice guy. (Not to be confused with a ‘Nice Guy’). Too nice for someone like you, you’re sure. Which is why you’ve been attempting to ignore what’s going on between you. He couldn’t possibly be flirting with you. He couldn’t possibly like you. Could he? 
Lost and Found (a f) ⊹₊⋆ What do you do when your whole world comes crashing down around you? When everything you loved turns out to be a lie? When your fiancé tells you he’s been having an affair, you feel like your whole world comes crashing down, but then you find an antiques shop and the strange man that runs the shop helps you slowly rebuild your life and realise maybe not everything about you is broken.
Sit. Stay. (f a s) ⊹₊⋆ Your new puppy, Zinnia, has turned your world on its head. She’s ruined everything from your sleep schedule to your favorite shoes, and you know it’s your own failure to train her properly. When your cute upstairs neighbor tells you about a local obedience academy, he slowly starts to make himself a place in your schedule, your life, and your heart. After your last relationship went up in flames, will his affections be something else you can count as a failure?
Last November (a s) ⊹₊⋆ you two broke up on good terms. even seeing each other on your friends’ yearly end-of-november trip was never awkward. so why did this trip feel so different? and why does it feel like the end of something that wasn’t even there in the first place?
Cherry Topper (a s) ⊹₊⋆ Seokjin is a chaotically fun-loving guy who works long and hard hours at his successful, family owned candy store named Kim’s Sweet’s Shop, located on the corner of Cherry Lane. Being consistently busy with the labor of his work schedule and attending college to finish off his masters program, he has a very little social life and definitely does not have time for dating on this romantic, hectic holiday. But from right under his nose, one of his many admirers just so happens to be the sugar-coated treat that he’s been missing out on.
you've been avoiding me all day (a f)
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iamvegorott · 3 days
Magicians Don't Need Superheros Pt7
First: Link Prev: Link Next: Link
Marvin sat on the edge of the examination table, slumped over and finding it harder and harder to keep his head up and eyes open. He’d be allowed to go lay down soon, right? He had his measurements taken and he answered all of Henrik’s questions. The doctor seemed fairly chill considering everything else, but that might just be his ‘work personality’ since he seemed to match the chaotic energy earlier. 
Jackie had snuck him two cookies earlier and Marvin had to admit the treats were really good. Maybe he’ll meet JJ tomorrow and put a face to the cookies. There seemed to be at least one more Septiceye. Who knew if Chase had more to that list before he got distracted by the missing one? How many Egos were there? Was it just the two groups or were there more? Did Jackie mention more? His head felt so stuffed that he couldn’t even remember anymore.
“Psst. Marvin.” 
“Hm?” Marvin turned his head at the whisper and saw Jackie peeking his head through the door of the room. “You dork.” He sighed at Jackie waving a cookie in the air. 
“You don’t want it? Cause I got two.” Jackie leaned over some more and showed that he had a cookie in each hand. “I mean, I know you’ve already had two, but you gotta get what you can when it comes to sugar in this house since it’ll be gone before you know it.” 
“Does every Septiceye have a sweet tooth?” 
“Pretty much.”
“Alright, I’ll take the cookie.” Marvin chuckled at Jackie’s excited giggle as he slipped into the room and gave him one of the treats. “JJ really does know how to make good cookies.” He said before biting down on it. It wasn’t as warm as the first time he was given the cookies, but it was still so soft and the chocolate chips still oozed. They had to be made from scratch to be like this.
“He’d had a lot of practice. JJ bakes a lot in general but he bakes even more when he’s stressed.” Jackie said casually and took a bite, getting half of the cookie into his mouth. Which was a lot considering the cookies were the size of his hand.
“Is he stress baking right now?” Marvin asked. 
“Kind of,” Jackie said through the mouthful of cookie. “A new Ego appearing is always stressful.” He chewed for a second before his eyes widened and he swallowed. “Not that you’re stressful or anything! It’s just that-like-you know-you don’t know. You don’t know the things yet, but it’s just that-it’s-it’s just a…a-uh…” 
“New things are stressful,” Marvin said.
“That.” Jackie’s shoulders relaxed in relief.
“I will just need a blood sample and then we are done for the day,” Henrik stated as he came into the room, not looking over to where Marvin and Jackie were as he went to a counter and started getting out the supplies he’d need. “I will also need you to come to my office first thing in the morning, do not eat or drink before then so that I can take another sample for comparisons and to know your-the cookies are for after the blood taking.” He sighed after turning and seeing Jackie and Marvin. 
“You’re taking blood?” Jackie’s voice nearly went up a whole octave. Marvin didn’t think that was possible and yet the other man sounded like a squeaky toy with that question. 
“Yes, I am.” Henrik had a laugh in his voice. Marvin could tell that he was missing something.
“Do you not like blood?” Marvin asked Jackie.
“It is not the blood that is the problem. It is how it is taken. Jackie does not like needles.” Henrik stated.
“Don’t tell him that, man!” Jackie shouted in embarrassment. “Heros aren’t afraid of anything.” 
“If that is true, then perhaps you can allow me to take a sample of your blood? The yearly samples are coming up soon and we can get yours done early.” Henrik suggested with almost an evil grin. 
“I-um…what was that Chase?” Jackie started backing toward the door. “I gotta go.”
“I did not hear anything.” Henrik hummed.
“Supersonic hearing and stuff.”
“That is not one of your-”
“Gotta go, bye!” Jackie turned and ran out of the room. Marvin watched Jackie go and then broke out into a laugh. 
“Last year we had to have six of us hold him down to get blood,” Henrik said with a chuckle, washing his hands, and putting gloves on. “And that was with the strongest among us.” 
“Everyone’s scared of at least one thing.” Marvin finished his treat as he waited. 
“I wish you the best of luck convincing Jackie of that. Despite having to literally restrain him, he claims endless fearlessness.” Henrik peeked over his shoulder. “Do you mind rolling your sleeve for me?” Marvin nodded and did as asked, more than ready to get this last part done and over with. 
“So, you and Chase are the ones in charge here?” Marvin asked.
“I guess one could say that. Honestly, Chase is more of the one that gives orders, I just try to keep everyone alive.” Henrik rolled a little tray over and sat in a chair next to Marvin. “Everyone mostly does as they please aside from being assigned a job from time to time.” 
“A job?” 
“We do freelance jobs, and depending on the Ego determines what end of the range that job is. Some are more…legal than others. It-” Henrik stopped when he could practically see Marvin wanting to explode from information overload. “It is something that you can be told about later.”
“Okay” Marvin sighed, being sure to look at anything but his arm as Henrik filled a vial with his blood. “So…I have a room?” 
