lonestarflight · 5 months
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"This photograph of the Gemini-7 spacecraft was taken from the hatch window of the Gemini-6 spacecraft during rendezvous and station keeping maneuvers at an altitude of approximately 160 miles."
Date: December 15, 1965
NASA ID: S65-63113, S65-63171, S65-63188, S65-63189
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anonbinaryweirdo · 6 months
dresvicore according to my pinterest
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synthetic-sonata · 11 months
apparently the pokemon usum ( and i'd assume s/m and x y ) gts still WORK but hackers made it unusable. fucking sucks can't have shit in detroit
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azurefishnets · 2 years
AO3 Profile Fandom: Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Words: 1809 Summary: PREVIOUSLY: After much adventuring, everyone was looking a little ragged and a little clothes shopping appeared to be in order. Cabanela's double identity created a problem after the shopkeeper connected him to the Jester's Cult, a group of people worshiping the White Shadow in a tower south of Nikeah. Cabanela set out alone, or so he thought, to confront his hubris in the place where it dwells… Happy birthday to dearest @siverwrites! The AU calls and I must obey, angst du jour though it brings! -
Cabanela reined in his chocobo, staring at the mountains rising in a ring in front of him. They loomed ahead, with none of the gentle foothills or even lower plateaus he recalled from the mountains around Vector. They almost seemed to pulse with some indefinable menace, a forbidding aura surrounding them that seemed to wordlessly ward him away. Cabanela reacted as he did to all forbidden things: he ignored it and moved forward anyway.
Keep reading on AO3
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prismit · 1 year
begging and pleading for them to add proper vivillon patterns in the sc/vi dlc so i don’t need to add a bunch of strangers on pokemon go just to get a vivillon dex
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a9saga · 2 months
tbt - lil wayne - shooter // we're just gonna ignore the featured artist on this song okay
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kinburger · 9 months
hiiii john harley anon!! um real quick wanna ask 4 specification on whether your ask was meant 2 mean that john is black (as in racially. help this is so hard to phrase) or that his hair is!!!
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louddydisturb · 9 months
Oh mami, its a new 'rari
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Harry e Louis sempre foram amigos desde do jardim de infancia, mas de uns anos pra cá as coisas mudaram um pouco
Louis 19
Harry 18
Breeding kink (leve), exibicionismo (leve), uso de maconha, h!inter
(Vi a ideia do plot no tiktok mas perdi a conta)
Edward, harry e louis eram amigos desde do jardim de infância. Era o trio inseparavel desde de sempre
Louis praticamente morava na casa dos styles, sempre indo para jogar video game ou jogos de tabuleiro com os irmãos gêmeos
Harry não pode negar que nunca achou o melhor amigo pelo menos um pouco atraente, agora no final de seus 19 anos, ele tinha musculos aparentes e tatuagem que pintava todo o seu braço e pescoço, o cabelo em um topete bagunçado pro lado e os olhos em azul profundo como o oceano
Harry tinha seus 18 anos, uma cascata de cachos cor chocolate caiam sobre seu ombro, olhos verde como esmeraldas e covinha adoraveis em ambas bochechas
Agora depois de uma discursão boba com o irmão, harry se encontrava jogada no quarto completamente entediada e rolava pelo seu feed do instagram
Era sexta feira, a noite e graças ao seu querido irmão ela não pode ir na festa que acontecia na casa de sua amiga
"Ta ai?" Ela envia e vê a resposta chegar praticamente no mesmo segundo
"Ta com saudade?"
"To entediada, ed estragou minha festa"
"Não me diz que brigaram, é horrivel passar o dia com vocês quase se matando pelo olhar"
"Boa sorte na tarde de jogos amanhã então"
"Ta afim de dar uma volta? Já pegou o novo carro ne"
"Entendi agora"
"Era tudo um plano pra andar na minha bebezinha"
"Se eu ficar mais um minuto em casa eu morro de tedio"
"Ta bom, passo ai em 20 minutos"
Harry desliga o celular e se levanta indo dar um jeito nos cachos rebeldes e trocar o pijama por uma roupa apresentavel.
Passado os 20 minutos harry se encontrava na frente da casa usando uma t-shirt oversized provavelmente roubada do guarda roupa do irmão, short jeans e seus tipicos adidas forum
Ela vê a ferrari 812 GTS preta estacionar em sua frente e louis que usava uma jaqueta preta e fumava um cigarro
"Uber para harry styles?"
"Papai tava de bom humor na hora de comprar o carro pelo visto" ela entra no carro e louis da a partida "vou aprender a dirigir nessa"
"Nem sonhe" ele joga a bituca do cigarro pela janela "algum destino em especifico?"
