felikatze · 10 months
yall know i take heroes for a grain of salt unless it suits my agenda,,, but man brave robin's forging bonds is all over the place
namely in how the whole grima thing is handled
it swings HEAVILY in favor of the "grima is possessing robin" angle yet it ALSO ties grima's awakening explicitly to robin's emotions, which, why would that matter if he's possessed?
the phrase "blood of the fell dragon" comes up a lot. also iirc first time a grima calls robin a vessel? grima sure doesn't in awakening itself (fp notwithstanding), and also only female grima does it??? either by intent or happenstance it seems that f grima is gunning for the possession angle where as m grima is more on the emotions angle
like there's dissonance going on about the plain text of the conversation ("grima will take control of robin") and the themes of the conversation ("this can be averted if robin maintains hope, and even the grimas could become robin again if they find it")
ok let me just. compile.
obligatory disclaimer: i am in HUGE favor of the reincarnation angle and vocal disliker of the vessel angle but only my fellow grima stans know that and i cant expect everyone to have in depth knowledge of my grima takes. i am gonna Try to be a lil objective here
tldr intsys needs to stop being apolitical and just PICK A SIDE within the grima trenches already. add to this the timeline confusion of depths of despair, yeah, Grima in heroes is very muddy.
ok so i took a whole BUNCH of screenshots and they're all in german because (points at map of where i live) but that tends to follow english closely. expect minor translation differences ofc
C Support
This one is pretty plain in just the grimas waltzing up to robin going "hey grima is gonna possess you one day lmao. get scared"
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Choice quotes from this one:
1. Robin: W-who are you? No, oh no... Could you be what becomes of me under the fell dragon's influence?
2. F Grima: Know your place, mortal. You are nothing more than Grima's vessel.
Yah. I can argue abt the validity of heroes lore all I like but within the convo itself this is just plain text.
B Support
So this is where the first doubts creep in. F Grima continues her spiel about Robin saying that "Grima's blood flows in those veins without a doubt." I wont reiterate every single time someone does this bcuz Image Limit, but it is primarily F Grima and Brave Robin.
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1. M Grima: The knowledge of what you really are will haunt you forever.
2. F Grima: That is all we had to say to you. Take our words to heart... other Robin.
Here we get into my preferred angle. Not only is M Grima saying that being Grima is Robin's true nature, but F Grima directly acknowledges that she and M Grima are both also Robin, which is an odd choice if it's just Grima possessing Robin speaking. Cuz then the person speaking would not, in fact, be Robin.
Then, when the two Grimas are alone and giggling at their rehearsed performance, F Grima says this:
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1. F Grima: Maybe the created discomfort will be enough to awaken the Fell Dragon.
2. F Grima: Maybe soon, monstrous flowers of ruin will bloom from the sown doubt.
So this is getting into the logistics of how Grima will awaken (inevitably, of course /s). In Awakening itself, a read of Robin as the vessel would have you believe only the rite at the Dragon's Table is necessary to do so. Here, however, F Grima says it's Robin's despair that will cause Grima's return, which she has already sown the seeds for.
In fact, causing Robin to doubt himself to sooner awaken Grima is explicitly what the two Grimas approached him for. This is their goal! But why would that even be necessary if all that was needed was for Validar to brainwash Robin and drag them to the Table? No despair needed! Robin's emotional state is irrelevant in that scenario.
You can argue of course that emotional weakness would make it easier for Grima to take control of Robin,,, but that never comes up. It's always Robin loses hope = Grima awakens.
A Support
Here, Brave Robin mentions being of Grima's blood a whopping three times in a row before Chrom can cut in. The Grimas words weigh on his mind and he's looking for reassurance from his boyfriend.
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Brave Robin: The blood of the Fell Dragon could awaken within me one day... Doesn't that scare you?
Chrom's response here is notable. (Images cut for the damn 10 image limit on mobile)
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Chrom: The day could come, where I, too, fall prey to my own despair. But even then I'm sure that I wouldn't stray from the right path with you by my side.
Again, Grima is not framed as a possessive force, but as Robin's own despair and hopelessness. Chrom would have no ground to compare the two if the former was the case. How would you even compare your own depression with your friend being taken over by a hostile spirit?
This is the dissonance I was talking about.
S Support
Robin, emboldened by Chrom's support, confronts the two Grimas.
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F Grima: As long as you live, the Fell Dragon can take possession of you at any moment.
Robin says he has the blood of the demon dragon with the weird as hell "those veins" line. Who says that??? Did yall forget possessive pronouns exist. Just say "my veins" dear boy
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Robin: It's true that the blood of the Fell Dragon runs through these veins. But that circumstance only calls for more discipline on my part.
Robin: The knowledge of my nature only makes me more determined to never betray my allies' trust.
Here we have both in the same speech! Here, whether he succumbs to Grima is entirely put on Robin and Robin's determination. As well, he says that it's "his nature." Like yeah, this could mean "his nature as Grima's vessel", but that would be a weird use of the word nature (in the meaning of personality and disposition).
Like, again, the focus is on Grima as a result of Robin's emotional state. The two are directly tied and correlating.
To end of, shrortly beforr the Grimas leave, Robin says to them
"Maybe you can escape the Fell Dragon's fangs and walk your own path one day."
Like yeah the literal meaning is again "maybe the robins can be saved from grima" but it can also be taken in a metaphorical sense of "maybe the robins can free themselves from the role of grima."
i'm just generally befuddled. i do like the thematic thread of "robin will never become grima if he keeps hope." but the possession stuff is so entirely literal. but then why - god i already said this.
Grima loving hours incoming! Feel free to skip i just love them.
The one upside for this, for my terminal Grima brainrot - Grima's motivations in this are so tasty to chew on. I mentioned before, the Grimas approach Robin with the intent of making him despair in the face of his inevitable destiny. But Robin doesn't, refutes them - he says that if he changed, so could they.
This is fascinating, cuz I think brave Robin terrifies them for this exact reason. He's just oblivious, he's the one who'll change, just see - yet he doesn't. He is the living proof destiny can change. Here we see again, Grima as hopelessness. They need destiny to be inevitable. Because then it's not a choice to be hopeless anymore. Things couldn't have gone better. What if Robin's bonds weren't meaningless trifles, though? It's a challenge to everything the Grimas had to accept.
But look around. This is Askr. People meet other versions of themselves by the dozen - with different fates and circumstances.
Grimas' reason to speak to Robin really just seems scared of change. The final take away from the S support for Robin is that maybe they can change too, after all. Grima is terrified of change! Of hope! Of becoming Robin again! Because then what was it all for? Why did they have to suffer so much? Isn't it unfair? Isn't the thought that you could've gotten luckier unbearable? Grima is my sopping wet meow meow, if you couldn't tell.
Grima fan hours over, back to complaining.
another layer of confusion for the setting of this is is... when is this robin from, exactly?
so brave robin is said to be the tactician of the "newly crowned" exalt, matching legendary chrom's time period. This gives us precisely two options, each with their own issues:
This Robin is from the two year timeskip after chapter 12, where Chrom assumes the throne after Emmeryn's death.
This Robin is from a post canon ending wherein Chrom becomes exalt for realsies (likely only viable for a Chrom ending).
The issue with the first one is: Robin wouldn't know that he's fellblood at this point? He starts suspecting it in chapter 13, obviously because the grimleal hierophant has his exact name and face, as well as Validar's attempt at telepathy. He'd have to be from after the timeskip if that is the case.
Of course, he could be hearing this for the first time from the Grimas. In that case, his reaction is extraordinarily mild. And his first words to them are "Could you be what becomes of me under the fell dragon's influence?" If he's hearing this for the first time, what a wild conclusion that is to make. Again, he'd have no clue he's fellblood, that this is even a scenario that could happen at all.
The issue with the second option is that Robin... would have nothing to be afraid of? He would have already confronted the self that became Grima and defeated it. At which point this whole forging bonds becomes an entirely redundant character arc that really would just be inferior to the equivalent moment in Awakening itself. Robin cites himself as proof that the Grimas could change, indicating a post-canon mindset, but then, why do their words initially get to him so much?
I don't think he'd just be second act Robin either - Chrom would've already been Exalt for two years at that point, which makes the "newly-crowned" comment odd.
All around I'm.. mildy disappointed with this one. As stated just now, it's a redundant arc that doesn't show us anything new about Robin.
Looking at Soren's - that one really took advantage of the Heroes setting to display Soren's growth as a character. The interactions between him and Ranulf were great and funny, and the way he opens up to his younger self shows that Ike's kindness affected him.
Corrin also got great moments with Gullveig. It was amazing to see a post-revelations Corrin who succeeded in ending a war through communication, and how she carries it forward into solving conflicts now, no matter how dire, by extending compassion to the summoned Gullveig. I haven't finished her own storyline yet, but I already liked seeing her interact with Azura and Lilith.
By comparison, this is a scenario that literally already happens in the game itself. It elaborates more on Grima as a metaphor for hopelessness, yet muddles the logistics of it by not committing to either option to what Grima is in relation to Robin.
All around. Love Brave Robin! Great outfit! He's very cute! Another win for gay marriage! His forging bonds? Mehhhh.
Despite the ongoing discussion of "What timeline even IS this??", at least Depths of Despair gave us something new in a bad timeline chrobin dynamic. this is heroes goddammit. get crazy with it.
i would literally kill for robin-idunn interaction you would not believe. could you imagine brave robin and spring idunn interacting,,,, i am crying just thinking about it.
