#Fire safety tips
disastertrash · 4 months
Fire Evacuation Safety Tips
Many people have inadequate fire safety evacuation training. Below are safety tips that save lives. I’ve linked resources for further reading at the bottom of this post.
Check with the back of your hand, any door you have to go through. (You don’t want to burn the front of your hand.)
Even if you don’t see or smell smoke. If the door is hot, use a different exit.
Fully exit the building. Don’t wait in the lobby.
When you exit the building, head away from the building until you are a safe distance away. (Imagine if the building exploded, sending flame, hot gasses, as well as wood and glass shrapnel flying outward. You don’t want to get hit with that.)
Don't re-enter the building until the fire fighters give the official all clear. (Fire alarms can malfunction and go silent while there is still danger.)
If you have good reason to suspect it is a false alarm, continue to follow all fire alarm safety protocols. While the false alarm was sounding, an actual fire may have started. So, wait for firefighters to give the all-clear before returning to the building.
If you have children or pets, practice fire evacuation drills that include them. Remember, there may be loud noises, flashing lights, and strong smells. Where are they likely to hide?
You may have as few as 30 seconds before dark, choking smoke has filled the building, too thick to see through. So 30 seconds or less is the evacuation time to practice for.
If you live in a multi-story house or apartment complex, consider installing a fire evacuation ladder.
Have an evacuation bag ready at all times. (At the very least, think legal documents like passport, birth certificate, insurance information, pet records. Medications. Some snacks and a water bottle. Water bowl for pet. Umbrella. Change of clothes. Flashlight. Spare set of batteries. First aid kit. Hand sanitizer. And some extra N95 masks.)
My cat and I have had more fire evacuation practice than most. In the last 3 years, we’ve drilled together at least 30 times at our previous place. So when the building fire alarm went off in the wee hours of the morning a week ago, I was out of bed, baggy clothes over my pajamas, and a pre-packed evacuation backpack on within seconds. I just had to wrangle the cat… This is where things went wrong. This was our first evacuation from our new, larger home. She had so many more places to hide. It took 5 precious minutes. it hadn’t been a false alarm, we would have died. The old plan wasn’t compatible with the new space.
Before we had time to make it out the door, the alarm went silent. Holding the cat carrier in one hand, I placed the back of my hand to the door. It was cool to the touch. Cautiously I opened the door to a smoke-free hallway. In this way, I tested every door between myself and the exit at the bottom of my building. Outside, it was raining hard. I stood under a tree at the far end of the property and waited for the fire crew to arrive and give us the all clear.
From this recent experience, I’ve realized that it’s time for me to prepare a fire evacuation ladder for myself and to secure a rope to the cat’s carrier so if the time comes, I can lower her down, rather than trying to carry her carrier while descending the ladder.
Resources for further reading:
https://www.ready.gov/kit https://www.ready.gov/home-fires https://www.ready.gov/home-fire-escape-plan https://www.ready.gov/evacuation
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autismonfire · 1 year
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Winter Fire Safety Tips
Here are just a few safety tips for this winter
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drugcarts · 7 months
From Sweets to Sparklers: Inclusive Safety Measures for Diwali
Safety is fundamental during Diwali, particularly taking into account the utilization of fireworks and other festive activities. Here are some broad security measures to follow during Diwali:
1. Firework Safety:
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 - Approved Dealers: Buy fireworks just from approved and authorized vendors.
    - Supervision: Children ought to be directed by adults while taking care of or playing with fireworks.
    - Outdoor Use: Burst crackers in open areas, away from buildings, dry leaves, and flammable materials. Never use them inside.
    - Keep Water Handy: Have a bucket of water, hose, or fire quencher close by to soak any accidental flames rapidly.
    - Protective Clothing: Wear proper clothing, including long sleeves and shut shoes, to safeguard against burns.
2. Air Quality:
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    - Eco-Friendly Crackers: Select eco-friendly or green firecrackers that produce less contaminations and less smoke.
    - Restricted Use: Confine the utilization of firecrackers to a particular time span to limit air contamination and disturbance to other people.
    - Celebrate Without Crackers: Consider celebrating Diwali without firecrackers to add to a cleaner environment.
3. Home Safety:
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    - Check Electrical Wiring: Guarantee that electrical decorations are in great shape, with no exposed wires or frayed cords.
    - Candles and Diyas: Spot candles and diyas in stable holders and away from flammable materials. Never leave them unattended.