"Rodovia" les começa a tocar baixinho na radio
"Quer ir pro lugar secreto?"
"é uma boa ideia tambem" harry diz e o garoto acelera chegando aos 90km/h
Essa era um dos rolês favoritos dos dois, desde que louis tirou a carteira eles saiam para dirigir de noite para algum lugar aleatorio na cidade
Era simplesmente revigorante sentir o vento bater no rosto e a adrenalina do carro correndo em alta velocidade nas ruas vazias
"Não teve nenhuma festa da faculdade pra ir" harry pergunta pegando um maço de cigarro e isqueiro do porta-luva
"Eu tava numa, muito chata aliás" ele acelera o carro e aumenta o som do radio, agora os acordes iniciais de 505 tocavam nas caixas de som
"Coitado do pequeno tomlinson, nenhuma gatinha quis dar beijinhos no garanhão" ela zoa e traga o cigarro
"Idiota" ele ri e em seguida cantarola o verso da musica
"Não devo estar errada" a cacheada fecha os olhos e deita a cabeça no banco enquanto sente a brisa noturna
Louis se deixa perder o foco olhando a garota que fumava ainda de olhos fechados no seu lado
Ele tambem não pode negar que harry tinha ficado extremamente atraente depois da puberdade
Ele observa os labios rosados soprarem a fumaça, os cachos voarem devido ao vento, os cilios descançarem nas bochechas rosadas, os pelinhos do pescoço e braços arrepiados, a pintinhas que se espalhavam pelo pescoço e colo da garota. Louis não podia negar que ele sentia borboletas no estomago de vez em quando.
"Porra eu amo essa musica" harry diz enquanto aumenta o volume do carro e dealer começa a soar
"Não está com frio? Pode ficar doente com o vento gelado"
"Não é pra tanto" ela traga o cigarro
"Pega o moletom no banco de tras" ele diminui a velocidade do carro se aproximando de um posto de gasolina "preciso abastecer rapidinho"
Harry veste o moletom preto e o cheiro do perfume forte de louis invade seu olfato
Ela se encolhe no banco enquanto observa o mais velho abastecer o carro
"Esse perfume é muito fedido, por isso que não pega ninguem desde da quinta classe"
"Fala logo que me ama, styles" ele apoia a mão em cima do vidro enquanto espera o tanque encher
Os olhos de harry caem em uma mulher loira que se aproximava do carro, andando em passos lentos como um animal espreitando sua presa
"Oi" ela diz simples "bonito carro, e dono do carro tambem" louis ri agradecendo e tirando a bomba do carro "sou hailee, qual teu nome?"
"William" ele paga a gasolina e encosta na porta do carro, apoiando o antebraço no vidro
"meio tarde pra estar abastecendo" ela continua "viagem?"
"Quase isso"
"Bem, posso talvez dar uma volta nessa maquina?" Louis ri e harry contorna a tatuagem do 28 em seus dedos "ou teu numero pelo menos?" Harry aperta a mão de louis e o garoto aperta de volta enquanto olha para a cacheada pelo canto do olho
"Não vai rolar, eu to com a minha namorada" ele fala curto antes de entrar no carro e seguir o caminho para a praia sem falar nada.
Mesmo assim harry podia sentir os relances do olhar de louis em si enquanto o mais velho fumava outro cigarro
Ela cantarolava a letra de "oh mami" que tocava agora
E louis acelerava o carro cada vez mais, apertando o volante enquanto se concentrava na estrada
"Ooh, Mami, this a new 'Rari
Hit 150 on the dash, I bent the corner
Then she bent it for me sideways, uh
I might have to fuck her on the highway, yeah (oh, whoa)"
Ele viu o exato momento que harry reecostou na porta junto a letra da musica enquanto fumava o cigarro de maconha
"Namorada?" Ela foi a primeira a cortar o silencio
"Ela não ia largar do meu pé tão facil" os olhos azuis estavam agora focados na estrada começando a sentir a brisa do mar em seu rosto
"Só isso então, william?" os olhos verdes baixam para a calça preta de moletom do mais velho "isso tambem foi só pra fugir dela" ela aponta pra ereção evidente que louis tentava ignorar
"Porra harry" ele para um tanto quanto agressivamente o carro no acostamento "tu mexe com a porra do meu cerebro, eu não consigo pensar racionalmente enquanto tu me olha como uma puta" ela ri enquanto traga o resto do cigarro "é realmente muito engraçado" ele tira o cinto de segurança e fecha o teto do carro
A mão de harry aperta a ereçao dolorida do de olhos azuis que a olha nos olhos procurando alguma outra confirmaçao que ela não estava só brincando
Ele observou os labios gordinhos imaginando o quão macio poderiam ser
"Agora vai ficar só olhando?" Ela fala e esse foi o estopim para o auto controle de louis
Os labios se unem em um beijo rapido e necessitado, harry acaba desistindo de lutar por dominancia apenas seguindo o ritmo agressivo de louis
"Banco de trás" louis os separa e harry passa para o banco de trás sem a minima dificuldade, louis a segue enquanto tira a jaqueta e a camiseta
"Porra eu esperei tanto tempo" ela diz juntando novamente suas bocas e se encaixando no meio das pernas de louis
"Me chupa" ele deixando pequenas mordidinhas do pescoço branquinho de harry, que ajudou louis a abaixar a calça moletom.