FEH has done a great deal to really uplift Grima as a character and add more depth to what the game gave us, both in backstory crumbs and the motivation department, so seeing them fumble the bag here is just disappointing. Can they get their own lore together already?
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moe-broey · 7 months
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Felt. Compelled (to take a break and revisit some sketches 🫡)
The second pic is an older sketch, the rest are all part of the same sketchdump! And. I think it shows. How resting is always on my mind w them LMFAOO the curled up poses are damn near identical........ 🧍
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randomnameless · 28 days
What do you think about the take that there's no freedom of religion in Fodlan because there's a woman who worships a foreign deity in the abyss?
More or less the same thing than the take about Colonel Sanders being jailed in Garreg Mach because Rhea wants all those chicken tenders for herself.
More seriously,
Bar Claude speaking with his ass, and apparently Leonie being worried that the Church might be crossed with Claude mentionning he's not religious - even if in Leicester it's pretty much known far and wide that the nobles adopt a pious font for PR - I prefer believing the words of, you know, the CoS officials aka Rhea and Seteth on that matter, the CoS's doctrine - at least for the Central Church - doesn't forbid practice of other religions or faiths.
The Western Church being xenophobic most likely would be pissed at, say, random duscurian person worshiping Duscurian gods, but as for the central church? They, just, dgaf.
Now, in the Abyss, there's a pagan statue - from a Dagda deity per Shamir in Nopes! - and a woman praying there, who was apparently harassed for not following the Seiros faith.
But... if freedom of religion was banned :
1/how the fuck this 20 meters tall statue managed to be placed in Fodlan's Vatican's basement without anyone noticing
2/why Seteth and Rhea, when asked, said they don't impose the Seiros faith on people
3/why Leicesterians are allowed to be "pious for show" if religion was so important?
As always with Fodlan, we have some things told by several characters who are playable/talkable in the base game (tfw Seteth mentions how they don't force people to worship first in FEH, and then in Nopes, but nothing in FE16 + Cyril's supports that no one bothers to read because fig him I guess and ultimately they don't matter because Claude can't look like a clown in VW) and they are contradicted by either, flavor text, screening through various lines of hidden dialogue or, flat out, lines said in the gacha or the musou spin off.
Now, about that Dagdan woman, why was she in the Abyss, aka, a CoS shelter ?
Because she worships a different god and that's frowned upon by, uh, the very same church that shelters her? And this church gives her a place to worship her deity?
Or, if we take clues and connect dots from two astral planes, could it make more sense that this person ended up in the Abyss because she was Dagdan, and from Shamir's backstory we know Dagdans aren't that beloved by Fodlan people, after their multiple attempted invasions of Adrestia? Dagdan Woman must have looked for some shelter and found one - as for where or who put that statue here, I can't guess, but given how the Abyss is a place for people who cannot live at the surface without being picked on/harassed/threatened, I suppose the purpose of that statue being there was more in the lines of "as long as you're here if you want to worship your god you can do so" and less in the lines of "I'm so not tolerant at all that I will create a space in my holiest place where you can worship your god, because i hate other religions than my own".
If there is a general point to be made about "freedom of religion" in Fodlan, it's more about the lack of reliable (so, no Claude and his "I'll smash open the land and get rid of its backwards values unless I go to school") info about how tolerant the various countries that compose Fodlan are, and how some people from the CoS aren't on the same wavelength as Rhea and Seteth are.
Do they have some sort of responsability in this matter? Maybe in their hands-off approach to let the regional branches preach what they want or not adopt a stricter control on what is being taught but the game - and most likely that take - isn't bothered by all intricacies of how to conduct a faith/religion, otherwise I'd call a double standard over the CoS being BaD because they don't tell Father McRandom from Leicester to stop making randoms believe they can't have faith in other religion than the Seiros faith, but not calling out Ionius on not acting against Hanneman's brother in law when he fucked his wife so much that she died, or Lambert for Matthias keeping a kid as a hostage, or Claude's Uncle not frowning at Gloucester killing Raph's parents (the nopes retcon notwithstanding).
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feh-alt-battle · 24 days
thoughts on brave marianne? cuz sooo many people hate that one and i really don’t see why? i mean i guess it’s a little bit sexual (and honestly not really) and ppl don’t particularly enjoy her artist but i just don’t get the hate 😕
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I'm asexual myself and with that (at least for me) comes with a distaste for all things sexual, and I have a particular hatred for sexualized women in battle contexts. That being said, while my first impression of Brave Marianne was "Where's her armor?", I'm not too upset about it in the long run because it's just a game and no matter how much I might complain, I'm not the audience for this
I DETEST the idea of 'rule of cool' when it only comes to sexualized armor. Rule of cool is AWESOME, I play dnd by that rule, but it's hard to believe when the men are armed to their jaws and the women are in like one or two layers of clothing
Even with all this being said, I enjoy Brave Marianne! She was the first unit I got as a 'welcome to feh' prize, and she carried a lot of my early game! I really like Marianne as a character, being my second choice for a marriage partner, and I'm just glad she's got at least one alt! There are times where I'm like "she would not fucking wear that", and I wish she had actual armor and even used Blutgaang instead of a tome!
My thoughts? I could complain endlessly about sexualized armor, but as it is on Marianne? I suppose it could be worse. I even drew her for her birthday and it ended up being on of my favorite Marianne arts <3
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pangtasias-atelier · 1 year
Hello I love your work. Could I get a story of Ryoma and Kaden being caught in a magic trap by enemy mage, forcing them to grow larger and larger, making it easier for the enemy to capture them and use them just to stuff them up, thank you
Oh fuck yeah a Ryoma story asbjsbsns. Ryoma was actually my very first summoner support and I treated him with so much care before pushing him to the side with Grima lmao. Though I still love him, I mostly used him in feh cause got lucky with him and he was my best unit back then.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story cause had fun with it and also did like a little like kinda brainwashing. It's what K-ga would've wanted
Warning: This is a fetish story!
The Kitsune Hamlet always a steep, treacherous path to traverse, the tiring journey is at least alleviated from the wondrous landscape with so much of the area left to nature’s own whimsy. Hoshido currently in fall, the browns and oranges of the forest help the kitsune blend into their scenery; even on the main road that is unkept from minimal usage to such a secluded area. No one knows who created the path. Not even the kitsune’s leader, Kaden, the path most likely created by humans who could barely parse left from right on the dense, forested mountain. Despite the narrow, winding path, it is the safest, most secure path up and down the hamlet. The path is also littered with multiple stops along the way to ensure as smooth a travel as possible.
This is not one of those journeys.
Unfortunately for the two descending, Ryoma had decided to follow the advice of Kaden. Surely one as experienced in leaving and returning to Kitsune's Hamlet would know every inch of the land? Wrong; Kaden had gotten the two lost only a dozen feet off the beaten path, and so embarrassed —plus his own ignorance in never truly being aware when it came to directions— over his mistake, Kaden kept quiet over his mistake.
“Hmmm,” Kneeling in front of a large tree, the mature thing far wider and larger than the rest in the area, Ryome sighs as he spots the pebble he left in between the tree’s roots the first time they had passed by it over an hour ago. Ryoma’s face is pensive as he stands up. “Perhaps it would help us if we walked down the mountain at this rate, Kaden,”
“Nah I got this. So what if I got us turned around just a little? I’ll ge-”
Ryoma waits no time in interrupting Kaden, initially hopeful that the kitsune would at least be able to admit his blunder. “This is the third time we have passed this tree. I’ll lead. Or else night will have come and we’ll still be here,”
“Oh come on. I’m sure my tribe wouldn’t mind having you stay another day,” But Kaden follows Ryoma without any other complaints after he looks up through the canopy, the orange hues of the sun’s lowering position in the sky. 
With no more side distractions, the two fit men make quick work of the mountain during their descent. They longer have to see the same set of trees and rocks, instead seeing other, equally fascinating sets of trees and rocks. The sounds of running water off in the distance along with the chirping of unseen birds liven the two’s now rather silent trek; the only noise the two make themselves are the crunching of fallen, dead leaves under Ryoma and Kaden’s boots and sandals respectively. The two walk side by side upon Ryoma’s insistence; Kaden always trailing off to scout whatever catches his fancy whenever leading the way and just as easily prone to do the very same when following someone else. Ryoma holds Kaden by the hand, the two’s hands easily and comfortably interlinked with each other. The journey down the mountain goes smoothly at first, all the way until the two reach a flat area of terrain.
Kaden sniffs at the air with his head raised. Ears twitching, his nose scrunches up. “Uh Ryoma? Let’s go this way,” Pointing with his unoccupied right hand slightly back where they came from, Kaden takes one confident step to where he pointed.
He doesn’t budge at all from his spot.
“We’ll get lost again,” Ryoma shakes his head. Though he holds zero irritation in his demeanor, instead finding Kaden’s cluelessness rather cute. “Just trust me, okay?” Ryoma keeps his pace, considering the matter resolved. 
Kaden keeps sniffing the air as they hike down the mountain. The strange odor he smelled earlier fades away as they walk away. Eventually, the stench is nearly gone, nothing more than a faint far off smell. But still, the sensation stays in Kaden’s mind; the stench nowhere near as pungent as anything else, the odor still felt awful, as if something man made. Which shouldn’t be the case when the two of them should be the only ones on the mountain beside his tribe. 
Kaden’s tail stiffens after a few more paces. Unable to smell anything, he instead feels it; the very same sensation reaching and grasping him. 
