#Disability services Casino
dabbamallangyirren · 3 days
Disability Services Providers - Putting People First
Disability services providers across the country are turning away new clients, shutting down programs and struggling to maintain quality standards. That’s according to a new survey from the American Network of Community Options and Resources.
Located on Bundjalung Country, CPL - Choice, Passion, Life offers disability support in three Northern NSW locations. Their community programs help participants develop their creative side and connect with passionate support workers. To know more about Disability Services Provider Ballina, visit the Dabba Mallangyirren website or call 0403856995.
Located in Northern NSW on Bundjalung Country, Dabba Mallangyirren is a specialist Disability services provider that puts people first. Its team helps participants achieve the outcomes that matter most, including specialised accommodation and employment. It also operates Summerland Farm, a macadamia and avocado farm that offers employment opportunities to people with disability. Its community programs foster inclusivity and empower people to explore their creative side. It also connects passionate support staff with people who need care.
The company’s support workers are well-equipped to help people with disabilities navigate the complex complexities of the NDIS and make the most of their funding. Their personalised approach prioritises genuine connections and inspires participants to add a bit of adventure to their lives. In the aftermath of the Northern Rivers flood disaster, Dabba Mallangyirren’s staff played a critical role in helping people with disability find safe accommodation and connecting them to new support networks. It now provides a range of NDIS Support Coordination services for people with disabilities in the Ballina Shire, Byron Bay and Lismore regions.
Dabba Mallangyirren is one of Australia’s leading not-for-profit disability service providers and a registered NDIS provider. The organisation works with customers to realise their potential and provides empowering, personalised services to over 13,500 people with disability, their families and carers each year.
The Northern Rivers Orthotics Service project, funded by the Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation, is a collaboration between Northcott, Ability Made and Northcott Innovation. This pilot program uses telehealth to deliver Orthotic care to children in the Northern Rivers area of NSW, which would usually require them to travel to Sydney, Brisbane or Newcastle.
The project is offering assessments, scanning and fitments through a video conference with a skilled Orthotist supported by highly trained local allied health professionals. The appointments can be attended by children’s parents, and any support people they wish to bring along. If you would like to find out more, contact Karen via the details above. This service can be funded through your child’s NDIS plan.
A key theme from conference presentations was the value of people with disability being involved in organisational design. This included being inducted into organisations, running self-advocacy groups and delivering training. Delegates also highlighted the importance of empowering frontline staff via award programs.
One of the ways to get support through the NDIS is by working with a Local Area Coordinator. These are partners that can help you understand your NDIS plan, create or implement your plan and review your plans as needed. They can also link you to community and mainstream supports in your local area.
NDIS Local Area Coordination partners can also work with you to develop your capacity to make decisions and choices, find the most suitable disability supports in your community, sustain informal support arrangements and build capacity of mainstream services and communities to become more inclusive. They can also provide information about NDIS, your rights and links to online resources. If you have a permanent and significant disability, you may be eligible for NDIS support coordination.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is a way for people with permanent and significant disabilities to access funding that can help them live their lives the way they want to. This includes accessing supports that enable them to achieve their goals and participate in the community.
The process begins with creating a personalised NDIS plan, which is developed in collaboration with a planner or local area coordinator. The plan sets out the individual’s goals and the specific disability support services that will be funded to meet them. To know more about Disability Services Provider Ballina, visit the Dabba Mallangyirren website or call 0403856995.
Participants can choose to self-manage their plan, have a plan manager or have the NDIA manage it for them. Each option has its own benefits, and participants can change their management options at any time if their circumstances change. NDIS planning is dynamic and will change over time. A person’s plan will be reviewed periodically to ensure it is meeting their needs. This can include reassessing their goals or modifying the specific disability support services that will be funded.
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lostlosersclub · 2 months
So. Nico Di Angelo HCs :>
be prepared for so much projection
ok so:
• nico is trans, and came out to bianca during the lotus casino. she helped him cut his hair afterwards
• he is also autistic and had a special interest in mythomagic for a long time
• part of why hes not great at interacting with others is the autism
• oh right just bc i say so he also has ocd, ptsd, anxiety, panic disorder, and depression
• hades was always very accepting. i just feel like he would give nico a binder while he was on his own
• binds for way too long. will (who is also trans btw) lectures him on binder safety daily
• he is also physically disabled from his powers. i hc him as using mobility aids. i also hc him as having a hellhound service dog when hes older
• he is often described as twisting his skull ring in the books, so i say that its him fidgeting and stimming discreetly
• favorite fruit is pomegranate
• had an especially hard time grasping the fact that hes gay because he felt guilty for being trans
• when he was outed, cupid also outed him as trans. when jason was the only one who knew, jason would pull him aside to check that he was binding safely
• listens to emo music but less like mcr and stuff hes more of a midwest emo listener
• always wears tons of jewelry like rings and necklaces because he likes fidgeting with them
• wears headphones around his neck for sensory issues, but also to block out the voices of the dead
• has very light freckles and a mole right under his right eye
• goes nonverbal when super stressed out and is prone to panic attacks
• get sunburnt very easily
• lets his hair grow out a bit to around shoulder length once he accepts himself for being trans and gay
• got his ears pierced when he was little, and kept them in to this day
• got more piercings as he got older
• got a star tattoo to match will
sorry this is so long im very passionate about my boy
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ratroomgames · 2 months
any fun facts about the characters?
