#Either way Lolol XD
katlovesdbh · 1 year
Thinking about how Essek is, like, the elven equivalent of 22 at the time of C2, and imagining him at like five or six hundred looking back at his youth floored by how reckless he was/the stupid stuff he did.
I'm not even talking about everything with the Beacons and the Assembly, but like: "Shit, how did I EVER think it was a good idea for Me, a Wizard, who relies solely on magic, to travel to Aeor, -alone-, with only my Wizard lover, who -also- only relied solely on magic, in a place WELL KNOWN to be brimming with Extremely Deadly Anti-Magic Creatures, Anti-magic Fields, and a surplus of Anti-Wizard Traps???"
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red-hemlock · 2 months
Smash or pass + Batman
Send smash or pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person.
"Smash. But only once, and if I'm on top."
The answer is confidently given, there's nary a sliver of reluctance behind those words; and she chuckles as if the very question itself were a silly thing to ask of her. Looking-up from playing with her nails, assassin quirks a curious brow.
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"Hmm? Is that a look of surprise that I spy, darling? Can't imagine why... I'm pretty sure it's every villain's dream to smash the Batman. Especially the ones in Gotham, and in more ways than one too, I imagine."
River smirks, lazily tossing her hands up. "I mean come-on now, a few of them have already done it, so it's not that weird!"
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kalloway · 2 years
no one but me will care about this, but i looked thru my OG Android AU (before I started working on it with Mag) and the order of D10 units that got added is like:
Dio (Brando) -- DIO -- Dionysus -- Ramses -- Prototype #13 -- AuDio
And somehow I have neglected p much all of these, recently lmao
also hello, almost 53k words? my smut doc is literally almost as long rn LOL
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creepedverse · 5 days
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RedHero: Hey guys! I’ve been passing by that antique store on Dahlia Ave on my way to work recently and I keep seeing this doll in the display. I have like… soooo many questions. I swear every time I pass by I feel like she’s… aware? Of me? I probably sound crazy! I know! But every time I pass by I just get the heebie jeebies!!! I figured this forum would be the best place to ask… what do you guys think is going on? Am I just being paranoid? Lololol
GhostlyAmity: Oh that fucking doll… I’ve heard some things about her. But, even as a believer in the paranormal, I have a hard time believing them. I’ve heard everything from she’s SEVERELY possessed to she’s just creepy looking. In my opinion, it’s the latter. Some stories I’ve heard just sound completely impossible, so for your own peace of mind, just assume it’s your human instinct, uncanny valley feelings creeping you out and carry on with your day.
SomethingUNseen: Dude you should tooooootally buy that doll! What’s the worst that could happen LOLOLOL XD
-> RedHero reply to GhostlyAmity: What stories have you heard about her? Even if you don’t believe them, I’m still curious about what people have said. And do you know what kind of doll she is? Why does she look so… lifelike like that?
-> GhostlyAmity reply to RedHero: Just from word of mouth, I’ve heard she’s been the cause of multiple heart attacks for the old folks that take her in, people have claimed they see her moving and the like. But then there’s also the incident that happened a few years back… Either way, the reason you’re actually getting creeped out is because it’s a mourning doll. Back in the 1800s, parents of dead children would make dolls that resembled their passed loved ones and keep those around like they were still alive. Usually this was done for newborns/babies, but I guess whoever the doll was made of was a special case.
-> RedHero reply to GhostlyAmity: GEEZ! They can sell something like that in an antique store!?
-> GraveMisstake reply to RedHero: As long as it was donated, and like… cleaned properly… it’s fair game? Yeah it feels weird, but people donate teddy bears with ashes in them all the time so, this isn’t out of the realm of possibility lol
-> RedHero reply to GraveMisstake: I guess… So that’s why she’s so… detailed? Also do you know what the ‘incident’ was? Is that something I should know about?
-> GhostlyAmity reply to RedHero: I’ll tell you about it, but it really isn’t connected to the doll.
GhostlyAmity: Basically, a few years back three teenagers were found dead in the forest, off the waterfall if you know where that is. They had tons of alcohol in their system and it was deemed a complete accident. They probably just wanted to go swimming and were too uncoordinated to actually, ya know, swim.
-> RedHero reply to GhostlyAmity: You’re right that doesn’t sound connected at all… How do people pin that on a doll?
-> GhostlyAmity reply to RedHero: Apparently, some people in town said they saw them carrying the doll around in their drunken stupor. And then when their bodies were found, there was no trace of her.
GhostlyAmity: Actually, she hadn’t been in the store for a long time after that. I’ve just seen her in there more recently. The store owners probably didn’t want people looking for her after a rumor like that comes out. Bad for business, in my opinion. So they probably kept her in the back or something.
-> RedHero reply to GhostlyAmity: Huh… Yeah that’s weird. Anyways, thanks for the info! Curiosity was just getting the better of me today when I passed by her again! Now that I know some lore, she doesn’t seem too daunting anymore lolol!!!
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anitrendz · 3 months
Cherry Magic Episode 3
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Lolol how embarrassing XD I'm a little confused as to how steam allows Adachi to hear Kurosawa's thoughts, but either way, I was laughing once it revealed that Adachi was listening to everything he was thinking.
