#Francs cfa
witekspicsbanknotes · 6 months
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Interesting banknote for collectors from CAMEROUN, with lions & nice uv light effects.
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farafinetmedia · 5 months
Lutte contre l’enrichissement illicite: Saisie record de 1 200 milliards de francs cFa au Mali
La justice malienne a ordonné en fin d’année 2023, la saisie pénale de 1 200 milliards de francs CFA, dans le cadre d’une enquête préliminaire sur l’enrichissement illicite. Les sommes d’argent saisies proviendraient de la corruption, le trafic de drogue et le blanchiment d’argent. les personnes concernées seraient de hauts fonctionnaires et des hommes d’affaires. Le 26 Mars
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malibuzz · 5 months
Lutte contre l’enrichissement illicite: Saisie record de 1 200 milliards de francs cFa au Mali
La justice malienne a ordonné en fin d’année 2023, la saisie pénale de 1 200 milliards de francs CFA, dans le cadre d’une enquête préliminaire sur l’enrichissement illicite. Les sommes d’argent saisies proviendraient de la corruption, le trafic de drogue et le blanchiment d’argent. les personnes concernées seraient de hauts fonctionnaires et des hommes d’affaires. Le 26 Mars
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apas-95 · 2 years
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President Emmanuel Macron accused Russia of feeding anti-French propaganda in Africa to serve "predatory" ambitions in troubled African nations, where France has suffered military setbacks and a wider loss of influence over recent years.
Speaking on the sidelines of a summit of French-speaking nations in Tunisia, Macron was asked to respond to critics who say France exploits historic economic and political ties in its former colonies to serve its own interests.
"This perception is fed by others, it's a political project," Macron told TV5 Monde in an interview. "I'm no fool, many influencers, sometimes speaking on your programmes, are paid by the Russians. We know them," he said.
"A number of powers, who want to spread their influence in Africa, are doing this to hurt France, hurt its language, sow doubts, but above all pursue certain interests," he added.
French neocolonialism is Russian propaganda, now, apparently.
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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West and Central African countries using the CFA franc
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
realistically speaking, do you think if the uk and spain's monarchy ended soon (pls god🙏), would it automatically mean independence for wales/scotland/basque country/catalonia/etc? or do you think the us would try and stop their collapse? (also consider that most pro-independence basques/galicians/etc are against nato and american bases in spain, and that nato and spain and the us are besties)
Dont know a ton abt the concrete conditions w Spain (id guess their fate is more tied w the broader EU), but the UK seems much more susceptible to independence struggles largely due to it failing even nominal success post-brexit...tho that's not like an inherent good, particularly as Scottland is a sorta sub-imperial republic itself & it could in theory turn itself into a meaningful financier of extractive finance projects itself (cough south sea bubble cough) once unburdened from lumbering incompetent Windsor rule....tho that also assumes that the whole structure of extractive financial capital can itself subsist beyond the next ~decade, bc extractive finance capital relies not only on contemporaneous underdevelopment in the global south - but specifically *chronic* underdevelopment, in addition to a monopoly on high-value-added production. If those superprofits are terminally threatened (ie by the global south not only developing, but also building capacities for high-value-added production), then the entire western imperialist model is under threat - inwhichcase "scottish independence for the sake of weakening the empire" sorta becomes a moot point anyway IMO, seeing as you can't rly have a labor aristocracy domestically anyway if you no longer have a source of superprofits....rly the biggest worry in that case is global war waged in the death throes of empire....to ur direct question, id predict independence (particularly Irish, maybe Scottish, dunno re: Wales) would precede the formal establishment of a republican UK/Britain, and rly I think the biggest belweather for that is in the French "collectivity" (coughcolonycough) of New Caledonia 🇳🇨 - if the Kanak/others there can organize to force independence, then that will likely herald a new era of decolonization, and the sunset of the western capitalist-imperialist model as a whole...
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aslisjournal · 2 years
Africa is not underdeveloped it’s overexploited
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koutchikajean48 · 16 days
1,5 millions de francs CFA et plusieurs objets emportés par les bandits armés
A Sakarou, une localité de la commune de N’Dali, département du Borgou, les hors-la-loi ont cambriolé un ménage dans la nuit du dimanche 19 au lundi 20 mai 2024. Ils emporté une somme de 1,5 million de francs CFA, une moto, et plusieurs autres objets de valeur.Alors qu’il dormait dans la cour de sa maison avec sa petite famille, un commerçant de produits vivriers a reçu la visite de malfrats dans…
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Qui Est Bassirou Diomaye Faye : Portrait du Nouvel Homme Fort du Sénégal?!
Le paysage politique du Sénégal a récemment été secoué par l’émergence d’une figure jusqu’alors relativement discrète : Bassirou Diomaye Faye. Agé de 44 ans, Faye est devenu le plus jeune président actuel du continent africain, porté à la tête de l’État sénégalais le lundi 25 mars, à la suite d’une élection présidentielle anticipée. Qui est donc ce nouvel homme fort du Sénégal, et comment est-il…
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darnellafrica · 10 months
Africa: Why Are American Trained Militaries Overthrowing French Speaking Nations‽
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U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Jonathan Braga meets with Maj. Gen. Moussa Barmou at Air Base 101, Niger on June 12, 2023. | Staff Sgt. Amy Younger/U.S. Air Force
If you are wondering why France 🇫🇷 is frustrated with the United States 🇺🇸, the latest coup in Niger 🇳🇪 is only part of the problem.