“You do. The details of how it came to be can also be shared at a later point as well. The door has stayed locked since you have yet to arrive, but now you should be able to walk in. It is the door across from Jackie’s room. I will call for him to show you once we are done.”
“Is that the ‘connection’ Jackie mentioned? He said there was a reason why he was the one that had to get me to come here.” Marvin felt the bandage getting wrapped around his arm. 
“The…um…well that is much more complicated. That is something that will be explained after you begin to meet the others. I think some rest is what you need the most at the moment.” Henrik got out of the chair and stepped away with the collected blood. 
“Doctor’s orders.” Marvin lightly laughed as he fixed his sleeve. “Does that mean I can go now?” 
“Let me call for Jackie.” Henrik went over to a fridge and pulled out a bottle of apple juice, handing it to Marvin. 
“Thanks.” Marvin opened the bottle, getting himself a sip as Henrik stuck his head out of the door.
“Jackie! Come here, please!” Henrik shouted and Marvin choked on his drink. He was not expecting that kind of volume to come out. “He should be here in a moment,” Henrik said back at his usual level and smiled at Marvin. “You do not feel lightheaded, correct?”
“I feel good.” Marvin’s answer came out hoarse.
“Oh! I should have warned you. Sorry. I am used to the noise of the House, you will adapt quickly to it as well.” Henrik apologized as he went back to the counter. 
“Cool.” Marvin got off of the examination table. “I’m just going to wait for him in the-hi Jackie.” He opened the door and Jackie was right there. 
“What’s up?” Jackie asked. 
“He is finished. Could you show him to his room?” Henrik didn’t look away from his work. 
“Got’cha!” Jackie did a salute and stepped back. He did a little bow and gestured with his hands. “Right this way.” 
“I’m about this close to just passing out on the floor.” Marvin held up a hand to show the small measurement he spoke of, leaving the room and beginning to go down the hall. 
“I mean, if you do I can just carry you,” Jackie suggested.
“Don’t tempt me.” Marvin rubbed his face with a hand and stopped when Jackie was suddenly in front of him with his back to him.
“Up, up,” Jackie said as he slapped his back.
“I was joking.” 
“Up, up.” 
“I’m not climbing on you. I’m fine.” 
“You’re going to keep doing that until I agree, aren’t you?”
“Well, have fun with eternity.” Marvin went around Jackie and kept going down the hall. He couldn’t help a smile when he heard Jackie laughing and it was only a moment later that he was at his side again. 
“My room is right up here.” Jackie pointed and then jogged ahead, stopping in front of a door. Marvin was far from surprised at the decor on the door; printed pictures of superheroes and manga characters. There were some speech bubbles with text next to some of the characters and Marvin assumed they were quotes. “And that means this one is yours.” Jackie took a large step to be on the other side of the hall and pointed at the blank door. 
“I can finally get some sleep.” Marvin sighed. 
“If you ever need anything, don’t be afraid to knock on my door or, you know, do what Hen does and yell for me.” Jackie offered with a puff to his chest. 
“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. Good night, Jackie.” Marvin placed his hand on the doorknob. 
“I’ll see ya in the morning.” Jackie gave another salute and Marvin rolled his eyes as he went into the room. 
Marvin closed the door behind him, turned on the light switch and he couldn’t explain the strange sour feeling in his stomach at seeing how the room he entered was identical to his actual bedroom. Down to the exact same shade of paint on the walls, even the hand-drawn posters were there as well. You’d think seeing your home would be comforting, but instead, it made Marvin feel sick. 
But at least there was a bed. 
Marvin took a step toward the bed and froze, feeling a strange presence near him now. It caused a static feeling on his tongue, making the hair on the back of his neck rise. A giggle was enough to get Marvin to act. 
Grabbing the scissors inside of the pen bucket on his desk, Marvin turned and threw them, seeing the sharp points of the scissors stick into the wall next to a black, shadowy form. The shadow shifted and shades of green showed in the reflection of the light. The giggles came from the form as it slowly moved down to the floor and looked like a puddle before it stretched toward the air and morphed into a human shape, bright green eyes opened and a sharp, toothy smile grew into a grin.
“It’s not nice to throw things at your housemates~” 
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roznnreads · 3 months
Chosen not Fated Chapter 2
Eris x Fem!Reader
Tags: marriage of convenience, rhysand slander, depression, suicidal ideation
Summary: Tired of a life in the shadow among the inner circle, Rhysand’s younger sister decides to take her life into her own hands and makes a desperate grab for power.
Chapter Summary: snippets of time over the next 500 years
a/n: so this is a longer one, but bear with me on this one. I know that Mor’s backstory was before the wall was made but ignore that for the plot. For the high lords summet I was just imagining PMQs (Prime Minister Questions) if you are in the UK you’ve probably heard of them. I have put a Great Comet reference in there. If you can find it, I'll give you a cookie.
last part , next part
6 months after the war
Something was wrong when I awoke at 3am, Azriel had flown to my balcony and forcefully woken me up, my eyes bleary. 
“Come quick, meet in the main hall”. Yelled Azriel, my vision coming clear and he was already gone. I grab a robe to cover myself and leave my room. 
I’m half way down the great stairs to the foyer, eyes already adjusting to the darkness, when I see her. 
Mor, my cousin, looking as if she crawled her way halfway across Prythian. There are stab wounds that are trying to heal themselves yet are struggling, her dress is thin and muddy, the look in her eyes is one of a prey animal. I know that this is not the Mor, she would have wanted anyone to see, the carefully made mask ripped from her as the nails that ripped through her lower abdomen. 
“Mor!”, I sob, running towards her, taking the robe from me and wrapping it around her crumpled body, her shoulders hung low, she isn’t crying, her face is blank, not all the way here. 
The Men standing around the scene are surveying us closely, Azriel stands next to his brothers arms crossed, the three of them look like the Judge, Jury and Executioner of Mor’s fate, they are still and not moving, 
“Take her to her chambers”, stated Rhys in a blank expression, I knew it was directed towards me. I position Mor so she can put her weight on me and rise, with a curt nod towards my High Lord, I stagger with Mor by my side up the stairs, when I’m nearing the top I can make out the conversation below in snippets
“Keir thought–”
“Cassian what–”
“-was in autumn–”
“That bastard–”
I take Mor to my chambers, where she normally stays is farther from the foyer than mine. I lead her to the bed and lie her down, taking her soiled shoes off and covering her in a blanket. As soon as her head hits the pillow she closes her eyes. I thought that she might have died until the soft lowering and rising from her chest. With Mor asleep and not at risk of collapsing in on herself I take my time examining her stomach, pus surrounds the gash, I grab a water basin and a rag. I gently dab at the wound, when the wet rag touches the open skin I feel Mor flinch but didn’t wake up. I gently clean up the gash, the healing looks much better now it's clean, it doesn’t look as messy which is good. It might scar but you can never be sure. The pus is a good sign, she still is fighting whatever infection is still inside her. 