    - Keep Exits Clear: Guarantee that ways out are clear in the event of an emergency and that everybody realizes the evacuation plan.
4. First aid and Emergency Readiness:
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    - First Aid Kit: Keep a well-stocked first aid kit at home to immediately address minor wounds.
    - Emergency Contacts: Have emergency numbers promptly accessible for fast access if there should be an occurrence of accidents or unforeseen situations.
5. Pets Safety:
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    - Secure Pets: Keep pets inside during firecrackers to keep them from getting frightened or injured.
    - Identification: Guarantee that pets have appropriate ID, for example, labels or microchips, on the off chance that they get lost.
6. Food Safety:
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    - Hygiene: If preparing or buying sweets and snacks, guarantee cleanliness in food handling and storage.
    - Moderation: Support moderation in the consumption of desserts, particularly for people with dietary restrictions or health concerns.
7. Environmental Responsibility:
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    - Waste Disposal: Discard utilized fireworks and other waste dependably, keeping neighbourhood rules for squandering the board.
    - Water Conservation: If involving water for rituals, be aware of water preservation practices.
8. Community Mindfulness:
    - Communication: Speak with neighbours about planned activities to advance mindfulness and cooperation in keeping up with safety.
By following these security measures, you can enjoy Diwali celebrations while limiting the risk of accidents and ensuring the well-being of yourself, your family, and your community.
Safety measures during diwali for diabetic patients
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Diwali is a period of festivity, however for people with diabetes, it's fundamental to be aware of their wellbeing while at the same time partaking in the festivities. Here are explicit wellbeing measures for crackers and desserts for diabetic patients during Diwali:
Sweets Safety for Diabetic Patients:
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1. Choose Without sugar Options: Settle on sugar-free or low-sugar desserts that are explicitly intended for diabetic people. Numerous traditional desserts are accessible in sugar-free variants.
2. Control Part Sizes: Regardless of whether picking sugar-free choices, it's pivotal to control portion sizes. Consuming large amounts can in any case influence blood sugar levels.
3. Read Nutritional Information: Check the nutritional data on sweet packaging to comprehend the carb content, particularly the sugar and fiber content.
4. Homemade Sweets: If possible, get ready homemade desserts utilizing sugar substitutes or reduced sugar content to have better control over the ingredients.
5. Include Healthy Ingredients: Pick desserts that consolidate healthy ingredients like nuts, seeds, and whole grains, which can assist with dialing back the ingestion of sugar.
Cracker Safety for Diabetic Patients:
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1. Avoid Smoke Exposure: Diabetic people ought to stay away from direct openness to smoke from firecrackers as it can make respiratory impacts, particularly for those with existing health conditions.
2. Monitor Blood Sugar Levels: If partaking in outside activities with firecrackers, routinely screen glucose levels. Stress and excitement can influence blood sugar levels.
3. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can influence blood sugar levels. Guarantee proper hydration, particularly in the event that Diwali festivities include open air activities or firecrackers.
4. Be Cautious with Firecrackers Handling: If partaking in firecrackers activities, be careful to keep away from burns or injuries. Diabetic people might have more slow injury healing, so preventing injuries is fundamental.
5. Inform Others: Ensure loved ones know about the individual's diabetes and are prepared to give help if necessary, for example, perceiving indications of low glucose.
General Tips:
1. Consult with a Medical services Professional: Prior to rolling out any huge improvements to the eating routine or way of life, diabetic people ought to talk with their healthcare provider for customized advice.
2. Physical Activity: Energize moderate physical activity as a part of the Diwali festivities, which can assist with managing blood sugar levels.
Keep in mind, it's critical for diabetic people to enjoy Diwali securely by pursuing informed decisions about desserts, monitoring glucose levels, and playing it safe during activities like firecrackers. Focusing on health during the festivities is key for a joyful and safe festival.
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bravanarknetwork · 10 months
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Enhance fire safety with these 5 effective risk assessment prevention measures. Learn how to prevent fires through training, alarm systems, proper storage, electrical maintenance, and building design.
Get your fire risk assessment services here : https://bravanark.co.uk/service/fire-risk-assessment/
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oraliakays · 2 years
4 Proactive Ways to Protect Your Family From Fire
Make your rental apartment a secure place to live by using the advice in this piece, and keep a cordial relationship with your landlord. Knowing more about this subject will not only keep you safe from fire risks but also promote a positive landlord-tenant relationship built on honesty and trust.
