#El Paso Anxiety Help
aapsychelpaso · 1 year
Tired of Medications? How TMS and Therapy can help with Depression
Depression affects approximately 264 million people worldwide, making it a significant public health concern. Although traditional antidepressants can be effective for some people, they frequently cause weight gain, sexual dysfunction, and fatigue. Furthermore, a significant proportion of patients receive only a partial or no response to traditional antidepressant treatments, emphasizing the need…
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mendessi · 1 year
speak now | part two
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pairing: fem!reader x pre-outbreak!joel
summary: joel saves you from the biggest mistake of your life
(this will end up being a multi-part story)
word count: 2.8k
warnings: smut probably, pre-outbreak, mentions of marriage, based off speak now by taylor swift, mentions of domestic abuse, joel is 26 & reader is 21, mentions of cheating, kind of slow burn, brief mention of death, angst, will add more as i think of them, not proofread
part one| part two | part three | part four |part five
minors dni
Joel lent you a t shirt and some sweatpants of his and let you shower. The least of his concern was that Tommy may show up and get the wrong impression should he see you in their shared hotel room. Considering the clock on the nightstand read 2:49, it was unlikely he'd be returning tonight. 
It took thirty minutes for Joel to get your nose to stop bleeding, only for it to start bleeding in the shower again. You managed to stop it on your own then. When you stepped out of the bathroom, Joel was waiting with a pack of ice he had gotten from down the hall. 
He pressed it to your cheek once you sat on the edge of the bed and he once again was on his knees between your legs holding your face between his thumb and pointer finger, examining intently looking for more damage now that you were dry. 
"Your shoulder was him too wasn't it?" Joel asked as he pieced things together in his mind.
"Pushed me down a flight of stairs." You admitted. You felt okay admitting these things to Joel because he was the sun and he surrounded you in warmth and safety and he melted away the icy bits of you that nobody else was allowed to see. 
"Fuck." He cursed under his breath. "You can't marry him. Please."
"I don't have a choice." You replied. 
"Like hell. Please. You can't marry him." He repeated the words just in a different order but your mind was still made up. You had nothing else. Nobody else. Not even Joel would be here in two weeks. This stranger that you had grown attached to. He'd be back in Austin with his daughter and brother. 
"What else would you have me do?" 
"Anything else." Joel was pleading with his eyes as he stared at you. He couldn't imagine leaving El Paso knowing that you were stuck with him for the rest of your life. Someone as horrible as him treating someone as sweet and kind as you so fucking terribly. He wouldn't stand for it. If it meant killing the man with his bare hands he'd do it. 
God, he sounded insane. He just met you. Spent a total of two hours with you and he was going insane over you. 
Noticing your silence, he realized he wasn't going to get anything else out of this conversation tonight so he sighed and stood on his feet. 
"You can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep in Tommy's." Joel said. "We can talk more tomorrow." 
"Thank you." 
Joel waited for you to settle in his bed and then turned the light off before getting into Tommy's bed. The sheets smelled like him and you couldn't help but take a deep breath, sulking in the scent that reminded you of comfort. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't sleep. Anxiety was pounding in your chest at the events of the night and how you somehow ended up lucky enough to have someone to take you in. That had never been the case before. 
Believing in the way of the universe is what got you this far in life. Without that tiny belief system you instilled for yourself you truly felt like life had no purpose. But the universe willed Joel to walk into your workplace that night and willed him to find you on Main Street, and it willed him to open that door for you. He may not be a permanent person in your life but he'd be the reason you got out of the shitty situation you were in.
He was placed in your life for a reason and you weren't going to let that go unnoticed. 
"Hm?" He asked sleepily. 
"Can you sleep over here?" 
Through the dark you couldn't tell but Joel's eyes snapped open, wide awake the moment the words left your mouth. He hesitated but eventually rose from where he lay and joined you in his bed. He was on the edge, afraid to accidentally touch you but you reached for him anyways, pulling his arm around your waist. 
Your eyes fluttered shut as your breathing synced with his and you ignored the fact that you could feel his heart racing against your back when his chest pressed into your body. 
Joel released a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the hotel shampoo falling off your hair. He listened as your breathing slowed and eventually was able to tell you had fallen asleep by the way your body relaxed into his. 
There it was. The warmth and safety radiating off of him and embracing you as you both fell into a deep slumber.
Joel woke up before you around seven a.m just like every morning. You were facing him and had an arm draped around his torso. A smile crept onto his face but was quickly replaced with pursed lips and furrowed eyebrows when he saw how the bruise had set in overnight. You looked so peaceful, so beautiful with your eyes shut and your lips parted slightly as you breathed so softly in a deep sleep. If he didn't know any better, he might've thought you were an angel and that was the most simple way he could describe your beauty. 
His fingers trailed from your forehead, down your temple until they reached your lips. A feeling close to anxiety filled his chest as he stared and took in your facial features. 
It was hard to believe that somebody that made him so comfortable equally scared him just as much at the same time. Joel Miller was almost a person that didn't even believe in love but with you, he felt everything. Love always felt like one step away from pain for him. And the idea of leaving El Paso without you felt just about unbearable. 
It felt insane to say but Joel Miller had stupidly fallen in love with the woman he had only met a week ago. It may even have been safe to say that while he didn't believe in love at first sight when he saw you, you instantly became everything to him in the moment he did. 
Joel didn't bother you with questions about what happened the night before as the two of you sat at breakfast the next morning in one of the cafes near the hotel he was staying at. The two of you simply engaged in small talk, talking about your childhoods, what it was like growing up in Austin and El Paso, dreaming about seeing something other than Texas. He refused to pry into your personal life, afraid to upset you after what you'd gone through the night before. 
"Joel Miller, I feel like I've known you my whole life." You leaned against the booth, staring at the handsome man sat across from you. 
"I wish we woulda met sooner." Joel said honestly. "Maybe you'd never have to go through what you've been through. It ain't fair." 
You shook your head glancing at the engagement ring wrapped around your finger, "I wish I met you sooner too. Maybe in a different life." 
"It doesn't have to be that way." He reached across the table, taking your hands in his. 
"What do you mean?" 
"I just mean..." he pondered on his words, trying to avoid coming off too strong, "We're friends now. We can stay friends even after I go back to Austin." 
"Right." You nodded slowly. Wanting and hoping to hear something else you turned your gaze out the window. "We can stay friends." 
After breakfast Joel dropped you off at your place so you could get a change of clothes and then took you back to his hotel while him and Tommy went to work for the day. You ended up finishing a book you started the week before and then sketched in your journal for the majority of the day. Without even realizing it, you found yourself drawing Joel. 
