jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
România Folk prezintă la Craiova concertul „Baricada Folk” în cadrul Turneului Național, ediția a II-a, Octombrie-Noiembrie 2022.
Evenimentul va avea loc la Casa de Cultura a Studentilor Craiova, pe data de 03 noiembrie, ora 19:00 Baricade de cântec și poezie printre oameni cu Mircea Baniciu, Adrian Bezna, Cătălin Stepa, Nicolae Zotta, OCRU(Adrian Mărgineanu și Dorin Pitariu) și Ovidiu Mihăilescu. O întâlnire memorabilă cu muzica folk de ieri și de azi! Împreună, prin cântec și poezie, creștem generații! Acces la cel mai…
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personal-reporter · 8 months
Festival Francescano 2023 a Bologna
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Tutto a Bologna è pronto per la quindicesima edizione del Festival Francescano, che da giovedì 21 a domenica 24 settembre occuperà gli spazi di piazza Maggiore e alcune sale di Palazzo d’Accursio con convegni, confronti, tavole rotonde e laboratori anche rivolti ai più piccoli. Saranno giorni che celebreranno gli ottocento anni della regola di frate Francesco, amalgamando il suo pensiero alla quotidianità del mondo contemporaneo e, dalla cultura all’università, passando anche dalle figure istituzionali, sono un centinaio gli ospiti della manifestazione, resa possibile grazie ai partner – tra gli altri – Rekeep e Bper Banca. Al Festival verranno persone di estrazione diversa, storie diverse, appartenenze diverse che insieme si confrontano e si fanno domande: se una regola ha ancora senso, se la parola obbedire a un progetto ha ancora senso e si coniuga anche con la parola disobbedire in un momento in cui si è allergici alle regole e ognuno ha la sua regola, dove sr possa avere ancora senso sognare insieme r cambiare la società, ma  questo è quello che ha fatto Francesco con la sua vita, la sua regola, che è una regola piena di finestre che lascia tantissime possibilità. Il programma avrà inizio giovedì 21 alle 15 a Palazzo D’Accursio con un convegno sulla Regola francescana, coordinato dallo storico francese Jacques Dalarun, poi ci saranno incontri con autori come il filosofo francese Frédéric Gros,  Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt o Annalena Benini. Nel programma scientifico, immancabile la presenza del cardinale Matteo Maria Zuppi e sul grande palco di piazza Maggiore arriveranno Ginevra Di Marco, cantautrice folk e popolare, fonde il suo universo interpretativo con le poesie di Franco Arminio, Stefano Andreoli, il rapper e cantautore Ghemon e ci sarà anche l’occasione per festeggiare i sessant’anni del Piccolo Coro dell’Antoniano. In questo momento il movimento francescano è molto importante nella cultura della penisola, dove in ci sono  nuove idee importanti per il pianeta, sia sui temi dell’ambiente che del lavoro, per la dignità della persona. Partner gold della manifestazione è Rekeep, che lo vede come un modo per dimostrare una condivisione di valori e di obiettivi, oltre a Bper Banca, in una comunione di intenti che lo lega allo spirito del Festival nella responsabilità sociale e di impresa. Read the full article
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TOG fandom - How to address others in Italian (a little help for fellow writers)
Another one of these posts in quick succession because a thing I’ve noticed in many, many fanfiction is the incorrect use of titles and honorifics in Nicky’s Italian lines. Which... I get it, it’s super-uper difficult to get and also Google is the worst of all to translate the right use and nuance (my suggestion is to always prefer Reverso Context when translating entire phrases, it’s based on examples and it’s more accurate in general). So!
Let’s start with family (famiglia, with a gl, different to the Spanish word).
Papà = dad (please, please, PLEASE USE THE ACCENT. Just like Nicolo ≠ Nicolò, remember that Papa = Pope. And Nicky’s dad - or Nicky as a dad - is not a Pope). Variants! They are mostly regionals, but you can also use: papi, babbo, pa’. Father = padre, so if Nicky has to refer to an austere father figure or someone else’s father? Use padre and the honorific form (we will get to that). Mamma = mom. Variants! Mami, mammà, ma’. Mother = madre. Figlio/a = son/daughter. Sorella = sister. Older sister = sorella maggiore or sorellona (like ‘big sis’), younger sister = sorella minore or sorellina (’lil sis’). Fratello = brother. Older brother = fratello maggiore or fratellone (’big bro’), younger brother = fratello minore or fratellino (’lil bro’). Nonno/a = grandad/grandma. Also: nonnino/nonnina, it’s cute. Zio/a = uncle/aunt. Cute: zietto/zietta. Cugino/a = cousin. Younger cousins could also be called: cuginetto/cuginetta. Nipote = nephew/niece and grandson/granddaughter. Younger ones: nipotino/nipotina. Suocero/a = father-in-law/mother-in-law. Cognato/a = brother-in-law/sister-in-law. Genero = son-in-law. Nuora = daughter-in-law. ... and I’m stopping here, but if you have questions on other particular words just DM me :D
How to address loved ones.
Amico/a = friend. Someone who’s always very friendly and nice to hang up with = amicone/a. The BFF from when you were young kids = amichetto/a. Ragazzo/a = boyfriend/girlfriend. ‘Chi è? Il tuo ragazzo?’ = ‘Who’s that? Your boyfriend?’. Variants (also regionals): ragazzino/a, moroso/a, tipo/a. Fidanzato/a = fiancée. Could also be used as boy/girlfriend, but it’s mostly for couples about to get married. However, nonne all over Italy at Christmas would always ask their nephews/nieces ‘ce l’hai il/la fidanzatino/a?’ which basically is ‘have you found yourself a boy/girlfriend?’. Marito/moglie = husband/wife.
How to address royalty/nobility (to the person who asked about this specifically some time ago: took me some time, but here it is).
Sua/Vostra altezza reale/imperiale = His/Her/Your royal/imperial highness Sua/Vostra maestà reale = His/Her/Your royal majesty Re/Regina = King/Queen Imperatore/Imperatrice = Emperor/Empress Principe/Principessa = Prince/Princess Duca/Duchessa = Duke/Duchess Conte/Contessa = Count/Countess Signore/Signora = Lord/Lady (’mio Signore’ = my Lord)
The clergy (a relevant topic for Nicolò).
