#Gym leader AU
0ann3 · 7 months
Twistober Day 22: AU
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Pokemon AU!
For today's prompt, I literally went from I have no idea what I'm supposed to do, to I have too many ideas for today KAJSHAKs. In the end, I settled for something I think I can work on the fastest
I suck at designing clothes though so I just went with slightly modifying his dorm uniform. Also, I'm imagining him and the rest of the Dorm Leaders as the Gym leaders in this AU so... it kinda works lolol
Now for some of my obligatory headcanons/thoughts while I was doing this
I really, really think Riddle would specialize as a fire type trainer, but Heartslabyul just screams grass-type gym to me
So maybe he has two set of teams? One as a gym leader and another one that he used when he was a trainer.
More familiar with only up to 5th generation of Pokemon so not really confident on composing his team. But for now, it's just Roselia because of his name and Shaymin because it's one of the hedgehog pokemon that I can remember
Shaymin is a mythical pokemon though so... Riddle is probably the only one who uses them in the team from his dorm/gym
Then as a rule, you can only fight the gym leader during tea parties- You have to schedule going to this gym
Got really tempted on drawing all dorm leaders as gym leaders after this, but that's too many people //nervous chuckle
Quick thoughts for the typing of every dorm though. (Ramshackle - Normal/Ghost; Heartslabyul - Grass; Savanaclaw - Ground/Fighting; Octavinelle - Water; Scarabia - Psychic/Fire???; Pomefiore - Poison; Ignihyde - Fire/Electric?; Diasomnia - Dragon/Fairy)
Im so sorry if almost half of them have two options lmao. I'm that indecisive
And then the teachers/staff are the elite four-
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vampslxsher · 8 months
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Gym Leader Kit challenges you to a battle!!
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sunnycluster · 1 year
Thinking about my friends and I gym leader au...
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Gotta finish that sketch haha
If somehow you can't tell my gym is dark type
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Older art of The crew! (For actual battle some are unevolved/not on team)
I'll probably share more about them in the future!
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peachypede · 5 months
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Au: What if humans had pokemon types?
The idea struck me after seeing some of @bluebellowl ‘s art of Ingo and Emmet wielding flames and electricity and I was thinking ooo what if humans had typings.
Then I made an au with a bunch of headcanons…
More below the cut
(Almost forgot to add that I took some inspo from @critterbitter ‘s Elesa hairstyle because I love how they draw her hair in the back all spiky, electricy like in some of their drawing just yes)
- most humans are purely 1 type, but a rare person may have a dual typing. (Ingo and Emmet are dual types that cover their least publicly liked typing with their more favorable type)
- Some types are more stigmatized and feared than others for have abilities/features that are frightening: Bug, Ghost, Psychic, Poison and Dark types are the 5 most stigmatized groups.
- Most humans have very small or weak abilities, but some are capable of amazing feats.
- Humans tend to favor pokemon partners that share their typings since it’s easier to connect and communicate but some people do like opposite or different typings.
- When babies are born, they’re given a test to see what type they are so their parents will know how to handle their abilities.
- Each types abilities include:
Normal - Sadly, this typing doesn’t get much special abilities. They’re normal humans. A very, very rare normal type can send a hyper beam out of their mouth.
Fire - Can control small flames and are fire resistant. They can warm their bodies up to feverish temperatures without being sick. Some can breathe fire and have flame like hair. Fire types often have irrational fears of water.
Water - They can control small amounts of water. Their skin gets dried out easily and they have to take showers frequently or have humidifiers in their homes. A few individuals have gills that allows them to breathe fully underwater.
Grass - They can breathe life into plants and cause flowers to bloom. If they have a garden, they’ll produce giant and delicious fruit. Some can make plants move on their own, but this is a rare ability. When happy, a lot of grass-type people will sprout plants on their heads. Some even have plant like hair.
Electric - Able to cause small electric shocks and store bits of electricity. Can turn off and on appliances without touching them. Those who take time to learn can communicate with electric Pokémon using the electrical language all electric types know. They can also talk to humans in electric language who are electric types as well.
Ice - Freezing to the touch and tolerant to below zero temps. They can freeze the surface of water by touching their hand to it. They’re a rare type that hardly leave frosty mountain cities and towns because they’re prone to overheating in warmer weather.
Fighting - Stronger than other humans, but few reach true inhumane strength. Rare individuals have an extra set of arms like Machamp. Most take pride in their strength and hone their skills their entire lives.
Poison - Immune to poisons, some even have poisonous breath or saliva. Most of them have to wear masks around people who aren’t fellow poison types. Some individuals have multicolored skin, like frogs warning others that they’re dangerous. People of this type like steel types, because they can remove their masks for once around these people who are immune to them.
