#Emilia Burns
Black Australian Women in Entertainment
Aisha Dee | Alice Hunter
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Charmaine Bingwa
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Deborah Mailman | Deni Gordon
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Emelia Burns/Emilia Burns An ongoing struggle with her name. I still haven't found any confirmation from her of which way it is actually spelled.
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Madeleiene Madden | Marcia Hines | Miranda Tapsell | Molly Fatnowna
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Paula Arundell
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Sara Zwangobani | Sophie Wilde
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Talijah Blackman-Corowa
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Zahra Newman
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mydairpercabeth · 2 years
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flyingfabio · 10 months
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EMILIA ROMAGNA GP 2021 - Fabio Quartararo & Marc Márquez celebrate their respective World Championship and Grand Prix win with a burnout
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calliettes-posts · 2 years
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betty-bourgeoisie · 11 months
Alfred x Emil - Deeply codependent situationship
Amelia x Emilia - Pitbull lesbian power couple
Amelia x Emil - The very definition of Girlboss/ Malewife
Alfred x Emilia - The most exhaustingly heterosexual couple you've ever met in your life
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clairedsfield · 1 year
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up here moments that made me laugh | part 2/?
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dorothy16 · 1 year
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skittishkid The Miguel Gang. I miss making music and memories with these three infinite talents. If you haven’t watched @uphereonhulu yet, don’t wait any longer…seriously…go right now!!!
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jayciethings · 1 year
Just watched Last Christmas for the first time, and despite being spoiled on the twist, I will now be quietly sobbing and searching for fanfic where they meet without her needing a heart. "It would have been yours one way or another" pushed me over the edge.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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#tho im confused bcs i dont remember my calender giving me notifs about fp1 and fp2#but seeing this im like ....ah :(#also i dont think ill ever call this gp by its proper name#its either Imola or San Marino for me#(kinda laughing at myself from months ago when i was writing down race watch checklists)#(bcs sometimes id put the track name rather than the country)#(like writing down Nürburgring(Europe) rather than just Europe or writing down Suzuka(Japan) instead of just Japan)#(like bro those lists are only for my eyes why did i feel the need to flex that i know the track names LMAO)#(i understand writing Imola *now* instead lf Emilia Romangna bcs its a lot shorter)#(but why did i write Imola and Monza for my 2005 checklist rather than San Marino and Italy)#(again: flexing that i know the tracks but to myself i really dont understand my past thought processes sometimes)#but speaking of race checklists#I wrote down the schedule in my notebook before the season began like by a few months i think#i had to cross out the numberings bcs china got canceled AND UGHHHHHH NOW ITS EVEN MORE MESSED UP#i dont even reference that schedule bcs its all in my phone calender but just its mere messed up presence bothers me sm#so like its 22 races for sure now right? like i can call monaco round six yes? i think its 8 in my book lmao#but UGHHHHHH the fact that all the races are moved back one is gonna get on my nerves so badly#bcs i have a legitimate checklist i fill out and now its inacurate....i swear if imola gets rescheduled i will just burn the notebook#anyways :)#still havent done thst placement exam bcs i got sidetracked and now its 6:30 am! i need to sleep!#catie.rambling.txt
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ramascreen · 1 year
Key Art And Trailer For Hulu's "Up Here" (Premieres Mar. 24)
Hulu has debuted the official trailer and key art for upcoming musical romantic comedy series, “Up Here,” starring Mae Whitman and Carlos Valdes. The series, which hails from Steven Levenson (“tick, tick…BOOM!”), Thomas Kail (“Hamilton”), Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez (“Frozen”), premieres on  Friday, March 24 with all eight episodes.  SYNOPSIS: A musical romantic comedy set in New York…
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Emelia Jane Burns: February 18, 1982
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aprilmarie · 4 days
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hatchdays because why not
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sanguineweave · 4 months
new tags pt. 2 : worldbuilding & dynamics.
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t4tadrienette · 10 months
Truly sad coming to the realisation that the government and the rest of Italy will never care about the south as much as they care about the north
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anthologyoflucas · 1 year
Inauthentic beans:
Alya hiding behind smiles to try and avoid her trauma and feelings and prevent people from worrying about her. Mostly to her parents and brother, you gotta earn her trauma dump because she doesn’t want to inconvenience anyone.
Emilia is a changeling. Her whole species was about pretending to be other people. It’s what she’s best at. Modern changelings don’t need to take over other people’s lives, they work to find a purpose and gain their own colors/form (while still able to shapeshift they just won’t be blank as their natural form)
Talia hides self hatred and repressed anger behind memes and laughs, she pretends to be the average teen and hides all the trauma not only because she doesn’t want to think about it, but because it puts people in danger to know what she is and she doesn’t want to lose anyone else.
Iris hides the fact that she sees ghosts to avoid being seen as crazy since her entire childhood was full of her experiencing terrors and the adults she was supposed to trust to keep her safe telling her it’s just her overactive imagination.
Dawn pretends to be a happy/confident beastkeeper but is hiding her issues. Her little brother’s death caused her mother to abandon the family and her father to shut down entirely. She raised herself and the closest thing to a family she has is Vyn and their grandpa. She keeps her trauma locked away to try and ignore her abandonment issues.
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ellatoone7 · 2 months
❄︎ My Mami ❄︎
Alexia's favourite girls series
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Isabella doesn't like sharing
It had been a relatively easy morning, Emilia didn’t put up too much of a fuss and Isabella had helped you all morning. You had called Alexia when you were on the road letting her know that everything was fine and allowing her to wish her daughter the best of luck and give her a little pep talk. 
Isabella was disappointed at first when she found out Alexia wouldn’t be able to make the whole game but she calmed down when she was promised to go to Alexia’s next training and even maybe step in on a few drills. 
