#Find Home Improvement Contractors
aplusjerseyhandyman · 3 months
Sparking wires? Flickering lights? Electrical issues can be a real shocker!
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But fear not, because A+ Jersey Handyman is here to rescue you! Our certified #electricians specialize in #troubleshooting and fixing all your #electrical woes. Safety and satisfaction guaranteed!
Contact us at 732-582-5222 or visit aplusjerseyhandyman.com to light up your life! 💡
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slexenskee · 1 year
Posting this WIP bc maybe if it sees the light of day I’ll actually get around to writing more of it
I originally wrote this right after the sick-fic arc even though its supposed to take place during the Eri arc so it gets kinda AU from there
It’s only afterwards— months afterwards, that he realizes the full extent of his own stupid actions. 
So many things had to perfectly align in exactly the wrong way for this to happen. But each and every one of them was his own damn fault, so there’s really no one to blame here but himself. 
It had to have happened when Hawks had been sick and recovering in his hotel room, that’s the only way the timing lines up. Gojo has always been good about practicing safe sex— considering how he sleeps around, he sort of has to— and has never slipped up even once… until Hawks. Multiple times, actually, not even counting the time he was sick. There’d also been that time in Palawan, when he hadn’t brought any condoms with him because he’d honestly thought he wouldn’t need them. That had been rather profoundly short sighted of him, in hindsight. And then of course there were the time(s) when Hawks was staying in his hotel room, when they couldn’t keep their hands off each other and once again Gojo hadn’t thought to go out and buy any condoms because he’d genuinely thought he wouldn’t need any. Hawks had been sick! Basically delirious! How was he supposed to know that the moment he’d recovered enough he’d jump him? And on a related note, how was Gojo supposed to summon up enough willpower to stop him? 
To that point— how was Gojo even supposed to know he should stop him?
That too, though, is entirely his fault.
Apparently it’s a regular part of sex-ed during middle school— except Gojo never went to class in middle school, so he’d entirely missed the memo. With the advent of quirks came a rare genetic mutation that allows for male pregnancies among a small subset of the population. Rare, but not entirely unheard of, either. It was certainly common enough for a segment to be taught in public schools, and testing to be done as part of the gamut of health checks most kids go through around puberty. Most kids aside from Gojo, who was out terrorizing organized crime syndicates just for fun at that age. 
God, he’s a fucking idiot. This entire situation was so laughably avoidable, and yet he’d managed to end up in it anyway. 
Anyway so now he’s having an existential meltdown in the middle of his still unfinished bathroom, staring numbly at the flecks of grout still flaking off the new tile, wondering what the fuck he’s supposed to do now.
“Satoruuu,” a voice whines from the other side of the bathroom door. “I need to pee.”
Gojo scrambles to his feet, binning the evidence of all the pregnancy tests and burying it under a cloud of toilet paper just before he wrenches the door open, smile fixed in place. “Sorry Eri-chan! I was spacing out.”
Eri just takes the excuse at face value, bounding into the only current usable bathroom in the house and shutting the door behind her.
Gojo sighs wearily, slumping against the wall just outside the door.
Alright, first on the agenda is finding a temporary residence for them while he gets an army of contractors to fix the worst of the ‘home improvement’ sins he’s committed upon this house as quickly as possible. He’d originally thought redoing the rooms would be a fun bonding activity for him and Eri, but now he knows all those chemicals will be bad for… for the baby, so that’s probably a bad idea now. He’s also going to need this house in livable condition as fast as he can make it happen, because apparently… there’s going to be a baby here in less than six months. 
He’s also going to need a doctor, and a very good and discreet one at that. From what he’s read in his mad frenzy of online searching, male pregnancies are very high risk. He’s not at all worried for himself, seeing as though he can heal from just about anything, but that same protection doesn’t extend to the other person currently taking up roost inside him. He frowns. Or does it? Wouldn’t his reversed-curse technique still work on them when they’re still a parasite leeching off of his body? When exactly does their cursed energy start to deviate from each others to the point he can no longer heal them as an extension of himself? Man, what he wouldn’t give for a conversation with Shoko right now.
He can worry about things like clothes and furniture and baby food after he’s settled the most immediate concerns on his list. Namely, fixing this house and finding a doctor. And telling Eri, although he doubts that will be much of an issue. The girl will be beyond excited to be an older sibling.
Now as for telling his family and telling Hawks…
Gojo winces.
Yeah, okay. It says a lot that he’d rather tell Endeavor, to his face, that he’s getting another grandchild than fessing up to Hawks about carrying his kid. Even the thought of it is going to give him a stress tumor.
Well, stress is bad for babies, right? So maybe he should just table the thought for later. You know, for his health.
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foxgloveprincess · 11 days
Hello, Rach! Just dropping a few contractor!Curtis questions in here in hopes of maybe sparking something 🤔 😇
If you're not feeling it right now, ofc please ignore.
How exactly does one get into the attic construction business?
Does he have an area of his own home outfitted for a little someone just in case?
Does he have a crew? Do they have any idea what's going on here??
I will take any little tidbits you have to share! I love him so much already 🫣
Kris! I love these questions. Always feel free to send in more! 💜
To answer you:
with 🔥purpose🔥, yes (though he’s not an attic wife kind of guy—every dumb pup needs a cage🫣), yes (though he prefers to work alone when he can), and yes 😈
But a bit more substantially…
Word Count: 649
Warnings: UnBeta’d, Dark, Dark Themes, implied Kidnapping/Captivity. Minors do not interact (18+).
Please DO NOT click ‘Keep Reading’ if you are not 18+ years of age or if you are uncomfortable with the pairing, themes, dynamics, or warnings. You are responsible for your own media consumption. Thank you!
Curtis stares down the man across from him. The potential job sits between them. A necessity for the stranger and a nice chunk of change for Curtis. He’s eager to earn it, but he won’t flinch in front of this man.
“G told me you were good, discreet,” the man says letting his fingers brush over his mustache. “Is that true?”
“You mean God?” Curtis replies in turn.
“I’m not using that stupid ass name,” the client snipes, “but yes.” His arms rest over his crossed legs. Nonchalant as he leans back in his chair. He’s comfortable, even while they discuss something devious, deplorable. Admirable for a man to know so distinctly what he wants.
Curtis never tried to hide his own tastes. After trade school, he’d gone out and mastered every skill he could. Building and securing and honing his future. The unfinished bars he’s welded in his basement a testament to his commitment to his craft. It brought him a certain type of clientele.
