honey-sunsets · 2 years
At long last, I’ve written a fic for my high school theatre AU.
Centered around the fact that Tubbo knows everyone’s business, this fic takes a closer look at some of the things Tubbo’s witnessed and overheard, including Techno’s “naturally” pink hair, a glance inside Fundy’s sketchbook, and the most detail you’re ever getting about What Happened Last Summer.
Also, I got the motivation to finally write this from a quick comment made by @theverywest however long ago, so thank you so much for that!
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vqeecb7 · 2 days
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redeyedwitchcraft · 7 years
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** [this week on ‘flowey tries to be smooth but fails 99% of the time’, frisk dies laughing, floweys pride is hurt] ** [also hohoho he prepare for a date]
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almostastranger · 5 years
if you came over now
you'd be home before dinner
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honey-sunsets · 2 years
can you tell me about cast list postings for the theater au???
OH BOY! Thank you very very much for the ask!
So, quick overview of how the cast lists work: We’re talking about a theatre with a $0 budget, they’re desperately trying to drum up enough business to get funding, which means they’re putting on several shows every school year. This puts the cast list coming out only a day or two after auditions.
Printing is expensive when you have $0 to work with and time consuming when you have a two months to put on the show, so cast lists are posted on [Unnamed Communication Service] some time in the evening when everyone is at home.
Now to the reactions! Cast list postings are a very different experience for everyone. Those who anticipate ensemble roles usually aren’t all that worked up over it, they’re more excited about their friends’ roles than their own. Director Dream is holed up in his office awaiting complaints. They aren’t common, but when they happen, boy oh boy are they fun /sar.
The most interesting reaction happens in the Muerte household. (I’m going with Muerte because Angel of Death/Goddess of Death also I can’t call them Minecraft because the game exists in this AU.) Phil and Kristin, being supportive parents who are so proud of their little actors and techies, practically throw a party for the cast postings. Tommy and Wilbur are quite the magnets, so by association they end up with at least Techno, Tubbo, and Ranboo coming over as well. The shouting congratulations and Techno’s usual feigned cry of “I didn’t get a part!” (he didn’t audition) can be heard all through the neighborhood.
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honey-sunsets · 2 years
Friend is a sheep plushie that Phil and Kristin bought for Wilbur shortly after he decided to take a break from theatre.
They were just at a store one day when they passed by the plushie. It caught Wilbur by the heart immediate, and he picked it up and messed with it for a minute before trying to pass off his fondness for a joke.
His parents picked up on the fact that he actually wanted it and bought it for him (despite his insistence that he didn’t need it and didn’t care about it and honestly didn’t even find it that soft or lovable).
Wilbur proceeded to not let Friend go for the next week.
He’s been torn and stained countless times in the past few years, but no worries, Friend has infinite canon lives! Tommy does a full plushie hospital maneuver anytime Friend gets damaged and has him good as new in no time.
When Wil returns to theatre the next year, he brings Friend with him on days he feels he’ll need extra support.
If anyone finds that weird, they sure as hell don’t have the balls to say it, as those balls would get kicked back into them by the entirety of the theatre.
Wilbur is admittedly a little embarrassed to be bringing a stuffed animal with him to rehearsals, but his friends are swift to encourage it. Eventually, Friend becomes known as a good luck charm, and people beg Wilbur to bring him to every opening night.
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honey-sunsets · 2 years
Ghostbur is a very crudely made stuffed ghost with a yellow sweater and a blue heart in his hands. I imagine he looks somewhat like these ↓
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Wilbur made Ghostbur while on his break from theatre. He was trying out sewing as a coping mechanism (and a way to pass all his sudden free time).
Wilbur sucks at sewing, therefore he hates it.
Tommy helped him a bit, which is why Ghostbur hasn’t completely come undone yet, but Wilbur insisted he do no more than secure it.
Wilbur got so frustrated with the sewing process that when he finally finished Ghostbur, he gave it to Tommy to take to the theatre.
The whole theatre quickly latches onto Ghostbur. Wilbur doesn’t believe know it, but they actually miss him.
Ghostbur often occupies a seat all to himself during rehearsals. When the tech crew gets their gesture during bows, someone in tech is holding him. He even ends up getting worked in as a prop during a couple shows.