Joel was perfect. Too good to be true. Men like him didn't actually exist and you felt positive the universe put him in your life just to tease you and show you what you could have instead of the monster that you went home to every night. Why else would you meet him just for him to leave three weeks later. The universe was playing with you just like always. 
Once Joel and Tommy were off, Tommy went out with the girl he had been seeing since the first night he went to The Ginger Duck and you convinced Joel to hand over his truck keys so you could take him somewhere you used to go as a teen all the time. 
You were thankful the lake was empty when you pulled up, likely because it was the middle of the week. More thankful than anything that you were off of work and able to spend this time with him. 
"Are we swimmin?" He asked as he got out of the car, practically tripping over himself to open the door for you. 
"Maybe." You tried to hide the smile inching onto your face but you couldn't help it. 
The lake was encased by ridges that were too small to be considered cliffs but were high enough to jump off of. This was such a hangout for you and your friends when you were in high school and god bless the new teen club that had opened up the summer before because now they were consumed with being half adults that they never came here anymore. 
"I came here all the time when I was younger." You said to him staring at the pink and blue cotton candy sky. 
"Sarah would love this place. She loves the water." Joel put his hands on his hips, popping his knee out as he studied his surroundings. It was a tranquil lake and quite beautiful if he was being honest. 
"You miss her, huh?" Glancing over at him, you wanted to reach out and touch him but refrained. 
"I talk to her every night on the phone, but man I just miss the way she'd squeeze me after comin home from a long day of work." Joel said, a hint of sadness in his eyes.
"You'll be home soon." You reassured him. "Come on."
You pulled your shirt off of your head and then stepped out of your jean shorts and ran towards the water to which Joel quite literally scrambled to strip down to his boxers and follow you in, almost as if he were a love sick puppy. 
It was a bit cold at first but it your bodies adjusted fairly quickly. "It's nice right?" 
"Quiet." Joel nodded. 
He kept his eyes on yours, no matter how badly they wanted to venture to other places. You however had no shame in staring at his toned stomach and back, how strong his arms looked when he held them out to touch the surface of the water. He was a beautiful man, similar to what you'd imagine a Greek god to look like. Especially with the way the bridge of his nose resembled that of a Greek god. 
"Isn't it crazy how the universe just plans everything out for us and then puts us in certain places at certain times?" You asked as you moved to float on your back, staring at the sky as it shifted colors.
"What, like you and me here right now?" He asked, it was muffled because your ears were under water but you could still hear him loud and clear.
"Exactly like you and me here right now." You reached your hand towards him and he pulled your body towards his, smiling down at how you were floating in front of him. "We were put together for a reason." 
"You sound a little crazy." Joel teased, resting his hand on your head, the other gently on your exposed stomach. His eyes still locked onto yours. 
"What were the odds of you and I being together right here right now? Like... is there something more that we're supposed to give each other?" Anybody else might've been convinced that she had smoked a blunt right before the conversation, but Joel knew that this was just you talking. He knew that you had to create scenarios and excuses for why your life turned out the way it did so he let you and he went along with it. 
"I think we have a lot to give each other." Joel said looking down at you. "I think there's a purpose for us being here, we just have to figure it out." 
I'm supposed to save you. He wanted to say. Run away with me. I love you.
You hummed in response and then stood up to your feet and looked up at him. His hands reached up and cupped your cheeks as the water stilled around you and his eyebrows furrowed again as he was reminded that somebody had disgustingly laid their hands on you, causing your beautiful skin to bruise and swell. 
He leaned in and his nose brushed against yours, your hands finding their way to the bare skin of his torso. You tilted your head, your nose bumping his softly and closed your eyes as you rested your forehead against his. 
"I can't." You whispered. Joel replied with something more or less of a whimper as he nudged your nose with his again. 
"I won't." Joel said lowly. He wouldn't do it unless he had your full permission and he was not far from dropping to his knees in the water and begging for it. 
"I can't." You whispered again, but somehow your chest was pressed against his and your arms were now around his back, hands flush against his shoulder blades.
He wanted so badly to kiss you, to just hold you against his body and kiss you gently in the way you deserved. He needed you more than he needed air to breathe and he wanted nothing more than to feel your lips against his. Your lips accidentally brushed against his and his stomach flipped as his hands slid around your waist.
You opened your eyes and looked up at him for one more moment, the last ounce of resistance in you fading away. "I can't." You said one more time before giving in and standing on your toes to close the gap. 
Joel kissed you like he had never kissed anyone in his life before. Your lips connected and he pulled your legs around his waist, arms wrapped tightly around your waist. Your breaths were heavy as the two kissed in the middle of the lake, not an inch of space between your bodies. Joel took note of how soft your lips were against his and the way your tongue felt gliding against his own. He'd remember this moment forever, feeling like a teenager again.
Warmth once again embraced you as his lips molded into your own in such a gentle and equally passionate kiss. You had never known a kiss more gentle than his, but still laced with fire at the same time. 
It was unclear how long the two of you stayed in the lake just kissing each other, and whispering sweet nothings that made it sound as if you had been together for a lifetime. 
The two of you walked hand in hand back to shore and pulled the blankets you packed out and sprawled them across the bed of the truck to look at the stars once the sun had finally set. 
"You don't really see em like this in Austin." Joel said admiring the stars. The two of you were tangled in each others arms, legs intertwined as you took in the night sky, both trying to pretend you knew anything about constellations. 
"Well that one's gotta be the big dipper then." Joel playfully argued with you. 
"My dad used to point out every single constellation in the sky to me." You told him, "Always had an eye for anything to do with space. I used to tell him I was gonna be an astronaut just so I could know more than him." 
"I'd take you to the moon if I could." Joel replied, his fingers tracing patterns against your arm. 
"What do we do now, Joel?" The idea of so much uncertainty made you nervous to say the least. Joel was only in town for two more weeks and what happened once he left?
"I don't know, baby." He admitted and your heart fluttered at the use of the name, "We gotta figure it out." 
You and Joel came down to the lake every day once he was off work, and you managed to get away with calling in sick for the rest of the week. The visits consisted of the same thing everytime: making out in the lake, star gazing in the bed of his truck and telling each other stories from pieces of your lives. 
You truly felt like a kid in love again, falling harder than for him than you had anyone in your life. It scared you in the amount of time that this was happening. So quickly but still feeling like years were dragging by.
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aalaanaaa · 1 year
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König headcanon's
Edición: masturbación 🔞
Menores, favor de no interactuar!⚠️
Suele hacerlo hasta que tiene la privacidad que necesita, no se va a arriesgar a hacerlo rápido en un sitio como la base, prefiere estar en su habitación, necesita tiempo y eso no lo podría conseguir en un lugar con más personas que tal vez puedan descubrirlo.
