#Greg Stolze
unseenphil · 10 months
Saw you post about Reign's character generation. Could you explain in brief how it works exactly? I've heard lots of praise for it but never bothered to figure out how it actually works and would love to hear it from you.
So Reign's random lifepath chargen is fun at least partly because it's weirdly transparent about how it works.
The default character creation in Reign is point based. Starting level characters get 55 points to build on.
What one roll chargen does is set a point cost for each die- 5 points, so for the default character creation, you roll 11d10, guaranteeing you always have at least one matching set- 2 of a single number.
(Reign's an ORE game so it's all about matching sets of d10s)
Each number has a sort of theme to it- 1s may be about being a thief or beggar king type, for example, and as you get more 1s you get skills and stat increases relevant to that. 2s may be about being a culturally appropriate wizard, and you get spells and attunement to a magic school, etc. 3s, 4s and 5 could be a fighting style- 3 could be archery, 4 about being militia soldier and 5 could be themed around being a axe-wielding berserker.
So you roll a a lot of 1s and 3s and you become a stealth archer, manifested by the will of Todd Howard.
but you might ask 'what about the spare dice that don't have matches?'
They're still worth points, and this is often where the weird lifepath events comes in. Stray dice have their own chart, often similarly themed to the matching sets but not necessarily aligned with them, and usually are tied to single event. Maybe you roll a single two, and instead of being a wizard, you were nearly killed by one once, so you've got counterspell, eerie, and relevant advantage.
Since you roll this all at once, you use the pieces to assemble a backstory, picking the order that appeals to you.
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rppr-podcast · 3 months
Ludonarrative Dissidents Season 3 preview: Hole in the Sky - Dungeon Crawl Classics
The Kickstarter for season 3 of the Ludonarrative Dissidents podcast is now live! Back it today to help us fund another full season of this podcast. The Lady in Blue, a mysterious figure of cosmic power, enlists a band of simple peasants for a strange task. They are to follow an invisible bridge until they arrive at a hole in the sky – and then jump through. Death awaits all but the bravest,…
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btranmuses · 1 year
this whole dnd ogl 1.1 business got me in a rabbit hole for systems with permissive licenses and im really digging greg stolze's one-roll engine. such an elegant system. and his writing is so nice, too, it just sounds so smart and elegant. ugh, what a man of multiple talents. now im tempted to make an ORE hack for the chronicles of darkness splats 🤔
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gothicnet · 1 year
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Gothic.net posted Panel of Experts: Do you feel it is better for a book or story to be classified as horror or mystery or literature? by Lilibeth
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Have you Played UNKNOWN ARMIES ?
By Greg Stolze and John Tynes
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Postmodern magic urban horror
Unknown Armies is a game about broken people conspiring to fix the world. It's a character-driven game of occult weirdness, taking place in a world driven by obsession and symbols--based under the assumption that the collective unconscious holds power, and that You Did It.
In terms of who you are and what you actually do, you and your fellow players--your "cabal"--are in what's called the occult underground, an ever-present underbelly of creeps and weirdos who have it "all figured out". Chances are, you're a creep and/or a weirdo, too, don't worry about it. You're typically pursuing an objective, which can be anything from "find our friend who went missing last week" to "form a grand, withstanding ward beneath the state of Delaware to dispel all demons", or even something like "create a new color".
You have adepts, wizards who cast magick-with-a-K through paradoxical commitment (gun mages can't shoot anyone, movie mages have to commit to the bit/trope, sex mages can't have sex for pleasure), and avatars who embody platonic archetypes with the off-chance of becoming modern gods (like The Mother, The Fool, The Survivor).
Put simply, being an Avatar is like playing the role of Hamlet, while being an Adept is like BEING Hamlet.
You can also play as a "mundane" person perfectly fine. It's a game that's all about getting in too deep.
For a quick and easy pitch, imagine something like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia if The Gang were a bunch of fucked up wizards, or Twin Peaks if it was directed by the Coen Brothers.
The picture is from the 2nd edition.
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dicepunks · 11 months
Introducing Dice Punks on Tumblr!
Greetings, citizens of Tumblr!
Dice Punks is a pretty DIY actual play TTRPG podcast wherein I, most-of-the-time-GM Adam, and some of my friends play full campaigns in less well-known systems (with some interstitial one- and two-shots mixed in every now and then).
