querade · 30 days
__________________________________________Trapped in a real-live Panopticon!!
Meeting Florence Nightingale because the doctor would f*** with that badass
Museums/Exhibitions of Earth on other planets!
An enemy in your reflection—an alien exists only in reflections. It doesn’t know what it looks like, so it is obsessed with looking into other people’s eyes to see itself reflected back. It just wants to know who it is…
Horror in Russian Nesting Dolls (An extra dimension inside of them. Bonus points if it's set in the Catherinian era. Triple points if the Doctor has to "open up" to his companion by the end, lol)
“Where did all the pigeons go? Why aren’t there pigeons? There used to be pigeons!”
A companion travels to their own timeline to stop the Doctor from making a series of small mistakes he made while traveling with them. They can speak with the Doctor, of course, but when doing so, they must always make him believe they are the past version of themselves. Maybe, when traveling all the way back to the beginning, the must pretend they don't know him at all...oh, how painful that would be.
Plague Doctors in Space!
Night Doctors in Space! (Maybe the Florence nightingale episode?)
The doctor is stuck with a Cyberman for an episode and uses the opportunity to understand it…and it’s sad. Kind of like ‘Dalek’ but for a cyberman
ACTUAL consequences of the butterfly effect and seeing the future changed in different ways
PART 2 UP SOON? if my adhd allows
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buzzdixonwriter · 3 years
Storytelling Is A Joke
Set-up / Twist / Punchline
Everything else is elaboration.
A grasshopper and a zombie walk into a bar.
The bartender says, “Hey, we’ve got drinks named after you guys.”
The grasshopper says, “You’ve got drinks named Tom Collins and Harvey Wallbanger?”
It’s the rule of 3, one of the basic building blocks of storytelling.
Do it once to establish the idea.
Do it twice to establish a pattern.
Do it thrice to upend expectations.
We establish the parameters of our story, set the stage, lay out the ground rules.
No matter how far-fetched, this is our baseline reality.
In this case, a world where grasshoppers and zombies can walk into a bar.
I almost used “tension” instead of “twist” but decided against it.
Most three act analysis say “conflict” at this point, but that word too often leads us into simplistic dualistic thinking:  
Good / Bad Black / White Yes / No Left / Right Up / Down
“Tension” in my mind means something that takes the original set-up and applies some sort of stress to it, but again, that implies a conflict of some sort, one side versus another.
“Twist” is better because there’s no judgment in it; the original set-up is distorted for whatever reason and the distortion needs to be addressed.
A story about a chronically ill person struggling to find the energy and will to continue living lacks morality and conventional conflict, but it can be riveting nonetheless. 
The twist always brings the question “How will this resolve?” 
In this case, the bartender comments on the irony of having drinks named “grasshopper” and “zombie”.
How will the story address this irony?
Call it “resolution” or “climax” if you will; I prefer “punchline” because I think all stories need a point.
Kindly note, a punchline is not a moral.
If you need to provide a moral at the end of your story (other than for ironic / comedic purposes), you failed as a storyteller.
The story should bring the audience to the desired point without hanging a lantern on it.
And the point needn’t be moralistic or philosophical.
Often it’s just wry acknowledgement of a universal truth.
In this case, the grasshopper twists the twist back on itself, sidestepping commentary on the bartender’s ironic observation of drinks named after two common nouns, and instead raises the ante by focusing on the irony of drinks with proper names that also happen to be the names of the grasshopper and zombie.
(Bonus points for naming the zombie Harvey Wallbanger.)
It’s. Just.   That.   Simple. 
Of course, elaborate edifices can be erected on this simple foundation.
The same technique can be applied again and again and again in the context of the story itself, adding all sorts of themes and sub-plots to the final telling of the tale.
You need a base situation.
You need a twist on that situation that must be addressed.
You must address it consistent with both set-up and twist.
Random doesn’t work.
You can throw in a seemingly random twist, but the truth is that twist needs to relate in some shape / fashion / form with the set-up, otherwise there’s no point in the set-up.
This is where many action-adventure stories fail; they lack genuine set-ups and instead merely offer excuses for retaliatory violence that ends only when everything opposing the protagonist is destroyed.  
Likewise deus ex machina resolutions fail because they arbitrarily shoehorn in a solution instead of letting it grow organically out of the set-up / twist dichotomy.
Allow your problems to solve themselves.
 © Buzz Dixon 
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egyptroyal · 4 years
er.... anyways
The Two Parter of Tenth (& 9th Doctor's) Companions [Stolen Earth/Journey's End] have doctors. But they're all six David Tennants in the span of his run back-to-back
From The Parting of Ways/Born Again/The Christmas Invasion 10th Doctor to Stolen Earth is Tenth Doctor that would've said 'I Love You' but, a long winded way (or how he said the whole 'same me, remember i said run?')
The Christmas Invasion's hand is that doctor (1). His name handboi
New Fightin' Hand 10 is our boy that ran up to rose before getting shot by a dalek? Thats doctor (2).
Doctor regenerates completely but all the energy that would've changed his face? Into handboi but THIS DOCTOR IS A WHOLE NOTHER TEN. . He doctor (3) or as we like to call him 'time lord "does it need saying" victorious'.