Prete = priest. Also: don (mostly used before the name to address the priest, like ‘Don Nicolò’)(yeah I know it reminds you of mafia names, that’s where they get it from... it’s basically a substitute of ‘signore’, frequently used in the South). You can also call the priest padre (father) ‘Padre Nicolò’. Padre superiore = father superior, frate = friar, monaco = monk, eremita = hermit, abate = abbott. To address a friar: fra and the name, like ‘Fra Giacomo’. Suora = nun. To address the nun: suor and the name, like ‘Suor Cristina’. Also: sorella, madre superiora = mother superior (’Madre Teresa’), badessa = abbess. Vescovo = bishop. ‘Sua Eccellenza’ = His Excellency. Arcivescovo = archbishop. ‘Sua Grazia’ = His Grace. Cardinale = cardinal. ‘Sua Eminenza’ = His Eminence. Papa = Pope. POPE. P-O-P-E as in the old holy guy dressed in white living in Vaticano. First rule of Italian, folks: we don’t have as many accents as the French, but when we do THEY MUST BE USED. Also: Santo Padre = Holy Father. ‘Sua Santità’ = His Holiness. I had to translate half ‘Wikihow - come rivolgersi al clero cattolico’ LOL
There should probably be a whole chapter about politics too, but you get the drift: use Reverso, check the examples and write me (or any other Italian user in the TOG fandom) a DM if you’re in doubt.
And we arrive straight to the honorific form. This is hard, I know... English doesn’t really have this form, but it’s extremely important to know it and know the differences to write/talk good Italian.
The basic rule is that when we speak to someone who’s above us in hierarchy (a client, a professor, an older colleague, ecc.) or a stranger, we use ‘lei’. Dare del lei means not referring to the person with the singular form of ‘you’ = tu, but use the female third person singular. Let’s proceed with an example: if you’re writing Nicky as a professor, he’s gonna be called ‘prof Di Genova’ by his Italian students. They wouldn’t say ‘prof, non interrogarmi’ to him, but they would use the ‘lei’ form: ‘prof, non mi interroghi’ (don’t test/question me, professor). This form is basically the most frequently translated by Google. This is why the most frequent mistake in fanfiction is Nicky asking ‘scusi?’ (sorry, in the ’lei’ form) to Joe or Andy or Booker instead of ‘scusa?’. As much as I think Nicky is a very polite guy and he definitely would use the ‘lei’ form with strangers, he knows his family (and his husband!) well enough to use the ‘you’. As a rule, always check if the translated Italian you are using is in the honorific form and, if it shouldn’t be in your fic (as in: Nicky is talking to someone he knows, like Nile or Joe or his family), change it to the ‘you’ form. NB! Nice nuance in fanfiction: Nicky using the ‘lei’ form with Copley or even Merrick (sometimes using the honorific form with asshole strangers adds a very sassy flavour) and Nicky using the ‘lei’ form with Joe if you’re writing a first meeting AU (in a polite/formal environment). It’s cute because there’s frequently a moment during a first meeting conversation where people ask each other: ‘possiamo darci del tu?’ (can we use the ‘you’ form?) and I think it’d work well with them.
You think this is it? THINK AGAIN! We also have an even more reverential form, to use with very veeery important people (nobility, extremely high-up people and the such) which is dare del voi. Voi = you (second person plural). The ‘vostra’ you saw above in the royalty part comes from this. Example: if Nicky is a prince or a king, a counselor should address him with the ‘voi’ form. ‘Vostra maestà, vogliate scusarmi: ho dimenticato di aggiornarvi su questo argomento’ (Your Majesty, please excuse me: I’ve forgotten to give you updates on this topic).
A bit complicated, I know, but I hope I’ve helped. Remember you can DM me anytime if you have questions. If you think I’ve forgotten something, please add a comment so that I can reply! :D
Here are the links to my previous ‘Italian language for fellow writers’ posts:
Terms of endearment
Swear words
Writing ‘good’
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toc · 4 years
Nero: frate is singing his songs again c:
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Yule Ball? a.k.a. l’arte del chiedere - Pt 2
Sì, lo so che il titolo della seconda parte è diverso, però ragazz* dai ci sta... Essere originali è bll
Allora, la parte 1 la trovate qui e scrivo a caratteri cubitali che è una METANARI. Così non ci sono problemi ed il mondo è bll e brv ✨🌸
Il setting e il contesto e il world di questa kosa invece non si trovano da nessuna parte, perché ancora non vedono la luce e chissà se la vedranno mai ✨✨✨ questo per dirvi che se doveste avere domande o voleste chiarimenti o anche solo soddisfare una curiosità, potete tranquillamente chiedere in un commento o direttamente nell’ask 
Detto questo, io sono Asia e sarò il vostro narratore per questa esperienza mistica nei meandri del mio cervello scemo
Manca una settimana al Ballo del Ceppo. E Marco ancora non ha invitato Ermal. 
Ergo, Ermal è nervoso, il che vuol dire che Annalisa è nervosa, il che vuol dire che Fabrizio non ha vita facile
Fabrizio che in tutte queste dinamica da regazzini non ha interesse. Lui ha interesse solo nelle mutande di Annalisa e se il migliore amico della sua ragazza (che si ostina a dire di non essere la sua ragazza) sta sempre lì, a reggere le candele e mangiarsi i gomiti perché è un ragazzino rincoglionito, Fabrizio a malapena vede le proprie di mutande, il che non va affatto bene
Certo Fabrizio non sa che nell’ottica di Ermal e Annalisa il terzo in comodo è lui ma dettagli 
E poi, sinceramente, anche all’infuori di ciò che muove le cose, a Fabrizio dispiace
e lui è Tassorosso doc, quindi se vede un problema, è ansioso di risolverlo
Quindi va da Marco
Lo trova nel solito posto, seduto sotto uno degli archi in cortile, nonostante faccia un freddo cane e il cielo prometta una bella nevicata. “Montanari?” chiede, quasi timoroso di fare una gran figura di merda 
Marco lo guarda, confuso “Sì, sono io. Tu sei Mobrici, vero? Quello che dice di essere il ragazzo di Annalisa” Fabrizio lo guarda gelido “Annalisa è la mia ragazza” “Lo sai che se non lo sa o non vuole esserlo non vale vero? Comunque, ti serve qualcosa?”
“In effetti sì” “Perfetto” fa Marco, battendo le mani “Io in genere chiedo poco ai nuovi ‘clienti’” gli dice, ridacchiando e facendo le virgolette con le dita
Fabrizio batte le palpebre un paio di volte “Come prego?” “Sì, dai, lo sai... Sconto novellino” e se il sorriso sornione sul viso di Marco sta bene, quell’occhiolino complice triggera Fabrizio
Insomma, è sorpreso. Di queste cose se ne intende, ne ha visti tanti di amici prendere questa strada a San Basilio. Fabrizio non aveva mai provato nulla, un po’ perché si conosce e sa che le sostanze eccitanti non fanno per un ipocondriaco come lui, un po’ perché non può perdere la testa, dato che per sicurezza è sempre andato in giro con la bacchetta. Non puoi essere strafatto con il corrispettivo di una testata nucleare nella manica o alla caviglia. O almeno questo è ciò che ritiene Romina. Bizio manco sa cosa sia una testata nucleare
ma qui, ad Hogwarts, è diverso. Magari qualcosa di non troppo forte. Chissà se Annalisa se la farebbe una canna con lui. Al limite, la regala a Gabba
“In realtà, non sono qui per questo” ammette, grattandosi la nuca “ma un po’ de erba non sarebbe male, o sbaglio?” ridacchia piano
E poi smette di ridere davanti all’espressione shockata di Marco
“Eh?” chiede il pykkolo ancyelo
“Eh?” gli fa eco il povero Bizio, aggiungendo “ma tu cosa vendi, scusa?”