SURE! heres a few, with varying levels of seriousness:
Jeri had a goth phase that she pretends didn’t happen and would rather kill herself than be let known
Jeremy has gotten onto VOGUE thanks to Lady Lashes
Tycho and Michealwave have gotten divorced at least thrice
Clara is sick of filing their divorce papers
August has a boiling rage for Tycho and will ignore room service requests that come from his room
Michealwave has cussing disabled on his computer
Rexlas accent is specifically cockney! British slang
Manager is aroace!
Manager is in a happy loving relationship with the Casino building herself.
Simeon is a gender whatever kinda guy. Called "they" ingame but couldn't care less
August says the most insane out of pocket stuff but it only displays as [controversial.mp3] so only Clara knows
Jeri occasionally usurps Tychos conspiracy-theory-ness on accident to piss him off on purpose
"The government is TRYING to break into Heaven." "#OMG u believe in Heaven??? LOL"
Clara is a Dr. Pepper dude
Rexla skates in the now-drained pool above Jeri's room
Lady Lashes is the type of girl to go "HMPH!"
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hairscare · 11 months
i dont know anything ab vivziepoop or whatever her name is and her work but could you give some examples and like. maybe explain how far they are from actual demonology? i love haterisms and i love learning things
kisses you on the mouth id love nothing more than to spread hate and infodump abt demonology. let me preface this by saying ive never watched any of their content so i cant speak on much besides what ive absorbed via osmosis of being on the internet and what i can see in their designs
so my special interest has always been on the 7 Princes of Hell aka the 7 Deadly Sins so thats what I'm gonna focus on. I'm also gonna bring beloved otome game Obey Me into the mix for another example of modern interpretations of them. also keep in mind im not a believer in these figures, though my research comes from both christian and pagan sources, i just like them a lot
so lets start with Mammon, the prince of greed. mammon is always depicted as a very money and power hungry kinda guy. in heaven, he was so obsessed with the golden pavement that they kicked his ass out first. hes super powerful and has 6,660,000 demons under his control that he makes build the capital of hell called Pandemonium. im not making this up demonology is silly as hell. hes associated with wealth, gold, jewels and emperors.
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you may be surprised by this interpretation from the dictionaire infernal, but from my understanding/perspective, i believe this is supposed to be a lure to get more money as a begger? normally hes described as decked out in robes and gold and jewels and all that. but you can see in the illustration the bags of money.
so yeah hes like a super money hungry emperor type- in my mind i always kinda think of trump ngl. power hungry, money hungry, you get it. so if youre like me, for a character design, youre thinking a ceo with lots of expensive clothes and jewelery.
now, lets see what our friend viv has to say-
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... they made him.... a clown? keep in mind, i literally know nothing abt the role he plays in the show, but... why? why is he a clown? if anything, him being a jester is the opposite of the typical emperor depiction. like a king vs a court fool. completely erases the whole idea of his greed for power. part of that greed is that he already has it but he wants more! this jester angle doesnt make sense.
okay, now lets look at obey me. theres a lot of things i dont like abt obey me's interpretations, but theyre so much better than vivs.
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first of all, the white hair and blue eyes are actually accurate! the colored illustration above of begger mammon is actually colored wrong, hes often described as having very light hair and icy blue eyes. this interpretation of mammon, while yassified from the old man and the emperor, is fairly faithful. hes obsessed with money, hes constantly stealing money from other people, he wears the most expensive designer brands, and he has gambling issues. its not perfect, but hes clearly based on the demon mammon.
now Asmodeus. asmodeus has always been my favorite. hes the Prince of Lust, but he himself isnt horny. he teaches people Forbidden Arts and Crafts and also geometry, hes a disabled king (walks w two walking sticks), he likes messing with people and he hates the smell of fish liver. one time he threw someone 400 leagues and stole his identity. what a guy
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asmodeus is particularly monstrous. hes got 3 heads, a bull, a demon, and a ram, hes got a duck bottom, and he has a dragon cat service animal. i think hes beautiful <3 but you can see a lot of potential symbols you can incorporate into a design! all these animals, esp his three heads, are just waiting for a cool design. so vivs, whatd you do?
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... okay. hes... kinda got the heads, but its the cowards route. he has... that weird ass body that vivs loves to give men. theres... some feathers so he kinda has bird symbolism? im pretty sure he owns a casino, which is actually accurate. but like. thats #notmyasmodeus. this guy couldnt throw me 1 league if he tried. hes not monstrous looking at all. his legs are thinner than my patience.
since we couldnt really dissect viv's mammon, ill bring this up here. a big issue i have with these designs is that theyre afraid to make demons ugly on purpose. dont get me wrong theyre all ugly as hell. but not gross. not monstrous. these sanitized tumblr sexymen designs completely betray what makes the original designs so fun. asmodeus doesnt have 3 heads, he has one that looks like an evil sesame street character. the design is simultaneously trying way too hard and so fucking generic. literally if you take out the two tiny head motifs in his... hair? theres no indication that this is based on the demon asmodeus
okay, lets look at obey me.
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again, hes sanitized, hes conventionally attractive, and he doesnt have any of the demon asmodeus' symbolism. hes also super horny. he doesnt do geometry or arts and crafts or even own a casino. not faithful to the source at all.
before you accuse me of being a hypocrite for liking obey me, hold on. let me get through beelzebub.
