#ESPECIALLY in the L*wis/M*x debate
thepavementsings · 3 years
Do some people actually enjoy sports or just enjoy your fave being the most important and you being right and vindicated? Quickly now
#like a literal race an actual sporting event happened yesterday and you would barely know lol#given it was a pretty boring race but#I swear people would rather the drivers follow each other around in circles in an order that fits their faves narrative the whole time#instead of actually... you know... race?#also#the most irritating thing for Me PERSONALLY about F1 is that people seem#INCAPABLE of supporting/enjoying their favs without hating/shitting on not only other drivers but also their fans?#which is why it gets soooo nasty and toxic in comparison to say the NBA in my experience#ESPECIALLY in the L*wis/M*x debate#not to say everyone needs to hold hands and sing kumbaya and uwu over each others poor little meow meows or whatever#but you can... watch/support/defend your fav without insulting the intelligence/existence of other people's different support#especially when ripping on others' opinions when coming from your own very obvious biases like#I know I wear Pierre stan glasses instead of pretending only other people do that and i'm the only one with a brain#this applies to not M*x/L*wis too obvi lol#NBA fans are at least like capable of having fun/creating rivalries/etc while still appreciating talent and sport like#it's fuck the Celtics (sorry Celts mutuals lol but the Jays can fucking ball)#all the homies hate the Lakers but Lebron can still be the GOAT whilst I hope they lose every game lol#and trust me I know everywhere can get ugly im on Raptors twitter lol but god DAMN#I'll delete this later but#for now
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sleepychai · 7 years
Virgil x Shy Witch!Reader
Requested: Yes
Request: @companionjones Alright so this is going to sound really weird but Virgil x F!Reader where she’s a witch that comes into Thomas’s mind and meets Virgil in his room? She’s really soft spoken.
Words: 2689
You rushed around the corner, barely managing to keep your balance as the sound of heavy feet draws near. You huffed out in exhaustion but continued to push yourself as his voice boomed throughout the hallways, and his thundering steps nearing closer. You raced past a corner and darted into the nearest room before closing the door shut. You slapped a hand over your mouth to quieten the sound of your erratic breathing.
You listened to the footsteps as they pound past the door followed by more angry shouts. You backed away slowly from the door and started pacing the dimly lit room.
“What the hell did I just get myself into?” You whispered harshly to yourself. “Where am I and what on earth is this place? Why is Prince here? Does he live here? What kind of magic did I use?” You finished by staring at your pale green skin before you continued your pacing with fingers massaging your temples.
“Holy shit what kind of mess did I get into?”
“Whatever it is it’s spiking up your anxiety.” A cold voice intervened your personal rant from behind you.
You gasped and whipped your head around to find a dark clothed figure with dark eye shadow and vibrant purple hair. It looked like a darker, a MUCH darker version of Roman.
You instantly backed yourself up to the nearest corner. If you could merge yourself into the walls, you would. Your heartbeat and breathing had increased with every second that passed, your body began to shake with fear and questions zoomed around your mind wondering if the figure would kill you.
The figure took a step closer to you which only caused you to push yourself against the wall even more. Seeing this, the figure stopped his movements and raised his hands in a gentle and calm manner, almost as if worried you might freak out. You looked into his eyes and see the nervous glint in his eyes and something else. Concerned maybe?
You surveyed his figure, eyeing him with fear, waiting for him to make a move. A tear escaped your eyes without realisation, not going unnoticed by the dark boy.
“I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.” He said gently.
Somehow, this brought you comfort and safety, but you have no idea why. You visibly started to relax, your shaking muscles calming down from its panicked state. You brought your hands up to your chest and held them close to you, gripping your hand as to help you calm down.
The boy noticed your calming state and slowly lowered his hands, eyes watching you carefully. You stared at each other, waiting for one to make a move. Eventually you managed to calm down enough to slow your heartrate down slightly.
With a weary voice, the boy spoke up. “Are you ok?”
You only nodded in return, eyes averting away from the boy and gazing at the floor, letting your hat hide your eyes from the boy.
“Is it ok with me asking who you are?” The boy sounded slightly panicked himself, voice quavered a little.
With a quiet and almost inaudible voice, you answer. “M-My name is…(Y/n). (Y-Y/n) (L/n). I am a w-witch…from the kingdom of fan-tasies.” If it wasn’t for the deadly silent room, the boy wouldn’t have heard you.
“You mean you came from Roman’s Imagination?” The boy didn’t sound that frightened, he sounded rather surprised than anything.
You nodded. “P-Prince Roman, he-he has been….cha-chasing me for a-a while.”
Silence overcame the two of you, nothing being heard for several seconds, until his voice spoke up.
“My name is Anxiety.” You looked up at the boy, staring at him. “But you can call me Virgil.”