“Are you okay? Perhaps I can stay another night with you in your hamlet. You don’t seem well,” Ryoma presses the palm of his hand to Kaden’s forehead. He stops himself from recoiling, but the shock is still evident on his face, Kaden's flushed face burning up out of nowhere.
Kaden’s gut gurgles. Clutching his stomach, Kaden winces. “Magic…” 
“Kaden!” Ryoma grabs Kaden by the shoulders; he keeps him steady, as if Kaden were to fall at any instant —which he might if Kaden's sudden, pained groans are any indication. Ready to rush him back, the adrenaline in Ryoma's body vanishes as an extra bit of flab appears on Kaden's new little belly. At least, he blames his shock on his sluggish, tired state. But in reality, the magic takes hold on him, the immaterial essence snaking its entire potential on the human. Ryoma's eyes are clenched shut. A pit of burning flames envelops his entire gut. He falls to his knees not long after the spell starts, arms clutching his flat stomach. Able to still hear Kaden's much less pained moans, Ryoma's attention quickly shifts over to himself as he hears his own stomach churn and groan, from discomfort and hunger alike.
Having forgone his armor, the heavy, plated metal useless in what should've been a peaceful visit, the jutting curve of his stomach that lurches forward is met with little resistance with only the soft, silken fabric of his shirt to inhibit its growth. Ryoma's abdomen broadens, a generous layer of flab protruding where moderately defined abs used to be. The doughy crest of flab protrudes from his shirt, the lowest roll of belly fat sneaking past the fabric now. Likewise, his chest fills out generously. Ryoma's pecs lose any semblance of definition to them; instead, two hefty breasts replace them, both tits slowly filling out his shirt as the magic's hold on him strengthens. Ryoma's body is not the only aspect of him to be affected, his entire being being rejected by the spell.
Kaden suffers much less than his companion. The spell clearly meant for kitsunes, the already potent magic is like a steady flow of water compared to the crashing torrent of waves Ryoma faces with kitsunes much more resistant to spells. His body slowly fills out. His defined chest gains some extra heft to it, the rounded out set of breasts pressing up against the plunging neckline of his half tied top. His arms fill out the tight fit of his sleeves; two flabby biceps stretch out the barely stretchable fabric. Kaden's pants made of the same material, the legging-like lower apparel outlines the blubbery pair of thighs that continue to widen and enlarge with fat. The spell affecting Kaden less, the magical transformation also affects his body differently.  Kaden's lower half takes on a larger brunt of the weight. His pants try their hardest to stay on him, the fabric already near its final use only partly through his growth. Kaden still fattening up, the magic begins to ease on him, the later stages of his expansion much less painful now. He takes deep breaths as he feels his body no longer clamp up as before. Loosening his grip, Kaden doesn’t bother to inspect himself —a sight of clothes straining and beginning to tear from covering too big a body— in favor of glancing at Ryoma who is still on the floor.
Ryoma is now lying on his back, the large dome of his belly jutting and rising up into the sky. His hands clench his aching head, loose strands of his thick brown hair escaping between his pudgy fingers. Ryoma is already at least a hundred pounds heavier compared to Kaden’s form, and still growing, the shirt that now serves as a bra that only grows tighter around his swelling form proof of his ongoing fattening. 
“R-ryoma!” Kaden waddles over to him. His ass jostles behind him, the burgeoning fat ass straining his pants to their very limit. His gut shakes likewise. His top is still held together by a tied sash that is no longer as loose as before. The thin strip of fabric presses into his gut and nearly splits his belly fat into two separate bulging sections. Kaden kneels beside him. The tearing of fabric seems to echo in the forest, the back of his pants ripping right down the very center. Despite the blush on his face, Kaden tries to pay not much attention to it; instead, he places both of his hands on the upper swelling mass of lard that makes up Ryoma’s gut. Kaden’s ears curl ever so slightly as Ryoma looks at him, the king’s pupils dilated.
“Hrghh-who?” Ryoma shouts at the stranger. “My head,,,” Ryoma grits his teeth as he tries to get up, the buzzing of his head slowly losing its vigor but still remaining with a monotone ache in the very back of his mind, not too dissimilar from the crackle of energy Raijinto buzzes with when unsheathed. “My head hurts,”
Kaden immediately goes to help him up. “Ryoma, it’s me, Kaden,” He points to himself, placing both his hands on his pudgy chest that still swells out before wrapping an arm behind Ryoma’s back —an arm that barely manages to make the distance across such a wide, flabby back. “We have to get you back to Hoshido and return you back to normal. I’m sure your retainers and everyone else will be worried to see their king like this. And I’m sure they’ll kill me when they see you,” Kaden murmurs the last sentence to himself, smiling at his companion as he helps him up. 
“Hoshido,,,” Ryoma blinks, furiously opening and shutting his eyes. The beautiful capital and its castle in his mind, the clear image grows hazier with each subsequent vision. His own mental depiction of himself blurs as well, the adept warrior replaced with nothing more than a glutton. “Lies! A king couldn’t be this fat,” Ryoma’s breath quickens. Like a heat flash, his face is marred with perspiration. Ryoma still grows and widens out and his mental depiction of himself does the same. Quickly blowing up from an already obese state, Ryoma becomes even fatter; his entire figure becomes caked in fat, the hefty portions of lard quickly slathered onto his frame like clay on a pot. 
“Then tell me, Ryoma, what could you possibly be if not king?” Kaden challenges back. Helping Ryoma waddle, the two’s attempts are laughable. Both of them struggling from their own weight, the limited space from the two obese men make it even more difficult with two large sloshing bellies slapping against one another. Ryoma’s much larger gut sags further down, the slab of lard reaching all the way to just above his over swollen knees. Kaden’s ass the largest aspect of him, Ryoma still beats him in size from the sheer difference between the two; the two blubbery asses that are no longer fit for chair are pressed against each other, the sides of their rears, squishing. 
Ryoma thinks long and hard over the question. And yet, he comes up just as empty as his thunderous gut. Until a figure pops into his brain, another heavyset individual not quite as large as himself. “All I know is you,” Ryoma admits, able to still remember Kaden from being with him during his sudden change. Kaden remains the only constant in Ryoma’s head as the two swell out.
“That’s a start! Just trust me and I’ll get us out of this predicament,” Kaden’s tail swishes behind him. The fluffy tail seems much smaller now compared to his widened, obese figure. So elated by Ryoma’s response, Kaden pays little attention to his companion. Instead, he focuses on getting the two back to his hamlet first and to figure out the rest later and not on the walk that continuously grows harder as they grow softer.
Ryoma on the last legs of the curse, his groaning stomach gurgles even louder. The grumbling begins to sound out even more often, the noise eventually becoming constant. He speaks to himself all the while, muttering to himself about Hoshido and being king. He even nods along to Kaden who speaks to him about such things. And yet, the words still feel foreign to him, his memories unable to conjure up anything about such fairy tales of ideas.
Ryoma’s stomach sounds out one last noise for more than a minute. Suddenly ravenous, his gut yearns for food as his figure crests to its final weight. His body practically surging in fat, Ryoma finds himself extremely taxed just from standing. Ryoma morbidly obese, his enormous gut is the largest aspect of himself. The massive wobbling gut sags past his crotch, far past his crotch. The lowest heft of belly fat manages to sag even past his knees now, his knees burdened by a roll of thigh fat that lurches onto it to limit the flexibility of the limbs. His pants are in complete tatters now, strips of fabric that only remains on him by managing to wedge themselves in between the jutting, folding rolls of flab that make up his meaty tree trunk sized thighs. His cankles so caked in fat, the circular roll of flab that encases them sags onto his feet; the fattened limbs wobble like the rest of him. Ryoma’s ass juts behind him. The two enormously sized ass cheeks sag behind him with not enough support for them. Each cheek rivals his former size, the fattened Ryoma able to smother his former lithe size with his rear —not that he can even picture himself so, such a thing nothing but a figment of imagination. Ryoma’s breasts free, the two breasts splay to the side. Even as he stands, the two breasts rest on Ryoma’s jutting love handles, the upper set, Ryoma fat enough to have two sets now. Ryoma’s arms are two hams for biceps, the overly coated in flab arms pressing against his plush set of breasts even as they are forced at an angle from his size. His moobs are larger than any person’s biceps, the two meaty breasts also larger than his own flabby head. Ryoma’s flabby porcine cheeks soften his once angular appearance. His third chin gives the same effect along with his less visible neck that is taken over by flabby neck rolls. 
Despite his size, Ryoma still walks. Huffing, his face turns a bright red from exertion. Clearly on the last vestiges of mobility, he does his best to appease his friend, the cheery obese kitsune, the only person he can trust. And like a tome, his memories seem to open themselves to him, Ryoma remembering his past. Ryoma remembers it all. He remembers living with Kaden, the two simply gorging themselves each and every day. The two enjoying each other’s company with only good food and wine, everything else is still a haze to Ryoma, each location nothing more than the barest nondescript location he can’t even place a name to. Ryoma begins to grope his breast with his free hand, the sausage for fingers slowly reaching lower to fondle the parts of his stomach that he can still reach. 
“I remember, now,”  Ryoma comes crashing to the floor after his slow declaration. His fat pools all around him, his gut rests on top of his enormous thighs. His enormity shakes from the purposeful fall. He enjoys his break, rewarding himself with deep breaths.
