#Gay Jambu
seawing-vibes · 2 years
jambu w the gay flag? preferably the gilbert baker variant ? hope your pride month has been swell so far!
YEAH So so glad this is canon…. Gay Jambu is a given <3
OKAY ALSO I dont have my own design for the Jam yet so! I asked my very cool and amazing friend @roseybuddy1012 if I could use theirs and they said yes so <33 Design by Korb!!!
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This icon is free to use with credit!
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magicpancil · 9 months
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pineapplejam, pinebu whatever you want to call them
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wuzhere75 · 8 months
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Pineapple and Jambu. All the ship art of these guys is lovey dovey and wholesome as shit but remember that Pineapple melted the face off the main villain of arc 3 so they angy, though I mostly drew this to get some headcanons out. Rough vs. smooth and stuff like that.
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human-wof-designs · 11 months
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wings of fire pride sketches, more-or-less-canon edition
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adamphoebe · 3 months
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they're so neuron divergent TO ME
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peaceandlove26 · 2 years
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i was reading the wiki and discovered jambu has a boyfie… SO CUTE
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flickertoons · 21 hours
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i love them
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kinkajouwof · 1 year
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outsmartingbasilisk · 2 years
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FTU Lesbian Glory and Gay Jambu icons
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camelspit · 1 year
how does one get sex ed from wings of fire exactly??? aren't they dragons???
Yes but they are gay dragons
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haiitzmeh · 2 years
Jambu & Pineapple fanart
Yup...what the title says
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Normal version
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Chaotic version
Bye haves nice day
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Cuddles >:)
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tuitsutherland · 4 days
So we all know everyone in wof is gay but, who is the most gay?
It's tied between Sundew, Jambu, and Glacier
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thefanficdragon · 8 months
Please tell me if you have any more MLM ships!
( We only don't support incest, age difference with minors, and toxicity. Cause that's very rude. )
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human-wof-designs · 11 months
I love pineapple x jambu but Tui for real made two characters named after literal fruits gay for each other which I think is a girl boss move of her.
i think it's funny c:
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lebensmoode · 5 months
Drawing Journey #1
Tbh, I've been into drawing people face or expression since school era back then. Thanks to komik-komik bacaan jaman kecil dulu. Dan biasanya gw jarang pake helping line alias draf kasar ketika ngegambar wajah, langsung firm line yg nanti tinggal dipertegas. Jadi gak ada tuh yg gambar lingkaran dulu, kasih garis batas mata, hidung, mulut, telinga, dkk. Alasannya... kalo pake helping line gambar gw jadi aneh 🙂
Mungkin karena udah kebiasaan juga kali ya, I feel more comfortable by not drafting. Udah terbiasa sama hasilnya juga.
Naah last July or August, gw mantengin satu channel menggambar di yutub. Gak sengaja padahal. Pas diperhatiin cara beliau ngegambar wajah pake draf ini kok keliatan mudah diikutin dan hasilnya juga chakep yaa. As you guess, gw mulai coba latihan pake lingkaran kecil lingkaran kecil... lingkaran besaar #yousingyoulose
(Btw nama channel nya @chommang_drawing)
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Hasilnya sedih 🥲 dan aneh 🥲
Ada yg matanya gak puguh, alisnya gak simetris, terlalu lonjong. Gw bukan tipe yg harus simetris segala letak komposisi wajah like the real human ya, asalkan di mata gw nyaman aja ngeliatnya yaudah, oke gitu. Tapi ni pas trial awal awal adaaa aja yg ganggu mata aing. Nah, trus gw juga mulai belajar gambar cowo. Not bad sih rambutnya, tapi mukanya itu loh. Kayak topeng scream 😭
3 bulan kemudian alias hari ini, gw coba lagi dah tu ngegambar. Penasaran aja apa ini skill kalo gak diasah malah tambah butut apa tetep mirip kaya dulu-dulu.
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Eh markijan??? Kok alus???
At least menurut gw ya. Tambah rapi 🥹 Jujur gw kaget dengan hasilnya. Again, matanya mungkin terlihat aneh kalo diperhatiin, ada garis wajah yg ketebelan juga. But overall, I. Love. It. Dan setelah gw pikir-pikir, gw tau alasan lain kenapa hasilnya bisa begini............
..........gw asik nonton anime aja 3 bulan terakhir 🤡
Makanya ini gw lagi stop nonton dan akan mulai nge-review anime apa aja yg udah aing saksikan selama ini. Manatau ada yg mau mengikuti jejak hamba banting setir ke anime karna durasi drakor dirasa sudah sangat wasting time dan menambah feeling guilty (and honestly I fed up with kdrama so... 🙂🫱🏼‍🫲🏿)
Kembali ke leptop
Pernah gak sih hw hasil gambar lu jelek? Of course pernah, dan masih sampe sekarang. Yaitu saat hamba menggambar wajah yang serong ke kiri.
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Dah. Dahla. Bye pokoknya 👋🏻
Udah lah jelas gak simetris, mata gw beneran gak nyaman ngeliatnya hft. Ini salah satu PR gw dalam pergambaran. Kudu bisa gambar wajah serong kiri yg enak ditengok. Dah, intinya gitu. PR lainnya adalah, gw tu selalu gambar wajah cuma sampe dada alias bust up. Hampir gak pernah full body, even sampe half body aja gw jaraang beut. So I've collected some human pictures with different pose yg nantinya pengen gw jadiin referensi menggambar half/full body. Doain terlaksana yak.
And it seems like I will make separated account for my drawings?? Hmmm let's see
Sekian dulu gais. Ada jambu di kulkas yg nungguin, mau gw makan pake somboy sambil nonton. Nite nite ✨🫰🏻
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