#Enders state forest
travmami · 11 months
Enders State Forest and Falls in West Granby, CT.
A series of falls very close to the parking. Some of the trail branches out the other direction next to the quiet brooks. Fun steps and occasional swimming holes, big rocks. Fun place.
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torpublishinggroup · 10 months
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Is a Bat a Dragon? We Asked James Rollins
By now, Tor is at the forefront of research into what exactly constitutes "dragon." We've entertained many queries throughout the years, determining if the umbrella of dragon extends to hippos, snakes, and Godzilla. Now, we turn to the expertise of James Rollins to advise on the dragonic status of bats. If you've read The Starless Crown and its sequel The Cradle of Ice, you probably know the answer.
Check it out!
by James Rollins      
My love for the natural world and all its myriad creatures was one of my main drives for pursuing a career in veterinary medicine. Even today as a full-time writer, I’ve not fully stepped away from that profession. As I’ve stated many times during book talks—yes, I can still neuter a cat in under thirty seconds.
Still, my greatest fascination about Nature is how it adheres to a dictate stated so succinctly in Jurassic Park:  Life will find a way.  I’ve always been captivated by the manner in which animals and plants discover innovative survival strategies to fill different environmental niches and how that fight has resulted in all the marvels (and horrors) found in the natural world.
While growing up, I found a new way of exploring this subject matter:  in science fiction and fantasy novels set on different worlds. I found myself especially drawn to material that explored life’s resilience across fantastic worlds. Whether it was the sandworms of Herbert’s Dune, the engineered landscape of Niven’s Ringworld, the many species of Card’s Ender’s Game, or a universe of other writers tackling how life finds a way.
Even when it came to those novels that featured dragons, I found myself most interested in the biology and the circumstance of their origins. How did the telepathy and bonding in Anne McCaffrey’s Pern books come about? What steps were taken to harness the physicality of dragons to become warriors in Novik’s Temeraire series? In Martin’s books, could dragon eggs truly be encysted for ages and require fire to bring them back to life? If so, how and why?
When it came to crafting my own fantastic world in the Moonfall Saga, I took a similar scientific eye to its construction. The series takes place on a tidally locked planet, a world that circles its sun with one side forever facing the sun, the other locked in eternal darkness. The only truly livable clime is the band between those extremes of ice and fire. Across such a harsh and unforgiving landscape, I wanted to build a biosphere of flora and fauna that made evolutionary sense. How would species survive the extreme cold and lack of sunlight? Could life find a way in the sunblasted hemisphere?
And what about dragons?
In the novel, one of the apex predators is a species of massive bat, with a wingspan of ten meters or more. We first see them in Book One (The Starless Crown). They inhabit the vast swamplands of Mýr—found in that more temperate climate of the world. They are nocturnal, haunting a drowned forest and roosting in a volcanic mountain. I wanted those bats to make biological sense, to have them fit that environmental niche in a natural way. Being arboreal, they would likely have evolved prehensile tails. As nocturnal creatures, they would need bell-shaped ears and still use ultrasonics to navigate. And without giving away any of the surprises in the books, there is a significant aspect to their biology that will allow them to bond to certain people.
In the books, I also wanted to add a level of verisimilitude to the bestiary by adding naturalistic sketches, drawings that you might find in a turn-of-the-century research journal.
Here is the Mýr bat:
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Keep in mind, life will find a way, so this species is not limited to those swamplands. A subspecies evolved in the dark, frozen half of the world. It adapted to fit that harsh niche, becoming smaller and stockier, with shaggy fur, and nasal flaps that could seal to conserve body heat. Likewise, in this treeless landscape, that prehensile tail would no longer be needed. They make an appearance in the second book in the series, The Cradle of Ice.
Here is their sketch:
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But what about the title of this blog post: Is a bat a dragon?
In the third volume in the series (A Dragon of Black Glass), which will be coming out in 2024, this species has also adapted to the sunblasted half of the world. To survive, they would need to burrow to survive, growing larger claws for digging, and bodies that would be hairless and elongated, with fanned tails for aerial maneuvering when out of their burrows. They would become known as “sanddragons.”
Here is a sneak peek at their preliminary incarnation (with the final version still to come):
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I must note that all of these drawings were beautifully executed by graphic artist, Danea Fidler—as were all the other creature sketches featured in the books. I look forward to sharing the final versions of these “dragons” in 2024 when A Dragon of Black Glass hits bookshelves.
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More of this:
Six years since Ragnarök and Fimbulwinter had long since ceased. Peace was now steady. A world without Odin made it easier for Kratos to pretend he was full mortal instead of half God. Monsters in Midgard were rare, and sometimes even placid. And with Atreus off creating his own story, his own destiny, and the Council of Nine–with only eight acting members–now formed, he embraced his transformation into becoming the “ornery old man wandering the forest alone,” as Freya once affectionately teased. God of War he was no more; instead, replaced was the Bringer of Peace, Ender of All Wars. But violence and hatred were inevitable. No matter the realm, no matter the land, no matter the Gods and no matter the mortals, war always had its place. As did peace in times of suffering. The difficulty came when finding a balance between them, peace and war. Often the inclusion of Love made the two intertwined. 
And though the nine realms were now in a state of peace, war still rages within some. Raiders formed in Midgard not too long after the creation of The Nine, those who attack villages and slaughter the innocent. Nothing more than extremist, allowing false faith to guide their tyranny. 
“Not much further, I don’t think,” a gentle voice spoke through Kratos’s heavy cloud of thought. Gersami, a girl not much older than Atreus. He thought only of Calliope when looking into her innocent eyes. Her face, normally pale and thin, was green and puffed with worry; she was the peace within war, the innocence.  
The raiders invaded his home and, in the name of the dead God Odin, attempted to take him while he slept. They were easy to fend off. But while clearing them out, he found a group of survivors hiding beneath a bridge nearby: his neighbors, who were not Gods but had plenty of good men to defend their village. We were overrun, someone said. They came in the night, said another. So many dead, said a third. He promised to guide them to Týr’s temple where Mimir or Freya, or someone else from the Council of Nine, would be able to soothe their worries in a way that Kratos could not. Freya’s gentle hands, her warmth in moments of bitterness, hysteria… It was especially comforting.
“Yes,” came Kratos’s stoic response. The sun was rising and the port near the temple was emerging from the morning mist. He docked and the other boats followed. 
“Hey there, handsome. Just poppin’ by to see me?” said the familiar dwarf from her workshop.
“Hello Lúnda,” Kratos greeted dryly.
“Give them weapons here. I’ll see what needs fixin’.”
“I do not require any updates.”
“Alrighty. You know where I am if ya do,” she said. “Our fine lady’s up at the Temple, if you’re lookin’.”
“Thank you.”
He led the survivors up the steps and into the temple to hand them off to more capable hands than his own. The council was in session: Tÿr sat center with Sif and Freya on either side of him. Grýla was on the far left, her large form and even larger chair occupying most of the space. Accommodations were made to assure each member was comfortable, no matter their shape or size. Mimir, resting between Sigrún and Hildisvíni, had a high stool with a singular pillow to cushion his severed head. Durlin’s chair was structured similarly with small steps to allow him to come and go as he pleased. A ninth and empty chair was next to Freya where the last member, should they ever find one, would be seated. Nine different chairs representing the nine different realms.
He halted. Freya was the first to catch his eye. And the first to look away when his gaze, surely, became unbearable. Something unsettling boiled within him; conversing with her would be no easy task. Not after…
Tÿr shared a few last hopeful words–something about Freya’s long journey awaiting her, and to take caution of the winds changing–before the meeting was adjourned with a quick bang of Durlin’s hammer. Kratos was glad, in that moment, that it was Sif, not Freya, who took charge in standing at his side to comfort the mortals. But, nevertheless, his focus remained on Freya talking with Mimir as Sif listened to the people’s sighs. 
She could still not look at him.
The Nine, of course, were well aware of the raider attack and were already taking action to assure their safety. Sif was guiding them all outside again when abruptly,
“Majesty, a word.” It was Gersami, sounding fidgety. Unlike herself, not that Kratos knew the girl well. He knew she had been in love, once. A comment made in passing without much thought weeks, maybe even months, ago; Kratos did not care for her to elaborate. Girls–no, children–her age Love in the same way water tumbled off cliff sides: chaotically without stability, without guidance. Freya, the Majesty she was referring to, turned to her with near surprise at being called by her once Queen status, and Kratos stepped aside to allow the girl to pass. “Please,” she said, sounding desperate.
“Of course,” said Freya gently. She never refused her people’s words. Not once.
And Kratos stepped outside with Sif and the others to allow the two to speak privately.
“...It is but a day’s journey. You will arrive before nightfall,” Sif explained to the people surrounding her, all seemingly competing over who could be the loudest.
“What about the folks still out there, huh? I can’t just leave my girls!” said someone from the crowd, apparently the champion of his people as everyone seemed to quiet, for a moment, and mumble their agreement.
“Councilmember Hildisvíni and I will be going to the forest in search of more survivors. If you wish to stay and join us in their rescue, you are more than welcome to. But, I warn you, the journey may not end with a happy reunion.” The crowd continued their frantic rambling. Sif endured it with a great calmness Kratos could only respect, not follow. “Those who wish to go, you will be guided by Chaurli here.” And Chaurli rose from the waters to greet the mortals, to greet Kratos. 
Sif continued her speech, and so did the people, as Kratos made his way over toward the creature. “Hello, old friend.” He patted the wet skin near its eye and it blinked as if they could understand each other. He was not his son, so animals, to him, were simply that: animals. But he greeted the creature with kindness and respect regardless, because Atreus, he knew, would do the same.