“Informazioni. Io so tutto di tutti. E mi pagano in dolci” spiega Marco, pallido da far invidia al Frate Grasso
Fabrizio lo guarda ed è il meme della signora che fa i calcoli
e poi sputa “Sai tutto di tutti, ma non che Meta sta per Schiantarti”
“Ermal non lo farebbe mai” sbotta Marco, offeso
“Ci manca poco. Se aspetti un altro po’ ad invitarlo al ballo”
Marco batte le palpebre “Eh?”
“Hai capito bene” ed è soddisfatto Fabrizio, della serie che, alla Gabbani e sempre se sapesse cosa significa, sarebbe tutto “nailed it”
“Ma ma ma ma...” comincia a balbettare Marco, a cui Fabrizio risponde “cco cco cco cco sveglia sveglia sveglia sveglia” lo guarda meglio “Secondo te perché ha rifiutato tutti quelli che lo hanno invitato?”
“Perché aspetta l’invito di Pace” “Rifiutato tre giorni fa” “Di Dino” “Rifiutato settimana scorsa” “La Michelini?” “Lei e Mirtilla Malcontenta si fanno compagnia da quasi due settimane ormai”
Marco.exe has stopped working. Fabrizio non conosce una parola in inglese, quindi non sa cosa gli sia preso
“Regazzi’, tranquillo” gli dà un buffetto sulla guancia “Ti aiuta Fabrizio, er mejo der Colosseo”
“Annamo bene, annamo popo bene” mormora Marco, pensando che peggio non potrebbe andare 
Potrebbe piovere, ma in realtà nevica
Classica nevicata hogwartsiana (?) e ovviamente tutti si riuniscono fuori a giocare a palle di neve. Gli italiani devono farsi riconoscere e quindi organizzano un mega torneo. Inglesi, francesi e bulgari si perdono le migliori bestemmie del mondo e siamo tutti dispiaciuti per loro
Ermal e Annalisa stanno allungati a terra, a fare gli angeli nella neve, le teste vicine, ma i piedi in due direzioni diverse.
“Se Marco non mi invita nemmeno oggi, lo mando a cagare” esordisce Ermal, dopo diversi minuti di silenzio, in cui non avevano fatto altro che osservare i fiocchi di neve che scendevano lenti su di loro
Annalisa cerca di prenderne uno con la lingua ed Ermal la imita, in attesa di una risposta che non tarda ad arrivare “Chiediglielo tu”
Ermal sbuffa “La fai facile, a te è praticamente caduto in braccio e nemmeno mi hai ringraziato” “Ne avrei fatto volentieri a meno” sbotta Annalisa “è un figo, ma è tanto appiccicoso” “Non sembri dispiaciuta quando lo trascini da Madama Piedediburro, nonostante lui preferisca la Testa di Porco” “Vedi? Incompatibili” “Però lui almeno te l’ha chiesto” “Dopo averlo chiesto a te. E poi non era lui quello con cui volevo andare. Al contrario di te, ho avuto le palle di chiederglielo e lui ha rifiutato, fine” 
Ermal salta su, sconvolto ed indignato “Chi è sto stronzo?” Annalisa arrossisce “Un coglione, lascia perdere” lo liquida, perché Ermal è davvero un coglione “Non cambiare discorso. Perché non glielo chiedi tu? Metti da parte l’orgoglio e...” “Mettere da parte l’orgoglio? Se non mi rispetto da solo chi dovrebbe farlo?”
“Ermal!” è la voce di Marco quella che lo chiama, il che lo fa saltare in piedi e anche inciampare mentre si avvicina a lui
“Che fa con Fabrizio?” chiede ad Annalisa, che lo sta seguendo silenziosamente e gli risponde con una scrollata di spalle
“Ehi!” saluta i due, saltellando su e giù un po’ per il nervosismo, un po’ per il freddo, un po’ per la famigliare sensazione di vuoto allo stomaco che prova quando c’è Marco nei paraggi “Facciamo una cosa a quattro?” sputa fuori, riferendosi ad una partita a palle di neve
“OH! Ora parliamo seriamente” risponde Fabrizio, entusiasta, riferendosi ad una ‘partita’ in cui c’entrano tutt’altro tipo di palle 
“Sei disgustoso” commenta Annalisa, mentre Marco balbetta “No, no, io... volevo chiederti una cosa”
“Ok” dice Ermal nel panico, mentre Fabrizio si avvicina ad Annalisa, facendole l’occhiolino come a dire ‘guarda che bravo mentore che sono’
Marco volta le spalle ad Ermal, così che non possa vedere la sua faccia concentrata, mentre si morde la lingua e fa volteggiare la bacchetta
“Marco?” chiama Ermal, confuso per poi sussurrare un sorpreso “Oh”
Davanti a lui, i fiocchi di neve si sono raggruppati insieme fino a formare delle parole. Delle parole con tanto di punto di domanda.
“Yule ball?”
“Gliel’ho insegnato io” si vanta Fabrizio, orgoglioso, mentre Marco si volta a guardare Ermal speranzoso 
“Nemmeno sai che Yule Ball è Ballo del Ceppo in inglese” replica Annalisa, mentre si asciuga una lacrima di commozione e osserva Ermal che si avvicina piano a Marco
“Macco” balbetta, guardandolo incredibilmente sorpreso, senza sapere cosa fare o dire 
“Allora?” chiede l’altro, mordendosi le labbra e abbassando lo sguardo imbarazzato. Un secondo dopo sente le mani di Ermal sul petto e, con entusiasmo sfrenato, alza gli occhi sull’amico, per poi ritrovarsi a terra tra la neve
“Ermal, oh!” grida, schermandosi dalle palle di neve che continuano ad arrivargli addosso a ripetizione
“SEI. UN. IDIOTA. MARCO. MONTANARI.” grida il diretto interessato, accompagnando ogni parola con un veemente svolazzo della bacchetta, a cui seguono delle palle di neve addosso al povero Marco
“Fabrizio” chiama Annalisa, aggrappandosi al braccio del ragazzo, mentre Ermal abbandona la bacchetta e raccoglie a mani nude una mangiata di neve, lanciandola addosso a Marco “Fa qualcosa”
Fabrizio osserva la mano di Annalisa sul braccio con tant’occhi “è palesemente un sì” si spiega “Il mio lavoro qui è finito” completa, con un ghigno soddisfatto, mettendole quello stesso braccio attorno alle spalle “Ma...” “E va bene” concede, tirando fuori la bacchetta 
“Flipendo” sussurra, ridacchiando alla vista di Ermal che inciampa nel vuoto, per poi cadere addosso a Marco “Dovrei aprire una posta del cuore” sospira soddisfatto, portando via Annalisa
“Allora?” balbetta ancora Marco, rosso per l’imbarazzo, per il freddo e perché ha Ermal addosso, con il viso ad un centimetro dal suo
Lo stesso Ermal che è il suo migliore amico da più di un anno e per cui ha una cotta da altrettanto e che si sta chinando su di lui e lo sta baciando 
Ermal che nemmeno sa dove ha trovato il coraggio, ma che sorride quando sente la lingua di Marco sulle sue labbra, che schiude approfondendo il bacio
Insomma, stanno limonando davanti a tutta la scuola ed Ermal nemmeno ha dato una risposta
Si tirano indietro per prendere fiato e scoppiano a ridere quando dicono all’unisono “Immagino sia un sì” “Comunque è sì, eh”
“Vestiti di blu” gli chiede Marco, dopo un secondo o un’eternità passati a baciarsi “Mi piaci in blu”
“Ah?” “Ah ah” e ridono ancora, tutti felicetti 
And that’s it, folks! Questa parte è un po’ più breve, ma spero che non vi dispiaccia! Come chiedeva il prompt, vorrei fare anche la parte riguardante il ballo vero e proprio, ma ho deciso di dividerle per poter trashare ancora di più 😂
se la volete, battete un colpo ed arriverà il prima possibile 😘
Sayonara in questa notte amara mi perderooo nei borderooo scrivero il tuo nome in blu poi scappo in tooooour poi scappo in toooour
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Diet regimen And Also Nourishment.
