starbuck · 7 months
okay. Just planned out my next two weeks and change and i THINK i will not die!
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semiotomatics · 6 months
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oh we're so back
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spicedrobot · 2 years
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huff huff....wheeeze...aheeem........
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ddejavvu · 3 months
hey babey !! if you're looking for requests, i have one :D i'd love to see a steve x reader where they just got back from the upside and reader is badly injured but doesn't realize it until steve does!! <3333
You're shaking, and so is Steve, and so is Dustin, and Max, and Robin, and- everyone is shaking.
Fleeing a torturous dimension will do that to a person, especially if they're not even through high school yet. You're slumped into the back of Eddie's squeaky van as he barrels down the road towards home, and despite the solid surface behind your back, you're still shaking.
Your thigh trembles where it supports your raised knee. You let your foot slide away from you and your knee falls down, down, down, landing with a thunk against the floor of the van. It's accompanied by a rather interesting ooze, that only catches Steve's eye because his fingers are resting beside it, and get doused in the liquid.
"Oh- fuck!" He recoils, snatching his hand away from the crimson pool on the floor, "You're bleeding, Y/N!"
Heads turn your way and Eddie momentarily forgets that he's driving, because his does, too. He remembers quickly, though, and snaps his eyes back on the road, eyeing you through the rear-view mirror instead.
"Oh." You notice what he has, the puddle slowly expanding from your now-flat thigh, "I didn't know."
"Can you feel it?" Steve asks, and if you concentrate hard- oh, yes, that throbbing isn't usually there.
Dustin's eyes squeeze shut, and Max is already wrestling her jacket off of where she'd tied it around her waist. You'd worry about them moving around while Eddie drives down the bumpy stretch of road, but if the Upside Down didn't kill you, you're not going to let a car accident finish the job.
"Here," She offers up the fabric, her eyes morbidly curious as she assesses your wound, "Tie it, Steve."
"I know what to do," He snaps, taking the jacket from her, but his fingers slow as he gently lifts your thigh up, bending your knee once more.
"Sorry," He grumbles, blinking like he wants to rake his hands over his face, scrub his eyes of their memories, "Sorry."
Max grunts in acknowledgement, and Steve's hands shake as he ties her jacket around your thigh like a tourniquet.
"We'll look at it more at home," Steve promises you, easing your foot outwards again so that your knee is no longer bent, and you're completely relaxed into the rhythm of the van jostling you all down the road.
Home, you realize, is Steve's house- he wants you there, he wants to crouch beside your thighs in the shower and pad at your wound with cotton and antiseptic, wrap it in gauze and pat it tenderly. Home is air that cleanses your soot-filled lungs, and home is the right way around.
Home is such a nice word, after Hoɯǝ.
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desolationtimstoker · 2 months
gerry keay (classic flavor):
skinny. not in a way most people notice off the bat, because he's quite tall and very good at looking big, but leitner hunting burns a lot of calories and he's been chronically underfed for most of his life
eye tattoos on each of his joints, placed there by supernatural means as a protective ward against other powers
his hair always looks like shit for several reasons, including but not limited to:
- he doesn't like to dye it when his mother is around, both because of the vulnerability of the position and because he doesn't like to be Perceived by her while doing anything he actually. ya know. enjoys. this means that it has a lot of time to fade and his roots grow out.
- if she's around too often for a stretch of time, he has to find a local business he hasn't already been banned from and rinse it out in one of their sinks. this leaves it looking understandably patchy and rushed.
- the dye he uses is cheap as hell -- having his own money is an occasional luxury which cannot be taken for granted.