Beelzebub is known for being "lord of the flies". its literally what his name means. i cannot emphasize enough that he has fly motifs. he is the Prince of Gluttony, aka overindulgence. its typically associated with food. but beelzebub is *extremely* powerful. in Paradise Lost, hes Lucifer/Satans right hand man. all other demons respect him immensely. hes supposed to be so powerful that summoning him is supposed to run a high risk of seizures and death. he also fucking loves architecture. when a ton of demons were called on by solomon to build, the other demons were so appauled that beelzebub was being made to do manual labor, but his crazy ass was giving solomon building advice
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hes a bug! hes big beautiful bug. the crowd cheers. so the motif is kinda obvious here. i mean, its kinda hard to miss it, right-
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what the fuck. what the actual fuck. "but grim shes got a bee motif-" shut the fuck up. this... fox? wolf? furry thing needs to be put down asap. i genuinely think theyre using beelzebub as an bad excuse to introduce their kesha dog character. bro what the fuck thats not a fucking bug. thats not even a goddamn bee. i hate it here
i cant do this anymore show me obey me.
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hes a fucking fly thank god. sure hes conventionally attractive but hes not a dog with the smallest waist ive ever seen and disproportionate birthing hips. he eats all the time bc hes gluttony. okay fine whatever as long as hes a fucking bug im ok
so. lets address why i like obey me and i hate vivziepops interpretations. first of all i just fucking hate vivziepop so jot that down. but more importantly, obey me doesnt pretend to be anything it isnt. its a dating sim. of course the characters are gonna be hot and fit into archetypes. ive made my peace with that. besides, the game actually makes their sins pretty interesting by showing how they affect their personalities, motivations, relationships and lifestyles. its not super faithful, but its not supposed to be.
but helluva boss isnt trying to do that. from my (admittedly limited) understanding of it, its supposed to be a dark comedy gritty adult animation. the characters are supposed to be questionable and unconventional because theyre literally in hell. so i ask the question: why are they so afraid to lean into that with their character designs? why does everyone have to have barbie proportions? why is no one (purposefully) unpleasant to look at or monstrous? its sad to see a creator trying so hard to make something thats supposed to be graphic and brazen in its depiction of hell and demons, and yet is afraid to actually confront the conventionally unappealing aspects of the source material, or even touch the motifs of the demons
i love the 7 princes of hell. if you want to read about the strangest characters with the oddest stories, symbols and trivia, go read some websites about them. none of it makes sense. lucifer and satan are the same person but also not and sometimes the other 5 are also the same guy. belphegor is in love with paris and is the infernal ambassador to france and has a toliet wheelchair. satan is depressed. lucifer is sometimes depicted as an whiny brat child and sometimes as a humongous terrifying beast. leviathan does jack shit and just boils the ocean and eats boats. its literally so much fun. also please feel free to add onto this! demonology is fun in part bc theres so many different interpretations and facts from all over the place that make it a wild ride
tldr: vivziepops designs are lazy and unadventurous when it comes to their source materials
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nichenarratives · 9 months
Hurricane Heller 15
A Niche Narratives Fanficiton.
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[tw for: period typical anti-semitism, anti-semitic terrorism, mentions of ww1]
15. Chag Sameach
Of all the months in the year, Mordecai despises December. Not only is it unbearably cold for a short haired feline, but it's also the time of year that complete strangers feel the need to wish one another holiday greetings for a celebration he does not acknowledge, bid for charity, or generally put their noses where they don't belong. While such behaviour does lead to an increased interrogator workload, the anticipated flush of funds is swiftly swallowed by increased electricity or coal and wood costs, leaving him exhausted and miserable, with very little to show for his efforts.
However, with the United States' continued involvement with ongoing disputes in Eurasia, such restrictions would worsen swiftly; food, electric and fuel shortages plague the poorer sectors of the city, while continued contractions in economic growth and massive inflation raise domestic prices for what remains available. Despite hating the cold, Mordecai stops purchasing coal for the fire and rations what he has left, his home practically an icebox that wilts his plants and tests his immune system on a daily basis. 
All high calorie or shelf-stable food, especially wheat, meat and fatty foods, are harshly rationed so excess can be sent to the frontline. Kosher meat in particular gets increasingly more difficult to source, leading to a restricted diet of soups or broths that do little to warm or fill his stomach. He loses weight and has to layer numerous blankets to sleep at night, though often nods off in the warmer launderette back room due to restless nights as frost gathered along the windowsill.
Despite being willing to do his duty for a country that openly despises his people, Mordecai is swiftly removed from the conscription pool due to severe myopathy, instead watching his neighbourhood become almost a ghost town overnight. As one of the few remaining men, a cluster of those deemed too sickly or disabled to serve, he's highly aware glares and quiet remarks questioning his patriotism follow him down the street, but that's the least of his concerns.
It's never been more dangerous to walk the streets openly sporting a kippah or tallit, as rumours from the frontline of an Semitic conspiracy to transform Europe into a Jewish haven begin to infiltrate the city. While known to the family, most in his area of the city aren't aware of his religious affiliation, but that doesn't prevent his concerns regarding his mother; she still takes his sisters to Sabbath services each Sunday even as reports of arson attacks during prayer, rising assault cases and even false arrests hit the papers.
He's still not spoken to them since his brief interaction with Esther, but that doesn't abate his concern; estranged he may be, but he's far from distant. He still slips their - recently thinned - allowance under the door, but adds an afternoon walk past his childhood home to his schedule, to ensure smoke rises from the chimney as mother makes the evening meal.
It's a reassurance they made it home safe, one he clings to until before his next walk.
By the seventh of December and the United States' official declaration of war on Austria-Hungary, Mordecai is forced to shut down the two least profitable enterprise's, the races and the launderette, and moves his base of operations to the most stable business; the Casino.