Urban degeneration is actually the process where a portion of the city comes under a poor condition, the degeneration can easily feature right into the high joblessness, poor effect on economic climate, deserted buildings, unsatisfactory households, no political support and also many more mishaps which will detrimentally have an effect on the human lifestyle in that location In the year of 1970 as well as in the year of 1980, metropolitan decay has been linked with the western metropolitan areas where this catastrophe occurred on these two particular years and also a lot of often it takes place in North America where the cost of urbanization is actually extremely higher. The game happens in New york city Area equally as a plague is taking over and dispersing throughout the metropolitan area. Nevertheless, Milan sometimes looks less Italian matched up to the country's predominantly historic cities and even more of a glamorous city along with modern design. Take note that a little one that has fun with LEGO a whole lot and ljepota2018.info also has encounter building LEGO styles will probably deal with LEGO sets for youngsters much older than their grow older. These remarkable women may absolutely create you appreciate adult trip. However there are loads of truly excellent dining establishments in New York City to consume for considerably less that will definitely enable you to receive a taste of the regional food. All my close friends really love the nation as well as intend to stay in a town i nthe country side, apart from me. You recognize, people that like the nation may not be the unusual ones! Later that same year, she performed the controversial" print as well as TV adds (there was never any true dispute listed here, just Klein or somebody on his behalf creating publicity. A symbolic representation of United States and gamesmanship, the volleyball ball resemble many hours of capability, instruction and play to many a man's life. There are actually lots of points to view and also do in the playground, so I think 1 day is actually not nearly enough for a browse through. . Federal organizations were actually offered access to the COMPUTER-AIDED-DESIGN data storehouse to obtain real-time updates to all police activities developing throughout the area throughout Super Bowl tasks. When you are actually going to well-liked metropolitan area, poor web traffic usually follow as well as when there is bad web traffic, bad public transport body is actually virtually automatic. 5 was announced Pete Frates Time, Mayor Martin Walsh claimed, as the previous Boston ma University baseball superstar was actually feted through more than one hundred individuals outside City Hall. Talk to the Kentucky Cabinetry for Wellness and also Loved Ones Solutions. It's absolutely a household knowledge, as well as lots of guests report that the owners themselves visit each table to make certain that attendees are appreciating their meals. This is actually a really sulit (worth it) offer, considering the cost you need to pay for and the solutions that you will obtain. It is actually really good to have a little of both country as well as area life. Super Rate would be my 2nd option as an extremely versatile power and also once more is actually one that is a ton of exciting to utilize. I presume the style toward local foods is tied to assist individuals in one of the most clinically depressed places, although at this moment they often have much less accessibility to local area meals than folks in cities. The jeepney terminal at the central business district of Legazpi Metropolitan area, in addition to traveler vehicles is located next to the new shopping center (Save More) at the tahaw roadway. I've received a similar character today (march 20, 2008) Coming From Toyota Financial Providers claiming I have actually won from their drawing. These individuals I speak of are pointed out in the Holy book and the source of their very electrical powers is actually consistently the exact same - the Holy Spirit. Take a travel via the Motorcity and you'll view why it is among awful metropolitan areas in Michigan to reside. In my opinion I such as to live in the city and also the country. The rules of soccer date back to the English moms and dad activities. At the same time this happening solidified my already-strong belief that Tom Cruise line is an incredible, 55-gallon, plastic-nozzled, vinegar-and-water, fresh-as-a-country-lane-after-a-spring-shower" douche. Therefore there are considerable amounts of selections of to stay in Oregon however there are a few of the worst urban areas in Oregon to stay also.
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zaturk · 3 years
Folk,Frate! - Fă ce vrei! at Quantic
Folk,Frate! – Fă ce vrei! at Quantic
 Folk,Frate! – Fă ce vrei! Marți, 29 iunie / acces public 19:00  Program eveniment: Acces public 19:00  20:00 -> Folk,Frate! Bilete:-40 lei – acces general – presale – până pe 28.06.2021 inclusiv -> https://bit.ly/3wVPgXh– 50 lei – acces general – doar în ziua evenimentului – 29.06.2021 la intrare Folk,Frate! revine pe scena gradinii de vara Quantic!Cu dor mare de concert, cu piese noi si…
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joulethieves · 6 years
deep breath remember when i said this would take me 5mins nevermind i wrote for an hour
tl;dr burmecian dragoon frately and his adopted hume daughter kipcha are hunters that speak several languages but speak french to each other. there’s a dog and a falcon involved that are kipcha’s weird pets. burmecians are an extinct race aside from frately after they defended marginalized groups across ivalice and slowly died off. kipcha and reddas probably have a Thing. kipcha yells at al-cid in rozarrian bc he owes her money cuz she was hired to spy with her multilingual skills before getting thrown into prison and recently broken out by the time the xii-timeline is close to an end , pre-pharos.
ok wheremst do i start with these two i’ll try to. keep it short. 
kipcha is a hume in her late 20′s who is a huntress. she has a dog and a falcon has a pet. she lives in the mountains, i headcanon somewhere in rozarria, with her weird dad frately.
frately is , quite frankly, a ripoff of sir frately from ffix. like basically he is a burmecian. but in ivalice-verse, i headcanon burmecias/cleyrans as an extinct race. long long lonnnng ago, burmecians used to be protectors of sorts, of the downtrodden or endangered. they are dragoons so they slayed a lotta dragons threatening their land and the land of others. they were all around a super amazing good race of creatures. the viera, especially, consider themselves heavily indebted to them. many many years ago the burmecians defended eruyt from an attack from some force (i havent figured it out yet, either humes or wyrms) and thus helped build the barriers in golmore now. 