Here's an up-front link to our 2022 Halloween standalone one-shot, in case you want to cut to the chase: 0.5 – Starless – Songs of Myself
Or you can check out the beginning of Nightfall, the 54-episode campaign we just released episode 50 of; it starts with Episode 1.01 – Riotous, Quiet, if you want to check it out! The campaign is set in a world of my own design, using an unholy, quixotic, quarantine-induced combination of Greg Stolze's REIGN and Jenna Katerin Moran's Nobilis, and focuses on, essentially, demigods unionizing.
We'd be much obliged if you gave us a listen to see if our thing is your kind of thing (or maybe someone you know's kind of thing) – thanks for giving this post a look!
A little more info on us below the cut, and this sample of some of our cover arts, courtesy of @anythingsewsembroidery, who is on a few episodes and does a lot of our editing!
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 4 months
Regarding that previous thrawn post abt how the "greater good" can become a meaningless justification for ones own prerogatives, thats why i have such an easy time concluding that, even if he is civil to children and even compassionate at times in his own understated way, that doesn't mean he'd be a good longterm caretaker. Not even if he loves them. His feelings about Sicely fuel and are affected by his greater good philosophy, this time on an interpersonal basis; their life sucks now, but with his guidance and some work, they'll be of merit to find their own place in the Empire, his vision of the Empire. He views it the same way he proved his own worth and climbed the ranks. (Nevermind that he joined the Empire as an adult with decades of military history and is significantly more humanlike than some bearcatbug thing.) He thinks he is ultimately doing the right thing by them, even though it hurts them, and he can't identify (let alone acknowledge) the more selfish reasons he has for wanting to keep them close. People are social creatures, you know? He wants someone to care for, and to be liked back, even within the current brutal and primitive conditions of imperial society. I imagine he feels much the same about eli and faro. If he wants any sort of companionship camaraderie, this is the only way he'll get it.
I have a really hard time calling thrawn an abuser even in works where I'm using him to explore the rammifications of my own experiences. Because I like him a lot. He brings so much comfort to me. And it's hard to reconcile that with the word abuser bc of my history with abuse. Which is rly fucking funny bc reconciling positive feelings abt abusers is smth that im actively tackling in a lotta my stories. I guess im trying to internalize it THROUGH my stories. abuse happens far more in close relationships and proximities than it does in people who have distance. abuse isnt just about the feelings and motivations of the parties. abusers and the people they abuse both can and often do love each other. abuse isnt abt hate its abt control and power imbalance. even people who want the best for people in their care have the potential to be abusers if they operate in abusive institutions.
I leave you with a quote:
"Somewhere out there is someone who had loving parents, watched clouds on a summer’s day, fell in love, lost a friend, is kind to small animals, and knows how to say “please” and “thank you,” and yet somehow the two of you are going to end up in a dirty little room with one knife between you and you are going to have to kill that human being." -- Unknown Armies RPG Playbook, by Greg Stolze and John Tynes
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I've been running Thirsty Sword Lesbians with a group of friends recently and we've been LOVING it. Could you reccomend similar games? Ones that focus heavy on the drama/narrative with emphasis on character relationships and growth, and are simple to learn (TSL uses Powered by The Apocalypse, which is my favorite simpler system). Gay themeing is a big bonus but not required.
Hello there! I have some fantastic recommendations for you. These games are dramatic, very gay, and easy to learn! One caveat: much of the best drama I’ve found is specifically designed for two players.
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I Have the High Ground, by Jess Levine.
Let’s face it: dueling is sexy.
But do you know what’s sexier than combat? That slower, higher tension duel that occurs before any damage is done—before any blow is even struck. The duel of word and wit, of melodramatic motion and threatening maneuvers. I Have the High Ground is a short, collaborative tabletop roleplaying and storytelling game for 2 players about that kind of duel. It's GM-less and genre-neutral, and takes 1-2 hours to play. 
Using game mechanics inspired by competitive fencing, players choose moves in secret. After their choices are revealed, the winner takes the opportunity to flaunt their bravado or to perform subtle acts that leave an imposing quiet in their wake. Your game is not an action-packed fight to the death but rather a portrayal of the slow, smoldering tension between two people about to risk their pride, their reputation, or even their lives.
I Have the High Ground is everything you want for laser-focused drama concentrated in a few hours, meant to play out the few moments two characters have before they even draw their sword (or gun, or microphone, or whatever it is they’re using to duel). There are three different moves you can make: Thrust, Parry and Feint, which will beat or fall to each-other in a way similar to Rock, Paper and Scissors. 
Together you will decide if the fight you have is over something world-ending, or if it’s something that’s incredibly important only to the two of you. You will also (and this is very important) design the cape your character wears, which you may use to great effect over the course of the game. If you want a game that’s all about the petty and heartbreaking conflict of a relationship that’s on the verge of falling apart, this is absolutely the game for you. The only downside: it’s two-player only.
