#FINALLY vowrawn
a-artist-a · 11 months
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The Emperor and his Wrath
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commander-krios · 2 years
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Legacy of the Sith
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snootysith · 2 years
... This sequel to For the Present is running away from me. It was just supposed to be a fun romp with Marr at a zoo. Now there's political intrigue, a kidnapping plot, unrequited lust from an unlikely source, and a succession crisis.
House Vowrawn is a hot mess.
Marr is reconsidering his marriage.
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tiredassmage · 1 year
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YOU SLIPPERY LITTLE SHIT PIECE OF IMPERIAL AGENT DIALOGUE. You have been on my mind since Digging Deeper dropped and I have FINALLY found you!!!
Dw Tyr and him still get along like oil and water and this still ended with Tyr pulling a blaster on a Sith like that’s ever been a reliable solution but. I can die in peace now.
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chibikyo · 8 months
Day 2 - Cock Warming
Darth Vowrawn x Jedi Knight Reader
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Darth Vowrawn conducts Sith business with his beautiful empress seated on his lap, keeping him nice and warm.
Reader is AFAB and uses she/her pronouns and anatomy. Features some slight plot since it's an odd pairing (loosely based on my OC's back story but kept things non-descript as much as a I can)
Warnings; Cock Warming, Public Sex (sex in front of dark council), slight praise kink, slight objectification, Reader is consenting
Y/n’s breath hitched softly as Vowrawn lightly toyed with one of her pert nipples, rolling the sensitive nub between his fingers as she gripped the arms of his throne to keep herself still. Her head was tipped back, eyes shut to the jealous, hungry eyes surrounding her and Vowrawn. She’d been seated on his cock for over an hour now as he spoke to his fellow sith lords regarding the affairs of the empire, and from the sound of it they wouldn’t be stopping anytime soon.
She had met Vowrawn once, before the war between republic and empire had rekindled in full. He had been kind to her: a mixture of sweet, flirtatious, and utterly charming that somehow tempered the raging fire and passion that ran so hot beneath the surface. She’d already been a Jedi knight then, old enough to have fought sith, old enough to know how dangerous his kind was, yet still so young in so many ways. Young enough to take a chance at asking for the Sith’s help. He had helped her - researching with her for days into a dark sith ritual - and at the end, she’d let him take her to his bed. He had been her first and he’d taken great pleasure in teasing her, taking her apart with clever fingers and searing lips, fucking into her for hours until she was sore, tender, yet craving more from him.
She hadn’t forgotten him; the touch of his hand against her flesh, the taste of his lips on her tongue. The years apart had not seemed to temper his yearning for her. She’d spent years in captivity, then more fighting against the eternal empire, yet the second she had seen him again it was like no time had passed. He’d taken her into his arms, kissed her senseless in front of friends and enemies alike. He was emperor, now, with Acina dead. They were enemies now, more than they’d ever been before, with the empire and republic at war again. Y/n had thrown the alliance’s lot in with the republic of course. The republic wasn’t slaughtering innocents and Y/n couldn’t condone the empire's actions; their motives.
Yet they’d found a common enemy again, Vowrawn coming to Y/n with a request for a truce, to deal with a greater threat. She’d agreed and over time, so much of which was spent in strategy meetings and in the heat of battle, they’d come together again. The alliance, despite her attempts to stay neutral, had slowly melded back into the republic, and Y/n, though no longer a Jedi except in name, had become an indispensable consultant for the resurging order. That’s when Vowrawn had offered a different sort of truce. He’d asked her to be his empress, a way to symbolically bridge the gap between Sith and Jedi. Y/n, weary from constant struggle and desperate to finally attain some semblance of peace in the galaxy, had agreed. It wasn’t much of a hardship of course. They were already committed to each other in the eyes of her friends and she couldn’t imagine having to let him go. With Y/n at his side they named to keep the empire under a tight leash. 