Es del tipo imaginativo... Vamos,un recuerdo de tí en un lindo vestido o en outfit que le gustó, eso será suficiente para comenzar a montar todo un escenario. No necesita utilizar una plataforma para adultos.
No le gusta mirar su miembro...si lo hace sé va a sentir mal... "Se verdad era tan necesario haber hecho esto?" Ese es siempre su primer pensamiento cada que mira por accidente su miembro en la mano.
No le preguntes si se ha masturbando por favor, no sabe mentir...sin embargo tratara de hacerlo, y eso va a acabar en un ataque de ansiedad. "Que va a pensar de mí si le digo que sí? Que imagen va a tener de mí después de decirle la verdad?" A menos de que lo quieras atormentar y hacerlo sentir culpable... sería mejor que no tocaras el tema.
Generalmente puede ser que la razón por la que se siente tan mal cuando se toca o después de tocarse sea porque es (en secreto) un calentamiento de primera; no le enorgullece, pero tal vez desarrollo el quererse tocar como un método de defensa ante todo el estrés y ansiedad.
Le gusta poner música igual de caliente qué él para tocarse...quizás así se distrae un poco más de todos el exterior y de paso le ayuda a concentrarse.
No esperes a que con una sola vez que lo haga se calme... Mínimo necesita tocarse tres veces más.
He usually does it until he has the privacy he needs, he is not going to risk doing it quickly in a place like the base, he prefers to be in his room, he needs time and he could not achieve that in a place with more people who might discover it
She's the imaginative type... Come on, a memory of you in a nice dress or outfit that she liked, that will be enough to start setting up a whole scene. You do not need to use an adult platform.
He doesn't like to look at his member...if he does, I know he's going to feel bad... "Is it really so necessary to have done this?" That's always his first thought whenever he accidentally looks at his member in hand.
Please don't ask him if he has masturbated, he can't lie...however, he will try to do it, and that will end in an anxiety attack. "What will he think of me if I say yes? What image will he have of me after telling him the truth?" Unless you want to torment him and make him feel guilty... it would be better if you didn't bring it up.
Usually it may be that the reason it feels so bad when touched or after touched is because it's (secretly) a prime warm-up; It doesn't make him proud, but maybe he developed wanting to touch himself as a defense method against all stress and anxiety.
He likes to put on music that's just as hot as he is to touch himself...perhaps that way he gets a little more distracted from everyone outside and, incidentally, helps him to concentrate.
Don't wait for him to calm down once he does it... At least he needs to touch himself three more times.
-alana 💟
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capseycartwright · 2 years
“it’s awfully dull around here without you” 🥹💖
Buck was trying not to look at his phone - really, he was - but it was hard not to check it every five minutes. He hadn’t heard from Eddie in a few hours (and look - not to self diagnose, but he definitely had separation anxiety from his boyfriend) and he just missed the sound of Eddie’s voice, and the way he texted, and just the emoji’s he chose to add at the end of texts. Buck missed everything about Eddie, really, even that weird, adorable way he snored when he was really tired, and - 
“Hi, baby,” Buck couldn’t help his breathless excitement as he answered the incoming call.
“Hi, love,” Eddie laughed. “You answered quickly.”
“I was waiting for you to call,” Buck blurted. “Which I now realise makes me sound like a sad golden retriever, but…” he trailed off, chewing on the corner of his mouth.
“I already knew you were one of those.”
“Asshole,” Buck huffed, flopping down on his couch. “How is Texas?”
“It’s fine,” Eddie hummed. 
“Fine, as in genuinely fine, or fine, as in I’m about to have a crying fit because my family are driving me insane and I need you to drive to Texas to get me?”
Eddie laughed. “My family are driving me insane,” he conceded. “But in a normal, ‘my family are annoying’ kind of way, so hold off on driving to El Paso.” 
Buck huffed. “I would, if you needed me to.”
“I know,” Eddie reassured. “But you don’t need to. Really. They - well, they’ve been good about it, actually. Mom and Dad took me coming out better than I expected them to.”
Buck could almost hear the way Eddie was nodding. “They - I don’t think they fully understand,” Eddie admitted. “But they’re trying to be supportive. That’s more than what I had expected.”
Buck’s chest felt a little lighter, as Eddie spoke. Eddie had been nervous about coming out to his parents, and given Buck’s tendency to soak up other people’s emotions like a sponge, Buck had carried those nerves too. Buck got it, though - Eddie was trying to repair his relationship with his parents, and he was worried that coming out would completely wreck all that progress. Buck was jealous, sometimes, of the ways the Diaz family were working together to try and heal: but he’d had enough conversations with Doctor Copeland to feel settled in his decision to go no-contact with his own parents.
“Sorry,” Buck twisted onto his side, propping his phone against the stack of books on his nightstand. “I was thinking.”
“How proud I am of you,” Buck admitted, smiling to himself as he looked at Eddie’s contact picture. It was a silly photograph he’d taken on a recent hike, Eddie pulling a stupid face, cross-eyed under his sunglasses and sticking his tongue out at Buck. It was a side of Eddie that only Buck - and Christopher - got to see, and Buck treasured every silly, delightful moment he got to spend with his boyfriend.
“Shut up,” Eddie grumbled, bashful. 
“I’m serious!” Buck replied. “You - you’ve been incredible, Eddie. Coming out isn’t easy, and you’re just - doing it. You’re allowing yourself to live this wonderful, free life, and I just - I really admire it. I’m really proud of you.”
Eddie was quiet, for a second. “I love you,” he hummed, the words still feeling like a novelty as Buck let them wash over him. They’d been together for months, now, and Buck’s heart still thundered in his chest whenever Eddie said those perfect three little words. 
“I love you,” Buck breathed - because that, he was realising, was what it was to love Eddie Diaz: it was as easy as breathing. 
“How is life in LA?” 
Buck sighed. “It’s awfully dull around here without you.”
“I’ll be home Friday,” Eddie reassured. “And…” he paused.
“Next time I go to Texas, I want you to come with me,” Eddie said. “I want you to meet my family - as my boyfriend.” 
A warm feeling flooded through Buck’s entire body. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Eddie confirmed. “That okay with you?”
Buck was never going to be able to wipe the smile off his face. “That’s okay with me.”
send me a lovers reassurance prompt
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liesyousoldme · 2 years
open the blinds, let me see your face
Buck/Eddie | Rated T | 13,504 words
Eddie's mom convinces him to attend his 15-year high school reunion, right after Eddie makes a promise to himself (and Frank) that the next time he sees his parents he'll come out to them. It's a dilemma that Buck is ready and willing to help him with
Or, the Fake Dating High School Reunion fic
First off, a HUGE thank you to everyone who has cheered me on as I've written this fic. It's been a monster but I've finally tamed it and here it is - The High School Reunion Fake Dating Fic. Special shoutouts to @sibylsleaves and @messyhairdiaz who keep me motivated weekly on Seven Sentence Sunday and WIP Wednesday posts, and to @mmtions for holding my hand through so much of this. Hope everyone enjoys!