(He would literally murder anyone who told Wilbur this, but Tommy was usually the one bringing Ghostbur everywhere. He was very rarely without him.)
At the start of the next year, Wilbur makes his return to theatre. Just a few days before the first rehearsal, Tommy came running into Dream’s office proclaiming that Ghostbur was gone.
Rumors and theories spread quick. Some accuse Tommy of taking him home and just pretending to be distraught. Others assume he got misplaced and is lost somewhere in one of the hundreds of piles of props and fabrics and other items.
When Wilbur shows up for his first rehearsal back, among the many questions people are quick to spring on him, he’s asked if he knows where Ghostbur went.
With a twisted grin, Wilbur assures everyone that Ghostbur is in limbo, rotting and molding behind furniture pieces. His threads are being pulled apart and his stuffing ripped out by rats and roaches. Spiders have infested his insides and mold has discolored his once yellow sweater. By the time anyone finds him, he’ll be nothing but patches and puffs of cotton, too far gone for even Tommy to save.
(This isn’t the truth, though, and Wilbur knows it. Wilbur snuck into the theatre room and took it home with him. Ghostbur is hidden under Wilbur’s bed, somewhere he can’t see it but always know is there.)
(He tells his therapist. They agree that perhaps Wilbur is just jealous that this stuffed thing was loved more openly than he was.)
He does eventually tell Tommy where Ghostbur is. Tommy gave him a solid punch on the arm. Then a hug.
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honey-sunsets · 2 years
Senior, stage manager.
Son of Phil and Kristin, brother of Tommy.
Autistic! He has several of the exact same yellow sweater and wears it almost exclusively.
One day in his freshman year, one of these sweaters got a tear in it over the chest. Tommy was just learning to sew at the time, so it’s got very noticeable X-shaped stitches on it. This is now Wilbur’s comfort sweater.
He absolutely does all the accents like cc!Wilbur, but in this AU it’s an autism thing. British is the most common (by which I mean he gets stuck in it for hours at a time against his will).
He used to be a star actor, he still does cameo-type roles here and there. He acted through middle school and freshman year.
Everyone kinda knew he was struggling with his mental health, but it wasn’t a big deal. I mean, it can’t have been. How bad could it possibly be if he still manages to get up on stage and act his ass off?
What they hadn’t noticed was that Wilbur’s real acting was happening off stage.
He took a drastic turn for the worse at the start of freshman year. He very openly proclaimed [concerning things] and became noticeably less enthusiastic about acting. Things finally reached a head when he did an entire performance drenched in tears.
When that show wrapped up, he took a break from theatre for the rest of the year. He’s been in therapy and has been improving ever since.
Wilbur is still a hypochondriac in this AU. This might not be relevant but it is important to me personally.
He’s an age regressor, mostly involuntary. Sorry not sorry, that’s how it is in this AU. Tommy is the only one who knows so far. He doesn’t serve as a caregiver or really even a babysitter, but he’s saved Wilbur’s behind on several occasions when Wil found himself small at rehearsal.
That summer between sophomore and junior year, while Quackity and Schlatt were dating, Wilbur was often up late in the night on the phone with Quackity. He’s never known for sure what happened that summer, never pried (it was and is clear Quackity doesn’t want anyone to know), but he was there with silly songs and little jokes when Quackity needed them, and if that’s all he could give then he gave it.
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honey-sunsets · 2 years
HST!Techno <3
Senior, usually tech (haha) but has done a couple of smaller acting roles.
He doesn’t really specialize in anything, but that’s what makes him so great. You give him a job, he’ll do it as best as he possibly can. Sometimes his best isn’t always wonderful (looking at you, door he “fixed” that fell off its hinges during a performance) but damnit he’ll do it, and 93% of the time he gets it perfect.
The whole program would fall apart without this man. He’s well known for just finding something that needs doing and doing it. And if he’s already doing something else, he’ll grab the nearest person not doing something and get them to do it. Some people find this annoying (sucks for them, they should be doing something), but this is especially helpful for new and/or shy folks who aren’t yet sure of their own importance or skill. Nobody gets left out when Techno’s around.
He’s a black belt in three different forms of martial arts and does choreography for fight scenes (some dances too!)