1.Be aware of your responsibilities. While the landlord is responsible for the tenant's safety and the upkeep of the property, you are expected to behave appropriately while dwelling in the flat. The tenant, their family, visitors, and/or pets are not held liable for any harm resulting from their carelessness. It is your responsibility to alert the landlord to any potential fire hazards so that they can take prompt action. Make sure your landlord hires a reputable chimney cleaning service provider to regularly clean and repair the apartment's fireplace and chimney.
2. Understand the responsibilities of a landlord. The Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act mandates that the landlord ensure that the rental property is fit for habitation, free from risks, and maintained and repaired as needed. Keep in mind that landlords are legally required to follow fire safety laws or face fines from the housing authority. You can avoid deadly fire incidents by being aware of your landlord's responsibility to maintain your rental property safe.
3. Report all issues. A detailed description and a picture of the issue should be included when requesting repairs or maintenance. It is your duty as a renter to notify the landlord in writing or via email of any damages and flaws. Keep track of all formal complaints you file in this regard as well. These consist of records like pictures of the damage, copies of the letters, invoices for the repairs, and the inventory report for the apartment.
4. Consider the worst-case scenario and be ready. Contact your local housing authority to find out about your state's regulations and to report the problem if your landlord refuses to do the essential house repairs and maintenance for fire safety. You can ask the local housing authority to inspect your apartment's fire safety if your landlord refuses to install a cove smart smoke alarm in the rental property. You are free to leave the apartment and end the rental agreement if the issue makes it impossible for you to live there comfortably.
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preventivefire3340 · 2 years
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Fire Extinguisher Types And Uses
A tiny colored band signifies the kind of fire extinguisher: red to indicate water. White for foam, red for water mist foam color is cream blue is for dry powder yellow-coded extinguishers are utilized for chemical that is wet green for clean agents and black for CO2 extinguishers.
visit us:- https://www.preventivefire.com/
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Fire safety helps to reduce the danger of injuries and damage to buildings that can be caused by fires. Not only is it required by law, but it is essential for everyone's safety in a building in a time of emergency.
Visit Us:- https://www.preventivefire.com/
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millbrookfire · 2 years
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As the holidays approach, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is urging people to examine and eliminate potential dangers from the warm cozy flames, sparkly lights, and glittery decorations graced around them, which could accidentally lead to massive fires and injuries.
Each year, bold headlines highlight the number of people who are injured because of shocks, falls, and cuts on account of holiday lights, decorations, and Christmas trees.
Christmas trees, alone, cause hundreds of fires each year, concluding upon several deaths, injuries, property loss, and damage. Electrical lights and open flames from candles, lighters, or matches are primarily the reason behind such fire accidents. And contrary to fact, well-watered trees do not pose a problem. Dry and neglected trees, on the other hand, prove to be quite dangerous.
So, following is a list of safety tips that you can follow to keep your home and family safe from fires during the holiday season:
(I) Christmas Trees and Lights:
During our high-spirited celebrations, we tend to overload electrical circuits so as to accommodate holiday lighting, decorations, and cooking appliances, unknowingly increasing the possibility for electrical fires and outages. Let us remind you, Christmas tree lights, outdoor holiday lights, and other electric holiday decorations account for 25 percent of holiday fires.
Therefore, you must always attend to the following checklist:
(1) First Things First, Inspect-All the Lights:
Before plugging in a string of lights, inspect and examine the electrical cable/ power cord for damage. Throw away any hackneyed or twisted light strands.
(2) Never Overload a Circuit:
A standard household circuit can power 70 strands of 50-bulb mini lights or 300 to 600 strings of 50 LED-bulb lights.
Thus, if you want to use more than the mentioned amount of lights, spread the strands across multiple circuits so as to avoid any overload.
*Note: Do consider the fact that you are not using major appliances when plugging lights into the same circuit.
(3) Turn off all the lights and decorations before leaving the house or going to bed: 
To avoid confronting the chilly waves of night, install a timer that could automatically turn on the lights at dusk and turn them back off at dawn (as per your preference). If you do not have the specific gadget, you must yourself ensure to execute the entire routine.
(4) Use a GFCI:
A Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupter is a distinctive type of wall outlet that is installed in stretches where water and electricity could potentially mix. This melange could, indeed, cause an extremely dangerous reaction. These circuit interrupters monitor the electrical current flowing through them and automatically shut off if the current becomes unbalanced. GFCIs, therefore, reduce the chances of electric shock.
