octo-artist · 1 year
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strixcattus · 2 months
Conlang Year Day 82
At last I have emerged from Pronoun Hell. I look forward to the day I inevitably have to return to conjugate (nearly) all one hundred and twenty-six of these for tense.
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(Nominative, accusative, dative, comitative, benefactive, and both possessives)
(Again I only now am noticing that the split-gender pronouns have identical forms for the accusative and inalienable possession. I'll change the latter to kieza. Can you tell I'm coming down with some sort of pronoun fatigue?)
3.5th-person pronouns in use:
Kola lolo. Their past self dreams. Zono deza nesai. Their alternate-universe self kills their future self. Gako neju kiona. They speak to their divergent self. Lio nejui gaiza sie gaiza. They walk with their alternate-universe selves. Kaodo neju diolo. They cook for their past self.
Ja temo juona: Their divergent self's mouth Ja mijei duzai: Their future self's house
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thekaijudude · 2 years
Dynamic Type Suit fully revealed with some new rumors
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Yeah the suit definitely looks better in HQ but I expected the Shield Caliber to be much bigger ngl
Also Dynamic Type is the fusion of the present Decker and Decker from 300 years in the future
(Does that mean Dynamic Type is as strong as a pure duo fusion that can be easily accessed as a power up form? If its true then this is actually the first time something like this has happened in this franchise. And this would actually place Decker as one of the stronger individual ultras in the New Gen since Dynamic Type bascially powercreeps all his other forms massively as a pure fusion form)
Also apparently in the future, the Spheres would've grown far too powerful to stop and that's why theres gonna be this whole time travel shenanigans going on here
Next are rumors that aren't associated with Dynamic Type
1. Teraphaser's AI (not HANE2) would have gained "sentience" and therefore betray TPU
2. Spheresaurus II is going to be a thing
(Dynamic Type would be going against both Berserk Teraphaser and Spheresaurus II in a 2v1)
3. Noisler, Pandon Juvenile/Larvae and Pandon will also show up
4. Apparently Ultraman Denus would make an appearance within the series itself
In addition, Decker meets Denus 300 years into the future
But apparently he attacks Decker at first
Also another set of rumors say that Denus has a very similar design to Decker's Flash Type, and that his color timer is on the right, rather than on the left with Decker
But I guess this means that Denus Type would be the surprise final form for the series
However, if we recall, the 2nd trademark we recently got on Zol Gigalo Gaiza, would he actually be the actual final boss and not Mother Spheresaurus?
Or perhaps while Denus and Denus Type would show up in the series, Zol would only show up in the movie, making it similar to Trigger's Movie with no new forms and only new antagonists?
Yep, this sounds like Decker is going to have a VERY EXCITING 2nd half
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Official Audio Aesthetic Blog
Welcome to the official Audio Aesthetic comics blog.
Here you'll find official art, music, projects, updates, rough drafts, concept art, brainstorming, inspiration, etc.
Blogs for specific characters & their inspirations/themes can be found here:
(Note: I have added password protection to character side blogs due to an increase in bots recently. Unfortunately for now, you can only access them on desktop with the password Gaiza )
Lynx Zaiven | Skylen Rhyne | Loky Drayton
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Taiksun Ozrick | Scethin Solari | Zendith Avant
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Ekkoh Warwick | Vancen Vaspen | Novas Kahlin
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Destif Bestum | J'eslum Vasser | Zaylen Barick
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Gizkitt Nakada | Zef Nakada
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-- Music Blogs --
Adrenaline Junkie
Space Walker
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cryptolangsguy · 5 months
U vaoyaya amie "taqajaupaza iga caldala raeasavaba, kaefahao naam waixa" ata vajao raeudala casaixapa gaiza kaenaqata iwaosa vajao lbaam faiha.
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anneamaliara · 1 year
“Allah kasih kurang supaya kita lebih mengusahakan nantinya” ucap doi sangat lembut berusaha menenangkan istrinya yang lagi sesenggukan walaupun sebelumnya ngelus2puk2in sambil ketawa karena istrinya terlalu melankolis🙃😅🤍
Ya jujur, berkunjung ke rumah mas mba yang satu ini dari sebelum nikah udah pengen dilakuin. Karena memang masnya yang paling sering jadi tempat abang cerita sebelum nikah, dan mba masnya yang maasyaaAllah banget didik anaknya. Bener-bener pengen jadiin mba mas sendiri karena yakin banyak pelajaran yang bisa diambil dari mereka.
Tapi qadarullah hari berganti hari sampai udah 2 tahunan nikahpuun belum Allah kasih takdir bertamu baru kesampaian hari ini, H-sekian beliau mutasi.
Cuma bisa doa sama Allah semoga dikasih kesempatan silaturrahmi lagi disempetin setahun sekali minimal, dan sebisa mungkin sebelum Gaiza gede🥹 *ini sih sambil nodong doi pokoke harus diusahain kita yang kesana.