“I helped God realize his vision,” Curtis says, not a muscle twitching as he keeps his hands on the armrests. Tensed for a threat, but extending trust just enough to secure a deal.
“You built him a cage in his basement.”
“Technically, it’s considered a vivarium.”
The man barks a laugh, his head thrown back. “I like you,” he proclaims. His client claps his hands.
Curtis makes no response, finding it unnecessary.
“Look,” the client continues, sitting up and letting his brow sit heavier over his eyes. “I have a friend who needs his attic renovated and a few improvements for my top floor.”
“What kind of timeframe are we talking?”
“You can complete my job over the next few months. You’ll be working around the occupant, but she’ll stay out of your way. Skittish—you know how it goes at first.” He shrugs and waves a hand through the air. “For my friend? He needs it quicker. Two weeks.”
The contractor hums. Mind calculating. “What needs to happen in the attic?”
“Does it matter?” the client retorts. “Here’s the deposit and you can drive out to take a look tomorrow.”
The paper check slides over to him. Curtis pinches it between his fingers. He doesn’t react, concealing he bolt of intrigue at the amount. Good and fast work, not cheap—the deposit reflects that.
He’ll have to call the Js to see if they’re available on short notice if he needs them. Start making a list of most likely supplies—plaster, insulation, caulk. Gather his catalogues for fixtures.
“Only one caveat.” The man raises a finger and pulls another packet of papers from his leather jacket. “You need to sign this.”
“Of course,” Curtis says with a nod, expecting the NDA as standard practice in such delicate situations.
“There might be some amendments later,” he says with a click of his teeth. “This lawyer pisses me off. We’re trying to find a new guy who understands us, but this’ll work for now.”
Curtis nods. Reading each line with careful consideration. He’ll be sure to follow it—except to inform his roommate and business partner. Cole lives for these clients. Shoeing himself in to cater to their particular tastes. Decorations, toys, everything to bring the fantasy to life. Waiting for the day he gets to fabricate his own in the real world.
Curtis wonders when he’ll find someone just right for him. Like all his clients who tuck away their precious person, he wants the same.
One last glance over the legal document sees his mind drifting. Thoughts back on the metal frame he’s constructing. A cozy cage for his very own perfect pup.
“So?” The man asks, impatient for an answer.
Curtis jolts back to the conversation at hand. The pen scratches along the signature line. They both stand. He clasps the client’s hand and shakes. “We have a deal, Mr. Hansen.”
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Attic Wives Anonymous Masterlist
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scarlettgauthor · 1 year
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[to the tune of Tom Cardy's Big Breakfast]
I don't regret ordering the BIG BATH TUB I know I'll feel so good when I'm... INSIDE THE BIG BATH TUB
OKAY SO if you've read anything I've ever written you might be aware that I have a deep and abiding love of a Big Bathtub. Tragically, this was something I did not have access to in my personal life, as the house we bought had a baby tub for babies who don't like baths. Seriously, this thing was 15" tall on the outside and maybe had 12" of soaking depth if you were lucky. I still took baths, but I complained about it the whole time.
No more.
Now I have Big Bathtub!!!! Look at it! LOOK AT IT!!! I can get my boobs AND my knees underwater at the same time! I'm gonna be making cauldrons of lady soup in there! My 6'1" wife is gonna be able to take baths and be comfortable!
If you can't find me, look for me in the Big Bathtub.
(Don't look for me.)
"Scarlett!" I hear you (a rhetorical device) saying, "I love that for you, but I am also jealous! How do I get a Big Bathtub of my very own?"
Well, my friend, if there's one thing I love more than Big Bathtub, it is oversharing about home improvement projects.
Given how absolutely fucking impossible it is to find any guidance online about how much this shit costs when you're just starting the research, I'll start here: This cost us $11,466.16 and took two days to install. We live in a very high COL area, and from what other research I did and estimates we got, $10-12k was about what we could expect to pay for a new bathtub and shower surround that wasn't The Same Fiberglass Shit We Already Had, AND we would have had to bring in multiple contractors.
Some necessary background: My wife and I bought our house about eleven years ago, when house prices in Seattle were at a historic low. My mom gifted us money for the down payment, which was a huge privilege, but if she gifted us the same amount of money now it would buy us precisely jack and shit. We have the stability we have due to a rare combination of privilege and luck, and I am grateful for it literally every day.
The incredibly low price we bought this house at also allowed us to manage to stay afloat through our last seven-ish years of chronic under-employment. I won't get deeply into the details, but we spent a lot of time in a place where buying myself a package of nice butter was a luxury I had to plan for. A little over a year ago my wife got a really good job (after a year of unemployment) and this summer I got a much-overdue promotion at my day job and a significant raise! Between those two things, we've finally been in a place where we can save money for house projects instead of going into debt for them, which still seems like a fucking miracle! It hasn't gotten old yet! I don't know if it ever will!
Flush on that success, earlier this this fall I got quotes for an addition on the house (something we've wanted almost since we moved in, since it's 800 square feet and has just the one tiny bathroom) and learned it would cost AT LEAST 150% MORE than we paid for this house in the first place!!! Like we could buy a whole-ass house in a cheaper area for the cost of adding on to this one! HAHAHAHA NO!! 😭😬
After a couple days of crushing disappointment I decided this meant we could pursue smaller improvements to make the house we have into a house we love, and first on the list was Big Bathtub!
Being generally handy people (ask about the shed my wife built sometime) we looked at buying a nice tub at a showroom and having a plumber install it, but plumbers don't install shower surrounds. Okay, so we figured we could probably install a shower surround? And my dad (a retired general contractor) could help? But this isn't a kitchen counter, this is a bathroom, and in this house we don't fuck with stuff that need waterproofing. We decided we wanted someone who could handle the whole thing, so I requested quotes from remodel contractors but they all told me my project was too small!
Enter Bath Planet. They're a one-stop shop that does custom full bath surround installs with a ton of options. The sales guy who did the estimate had color and material samples with him and dug through all the options to get me the deepest bathtub possible. This sucker's 22" tall! The cost included wrapping the entire window so the sill would be waterproof! If there was damage to the subfloor, they'd repair it before installing the tub at no additional cost! The warranty is really good!
(Oh man I've become such an adult.)
Not gonna lie, the quoted price was 😬😬😬 when he was done, but we couldn't argue with the quality or convenience and we were looking at a cost of close to $7k if we bought a big tub, had a plumber installed it, and then DIYed the surround (with no guarantees about how long that would make our only bathroom unusable!) so we bit the bullet and put down a deposit.