A week before Christmas, the seasonal celebration most of the city has preoccupied itself with to feed their sullen souls, Mordecai gets an unexpected visit from Gabriel in his office at Casino Royale. Since they usually only converse at the old quarry - their new interrogation site, after the factory was reopened to manufacture artillery for the war effort - the tom is wary when the man is shown in. Offered a drink, Gabriel gladly accepts before sitting down in a plush chair opposite Mordecai with his usual broad, toothy grin. 
Working closely with the family for a year allowed Mordecai to gather more intelligence on his coworkers, and Gabriel is no exception. The pure white persian is Mr Savage's most trusted Cleaner, a man who finds, secures and after an interrogator is done with them, disposes of the loose ends that running a shady business tends to produce. He's also technically the monochrome tom's direct manager, paid enough to give Mordecai a third of it after his work is complete, a lucrative arrangement for the cheerful feline.
"Afternoon, Kosher," he states, taking off his hat and placing it on the desk before getting comfortable, slinging a calf onto the opposite knee and leaning back in his chair. Sharp eyes scale around a room far larger and more appealing than the Launderette store room before returning to bored emeralds, the cheerful feline digging in his breast pocket for a smoke. "Nice digs. Who'd you have to kill for this pretty piece?"
"Fiores," the monochrome tuxedo responds blandly, closing his ledger with a sigh as the persian cracks up with laughter,  an ear flickering in irritation as he waits for him to settle. It takes an enforcer placing a scotch on the rocks before him for Gabriel to quiet down, though he chuckles even through sipping the liquor. Mordecai sits back and regards him with narrowed eyes, unamused. "Why are you here, Gabriel? I'm exceptionally busy."
The man hums through a mouthful of whiskey and swallows with a gulp, lowering the glass slightly to point at Mordecai with his index finger. "You're always busy," he observes, not at all perturbed by the other, as he's grown accustomed to Isaiah Fitzgerald's direct style of communication. When he deepens his glare, Gabriel dips his spare hand into a pocket and withdraws a Christmas card, offering it across the table. "The boss asked me to deliver this in person."
Mordecai sighs softly before he leans over to take the card, placing it face down on the table, without looking inside, his gaze remaining on Gabriel. While unoffended by the gaudy, decorated tree and snow-surrounded robin on the front, he's had enough of the imagery already; the city seems to have gone mad with it this year. "Jewish practices don't observe Christmas," he states. "But I can send a return card, if that is customary."
Gabriel pauses to light up, apparently not put off by the lack of an ashtray. Mordecai wrinkles his nose as he sucks on the offensive stick, the scent of burning tobacco permeating the small office before he even exhales.
"Open it," the persian feline instructs, leaning back with that same irritating smile still plastered across his face. Mordecai begrudgingly opens it flat on the table and finds no seasonal greetings.or message besides the name 'Kosher', above a date and time, scrawled in the bottom left corner. Mordecai frowns and glances up. "It's an invitation," Gabriel clarifies. "To the boss' annual poker game; a Christmas thing, but I don't know anyone brave enough to refuse an invitation. I don't think you're fool enough to be the first, either."
He pauses to down the rest of his whiskey, the ice clinking against the glass, before placing the empty tumbler down and retrieving his hat. "Be outside and ready to go," Gabriel elaborates as he replaces his hat, wide smile not leaving his muzzle. "And bring a gift. We usually aim for about half a month's wage. Just don't try giving him money; if he wanted cash, he'd cut your wage."
The persian stands, laughs at his own joke and sees himself out of the office. Once he's gone, Mordecai frowns at the invitation again, holding the card open with a splayed palm. December 24th; 1300 hours. With no prior plans and certain a refusal will see him floating in the bay Christmas morning, Mordecai is forced to think on what gift he could source in six days for the head of New York's largest crime syndicate.
What do people even give for Christmas?
Unfamiliar with Christian traditions and without the energy or time to conduct sufficient research, Mordecai falls back on Passover tradition and purchases a bespoke Seder plate; a simple white ceramic with a gold leaf trim, and a central tree of life motif. The branches of the tree link to six shallow, gold trim bowls set into indents on the plate, as another gold tree motif adorns the interior of each bowl to match.
While a traditional Seder plate may possess inscriptions to denote intended contents of bowls, Mordecai is painfully aware Mr Savage doesn't care for Passover traditions, so forgoes the inscription to allow free use of the ceramic plate as a serving dish for any occasion. He even fills the bowls with dried fruits and nuts before boxing up the bastardized Seder, securing a simple card inscribed with the traditional chag sameach on top.
He waits outside on Christmas Eve in heavy winter gear; his coat collar popped against the cold, a deep red scarf tucked into his overcoat and thick leather gloves. Standing under the awning over his front door to avoid the wind, he still shivers, so is thankful when his ride is punctual. At exactly one, the usual estate car pulls up to the curb, and Mordecai wastes no time getting in if only to get out of the cold.
Placing the gift down on the left hand seat, Mordecai sits far to the right, diagonal to the driver, who only glances over his shoulder before they pull away. No words are exchanged, which isn't unusual, so Mordecai spends the time blowing into his palms or briskly rubbing his hands together in his gloves, shoulders hunched and coat pulled high around his neck, until he's sufficiently warmed up.
The drive downtown is short. They turn into a neighborhood the tuxedo isn't familiar with, though the tall, narrow homes, boarded windows where shattered glass would otherwise let in the cold and flaking exterior plaster is familiar enough as they pass through. 
Soon enough, they leave the slums and pass into a middle class area, before slipping into the entertainment district.