Ganyangka sesedih ini banyak yang mutasi. Semoga Allah jaga seeemuanya dimanapun kapanpun, dan Allah izinkan silaturrahmi terusteruus bahkan sampai kita semua tua nanti aamiin. Selalu sayang sama orang baik walaupun mungkin belum dekat, semoga Allah izinkan dekat di kemudian hari. Aamiin Allaahumma aamiin🤍
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nextgentaimanins · 2 years
Make a short or long skit about RPGX Nisha Gaiza plot
You know what, I'll fucking go in this blind. [You better tell me how you liked this]
It was after school hours but the time and season made the den of night come sooner than usual. Course in a place like Gosha Village the risk of threats is small as secretive the location of it should keep its enemies at bay and if not that then the amount of Taimanins that lives in it.
What does this mean for Taimanins that betrays them? Those that know the location of Gosha Village and willing to raise against them? These questions can be brought to the one who betrayed the Taimanins in his beliefs of the Fuuma Clan.
Nisha Gaiza
He was alone, only in his battle outfit as he was keeping watch of his target of interest. The so-called head of the Fuuma Clan, Kotarou Fuuma still hasn't opened his evil eye. Just thinking this man can be considered the head of the Fuuma Clan is a joke! The one who should be the head was Nisha himself! Just seeing Fuuma brings anger upon him more so since he and the forces he gathered were banished from Gosha after his defeat.
But. . .
. . .He and his men have been in the shadows, watching Fuuma exclusively to keep up to date on any of his achievements, and none of which impressed Nisha. Instead, it made him hate Fuuma all the more and now there was a chance to root out the problem as Fuuma was walking home with those two friends of his one of them a former friend of his.
As soon as the three were in an isolated location, the head of the Fuuma Ninja Troops jumps in front of their path surprising the three of them and one of them hid behind Fuuma from how scared he was.
"KOTAROU! It has been some time since the last time we have seen each other."
Kotarou positioned himself as if readying himself for battle, with Hebiko doing the same though Shikanosuke wasn't too confident in himself as he was quite scared.
"Gaiza, what are you doing here? Don't tell me you want to deal your hand against us." Fuuma said as he kept his eye on Nisha making sure if he was to make a move he can react to it.
"If you try anything, Hebiko will ink you!" Says Hibiko herself as she readies her Ninjatos.
"Y-yeah and there's three of us and only one of you! We've gotten stronger since the last time! S-so you should leave or else!"
"SILENCE YOU WORM! Hearing you speak makes me want to vomit from how weak and pathetic you are! At least Kotarou and Octo girl are fighters. You are just a maggot that's easily killable, hideaway behind the unworthy Fuuma!"
Shikanosuke was about to keep hiding behind Fuuma but he knew he couldn't keep doing that. He had to risk his life not just as a Taimanin, not just as a fighter for justice but to make sure he has the power to keep his friends safe.
"I'm a snake, Gaiza! You know the full well since we WERE friends! As for Shikanosuke-kun at least he's more dependable than you!" Hibiko refuted back at him from his comments yet those words of hers seem to have no effect on the Ninja Troops Leader.
"Tch, empty words from those who follow these Taimanins to their deaths."
"What do you want, Gaiza. You haven't done much for long while, so long I was starting to think you given up." Fuuma shrugs as he grins intending to mock the red-haired Ninja.
"Given up? HA! Foolish of you to think that! I was keeping my eyes on you one way or another. Learning of your 'adventures' and experiences, watching you foolish connect with these Taimanins who work with the government, and witness how you stay with those that killed your father. You're worthless to not just him but the entire clan and you continue to prove this all the while your eye is still closed off like the failure that you are."
"I won't let you say all that to Fuuma-kun or speak badly to our friends! Fuuma-kun, we should kick his butt right here and now."
"No, something about him is different. I can't tell what it is but something about his posture and his confidence is worrying."
"HA! So you notice Kotarou? I've trained myself to great length and prepared for what may come around and waiting for the perfect moment to strike you three dead." With a sinister smirk, he draws out his katana. "Now die."
Suddenly without warning, he dashed at Fuuma with great speed giving a horizontal slash. Thankfully, Kotarou block the attack with his own blade he has been carrying around on a daily just in case someone was to attack him or he was to be asked to train by those like Murasaki or/and Rinko which was a blessing right now especially with Rinko forcing him to train in the Ittou ryou style.
"To think you can react so quickly, Kotarou-" Before he can keep speaking Hibiko slashed at Gaiza with one of her blades but he stopped it with his free hand causing her to gasp.
"He stopped Hibiko's blade with his hand?" She was shocked and while the others were distracted he knees Fuuma in the stomach and kicks him away. Shifting his target by gripping his Katana firmly and tries to cleave the octo- snake in half only for Shikanosuke to narrow push himself and her away from the strike bringing them both down to the ground.
"Are you okay, Hibiko?"
"Yeah, thanks to Shikanosuke-kun. Fuuma?"
Before he responds Fuuma goes on the offensive and slashes his blade at Gaiza causing him to step back as the tip slashed at his torso but inflicted no damage to his body.
"Have you gone this mad that you are willing to kill your own friends, Gaiza? Is this what the ideals you have for the Fuuma clan? To slay friends, to make dealings with demons, with NOMAD?! This is what you say is what the Fuuma Clan needs to grow?!"
"SHUT UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT TRAITOR!" He makes for a vertical slash at Fuuma who blocks it with his own strike.
"Hibiko! Ink him!"
"Heh, you don't need to tell me that twice Fuuma-kun~" Suddenly, she spits black ink but due to the immense smell Nisha dodges it making it past the area and living a black puddle on the floor.