In related news, my wife and I are giving each other very few presents this Christmas, since the tub was our main gift 😂 Our savings are... Very depleted right now, so we're gonna have to hunker down for a few months to rebuild before we can think about any other house projects or expensive fun stuff, but what we lack in money, we make up for in bathtub!
As far as the timeline went, we got the initial quote on 9/20, put down our deposit that day, and then the install happened over 12/6 and 12/7. The installer was great, the work happened exactly as it was supposed to, and now we have BIG BATHTUB.
This was a wall of text, I know! If anyone has questions I didn't answer here, though, I'm happy to answer them. It's so rough trying to find home reno information out on the wide internet, and contractor websites are worse than useless for the purpose.
Meanwhile, I will be in the Big Bathtub.
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damodar-hd · 1 year
False Ceiling Works At Shankarpally
Home-Decode - Fall Ceiling works at Shankarpally Hyderabad. Gypsum Ceiling designings Works near Shankarpally, Plaster of Paris Ceiling, Fiber Ceiling, Wooden Ceiling, Glass Ceiling, Metal Ceiling, Synthetic Leather or Cloth Ceiling works in Hyderabad. In recent years, fall ceiling works have become increasingly popular in India. False ceilings Works near Shankarpally, also known as suspended ceilings or drop ceilings, are a secondary ceiling installed below the original ceiling in a room. This type of ceiling has many advantages, False Ceiling Works Center near Shankarpally including improved aesthetics, better acoustics, and increased insulation. In this essay, we will explore the benefits and challenges of fall ceiling works in India. One of the primary benefits of fall ceiling works in India is improved aesthetics. False ceilings can transform a room, giving it a modern and elegant look. With a wide range of materials and designs available, Glass Ceiling Works near Shankarpally false ceilings can be customized to suit any taste or budget. Additionally, false ceilings can hide unsightly wiring, pipes, and ducts, Plaster Ceiling Works near Shankarpally making the room look more organized and streamlined. Another benefit of fall ceiling works in India is improved acoustics. False ceilings can help to absorb sound and reduce noise levels, making them ideal for use in recording studios, theaters, and other spaces where sound quality is important. Hall False ceilings Works near Mokila Shankarpally also help to improve speech intelligibility, Fiber Ceiling Works near Yada which is particularly important in classrooms and conference rooms. Fall ceiling works in acan also help to increase insulation, which is important in a country where temperatures can vary greatly throughout the year. False ceilings can help to reduce heat loss during the winter months, and can also help to keep rooms cool during the summer months. Fall Ceiling Works near Shankarpally This can lead to lower energy bills and a more comfortable living or working environment. However, there are also challenges associated with fall ceiling works in India. One of the biggest challenges is finding skilled labor to carry out the installation. Office False ceilings Works near Mokila Shankarpally job, Wooden Ceiling Works near Shankarpally and require specialized knowledge and equipment. Many contractors lack the necessary expertise to install false ceilings, which can lead to poor quality workmanship and potential safety hazards. Another challenge is the cost of fall ceiling works in India. While false ceilings can be customized to suit any budget, they can still be expensive, particularly if high-quality materials are used. Additionally, Glass Ceiling Works near Shankarpally the installation process can be time-consuming, which can add to the overall cost of the project.
A house is not a home unless it is decorated by the fall ceiling. To make your dream home dazzling look, Home Decode is offering you a wide range of False ceiling designs:
Fall ceiling works in Shankarpally have many benefits, including improved aesthetics, better acoustics, and increased insulation. However, there are also challenges associated with this type of work, including finding skilled labor and managing costs. Gypsum Works near Shankarpally To ensure a successful project, it is important to hire a reputable contractor who has experience in installing false ceilings, and to carefully consider the materials and design of the ceiling. With careful planning and execution, fall ceiling works can transform a room and provide many benefits for years to come.
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mddeck · 7 months
Deck Builders in Poolesville MD | MD Deck
Are you looking for top-notch deck builders in Poolesville, MD? Look no further!
Finding a skilled deck builder in your area is now easier than ever. With their expertise and experience, they can create the perfect outdoor space for you to relax and entertain.
Whether you want a simple deck repair or a brand new deck installation, these professionals are here to help.
Get ready to enhance your outdoor living with the best deck builders in Poolesville, MD.
Best Deck Builders in Poolesville MD
If you're looking for the best deck builders in Poolesville MD, you'll find a wide selection of highly skilled and reputable professionals to choose from. When it comes to building decks, you want to ensure that you hire only the best in the business. With the best deck builders in Poolesville MD, you can trust that your project will be completed to the highest standards.
These deck builders in Poolesville MD have years of experience and expertise in designing and constructing beautiful and functional decks. They've a deep understanding of the local climate and building codes, ensuring that your deck will be built to withstand the elements and comply with all necessary regulations.
The best deck builders in Poolesville MD take pride in their workmanship and attention to detail. They'll work closely with you to understand your vision and create a deck that perfectly complements your home and lifestyle. Whether you're looking for a simple backyard deck or an elaborate multi-level deck, these professionals have the skills and knowledge to bring your dream deck to life.
Don't settle for anything less than the best when it comes to building your deck. Choose from the top deck builders in Poolesville MD and enjoy a beautiful and durable deck that will enhance your outdoor living space for years to come.
How Do I Find a Good Deck Builder in Poolesville
To find a good deck builder in Poolesville, start by asking for recommendations from friends, neighbors, or local home improvement stores. Word of mouth is often a reliable way to find trustworthy professionals.
Once you have a list of potential deck builders, consider the following factors to help you make an informed decision:
Experience and Expertise:
Look for deck builders who've extensive experience in the industry and specialize in deck construction.
Check if they've the necessary licenses and certifications to ensure their expertise in deck building.
Portfolio and References:
Ask for a portfolio of their previous projects to assess the quality of their workmanship.
Request references from past clients to get feedback on their professionalism, reliability, and customer satisfaction.
Insurance and Warranty:
Ensure that the deck builder has adequate insurance coverage to protect you from any liability in case of accidents or damages during the construction process.
Inquire about their warranty policy for the materials used and the work performed on your deck.
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Deck in Poolesville, MD
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Wondering about the cost of building a deck in Poolesville, MD? When it comes to deck construction, there are several factors that can affect the cost. The size of the deck, the materials used, and the complexity of the design all play a role in determining the overall cost. Hiring a reputable deck contractor is essential in ensuring that the project is done properly and within your budget.
Deck builders in Poolesville, MD typically charge an average of $30 to $60 per square foot for deck installation. This cost includes both materials and labor. Keep in mind that the cost can vary depending on the specific details of your project. If you choose to use high-end materials or add special features such as built-in seating or lighting, the cost may increase.