The Facebook invite arrives in early March, and Eddie immediately writes it off. Not because he has a particular disdain for his high school years, but because going to the reunion would mean going to El Paso and going to El Paso would mean seeing his parents. And considering he had made a promise to himself (and Frank, who happened to be in the room when he made the decision) that the next time he saw his parents he would tell them he’s queer, he very much would not like to be in El Paso any time soon.
Besides, he really doesn’t want to think about the fact that high school was fifteen years ago. Chris has been growing like a weed (and developing a pre-teen attitude that rivals Eddie’s own level of sarcasm) and this reminder of the passing of time just isn’t something he needs right now.
What he needs right now, this minute, is to find the damn can opener. The ground beef is already on the stove and soon it’s going to need the tomato sauce and Eddie is strong but not that strong; he can’t open a canned good with his bare hands. And then he remembers Buck in the kitchen three days ago, making them both lunch after a long shift, resorting to mostly frozen food and canned goods. Eddie hadn’t cared – he loves anything Buck does for him, loves that Buck wants to come to his house just to be after work, loves that he wants to surprise Chris at school pick-up and help him with his homework and read him the next chapter of whatever fantasy series they’re on now. He just – he loves Buck.
He finds the can opener in the junk drawer, where Buck always leaves it, even though Eddie always tells him to put it with the silverware.
He’s got a pot of water on the stove and sauce simmering when his phone rings. He almost answers it without looking, assuming it’s Buck, but he glances at the name first and is suddenly hit with a ball of anxiety, right in the chest.
He answers. “Hey, Mom, what’s up?”
“Eddie, “she says, and he can hear the smile in her voice. “How many days will you be staying when you come for the reunion?”
He flounders for a moment. “We’re having a family reunion?”
“No, no.” She uses that voice that implies he should already know what she’s talking about. “Your high school reunion. Roberta says it’s the first weekend of June. Will you be staying Friday through Sunday?”
Eddie walks to the couch and sits, letting his forehead fall on his free hand. “I’m not going to that, Mom. I already declined the invite on Facebook.”
“What are you talking about? You and Tyler were so close.” Eddie rolls his eyes, but she keeps going. “Besides, I’m sure it’d be nice to see all your little theatre friends and baseball buddies.”
He internally winces at the mention of his high school baseball career, thinking about the last time he’d picked up his baseball bat.
“I really can’t, Mom. It’s hard to get a full weekend off, and arranging someone to care for Christopher –“
“Well, you’d bring him, of course,” his mom says like it’s a foregone conclusion. “Your father and I will look after him while you attend the festivities.”
And God, does that sound awful. As much as Chris loves his grandparents, he hates their helicopter grandparenting style, made even worse when Eddie isn’t around to balance out the scales. But the real reason he’s digging his heels in sits heavy like a weight in his gut: he doesn’t want to see the look on his father’s face when Eddie tells him he’s queer. And he’s not one to break promises, even ones made only to himself in therapy – he just thought he’d have a little bit more time to prepare.
He sighs, half-listening as his mom lists all the things she and his dad plan to do with Christopher over the course of the weekend.
“Hold on,” he interrupts, as some of the words she’s saying sink in, “the second day of the reunion is a picnic for families that we’re not even going to, so you’d only have him for Saturday night. And,” he pauses and lets out a weary sigh. “We’ll arrive Saturday morning and leave Sunday evening. And – “
He bites his lip, looks up at the ceiling like the answer might be written there. It’s not, just a water stain and a chip in the paint. He wonders if it’s something he and Buck could fix together. He shakes the thought, closes his eyes, and focuses on his mom.
“And you have to pay for our flights. We can’t afford to fly to Texas on such short notice so soon after Dad’s retirement party.”
“Done,” his mother says without pause, and the excitement in her voice is palpable. He wavers one last time, but finally works up his courage.
“And I might be bringing someone, which means I’ll be staying in a hotel, not at the house.”
“You’re seeing someone?”
“I -“ he stutters. “There’s – there’s someone to bring.”
“Well, we’re thrilled to meet her, Eddie,” she says, and Eddie doesn’t bother correcting her.
“It’s not for sure, I have to ask,” Eddie says quickly, but his mom is already on the subject of breakfast at their house on Sunday if they won’t stay at the house and which airline do they want to use, she’ll get three tickets and send him the info. He lets the conversation reach its natural end (when his mom has run out of things to say) and lets himself collapse back into the couch cushions when he hangs up.
The house is quiet; Chris is at school and Buck is covering a shift for someone and isn’t due home for twenty more minutes. He groans out loud for no one to hear. “Fuck.”
And then he remembers his simmering sauce and rushes to the kitchen to stir, happy to see nothing burned over the course of his phone call. The water’s boiling and he tosses in the spaghetti noodles. And if he sits down at the kitchen table, satisfied by the meal he’s making, by the fact that it will be finishing up right as Buck arrives, by the fact that it’s one of Buck’s favorite after-shift meals, then he’s alone, and no one has to know.
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texanmedicdutton · 1 month
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Please welcome Donzel Jensen 'Zel' Dutton (THEY/HE) to Huntsville, WV. They are a 26-year-old VISITOR who lives in TOWN. You may see them around working as a PARAMEDIC. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
quick facts
Name: Donzel Jensen Dutton Nickname: Zel or Dutton, DJ Jr. by Dahlia and Eva Age: 26 Faceclaim: Brandon Larracuente Pronouns: They/He Sexuality: Bisexual Moral Alignment: Neutral Good Occupation: Paramedic Role: Hunter
[+] earnest, intuitive, courteous, balanced [-] solemn, imposter syndrome, unrelenting self-critical
TW: Death, Suicide, Depression, Panic Attacks
Donzel, or usually just called Zel grew up in El Paso, Texas along with his mother. Their father had died on the way to meet his mother at the hospital the day he was born. This was the first of what they considered their bad luck. Their mother was distant, remarking how much he looked like his father and that it was just too hard. He spent a lot of time at his step-grandmother's house with his older cousin DJ. During one of the visits the two sat him down to tell him he was permanently staying with them, that his mother had been in an accident.