"I missed, he was able to foresee that even when focused on you?!"
"Pathetic girl, you always were so foolish and relied on the smell of your ink to make any decent threats but now not."
As he shifts his attack on her, Fuuma attacks him and brings the focus back to him. "Keep your eyes on me, Gaiza!"
"I really just want you dead, Kotarou!"
"Shikanosuke! Keep hitting him with electric sparks!"
"H-huh, but. . . It won't do anything to hi-"
"Do it and don't stop for anything!"
"Y-yes, Fuuma!" Small sparks of electricity were being emitted from Shikanosuke which mainly was a static shock. This meant nothing to the red-haired Ninja as she crossed blades with Fuuma.
"For someone so smart, you sure know how to hang out with the most useless duo!"
"Why you! Hibiko will not take that!" Hibiko transforms her legs allowing two of her octopus legs to hold two other Ninjato to strike at the Ninja. Those slashed do minimal damage besides cuts and small wounds.
"He's not using his arts but his body isn't even phased by my attacks?!"
"Is this only on your training Gaiza?!"
"OF COURSE! WITHSTANDING PAIN IS KEY TO DEFEATING YOU!" He breaks their clash and sweep kick Fuuma who jumps to avoid it but was only kick mid-air by Gaiza who follows up by pinning him to the ground he was pushed down on by shoving his blade into Fuuma's side. The two were too slow to stop it as it all happens so suddenly. Yet Kotarou kept himself quiet not wanting to hint his pain to his assailant.
"Yes, seeing your blood pool on the ground is all I needed to witness! Even as you have grown stronger, trained with those traitor Taimanins you will never fully defeat me!"
He pulls his sword out to point the tip at Fuuma's neck, though he was halted by Hibiko's legs that wrapped around his arm and squeezed it firmly. "I won't let you kill Fuuma-kun as long as I can still stand Gaiza!
"If you stand in my way, I'll just kill you Hibiko."
"I'll like to see you try."
He brings the sword to his other hand, slashing at her octo-legs and cutting the leg that was wrapped around his arm making it bleed and letting her groan in pain.
"Damn you!" Hibiko attacks with all four of her blades only for Gaiza to stop it right at its tracks, vertically slash at the former friend who tries to block it with her ninjato. Sadly this made her push back with a wound in her stomach and her weapons flying away leaving her defenseless but this also made Shikanosuke alone whole static electricity was doing nothing on the enemy Ninja.
"H-hibiko. . . F-fuuma. . ."
"So, it's just you standing. Why don't you cry and run away? You won't ever amount to anything."
"Fine by me, you can die. No one will miss you." With a sinister smile, he raises his blade ready to spilt the girlish boy in half. "Shikanosuke-kun!" "Shikanosuke!" Fuuma and Hibiko try to get up but their injuries were painful that it was making it hard for them to react properly. Even for Fuuma who was trying to bring up his blade and stop Gaiza for only a short amount of time but it was meaningless. His blade came down until it barely touch Shikanosuke's head as he heard the sound of Villagers with capable Taimains approaching them.
"There! There was this rotten smell and that small light allowed us to see that man fighting those kids! Do something!"
"Huh?! How did anyone notice- the ink, that static wasn't to do damage to me it was to make it barely visible- FUUMA! You planned this!"
"Hahahaha. . . If you don't run now. You may have to deal with Captain Asagi or other powerful Taimanins."
"Damn you! Damn you! No, this just gives you another chance to improve. I expect a better challenge next time, KOTAROU!" With that said he uses a smokescreen, vanishing as the smoke clears leaving the two injured with Shikanosuke tending to his wounded friends making sure others can help provide medical aid.
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Matatalino, Mahinhin, Magaganda’t Gwapo, Mayayaman, Desiplinado, Palangiti’t, Mababait,
Sa isang high school, laging merong transfer student na mula sa iabang bansa. Iba’t iba ang dahilan ng kanilang paglipat ng school. Ang pinaka unang problema ng paglipat ng school ay ang salitang ‘makisama’. At ganun ang problema ni Rianne sab ago nyang school na papasukan.
Yung feeling na kinakabahan, natatakot, at higit sa lahat pinag uusapan. Habang naglalakad si Rianne ang damaing nka tingin sa kanya hanggang sa may humarang sa kanya at tinanong kung ‘sino ka’ tanong ng isang babae sa kanya na kulang nalang kabaong para ilagay siya dun dahil sa kapal ng kanyak make-up.
‘oo nga sino ka?’ tanong naman ng isang babae na katabi nito.
“Ahh.. una sa lahat hindi ako sinuka, ini iri ako ng aking ina. Rianne Alfonso, 17 years old at isa akong transfere and im looking for my room. ” walang pasa pasabi umalis nalang ang dalawang babae dahil may dumating na teacher para tulungan si riannne na hanapin ang section kung saan siya kabilang.
At dito nagsimulang umikot ang mundo niya ng pumasok siya sa section na kabilang siya.
“Good Morning. Ok class listen. Lets welcome Rianne Isabella Alfonso ang bago niyong classmate.
“ Thank you ma’am Rianne nalang po. Hello guys” saka ako kumaway at ngumiti sa kanila.