- he just. generally doesn't take care of himself and his hair suffers overall as a result. he doesn't shower often enough and when he does he uses precisely one (1) type of soap. and it's like. if they have irish springs bar soaps in england then it's that and if they don't then it's the closest equivalent.
he isn't actually like. goth. as we would think of it.
black clothes don't show bloodstains and they made him feel safe edgy and dangerous as a teenager.
we're talking thrift store jeans purchased when he was 16 an never replaced. maybe some band tees. boots for marching into a den of hunt avatars.
the leather jacket is also secondhand and while yes he does feel very badass and cool in it it's also a practical piece. good for fighting. especially when the people you're fighting might have claws or want to set you on fire.
sewing needle piercings with visible scarring around them.
he just generally looks. kinda sick all the time? again, not something that usually registers because he's also good at being intimidating but if you're looking for it there's all kinds of evidence of chronic sleep deprivation and malnutrition. he looks unhealthy, concerning.
gerry keay (tmagp):
goth. like, real goth. like buying from thrift stores still but more often and having fun with it now.
we're talking fishnets. we're talking eyeliner. we're talking black lipstick. we're talking absurd and impractical jewelry. we're talking dabbles in lacy skirts and definitely owns a corset. and yes he still wears a leather jacket but exclusively because it feels cool and badass. he's goth babey!
no longer skinny. precise body type is whatever your heart tells you is true but three square meals agree with him and he's gained a very noticeable amount of weight.
the hair dye is still not professional, his roots grow in occasionally and it's still a bit patchy, because he's still doing it at home, but also. he's doing it at home. it's fun, and he has fun with it. the dye is better quality. gertrude helps him with touchups. black is still a favorite but he's dabbled in other colors, dark purples and greens and blues.
loves to be covered in stuff. when he's baking, he will intentionally smear flour on his black pants and make it look accidental, and when he paints he doesn't wash his hands. this is partially so he can see the evidence himself, and partially because he wants people to notice it and ask. he wants to say, "oops, i was baking earlier, i must've wiped my hands on my pants."
he still has shitty irresponsible piercings from when he was a teenager. the more recent ones are more professional.
his tattoos are pretty and useless. he designed most of them himself.
there's color in his face. sleeping gets a little easier every night.
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shitouttabuck · 10 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @rewritetheending @jeeyuns @try-set-me-on-fire @forthewolves @anxieteandbiscuits @alyxmastershipper @thewolvesof1998 thank u pals 💓
snip that i wrote last weekend from i love you like a dog while buck's staying with chris and eddie
“Uh, yeah,” Eddie says, spinning his phone on the tabletop but not unlocking it. “I let her know it’s fine if she doesn’t come today. I told Chris we’d teach him to play poker?” “Finally,” Chris calls from the kitchen. “Oh,” Buck says, and there it is again, that ugly satisfaction at the prospect of having them all to himself. It might even be excusable if it were just contentment to be with them and relief at not having to share, but there’s this warped smugness at the idea that he has them while Marisol does not, at the idea that he’s won something that could not be less of a fucking game. Another choice, another repeat of Eddie choosing Buck. Christopher comes into the room, hands on his hips. “So, that’s a fifty buck buy-in for each of you, yeah?” Eddie says what the shit and Buck says don’t be stingy Eddie and Chris says figure it out, ’cause a deal’s a deal, so Buck forks over a hundred dollars and Eddie says absolutely the fuck not and fishes a fifty out of his wallet with a grumbled your penchant for second-hand embarrassment is eating me out of house and home, Buckley. It’s a Sunday where everything’s bright and hazy, dust suspended in sunbeams, time moving like treacle but then Buck blinks and the light’s fading, Chris is setting up a movie, and the microwave is beeping at him to take the popcorn out. When Buck was little, he’d watch Christmas movies with Maddie.
i just need to get through this one bit i dont want to write and then i'll get to the juicy stuff i have a million deranged notes for.... home stretch babey
tagging @diazblunt @clusterbuck @onward--upward @buckactuallys @colonoscopys @transboybuckley @giddyupbuck @athenagranted if anyone’s got anything to share 💘
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cottonkhaleesi · 1 day
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Catsitting my godmother’s lovable idiot who has covered absolutely everything I’ve brought in orange fur and is currently being yelled at by at least two birds for being out in the garden. 🐈
Passed another stitch marker, 162 rows to go!! Home stretch babey!
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hisiheyah · 15 days
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Here it is: all the artwork for the interiors of THE TRAVELER’S GUIDE TO GEOZOOLOGY. Two years of work from thumbnails to finished art. Three years if you add the writing. Four or more if you count the planning. From here, a few more weeks for cover, edits, and extras. Home stretch, babey!