“Ugh that’s great but,,,” Kaden arches his back and fans himself. Now free from supporting Ryoma’s weight, he still has to contest with his own. Kaden is practically a miniature, thinner version of Ryoma. At most three hundred pounds less than the barely mobile Ryoma that can probably no longer walk without help, Kaden is still a rather rotund, shapely figure. His stomach large enough to droop just about to his crotch, the pale pudgy belly just not far enough to where the lower portion of Kaden’s fat pad is visible. Kaden’s entire lower half is naked. His non-stretch pants unable to withstand the weight long ago, Kaden’s thick thighs are on full display. The shapely legs are even wider than his own gut with Kaden rather bottom heavy. So much weight down there makes it difficult for Kaden to waddle. Especially with his large ass that sports more folds of flab than his gut did a hundred or two pounds back. Kaden’s chest is also rather large, the two moobs obscenely filled with fat; the two breasts are almost a third of the size of his gut, the two large breasts almost the size of Ryoma’s own fat tits. His arms rather large, the two undersides of his appendages sport a hefty coating of flab that sag whenever he lifts the two large, fatty biceps. 
Kaden takes large refreshing gulps of air as he catches his breath. “We gotta get back to the hamlet first and then figure out way to Hoshido,”
“We don’t live there. We live together. And we missed our meal together. I’m so hungry,” As if to punctuate his whine, Ryoma’s stomach churns, the sound even managing to make Kaden wince from its guttural sound.
“Oh no no no no,” With wide eyes, Kaden goes to try and pick up Ryoma. But no matter how much he tries, the obese kitsune is far too tired to pick up the even fatter human. And so, Kaden takes a seat himself to catch his breath. He rests against Ryoma, using him like a large boulder. A much softer boulder, Kaden nearly draping himself on his gut. “Tell me what you remember,”
Ryoma smiles from Kaden’s embrace; the sensation is familiar to him, like something they’ve always done according to his memories. “We live together and eat as much as we please. And we haven’t eaten since our second lunch,” He hums to himself at the thought of food, rubbing his gut with both hands over indulging on a heavy course of dinner to make up for lost time,”
Kaden sighs. Deciding to sort whatever is going on with Ryoma later, he only nods to his statement in favor of saving his energy for getting back to the hamlet.
“If it’s food you want, we can help you,” 
Kaden sharply turns his head. Nothing in his sight, he struggles to get himself in a standing position.
“Mmmphh phhmm,” 
“Ryoma!” Kaden still getting up, he panics when he hears Ryoma grunt. Taking a step away from him and turning around, he rests a hand on his love handle as he catches his breath. 
Ryoma greedily devours the cooked ham he now holds in his hands, the sweet glaze that drips down the still warm meat coating his pudgy face. His massive arms practically embrace his head while he eats the best that he can. And beside Ryoma are a group of mages, the men sneering at their prey with an entire carriage behind them.
“I-” Scrambling for his beast stone, Kaden doesn’t even question when he finds it stored underneath his right boob. He channels the stored energy only to find himself still staring at the mages in his same form, Kaden now too fat to properly transform.
“Don’t even bother trying anything,” Clearly the leader of the group —if the size of his muscles and stature are any indication, the mage laughs as he approaches Kaden. “We were only expecting Kitsune but I’m sure our buyer will enjoy taking such a fine specimen as well,” He cocks his head toward Ryoma. The barely mobile amnesiac is already walking with the other men who support him. Ryoma still eats the large ham all the while. They push him onto the carriage, several of them grabbing him by the ass just to get him on it. And the carriage tilts afterwards while he happily eats to his heart's content with more food waiting him. 
“What are you doing with Ryoma?” Kaden realizes his mistake immediately after saying his name. 
Each and every bandit stares at the obese Ryoma. “Buuurrrp!” Is all Ryoma responds with before digging into more of the pile of food. 
“No king would act like that!”
“You idiot, so many damned parent gave their kids that damned name after the king was born,”
“Damn he can pack it away,”
The entire group of bandits persuaded from Ryoma’s own lack of knowledge, they each go back into preparing themselves for the journey back.
“Now, how ‘bout you join your friend and make this nice and easy for me. I’ve already got a freak of a buyer who’d gladly want you. And the nicer you start behaving,” The mage stands right up next to Kaden, grabbing his belly and slapping it. “I’m sure the better I’ll be able to sell your buddy along with you,”
“Kaden,,,” Ryoma wheezes out in the distance, completely oblivious to the situation as long as he has food in front of him. “The food’sh sho goood, come oon,” Going back to gorging, Ryoma practically begs from the distance. 
Seeing little chance to escape by himself and absolutely none together, Kaden makes his decision, definitely unwilling to let Ryoma be by himself. “I’ll go with you,” He compliantly walks himself to the carriage and ignores the group of men who slap his ass as he walks past them.
As soon as he takes a seat —the carriage tipping even more with their combined weight— the entire group of bandits immediately hit the road with their new cargo left alone. Neither of them are even tied up with both of them so fat to even properly escape now. Kaden sulks to himself. At least until something pushes him over and knocks the wind out of him, a boulder seemingly crushing him. 
The boulder far softer than an actual one, Ryoma peers down at Kaden the best he can with both their fat getting in the way. “Have shome food,” Still eating away —Ryoma now eating kebabs from the bandits surprisingly well stocked stash for their fatties— Ryoma stuffs Kaden’s mouth with jerky. Despite the experience being new to him, Ryoma does both without a hassle, even fondling and groping Kaden’s chest in between feeding himself.
Kaden forced onto the floor, he merely submits himself with nothing to do against the situation. Especially when he finds the complaints in the back of his throat dying down, returning Ryoma’s own grabs with equal enjoyment.
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anruraiocht · 7 months
Abatina and carnation
botanical headcanons (no longer accepting)
abatina :   is there anything in life your muse has changed their mind about over time   ( due to becoming more educated on the topic ,   certain experiences  ,   etc .) , or that they   would   change their mind about under certain circumstances ?
Smiles thinly.
Look. Look. I'm sorry for the feminism loss as well, but it is so hard to talk about Miranda without talking about Leif. Ten years of projecting all of your issues on a guy will do that to you.
When we first meet Miranda, she seems entirely adamant that she blames Leif for everything that has happened to her. The little blame game she tries to play is extremely emotionally driven (literally what was Leif, age 2, supposed to do girl) and falls apart under scrutiny.
like ok. let's walk through this for a second.
"it's leif's fault" > finn is the one who brought him there > finn only brought him because leonster fell > leonster fell because thracia attacked and ulster didn't step in until the end > (dominoes) (THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF NORTHERN THRACIA VS SOUTHERN THRACIA THAT BROUGHT US TO US POINT)
So. Obviously through the events of FE5 and experiencing the war firsthand, Miranda's opinion on Leif changes. She already knows, deep down, that it isn't actually Leif's fault, but it isn't until she is forced to contend with the reality of the situation that she is able to admit it.
carnation :   what is your muse’s relationship with their gender ? how do they express or not express this relationship ?
(it gets long here)
Okay so let's get one thing straight: if Miranda was a man, she would be dead. Full stop. When you're taking over a kingdom, the last thing you want is to leave a male heir alive. A male heir, left alive, can eventually take back their kingdom and become king, but a female heir cannot. She, however, can be used as a hostage. And she is! For ~ten years! Before we even learn her name, Miranda's agency is stolen from her.
The moment Miranda gets agency (and her kingdom) back, her advisors tell her that she needs to marry Leif to tie Ulster to Leonster. It's no secret that the Munster District is doing. Uh. Bad. As in, Miranda and Leif are the only heirs left alive by the end of Thracia 776. It makes sense, strategically, to have the only two heirs left alive get married and merge their kingdoms and both of them understand this. Doesn't mean they have to like it, though!
Leif: "...And Ulster was successfully liberated by Lord Seliph, so the people should be happy that their princess was safe.”
Miranda: “Well, yes, but… The people want more than that. My advisors are urging me to marry you so that we can unite with Leonster. They think they can just tell me what to do because I’m a girl…” Leif: “Well, you and I are the only heirs that survived this turmoil. What your advisors are saying only makes sense. But I’m not sure…”
We're not gonna get into Leif's little unhinged moment that happens right after this btw. The important part here is that Miranda is frustrated. Obviously. Miranda has been living in the basement of a Loptr monastery for a year and it's not enough that she made it back alive. Well, yes, your highness, it's all well and good that you survived, but there's not much you can do for us as a princess... would you mind getting married? As soon as possible? To the guy you've projected all of your problems and issues on for the last decade? Thanks!
Jesus fucking Christ!!!!!!!!
When they pulled this line for one of Miranda's skill activation quotes in FEH (albeit shortened from 女だと思ってバカにしてるわ to 女だと思って…!), it has been translated as:
I am a girl, not a fool!
Which I think is very evocative of the way Miranda thinks of herself. She does not resent existing as a girl, but she does resent the way she is looked down upon for being a girl.
And while we're on the topic of how Miranda talks (the most inelegant segue in the world)...!
It's not as noticeable in English, nor is it especially noticeable when you first meet her and she's hissing and spitting at Leif, but Miranda uses feminine speech (女性語) when she speaks! This is a style of speaking in Japanese that is considered "ladylike" and formal, using more polite terms. Traditionally speaking, it's a style of speech associated with upper class ladies.
This is more noticeable in her Conomor recruitment dialogue...
コノモール もうおやめなさい! ... それなのに あなたは何をしているの!
As well as her conversation with Leif in the last chapter...
リーフ王子 少しいいかしら ... 私・・・ あなたに謝らなければ ならないことがあるわ
I've bolded the relevant parts here. Miranda affixes the polite o- prefix to yamenasai and ends some of her sentences with the more traditionally feminine ending particles of no, wa, and kashira.