Ground - Can feel vibrations in the ground and if they learn, can properly use this as another sense of sight and see things underground. Rare individuals can make the ground shake and have long claws for digging. Some families are known for living underground where they feel more at ease.
Flying - they have a very keen eye for long distance sight. Lots of people with this type have wings. Not all can fly, since one needs large wings and hollow bones to do so, but some can. Most however are gliders. Some have feathers instead of body hair.
Psychic - People with this type usually have one “talent” ability, such as levitating objects or seeing the future. It’s rare for an individual to have more than one of these talents but it has happened before. They’re seen as power houses amongst the other types for their special abilities and usually are seen offering their services in exchange for coin.
Bug - They can attract a lot of bug type pokemon to them via pheromones and with practice, they can even control them. Like ants, bug types can talk through pheromones like alerting to danger, creating trails, or even just generally talking like electric types do (its not all just attracting mates although bugs are more likely to be attracted to other bug people) Grass types dislike the smell of bug types, whereas flying types get hungry around them. Rumor has it that bugs can control others through their pheromones but its just a rumor. Pheromones make it easy to persuade, but can’t truly control people.
Rock - They have skin as tough as rocks and most can dig through rock itself. Rare people look like a cluster of rocks themselves. They dislike water since it erodes away their skin, so they take mud baths and showers instead.
Ghost- Many can float above the ground and go through walls. Similar to ice types, They are cold to the touch. They can see ghost type pokemon even if they are invisible. Rare abilities are being able to see and commune with human spirits. (And only once a century is there an individual who has truly open eyes and can see the entire world of the dead walking amongst the living) People who fear this type spread rumors that ghost types are evil and can raise the dead to do their bidding, but these are only rumors.
Dragon - Noble types that are descended from long blood lines. A lot of individuals have scales and wings and claws. Rare ones can breathe fire. Once in every 100 years there will be a dragon-type who can communicate and wield their type’s pokemon with high efficiency, even mighty legendaries. Families of dragons can be very prideful and look down on other types. Noble families don’t like their children mingling or marrying other types.
Dark - A stigmatized group to the point that their typing is labeled as the “evil” type in some languages. Many have a bad luck effect on the people around them and some can sense disasters before they happen. Dark types often are lonely because of their bad luck charm abilities make other people wary of them.
Steel - Most in this group have skin that shines like a type of metal and are able to bend metals in their hands. They’re immune to poison and bug types abilities, and often are friends with these stigmatized types because of this.
Fairy - This group have small magical abilities and unluck the dark type, they have a lucky effect around them. Some individuals have wings, some have unnaturally colored hair. Fairies have a high social standings with other types because they’re thought to do nothing wrong, when fairies actually often have trouble makers in the midst of them taking advantage of this.
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esprei · 8 months
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Submas AU October - Day 11: Apocalyptic
(bringing in my dystopian AU for this one, since its basis is technically apocalyptic) Meet the Resistance - a group of people living in the oppressed city of Lower Unova. In an alternate world where Volo was able to win the battle at the Temple of Sinnoh and subjugate Arceus, he's successfully rebuilt a new world in his vision. As the self-proclaimed emperor, he rules over Lower Unova (a city that is scarce on resources) with an iron fist, especially to those who actively oppose him; meanwhile, Upper Unova prospers and flourishes with those who follow his lead. Despite all odds being stacked against them, especially facing Emperor Volo's army in constant battles and skirmishes, the members of the Resistance still fight - for they one day hope to overthrow the emperor and bring peace to both cities. To unite them. And to keep their fighting spirit strong, they wear an emblem on their clothes to serve as a constant reminder of what they're fighting for... Though this emblem resembles a Pokemon they're only familiar with in either spoken legend or limited written lore, it's still one they choose to believe will help bring them peace someday. Here we have (pictured from left to right, for the most part): Alder - Leader of the Resistance (and also essentially a father figure to Emmet) Nate & Rosa - orphaned children who aren't members of the Resistance, but rather who are close to many of its members Mallow - a chef and medic Elesa - a fighter, childhood friend of Emmet Blacephalon - Emmet's main battle partner; with Emmet's command of a simple snapping of the fingers, it will use its Mind Blown attack Emmet - one of the Resistance's strongest fighters; ah, I think I'll save more on him for later ;) (just for context his mask is supposed to be based on Blacephalon, more on that later too - he wears it into battle, though, helps obscure identity and such) (FINALLY I RELEASE SOMETHING ABOUT THIS AU!! tbh I had intentions of getting this done during Emmet month buuuut it got away from me - but here it is now! better late than never, right? this is probably my favorite au of mine that i've made so far and i hope to show more of it ;w;) ((btw not... all resistance members pictured here, but... well, you'll see what i mean soon enough :D))
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passive-apocalypse · 7 months
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Just a quick drawing of Wally from Partycoffin's welcome home pokemon au! I still do not know fully how to navigate things so I found out about it by chance a little while ago, and I love the concept of it so much!! I realized I haven't actually drawn human characters very much recently too so this was fun practice!