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sebsxphia · 1 year
How are you? Doing good? Drinking water? Looking after yourself? I hope so
Going through the trenches rn BUT Bob loves fucking your tit- GUNSHOT
i’m doing good thank you! drinking water, eating good and trying to look after myself the best i can! how are you doing my love? taking care of yourself? drinking water? i hope you are, because you deserve so much love! <3
oh BABEY we’re going THROUGH IT RN 😵‍💫
bob absolutely loves fucking your tits. similar to major major, bob is a certified tits man. he just loves your tits, period. he loves coming home to you, stressed and exhausted out of his mind after being thrown around in an aircraft all day. he needs a quick release the moment he comes through the door.
his flight suit is on your living room floor due to being too tired to change at work. he’s stretched out on the sofa with you on your knees below him. he could take the blowjob you’re offering him, but your breasts are peeking up through your t-shirt with your nipples poking through and he wants to feel them instead.
he loves the soft and plush feeling wrapping around his cock. he loves how you squeeze them around his base with a determined look in your eyes. but most importantly, he loves when he finishes.
your lips are parted with your tongue sticking out and ready to catch his spend. it’s not how it would normally end with you swallowing his spend, it’s messy and his sticky ropes of cum coat your lips, tongue, hang off your chin and cover your breasts. the sight is enough for bob to snap a quick picture and get hard again in five minutes.
hehe thank you so much for this incredible thot my beloved wifey! 💌💗
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whimsy-of-the-stars · 5 months
DraftDash, Day 12
whoops, forgot yesterday! anyway today I wrote 354 words and also hit 23k! had a hard time starting to write cuz my mom kept showing me adorable tiny baby clothes of mine (thx but not the time lol) (also I was a VERY tiny little baby!).
We’re in the home stretches of this draft, babey! Probably it’ll be under 30k but who knows!! (making this wip in 2 parts of one story that get smushed into one book cuz they’re short! but I’m writing them as separate wips, like a sequel!)
ALSO today I reread my first ever finished draft of a story ever! it has Issues™️ (started it right after I turned 12, wrote till I was a few months shy of 14) including super speedy pacing in the first chapter, a strangely manipulative love interest who was the only character who got an arc??, and generally being weird in specifically the way that a really old wip can be! I’m rereading all this in order to prepare to revamp it (aka the fun story I’m planning rn that I’m excited about!!!)
now I just have to read the unfinished sequel of which I don’t really remember anything about lol! I’ve written over 71k of words through 3 versions of this wip, which is crazy! And also probably another few thousand of worldbuilding and extra stuff!! this story, even with its cliches, tropes, and awkwardness is a big part of my heart :) also I am finally drawing these people the way I’d like them to look (idk if I’ll ever share it…) anyway looking forward to the day when I finish apocalypse story pt. 1 and get to this other story!!
see y’all tomorrow! gotta go 2 bed it’s midnight lol
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I just have to finish the one scene, the cooldown talk with Jason, Tim, and Steph, and then get my sibling (who owes me a favor) to beta read the chapter (currently looking at 17k+ words) and then it will FINALLY be up
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drpeppertummy · 5 months
ALL FOR MONA… fartbroken over the possible bf lemme be her gf PLEASE 🙏 (/j)
She Has 2 Hands👏
👖 Will they undo their belt or unbutton their pants to relieve pressure on their belly, or will they suffer through it until they can get changed? - yeag. she doesnt care
🫳 How do they respond--physically, verbally, emotionally, etc--to belly rubs? - i like to imagine she kinda stretches out like a cat. maybe even purrs
🤒 Are they prone to tummyaches? If so, for any particular reason? If not, what circumstances DO they get tummyaches in? - not typically, only if she gets a bug or somethin, which is also pretty rare
🤤 Do they have a favorite thing to be full of? Not necessarily a favorite thing to eat, but something that feels good in their belly? - Raw Meat💖
🤢 Is there anything in particular that does NOT feel good in their belly? How much of it can they eat, if any? - not much tbh. she could probably eat a rock & digest it
🤼 Are their friends & loved ones more likely to be urging them to eat more, or to stop eating so much? Why? - honestly? i dont think anybodys telling her either way. she just does whatever
🎂 Are there any foods that they only have on certain occasions? Do they go overboard when they have the chance? - as much as she loves raw meat i dont think she has it all the time so when she does she def tears it up