O pau duro gotejando cai sobre o baixo ventre do mais velho
A cacheada deixa chupões desde do pescoço até a pelves de louis que gemia baixinho observando harry com devoção
Ela segura o pau começando uma punheta lenta que fez louis respirar fundo procurando apoio nos apoios do banco
"Harry... chupa..." ela ri e circula a cabecinha com a lingua
"Apressado" louis geme agarrando os cachos ao sentir o calor molhado da boca da garota
Ele empurra a cabeça de harry até sentir o nariz da garota em sua pelve
"Oh...hazza... sim" ele solta a garota que volta se engasgando levemente, ela coloca ele na boca, rodeando a cabecinha com lingua e aproveitando o gostinho salgado da pré-porra que saia aos montes
Ela olha para cima, os olhos verdes encontrando os olhos azuis e ele faz um rabo de cavalo desajeitado usando de apoio para foder a garganta da garota
Ela o olhava com os olhos chorosos, engasgando e babando no pau mas não se afastando
"Caralho eu vou gozar" as estocadas se tornam mais urgentes e ele afasta ela enquanto bombea o pau se liberando no rosto e boca da garota
"Porque tirou?" Ela limpa com o dedo e leva pra boca sentindo o gosto da porra quentinha
"Caralho harry" louis diz ofegante vendo garota tira o moletom e a tshirt, ela não usava nenhum sutiã
O tomlinson se aproxima da garota levando a mãos para a cintura pequena e apertando o local
Ele beija a garota enquanto aperta um dos peitos dela que cabiam perfeitamente em sua mão
As mãos tremulas de harry tiram seu short ficando apenas com a calcinha de renda rosa, essa sendo a unica coisa que separava ambas intimidades
"Me fode" harry puxa a cintura de louis contra a sua procurando algum estimulo no clitoris dolorido
"Não quero te comer no carro" ele espalha mordidinhas e chupões por todo o torso da garota
"Lou, por favor..." harry arqueia as costas sentindo o halito quente de louis extremamente perto de sua pelves
"Não tenho camisinhas" os indicadores vão para os lados da calcinha pequena, puxando-a devagar para baixo
"Não precisa, eu tomo remedio e to limpa se você tiver tambem não tem problema" ela se apoia no antebraço
"Não quero de comer na beira da estrada como uma puta barata" ele beija a pelves da garota enquanto suas mãos apertam possesivamente as coxas de harry a mantendo abertas "mas isso não significa que eu não vá fazer nada" harry geme arrastado sentindo a lingua do mais velho passear por todo seu grelo
Ele chupava o clitoris inchadinho enquanto suas mãos apertavam a cintura da garota ao ponto de provavelmente deixar marcas, harry gemia deleitada e puxava os fios castanhos de louis
"Docinho" os olhares se encontram mais uma vez e louis pode ver o exato momento que as orbes verdes reviraram ao que ele penetrou o dedo medio "gostosa pra um caralho" ele beija a garota que gemia arrastado
"Preciso do seu pau" lagrimas escorriam pelas bochechas coradas
Louis voltou a chupar harry enquanto penetrava mais um dedo, a cacheada tremia e se apertava nos dedos indicando o quão proximo ela estava
"Goza nenem" ele massageia o clitóris lentamente observando ela gemer jogando a cabeça para trás e molhar toda sua mão
"Minha casa" ela fala baixo ainda sentindo-se aerea pelo orgasmo
Louis sobe a calça de moletom e veste harry somente com o moletom antes de ir para o banco da frente dirigindo o mais rapido possivel
Era quase metade do caminho quando o olhar de louis caiu em harry pelo retrovisor, a garota tinha os cachos suados, bochechas vermelhas e os labios inchadinhos de tanto morder
Mas ao descer o olhar ele pode ver a garota se tocando devagar enquanto o olhava pelo retrovisor
"Não consegue esperar nem alguns minutos?" Ele foca na estrada vazia e acelera o carro "provavelmente iria amar se alguem te visse, era por isso que queria ser fodida na beira da estrada?"