To get an accurate estimate for your deck construction project, it's best to consult with a few deck builders in Poolesville, MD. They can assess your space, discuss your design preferences, and provide you with a detailed quote. It's important to compare quotes from different contractors to ensure you're getting a fair price.
Deck Contractors in Poolesville MD
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When hiring deck builders in Poolesville, MD, it's important to find experienced professionals who can ensure the successful completion of your deck construction project. Deck contractors in Poolesville, MD are skilled individuals who specialize in building and renovating decks for residential and commercial properties.
Here are a few reasons why hiring deck contractors is beneficial:
Expertise: Deck contractors in Poolesville, MD have the knowledge and expertise to design and construct decks that meet your specific needs and preferences. They're familiar with local building codes and regulations, ensuring that your deck is built safely and legally.
Quality workmanship: Deck contractors take pride in their work and strive to deliver high-quality results. They have the skills and tools necessary to build durable and long-lasting decks that can withstand various weather conditions.
Time and cost efficiency: Hiring deck contractors can save you time and money in the long run. They have access to quality materials at competitive prices and can efficiently complete the project within the agreed-upon timeframe.
Peace of mind: By hiring deck contractors in Poolesville, MD, you can have peace of mind knowing that your deck construction project is in capable hands. They'll handle all aspects of the project, from obtaining permits to ensuring proper installation.
Deck Repair Poolesville MD
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If you're in need of deck repair in Poolesville, MD, look no further than our experienced team of professionals. We understand that your deck is an important part of your home and we're dedicated to providing top-notch repair services to ensure its longevity and safety.
Our team of deck builders in Poolesville, MD, have the expertise and skills to handle any deck repair project. Whether you have a small crack or a major structural issue, we've the knowledge and tools to fix it. We'll assess the damage, provide you with a detailed plan of action, and execute the repairs efficiently and effectively.
Deck repair isn't something to be taken lightly. It requires a thorough understanding of the materials, construction techniques, and safety regulations. Our team has years of experience in the industry and stays up to date with the latest industry standards. You can trust us to handle your deck repair needs with professionalism and precision.
Don't let a damaged deck ruin your outdoor enjoyment. Contact our deck repair experts in Poolesville, MD, today and let's restore your deck to its former glory. We take pride in our work and are committed to providing exceptional service to our customers.
Porch Contractors in Poolesville MD
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Looking for reliable porch contractors in Poolesville, MD who can provide top-notch services and ensure the longevity and safety of your porch? Look no further! Poolesville is home to a number of experienced porch contractors who are ready to transform your porch into a beautiful and functional space.
When hiring porch contractors in Poolesville, MD, here are a few things to consider:
Experience: Look for contractors who've a proven track record of successfully completing porch projects. This will give you peace of mind knowing that your project is in capable hands.
Expertise: Different porch contractors may specialize in different types of porches. Whether you're looking for a screened porch, a wrap-around porch, or a covered porch, make sure to find a contractor who's the expertise to meet your specific needs.
Reputation: Check online reviews and ask for references to gauge the reputation of the porch contractors you're considering. A good reputation is a strong indicator of quality work and customer satisfaction.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are There Any Specific Building Permits or Regulations That I Need to Be Aware of When Building a Deck in Poolesville, Md?
When building a deck in Poolesville, MD, you need to be aware of specific building permits and regulations. Make sure to check with the local authorities to ensure you comply with all necessary requirements.
Can I Choose Any Type of Material for My Deck, or Are There Restrictions on What Can Be Used in Poolesville?
You can choose from a variety of materials for your deck in Poolesville, MD. However, it's important to check with local regulations and building codes to ensure there are no restrictions on what can be used.
How Long Does the Deck Building Process Typically Take in Poolesville, Md?
Typically, the deck building process in Poolesville, MD takes around 2-4 weeks. Factors such as the size of the deck and any special features can affect the timeline.
Do I Need to Hire Additional Professionals, Such as Electricians or Plumbers, When Building a Deck in Poolesville?
You typically don't need to hire additional professionals like electricians or plumbers when building a deck in Poolesville. However, it's always a good idea to consult with a professional to ensure everything is up to code.
Are There Any Maintenance Requirements or Recommendations for Decks in Poolesville, Md?
You should be aware of the maintenance requirements for decks in Poolesville, MD. Regular cleaning and sealing will help protect your deck from weather damage and keep it looking great.
So, if you're in need of a deck builder in Poolesville, MD, or deck builders in Maryland there are plenty of options to choose from. From finding the best deck builders to understanding the costs involved, you can easily find the right contractor for your project.
Additionally, if you need deck repair or porch contractors, there are professionals available to help with those services as well.
Don't hesitate to reach out and start building your dream deck today!
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
This might be a controversial opinion but maybe this is my week for controversial opinions, so here is a rant of great privileged whining about home improvement.
I do not understand why we have decoupled the selling of home improvement items and the installation of home improvement items. Like, when you go to a tile store to pick out new tile and they're like, "Yes, we can sell you the tile, but we don't install it, you figure that out on your own." Okay, I know some people can do this on their own, but I can't even fold a fitted sheet, no way am I installing a new backsplash, and, like, I just think there should be an option to be like, "Please install that, too," instead of just leaving it to me to hope and pray that I can find a person who's going to install it for me.
My mother is currently looking at possibly buying an above-ground pool for her yard, and all the pool places are like, "We'll sell you the pool, you have to figure out how to install it." My mother is a tiny woman in her late 60s who's had hip replacement surgery. She's not installing an above-ground pool. Why is that idea a thing that makes sense????? To me this is like selling me a car and being like, "We can sell you the car, now you find someone to install the engine for you." Like ??????
Now I know that these places give you the names of contractors they work with a lot who you should contact. If you try to do that, you have all of my good wishes, and godspeed, because I have never once gotten one of those people to return a call to me.
I do try to buy most things through Home Depot or Lowe's because generally you CAN get their installers to actually come and do the work but that is also not a guarantee, I've had to fight with them, too, and I have not always been successful. I think over my years of home ownership I have maybe a 50% success rate on projects I try to achieve. Honestly, probably less, now that I think about it.
Basically what I'm saying is the most important thing you can do in your life is either be someone who's good with your hands OR be best friends with someone who is.
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rabidpocketmonster · 1 year
Story time for Funsies™
So I grew up in a small, conservative town in (Central) Florida. In kindergarten we had these coloring sheets or books or whatever with these smiley people in them and they'd say things like "The Mommy stays home while the Daddy goes off to work!". Like legit straight up, hyper heteronormative gender roles that were already dated by the time I was in school, just freely given to Impressionable Children
And me, darling Baby Pocket, saw these sheets and Applied Logic.