Mordecai has never been this far into the city before. Bright neon lights glimmer and shine outside every restaurant and bar, denoting cocktails, liquor or burlesque shows, all a stark contrast to the dim storefronts of his own neighbourhoods. In addition to the visual clutter, muted music thrums around the car, swelling and abating as they pass establishments in a constant tide against the dark.
Despite it being new and mildly overwhelming, he takes it all in through narrowed eyes, no change in expression besides folding ears back at the cacophony of conflicting sounds or squinting against the glare reflecting off his pince nez. Silently, he hopes he has no reason to return to this area of the city besides forcibly attend another of Savage's parties; it's abhorrent to tolerate.
A short while later, they pull up outside a diner deep in the heart of it all. Mordecai thanks the driver, tips him fifty cents and slides out of the cab with the gift box in hand, pausing to study his destination as the cab pulls off. Stanley's sports a cursive neon proclaiming its existence for miles, though its green and red words flicker as the power grid fluctuates and stabilizes, likely due to the egregious electrical consumption of the surrounding area.
The diner is double fronted, with large windows either side of an equally large door covered by drapes, reducing those inside to simple, dark shapes set to a blinding backdrop. A raucous racket escapes through windows, left ajar to vent cigarette smoke. Classic music rounds out the affronting mixture; one of a dozen Christmas songs on repeat all over the city, drawing guests into screeching along, many already half-drunk anr celebrating their half day off work.
Dark ears folding back, Mordecai grimaces. Establishments like these are a personal nightmare, usually filled with drunk patrons getting too handsy in dark corners, deafeningly loud conversation and a considerable lack of personal space. Yet I have no choice, do I? He thinks bitterly, his personal invite to this shindig tucked into a breast pocket. If I don't partake, I may as well sign my own death certificate.
With that sobering thought, he takes a steadying breath and stepping forward, pushes the door open to step inside.
The decor is excessively bright; chairs, tables and even wall decor of bright red is offset by plain white wall tiles, a single black accent tile periodically set in walls and floors. Booths line the walls, while metallic folding chairs and tables line up to create walkways between the booths and the counter, at which a number of red leather stools reside facing an open kitchen, the chef stressed and hot, sweat running down his face to the towel around his neck.
Classic Christmas music, jovial laughter and off-key singing assaults the tom's senses, accented by the clang of kitchen utensils and conversations being shouted over the noise of it all. Unable to spot Gabriel in the diner, Mordecai flattens his ears to his skull and carefully approaches the bar. 
He's briefly interrupted by a drunken construction worker tripping over his own feet, reaching for Mordecai to catch him; the monochrome swiftly pivots out of reach, present held away, and the man lands face-first in someone's side salad, the momentum of his fall dragging it to the floor with him. There's a heartbeat of mostly silence before the worker sits up and languidly licks mayonnaise and lettuce off his face, to which the whole dinner bursts out laughing, many a drunkard raising their glass in cheers to a fallen comrade.
Mordecai backs away from the scene, turning around only when his back hits the bar. A young woman behind the bar giggles as the construction worker tries to get back up, slips on a sliced tomato and falls right back down on his behind. The tom clears his throat, placing the gift box down on the counter once 'Kendall' meets his gaze. "My presence was requested by Mr Savage," he states, cringing as he's forced to raise his voice to be heard above the ruckus. "However, I cannot locate him. Please hand him this with my regards."
She looks him up and down, chewing gum with her mouth open, then Kendall smiles and leans her elbow on the bar, resting her chin in a palm to meet his gaze. "Well, ain't you a sight for sore eyes," she drawls, blonde ringlets framing her face having escaped the messy bun on her head. Mordecai wrinkles his nose as she leans closer and bats her lashes "You goin' home with somebody tonigh', sugar? 'Cause I'd sure like t'open you up after midnigh'."
Unable to decide if he finds her proposition or her incessant gum chewing more abhorrent, Mordecai is blunt, though the current political climate forces him to reconsider the obvious 'I'm Jewish' response. "I'm not interested," he states after a moment of consideration, pushing the present towards her across the counter. His own expression stays disinterested as her own smile sours. "But as previously stated, I'd appreciate it if this could be handed to Mr Savage. Tonight, if possible."
"You got an invite?" Kendall asks sharply as she straightens behind the bar, still obnoxiously chewing the wad of gum as she taps her claws on the counter top. She regards the tom with a slight glare, all semblances of friendliness gone. "Savage always sends 'em invites for private par'ies. Ya got one, ya can hand it to 'im ya'self. Otherwise it's goin' out that there door with ya."
With a tired sigh, he reaches into his coat and produces the invitation, holding it between his index and middle fingers as he offers it to her. Kendall takes the card and flips it open, then glares at Mordecai through thick lashes. "Should'a guessed you was the Yid, with them manners." White brows knit into a scowl, but Kendall only rolls her eyes, unlatches a hinged countertop and raises it, beckoning him through with a curled finger. "C'mon. The boss' waitin' on ya. This way."