"Com certeza não seria uma má visão"
Louis estaciona o carro meio de qualquer jeito na frente da casa de harry e veste a t-shirt antes de sair do carro e seguir harry até a porta
A casa estava escura e silenciosa, julgando por ser 3 da manhã todos ja estavam dormindo
Foi só o tempo de entrarem no quarto que harry praticamente ataca os labios louis que trancava a porta
Eles andam em passos desajeitados até a cama grande no meio do quarto, nesse processo as roupas era espalhadas pelo quarto
"Vem" ele dá duas batidinhas coxas e ve harry sorri sentando com uma perna de cada lado
Louis agarra os dois peitos intercalando beijos e mordidas por todo o colo
Harry sentiu sua calcinha molhar ao ver louis chupando um de seus peitos como uma criança faminta e a olhando com brilho nos olhos
As unhas rosinhas puxam o cabelo suado em busca de apoio enquanto rebolava sentindo o falo duro embaixo de si
Ele solta a garota a jogando na cama e se encaixando no meio das pernas da mesma
Eles começam um beijo agressivo e com desejo e harry inverte as posições sentando na pelves de louis
Ela rebola devagar vendo louis se apoiar no antebraço a olhando como uma presa
"Caralho princesa, eu vou enlouquecer" as mãos fortes vão para a cinturinha que ja estava marcada pelos apertos de antes
"É tão grande, acho que mal vai caber" ela levanta puxando a boxer de louis liberando o penis duro "quer fumar?" Ela pega um cigarro de maconha e um isqueiro da mesa de cabeçeira e senta novamente em cima do pau grosso tragando a droga
Ele estica a mão pegando o cigarro e tragando junto sentindo as reboladas lentas da garota
"Afasta a calcinha" ele traga e libera a fumaça na boca da cacheada
Ela deixa a calcinha de lado e louis ajuda a encaixa na grutinha apertada
Harry geme com a sensaçao do pau a alargando e louis geme com o quão apertada a garota era
Ele devolve o cigarro para harry e agarra a cintura da mesma como apoio para começar a investir o quadril contra ela
"Tão grande lou" ela fala devagar, mais como um gemido e a droga começava a fazer efeito em ambos
O barulho das peles se chocando e os gemidos baixinhos ecoavam pelo quarto
Harry arqueava as costas e maltratava um de seu mamilos
Louis inverte as posições novamente a deixando de quatro porem seu rosto estava encostado na cama
Eles estavam envolvidos na bolha de prazer que não prestaram atenção quando batidas na porta ecoaram no local e o celular de harry
"Porra oque esse caralho quer" ela faz a menção de se afastar mas louis a segura no lugar e apenas entrega o celular que tocava sem parar "ficou louco?" Ela fala com dificuldade vendo que louis não tinha a menor intençao de parar
"Melhor atender" ele diminui a velocidade das estocadas agora a fodendo lento mas fundo
"Oi edward" ela responde seco
"Tava dormindo? Te ouvi chegando, queria me desculpar"
"E precisava atrapalhar meu sono?" Ela afasta o celular e tapa a boca quando louis coloca mais força nas estocadas "f-fala amanhã"
"Tem alguem ai?"