It wouldn't be till he was in high school that he'd piece together what his mother had actually done. They had severe anxiety growing up, afraid at any moment they'd lose someone else. Considering DJ had lost his own parents it only made him more anxious, even worse that they'd died in the Coast Guard which DJ had opted to join. Growing up he idolized the older man, doing his best to fill his shoes whenever he was gone. Despite his own anxiety he ended up also joining the Coast Guard with DJ's encouragement. When he and Dahlia announced they were moving that same anxiety came roaring back, it felt like their life crashed down when he, his wife and twins were declared missing.
A part of him wanted to go with Dahlia's sister Eva to help with the search, but someone needed to take care of their grandmother and the ranch. That and he honestly was worried over bringing more bad luck to the situation. When Eva then went missing after her own spiral they were full of guilt for not doing more. Stuck at home and alone, they did everything they could to try to do things like they thought DJ would. Eventually this ended in a mental breakdown, with part of his recovery being going to the campsite DJ was meant to be at and have closure. He hadn't expected to have to drive through some town called Huntsville...
Picked up a hitchhiker, Julie Davenport who wanted to go through Huntsville and is shocked that this is where everyone ended up.
Has an emotional support duck and a friend for said emotional support duck. The emotional support duck is named Circe. Her friend is named Telemachus or Tele, he has a prosthetic left foot.
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magic-by-nora · 2 years
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Name: Mateo Navarro
Nickname: Matty
Age: 43
Faceclaim: Oscar Isaac
Circle: Mortalis
Occupation: Hunter of the Navarro clan
Mateo had never known his father. His uncle had told him that he was strong, stronger than most other members in their family who had indulged in their gift. He had lasted longer than everyone else before him, an impressive three years, and the family thought that maybe he was blessed to surpass the curse. But he had lost his mind shortly before his son’s first birthday. His uncle had been the one to end him.
“Just because our name is cursed, it doesn’t mean you are.” His uncle’s favorite words to him and the mantra of the Navarro clan.  Based in El Paso, Texas, the Navarros have prided themselves in being the strongest of hunters due to the nature of their family curse. After all, how many hunters have heard the call to power and said no? Others are quick to remind them that it might be the fear of insanity that prevented them from reaching for said power, but that was neither here nor there. Still the connection they once had to magic had them attuned to the supernatural world around them and even though they can no longer access those powers, they vowed to use their lives for the betterment of others and their own.
That was how things were for the Navarros. You ignored the whisper, the call to something dangerous and consuming. It was a constant presence until the curse and all that comes with it would eventually fade from your mind, usually before you left your teenage years. And once it passed over you, that’s when your real life began. All Mateo wanted was to join his aunts, uncles and cousins in the family business, pushing away the hum of magic and reaching for a different sort of weapon. 
The family trained to fight those who abused their powers specifical, mostly within the Power circle, but they made sure other creatures still saw their end once if they deserved it. But their most important task was finding other Navarros, ones who could not deny the temptation, and put them to rest. It was a somber affair, but an honor to be chosen. And every few years, one would be chosen to leave the home base and track down any other Navarros across the world to release them of their misery. Some were against these trips (particularly because there were rumors that not all who were slain had reached insanity yet), but the vast majority agreed that it was a necessary kindness.
Mateo yearned to be chosen for such an important task and trained with a fervor. He wore every scar as a badge of honor and pushed himself beyond what any hunter was capable of. His ruthlessness was off putting to some, but he believed it necessary. He would not allow more children to be orphaned due to the recklessness of powerful people. 
He refused to ever set his weapons down, not for the woman he claimed to love or the three children she gave him. Not even when she threatened to leave him if he went on yet another year-long journey to kill members of his own family. He was a hunter. He was a Navarro. 
Until his daughter used magic for the first time. The resulting year was a blur of anxiety and dread, but he held her in his arms when her time came. He put her out of her misery.
One last trip, he told himself. He would make sure not a single stone was untouched and he would track down every branch of their family tree. Only then would his work be finished and he would finally let himself rest. 
It took him six years, but he did it. He had one last stop in Las Vegas before returning home but there was so much wonton corruption and misuse of power and he was still a hunter. Until he tracks down the last member of his family, one Leticia Navarro, perhaps he will help fix this Midnight Underground.
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jarangomd · 9 days
Common Myths About ENT Surgeries Debunked
When it comes to health and surgery, myths and misconceptions abound. Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) surgeries are no exception. These procedures, which address various issues from chronic sinusitis to hearing loss, often suffer from misunderstandings that can deter patients from seeking the care they need. In this blog, we will debunk some of the most common myths about ENT surgeries and shed light on the realities of these vital medical interventions.
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Myth 1: ENT Surgeries Are Painful and Have Long Recovery Times
One of the most prevalent myths about ENT surgeries is that they are extremely painful and require extended recovery periods. While it's true that any surgery can cause discomfort, modern advancements in medical technology and surgical techniques have significantly minimized pain and recovery time. Many ENT procedures are now performed using minimally invasive methods, which result in less post-operative pain and faster healing. For example, endoscopic sinus surgery allows surgeons to treat sinus problems through small incisions, reducing pain and recovery time.
Myth 2: ENT Surgeries Are Only for Severe Cases
Another common misconception is that ENT surgeries are only necessary for severe or life-threatening conditions. These surgeries can address various issues, from chronic ear infections and snoring to deviated septums and nasal polyps. Even problems that might seem minor, such as persistent sinusitis or recurrent throat infections, can significantly impact quality of life and can be effectively treated through surgical intervention.
Myth 3: All ENT Surgeries Require General Anesthesia
Many people believe that all ENT surgeries require general anesthesia, which can be a significant source of anxiety. However, not all ENT procedures necessitate putting the patient to sleep. Depending on the complexity and nature of the surgery, local anesthesia or sedation may be sufficient. This is especially true for less invasive procedures, where the risks and recovery associated with general anesthesia can be avoided.
Myth 4: ENT Surgeries Are Risky
While every surgery carries some risk, ENT surgeries are generally safe and have rare complications. ENT surgeons are highly specialized professionals trained to manage and minimize risks. They conduct thorough pre-operative assessments to ensure patients are suitable for surgery and employ advanced techniques to enhance safety and outcomes.
Myth 5: Surgery Is the Only Option for ENT Issues
Surgery is often viewed as a last resort, but it's essential to understand that ENT specialists explore all non-surgical treatments before recommending surgery. Medications, lifestyle changes, and other non-invasive therapies are typically considered first. Surgery is recommended only when these treatments fail to alleviate the symptoms or when the condition significantly impairs the patient's daily life.
Understanding the truths about ENT surgeries can help alleviate fears and misconceptions, making it easier for patients to seek treatment. With modern techniques and the expertise of specialists, ENT surgeries are safe and effective and can significantly improve quality of life.