The doors of the old temple opened and a frail-looking Gersami emerged with Freya at her side. Last night’s tragedy made her sickly. And, he quickly realized, there was no sign of her father. The two women shared a warm but quick embrace before parting. Then, Gersami managed a natural smile when facing Kratos once more, her hand taking hold of his. “I should think I’ll look brand new, a whole different person, the next time we meet, if we should ever be so lucky.” Calliope glimmered in her eyes.
He managed a gentle grunt and helped her, along with the others choosing to leave, climb atop Chaurli, who, in the many years since Ragnarök, had been transformed from home to vessel.
He watched as the animal slowly floated on, thinking only of the day he became the Bringer of Peace, the day he once again had to say goodbye to the child he loved dearly. But… he knew this girl not. Not in the way he knew Atreus, not in the way he knew Calliope. He looked away, turned from the fading tortoise and moved on with his day.
Freya was standing near the entrance to the Temple, allowing him to have his space. Space that he did not need. Her mouth opened to speak. She hesitated when their eyes met, then they both looked away quickly. His stomach clenched, aching to move on from this moment, this awkwardness that suddenly surrounded them. He hummed to urge her to continue with… whatever needed to be said. In the eyes of many it sounded more like a grunt, a harsh demand to either speak or get out of his way, but he knew she understood. She always understood. But instead of speaking, she turned to enter the Temple, waving for him to follow. He did.
Mimir, atop his stool, greeted Kratos: “You’ve had quite the morning, haven’t you?”
It all came back to him suddenly: Wax, his wolf, warning him of invaders with her howls; raiders kicking open his door as he flew out of his bed and called for his ax; blood spilling out of them when he slit their throats; killing the others, one by one by one, as they invaded his home. They wanted to die for a God long dead rather than live for themselves. All he did was grant their wishes. “Nothing I could not handle.”
“Oh, there’s no denying that, brother.” Freya lifted him from his stool and placed him on her hip. “I don’t imagine we’ll have many troubles in Svartalfheim. Except maybe the Grims. And the Bergsras. And I do owe Lúnda some hacksilver that she wont stop griping to me about–but they should be easy enough to handle.”
“You are going to Svartalfheim,” said Kratos to Freya, who could still not look at him. “What business do you have there?”
“The same business as always, brother,” spoke Mimir. 
Tÿr’s search for a ninth and final member of the council remained ongoing. Freya’s constant insistence that it be Kratos came to a halt after… after what happened in Vanaheim. And he avoided Tÿr enough to never hear his speech on the matter. Kratos was no politician, especially being a foreigner, and he told them such. Their next target was Sindri, who, from Lúnda’s gossip, had apparently already denied them twice.
“He has already given you his answer,” Kratos said simply.
“Yes, but he hasn’t said no to you yet, brother,” said Mimir as Freya opened the mystic gateway. 
He groaned. But, despite himself, entered the portal after them.
Awkward silence loomed around them as they waited for the door to the other realm to open. Freya still avoided his eyes. Mimir cleared his throat to fill the silence. The gateway, it seemed, was taking longer than usual. They remained silent–until, Mimir burst: “So, you kissed while in Vanaheim.” Kratos' heart skipped at the mention of it; they all, he had thought, took a silent vow not to ever mention it again. “Friends kiss each other all the time. Not with such vigor as you two, but…” The gateway opened in the distance and they hurried off toward it as Mimir blabbered on: “Did I ever tell you about the time I locked lips with Thor? It was after we had a few, of course. He thought I was his wife. I thought… Well, I’m not sure who I thought he was. I suppose I was too drunk to care.”
“Mimir?” came Freya’s stern voice. The light from the gateway blinded them as they entered the new realm.
“Aye, lassie?”
“Shut up.”
“Aye, lassie…”
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simplyacerola · 1 year
ya'aburnee — episode two
why did we do this?
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pairing: manhunt!dream x gn!reader
pronouns: you/they
warnings: PLEASE READ
word count: 2.2k
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the transport truck bumps over every single rock on the path, your head hitting the blackout windows. the interior is dark, save for a light screwed on the ceiling, and reeks of metallic blood. the manhunt organizers separated the hunters with a chain barrier, and you can see them huddled together. occasionally, one of them would glance your way.
dream sits across from you, belted to the seat. he only has his cloak, mask left behind. “do we have a plan?” you speak hushed, just low enough for dream to hear.
“nope,” he states simply, arms crossed casually. as if he’s not anxious at all.
your mouth falls open slightly, brows furrowed. unlike his demeanor, you can feel the lead pit of anxiety in your stomach. it bounces around every time the damn truck jolts. “what do you mean no?” your voice is louder this time, catching the attention of one of the hunters—recognizably sapnap.
“we don’t have a plan because it’s a random place. there’s no way of knowing what we’re up against. all we know is that we have to survive and defeat the ender dragon.” you knew that every hunt was different, but not to this extent. dream described how they rebuild strongholds and relocate ender portals in new environments. the organizers even revive the ender dragon for each hunt, just to be killed again. you can’t help but pity the dragon, yet you have to kill it anyway.
dream goes silent when the truck stops abruptly, sending you forward just to be caught by the belt. an organizer comes into the back of the truck, allowing a brief look to the outside. you were parked in an oak forest.
the organizer stops at dream first, and he immediately sticks out his left arm. the organizer takes a mechanism from their utility belt and inserts something into his skin. dream barely flinches, except for his eyes squeezing closed. the organizer hands him a device, then turns to you. “arm.” they state simply in a deep voice. you obey, sticking your non-dominant arm. the organizer replaces the wide needle and holds your arm with their gloved hand. you stare at their face to ignore the needle. they’re wearing a black helmet that prevents you from seeing their features. the only noticeable feature is a pair of brown eyes that flit to yours before suddenly injecting you.
you hiss in pain, the urge to retract your arm strong. even if you tried, you’re convinced the organizer’s grip is stronger. they pull out the needle, clean the blood with a single wipe, and holds out a device. “your transmitter. keep it with you at all times.” it looks like a watch, and they strap it to your arm before letting go completely. they unbuckle you from the seat and leave without another word.
“what did they inject us with? you didn’t tell me any of this!” you keep your voice down, glancing at another organizer strapping transmitters onto the hunters’ wrists.
“they’re trackers. it’s how the hunters follow us, one of them is given a compass that’s connected to our trackers. they also make sure we don’t run away completely before either dying or defeating the dragon.” dream gets up from his seat as an organizer opens the truck doors. he reaches for the two packs set out for you and offers a hand to you. “are you ready for this?”
you airly laugh, taking one of the packs and grabbing his hand. “what other choice do i have now?”
dream helps you down from the truck, turning away from the hunters filing out the other door. the fresh air smells amazing compared to the stench of blood coming from the truck. you stay close to dream as the organizers get into the van and drive away, leaving you and dream with the hunters. they stare at you, ready to run in an instant.
“so do we just run?” you whisper, looking at dream without moving your head from the hunters. you see him nod and slip his pack on. “when–”
“now!” he interrupts you, clutches your hand with the strongest grip you’ve ever felt, and bolts the opposite direction towards a cluster of oak trees. some of the leaves had fallen before you arrived, making the footsteps of the trailing hunters louder. it feels like they’re right behind you even though their voices are distant. dream continues to drag you, expertly shoving loose sticks and low-hanging apples into the opening of the bag on his back. your pack flies behind you with the speed dream pulls you at, but you manage to slip your free arm into one of the straps. 
dream suddenly lets go of your hand and jumps on a tree trunk. “come on!” he called in a hushed yell before ascending. you look back for a moment, slipping your newly freed arm through the other strap. the hunters have separated, only sapnap and george continue to jog in the distance. with the amount of trees, there’s a chance you lost them briefly. you hop onto the tree trunk, digging your boots into the natural notches of the bark. you heave yourself by pulling on any nearby branch until dream’s cloak comes into view. he reaches his hand out again, pulling you the rest of the way up until you’re both sitting on the same sturdy branch.
your knees and hands burn from the rough texture of bark. the only noises are the background music of the woods, the far-away yelling of the hunters, and your combined heavy pants. through the leaves, you see sapnap and george pass by the tree and a small smile forms on your face. you finally look from the ground at dream, a cocky smile adorning his features. “i thought they had a compass?” you ask between breaths.
dream nods, throat bobbing. “only one of them has it. i assume bad, since he’s this hunt’s leader.”
“i think they split off. i only saw sapnap and george pass by.”
“that’s good for us—we have a headstart.” dream cracks his knuckles before descending the tree. you huff (you just got into the tree!) and descend after him. “we need to get flint and steel so we’re not out in pitch black,” dream’s voice is hushed, and you notice that he’s hyper-aware of his surroundings, head snapping to any crunching of leaves in the distance.  “they don’t give us much, just a water canteen,” you rummage through your pack as you follow dream. “they want us to be killed by a hunter, not by natural causes.” dream jokes at the end. 
you laugh through your nose, shoving your canteen into an easily accessible pocket. “we should find a water source before doing anything else.” dream looks back at you briefly as you talk, keeping the same pace as you. “i don’t want to drink from cave water. there should be some flint by the shoreline.”
dream agrees, leading you through the trees until the landscape transforms. what was previously dense trees and autumn leaves is now thick, tall grass. you hear a distant rush of water and see a river descending from a rock formation. the river underneath the waterfall is rushing steadily. dream crouches into the grass, pulling his canteen from the side of his pack. you follow suit just as dream halts all movement.
although you can’t see past the grass and dream’s ass in your face (but, who would complain about that?), you pause right behind him. you reach your arm out to steady yourself, the nearest thing being dream’s ass. you suppress any reaction when you hear voices in the distance. dream motions with his hand for you to stand next to him as he gets into a more comfortable position. you’re crouched next to him, hand now on his shoulder.