"Não" ela xingou o irmão mentalmente e rezou para ele não ver o carro de louis parado na frente da casa
Louis vira a cacheada deixando de barriga pra cima, vendo a garota desesperadinha tentando abafar os gemidos
"Desculpa eu fui um babaca te dedurando pra mamãe mais cedo" harry revira os olhos sentindo louis pressionar seu baixo ventre
"Não goza" ele silibou em um sussuro
"Ainda bem que tu sabe, ta bom edward to com sono e cansada me deixa dormir" harry arregalou o olhos no exato momento que louis se curvou escondendo o rosto no pescoço marcado e perigosamente perto do celular
Ela tenta afastar ele mas só piorou a situação quando ele gemeu arrastado estocando mais forte
"Tem certeza que ta tudo bem?" A voz de edward ecooa do altofalante do celular
"Sim edward, tchau" ela desliga o celular com pressa e o joga em qualquer canto da cama
"Esse moleque é um porre" louis segura a cintura da garota a puxando contra as estocadas
"Não importa" ela puxa o de olhos azuis para outro beijo e se sentindo cada vez mais perto do orgasmo
Ela empurra os ombros largos e fica por cima sentindo cada centimetro dentro de si "goza em mim" ela abraça louis escondendo o rosto no pescoço e gemendo baixinho "bem fundo" ela quica com mais urgencia
"Hazza... tão boa..." ele aperta a bunda redondinha da cacheada e geme deleitado no exato momento que a grutinha da garota sufucou seu pau se liberando em um orgasmo e molhando ambos, louis não pode se segurar se liberando na garota que tremia em seu colo
"Fundo... cheia de bebes" louis jurou que um dia essa garota ia o matar
"Cheia de bebes" ele deixa um beijo na testa de harry que estava sonolenta em seu colo "hazza, vem precisamos nos lavar" ele tenta afastar a garota que estava grudada em si como um coala mas não obtem nenhuma resposta
Harry acordou no dia seguinte sentindo um peso em cima de si e observou louis apagado abraçando sua cintura
Ela observou em volta, tudo parecia meio arrumado e ela usava um de seus pijamas favoritos de seda, o edredom cheirava a amaciante e ela cheirava a sua colonia de lavanda
Louis dormia tranquilamente mas ela não pode deixar de notar os arranhoes e chupoes pelo corpo do mais velho que dormia apenas com uma boxer
Ela fez carinho nos cabelos macios pensando se aquilo tudo era realmente real
"Harry a mamãe pediu pra vir te acordar porque ja sao 4 da tarde e em caso tu esteja morta pra organizar o velo- LOUIS?" Edward entra com tudo no quarto assustando harry e acordando louis que dormia impertubavel "que porra..."
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mayearies · 8 months
… ꒰ঌ ໒꒱
miles morales
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˚ʚ property of ©hiimayee ɞ˚
genre: fluff | warnings: a snowbunny (for you gwen dislikers), shade towards gwen (from rio and jeff and mayyyybe from miles a lil), maybe a little ghostflower idk?, spanish authors input: made it a series lmao translations: sabes que todavía estás conectado a tierra, ¿verdad? / you do know you’re still grounded, right? . sí mami, lo sé / yes mami, i know . te vi tratando de poner tu mano contra la de ella, no te hagas el tonto / i saw you trying to glaze your hand against hers, don't play dumb
summary: hard choice. or is it? ♬ song: I THINK by tyler, the creator
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ <- prev | next
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after the whole interrogation with the guidence counceler and his parents, the arguement with his parents at the party that celebrated his father’s promotion to captain, e1610 miles dragged himself to his room with an annoyed set of mind. he had too much going on for everything to be considered alright.
he threw off his puffer jacket and sighed as he sat on his bed, his sketchbook flipping open as it flew off the bed to a drawing of, well—gwen.
he had something to confess, he couldn’t choose. he tried to but he couldn’t. ever since that day he met you, he couldn’t get you off of his mind. even if he hadn’t seen you in a minute. but then again, he missed gwen. and how she was basically the first friend he’s made since his life changed forever. in a way, she was there every step of the way.
but you, you did enough for him by just being in his line of vision. just sitting next to him in math or physics, making small talk. your voice he was lovesick for. but he felt like he couldn’t share sensitive things with you yet. like how he was spiderman, how he’s seen multiple dimensions, etc. he wanted to wait.
he furrowed his brows, sighing again as he put on his headphones and leaned back into his pillow. but it just kept coming back. an image of you and her in the same frame. he wishes one of you were here with you right now.
“miles! got a minute?”
the celebration on the roof of the morales’ apartment building could be heard from below. but if you were close enough, you could hear two teens just talking about life. which would be inturrupted by two parents. it didn’t entirely peak your interest, you were just hungry and wanted something from the bodega.
“shoot! shoot, i have to go.” “really?”
gwen gave miles a look that basically said ‘you know why, just dont make it obvious’ before turning her attention back to his parents. “yeah, i just- forgot to get my steps in! y’know, cardio woo!” “it was nice catching up, gwe- i mean gwanda.” “yeah, it was… nice to see you again.”
as she left, he held a look of sorrow. he didn’t entirely want her to leave, but he knew his parents somewhat did. the first impressions of her were not the best. y’know, the whole first name thing. he sighed over the railing with his face in his hands.
his ma stayed behind him whille his dad went somwhere else. she felt bad for pretty much embarassing him infront of her. she could tell he liked her. “i hope i didn’t ice your game, man.”
