#Dyus of Mytheria
babyblueetbaemonster · 3 months
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O great librarian please bestow your wisdom upon me.
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sanderrabbit · 1 year
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get in the robot, dyus
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elavoria · 1 year
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Dyus of Mytheria, a study in blue.
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TES "GILF" Poll Round 1
We've had Sexymen, we may be getting sexywomen soon, so how about crowning the Elder Scrolls' No. 1 GILF?
Many thanks to @elavoria for providing me with a large variety of Morrowind and Oblivion elderly to choose from. All characters are chosen at their oldest age.
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"The Aedra made them too small."
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baurus, syl (from the shivering isles), and maybe even dyus and jyggalag...?
Man, my Shivering Isles friends are out today! You've got it.
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schizemseth · 2 years
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So, here's more of my crazy ideas about TES. Why is that look like a role swap? A long time ago (5-6 years ago, when I first played Oblivion) ​​I had a question in my head: “Can Dyus become a mad? And if such a thing is destined, what would the librarian have to do?” Follow this prophecy or not, but then it turns out that the servant of Jyggalag himself breaks the prediction? :D Complete nonsense, of course, and I think, Dyus's knowledge does not allow him to go crazy, but at that time my imagination was unstoppable. I just now thought about the plot and decided to draw designs for my AU. It's all post-canon, and Haskill will have to look at being through the eyes of a servant of the Order for a while (how this will happen, I won't say yet >:D). Так, вот вам еще порция моего бреда по Свиткам. Почему это выглядит как обмен ролями? У меня еще давно (лет 5-6 назад, когда я впервые играла в Обливион) в голове возник вопрос: «А может ли Диус сойти с ума? А если подобное будет предначертано, что тогда библиотекарю придется делать?” Следовать этому пророчеству или же нет, но тогда, получается, слуга Джиггалага сам же и ломает предсказание? :D Дичь полнейшая, конечно, да и, думаю, Диусу сами его знания не дают поехать крышей, но в то время моя фантазия понеслась в далекие дали. Я только сейчас более-менее продумала сюжет и решилась нарисовать дизайны для своей АУ-шки. Это все постканон, к тому же Хаскиллу придется некоторое время смотреть на бытие глазами слуги Порядка (как это произойдет, я пока не скажу >:D).
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ishisasso · 2 years
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moodcrab · 9 months
Sheogorath IS Lorkhan!!!
My take on the creation of Mundus goes like this. Lorkhan god of space wishes to create the physical realm Mundus.
Why? Because his fellow Et'Ada may all be powerful gods but with nothing to do they would remain big balls of untapped potential for eternity. In other words, what use is space to grow with no limitations from which to break through? Or bounce off of? You can't build muscle without resistance. You'll never fulfill your potential if there's no motivation to do so. Take Arkay, a god like any other but with no mortals to live and die, no souls to psychopomp, what is he for?
So Lorkhan decides to create Mundus by playing a trick on some of his fellow Et'Ada, while recruiting others to help him play the trick. Those he tricked would one day become the Aedra, Magna Ge and the Earth Bones. Those he recruited, as well as those who refused to take part one way or the other, would become the Daedra.
But part of Lorkhan's plan was its failure. He intended to get caught last minute, and at the moment of Convention Magnus and his followers fled Mundus creating the sun and stars, while the Trinimac and the Aedra ripped Lorkhan apart, his broken body created the moons, his heart was launched into the sea where it would create Red Mountain and eventually the Numidium, and his soul was shattered throughout time and space to wander Nirn as the Shezzarine. This is when the Deadra who didn't follow Lorkhan saw their opportunity, and attacked. Jyggalag, the mind of Lorkhan that sought to bring order to this crazy universe, was driven mad and cursed to live as Sheogorath.
In short, Mankar Camoran was right. So where's my proof?
Let's start with linguistics. The Bretons are man-mer, one foot in both sides of the Ehlnofey schism. They have the merish view of Lorkhan as this devilish trickster god, but they call him Sheor, like his manish name Shor.
