ghostbsuter · 7 months
When his grandfather, Alfred Pennysworth, suggested he should try bond with the youngest Wayne, he did not expect to help the kid smuggle in a capybara, two fennetic foxes and a serval?
He's pretty sure hsi gramps did not mean this when he'd suggested it.
No matter, it's ride or die with the kid now. Sue him, he got attached.
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ive been sick smh, still am but i saw a post related to wu being asexual and i really wanted to share the hc i have for him Hes asexual bi-demi romantic! With a lil poly on the side cause shhh he has two hands <333 if youre asking about the flag, i found a redesign of it cause i didnt really like the original poly flag- and some didnt too so i used the infinity heart instead of..pi- ALSO. Wu definitely doesnt know what sex is, genuinely, he believes babies just pop into existence with creation magic and never thought about it again, and when the past elemental masters were pregnant he definitely thought they were parasites and panicked internally through out the whole deal- i can only really doodle right now, but i hope i can go back to posting shit soon, in the meantime have the silly headcanons cause i have ALOT Id like to think the first time he went to a pride parade he just didnt know what was happening, but enjoyed the colors and everyone being happy, he doesnt really mind nor care about sexuality. just as long as everyones having a good time with themselves
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con-clavi-con-jae · 6 months
In the loving memory of Vessel III
(he's not dead, I just like remembering him. Because III🥰)
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princedetectives · 1 year
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detective princes
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krynutsreal · 6 months
u know what's ironic is that I had only ever watched 1 video from the video essayist that hbomberguy called out at the end of his most recent video and it was about The Summer Hikaru Died. I'm pretty sure I even reblogged it on here saying that the video specifically got me into reading the manga !! And at the time when I watched it I remember seeing comments under the video we're talking about the manga n stuff. I went back to watch it again with the knowledge that this YouTuber basically plagiarized everything he wrote and well. comments are off . Wonder why king 💀
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twdnonsense · 1 year
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Further proof that the only reason that Negan was “nice” to Carl was because he wanted to make Carl into a savior, not because he actually cared about him
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steamanband · 2 months
(Rav Voice) Commander Cosmo did my top surgery with his sunbeam stare
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galaxygermdraws · 2 years
This has been haunting me for like. Months. but bc I’m the CEO of Wormman I feel like me being the one to ask this will prolly get a response. Does anybody on Hermitblr remember or have proof of the Wormman poster that used to be on Zed’s store before the revamp of like. last year. I know WM is on the Zed + Friends poster, but thats not the poster. The poster was like a comic book cover and had Wormman fighting a clay monster. I’ve been looking for this thing for like. months. I know I’m not the only one who remembers it, so if you have like any proof it exists, or you own it, or ANYTHING i WOULD LOVE a reblog or a comment or even an ask in my inbox it is driving me mad and I cannot take it.
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respectwomenjuice · 1 year
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throwing tomatoes rn
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june-again · 1 year
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eden-dum · 1 year
listening to my ofmd playlist and i realized that this entire time i’ve been gaslighting myself into believing that lucius never died
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ariesbilly · 2 years
Why do u hate the ST kids? just curious on your take that's it.
i dont like children. so they already got that going against them
i like will. hes nice. quiet. minds his business. i like el. because shes fun. also shes team billy. automatic winner
i DID like max..... after season 4 not so much. talk shit about billy end up in a coma thats how that goes. 
dustin and mike are just annoying
lucas.... is there. i dont have anything against him but i dont have anything for him either.
after season 3 i just hate like every character that isnt billy they all suck. boo. bleh. dont want them
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deathfavor · 10 months
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Stares. He's not even surprised by this.
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florshedworf · 1 year
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dyedcomrade · 1 year
Jack Krauser scene > in Re4:Re, with the columns and they stad on different levels and with a chasm between them they cant really cross, where the line "in that jungle I had a revelation..." is heard
- We..I tought as a special unit we were to be held a little more importance, our life not being a rag you clean something up with and then trash.
Brows raised, eyes averting, a flat tone - did it come as a novelty or surprise? - oh he was so annoying, that feigned stoicism lacing the words as he was trying to mask the care that could be heard, if someone really payed attention or looked past that easily broken exterior Leon put up.
- It's not only me who still can't learn their lesson, eh? - Krauser's voice cut through the cold air. After all the years hardening him, and bringing so many to their demise, draining everything out of entire armies, leaving only blue, cold, lifeless bodies, his blood, his rage burned hot. He seemed to be the only force working against that annihilating one, that no man could beat. Still he was only a mortal on borrowed time, victim to the blind powers toying with him as well. And as some kind of punishment or cruel joke the harder he tried to keep the people he cared about out of death's reach, the more his hands intertwined with the strings of his life.