Then you got donna's dna in the mix, regenerating into 9 but 10 but donna mannerisms, Handboi is now on his second regeneration. this doctor is (4). Because of having half of donna in him this means (because of the montage of donna begging lance to be with her) it was donna who whispered that she love rose. (remember she said they BOTH lacked that lil bit of human instinct but SHE TOOK CHARGE THAT DAY BABES SHE KISSED ROSE LIKE SHE MEANT THAT, I THE CLINGING ONTO HER I THE 'im the last of the timelords and ur human who'll wither away 😥' DOCTOR COULD 👏🏾NE👏🏾V👏🏾ER👏🏾 [see Harvey Wallbanger kiss. Tenth wishhesssssss])
Now Donna is treated the same as Eric Roberts' Master. She got possessed by that ten regen energy so now SHE IS A TENTH DOCTOR TOO ('a jump start by davros. thank you davros!), she's doctor (5) better known as doctordonna!
We got five david tennant doctors and only one of them counts donna as a regeneration and it ain't the doctor we know bye.
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wobblyjellyfish · 4 years
Thank you @people-prevail-hope-prevails for tagging me!! Love you, dear friend 💖
Favourite Doctor: I LOVE THIRTEEN SO MUCH OKAY. LIKE I COULD SCREAM ALL DAY ABOUT HER AND HOW AMAZING SHE IS. Never has a Doctor won me over so quickly. Ten scores pretty high, especially considering he was my first Doctor, and (series 10) Twelve was an absolute delight as well.
Favourite Master: why must you make me choose between Missy and Dhawan!Master. I love Missy’s totally chaotic bonkers energy and she played off Twelve beautifully, and I loved her arc in series 10. Dhawan!Master stole my heart at ‘got me’ and I love how his chaos is distinctly different from his previous incarnations, more unhinged, but still feels like the Master. And like Missy, his interactions with Thirteen are *chefs kiss*
Favourite Sonic: Nine/Ten’s! I have one somewhere. It doubles as a pen.
Favourite Companion: I love all the companions to date (bar one) but clear winners for me are Martha and Donna. Martha was brilliant (she saved the world!) and deserved better, and Donna was so wonderful. Ten and Donna, platonic soulmates forever.
Favourite Story: The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit. I think the ‘base under siege’ is my favourite episode formula, but this always been my favourite story ever since I first watched it when it aired and the concept of Ten and Rose being stuck was fascinating? And the gradual reveal of what’s happening is so good and the supporting cast are so well fleshed out!! Honourable mention to The Unicorn and the Wasp because I love Agatha Christie and the Harvey Wallbanger scene is iconic.
Favourite Soundtrack: the Madame de Pompadour theme from The Girl in the Fireplace. It’s so beautiful and twinkly and sad. Murray Gold’s original Cybermen theme is also high on the list.
Dream Actor for next Doctor: I think I read somewhere when they were speculating who was going to play Twelve that Idris Elba was in the running and ever since I’ve lowkey wanted him to play the Doctor.
Dream Composer: to be honest I don’t really know much about the composer side? But could you imagine if they got someone like Hans Zimmer to do the score?
Dream Story: I would love another story on New Earth! That world was fascinating and I would love to see a follow-up to Gridlock, and see how New Earth has changed since the motorways opened up and the people were freed!
A Companion you’d like to see back: BRING BACK K-9 CHIBNALL IM BEGGING YOU. Thirteen would be so bouncing-off-the-wall excited if she got K-9 back!!
An Enemy/Alien/Creature you’d like to see again: if it were somehow possible I’d love to see the Face of Boe again.
If you could travel with one of the Doctors, which Doctor and why?: as much as I love Thirteen I think (series 10) Twelve would be the most fun!
Tag: @cloudinthesilverlining, @ronidovs and any of my followers who want to go ahead and give it a whirl!!
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etherealblasphemy · 6 years
From Now On
it took me far too long to write this...
TW: Cursing (lots), alcohol, people getting drunk, talk of past death, talk of past injuries, implied rape (any more just let me know)
It was a fun ride back to Remy’s. Cal refused to take off their attire for the time being, wanting this feeling of youth to last just a bit longer, adding a dash of wine-colored lipstick to complete their ensemble. As the familiar planet grew closer on the pilot’s dashboard, a comfortable silence fell over the group.
   “So, how do you guys know Remy?” Cal asked, curious as to how the steampunk became so close with the outlaws. Side glances were traded, hinting at a story Cal was willing to hear. “Come on, tell me!” they wheedled, pouting.
   “It’s a... story, to say the least,” Patton sighed, running a hand through his hair. Cal shrugged. “Well, I guess we do have time.” He gestured for Cal to come closer, so they picked up their stool and waddled with it between their legs, unwilling to properly stand and waste their energy on those sort of activities. Logan huffed, not seeing the necessity of recounting past adventures when there was no way to re-experience them for oneself.
   “Don’t forget all the juicy details,” Cal said, their eyes shining with excitement.
   “Alright, kiddo, calm yourself before you fall of your chair,” Patton warned, pointing at the transparent floor, where Cal’s stool was tipped so far over it would take but a breeze to blow them over. Cal made a sound of surprise, righting their chair as they thanked the paternal shapeshifter. “I don’t really remember when we first went to Remy’s. I do remember the first time xie talked with us, though,” Patton laughed, eyes brimming with distant memories he wished he could share with Calrex.
   “Wasn’t it just after Anxiety joined our crew?” Roman interjected, finally bored with playing with Anxiety’s hands, which rested just in front of his face as the being the hands belonged to slumped against the chair, tuckered out from the heist. Patton hummed, his eyes glancing up as he tried to remember if Roman’s statement was true.