Shor - Sheor - Sheogorath
Lorkhan is also known as Shezarr, the missing god of the Cyrodiilic pantheon. That Lorkhan shaped hole keeps getting filled with gods of war/ spirits of the endeavours of man. One such god was Ebonarm, sworn enemy of all Daedra, with the notable exception of Sheogorath. Why is that? Perhaps Ebonarm sought vengeance for Lorkhan's betrayal, which Sheogorath is not only innocent but one of the victims?
How about that guy you meet in The Shivering Isles, Dyus of Mytheria? He is the one thing of Jyggalag's world that Sheogorath refuses to destroy after returning from the Greymarch; his librarian. The keeper of the knowledge of CREATION ITSELF! Not only is Sheogorath unable to bring himself to destroy Dyus, he keeps him immortal and imprisoned in the library.
"As the Great Library, it once contained all the knowledge in creation. However, spare me your grief. My imprisonment is as meaningless as my immortality. Time and place are nothing. Constructs of a feeble mortal mind attempting to categorize and understand the world around it. If you were one of the fortunate few, you would one day understand and accept this. However, you are not and you will not."
"Contained within its walls were the logical prediction of every action ever taken by any creature, mortal or Daedric. Every birth. Every death. The rise of Tiber Septim. The Numidium. Everything. All predicted with the formulae found within Jyggalag's library."
It's interesting he uses both Tiber Septim (Talos) and Numidium as examples as both are examples of those Lorkhan shaped gods filling the Shezarr hole, and both use the heart of Lorkhan/Mantella to achieve divine power. So Jyggalag/Sheogorath hold the knowledge of creation, which they would know because they are manifestations of the mind of the creator Lorkhan.
Mankar Camoran believed that Mundus was a realm of Oblivion as Lorkhan was a Daedric Prince (Jyggalag??), so Dagon has every right to inherit it. This can easily be written off as an excuse to dominate the mortal plain, but if my theory is right then this belief is a legitimate way of interpreting it. If Mehrunes Dagon was one of Lorkhan's loyal recruits he might want to conquer what he sees as his inheritance.
"How little you understand! You cannot stop Lord Dagon. The Principalities have sparkled as gems in the black reaches of Oblivion since the First Morning. Many are their names and the names of their masters: the Coldharbour of Meridia, Peryite's Quagmire, the ten Moonshadows of Mephala, and... and Dawn's Beauty, the Princedom of Lorkhan... misnamed 'Tamriel' by deluded mortals."
"Yes, you understand now. Tamriel is just one more Daedric realm of Oblivion, long since lost to its Prince when he was betrayed by those that served him. Lord Dagon cannot invade Tamriel, his birthright! He comes to liberate the Occupied Lands!"
Consider Boethiah. If Lorkhan was plotting against the other Et'Ada who would make a better ally than the Prince of plots? Consider what she did to Trinimac, the Aedra that "killed" Lorkhan. She not only humiliated him in battle, she ate and excreted him as Malacath. In doing so she transformed his followers into the Orcs. She exposed the grandest Aedroth knight to be just the same as the Daedra, using Mundus as a playground and mortals as toys, and she turned his merish followers into ugly brutes, exactly what the mer accuse men of being. And she did so in the service of the Chimer, leading more elves away from their "ancestors". I mean, she could have just killed him... But she chose to destroy what he was. Strip away his pretensions. It just feels personal. Vengeful.
Consider also that Boethiah is almost certainly the Night Mother of the Dark Brotherhood. Think about it. Why would Sithis care about contract murder in Tamriel? He is the void. Boethiah on the other hand is all about sneaking around plotting to murder people, and tricking a bunch of goths into worshipping the wrong god. Using the corpse of some poor Bravil girl she has made a cult to Lorkhan, who is a being of Sithis. Ever wonder why the statue of Sithis in Oblivion is of a man with his heart ripped out? Remind you of anyone?
But it's just a theory. It gets crazier when you accept that Lorkhan and Akatosh are the same person. But that's a rambling theory for another blog.
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mothermara · 1 year
I've fleshed out SO many characters but my proudest one is Dyus of mytheria. A champion of a long forgotten merethic Era land that fell. When it fell he turned to Jyggalag to restore order, and became his champion.
oooooh hell yeah !!
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sanderrabbit · 2 years
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made this while drinking alcohol...