“Oh, yes maam. Hi Rianne I’m Ayha Romana the class president ng special section. Don’t be shy huh, where family here, right guys? ” at sumang ayon naman silang lahat.
“ And your one of us now. So, by the way I want you to meet our class president Allexander” tumayo siya para makipagshakehands saakin.
“And the class secretary is …” hindi na pinatapos magsalita si Ayha.
“Maxwell” at ayun nga nkipagshake hands din ako sa kanya.
“And of course the rest of our class officers are …”
“hmm Ayha, I think we have the whole time. Mamaya na muna yang introduce to whole class” singit ni Allexander.
“Yah, but I have varsity practice mamaya. So, I don’t have time to guide her”
“shh, don’t worry I got it. Ako ng bahala”
“oh! well ok Allex. Thank you”
“Ok class take you seat now”
Nang matapos ang klase namin tinulungan ako ni Allexander para i-guide sa iba’t iba offices at building na dapat kong malaman. Kaya umuno muna kami sa may bench ng school naming para magkwentuhan.
“So, nalibot na nan tin ang buong school and lahat ng mga impotant offices sa school napakita kona sayo. But if you have more question just ask me”
“Wala naman ok nako”
“Rianne if you don’t mind me asking, bakit ka nga pala lumipat ditto sa Habaek University ngayong mid-sem??” tanong nin allex na kinaseryoso ko
“Well kasi may mga hindi masyadong hindi magagandang ala ala sa dati naming bahay, actually dapat nga matagal na sana kaming lumipat, but my daddy is the prides person I know. So here I am” nahagilap ng mata ko ang suot na uniform ng ibang studyante ay kakaiba sa suot naming uniform ni Allexander.
“Ganon ba talaga iba ang suot na uniform ng ibang students?” taking tanong ko sa kanya.
“Actually tayo talaga ang kakaiba. See the symbols? (turo niya sa kanyang nectai) Tayo lng meron niyan, special section”
“So, bakit nga iba an gang uniform natin?” taking tanong ko sa kanya kasi hindi ako satisfy sa sagot niya saakin.
“Kasi nga iba tayo”naka ngiti nitong sambit sakin. At sa paglipas ng mga oras napagpas syaan naming ni Allexander na bumalik na sa room natin. Nkita naming andaming studyante na nakapalibot kay Megan na taga special section at ang studyante.
“Sorry po Miss Megan hindi ko po sinasadya” naka luhod ang babe sa harap ni Megan na humihingi ng pasensya sa kanya.
“I don’t care if hindi mo sinasadya! Nabangga mo parin ako and my uniform is wet na! eh pau kung ipa expel kaya kita!”
“Nako! Wag po. Wag po Miss Megan graduating napo ako. Patawarin niyo napo ako, parang awa niyo nap o Miss Megan hindi napo ako haharang sa dinadaanan niyo” sabay hawak ng studyante kay megan at tinaboy niya ito.
“Don’t touch me!” “patawarin niyo napo ako Miss Megan”
“ Fine, since youre graduating na and I have a good heart naman I won’t tell the teacher kahit na binasa mo tong uniform ko and you deserve to be kick out in this school. Sa susunod ayaw ko nang Makitang haharang harang ka sa dinadaanan ko. Naiintindihan mo ba!? Huh? ” hingi parin ng hingi ang babae ngunit matigas parin ang puso ni Megan. ‘sorry po talaga’ ulit na sambit nito saka hinawakan ang kamay ni Megan
“Wag moko hawakan!. I won’t waste my time to you anymore, so stupid” puro masasakit na salita ang mga binitawan nito sa studyante. ‘Bakit ba ganun ang ugali ni Megan’ tanong nito sa kanyang isipan. Tinulungan kung tumayo at tinanong kung ok lng siya ngunit tinaboy niya lng ako.
“hey, you don’t have to do that. Co’z your special”
Pumasok ng late sa klase si Miis. Gaiza na para syang paranoid something na naguguluhan. Bumati lng siya at may mga numerong pinabunot saamin. Halatang galling sa puyat si Miss Gaiza dahil nangingitim ang mga eyebags niya. Lahat kami nanibago sa itsura ang asta niya. Matapos maibigay ang palabunutan nagmamadali itong umalis sa klase at iniwan kaming walang ka alam alam kung para saan ang mga numerong pinabunot saamin yun ni Miss Gaiza.
“Guys anong no. nabunot niyo? Ako no. 2” tanong ni Ayha sa amin at sinabi naman nila ang mga nabubot nila.
“Ako no.1”- cesar
“Rianne anong no. nabunot mo?” tanong ni Maxwell saakin. Kaya pinakita ko sakanya ang numerong nabunot ko. ‘22’. Sabi naman ni Ayha baka daw tungkol lng sa group project kaya maging prepared daw kami lalo si Cesar kasi siya ang naka bunot ng numerong uno.
Mag isang pumunta si Cesar sa cr para sana jumingle ng biglang namamatay at bubukas ang ilaw ng cr na nagdala sa kanya ng takot ngunit di nalang niya iyon pinansin at sa susunod na nanyari biglang nalang may lubid na pumulupot sa kanyang leeg na tuluyang kumitil sa kanyang buhay.
Laking gulat na lamang nilang lahat ng may nakasulat na letrang ‘UNO’sa kanilang blackboard gamit ang dugo Na pinansulat. Ikinapagtaka naman nila kung pano nangyari iyon at kung saan nanggaling yung dugong iyon.