Virgil had no idea what he was doing. Everything he did was on instincts that he didn’t even knew he had. Instincts he never thought he had. This girl comes barging into his room, almost causing him to have an attack, and suddenly he’s trying to calm her down? What’s so special about her? If it had been anyone else, he probably would’ve pushed them out of the room. Something about her made his heart jump slightly with a new feeling. Something Virgil had never experienced but whatever the feeling was, he seemed to take a strange liking to it.
“Is it ok if I come closer to you?” Virgil just allowed his instincts take over.
You stared at him for a few seconds before silently nodding your head, watching him intently.
Virgil slowly and cautiously took small step towards you as to not to frighten you too much. Really, what had gotten over him? Once he was an arm’s length away, he slowly raised his hands up to yours, only stopping once seeing you flinch. His arms froze in place mid-air between the two of you. You gulped down your nerves and slowly moved your hands away from your chest and towards Virgil’s open ones.
You shakily placed your hands in his, letting the sudden comfort of safety wash over you. Virgil gently grips your hand and rubs his thumbs on the back of your hands.
Your eyes widen and you gasped as a tingling sensation rippled throughout your body. You stared at your hands as they changed from their pale green skin to (s/c) skin. You followed the change as it completely covered you from head to toe. You smiled lightly at the change.
Virgil however, stood there frozen in shock. Unable to process what had just happened. He debated whether to take his hands away from you, afraid that he had done something that you had not wanted but after seeing your reaction, decided against it. So he asked.
“What the hell just happened?”
It took a few seconds for you to come out of your daze to answer him. “M-My skin changed to its na-natural form.”
“Natural form?”
“Yes. Since I am fr-from Prince Roman’s Kingdom, when-whenever he would near me, my skin would ch-change its colour to g-green, th-the stereotypical colour of witches. However, when y-y-you touched me, my…my skin changed, even though P-Prince Roman is still clearly wi-within range.”
Virgil stared as your (s/c) skin with glazed eyes. Again, he had no idea what came over him. A few seconds passed of silent awe over your skin.
“So,” Virgil drawed your attention and you stared into his eyes, making Virgil internally flutter. How did she have so much effect on him?! “Do you have any idea how you ended up here?”
You looked down in deep thought, recalling the events before you appeared here. “I…I remember I was pr-practicing a new spe-spell. B-But the moment I fl-flicked my hand, I was bl-blinded by light. Wh-when my vision re-returned, I ended up h-here. I-I don’t even know wh-where here is.” You looked up at him in question.
“You’re in the mindspace.” Virgil answered, but continued once he saw your confused expression. “You’re in the mind of Thomas Sanders, where his personalities live.”
Your eyes widened in shock. “Oh-Oh my god, I’m-I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to-!”
“It’s fine.” Virgil had cut you off before another panic attack had a chance to seep into your mind. “Like you said, you were practicing a spell. I don’t think anyone else would’ve mind. Well, except of course Roman.”
“Th-There are other?!”
“In total there’s four. Patton is Morality, he a literal definition of sunshine. Logan is Logic, he’s the logical side of the mind. Roman is Prince, he’s the fantasy side of the mind. An idiot if you ask me. And I’m Anxiety, the personification of worry-wart.”
You stared at Virgil through his explanation. Your panic didn’t settle as you thought about what the others might be like. Would they all be like Roman? Would they want her vanquished and out of here? Or would they be like Virgil? Would they accept you? Thoughts of acceptation were close to disappearing, but Virgil spoke up.
“Don’t worry, we’re not all stupid like Roman. We won’t hate you. Sure it might take Roman a while but we’ll work on that.”
What the hell was Virgil saying?! He would normally vomit and gag in disgust before he even thought about doing anything like this! What made you different from anything else?! Virgil was at a mental loss.
A few seconds passed of just the two of you staring at each other, something glazed in both of your eyes, you knew what it was but you refused to accept it, especially considering how you just met.  Virgil’s hands involuntarily tightened around yours, not aggressively but more comfortingly. It washed you with a feeling of safety and awe. Cliché it may be, but it felt like love at first sight, even though both of you refused to accept it.
The silence was abruptly cut as the door had burst opened, so much that it fell off its hinges. Both you and Virgil flinched in fear. There stood an angered Roman with his sword ready.
“YOU!” Roman pointed and shouted towards you, raising his sword and slashing it down seconds later. You only just managed to escape the blade as you vaulted to the other side of the room and slipped down onto the floor, cowering behind the bed. Another yell is heard before a loud thud and crash.
Cautiously, you peek over to the door and catch sight of Roman groaning and struggling to stand up from a broken bookshelf. Virgil stood over him, anger seethed out and around him. He glared down at Roman with fierce eyes and Roman glared at him with shock and anger.
“What on earth are you doing Virgil?!” Roman shouted. He stood up face to face with Virgil, both of them eyeing each other and neither one of them willing to back down.
Then two other people entered the room, both similar in looks. Both had glasses but one had a cardigan tied loosely around his neck and a blue shirt. The other had a black shirt on with a blue tie.
“What is going on here?!” The cardigan man asked in a fatherly tone.