That being said, I've been doing an experiment. I've been watching every new episode come out and then watching the live-action drama immediately after to compare how I feel. Unequivocally, I prefer the drama. The writer for the drama is actually the anime screenwriter for Bocchi the Rock, and she did an excellent job of adapting the material that the anime unfortunately can't quite compare. The pacing, the relationship, even the characters - I like them more.
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tarisilmarwen · 10 months
Rebels Rewatch: “Brothers of the Broken Horn”
Hooooooondoooooooooooooo! :D
When we open we see that Phoenix Cell has temporarily taken to port at Garel.
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Which is looking as lovely as ever.
We pan down with a pleasant musical cue to see that Rex has set Ezra up with some blaster training, enlisting Chopper as a moving target.
Ezra’s already clearly frustrated and grows moreso when Kanan shows up and tells him he’s missing a Jedi training session.  His discouraged, “What if I don’t want to be either [a soldier or a Jedi]?” surprises Rex but alarms Kanan, who knows how desperately Ezra wants to be a Jedi in normal circumstances.
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Neither man can figure out the reason why Ezra’s upset though (really guys? y’all be dense), and they’re interrupted by Sabine calling them in for a briefing.
The mission is honestly a little bit incidental to the plot, only really there to establish the MacGuffin that people will be wrestling over trying to possess this episode.  Ezra doesn’t get to participate as now Hera is on him also, to scrub the Phantom.
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So many “teenager whines about chores to parents” vibes in this scene, especially when Hera chides Chopper for laughing about it and makes him help too lol.
Ezra is understandably feeling overwhelmed by the myriad pressures that are colliding over him right now, complaining to Chopper about it.  Kanan and Rex are pulling him in opposite directions and fighting with each other over it every step of the way, and this has made him discouraged, unsure of his path forward, and missing the simplicity of his life before the Ghost, as rough as it was.
So of course he jumps at the opportunity to distract himself from everything when Chopper picks up a distress signal from Vizago’s ship.
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Borrowing Mom’s van to make a wellness check on your old criminal fencing friends lol.
Yes, this is super irresponsible and dangerous but also Ezra really needed this little day trip to clear his head and remind himself how much he’s changed from the kind of person who would’ve jumped at Hondo’s offer.
So this episode is mostly character building/character renewal for Ezra and also a Friendship Fetch Quest that nets us Hondo Ohnaka.  After Rex, he’s one of the most important allies we gain this season.
But I’m getting a little ahead of myself.  Back to Ezra doing things that absolutely got him grounded after this episode. XD
(Lol at Ezra’s defensive little, “I know how to fly.” towards Chopper, immediately belied by him scraping the Phantom on its hooks.)
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Garel be pretty, what can I say?
Hilarious that the ship got stuck in Garel airspace, I have to assume Hondo and Vizago met with their, ah, “disagreement” literally almost as soon as they took off lolol.
Fyrnock cue coming back here, I guess we’re using it as shorthand for uncertain perilous situations now.
The similarities to the previous episode in the creepy seemingly abandoned nature of the ship I’m going to assume were deliberate in order to catch us off guard when it was all subverted and Hondo was introduced, instead of some horrible danger.
And yeah, Hondo is a bit “defanged” from his Clone Wars incarnation but I think it kinda fits, you know, the all-consuming overwhelming evil of the Empire is such that mundane run-of-the-mill pirates and criminal overlords are simply just not as frightening or dangerous anymore.  The Empire ruins everything, even the lives of outliers who used to just fly under the radar.
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Ezra keeps darting glances at Hondo’s arm around his shoulder like he’s not entirely comfortable with it being there, lol.
I mentioned that Ezra’s mechanical skills sort of fall by the wayside as he grows into his role as Jedi so it’s nice that he gets to use them here.
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“This was such a bad idea, Hera’s going to kill me when if I get back.”
Ah man, Ezra continues to have just such a look of regretting all of the decisions that led him to this point, poor bby.
He slips pretty naturally back into his street orphan trickster/swindler/pickpocket persona though, smoothly bargaining with Hondo to distract from his swiping the sentry droid control.
Frynock cue transmuted to strings instead of brass as we descend.
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Nice to see a moon that looks like an actual moon.  This is a pretty unique location and I’m glad we get to visit it again later in the season.
Ezra planning ahead for trouble because he remembers how this kind of thing can easily go down, kind of a subtle hint at how familiar he is with the workings of the criminal underground.
And it’s a good thing he did because it’s Azmorigan that we’re meeting.  Love Ezra’s immediate look of, “Ah hell.” and hiding his face.
“I don’t deal with washed-up old relics!” “Come now, let’s leave your wife out of this.” PFFFKJHGKH HONDO PLZ.
This brief comedic exchange actually kind of gives some insight into Hondo’s changed circumstances.  The current criminal overlords consider him outdated, washed up, from a bygone era, an old fool desperately clinging to relevance.  It fits because Hondo is a bit of a classic romantic at heart, fond of what we would call “swashbuckling adventure”.  It’s the reason he loves the Jedi and thinks back on them wistfully and nostalgically, they represent the kind of dramatic tales and bold feats of a golden era full of opportunity for reward and glory.  But there’s no more room for that kind of frivolous excitement under the iron oppressive hand of the Empire, you adapt or you die out, and Hondo refuses to do either.