Context: my dad was a disabled veteran, he was the stay at home parent who worked from home as a draftsman contractor. Mom worked full time at a Home Improvement Store.
So right, Baby Pocket and their logic.
I saw these grossly gendered stereotypes, ignored half the context, and took The Facts:
Dad is the parent who leaves home
Mom is the parent who stays home
Cue malicious Oblivious Compliance
For weeks I am going around calling my increasingly distressed mom "dad" and getting upset when she doesn't respond. I'm doing the same to dad calling him "mom". At first they gently explain, finding it mildly humorous to start, "No, sweetie, I'm mom, he's dad". But I'm not buying it! No siree! Clearly, they're wrong. The School is Always Right (hah). My parents said listen to the teacher and I. Am. Listening. My parents are in a losing argument with a 6 year old because I'm 50% of each of them which means I am 100% of their stubbornness
Finally, my parents are at wit's end. They ask me where I learned this classification of adults and I show them the smiley people coloring pages and happily teach them what I thought was the correct and official classifications and other life lessons that the smiley people (and teacher) taught me
They were PISSED, immediately called the school to complain about the material, because it was full of other weird stereotypes too. It was the first of many, many parent teacher conferences. The school probably would have brushed it off if not for me asking about other kids having two dads (parents who leave for work) and if there were kids that had two moms (parents who stayed home). Which, small conservative town in Florida, made them clutch their pearls and quietly discontinue the smiley people books.
Thanks for coming to my story time!
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asherbrien · 1 month
The Benefits Of Selling Your Home For Cash: A Financial Guide To A Better Future
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Selling your house as-is can be a strategic decision that offers surprising benefits for homeowners looking to streamline the selling process and maximize their returns. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the advantages of selling your house in its current condition and how it can lead to a successful and stress-free transaction.
Simplified Process: One of the most significant benefits of selling your house as-is is the simplified process it offers. Rather than investing time and money into costly repairs and renovations, you can sell the property in its current condition, saving yourself the hassle of managing construction projects or dealing with contractors. This streamlined approach allows you to focus on other priorities and move forward with the sale more quickly.
Time Savings: Undertaking major renovations or repairs before selling your house can be time-consuming, with projects often taking weeks or even months to complete. By selling your house as-is, you can bypass this lengthy process and expedite the sale timeline. This is particularly advantageous if you're in a hurry to sell due to reasons like job relocation, financial distress, or an impending foreclosure. With an as-is sale, you can typically list your property and find a buyer much faster, saving you valuable time and effort.
Cost-Effective: Selling as is house can be a cost-effective option, especially if you're facing budget constraints or looking to maximize your net proceeds from the sale. Rather than spending money on repairs and upgrades, you can sell the property in its current condition and avoid the financial outlay associated with home improvement projects. This can result in a higher profit margin from the sale, as you won't be subtracting renovation costs from your proceeds.
Transparent Transaction: Selling your house as-is allows for a more transparent transaction between you and the buyer. Since you're not making any promises or representations about the condition of the property, there's less risk of disputes or legal issues arising after the sale. Buyers who purchase a house as-is are typically aware that they're taking on the responsibility for any necessary repairs or upgrades, reducing the likelihood of post-sale conflicts.
Attracting Investors and Cash Buyers: Houses sold as-is often attract investors and cash buyers who are looking for opportunities to acquire properties at a discount and add value through renovations or resale. These buyers are typically more experienced in real estate transactions and are willing to overlook cosmetic issues or minor repairs in exchange for a favorable purchase price. By marketing your house as-is, you can tap into this pool of motivated buyers and increase your chances of finding a qualified purchaser quickly.
Flexible Terms: Selling your house as-is provides greater flexibility in terms of negotiation and contractual arrangements. Since you're not investing in costly renovations or upgrades, you can afford to be more accommodating to buyers' preferences regarding the sale price, closing date, and other terms. This can help expedite the sales process and ensure a smoother transaction for both parties involved.
Avoiding Emotional Attachment: For homeowners who have lived in their house for many years, there can be a strong emotional attachment to the property. Selling the house as-is allows you to detach emotionally and focus on the practical aspects of the transaction. Rather than getting caught up in sentimental considerations or trying to achieve a certain aesthetic appeal, you can approach the sale with a clear and objective mindset, leading to better decision-making and a more successful outcome.
In conclusion, selling your house as-is offers a range of surprising benefits that can make the selling process easier, faster, and more cost-effective. From simplified transactions and time savings to attracting motivated buyers and avoiding emotional attachment, there are numerous advantages to selling your house in its current condition. By considering the benefits outlined in this guide, you can make an informed decision about whether selling your house as-is is the right choice for you.
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Shaw Family Home Repair Services: Your trusted handyman for every home repair need
Owning a home is a major achievement and a source of pride. It is where we make memories, spend time with loved ones and find solace. But with home ownership comes the inevitable need for maintenance, repairs and improvements. When things start to break or wear out, fixing them yourself or finding a reliable professional can be stressful and time-consuming. That's where Shaw Family Home Repair Services comes in
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As a trusted name in handyman services, Shaw Family Home Repair Services is committed to providing quality work, excellent customer service and a wide range of services to meet all your home repair needs. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of using handyman services, the range of services offered by Shaw Family Home Repair Services and why they should be your go-to for home repairs.
Advantage of handyman service Handyman services offer several benefits to homeowners. Here are a few reasons why you should consider using a professional handyman:
Time-saving A handyman can complete a wide range of tasks in a short period of time. Instead of spending your weekends attempting DIY projects or maneuvering multiple contractors, you can rely on a single professional to handle everything efficiently.
Cost-effective Hiring a handyman is often more cost-effective than hiring a specialist contractor for each job. Handymen are multi-skilled, allowing them to solve multiple problems in a single visit, reducing labor costs and saving you money.
Professional skills Handymen have experience and knowledge in a variety of trades, ensuring that the job is done correctly and safely. You can trust that your home is in capable hands.
Reduce stress Dealing with home repairs can be stressful, especially if you lack the tools or skills to handle them. A handyman takes stress out of the equation, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life.
