pickwickclube · 2 years
Se você tivesse uma pequena biblioteca no interior de uma cidadezinha pacata quais livros estariam nela?
Depois de tirar um cochilo se 10 minutos, sonhei que era dona de uma pequena loja que vendia de tudo, inclusive livros, mas antes de ver quais obras estariam nela, o terrível aconteceu! Eu acordei haha
Mas, felizmente acordei com esse questionamento e deixo aqui 10 obras, das quais espero seriamente que vocês quando passassem pela frente da minha pequena loja se sentissem curiosos o bastante para entrar.
📕 O Amor nos Tempos do Cólera
📗 Grandes Esperanças
📙 Triste Fim de Policarpo Quaresma
📘 Pessoas Normais
📚 As Crônicas de Nárnia
📕 O Alienista
📗 As Vinhas da Ira
📙 Mulherzinhas
📘 Olhai os Lírios do Campo
📚 O Senhor dos Anéis
Não sei se me deu mais prazer ou trabalho fazer essa listinha e ter que resumir o tanto de coisa que gostaria de colocar lá dentro
Já parou para pensar nisso? quais livros vocês colocariam dentro de uma livraria de vocês?
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Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.
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Artwork: Evening, Maurice Pirenne.
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nerdrabugento · 1 year
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Acabei de assistir a Great Expectations 1x01 "Episode 1".
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thebeetalks · 1 year
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tomorrowedblog · 1 year
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Great Expectations premieres today
Great Expectations, the new TV series from Steven Knight, is out today.
Great Expectations is the coming-of-age story of Pip, an orphan who yearns for a greater life, until a twist of fate and a mysterious benefactor opens a dark world of possibilities. Under the great expectations placed upon him, Pip must weigh the true cost of this new world and if it will make him the man he wishes to be.
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librianofthemoon · 1 year
The Happiness Trap
Feeling like a deflated balloon lately? Like you need some happiness or excitement or you're missing out on something?
I've been there. Scrolling on social media looking at everyone's portrayed happy living wondering "Why am I not happy?" " I should be, but I just don't feel it!"
Well give this a watch. I wish I had watched it sooner, because it really helped clear up a few misconceptions I had over that sunny little term "Happiness".
And what it is to us compared to what we expect it to be.
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ashymcgee · 1 year
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"You know, if I were to talk to you in a bar, I would so...put off by you. Intrigued, but put off. You are too confident. You take so much space. The average man would know how to handle you." . I take a drink. I smile. . "Then perhaps I am not for the average man. I have come to grips that I will be alone, but as long as I can help others, give them what I never had, then my life would be full and I helped make the world a better place." . One of my favorite non science fiction books is Great Expectations by Dickens. For those who haven't read it, you should. For those who have, let's chat. The tale of an orphan rising to wealth with an unknown benefactor intrigued me. How he handled a society that would have never accepted him...how he learned through intense trials and failures, how to accept himself. . When I was young, I related to Pip and was frightened of Havisham. Now, as an adult, I fully understand her madness. . You see, I feel that most of us live a Pip-esqe type of life. Greed and self centered-ness (?). Low hanging fruit. Easy wins without fully knowing the rules until it's too late. Until we lose ourselves. Until we are permanently blinded by that which is sinfully simple to purchase but cost us our soul in the end. . But Havisham, despite walking the same path that destroyed her, took heed and stood watch for those who still had a chance to repent, retreat from the ledge and do something that is bigger and productive. All this in her madness. . Being off-putting is being a Havisham, of surviving the void of the Abyss and still breathe on this mortal coil. Being a Havisham is not easy, but her heart radiated as bright 20,000 suns. Enough to warn, give council and deter. . I am okay with my madness. I am okay with my solitude. I am okay with being a Havisham...as long as I can give what I never received. I long as I can help the Pips of the world...then I have lived well. . #thoughts #books #greatexpectations #charlesdickens #classicliterature (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp9TLGeO1g8qkj_gO8Za5p8YYOFR0ck3D0enrA0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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omniavanitasblog · 1 year
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Da série "As benesses de se ter um sebo": minha nova edição de Grandes Esperanças, do senhor Dickens. #sebodoportuga #omniavanitasblog #charlesdickens #grandesesperanças #greatexpectations (à Sebo do Portuga) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpSgI5Wrz6H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cynicalclassicist · 1 year
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Valentines Day, a fine day to show my love... of reading. I'm currently on Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. #valentinesday #valentinesday2023 #happyvalentinesday #happyvalentinesday2023 #greatexpectations #charlesdickens (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoqRyscNFsq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raurquiz · 1 year
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#remembering #jeansimmons #actress #admiralnorahsatie #startrek    #thenextgeneration #thedrumhead #guysanddolls #spartacus #hamlet #thethornbirds #howlsmovingcastle #thethornbids #darkshadows #northandsouth #MurderSheWrote #GreatExpectations #wintersoltice #ShadowsintheSun #startrek56 @startrekonpplus https://www.instagram.com/p/CoFXsKiOg7j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lmffeu · 1 year
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579 Renzo Finally Comes To Town. [Sesto San Giovanni Train Station Renewal] @rpbw_architects @cittadisestosangiovanni #renzopiano #railwaystation #architecture #infrastructure #railway #railawayoverpass #overpass #flyingcarpet #greatexpectations #waitingforsolong #sestosangiovanni #areafalck (presso Sesto 1º Maggio FS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnTs9PUstxJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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saramackenzie1982 · 1 year
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#CharlesDickons #GreatExpectations #AChristmasCarol #ILoveHer #AgainstAllReason #MorningLiterature #HolidaySeason https://www.instagram.com/p/Cli5RTqL6ZL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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clarabelleblog · 2 years
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Give Everything Expect Nothing www.clarabelle.org #giveityourall #giveeverything #expectnothing #greatexpectations #quoteoftheday #quotestoliveby #wisdomquotes #lifequotes (at Marylebone London) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkTVe-uMOkD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vintage-retrolove · 2 years
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Ethan and Wife in Red carpet Awards Clooney of justice❤️💗💘 #ethanhawkeedit #beforesunrise #beforetriology #thegrabber #theblackphone #arthurharrow #moonknight #24hrtolive #gattaca #greatexpectations #nyc (en NYC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjIhVDTr_5T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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truckrrtrent · 2 years
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#truth #greatexpectations #truckrr https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci-Jj2CLI2u/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tomorrowedblog · 1 year
Great Expectations gets new trailer, releases March 26
A new trailer has been released for Great Expectations, which is set to release March 26, 2023.
Great Expectations is the coming-of-age story of Pip, an orphan who yearns for a greater life, until a twist of fate and a mysterious benefactor opens a dark world of possibilities. Under the great expectations placed upon him, Pip must weigh the true cost of this new world and if it will make him the man he wishes to be.
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