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nell0-0 · 11 months
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This is an AU where older Irida ends up in younger Ingo's time pfpfpf. As in, Irida would be 19 and Ingo would be still around 27-30 (undecided), but 8 years after she arrives to Unova he's yeeted to Hisui. And would go on to become warden Ingo, the one she knew from before she ended up in modern time Unova. irida tries to stick close to Ingo since he's the only familiar face around and that translates in her eventually becoming a depot agent.
Originally it was going to be accidentally hitching a ride, but the shenanigans from Team Galactic knocked her (and Adaman) off course and they ended up crash landing in the wrong years. Adaman landed some years later than Irida did pfpfpf. But he adapts faster and probably ends up working for minimum wage in a random food chain.
So now Irida is the older between the two. That incongruence means they don’t realize they’re exactly who they are, and just think it’s a weird coincidence. Strong genes and all with the pokemon descendants. That doesn’t meant they don’t antagonize each other, though. 
Irida is out there trying to teach Ingo all the skills he would need to survive in Hisui but the one that ends up picking them up instead is Emmet. F. 
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radrattradish · 1 month
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sakulee skater au
still think this couple should have been cannon
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peachy-doodles · 1 year
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some simpler memes to warm up the drawing engine...
origins/inspo under the cut:
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that one jerma stream in the desert you know the one. this applies to both normal streamer ingo and mc ingo streamer but i think mc ingo streaming is a funnier situation because he is literally. in the middle of nowhere.
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raisans-art · 3 months
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National Treasure but they are furries for no reason au
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marchy-emmet · 5 months
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Unsurprisingly, being a fusion of both of the twins at once means that Equin is very very ticklish. And Elesa will take advantage of this at any opportunity.
[I wanted to make fluff to counteract the angst, heh-]
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nburkhardt · 5 months
I’m painting tiny pokemon and thinking about pokemon au. Enjoy ✨
Eddie finding an egg during his adventure and being so excited about it. But not for himself, no no, he has the perfect opportunity to finally ask Steve out.
They’ve been flirting with each other for months, running into each other at gyms and training sessions. At first Eddie couldn’t stand the guy and his little show off, Primarina. Always finding ways to one up him and Aragon, his Decidueye (at that time they were still in their second stages; Brionne and Dartrix.)
But as he continued his gym challenge, all the run ins and training together, Eddie couldn’t help but start to really like Steve. Babydoll and Aragon kept up the tiny rivalry but the rest of their teams became best friends.
So, really feelings we’re going to happen eventually.
And he’s been so nervous to take the next step, could tell Steve’s also nervous. Always stopping himself from saying anything. Wanting but waiting until the courage to really hit either of them.
“Gotta be a sign!” He holds the egg carefully to his chest as he gets up, “Stevie will take such good care of you”
Gene snickering behind him, while Loretta floats around him. “Stop laughing you jerks. This is totally going to work!”
Pulling his backpack around, he gently puts the egg in before zipping it up and continuing on. Gene and Loretta in their balls, while Aragorn keeps him company on their way to the next town.
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It’s only a day later when Steve catches up with him.
Before Eddie can even get the egg out of his backpack, Steve’s holding one out to him. A blush on his face, Vee’s tail swaying with a nodding head. Babydoll peeking from behind Steve.
It makes him blink a few times, making sure it’s real and not a dream. “Stevie? Wha-”
“I uh, found this and wanted to give it to you and to maybe, ask you out?”
Eddie’s face hurts and his heart is beating fast, “I’d love to, Stevie. And I’d be honored to have it, also be honored if you’d take this little one?” Pulling the egg out and mirroring Steve by holding it out towards him.
Steve’s blush grows and so does his smile, Babydoll brushes a fin against the egg and Vee letting out happy noises.
They exchange the eggs and enjoy the rest of their day together. Eating lunch together, watching on as their pokemon rest and play together. Trading tips to taking care of the eggs, wondering what pokemon will hatch.
It wasn’t the official date, but it was something and Eddie loved it.
(Steve’s egg hatches and is pleasantly surprised to see a Mimikyu, a shy little one who decides to sit on his shoulder much like how Vee is.)
(Eddie’s egg hatches and a full of energy Pumpkaboo is in his face. A small ball of energy, that he named Ozzie.)
I love them. They’re my babies 🥰
Under the cut is pictures of the pokes for those who don’t know them. Also the taglist🫡 (and also pic of what I’m painting!)