Shaw Family Home Repair Services: A Trusted Name Shaw Family Home Repair Services has earned a reputation for providing reliable and high-quality handyman services. Here's why they stand out from the competition:
Comprehensive service Shaw Family Home Repair Services offers a wide range of handyman services to meet every need. They have the expertise to handle everything from small repairs to larger projects. Their services include:
Plumbing Repairs: Fixing leaky faucets, unclogging drains and repairing toilets. Electrical work: installing light fixtures, outlets and ceiling fans and troubleshooting electrical problems. Carpentry: Repair or construction of decks, fences and furniture. Painting and Drywall: Interior and exterior painting, drywall patching and more. General Repairs: Fixing doors, windows and other common household problems.
Experienced professionals The team at Shaw Family Home Repair Services is comprised of experienced professionals who are skilled in multiple trades. They bring a wealth of knowledge to every job, ensuring that the job is completed efficiently and to the highest standards.
Customer-centric approach Shaw Family Home Repair Services emphasizes customer satisfaction. They work closely with clients to understand their needs and preferences, ensuring that the end result meets or exceeds expectations. Their friendly and approachable team makes the entire process seamless and enjoyable.
Transparent pricing Nobody likes surprises when it comes to prices. Shaw Family Home Repair Services is transparent about their pricing, providing detailed estimates before any work begins. This approach ensures that you know exactly what to expect and can budget accordingly.
Licensed and insured Shaw Family Home Repair Services is fully licensed and insured, giving homeowners peace of mind. You can trust that their work adheres to industry standards and you are protected in case of any unexpected problems.
Why Choose Shaw Family Home Repair Services? If you're still wondering why Shaw Family Home Repair Services should be your go-to handyman service, consider these additional reasons:
Reliability Shaw Family Home Repair Services is known for its reliability. When they schedule an appointment, you can trust that they will arrive on time and get the job done as promised.
Versatility Their versatility is a significant advantage. Whether you need help with plumbing, electrical work, carpentry, or any other home repair, they have the skills to handle it.
Local expertise As a local business, Shaw Family Home Repair Services understands the unique needs of area homeowners. They are familiar with local building codes and regulations, ensuring compliance on every project.
Customer loyalty Shaw Family Home Repair Services has a loyal customer base that speaks to the quality of their work and exceptional customer service. Many customers return for additional projects and recommend the service to friends and family.
Conclusion When it comes to home repair and maintenance, Shaw Family Home Repair Services is a name you can trust. Their comprehensive range of services, experienced professionals, customer-centric approach and transparent pricing make them the ideal choice for homeowners for reliable and high-quality handyman services. Whether you have a small repair or a large project, Shaw Family Home Repair Services is here to help you keep your home in top condition. Contact them today to schedule an appointment and experience the difference they can make in your home.
Contact Info: Shaw Family Home Repair Services Address: Anderson CA, 96007, USA Phone: 951-292-0063 Website: https://shawfamilyhomerepair.com/
External Links Disqus.com Houzz.com Instapaper.com Twitch.tv Mindmeister.com
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starlo-official · 5 months
going off memory of the ask ik this isnt 1 to 1 it
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
Hi I'm gonna take this as an excuse to rant about my new OC
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Her name is Red and she's a variant of Little Red Riding Hood
As a kid, like immediately after her story happened, she was kicked out of the fairytale book as a consequence of escaping the Big Bad Wolf.
She was then immediately Isekai'd into a version of earth that acted as basically everywhere else
She graduated from Two Point Campus (a college) at the age of 21 with degrees in Engineering, Woodworking, and "Secret Agent Techniques and Training" (it's a very weird college)
Oh also she indirectly caused a sonic.exe virus to conquer the multiverse dw about it
She then moved in across the street from The Neighbor from Hello Neighbor and started jumping jobs
She worked at every FNAF location, was the assistant of a corrupt home improvement contractor, and even became all of the Avengers at once at one point (that's a bit more complicated to explain)
That's not all of her story but that's all you need to know. She's 24 right now
What's one way my OC has changed when I first came up with her?
She has, at some point, gained the ability to change the color of her hood, which causes her to gain different sets of powers. When she turns a shade of blue, she can do Sonic The Hedgehog stuff. When she's purple, she can shoot Lazer blasts with her middle fingers. There's a bunch of other examples that I can go into detail on in a different post
Do I have a specific quote or lyric that I associate with my OC?
Uhhh one sec
"With each twist that unfolds/and every mystery you solve/we find a new way to see/this ball on which we revolve"
-A Little Theorizing, The Stupendium
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with my OC?
A sort of "Fell" or "Evil" AU where she's just kind of an asshole and instead of gaining powers and making allies she Steals powers and makes enemies. This would have been because she got to Grandma's house and saw the wolf eat her in real-time. So there'd be stronger and more violent trauma
What is the worst thing I have put my OC through, story-wise?
Oh definitely that time she downloaded a cursed copy of Sonic Origins and accidentally released a variant of Sonic.EXE while still in college (she never finished it btw) and then that Sonic.EXE variant went on to corrupt the multiverse
What is an alternate life path my OC might have gone down? How different would her life be if she made those decisions?
A while back Res found a Chaos Emerald in one of her jobs as a Fasbear's Entertainment Pizzaria Manager (FNAF 6) and, rather than putting it back in Green Hill without questioning it, she chose to investigate. This led her down a rabbit hole where she discovered some sort of mythical "Flower Person" that she doesn't know the name of, but there's evidence of them all over the world and blah blah blah a bunch of other stuff happened.
If she didn't question why the Chaos Emerald was there, she would have continued living her life in a semi-corrupted world, hoping for some hero to come along and stop it all. She'd still be stuck in her current living situation in a low-quality apartment with no proper friends and a massive chunk of her story would just. Not have happened.
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The Ultimate Overview to Roofing: Everything You Required to Know
Paragraph 1: Roofing is an essential facet of any kind of building, giving defense, insulation, and visual appeal. Nonetheless, it is commonly a neglected element up until troubles emerge, such as leakages or architectural damage. In this thorough guide, we will certainly dig into the globe of roofing, discovering various sorts of roof covering materials, typical issues, maintenance suggestions, and the relevance of expert installation.When it involves roof materials, there is a variety to select from, consisting of asphalt tiles, metal, clay ceramic tiles, and slate. Each material has its own benefits and considerations, such as resilience, cost, and compatibility with various building styles. We will certainly break down these choices, reviewing their pros and disadvantages, assisting you make an educated choice that suits your spending plan and preferences.Paragraph 2: Routine maintenance is vital for guaranteeing the long life and efficiency of your roofing system. From evaluating for damage after a storm to clearing debris from rain gutters, there are numerous tasks that house owners can carry out to stop significant concerns and pricey fixings. We will certainly offer a list of crucial roof maintenance jobs, in addition to tips on when to employ a professional for assessments and repairs.Additionally, we will certainly highlight the relevance of professional installment when it pertains to roof covering. A well-installed roofing system can substantially improve its life expectancy and performance, preventing issues later on. We will review the benefits of employing a certified and seasoned roof covering contractor, highlighting the knowledge they bring, the guarantees they supply, and the satisfaction they provide.Whether you are a home owner looking to change your roofing system or somebody thinking about recognizing the essentials of roof, this article will certainly act as your best guide. By the end, you will have a detailed understanding of different roof products, upkeep methods, and the importance of professional setup, encouraging you to make enlightened decisions that will secure your financial investment for years to find.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/jmcroofingyourultimateandxu/home
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 6 months
Hello friend. I come for OC x oc ask.