...Right, now that I’ve given myself feels over a comedic side character let’s move on.
The light woodwind ditties in the soundtrack belie the actual tension of this scene, especially when Ezra has his helmet pulled off.  (The cadet helmet he had Sabine paint for him, which he keeps retreating into when he feels unsafe in this episode, the biased shipper in me would like to point out.)
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You can practically hear the string of curses inside his head as he tries to hide his face here.
No dice, Azmorigan recognizes him, cue Big Damn Heroes moment from the orange tin can murderhobo himself and a decent little action setpiece.  What I’m most impressed with/interested in in this sequence is Ezra himself, how he moves with such skill and finesse.
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Also catch me crying remembering when he was tiny enough to hop over his own bound hands like a jumprope.  I don’t think that trick would work as well post growth spurt.
An impulsive and genuinely selfless move from Hondo as he pushes Ezra out of the way of the cargo ladder Azmorigan sent rolling at him.  And this is before he knows Ezra’s a Jedi so Hondo really basically just took one look at this kid and decided he’d die for him.  Which, you know, valid.
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This droid is a menace lol.
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Ezra takes a risk by using his Force abilities.  Fortunately Azmorigan is too busy fleeing for his life from Chopper to see, and Hondo loves Jedi.  (See again: classic romanticist at heart.)
“You must have many responsibilities.”  “Yeah.  Too many at the moment.”
This kid. :((((  He’s under such pressure.
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Ezra’s little “Wait a minute.” side look here lol.
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And he continues not to enjoy Hondo’s affection ha ha.
It’s cute but also my brain is wandering to the fridge on this one because:
A) Ezra is now comfortable with all the casual touches and gestures of physical affection from the Ghost crew, which mirrors how he’s found a new home with them and no longer belongs in Hondo’s world.
And B) given the events of last episode it’s not surprising Ezra is a bit touchy about weird strangers violating his personal boundaries.
“Maybe I would make a pretty good pirate.  Inquisitors don’t hunt them do they?”  Honey you are Force Sensitive and already on their radar, hanging out with Hondo would only hide you for so long.
(Yet another thing that’s apparently been on his mind and adding to his anxieties.  In light of that his initial refusal to help Vizago makes more sense, the kid has so much on his plate already and just does not want to deal with anything else.)
Lol Ezra talking to Vizago like Vizago’s a problem child he’s babysitting.
Right, this whole scene right here is why I don’t do stories with casts of morally gray protagonists, the constant backstabbing and side-switching are exhausting.
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Look, even Ezra’s exhausted.  Poor kid needs a nap he looks so tired.
Fortunately for Ezra, Chopper has his back, having put the Phantom on autopilot beforehand.  So he winds up not losing the Phantom (this time) and actually accomplishing the mission without really trying.
I do wanna see that missing scene where the Phantom returns to the Ghost and Hera’s all ready to let Ezra have it and then this weird Weequay pops out lolol.
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They look so proud, like, “Awww that’s our little gremlin child.”
Aaaaand this little heartwarming look from Hondo is getting to me a bit this time around.
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He’s so fond of Ezra ajkhaksfjfh.
Hera’s taking the whole “running off with the Phantom instead of doing his chores” thing remarkably well all things considered.  I guess it helps that he lucked into finding some generators.
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There is no reason for this shot to be this pretty this is just a hanger.
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*sobbing forever about how Hondo functions as narrative foil for how Ezra could have turned out if not for his Found Family and how that’s acknowledged in-text*
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I caught a lot of unexpected feels rewatching this episode, I’ve always liked it for being a fun Ezra-focused episode but I’m seeing just how it fits neatly into his character journey.  Things got hairy last episode, the stressors and pressure points (Rex and Kanan’s bickering) continue to increase and he got understandably overwhelmed.
The growing pains in his self-identity, questioning whether or not he even wants to be a Jedi at this point, just to get granted a glimpse of what his life might have looked like if he had continued on that self-serving path and realizing how much he’s changed... aaaaaaah I love it!
Another successful Friendship Fetch Quest accomplished.
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wyrmskulls · 7 months
no shame either way
but there are some folks to play baldurs gate knowing NOTHiNG and that's great, they get thier context from the reaction of the characters and books you find along the way.
then there are the folks for who every name drop is a bomb:
A SPELLJAMMER blew through BALDURs gate? Gale and MYSTRA did what? SHAR worship in my party? NETHERESE magic...... oh fuck? I'm sorry you were ZAREIALs best fighter..... in AVERNUS???? causeually going to the UNDERDARK whatever? MIRKLE just here and we fight? Just a church for ILLMATER no big nothing to see?
like I love the idea of a no name, did nothing before this Tav, failing ever check just frolicking with super hero friends empty headed having no clue the legendary adventure they are on.... maybe it sinks in when the kill and unkillable guy.... or maybe it doesn't XD
I liken it to your friend meeting a celebrity you love or even some problematic person and treating them normal cause they just don't have the info to be any different lolol
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citrus-cactus · 10 months
Haru's Birthday Weekend (Prompt: 👾)
What is your favorite episode of Appmon, and why?