At Dr. Jorge Arango's ENT Clinic in El Paso, our dedicated team is committed to providing the highest level of care. Visit us to learn more about how we can support your ENT health needs.
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cielodental · 5 months
How a Dentist Ensures Your Oral Wellness
Maintaining optimal oral health is crucial for overall well-being, and a dentist plays a pivotal role in ensuring the wellness of your teeth and gums. If you're seeking a dentist to safeguard your oral health, this article is designed to shed light on the comprehensive care provided by dentists in the region.
The Importance of Regular Dentist Checkups:
Regular dentist checkups are the cornerstone of preventive oral care. Visiting a dentist regularly is essential in maintaining good oral health. These checkups enable dentists to detect potential issues early on, preventing more serious problems down the line. Dentist in El Paso prioritizes preventive care to ensure that their patients' oral wellness is consistently monitored and any concerns are addressed promptly.
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The Role of Dentists in Preventive Care
Preventive Dentistry:
Dentists focus on preventive dentistry to stop oral health problems before they even begin. This includes routine cleanings, fluoride treatments, and dental sealants. By taking a proactive approach, dentists help patients avoid issues like cavities and gum disease, ultimately contributing to a healthier smile.
Comprehensive Dental Examinations
Comprehensive Dental Examinations:
Dentists conduct thorough dental examinations during regular checkups. This involves a close inspection of the teeth, gums, tongue, and other oral structures. They use advanced diagnostic tools to identify any signs of decay, infection, or abnormalities. By leveraging their expertise, dentists can provide early intervention, ensuring that minor concerns don't escalate into major dental problems.
Customized Treatment Plans:
Each patient's oral health is unique, and dentists recognize this fact. They develop personalized treatment plans based on individual needs, considering factors such as age, medical history, and lifestyle. Whether it's restorative procedures like fillings and crowns or cosmetic treatments such as teeth whitening, dentists tailor their approach to promote optimal oral wellness for every patient.
Education and Patient Empowerment
Educating Patients:
Dentists go beyond just treating dental issues; they also focus on educating their patients. From proper brushing and flossing techniques to the impact of diet on oral health, dentists empower individuals to take an active role in their own dental care. This education ensures that patients can make informed decisions about their oral wellness, fostering a sense of responsibility for maintaining a healthy smile.
Incorporating Modern Technology
Utilizing Advanced Technology:
El Paso dentists stay at the forefront of dental technology to enhance the quality of care they provide. Digital X-rays, intraoral cameras, and laser dentistry are just a few examples of modern tools that dentists use for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. Embracing these advancements enables dentists to offer more precise, efficient, and comfortable dental experiences for their patients.
Addressing Dental Anxiety:
Dentists understand that dental anxiety is a common concern for many individuals. To create a more comfortable environment, they employ techniques such as sedation dentistry and foster a compassionate atmosphere. By addressing fears and concerns, dentists ensure that even the most anxious patients can access essential dental care without unnecessary stress.
Emergency Dental Care
Prompt Emergency Care:
Accidents and dental emergencies can happen unexpectedly. Dentists are prepared to provide prompt emergency care when needed. Whether it's a sudden toothache, a chipped tooth, or any other urgent dental issue, residents can rely on their dentists to offer swift and effective solutions, ensuring that oral health crises are addressed on time.
Building Long-Term Relationships:
Dentist aims to establish long-term relationships with their patients. This continuity of care allows dentists to track changes in oral health over time and provide consistent guidance. By fostering trust and open communication, dentists create a supportive environment where patients feel comfortable discussing their concerns and actively participating in their oral wellness journey.
Community Outreach and Oral Health Awareness
Community Involvement:
A dentist in El Paso often engages in community outreach programs to promote oral health awareness. These initiatives may include educational workshops, free dental checkups for underserved populations, and collaboration with local schools. By actively participating in the community, dentists contribute to the overall improvement of oral health.
In El Paso, dentists play a crucial role in ensuring the oral wellness of residents. From regular checkups and preventive care to personalized treatment plans and community engagement, dentists in the region are committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate dental services. By prioritizing oral health, individuals can enjoy a brighter smile and overall well-being for years to come.
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Comprehensive Guide to Cancer Support Services
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Cancer support services provide more than just empowerment and optimism. Ideally, they should provide a secure setting where patients and their families feel free to communicate honestly about how they really feel and connect with other people going through similar struggles. People with cancer should be able to talk about their worries in this setting without feeling judged or misunderstood, which should help relieve some of the worry and isolation that comes with the disease. Talking with other patients and their carers can provide consolation, understanding, and newfound strength to get through the challenges in the battle against cancer.
The top cancer physicians oversee a wide range of cancer support services provided by the American Oncology Institute (AOI). These programmes by leading El Paso cancer experts are intended to assist patients in addressing the practical, psychological, and physical effects of cancer.
Cancer Support Service Types
Medical Support Services: A comprehensive variety of therapies and operations necessary for the efficient treatment of cancer are included in medical support services. These consist of the following: drug delivery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery, either as stand-alone therapies or in combination with other therapeutic methods.
Financial Support Services: The financial burden of cancer treatment can have a major effect on a person's ability to pay for everyday living expenditures as well as medical bills. In order to guarantee that financial commitments are satisfied, financial support services assist patients and their attendants, which helps to lessen the distress that is often associated with receiving a cancer diagnosis.
Alternative Support Services: These programmes provide cancer patients a variety of non-traditional therapies that are intended to reduce symptoms associated with their treatment. To improve the overall quality of life after cancer treatment, supplementary strategies like dietary counselling may be offered.
Emotional Support Services: Patients frequently experience emotions of overwhelm, anxiety, and sadness after being diagnosed with cancer. Services for emotional support intervene as priceless tools, helping patients and their carers effectively handle these emotional difficulties.
Social Support and Cancer Care
Social interactions and health are reliably correlated, according to several studies conducted over many years. Relationships are "protective," which means that those who have more friends and/or family are healthier and less likely to die young from any cause. How and why does this happen? 
Social ties can offer emotional support, safety, comfort, and direction.  Others can offer us company, support, common interests and ideals, and the chance to give back with love, care, and nurturing.  People who have support report higher wellbeing and a higher quality of life. Having supportive friends and family will provide you the "resources" you need to deal with the stress and emotional upheaval that come with undergoing cancer treatment and the protracted recovery that follows.
When someone is in a relationship, that person is frequently the centre of attention for their social network. Among all relationships, the supporting spouse has the biggest influence on one's emotional and physical health, as opposed to the negative or even the "present" partner. In actuality, having a supportive partner could be even more advantageous than having a support person who is not your spouse.7. How come this could be the case?