“Guys nasan si Cesar? Siya naka bunot ng no.1” tarantang tanong ko sa kanilang lahat. Hinanap namin siya sa room ngunit wala siya. Napatulala nalang ako sa harap ng pintuan ng cr ng boys nang
“ Aaaghhhhhhh!” nakakarinding sigaw ni Yna ng makita naming nakabigti na si Cesar doon. Pagkalipas ng ilang oras may mga inspector na dumating para asikasuhin ang kaso ni Cesar.
“We are taking all necessary measure to insure youre security. Ngayong araw ding to mag iinstall kami ng cctv dto sa University, we are doing we can para mabantayan kayo. Ang hinihiling lng naming sa inyo kumalma lng kayo at kung may nalalaman man kayong informasyon ipaalam niyo lng saamin” saad ng inspector na ama pala ni Maxwel.
“ Thank you very much inspector” tugon naman saamin ng teacher namin. At umalis na ang inspector at mga kasama nito. Saka kami tinipon ng teacher.
“Well, you heard the inspector wala na tayong dapat alalahanin pa except for one the name and reputation of our school, that’s why, I would like all of you to keep everything you heard here, in secret” hindi kami maka paniwala na ganun ganun lng. Makasarili sila repotasyon ng school parin ang iniisp nila kahit na my murder ng naganap sa school na ito. At kung sino daw mactuhan nila na nagkalat ng nangyari ay ma eexpel. Sa hindi ina asahang pagkakataon may naibulgar si sir on what happen 20 years ago are the same thing are happening now.
Pinapunta ako ni Aya sa library para daw mag research kami about sa patayan na nangyari 20 years ago sa mas naunang special section. Nalaman ni Ayha na nangyari ang pang mumureder 20 years ago ng dahil daw sa isang transfer student. Parang ipinapahiwatig lng sakin ni Ayha na ako ang transfer student at ako ang dahilan kung bakit nagsisimula na naman ang course/sumpa 20 years ago as of now. Hindi ko nakontrol ang inis ko kaya iniwan kong mag isa si Ayha sa library.
Kahit na iniwan siya ni Rianne Ipinagpatuloy parin ni Ayha ang pagreresearch ngunit ng mga sandaling yun nagpakita ang killer sa kanya na may dalang malaking kahoy na ipinokpok sa kanya hanggang siya ay walang ng buhay na bumagsak sa sahig.
“I know it’s hurt a lot na mawalan tayo ng isang leader and a friend also and a brilliant mind, but I promise I do my best as youre vice president” mangiyak iyak na saad ni Alexander sa aming lahat.
“Hindi ko nalang sana siya iniwan. Hindi ko naman alam na siya na ang no.2” umiiyak na sabi ko kay Maxwel. Naging mabait na kaibigan sakin si Ayha kaya masakit na malaman na wala na siya.
“Rhianne wag mo sisiin ang sarili mo wala kang kasalan dun. Andito naman ako, tahan na” pagpapatahan niya sakin sabay tap sa likuran ko na nagpagaan sa nararamdaman ko.
Pagtapos ng aming klase. Inutusan ni Alexander sina Maica, Joan, Janine para sila ang maglinis. Sinabihan sila ni alex na wag silang maghiwahiwalay. Agad namang sumang-ayon ang tatlo. Nagvolunteer si Alex na siya na kukuha ng ang gagamitin nilang panlinis. Nang mkita ni alex ang janitor pinakiusapan niya ito na dalhin sa special section ang gamit ng panlinis para sa tatlong cleaners na naiwan. Ngunit ng pagpasok ni janitor sa room nila nadatnan nalang niya ang tatlong bangkay sa sahig na naliligo sa sarili nilang dugo. Sila pala ang nakabunot ng no. 3,4 at 5. Sa sumunod na araw nalaman nila ang tungkol sa issue noon ng special section 20 years ago kaya pinaghihinalaan nila ako na ako daw ang killer. Kasi ako daw ang transferee, gaya ng nangyari noon. Ng dahil daw sakin nagsimula ulit ang sumapa. ‘wala akong kinalaman sa sumpang yan’ saad ko naman sa kanilang lahat. Pinaghihinalaan nila ako na ako ang pumapatay dahil ako ang kasama ni Ayha bago siya namatay.
“Guys, kahit sino sa atin pwedeng maging killer kaya sana buksan niyo mga mata niyo. Kumalma lng kayo hindi masusulosyonan ang problema kung ganyan kau” saad ni Alex.
“Panu ako kakalma Alex kung ako na ang susunod!? Ako na next, no.6!” madiin na sambit ni dhielan kay Alex at umalis.
Sinamaan ako ni Maxwel sa library ng aming school para alamin namin kung naresolba ba ang kaso dati dahil sa bawat araw na dumadaan maraming napapatay ang killer. Nang tanungin naming ang librarian tungkol sa article ng special section 20 years ago, sa una ayaw niyang sabihin kong nasaan ang iyon pero kalaunan sinabi niya rin saamin dahil mapilit kmi niu Maxwel. Nkita namin ang article na hinahanap namin at binasa iyon nang biglang may tumulong dugo sa libro na nanggaling sa taas kaya ng tumingala kami at nakita namin si Dhielan dun na puno ng dugo ang kanyang ulo.