   “I believe it was,” Logan added. “Correct me if I’m wrong- though I do not believe that will be a problem- I recall Anxiety was still rather distant with us, and Patton decided to make a stop at Sleeping Stars, hoping to cheer Anxiety up and prove he could trust us.” Cal noted how stiff Anxiety’s shoulders were, and caught Roman’s eye, jerking their head towards the sullen human. The prince nodded, pulling Anxiety’s hands close to his chest, massaging them with his fingertips. Slowly, the emo’s shoulder relaxed once more as Cal tuned in once more to the story Logan was telling. “...Remy approached us, interested in the song that Anxiety was singing.” The robot turned towards the human. “What song was it again? I apologize, I must have deleted that data to increase my data storage,” Logan inquired.
   “It was ‘Welcome to the Black Parade’ by My Chemical Romance,” Anxiety mumbled. Logan thanked him and continued.
   “As Anxiety was intoxicated beyond belief-”
   “Hey, it’s not my fault that I can’t hold my beer! Blame genetics!” Anxiety complained, accidentally wapping Roman’s face, who shrieked at his precious visage being damaged. Cal sniggered.
   “Quiet! I am the orator of this narrative, not you,” Logan ordered, straightening the glasses he had yet to take off from the bank robbery. He cleared his throat. “As I was previously saying, Anxiety was rather intoxicated, and thusly had little control over his volume. I suspect Remy heard us and came over to investigate. At first, we were all quite confused as to why the vivacious steampunk we’d learned earlier to be the owner was approaching us, perhaps to throw us out for creating such a commotion.”
   Patton nearly jumped out of his seat to interject. “And then Remy came over and ogled us for a while before Logan freaked out and demanded to know why xie were watching us!” the shapeshifter giggled, recalling Logan’s expressions from the incident. Logan huffed in frustration.
   “I did not ‘freak out’, as you say. I am a highly advanced AI unit and am not capable of producing emotions. I simply wanted to deescalate the situation before xie kicked us out,” Logan argued, crossing his arms in annoyance. Anxiety rolled his eyes at the monologue. “To get back on track, I asked Remy why xie were observing us, and xie came up and sat down in our booth, resting xir head in xir palm,” Logan narrated with a stone cold face. “Xie asked what Anxiety was singing, to which he replied-”
   “‘The best goddamn song you’ll ever hear, fucker!’” Roman quoted, cutting off the robot who let out a groan of irritation as Cal threw their head back, cackling as they smacked their hands together, thoroughly satisfied with the storytelling so far.
   “Let’s listen to me, how about that? Remember who’s telling the story?” Logan asked as he pursed his lips. Cal could tell he was trying his best not to murder the prince right then and there. The AI composed himself again, remembering he would have witnesses. “As I was going to say, Anxiety replied with ‘the best song you’ll ever hear’- no, Roman, I am not adding the swear words in. Naturally, Remy, being Remy, asked to hear the whole song, which Anxiety happily did. He somehow managed to clamber onto of the table and scream it at the top of his lungs. Remy was entertained, to say the least, and announced that Anxiety was xir favorite kid. To make a long story short, xie ended up kidnapping Anxiety to the back room and forcing him to try on old clothes of Remy’s that no longer fit xem. He looks rather flattering with make-up, I must say.”
   “Mmm, sounds like Remy to pull that sort of shit,” Cal mused, shaking their head. “I feel sorry for you, Anxiety. It’s always traumatizing to meet Remy,” they joked. Patton hollered, his cheery disposition finally cracking Logan and making him flash a wavering smile at the Drisine.
   As the ship sped through galaxy systems, the crew made small talk until Roman asked, “Cal, how do you know Remy?” They chuckled.
   “Let’s just keep it short and say I like to scare people, and Remy has a banshee scream,” Cal told them, recalling the incident of how they met Remy. “I spent so many galleons trying to replace the shot glasses.” Patton laughed, evidently knowing what Cal was talking about.
   “Hey, kiddos, we’re about to arrive, so get settled before Roman falls on his face again,” Patton reminded them. Roman gasped at Patton’s betrayal as Anxiety muffled a snicker. Judging by their reactions, it probably happened often.
   “That was one time!” Roman claimed. Logan raised an eyebrow.
   “You’ve failed to secure yourself for landing thirty-nine times now,” Logan interjected as Roman huffed angrily. “I hardly count that as ‘one time’, unless you have a different counting system than me?” Roman shook his head, falling into a grumpy mood.
   “I have an image to keep up, thank you very much! I’m a prince, through and through, no matter how clumsy I am!” Roman proclaimed, sighing loudly. Cal and Anxiety covered their sniggers with a cough, finding some sort of amusement in the prince’s humiliation.
   A comfortable silence fell over the group as the stars raced past them, time and space bending to their urge to drown the crashing adrenaline in liquor and drunken laughter. At long last, the familiar black and white skies came into view and Cal silently cheered, ready to waste about half of the revenue they’d gained in the little adventure on Levian. Patton geared up the shields on the ship as they slipped into the atmosphere loaded with security that was no match for the Sanders Yersinia.
   Remy, fortunately, had gone on another escapade on some exotic planet, where xie were sure to woo a lucky local. That meant the poor bartender who had to deal with intoxicated patrons for a living would only let in those Remy considered ‘friends.’ Though the term, in Remy’s mind, was applied rather broadly, it was still a much smaller group of patrons than the normal traffic of Sleeping Stars. They had already shed much of their disguises so that they could be recognized, and were waved in almost immediately upon providing their names.