OK, I wrote this prompt, so you'd THINK I'd have an easy answer to this, but I'm gonna break my own rules, because as it turns out I can't pick just one episode, lolol. And then I was going to do a Top 5, but I can't do that either! So here are my Top 7. I could probably have turned this into a Top 10, especially since all of the final episodes are SO strong, but I did try to limit myself to one episode per Appmon "arc" (which I'm not sure I could even delineate, but this sounds about right, so good enough!).
Also, periodic reminder to PLEASE WATCH APPMON. IT'S SO GOOD.
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Under the cut because of end-of-series spoilers, and to spare your dash!
Also, excuse the bias to these screenshots. I run blogs dedicated to Haru and Knight, and I'm too lazy to take more right now kjdfahkfh
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Episode 4 ("Take Your Dressing! Cameramon's Halloween Scandal!")
This episode is a GREAT early episode for its focus on Haru and Gatchmon's characters and their Driver-Buddy relationship, particularly showcasing how Haru is able to think on his feet and use his wits to win the day. Plus it's Halloween-themed. And Haru USES HIS GOGGLES. Literally, what's not to love?? XD
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Episode 18 ("Haru and Yujin's Bond - Stop! Rampaging Resshamon!")
I LOVE this episode for paying homage to the Pokemon Go craze. Amazing and incredibly relevant, considering the show originally aired in 2016, rotfl. A very fun premise that also places a lot of emphasis on Haru and Yuujin's relationship, including Haru's worries about revealing his secret life as an AppDriver to Yuujin and insight into Yuujin's character, all important groundwork before Yuujin becomes an AppDriver in his own right.
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Episode 25 ("Infiltrating to the Deep Web at last! The Mysterious Cyber Kowloon!")
OK, THIS actually might be my favorite episode. It has it all: gorgeous animation, an AMAZING setting, surreal comedy, a lot of drama, and ultimately our main trio of heroes biting off more than they can chew, ending on a positive note nonetheless. It's SUCH a well-done episode, and is an exciting and satisfying way to wrap up the first half of the series.
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Episode 31 ("The Traveling Companion!? Tripmon's Terrible Trip")
While you might THINK I put this episode on my list for the Haru/Yuujin moments, it really made it on here because of its focus on Offmon, his fears, and ultimately... his secret. I love that little guy and the themes of the episode, plus Tripmon has a GREAT design and is a fun Monster of the Day!
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Episode 36 ("The Conclusion of General Election! The Hand of Devil Approaching to Eri!")
AKA The One on the Yacht. My favorite Knight episode, if only because the storyboarding/direction is ON POINT and Eri is such a badass. The whole episode is such a wonderful showcase of her character and her plot thread (plus, Knight reveals his true colors to our heroine, in a truly stunning scene) <3
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Episode 42 ("Rei's Determination! The Great "Search for Hajime" Operation!")
I've said it before and I'll say it again: the first half of this episode are the best 15 minutes of filler in the entire series. And it's not even really filler, since it's all about Rei getting an AMAZING focus episode that's simultaneously hilarious, satisfying, and completely heart-wrenching in the end. Plus more of Elena and Alice! WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE???
Episode 49 ("The Miraculous Final Evolution! The God Appmon Advent!")
(I don't have a screenshot for this one yet, sorry!)
THE LAST FEW EPISODES ARE SO IMPORTANT, but I wanted to talk about this one specifically. Our heroes (minus Haru) rally and unlock their God Grade Appmon in truly touching and wonderful scenes with their Buddies, with Minerva's question coming into play one last time. And then the visuals of the fight to follow (where the kids hover on platforms at their Appmon's sides in a way that's incredibly evocative of how their Buddies float around around when they're Unrealized) are so epic, in a way that you KNOW this is what the whole series has been building toward. It’s about the SCALE. It’s about the PARALLELS. 👍👍👍 And then we have Haru: despondent, betrayed, bereaving, and being egged on by YJ-14, before... well. Some truly amazing scenes, I'll leave it at that. This episode has me screaming, crying, frothing at the mouth, etc, and that feeling doesn't stop until the series is over. It's SO GOOD.
Thanks for reading!
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spacesurfing · 2 years
Heya! Hope you're doing well! Make sure to keep yourself hydrated and keep yourself healthy ☺️
I'm curious about how would Fives would act with a highly sensitive s.o , in regards of tickling XD. Like she just need to be poked a lil on the side and she's dead-
Or imagine if she started a tickling him and he gets dead serious and she runs from him and he's like "target aquired" and she knows she'll die lolol
And what if while she's getting tickled she hits him and then she's on the verge of tears because she doesn't want to hurt him ever and starts kissing him as a apology-
Thank you my love! I hope you're also staying hydrated and healthy. Hope you enjoy!!
The Tickle Monster Feasts
ARC Trooper Fives x Reader
Summary: Are you ticklish? Well, you are now! And Fives love it!
Warnings: tickling, fluffff lots of fluff and soft things, Fives is kinda scary tbh
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Fives was home. That meant that your house was lit with energy and laughter. There wasn't a dull moment with the love of your life wrapped around you like a blanket. Sure, he'd never admit it, but he really did love following you like a puppy-dog when he was on shore leave. You loved it too.