📐 What's the shape of their belly like when it's full and bloated? - very top-heavy. you can look at her & really visualize just how stuffed her stomach must be. shockingly distended compared to the rest of her body
🛌 Can they carry on like normal on a too-full belly, or do they need to take a break? - despite the alarming appearance of her full tummy its rare for her to be Too full. she can function fine on a full belly but if its Too full its probably almost too big & heavy for her to move around
🍗 How well do they function on an empty stomach? Can they go about their tasks, or do they need to stop and eat? - i think she can go a while without eating (although it might not be her preference) so shes fine
🥘 How hungry do they typically get before finally eating? Do they have any choice in the matter? - good quastion. her metabolism is weird & mysterious & i think she can comfortably go a couple days without eating anything before her tummy starts growling, but she'll usually eat at least a Little something before then
🗣️ Who's more likely to speak up about being hungry first--them, or their belly? - she doesnt necessarily Speak Up but she will seek out food
🍳 If they come home tired and starving, are they taking the time to make food, eating something quick, or going straight to bed? Is whatever they do enough? Is it too much? - she can hork something down real quick. doesnt even have to be cooked. she might just eat 3 eggs straight outta the fridge & pass out
🫄 How likely are they to overeat? Are there any particular circumstances where it happens? - very rarely. weve all heard about the deer a million times but other than weird situations like that, pretty much never
🍽️ How likely are they to go without eating enough? Are there any particular circumstances where it happens? - since she can go so long without food before getting hungry, also pretty much never
🥡 Do they usually bring home leftovers if they go out to eat, or do they manage to clean their plate? - shes clearing off the whole thing babey
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Do their eating habits change around other people compared to when they're alone? In terms of quantity, what they choose to eat, how they eat it, etc? Does this have any positive or negative effects on them? - i dont think it makes a difference. she doesnt care what anyone thinks & she lacks the social awareness to think of changing her habits for others expectations
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oblivioustoast · 10 months
looking at myself in the mirror at home: yep, that’s me, lookin cute, kinda tired, keep it up babey
looking at myself in the mirror at work: EUGH! what is this horrid creature??? what is that?? skin? you call that desk mask stretched over your face skin??? egad!! foul beast!!!
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elmelloill · 9 months
bestie's ffxiv progress update: we got past garuda babey! home stretch!
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wasabioverdrive · 2 years
awesome it is time for cookie wars loredump...2!
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or: going through the excuse plot in the “A Cookie’s Diary” sidequest and picking out the bits worth mentioning
ok lets go
the story of this sidequest is framed through one of the game’s NPCs, a raccoon creature named “Chester”, reading the diary of a survivor escaping the jelly walkers (and then sending you on cringe fetch quests or whatever). so keep that in mind.
anyways, the author of the diary was near the jelly walker meteorite when it fell. They managed to hide in underground tunnels with their friends.
The author writes that Pets give cookies the will to survive the jelly walkers.
One of their companions is described as “an eccentric scientist”, who is probably wasabi cookie, given that “weird scientist” is pretty much her defining character trait. Anyway, the author then writes wasabi told them about “combining several cookies for upgrades.” they end up helping wasabi with their experiments, the first of which was an experiment to strengthen cookies.
The experiments are basically a tutorial for teaching you, the player the level up system which is “give your cookies experience potions and if you get dupes of cookies from the gacha you can also use them for enhancement”...
Their experiment failed, but wasabi prepared an improved experiment after that, because “Cookies never give up”. Her exact words, judging from the author’s reaction:
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Anyways the cookie-enhancing experiments failed except for the last one.
Then one day, the author met an “extremely mean pet” who hid itself, waited for them to come near, and hit them very hard. And then, wasabi took it to make it stronger. The author then writes “I wonder what happened to the Pet...” Basically, this begins the author & wasabi’s pet enhancement experiments as well as the thinly-veiled tutorial for leveling up pets. They continue their research on cookies too.