   They chose a booth in the far corner, close to the gnarled tree that crawled up the wall like an old man hobbling down a cobblestone street. The bartender noticed the frequent visitors and waved, already preparing their usual orders. They came over and handed out the tall glasses: Cal received a Harvey Wallbanger; Roman, a frothy red drink that sloshed dangerously close to the rim of the cup; Anxiety, a sparkling, fizzy liquid that smelled suspiciously like flowers for some reason; and Patton, a cup of milk and a cookie.
   “I’ll tell Remy you guys stopped by,” the bartender told them as they hurried back to the counter, several patrons already waving their empty glasses towards them.
   “Thanks, Joan!” Cal called to them, already wolfing down their drink. They slammed an empty glass on the table with a satisfied burp. “Damn, I love these things,” they mused as Roman nearly choked on his own drink at the sight.
   Anxiety followed Cal’s example and chugged his drink, spilling most of it and let out a whoop. “That stuff’s so hard to swallow…” He glanced at Roman. “Don’t even think about making an innuendo out of that, Princey,” he warned.
    Logan huffed, displeased. As a robot, he was unable to drink. Cal assumed he was likely the one to deal with the drunkards. “Please don’t make me play babysitter again,” he pleaded, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he shut his eyes.
   “I’m getting another Wallbanger!” Cal scrambled out of their seat, nearly tripping over the lanky legs as they rushed for the counter, slamming a golden coin on the shiny surface as they ordered another glass. “Stupid fuckin’ metabolism, can’t even enjoy the good shit without getting tipsy,” they slurred. The bartender, after attending to patrons who had previously ordered drinks, slid the refilled glass towards Cal, who grabbed it eagerly as they ran back to the booth, magically not spilling any of the drink.
   This time, they sipped their drink at intervals, already feeling the room spin. “Calypso, I wish I could hold my liquor,” they said. “But, hey, it’s much more fun when I’m drunk and you all get to tell me about it when I wake up later with a brutal hangover!” they cheered, smiling lopsidedly. Patton offered them a grin as he munched contently on his cookie, appearing like a little child as he bit into the chocolate chips and baked flour.
   “Tell us, Cal, how did you end up getting on Draven’s bad side? Normally people just become his puppets and he doesn’t have to worry about them,” Roman asked, waving his hands enthusiastically. Cal took a long sip of the Harvey Wallbanger, taking their sweet time.
   “I dunno, he’s the asshole who likes fucking up people’s lives, isn’t he?” they grumbled, shaking an angry fist at the sky. Patton said something about language, but Cal couldn’t hear it. They were tipsy and had no time for a filter in the retelling of their dramatic origin story. “I have no shitting idea why in the name of Calypso the universe chose to bestow me with the most tragic backstory in all the universe,” they muttered bitterly. Anxiety downed his second glass and motioned for them to continue.
   “Do I have to?” they whined, the liquid in their glass already gone, so soon after their first. Their vision was starting to get blurrier, their speech thicker with the slight accent the others had hardly noticed at first.
   “Not if you don’t want to,” Patton said worriedly as Cal waved his concerns away.
   “I want to, but I want to just project into your minds instead of having to actually say anything,” they grumbled drunkenly. They coughed, their face marred as they gagged at the aftertaste of their drink. Anxiety barked out a loud laugh, he, too, already feeling the effects of sweet, sweet alcohol. “Fine, I might as well get it over with now before I drink too much and can’t even make a real sentence. It’s real easy for police to know you’re flying drunk when you keep screaming ‘Unicorns have feelings, too!’ at them,” they laughed. Their knees were bouncing rapidly underneath the table. They’d better start now before they drank too much.
   “Yeah, you better tell us before I regress into my emo phase,” Anxiety threatened.
   “Fine, fine,” they conceded, tipping their head all the way back to drink the final sips of their drink. “Dunno where to start, though. My backstory is too complicated for a drunken ramble.” They hummed, lolling their head back as they thought of a good place to start. “Hmm. I never knew my parents, first thing I remember is running around the orphanage as the Headmx tried to corral us for the weekly adoption day. Fuckin’ blast, amirite?” they huffed plaintively.
   “Anyways, I grew up in an orphanage, hated the place and the people, yada yada yada, no-one cares about that bullshittery, let’s get into the juicy details- are you going to drink that, Roman?” Cal asked, pointing to a shot of something purple sloshing around in the clear glass. Roman shook his head and Cal grabbed the glass, dunking it immediately with a whoop. “Right. Let’s do this.” They set the empty glass gingerly on the table.
   “I was, like, the failure of the orphanage. Nobody would adopt me. It’s sad, yeah, but at least I got food n’ shit. Ooo, there was this one kid, though. I still hate him. His name was something like, oh, what was it.” Cal snapped their fingers, struggling to put name to face. “Caleb, was it? No, he was a spring fling later on. Maybe Cerulean? No, that’s color.” Realization hit their face.
   “Cato! That’s his name!” They said, slamming their palm flat on the table with a loud bang. Patton paled; Cal noticed this out of the corner of their eyes. “Do you know him, Patton?” Cal asked loudly, definitely beyond their alcohol limit. Patton nodded demurely, flustered. “No way! How do you know that little shit?”