“nobody my age says that, mom.” “well, she seems like a nice girl.” “hm.” “y’know, you’re a really transparent boy.” “what does that even mean, ma?”
straightening his posture, his mom was able to fix him up a little. bruhsing dust off his jacket, straightening his shirt, fixing his hair. things a mother should do.
“it means you’re not good with hiding your feelings, miles. i can tell you gravitate heavily towards her. you wanna see her again. and i’m not saying i don’t approve of it, it’s just… seeing my little boy who was shorter than me a little over a year ago is growing up and finding his new self. something about that pains me. but i need to gt over it, as every mother has to do at some point. but promise me something.”
“mhm?” “take care of that little boy for me. wherever you go, wherever he goes, take care of him. and bring him back home safely to me. it’s all i ask of you to do. if you fail we will turn that four months into a year or two. sabes que todavía estás conectado a tierra, ¿verdad?”
miles laughed as he playfully rolled his eyes, “yes ma, i know.”
“in spanish. don’t think i forgot about that B.” “sí mami, lo sé.”
she stared at him with proud eyes, but just as he was about to leave, hs dad came back. “miles, ahem. this young lady says she’s here to see you.”
he guestured towards you, who was standing in the crowd awkwardly. you weren’t that big of a fan of big gatherings, but at least the food was good. hispanic food always tasted good when cooked right.
you gave miles a small wave as he came down and his parents followed. he looked excited to see you. “hey! what’re you doing here?”
“oh! ganke told me about your father’s promotion. i just wanted to stop by and say ‘hello’.”
rio butted in on the small conversation you and miles were having, distruping him from looking into your eyes. he liked doing that. “oh, you’re one of ganke’s friends?”
“well, more or less, ms. morales.”
she looked at you with an impressed face then eyed her husband who also had the same face. miles stood beside you and smiled awkwardly but deep down he was screaming inside.
even if not calling them by legal name was the bare minimum when meeting someone’s parents. “well, when were you gonna introduce us to her? you didn’t mention her earlier!” jeff crossed his arms. “have you enjoyed your time here so far?”
“well-” “oh, i liked the food. thank you, mr. morales. i’m not keen of public places.”
miles once overheard his mom say something along the lines of being respectful to one’s guardians makes them more attractive, and it’s how she found her now husband. like mom like son, huh?
you all taked some more, engaging in the questions that his parents asked you. he tried to block out the really embarassing ones. people were starting to depart and that also means you had to go. but miles wanted to spend more time with you.
“wait, uh- we can catch up in my room before you leave. just- wait for me down there.”
as you left, miles let out a sigh of relief. well, that relief would soon be over once his parents started talking again. “well! i think i like her more than gwanda actually.”
“daad!” “oh please, te vi tratando de poner tu mano contra la de ella, no te hagas el tonto, miles. “moom!”
well, they were right. he did fall for you harder than he did gwen. was that just second nature or? cause he felt something deep down when you showed proper respect to his parents. touching his face, he could feel it was pretty warm. he didn’t feel this way around gwen.
after the night was over, he felt content with his day. he got to see his two favorite people, technically at once. one went well and one went… somewhat well.
that night, he sat in his bed listening to his playlist and found himself starting a new sketchbook since he had filled his other one. now, that one had started with a drawing of gwen. but this one, it started with you.
˚ʚ I THINK i’m fallin’ in love-
“this time i think it’s for real.”
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frenchcurious · 4 months
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Lancia Aurelia B20 GT Coupé Series VI 1957. - source Amazing Classic Cars.
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lonestarflight · 6 months
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Artist's concept depicting the approximate positions which the Gemini 6 and 7 spacecrafts will be oriented at the terminal phase of the proposed rendezvous mission.
Date: November 1, 1965
NASA ID: S65-59952
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kishmishorkissish · 4 days
Okay so am gonna talk bout shubman
Pehle to bande ko ek team de di jaati hai jisne do saal bhot khatarnaak perform kiya hai, to vo pressure+ captaincy ka vi rehta hi hai.
Jb ye news aa rhi thi mujhe lga rumour hoga kyuki gt mai hor vi ache players hai jo international level pai captain hai ,they could have let him gain some experience , usko thoda bhota to pta hi rehta, descision making waale mai rkh lete usey to kya pta agle saal vo acha kr ta no doubt go abhi vi kr rha hai but man he is learning in a hard way 🙂🙂
mere ko ye batana ki pichle do saal shub tha kya descision making mai gt ki ? Like tha to kuch to experience hai hi uske paas 😌😌
Aur fer ye chlta hi hai ki stadium mai chants start ho jaati hai, but banda jeet gya tha uss time. Kl wala vi match tha haath mai but nhi ho paya koi nhi next match to hai hi 🙂🙂🙂
Aur fer do match se chl vi nhi rha ye😔😔, koi nhi aage waale matches vi hai abhi to . Bhai itna postive kha se soch rhi hu mai .