Y/n had never imagined it would lead her to this moment, or any of the ones that had come before. She bit back a moan as Vowrawn shifted, pushing his cock deeper into her as she trembled against him. He’d worked her up to this point slowly, meticulously, pushing her further and further into the depths of depravity over the last several months until all he had to do now was to say the council would be in session and Y/n would change into one of the outfits he’d commissioned for her. It was little more than a few flowing strips of silk, shorts designed for discrete, easy access to her cunt, and a belt with enough support to hold her saber, because Vowrawn did not ever let her go around unprotected.
She felt his other hand skim up her leg, up and up until it settled lightly against her belly. He pressed gently, but firmly and she squirmed at the delicious zing of pleasure that shot through her core. His only rule for her was that she had to stay as still as she could. She wasn’t here to ride him, to show off more than what he allowed his subjects to see of her. Her only purpose, when council was in session, was to sit on his lap and warm his cock while he conducted his imperial duties. He would work himself up just enough to be able to slide into her, letting the delicate squeezing of her walls do most of the work to get him fully erect as he dictated orders to the sith on the council. 
They were always seated and waiting when the other councilors arrived. Y/n’s clothing was designed to show off her curves and a healthy expanse of skin, while pooling just enough on their laps to hide the way his cock was nestled deep inside her. Y/n was sure anyone watching her knew exactly what they were hiding, but none of the sith lords were dumb enough to bring it up. Vowrawn didn’t keep his hands to himself either, driving her mad as he fondled her breasts, sucked bruises into her skin, even sometimes fingering her softly above robes - feather light against her aching clit - until she was desperate and whiny and ready to beg for release. She knew he wouldn’t give it to her though. Here, in this room, she was nothing more than a pretty decoration. 
She was there to show the rest of the council that Vowrawn was their emperor, that he was the one who had tamed their greatest enemy. She was there to sit still in her delicate clothing and warm his cock and she hated how much she loved it. It was humiliating to be so brazenly on display for these powerful Sith, yet, it was empowering as well. She could see the hungry glances they gave her. How a few of the men had to fold their hands in their laps or cross their legs to conceal their arousal. The female lords were less wary, eagerly watching the way she moaned and shivered against Vowrawn, their gaze promising a sweet torture that made Y/n’s imagination run wild.
Vowrawn was so solid behind her as she continued to sit on him. She sank even lower as her muscles slowly turned to jelly. She felt light-headed, floaty. How could he possibly manage to push his cock in deeper? He was already so deep, practically rearranging her guts with his length. Stars! They were still droning on about troop deployment to hutt space. They hadn’t even started on logistics, a branch that Vowrawn still kept his claws in. Y/n whimpered, loud enough to make the current sith lord pause and Vowrawn put up a hand to silence him. The hand stroking her stomach paused too and Vowrawn leaned in so his mouth was by her ear.
“Are you okay, dear heart?” Vowrawn asked, taking in the fevered appearance of her flesh as Y/n gasped for air. She nodded, shakily, causing him to frown. “Use your words, my dear. If you need to stop I can dismiss the council for a break.” He kissed her cheek, rubbed his hand soothingly against were his cock could be felt in her belly. She whined softer as she tucked her head into his neck.
“We have a few hours still, Y/n,” Vowrawn whispered, “and I plan to keep you here the entire time, warming my cock inside your sweet cunt. I want to see just how desperate I can make you.” He grinned. “And if you're very, very good, dear heart, I’m going to fuck you on this throne when we’re done. I want this room saturated in that sweet scent that forms when you’ve been properly fucked.” He licked his lips when he felt her clench against him. “Get comfortable.”
“I’m fine, my love.” She stuttered, face flushed. “Fine, just, so full. You're so hot inside me, pressing against me so well.” She placed her hand over his, pressing his hand down again and another zing of pleasure shot through her. “Please keep going.”
“You are perfect for me, dear heart.” Vowrawn grinned, viciously as he placed a tender kiss against her temple. He slid his hand higher, began toying with her breasts again, the deep, maroon skin such a stark difference from her own. He flicked her nipple until it was stiff, continued to play with it as he encouraged the sith lord to continue. Y/n could hear his voice had lowered, gruff and thready with lust and as he droned on with his presentation she felt Vowrawn’s grip tighten, drawing out a sharp moan.