I give you Helena.
Spider woman of Coursant known as Krykna. pale, bright blue eyes with black hair, saved down on one side, light freckles. daughter of a cardiologist and Scientists Hemlock. welder/mechanic contractor for GAR, engineer assistant to Oto Octavos. former street fighter, got bit when she 15, uncle died, mom died, dad abandoned her. been spider-woman for 10 years.
Shes protective of the people she loves. Can't take compliments and tries to not draw attention to herself.
She can get defensive if shes feeling vulnerable and reflects with jokes/puns. She can flirt but gets flustered when given the same treatment.
Platonic or relationship whatever your choice.
Happy Tuesday 😌
friend! thank you for this; I am very excited by the thoughts it's giving me >:)
is it cliche to say Mei just because they're both mechanics? maybe. do i care? not one bit, because the two of these women together makes my brain short circuit
just thinking about Mei and Helena working in the same mechanic shop and being casual work buddies for the longest time, and Mei of course knows nothing about Helena's secret identity. Mei thinks Helena is really pretty, and harbors feelings for her, but respects their work relationship too much to jeopardize that over a crush.
and then Mei is out one night at the wrong place at the wrong time--having worked late on a contract order for the GAR, took a shortcut home that she shouldn't have. She tries to fight her way out, but there are a few too many of the bad guys surrounding her, and she starts to panic--
Until Krykna shows up and saves her.
Mei is, of course, a little star-struck and flustered. She goes to work the next day and the only person she tells about the incident is Helena, because Mei doesn't want the attention from their other colleagues, and completely misses the way that Helena is awkward about the whole thing.
The whole incident, though, makes Mei really reevaluate her view on life, and so it's not long afterwards that she shoots her shot and asks Helena out. To her surprise and gratitude, Helena agrees.
Mei finds out about Krykna by accident. She hadn't meant to snoop, honest, but she'd seen sketches of Krykna in a notebook in Helena's bedroom while spending the night, and curiosity got the better of her while Helena was in the 'fresher. Imagine her surprise when the sketch wasn't just for fun, but for a suit improvement.
Mei honestly comes to find it hilarious that she had a crush on her girlfriend twice: Helena, and Krykna.
and now I want a whole AU of these two.
thank you so much for letting me play dolls with your blorbo <3
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Mar. 27—A contractor convicted after he took money for home repairs from people after the 2019 Memorial Day tornadoes but did not do the work is in custody on unrelated charges.
Robert Tracy Greene, 56, of St. Paris on Thursday was named a most wanted suspect by Miami Valley Crime Stoppers for allegedly violating his probation. He was arrested by the Clark County Sheriff's Office and booked Friday night into the Clark County Jail for three traffic cases filed last year in Clark County Municipal Court, records show.
Greene was charged in February 2020 with 20 felony and two misdemeanor counts of theft involving 10 victims in Dayton and Trotwood. He was sentenced in November 2022 to up to five years of community control following his conviction on multiple theft counts and ordered to pay restitution to the victims he scammed, according to Montgomery County Common Pleas Court records.
He now faces five years in prison, according to the Crime Stoppers alert.
"On Feb. 13, 2023, the probation officer has presented to the court that the whereabouts of the defendant have been unknown since Jan. 31, 2023. Wherefore, the court finds the defendant is an absconder and orders that the period of time during defendant's absence from the jurisdiction of the division of criminal justice services of this court shall not apply as against the community control period herein," the order signed by Judge Timothy O'Connell stated.
Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost filed a lawsuit in February 2021 against Greene for exploiting homeowners following the tornado outbreak.
The lawsuit accused Greene, through his business TK Home Improvement LLC, of soliciting homeowners whose property was damaged and taking nearly $100,000 in payments between May 2019 and February 2020 but performing shoddy work or no work at all, according to complaints received by Yost's consumer protection section.
The Dayton Daily News first revealed the accusations against Greene and another local home improvement contractor in an investigation into complaints from tornado victims that unscrupulous contractors were delaying rebuilding from the 2019 tornadoes.
In 2019, Greene told the Dayton Daily News that he intended to finish the work on the tornado-damaged properties but couldn't because of open warrants, and that he intended to turn himself in. At that time, he had two warrants out for his arrest. He has been convicted of theft three times for contractor-related accusations: twice in 2012 and once in 2013.
The attorney who represented Greene in his criminal cases in Montgomery County declined to comment.
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damodar-hd · 1 year
Wooden Fall Ceiling Works near Shamshabad
Home-Decode - Wooden Fall Ceiling works anear Shamshabad . Gypsum Ceiling designings, Plaster of Paris Ceiling, Fiber Ceiling, Wooden Ceiling, Glass Ceiling, Metal Ceiling, Synthetic Leather or Wooden Cloth Ceiling works near Shamshabad. In recent years, Wooden fall ceiling works near Shamshabad have become increasingly popular in India. False ceilings, also known as suspended ceilings or drop ceilings, are a secondary ceiling installed below the original ceiling in a room. This type of ceiling has many advantages, including improved aesthetics, better acoustics, and increased insulation. In this essay, we will explore the benefits and challenges of Wooden Fall ceiling works near Shamshabad India. One of the primary benefits of fall ceiling works At Shamshabad India is improved aesthetics. False ceilings can transform a room, giving it a modern and elegant look. With a wide range of materials and designs available, Wooden False ceilings Works near Shamshabad can be customized to suit any taste or budget. Additionally, false ceilings can hide unsightly wiring, pipes, and ducts, making the room look more organized and streamlined. Another benefit of Wooden fall ceiling works near Shamshabad is improved acoustics. False ceilings can help to absorb sound and reduce noise levels, making them ideal for use in recording studios, theaters, and other spaces where sound quality is important. Wooden False ceilings Works Center near Shamshabad can also help to improve speech intelligibility, which is particularly important in classrooms and conference rooms. Wooden False ceiling works in Shamshabad can also help to increase insulation, which is important in a country where temperatures can vary greatly throughout the year. False ceilings can help to reduce heat loss during the winter months, and can also help to keep rooms cool during the summer months. This can lead to lower energy bills and a more comfortable living or working environment. However, there are also challenges associated with Wooden False Ceiling Works near Shamshabad ceiling works in Sham. One of the biggest challenges is finding skilled labor to carry out the installation. False ceilings Works in Shamshabada complex job, and require specialized knowledge and equipment. Many contractors lack the necessary expertise to install false ceilings, which can lead to poor quality workmanship and potential safety hazards. Another challenge is the cost of PVC fall ceiling works in Shamshabad. While false ceilings can be customized to suit any budget, they can still be expensive, particularly if high-quality materials are used. Wooden False Ceiling Works near Shamshabad Additionally, the installation process can be time-consuming, which can add to the overall cost of the project.