I don’t leave her side, I stay awake, waiting for the worst, for the rise and fall to stop, but it doesn’t, she’s still alive in the morning. Thank the Mother. 
64 years after the war
The High Lords Summet, another performance. Everyone dresses up and pretends to be civil with each other even though half of the attendees want to kill each other and the other want to fuck the other. When you are basically immortal these yearly gatherings always are filled with drama in our otherwise dreary lives. Without this summet the continent would be a much darker place of endless war and strife. It’s fun to sit and watch the members squirm in their seats as the imposed politeness of centuries past remains with the High Lords and their allies use cleverly worded language to get around the insults they throw at each other. 
Nothing ever gets truly done, if anything the opposite happens. 
With the War over the relative peace is wavering as a power vacuum is left, the unity that led to the fey win has split as fast as it was formed, which is to mean slowly yet sudden. There will be talk of a danger to the West with Hybern but nothing will be decided. 
Of course the Night Court is masking our true intentions as well as a good 1/3rd of the court's existence. I’ve perfected a natural sneer, it feels normal to wear, no one wishes to approach you if you look like you hate their existence, But no one would approach me other than a power grab for the Night Court. 
Beron and Helios are ‘arguing’ over Cauldron knows what, the eldest Autumn son catches my eye, he is looking at me with a confused expression, I don’t drop my gaze, I am tired of being perceived weak, The confusion warps to a seductive smirk. I drop my sneer, raising an eyebrow at him in question. 
He has never looked at me this way before, I started attending these events a few dozen years ago, and only after the war ended. I have seen the heir occasionally throughout my life, never paying much attention but with the look in his eye I am frightened. 
200 years after the war
I made up my mind. Well I did 136 years ago, but I never let myself truly believe this will become my future. Since the High Lord Summet I always knew in the back of my mind that Eris Vanserra would make the perfect companion, a chance to leave my crushing depression behind, a new environment. His gaze rarely leaves mine when in the same room. 
Rhysand wasn’t happy, Azriel ever the watchful eye snitched when he saw Eris try to approach me when he came to visit Velaris. I was told to stay away from the Vanserra, for my own safety, to never lead on his advances. I didn’t heed the warning. 
450 years after the war
This is stupid, I should have stayed in Velaris, It isn’t safe here, yet I am compelled to be here. 
I am making no attempt to hide my entry, the entrance was unguarded,  like a venus fly trap waiting until the fly gets deep enough inside before ensnaring it, devouring it alive. 
The dark gray rocks, jagged like they were cut recently, have not formed after years of erosion and nature. It is a disgusting recreation at Hewn City, there is nothing real about this place, all artificial. 
Voices ahead of the path get louder as I draw near, I can hear a commanding woman, her voice shrill, echoing down the tunnel, I hear the murmuring of a crowd, in response. 
Entering the room from the back, I walk out, pushing through the mass of courtesans from all seven courts. 
I stand before the queen on the stone throne, she has deep red hair, a black crown dressed in a low cut black dress, wearing the guise of power. She frowns at me 
“Were you trying to hide someone from me Rhysand, you know what would happen if you tried something of this kind”
“I had no intention to hide anyone, I just never mentioned it, you never asked” Rhysand said calmly. Amarantha wheeled at him breaking her gaze at me
“Don’t you lie to my Rhys” She says with her hand cupping his cheek. I know my brother, the look of love he gives Amarantha, is not true love, with a look like that he could make anyone believe he was their mate from one look in his eyes. 
“I am not lying, just don’t hurt my sister”, he pleaded. 
500 years after the war
Lucien was being idiotic, perhaps it was the 50 years in Spring that made him weak to authority, I doubt less than a year in Spring was enough to build a unwavering loyalty to the human alone, it was probably the unyielding loyalty to Tamlin, it truly is a shame, he was one of the nicer Autumn royals, he is going to die. That is as clear as day, I am watching as Amarantha is whipping Lucien, each lash leaves a resounding echo in the hall, it pierces my ears, Lucien slighted Amarantha, broke a unspoken rule, I can’t look away, I want to but I can’t. 
In a room with all eyes on the kneeling man, I can feel a burning stare into my head. 
I look up.
Eris. You would think that with his brother getting beat he would be focused on that, but he was looking at me, were across from each other, the scene splitting us, Eris is looking at me, I can’t decipher his expression. 
500 years after the war
This is wrong, my brother, someone who is forced to be a whore for Amarantha, making the poor human dress and dance like this. I am surprised Amarantha has allowed this to continue, the first two of the trials have been completed. I know that she is dragging out the time between them but it has been 2 months since the last, and every night we party, perhaps the only fun we will ever have. Rhysand has forced this girl to dance on him, Amarantha doesn’t like to share. It's disgusting. The poor girl can’t dance that well either. It truly is pitiful. 
I realize I’ve been staring at them for far too long, looking away I feel a figure stand beside me, I’d not noticed before, but they must have been there awhile
“And here I thought the Night Court was better than this” said the man, I glace at him, seeing the Autumn Court Heir.
“And what gave you that perception Lordling”
“I met you, Surely, I thought, a beauty like you could not survive such a evil environment”
“You thought wrong Vanserra” I say, with the bitterness I struggle to conceal. 
“My dear, what have I done now,” he said moving in front of me, blocking my view of the Amarantha’s whore and his harlot. We're so close together now, I can feel his breath on my face, as he peers down at me waiting for a retort. 
I meet his gaze, moving slowly closer, glance down at his lips. When he moves in, I back off, moving farther back then before, a modest 2 feet between us, something that would have been considered proper if not for what happened moments before. 
“Excuse me my lord, I need to rest for a moment”, I say. I turn my back to him and make my way to the chambers, he doesn’t follow. 
501 years after the war
The curse breaker's wedding is in two hours, Rhysand has not shut up about her since we returned to Velaris, he’s acting like he is 100 again, a poor little school boy with a crush.
The news of the Wedding reached the Night Court last week, not an invite, just the announcement, It could be seen as a slight but considering how Tamlin and Rhysand hate each other, an invite wasn’t expected, The announcement had unnerved the high lord, currently he is pacing around the war room, waiting to build up the nerve to fulfill the deal made 3 months ago. 
“There’s no way for you to stop this” said Mor “she loves Tamlin, her love was shown in front of all the High Lords, it is that love for which she is alive right now”
“If you feel that strongly, object to the wedding, make the bond known to her”, I said
Rhysand’s pacing slowed.