While France 🇫🇷 is shocked that the United States 🇺🇸 is not taking a more violent stance against the Niger 🇳🇪 Junta, they are probably upset about a noticeable trend emerging from former regions that France 🇫🇷 once oppressed.
For U.S. military officers and diplomats, it’s become an all-too-familiar — and deeply frustrating — story.
Niger is one of several West African countries where U.S. military-trained officers have seized control since 2021, including Burkina Faso, Guinea, and Mali. Some coup leaders have had close relationships with their American trainers, whose mentorship included lessons on safeguarding democracy and human rights along with military tactics.
“It is hard to not be disappointed,” said retired Gen. Joseph Votel, who led U.S. Special Operations Command from 2014 to 2016, overseeing the U.S. commandos who make up the bulk of military trainers in the region. “Backsliding on democratic values is never a good thing.”
If this trend continues, we could witness another coup happen in Senegal 🇸🇳 as the United States 🇺🇸 has also trained their military as well—plus Senegal 🇸🇳 is currently going through a political crisis.
So why are French-speaking African nations abandoning democracy in favor of autocracy‽ Although there are many reasons why coups happen, the primary cause in three of the four coups might have to do with the currency.
The CFA franc – originally the French African Colonial franc – was officially created on 26 December 1945 by a decree of General de Gaulle. It is a colonial currency, born of France’s need to foster economic integration among the colonies under its administration, and thus control their resources, economic structures and political systems.
France 🇫🇷 currently views its former African colonies as (for better or worse) economic vassal states, escalating tensions throughout the Sahel region. Although living under an autocratic military is not appealing, many Africans are desperate enough to discard democracy if it means freedom from France 🇫🇷.
Russia 🇷🇺 is capitalizing on French resentment, & has already reached out to several nations within the coup belt on the continent.
If the United States 🇺🇸 is wise, they would encourage France 🇫🇷 to leave the Sahel region, & begrudgingly provide military assistance to Mali 🇲🇱, Burkina Faso 🇧🇫 & Niger 🇳🇪 to help those trio nations combat terrorist forces in each respective African country.
Of course, America 🇺🇸 would need some assurances that democracy would return after some time (say two years). The only bloodless alternative is to abandon Mali 🇲🇱, Burkina Faso 🇧🇫 & Niger 🇳🇪 to the various terrorists' groups, the latter who are currently winning in their war against African nation states (at least those who speak French & are trained by the US).
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witekspicsbanknotes · 2 months
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Golden banknote for collectors from CAMEROUN / AFRICA. 1/1000 of troy ounce of gold in the note.
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libreopi · 1 year
L'argent AUX NOIRS... Une solution au blanchiment d'argent ?
Le problème lorsqu'on capitalise sur de l'argent AUX NOIRS, c'est que même une fois blanchi, on ne peut jamais en voir la couleur ? "C'est un prêté pour un vomi..." comme disait Coluche. Là aussi, c'est la facilité, car c'est quand-même plus facile de faire "travailler" l'argent des Africains que les Africains eux-mêmes ! Bon on rigole, on rigole, mais c'est pas rigolo, d'autant que les banques ferment toutes à 16 h et que pour retirer 500 billions d'€ en espèces à un seul guichet, c'est pas gagné ! Il faut au moins prévenir 30 ans à l'avance ? Libreopi
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Le "FO" Macronikeke et ses deux dernières épouses rachetées à la France. (Document exclusif : Collectif pour la sauvegarde des derniers Présidents Français, encore en vie. Clichè Afrique-EHPAD-2022)
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malibuzz · 5 months
Lutte contre l’enrichissement illicite: Saisie record de 1 200 milliards de francs cFa au Mali
La justice malienne a ordonné en fin d’année 2023, la saisie pénale de 1 200 milliards de francs CFA, dans le cadre d’une enquête préliminaire sur l’enrichissement illicite. Les sommes d’argent saisies proviendraient de la corruption, le trafic de drogue et le blanchiment d’argent. les personnes concernées seraient de hauts fonctionnaires et des hommes d’affaires. Le 26 Mars
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crystaldeclear · 1 year
if you take a swing Kylian, I promise everyone will look the other way
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Vérité dérangeante pour le gouvernement français /
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fatehbaz · 10 months
Hey everyone, France says it doesn’t like “imperialism” in the Indo-Pacific.
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French president: “There is in the Indo-Pacific and particularly in Oceania new imperialism appearing, and a power logic that is threatening the sovereignty of several states - the smallest, often the most fragile.”
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Some stuff.
“Thanks to its overseas territories, France has an exclusive economic zone of nearly 11.7 million square kilometers, 93 percent of which is in the Indo-Pacific”:
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"French military presence” in the Indo-Pacific:
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Areas of Pacific and Indian oceans actively patrolled/monitored by French forces:
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Tahiti and much of Polynesia?
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French military presence in Africa:
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Nations obligated to use the notorious CFA franc, subject to imposed debt conditions and French-directed investment and lending:
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From July 2023, “President Macron reaffirms French ownership of New Caledonia” (one of the largest islands in the South Pacific, where in recent years Indigenous Kanak people have advocated for independence from France):
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Overseas departments of France in the Indian Ocean (places still officially/formally administered by -- “part of” -- France):
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Look at some of the recent dates of “independence” for these French colonies:
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“From 1966 to 1996, France carried out 193 nuclear tests in the South Pacific”: 
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“France’s exclusive economic zones”:
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“French military presence in the Indo-Pacific”:
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