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empire-at-war · 2 years
kink of the day: Three or Moresome
additional kinks/warnings: sex party, exhibitionism & voyeurism, recreational drug use, aphrodisiacs
characters: Sith!Silvass and many, many other characters (@lhunuial, @kaosstar, @starrealis, @askshivanulegacy)
A/N: Some self indulgent fun with Sith!AU Silvass, who gets to enjoy the company of many different people at one of Shidohro's famous sex parties. Have fun finding all the cameos and easter eggs in this rather lengthy piece.
Silvass wiped his mouth and pressed a quick kiss on the inside of Shidohro's thighs, stroking her long legs until she was completely relaxed. He was in no hurry to get up, he didn't mind kneeling for her.
“Hm, you look so good like this,” he murmured against her soft skin, looking up at her satisfied smile. “Your beauty is beyond compare.” Shidohro cupped his face in her hands, pulled him up for a deep kiss, tasting herself on his lips. “You're such a flatterer.”
She finally released him, let her eyes travel over his scantily clad body as he stood in front of her, clearly conflicted about whether she should let him go. “I'm glad you made it though. I always look forward to welcoming you at my parties.”
“I'm honored by your invitation, as always.” He bowed and winked at her, ignoring the looks he got from the Zabrak and the Zeltron sitting on either side of her. Einan was more controlled, his dislike hidden by a polite smile. Drax on the other hand... if looks could kill, Silvass would probably be dead by now. He grinned at them as he took his leave, promising Shidohro that he would come by later during the party. After that he wandered around a bit, taking a drink from one of the servants, admiring his sculpted chest and extensive piercings. He didn't bother tying his silk robe in the front as sipped from the spiced wine and let his eyes roam over the party, which was in full swing by now. A handsome Sith walked by with a human on a leash, and Silvass found himself staring at the young man's flushed face and the red marks on his ass.
The best thing about Shidohro's famous parties wasn't the food or the wine or the decorations, no, it was her guests. Invitations were highly coveted among Dromund Kaas' high society, but Shidohro always hand picked the chosen ones. And Shidohro had a great and very exclusive taste in all things that mattered.
Silvass recognized many familiar faces in the crowd. Lord Vowrawn was the guest of honor, drawing most of the attention tonight. Of course Mala was here too, either in her position as head of Shidohro's security or to enjoy her day off. Their eyes met briefly, before she flashed him a smile and left with a tall stranger.
Before he could decide where to go next, someone approached him from behind. Small hands, sharp nails, he immediately knew who he was dealing with, even though he had never bothered to learn her name. Shidohro's youngest apprentice was such a feral little creature. Insatiable, irritable, and never patient enough to wait for her turn. The small Zabrak grabbed his hair and pulled his head down for a ferocious kiss, almost making him spill his drink. She growled and bit his lips when he pushed her against a wall. “Nice to meet you too.” He chuckled at her attempts to get him to fuck her. There was something endearing about the way she demanded his attention, the way she wrapped one leg around his waist, squirming to get his half-hard cock inside of her. Silvass vividly remembered the last time he'd fucked her, how loud she had been and how many times she had come on his cock, clawing at his back in ecstasy. She was always too demanding for her station, but stars, did she love being put in her place. So he obliged her, fucked her against the wall until her eyes rolled back in her skull and she cried out, a quick and satisfying encounter to start this evening off.
He barely had time to clean himself up before he saw another familiar face in the crowd, one he hadn't seen in a long time. Zesira was breathtakingly beautiful, many said even more so than her sister, a fact she loved to be reminded of. At the same time, she was nothing like Naya.
As soon as she recognized him, a grin lit up her beautiful face. Silvass followed her into one of the private rooms, where she made herself comfortable in the middle of a huge bed, relaxing in a nest of embroidered cushions, surrounded by her admirers. Her lingerie wasn't designed to cover but instead to show off the best features of her body. Silvass recognized a few of her companions, but not the man who came up behind her, kissed her shoulder. A Mirialan like herself. Big, strong, serious. Very pretty in an angry sort of way.