“Why don’t you just speak to her, you could have taken her any time over the past few months, told her then, you still have two hours until the ceremony starts,” I snip. 
“No, as much as I can feel her suffocating spiral, in her mind all she is saying is that she must marry him, and if that is her choice, I must follow it, no matter how much it pains me” said Rhys taking a seat in on a couch
“Marriage is not the end, she is now fey, divorce is an option, The Spring isn’t that strict on women regardless” Mor states “she must fulfill her end of the deal, eventually”. 
506 years after the war
There is to be a massive celebration for the birthday of the High Lady, A week of revelry ending in a ball with members of other Courts in attendance, Feyre’s birthday shall be the day before with an intimate get together of the circle. 
Large groups of people aren’t my favorite thing in the world, spending the day surrounded by the inner circle. That is what I truly dread.
Preparations are being made, I’m in charge as the sister to the High Lord with a wife there is little for me to do other than plan social events and tend to the house all in the assistance for the High Lady, A glorified ladies maid. Despite my resentment I think the ball will turn out spendley, as long as certain members invited can keep the dick measuring contest to a minimum. 
“Are you alright” said Elain leaning into my view “You’ve been zoned out for quite some time”
“Oh, It’s nothing, just going over the plan for tomorrow evening” I state in a blasé tone. 
“Enough of that, it is a time for celebration, you’ve spend so much time on this you need to enjoy it before the next one comes around” says Elain
“I’m sure you’ll have fun, it’s like your glued to the dance floor”
“If you danced you would understand, we are in Velaris I’m sure if you asked someone they would accept” said Elain, she held my hands in hers, hand covering mine, a sympathetic look in her eye.
“I haven’t danced in many centuries, you don’t know why, so I forgive you but I won’t dance with just anyone”
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SNW Drabbles (PikeUna)
Just something that's been in my notes app for months and I've never done anything with. I think my idea behind this originally was La'an had turned little in an accident and Chris and Una looked after her before they could turn her back to her regular self. And that this experience made them realize that perhaps having another little one of their own wouldn't be too bad...
Christine was ever the professional when one afternoon the Captain came for his bi-yearly physical looking more hesitant than his usual confident self. She had thought nothing of it at first, thinking he was just a little embarrassed that she'd be the one doing his examination. Usually, MBenga covered the Captain's physical but sickbay had been swamped with an unusually high caseload of a rare Andorian flu and he was flat out covering all the patients. So Christine had offered to cover his scheduled check ups for the week.
It was only at the end of the exam in which the topic of his sexual health came up that the Captain's nervousness was explained. She had to have similar conversations about sex with over half the crew multiple times a year, often with many she considered personal friends as well as colleagues. So the nervousness positively radiating from Chris as he sat on the biobed didn't phase her in the slightest, right up until the point in which he mentioned that he would be declining the birth control shots he'd been receiving since he was 16 years old. That was interesting.
She buried her head in the PADD to tick the decline box next to birth control, desperately trying to keep a composed expression before looking up to meet the Captain's eyes.
“This is going to be awkward Sir.” Christine said. “But I need to ask, are you sure about this? The consequences, have you discussed this with your sexual partners.” 
“Partner” Chris clarified with a chuckle. “And yes, we are both fully aware of the consequences that come with coming off of birth control, that was, uh, kind of the point.” Chris’ face turned red as he tried to explain to Nurse Chapel without stuttering.
“I wish you luck Sir. You and Number One will make very cute babies.” She said nonchalantly as she wrote a note in his file on the PADD she was holding.
“I uh didn’t say who.” Chris' face slackened at the mention of Una. They'd been trying to keep their relationship on the down low, and their recent decision to try for a baby was definitely not something they wanted to advertise yet. They were both fully aware their ages meant that their chances of procreating weren't guaranteed, but they had agreed about giving it a go and seeing if it worked out. Their recent experiences with La'an as a toddler had been the spark behind their rather unexpected decision. The experience of caring for her together had led to both of them realizing that the presence of a small child in their lives was something that they actively enjoyed, and now missed now that La'an was back to her usual self.
It had been scary trying to broach the topic with Una, having known her stance on children since they were in their early 20s, they're cute but not something for me. However, halfway through his ramblings Una had cut him off and actually asked him whether he wanted to have a baby with her. He had not so articulately stuttered a yes in response and then they had stood in his kitchen grinning at each other like idiots for several full minutes.
Even the thought of it now, a baby, a Chin-Riley and Pike baby, brought a wide smile to his lips and they hadn't even really started the process yet. Although there had been lots of practice already, because they'd never want anybody to accuse them for being underprepared for anything, in any facet of their lives, professional or personal.
“Firstly, it’s obvious the way you look at her," Christine couldn't help but a grin escape her lips as she responded to the Captain's comment. "Secondly I think La’an will literally kill you if you have a baby with anybody that isn’t Una. And thirdly, I already had to have this conversation with Number One last week and nobody else on this ship except from her has come to let me know they’re willing to procreate anytime soon." 
“Ah, okay."
Not to embarrass him further, Christine turned away from the Captain and moved towards the matter synthesizer in the corner. She played with the settings for a moment before replicating a few vials of what she needed. As she handed them to him she noticed his hands were slippery with sweat.
“You might want to take these supplements every morning, to increase sperm production. I’ve already started Una on something similar to increase her chances of ovulation.” 
“Okay, thank you.” He said awkwardly, hopping off of the biobed in the private exam room.
“Good luck Sir,"
The Captain nodded at her and thanked her for her time and help, before quickly escaping out of sickbay.
Christine shook her head as she watched him leave. Did she just wish one of commanding officers luck in having sex with her other commanding officer? This ship was weird. 
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christiwhitson · 1 year
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With a sigh, I examined the desk again, piled high with information, warnings, and advice. I had trained two of my grandchildren to follow in my footsteps as a healer and would be leaving a heavy tome of medical knowledge for them. For his part, Jamie had painstakingly documented yearly almanacs of life at Lallybroch in the hope that our descendants might benefit from his experiences. We had done all we could to ensure our family’s future would be as safe and happy as possible, and now it was time to finish the task.
This final journal would hopefully find its way into the hands of a twentieth-century Fraser. Though it had been fifty years since I’d seen Lallybroch in its ruined state, the images still haunted me. For many years, I had worried over what might happen to our family that they would allow the property to waste away as it had, but the answer had come to me eventually.
It had been the stark contrast between what my eyes saw and what my memories held that had made such an impact on me that day. If I’d visited a thriving, modernized Highland estate, I doubted I’d have felt so compelled to seek Jamie out. The fact that they’d held onto the property despite its condition was enough to convince me that our efforts to prepare a century and a half of descendants would not be in vain.