(5) Hydrate Your Tree:
A Christmas tree can dry out if it is not watered for two to three days. Thus, ensure to water your tree on a regular basis. Dry Trees can, quite easily, catch the dangerous flames of fire.
(II) Heaters, Safety Detectors, and Electric Cords:
(1) Use Space Heaters With Care: 
Space Heaters must be used for temporary heating purposes. They shall be plugged into a 20-amp circuit and must never be used with an extension cord. Also, ensure to keep your Christmas tree away from all the heat sources, including your heaters as well.
(2) Ensure to have enough smoke detectors: 
Yes, please! Make sure to install smoke detectors in all the rooms, on each level of your home, including the hallways and bedrooms.
(3) Don’t Use Fragile Extension Cords: 
Buy cheap, buy twice! Well, that quote is suitable for every saleable commodity. And that is the reason we urge you to always use heavy-duty, quality extension cords that are fabricated for fire safety. Do not place the extension cord under a rug or an area where it may pose a risk of stumbling.
*Note: If you want to use an extension cord on a quotidian basis, you must hire an electrician to install the same, an extension cord to be used on permanent power.
(III) Candle Safety:
Candles provide the most charming festive ambiance and delightful fragrance. However, these beautiful candles are accountable for igniting two out of five home decor structural fires each year. And this fact stands to be notably true during the holiday season of Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. Thus, tick mark the following checklist to avoid any fire accident:
(1) Flame It But Without Fire: 
Replace those traditional candles with flameless, battery-operated ones. Though, do not forget to turn them off! These LED lights can
get hot if left unattended for too long.
(2) Don’t Leave The Room: 
Blow out your burning candles if you are going to stay away for several minutes. Do not risk a potential hazard.
(3) Use Caution When Decorating With Candles: 
Ensure to use sturdy candle holders. They will keep candles from tipping over and touching flammable surfaces. Also, keep each candle at least 12 inches away from its surrounding items.
(IV) Chimney and Fireplace Safety:
Clogged chimneys, according to a 2016 NFPA report, are amongst one of the leading causes that contribute to home heating fires during the holiday season.
Chimneys, wood-burning stoves, fireplaces must, therefore, be inspected by a professional sweep instructor every year. And even more meticulously during the holiday season.
However, you too must take proactive measures when using the fireplace during the holiday season:
(1) Keep The Fireplace Clear And Free of Debris: 
Clean the ashes from the fireplace after each blaze. To reduce the amount of flammable material collecting in the chimney, burn only CSIA-accepted manufactured logs or firewood (that’s been seasoned for a year or more). Ensure that the damper is fully open before the lighting of a fire.
(2) Do Not Burn Any Old Thing: 
Burn fuel consuming fires. Sub-standard fuel results in slow fires and more creosote build-up on the flue. Also never burn pressure-treated or painted wood material.
(3) Burn Better Fires: 
Adopt the ‘Top-Down Burn’ method. This process ignites hotter and cleaner fires and produces less smoke than traditional fire-building methods. So, place the largest logs on the bottom, add a cross-layer of smaller logs, then some crushed newspaper, and top them all with one-inch kindling. Light the newspaper, sit back, and enjoy the fire.
(V) Get Your Fire Sprinkler Systems Inspected:
Prevention is better than cure. Thus, by any chance, if a fire accident does occur in your house (because of any of the aforementioned reasons), do ensure to get your fire sprinkler system tested and inspected, a few days prior to the holiday season.And if you do not have fire sprinkler systems installed at your place, get them instituted right now!
Feel free to give us a call at (631) 254-1315 or complete our Contact Us Form. We are here to protect you and your loved ones.
Thus, follow these safety tips during the holiday season — and all year long - to keep your home safe from innumerable fire hazards.
Source: Here Is a List of Fire-Safety Tips for You to Follow During This Holiday Season
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marigoldwitch · 2 years
🔥 Fire Safety Tips — For Witches 🌞
I just want to share some of my tips, as someone who has been practicing witchcraft for almost 20 years, for working with fire (as it relates to safety):
🔥 Buy a cauldron : I use mine for burning herbs, incense, candles, paper, fabric etc. I have one with just salt in it that I use to burn my small tapered candles and incense. It’s one of the most useful tools in my practice.