“Silvass! I had hoped to see you today,” Zesira purred as he sat down next to her. “Would you like to join us for a bit?” She ran her hand down his chest, chuckling when she reached his soft cock. “I'd love nothing more.” He traced the lace of her bra with the tip of his finger, regretting now that he had just finished inside of Shidohro's overeager apprentice. But if he knew anything about Zesira, it was that she was very patient, the complete opposite of the Zabrak girl. Remembering a few of the things they had done together made him smirk. “I'm sure I can be of assistance until I have... fully recovered.” “I might be able to help you with that.” Naya's sister laughed softly and leaned closer to kiss him, wrapping her arms around him. Her lips were sweeter than the sweetest wine, and as they moved against his he immediately recognized the taste. A powerful aphrodisiac commonly referred to as “red mist.” Silvass knew its effects well. Zesira parted her lips, moaned into his mouth, coaxing his tongue into her mouth. As soon as he followed her lead the cloying taste got even stronger, overwhelming his senses. The drug was potent and didn't take long to work. By the time their kiss ended, his heart was beating faster and his cock was harder than it had been all evening, throbbing and burning to be touched. “Hm, that's a promising start,” she laughed and laid back on her cushions, spreading her legs shamelessly for him. He was inside of her in a heartbeat, moaning at the delicious sensations, all of them enhanced and intensified by the drug. Her skin was so soft, her cunt so wet and tight, he felt like he could get lost in her flesh at any moment. He couldn't talk, but he loved the way she kept urging him on, despite there being no need for it. He fucked her with deep, long thrusts, squeezed her perfect breasts and showered her with kisses until she shivered and cried out. As if her moans were a signal, a few of her admirers joined them on the bed, touching her and worshiping her like she deserved. A blue skinned Twi'lek lavished her breasts with kisses, a young man came up behind her to kiss her neck. Several others joined them, their hands all over them. Others were pleasuring themselves, some of them so ecstatically that Silvass had to slow down and watch. There was a pureblood woman with dark purple skin right next to him, and she was pleasuring herself in a way that was so wildly sensual he couldn't look away.
A young man with a flushed face kissed him on the lips, and he could taste traces of the same substance there, distracting him for a moment. Long enough that he didn't notice the slick and slippery cock pressing against his ass. Only when the blunt head pierced him did he fully grasp what was happening. The blonde Mirialan, Zesira's new lover he reminded himself, pushed all the way in, not particularly gentle but with surprising urgency, his breath hot on Silvass' shoulder. Silvass saw the smirk on Zesira's treacherous lips, and he didn't begrudge her her little games. Not when they got him fucked by such a delicious, fat cock. He groaned and thrust back against the man, then forward into Zesira's heat. Stars, yes. This was exactly why he loved Shidohro's parties so much.
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serenscarlett-moved · 2 years
❝ I’ll find you. I always do. ❞
With Kritanta thawed from the frozen prison, the former Dark Councillor took a few steps back to grant some space and waited patiently. He heard voices in the rooms where the others had found his daughters. 
Lana and Jonas were on the lookout for guards and survey the security feeds. Vowrawn held a mask in one hand and a medical enhancement in the other hand to aim at his husband who was slowly waking up.
Vowrawn made a shot as the dart injected the stimulant into Kritanta. The Sith grunted in pain and fell to his knees as Vowrawn quickly rushed to his side to assist him. It killed his heart to witness his husband in so much pain, but he was grateful to be finally reunite with him after a few years.
Kritanta’s breathing were laboured as his mask broke, he gazed through the blurry vision to inspect his surrounding but he could not make or tell where he was until he felt something reached for his face.
Kritanta blinked a few times in effort to clear his vision to see the individual in front of him. He heard inaudible voices in the background--some were recogniseable. There was a sense of familiarity from the individual, strong in the Force, pulled him towards them.
The mask were pulled off from his face. Cool air swept upon his skin, he huddled his body while grimacing in pain as he tried to move from his position. His breathing grew ragged, gasping for air and felt vulnerable without his mask. his wounded body trembled from the coldness.
“Meerko found the shiny things!”