Tech people are required to be actors at least once just to give it a try, so for Techno’s legally obligated first audition, he straight up sang a Minecraft parody. And I’ll be damned, he didn’t get a half bad role for it.
Whenever cast lists are posted, he always feigns offense that he didn’t get a role. He did not audition, nor did he want a role.
He’s been Wilbur’s best friend since they were tiny, as he lives right down the street from the Muertes. They looked a bit similar when they were younger and they carpooled often, so people frequently assumed they were brothers.
People still think Wilbur and Techno are brothers, actually. It doesn’t help that they both frequently proclaim they are twins. Even Tommy calls Techno his big brother, though Techno and Wilbur both (lovingly) tease him over it.
You know that whole bit with cc!Wilbur calling Techno brotherly, and Tommy starts angrily playing the Able Sisters? Yeah, that happens often.
Techno’s older than Wilbur by a month. This is very important to me specifically. Also to Wilbur.
On several April Fools days they have switched places and taken each other’s classes. They’ve been caught every time but they keep doing it.
Techno got diagnosed with ADHD when he was in seventh grade. Him learning about neurodiversity caused him to evaluate not only himself but his best friend too, leading to Wilbur realizing he’s autistic.
Techno stuck by Wilbur even as he went downhill and as he struggled to climb back up, much to Wilbur’s confusion. Three years later, they’re both very grateful he did.
Techno has been growing his hair out for quite some time, so it now reaches a bit below his shoulders. It’s “naturally” pink, totally. Ignore the brown roots showing through.
Techno ends up pretty close with Phil and Kristin. Not quite a parental relationship, but a close one nonetheless. They’re under the same roof so often for so much time, plus some family stuff is going on over at Techno’s house (that I’ll get into in a different post), so they end up becoming his trusted adults.
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honey-sunsets · 2 years
HSTAU brief notes
Wilbur, being among the more talented members of the theater, has received rather prominent roles for most of his time there. But, everyone starts in the same place, so those who climb the ranks always have their first big role.
When Wilbur got his first big role, he panicked. It’s so many lines, and so much time on stage, some of it completely alone. So the moment the cast list came out, he messaged the now graduated actor whose shoes he was filling:
In time, the advice shared to him by Grian was passed down to Tommy, and soon enough the next class will come along and it will be passed to them too.
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honey-sunsets · 2 years
HSTAU Incorrect* Quotes because I think it’s funny so I’m forcing it upon your dash now — Part II
*Except I made the AU so they’re correct now.
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I made these over a month ago I thought I’d posted them. I had not.
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honey-sunsets · 2 years
HSTAU Incorrect* Quotes because I think it’s funny so I’m forcing it upon your dash now — Part I
*Except I made the AU so they’re correct now.
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I made these over a month ago I thought I’d posted them. I had not.
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honey-sunsets · 2 years
HST!Wilbur is from Utah!
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honey-sunsets · 2 years
HST!Quackity my fumkin belove
Senior! He could’ve graduated early but 1) he wanted to stay in theatre longer and 2) he wanted to take more free AP/college classes.
Studying to become a law student! Yes, with that and AP classes and theatre and general life things, he is hating life a little bit at the moment but he will be okay. Everyone turns out okay in this AU /gen :)
By far one of the best actors in the cast. He’s inspiringly hard-working and has incredible on-stage instincts.
He’s very typecast as the comedic relief/sidekick, and while his instincts and skillset do work best for this type of role, he is also very capable of more serious roles. He wants more than anything to prove himself as something more than just a laugh in his final year with the theatre. 
^ A desperate man is a dangerous man. Quackity’s not there yet, but he’s pretty close to his fucking limits.
PTSD! I have not worked out the specifics of this, nor do I currently intend to, but it is canon to the AU. He is extremely secretive about his struggles, but he has recently started therapy and hopes to open up to his loved ones soon.
Speaking of his loved ones… Karlnapity WINS in this AU! Those fuckers are in a healthy polyamorous relationship and it is fucking endgame, end of story.
…Except that is not the end of the story because it’s my AU and I get to chose the happy ending. Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity are all dating each other, and Quackity is also… doing… something… with Wilbur?
What the fuck is going on with Wilbur? Karl and Sapnap smile all goofy and tease that Quackity is totally in love with Wilbur. Tommy swears up and down he caught them making out in the props closet once. The culprits themselves claim they hate each other.