   “I… grew up in an orphanage, too,” Patton confessed shyly. “There was another Drisine named Cato there, but I didn’t like him very much. He was always picking on this poor kiddo,” he reminisced as Cal’s eyes blew wide.
   “No fucking way! That was me!” they exclaimed excitedly. “Small universe, ain’t it?” A bolt of recognition hit them as they turned suddenly to Patton. “Were you that Drisine named Pattryon?” Patton nodded. “Oh, my Calypso, I knew you! How cool is that?” They flopped contently back into their seat, calming down some. “An’ways, Cato. Little prick who liked putting his fists to good work. I gotta thank him, to be honest. If it weren’t for him, I never would have run away.” Roman tilted his head.
   “Fucker tried to kill me,” Cal explained to the shock of the growing audience. Patrons from across the pub who had heard the loud story were clumping together in interest, dragging over bar stools and sitting on the floor, leaning forward as they drank in the eccentric storyteller. By now, Cal had managed to clamber on top of the table, towering over all others in their heeled combat boots. “He didn’t wield a knife too well, though. He tried to stab my heart and ended up stabbing the floor. I’m sure it didn’t appreciate the gesture very much.” A particularly rowdy patron roared with drunken laughter.
   “So I kicked the little shit where it counts and got out of there right then and there.” Cal posed proudly, earning applause from their audience. They smiled, waving like a diva at a couple patrons, and spun around, causing their dress to fan out. Cal sighed happily, the blush on their cheeks not just from drunken joy. “I don’t even remember how I did it- all I know is that I was picked by a ship of outlaws who called themselves ‘The Dragon Witches.’” A couple patrons recognized the name and made various remarks, most about how the gang had robbed them of their girlfriends.  “Damn right, they raised me, you little shit!” Cal screamed at a patron who had more than a grumble to say about Cal’s foster family.
   “Calypso, those were the days,” they reminisced. “Oh, we had so much fun. The captain was the best. Gee, I miss Talyn... Sometimes, when I missing the orphanage for Calypso knows why, Talyn would plop their cat in my lap and give me a talking-to. I mean, generally that consisted of a fuck ton of curses, so you see I resemble them, but it was still comforting to hear their words.” Cal smiled wistfully as the audience shook their heads in acquiescence, some wiping away non-existent tears from their eyes.
   “And then I met Cassandra Ildris.” Cal’s grin widened bittersweetly. “She was... just amazing. She grew up on the ship and had been Talyn’s favorite up until I showed up (because, let’s be honest, I am everybody’s favorite). At first, we absolutely hated each other. If I saw Cassandra, I would turn around and walk in the other direction after yelling something obscene. I was a fucking dick, lemme tell you,” Cal laughed. “Eventually we had one of those moments where you see things from the other’s perspective and BOOM, baby, we were inseparable.”
   “What did you do for free time?” a patron shouted. Cal smirked, hopping off the table and landing on the floor with a heavy thud.
   “Robbed bitches who didn’t know gratitude even if it slapped them in their ugly faces,” Cal replied with a flip of their hair. “We never got caught. The rich tend to be too stupid to realize that if a peasant has determination and a chip on their shoulder, you might as well leave the door unlocked at night.” The patrons drank to that, clapping exaggeratedly.
   Cal’s smile disappeared, leaving half-glazed eyes and a frown. “Then Draven came.” The pub fell silent at the mention of the ruler’s name. “To this day, I don’t know what we did to piss his royal ass off.” Cal shrugged, sitting on the edge of the table, swinging their legs forlornly. “That day… the heavens were painted crimson like Calypso herself was bleeding. We had celebrated Cassie’s seventeenth birthday. I was fifteen at the time. She looked so pretty in her dress, twirling under the stars in the Observation Deck, like a goddess.” Cal wiped away a tear that had spilled over their eyelids.
   “I should’ve known the joy wouldn’t last for long. It never does.”
   Cal took a shaky breath. “Draven him-fucking-self stormed our ship with his best soldiers. Half of them were my age; I can still see the fear in their eyes if I focus hard enough. Draven’s an idiot, using kids as his disposable pawns.” They shook their head, blinking away the hot tears threatening to show themselves. “It was a massacre. We put up our best fight, but it was useless. Cassie’s mother was shot through the fuckin’ head right in front of me, protecting her daughter. I’ll never forget the sight of the light leaving her eyes as the blood poured out of her skull, and I sure as fuck won’t forgive ever Draven.” They swallowed thickly, knowing what was coming up in their trip down memory lane.
   “I took Cassie’s hand and we ran to the storage bays. We were transporting a shit ton of stuff then, so I thought it would easy to hide among the crates. But Draven found us.” A hush fell over the crowd leaning in their seats to hear what happened next. The tears began falling quickly, streams and rivers down Cal’s cheeks. “I just wish I could have told her how much she meant to me. How much I loved her.” Cal heard their voice crack, covering their mouth to choke back a sob. “Draven ordered some soldier not much older than us to hold me back. I could feel his trembles. That little fucker of a king made me watch as he… he…” Cal shut their eyes, the memory flashing before them. The audience gasped, understanding what Cal couldn’t voice. “He finished by shooting her three times in the heart.” The thick silence fell once more, despair and depravity coating the grief in a wool blanket made of memories.