After making sure you had absolutely everything and making Isabella recheck that she didn’t leave anything in the car, you were now settled on the side of the field with Emilia sitting on your lap happily. “Mama Issy running with the ball just like Mami.” You chuckled at her little babble, quietly cooing your praise as you to watched your wife’s twin race up and the down the field with the same sparkle that Alexia had at her age.
When Emilia got wiggly you let her roam a little, knowing that she couldn’t wander off and letting her burn some energy off would do you all some good in the long run. Isabella had assisted two goals already and it was just half time, she waved at you excitedly and you were filled with the same feeling of pride that you always got when you watched your wife. 
Alexia had been so excited for the game that nothing in the world was going to stop her from seeing at least a little bit of it. The Captain was quick to say goodbye to her team with the promise of photos and videos of Isabella’s game. Luckily she had arrived just as the second half started. She took a moment to take in the life she had managed to create as she spotted Emilia stomping around the sandy part of the pitch and you were only a few feet away sitting on a blanket you brought. 
The sound of the whistle pulled her out of her trance as the game commenced and she was quick to join her little family. You didn’t even flinch when a body threw itself down next you, knowing your wife would show up a soon as she possibly could. Emilia was absolutely thrilled at the sight of her mother and launched herself onto the footballers lap. Alexia grunted in surprise as she smiled happily at the sight of her blonde, giggly daughter. “Hola mi princesa.” The three year old squealed excitedly as fingers pressed against her side teasingly.
Alexia then turned to you, “Hola mi Reina.” You kissed her soundly as she gratefully reciprocated, arm sliding around your waist as she smiled softly at you. Emilia sat happily between her legs as she leaned back into her mothers strong body. You decided to follow suit as you put your weight on her. 
It was only when you really looked at her did you realise she was still in her training kit. “Did you run here straight from training.” Alexia looked surprised at your question before huffing, “No, I drove here…straight from training.” Emilia was distracted with playing with her mother’s wedding ring and Isabella had yet to see Alexia arrive, so you took your opportunity. “This training kit always looked so good on you.” Alexia’s eyebrows rose immediately, catching the suggestive tone of your voice immediately, “Sí?” you bit your lip and nodded, rolling your eyes amusedly as her signature smirk made its appearance. “I have to do something about that, huh?” You nodded as her eyes stayed glued to your lips, “Why do you think I was trying to tire Emilia out.” Alexia kissed you softly as it took everything in her to control herself.
A football interrupted the two of you as you quickly separated, cheeks burning red as the referee giggled at the two of you. Isabella was bright red until she caught sight of her mother. Her eyes lit up and she shyly waved at the Captain. Alexia smiled softly at her eldest and gave her a wink which instilled a fire into her daughter who immediately scored a goal. Alexia was now on her feet, shouting words of encouragement and you saw the future of Alexia’s coaching career ahead of you. 
Emilia was giggling and repeating the words that her Mami was saying until she shivered. You were quick to grab the jumper you brought for her and Ále cooed as she passed her onto you. 
The final whistle sounded with your daughter scoring another two goals. Isabella ran straight for her mother who wasted no time in throwing her up and over her shoulder as she showered her in kisses and praises. Even though Isabella was seven and getting way too old to be picked up but it never stopped Alexia from ignoring that rule and doing it quite often. Isabella seemed settled in her arms as she retold Alexia all about the match that she just watched.
Isabella was on her feet again when her coach came over to talk to the Barcelona star. The kids from the other team were in awe of the fact they had ‘La Reina’ at their match. Your wife always had time for pictures which is what she was doing currently as Isabella wandered over to you to give you a big hug and a recap. “That’s my Mami!” Isabella grunted as she hid her face into your neck, much like your wife Isabella didn’t like sharing. 
“Yes and you get to go home and cuddle her all night, they only get a picture.” You laughed softly as she whined gently, “My Mami.” You sometimes wonder whether your eldest is really seven or actually just four. Alexia started heading back to where you were sitting with your daughters, she caught your amused glance and immediately knew that something was wrong but it wasn’t anything serious. 
“¿Todo bien?” She asked as she hauled Emilia up into her arms, the three year old after successfully tiring herself out as she drowsily blinked from where she was laying against her Mami’s strong shoulder. Isabella peeked out at her Mami before remembering her arm around the other girls and she hid herself again. 
Alexia frowned but you sent her a reassuring look as you coaxed the brown haired girl from her hiding place, “Tell Mami what’s wrong.” You whispered as she groaned but turned to face your wife anyway, “My Mami.” Her forehead met with Alexia’s leg as she mumbled out the words, arms intertwining around her thigh. 
Alexia chanced a glance at you and you just ran a hand through her hair. “Sí, I am your Mami. ¿Quién dijo que yo no era mi vida?” Isabella didn’t even lift her head just pointed to where the crowd of girls were taking pictures with Alexia a minute ago. “Ay Ya veo. Vamos, vamos a casa para que pueda abrazar con mis chicas favoritas sí.” Isabella nodded and kissed her Mami’s hand before taking it and walking back to the car.
You placed your hand on your wife’s back along with a kiss to her shoulder as you took Emilia and placed her in her car seat with a kiss to the cheek. “I’ll take Is.’ You agreed before giving your daughter a kiss on the cheek and a hug. “See you at home.” You smiled wrapping your arms around your wife’s neck and kissing her deeply as a reminder of your previous conversation. She chased your lips before remembering where you were and leaving one final one against your cheek. 
Once she watched you drive off she looked into the mirror making eye contact with your daughter and flashing her a mischievous smile, “I think we’ve earned ourselves some McDonald’s.”
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