so in ffxii timeline, when fran sees frately, and frankly--when any viera sees frately, the only burmecian they’ve seen in many many many years (as they were rumored to be wiped out in some war)--she removes her helmet and bows her head in respect. bc even though the viera that he sees have left the wood, they still owe their lives to burmecians and there’s a deep respect for them as well as a quiet shock as to how he is alive. not sure if he’s the only burmecian who survived; i imagine there are others but perhaps he is looking for them
somewhere in the timeline after eruyt was defended long long ago, another attack on a village happened, a hume town in rozarria. savages were tearing through it, raping and pillaging and burning it to the ground. burmecians fought to eliminate the threat and save the people, but many were slain in their efforts. THE BURMECIANS WERE VERY BUSY FULL-TIME DEFENDERS OF ALL. they never slept. there was always shit to save. kipcha was a toddler at the time and her whole family was murdered, and frately saved her before hiding them both in the woods. maybe just about every burmecian was wiped out (idfk i really dont have it worked out in a timeline). basically, frately adopted kipcha, at a very young age. she was probably like 3. after that attack, they were both alone. he decided he’d take care of her.
fast forward and now kipcha is 20something and she hunts around ivalice with her weird dad. they have a giant big-ass cabin they both built on some lonely mountain and she doesnt get to talk to humans much. but she has her birb and her doggo and likes to kill shit with her dad. 
also frately speaks in a heavy french accent because i said so, and bc i headcanon burmecians as generally speaking french, also bc i created him as an OC in high school when i was learning french, also bc i do what i want and french is a language in ivalice altho it probably isnt called french it just sounds french. basically its a dead language its probably what the burmecians spoke.
 anyway they speak that to each other. she taught herself the main ivalician tongue and bugged him to learn it too. she doesnt speak with an accent but he’s lazy and old so he has a heavy one. also she speaks rozarrian and landisian and galtaean (what i headcanon as english i guess. she learned a lot of languages by books and travel and when she does meet other humes she loves to talk to them to test out her skills. she is very clever like that. languages come easily to her.
hmmm so anyway
reddas took over balfonheim 2 years pre-game. and there was an assassination attempt to get rid of him as he tried to make all these changes in balfonheim since he cleaned  a lot of it up. well, there was an attempt at an attempt for murder, at least.
 y’see, kipcha and frately were in balfonheim on a hunt and it was their first visit there. kipcha overheard two men talking in a foreign language no one could speak while in a bar, and understood they were trying to plot against reddas. she didnt know who reddas was but she’s literally so catty and didnt like how they looked at her so she snitched. basically she saved reddas’ life cuz it ended up being a huge plot to kill him. 
from then on kipcha got on reddas’ good side but was labeled a snitch by others. she doesn’t really care tho, but sometimes it grates her. lots of people call frately a rat bc of how he looks as a burmecian, and because of him partnering with kipcha to snitch, but i dont think the namecallers understand how tall he is cuz when he stands up from his barstool he is literally like almost seven feet tall he is so tall dude. 
kipcha is average like 5′6″ or something but frately is gigantic. he used to give her piggyback rides and jump around when she was a kid and she squealed in delight but he calls her too fat now (she isnt, but he teases her). kipcha is very sassy, outgoing, and mislabeled as “confident” when really she has no concept of how to act in public since she is never around people so she’s generally just a loud weirdo. she carries her dog around in her arms and ppl are like “omg is ur dog ok” and shes like “he’s fine i just like carrying him around like a baby” . she has a bird, a falcon named [redacted (im honestly so embarrassed by a lot of this)], she flies around sometimes and brings kipcha things like dead rats and random rings. kip has a bohemian sort of style about her and wears a bunch of shit the bird finds. 
because kipcha can speak a lot of languages she was then hired by al-cid to do some spying for something or other, shortly after the reddas stint, as word got out about her. she did the job, and got the info back to al-cid,  but she got caught and imprisoned. frately broke her out but it took over a year to figure it out. i also headcanon that the bird steals al-cid’s glasses in xii timeline during his brief stint in balfonheim. 
kipcha and frately are coined “fire ‘n ice” by most folks who are fond of them. kipcha is very hotheaded and loud. she is also a redhead. frately being of pallor skin and white hair and quiet temperament is therefore ice. whenever frately is embarrassed by her she likes to remind him he raised her and he likes to respond “i had nothing to do with this” in a very french accent.
 so reddas hasn’t seen her for over a year and a half before she shows up in the xii-timeline, broken out of prison, growing her hair out cuz they buzzed it off, and demanding money from al-cid bc he never paid her, but in his defense she was in prison. 
kip and frate show up late in-game and that’s the first time reddas sees her since she saved him, essentially i. sort of maybe ship her with reddas? but more like a “they totally banged once and she’s obviously nuts about him and clambers on his back and curls his sideburns around her finger while whispering in french in his ear” she’s honestly hilarious and frately facepalms a lot. frately and fran hang out. kipcha goes on a hunt with vaan and penelo and they becomes bff’s. hmmm. yeah anyway they show up late in-game to help with a hunt or an esper or like, they need kipcha and frately’s translating knowledge for something or other. idk kipcha is just happy to be out of prison and eating oysters and petting her dog. by the time she shows up in balfonheim ingame she’s probably been out of prison for a few months. oh no this got so long im sorry i think abt them every day they live in my head
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chilianflorin · 4 years
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Soundrise Festival ar fi trebuit să aibă loc în perioada 31 iulie-2 august 2020, la Sulina. În ciuda încercărilor din ultima perioadă, n-am renunțat. deocamdată ne-am mutat online. Prima sesiune: sâmbătă, 2 mai 2020, ora 19.00. Cu: Florin Chilian, Ada Milea, Fără Zahăr, SPAM și Folk Frate.
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paulbenedictblog · 4 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Cnn news 'Start Here': Democrats expected to unveil articles of impeachment: sources
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Cnn news
It be Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2019. Let's open right here.
1. Impeachment subsequent steps
Democrats are anticipated to unveil at the least two articles of impeachment towards President Donald Trump at a 9 a.m. news convention this day, in step with just a few Democratic sources acquainted with the topic.
ABC Recordsdata' Benjamin Siegel, who covers Congress, breaks down what costs to impeach from Democrats and the following steps in the impeachment job on "Open Here."
"Democrats settled on what they deem can gather essentially the most aid on the Home ground, the broadest ability costs," he says. "We are going to learn extra of the principle points later this day, nevertheless this is what they deem can gather the strongest and cleanest case in the Senate trial."
2. Investigation into the investigation
The extremely-anticipated inspector general's command into the origins of the Russia investigation has printed that the FBI had passable proof pointing to "either a federal crime or a threat to national security, or both" to originate the probe.
However the command moreover said there became once "serious efficiency failures" on the part of brokers pondering about the FISA functions for surveillance of feeble Trump campaign aide Carter Page.