Dueling Fops of Vindamere, by CrankshaftConstellation.
Imagine a game that's "Bridgerton, only extremely violent" or "extra-horny Cobra Kai, with swords."
Greg Stolze's procedurally generated game puts you in the corrupt, dissolute city-state of Vindamere, but don't worry. You play the best people there, spoiled children of privilege with nothing better to do than pursue swordplay, flirt outrageously, and snack on delicious vol-au-vents. A single game session covers the social year from Ye Midwinter Balle through the prestigious Alle-Valley Fencinge Championeshippe. Your louche elite blade-swanks fall in love, brawl, sneer and engage in truly petty social rivalries.
All the game's complexity is emergent. You can play it over and over without having to prep it or continue a meandering story. The hard stuff has already been built into the mechanics and the step-by-step procedures for generating drama, intrigue, and coarse humor. All players have to do is make the key decisions and roll on combinations of four stats (Foppish, Serious, Duelist and Aristocrat) to subtly humiliate rivals, engage in duels of wits (or more commonplace duels of swords), make earnest plights of troth, and carry on with the restraint and dignity you'd expect if Romeo was madly in love with Lady MacBeth.
This game is built for light-hearted duels and petty politics. Your characters will fall head-over-heels while duelling, break-up while duelling, and fight with your ex-lover’s new paramour while duelling. It’s easy to set up and totally primed for queer relationships, in all their messy, beautiful glory. If you want an easy-to-run game that’s quick to the table, I recommend Duelling Fops of Vindamere.
You Know Me Still, by S. Donnelly.
The two of you were friends, once. You loved each other, once. But that was another time—now, you find yourselves on opposite sides of a conflict, a war between good and evil. Still, there’s some part of you that’s never stopped holding out hope your old friend can be made to see the error of their ways.
You Know Me Still is a two-player tabletop roleplaying game about characters who are now enemies but once loved each other (and maybe still do). It is a Descended From the Queen game, meaning that its mechanics are based on the elegantly simple structure of For the Queen. 
In this game, you’ll collaboratively tell a story about this pair of characters, their past, their present, and the conflict they’re embroiled in. Ultimately, you’ll have to decide: when the stakes are at their highest, do you choose one another? Or do you stay true to everything that drove you apart?
Descended from the Queen games are built to explore a current event beat-to-beat while also slowly building the story of the characters involved from the ground up. Like many prompt-heavy games, this game relies on a Story Synth page for online play, with digital cards that the two of you will flip through as you answer their questions. As with I Have The High Ground, this game can easily fit into any setting of your choice, from high fantasy to space opera, to a modern-day battle. The difference is that this game is specifically built for a world-ending scenario; a duel that clashes good and evil and might burn the world in the process.
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downwithpeople · 11 months
can you pet the blog
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aopress · 1 year
Stolze on Reign
Reign: Rules and Reign: Realms have finally headed off to press, which means we should hopefully have them released this coming Autumn. With this milestone accomplished, we decided to run a few of the most common questions about Reign and the One Roll Engine by Greg Stolze, the design brain behind it all. For those not familiar with it, what is the “elevator pitch” for…
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miraclemaya · 1 year
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ua-fan-club · 2 years
Actual Play of Thunderhead Mesa via Red Moon Roleplaying and Greg Stolze.