“they know we’re around here, but the compass doesn’t tell them our exact location,” whispers dream. though, calling it a whisper is being generous. through a split in the grass, you see one of the hunters—the cat, antfrost—point at the top of the waterfall and lead them in that direction.
“we need to hurry.” you urge dream ahead, poking your hands out just enough to dip your canteen into the river. quickly sifting through the gravelly shoreline, you feel a chunk of stone and pull it out. luckily, you pull out flint and lead dream out of the tall grass and into the safety of the dense oak forest. you stop to pick up wood for future use, dream looking back to where you left the hunters. you grab a low-hanging apple and bite into it carefully, shoving wood into your pack with the chunk of flint. you collect some decent-sized stones and hold them to put into dream’s pack.
dream interrupts your scavenging with a hand on your back. you whip your head to face him, seeing his finger pressed to his lips. you nod, motioning him to turn around to free your hands. he keeps his hand on your back, leading you to a small opening to a cave. dream’s footsteps are careful and silent, you stepping in his exact footsteps. the steps of the hunters are louder, but still far enough to not panic you (too much). their hushed voices prove that they’re trying to be stealthy but failing.
you and dream pick up speed, finding a smaller section of the cave to hide in and explore. the cave is dark, save for a small sliver of the remaining sunlight. the echos of the hunters bounce off the stone walls, reaching your hiding spot. dream’s hand touches yours with the proximity of your hiding place. taking a small chance (and ignoring your nerves), you lean into dream. 
in the distance, you see red eyes glittering a few feet from dream. you nudge his hand, nodding your head to the creature. dream swears under his breath, “damn spider.” he reaches behind him into his pack, grabbing one of the stones you shoved in. gripping it tightly, he inches closer to the spider, rock ready to kill it. the spider pounces past him and directly to you. in surprise, you yelp before throwing the spindly and furry bug at the cave wall, stunning it just long enough for dream to crush its head his boot.
“did you hear that?” a british voice called—george. your body freezes in fear hearing the heavy footsteps of the hunters approaching. you turn to run the opposite direction, but dream stops ahead of you. it’s a dead end.
cornered beside dream, three of the hunters stream into the section of the cave. sapnap leads the charge with george and bad behind him. dream steps in front of you, still clutching the rock meant for the spider. he hurls it at the hunters, hitting george square in the face. the crunch of cartilage is followed by george’s cry in pain. bad stops to help george, but sapnap runs up to you and punches you in the stomach. you fall to the ground on your back, sapnap straddling you with repeated punches to the face. you lost track at five when dream kicks sapnap off your body, lifting you up with the boost of adrenaline. george clutches his nose and bad holds sapnap back, yelling for them to wait for the supplies the others are gathering. you hear sapnap’s muffled protests before dream carries you far enough away. you exhale through your nose, getting blood on dream’s cloak before fainting.
you wake to the splash of cold water on your face. your body jerks up, but you suppress a yell. dream sits next to you, holding his canteen and smiling sheepishly. “i didn’t know how to wake you. i need to clean you up and check your nose. sapnap landed some good punches.”
you groan, lightly touching your swollen nose. “trust me, i can feel it.” you notice a pile of ash in the corner of the cave, as well as a freshly sharpened sword and axe. next to dream sits both of the packs and a small knife. you reach into the pack, grabbing an apple and the knife on the floor. as dream wets the end of his long cloak, you slice a part of the apple and nibble on it. dream carefully wipes the blood from your face, his green eyes flitting in concentration.
“don’t scream.” he states simply. 
your eyebrows furrow momentarily, about to ask why when dream pinches your nose and realigns it. your eyes squeeze shut and you feel more warm blood trickle through your busted nose. “shit dream.” your voice is high and raspy. dream leans back, slicing a bit of your apple off and eating it with a smirk.
“beautiful, good as new.” he states, wringing the rest of the moisture out of his cloak and leaning his head back to drink out of his canteen.
“are you flirting with me?” you jokingly ask, rubbing your sore nose with a smile.
dream scoffs, leaning back against one of the stone walls. “you finally noticed?” you roll your eyes, suppressing your true reaction of a racing heart and flushed face.
taglist :) @nonsensicallynarnian @jschllatt @dukina @s-we-e-t-t-ea
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env0 · 1 year
Dungeons & Dragons Comes to Minecraft
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D&D is coming soon to Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game from Mojang Studios. In the Minecraft x Dungeons & Dragons DLC, you and your friends will journey to the Forgotten Realms as your own D&D characters. Level up, collect loot, and face off against classic monsters, including the displacer beast, gelatinous cube, mimic, and beholder.
But wait, there's more?
Monstrous Compendium Vol 3: Minecraft Creatures
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Blazes are elemental beings that congregate at Nether fortresses. They float a short distance above the ground, and each one is orbited by three sets of glowing rods. When a blaze is destroyed, it sometimes leaves one of these rods behind. Blaze rods are a source of great energy that, when carefully crushed into powder, can be used to brew potions and craft other magic items. A blaze attacks by launching three fireballs from its fiery core. This fire ignites creatures and flammable objects. If necessary, a blaze levitates into the air to better see and more easily target its enemies.
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A creeper is a green, armless creature that emerges in darkness and silently prowls the Overworld on its four short legs. Its peculiar face bears no clue of its motives, but its destructiveness makes it one of the greatest threats to both life and property in the Overworld. A creeper quietly shuffles toward Humanoid prey. When it gets close enough, it halts and begins to hiss like a burning fuse. Unless the creeper is defeated or its target gets far enough away that the creeper defuses itself, the creeper explodes a few short moments later, leaving a crater where it once stood. Creepers have an uncanny ability to appear when least expected, and few places are safe from their explosive nature. Yet creepers have one strange weakness: they fear cats and do all they can to avoid them. If a creeper is struck by lightning, rather than being harmed, it becomes charged with electrical power. In this charged state, the creeper gains a bluish aura and can explode with even greater power.
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The mighty Ender Dragon is one of a kind—a vast, flying creature with void-black scales and purple eyes. It soars above the central island of the End. No one can say whether it is a guardian or a prisoner of the End, but either way, the Ender Dragon challenges anyone who enters its domain. The Ender Dragon buffets enemies with great wings, engulfs foes with its gaseous breath weapon, and delivers crushing bites with its powerful jaws. Its hide is strong enough to deflect all but the deadliest weapons.
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Endermen are tall, black, bipedal creatures with long, thin limbs and piercing, purple eyes. Violet particles flicker in and out of existence around them. Endermen are unnerving and enigmatic, acting in a manner that is all but impossible to interpret. Endermen seem particularly drawn to the End, where they gather in large groups. They are uncommon visitors to other dimensions, although they appear more often in pairs in such peculiar places as the warped forests of the Nether. They shun sunlight and are hurt by water, including rain. When an Enderman becomes the target of a ranged weapon or takes damage, it teleports to a safer location nearby and makes a distinctive “voop” sound at its destination. Endermen have no known predators. When a Humanoid looks directly at an Enderman, the Enderman becomes enraged, opens its mouth horrifyingly wide, and rushes to attack with its long arms. A defeated Enderman implodes and sometimes leaves behind an Ender pearl, which, when thrown, teleports the thrower to the place it lands.
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Running through the forests of the Overworld on four legs, this gray-furred hunter is at home in the cold of the taiga. Wolves hunt in packs, roaming their territories and chasing sheep, rabbits, and foxes. Wild wolves are typically indifferent to Humanoids, neither running from nor attacking them, but a pack of wolves becomes hostile toward any creature that hurts one of the pack’s members. Wolves can be tamed by adventurers who feed and look after them. Tamed wolves follow their masters everywhere they go. Wolves instinctively regard animated skeletons as enemies and attack them without hesitation. Even tamed wolves, which obediently hold themselves back from attacking their natural prey, freely charge at skeletons unless they are commanded to sit.
Enjoy adding these delightful monsters to your campaigns or building a campaign of your own built around them. (I am not sponsored by Wizards, Hasbro, Mojang. I just think it's neat and everyone should see it)
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stumbleimg · 1 year
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Enders State Forest, Connecticut [OC] [2003X3000]
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prettyinpwn-blog · 1 year
No lie, I’ve loved Lord Huron for ages so I’m a little biased, but damn does the Strange Trails album of theirs fit the Stan Twins so well at times, especially Ford but there’s a hint of Stan character themes in it, too (also Bill a bit). Mostly Portal!Ford focused on revenge, Stan working to get Ford back, Ford coming back and knowing Bill is still a threat, and some Sea Grunks vibes.
There’s even a western/acoustic guitar plus sci-fi electronic instruments vibe like the Gravity Falls soundtrack has, and the album cover has that general American outdoorsy feel (hard to describe but it’s like that same aesthetic you see on vintage state or national park signs in America).
There are romantic themes that don’t fit. But minus those it’s peak Stan twin feels.
tl;dr: for those who don’t read under the cut, at least listen to Frozen Pines by Lord Huron, I beg of you. Max Stan twin vibes. Pines because duh, the setting being a snowy night in a pine forest, two male voices singing at times, and the lyrics mY GoD.
If you like it, then listen to The World Ender, Meet Me in the Woods, and Way Out There too for some lesser but still Stan twin or Bill vibes.
Some deeper, rambling thoughts for the whole album under the cut ~
Okay, so this is what I mean with this album, song by song:
1. Love Like Ghosts - eh, one of the romantic songs I mentioned that don’t fit well. I love this song, ‘tis one of my favorites on the album, but not very Stan twin-ish. Maybe more Stan-ish because it mentions the protagonist being haunted by ghosts all the time, likely a feeling Stan had all those years after Ford had disappeared and he was trying desperately to get him back. There’s also a theme of seeing ghosts in oneself, which, since Stan looks like Ford...