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nebula-gray · 3 years
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daedric prince of order and his chamberlain do taxes or something like that
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Sheogorath keeps Dyus of Mytheria not just around for the purpose of torture, but also for the voice in his head that tells him he still loves him like Jyggalag once did.
A Daedric Prince does not simply give a mortal immortality because it "annoyed him that he died". No no. Jyggalag cared for Dyus... which may have been a mistake, but not an accident.
Tell me if y'all want my Jyggalag headcanons as well.
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Oblivion Sexyman Poll 🔥❤️‍🔥
We are in: It's over. Go back to your own abyss, bloody redditors
Round 1 🔥😎
Captain Burd Volanaro vs Volanaro
Lucien Lachance vs J'skar
Jauffre vs Blademaster Owyn
Relmyna Verenim vs Guilbert Jemane
The Gray Fox vs Rasheda
Methredhel vs Martin Septim 
Azzan vs Antoinetta Marie
Sinderion vs Mannimarco 
Jyggalag vs Telaendril
Ocheeva vs Dumag gro-Bonk
S'Krivva vs M'aiq the Liar
Hieronymus Lex vs Millona Umbranox, Countess Anvil
Mirel the Golden Saint from Cylarne vs Peryite
S'jirra vs Syl, Duchess of Dementia
Farwil Indarys vs Shady Sam
Dar-Ma vs Haskill
Cutter vs Druja
Mehrunes Dagon – because y’all will give me Hell otherwise. Weirdos vs Raminus Polus
Bogak gro-Bol vs Gogron gro-Bolmog
Earana vs Boethiah
Glarthir vs Jensine
Gwinas vs The Adoring Fan
Hannibal Traven vs Runs-in-Circles
Luciana Galena vs Amusei
Agronak gro-Malog, the Gray Prince vs Anaxes the Xivilai from Paradise
Sheogorath vs Teekeeus
Vicente Valtieri vs Falanu Hlaalu
Umbra vs Janus Hassildor
Mazoga the Orc vs Thadon, Duke of Mania
Modryn Oreyn vs Ocato
Dyus of Mytheria vs Baurus
Valen Dreth vs Uriel Septim VII
Round 2 ❄️🤍
Glarthir vs Vicente Valtieri
Volanaro vs Cutter
The Gray Fox vs Janus Hassildor, Count Skingrad
Mannimarco vs Modryn Oreyn
Amusei vs Shady Sam
Syl, Duchess of Dementia vs Millona Umbranoc, Countess Anvil
Jyggalag vs Valen Dreth
Blademaster Owyn vs Sheogorath
Gogron gro-Bolmog vs M’aiq the Liar
Peryite vs Antoinetta Marie
Mazoga the Orc vs Ocheeva
Runes-In-Circles vs Martin Septim
Anaxes the Xivilai from Paradise vs The Adoring Fan
Boethiah vs Baurus
Mehrunes Dagon vs Lucien Lachance
Haskill vs Relmyna Verenim
Round 3 🩷😘
Lucien Lachance vs M'aiq the Liar
Syl, Duchess of Dementia vs Baurus
Haskill vs Ocheeva
Modryn Oreyn vs Jyggalag
Antoinetta Marie vs Vicente Valtieri
Amusei vs Sheogorath
Janus Hassildor, Count Skingrad vs Anaxes the Xivilai from Paradise
Martin Septim vs Cutter
Round 4 🌼✨
Martin Septim vs Jyggalag
Lucien Lachance vs Vicente Valtieri
Sheogorath vs Haskill
Janus Hassildor, Count Skingrad vs Baurus
Round 5 — The Semi-Finals! ❤️‍🩹🥀
Lucien Lachance vs Sheogorath
Martin Septim vs Baurus
Round 6 — Championship! ❤️‍🔥👑
Martin Septim vs Sheogorath
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schizemseth · 2 years
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Oh, my English is not very good, so I apologize for any mistakes. Dyus and Haskill are my favorite TES characters, yes.
Эх, мой английский не очень хорош, потому прошу прощения за всякие ошибки. Диус и Хаскилл мои любимые персонажи из ТЕС, да.
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