The tides of pain were rippling at their waists now, flowing through every cell of their body and who was to know what it will make them do just to finally drown in them and leave behind this eternal sulking, that catches you in their waves the moment you are born and flips your boat as an introduction to the real world. Or even your basket your parents put you in on this river if youre really unlucky. Oh how he longed to just cross it. Before he tought maybe, if he is in there long enough he can find a nice place to settle at the bottom and with the protection of those other pebbles the current wont be so unbearable. Or maybe the water will shape him and flowing through all that was fated for him will be easier. Did Leon tought he was bringing him a log to hold onto, was a rock he can take shelter in or maybe was in such a delusional state that he wanted to bend the riverbed, trying to be the ground itself it has carved its way into? Doesn't he understand? The water has proven its power over all of these. Anything flowing in the current is still under the will of it, can crush in moments on a rock. No matter the size of the rock, it will be broken from the inside and washed away. All those edges will turn to dust.
He can't save the girl, but he can't save anyone either. No matter by whose hands, their ending is already written, the same and will be always brought out.
Is it so bad he just wants it quicker? Maybe timing is still important but what does it matter if someone dies now or two days later, which days are spent with lamenting, pain and feeling embarassment and sorry for their state.
A leaking tap, drop by drop, can fill up a glass of water overnight. No drop is more important than the other. Here everyone has got their filling, no matter how full the glass, measured here. But he was not so sure what he was drinking anymore. Why can't he just down this poisoned cup already? What misery has got this life to give him that he still has not and needs to oh so badly to go through?! Nothing can change the ending. Some things are decided the moment the breath of life blews through your nostrlis. So why is Leon tormenting him with all this. Playing around as if he didn't kill some innocent man right before his eyes, betrayed and attacked him? Is this Hell already? He can't go back to Leon and he can't touch him anymore. Soon he won't ever see him again and pain will be the only thing left in his life. Maybe he did die in the crash or on the mission. Bled out on the way home. He gave his strength, his blood for his country, to save at least someone on his squad on the mission. He should have known. But telling the difference between drops of water and poison seemed hard until now.
He really hopes Leon kept those tags. Maybe even the ring he always kept on the chains besides them. He pushed through so much, toughed every pain out and was unyielding in all his battles. Yet was a coward in the matter that meant him the most. All those missions fighting unimaginable abominations, who has long morphed out of their humanity to something unrecognisable to their former selves. And how many poor soulds he had to put to their rest from this limbo between life and death. He wasn't entirely sure if he was taking innocents lives as there were cases when the infected people could be saved as he read in reports. All this for a country that led him on and betrayed him in the end. Maybe he is paying for these lives. Looking back, if he ended up in hell anyways, he really regrets not asking Leon. But he has seen how infections spread turning peoples lives hell on earth, he didnt want to stain Leon and drag him down to this as well. Well, exactly once he did. But at least, at the definite end of his military career and almost at the cost of his life he could make up for it. Maybe if he died there and then that should have redeemed him. Or maybe not as all the sufferimg and destruction he caused couldnt be repaid with him giving up his life. That couldn't hold much value anyway. Or maybe he was a failure till the end and couldn't even save the person he loved the most. That's why they are here and this just adds to the never-ending list of his sins.
If that is the case..he is glad Leon is free of all this and can finally enjoy a life filled with something he deserved from the start.
With that closure in mind he throwed away his beret - soaked red with all the blood he shed, it really fit him. Huh, your life is really written out for you, eh? Why his unit was assigned the red, he never understood. The only thing he envied the navy guys for. Taking off his vest that fresh breath of air will be the last he ever feels. Now no more weight could be lift from his chest, the eternal pain of looking back on all this and having nothing but to think about it and the punishment won't be too easy, but maybe he has had worse. Now there is no possible way he can be with Leon and there is nothing in his reach to deny himself anymore. He can't see any of his men here, that too,seems like, was only a one time pain.
The tags he wishes could be thrown over to Leon but maybe he doesnt need a reminder of him. That would be painful and in this realm, he deserves none if it.
Wiping off the war-paint he gives one last smile to Leon, one that is pure and for once showing all the emotion he feels. It doesnt matter who sees it now. The ones who are here have probably seen worse things and all of this grow between the two of them. For better it didnt blossom, and what flower can, really, when watered with tears, blood, and the poison from his cup lacing Leons fresh waters? With that he turns around, standing in place for a bit, taking it in - what can a man feel, really whem faced with the fact that he is dead? And step by step, he starts walking down to what he thinks is the way to his place here.
A hand roughly grabbing his shoulder, tearing his shirt. Has it already started?
- Man..stop this already. Are you all right? You know it's not too late. Come back to us. They think you are spending your retirement somewhere drinking and partying, no suspected affiliation to this shithole, I will just not mention all this on the report. - panting, sucking in this dust filled air a voice asks.
What? Turning around he sees that face he loves oh so much, sweaty, so dirty after a day of this madness, looking up to him with concern, irritation, and those puppy-eyes which can always make him feel loved and this time believe he deserves a new chance at life.
- Deal?
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chishiii-shuntaro · 1 year
Send me a kink and I'll rate it.
Scale: not today satan | fuck no | no thanks | eeeh | not sure | I’d give it a shot | sure why not | omfg yes | there go my pants | holy fuck take me now
Once somebody asked me to roleplay as a doctor with them, in bed. I explained politely that I work as a doctor and would prefer to leave my work seperate from the bedroom. They left shortly after. — Chishiya
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