Naglaro kami ng open forume at naikwento ko sa kanila kung anong pamilya meron ako sa kanila. Sinabi ko sa kanila na bata pa lang ako palagi na lng nag aaway ang magulang ko lumaki akong puro away ang nangyayari. Nanibago ako nunng time na ang tahimik ng room nang mommyko kaya ng oras na tinignan ko kung anong nangyari ay nadatnan ko nalang na nagbigti na ang mama dahil sa walng katapusan nilang pag aawaY. Makalipas ng isang araw ng pagkatapos ang subject namin na biology may activity na binigay saamin n gaming which is pag oopera ng mga palaka.
“Aahh, I’m so sorry frog. Ikaw o grades ko?” tanong ni Andrei sa palakang kaharap niya”ikaw nalang”
“Anu kaba Andrie just do your thing” saad naman ni Yna sa kanya na katabi nito.
Magkatabi kami ni Maxwel na gumagawa ng pag oopera ng parating si Alex sa amin para tanungin kami kung natapos naba naming.
“Malapit nabng kayu matapos guys?”
“Malapit nato Alex, malapit ko nang makuha yung puso niya” sagot ko naman sa kaanya.
“Nakuha mo na”sambit ni Maxwel. Saka tumingin sakin ng makahulugan. “yung puso neto” sabay turo niya sa frog sa harap niya.
“Megan bilisan mo gumagabi na” sabi ni Yna kay Megan dahil himdi pa niya natapos operahan ang frog.
“yah! Don’t pressure me.” Sabi naman ni Megan
“Megan you have to do it, ditto ka lng” saad naman ni Yna sa kanya at iniwan ito. Naiwan siya mag isa sa lab. At dun na naman mismo nangyari ang pang mumurder.
Kinabukasan panibagong pagluluksa na naman ang naganap sa room naming dahil sa nagyari kay Megan. At sa di inaasahang pangyayari may new student na nagtransfer at Brian daw ang pangalan. Nag away si brian at Andrie dahil kapag daw may bagong transferee na dumadating nagiging malas ang section nila. Nawalan ako ng malay at ng pagkagising ko nakita ko na nsa clinic ako at nandun sina Alexander, Yna, Maxwel, brian, at si Brian. Sabi ng nurse ng school namin nkakaranas daw kasi ako ng stress kaya ako nawalan ng malay kanina. Umuwi na lahat ng boys kaya si Yna nalang ang nagbantay sakin.
Kinabukasan may student na bumalik sa klase dahil nag leave of absent daw siya dahil sa may nangyari noong aksidente bago ako nagtransfer dito sa Hilton University. Naging kaibigan ko si Brian at nkakausap ko minsan si Luissa ang studyante na nagleave of absent. Napabilang ako sa pagkakaibigan nila Alex, Yna, Andrei, at Maxwel. Nag inuman kami sa bahay nila Yna at nagpalitang ng mga conversations kasama namin si Brian. Nalaman kong blinockmail nila si Luissa na nagging dahilan kung bakit siya nag leave of absent at tinangkang tumalon sa 2nd floor ng school building ngunit hindi siya namatay kaya nawala siya ng matagal sa klase dahil nagpapagaling pa ito. Dahil nakipagrelasyon ito sa kanilang teacher para lng makuha ang attension nito at position sa pagiging president ng school.
“Na realized naming na sumbrang sama ng ginawa namin kay Luissa, kung pwede lng ibalik yung nakaraan saan hindi na namin ginawa yun eh” saas ni Maxwel.
“Pero gusto ko lng sabahin na hindi kmi masamang tao. We just made the stupad bad decision” pagtugon naman ni Andrei
“Guys are saying that kayo ang may pakan ng mga sunod sunod na patayan?” kinakabahan at takot na tanong ko sa kanila.
“No way! We were”mean to her pero hindi ibig sabihin non kami na ang gumawa ng mga patayan nayan. How dare you acuses of that? Akala ba naming kaibigan ka? Galit na sambit ni Yna sakin sa tanong ko. Matapos ng oras nayun nag block out na naman ang lahat. Pagkagising ko nasa isang kwarto ako na hindi pamiliar. Nkita kong nasa tabi ko si Ayha nka upo at binabantayan ako. Tinanong ko kung anong nangyari, nahimatay daw ako at pumata na ng school ang kasama naming kagabi.
“By the way Yna, ok lng ba sa parent mo na natulog ako dito napa absent pa tuloy kita.” Sabi ko kay Ayha.
“Wala na akong parents, yaya ko lng ang kasama ko dito, my parents died when we were kids”
“We?” takang tanong ko
“Yah, me and my brother” pagsagot naman niya.
“I don’t know about your about your parents and you have brother. Nasan siya?” tanong ko saka niya sinabi na pumasok na daw siya. Sinabi niya sakin na half brother niya lng ito. Naki usap siya sakin na wag ko daw ipagsabi sa iba na may kapatid siya kasi ayaw niyang malaman ng iba na broken family sila.
