#Especially since most of my OCs are assigned a Fandom(or multiple fandoms depending which ones we're talking about)
darling-leech · 2 years
TW: Venting, sorta unreality?, sorta implied suicidal thoughts/idealations(not actually planning on going thru with it tho, btw, so uh don't worry), Idk how to tag things sometimes.
Me: :/
*thinks about the fact that I'm actually a real life person with a shitty fucking life and and I'm not, in fact, my self insert OC, who has a way better life than I do(because I wanna give her everything I can't give myself), is, in fact, NOT real, and all this is just my imagination. None of this will ever be real. Also the fact that I'm scared shitless of dying one day because idk what happens when you die, and I'll probably just end up in a void somewhere amd not where I wanna end up(which is becoming my Self Insert OC in my imaginary world). Sometimes I also forget that NONE of my OCs are real, and the fact that I'm an actual real person(is that dissociation/depersonalization? Idk).*
Me: 😭😭😭😭
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meta-shadowsong · 5 years
mousedetective asked: Star Wars for the fandom thing?
As a note before I get started–I was technically in this fandom (to the point of writing fic for it even) when the prequel trilogy was in the process of coming out and I was in middle/early high school, then fell out of the fandom for reasons I only vaguely recall, and got drawn back in by TFA. So some of my answers will reflect that earlier period, and some of them will be just focused on since coming back since I don’t remember all the thoughts/feelings I had way back when.
the first character i ever fell in love with: …probably Padme? I legit do not remember, even for the more recent time around, but that sounds right for the first one.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Qui-Gon. He tends to come across as a self-righteous jerk to me a lot of the time. There’s been a couple pieces (mostly fanworks, mostly where he’s supporting cast) where that’s softened, but generally I’m not a fan.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: Shmi/Qui-Gon. See above. I definitely remember shipping them in my first fandom experience, but now I feel that she deserves better.
my ultimate favorite character™: …frick, I can’t choose, there are too many. Like, even if I limit myself to one time period/series, it’s hard. I mean, most of the PT/TCW primary characters are up there and I straight-up can’t choose, but special mentions would probably go to the Trio and Ahsoka and Ventress and Bail. For Rebels, Sabine and Hera and Kallus, OT era probably Leia and Lando, ST Leia again and Rose and the Trio…if we’re including Legends I have to throw in Pellaeon and Mara Jade and Darth Zannah and… ….uh. Yeah. You see my problem here.
prettiest character: Another hard one. Um. Padme, probably, for the ladies. For the gentlemen, Anakin or Poe.
my most hated character: Again, I’m not sure? I mean I’ll probably go with Qui-Gon by default since, again, not a fan, but even then, I’m not sure ‘hated’ is the right word? Probably ‘least liked’ would be better, tbh. Wait, I just remembered Rush Clovis. Dude makes my skin crawl.
my OTP: Anidala, ObiAniDala, or Kalluzeb. …yay, a question I can actually answer in a reasonable number of words! lol.
my NOTP: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan. Didn’t even have to think for that one. I mean, there are other pairings that I dislike nearly as much but that’s the kneejerk hard-no for me.
favorite episode: …lord. Uh. Again, we probably have to break it down by era and again I’d probably have multiples for most of these, especially since a lot of the time my favorite/what I’d seek out to watch depends on my mood, y’know? But…I will just limit it to Rebels because that is what I’ve watched most recently and what has the clearest answer because Zero Hour.
saddest death: This is also kind of a hard one, but honestly the three that jump to mind most are either of Ahsoka’s (even though they were both temporary, they still get to me and the second one is why I didn’t start watching Rebels until this past year because I knew I’d need a watching buddy to get through it and the person I was watching with we were still finishing up TCW) and Obi-Wan’s fake death in the Rako Hardeen arc. …yep, those beat out all the permadeaths. Not sure what that says about me…
favorite season: Broadening this to ‘era’ and saying PT/TCW era.
least favorite season: Again broadening to ‘era’ and going to say ST. BUT let me be clear, my feelings on the subject are along the lines of “here are three adorable playful puppies but you only have the resources to take two home and take care of them properly and the third will also go to a happy loving home where they will be played with and adored as they deserve.”
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: Honestly, I don’t know? The nice thing about a fandom the size of Star Wars is that it’s actually pretty easy to curate my experience, so I’m less aware of who Everyone Loves/Everyone Hates. But I’ll probably list Qui-Gon, even though, as above, ‘most dislike’ would be a better term than ‘hate.’ Because I know that he has a lot of fans.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Anakin or Kallus. Yay, another short answer!
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Hm. Finn or Rose probably. Oh, or Bail. …look, most of my faves, I wouldn’t really call cinnamon rolls. Even Padme, who comes fairly close, because, uh, anyone who says “meet me at the docks at midnight and bring a gun” is probably not a cinnamon roll. (I would probably assign her the “looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you” line of that meme. …granted I have zero clue how I would fill in the rest and she would also have stiff competition there but still.)
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: ….I don’t know that I have one? Not in this fandom, anyway. Outside of certain AUs. Like, even what I would call my most crackship rarepair that doesn’t involve an OC, while probably super destructive, (definitely externally and possibly internally) wouldn’t fall under this particular description. (It’s Bo-Katan/Ventress, if you’re curious.)