Kritanta heard the voices nearby.
“For the last time,” a male voice spoke in the background, whom he recognised as Jonas’, “They are called lightsabers!”
“Still shiny things to Meerko!” a Jawa protested followed by Jonas letting out a harrumph.
“Who... who’s there?” Kritanta’s voice strained and distorted without his mask modulator, fixating his focus on the individual knelt beside him.
Vowrawn was making some adjustments to the new mask. He decided to put his husband’s mind at ease. He was warned about blindness as the side effects of carbonite freezing--he placed the mask down carefully and leaned in to capture Kritanta’s lip with his own. 
It felt familiar--loving, passionate and intimate--they two savoured the kiss they shared, Vowrawn’s hands cupped the former Wrath’s face, stroking his thumbs across the scarred face.
Vowrawn was the first to pull to allow his husband to breathe, he picked up the modified mask and applied it onto Kritanta’s face before tossing the old and unused one away.
Kritanta took a moment to catch his breath with his new mask on.
“Kavi…?” Kritanta tried to reach out for Vowrawn with his hands.
Vowrawn took Kritanta’s hands with his own and nuzzled his gloved palm before giving a gentle peck.
“I’m here, my love.” Vowrawn spoke with softness, “You’re free now.”
Free? What just happened? The last place he remembered was being in the Throne Room with Aris and Jazz.
“Hush, don’t try to speak. Focus on your breathing.” Vowrawn advised.
“How did you find us...?” Kritanta asked hoarsely.
“I said I’ll find you, I always do.” Vowrawn reminded him with a smile, then his tone changed to a serious one, “We’re here to rescue you and our girls. I’ll explain the full details as soon we get out of here.”
Kritanta heard footsteps approaching--alerted by the hurried presence.
“My lord!” a voice called out, “The Knights are enroute to our position, we might have set off the silent alarm.”
“Typical.” Vowrawn muttered quietly, “I trust Beniko had our escape routes going according to plan. Get everyone ready, we’re leaving.”
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howdoipost · 1 year
Post kotfe/kotet spoiler alert
Finally got my inquisitor through all expansions, as ls saboteur. Since i chose Republic on Iokath, Acina got killed and Vowrawn became the Emperor...and i need to say it feels A LOT more intense. Where Acina seemed to be quick to dismiss any comments related to my character actions, Darth Vow is very very much not. I cant remember actual lines and maybe is all is just general impression and voice acting (all business no nonsense Acina vs Evil Grandpa who watches you).
Second thing i noticed how creepy Major Anri is from LS point of view. Ouch.
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borealtwilight · 1 year
What position does your character sleep in? ( i.e; stomach, side, back, etc. ) Describe why they do this — optional.
Does your character have an accent? What does it sound like?
for jedi!ashala;
If they had a choice, would they prefer a subway or a bus for public transportation?
Your character has been granted 3 wishes; what would they wish for and why?
for korre;
Do they have any verbal tics? Do they have trouble pronouncing certain words or getting their thoughts across clearly?
Are they a quick thinker or do they need time to sort through their thoughts?
Finally; if your character was forced to eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would they choose and why?
for vast
What position does your character sleep in? I would say that Tyûkshâsotasha tends to sleep on her side, most frequently. It’s the most comfortable sleeping position for her, and it allows her to get out of bed at the drop of a hat, if and when it’s necessary to do so.
Does your character have an accent? Hmm... Sorta? Her voice is best described as sounding similar to a Kaasi accent ( so, very Imperial and slightly haughty-sounding ), only rougher, and with undertones that bely the fact that she is from a far-flung, independent planet.
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If they had a choice, would they prefer a bus or a subway for public transportation? I guess bus? Since I would imagine that there are speeder equivalents of buses in Star Wars. I don’t know about subways, so XP
Your character has been granted 3 wishes; what would they wish for and why? Pbbbttt... That is a tough one. Either version of Korre would ask for more time with Ashala, there’s no doubt about that.