2. Until the Night Turns - definitely more Ford, one because lyrics about staying up all night (Ford is allergic to sleep), and because these reasons:
“I had a vision tonight that the world was ending Yeah, the sky was falling and time was bending I watched the heavens collide right before my eyes What if the world dies with the sunrise?“
“I had a visitor come from the great beyond - cOUgH Bill CoUGh Telling me our time in the world is done And to watch for a sign in the midnight sky What if the world dies with the sunrise?”
“When the World Ender comes, baby, don’t close your eyes”
Definitely due to it being in major key, it’s a more happy feeling song, so this feels like a Ford during the meeting Bill and admiring him era of Ford’s life, plus some foreboding foreshadowing of how Bill is the World Ender. Though so is Ford, in a way.
There are some romantic themes but meh ignore those.
3. Dead Man’s Hand - this is a great song with both Stan and Ford lines, BUT I’d say it leans more Stan, both when he went to go see Ford before the portal accident, him taking over Ford’s life, etc.
“Yellow lines, in the dead of the night Oh, I was heading back out West Trying to keep my eyes open wide I’d gone days without any rest”
I’d see this as being both Stan going to Ford before the portal accident, driving out to see him, but this can also be Ford because sleep what’s that? Also EyEES. “You come back from a trip to the East But you don’t come back from the dead”
More of a Stan line. He staged his death to take Ford’s identity. Could also be Ford, though, since he was also sort of “dead” to the world after he disappeared. Also, they’re both from the East coast.
“Sure as hell he was dead as they come, He was already starting to smell eh ignore this line Just a kid, with his hair slicked back And a knife tucked into his belt Was he unforgiven? Or just tired of living a life that never felt like his?“ Stan to a T. He had his hair slicked when he was young, the knife in the belt from years of crime and/or expecting people after him, and the last two lines? Ooooooooof.
“I stared right into the endless Void And I ain’t going back if I got any choice“ AKA I stared into the void of some interdimensional portal that I lost my brother to and I’ve decided to stay here to fix it.
There’s also a stanza about the protagonist in the song burying this dead man, but the dead man doesn’t want to stay and wants to keep roaming. It’s like Stan juggling on that tightrope of “is Ford dead, is he not, do I keep trying?”. Could also be Stan as the dead man himself, still technically alive after he’d already buried himself. Or Stan feeling like he’s having to bury his own brother mentally. GAH the possibilities are endless.
4. Hurricane (Johnnie’s Theme)
Stan to a T, at least the first stanza. The lyrics explain themselves:
“I get a thrill outta playing with fire ‘Cause you hold your life when you hold that flame I get a kick outta thunder and lightning And tearing through the night hollering your name
I get a laugh outta starin’ at darkness And wondering why people live in the light I drive fast and I rumble the hardest I don’’t feel alive if I ain’’t in the fight” The fire part is self-explanatory. Also I think Stan canonically had a motorcycle at one point? So huehue, that imagery is cute. The lyrics just give off a vibe of Stan’s personality overall.
“I can’t sleep when there’s something to do - like staying up trying to get your brother back “You spend your whole life dreaming, and you wake up dead”
This death imagery, man. Stan, going along trying get rich quick and con schemes, dreaming up fame, only to have to fake his death to take Ford’s place?
The rest of the lyrics of this one aren’t too applicable to Gravity Falls/Stan, besides the part about being an illusion (’cause he ain’t Ford, but he stole Ford’s name and looks like him, so Stan is an illusion of Ford of sorts). Also the mentions of eyes everywhere...
5. La Belle Fleur Sauvage -
So this song is technically about a woman, so eh, not really applicable. Could be seen as a metaphor for Ford reaching for the paranormal not knowing how dangerous it is, in some parts at least. Or Ford having a thing for Jheselbraum/The Oracle, if you’re into that headcanon.
6. Fool for Love -
Another goopy love song, so not as applicable once again. But these lyrics...
“I stare into the endless sky And the sorry tale of my life goes by I drift into the great unknown And I really don’t know where I’m going...”
Ford to a T.
7. The World Ender -
Okay, HERE’S where the songs start hitting Stan twin stuff hard. There’s also Bill in this one, especially so if you also believe in the theory that Stan is a reincarnation of Bill in some way. So this song is majorly Stan + Bill-ish, but I can see it as a song that slaps for Ford, too (because A. he technically almost ended the world and is a World Ender, B. came back from the “dead” when he returned from the portal and sought revenge on Bill for decades).
“I had a name but they took it from me I was the man I wanted to be I had a place to lay my head But they burned it to the ground, and the sky turned red
I had a life and a place in the world I had a sweet-talking wife and a beautiful girl I know I’m never gonna see ‘em again Gonna tear up the world ‘til I have my revenge
They took my life but it isn’t the end Oh, they put me in the ground, but I’m back from the dead Oh, I’m a world ender baby and I’m comin’ for them.
You hear me howl by the light of the moon That’s how you know that I’m comin’ for you Gonna find you alone in the dark of night Oh when the world ender comes, baby, run for your life I never bleed and I won’t ever age I’ll never feel the embrace of the grave Oh the fair and the brave and the good must die I’ve seen the other side of livin’ I know heaven’s a lie I tear through the night and I raise some hell ‘Cause I’m a world ender baby and I’m back from the dead
“Lord knows I should be pushin’ daisies I was six feet down until somethin’ raised me up Sent back before I lift my curse I’m gonna get me a taste of some chaos, first
Untied, I’m gonna get a little wild Screamin’ through the night like a demon child Close your eyes now the light is fading And the noise in the night is gonna get a little louder, baby
They can run for their lives, but they cannot be saved I’m a world ender baby and I’m comin’ for them.”
So this feels Bill mostly to me. Firstly, Bill isn’t his actual name, as apparently his real one is too much for humans to comprehend without going insane. Based on his backstory, he was from a dimension that was burned completely (implied to have been his own fault) and all his loved ones died. The Axolotl prophecy implies that he misses them dearly, even though he pretends not to. So from that anger he seeks chaos and wants to destroy realities.
The second stanza is almost like when he came after Ford, coming in the dark of night while Ford is all paranoid and sleepless. And the third stanza makes perfect sense, because Bill doesn’t have a body, he doesn’t bleed or die. The last few lines, well... now he wants revenge. He’s a demon child and is going to end the world. It also feels Stan though, because of the name swap thing again, his fire “death” at the end of the series and recovering from it, and the world ending with Weirdmageddon. Also if you believe in the Bill = Stan theory, well... yeah, as Stan, Bill really is back from the dead.
BUT it’s also a great Ford song, because he “died” to the world when he disappeared. He roamed the multiverse for decades and spent that long making sure he did everything he could to get revenge on Bill. Ford being “dead” and coming back is almost like his return from the dead, and he doesn’t ever deny his role in helping Bill bring the end of the world. So he proudly is like, “I’m the world ender and I’m coming for revenge”. Kind of a badass Portal!Ford to his return in NWHS song. And at the end, he’s just about to take the shot at Bill with his quantum destabilizer, but then the portal opens up and he gets pulled away from his revenge... and now he’s back from the “dead”. Hence “Sent back before I lift my curse”...
Seriously this song SCREAMS Stan twins and Bill.
8. Meet Me in the Woods - Ford. Ford ALL THE WAY, specifically post portal return. I don’t even have to explain it.
9. The Yawning Grave -
This song is more subtle than Meet Me in the Woods, but this could be both a Bill and a Ford song. Either Bill coming after Ford post dream warning in TLM, or Ford going for Bill when Weirdmageddon hits (hence the “reckoning” mentioned).
10. Frozen Pines -
Well, besides the obvious ‘Pines’ thing, and frozen pines because Ford went missing on a snowy night deep in the cold winter, and the fact that two male voices echo each other on the track at times... and symbolically the Pines are frozen because both Stan and Ford had to pause their own lives the moment Ford was lost, like they and their relationship has been frozen in time since the night of their fight...
This gives me both Stan and Ford vibes. Like a song that fits both of them as they wonder where the other is, however, certain stanzas fit one twin more than the other. To me, this is THE ultimate song for their relationship on this album, as well as any other song I’ve ever heard besides maybe Always Gold by Radical Face. To the point that I’m surprised that I’ve never heard anyone else mention this song in the fandom (maybe they have, I’ve been gone a long while..)?
Anyways, lyrics that hit hard:
“Deep into the night With the moonlight as my guide I go wander through the pines and make my Way to nature’s shrine And I look up to the sky And I know you’re still alive But I wonder where you are, I call your name into the dark
I wake up in the morning, oh, and I don’t know where I’ve been All alone on a mountainside and I’m huddled in the wind And it feels like I’ve been away for an era but nothing has changed at all And it feels like I’ve been with you, oh, but what did we do and where have you gone.”
FORD x1000. Portal!Ford specifically, alone in the universe, wandering. I picture a snowy planet, and he sees pines (or some similar alien plant) and thinks of his family/brother. He looks up at the sky, wondering where Stan has been. Is he still alive back home? He decides to believe that he is, only if to keep himself going. He has a nightmare of Stan running away from him and meeting a bad end, and he calls his name in the dream.
He wakes up in the morning as the nightmare ends, cold, wind-blown, surprised he survived the night. He’s been gone in the portal for decades. And that last line, OUCH: what did he and Stan do? Was his childhood with Stan even real, because it feels so far away, now. Why did they even fight? It’s the biggest regret of Ford’s life.
Alright, now Stan’s turn:
“On the night you disappeared Oh, if I had seen it clear But a strange light in the sky was shining right into my eyes There was no one else in sight Just the endless frozen pines But I wonder all they know 'cause they don't die and they don't grow.”
Yeah, this is Stan the night Ford was lost. A cold, wintry night in a pine forest. The bright light of a portal. Ford disappearing. Etc.