“Alam mo naman sa special section diba, dapat perfect” yun pala ung point niya. Pagtapos dun napagdesisyonan namin ni Ayha ng magshopping ng damat para sa Prom. Kaya ng umalis na si Ayha para maghanda may nagtex sakin na new no. at sinabing ‘A dozen awaits you if youre late you’ll die’ nagtaka ako nasabi ko nalang nab aka wrong send lang.
Sa kalagitnaan ng pagsasayaw namin sa prom ni Maxwil biglang namatay ang ilaw at nagkasunog. Nagkagulo ang lahat hangang sa nkita namin sina Yna at Brian at sama sama kaming naghanap ng lugar na ligtas. Nandito kami sa isang abandonadong room ng school kasi ditto kami dinala ni Yna para mas ligtas daw at malayo sa sunog. Sinabi kung naiwan pa sina Maxwel at Alexander kaya kailangan naming silang tulungan ngunit sabi lng ni aya na makakaligtas din sila pero alalang alala nako sa nangyayari.
Agad na rumisponde ang mga inspector sa sunog na naganap sa school kaya ng suriin nila kung saan nanggaling ang sunog may napulot ang daddy ni Maxwel na cellphone na kung saan nalaman nila kung sino ang may pakana ng sunog.
“Anak kailangan mong makita to” sabi ng ama ni Maxwel kaya pinanuod nila ang video sa cellphone at nalaman nilang si Yna at Brian ang gumawa ng sunog.
“Si Brian at Yna to” sabi ni Maxwel ng Makita niya na sila ang may kagagawan ng sunog.
“Alam mob a kung nasaan siya” tanong ng ama ni Maxwel “kasama nila si rianne” sagot naman ni Maxwel. Kaya agad silang naalma at hinanap si Rianne
“panu kung humingi tayo ng tulong para ma rescue nila tayo dito” tarantang sabi ni Rianne. Ngunit napaka kalmado lng ni Yna na parang walang nangyaring sunog. Sa sandal na pala na iyon may inilabas na balisong itong si Brian at tinutok ito sa leeg ni Rianne na kanyang ikinapagtaka na may halong takot sa kanyang mukha.
“Rianne, I want you to meet my half brother” pagsisimula ni Yna sa sasabihin niya kay Rianne. Kaya tinanong ni Rianne kung ‘bakit’ nila ginagawa iyon. Kaya napagtanto ni niya na silang dalawang magkapatid ang may pakana ng lahat ng patayang nagaganap.
“so kayo pala ang may pakana ng lahat na iyon. Ako yung pinagbibintangan ng special section dahil ako ang transferee katulad ng special section 20years ago! Bakit!” garalgal nma sabi ni Rianne.
“una sa lahat hindi suspect ang transferee student noon siya talaga ang siya talaga ang serial killer” sabi ni Yna. sabi nila ako daw ang main target nila, pero bakit nadamay sina Cesar, Ayha at iba pa kaya ang sagot lng nila sagabal daw kasi sila.
“bkit ako ang main target? Ano ba ang kasalan ko sa inyo? Wala naman akong ginawang masama sa inyo.” Tanong ko sa kanila
“kasi nagsimulang mawasak ang pamilya namin nung nkilala ng nanay namin yung tatay mo. At eto namang tatanga tanga naming nanay ay hindi lng basta nainlove sa tatay mo nagpahuli pa sa tatay ni Yna na parang tatay ko narin” sabi ni Brian “simula noon halos nagpapatayan sila araw araw” sbi ni Yna. “at narinig naming ang asawa ng kabit ng nanay naming ay nagpakamatay dahil sa nalaman niya, pero hindi ba mas magan kung walang matitira dun sa pamilya nung nagwasak sa pamilya naming. Kaya ikaw Rianne ang isusunod namin” pagpapatuloy naman ni Brian. Nagmamaka awa ako sa kanila na wag nila akong sasaktan kasi wala naman akong kinalaman sa ginawa ng mga magulang naming. “plss let me go” sabi ko sa kanila.
Agad na bumukas ang pintuan at iniluwa nito sina Alex, Maxwel at ang ama ni Maxwel na naka hawak ng baril na nakatutuk mismo kay Brian. Kaya mas hinigpitan ni Brian ang pangsasakal sakin at mas diniinan ang ang kutsilyo sa leeg ko. Agad namang binaril si Brian at nag aagaw buhay na to kaya. “mga walang hiya kayo pati siya kinuha niyo sakin” saka kinuha ni Yna ang kutsilyo na hawak ni Brian kanina saka ito sinaksak sa kanyang sarili na siyang kumitil sa kanyang buhay.
“We move on to the next Chapter of our lifes, we should not bring the past episode that we gone true.actually we should treasure it, we should appreciate the learning that we had, kahit gaano man ito kapangit at ganu man ito kadilim kay hirap at kay paitnung mga iniwan nating mga kabanata. Ang mahalaga ay nalampasan natin ang mga ito. Lets learned how to forgive because forgiveness is an attribute of the strong, so lets practice forgiveness not just because those who hurt us deserve it. But because we deserve the peace that forgiveness brings. So lets face tomorrow us better version of our selves at sa lahat ng mga magsisipagtapos ngayong araw na ito lalong lalo na sa aking mga kapatid na special section. Magkikita tayong muli” message ni Allexander sa harapan ng stage habang kaming lahat ay naka suot ng putting damit at diploma..