   “I couldn’t stop screaming,” Cal whimpered, wiping away more tears with the back of their hand. “I blacked out or something. I woke up who knows how long after in a small escape pod. Talyn was piloting. They told me they found me passed out over Cassie. My hands were stained with her blood… Talyn told me they had no idea what happened to Draven and the soldier.” Cal squeezed their hands on the edge of the table where the crew of the Sanders Yersinia was watching them with full attention, utterly engrossed in Cal’s story.
   “I told Talyn like the dramatic motherfucker I am I was going to kill Draven, or at least overthrow him so he couldn’t destroy any more lives.” Some of the audience members cheered, shaking their fists in the air. “That dickbag needs to be taught what happens when you bite one too many. ‘Cause, bitch, I. bite. back.” A raucous cheer went up from the crowd. “So who wants to know what happened after?” All but a few patrons raised their hands eagerly, ready to devour more of Cal’s fierce words.
  “I got Talyn to drop me off on Aeolos and I headed to the Infernal Havens. Y’all don’t need to know the details, but let’s say I did what I had to do to survive.” Several patrons nodded, coming from similar histories. “Sucks fucking dick, living on the streets, but, hey, it made me who I am today.” Cal hopped off the table once more. “At least I can say that if you piss me off, you’re going to say hello to my combat boots. They like meeting new people,” they joked bitterly, still on edge on from the narrative known as their life. “A couple years ago, I started noticing wanted posters for me. Damn Calypso, the prices on my head! I half-want to turn myself in, if only to get a piece of the reward money. Course, then I won’t get to Draven’s ass, so that’s out of the question, ha.” Anxiety laughed along with Cal, snorting at their dry humor.
   “People started recognizing me from the posters, so I got the fuck out of Aeolos. Stole a ship and wandered about for a bit, nicking what I could. I stumbled upon this little gem of a pub soon enough, met Remy, and so began my career as an outlaw.” Cal bowed theatrically as the crowd burst into applause as though they had witnessed the best show of their lives. Cal collapsed in their seat at the booth.
   “So, that’s about it,” Cal said simply, swiping Anxiety’s long-forgotten drink and downing it with a smirk. The group stared at them, still trying to process half of the story they’d listened to. Cal raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “Don’t everybody talk at once,” they mumbled.
   “That’s… wow. And I thought I had an angsty backstory,” Anxiety said. “I was wrong.” Cal shrugged. “I would offer sympathy, but seeing as I have no soul…”
   “Eh, it’s fine, I don’t have one either. ‘Sides, I hate sympathy. Got enough of it to last me a lifetime from the Headmx back at the orphanage. I’m sick of hearing ‘I’m sorry’ by now,” Cal stated, handing Joan the bartender a couple gold coins to pay for their drinks with a friendly, fanged grin.
   Their eyes turned thoughtful. “I do miss Talyn, but it’s best that I’m gone from their life. I was putting them in danger. I hope they’re doing well…” they mused wistfully, sighing. “I really wish I could see Cassandra again. Just, you know, see her smile and her eyes and her everything, and be able to tell her how fucking much I loved her.” Cal paused, swirling an unused straw in the empty shot glass mournfully. “I promised her the night before she died that I would stand up and fight next time I was in danger. But when push came to shove, I was a fucking coward,” Cal scoffed ruefully.
   “I’ve tried to sneak into Draven’s palace a couple times, but I’ve never been able to… y’know, do it.” Cal emphasized the unspoken action by drawing a line across their throat. I don’t want to fall to his level, killing just for the fuckin’ sake of something. I couldn’t do that to Cassie, or her mother, or Talyn, or anybody else who didn’t manage to slip out of Draven’s cold-hearted grasp.” They sighed, resting their head on the table.
   “It’s probably just the alcohol talking by now,” Roman began, “but I think we should overthrow Draven.” Logan opened his mouth to start arguing against a certain doom, but Roman cut him off. “Think about it. He’s absolutely horrid, he doesn’t deserve to be king, he’s murdered dozens, if not hundreds, of innocent people, he’s ruined all of our lives, and... other stuff,” Roman rattled off, ticking a finger for each point against the deceitful ruler.
   “We know the palace like the back of our hands,” Patton chimed in, his face flushed with alcoholic excitement. “And Anxiety and Logan, you can plan the stuff, since you’re really good at that!” Cal nodded eagerly, adrenaline lethargically picking up pace as it coursed through their veins.
   “Any endeavors will surely end in destruction and countless deaths,” Logan countered. “We would verily lose our lives and put innocent civilians in danger.” Cal snorted.
   “As if Draven wasn’t already doing that. Besides, who cares if I die? No-one will mourn me if I fall victim to a corrupt regime playing with everybody like they’re puppets on a string. At least I’ll die for a cause. At least I’ll die knowing I did something, instead of letting somebody else step up for me. We don’t even know if there’ll be somebody else to do the job for us. If we don’t step up now, who will? Who else has fury for blood, has vengeance for a heart, has justice for a brain?” Cal swallowed thickly, flames burning in their eyes.
   “I promised Cassie. I promised her I would fight. Well, guess what? This is me fighting. This is me standing up for what I know is right. This is me fulfilling my promise. I met you guys only a few weeks ago. You don’t have to come. But I’m going no matter what. I’m done hiding in the dark, waiting for somebody else to be the light. This time, I’ll burn so fucking bright, they’ll mistake me for the sun!” Cal slammed their hands on the table fervently, lunging to their feet.
   Logan blinked, dumbfounded at Cal’s sudden impassioned speech as the others looked at them, determination written across their faces. “Well, you’ve convinced me,” Patton said, joining Cal on his feet. Roman stood silently, a grim expression on his face.