A house is not a home unless it is decorated by the Wooden fall ceiling Works near Shamshabad . To make your dream home dazzling look, Home Decode is offering you a wide range of False ceiling designs:
Wooden Fall ceiling works Center near Shamshabad India have many benefits, including improved aesthetics, better acoustics, and increased insulation. However, there are also challenges associated with this type of work, including finding skilled labor and managing costs. To ensure a successful project, it is important to hire a reputable contractor who has experience in installing false ceilings, and to carefully consider the materials and design of the ceiling. Wooden False Ceiling Works At Shamshabad With careful planning and execution, fall ceiling works can transform a room and provide many benefits for years to come.
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jennahandymanservices · 9 months
Finding Reliable Handyman Services Near You: Your Complete Guide
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Whether you're facing a home repair emergency or planning renovations, finding trustworthy handyman services near you is crucial. These skilled professionals can handle a wide range of tasks, from fixing a leaky faucet to tackling complex home improvement projects. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the world of handyman services and provide valuable insights into finding reliable options right in your neighborhood.
Understanding the Role of Handyman Services
Defining the Handyman
A handyman is a skilled professional known for their versatility in various areas of home repair and maintenance. They can handle tasks ranging from minor fixes to complex projects, making them valuable assets for homeowners.
The Versatility of Handyman Services
Handymen offer a unique advantage – they can efficiently complete a diverse range of tasks in a single visit, saving you both time and money.
Why You Need Professional Handyman Services
Safety and Expertise
Professional handymen prioritize safety and possess the expertise required to complete tasks safely, reducing the risk of accidents or damage to your property.
Time and Convenience
In today's fast-paced world, finding time to address home repairs can be challenging. Handymen can efficiently tackle tasks, freeing up your schedule for more important matters.
Cost-Effective Solutions
Contrary to common belief, hiring a handyman can be a cost-effective solution. They can often complete multiple tasks in one visit, eliminating the need for multiple contractors and reducing overall costs.
Types of Home Repairs and Maintenance Services Offered
Handymen are well-equipped to handle a wide range of services, including:
Plumbing Repairs
From fixing leaky faucets to unclogging drains, handymen can address various plumbing issues effectively.
Electrical Services
Professional handymen can install or replace electrical fixtures, outlets, and switches.
Carpentry Work
Whether it's repairing damaged woodwork or installing shelves, handymen are skilled in carpentry tasks.
Painting and Drywall Repairs
Handymen can refresh your home by painting rooms and repairing drywall damage.
Home Improvement Projects
They can assist with home improvement tasks such as installing cabinets, countertops, or backsplashes.
General Maintenance
Handymen excel at routine maintenance, including gutter cleaning and deck repairs.
The Search for Reliable Handyman Services Near Me
Recommendations and Referrals
Begin your search for reliable handyman services by asking friends, family, and neighbors for recommendations based on their experiences with local handymen.
Online Directories and Platforms
Explore online directories and platforms that list professional handymen near you. These platforms often provide reviews and ratings, helping you make informed decisions.
Local Advertisements
Check local newspapers, community bulletin boards, and flyers for handyman services advertising their expertise.
Licensing and Insurance
Ensure that the handyman you hire is licensed and carries adequate insurance coverage. This protects both you and the handyman in case of accidents or property damage.
Interviewing Prospective Handymen
Interview potential handymen to assess their experience, expertise, and communication skills. A personal conversation can give you insight into their professionalism.
Comparing Handyman Services Near Me
Obtaining Multiple Quotes
To make an informed choice, request quotes from multiple handymen. Comparing prices and services will help you find the best fit for your needs and budget.
Checking References and Reviews
Contact references provided by the handyman and browse online reviews to gauge their reputation and the quality of their work.
Ensuring Transparent Pricing
Choose a handyman who provides clear and transparent pricing, with no hidden fees or unexpected costs.
Questions to Ask Your Potential Handyman Near Me
Experience and Expertise
Inquire about their experience in handling tasks similar to yours and their expertise in various areas of home repair and improvement.
Scheduling and Availability
Discuss their availability and scheduling to ensure it aligns with your needs and project timelines.
Guarantees and Warranties
Ask about any guarantees or warranties they offer on their work. A reputable handyman should stand by their craftsmanship.
Permits and Regulations
Ensure that the handyman is knowledgeable about local permits and regulations relevant to the work they will perform.
The Handyman Hiring Process Near Me
Signing a Written Agreement
Always enter into a written agreement that clearly outlines the scope of work, project timeline, and payment terms. This document protects both you and the handyman.
Setting Expectations
Clearly communicate your expectations regarding the project's outcome, timeline, and any specific requirements.
Payment Terms
Agree on fair and reasonable payment terms that both parties are comfortable with.
Working with Your Handyman Near Me
Preparing Your Home
Prepare your home by clearing the work area and ensuring access to necessary utilities. A well-prepared workspace facilitates efficient work.
Communication and Collaboration
Maintain open communication and collaborate with your handyman throughout the project to ensure it runs smoothly and meets your expectations.
Recognizing Quality Workmanship Near Me
Signs of a Professional Job
Learn to identify signs of quality workmanship, such as attention to detail and precision in completing tasks.
Addressing Concerns
If you have any concerns or issues during the project, address them promptly and professionally to achieve the desired results.
Maintaining a Long-Term Relationship Near Me
Regular Home Maintenance
Consider scheduling regular maintenance tasks with your trusted handyman to keep your home in excellent condition and prevent major issues.
Future Projects
Build a long-term relationship with your handyman for future projects and repairs, ensuring you always have a reliable professional to call on.
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