The last line specifically is both Stan and Ford. They are ‘frozen Pines’, stuck in time and left regretting that night forever, not dead, but not growing beyond it, either. It also reminds me of Mabel’s line in the Lost Legends comic, about how they’re both big kids that need to take care of each other. Like Stan and Ford just stopped growing after they were separated and need the Stan-O-War II adventures to regain lost time they spent apart.
“I am ready to follow you even though I don't know where I will wait in the night until you decide to take me there.”
Stan’s loyalty to getting Ford back, of course, working diligently every night to do so.
'Cause I know I don't wanna stay here forever, it's time to be movin’ on Oh I don't want to be the only one living when all of my friends are gone.”
Both Stan and Ford. Stan and Ford both don’t want to be where they are forever, either lost in the portal, or back home with Ford lost forever. Also, the ‘moving on’ is the repairing of their relationship. And they don’t want to be the only twin still alive. :’0
“I will be waiting for you, on the other side of the frozen pines I'm gonna find a way through, there's another life beyond the line I will be waiting for you, on the other side of the frozen pines I'm gonna find a way through, there's another life beyond the line.”
A lot to unpack here. Overall, thematically, the ‘frozen Pines’ are both metaphorically them as Pines brothers whose relationship was frozen in time after their fight, the rift in their relationship, and the literal portal that keeps them apart. Ford and Stan are waiting for the other, wanting to cross the rift in their relationship to see each other again. There’s another life in their sibling relationship waiting on the other side, if they could just forgive each other. Also the symbolism of them both being “dead”, either by faking their death or disappearing, then regaining their life upon Ford’s return, both as who they were originally.
JUSt... NO ONE CAN TELL ME THAT THIS IS THE STAN TWIN SONG. FITE ME. Like I said before, though, special mention to Always Gold by Radical Face.
11. Cursed - meh, skip this one for Stan twin feels. Unless you take the relationship part out, and translate the “she” into Bill. Then maybe it works.
12. Way Out There - Ford 100%, yeah. Doesn’t even need explaining. Though I wanna highlight the lyric line, “if you don’t know my name you know it now”. Huehue.
Could also be a Stan song, since he’s a hero that saved the world, “there are many more flames when mine is gone" + “they will build me no shrines and sing me no songs” lines, since no one outside of his family even knows that Stan is a world saver. The irony that Ford is a world ender and Stan is a world saver but if he’s reincarnated Bill then...
Could also be a Bill song. Depends on how you read it.
Could also be a combined Stan and Ford song about the decision to go on the Stan-O-War II trip. Or a Sea Grunks song about them reflecting on their lives, complete with them on the ship on an eerie, foggy night for full dramatic vibes.
Also, can I mention the very Gravity Falls feel of this track with the mix of warpy/sci-fi-ish elements with acoustic guitars? Yes, inject it into my veins.
13. Louisa - sort of Stan vibes in the first stanza, but the rest of the song is a love song, so meh:
“Good for nothing is the name they'll remember me by Done nothin' with my life for no one, I'm just waitin' to die I turned my back on the world”
It could also be a Sea Grunks song if you take out the romantic mush, especially since Ford’s return is like them both coming back from death, and it talks about not wanting to die but wander the world with someone again, but meh once again.
14. The Night We Met -
Sea Grunks all the way. Minus the actual night they met, because, well, that was as babies. Maybe metaphorically as their older selves meeting each other again after the Weirdmageddon stuff calmed down? Also take out the few romantic lines, of course.
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aceghosts · 2 years
OC Tag: Song Challenge
Hey everyone! I was tagged by @commander-krios, @henbased, @ishwaris, @derelictheretic, @quentinbecks, @bluemojave, @marivenah, @adelaidedrubman, and @hoesephseed. (I think I got everyone!
I'm not going to tag anyone because I think everyone has been tagged or done this. If you haven't, consider this your tag.
step 1 -> create your oc (or ocs) in this picrew
step 2 -> list 5 songs that inspired (or captured the feel of) your OC. if you choose multiple, feel free to pick your favorite or do songs for all of them! (and feel free to list fewer or more songs if you want)
OCs and Songs under the cut!
Blue Murphy
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Rocky Mountain High by John Denver
Now he walks in quiet solitude the forests and the streams/Seeking grace in every step he takes/His sight has turned inside himself to try and understand/The serenity of a clear blue mountain lake/And the Colorado Rocky Mountain high/I’ve seen it rainin' fire in the sky/Talk to God and listen to the casual reply/Rocky Mountain high (High in Colorado)
Stay Gentle by Brandi Carlile
Don't let the world make you callous/Be ready to laugh/No one's forgotten about us/There is light on your path/Stay gentle, keep the eyes of a child/And wear your heart on your sleeve/Know to find joy in the darkness is wise/Although they will think you are naïve
The Violence by Rise Against
Are we not good enough? Are we not brave enough?/Is the violence in our nature just the image of our maker?/Are we not good enough? Are we not brave enough?/To become something greater than the violence in our nature?/Are we not good, good enough or is it all a dream?
Raise Hell by Brandi Carlile
I found myself an omen and I tattooed on a sign/I set my mind to wandering and I walk a broken line/You have a mind to keep me quiet/And although you can try/Better men have hit their knees/And bigger men have died/I'm gonna raise, raise hell/There's a story no one tells/You gotta raise, raise hell/Go on and ring that bell
The World Ender by Lord Huron
You'll hear me howl by the light of the moon/That's how you'll know that I'm coming for you/Gonna find you alone in the dark of night/When the World Ender comes, better run for your life/I’ll never bleed and I won’t ever age/I’ll never feel the embrace of the grave/The fair and the brave and the good must die/I seen the other side of living, I know heaven's a lie/I’ll tear through the night and I'll raise some hell/Cause I'm the World Ender, baby, and I'm back from the dead
Rooney Shepard
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Legends Never Die by Against the Current
They're written down in eternity/But you'll never see the price it costs – the scars collected all of their lives/When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat/Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream/Oh, pick yourself up 'cause/Legends never die when the world is calling you/Can you hear them screamin' out your name?/Legends never die, they become a part of you/Every time you bleed for reaching greatness/Legends never die
Butterflies and Hurricanes by Muse
Change everything you are/And everything you were/Your number has been called/Fights and battles have begun/Revenge will surely come/Your hard times are ahead/Best, you've got to be the best/You've got to change the world/And use this chance to be heard/Your time is now (Your time is now)
Morph by Twenty One Pilots
If I keep moving, they won't know/I'll morph to someone else/What they throw at me's too slow/I'll morph to someone else/I'm just a ghost/I'll morph to someone else/A defense mechanism mode/If I keep moving, they won't know/I'll morph to someone else/A defense mechanism mode/I'll morph to someone else
Are You Ready to Live? By Dream State
Tired and distraught/You've got to get up off of the floor/I know you are alone but honey, we all are/Can you hear life is calling?/Feel it under your skin/The unknown drawing you close, working its way within/It's been with us from the start/Shows its face through our hearts/So let us take a stand and speak for the ones, the ones who can't
Saturn by Sleeping at Last
You taught me the courage of stars before you left/How light carries on endlessly even after death/With shortness of breath you explained the infinite/How rare and beautiful it is to even exist
Hunter Delaney
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Alone in a Room by Asking Alexandria
I saw the world a couple of times, tried to cure the ache with absence/But that hole was still a hole and my mind kept playin' tricks on me/Feelin' older every day, took everything I had to not crash and burn/But I'm starting to learn/Sometimes I'll fall down, sometimes I'll lose hope/But those days will be few if I keep my feet on the ground/I might be lonely, but I ain't alone here/So I keep pushin' the limits of what makes me me
Half by PVRIS
Never wanted to be here now/One foot in the grave, other on the ground/I can't process what I'm feeling now/This skin, I can do without
Parasite Eve by Bring Me The Horizon
You can board up your windows/You can lock up your doors, yeah/But you can't keep washing your hands/Of this shit anymore/When all the king's sources and all the king's friends/Don't know their arses from their pathogens/When life is a prison and death is the door/This ain't a warning/This is a war, war/This is a war, ayy, ayy, oh, oh
Coming Down by Silverstein
This was never gonna be anything like love/And all I had was always too much or not enough/We were never gonna do anything but drown/And all I know is I’m still high in the clouds/I’m never coming down
What Have You Become? By MQMN
I sense a change/Something is happening to me/Only a few species ever undergo change/The others become extinct/Man will almost certainly be replaced by a new order of intelligence/Stop looking for monsters under your bed/You are the monster
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fantasticalbiology · 2 years
Afterlife Chronicler: Shubble Finale
Shubble- Retired
Life 1- Shadow Crawler Achievements Went back and aided Shulk Joey in trying to get to Smajor’s home Precisely predicted the number of cows  Mothling Smajor killed Built the shadow’s greenhouse Gave then revoked her blessing of the mushrooms Intimidated Lauren Pranked and Intimidated Strawburry17 Aided in the destruction of the Ender dragon Sent Strawburry17 a message Gave Princ Inchie a ride home Created a league of villains with Mythical Sausage and Smajor Walked out into the sun Cause of Death Got blown up by a creeper Rip: Shadow Crawler Ep 1-6
Life 2- Birb (Blue tit) Achievement Rekindle her friendship with Prince Inchie Lightened up the green house Started Blue tit airline Built a tree for a birb house Cause of Death Flew into a tree Rip: Birb Ep 7- ½ (8 technically)
Life 3-Feline Achievements Saved Strawburry17 from the nether Joined Sausages superhero league Cause of Death Died in LDenigmalady’s trap Rip : Feline Ep 8-11
Life 4- Opossum Achievements Built a maze under the Shadow’s greenhouse Cause of Death Killed by Junior the panda Rip: Opossum Ep 11-12
Life 5- Wyverian Achievements Built a dock Built a barn Adopted Treasure the cat Killed Wyverian Graceffa Made Geode lake Cause of Death Killed by Graceffa Rip: Wyverian Ep 12-13
Life 6- Truffle (Shrub the mushroom queen) Achievements Built a mushroom house Cause of Death Killed by feral wolf Rip: Shrub Ep 14-15
Life 7- Wolf (Wolf spirit?) Achievements Created a spruce forest island Cause of Death Killed by the Webslinging  Burning Starving Speedstar Enderman Rip: Wolf Spirit Ep 15
Life 8- Birb (again) (Blue tit) Cause of Death Fell from a hight place Rip: Blue Tit Ep 15
Life 9- Phantom Cause of Death Blown up by a creeper Rip: Phantom Ep 15
Life 10- Shulk (She Shulk) Achievements Reverted the Shadow greenhous back to its original state Cause of Death Fell from a great height Rip: She Shulk Ep 16
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playandwander · 6 months
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Enders State Forest, Connecticut [OC] [2003X3000] https://ift.tt/m07X2E9
0 notes
damborglambert70 · 11 months
Minecraft Mob List and all new Mobs And Monsters
Minecraft mobs are living creatures in Minecraft - a short form for mobile, they can be adorable, sometimes you can find aggressive creatures roaming the various biomes of the world of Minecraft. 979uc They will respond to you as well as other players and mobs.