With your house alive and buzzing, you cooked with music playing, you watched holomovies with Fives' limbs locked around you, and you most importantly snuggled and spoke about each of your lives while your clone lover had been gone.
And it always lead to this. For some reason, Fives always took it to this level. You giggled and pushed at his chest while he trailed it index finger up and down your waist. You were both lying on your sides, facing each other and talking the afternoon away. And in the midst, his lips met yours and turned the mood into one of slow, romantic making out. It was hard to get him to keep it in his pants while kissing, but he tried this time. With an ulterior motive of course.
Fives had his other arm wrapped around your back. As much as you struggled, begged for him to stop the featherlight touches, he refused.
"Have you always been this ticklish?" he asked, a shit-eating grin on his face. He knew you had, he just liked watching you writhe and get angry at him.
You slapped at his shoulder, trying to stretch yourself out of his hold. "No, it's my first day on the job," you sassed, some of your giggling interrupting your speech.
Fives moved his fingers closer to your ribs, attacking your stomach with those same touches. You swore under your breath before you started laughing at the uncontrollable feeling all over you.
"Fives, Fives!" you squealed, your hips shifting and your legs moving to push him back as light as you could.
He watched you with amusement, locking his leg around yours to keep you still, "Oh Mesh'la, you know I love when you say my name."
You flailed against his chest, trying everything in the book. You couldn't slip your leg out of his hold to gain the vantage of kneeing him in the crotch, you couldn't pull his hair cause he liked that, and as much as you hit him, he would always be a reliable soldier.
So, you slipped your hands under his arm, fingers deviously gliding across him as you finally got to his armpits. You tickled him and he coughed, jerking and loosening his hold on you. Good idea, Y/n.
Well, it was a good idea to get yourself out of his hold. But as you glanced up, you realized it might not be as much of a good idea as you thought it had been. Fives was frozen as a stone statue, staring at you with fire in his caramel eyes. His lips were a straight line and his nose twitched.
You shifted out of his hold nimbly, rushing up snd running through your apartment as fast as you could, finding yourself in the kitchen. He followed you at a slow walking pace, like he knew he'd have you in the end either way.
You stood hunched behind the island, counters separating you and your predator. You would've been scared of the way he was acting if it wasn't for the fact that you felt adrenaline rush through you for the first time in a while.
You smiled widely at the trooper, poking out your tongue and mocking him.
And without any hesitation, he ran at the island, hopping over the countertop and sliding to you. Quickly, you scrambled away and ran into the hall. Realizing you had cornered yourself, you huffed out a sigh and ran into your room.
The door shut with a slam, giving you some clarity that he couldn't hear where you footsteps led as you stuffed yourself into your walk-in closet.
Your breathing felt 10x louder in that moment. Your brain was hyper fixated on every noise, every footstep that came from the hallway. Especially when the door opened and you felt all the color drain from your face.
Everything in your body felt hollow, everything seemed to Echo. And every footstep you heard ring through your room made your heart stop beating for a second.
"Prettyyyy babyyyyyy," Fives called out, voice deep. It rumbled so sweetly, making butterflies scuttle in your stomach, and made your adrenaline pump.
You clenched your stomach and your throat closed with something between excitement and anxiety. The closet had a tightness that gave you comfort, the clothes resting against your back and the hangers being surprisingly quiet.
You leaned your neck back, the hunch of it starting a kink. You knew you were well hidden, it would buy you some time. You'd be able to here his check under your bet and then you'd run for it.
But nothing was heard. For the next 30 seconds, absolutely nothing was heard around you. Dead silence suffocated you and you wanted to get curious, but to cause any noise was the last thing you wanted. So you stayed, with your shoulder's straight and your jaw tense, you waited to hear anything. Something?
And it hit you fast, making you gasp in horror as Fives wiggled the closet door handle, making you whimper in fear. He laughed deeply, and before you could react, you felt the lock starting to turn. Fuck, you had taught him how to open that with his finger nail. It was all a joke then...
The door was flung open and he dive into the closet to scoop you into his arms. And on impulse, you had shoved your foot against his abdomen.
The kick surely couldn't have felt good, and he shallowed shallowly, sputtering as he held his stomach and hunched over. You didn't blame him for being overdramatic - you would've reacted the same. But you knew he could take more than that before hunching over and wheezing.
You reached out your hand, eyes apologetic and wide as you held his face. "My love, Fives.. I am so sorry."
You kissed all over his face; nose, forehead, cheeks, chin, lips, everywhere was left with the trace of your lips as an apology. Your heart clenched in your chest before he stood up tall. His face projected dejection. But, in a twist of events, he grinned widely and picked you up.
He carried you without struggle before throwing you onto your bed and climbing over you. His lips attacked you the same as yours had him and he emphasized the noise of each one.
"I didn't know you had a leg like that, doll," he teased, kissing you between your eyebrows. He whispered then with a playful tone, "Don't tell anyone, but I kinda liked it."
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airasora · 1 month
I was the anon with the suggestions and I'm glad and happy to have given some food for thought at least.