@spectrum-spectre @sunnythefriendlyghost @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @gregre369 @zerokrox-blog @flustratedcas @carlprocastinator1000 @marvelmwah @solliesolesito @navnae @i-less-than-three-you @grimmfitzz @estrellami-1 @cartercaptainofthemoon @tboyeddie @strangersteddierthings
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And my tiny painting!
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r0-boat · 5 months
Birdie Bride
Sfw Yandere!Harpy! Larry x GN!reader
Cw: slight yandere, (no killing or harm towards reader just watching them and kidnapping)
Gendered nickname: Wife (Larry does not know anything about humans)
Author's notes: yandere Larry is easy mode. I see him being a very light yandere. The most he'll do is kidnap you really and stalk you, but that's about it. So, you people who don't really like yandere's for their overbearing and murdering nature I feel like you enjoy this one.
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Gentle claws brush against your cheek. Sharp jet-black eyes gaze down at you, taken in your unconscious form sprawled out in his nest. Curiosity took over the creature's mind as he tried to figure it out. Who or what are you? He had always watched you from afar his, his claws digging into the bark of a tree, watching you, studying you, a craving to satisfy a need to creep closer. 
Now that he had found you unconscious in that weird, thin hide cage. Larry could finally fully drink you in, cause gently prodding your hair and pawing at each strand to find out a single feather; at the same time, his own talons graze through his own black and white hair as if he was comparing mammalian hair to his mixed concoction of human hair and avian feathers.
He wasn't done. However, his claws gently grazed against your skin down your arm as if meticulously looking for a single feather on your skin.
You were not a harpy, it was evident, not a single feather on you. Your Talons were dull and flat, and when he gently pressed his thumb against your lip to inspect your teeth you had no Sharp things to rip and tear through meat, feeling your soft fleshy lips in the process.
You were not a harpy, but he can't deny the Primitive feeling he felt when he caught a whiff of your scent, even now as he pressed his nose against the nape of your neck, his black and white wings puffed up, his eyes open and softened.
If not, mate, then why is his body reacting this way? Why is his heart pounding in his chest? His face flushed with heat, instinctually letting out a low-throated cooing noise. He wanted more. Larry wasn't sure what he wanted, but he knew he wanted more: no more light touches with his fingers to inspect you. He tried to place his hand against your stomach, almost hypnotized by how it moved up and down as you breathed calmly. Despite his eagerness to be close to his mate, his hand approached you slowly and carefully.
Only to flinch away when you stir in his nest, tossing in the soft straw pillows and blankets. Keeping his distance but quietly observing as you slowly awaken from your slumber, expecting to wake up in your tent only to realize that your hand grazes through a straw immediately. Your heart quickens the fog of sleepiness immediately lifting as you bolt awake, scaring the figure next to you. Black wings flap as he jumps back, startled by your sudden movement, only to crawl toward you slowly.
That's when you finally saw your kidnapper. Jet black eyes matching with his feathers, with with what you see patches of graying feather. Even as he crawled, it was clear that he could easily tower over you. You were unable to speak due to your circumstances, and you're being riddled with anxiety and fear of just being kidnapped while unconsciously thinking that it's just a bad dream. Your palms were sweaty legs and arms shaking. You are not on the ground anymore, your eyes looking down a high drop. 
Larry notices your eyes filled with fear. His voice is low, husky, yet gentle.
"Do not be scared, wife. I will not hurt you,"
Out of everything that was happening, that one little nickname robbed your attention away, finally getting you able to speak.
"W-wait what did you just call me?" Your voice cracked fear still in your system as you try to scoot a little away as the big birdman urges you closer to his body.
"This is what human males call their mates, is it not?"
His knowledge of humans is highly lacking. However, getting him to change his mind on the little pet name he gave you seems complicated. But you had better things to worry about, like getting out of this nest and away from him.
" you do not have wings, wife; please stay away from the edge."
Larry cooed, still using that softer voice. You pull your arms closer to your body, or fists clenched as your whole body tenses up. His black wings brush against your side and closing you against his chest.
Almost in his lap, your body was pressed against him, a firm hand against your back, and his wing wrapped around you. You feel his nose nestle against your forehead.
Even though you've been kidnapped, things could have been worse. This bird guy doesn't seem like he wants to hurt you. You can't help but feel your heart fluttered by his voice when he calls you that little nickname. Even though he's technically wrong, it doesn't feel bad. Holding you against his chest like this feels kind of nice; it is better than killing you. Hopefully, you can convince him to let you go. Unbeknownst to you, Larry plans to keep you for a very long time.
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xero013 · 1 year
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What are you? 🚇(🐟)×⚡(🥼)
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vinlynce · 3 months
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yaoicarus · 8 months
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would yall still love me if i made a timeskip bede design (full design under cut + extra doodles while i figured his design out
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