Another wish might be that he wants the Jedi and Sith to stop fighting and just. Leave each other the kriff alone. Why do the Sith need to take over the galaxy, anyway? Deep Marr thoughts at 3 AM XD
Wish 3 would... probably be for the Sith to stop being Racist / Xenophobic As Fuck. Maybe that wish is a little influenced by many conversations on the topic with Darth Vowrawn, but you can’t prove either way ;)
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Do they have any verbal tics? Do they have trouble pronouncing certain words or getting their thoughts across clearly? As for verbal tics, I am not entirely sure; that’s not something I’ve put much thought into when it comes to Vast.
However. Pronunciation is something he struggles with, on occasion. And yes, there are times when he can’t get his thoughts across, in Galactic Basic, Mirialan, or Huttese, so that’s often when he just winds up cursing a blue streak until he figures out what it was he was trying to say.
Are they a quick thinker, or do they need time to sort through their thoughts? More often than not, it’s the latter. Sure, sometimes Vast manages to quickly spit out a sentence in regards to whatever it is he’s thinking about, but it’s not always exactly what he wanted to say.
If your character was forced to eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would they choose and why? I... genuinely don’t know enough about Star Wars cuisine to say one way or the other, so...
[bewildered shrug]
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
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“A lot of people try to kill him-” “He’s LITERALLY my uncle, I’m trying to save his life. MOVE.”
lowkey do imagine Vowrawn turning up like “oh hey, Saarai, you got tall like your dad.” And Qet’s just there in the back like “wait...she wasn’t lying???”
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palepinkycat · 4 years
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A beautiful young lady with a proper name and an extraordinary sense of duty. Not as fiery as they come but kind. And gentle.
There is a lot of hatered in his heart. Boiling, growing like a venom. And sadness... Overwhelming grief. He wants to change the world but is afraid to face the consequences.
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a-artist-a · 8 months
Finally finished!
Jedi Knight Rha owes Darth Vowrawn a favour. It's far from their first meeting but being alone with a Sith is always intense. What are they to each other?
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commander-krios · 10 months
"No one ever cared about me like you." for kina/andronikos?
Hey hey heyyyy I've been sitting on this for weeks because I thought I would add a whole other part to it, but I decided I liked it like this. Enjoy!
Grumbling under her breath, Kina Rimal tossed the robes onto her unmade bed, frowning at the navy fabric that did little with her complexion. She would’ve rather had a nice purple, maybe scarlet or gold… even black would suffice for what she needed, but nothing she owned was fancy enough for Darth Vowrawn’s party.
For a party that included the majority of the Dark Council.
Biting her lip, she glanced through the things tossed about, running a hand through her unruly hair. Her fingers got caught on a stray curl and she pulled them free, relishing the sting as the strands pulled on her scalp. She took a brief moment to center herself, the pain acting as an anchor, breathing slowly through her nose before letting the air exit her mouth.
“Somethin’ wrong, Sith?”
Spinning around, Kina spied Andronikos as he leaned against the doorframe, watching her with amusement. Dark eyes sparkled with a playfulness that only she brought out in him, a near childish glee at seeing her so undone. 
Kina scoffed, rolling her eyes. With a wave of her hand, she motioned towards the mess scattered around her bedroom… their bedroom. “What do you think?”
Andronikos raised a single eyebrow at her disgruntled expression before a smirk curled the corners of his lips. He took a few steps closer, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her against him. His breath against her neck sent goosebumps over her skin and she managed to repress a shiver of delight. “I think we should stay home and forget the party. I know a lot of ways to make you forget everything.”
Tempting, no doubt about it. She would stay home with Andronikos every night of the week if she could get away with it, but she was a Dark Council member now. She didn’t have much choice in the matter.
She turned in his embrace and draped her arms around his shoulders, glancing up into his amber eyes, finding that she rather enjoyed these quiet moments so much more than the chaos they got into. He might say differently, but she knew him as well as she knew herself. 
“If you want to protect me from the angry jilted Sith, please, let’s stay home.”
“I’ll pass. I’ve angered enough Sith for a lifetime.” Andronikos chuckled, pressing his lips against the curve of her throat. “It’s a good thing I bought you somethin’ while I was out earlier.”