I personally was obsessed with Thomas for some reason because from what I remembered from your hollina aus you made him a stern yet anxious military boy, and so a character like Miguel seemed fun to me (because I could see him being like almost too relaxed, as in a "hippie" so to speak lol), but granted, idr much about it and I don't wanna force you into any of my suggestions. Plus looking back I think Thomas may be the younger brother and Miguel defintely doesn't feel or look like a teen still so it may be a tad creepy granted.
But I also like Pocahontas as a choice, especially cause she gives me queer vibes as well usually, like technically I view both as more gay, but they could be a bi4bi power couple as well lol
Actually, you're pretty close to why I "can't" ship Thomas with Miguel and it is indeed because of my Hollina AUs! Could I just ship them on their own? Sure, but that's not how my brain works lolol xD But it's because Thomas already has an entire character arc in my Hollina AUs and adding a lover, no matter their gender, would mess it up - so any lovers he may have would be AFTER "Hollina" has been established, so to speak.
To give just a quick idea; Thomas is the oldest brother of the three children where Lina is the middle child and Jenny is the youngest child. Thomas looks up to his military father to the point where he almost copies everything he does, including following him into the military etc.
This varies from Hollina AU to Hollina AU, but in the High School AU, Lina's father is very homophobic causing Thomas to learn some of that behavior. When Thomas discovers that his beloved little sister (whom he is extremely close with) is in love with another girl, it causes a complete paradigm shift in him that he struggles with for some time; he suddenly feels like he has to choose between his sister and his father.
And that's all I'm gonna say about his character arc for now. Adding a lover to his story would deviate from the paradigm shift in the way I want to write it. And if it were to be a man, then his paradigm shift would start overlapping with Lina's story and that's not the direction I want to go with either redhead Cx
I absolutely agree with you that Thomas and Miguel would be fun with those vibes! Perhaps I can sneak Miguel into a Hollina AU where homophobia isn't as much of a theme so that his character arc could be different from Lina's character arc. It'd be fun to experiment with Thomas having always been attracted to women, suddenly feeling attracted to a man, and then questioning everything: Is he bi? Is he gay? Is Miguel's casual view on sexuality just rubbing off on him? What's happening??? xD
And it'd kinda be fun to make Miguel one of Holli's friends or something, like you mentioned too, so that both Benson teenagers fall in love with a sexually free-spirited blonde pffft xD
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lavenderr-starrs · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about One armed Leo and his ninpo-
Y’know how the guys can just spawn in their weapons/ materialize them with their ninpo right? Im just thinking about those Au’s people make we’re good timeline Leo loses an arm either way,
and the only thing going through my head right now is how badass it would be if Donnie made a prosthetic arm for Leo that he could use with his ninpo to give him a sword for an arm.
Like I’m thinking a sword arm similar to a character from a manga/anime series named Jyugo
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^^^ Where he can turn the shackles on his arm to swords, or something like in chainsaw man(where he’s got chainsaws coming out from the centers of his arms)
Leo having a mystic arm sword would be so damn cool. The angst is cool and all, but I want sword arm shenanigans, the puns! The jokes!(/lh) imagine someone needs to cut something like idk let’s say a pizza pie or smth, and Leo just goes like “Need a hand?” And then just lifts up his prosthetic arm and poof it’s a sword now! XD
Sure, he could have a regular prosthetic or it could be a Badass Sword prosthetic like an anime character!! Lmaooo XD
Just wanted to share my thoughts lolol
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eomma-jpeg · 10 months
Hello again! So, I've got one for you Fic-specific Ask Game! (For In the Meadow, of course. XD) For Want of a Nail: So, I'm curious as to how this would turn out. Instead of the insurance gals having to head out to send in their resignations, instead it's Vash and Knives who have to leave for a few days for Reasons™️. (I'm imagining something related to their past? Like maybe a bounty hunter has been sniffing around and is getting too close to the farm. Or one of the Gung-Ho Guns survived or something. Or maybe it's something mundane like they have to go find a specific part to replace for the Plant and it can only be found in December. Either way, they gotta skedaddle!) I wanna know how you'd think it'd play out! I can only imagine the absolute terror Knives would be on a two day road trip when he knows he's missing the first tomatoes (and also Milly, but shhhh! He's being stupid about that still!) And also what would the gals be doing back on the farm? (Pining away, I'm sure. Omg, I bet Milly will be a mess when the first tomato comes in and Knives isn't there. 😭) Thoughts? 👀
oh veil,,,, you have put many thoughts in my head....
Knives and Vash road trip
I think.... it would be something like the eye of michael is still kicking?? and it would give me an excuse to include Livio (I WANT TO PUT HIM SOMEWHERE BUT I JUST CANT FIND A GOOD EXPLANATION)
Vash would leave, and I think at that point in the story, Knives would feel the need to come. specifically, he still wouldnt be comfortable around humans without Vash (even Milly. I think the thought of truly being surrounded by only humans would freak him out).