To put it simply, having a partner increases your access to assistance, especially when they ask about your wellbeing and the best ways to assist you or communicate honestly with you. However, some spouses take on the role of protector, hoping to eliminate any possible sources of stress. A spouse might, for instance, hide their own concerns, downplay any suggestion of conflict, or "hover," limiting your engagement in important or mundane activities.  Even with the best of intentions, these kinds of activities could not be beneficial.
The Conclusion
If you are looking for easy and effective cancer care, it is necessary that you choose a reliable cancer caregiver. To explore different options, consult Rio Grande Cancer Specialists where you can get to know more about cancer and the ways to find the right cancer caregiver.
Disclaimer- The information provided in this content is just for educational purposes and is written by a professional writer. Consult us to know more finding a good El Paso cancer specialist.
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aapsychelpaso · 1 year
Breaking Stigma: Overcoming the Fear of Seeking Help for Mental Health Issues
Breaking the stigma surrounding mental health is crucial to improving overall wellness. Mental health issues can impact anyone at any time, and seeking help is a crucial step in achieving better mental health. Unfortunately, the stigma surrounding mental health can make it difficult for individuals to seek the help they need. At Alfredo Arellano TMS & Psychiatric Clinic, we understand the…
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recentlyheardcom · 8 months
CAÑON CITY, Colo. (AP) — The awful smell seeped from a neglected building in a small Colorado town for days, followed by a report that made police take a closer look at the “green” funeral operator’s storage facility. Inside, they made a gruesome discovery: At least 115 decaying bodies.Investigators were tight-lipped Friday about exactly what they found inside the Return to Nature Funeral Home in Penrose, Colorado, but their plans to bring in teams that usually deal with airline crashes, coroners from nearby jurisdictions and the FBI pointed to a grim mess.A state document, meanwhile, alleged funeral home owner Jon Hallford tried to conceal the improper storage of corpses. He claimed he was doing taxidermy at the facility, according to the state suspension letter dated Thursday.Hallford acknowledged that he had a “problem” at the property, the Colorado Office of Funeral Home and Crematory Registration letter said. The document did not elaborate on the taxidermy and alleged improper storage of remains, but the facility's registration has been expired since November.No one had been arrested or charged. Text messages to the funeral home seeking comment went unanswered. No one at the business picked up the phone and there was no working voicemail.Funeral home officials were cooperating as investigators sought to determine any criminal wrongdoing, Fremont County Sheriff Allen Cooper said at a news conference where he called the scene inside the building “horrific.”On Friday, a sour, rotten stench still came from the back of the building, where windows were broken. Coroner’s officials from Fremont County and nearby El Paso County parked their trucks outside and discussed among themselves as they walked around the building.Some identifications would require taking fingerprints, finding medical or dental records, and DNA testing in a process that could take several months, Fremont County Coroner Randy Keller said. Families would be notified as soon as possible after body identification, he added.Family members who have used the funeral home were asked to contact investigators.As the news broke, Mary Simons, 47, couldn’t help but wonder if her husband was inside the building. Darrell Simons had lung cancer and died of pneumonia in August, a few months shy of their 13th anniversary. Mary Simons hired Return to Nature Funeral Home to cremate him, but the ashes never arrived.Sitting in the rocking chairs that Simons and her husband spent long hours in at their home in nearby Florence, Colorado, she remembered him proposing to her by running, sliding on his knees and popping open a box with a rock inside, and the small pond he built with a trickle of water to calm her anxiety. She’d finally begun to turn the corner of grieving, she said.“Suddenly it’s like ‘oh my God’, I’ve lost him all over again,” Simons said through tears. “It’s like the grieving process is starting all over again.”Police told Simons the process of finding out whether her husband’s body was in the building would be slow, she said.The FBI was bringing in teams with additional training and specialized equipment that process “scenes of national magnitude,” such as major airline disasters, Denver-based FBI Special Agent in Charge Mark Michalek said.The bodies were inside a 2,500-square-foot (230-square-meter) building with the appearance and dimensions of a standard one-story home. The funeral performed burials without embalming chemicals or metal caskets, using biodegradable caskets, shrouds or “nothing at all,” according to its website.The company charged $1,895 for a “natural burial,” not counting a casket or cemetery space, and until July offered cremations, too.Under Colorado law, green burials are legal but state code requires that any body not buried within 24 hours must be properly refrigerated.Deputies were called in Tuesday night in reference to a suspicious incident officials haven’t yet described. Fremont County Sheriff’s Office investigators returned the next day with a search warrant and found the remains.
Joyce Pavetti, 73, could see the funeral home from the stoop of her house and said she caught whiffs of a putrid smell in the last few weeks.“We just assumed it was a dead animal,” she said.___Associated Press writers Amy Beth Hanson in Helena, Montana, Mead Gruver in Cheyenne, Wyoming, Matthew Brown in Billings, Montana, and news researcher Jennifer Farrar in New York contributed.
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healthybuzzhub · 8 months
honest review liv pure
Is Liv Pure Official? A Frank Review as regards Liv Pure.
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In the universe of weight loss supplements, it's cardinal to uncouple the sure-enough remedies from the nonsense. In this frank feedback, we'll take a deeper look at Liv Pure to really help you make an informed judgment.
Liv Pure's Substances as well as Procedure:
Liv Pure revels in itself on an unique mixture of components, consisting of Silymarin, Betaine, Berberine, Molybdenum, Glutathione, Camellia Sinensis, Resveratrol, Genistein, Chlorogenic Acid, as well as Choline. These ingredients are strongly believed to provide to weight control via metabolism support as well as fat breakdown.
Liver-Centric Ideology:
What sets Liv Pure apart is its focus on liver wellness. Liv Pure declares to purify the liver, making it possible it to operate efficiently.
Rational Chances For Liv Pure Weight Loss Supplement:
It's pivotal to technique Liv Pure with astute possibilities. This supplement doesn't assure right away results. Users are recommended to devote to a three to six-month therapy plan, taking Liv Pure constantly. Because it's a natural supplement, results may take time to come to be noticeable.
After Weight Loss:
Liv Pure aims to provide more than simply weight management. It declares to give additional benefits like enhanced energy, anxiety decrease, as well as renovations in hair as well as skin wellness. This holistic technique makes Liv Pure a detailed health option. Safe practices as well as Believability: Liv Pure stresses safety as well as reliability: FDA Permission: Liv Pure is FDA authorized, suggesting adherence to strict high quality as well as safety criteria. GMP Credentials: The supplement is produced in an Excellent Manufacturing Method (GMP) certified facility, making certain high manufacturing criteria. Money-Back Guarantee: Liv Pure supplies a 60-day money-back warranty, showcasing the producer's confidence in its product.