It's... a little hard to explain in English but the way she speaks is very princess-like haha.
There is also the Genderisms of Miranda's promoted class: Mage Knight. In FE4, Mage Knight is a male only class (as a promotion for Azelle and Arthur + enemy units). In FE5, we get our first female Mage Knights through Olwen and Miranda, but the rest of the Mage Knights in the game are male. We can say that Olwen is following in her brother Reinhardt's footsteps, but Miranda doesn't have that same connection. Would she be better served as a sage, considering her 70% magic growth and fucking 5% strength growth? Absolutely! However, she saw that sages get staff access and said oh no thank you. i'm here to kill and maim.
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And she deserves it.
That last part isn't exactly related to genderisms (or is it? Every other girl capable of wielding magic in FE5 besides Miranda and Olwen gets staff access... :thonking: ) I just think it's very funny characterization through gameplay. her ass is NOT healing.
tl;dr: Miranda is a character that is defined by her status as a princess and as a girl.
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glowingbadger · 1 year
So, having not played the games myself and only knowing about things from wiki and the occasional fanfic referencing in-game events I'm in the unfortunate position of adoring Tellius characters with no outlet. But scrolling down your blog has me thinking because you mentioned wondering about situations where Soren or Volke would get down and dirty. So picture if you will "I almost lost you forever" post-battle sex for Soren and stress-relief sex w/dirty talk for Volke.
oh no Friend Anon you activated my trap card
Volke came to mind first, but honestly, your idea for Soren is like one of the only ways I could even imagine him fucking because of just... how he is as a person lmao. So Soren will be coming in the future, I promise you- I keep wanting a good excuse to write him, after all.
To be clear to others btw, I'm not taking new requests right now, this one just hit me in Some Kinda Way. Which is why the impossible has happened and I'm posting writing two days in a row lmao.
Final side note, I literally can't tell you guys how shook I am that FEH has made it clear that the 'e' at the end of Volke's name ISN'T SILENT?? Like... Vol-keh?! What the entire shit.
** quick little TW for both characters being slightly buzzed
Volke (Fire Emblem PoR & RD) x AFAB Reader
NSFW drabbles 18+
"We- we should... go to a room," you say in a breathy whisper, though you're still tugging the front of Volke's cloak, opening one clasp at a time from where you shakily stand, pinned with your back against the storage room wall, "What if... the owner, or- or the barkeep..."
"The owner of this place owes me a few favors and more than a few back-payments," Volke's voice rumbles at the crook of your neck, "As for the barkeep... I frankly don't care what he happens to see," his hands slide under your tunic and up your back, sending shivers through you, "Do you?"
Instead of an answer, you tug him into a deep, messy kiss, and he groans out his approval. Your bodies are warmed by friction and the pleasant buzz of ale, the aches of weeks spent marching and fighting and surviving melting away with every new inch of skin his hands conquer. You feel the graze of his facial scruff against your skin as his tongue teases yours and his body traps you between him and the wall. You've finally managed to open the various layers of his clothing enough to run your hands up his nicely carved abdomen to his chest. Volke utters another low, masculine groan, and his hands grab your backside and pull you firmly against him. Then, his lips are traveling down the side of your neck, and your head is spinning from the heat, his body, the scent of booze and earthy pipe smoke that lingers on his clothes and hair. When at last he reaches the base of your neck, he presses his teeth to the tender skin, and you gasp out his name, your nails raking down his toned musculature.
"Keep making those cute little noises and we'll definitely attract unwanted guests."
"I- I can't help it, you-!"'
His low chuckle grazes across your skin, and before you realize, he's undone the front of your breeches with a single hand that is now pushing down into them.
"I never said I minded."
Your head tilts back and you cling to the front of his clothes as his fingers begin to pulse between your thighs. Perhaps you shouldn't be surprised that his hands are inhumanly dexterous, stroking around your clit at just the right angle, hitting just the right pace.
"So- what... is this gonna run me?" you huff the words out between weak whimpers of pleasure, attempting a confident, casual tone.
"I don't charge for these kinds of services," Volke matches your playful tone, in his own subtler way, "Business and pleasure- you understand."
"Shame, that," you gasp as his middle finger rolls a tight circle around the nub of your clit, "You'd... make a killing... Mmmhh..!"
Volke gives a short laugh.
"I'm flattered."
His pace quickens, his touch just a little firmer, and by instinct alone, your hips begin to shift in time with him. He's silent now as he drives you relentlessly closer to the edge, and with your bodies so close, you can't even look up to read his expression. You can only hold onto him in your desperation to steady yourself while his expert fingers send jolts of electrifying pleasure up your center. If he keeps this up for much longer, your knees may very well give out.
"Volke- ohh- fu-fuck, Volke, I'm-!"
His voice at your ear plunges through you, warming you more deeply than any liquor. Then, he pulls his hand from between your legs, and before you can question him, he turns you by your hips to face the wall.
"I want to feel it when you cum."
You brace your arms against the wall in front of you as Volke holds you with your back to him and his lips at your throat once again. Those skillful hands cup your breasts, squeezing and fondling them for just long enough to appreciate their shape in his palms before he moves on, and you arch back against him as his touch travels down your body. When he returns to your hips, he tugs you back to him so that his fully erect cock ruts against the swell of your ass, and you whimper his name. The way he manhandles you is firm and decisive, but not overly harsh, and never without that sense of control and deadly grace that he's known for. It's making your head spin. You need more. Mercifully, he doesn't plan to make you wait.
Volke pulls your clothes out of his way, then grabs a handful of your ass with one hand while his other works his stiff member out from his own clothing. Without a word or any ceremony, he presses the head of his cock to your drooling pussy, then begins to push inside, holding you in place against his thrust. The bulge of the tip and the slight curve of his shaft have him grinding into you in a thousand incredible ways, and your eyes begin to roll back before he's even bottomed out within you. You've wanted this too badly- the thrill of it all has very nearly wiped any thoughts of battle and training and strategizing from your mind. His member is slick with your release in no time, and he grunts into your ear as he begins to fuck steadily into you from behind.
"You feel good... damn good. Squeezing around me like that... Mmh..." His hips pitch forward, driving him in you to the base, filling you, stretching you, forcing a blissful sigh from your parted lips. The hand fondling your ass grips you more firmly, enjoying the erotic sensation of your plump flesh as it jiggles with every thrust. Then, you feel a quick, sharp slap across your backside that causes you to moan aloud, and Volke plants both of his hands on the wall in front of you. He's warm around you, the scent of liquor still potent on his breath, yet each sensation only heightens that of his throbbing cock plunging deep within you over and over.
"Damnit-" Volke's breath hitches, and he groans as he momentarily eases his pace and pushes his member into you slow and firm, "Can't afford to get... addicted to this."
The words seem more for him than for you, muttered in the midst of his efforts to steady himself. But before you even think to question him, his arm is around you and his hand is trailing down the front of your body. Never easing the persistent sway of his hips, his fingertips stroke across your clit once again, and you let out a desperate, blissful moan. Any concern you'd had about being discovered here has long vanished; the onslaught of pleasure is simply too much to bear. His dexterous fingers tend to your most sensitive nerves while his thick member stretches you perfectly around him.
"Fu-fuck, Volke..!"
"That's it, come on- let me feel it," his cock twitches, throbbing at your deepest point, perhaps provoked by the knowledge that you're so dearly close to release. Then, the sensation rushes through you like a crashing wave, and for a moment, you're dizzy and unsteady on your feet. Bracing yourself against the wall and Volke's sturdy frame, you shiver and whine his name as your cunt flexes around his length and your climax overtakes you. Amidst the overwhelming sensation, you barely register that Volke is panting harshly against your ear, his pace stuttering as he feels you cumming on his cock. By the time you feel yourself coming down from that incredible high, you're still shaking, barely keeping yourself upright as he chases his own satisfaction at last.
Volke doesn't say a word- only traps you in place with your back to his chest and both of his hands now gripping hard at your hips. He thrusts forcefully once, then twice, sheathing himself fully in your warmth until you feel his member pulsing with his own release. The way he's throbbing against your tender and over-stimulated inner walls is a shock to your system, but you rally your strength to stay upright while he pours volley after volley of thick cum into you. He utters an earnest and lustful groan, subtly swaying his hips to grant just a bit more of that intoxicating friction as he rides out the last of his orgasm, having filled you and then some. At last, you're both panting, sighing with the blissful aftershocks as the distant sounds of clinking mugs and rowdy tavern-goers float around you.
"Holy... holy fuck..." you gasp as he finally eases out of you. Volke takes a moment to fix his clothes, then turns you to face him, and you hold onto the front of his cloak while you regain your balance. "You... you pent up or something? You've made a real mess of me..." True enough, his load is already dripping slowly down your inner thigh.
"I'm a busy man. Not a lot of leisure time for someone in my line of work during a war. Come on, let's get you cleaned up. Then, another drink," he smirks, "If you're not spent, anyway."
"Generous of you," you reply, wearing a matching grin while you make a passing attempt at sorting your clothes and hair, "though if you're so busy, I'd hate to take up your valuable time."
Volke's shrewd eyes conspicuously scan your body once before eventually meeting yours.
"As I said- business and pleasure."
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aloyslaststand · 16 days
Tagged by @crownsofguilt
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not really. Well, my mom read the name at a newspaper and then researched the meaning and decided to give it to me, but i don't even know whose name it was originally.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday because r.i.p. Doge/Kabosu-chan.