Unfortunately, Knives wouldn't realize how DESPERATELY HE WOULD MISS IT UNTIL HE'S GONE.
him and vash all alone in the desert, away from humans (which is what he wanted originally) but he just,,, he cant help wishing to go back. he wants to go back so bad, so he and vash work their BUTTS off to get this business done and over with cuz Knives just wants his routine and his girl back
this,,,,, could also be a good spot for vash v knives conflict vis a vis how the both of them feel about murder (knives feels its necessary especially when taking down the eye of michael, while vash it still on a pacifist route, despite his kind of..... completion of Rem's memory?)
because i'm mushy and i like parallels, if Milly doesn't have her scandalous dream in December... then Knives gets to have a mushy domestic one.
he dreams about Milly in the garden and the sunlight glistens in her shiny hair, they have a thriving crop, and milly just has the brightest smile on her face when she spots him, glowing with happiness. he wakes up after milly hugs him, arms wrapping around his body, pulling him tight and brushes a kiss on his cheek
He wakes up just,,, starstruck and makes Vash drive them home in the middle of the night. zero impulse control from this boy.
Milly and Meryl back at home
this change means that milly gets to pick the tomatoes without knives.
i ... i could absolutely see Milly doing good, like holding it together all morning, putting on a show that she's alright. she gathers them with ease and puts them in a cute lil basket she got from her mom
but then later when Meryl asks her how many tomatoes she gathered, Milly holds up each tomato individually and tears just kind of fall as she realizes that its the first time since the beginning of the garden that she had to do the work alone, and it hits her like a brick wall. she misses him so much.
Meryl: oh gosh i thought i was just asking about the tomatoes I didn't see this coming
I think it could be the trigger that Milly needs to realize that she really does like him.
if im being honest, this might speed up the romance process quite a bit, because if Milly falls first, its over. She would completely smother Knives in like welcome back kisses and he wouldn't know what to do LOLOL
okay, to stick with the slowburn, i could see Knives coming back and complimenting Milly on the harvest, and Milly unwittingly admitting that she had missed him. Then, quietly, mostly because Knives doesn't particularly want to admit it to himself, he tells her he missed her too.
Milly, being herself, just takes his hand and kisses his cheek, probably unable to tell him with words.
and then idk.............. thats a whole new fic.....
ty veil !!!!! i really liked thinking about this lolol
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tatchling · 3 months
Shipper tag game
tagged by @lunanoc (heathen <3)
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
I wasn't much of a shipper when I was younger? and while I forget about ships, bringing them back to my attention is usually enough for me to go <3<3<3
Which ship would you consider your first one?
Steve/Bucky (mcu version) - I wouldn't say it was my first ship but the one I was really aware I was shipping - before then I really did like uh I think it's Fey/Kurogane (not sure on the names) from the dimension hopping CLAMP thing (where they look for Sakura's wings bits)
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
I had to check XD - An unfinished Steve/Bucky, written in 2015 - tbh I though my first fanfic was a brotherly relationship (no shipping) one, bc that's the oldest I do remember and that is complete
Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of?
Probably Castiel/Dean? Supernatural was inescapable pre-2011
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
Not so much discourse as I got on some anti list for reaper76 for not shipping pure innocent white bread and macho aggressive man versions of the characters lolol
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
only one through all the fandoms I've been in - Tony/Steve (mcu version only) - I think the comics version is fine, this is a movies only dislike
Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr probably heihua? OH WAIT NO, it was Er Jing/Wu Erbai & Pan Zi/Wu Sanxing
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
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Considering that I rarely ever (if ever) fall out of a ship, and that I both multi ship and rarepair ship (on top of sometimes liking the obvious main ship) there's a trove of ships in my pocket (it would need its own post probably)
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Nah. Canon is canon, shipping is shipping. I sometimes wish they had but it never goes beyond.
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Uh not really? Maybe Pan Zi/Wu Sanxing, but mainly because the whole thing is nothing but pain and lies and broken promises on Pan Zi so...
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would've been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
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What is your favorite crack ship?
I don't do crack pairs lmao. Now ask me about my rarepairs and we'll be there forever.
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
Overall, either reaper76 or Steve/Bucky - mainly based on the size of these fandoms - more recently it's probably heihua
What do most of your ships usually have in common?
Complex relationships? No easy top/bottom, no simple who leads and who follows. I like them to be difficult but entangled in each other in a way that feels organic and layered and not just smashing random things together
What you absolutely hate in a ship?
If I can't make sense of it. I can make sense of a lot of ships, and I live and have lived in rarepair hell for years, so not being able to make heads or tails of how two characters would fit together means I can't ship them (and that there'll be no point telling me about them)
tagging @shaish, @tiesanjiaoshenanigans, @kelly42fox, @thatlittlemouse @mejomonster aaaaaaaaaand whoever else wants in
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andromedadramada · 1 year
Alchemy of Souls p2 thoughts so far
- How did Yul not recognize Naksu? If there's anyone who should do so, it's him! He knew her from when they were younger and he's seen her dead body. Doesn't make sense for him to not recognize her tbh. Driving me crazy xD
- Buyeon better not be dead. That would be so lame to hint she has a large part in this only to kill her off. (I still don't understand how she didn't fight Naksu's rampage either but ok).
- How is Jin Mu still in power? What?
- the Prince, I don't understand him still trusting Jin Mu to any degree.
