sanfangzhu · 14 days
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📑The games appearing inside (in clockwise order)📑
▸the kid at the back ▸Mushroom Oasis ▸文字化化 ▸14 Days With You ▸A DOUBLE SIDED MIRROR ▸Our Life Beginnings & Always ▸Where Winter Crows Go ▸Duality ▸Error143 ▸A Date with Death ▸MonsterxMediator
Thank you very much for the existence of these games; they have healed my soul (´-ωก`)
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thebatbites · 7 months
i love being in smaller/dead fandoms like. a total of five people will see my posts and thats totally alright. because we are a teeny tiny community filled with peoples passion for things filling the void of millions
we are a TINY and POWERFUL army
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shushuush · 2 months
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My tumblr sexy man wall
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not-eli · 6 months
it's always "ily" and never Ilaytwilatcgatm 😞
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gelipechaneque · 3 months
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I couldn't sleep so I made a tierlist of characters from visual novels :)
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videlia · 5 months
☾⊹₊ ⋆ Micah when you're on your period ☾⊹₊ ⋆
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Just wanted to write some head canons for when you're on your period about our lovable cah-cah, since I actually finished playing error143 yesterday and phew! It has become one of my many obsessions♡
Micah is the absolute sweetest when you're on your period! Not to say he's not sweet to you 24/7.
But he's probably more caring than he usually is.
And he's a dork.
He knows how cranky you get when you're on your period so he's definitely on the lookout!
Oooouu especially when you get cramps, this man will not let you do anything around the house.
Like anything at all!
C'mon now, this man is the Micah Yujin, and you're his angel, of course he wouldn't let you lift a damn muscle!
Anything you need? He's dashing straight into your bedroom, ready to heed your request.
Water? Got it. You're cold and freezing? He'll gently tuck you in a shit ton of blankets while embracing you into his arms.
Did I mention that he uses this opportunity to cuddle you all the time?
A jelly donut from the new donut shop that just opened recently? No need to speak another word, it's already being delivered as you speak!
Work to do? He's already sent an email to your boss, giving them a dumb but believable excuse.
Basically, he's perfect.
Yet he tries so hard to resist bringing you food that would worsen your cramps! But he won't back down even when you look at him with that cute puppy-eyed look!
He immediately notices when your cramps intensify, noting the way you're clutching your tummy a little too tightly and the way you're squirming in bed.
He's one hell of a perspective boyfriend after all.
But not to worry! He's already prepared a heating bag, placing it on your abdomen, also including some painkillers by the nightstand to soothe your ache.
Though your period does have a toll on your attitude, Micah definitely doesn't mind at all, even when you scare him with that small death glare of yours when he's a being a snarky jerk.
But he just wants to make you smile when you're hurting this much.
Micah is sooooooooo patient with you, it's damn adorable to you too!
This manchild just loves you too much to not shower you with love, even when you're on your period.
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covehearted · 8 months
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That's it. That's the game.
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jennyvipham · 8 months
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WHY IS BRO HIDING ALL OF THAT OMG,,,like take it awf rn fr
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ninilittlewiz · 9 months
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continentalblue · 11 months
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dating micah yujin hc!
🟩 He really has no sense of boundaries. What's yours is his. What's his is yours. It does get a little tiresome looking for your socks only to realize that he's wearing them.
🟩 He sings you to sleep every night. Each day he carefully workshops verses until he's certain that you'd like them 💚 As you fall asleep, he gently strokes your cheek as he softly sings you all the things he likes about you.
🟩 Sometimes when you're gone he hugs one of your plushies and pretends that they're you.
🟩 He often challenges you to beat him at random hacking challenges. Every time you lose, he kisses you as his 'prize.' Every time he loses, you kiss him as your 'prize'. It's a good system.
🟩 He often uses Skrunkly as an excuse to talk to you, aka, "Skrunkly sat on your lap so I will too, angel!"
🟩 He loooooooooves it when you wear his clothes. Even if his clothes are too small for you, he deliberately buys larger clothing items just so that you can wear them.
🟩 He totally gets you rings that match his, especially if they're those matching heart rings.
🟩 His favorite thing ever is to lie in bed, cuddling you, and talking about anything and everything. Not only are you so wonderfully warm in his arms, he also loves hearing what you have to say. Your voice makes him feel warm inside.
🟩 He loves it when you do his hair, or even when you just play with it. It makes him feel all tingly.