In an outlandish interview with ABC Recordsdata Chief Justice Correspondent Pierre Thomas, FBI Director Christopher Wray said the FBI would prefer steps to deal with the issues listed in the command: "We're sure to learn the classes from this command and be particular the FBI emerges from this command even better and stronger."
Authorized skilled Traditional William Barr said in an announcement that he believed the proof compiled by the inspector general confirmed that the FBI "launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my search, had been inadequate to clarify the steps taken."
The president known as the command's findings "an embarrassment," telling newshounds at the White Home on Monday, "It have to serene never again occur to yet another president."
3. SCOTUS and abortion
With out explanation or principal dissent, the Supreme Court has declined to verify a Kentucky regulations requiring abortion providers to impart and list a fetal ultrasound to sufferers in factor ahead of the design. The ruling will enable the regulations to prefer gather.
Educated-different advocates argued that the regulations violates physicians' First Modification moral of free speech, while supporters of the measure inform it would possibly maybe be most valuable to making sure sufferers give an educated consent to total a being pregnant.
The high court selecting now now not to prefer in the case is in itself a name on abortion, in step with NYU Law Prof. Melissa Murray on "Open Here" this day, "It would possibly maybe actually well moreover counsel a broader antipathy for abortion rights... or it would possibly maybe well moreover merely signal an unwillingness to prefer yet yet another abortion case in what's seemingly to be a blockbuster length of time for the court."
"Open Here," ABC Recordsdata' flagship podcast, presents a easy peep at the day's top tales in 20 minutes. Listen free of payment every weekday on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn or the ABC Recordsdata app. Practice @StartHereABC on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for outlandish assert and impart updates.
In other locations:
'Failed gaze': Practically about a decade sooner than the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka met a British intelligence officer who ran the Russia desk -- and when the agent left his covert carrier and moved into deepest observe in 2010, she stayed in contact, ABC Recordsdata has learned.
'An inspiration': Peter Frates, the man who championed the viral Ice Bucket Dispute to raise cash to search out a medication for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), has died.
'No signs of existence': On the least five other folks had been killed and eight extra are feared lifeless after a volcano erupted loads of times on a small island in Unique Zealand on Monday, officers said.
'Inclined his power': Amazon locations the blame directly on President Donald Trump for why it became once handed over for a $10 billion Pentagon contract, arguing in newly unsealed court paperwork that Trump dilapidated his power to electrify the decision as part of his "deepest vendetta" towards the firm and its CEO Jeff Bezos.
From our pals at FiveThirtyEight:
'Does The Democrats’ impeachment timeline serene gather sense?': We’ve heard from witnesses pondering about U.S. and Ukraine diplomatic family, and we’ve heard constitutional experts testify whether or now now not President Trump’s habits in direction of Ukraine became once an impeachable offense. This day, we heard both Republican and Democratic lawyers outline their cases for -- and towards-- impeachment in step with the proof soundless in the impeachment inquiry thus some distance.
Doff your cap:
One grotesque Christmas sweater is surely on the roguish checklist this year.
A males’s grotesque sweater that became once sold on-line via Walmart Canada depicted a smiling Santa Claus sitting at a table with three traces of white powder that many had been snappily to claim resembled cocaine, with the phrase “let it snow.”
The wool-polyester mix pullover straight away attracted in trend backlash and the retailer instructed ABC Recordsdata in an announcement that it has "removed these products from our market."
"These sweaters, sold by a third-gather collectively seller on Walmart.ca, originate now now not picture Walmart’s values and gather now now not contain any put on our web space," director of company affairs, Adam Grachnik, said. "We scream regret for any unintended offence this would possibly maybe perhaps moreover contain precipitated."
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calilili · 5 years
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armandomoreschi · 7 years
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#frate #cappuccino a #roma sulla #scalinata di #trinitàdeimonti #predica con #registratore e #musica #folk ai #capelloni #figlideifiori della #beatgeneration #peaceandlove #makelovenotwar #longhair #folkmusic #super_streetlife_channel @super_streetlife_channel #fotodistrada #streetlife #streetlifephotography @streetphotographers #streetphotographers #blackandwhite #street #rome #analogic (presso Scalinata Trinità Dei Monti)
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patfurstenberg · 4 years
Incredible Myths and Folklore from Romanian Woods
Incredible #myths & stories of #folklore hail from the Romanian #woods, this green gold that once covered three quarters of #Romania. Throughout #history, forests fed and sheltered humans from invaders, inspiring a culture. #FolkloreThursday .@sa_artists
Incredible myths and stories of folklore hail from the Romanian woods, this green gold that once covered three quarters of Romania. Throughout centuries, forests fed and sheltered humans from invaders, ‘forest, best buddy bloke of Romanian folk’ goes the ancient saying (Codrul, frate cu romanul), but woods also offered their buds of wisdom and tales.
In Romanian culture, as in many others, the…
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Interior Design Toronto - Spotlight on Creative Avenues
Today's Interior Design Toronto store spotlight focuses on Creative Avenues.
Creative Avenues is not only one of Toronto's premier retailers of furniture, lighting, art glass, original art work, sculptures, mirrors, decorative throw pillows, and bathroom accessories,....they offer design services to address every aspect of your home renovation project, from space planning and colour consultation to complete renovation, contracting and custom construction.
What brands/designers does Creative Avenues represent?
American Leather, Bradburn Gallery, Century Furniture, Chaddock, Christopher Guy, Coucill Furniture, Carver’s Guild, Currey & Co., Decorative Crafts, Dessau Brass, Doug Frates Art Glass, Dransfield & Ross, Fine Art Lamps, French Heritage, Global Views, Hancock & Moore, Hurtado, Jonathan Charles, John-Richard, Kingsley Bate, Lorts, Maitland Smith, Old Biscayne Designs, Pearson, Oggetti, Schonbek, Sherrill Occasional, Signoria di Firenze, Swaim, Stanford, Tourmaline, V Rugs & Home, Wildwood, Worlds Away
Store Locations
Creative Avenues is currently rebuilding their Uptown Toronto at 378 Fairlawn Ave. In the meantime, visit them at their temporary showroom at 1819 Avenue Road.
Company History
Since 1987, Creative Avenues has built a reputation on this foundation of consistent quality and style. At their Avenue Road North store, you will find a unique presentation of distinctive furniture and accessories, discerningly selected from collections around the world by owner/designer Alyce Drenth.
What makes Creative Avenues unique?
With their holistic approach, Creative Avenues is a “one stop shop” for home design.  They offer design services to address every aspect of your home renovation project, from space planning and colour consultation to complete renovation, contracting and custom construction. Whether you’re looking for that special piece to accent your living room or you’re building from the ground up, the folks at Creative Avenues will create or work with your existing floor plans to design the living or working space that reflects your individual style.
What's new in store?
There is ALWAYS new items coming into the Creative Avenues showroom. Follow their Instagram feed to see what’s new in store.