- The Jin clan.....I kind of hate when writers decide to write a matriarchal clan but then still fall into patriarchal norms because they're just not able to break away from that way of thinking. Look to history or tribes that still exist or use your imagination ffs. Don't just put women in charge who still act like dudes, it's dumb.
- Mama Jin is like so??? I don't understand how they're even powerful at all because their leader is like as smart as a bag of rocks? Season 1 she literally didn't do anything other than glare at her daughter and then lowkey got manipulated near the end. Oh and tried to kill servant Mudeok... Who looks just like her daughter and opened a door only their clan can. And then this season she literally only has power over her children and is supposed to keep Buyeon a secret but then lets it loose the minute she disappears lolol ok. Take away the artifacts for real! She's so dumb.
-ok there was like a mermaid spirit that was able to jump bodies without killing them??
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an-honest-puck · 1 year
a collection of highlights and viewing notes from 'The Wizard of Paddington Station' because I don't have the time to liveblog while watching but I do have thoughts
(also: holy heck this got long XD)
I'm sorry to start this way but: the protagonist having a dead mother? yeah, that's a D1sney movie alright
in a more positive reflection of this movie: mate this was WHOLESOME AF OMG
so many good Hen quotes!!!!!! the man's a genius!!!!!
"Power! End of song." - Hen
"I do love an exaggerated scroll" - Hen
"And yet! A doubt circles me. Represented by this hoop. *holds up the headband/circlet from props* I reach through the hoop and pull out the doubt. Do you see what the doubt is?" - Hen, lowkey turning everything into a magic show XD
so many hat bits pfffff lololol
Bry's little "Oh! My hat!" when her hat gets taken away!!! D:
Hen: You are demoted to a hatless position.
Bry: I will walk a hatless existence 😔
give her character back her hat she's so sadddd DX
Bry: Could I have a hat with a pom pom on it, sire?
Hen *trying to pause dramatically but really checking the props hat rack*: ... Yes, we have one of those.
I don't think I've heard of a spell that terrifies me more than the tax-based spells from this movie /jk
any time Hen just declares "End of song" is gold lmaooo
Nancy and Josh as bins XD
"Hello, love! How are ya, darling?" - Nancy, as a bin lolol
Petunia (Ellie): What would I do without you two [bins]?
Bin #2 (Josh): Probably litter.
^ award for best unnoticed line goes to (which wasn't even the award of the night lmao)
I did not realise how much this highlights reel was just quotes but boy howdy there are just so many good ones XD
"You've only gone and put the hat in a portal, you mug" - Nancy, rather affectionately lol
the tickets!!!! don't put them in the bin!!!!! D:
Bry: I could delay people's taxes with this hat!
Hen: Certainly. You can cause massive inconvenience in a whole new other branch of public service.
Josh miming all the instruments in that one musical number lololol
Nancy: I missed the birth of my child child child
Nancy: I missed my child's 7th birthday birthday birthday
Josh: I missed my birth birth birth
hello can someone please tell me why 'Half Wizard' is one of the most audibly pleasing songs I've ever listened to?????????
Josh Elliot strikes again with his lovely baritone (?) good lord-
also, who does that "wi-i-i-zard!" line?! because it's either Bry or Niall and I know who I want it to be I like to think Niall's got the range lol
not Bry and Niall giving their ticket characters the most heartwrenching/heartwarming character backstories and arcs!!!!! 😭
Nancy: O- *no one else is singing*
Hen: *deliberately making everyone pause*
everyone: *trying not to break too badly*
everyone: ... ONEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
Bryony: to the moon!
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such-a-fellow · 1 year
9 People You Want to Get To Know Better
Thanks so much for the tag @freshprinceofverone :D!!
Three Ships: I’m not really reading/watching anything besides shakespeare stuff that’s giving me shippy brainworms right now, but tragic danish boyfriends, bencutio, and turin/beleg are obviously some eternal favorites XD
First Ever Ship: Trying to think…I wasn’t a big ship person when I first got into online fandom, and I’d read pretty much any ship as long as it didn’t actively annoy me (still will); this was way back in middle school…probably gelphie?? I didn’t think I liked them together romantically at the time, but I their relationship was 500% of Wicked’s appeal for me anyway, so despite my denial I was obsessed and i remember reading a LOT of fic lolol
Last Song: according to my phone the song I last had on was ‘God, That’s Good!’ from Sweeney Todd and according to Spotify the last song I listened to on there was ‘I was so sure’ by Former Vandal
Last Movie: Either Social Suicide or Scream 4, can’t remember
Currently Reading: A Wizard of Earthsea, The Count of Monte Cristo, and about to start D'Vaughn and Kris Plan a Wedding
Currently Watching: The Scream TV series, Adventure Time, theoretically The Untamed
Currently Consuming: just had a poptart
Currently Craving: bagel
Tagging: @bluestockingbaby @wavesoakedmaiden @stragglewort @ladyofthefandom @verbicidalurges @muffinworry @lockedtombevangelist @oliszka @the-mad-prince-of-denmark and anyone else in the mood!
if you dont even follow me and i tagged you i probably see you on my dash and just forgot so pls do not kill me
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