Vo jis post pai ish ne comment nhi kiya vo dekh ke aisa lga na ki ye log bta rhe hai ki indono ke beech sb theek hai 💀 like vo to pta hi tha but assurance di hai 😌😌😌😌 iss se jyada kya chahiye. Aur fer aditi ki story vi dekh li iss krke aur chill hu kyuki there is beauty in privacy 💀💀
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princessmadafu · 1 year
Eagerly awaiting Spare 2: The Chamber Pot of Secrets
Now that the media furore has died down a bit and we've all had time to think, what can we say about the Spare?
Well, first of all, I'd say Harry has been set up.
And he's too dim to see it, because he's being told (by someone in particular and probably a few other hangers-on as well) that "his truth" is important. And he believes it. Harry's "truth" has been filtered by money-grubbing bottom-feeders, and now H prefers to believe that "their truth" is "his truth"; that they love him more than anyone else; and they know what's best for him.
(1) Harry can't distinguish his truth from reality. We've known this for a while, but so many new *facts* coming out... it's really taking the pee-pee. "Harry's Truth" isn't the same as facts. A fact is a piece of information that can be proven to be true; it stands up to rigorous scrutiny, especially by rigorous professional fact-checkers, who quickly noted that bit about the XBox, of which I freely admit I know nothing, but even I managed to check it out on the internet in about ten seconds. Did nobody fact-check Spare? Oooh, apparently not. Why not? And King Henry VI... And the Queen Mum's death... and the rest of it. Which leads us on to:
(2) Harry took (and is possibly still taking) Class A drugs and assorted forms of happy-juice, even to the point of stoking himself up on the wife's gas as she prepared for labour, which is despicable. He's such a feminist he took her meds for her!!! A**hole. I gave birth three times (homebirths, without meds; Princess Madafu wasn't around at the time so I did the painful "manly" work of squeezing babies out of my bum all by myself...) and I just want to deck Harold for interfering with his wife's meds. But drug use messes up your brain, Harry. So do grubby compliant therapists, by the way, who are rubbing their hands in glee at all the $$$ you hand over - they're on to a good deal and it's not in their financial interests to sort you out by Month 6 of Therapy when they can trick you into Year 6 of Therapy... or Year 16... or Year 26...
(3) He's envious of William and Catherine. This shines through. His older brother married the love of his life, a woman who has devoted herself to her man and the RF and between them they've produced three gorgeous well-grounded little ones and a firm base on which to take the RF forward. The Prince and Princess of Wales have learned from the mistakes of the unfortunate previous generation of royals, whereas Harry is now an "Oh dear" in the footnotes of the monarchy. And this leads us on to:  
(4) Harry has no respect for Charles and Camilla. The Queen Consort is and always has been Charles's lighthouse and security from the storms of public life. Charles should never have been pushed into marrying the naive teenager Diana, but that's how it was back then - that's how history works! Charles was expected to marry a blushing virgin bride he hardly knew. Harry, aren't you glad you were allowed to marry a several-times-up-the-maypole divorcee? You learn from history, right, so that you don't repeat the same mistakes. Of course that involves being aware of history, which Harold isn't; he's only aware of how time healed his frostbitten todger and saved it for someone who could use it to her advantage. Over-sharing, Harry! Please shut up! Nobody wants to know! And then there's:
(5) Harry has no respect for the British Public. Or the Commonwealth. Or the army. Even enemy soldiers have families; mothers, fathers, wives, children - they are not chess pieces to be removed. Personal remembrance: my Gt-grandma's brother was KIA in 1916; my Gt-grandad served in the same war but never spoke about it; my Grandad served in WW2, never spoke about it - he showed me his medals, once. Once. Once only. The only things I remember him saying about the war were the "safe" bits - that he spent some of it in Canada training Canadian troops and got to see Niagara Falls, and mailed all his chocolate rations back to his wife and infant son. My late brother in law served in the Coldstream Guards, never spoke a word about how many men he'd had to shoot; he took all that to his early and leg-amputated death. What happens in the army stays in the army, Harold; it's not for personal validation.