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports do you/have you played?
I used to do tae kwon do and swimming when I was a child, but never in a competitive way. Nowadays I hit the gym once in a while for health reasons but outside of that I don't do any sports.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yea, but mostly written.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their hair, probably. I love men with long hair, women with colorful hair, and nb people with anything interesting on their hair.
7. What's your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Good endings, my cinematographic analysis teacher used to say that a good written ending was the most important part of a movie.
That being said, I'm not that much into scary movies, but I'm starting to get into psychological horror movies. Especially the ones with "good for her" endings.
9. Any talents?
Drawing. And fucking things up.
10. Where were you born?
California. I live in Mexico now, tho.
11. What are your hobbies?
Again, drawing and fucking things up. (?)
Also, singing and playing FEH and Genshin.
12. Do you have any pets?
Two beautiful calico cats. ♡
13. How tall are you?
1.58 (like 5'3" idk)
14. Favorite subject in school?
History, language, artistics.
15. Dream job?
I dream of living off my illustrations, setting a stand on anime expos, etc. Or owning a print shop.
I tag... @vonbergerpants @linnymilf @maccochi and the beautiful person reading this.
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Since I've been thinking about fe12 recently naturally I started thinking about my favorite fe12 character Katarina (she's like... my 4th favorite for fe overall, but since Grima/Robin and Chrom are number 1 and 2 and SO far ahead of everyone else that it's kind of unfair, she's basically second place when it comes to characters who have NOT infected me with constant and irremediable brainrot).
Specifically I'm thinking about how the scene she has with Marth when she joins and how if she had her way she would have had Marth execute her, but...
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"You're just running from your sins." MARTH GO OFF!!!
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"If you truly regret what you've done, then live. I want you to atone with your life, not your death." YES MARTH DESTROY THE REDEMPTION IN DEATH TROPE!!!
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Look, Marth might not be my most beloved fe protagonist of all time, but he gets MAJOR points for this conversation ALONE. And honestly it is all the more tragic how his descendants get so caught up in the cycle of violence and vengeance when Marth already understood that justice does not mean killing everyone who has done you wrong. Oh BOY did the exalted line ever lose the plot there.
I know Lucina is the one who gets compared to Marth most, and Tiki even says that Chrom is more similar to one of Marth's ancestors than Marth himself, but honestly Chrom's "You are yourself, before you are any man's son/daughter." really does echo "You will think for yourself and find your own answer." I think Marth would be really proud of him for that response to finding out his best friend is the child of someone who came to assassinate his sister.
And, haha, speaking of Grima brainrot...
Ugh, Robin my beloved. I want to freeze time, like, right here
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Okay, not necessarily here. This is... fair enough for a heroic sacrifice...
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Uh-huh, this tracks...
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There! Can we freeze right there? Robin what the FUCK are you saying? These two lines why I can never be at peace with the sacrifice ending no matter how you frame the narrative. "It's only right" that Robin dies with Grima??? No. No!
See, if it weren't for that specific line, we could just accept that Robin is doing something they don't really want to do and that they know will hurt people because they truly believe it's the only way to truly protect the future, but... no. When they say "It's only right we meet our end together." it becomes something else. Is this REALLY the only way to protect the people of the future (Chrom doesn't think it is. The rest of the Shepherds don't think it is either, which you can see from their lines if you choose to let Chrom land the final blow) or are you just trying to run from your past life, Robin? To escape the weight of what you've done and what you see now that you're capable of doing all over again? Is there anything heroic or even "sacrificial" if saving the world is just the convenient excuse for getting rid of yourself?
Chrom would agree with Marth's feelings. He would say "If you truly regret what you've done, then live." But he CAN'T because Robin did not reveal this extremely distressing line of thinking until the absolute last second before landing the final blow on Grima and ensuring their own death. Of course Chrom would never speak a word against Robin after that. Frankly, I think he was kind of robbed. (And kind of on purpose... When you think about it, is there really THAT much difference between Grima trying to make Robin look like a tragic hero by offering that yes/no choice to submit to them vs Robin becoming a tragic hero by "sacrificing" themself at the end of a grand final battle?)
Anyway, I would absolutely love to see a Robin/Katarina harmonic in FEH someday... I think if that ever happened, Katarina would probably say something about Robin reminding her of Kris (because Avatars) but really, Robin is so much like her that I'd just love to see them talk to each other about literally anything.
(Also, on a slightly tangential note... I know that in canon, Robin strikes Chrom with Thoron at the Dragon's Table, but I feel like as a fandom we are really missing out by not taking some artistic liberties and making it Katarina's Bolt instead. I mean. The SYMBOLISM. Especially when it comes to good timeline Robin, who might think to bring that tome to the Dragon's Table instead of Thoron because it has lower might.)
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lizhly-writes · 2 years
not sure if you do prompts? but if yes, then Kyrgios and Dokja interacting in the new game plus au. or just like your thoughts on what would happen.
Hi there. First of all, yes I absolutely do prompts, prompts are always welcome, I love when people talk to me. And now, a disclaimer: I have not read the novel in two years. My memories are a wee bit fuzzy and held together with headcanons. So you're getting more of a rambling than a story, because man! I don't remember how Kyrgios talks.
That said: I totally think Kyrgios would kick Kim Dokja in the back of the head.
Around this time, Kim Dokja is coming to terms with the fact that some real weird time travel shit happened, and apparently in the near future, he becomes super famous and controversial and look, just everybody fucking knows him. He's got new weird skills that he can't even check because he can only sometimes bring up his Attributes Window (thanks, Fourth Wall), so as far as he knows, they just randomly pop up out of nowhere when he needs them to fucking wreck someone. That's a Deus Ex Machina! There's no foreshadowing! This is a terribly written power fantasy, you know?
And then, again, there are people that just know him? They pop up sometimes and just start talking at him. Expecting things of him. It's a weird shiny mirror of his childhood -- people thinking they know him, because of a story he never constructed.
Well. Doesn't remember constructing, anyway.
AND THEN Kyrgios appears out of nowhere and kicks Kim Dokja in the back of his head.
Because hey! That's his stupid fucking disciple. Kyrgios wakes up in this brand new timeline and his last memory is of Kim Dokja doing something stupid and courting death and Kyrgios is going to beat that out of him if it fucking kills him (not really tho. Killing Kim Dokja would ruin the point).
Dude is a transcendent. He doesn't run on Star Stream rules. Scenarios? Feh. Like he's going to stick around for those? Kyrgios peaces out of Peaceland or wherever the hell he's hiding and meets KDJC entirely too early.
So Kim Dokja is sprawled on the ground (again: kicked in the back of the head, fucking ow) and there's this tiny blue man just ranting at him and calling him a fucking idiot and an absolutely abysmal disciple and what did you think you were doing.
"Who the fuck are you," Kim Dokja doesn't say, facedown on the ground. He doesn't convey this sentiment, but that is absolutely his first thought. Then his big, WoS filled mind breaks it down. Analyzes it. He knows who this tiny blue man is supposed to be. He thinks, with some exasperation, who didn't his weird future self meet.
"Master," Kim Dokja says, because that's the vibe he's getting here.
"Who are you calling master, you dumbfuck disciple," Kyrgios doesn't say, because I'm pretty sure those aren't words he would use, but the sentiment would be conveyed. "You are the worst student," is what he probably does say.
Now is probably the time that Kim Dokja mentions that he doesn't know shit. Kyrgios says, "Of course you don't."
The fire goes out of him, maybe, a little. Because you totally can beat the shit out of someone who hasn't yet committed the crimes you want to beat the shit out of them for, but. It's not the same.
Maybe it even hurts a little. This Kim Dokja doesn't remember their history together. Doesn't remember being a scamming scammer who scams (and no. Kyrgios does not think that affectionately. That's what he's telling himself, anyway!).
Kyrgios decides to, instead, go for a training montage, because hey! How can Kyrgios even call himself a master if this disciple of his doesn't even remember getting trained?
No, Kim Dokja does not have a choice in this matter.
Yes, Kim Dokja kinda gets beat up. But hey! This time, it's for training purposes.
"You. Are. The. Worst. Student," Kim Dokja hears, like. A lot.
But it's out of love. It's anger born of worry. Kyrgios, under that stern, prickly, and kind of violent exterior, has a soft, squishy heart that wants his dear, stupid disciple to actually survive the trials that he comes up against. That matters. Kim Dokja gets it, even though he doesn't really like, get, why Kyrgios cares about him specifically.
Good job, Kim Dokja. You've leveled up your understanding of this character.
[The exclusive skill ‘Bookmark’ is activated.]
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felikatze · 2 months
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FE brainrot continues. Based on base Keaton's battle artwork in FEH, which made me realize what a babygirl pose that truly is. Okuma Yugo drew both base Keaton and Halloween Dogboy Grima, which automatically makes him my hero forever.
Anyway. Wolfskin Isabeau.
This is where I hit you with my FE crossover headcanons.
The two wolfskin characters that exist are, to put it mildly, fucking morons. Both Keaton and his daughter Velouria (the only playable Wolfskin) are well and truly Dogs in personality. They like smelling things and collecting cool looking rocks and bones.
They are both named after fabrics.
I think, beastfolk have it better in a place like Vaugarde. Their ability to shift shapes at will is seen as a boon from the Change God themself. They're admired, nearly holy.
And yet. And yet.
Why do they change shape into... this? Into animals? Are they humans who change into animals, or animals who change into humans? Their abilities are praised in theory, but in practice, anybody's bound to freak out when someone turns into a huge wolf creature in front of them.