Curious by what he meant, she glanced over her shoulder at the sight of 2V entering, carrying a large elaborate box in his outstretched arms.
“Mistress, I was told to deliver this to you by order of Master Revel.” The droid set the box on her bed, ignoring the mess like she’d told him too a million times before. “If that is all?”
“Yes, two-vee, you’re dismissed.” Kina ran a hand over the reflective ebony box, admiring the way it shone in the lamp light. She glanced at Andronikos, but his expression was void of emotion, waiting for her to look at what he had brought her. “Who did you kill for this?”
Andronikos scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest, attempting to not look pleased at the question. “I am capable of acquiring pretty things without killing or stealing, y’know?”
“Sure. Since when?” Kina mimicked him, crossing her arms over her chest and sitting on the bed. She waited for him to finally give in, sighing and dropping his hands to his sides.
“You’re impossible, Sith. Can’t you take the gift and be happy?”
“I’m your wife, Andronikos. You should know the answer to that by now.” Kina lifted the lid of the box, stunned into silence at what lay there. An ebony gown made of some of the most beautiful synthsilk she’d ever seen. Threaded with gold and crimson, it glittered as she lifted it from the box and held it up to see it better.
“Do you like it?”
He sounded hopeful, yet nervous. She flashed him a grin, trying to hold back the rush of emotion at the kind gesture. The Sith considered her a slave that didn’t belong among their ranks. The Imperial people were terrified of her power and title. But Andronikos and the crew… they respected her, loved her. Devoted their time to her cause.
She wouldn’t be where she was without them.
“No one has ever cared about me before… not like you.” She told him earnestly, setting the gown gently in the tissue paper, standing so that he could wrap his arms around her again.
“Don’t get sentimental.” Andronikos muttered, pulling her closer, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She smiled, unable to do anything but that.
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darth-bagel · 3 years
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So guess who has 0 self control when it comes to making new SWtOR characters? Yeah, anyway-- say hi to Creyis Tenar'ri!
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snootysith · 6 years
Pairing: Darth Marr/Darth Vowrawn
A/N: Digging back in unpublished fics. This one was made before I knew Marr ascended the council before Vowrawn did.
As the war marches on, Dark Councilors come and go but Vowrawn remains.
He comes with the furniture.
There are a few constants. Darth Ekkage for instance, but no amount of alcohol or wit makes her company remotely pleasant. She’s been in the game just as long as he has but only acknowledges his existence when he speaks numbers. It’s smart, of course, but he doesn’t have to like it.
Then a faceless warrior makes his bid for the Sphere of Defense. It had taken half a dozen other councilors to pull its weight in the vacuum of power and Darth Marr single handedly picks up slack with nary a complaint, settling into his throne like it was made for him.
Vowrawn contemplates his new workmate. He knows nothing of him beyond his accolades. A man who goes to great pains to conceal himself is certainly not going to be forthcoming but Vowrawn has never balked at any challenge. Even one wrapped up like an enormous red cactus.
The moment the Dark Council meeting adjourns, Vowrawn sheds his mask and flashes his best smile as he introduces himself. When he offers his hand to shake, Marr doesn’t take it.
Vowrawn’s smile doesn't fade as he drops his hand to his side. Ah, so Marr must be privy to all the unsavory rumors. Gossip ran rampant in Kaas City and the strange circumstances surrounding his family lately provided enough fodder to whet even a seasoned scandalmonger. What mattered was what precisely Marr heard and how much stock he put in it. Ideally, a fair amount. It was easier to string men along with wool pulled over their eyes.
“Seeing as we'll be dancing cheek to cheek in the foreseeable future, is there anything I can do to facilitate your transition?” Vowrawn asks. “Any outposts that require special attention? Perhaps a battalion at your own beck and call?”
“That will not be necessary.”
“No? Chocolates? A hot bath? A massage? I know a lovely beach not too far from here that does wonders for the mind and body.” Vowrawn runs a critical eye over Marr (briefly pausing at his taut thighs and his biceps) and catches the shift in his stance.
“Do you extend such courtesies to every councilor?” Marr asks guardedly.