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rppr-podcast · 1 year
Game Designer Workshop: Termination Shock and Crowdfunding with Greg Stolze
Game Designer Workshop: Termination Shock and Crowdfunding with Greg Stolze
I talked with Greg Stolze, author of Reign, Termination Shock, co-author of Unknown Armies, and writer on many other books (and my co-host on Ludonarrative Dissidents podcast) about his new Kickstarter for Ships, a supplement for Termination Shock. We talked about the core mechanics for Termination Shock, game design, and crowd funding RPGs. Back Ships: How to Build and Blast Them on Kickstarter…
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games-und-lyrik · 2 months
Mi'Pu'mi Games: Ein Indie-Studio mit Leidenschaft und Talent
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Mi'Pu'Mi Games, ein unabhängiges Spieleentwicklungsunternehmen aus Wien, Österreich, wurde 2009 von Greg und Tobi gegründet. Von Anfang an stand das Ziel fest: eine gesunde Arbeitsumgebung für talentierte Spieleentwickler zu schaffen. Fernab von den oft ungesunden Praktiken in der Massenproduktion von Spielen, bietet Mi'Pu'Mi Games einen Raum für Kreativität und Entwicklung. Wachstum und Vielfalt bei Mi'Pu'Mi Games Im Laufe der Jahre ist der Entwickler gewachsen und hat mehr Talente angezogen. Mit einer nun 50-köpfigen, vielfältigen Belegschaft wurde das Studio zum schmelztiegel für innovative Lösungen in verschiedenen Bereichen der Spieleentwicklung - von PC- und Konsolenspielen bis hin zu Browser- und Mobilspielen. ©Mi'Pu'Mi Games. Einblick in aktuelle Projekte Mi'Pu'Mi Games hat immer wieder spannende Projekte in der Pipeline. Unter anderem arbeitet das Studio an drei noch unangekündigten Projekten sowie an vier sogenannten "Mipumi Day Projects". ©Mi'Pu'Mi Games. Erfolge und Auszeichnungen Das Studio kann stolz auf sechs Auszeichnungen blicken, darunter den Futurezone Game of the Year Award für "The Flower Collectors". Zudem hat das Team die Veröffentlichung ihres dritten eigenen Spiels "Howl" auf PS5, Xbox Series und im Epic Store gefeiert. Engagement in der Gemeinschaft Mi'Pu'Mi Games gibt auch etwas an die Spieleindustrie zurück, indem es verschiedene Veranstaltungen und Initiativen wie den PGDA Talent Award und das PGDA Mentor Café sponsert. Das Studio unterstützt auch die Diversität in der Branche, unter anderem durch das jährliche Angebot von Portfolio-Feedback und Karriereberatung für Frauen rund um den Internationalen Frauentag. ©Mi'Pu'Mi Games. Partnerschaften und Kollaborationen Das Studio hat erfolgreiche Kooperationen mit anderen Branchengrößen wie Ubisoft, IO Interactive und Remedy Entertainment geführt. Sie haben bei der Entwicklung mehrerer bekannter Titel wie "Anno 1800 Console Edition", "Control" und "Hitman HD Enhanced Collection" mitgewirkt. Eigenentwicklungen Mi'Pu'Mi Games hat auch einige beeindruckende eigene IPs entwickelt, darunter "The Lion's Song" und "The Flower Collectors". Diese Spiele wurden für ihre einzigartige künstlerische Gestaltung und tiefgründigen Erzählungen gelobt. Zukunftsausblick Das Studio bleibt dynamisch und anpassungsfähig, immer darauf bedacht, seine Fähigkeiten und sein Wissen in einer sich ständig verändernden Industrie zu erweitern. Mit einem starken Fokus auf Kunst, Technik und professionelle Strenge strebt Mi'Pu'Mi Games danach, qualitativ hochwertige Produkte zu schaffen, die sowohl Partner als auch Spieler weltweit begeistern. Spieleliste von Mi'Pu'Mi Games Die Liste zeigt die beeindruckende Vielfalt und die Breite der Projekte, die Mi'Pu'Mi Games im Laufe der Jahre realisiert hat. Von eigenen Entwicklungen bis hin zu Kollaborationen mit anderen großen Studios deckt das Portfolio des Wiener Studios ein breites Spektrum an Spielgenres und Plattformen ab. Eigenentwicklungen - Howl - Ein rätselbasiertes Folklore-Spiel, veröffentlicht auf PlayStation 5, Xbox Series und im Epic Store. - The Flower Collectors - Ein Detektiv-Mystery-Spiel, das auf dem PC und der Nintendo Switch verfügbar ist. - The Lion's Song - Ein narratives Spiel mit Fokus auf österreichischer Geschichte, verfügbar auf verschiedenen Plattformen einschließlich PC und Nintendo Switch. - Looking Good - Ein mobiles VR-Spiel zur Unterstützung der Behandlung von Myopie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Co-Entwicklungen und Unterstützungen - Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew - Unterstützung bei der Mehrplattform-Entwicklung. - Anno 1800 Console Edition - Entwicklung in Zusammenarbeit mit Ubisoft Mainz. - The Settlers: New Allies - Eine Kollaboration mit Ubisoft Düsseldorf für PC und Konsolen. - Skull and Bones - Zusammenarbeit mit Ubisoft Berlin und Singapur für dieses Piratenabenteuer. - Ski Challenge - Zusammenarbeit mit Greentube für iOS und Android. - Construction Simulator - Unterstützung für das Team von weltenbauer. - HITMAN 3 - Langfristige Zusammenarbeit mit IO Interactive, Unterstützung in verschiedenen Bereichen der Spielentwicklung. - HITMAN HD Enhanced Collection - Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung und Portierung für PlayStation 4 und Xbox One. - HITMAN (2016) - Zusammenarbeit bei der Entwicklung für PC, PS4 und Xbox One. - Control - Zusammenarbeit mit Remedy Entertainment für die Northlight Engine. - Anno: Build an Empire - Erste Zusammenarbeit mit Ubisoft, Entwicklung für iOS und Android. Frühere Projekte und Sonderinitiativen - Loot the Flute - Ein 4-Spieler-Multiplayer-Spiel, das sowohl im lokalen als auch im Online-Modus spielbar ist. - Mipumi Day Projects - Mehrere kleinere Spiele, die von Teammitgliedern während der monatlichen Mipumi Days entwickelt wurden, verfügbar auf Itch.io. - Cute Kingdom - Erstes eigenes IP von Mi'Pu'Mi, ein Cross-Plattform-Casual-RPG. - Last Mysteries - Ein frühes Projekt mit Fokus auf Client/Server-Technologie. - Wizard of Oz - Zusammenarbeit mit Spooky Cool Labs für ein soziales Facebook-Spiel. - DBOX - Ein EU-gefördertes Forschungsprojekt mit multilingualen Konversationsagenten. - Nintendo DS/DSi Lernspiele - Eine Serie von 13 Lernspielen für Kinder und Jugendliche, die die DSi-Kamera nutzen. Fazit Mi'Pu'Mi Games ist ein Beispiel dafür, wie ein kleines Studio mit einer klaren Vision und dem Engagement für Talentförderung und kreative Freiheit in der Spieleindustrie Großes bewirken kann. Mit einer beeindruckenden Liste an Projekten und Auszeichnungen hat Mi'Pu'Mi Games gezeigt, dass großartige Spiele nicht groß sein müssen, um Eindruck zu hinterlassen. Weiter geht es zur Website des Entwicklers Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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gothicnet · 1 year
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Gothic.net posted Panel of Experts: Do you feel it is better for a book or story to be classified as horror or mystery or literature? by Lilibeth
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treeremovalpensacola · 9 months
Industry experts share ways to help your team prepare for fall cleanups
If you live in Pensacola, it's just a matter of time that you have to do the inevitable and remove a tree. Tree Removal in Pensacola Florida is a tree removal company that specializes in stump grinding, tree removal, and arborist services. They have been in business for over 10 years and have the experience and expertise to get the job done right. Fully licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your property is in good hands. Pensacola tree service is a company that specializes in removing trees. They have been doing this for over 10 years and they are really good at it. They also do stump grinding, which means they get rid of the stump left behind after the tree is removed. They are fully licensed and insured, so you can be sure that your property is in good hands. How do you prepare for fall cleanups? Landscape Professionals Troy Clogg Troy Clogg Landscape Associates Wixom, Mich. “Planning, planning, planning. Plan the hours of work you’ll have. Plan the equipment needs and plan your people needs … Go have fun beating your goals. Then, celebrate.” Paul Fraynd Sun Valley Landscaping Omaha, Neb. “Examine each job site to determine the right size crew setup, frequency of service, scope of work and debris handling. No two jobs are alike, and taking the time to examine each one with the goal to maximize quality with the least amount of hours possible will set up your crews for success.” Bryan Stolz Winterberry Landscape & Garden Center Southington, Conn. “Don’t assume your teams remember what they did last year. Refresh even experienced crews with processes and expectations. Better yet, let those experienced crews lead the training and then reward them for it.” Greg Winchel Winchel Irrigation Grandville, Mich. “We do annual maintenance on our air compressors and make sure each truck has the equipment to winterize systems. We also send reminders to our customers for this service. Usually, before our service department starts the winterization process, we have a schedule for each service tech set for three to four weeks in advance.” Industry Consultants Neal Glatt GrowTheBench Boston, Mass. “Reach out early to every client to discuss expectations. Have all the work contracted early so you can set schedules and have difficult conversations in advance of problems. Is there a certain date they want their cleanup done? How will we address leaves that fall after the cleanup? More communication will lead to more sales and more satisfied clients.” Marty Grunder The Grow Group Dayton, Ohio “We make sure all our equipment is working — our blowers, truck vacuums and specialized equipment. Then, we look at our work tickets in Aspire and make sure notes, instructions and maps are clear and our clients know what to expect. All planning is good.” Jeffrey Scott Jeffrey Scott Consulting New Orleans, La. “Make sure you coordinate your labor between install and maintenance for best company-wide results.” The post Industry experts share ways to help your team prepare for fall cleanups first appeared on Landscape Management.
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