“It seems to be some sort of conflict between the two.” The other explained.
Roman then pointed his finger at you, which caused you to shrink back a bit behind the bed. “Virgil is keeping that wicked witch in his room! She must be vanquished!”
“No she doesn’t she’s afraid and hurt and you’re not making it better!” Virgil argued back.
The other two men, which you concluded to be Logan and Patton, still not sure who’s who, stared at your shivering figure. You whimpered in fear and let the tears brim your eyes, having no energy to stop them from falling.
“She doesn’t belong here! She is a creature of havoc! She deserves to be thrown out on the streets!” Romans words hurt you more than it should’ve. Sure you don’t belong here, but it wasn’t your fault. Besides, you weren’t even apart of the villainous acts that happened throughout the kingdom.
“Roman, maybe you shouldn’t be so harsh on her. How do you know she’s a witch?” The cardigan man questions, slowly approaching Roman.
“Look at her Patton! Her skin is green!” Roman turned to look at you and his face contorted to confusion and horror. “Her…Her skin…It’s (s/c).”
“That’s because in your head you think she’s green when it’s not and because of that her skin turns green whenever your around. And because of me her skin has finally returned to it’s natural colour. Hopefully for good!” Virgil shouts getting closer to Roman in an irritated way.
“She is a witch and she has no right to deserve to live in Thomas’ mind. What if she corrupts him!” Roman argued.
“That would be impossible. She would, however, become an imaginary person for Thomas and act as we do in the mind. But due to her being from Romans dream land, would not have any affect at all on Thomas’ personalities. That is, if we accept her.” Logan explained.
“Well I refuse to accept her! She is a vile creature!” Roman shouted.
“That’s because you’re too stupid to realise that she doesn’t mean any fucking harm!” Virgil screamed.
“That’s enough!” Patton yelled in his fatherly tone, dispersing the fight in seconds. He glared between the two, placing himself between them. “I need an explanation to what is going on here. And no shouting!”
Virgil and Roman glared between themselves and Patton, but they only glared at Patton for a split second before they got shut down by Patton’s own glare.
“This witch here,” Roman begun by pointing to you. “Has infiltrated Thomas’ mind and is bound to cause havoc and wreck upon it.”
“That is not true. You haven’t heard her real story. You haven’t bothered to hear her out.” Virgil begun but stopped after a look from Patton.
Patton then turned his gaze to you. “How about we hear it from you. What happened? How did you come here?” His voice was calm and soothing.
You opened your mouth but only small squeaks and whimpers came out. You placed your hands over your face and brought your knees up to your chest, gasping shallowly for breath. Virgil noticed your silent attack instantly and walked over to you, sitting down and hesitantly wrapped his arms around you. You leaned onto him and enjoyed the strange comfort of his arms.
“She was practicing a spell and somehow teleported here.” Virgil briefly explained.
“How do you know that?!” Roman questioned before being silenced by Patton.
“Unlike you, I actually took the time to listen to her side.” Virgil said.
“Well she doesn’t appear to be a threat.” Logan stated.
“That’s what she wants you to think.” Roman argued but got quickly shut down.
“Well she seems shy and scared so why not give her a chance?” Patton questioned.
“But she is an evil creature.”
“From my perspective she seems harmless.” Logan stated.
“That’s because you haven’t seen her true power!”
“Well I say we give her a chance. Besides, she will hardly have any magic any way whilst in the mind space.”
“I agree. I’m sure Thomas will be fine with it as well.” Patton agreed to Logan then turned to you and Virgil, giving you both a smile, even though your form is still silent and shivering.
“Well I refuse to accept her!” Roman shouted.
“Actually Roman, it’s three personalities against one. And I’m sure as hell that we’re stronger than you so we are giving her a chance whether you like it or not.” Virgil growled, still holding your figure. You peeked your head up and stared into Virgil’s eyes, only finding comfort and protectiveness.
Stares exchange between the sides, minds seemingly having a battle between them. Patton then gasped and clenched his fist.
“Ok, Roman get out of the room. Leave them be and if I even see you flinch at her I will ground you.” He threatened as he begun to usher them out. “I need to go to Thomas and calm him down. Roman you can join me since it’s initially your fault.”
Roman huffed and begun to complain but was silenced by Patton hard glare. He groaned and followed him out along with Logan, who touched the door and instantly it had fixed itself.
Virgil shuffled and side hugge you, cradling you side to side. You leaned your head on his chest and clung onto his shirt, enjoying the comfort that it brought. Virgil smiled at you and propped his chin on your forehead. He slowly took off your hat and begun to stroke your hair. You sighed in content and leanned your whole body on him. Soon enough, Virgil had you in cradled in his lap. He didn’t mind though, for some reason.
Soon enough you feel asleep, listening to the rhythmic sound of his heart beating against his chest.
I’m so sorry if this was bad. I’m still a bit confused on how to do sides x readers but I hope this was okay. I’m sorry if it’s not what you wanted.
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