#Forward lunge
muffinlance · 2 months
Isopuppy's got legs for DAYS
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Just need to get the top carapace on and write up the tutorial, and y'all can make your own Good Dog.
My baby spent most of the morning crawl-chasing me around, desperately pointing at the pupper to be allowed a hug (which she was finally granted just before nap time when I got the back seam closed, and she hugged it So Hard, then gummed those antennae real good). Toddler is demanding he be allowed to sleep with it tonight. So isopups are VERY snugglable, is what I'm saying.
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ganondoodle · 9 months
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rough concept for the cutscene between phase 3 (beast ganondorf, design not final) and the final fight
(totk rewritten project)
(.. i really need to find an approach to painting these that i like, i dont think its very convincing .. and it wasnt very fun to paint either :( )
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dudeyuri · 5 months
i know I’m not alone in this but my favorite thing mhok did this episode, out of all the sweet things he did, was urge day out of his comfort zone to set a plan with august. it spoke volumes about his character and about his relationship with day. it was just such a refreshing turn of events (that led to a cute practice date sequence)
this ep set up mhokday v. augustday in a way I can really only call “juicy” lmao. day makes excuses for and takes on the onus of talking august down from his flighty and flaky tendencies; mhok is day’s anchor, in a myriad of ways, and when he wasn’t there for day during that scene in the markets, it was of course in no way positioned as day’s responsibility. day had to strive to earn august’s acceptance; mhok’s acceptance has been unconditional even if it took some trial and error for him to understand day (I think their relationship is built on a deepening understanding of each other, fostering this two-way acceptance). day and august were assigned to each other; day chose mhok and mhok chose day. august surreptitiously walks away from day’s feelings; mhok shoulders them despite his own.
we’re shown right off the bat in ep5 that august and day’s relationship strikes something like jealousy in mhok. but this is a grown ass man with a caretaking job. even as he blurs the line between caretaker and suitor he remembers his place—his place as day’s friend and phi even more than as his caretaker imo. above all else he wants to help day push past self-isolating tendencies (look at all the friends who love day! he’s not meant to be holed up in his room!)(and I mean, this is personal for him! not just as someone with feelings for day, but as someone who lived through the suicide of his sister and as someone who had been in jail before).
and the way he reacts to day’s confession of feelings for august—we see that day is not the only heartbroken one here, but mhok doesn’t let day in on that. there are more than a few things he doesn’t let day in on, in this scene lol. he didn’t even divulge the full story of rung’s tragedy (just as day only hinted at what happened between him and night). mhok is just fully present for day as day deals with his own heartbreak. whereas in august and day’s relationship as badminton partners, august’s feelings formed the center of their relationship, and he often left day scrambling just to appease him.
there’s probably some comparison to be made between mhok stepping in and setting up dinner plans for august and day, and august insisting that he will never have another badminton partner if it’s not day. it’s like love v. possessiveness. mhok has this maturity that is really compelling, makes sense with his character, and again is just soooo refreshing
mhok has made a few self-deprecating comments about lacking tenderness, a hang-up informed by his past and by his sister’s suicide, but damn if this man isn’t the paragon of devotion idk what he is. and because of all this, because we’re seeing mhok place his feelings second to caring for day, i am of course looking forward to seeing mhok’s feelings prioritized alongside day’s and his insecurities addressed as the series progresses. in conclusion, what a mensch
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glyphknight · 4 months
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Blumendrei be like...
(Read left to right. This is a parody of this scene: [link].)
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starscream1998 · 7 months
I am completely normal about the Iron Lung movie adaptation. No it is not weird to be infatuated watching Mark slowly rise from an ocean of blood. I am absolutely sane for constantly replaying the dialogue in my head of him reading the message from the game while demonstrating such impressive range that he both sounds and doesn't sound like Mark. I am a healthy amount of enamoured at the vague shapes of eldritch horrors faintly seen within the strikes of red lightning.
Edit: Mick Laur I apologise for not realising those were your dulcet tones.
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transmechanicus · 4 months
Local girl binds dash to m3 and punch to m4 creating terminal feedback loop of accidentally lunging at bosses firing haymakers while intending to run away.
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not-poignant · 1 year
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It's that time of year again! Hammered out a modest (for me) word count of 472k over the year, with December's reflecting my overall burnout. Finished Falling Falling Stars, started another story to get addicted to (Underline the Black and friends), and overall it's been a great year for emotionally authentic writing! (My yearly wordcount does not include: worldbuilding, outlining, planning, multiple drafts (only the first draft of a chapter is included), or half-chapters since I *only* count completed chapters. It's a bit unconventional, but having a monthly wordcount where I only count completed chapters has been working for me for years now!)
This has been the first year in a little while that I haven't hit 500k, which I think reflects both a desire to spend more time relaxing and resting between writing, but also being absolutely smashed with a lot of new medical diagnoses and appointments, and being often too burnt out to write at all.
Next year doesn't look much better on the medical front, and may indeed be a lot worse. Being diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), T2 Diabetes (50% of the people with my permacancer get T2 diabetes which only goes into remission upon removal of the tumours, but my tumours are inoperable, so my T2D can't go into remission) and possibly Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) on top of all my other disorders each came as huge blows. One of the saddest being learning I may never be able to take ADHD meds again, and having to stop after a very amazing 3 months where I could schedule writing ahead for the first time in my life, and plan a holiday for December.
There will be no more Schedules going forward, that was sadly a 'medicated ADHD' blessing, and it's gone now. :(
So going forward into 2023 I don't know what writing I will be doing or what I will achieve. I don't know if I can continue writing the way I have been, and if I get an official confirmation on the PAH (so far it's only CT confirmed), and only have around 5~ years left to live, my writing future could look very different indeed.
But it's business as usual in the meantime.
This year I am the most broke I have ever been on the medical front (I have no health insurance, and only some of our healthcare is free, which doesn't include psychiatry, or the calibre of therapy I need, and now that I need to see a private pulmonologist and possibly engage in lung rehabilitation, things might get pretty awful pretty fast). I have never been more grateful to all the folks who have supported or who are still supporting on Patreon or who have given to Ko-Fi.
I love everyone who is in this little community, but for the ones who kept me financially afloat so I didn't drown, thank you.
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hearty-an0n · 2 months
did jars swoop that out of mid air
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glompcat · 1 year
We’re Number 2!
...for cities with bad air quality on Earth.
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thethingything · 1 month
watching 🍬 waking up, realising we definitely still have a cough, and going "fuck this shit" before taking both our inhalers and grabbing a honey lollipop, and he still hasn't actually gotten out of bed because all these things are within reach
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…Keep going. I think.
This is so confusing…
Rags? Keep going where, I'm going back home now.
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sidereon-spaceace · 1 month
goddammit the amount of times i give a character a trait like "this isnt me projecting for once it just makes sense" only to realize later that it very much does in fact apply to me
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coolskeleton3000 · 1 month
Yikes i didn't lean my head forward when i had nosebleed so I'd swallowed some blood and now my stomach hurts
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dronningnure · 2 months
Omg I finally managed to decide on how to do my masculine voice acted utau and he's gonna sound kinda cooo 🥹🥹
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blimbo-buddy · 10 months
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shout out to this fuckin' drawing I got on my drawme. This idea is so fucking cool dud holy shit this adds on so much good potential I want to see more please oh please
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littencloud9 · 3 months
just came home from my first concert ever :)
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