The general consensus on Quackity and Wilbur is that whatever’s going on it’s definitely fruity.
Eret and Quackity pretended to date each other as an elaborate April Fools prank last year, complete with a full week of buildup culminating in a massive scripted breakup in front of the entire theatre on April Fools day. This has since turned around on them, as to this day they get asked if they’re still together.
Schlatt and Quackity for real dated during the summer between sophomore and junior year. Nobody heard from Quackity most of that summer, and he’s never spoke of it since. He’s avoided Schlatt to the best of his abilities ever since.
Tubbo knows what happened. Tubbo knows everything that has happened to everyone.
Wilbur also knows. His knowledge is more assumption-based and not as complete as Tubbo’s but he does know.
(This is basically just the Manberg cabinet arc minus the politics and Schlatt dying.)
I will definitely do more for Quackity but this is really long already and I’ve got other ideas to put down, so enjoy this for now!
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honey-sunsets · 2 years
HST!Tubbo time!
Freshman, but he joined the program in middle school because Tommy dragged his ass into it convinced him to join.
He acts in some shows and does tech for others, and he’s remarkable at both. He prefers tech, though, and he’s training to be the stage manager once Wilbur graduates at the end of the year.
Balancing honors and AP classes and theatre and work like a champ! By which I mean he is one stripped screw away from a fucking breakdown.
When he’s not at school or theatre or work, he’s most likely at Tommy’s house. He’s been staying there so much for so many years he’s got at least a drawer’s worth of clothes over there at all times. Phil tells him he’s been adopted.
He doesn’t have a very good home life. He’s spent enough time on the internet and had just enough late night chats to know on a logical level that he’s probably dealing with rather significant trauma, but he doesn’t want to admit it have time to unpack all of that.
In a relationship with Ranboo! Is it queerplatonic? Is it romantic? Are they just those friends that are so close you think they’re gay? Who knows! But they do wear matching rings that they bought on sale at the Claire’s in their local Walmart, and on Saturdays they babysit Michael together, and that’s all that really matters.
Tubbo headbutts people he likes. It’s not, like, a full blown ram headbutt, it’s more like a headbonk. People tend to learn to headbonk him back.
He also bites. Unlike the headbonk, this is not gentle and it is not reciprocated. He has bitten several people that he does like, and even more that he doesn’t.
That’s all for Tubbo for the moment! Asks are open, stop on by if you want to know anything about a certain character!
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honey-sunsets · 2 years
Introducing… the Ranbros!
Eldest sibling, inspired by Ran from TFTSMP: The Pit, he/him.
Twenty years old, going to college for engineering on the other side of the state.
Never took or showed any interest in theatre, he’s always been more into the sciences than the arts.
He acts quite a lot like he doesn’t care about what his little brother is up to during their after school hours, and yet, despite working on a bachelors four hours away, he curiously always makes it to a show.
Second oldest; combined inspiration from DSMP!Ranboo, CC!Ranboo, and personal experience; he/they/ender.
Fifteen years old, freshman in high school.
Calls Ran late at night every once in a while for advice. Sometimes it’s hey I’ve got this test coming up and I’m really worried about it please tutor me, other times it’s Ran dude you’ve gotta help me I think I’m having a flashback please, and, on one particular occasion, there’s this really cute guy in my theatre class what do I say to him.
I just couldn’t resist throwing in my favorite little shithead.
Second youngest, inspired by origins!Ranboo, he/she.
Thirteen years old, seventh-grader in middle school.
She is what my folks would call a punk bitch.
Anxiously awaits the day she can join the theatre program. Everyone else is also waiting anxiously, but, uh, with the /neg connotation.
He is lovable if you can get past the pompous facade.
With Ran off to college, he’s got an interesting newfound case of middle child syndrome, coupled with the fact that he’s so close in age to Ranboo but still far enough behind to not get any special treatment.
The youngest, inspired by Ranbob from TFTSMP: The Lost City of Mizu, he/him.
Seven years old, first-grader in elementary school.
Sweet little guy. Mild murderous tendencies but sweet little guy.
Probably gonna turn out to be one of those kids who’s, like, concerningly knowledgeable on WW1.
Overall pretty indifferent towards theatre, but he likes Ranboo so he tolerates going to see shows.
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