(6) He hates the British Media. Supposedly because his mother was killed by paps (in France; not British paps) when the world knows she died because she wasn't wearing a seat-belt in a car that crashed at speed driven by a DUI driver. Oh and he also hates the British Media because Meghan is Diana.2 and... wait, what? No she isn't. She wants him to believe she's Diana.2. If it's not drugs doing his head in it's Megadiana. How many paps have tried to run Catherine off the road in a tunnel in Paris? How many paps have tried to take topless pictures of her - ooh, there was one, but it wasn't in Britain, I'm pretty sure it was in France and the magazine was sued for it, so not in Britain then. Not British Media. Not British paps. And let's not forget that Diana was more than capable of manipulating the pap shoots she wanted... remind you of anybody?
(7) He still has mummy issues, decades later. This is just not normal for a grown man. I'm sure Harry loathes being compared to his brother but what the heck, I'm going for it! Two young boys, both suffering from the untimely loss of their mother. Yet William doesn't have mummy issues, or at least if he does he doesn't hang them out to dry for a voracious public airing. It's no good saying that Harry is more sensitive, he's not - he just hasn't grown up, and those around him are keeping him trapped in the net of mummy issues instead of allowing him to mature into the adult he should be; he's not the man he thinks he has become. And I still keep coming back to why, so let's move on to:
(8) His therapy isn't working and he needs a proper psych evaluation. The people he thinks are helping him just aren't. They are milking him for the cash cow that he has become. The RF and whatever PR they use appear to have done everything to protect Young Harry from this, right down to convincing us that he was a high-spirited Jack-the-Lad, fond of a little tipple but devoted to his country and the army veterans he served alongside. Take away the RF and the carefully scrutinising PR machine, and he is ripe for the plucking. And boy, is he being plucked. Every last feather.
Now this next one is a bother:
(9) He can't see his own hypocrisy, has zero empathy for anyone, and cannot see how "his truth" - his own words - can damage others. Others including his own mother, his father and step-mother, his wider family, his army colleagues, the wider British public who are all a bunch of racists, apparently. Harry has a lot of short-comings. No doubt there'll be "Spare 2: The Chamber of Secrets" and he'll blame his short-comings on his frozen todger, but the lack of self-awareness is pathetic. He cannot see his own failings, refuses to take responsibility for his own actions, and blames everyone else. So what can we say? Is he really so stupid? Or is he in some sort of "Cult-Of-Himself" delusion, promulgated by his Feather Pluckers?
(10) The awful wife wears Harry's man-bits and is conspicuous by her absence, as she journals and squirrels away evidence for her divorce lawyers. Yep, I think we're all agreed on that one!
My personal opinions only, as they say in reputable circles.
Love and peace.
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postsofbabel · 6 months
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en-wheelz-me · 1 year
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jartitameteneis · 3 months
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El domingo a la madrugada, venía por la ruta 11 desde Corrientes hacia Formosa y, como era de esperarse, mi pobre y destartalado FIAT 600 se rompió. Me tiré a la banquina esperando que alguien me auxiliara y a los 10 minutos apareció un Mercedes Benz Kompressor impresionante a 190 km/h pasando frente a mi. En eso veo que el tipo del Mercedes da marcha atrás y vuelve hasta el fitito. Ahí mismo se ofrece a remolcar mi pobre porquería y acepté enseguida, pero le pedir por favor que no corriera mucho, si no mi Fiat y yo, íbamos a ir a parar al carajo (obvio). Y combinamos que le iba a hacer luces cada vez que el Mercedes estuviera yendo más rápido de lo aconsejado. Entonces, el Mercedes comenzó a remolcarme, y siempre que se zarpaba con la velocidad, le hacía luz (lo pongo en singular, porque para variar, uno de ellas estaba en corto y no funcionaba). .... En eso, aparece un Porsche Carrera GT 2, negro, polarizado, fachero mal, que intimida al Mercedes. Éste no deja que lo forreen y va: 120, 130,150, 190, 210, 240, 260 km/h!!!! Yo ya estaba desesperado y desfigurado!!! .... Haciendo luces como loco!!!! ... y los otros dos locos a la par.....y a fondo, al taco!!!!! ......... Por ahí, pasamos por un puesto de Policía Caminera del Chaco, pero...ni vi el radar, que registró impresionantes 270 km/h. Entonces el policía avisa por radio al próximo puesto de Gendarmeria en Tatane: Atención! Atención! ... Dos masculinos, uno en un Mercedes Gris Plata Kompressor y otro en un Porsche Carrera GT 2 Negro disputando una picada a más de 270 km/h en la autopista, y......muchachos.....juro por mi vieja .. por mis hijos y por mi laburo, por diego, dalma y giannina: Atrás de ellos, chupado al Mercedes, viene un FIAT 600 haciéndoles luces para que lo dejen PASARRRRRR!
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