<<< THE END >>>
Thank You
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kahtagazete · 3 years
Yaşamak sanattır
Yaşamak sanattır yaşamayı bilmek lazım . Dünya ahiretin tarlasıdır, sevgi tohumları ekmek lazım. Gayız la kinle bütün olmuyor, bütün dinlerin ana temeli sevgi ve muhabbettir.  Sevgi ve muhabbetin açmayacağı hiçbir kapı yoktur ve çözmeyecek hiçbir şifre yoktur. Zira Allah Kur’an-ı Kerim’de; ” Ya Muhammed Sen bizim rahmetimizle onlara merhamet etmeseydin, Kinle gaiza davransaydın etrafında…
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thekaijudude · 2 years
New Decker Trademarks Leaked
1. Ultraman Dinas/Denus
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Everyone alr knew this, tho there's no trademark leak for Denus Type
Guessing it's supposed to be a surprise since we only got to know this via someone hacking the D Flasher, whereas Denus' existence was alr pretty well known since 2 months back
Tho still no news if Denus is an artificial ultra like Terranoid or a Trinity Fusion, which would explain the various Saga foreshadowing back in Chronicle D, as well as being so prominent in the background of the 55th Anniversary poster
2. Zol Gigalo Gaiza(?)
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Probably the movie antagonist
Hopefully we finally get a DX release for this dude since I believe the last Movie DX release was Snake Darkness all the way back in 2018 sheeesh
(Yes I'm still salty af that we still haven't gotten a DX Grimude by this point)
In any case, don't think we'll be getting anymore info on the Decker movie until the December scans unless Denus and/or Denus Type has a movie weapon merch which hasn't actually happened since Geed with his Giga Finalizer back in 2017
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artsy-ashlee · 5 years
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I made sure I went to the roof of this hotel before the sun came up 🌄 #egypt #africa #adventure #myhabibi #inshallah (at Gaiza Egypt) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5IdLqUlS_a/?igshid=vquylwjt8vhh
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dakwahnotes · 5 years
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DO'A HILANG MARAH A’uzubillahi minasy syaitanir rajimi. Allahummagfirli zanbi wazhab gaiza qalbi wa ajirni minasy syaitanir rajimi. maksudnya; "Ya Allah, ampunilah dosaku dan hilangkanlah kepanasan hatiku, dan lepaskanlah aku dari syaitan yang terkutuk" #DakwahSampaiAkhirKalam #CintaiAlQuran
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gocalif · 5 years
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#CAsAdventure | @Forbes This 21-Year-Old Woman Just Became The Youngest Person To Travel To Every Country - Lexie Alford (@lexielimitless) broke a Guinness World Record and made history. She shares her incredible story and her advice. Link at Forbes.com | #california #bajacalifornia #norcal #sanfrancisco #sfbayarea #centralcoast #centralcalifornia #socal #norcal #orangecounty #sandiego #instatravel #adventure #photography #asia #europe #southamerica #africa #austraila #mexico #TheCalifornias #travelgram #vacation #GoCalifornias #go (at Gaiza Egypt) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByTPeufnA9M/?igshid=1m4cyd0asml9f
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nextgentaimanins · 2 years
Nisha Gaiza: I will restore the honour of fuuma clan to its rightful glory and take over Gosha, overthrowing Igawa clan that chained us by the Japanese Government!!. One eyed samurai with six katana: What's with this sassy lost child. P.S. Gaiza story arc in rpgx is gone reduce to atoms, overshadow by dark future timeline, i/relevant main story and butt lot of npc and waifu. In short Nisha Gaiza is Tatsurou non-existent character.
See, this is why I think Lilith's writing being pretty bad. Just how it treats characters that are supposed to be important. It just takes things away from the world and it feels a little, less? Forces other characters to change I.E Rinko(who's supposed to not have much interest in me besides her brother that she wants to fuck and Yukikaze who's much softer and more social??) Like why the fuck would she be concerned for Tokiko because she thought Fuuma was a slacker. Why would she care?? Yukikaze plainly doesn't care if Rinko likes Tatsurou in a special way even when TOLD it's incest by shizuru. She's just "Rinko and Tatsurou are brother and sister, how can I compare with that long time when I'm only his girlfriend/childhood friend! Rinko is so pretty!" Gaiza should be seen time to time, in the shadows, plotting and waiting for the right moment to strike back. He's the character to help push Fuuma further to accepting his role as the head of the clan while keeping him on his feet. A looming threat as you will.
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Maybe a little blush would look nice if you wanted to try! Just a little color on your cheeks may look nice, or it may not. That's the fun of it!
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“Blush...?  You think so?  I usually blush grey, so would I wear that color?  With so many different types of monsters, whose coloration doesn’t always match their magic or other parts of them, it can be rather confusing.  
“I am always amazed by the monsters I see who spend so much time making themselves feel beautiful.  From their fur, hair, or feathers to their scales, bones, or foliage, it’s simply lovely to see the many ways a monster can accent their self.  
“I know that Gaiza, one of...  Mica’s co-workers, she wears kohl.  She said that she even makes it herself!  She learned from her mother, and her mother before her.  
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“Oh golly...  I’m getting off topic.  I’m sorry. 
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“ A-as for the blush, I will have to look into it when I go to the store next.  Thank you for the suggestion!”
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whitemagiks · 5 years
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tag dump
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