🟩 He literally never calls you by your actual name, it's always the most ridiculous nicknames ever like "sugar plum pumpkin". He only ever says your name when he's being completely serious.
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guachenim · 11 months
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six fanarts but it's only pretty boys 🫰✨
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pandachu772 · 3 months
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My sweet dream.
Aloners (Redux):Trash
Our Life: Beginnings & Always:Cove Holden
ERROR143:Micah Yujin
meme reference source:URL
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The Distance Between Us
Pairing: Micah Yujin x gn!Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Ooo it just makes sense to me that my first repost on this account is Micah Yujin
You shut the door quietly tiptoeing inside your room. It felt odd to be doing that inside your own room, but you didn’t want to wake up the snoring mass on your bed. It had been about two hours since you woke up, but he was here, still sleeping like a rock. It was almost cute. You set down the large plushie in your arms and took out your phone. A line of drool spilled out of his open mouth and his arm was thrown over the side of the bed. The sight itself would make a perfect screensaver. So you took a picture, immediately setting it to rest on your screen.
“Micah,” You whispered. “Micah, wake up.”
He let out a groan. “Five more minutes.”
You poked his cheek. “Micah~. C’mon get your lazy ass up.”
“No! I don’t wanna go to school!” He rolled over, batting your hand away.”
“Ok, fine. Have it your way.” You took in a deep breath then shouted as loudly as you could. “HOLY SHIT! MICAH, YOU’RE GONNA MISS THE BUS!!”
Micah got tangled in all the blankets, panicking to get up. He fell off the bed then sat up, looking around. Instead of finding a parent yelling at him, he found you covering your mouth, trying not to laugh. Micah slowly stood and blinked the sleep out of his eyes.
“Still dreaming about school?” You giggled.
“Shut up.” He rubbed his head. “What time is it?”
You walked over to him, fixing his bed head. “Almost 2. You slept in for pretty long.”
“We did stay up until three am,” He yawned, stretching out his muscles Then his eyes widened. “Fuck.”
“My flight. It leaves in like two hours.”
You knew he would be leaving at some point. You just didn’t think it was going to be right after he came to visit. You backed away from him. It was so sudden that he came, You were too caught up in the happiness of not only having your dream first date, but having him that you didn't even think about how long he would be staying.
Micah shrugged. “Well, it’s too late now. Guess I have to leave at the end of the week.”
“But I live close to the airport so-“
Micah pulled on your arm and dragged you down onto your mattress. You let out a small laugh and he buried his face in your neck. His hold was tight. You held him back just as tightly. It was sort of endearing, the way he wanted to stay here with you. 
“Can you really stay until the end of the week?”
“Wouldn’t you like that, angel?” He whispered in your neck.
“What happens if I say yes?”
“Then I’ll be one happy man.”
“But you can’t stay?”
He leaned back slightly and looked up at you. “If you want me to.”
“I-“ You paused, looking away. “I want to say yes. But what will you do about work? Or the fact that you came here with almost nothing?”
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right.” He sat up, laughing slightly. He then spotted the new addition of plushies on your bed. “What's this?”
“Oh!” You picked it up and handed it to him. “For you!”
He took it. “For me?”
“Yeah! You gave me one to keep me company so…I did the same.”
Micah inspected it, squishing it gently. “What animal even is it? A cat? Fox? Dog?”
The airport was busy. It took a while to be able to even find a parking spot. Now you waited for Micah as he bought some snacks and a drink. He came out, struggling to carry the stuff he bought and the plushie. You took the plushie. 
“Thank you, angel.”
“Got everything?”
“Think so..” He looked around then his eyes met yours as he grinned. “Just need you.”
You groaned. “Alright, come on Mr. Suave, let’s go check to see which gate you’re at.”
“You think I’m suave?”
“Only sometimes.”
He laughed. Your heart ached. That fucking laugh was a gift to hear in real life, not through a screen. And that would be gone soon. You two made your way to the large screen showing all flights. You wished that all of yesterday never ended. Watching movies, playing card games, making jokes, and just being in each other's presence felt like it was a lifetime away. 
If life could be like a fairytale, that would be amazing. Living in the bubble of happiness that he gave you would have been amazing. Yet, as much as you hated it, life gave you other plans. When he wasn’t being a menace or making you blush, he looked peaceful. As if he was constantly thinking about something that made him happy.  You watched as Micah pouted, sitting on his suitcase as he crossed his arms and stared up and searched for his flight number. You held his plushie in your arms, squeezing it tightly. 