There's no real stigma against being beastfolk, but, well, don't show it, will you?
I think, Isabeau keeps his nails short, even though they always grow far too quickly. He smiles with a closed mouth to hide his teeth. His ears are weighed down by earrings, so they wiggle less. There's nothing he can really do about the tail, but people at least find that charming.
He plays into the stereotypes on purpose. Acts like a dog for jokes, to make others laugh. Because a dumb wolfskin is expected. Because a dumb wolfskin is less threatening. Someone with intelligence and cunning, who can also tear you to shreds with their bare hands?
....People don't like that very much.
But Isabeau didn't like being shy and demure, didn't like dancing around what he is. What he's always been. When he Changed, he wanted to be bolder, wanted to be someone who others look up to, confide in - not just something like a cute pet.
It's about confidence, and gender, and all of that, yes. It is also about being honest to the monster inside of you. As the journey progresses, he lets it trickle out, bit by bit. Using claws instead of closed fists. Hitting harder, faster, using his senses to warn others of danger.
Here, this is useful. Once the journey ends, and it stops being useful... Well, he better reign it in, right? But it's exhilirating to be honest to his own capabilities. He doesn't know if he can go back. He doesn't know if he wants to.
Also thinks about. Wolfskin Isabeau within the context of Manakete Siffrin.
Siffrin, who, at first, doesn't even realize he's not human either.
For the first time, there's someone who just... isn't fazed by beastkin at all. Sure, Odile wasn't scared, but she'd never met a wolfskin before and Isabeau had still been a curiosity, comparing to the kitsune Odile knew. Yet Siffrin didn't even seem to know what a beastkin is.
Just utterly at ease, with whatever Isabeau shows them. Of course he'd fall in love.
Of course he'd accept every single monstrous part of Siffrin, too. Whenever Siffrin is just a little too quick, a little too strong, when their long ears flick or his eyes reflect the light oddly - when Isabeau sees that Siffrin could be just like him - yeah, of course he'd fall even harder.
I have more thoughts on how Siffrin would feel on their end (how they feel feral compared to Isabeau, who controls himself with perfect precision, how they feel rabid after being restrained for so long), but this is honestly long enough.
Hi to everyone who clicked that readmore, I hope the length of this jumpscared you. Ask me about my isat/fe AUs. Any of them. Please.
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moe-broey · 11 months
Was there a particular moment where the characters of FEH really sunk their claws in for you?
For me personally was the half a body, half a mind page from the silly little side comic (aka where Robin asks Kiran if Alfonse is their other half and they chose to interpret that very literally). The revelation that Alfonse and Kiran’s dynamic switches who has the braincell in the prince/tactician dynamic was eye opening. And then the follow up of Sharena being fucking gobsmacked that local introvert prince managed to S rank Kiran was beautiful 10/10 makes me both happy and sad. And from then on the brain rot has been STRONG. No thoughts head empty only these lil guys.
Oughgh I'VE. BEEN RUMINATING ON THIS.... (which is. Why it took so long for me to respond to LMFAOO)
BUT.... first of all YOUR INTERPRETATION. OF THE "Half a body, half a mind" bit is HUGE. Like you're so right, there is a lot of symbolism there even if it's silly!!! And esppp Sharena's reaction to Alfonse making a close friend, so easily in her eyes... that absolutely would be a sleeper agent thing for me actually. Like. I wouldn't consider it until Much later, and when I did it just never left my mind.
And I think that's the thing!! I've actually been having a lot of trouble, trying to pinpoint exactly Where each took such a strong hold on me LMFAO. I think, because it's this gradual and constant process of taking in information, noticing something Odd, re-examining, re-contextualizing, and gaining new perspective.
It def happened quicker w Alfonse though, cause he's actually much easier to read. Immediately you can tell his words and actions aren't matching up, and through that you can tell his feelings aren't matching his words either. You also see the clear reason Why he's Like That, on. Several different levels.
I think.... the lines of dialogue that always stick with me. His entire level 40 convo. I'm always thinking about it. I'll often revisit it. And, a lot of his lines to or about the summoner: "Please, remain with us, [summoner]?", "Or... is it that reality has been reshaped by my fear of having lost [summoner]?"
BUT, I think. What really got me was actually his Forging Bonds with Dieck. Like at this point I was already in way too deep LMFAO BUT. Dieck's fucking dialogue fucked me up SO much actually
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I AM LITERALLY ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT THIS FUCKING DIALOGUE ‼️‼️‼️‼️It REALLY opened my eyes AND put words to something that was Constantly nagging at me. How Alfonse, from the very start, will say one thing, and then. Directly contradict himself. Not because he's disingenuous -- but because he's so split in two.
AND. AUGHHGH!! THAT'S!!!! You think he's so reserved, and he is. But he wears his heart on his sleeve and will talk openly with anyone who will listen. You think he's the cool and collected type, he OFTEN leaves people with that impression. But SO many times he acts rashly, with little regard for himself. He claims, he can't be driven by emotion because those driven by emotion cannot rule. BUT HE. IS. SUCH A PAINFULLY EMOTIONAL CHARACTER. Almost EVERYTHING he does is driven by his emotions -- I absolutely think so much about how he has a bit of a temper on him, and I think about all the little ways he so clearly and deeply loves Sharena, I think about how much of a mess he is over Bruno, I think about just how quickly he warmed up to the summoner despite insisting upon keeping his distance. Hell, you think he's like. This very serious guy. And he is! Aaand then next thing you know he's dug a ditch and he's thrown himself into it and he's covered in mud. AND. THE WILDEST PART OF THAT. Is the Way he does it, the reason Why, it. Tracks. Like yeah. He would do that. That's actually not out of character for him.
(ALSO as a side his Forging Bonds w f!Alear also live in my head rent free -- another instance of, taking a step back and re-evaluating. It was actually so refreshing in a way? You get used to just how warm he is with the summoner, that you forget just how cold he can be too. That's ALSO something I'm so not normal about. The asshole tendencies. The coldness, and the ruthlessness. It's subtle, but There. He does have a harsher side to him.)
AND ALL OF THIS....... still only feels like the tip of the iceberg. But literally I will never shut up about it LMFAOOO I GOTTA. BECAUSE. SHARENA‼️‼️‼️
I think actually I have an easier time pinning down where I started having Thoughts about her. Because, I made the same mistake a lot of charas in-universe make, even Alfonse, himself. Assuming, that just because she's outgoing and friendly, that she has an easier time making friends. When like. Really, it's been present the whole time actually -- from that FEH comic, to the Paralogues featuring Katarina, like. She doesn't. She struggles just as much, if not more.
But I think, the exact point I actually internalized this was in her Forging Bonds w f!Byleth. Like. Those convos REALLY make it clear, so much so I felt stupid for not even seeing that sooner. And, it helped me re-contextualize her level 40 convo also! When I first got that dialogue, I really didn't know what to make of it. LIKE. ABSOLUTELY she's so sweet and I love her. But. I really had no idea what to make of it! Until like. It became clear to me, ohhhhhhhh I. Fell for the front she puts up as a defense mechanism. You can be cheerful and silly and deeply hurt and have just as many interpersonal issues as someone who like. Shows clearer signs of having those issues. Okay! Got it 🫡 SHKAHSJSHJAJ
And then I think that's when I became just deeply unwell about her too LMFAOOOOOOO
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crystalelemental · 8 months
Oh now that's interesting. 3* and 4* Field and Sprint candy is confirmed.
In general, I'm kinda stunned they'd even entertain the idea. When you look at the broad scope of the meta, field effects have been incredibly guarded, almost exclusively placed on limited pairs when we're not dealing with weather. This is a rather substantial change. We could see multiplicative field effects like Zones suddenly show up as part of the F2P meta. The same is true of Sprint; fast-ramping is the domain of limited pairs. More than likely, any F2P Sprint is going to get -1 cooldown or nothing, and instead focus on speed boosting. Which is still nice, mind. I think speed boosts are underrepresented in the meta and a pretty important option. Not everyone can just spam Free Moves Next, Adaman.
The real fun is...3*. 4* is expected, that's Lodge adjacent. But 3*? Those only happen in two scenarios: free story pairs with the first PML, and events like the NPC trainer classes they mysteriously stopped making. That's...honestly kind of exciting.
On the one hand, I loved the NPC trainer class additions. They were just little extras sprinkled into events, and I kinda loved the concept even if they never got to hard favorites among the trainer class designs (XY female ace trainer, my beloved). Seeing those come back would be ideal. These candy are going to be sparse, especially when contending with the other three types. New players will still need the main three, it's not like we'll get none of them. So getting event pairs that can be maxed out while the event is live is ideal; the candy is a backup, but not strictly necessary to use on them, to create a stockpile.
On the other hand, a new main story is going to pop up. Gacha won't just leave things without a main story. There will likely be a new OC rival/antagonist to face off against, and a whole thing going on. The Villain Arcs largely focused on powering up the free legendary pairs, but this new arc doesn't have anything to power up that isn't already receiving it. More than likely, it would be entirely new pairs, like in the PML arc. Some are calling for PML 2, I don't personally buy it. I played FEH, you can pick up and drop storylines whenever you want in gacha, but you have to keep potential threads open to jump back if needed. I think the announcement of PML 2 is just keeping options open, same as Giovanni hinting at another scheme. They aren't doind anything right away, but it's there if they need it later.
