kaiju-dayo · 1 year
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Farewell, my little champions
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nuestrodestinocomun · 6 months
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El Caos del Universo
El tren acelera, alcanzando la máxima velocidad justo al llegar al túnel que atraviesa la montaña. Dejas atrás el valle, todo lo que hasta ahora te era conocido. Con la fuerza de una enorme centrifugadora que atrae el tiempo hacia su centro, te impulsas hacia delante, te evades de ti mismo, hacia la siguiente parada.
“El mundo es una acumulación caótica del desorden de cada uno de sus habitantes”, solías decir.
Los pasajeros del vagón van concentrados en los fragmentos de vida que durante el trayecto deciden compartir. Instantes que cada uno elige cómo emplear. Unos se decantan por leer, o por mirar simplemente a través de la ventana. Los hay que deciden perturbar al resto de pasajeros que permanecen tranquilos y en silencio, mediante el sonido de sus teléfonos móviles. Otros intentan entablar una conversación con la persona contigua que les ha tocado en suerte.
Los viajes tienen un componente nostálgico que reside en la estática de la tristeza que nos acompaña durante el trayecto. Una sensación que se acrecienta en aquellos desplazamientos que no son estrictamente por placer, los que te hacen partir de un punto del que no deseabas separarte jamás.
Contemplas los paisajes que pasan por delante de la ventana e imaginas a qué dedicarán sus vidas esas personas que pareces distinguir en la distancia. ¿Llevarán una vida parecida a la tuya?, ¿se preocuparán por las mismas cosas?, o ¿quizá no exista realmente gente que viva en esos sitios?. Concluyes finalmente, que da igual a qué dediquen sus vidas, todos pierden el tiempo, no saben que realmente lo que se les escapa es la propia vida, por no disfrutarla, por no disfrutarse.
Todos tenemos ansias por cambiar nuestro presente, pero siempre conseguimos encontrar alguna excusa que nos haga demorar el cambio que permanentemente estamos madurando en nuestra mente y que la mayoría de las veces consideramos revolucionario y rompedor, hasta que un día decidimos revelárselo a un amigo o un familiar, y por la expresión de su cara comprendemos que efectivamente no era el plan del siglo, que ya otros antes habían pensado lo mismo y habían fracasado justo en el punto en el que tú lo estabas haciendo.
Piensas que el libro que tienes en tus manos lanza frases crípticas y enigmáticas sobre tu futuro, según se adapten a tus expectativas. Encontraré pareja, tendré dinero y salud, los vecinos dejarán de hacer ruido por las noches, seré feliz. Cualquier mantra literario es bienvenido siempre que encaje en nuestros planes.
Estos pensamientos permanecen en el aire justo el tiempo en el que el tren llega a la próxima parada. Al bajarte en el anden sientes cómo las huellas de trenes pasados y presentes se entremezclan, cómo las vidas de extraños, que van y vienen, se cruzan de forma aleatoria, de forma azarosa. La magia de la vida, el caos del universo.
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choices-binglebonkus · 3 months
Getting reeeeeeeeeal sick of writing essays for jobs I want as part of the application process and not getting the job.
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queen-scribbles · 3 months
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trialoftheguilty · 6 months
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don't forget to summon your local they/them hottie this Halloween 😈🎃
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catboygirljoker · 4 months
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ujunxverse · 14 days
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fushiaphenix · 25 days
How I truly love is unhinged
There’s now road map the unknown destination is where you and I are one
Stripped raw laying on the fire out of breath
smell the lust and I lay on your chest
Heart renewed with hope flows over
The kiss you placed in my souls gives me a fever but the chills don’t leave me cold
To find a love that I send to you
I would do the time
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sixpennydame · 11 months
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Grief Butter, by Ruth Chan
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chmerical · 1 year
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it’s not munday but still have these <3 i’m out & about celebrating my anniversary, yay love!!
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I have COVID right now and I hate everything. Thankfully, I'm vaccinated, so it's actually pretty mild, but still. I avoided it for almost four years and now I'm stuck until I test negative. I never thought I'd miss going to work, but I just want to leave my house again. Now that the fever's finally broke, the boredom is killing me.
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if Celia no co were in an actual piece of media they would be practically nameless side antagonists the format would be an extremely violent & dark sitcom esq tv show. they have a longggg timeline & over time shift between status quos. i cannot think in terms of short finished stories and just think in sprawling timelines & megastories
nm post canceled i remembered its been roughly four years since i got into comics and the way i though about stories and character got massively altered.
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sifsstuffs · 2 months
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sincerely-angel1 · 4 months
(TW: Religion, Homophobia)
Monday, January 15, 2023
Recently, I lost my best friend of four years.
It really happened. The one I thought id be friends with forever. She changed so much over our time not talking, that I barely recognized her.
I tried salvaging things again.
But she made it unmistakably clear what her beliefs were, and it was something I felt sick associating myself with.
Over the summer, she started going back to church.
And I was happy for her? She just had a death in the family and I was glad she was finding something to make her happy, despite my atheist beliefs. However, we got busy with school and stopped talking for a long time. Until recently, when I tried to salvage things again.
She told me I was not to ever speak with her about LGBTQ anything. I wasn’t to ever talk to her about my personal beliefs or what I support.
I told her I didn’t even feel like I was talking to her.
She used to be the kindest person I ever met. The most selfless.. she never cared about my beliefs and I never cared about hers, that’s what friendship should be.
She told me online friendships are hard, despite our four years together.
I told her they aren’t hard, she just doesn’t care anymore. And after a slight argument, I blocked her.
It's like the ground shifted beneath my feet. We'd weathered storms together, laughed until our sides hurt, and now, it feels like a door slammed shut, leaving me standing on the other side.
I get it; people change, beliefs change. But the idea that our friendship became collateral damage in the wake of differing views is a tough pill to swallow.
She just stopped caring about me.
I never thought I’d lose her.. I lost everyone else..but I thought we’d be together forever.
Recently, I lost my best friend of four years.
And that’s a sentence that’ll never get easier to say.
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unforeseen-idiot · 4 months
Four Years
The Owl House turned four years old today, pretty cool.
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