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graymanbriefing · 23 days
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Cybersecurity Brief: Government and Businesses Attacked 》In Wichita, KS; the information systems of the city were hit with a cyberattack impacting digital services, including bill payments, license applications, public-space reservations, and airport Wi-Fi. Officials shutdo... 》Dropbox (online storage sharing service) revealed it had suffered a data breach allowing hostile actors to access phone numbers, hashed passwords, and certain authentication inform... 》Rosemond, parent company of Panda Express (chain of 2,400 asian cuisine restaurants) suffered a cyberattack that breached employee data. Customer da... 》Anonymous Arabia claims to have breached the computer systems of Columbia University in "retaliation to the police raid on the student occupation of the university building. We took down the whole network of Columbia" and most of the U... 》MGM Resorts International (casinos) suffered a cyberattack that disabled computer systems and emails. MGM advised they "identified a cybersecurity issue affecting some of the Company’s systems. Promptly after detecting the issue, we quickly began an investigation with assistance from leading external cybersecurity experts." W... Debrief: Cyberattacks are be...(CLASSIFIED, get briefs in real-time unredacted by joining at www.graymanbriefing.com)
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boldlywaywardbasement · 2 months
It seems the city I live in is specifically designed to make those with lower incomes or the minimally disabled dependent on others and/or want to kill themselves so others can take their disability money. There is limited bus service and you must use cash, although tokens are sold, you cannot purchase them with a debit card. There are limited areas with sidewalks and crosswalks. Some low income apartments do not have access to laundry facilities. Danville, Virginia has spent a fortune in grants to renovate an old mill that is literally in the middle of the river and will flood if the river level is up by about 10 feet or less, and to attract a casino. Which idiots were in charge of the city? Judging by the prevalence of Trump signs, I'm guessing Republicans.
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The content of games with a PEGI 3 rating is considered suitable for all age groups. The game should not contain any sounds or pictures that are likely to frighten young children. A very mild form of violence (in a comical context or a childlike setting) is acceptable. No bad language should be heard.
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Game content with scenes or sounds that can possibly be frightening to younger children should fall in this category. Very mild forms of violence (implied, non-detailed, or non-realistic violence) are acceptable for a game with a PEGI 7 rating.
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Video games that show violence of a slightly more graphic nature towards fantasy characters or non-realistic violence towards human-like characters would fall in this age category. Sexual innuendo or sexual posturing can be present, while any bad language in this category must be mild.
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This rating is applied once the depiction of violence (or sexual activity) reaches a stage that looks the same as would be expected in real life. The use of bad language in games with a PEGI 16 rating can be more extreme, while the use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs can also be present.
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The adult classification is applied when the level of violence reaches a stage where it becomes a depiction of gross violence, apparently motiveless killing, or violence towards defenceless characters. The glamorisation of the use of illegal drugs and of the simulation of gambling, and explicit sexual activity should also fall into this age category. 
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The game contains depictions of violence. In games rated PEGI 7 this can only be non-realistic or non-detailed violence. Games rated PEGI 12 can include violence in a fantasy environment or non-realistic violence towards human-like characters, whereas games rated PEGI 16 or 18 have increasingly more realistic-looking violence.​
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The game contains bad language. This descriptor can be found on games with a PEGI 12 (mild swearing), PEGI 16 (e.g. sexual expletives or blasphemy) or PEGI 18 rating (e.g. sexual expletives or blasphemy).
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This descriptor may appear as 'Fear' on games with a PEGI 7 if it contains pictures or sounds that may be frightening or scary to young children, or as 'Horror' on higher-rated games that contain moderate (PEGI 12) or intense and sustained (PEGI 16) horror sequences or disturbing images (not necessarily including violent content).
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The game contains elements that encourage or teach gambling. These simulations of gambling refer to games of chance that are normally carried out in casinos or gambling halls. Some older titles can be found with PEGI 12 or PEGI 16, but PEGI changed the criteria for this classification in 2020, which made that new games with this sort of content are always PEGI 18.
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This content descriptor can accompany a PEGI 12 rating if the game includes sexual posturing or innuendo, a PEGI 16 rating if there is erotic nudity or sexual intercourse without visible genitals or a PEGI 18 rating if there is explicit sexual activity in the game. Depictions of nudity in a non-sexual context do not require a specific age rating, and this descriptor would not be necessary.
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The game refers to or depicts the use of illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco. Games with this content descriptor are always PEGI 16 or PEGI 18.
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The game contains depictions of ethnic, religious, nationalistic or other stereotypes likely to encourage hatred. This content is always restricted to a PEGI 18 rating (and likely to infringe national criminal laws).
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The game offers players the option to purchase digital goods or services with real-world currency. Such purchases include additional content (bonus levels, outfits, surprise items, music), but also upgrades (e.g. to disable ads), subscriptions to updates, virtual coins and other forms of in-game currency. This content descriptor is sometimes accompanied by an additional notice if the in-game purchases include random items (like loot boxes or card packs). Paid random items comprise all in-game offers where players don't know exactly what they are getting prior to the purchase. They can be purchased directly with real money and/or exchanged for an in-game virtual currency. Depending on the game, these items may be purely cosmetic or they may have functional value. 
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sebmars2sided · 5 months
PEGI rating
The goal for this project is to make a PEGI 12 outcome, therefore it is important to identify what is and isn't appropriate for this rating.
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On the official PEGI website the generalized description for PEGI 12 is
"Video games that show violence of a slightly more graphic nature towards fantasy characters or non-realistic violence towards human-like characters would fall in this age category. Sexual innuendo or sexual posturing can be present, while any bad language in this category must be mild."
This description by itself is useful, however the rating itself is determined by its descriptors.
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The first descriptor - violence - says that "Games rated PEGI 12 can include violence in a fantasy environment or non-realistic violence towards human-like characters", because my game doesn't feature human like characters but does include violence, I think PEGI 12 is applicable as PEGI 16 and 18 are described as having "increasingly more realistic-looking violence.​"
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The second descriptor, bad language, says that "This descriptor can be found on games with a PEGI 12 (mild swearing)", however as my game does not have, and within the set time frame most likely will not have, any dialogue, it is currently non applicable.