Vowrawn’s eyes crease in amusement. “Why, Darth Marr, whatever do you mean?”
Marr must have realized his blunder and tries to excuse himself but Vowrawn smoothly steps between him and the door.
“I don't see why I must be selective with my help. We are all loyal children of the empire, yes?” The words pass his knife-sharp smile as easy as air. “I had hoped my reputation preceded me.”
“Yes...” Marr intones. “Your reputation.”
“I run in a fair number of circles,” Vowrawn says, feigning confusion. “Did you happen to recognize my name for the latest rendition of The Sceptre? I am an avid patron of the arts.”
“Hm... I dabbled in competitive swimming once. Perhaps—?”
“Not exactly.”
“My apologies. Were you expecting my brother’s severed head on a silver platter? Or that I’d rut your leg like a dog in heat? Or—what was it now—that I'd ‘invite you to dance naked under the moonlight on a mountain of dead slaves’?”
Marr falls silent but wry amusement colors his words when he finally lifts his voice. “I am not familiar with rumors pertaining rutting.” 
“I am frightfully old-fashioned. I'd invite you to dinner first.”
“I see.”
“If you're punctual, you'll be able to see my brother's smile before it falls off the bone.”
“You're... joking?”
“If the worst should happen, he won’t be lonely up on the mountain I suppose.”
“You're joking.”
Vowrawn raises his brow. “Am I? It can be terribly difficult separating fiction from reality.”
Marr let’s out a huff and Vowrawn pretends it's laughter. “I concede your point.”
“Don’t worry your head over it. I, too, have found myself mired in gossip—about you.”
Now that peaked Marr’s interest. His already proper posture went ramrod straight. “Have we not just established that such things are beneath us?”
“Well I never said that." Vowrawn snickers and taps his cheek. "Would it be terribly forward of me to ask about…?”
“It would.”
“It was worth a shot.” He chuckles. “I must say however, you've tickled my curiosity. A rising star of the empire accumulating power through his own merit? Trite. Keeping it as well as you have? Just what other secrets are you hiding behind that mask, hm?” Vowrawn leans towards him, peering up into the shadow of his hood with an almost child-like fascination.
A large hand falls heavily on his shoulder and gently pushes him back. “Prying into my affairs already, I see," Marr says dryly.
Vowrawn claps a hand to his heart with a gasp. “I would never!” A beat passes and he allows himself a smirk. “Well, maybe a little. I do enjoy unraveling a sumptuous mystery after all.” His voice dips into a purr and Marr heaves the first of many long-suffering sighs to come.
His hand lingers on Vowrawn’s shoulder.
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rainofaugustsith · 2 years
So given how bizarre the writing for SWTOR has become, my predictions for 7.1/7/2/whatever the fuck they manage before EA finally puts this game out of its palpable misery or fires everyone. I actually think they'd go there with every single one of these. Of course my main one is that Rivix is going to try to make a wedge between the Commander and their advisor(s), and turn the base against them too, because he can't charm any of you.
1. Lana is Darth Nul.
2. Or a disciple of Darth Nul.
3. Or Malgus's former apprentice.
4. All of the Dark Council and moffs Acina/Vowrawn send out on assignment are people she's trying to kill, a la Baras. Including you.
5. There's going to be a Silence of the Lambs style scene between the PC and Malgus. Hello Clarisse...have your chains stopped screaming?
6. The restraints they're working on for Malgus are a test run to see if they will contain the PC and/or Lana, too.
7. Syl's going to save the day.
8. Heta Kol is Shae's twin sister, because we have not milked the good twin/bad twin trope quite enough yet.
9. Someone who was dead is not dead anymore and the entire Alliance will be shocked by this, because it never happens.
10. Someone remembered Theron and Koth still exist and then forgot again.
11. The saboteur will screw up 10 more things on every mission and will not be suspected or rooted out, ever.
12. Arn will turn to the Dark Side. Oh come on, we all see this one coming. It would be nice if he had a middle ground to just leave the Jedi and join Satele/the Alliance without going ham, but we know Bioware doesn't dig middle ground.
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