Contact Info
Creative Avenues is one of Toronto's premier retailers of seating, tables, storage furniture, bedroom furniture, outdoor furniture, lighting, decor & accessories
Creative Avenues is located in Uptown at 378 Fairlawn Ave. You can contact Creative Avenues at their website and on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook
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Composed Elderly Perspectives.
RADNOR, Pa. - The Cabrini University neighborhood experienced an additional misfortune on Sunday, May 21, as Colleague Instructor from Biology and also Professors Athletic Rep Dr. One mid-day in the dead of winter inside training, there was actually an unattributed quote doodled on the white panel in the closet area that reviewed: Training resembles battling a bear: You don't stop when you burn out, you quit when the bear gets tired." In the months of year long mixed-boat training in preparation for precious couple of mins of intercollegiate auto racing, allies are the oarsmen's very most constant competitors. Participant of the in the house and also outside monitor & field crew for four years and also the golf group for three at Weston Secondary school. Captain of the monitor & range crew in 2014. Massachusetts All-State champ in the javelin. Twin Region League champ in javelin and also all-comp file holder. Westin record owner in the javelin. Five-time Dual Area all-star in keep track of & field. Competed at the New Equilibrium Outdoor National Championships in 2013 and 2014. Boston ma Planet and Adviser All-Scholastic in 2014. Interact pupils, graduates, moms and dads, faculty, and Whitman University all at once in a broad assortment of activities in support of Whitman university sports. The even more those along with OCD use evasion as a technique to take care of their disorder, the more profoundly entrenched their OCD will end up being. Unsportsmanlike" conduct will certainly be actually reviewed by Supervisor from Athletics as well as may result in punishing action. Richman also was named a Tom Walter/Pete Frates University Baseball Inspiration Honor Winner, Jewish Sports Assessment All-America First string and All-Southern Conference Second Team comfort pitcher. Assistance special occasions which will certainly influence the Sonoma Condition Sports Scholarship Fund in a good instructions. 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Our experts will be actually examining the deepness and seeking to do just what our company performed this year and that is actually possess a lot of this. For instance, one drawback from the ex-boyfriend ante evasion strategies used through SCOTUS is actually that the Court is actually largely left behind on the subsidiaries when that relates to the conversation that avoidance is actually supposed to assist in. If you beloved this write-up and you would like to get more details relating to great post to read kindly check out our internet site. With that done, they may carry on to finding out which top leads might be aspect of their next good team-- like Joey Wendle, which created his MLB debut Wednesday in the roster area gotten rid of by Coco. Board Participant Jenna Segal moves Segal New York City Productions which creates as well as creates theater on Drama and also Off Drama, and also film, tv, and also World wide web web content with a focus on females. Just before the Sports may discuss trading Rich Hillside, they can provide him one more start to incorporate value to his upper arm. No person is to start any kind of stage of the athletics system, equipment checkout, body weights and also conditioning, or strategy without getting sports open space coming from the Pupil Health Center, the sports training workers, as well as accomplishing all paperwork. . February 29, 2016 - General Information Lyons Tales: An Evaluation & Examine of Mount Holyoke Sports for Feb He pinches hit a low average and also sets out a whole lot, however he is actually obtained ridiculous power and also can easily pull his fair portion of walks. Rookie Expense McCahan from the Philly Athletics no-hits the Washington Senators 3-0. 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His problem evasion practically cost him his marriage because he didn't permit his wife into the conversations he was having with her yet through himself. CMS Sports Week In Assessment (4/25 - 5/1/16) Get all the latest scores as well as facts in the CMS Sports Full week In Review, the sports division's regular bulletin. Participate in hundreds of nannies, maids, & senior health professionals to create our power for more significant civil rights and also respect! Lots of harmony transactions memory cards do not have a yearly expense, as well as lots of folks will advise you to steer out of memory cards with expenses entirely. She was actually a research study associate along with DOCTOR Davis in the Division from Biology, a three-time Centennial Conference Respect Roll recipient and also a 2012 Wellesley Summer months Scientific research Study Aide. Sports press reporter Jane Lee overtook the broadcaster to listen to some of his beloved moments and also learn who else he will have wanted to observe off the A's go to San Diego. Player C possesses a noticeably lesser standard, probably given that he starts out one of the most (21%, compared to 19% for An and also 15% for B), yet he likewise possesses the greatest stroll rate and also merely barely has the highest possible isolated energy. Danielle placed 37th in the 2009 CrossFit Games, and also has actually been a Regionals Person Athlete off 2010-2014, aided establish and as a professional athlete for the CF Equilibrium Crew in each 2015 and 2016. Our Precursor, Gold, Black bars and Harmony bare Ocean Sodium Caramel all have at least one corn-based element. Scarano is currently offering his 5th year on the College Sports and also Law Board of advisers that delivers sensible advice on Athletics laws as well as regulations. University sports at Whitman College play an important role in reassuring creativity, character, as well as duty amongst student-athletes. Arguably, not one other college experieince has the very same ability to shape tomorrow's forerunners than university athletics. This is a scenario where you're visiting must place your religion in the A's searching department to understand better compared to you. CMS Athletics Week In Customer review (9/12 - 9/18/16) Acquire all the most recent credit ratings as well as info in the CMS Sports Full week In Assessment, the sports division's regular email list.
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mesagerulneamt · 7 years
Nu-i numai harul. E și inteligența care-i conduce, direcționează sorgintea. Sensibil, profund, luminos, Dinu Olărașu rămâne al nostru, al nemțenilor, pentru totdeauna. Spune că datorează multora ceea ce este astăzi și vrea să adauge, și el, ceva la frumusețea nebănuită a lumii.
– Vorbiți-ne despre localitateaVulpășești, Sagna, în care ați văzut lumina zilei.
Este un sat ca oricare alt sat din țara asta, unde, la 1962, când erau iernile adevărate, de făceai tunel prin zăpadă și trebuia să umbli cu lopata la tine ca să ajungi să dai de mâncare la vite sau să mergi la vecinul de peste drum, atunci, într-un februarie viforos și frumos deopotrivă, am văzut eu lumina zilei. Părinții mei, Neculai și Maria, iubindu-se mult, nu știau ce au făcut. Au observat asta după aceea.
– În familia dvs. s-a mai distins, afirmat cineva pe plan literar, muzical?
Mama mea a scris poezii. E adevărat, niște poezii mai naive, mai de altă natură, dar erau cinstite. Aveau savoarea lor și le scria din toată inima. Și le scria corect în limba română. Asta-i cel mai important.
– Când v-ați desprins de acel loc?
Păi, chiar de la început. Tatăl meu fiind miner, în primăvara lui 1962 a plecat în Banat, la exploatările minere de acolo, Ocna de Fier, Oțelu Roșu… Și mama mea, bineînțeles îndrăgostită fiind de el, n-a așteptat să se termine vara și m-a luat, cât eram eu de mic, ca o franzelă, și am plecat cu trenul să-l căutăm pe tata. Și am rămas acolo, în Banat. Mama și tata, după ce s-au pensionat, s-au întors la Vulpășești, la casa părintească. O casă făcută din chirpici, care rezistă și acum. Stă în picioare mai mult decât orice ANL sau altă vilă din lumea asta! E la fel de vie și de frumoasă, cum am văzut-o când eram copil.