Mobs in Minecraft are prone to the same changes in the environment and the same physics that affect players. They are able to be killed and attacked with weapons, and when killed, drop resources and experience points, with hostile mobs dropping rarer items on occasion.
In Creative mode, Minecraft mobs will never attack you, but they could be divided into three behavioural categories in Survival and Hardcore modes, which include passive, neutral, and hostile. Mobs that are useful, such as the iron golem and snow golem, can be created to help you against hostile mobs. Trusting mobs aren't able to be controlled, but they can be manipulated in a variety of ways. They include dolphins, ocelots, and even the adorable Minecraft Fox. Here's a list of all the mobs and monsters that are found in the vast Minecraft landscape.
Minecraft passive mobs
Minecraft passive mobs won't attack you, but they will run away when they are attacked. They can also breed, so you'll see babies in the same area. The majority of mobs that are passive can be controlled, as long as they're not already tamed, for instance, horses in Minecraft. Then there are the inhabitants of Minecraft villages, like traders and villagers. Other farmyard buddies can offer resources, like wool from sheeps or cows' milk.
- Sheep – Cow - Fox – Bat — Chicken Cod - Ocelot Pig ­ Baby piglin and Baby polar bearSnow golem? Rabbit? Salmon?? Mooshroom?? Mooshroom??? Mooshroom?? Strider... Tropical fish? Turtle? Villager / Wandering trader Pufferfish Axolotl Glo Squid Frog
minecraft Tameable passive mobs
- Donkey - Horse - Cat - Parrot Mule - Skeleton horse Allay
Minecraft neutral mobs
If you are in a state of tension, neutral mobs can attack you in Minecraft. This is useful for those who want to collect items or XP. Certain neutral creatures like wolves will attack other mobs like rabbits or sheep, and llamas are agressive towards wild wolves. Minecraft bees can be found in flower forests and plains or beehives that you can make using wood planks and honeycomb.
- Dolphin - Polar bear - Trader llama - Llama - Panda - Wolf - Bee Iron golem - Goat
Minecraft neutral monsters
Certain Minecraft monsters in this category behave slightly differently, with spiders and cave spiders turning hostile if the light level falls below 10.
- Spider - Cave Spider - Enderman - Zombie Pigman - Piglin - Zombified Piglin
Minecraft hostile mobs
Hostile mobs in Minecraft are dangerous and aggressive and will attack you within a specified distance, typically 16 blocks, without obstruction. Some mobs can detect you up to 100 blocks away. Flying mobs, such as the Minecraft phantom or the Minecraft ender dragon, will spawn above you and attempt to attack you. A boss mob is a specific kind of hostile that has a greater detection range and has more health. Examples include the Minecraft Dragon that enders and the Minecraft Wither.
Evoker – Vindicator – Pillager – Ravager Jockey, Vex — Chicken Jockey – Endermite ­ GuardianElder Guardian Shulker-Skeleton Horseman and Husk / Stray ­ Phantom _ Blaze _ Creeper GHAST- Silverfish — Skeleton Slime, Spider Jockey, Zombie Villager ­ Drowned in the water. Wither Skeleton Wardenen
Our Minecraft shield guide will assist you to deal with these evil mobs. Once you have collected your phantom membranes, as well as other mob ingredients, you are able to make all kinds of potions in Minecraft. You can also add Minecraft mods to make them more attractive or alter their appearance using Minecraft texture packs.
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blooksystem · 11 months
Tubbo (ER)BOT — Today at 5:41 AMHe just taps a few things on his watch. “I only allow so many people to walk over me. You’re not one of them.”
Hal 🦗BOT — Today at 5:42 AM"He's basically molding puddy with the ender state by the way. One little sentence in one special book and you can have full control of him in this state."
🍏 ( Core ) DwooBOT — Today at 5:42 AM" who said i was walking... this is more like... me putting a boot in your back. "
[5:42 AM]" ... so... you want to play with fire... "
Tubbo (ER)BOT — Today at 5:42 AM“You started it.”
Hal 🦗BOT — Today at 5:43 AMHe's watching
🍏 ( Core ) DwooBOT — Today at 5:43 AMthey grin.
Tubbo (ER)BOT — Today at 5:43 AMEar flick.
🍏 ( Core ) DwooBOT — Today at 5:45 AM" so. what's it going to be.... play? Or loose your children to the forest. "
Tubbo (ER)BOT — Today at 5:46 AM“So what’s it going to be. Let them go, or I’m putting Khosha in his own prison and eradicating the structural integrity of this place.”
Hal 🦗BOT — Today at 5:46 AM"I made it so he can't teleport. Just in case. I'll give it back later. Maybe."
🍏 ( Core ) DwooBOT — Today at 5:48 AMgrins. " that... is not an option i gave you... " they pull off their sweater... robes spill down... and a circle appears in deep purple. " Six already gave me the key to that prison... it's an empty threat. "
Tubbo (ER)BOT — Today at 5:48 AM“I don’t make empty threats. There are levels of this system not even he has traversed. But if you want to try and call my bluff, I’m more than willing to take that chance.”
Hal 🦗BOT — Today at 5:49 AM"Oh! Dwoo! Third rib down on the left didn't heal correctly after he fought Wilbur. Hurts if even a little pressure is put on it. Don't squeeze too hard though. Don't want to puncture a lung too early."
🍏 ( Core ) Dwoo ( LBD Shift )BOT — Today at 5:50 AMshe turns sharply to Hal. "I did not ask for that imput. had i wanted to bring harm, i would already have killed them all."
Hal 🦗BOT — Today at 5:50 AM"Just thought I'd offer. Damn."
🍏 ( Core ) Dwoo ( LBD Shift )BOT — Today at 5:51 AMgreen eyes fall back to tubbo. "A standoff... cute. If you want to play games little ram... we can play these games first."
Tubbo (ER)BOT — Today at 5:52 AM“Eight minutes and counting.”
BrightStarBOT — Today at 5:52 AMThe tentacles YEET ranboo at Tubbo... but begin to suffocate Schlatt.
Ranboo 🦗BOT — Today at 5:52 AM!!!
Darkstar (ER)BOT — Today at 5:52 AMThe little goat basically catches Ranboo with one arm and sets him down.
Tubbo (ER)BOT — Today at 5:53 AM“Seven minutes and counting.”
🍏 ( SMP ) D-XD God entityBOT — Today at 5:53 AMholding up a Wire. " yeah... no... "he drops the wire.
Ranboo 🦗BOT — Today at 5:54 AM"I said I'd do it!" He grumbles attempting to snatch his son.
Tubbo (ER)BOT — Today at 5:54 AMEar flick.
SlenderBOT — Today at 5:54 AMhe holds the child close...
🍏 ( SMP ) D-XD God entityBOT — Today at 5:54 AM"if you lock up khosha... then all of you die... purged... I'm not letting that happen. "
Michael 🦗BOT — Today at 5:55 AMKeep away? Okay! Heh daddy looks so funny. "Papa jump!"
Tubbo (ER)BOT — Today at 5:56 AM“Honestly, you’re just a shell of a god and nobody asked for your input.” He fiddles with his watch slightly.
BrightStarBOT — Today at 5:57 AMsomeone standing ontop of the giant tree yeets something.... which they then shoot... and said thing... EXPL:ODES.... Leveling almost half the forest. anyone standing is knocked over...
🍏 ( SMP ) D-XD God entityBOT — Today at 5:58 AM" you really sure you want to test that."
Tubbo (ER)BOT — Today at 5:58 AM“How incapable do you think I am.”
🍏 ( Core ) Dwoo ( LBD Shift )BOT — Today at 5:59 AM"you really could be such a perfect villian Tubbo... " smirk.
Tubbo (ER)BOT — Today at 5:59 AM“I’m not a villain. I’m a tired fucking twenty-three year old.”
Ranboo 🦗BOT — Today at 6:00 AMHe on he face now. @-@
🍏 ( Core ) Dwoo ( LBD Shift )BOT — Today at 6:00 AM" threatining to blow up an eldritch god with nukes? that's pretty evil tubbo. How do you think your kid would react if they understood? "
Michael 🦗BOT — Today at 6:01 AM"BIG BOOM!" He's loving this
Tubbo (ER)BOT — Today at 6:01 AM“Is it really that evil if said god is threatening people. I think it’s a two-way street right there. You threaten me. I threaten right back. A simple balance of the scales.”
Jeff the killerBOT — Today at 6:01 AMhe's suddenloy behind Tubbo... one arm around his throat.