“Can Salt Burn? No, salt does not burn. It can melt at an extremely high temperature (800°C/1472°F), but this is unlikely to happen in everyday surroundings. Salt is made up of sodium and chloride, which come together to form a highly reactive bond.”
🔥 Don’t burn candles for more than 4 hours : Even if you’re in the room the entire time, it’s recommended that you don’t burn a candle for longer than 4 hours.
“If you burn your candle for more than 4 hours at a time, carbon will collect on the wick, and your wick will begin to "mushroom." This can cause the wick to become unstable, the flame to get too large, your candle to smoke, and soot to be released into the air and around your candle container.”
🔥 When burning things like paper, in your cauldron, fill the bottom with sand first : I’ve found that it helps avoid any flames from getting too high or out of control.
“Because its primary constituent is silica (SiO2), which is already oxidized, sand cannot burn. This is why it works as an effective firefighting method, which can extinguish fires by cutting off the oxygen supply and absorbing flammable liquids.”
🔥 Make sure that you triple check that nothing in the immediate area of any open flame is combustible or flammable : This means don’t burn something on a plate that’s sitting on an alter cloth lol. Or don’t spray anything into the air (like perfume or air freshener) around an open flame.
Be safe witches :)
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fernthewhimsical · 1 year
My dears, please check your glitter before you add it to (spell) candles! Most craft glitter is plastic, which is very very bad to burn and can create toxic fumes.
If you want to add glitter, because glitter is awesome, there are also glass glitters, as well as bio glitter made from seaweed.
Be safe!
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breelandwalker · 8 months
This is in the realm of ‘i think i know the answer but google is just trying to sell me things instead of giving me an actual answer’ but is ceramic fireproof? Wondering if i can use a ceramic bowl i have as the base for candles.
Generally yes, ceramic is heat-resistant, but fireproof is another matter. I recommend finding something that's oven-safe, preferably a broad shallow dish of some kind with thick walls. Stoneware also works well for this.
It's also worth nothing that a ceramic burning bowl should NOT perform the same function as a brazier. That is, don't load it up with coals or expect it to burn for a long time. It's good for short-term burns or loose incense or wax melts, but don't overload it and don't leave it burning for prolonged periods. Also, make sure the surface it's sitting on is heat resistant - nothing like scorching a wooden table top with a superhot bowl. Safety first!
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katy-l-wood · 2 years
I’m not disagreeing with you, just confused - how is sleeping with a door open a fire hazard? I’ve never heard that before
Even thin, crappy doors provide a great firebreak, giving you enough time to get out of your house safely.
When people die in house fires, it usually isn't because of the actual fire, it's because of the smoke and gases, and doors can help keep those out to an extent as well.
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leapdayowo · 11 months
*writes and draws so much fluffy content to spite the world*
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sickmachete · 1 year
spent 30+ mins writing long ass tags on a post and then decided i sounded too annoying and deleted it. this is my design
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
Another quick fire safety witch tip:
Don't want to dress the candle? Cool, go ahead and sprinkle the herbs around the base instead. Do so an inch or two away from it. It is just as effective & you can use them as an offering afterward! Carve your intentions into the base/sides of the candle with your preferred tool. The herbs will still do their job that you intend for them to.
For the love of the gods though, please use an appropriate candle holder. Seriously, this poses another major hazard by placing them on surfaces where they are likely to fall or will break from the heat. Is this sticking burning candles in open wine bottles thing actually a trend?! People really be risking it all with some of these setups 😂 I've been seeing some crazy ones lately.
Also, I'm not saying you can't dress candles. Hell, I do it all the time! It's just about how to do it safely, which I have a post on here. However, if the idea of it makes you uncomfortable or you don't feel like grinding up herbs because it's been a long day, this is an option. It's better to be safe than sorry.
I do have that post coming up about the importance of fire safety and what I see on my end, as a firefighter. It's in my queue since people were on board with it!
And as a side note, if anyone is reaching out to me, it may be a minute before I get back to you, so I will apologize for that here. I'm in the midst of many stressful situations that are being sorted out. Most of these posts are queued up, until things begin to calm down for me! Lots of big, exciting changes coming up soon for my family in general but those challenges sure do love to say hello. Hope y'all are well and there will be some new year inspired content coming this week!
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devoted-to-the-gods · 2 years
Almost caused a fire, please practice fire safety and be careful, don’t be me lol
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