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vellhighbandi · 1 year
I just finished seven husbands of evelyn hugo.
Are you proud of me? 🤭🤭
Who was the best husbando acc to you? I absolutely adored the one that killed the narrator's father. Why did I forget their name? Was it Henry or Harry or something like that?
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booksandabeer · 1 year
8 Shows To Know Me
Thank you to the lovely Em @between-a-ship-and-a-hard-place for tagging me! I love doing these, although I sometimes tend to get a little lost because how can I pick only eight? There are so many! Ok, I'm forcing myself not to overthink this, so here we go:
My So-Called Life
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God how I loved this show as a teenager. I was a bit too young for it when it first aired, but once I discovered it a few years after it was cancelled (this is really an all-time top contender in the 'tragically cancelled too soon' category), I watched it over and over again. When I was 13, my entire wardrobe was modelled after Rayanne Graff--hair, clothes, everything. I even carried lollipops around with me! I wanted to be her so bad. I also very obviously--though not to me at the time--had a giant crush on her. Oh well.
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I put this here because ER was the first TV show that I can remember actively following week after week. I haven't seen an episode of it in years, so I have no idea if it holds up, but it was such a staple of my tv diet for more than a decade (15 seasons!) that I can't not mention it here.
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Probably my favorite (new) show of last year. As someone who spent years working an office job, slowly climbed up the corporate ladder, and then one day blinked and said "fuck this shit, I'm going back to university!", this show spoke to my soul. The way it examines the absurd and often dehumanizing elements of "workplace culture" and all the hierarchical and interpersonal bullshit attached to it in such a smart & funny way made me swoon with admiration. Also, this could've gotten in on aesthetics alone because the production design on this show is fucking fantastic.
Wynonna Earp
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I love this show but it really serves as a stand-in here for a whole bunch of slightly pulpy, slightly campy, queer genre shows that often have a bigger heart than budget, of which I have watched many with GREAT enthusiasm (see also: IWtV, Shadow & Bone, the first season of Sleepy Hollow, etc.) It also gives me an excuse to use this gif of Melanie Scrofano wielding a sword.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
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Listen. I'm not saying this is a good show. But have I watched it? Multiple times even? Yes. I have. I mean, Bucky fucking Barnes is in it, and I happen to have no self-control and a huge capacity for torturing myself when it comes to this character. The brief here was not to list 'The Best' shows, but the ones that say something about me. And well, it would be ridiculous to pretend that the MCU--for better or worse--has not made up a huge part of my media consumption over the past 15 years.
Band of Brothers
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I have lost track of how many times I have watched these 10 episodes in my life. Other people do a yearly rewatch of The Lord of the Rings, I do one of BoB. I realize that's a little weird maybe, but the hold these characters still have on me after all these years is insane. No one will ever break my heart like Eugene Roe in the "Bastogne" episode. Also, this is a great example of how I tend to hyperfixate on topics that I had no previous interest in once I see a movie or a TV show about them that I really like. I've read so many books about D-Day. *shakes head* (see also: The Terror, Chernobyl, The Serpent)
The Last of Us
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*points to pfp* You didn't think this wasn't going to be on here, did you? Of course it is! I LOVE the game this is based on with all my heart. I've spent countless hours playing it. I even wrote a paper about it! I was so, so nervous about the adaptation, but it turned out to be better than I ever dared to hope.
BoJack Horseman
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I'm not really into cartoons. I'm not really into half-hour comedies. I would have never watched this show if a friend hadn't quite literally sat on me one day, and forced me to at least watch one episode. And you know what? It's really funny! It's also one of the smartest shows about existential loneliness and depression I've ever seen. It's at times almost unbearably painful to watch. And it stars a cartoon horse voiced by Will Arnett. Who would've thought? Not me!
No-pressure tagging: @somanywords, @tessabennet, @village-skeptic, @burninblood, @maplefiasco, @aimmyarrowshigh
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kamipyre · 1 year
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@bloodxhound​ sent in: [ word of advice ; self-defense lesson < 3 ] “If you wanna throw a proper punch, you gotta put your whole body in it—not just your arms. Try again, but this time start the punch with your feet. Pivot on your back leg an’ twist your hips into the punch. That’s how you make it powerful.” || advice that’ll go for miles ( ft. word of advice meme. )
In all technicalities, this is all SUKI’S DOING. Since most of their work is done in the lab, forensics don’t have a physical to pass, unlike the detectives and police officers with their yearly examination. It makes sense, really- considering the kinds of witnesses that take the stand, being physically fit is almost a necessity if the court hopes to get any kind of progress done. And knowing what more often than not happens in these trials, Suki is more than happy to let detectives like Ray take the reins in these situations. 
That and she knows. Has heard the rumors and perhaps when she isn’t too engrossed in her papers, has seen firsthand the kind of…taskmaster he is when it comes to training. For someone who commits vandalism often enough, Detective Barlowe is quite regimented when comes to keeping in shape. Not that she’s seen him at the GYM ( a place Suki herself would never step foot in voluntarily ), but considering that when she has seen his desk, the gym bag is always there…she can’t imagine him bringing it along just for show.
That being said though. 
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Her hands aching, she glares at the punching bag she’s been ‘sparring’ for the past half hour or so. It would be safe to say, the bag is ‘winning’ thus far since it has barely moved an inch, let alone made a sound. Her arms are also aching and the rest of her body feels like lead. Is this supposed to be the end result of a gym session? 
( If it is, how is that supposed to be ENJOYABLE? )
A foot nudges her feet into what Ray deems as proper stance- which makes no sense to Suki by the way. If the point of throwing a punch is to use one’s arm, why does footwork matter? Spy x Family made it seem so much easier…Nevertheless, after a few practice strokes with her leg and arm, she pivots with her back leg and follows through from her hips to her hand throwing the punch. The movement foreign to her, she stumbles a step before in the aftermath…but it’s accompanied by the sound of a punching bag groaning. It swings a little more unhinged than in the aftermath of her previous attempts. 
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With bright eyes, she turns excitedly toward Ray.
“I did it!”
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zerogate · 2 years
Their powerful euphoric effect led to their being sold to treat all discomforts related to depression, and they were given in sometimes formidable amounts to soldiers in the Second World War. They would reduce appetite sometimes for days, as well as sleep, nausea, exhaustion and discouragement – something too tempting for military hierarchies, which began using them in the Spanish Civil War and launched full methamphetamine use with highly stressed troops from 1939 to 1945.