Is Liv Pure legit? While it may not provide immediate results, its concentrate on liver wellness as well as holistic wellness makes it an appealing option in the weight management supplement arena. Bring about lasting weight management includes perseverance, a balanced diet, as well as regular workout-- Liv Pure can be an important ally on your health journey. In this responsible testimonial, we'll take a closer look at Liv Pure to help you make an informed decision. What sets Liv Pure apart is its focus on liver wellness. Liv Pure asserts to purify the liver, enabling it to operate efficiently. Liv Pure aims to provide more than simply weight loss. As with any kind of supplement, seek advice a healthcare well-qualified before including Liv Pure to your routine, specifically if you have hiding wellness problems or are taking pharmaceutics. https://honestreviewlivpure412.blogspot.com/2023/10/honest-review-liv-pure.html formulations liv pure reviews link here https://dotphysicalelpasotx265.blogspot.com/ https://dotphysicalelpasotx584.blogspot.com/2023/10/dot-physical-el-paso-tx.html https://greatr7rb.tumblr.com/ https://greatr7rb.tumblr.com/rss https://www.tumblr.com/greatr7rb/730024318837391360
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primarycareelpaso · 1 year
Comprehensive Hospital Care Services in TX - Primary Care El Paso
As a patient, your primary concern when seeking hospital care in El Paso is receiving top-notch care to help you recover from your illness or injury. Thus, Primary Care El Paso is here to provide you best preventative medical care in El Paso. Moreover, hospitals are critical healthcare institutions that offer a wide range of services to help you achieve this goal. Here are some vital aspects of our hospital services that you should know.
Primary Care El Paso is staffed with highly qualified and experienced healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and other specialists. These professionals work together to provide you with the best possible care, from diagnosis to treatment and recovery. They are trained to handle various medical conditions and emergencies, ensuring you receive appropriate care regardless of your health status.
Secondly, we have state-of-the-art medical equipment and facilities enabling healthcare professionals to effectively diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries. This includes diagnostic equipment such as CT scanners, MRI machines, surgical equipment, monitoring devices, and medication dispensing systems. With these tools, healthcare professionals can quickly identify your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your needs.
Thirdly, Primary Care El Paso provides various support services that help you during your hospital stay. This includes nutrition services, which ensure that you receive a healthy and balanced diet that supports your recovery. Physical therapy and rehabilitation services are also available to help you regain your strength and mobility after an injury or surgery. Additionally, hospitals provide emotional and spiritual support services that help you cope with the stress and anxiety associated with being in a hospital.
Finally, all doctors and nurses prioritize patient safety and quality care. Healthcare professionals follow strict protocols and guidelines to ensure patients receive safe and effective care. This includes measures to prevent infections, falls, and medication errors and strategies to promote patient comfort and well-being.
In conclusion, we can ensure that our hospital care services are designed to provide comprehensive healthcare that supports your recovery and overall well-being. Hospitals are equipped to handle various medical conditions and emergencies, from highly qualified healthcare professionals to state-of-the-art medical equipment and facilities. With a focus on patient safety and quality care, hospitals prioritize your health and comfort, providing you with the best possible healthcare experience.
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quarterlifecenter · 1 year
How to Manage Fears After Mass Violence
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The recent shootings in Uvalde and Buffalo have put most (if not all) quarterlifers on edge. These 20- and 30-somethings are right on the cusp – either reeling from their own experiences of shootings in their childhood or fretting about their young children’s safety in public spaces. Managing fear, anxiety, and difficult conversations after incidences of mass violence isn’t something they give adults instructions for. Here’s our best guide on how to cope if you’re feeling especially worried these days.
The Rise of Mass Shootings
A mass shooting is an incident involving several victims of firearm-related violence. Over the past 25 years, hundreds of mass shootings have occurred, which only contribute to young adults’ general sense of anxiety and instability. Today’s young adults (Millennials and Gen Z-ers) grew up in a world where safety wasn’t guaranteed in schools, grocery stores, concerts, movie theaters, and other public spaces.
Here’s a list of just a fraction of the mass shootings that have occurred over the last 25 years.
Columbine High School (1999)
Virginia Tech (2007)
Binghamton (2009)
Foot Hood (2009)
Aurora Theater (2012)
Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT (2012)
Washington Navy Yard (2013)
San Bernadino (2015)
Orlando Pulse Nightclub (2016)
Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas (2017)
Texas First Baptist Church (2017)
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL (2018)
Thousand Oaks Nightclub (2018)
El Paso Walmart (2019)
Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX (2022)
In 2022 alone, there have been 300 mass shootings so far. These instances of violence can be especially difficult for a generation who has grown up fearing these occurrences in their communities. Now, even in young adulthood, the rate of mass shootings has continued to rise. The children of this generation have grown into adults — some with their own children, who have questions about the shootings..
5 Strategies to Manage Your Fear and Anxiety
1. Acknowledge your anxiety
It is normal to feel fear and anxiety following a traumatic event. Acknowledge your fear, but don’t allow it to consume you.
2. Connect with others
Fear can make you feel isolated and alone, which in turn, heightens the fear. Reach out to others to let them know how you’re feeling and to see how they’re doing. This can help you both feel supported and understood.
3. Avoid triggers
Triggers are things that can cause your fear and anxiety to increase. By temporarily avoiding triggers, you can help to minimize the fear and anxiety that you’re experiencing. Common triggers following mass violence events include:
News about the event
Images or videos of the event
Sensory reminders of the event (sounds, smells, etc.)
People who were at the event
Conversations about the event
You may also find that you’re nervous in spaces that are like those of the mass violence event. For instance, maybe you’re not comfortable going to the movies right now, or you prefer to do online grocery pickup instead of shopping in person. It’s not always possible to avoid every trigger but planning and avoiding the ones you can is a good temporary solution.
4. Prepare and support your family
Following the Uvalde shooting, many young parents began to fear the worst about what their children would encounter in school. Searches like “how to talk to kids about school shootings” and “tips on navigating tough conversations with kids about school shootings” were trending on Google.
While it’s a horrifying reality that parents have to talk to their young child about such violence, preparing those in your household can make you feel more prepared if there is such an event in the future. Here are a few tips you can use.
Remember that you serve as your child’s emotional stability — turn down the volume on your own reactions so you can listen to your child’s concerns calmly.
Determine whether your child is aware of the event.
Talk about the event and the impact that the event has had on their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Provide routines so your child has a sense of predictability and control.
5. Seek professional help
If your fear is still impacting your functioning weeks after an event, consider seeking professional help. Therapy can help you to understand and manage your anxiety in a way that doesn’t interfere with how you live.
Visit the Quarterlife Center for more information on individual counseling after mass violence events.
If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment or you’d like more information, please contact us.
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