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Most canon endgame pairings except Anidala and Kalluzeb, tbh (….for varying definitions of ‘cute’). Pretty much anyone you could possibly pair with Obi-Wan (except, again, Qui-Gon or ObiAniDala, for complete opposite reasons). Most Ahsoka pairings (except Anisoka which while not as strong as Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan is still a pretty hard no for me). Various combinations of the ST Trio and Rose. Leia/Amilyn and Han/Lando as backstory/non-endgame pairings.
Ask me about a fandom!
Original post with original tags here.
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shadowsong26x · 6 years
Star Wars for the fandom thing?
As a note before I get started–I was technically in this fandom (to the point of writing fic for it even) when the prequel trilogy was in the process of coming out and I was in middle/early high school, then fell out of the fandom for reasons I only vaguely recall, and got drawn back in by TFA. So some of my answers will reflect that earlier period, and some of them will be just focused on since coming back since I don’t remember all the thoughts/feelings I had way back when.
the first character i ever fell in love with:…probably Padme? I legit do not remember, even for the more recent time around, but that sounds right for the first one.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:Qui-Gon. He tends to come across as a self-righteous jerk to me a lot of the time. There’s been a couple pieces (mostly fanworks, mostly where he’s supporting cast) where that’s softened, but generally I’m not a fan.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:Shmi/Qui-Gon. See above. I definitely remember shipping them in my first fandom experience, but now I feel that she deserves better.
my ultimate favorite character™:…frick, I can’t choose, there are too many. Like, even if I limit myself to one time period/series, it’s hard. I mean, most of the PT/TCW primary characters are up there and I straight-up can’t choose, but special mentions would probably go to the Trio and Ahsoka and Ventress and Bail. For Rebels, Sabine and Hera and Kallus, OT era probably Leia and Lando, ST Leia again and Rose and the Trio…if we’re including Legends I have to throw in Pellaeon and Mara Jade and Darth Zannah and…….uh. Yeah. You see my problem here.
prettiest character:Another hard one. Um. Padme, probably, for the ladies. For the gentlemen, Anakin or Poe.
my most hated character:Again, I’m not sure? I mean I’ll probably go with Qui-Gon by default since, again, not a fan, but even then, I’m not sure ‘hated’ is the right word? Probably ‘least liked’ would be better, tbh. Wait, I just remembered Rush Clovis. Dude makes my skin crawl.
my OTP:Anidala, ObiAniDala, or Kalluzeb. …yay, a question I can actually answer in a reasonable number of words! lol.
my NOTP:Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan. Didn’t even have to think for that one. I mean, there are other pairings that I dislike nearly as much but that’s the kneejerk hard-no for me.
favorite episode:…lord. Uh. Again, we probably have to break it down by era and again I’d probably have multiples for most of these, especially since a lot of the time my favorite/what I’d seek out to watch depends on my mood, y’know? But…I will just limit it to Rebels because that is what I’ve watched most recently and what has the clearest answer because Zero Hour.
saddest death:This is also kind of a hard one, but honestly the three that jump to mind most are either of Ahsoka’s (even though they were both temporary, they still get to me and the second one is why I didn’t start watching Rebels until this past year because I knew I’d need a watching buddy to get through it and the person I was watching with we were still finishing up TCW) and Obi-Wan’s fake death in the Rako Hardeen arc. …yep, those beat out all the permadeaths. Not sure what that says about me…
favorite season:Broadening this to ‘era’ and saying PT/TCW era.
least favorite season:Again broadening to ‘era’ and going to say ST. BUT let me be clear, my feelings on the subject are along the lines of “here are three adorable playful puppies but you only have the resources to take two home and take care of them properly and the third will also go to a happy loving home where they will be played with and adored as they deserve.”
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:Honestly, I don’t know? The nice thing about a fandom the size of Star Wars is that it’s actually pretty easy to curate my experience, so I’m less aware of who Everyone Loves/Everyone Hates. But I’ll probably list Qui-Gon, even though, as above, ‘most dislike’ would be a better term than ‘hate.’ Because I know that he has a lot of fans.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:Anakin or Kallus. Yay, another short answer!
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:Hm. Finn or Rose probably. Oh, or Bail. …look, most of my faves, I wouldn’t really call cinnamon rolls. Even Padme, who comes fairly close, because, uh, anyone who says “meet me at the docks at midnight and bring a gun” is probably not a cinnamon roll. (I would probably assign her the “looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you” line of that meme. …granted I have zero clue how I would fill in the rest and she would also have stiff competition there but still.)
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:….I don’t know that I have one? Not in this fandom, anyway. Outside of certain AUs. Like, even what I would call my most crackship rarepair that doesn’t involve an OC, while probably super destructive, (definitely externally and possibly internally) wouldn’t fall under this particular description. (It’s Bo-Katan/Ventress, if you’re curious.)
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:Most canon endgame pairings except Anidala and Kalluzeb, tbh (….for varying definitions of ‘cute’). Pretty much anyone you could possibly pair with Obi-Wan (except, again, Qui-Gon or ObiAniDala, for complete opposite reasons). Most Ahsoka pairings (except Anisoka which while not as strong as Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan is still a pretty hard no for me). Various combinations of the ST Trio and Rose. Leia/Amilyn and Han/Lando as backstory/non-endgame pairings.
Ask me about a fandom!
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