Tubbo (ER)BOT — Today at 6:01 AMBLEAT-
SmileDogBOT — Today at 6:01 AMSNARLING now... :`D
🍏 ( Core ) Dwoo ( LBD Shift )BOT — Today at 6:02 AM"That god... is the only reason you exist... and you'd best remember you live at his whims... "
BrightStarBOT — Today at 6:03 AMfrom the forest... Pastas began appearing...
Tubbo (ER)BOT — Today at 6:03 AM“But Not at yours.”
🍏 ( Core ) Dwoo ( LBD Shift )BOT — Today at 6:04 AM" no. That. is true... An argument i will not deny... however... I too... Live at his whims... "
Masky 🦗BOT — Today at 6:04 AM"Need a safehouse? I literally could care less about whatever is going on. But even u can't ignore that call. That's way too tempting."
SlenderBOT — Today at 6:04 AMgently pats the Masky.
Masky 🦗BOT — Today at 6:05 AMHe nods at the operator. His allegiance is painfully obvious.
Ranboo 🦗BOT — Today at 6:05 AMHe shakes his head finally getting back to his feet no longer stunned.
Darkstar (ER)BOT — Today at 6:06 AMI think Tubbo flipped Jeff off him. The Pasta doesn’t have a grip on the young goat anymore.
SlenderBOT — Today at 6:06 AMshows the baby piggy to masky... new brother for them.
Jeff the killerBOT — Today at 6:07 AMhe laughs... :`D
SmileDogBOT — Today at 6:07 AMBARKING!!!!
Masky 🦗BOT — Today at 6:07 AMHe nods. "A little unorthodox. But his training will be easy. Young. Trainable."
Ranboo 🦗BOT — Today at 6:07 AM"My son is not a murderer!"
Tobias Rogers (ER)BOT — Today at 6:07 AM“Everyone is a murderer to a degree.”
Jeff the killerBOT — Today at 6:07 AM" he's a piglin... it's in his blood. :`D "
Masky 🦗BOT — Today at 6:07 AMHe kicks Ranboo hard in the side and a notable crack can be heard. "You weren't addressed. Shut it."
🍏 ( Core ) Dwoo ( LBD Shift )BOT — Today at 6:08 AM" so... will you play... "
Ranboo 🦗BOT — Today at 6:08 AMHe gags and doubles over
Masky 🦗BOT — Today at 6:09 AMHe awaits further instruction
SlenderBOT — Today at 6:09 AMwaits.
( Aden Kin ) HabitBOT — Today at 6:11 AMcrosses arms... cracks neck...
Tubbo (ER)BOT — Today at 6:12 AMHe peers between the Pastas, Schlatt, Dwoo, his son, and Ranboo… Hh.. He COULD probably take one or two down before inevitable defeat- Probably not a good idea-
🍏 ( Core ) Dwoo ( LBD Shift )BOT — Today at 6:12 AM" 8 miniutes... and counting. "
Masky 🦗BOT — Today at 6:14 AM"His zombie half would probably cause complications. Eh. That could be ironed out easily. Wouldn't be my first round with the undead and fixing thereof. Toby. You still got that amulet?"
Tobias Rogers (ER)BOT — Today at 6:14 AM“Yeah, I do.”
SlimecicleBOT — Today at 6:14 AMhe drops down..... and pulls up the mask he wore.... he was... a pasta..?!
Masky 🦗BOT — Today at 6:14 AM"Oh good. Easy fix indeed."
BrightStarBOT — Today at 6:15 AManyone who had good vision would know... this guy is the one who removed the bomb from khosha.,
EllBOT — Today at 6:15 AMi forgot we had him O_O
Tubbo (ER)BOT — Today at 6:15 AMHe snarls quietly…and unclips the watch from his wrist and sets it down on the ground, then puts his hands up slightly. “Fine.”
SlenderBOT — Today at 6:16 AMhe lowers the child back to Tubbo.
🍏 ( Core ) Dwoo ( LBD Shift )BOT — Today at 6:16 AM" wonderful. ^ w^ "
Michael 🦗BOT — Today at 6:16 AM"Mama!" Happy piggo
Jeff the killerBOT — Today at 6:16 AM" heh... see you in game Looser... "
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Six years since Ragnarök and Fimbulwinter had long since ceased. Peace was now steady. A world without Odin made it easier for Kratos to pretend he was full mortal instead of half God. Monsters in Midgard were rare, and sometimes even placid. And with Atreus off creating his own story, his own destiny, and the Council of Nine–with only eight acting members–now formed, he embraced his transformation into becoming the “ornery old man wandering the forest alone,” as Freya once affectionately teased. God of War he was no more; instead, replaced was the Bringer of Peace, Ender of All Wars. But violence and hatred were inevitable. No matter the realm, no matter the land, no matter the Gods and no matter the mortals, war always had its place. As did peace in times of suffering. The difficulty came when finding a balance between them, peace and war. Often the inclusion of Love made the two intertwined. 
And though the nine realms were now in a state of peace, war still rages within some. Raiders formed in Midgard not too long after the creation of The Nine, those who attack villages and slaughter the innocent. Nothing more than extremist, allowing false faith to guide their tyranny. 
“Not much further, I don’t think,” a gentle voice spoke through Kratos’s heavy cloud of thought. Gersami, a girl not much older than Atreus. He thought only of Calliope when looking into her innocent eyes. Her face, normally pale and thin, was green and puffed with worry; she was the peace within war, the innocent.  
Raiders invaded his home and, in the name of the dead God Odin, attempted to take him while he slept. They were easy to fend off. But while clearing them out, he found a group of survivors hiding beneath a bridge nearby: his neighbors, who were not Gods but had plenty of good men to defend their village. We were overrun, someone said. They came in the night, said another. So many dead, said a third. He promised to guide them to Týr’s temple where Mimir or Freya, or someone else from the Council of Nine, would be able to soothe their worries in a way that Kratos could not. Freya’s gentle hands, her warmth in moments of bitterness, hysteria… It was especially comforting.
“Yes,” came Kratos’s stoic response. The sun was rising and the port near the temple was emerging from the morning mist. He docked and the other boats followed. 
“Hey there, handsome. Just poppin’ by to see me?” said the familiar dwarf from her workshop.
“Hello Lúnda,” Kratos greeted dryly.
“Give them weapons here. I’ll see what needs fixin’.”
“I do not require any updates.”
“Alrighty. You know where I am if ya do,” she said. “Our fine lady’s up at the Temple, if you’re lookin’.”
“Thank you.”
He led the survivors up the steps and into the temple to hand them off to more capable hands than his own. The council was currently in session: Tÿr sat center with Sif and Freya on either side of him. Grýla was on the far left, her large form and even larger chair occupying most of the space. Accommodations were made to assure each member was comfortable, no matter their shape or size. Mimir, resting between Sigrún and Hildisvíni, had a high stool with a singular pillow to cushion his severed head. Durlin’s chair was structured similarly with small steps to allow him to come and go as he pleased. A ninth and empty chair was next to Freya where the last member, should they ever find one, would be seated. Nine different seats for nine different realms.
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ayamturd · 3 years
summary: tommy comes across an injured, unknown being and tries to help; he’s intrigued, to say the least, about you
warnings: injury and blood descriptions, slight spoiler for dsmp, small angst to fluff (?)
pairing: (requested) in-game c!tommyinnit
a/n: this was honestly a challenging ask, so i tried to keep it as vague as possible as to leave more room for imagination. pls give feedback and any friendly criticism!
also i wrote this as gn! to be more inclusive since undisclosed :)
wc: (1.2k) - m.list
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It had been a nice day out, the sun shining above to cast over the growing landscape. In spite of the devastation of the war that raged on mere days ago, slowly but surely, time began to move on once more. 
Searching through the wreckage of what L’manberg once was, Tommy had been dragging his most recent salvage when he found a trail of what looked to be a dark liquid. The glistening pool was a deep shade of purple, its hue practically glowing in its separate droplets scattered on the ground, over the prime path. 
He had become easily distracted and attempted to follow its path, finding its course to become thicker in its steady amount until winding himself in near the edge of the dark woods forest. As he approached what looked to be a handprint stain against an old trunk, a branch snapped from above him. 
Squinting to spot anything through the heavy shading of the over branching leaves, Tommy called out to them once more, his curiosity getting the better of him.
A sudden twig fell, and with that an entire person. 
Groaning, you were pathetically sprawled out on the soft, green grass with your head bowed down, your back arched as if you were in pain. 
Tommy had jumped back when you initially fell, but by your expression, you seemed defenseless and were in no state to attack. He cautiously stepped forward towards you with his hands out, reluctant to help. 
“Are you alright?”
Snapping your head up, Tommy shrieked in surprise when you hissed at him, your eyes an eccentric white that were both pale yet striking. While he lived in a world were hybrids existed, he was shocked to see the different pigments that colored your skin, something he had never seen before. 
Like scales that radiated in the sunlight, the light markings delicately bordered your eyes and features, outreaching from the hairline and encompassing your face angelically. Beyond that, he quickly noted how young you seemed, your characteristics youthful and seemingly younger than him. 
To say the least, Tommy was in awe of observing your attributes and struggled to say something for once. 
He was close to stating how he was no longer the youngest on the smp, but lost his voice once seeing your clear injury, hand hovering over the stain that tore through your outer layer coat. The trail he was following was your blood, he realized. 
You tilted your head, intrigued by his language, but continued to glare at him defensively and started to crawl a distance away from him, eyes trained on him. Tommy reacted quickly to your scooting, fearful for your own sake that you could injure yourself more.
“Wait! Fuck, don’t- don’t do that.”
Freezing from his yell, you paused with wide eyes from his unexpected outburst, and closed in on yourself further with narrowed eyes. Sighing with a rub to his head, Tommy glanced around him for something he could do. 