He squinted. “Can I just stay?”
“No,” You rolled your eyes. “We both have work. And someone decided flying down here without a plan was a good idea.”
“It was,” Micah mumbled, pursing his lips and looking away. “You seemed to enjoy it anyway.”
You walked over to him and poked his shoulder. He looked up at you. Normally (as normal as knowing him for a week is), you would be annoyed by that stupidly cute pout on his face. All you wanted to do was make him smile. Leave off on a good note instead of sad. 
“We can talk once you’re back.”
“But it’s not the same.” 
“Then visit again.”
His face lit up. You help up a finger, your face twisting in a scowl.
“But we need a plan! Like what we’re gonna do about work, how long you’re actually gonna stay…you know. Responsible stuff.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Are you calling me irresponsible?”
“You could’ve kicked me out. Accepting a stranger into your home through your window isn’t very responsible either.”
You placed a hand on your heart. “You’re right! I promise I’ll do better, Micah Yujin.”
He pat your head. “That’s better.”
You two giggled and he stood, gulping down the rest of his energy drink. You scrunched your nose. You had no idea how he constantly threw those back, much less before a flight. If it were you, you would just pop some dramamine and hope you stayed passed out the whole flight. The two of you started to walk in silence towards the security check. His shoulders bumped into you and you squeezed the plushie as hard as you could, biting your lip.
“Well,” He turned towards you. “This is were we part.”
“It is.”
“I feel like we’re in a romance movie,” He chuckled. “But seriously, I’m glad I came down here.”
You held out the plushie towards him. “Me too. I’ll talk to you later, Yujin. Don’t miss me too much.”
“Thank you, angel. At least someone wants to go home with me,” He put on a falsetto voice and poked at the plushie. “Isn’t that right, Skrunkly Jr.?”
“Is that the name you’re going with?”
He shrugged. “Seemed fitting.”
You laughed. “Alright. Get going or you’re gonna be late.”
“Bye.” You waved and then started to walk away. It hurt more than you thought it would. 
“Wait! I forgot something!”
You turned around on your foot, an exasperated sigh leaving your lips. “Really, Micah? I told you to make sure you have everything before we-”
“Shut up, I’m gonna kiss you now!”
Micah’s arm wrapped around your waist and he dipped you down. Your breath caught in your throat as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders to keep from falling. His lips were chapped and tasted like the Cherry Blade Lemonade Bang he bought earlier. It was mostly sweet with a slight sourness to it. A jolt of electricity went down your spine as you felt your face flush. Micah pulled away, not meeting your eyes.
He turned and hightailed the fuck out. You watched with wide eyes as Skrunkly Jr. fell off the top of his suitcase. He picked it up and hugged it close to him. A trail of muttered “shit, shit, shit” was all that was left. You placed two of your fingers to your lips and then covered your face with your hands. Did he just dip and kiss you in public? You turned around, trying not to smile too widely as you left the airport. When you made it back in your car, you took out your phone. 
Micah💩: fhdsjalfhdjsla
Micah💩: vcxbzjvksbj oh my god
Micah💩: I cant believe i did that
You: neither can i
Micah💩: forgive me
You: 🤨are you saying you didnt like kissing me
Micah💩: i liked it very much
You: then there’s nothing to apologize for
Micah💩: did you like it?
You: i did. 
You: i also liked the taste of that bang
You: i’ll be energized for hours ;)
Micah💩: gfhjslghfjlsdghjfld
Micah💩: I need to board
Micah💩: i’ll miss you
Micah💩: and i’ll be recovering from this the whole time
Micah💩: talk to you later
You: Be safe. Let me know when you land.
You set your phone down. After a deep breath, you screamed and hit your hands against the steering wheel. What was that man thinking? Yes, you enjoyed it. Yes, it was a great first kiss and not awkward at all. But god fucking damn it, it made you want more. It made you miss him. A part of you wanted to stop the plane, drag him off it, and take him home. Your heart was happy but it sank a little at the thought of the growing distance between the two of you. 
“God,” You grumbled to yourself. “I’m gonna miss that idiot so much.”
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el-dritchknight · 2 years
summary of the game
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delusionaldebutante · 10 months
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rainywunderland · 2 years
Love interests that call you Angel>>>>>
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