   “I sat through an entire war just watching people die, watching brothers cradle their dead sisters, watching doctors breaking down after failing to save another civilian, watching buildings crumble after suicide bombers pulled the trigger. It’s been far too long since I’ve stood on my own two legs and walked into battle,” Anxiety said, grinning lopsidedly. “Let’s bring down this motherfucker.”
   Cal turned towards the robot, who had yet to say a word. They reached out a solemn hand, willing Logan to take it. “Come on, Logan. You know we can’t do it without you,” they begged. The robot closed his eyes, sighing.
   “You’re not going to be convinced any other way, are you?” he asked. Cal shook their head vehemently, urging the AI to realize how much he was needed. Logan sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Fine,” he muttered. Though he seemed reluctant to take part in what could very well be the last adventure of his lifetime, Cal could detect that slightest hint of enthusiasm in the robot’s tone, elated to be wanted and needed for more than just defining large words.
   “Then it’s settled,” Cal said.
   “Before we try to spur any revolts among the people, perhaps we should acquire a weapon of mine,” Roman suggested. Cal motioned for the prince to continue. “It’s called the Halo Sword. I’ve defeated many a foul beast with it. I believe it could be of some use to have it when we cross the point of no return.” The prince grew quiet. “We’ll have to go home…” he mumbled. Patton gasped softly, knowing what it meant. Before Cal to analyze the reactions, though, Roman put on his charming façade once more, a brilliant smile crossing his lips.
   “Don’t worry, my dear friends. We shall vanquish the vile villain ruling over the galaxies together!” Cal cheered, pumping their fist into the air. “Alright, let’s get drunk now!” This time, Anxiety and Patton joined Cal and Roman in their cheers.
   “Let’s get fucking wasted!” Cal cried.
   “I’m quite sure you already are,” Logan muttered under his breath. Cal shot him a glare and proceeded to heckle Joan the bartender until they arrived with a new round of drinks. “Bottoms up!”
   The sun rode across the sky in its chariot of fire, witness to the declaration the group had made, waiting to see if they would follow through or fall through, studying the lights that flickered across each of their faces. As the moon climbed onto the horizon, waving goodbye to the flaming star, it, too, observed the now inebriated companions. Come next morning, they would leave for Roman and Patton’s home. They would begin the destiny written out in the stars, unable to retrace their steps once they set foot on the ground. They would endure heartache, elation, fury, and terror. But none of that came now.
   For now, the moon and sun, the silver-lined skies, the heavens, they all waited for the Pirate to make their move. For now, they listened as the Pirate sang out a love song in a foreign language, clutching their heart dramatically. For now, all that could be said for certain was this: from now on, they wouldn’t back down the fight.
(I have to admit, I had some of the most fun in my writing life while writing down Cal’s speech at the end.)
Anywho, I hope you all enjoyed this installment of the story I’m now calling Starbound because it’s a lot less to type and it sounds so much cooler. Feel free to send me an ask about the story or my version of the characters!
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The Kartrite Resort & Indoor Waterpark Trip Report and Review
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Our family and friends decided to kick off summer 2019 with an overnight stay at The Kartrite Resort & Indoor Waterpark located a little over 2 hours from Central CT in Monticello, NY. This is the newest and biggest indoor water park in the state of NY and is located in the historic Catskills mountains. My friend texted me on a Wednesday morning in mid-June and asked if we were interested in joining them on an overnight trip to try out the new Kartrite Resort & Waterpark. We each booked a FAMILY KING BUNK SUITE (500 sq. ft.), which is ideal for families as this it sleeps up to eight with two sets of bunk beds, one king bed, and one queen sleeper sofa. The room also has a mini fridge and a microwave which was key for us to warm up leftovers when the kids were hungry again in the evening after closing down the waterpark. As a family of 6, we’re always thrilled to find a resort that can comfortably accommodate our family in one room. In addition, the waterpark provided a nice mix of activities for the thrill lovers in our group, as well as the younger family members.
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 Plan your Arrival to Maximize the Waterpark Use
We arrived at 4:15 pm on a Wednesday in mid-June 2019 (check in is at 4 pm) and used the indoor waterpark from 5 pm until closing at 9 pm. The waterpark hours are 9:00 AM – 9:00 pm and guests are allowed to access to the waterpark on their arrival date even if your room is not yet ready.  By taking advantage of the date of arrival access, we were able to get a lay of the land and enjoy the flowrider and top thrill water rides.
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Pro tips:
-          Take advantage of date of arrival indoor waterpark access.
-          Try the flowrider. Please note that stand up riding is only from 9 – 10 am and 8 – 9 pm, so plan accordingly.
-          Check in is at 4 pm and check out is at 11 am, but there are lockers for rent that allow you to enjoy the indoor waterpark for a full day after checkout.
-          Pack a bag with flip flops, soup and a change of clothes to shower and change out of your bathing suite prior to heading home.
-          Take time to explore and enjoy the outdoor firepits and sitting areas. S’more kits are sold at the front desk for $5 for 3 S’mores.
-          Free movies are shown nightly in the lobby area.
-          The kids loved the bunk beds and found them to be comfy. Hubby and I found the king bed to be much harder than we prefer.
-          Food was expensive and average quality, so we had dinner at a nearby restaurant prior to checking in and then ate left overs in the room.