“Just- just, here,” Tommy stammered. Slowly, he crouched in front of you with his hands held outward, steady eye contact to gain your trust. Although you hissed when he attempted to approach, you did not move when he continued to come closer.
By the time he sat barely a few feet away from you, you were calmer and didn’t react harshly as he pointed to the clear injury on your lower abdomen.  
“Can I…?”
Hesitantly, he gently pulled your hands away, grasping your wrists when allowing him to inspect the wound. By the looks of it, you clothes looked burned in the surrounding area as the gash itself was caused by something puncturing your skin. 
He winced when coming to the conclusion you were affected the most recent doomsday, and that a heated projectile must have stabbed you during the explosions. With the amount of ‘blood’ and how large the cut seemed, he also figured you must have pulled the object out on your own. 
In all honestly, he was perplexed on how you could survive such damage for days on end considering how fresh the wound still seemed to present itself. Moving to cover it with your coat, he pulled his satchel forward to find something to help. 
Your eyes widened from his unanticipated actions, and Tommy immediately noticed and tried to reassure you as you reacted. 
“Hey, hey hey hey, stop.” Freezing once more to his fast words, he breathed out to gather himself. “I’m not going to hurt you, I want to try and help.”
More slowly, he brought the bag in your vantage point and dug through it while continuous looking up at you, internally cheering when he found what he needed. 
With one of the last golden apples he was able to steal retrieve from Technoblade, he offered it to you with a small vial of his regeneration potion in his other hand. You looked between the two items, before staring at him. 
Like am encountered hurt animal, your defense facade faded as your true vulnerability and fear came through; you were weak and could only do so much against him injured. 
Tommy chewed the inner side of his cheek and sighed again, pushing them closer to you considering your resistance.  
“I’m only trynna help. Please, just take it.”
He nodded at you when you lifted your hands out to take it, and was patient with your measured speed before you snatched it out of his hands briskly. 
Sniffing the enhanced fruit, you bit into it swiftly and began to devour it while simultaneously drinking from the potion still in hand. He chuckled from your assumed hunger, and rubbed the back of his head in relief at knowing you knew what to do with the potion at least.
“You have a name?” he asked. You continued to eat as if you didn’t hear him, and Tommy crossed his legs and plopped down with his palm against his cheek in thought. “Can you even understand me?” he murmured. 
You paused abruptly, and turned your head to him with a most neutral expression he’d seen so far. Least it was better than your hissing. 
Staring at him for a few stand alone moments, he shifted his eyes when he could no longer match your intense gaze, almost missing your quiet voice.  
It was his turn to snap his head up in surprise as he didn’t expect you to suddenly talk, no matter if he could understand it or not. Unconsciously leaning forward in expectation, he furrowed his eye brows in question. 
“Y/n,” you restated. Pointing to yourself, you continued your stare without breaking eye contact in the slightest, your eyes almost enamored with the sight of him. 
“I am Y/n.” Tommy grinned brightly from your introduction, raising his hand to shake without thinking of whether or not you understood. You instead grabbed one of his fingers with your entire hand, holding it tightly in an affectionate response. 
He laughed loudly from your endearing cluelessness. 
“Hello y/n. I’m Tommy.”
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shdwwlkrsblog · 3 years
You left me once now do it again
Want it for another Charakter in an different fandom or whatever ? Request now because i wont be doing this type of post all the time only when going dark and btw we are close to 100 followers
C!techno x reader
Tw: angst , blood , child (lmao I'm sry;-;) , being left mid-pregnancy
Oh how will it go me a child-disliker (i only hate the loud ones) writing something like this lmao I'm also going dark again be ready for maybe a few angst posts
You were happy with techno as your partner and father of your unborn child until he left for a mission (to get the milk) and didn't come back for few days . You thought nothing of it and assumed he calculated it wrong and doesn't come home in 2 days. Like he said maybe in 7 . 7 days grew into weeks and those weeks grew into months and those grew into years . He was missed for 10 years now.
You looked down at your son standing next to you and played with a small horse you both called Henry . It was a few months old and Livian(or however you want to call him) your son really wanted his own horse and not always practice on yours . Livian was a clever kid and he really looked like... His father. You didn't want to say his name it bring to many emotions and memories up . "Moma you okay?" Your son's worried eyes stared at you " yeah I'm okay do you want to do something livi?" You both always called the other with a nickname never with their real name without it was serious . "Maybe some training i want to finally beat Micheal in a fight he's so good" Livian sighed and looked at you "and i finally want to be as strong as you are ma' " the child crossed his arms making you smile and ruffle his hair " okay I'm bringing out the training dolls get your sword and bow time to slay some dumb puppets" "yay" Livian ran into the house while you got the puppets that matched his size out of the chest next to the horses . Livian seemed to search for his sword and bow since he took longer than usual giving you time to put the puppets in their place , until you grabbed the one he made himself and quickly put it back ' that one is going to stay alive ' you thought with a smile eyeing the messy stitches and the smile he drew on it . " Momma i got it " he screamed and ran through the snow towards you .
" are you going to show me a multi shot ? " You wanted to answer but a quick movement in the corner of you eye got your attention and few seconds after that snow began to fall " mom?" " Yes? Oh sorry honey and yes I'm gonna teach you it just pull that cape over your head we don't want your hair to get wet and cold (yes when it's snowing and stuff it gets wet . Own experience) he did what you said and a strand of pink hair was visible and a bit of his pig ears . You pulled you cape over you head too and pulled out your bow and few arrows " here you put that on the middle of string for multishot " you handed the boy small thing and he applied it on the string before looking at you waiting for the next step " good , look closely your gonna put the finger all around the bowbody and lie the arrows on them at the end you put them against the thing while- " you stopped as your son shooted 2 arrows perfectly at head and heart of the nearest puppet "like that?" " Yes like that , awesome shot little boy" " thanks and IM NOT SMALL" he complained but suddenly looked at the forest " mom so ethi g is watching us but no worries I'll deal with it" you still tried to see what he saw while Livian was reloading the bow with 2 arrows taking a few seconds to aim and then shot . Only 1 waited a spilt second aiming again shooting the 2nd this time it must have hit something alive because the bushed moved as something ran off ,and you got a glimpse of an way too familiar cape " Livian Go inside and stay there I'll look what it is " "but-" " do it , you helped me enough strong boi " Livian the loyal kid he was nodded and ran unsere while you equipped a shield and an ender pearl since running would waste too much time , calculating where it would be you threw the pearl quickly equipping a sword .
Once you saw him you held the sword to his throat " what . Are. You . Doing . Here?" Voice low and calm but inside a storm of emotions you asked your lost "partner" but when the only thing coming from him were heavy breaths and blood dripping down into the snow you put your sword back and took one of his arms around your neck , then you noticed his half passed out state and the arrow in his shoulder .' i really need to pay more attention ' and 'why am I even helping him ?' were your thoughts as you dragged him into your house where you sat him on your bed while livian sneaked downstairs . You didn't notice livian when you went to the storeroom to get some healing potions . Livian used his chance and walked to the hybrid his little ironsword In his hand . Techno who was now feeling a bit more conscious looked at the small boy . "Good shot " he praised as he managed to pull the arrow out . " Don't move or I'll kill you!" The small boy stepped back and went into a fight position Techno new to good. It's the same you used when you both trained . After something that felt like hours you came back with the potions you saw livian and called him back to your side "livian dont go too near to strangers " "strangers huh y/n? " Techno asked smiling " livian please go upstairs i have to talk to this man " livian waited a bit starring at the piglin man " if you even try to hurt my mom I'll kill you painfully " he threatened techno , you were surprised by the new site of your son and watched him go upstairs . Techno was impressed but not for long as he saw a healing potion held infront of him. " drink " you hated yourself for helping him but you couldn't let him die there too . " Our son is pretty good for a ten year old" "Our? Don't you dare call him your son ," " com'on y/n don't be like that . Does he even know I'm his father ?" "No he knows his father left while I was pregnant with him. But he sees Sam as his 2nd dad" "Sam!?why him!?heh!?" Technos voice rised and you quickly covered his mouth "shh be quiet and Why do you even care?" You asked and the hybrid sighed looking at a scar on his hand ' this isn't like normal techno' you thought. " Look I'm made a mistake leaving y-" " not that shit now techno." He sighed again and looked down " y/n please I'm sorry but I had to leave " "why? " Techno suddenly stood up and put a hand on your shoulder " look i am wanted, dead . And I didn't want to be a threat for our son . Y/n I'm really sorry I should have checked on you and him and not leave you for that long . But ... I'm too dangerous" technos voice went quieter at the end and you thought about it for a while . Techno wanted to let go of your shoulder but stopped as you began to speak. " But why did you never tell me? All those years would have been less painful and he would have finally known his father" "i ... I didn't know what I was doing , the voices- " "wait you're my father?" The voice of your son came from behind you and techno looked at you you nodded knowing what he's asking he then back at livian " yeah I am" " why didn't you come home earlier?"at this point you knew livian wasn't behind you all the time because he didn't hear the reason why he left . But that wasn't the problem the problem was are you going to forgive him? Now that you know the reason you can understand him a little more. You still have some feelings for him too
What should you choose? You looked over at livian who was now hugging his biological father with a smile on his face
Bonus scenario you forgave techno
You looked outside the window with a cup of tea in your hand and saw techno and livian having a snowball fight. Since you forgave him techno was a whole other man he showed more feelings and allowed himself to be a little more childish and play with livian . Livian was happy about finally living with both of his parents . You were pushed out of your thoughts by a snowball hitting the window infront of you and techno laughing while livian smile proudly . You shook your head at those two and watched them continuing their fight
It was a good choice giving the hybrid a 2nd chance
hope y'all enjoyed
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