The Germans, British, Italians and Japanese, especially, distributed hundreds of millions of annual doses as a supplement to war rations, even though plenty of lethal intoxications occurred. Japan, for example, increased the production of this stimulant to the maximum during the war. Upon surrender, the warehoused excess disappeared, producing a flooding of the streets with those drugs, which in 1950 supplied one million delirious users and several other million who were less suicidal, the perpetrators of over half of the murders and self-inflicted permanent cerebral lesions, and being admitted by the hundreds into hospitals, with a diagnosis of furious schizophrenia. In England, the greater part of amphetamines ended up in Montgomery’s army and the Royal Air Force, and in 1941 a newspaper from the capital carried the headline METHEDRINE WINS THE BATTLE OF LONDON.
The postwar period modified user patterns, shifting the use of these amines to older persons, housewives and students: groups subject to boredom and lack of motivation or to the stress of having to face examinations. The free-sales regime alternated with advertisements such as ‘Two pills are better than one month’s vacation’, and soon there were moderate and immoderate users all over the planet.
In 1950 the United States produced about one thousand tons yearly – eighty doses per capita, children included – a rate equaled by other nations. Amphetamine and dexamphetamine inhalers were considered medicines comparable to methol lozenges and soothing ointments, and their use in sports led to doping. Toward the end of the fifties, a world-champion cyclist died during an ascent aided by Maxiton, a methamphetamine. Shortly thereafter, twenty-three participants of the European Tour fell sick upon leaving Luchon, with symptoms described by the race doctor as caused by acute amphetamine intoxication. Two rounds later, a newspaper related that ‘it was necessary to put one of the contestants in a strait-jacket because he suffered an insanity crisis’ after ingesting one hundred pills of Tenedron, another amphetamine.
-- Antonio Escohotado, A Brief History of Drugs
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scarlett-vixen · 2 years
Honestly- Funny enough I was literally in my last year of middle school before the pandemic started and was dying internally too cause my half yearly examination was so bad that my parents personally requested the school to see if they could look at the exam scripts on Annual Sports Day in Jan!
I was actually scared for finals for middle school but the pandemic said 'hola' and then I didn't have to give the grade 8 final exams and got a grade our of predicted grades from classworks!
Then highschool started online and yuh
Honestly I don't blame you for forgetting cause my memory is just bad recently but not too much-
I feel like you should talk more about your MC! I like talking about them so I can get to know them more!
Sounds like you got really lucky!! We won’t discuss what happened to my grade when we switched to online only 👀
I need to do more with mine, I have this whole backstory I want to do with her but don’t know where to even start lol
Is there a certain brother/side character your MC is really close to?
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esgjuly · 4 days
An Analysis of the EU's Carbon Border Tax from a Political Economy Perspective
Being a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism in Agile Advisors, a comprehensive set of recommendations that includes CBAM is designed to reduce EU emissions by 55% from 1990 to 2030. The CBAM, while potentially lowering EU emissions by up to 55 million tons compared to a baseline scenario by 2030, is primarily aimed at discouraging EU enterprises from relocating rather than solely reducing global emissions. Given the significant risk of carbon leakage in these industries, the commission initially targeted iron and steel, aluminum, cement, fertilizers, and power as the five emissions-intensive trade-exposed (EITE) industries to be covered by the mechanism, demonstrating the potential benefits of CBAM for the EU.
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We as a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism in Agile Advisors, this expansion is particularly significant as it could exert considerable pressure on nations with weak institutional frameworks for tracking and disclosing product-based emissions. It is highly likely that CBAM will eventually be broadened to include additional carbon-emitting businesses, underscoring the potential global impact of this policeboat will be based on certificates, much like the EU's Emissions Trading System (ETS), which limits the ability to release specific pollutants but permits businesses to sell emissions rights. Businesses that import products into the EU will have to buy certificates showing how many emissions were produced in making those products. The commission will determine the cost of these certificates, which will be identical to the ETS, in accordance with regulations set forth by the World Trade Organization (WTO).
In our role as Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism in Agile Advisors, the transitional period for CBAM will begin in October 2023 after the European Parliament approves the appropriate rule on April 18, 2023. Importers' only obligation during this phase will be to declare their emissions; border taxes will start in 2026.Though CBAM was first conceived as a way to counteract the unfavorable effects of EU climate policies, including the ETS, and to safeguard the EU industry by guaranteeing fair competition, it addresses more than just domestic issues. It is a recurring theme within the EU that CBAM is a policy designed to encourage the EU's foreign allies to take climate action. This aspect of CBAM is particularly crucial as it implies that other economies will face penalties due to the mechanism, thereby incentivizing partner nations and players in the corporate.
As one of the leading Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, this strategic role of CBAM is of utmost importance. Because of the uncertainty surrounding the structure and reach of the carbon tax regime, analyzing the global implications of CBAM—a policy that has not yet reached its transitory phase—is challenging. The way indirect emissions are treated introduces an additional degree of uncertainty. More significantly, though, an impact analysis should be more comprehensive than examining how CBAM affects trade flows and how much it costs businesses. Instead, it should consider the unique internal dynamics of developing nations concerning their long-term climate policies, the carbon intensity of the industries that fall under the purview of CBAM.
In our understanding as Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, it expanded to include other EITE commodities, which would significantly alter the program's overall effect on trading partners of the EU. Between 2015 and 2019, the ten top countries' yearly average share of exports to the EU covered by CBAM varied from roughly 17 percent for Russia to 3 percent for the US. accounted for nearly half of all exports to the EU. To put it briefly, the countries that export the most CBAM goods to the EU and stand to gain from the mechanism are Russia, China, the UK, Turkey, India, Ukraine, South Korea, and the US.
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technology1t · 1 month
How Can We Utilize Shrewd Meter Information Helpfully?
A few benefits are more self-evident than others. Shoppers will get an hourly, nearly real-time see of their vitality utilization, and vitality charging days will be based on quarterly or yearly midpoints – the current state of numerous individuals in Europe and other parts of the world. Moreover, Smart Metering Companies within the creating world can offered goodbye to manual meter perusers who visit each month in a cycle or bicycle to check the meters. The efficiency determined from usually very self-evident.
On the other hand, numerous utilities are not prepared to handle the tremendous information volumes that will start to stream. A few have as of now started to “cover up” their information by changing over information of 15 minutes or hourly into every day midpoints. Indeed those utilities that keep counter information in their most well known frame, often use them as it were for standard charging purposes and do not attempt to urge any other bits of knowledge from them. Be that as it may, we are starting to see a few inventive and imaginative employments of keen meter information show up. Here are a few of the thoughts I’ve seen as of late investigated:
Exchanging your control supply - Many nations have open vitality markets where shoppers have the opportunity to select power or gas suppliers. In any case, Elering, the company that oversees the vitality spine of Estonia, has taken a step forward. They have built up a central information center for all savvy meter information from all over the nation. Shoppers can, with the press of a button, share their vitality history with some benefit suppliers and get custom-made offers. They select their most alluring offer, and with another tap on the button, they can switch their control supply. Anticipating buyer behavior - I as of late examined a news story around how water utilities may tell us when the primary half of the FIFA World Container was fair by looking at how much water was streaming into the framework from the convergence of thousands or millions of toilets. On a wider level of redness, our apparatus utilization designs can tell us a part, and this information can be utilized usefully to supply us with more administrations. Some utility companies are starting to investigate whether they can utilize customer information to supply value-added administrations such as domestic security and crisis help to the elderly or wiped out.