În general, cânt de două-trei ori în Moldova și, bineînțeles, trec și pe la mine, prin Vulpășești, cu toată bucuria. A fost o combinație ”nucleară” între mama și tata. Ambii sunt născuți la Vulpășești. Mai am o soră, cu 11 ani mai mică decât mine, am mai avut și un frate care s-a adus acum câțiva ani, nu a mai avut răbdare în lumea asta și a plecat dincolo… Sora mea are grijă de tot. Școala și liceul le-am făcut în Banat, unde am avut parte de dascăli minunați, care m-au învățat să scriu, să socotesc, să mă gândesc, să văd ce se întâmplă în lumea asta. Mă simt îndatorat față de ei și de învățătoarea mea, bineînțeles. Sunt mulți alții confrați poeți, confrați muzicieni cărora le sunt recunoscător. Cred că datorez multora ceea ce sunt eu astăzi.
– De ce face poezia, domnule Dinu Olărașu, viața mai frumoasă?
Mie mi-a făcut-o, pentru că am recunoscut în a scrie poezie unul din lucrurile cele mai importante care îți poate salva, de fapt, existența, ființa, indiferent dacă afară lumea-i zbuciumată, neliniștită, dizgrațioasă uneori, neîndurătoare, violentă. De câte ori am ocazia, mă întorc la scris și am impresia că e cu mult mai frumos. Asta împreună cu faptul că am descoperit un teritoriu unde am nu o mână de prieteni, ci sute de mii de prieteni poate, care văd nu la fel ca mine, dar la fel de frumos și la fel de îngăduitor și la fel de profund și adevărat ceea ce se întâmplă.
– Mai este poezia însăși viața, însuși sufletul vieții, după cum spunea marele Nichita?
Sigur că mai este. E o vibrație aparte, profundă, eternă. Nu știu cum aș fi rezistat dacă nu s-ar fi întâmplat asta, pentru că eu cred că a fost o întâmplare, un cadou de la îngeri, de la Dumnezeu… Și probabil asta o să fac, până o să trebuiască să plec și eu din lumea aceasta.
– Ați scris întotdeauna cu ușurință?
Pot spune că da. Cu ușurință însemnând la inspirație, la primul fior. Că am venit apoi cu mici nuanțe, cu mici rectificări, impulsul primordial a fost întotdeauna cel mai important.
– De ce avem nevoie ca să fim fericiți?
Într-o lume cum e cea în care încercăm să supraviețuim cât mai frumos, cât mai liniștit, e nevoie de câteva lucruri. Ar fi nevoie de mai multă armonie, mai multă înțelegere, mai multă atenție, mai multă decență din partea unora care învârt – au ei impresia asta – lumea pe un deget sau influențează destinele a milioane și milioane de oameni de zeci și zeci de ani. Mă refer la politicieni, la oameni cu influență. E păcat, pentru că riști să strici existența bună, frumoasă, dăruită de Dumnezeu fiecăruia din noi. E păcat că se întâmplă asta. Ar trebui să fim mai îngăduitori, mai atenți cu ce se întâmplă în imediata noastră vecinătate. Ar trebui să-i ajutăm pe cei care sunt mai neajutorați. La câtă speranță am consumat – și încă mai consumăm – în România, nu știu dacă merităm ce ni se întâmplă. Trebuia să trăim într-o lume un pic mai frumoasă și un pic mai bună.
– De ce uităm adesea că lumea-i făcută din foarte puțin?
Câteodată și eu mai uit. Nu e nevoie decât de dragoste, îngăduință, înțelegere și cred că e îndestulător, până la urmă. Probabil suntem luați cu treburile cotidiene, cu supraviețuirea, cu necazurile, cu încercările, cu catacombele, cu chinuiala vieții noastre. Eu încerc, cât îmi stă în putință, să-mi reglez diagrama vieții mele, cu prietenii, cunoscuții sau necunoscuții, prin cele două module sau îndeletniciri dacă vreți – muzica și poezia. Sper că uneori reușesc să ajung la sufletele, la inimile și la inteligența celorlalți.
– Poetul Lucian Avramescu spunea că, din păcate, în zilele noastre, pentru o mare parte din oameni, poezia nu mai există.
E adevărat că sunt oameni care nu mai vor să citească, dar mai sunt, slavă Domnului, și mulți avizi de cultură. La spectacolul pe care l-am dat la Biblioteca ”G.T. Kirileanu” din Piatra Neamț, am fost surprins să văd, totuși, că lumea mai are timp și de lucruri aparent neimportante. Sper că mă număr printre poeți și o spun cu toată modestia, pentru că sunt poeți mult mai importanți și mai buni. Încerc să-mi adaug vocea cu onestitatea și cu încrederea pe care le am în ceea ce fac. Vreau să pun ceva în plus la frumusețea nebănuită a lumii.
– Ați fost considerat un copil minune, un copil teribil al folk-ului românesc.
Sunt vorbe mari. N-am făcut altceva decât să fiu eu însumi. E adevărat, cu nebuniile mele, cu tristețile mele, cu lacrimile mele, cu umorul meu atâta cât este, cu ale mele curiozități. Până la urmă, asta încearcă să fie, de fapt, fiecare artist. Să se exprime, până la capăt, pe el, de fapt, cu toate vibrațiile lui.
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– În această vară, se va auzi din nou imnul, cântecul spiritului tânăr de la Vama Veche. Versurile și muzica imnului Festivalului Folk You vă aparțin.
E un cântec fain, pe care Marius Tucă l-a îmbrățișat și l-a iubit din prima și uite că a rămas. Mă bucură că se întâmplă asta în Vamă, unde vine toată România; e o Românie mai mică, o Românie care se bucură fredonând alte cântece minunate ale altor colegi de-ai mei. Versurile imnului le-am scris în 5 minute sau 7 minute, așa la inspirație. De 1 Mai nu am fost la Vama Veche, ci la Sighișoara, acolo unde locuiesc de 15 ani. O să fiu în Vamă pe 12, 13 și 14 mai, când se deschide sezonul folk acolo.
– Să încheiem pomenind un mare poet nemțean: Aurel Dumitrașcu.
Am avut ocazia să-l întâlnesc de două sau trei ori. Un poet genial! Un poet iluminat. Era sensibil, avea ceva aparte. Poet cu adevărat! Sută la sută!
”La câtă speranță am consumat în România, nu știu dacă merităm ce ni se întâmplă” Nu-i numai harul. E și inteligența care-i conduce, direcționează sorgintea. Sensibil, profund, luminos, Dinu Olărașu rămâne al nostru, al nemțenilor, pentru totdeauna.
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