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The third descriptor labeled fear, states "This descriptor may appear as 'Fear' on games with a PEGI 7 if it contains pictures or sounds that may be frightening or scary to young children, or as 'Horror' on higher-rated games that contain moderate (PEGI 12) or intense and sustained (PEGI 16) horror sequences or disturbing images (not necessarily including violent content).", this could debatably appear on my game as there are common phobias that are associated with bug/insects, however there is no content that is supposed to be purposely frightening or horror like, so this would either be non applicable or a PEGI 7 or 12 rating.
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Recently, the gambling descriptor had been changed so that all games including gambling are labelled as PEGI 18, however my game does not include gambling so it is non applicable. The specific description is "The game contains elements that encourage or teach gambling. These simulations of gambling refer to games of chance that are normally carried out in casinos or gambling halls"
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The sex descriptor states "This content descriptor can accompany a PEGI 12 rating if the game includes sexual posturing or innuendo, a PEGI 16 rating if there is erotic nudity or sexual intercourse without visible genitals" however, obviously, my game would include so such thing so it is non applicable.
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The drug descriptor states "The game refers to or depicts the use of illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco. Games with this content descriptor are always PEGI 16 or PEGI 18.". This is a heavily debated descriptor in games, especially when referring to things such as magical potions, though it usually refers to more realistic depictions like needles or pills, either way it is non applicable in my game.
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This descriptor states "The game contains depictions of ethnic, religious, nationalistic or other stereotypes likely to encourage hatred. This content is always restricted to a PEGI 18 rating". If my game's storyline was implemented, this could debatably be considered for inclusion, despite any mention of race or species would be in a more competitive way rather than a hating way. Either way, the story is not in the game so it doesn't apply.
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The last descriptor refers to in-game purchases and doesn't necessarily have an effect on the game's PEGI rating. It is described as such:
"The game offers players the option to purchase digital goods or services with real-world currency. Such purchases include additional content (bonus levels, outfits, surprise items, music), but also upgrades (e.g. to disable ads), subscriptions to updates, virtual coins and other forms of in-game currency. This content descriptor is sometimes accompanied by an additional notice if the in-game purchases include random items (like loot boxes or card packs). Paid random items comprise all in-game offers where players don't know exactly what they are getting prior to the purchase. They can be purchased directly with real money and/or exchanged for an in-game virtual currency. Depending on the game, these items may be purely cosmetic or they may have functional value.  The notice is always displayed underneath or near the age label and content descriptors:"
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My game does not and will not have purchases.
From what the game contains thus far it will likely receive either a PEGI 7 or 12 rating which is within the specifications.
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projectmars · 5 months
PEGI 12 content descriptors
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Violence: The game contains depictions of violence. In games rated PEGI 7 this can only be non-realistic or non-detailed violence. Games rated PEGI 12 can include violence in a fantasy environment or non-realistic violence towards human-like characters, whereas games rated PEGI 16 or 18 have increasingly more realistic-looking violence.​
Bad language: The game contains bad language. This descriptor can be found on games with a PEGI 12 (mild swearing), PEGI 16 (e.g. sexual expletives or blasphemy) or PEGI 18 rating (e.g. sexual expletives or blasphemy).
Fear: This descriptor may appear as 'Fear' on games with a PEGI 7 if it contains pictures or sounds that may be frightening or scary to young children, or as 'Horror' on higher-rated games that contain moderate (PEGI 12) or intense and sustained (PEGI 16) horror sequences or disturbing images.
Gambling: The game contains elements that encourage or teach gambling. These simulations of gambling refer to games of chance that are normally carried out in casinos or gambling halls. Some older titles can be found with PEGI 12 or PEGI 16, but PEGI changed the criteria for this classification in 2020, which made that new games with this sort of content are always PEGI 18.
Sex: This content descriptor can accompany a PEGI 12 rating if the game includes sexual posturing or innuendo, a PEGI 16 rating if there is erotic nudity or sexual intercourse without visible genitals or a PEGI 18 rating if there is explicit sexual activity in the game. Depictions of nudity in a non-sexual context do not require a specific age rating, and this descriptor would not be necessary.
Drugs: The game refers to or depicts the use of illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco. Games with this content descriptor are always PEGI 16 or PEGI 18.
Discrimination: The game contains depictions of ethnic, religious, nationalistic or other stereotypes likely to encourage hatred. This content is always restricted to a PEGI 18 rating (and likely to infringe national criminal laws).
In-Game Purchases: The game offers players the option to purchase digital goods or services with real-world currency. Such purchases include additional content (bonus levels, outfits, surprise items, music), but also upgrades (e.g. to disable ads), subscriptions to updates, virtual coins and other forms of in-game currency.
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mars2024an · 5 months
PEGI Labels
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The game contains depictions of violence. In games rated PEGI 7 this can only be non-realistic or non-detailed violence. Games rated PEGI 12 can include violence in a fantasy environment or non-realistic violence towards human-like characters, whereas games rated PEGI 16 or 18 have increasingly more realistic-looking violence.​
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The game contains bad language. This descriptor can be found on games with a PEGI 12 (mild swearing), PEGI 16 (e.g. sexual expletives or blasphemy) or PEGI 18 rating (e.g. sexual expletives or blasphemy).