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kramerisaksen36 · 4 months
Museum Replica Jewelry
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selfhelpchampion · 4 months
#BookSummary | 8 Rules of Love by Jay Shetty
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We’re attracted to beauty, but attraction fades over time. When attraction matures into love and receives proper care, a deeper beauty emerges. Love requires effort to build intentionally rather than leaving it to chance.
This book draws lessons about cultivating love from ancient Hindu scriptures called the Vedas. The Vedas depict four stages of life for learning the principles of love: preparing for love, practicing love, protecting love, and perfecting love.
Amazon.com: Wired for Love: Understanding the Neuroscience Behind Healthy Relationships eBook : Bliss, Suzy: Kindle Store
Preparing for Love
Before loving another, love yourself. Rule 1 covers nurturing qualities like compassion, empathy, and patience within yourself. Rule 2 involves examining past relationships to avoid repeating mistakes.
Practicing Love
Love yourself while also loving others. Rule 3 offers guidance on discerning when you’re in love. Rule 4 is about learning and growing alongside your partner. Rule 5 focuses on setting priorities and managing time and space in the relationship.
Protecting Love
Seek peace after heartbreak, loss, or when family obligations reduce care for your partnership. Rule 6 presents a method to resolve conflicts. Rule 7 teaches when to leave a relationship and how to cope afterward.
Perfecting Love
Strive to love every person in your life. Rule 8 is about cultivating love universally.
Amazon.com: Wired for Love: Understanding the Neuroscience Behind Healthy Relationships eBook : Bliss, Suzy: Kindle Store
Part 1: Solitude — Learning to Love Yourself
Rule 1: Let Yourself Be Alone
Loneliness hurts, but solitude enlightens. To transition from loneliness to solitude, undergo three stages: presence, discomfort, and confidence.
Presence means noticing your feelings, choices, priorities, strengths and weaknesses. Your values matter too, since shared values enable relationships.
Discomfort refers to inadequacy felt when you lack company. Confidence is self-assurance derived from appreciating your abilities. Solitude reveals insight about patience and self-control.
We’re taught that an “other half” will complete us. But some problems must be solved alone. Don’t expect a partner to instantly fix you. Bring gifts, not gaps, into partnerships. Don’t recruit someone to fill your emotional voids.
Rule 2: Don’t Ignore Your Karma
Karma is the law of cause-and-effect. It teaches rather than punishes. Our experiences create impressions that shape reactions, enabling us to reinforce or alter patterns — the cycle of karma.
Early impressions inform our concepts of love. Media and past relationships also contribute. We give too much credence to fledgling relationships when judgment is compromised.
We learn about relationships from parents, media, and personal history. Yet these influences lead us to choose partners that evoke past patterns. Ideally, parents would demonstrate that love means protection, loyalty and sacrifice. Regardless, they give us both gifts and gaps, which guide our relationship choices. Rather than blaming others, take responsibility for emotional baggage.
Amazon.com: Wired for Love: Understanding the Neuroscience Behind Healthy Relationships eBook : Bliss, Suzy: Kindle Store
Part 2: Compatibility — Learning to Love Others
Rule 3: Define Love Before Professing It
The meaning of “love” depends on context and individuals. We rush to proclaim love without considering implications. Some renew vows yearly while others split after uttering vows. Clearly define love to clarify expectations.
Phase One: Attraction
Attraction is the impulse to connect with someone as you become vulnerable with each other. Try the three-date framework to assess compatibility. Devote each date to evaluating one area: personality, values or ambitions.
Phase Two: Dreams
Here you actively craft a robust relationship. False expectations about ideal partners will disappoint you. Imagining endless prospects online promotes disposable relationships. Every person has unique quirks so focus less on finding the perfect match and more on handling difficulties together.
Build intimacy through daily connections rather than fantasizing about the future.
Amazon.com: Wired for Love: Understanding the Neuroscience Behind Healthy Relationships eBook : Bliss, Suzy: Kindle Store
Phase Three: Struggle and Growth
Challenges will emerge. Distinguish which issues can be resolved versus accepted. Assess whether to leave, commit to progress, or languish. Deal breakers may surface.
Phase Four: Trust
Overcoming trials together enables growth and trust. Trust accrues gradually as behaviors reinforce professions. Nurture trust actively.
Different types of trust include: physical safety, mental alignment and emotional vulnerability. Communicate which you prioritize.
Rule 4: Your Partner Is Your Guru
Gurus compassionately impart wisdom without judgement. In relationships, take turns playing teacher and student to each other.
The objective is expanding your identity by integrating a partner’s attributes. Seek growth, not control. Gurus support students’ goals selflessly. Adopt humility to enable learning. Balance your identity while remaining open.
Rule 5: Purpose Comes First
Identifying your unique contribution or “dharma” clarifies priorities. Construct your purpose by determining where passions and talents converge. Eliminate distractions blocking your aims. Test ideas to find the best fit, then establish routines to thrive. Communicate when you struggle. Savor progress over outcomes.
Enable your partner’s search for purpose while pursuing your own. Coordinate if you have children or overlapping callings.
Part 3: Healing — Learning to Love Through Struggle
Rule 6: Win or Lose Together
Disputes naturally emerge, even among well-matched partners. Misconstrue conflict as abuse and intolerable. Abuse has many forms: physical, emotional, sexual, financial, digital and stalking.
Arguments fall into three categories:
Pointless: no resolution sought
Power: dominating the other
Productive: overcoming issues
Identify the conflict’s core: social, interpersonal or inner turmoil. Common triggers are sex, money and parenting.
Venting, hiding and exploding represent different fight reflexes. Seek to resolve arguments maturely.
Steps towards peace include:
- Scheduling time and location
- Mindful expression
- Anger management
- Committing to change
- Owning mistakes
If no compromise emerges, carefully reconsider the partnership.
Rule 7: You Don’t Break in a Breakup
Neglect deteriorates love. Abuse, cheating, disinterest and inertia ravage relationships. Never accept abuse.
Infidelity often permanently damages trust. Rebounding distracts from inner work.
Incompatible values surface through poor communication. Signs include feeling drained, withdrawing intimacy and neglecting the bond.