This opens up some options, which I hope we lean into. Man, we have got to fix the F2P situation for new regions. The only truly F2P pair in Galar is Hop. He's still the only fucking one. Not even a single BP pair to their name. This sucks, and there are a ton of missing characters from that region. A new arc with free story pairs would be a great chance to bring in options that otherwise aren't going to get anything, because they'd never sell as PokeFairs, and general pool spotlights are borderline dead. This would also solve for some of Paldea, which has approximately eighty gagillion characters running around; not all of them are PokeFair worthy. In fact, most of them aren't. Free pairs would be an easy way to add some options in.
On a personal level, my hopes for such additions would be:
Opal - I've accepted that she's not getting in otherwise, but Bede needs his mentor, he was completely alone in that Neo Champion event about connections and rivalries and it sucked. Bring in Opal.
Kabu - I'm just saying, he better have secondary Bug-type DPS. Like, actual secondary Bug type DPS. No pair in the game has that yet, let him be the first.
Katy - We're dying for Bug in this game. Good bug, I should specify.
Kofu - I don't like him, but this is definitely where he belongs.
Eri/Atticus - Look, you have to put in a few popular picks so people start playing for easy access, and these two are safe. Plus, free Fighting and Poison pairs, two of the types that most desperately need F2P options.
Chuck - We should also look backwards, at previous regions missing some people, and come together to agree that Chuck was never happening any other way. Just give him to me.
Cilan/Chili/Cress - It's what they deserve.
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randomnameless · 7 months
I just saw the screenshot of Bernadetta, as an Adrestian field commander in Hopes, running away in fear and leaving her troops to fend for themselves the second a battle begins on Dimiclaudeblaigan's blog, and i have to concur with her criticisms of the scene; how in the actual fuck did Bernadetta get into such an important position in the army if her crippling anxiety was never solved and she's just going to bolt the second a fight starts??
It's a funny joke, sure, but the only way this makes any sense is if Edelgard gave Bernadetta the position literally just because they were friends and she felt like doing a bit of nepotism by giving her a high-ranking job she was throughly unqualified for, and even that doesn't really work logically; surely there were safer jobs she could have had Bernadetta work on that wouldn't inevitably end with a not-insignificant portion of Adrestia's army getting decimated, especially when she never does anything this (militarily) idiotic anywhere else in the game.
I've seen it too lol
But anon, it applies to Bernie but to any member of the BESF in general, they're joke characters.
Bernie's anxiety and agoraphobia is treated as a joke in those games, and if the shitstorm around Grégoire's support was any indication, she was never supposed to be a character with a serious trauma that will later be explored, like Felix and his teenage rebellion against his Father and/or "chivalry" or Dimitri.
Grégoire tying Bernie to a chair to force her to listen to a lecture is a joke, the "tie to a chair" is the same joke Tibarn uses when he says he tied Reyson to a bed to force him to rest (kinky stuff aside) - it was never about irl abuse. Sure, it doesn't land right most of the times, but again, Bernie (and the BESF in general?) aren't supposed to be taken seriously, they have quirks for funsies and FEH gacha purposes, but Bernie isn't supposed to be a proper call out to the real life situation and "problem" in Japan that are hikikomoris.
Just like Linhardt's haematophobia - do you realise Naruto, with the treatment we all know and hate of its female characters, managed to tackle the issue of a "healer with haematophobia" better something that was released in 2019?
Given how Supremely Aware Supreme Leader is sometimes, I wonder if she didn't saw anything wrong about Bernie being a commander even when Bernie still panics and has a lot of anxiety.
Maybe it was something the devs made on purpose - like yes, it is nepotism (which is WAY better than people being appointed based on their ascendance, right??) and it's another example of "do what I say but not what I do" from supreme Leader, or it was just for a joke because at times the devs seem to consider war as something funny to do between two teatime parties.
In a more serious setting though... Bernie's anxiety would still exist, but be subdued by her choice to fight in this battle (isn't this what we see from Bernie in FE16?) - so maybe this line wasn't added to poke fun at Supreme Leader or have fun at Bernie's expense, but to show how she reacts in a war situation if Billy had never been there to help her?
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mywifeleftme · 4 months
302: Emitt Rhodes // Mirror
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Mirror Emitt Rhodes 1971, Dunhill
Peculiar case, Emitt Rhodes. A home studio one-man-band wiz who drew comparisons to McCartney and Nilsson, back when that sorta Guy was a good deal less common than it is now, one can imagine an A&R man’s excitement: only having to pay one musician means a lot more Badfinger for your buck. Rhodes’s songs are perfect pop contraptions, his voice radio ready, his face pleasant and eyes vacant enough to be dreamy. But neither money nor fame ever rolled in. At a time when rock bands were basically indentured to their labels until they made enough to pay off their advances, you couldn’t survive without at least one big tune.
Frequently during Rhodes’ first two official records, Emitt Rhodes and Mirror, you get the sense that he’s as close as you can get to making that Classic Rock Hit without actually doing it. These feel like the beloved album tracks that fans of like a mondo-selling band like Supertramp love even more than the singles, only there are no true singles. Back in the ‘70s this was his undoing, but now, feh, who cares—power pop fans have grown up to prefer a shimmering beige. If Mirror had dropped in the era of the Posies and Teenage Fanclub rock critics would’ve lost their fucking minds: Ben Folds and Brendan Benson would’ve killed for a piano jam like “Love Will Stone You”; someday we’ll discover that shortly after its release “Really Wanted You” was buried somewhere under Queen West and subliminally spawned Toronto power pop (for that matter, the interlocking instrumental parts of “Mirror” could've come right off Sloan's Navy Blues).
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childofaura · 1 year
Big question I have: who are your top 10 favourite Awakening characters from the First Generation and why?
This one will be fun :D also same disclaimer I always say: these aren’t in any particular order except for number one, because he really is number one.
That’s pretty much how all my lists go, lol.
Priam. This man is perfect and wonderful in so many ways; before I played Awakening, I watched all the confessions of the male characters, saw him, and went “THAT ONE. HE’S THE ONE .” He left me smitten even before I knew anything about him, like him being Ike’s descendent, and I’ve always been drawn more towards the “Avatarsexuals”. The game always tries to play him off as annoying, but he’s just incredibly passionate about gaining strength. He’s actually pretty passionate about everything he does, especially when he confesses that he’s fallen in love with you. His confession portrait has to be one of the most romantic in the game:
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Priam is a hulking beast of a warrior but here, he’s kneeling down in front of you, having taken his gloves off so he can hold your hand in his (no one else does this by the way) while he gazes adoringly into your eyes. Combine that with how powerful and handsome he is, he’s my ultimate husband choice in Awakening. The only downside is how far in the game he is before you can recruit him (Chapter 25) but he’s worth it.
2. Aversa. I like a lot of SpotPass characters, and I like Aversa for her extra lore. Most people hate the SpotPass characters for turning the villains “good”, but I think it’s neat that the bad guys help defeat the TRUE villain pulling the strings (and it’s not like bad guys like Validar became good). Aside from that, Aversa is actually a sweetheart who struggles with making friends because she feels like she doesn’t deserve it (in her supports with M!Robin at least). It definitely makes her one of the more interesting female Awakening characters.
3. Vaike. WHEN, IS??? WHEN ARE WE GETTING TEACH??? Here’s hoping he’s not a demote when we get him… he’s a cool dude and his support with Sully is actually pretty touching, they were made for each other.
4. Frederick. I think Frederick (along with Dedue) is actually one of the nicer vassal characters in Fire Emblem, because Jakob can kind of be an asshole sometimes and Hubert is… Hubert. He’s diligent, cares about others, and holds the Shepherds together.
5. Gregor. The dude is SO overlooked as “haha funny Russian man” despite the fact that he’s powerful as fuck and even could have been a Khan of Regna Ferox if he wanted to. And RESOURCEFUL, the fact that he knew how to do Cordelia’s makeup is impressive. Plus I think he’s the best dad for Severa (I actually headcanon that Severa is bilingual in Gregor’s homeland tongue and it comes out when she’s pissed off at something or someone). Great dude and I’m glad he got added to FEH.
6. Gangrel. I said it. He works great as an antagonist and he’s a fun ally with a fascinating backstory (he kind of reminds me of Askeladd from Vinland Saga). It’s actually really sad to me that he dies a horrible death if he doesn’t support with F!Robin, I’d have liked for him to have loved to do SOMETHING.
7. Kellam. NO END. I’VE HEARD NO END TO THE INVISIBILITY JOKES. I GET IT. I will ALWAYS acknowledge my boy. He’s such a sweetheart and I adore his support with Olivia. He better get a prf when he gets added to FEH or I will riot.
8. Panne. She turns into a bunny. I like her.
But also she has a great backstory.
9. Virion. Ok yes he’s silly and goofy and flirts with anything that looks remotely female and walks on two legs. But if you read his Support with F!Robin (definitely one of the most sincere supports of the game in my opinion), he’s actually a very noble and caring guy. Especially during one of the DLCs where he sells an heirloom dagger for an old couple who was sick, and refuses to be acknowledged in any way or form for doing so. He’s got a great heart.
10. Mustafa. Does this count? Probably not but I wanna give him a shoutout anyways. I’m mad that HE wasn’t a SpotPass character, as cool as Walhart was, I would have preferred Mustafa. At least he got added to FEH, I’ll take what I can get.
Special additional shoutouts to Olivia, Sully, Lon’qu, and Yen’fey, they’re also really cool. I do like the other characters (especially Maribelle’s support where she knows how to talk like a sailor) but I’d prioritize these guys on the list.
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