At this part in the diary, the author makes note of how pleased wasabi is during the experiments writing that she “began giggling just like Giggle Bomb” at one point. Which implies the pet they were working on was Giggle Bomb. Maybe? Well, make of that what you will.
Also, this happens too:
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“The experiment failed. Or was it successful? I don’t know. The participants have disappeared, but another Cookie appeared instead! The scientist was pleased and giggled all the time.”
The author also notes how wasabi took pets from her own team for her pet experiments. Chester then tells you: “Before the experiment, check if the Pets belong to someone. I bet no Cookie will be happy to find their Pet turned into something else!” LMAO
The diary briefly goes into Donuts after this, which is basically like the topping system in crk, but in sets of 4 instead of 5. It also integrates the PVP system into the story by saying the cookies realized it’s safer to gain fighting experience by sparring with each other instead of the jelly walkers. Not much else to say about these ones.
Here’s some bonus lore tidbits before the final part because we’re in the home stretch babey! There’s a tradition for summoning Cookies: horns were used to summon strong cookies for help, and if they needed help, they would use horns to call for even stronger cookies. It also discusses “Pet Incubation.” After the impact, it became harder for cookies to find pets in their natural habitats, so they decided to grow pets artificially.
Anyways, the final part of the diary starts here. Very strong cookies tried to make a plan to save the world. Not much information about it is given, but the author writes it was something about destroying all jelly walkers at the impact site. Wasabi predicted the plan would fail, and claimed she was trying to “cure the symptom, not the source of the disease.”
No one listened, and everyone started strengthening themselves for the battle, including Moonlight and Fire Spirit cookie. The author thought they had a good chance of winning.
On the day of the fight, Wasabi suddenly decided to return to the lab for research. The author writes: “I kind of grew on this Cookie...”
As for the battle itself, it started out well enough, but then a “giant jelly walker” appeared and the plan fell apart. They had to retreat.
The last entry takes place after the battle. The author was starving. Then, they found a jelly on the ground and ate it. Their last words were: “Eating it wasn’t a good idea. I don’t feel well now...”
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electronic-old-men · 2 years
Got tagged in a chain mail by my friend @wyrmsoftheheart for a song for every letter of my username! Apologies for the long post to come.
E - evergreen by dirt poor robins. I adore this band and this is the most recent song of theirs to get stuck in my head
L - look away by the dear hunter. Reminds me of my OC, Atlas. Great to sing loudly in a car
E - evening on the ground by iron and wine. Love me a good biblical reference song with bitterness in its heart. Slaps my nuts clean off
C - close to home by vienna teng. LOVE LOVE LOVE the album this song is on!! Aoough..
T - tiger mountain peasant song by fleet foxes. Fleet foxes my beloved. I have their album helplessness blues on vinyl
R - rocket's tail by kate bush. Yeahhhh babey
O - 00000 million by bon iver. I know the zeros are a stretch but I adore that song and almost every other song on that album. I have it on vinyl
N - nightjar by cosmo sheldrake. Bird noises! But a song! Verdant Green vibes
I - icarus by the staves. The staves were right. I have not seen the light for days.
C - grand canyon by puscifer. Another stretch but I don't care because it's stuck in my head rn and I wanted to include it
O - once shattered now whole from the centaurworld soundtrack. Woman moment
L - like the dawn by the oh hellos. Reminds me of my OC Verdant Green!
D - a death by an unkindness. It's been stuck in my head for a month and it gives me Emotions about the Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign I'm in
M - mars by sufjan stevens. The entire planetarium album sizzles my coochie straight off. Also great for character songs. This one happens to also be an atlas song
E - elderly woman behind the counter by pearl jam. I just wanna scream,, HELLOOO! MY GOD IT'S BEEN SO LONG
N - no need to worry by yeasayer. If I could I would have put their songs wait for the summer / wait for the wintertime on here but alas. No w
Annnd now for the victims. As usual I'm lazy so I'm picking the most recent mutuals in my notes (that monsieur heartwyrms didn't already tag). Or if you see this and want to do it, say I tagged you!
@nightwere @nihilisticaciddance @mii-makes-art @micamone @lave-station
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