Relationships require maintenance. Interactions generate positive, neutral or negative energy. Low vibrations come from criticism, gossip and pessimism whereas high vibrations arise through inspiration, playfulness and discovering commonalities.
After fostering intimacy, choose whether to elevate, separate or stagnate the relationship. An elevation pathway moves from intolerance to acceptance.
Staying to avoid loneliness benefits neither party. You possessed value before the relationship and will after. After a breakup, invest in personal growth. Your independence will attract fulfilling connections.
Amazon.com: Wired for Love: Understanding the Neuroscience Behind Healthy Relationships eBook : Bliss, Suzy: Kindle Store
Part 4: Connection — Learning to Love Everyone
Rule 8: Love Again and Again
Strive to cultivate loving bonds widely. Express generosity through:
- Understanding
- Belief
- Acceptance
- Appreciation
Prioritize nurturing intimacy with your inner circle while emanating goodwill towards all. The more you give, the more love you’ll receive.
Key Takeaway from the book “8 Rules of Love”:
The central message is that love requires effort and intention to build and maintain. It starts with cultivating self-love, self-awareness, and personal growth. From there, you can develop the skills to foster healthy, mutually fulfilling relationships.
Some of the key ideas include:
- Learn to embrace solitude. Overcome loneliness and develop compassion and emotional intelligence on your own before seeking a partner.
- Examine past relationship patterns to avoid repeating mistakes. Take responsibility for your own gaps rather than expecting someone to complete you.
- Clearly define love and develop realistic expectations before declaring love. See your partner as a teacher, not a savior.
- Make your individual purpose a priority while supporting each other’s growth. Create positive energy through shared activities and communication.
- Address conflicts maturely as a team. Reconcile differences if possible or reconsider if core values conflict.
- If you split up, focus on self-care rather than rushing to fill the void. Cultivate confidence on your own.
The ultimate goal is to love fully, leading with generosity and empathy towards your partner and community. The more goodwill you cultivate, the more fulfilled you will feel.
Discover more of my published works on topics like Stoicism, parenting, relationship, self-improvement and mindfulness by visiting my Amazon author page at
Get inspired. See more wisdom daily on our YouTube channel and blog.
Self Help Champion — YouTube
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NASA analysis confirms 2023 as warmest year on record
Earth’s average surface temperature in 2023 was the warmest on record, according to an analysis by NASA. Global temperatures last year were around 2.1 degrees Fahrenheit (1.2 degrees Celsius) above the average for NASA’s baseline period (1951-1980), scientists from NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York reported.
“NASA and NOAA’s global temperature report confirms what billions of people around the world experienced last year; we are facing a climate crisis,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “From extreme heat, to wildfires, to rising sea levels, we can see our Earth is changing. There’s still more work to be done, but President Biden and communities across America are taking more action than ever to reduce climate risks and help communities become more resilient – and NASA will continue to use our vantage point of space to bring critical climate data back down to Earth that is understandable and accessible for all people. NASA and the Biden-Harris Administration are working to protect our home planet and its people, for this generation – and the next.”
In 2023, hundreds of millions of people around the world experienced extreme heat, and each month from June through December set a global record for the respective month. July was the hottest month ever recorded. Overall, Earth was about 2.5 degrees Fahrenheit (or about 1.4 degrees Celsius) warmer in 2023 than the late 19th-century average, when modern record-keeping began.
“The exceptional warming that we’re experiencing is not something we’ve seen before in human history,” said Gavin Schmidt, director of GISS. “It’s driven primarily by our fossil fuel emissions, and we’re seeing the impacts in heat waves, intense rainfall, and coastal flooding.”
Though scientists have conclusive evidence that the planet’s long-term warming trend is driven by human activity, they still examine other phenomena that can affect yearly or multi-year changes in climate such as El Niño, aerosols and pollution, and volcanic eruptions.
Typically, the largest source of year-to-year variability is the El Niño – Southern Oscillation ocean climate pattern in the Pacific Ocean. The pattern has two phases – El Niño and La Niña – when sea surface temperatures along the equator switch between warmer, average, and cooler temperatures. From 2020-2022, the Pacific Ocean saw three consecutive La Niña events, which tend to cool global temperatures. In May 2023, the ocean transitioned from La Niña to El Niño, which often coincides with the hottest years on record.
However, the record temperatures in the second half of 2023 occurred before the peak of the current El Niño event. Scientists expect to see the biggest impacts of El Niño in February, March, and April.
Scientists have also investigated possible impacts from the January 2022 eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai undersea volcano, which blasted water vapor and fine particles, or aerosols, into the stratosphere. A recent study found that the volcanic aerosols – by reflecting sunlight away from Earth’s surface – led to an overall slight cooling of less than 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit (or about 0.1 degrees Celsius) in the Southern Hemisphere following the eruption.
“Even with occasional cooling factors like volcanoes or aerosols, we will continue to break records as long as greenhouse gas emissions keep going up,” Schmidt said. “And, unfortunately, we just set a new record for greenhouse gas emissions again this past year.”
“The record-setting year of 2023 underscores the significance of urgent and continued actions to address climate change,” said NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy. “Recent legislation has delivered the U.S. government’s largest-ever climate investment, including billions to strengthen America’s resilience to the increasing impacts of the climate crisis. As an agency focused on studying our changing climate, NASA’s fleet of Earth observing satellites will continue to provide critical data of our home planet at scale to help all people make informed decisions.”
Open Science in Action
NASA assembles its temperature record using surface air temperature data collected from tens of thousands of meteorological stations, as well as sea surface temperature data acquired by ship- and buoy-based instruments. This data is analyzed using methods that account for the varied spacing of temperature stations around the globe and for urban heating effects that could skew the calculations.
Independent analyses by NOAA and the Hadley Centre (part of the United Kingdom Met Office) concluded the global surface temperatures for 2023 were the highest since modern record-keeping began. These scientists use much of the same temperature data in their analyses but use different methodologies. Although rankings can differ slightly between the records, they are in broad agreement and show the same ongoing long-term warming in recent decades.
Building on a half century of research, observations, and models, the Biden-Harris Administration including NASA and several federal partners recently launched the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Center to make critical climate data readily available to decisionmakers and citizens. The center supports collaboration across U.S. government agencies and the non-profit and private sectors to make air-, ground-, and space-borne data and resources available online.
NASA’s full dataset of global surface temperatures through 2023, as well as details with code of how NASA scientists conducted the analysis, are publicly available from GISS. GISS is a NASA laboratory managed by the Earth Sciences Division of the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. The laboratory is affiliated with Columbia University’s Earth Institute and School of Engineering and Applied Science in New York.
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