-          We did order honey garlic Chicken Wings from Harvey’s Wallbanger which were yummy. The kids also enjoyed delicious sorbet from POP’s Sweet Shoppes.
-          The employees were friendly and helpful. Our son even attempted to look for the lifeguard who helped him with the Flowrider to say goodbye prior to heading home.
-          Be prepared to walk as the hotel and waterpark are located on opposite ends an there are 100 steps to reach the stop of the thrill water slides.
-          Overall, we found the offerings to be a great value for our family and look forward to returning soon.
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 New York State’s Biggest Indoor Water Park Facts:
80,000 square feet. More than 318,000 gallons of water. 11 water attractions. Designed by renowned waterpark design/build firm, Aquatic Development Group (ADG), with more than two acres of indoor water amenities by Proslide. Including a FlowRider surf attraction, rushing lazy river, kid’s activity pool with basketball and multi-level play structure with slides. Premium deck space, two restaurants/bars, lush landscaping and warm climate vegetation including a living plant wall, the likes of which have never been seen in an indoor waterpark, and an elevated cabana oasis complete the Catskills' newest state of the art, four season attraction. An energy-efficient 60,000 sq. ft Texlon transparent roofing system features column-free construction and a barrel shaped roof, heated to a toasty 84 degrees for year-round warm-weather and sun tanning fun.
 The Thrill of the Water Rides:
The stories go back in seafaring lore for centuries; a massive creature with mighty arms and suctions. The experience has been recreated for thrill seekers on THE KRAKKEN’S high speed, splashtastic waterslide featuring saucers creating a drop and dive sensation. 48” minimum height. The ENDLESS SUMMER FLOWRIDER surf simulator creates the perfect wave for park goers daring to ride for as long as they can stay on the board. 42” minimum height. Adventure-seekers fly down the dueling JIGGERTY-JAGGERTY slides, racing, bouncing and splashing all the way. 42” minimum height. The NOR’EASTER takes four riders soaring for a moment of weightlessness before flying back down to earth to banked curves, dips and turns. 48” minimum height. An exhilarating TIME WARP sends riders up one side and down the other, leaving them breathless and wanting more. 48” minimum height. In the middle of the action lies EMPIRE BAY, the King of lazy rivers, but with The Kartrite spin -- perfect for a winding adventure through lush vegetation and cascading water features. 48” minimum height or accompanied by an adult. With more than 100 water adventures, slides and a massive dump bucket, KARTRITE ISLAND is a wonderland of water exploration. For the littlest water explorers, the PUDDLE DUCKS shallow adventure lagoon is a zero-entry interactive pool with slides and water features galore. The heated, indoor/outdoor AFFINITY SPRINGS offers a quiet respite from all the action, just three feet deep and perfect for soaking it all in. Aqua hoop dunkers delight in friendly competition at CANNON BALLERS. Like a treacherous crossing over the crocodile-filled Mara River in Kenya, LATER GATOR CROSSING challenges guests to make it all the way across this rope bridge.
 Lodging Options to Comfortably Accommodate Every Size Family and Group:
324 LUXURY SUITES Every suite’s chic (and cheeky) furnishings reflect the style and lively atmosphere of The Kartrite, from luxurious amenities to dazzling decor. JUNIOR SUITE DOUBLE QUEEN (420 sq. ft.) This suite includes two queen beds and one queen sleeper sofa, sleeping a total of six guests. Perfect for families or friends looking to share a suite, this room style is comfortable and the most economical (also available with balconies or patios). JUNIOR SUITE KING (420 sq. ft.) This suite features one king bed and a queen sleeper sofa, sleeping up to four guests. These suites are also available with balconies or patios for an additional charge. FAMILY KING BUNK SUITES (500 sq. ft.) The ideal room style for families, this suite sleeps up to eight with two sets of bunk beds (in a separate cozy enclave), one king bed, and one queen sleeper sofa (also available with balconies or patios).   TWO-BEDROOM SUITES (range from 847 - 1,007 sq. ft.) These suites provide space and privacy for families and groups, including a master bedroom with king bed and private bathroom, second bedroom with two queen beds, and living area with queen sleeper sofa and second bathroom. Sleeping up to eight guests, these suites are also available with balconies or patios. THREE-BEDROOM GRAND CORNER SUITE (1,820 sq. ft.) Sleeping to up 12 guests, this suite has plenty of room for families and friends traveling together. Featuring five beds, three full bathrooms, a living room with queen sleeper sofa, plus a kitchenette and dining room, the hero of this room is a wraparound balcony boasting stunning mountain views.
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Additional Resort Offerings:
-          Poolside cabanas for rent
-          7 restaurants
-          Meeting and Group Spaces
-          Function Halls for weddings, birthdays and reunions
-          Arcade
-          4 lane mini bowling alley
-          Carabiners Rope Adventure Course
-          LED Lite Indoor Rock Wall
-          Lazer Tag
-          Virtual Reality Experience
-          XD Theater
-          Wellness Spa
-          Fitness Center
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RESERVATIONS The Kartrite Resort & Indoor Waterpark 555 Resorts World Drive Monticello, NY 12701 844.527.8748 http://www.thekartrite.com RATES Starting at $249 in low season Starting at $449 in high season $35 Resort Fee per night (per suite) Includes self-parking, daily in-room coffee and bottled water, Wi-Fi, local call access, fitness center and towels in the waterpark. SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: @thekartrite Instagram: @kartriteresort
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