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This descriptor may appear as 'Fear' on games with a PEGI 7 if it contains pictures or sounds that may be frightening or scary to young children, or as 'Horror' on higher-rated games that contain moderate (PEGI 12) or intense and sustained (PEGI 16) horror sequences or disturbing images (not necessarily including violent content).
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The game contains elements that encourage or teach gambling. These simulations of gambling refer to games of chance that are normally carried out in casinos or gambling halls. Some older titles can be found with PEGI 12 or PEGI 16, but PEGI changed the criteria for this classification in 2020, which made that new games with this sort of content are always PEGI 18.
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This content descriptor can accompany a PEGI 12 rating if the game includes sexual posturing or innuendo, a PEGI 16 rating if there is erotic nudity or sexual intercourse without visible genitals or a PEGI 18 rating if there is explicit sexual activity in the game. Depictions of nudity in a non-sexual context do not require a specific age rating, and this descriptor would not be necessary.
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The game refers to or depicts the use of illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco. Games with this content descriptor are always PEGI 16 or PEGI 18.
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The game contains depictions of ethnic, religious, nationalistic or other stereotypes likely to encourage hatred. This content is always restricted to a PEGI 18 rating (and likely to infringe national criminal laws).
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The game offers players the option to purchase digital goods or services with real-world currency. Such purchases include additional content (bonus levels, outfits, surprise items, music), but also upgrades (e.g. to disable ads), subscriptions to updates, virtual coins and other forms of in-game currency.
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The content of games with a PEGI 3 rating is considered suitable for all age groups. The game should not contain any sounds or pictures that are likely to frighten young children. A very mild form of violence (in a comical context or a childlike setting) is acceptable. No bad language should be heard.
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Game content with scenes or sounds that can possibly be frightening to younger children should fall in this category. Very mild forms of violence (implied, non-detailed, or non-realistic violence) are acceptable for a game with a PEGI 7 rating.
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Video games that show violence of a slightly more graphic nature towards fantasy characters or non-realistic violence towards human-like characters would fall in this age category. Sexual innuendo or sexual posturing can be present, while any bad language in this category must be mild.
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This rating is applied once the depiction of violence (or sexual activity) reaches a stage that looks the same as would be expected in real life. The use of bad language in games with a PEGI 16 rating can be more extreme, while the use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs can also be present.
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The adult classification is applied when the level of violence reaches a stage where it becomes a depiction of gross violence, apparently motiveless killing, or violence towards defenceless characters. The glamorisation of the use of illegal drugs and of the simulation of gambling, and explicit sexual activity should also fall into this age category. 
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In addition to the numerical PEGI ratings, you will also see the "Parental Guidance Recommended" rating for some non-game apps, introduced by PEGI for storefronts that use IARC (https://www.globalratings.com/). 
This serves as a warning that these apps can offer a broad variety of user generated or curated content. Typically, this applies to products such as Facebook, Twitter or YouTube.  
I feel like I am under the PEGI 12 rating because my game comes under the PEGI 12 Labels of: Violence, Bad Language, Fear, Gambling, Sex, Drugs, Discriminations and In-game Purchases.
I have proof behind this from a survey I completed.
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Out of 5/5 people the answers were all in agreement . Everything was no or non applicable apart from the mild swearing which is yes responses and it was still under the PEGI 12 Bad Language guidelines.
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dabbamallangyirren · 1 month
Disability Services Provider Lismore
The Australian disability support system can be complex to navigate. It involves all local services, including those outside the NDIS, as well as informal supports.
The introduction of the NDIS represents a major generational shift in service design and delivery. It moves away from a supply-driven model to one that is demand driven. To know more about Disability Services Provider, visit the Dabba Mallangyirren website or call 0403856995.
The NDIS enables people with a permanent and significant disability to access support services they need to achieve their goals in all aspects of their life. This can include independence, involvement in their community, education and employment, and health and wellbeing. It also gives them more choice and control over their disability supports and provides certainty that they will receive the same support over their lifetime.
It can help them get a job, learn new skills, have friends and enjoy hobbies. The NDIS offers different disability services that can be tailored to your specific needs and goals, including Home and Community Care, Personal Care, Respite Care, Day Support, Allied Health and Specialist Supports.
The NDIS Oversight Committee is a group of independent experts who provide advice on how the NDIS is working for participants. Its members include people with disability, their families and advocates as well as representatives from government and community legal services. Its most recent report outlined recommendations on how to improve the NDIS experience for people with psychosocial disability.
Community support is a vital service for individuals with disabilities, their families, and their communities. It provides a holistic approach to helping them cope with life’s challenges and build strong connections within the community. This approach addresses social, economic, and environmental issues that adversely affect an individual’s quality of life. It is often a blend of customer service, advocacy, and program coordination, tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual community.
Across the region, flood affected people are getting their homes back on track thanks to the Two Rooms Project, launched by Resilient Lismore and funded by the NSW Government. This community-based partnership between not-for-profit The Winsome, the Lismore Catholic Diocese, Joel Jensen Constructions and charity Reece Foundation has already enabled the repair of windows, walls, kitchens, and bathrooms in more than 160 homes.
Those in need of mental health support can visit the Lismore Head to Health Hub for free, trusted, and confidential services. The hub is open Monday to Friday and after-hours, offering in-person or over-the-phone support.
When caring for someone with disabilities, caregivers can suffer from isolation and loneliness. The best way to combat these problems is through respite care. Respite is a short-term program that allows a family caregiver to have a break from the daily responsibilities of caregiving and spend time with friends or relatives. The benefits of this program include social development, community integration, and overall support.
Some states offer voucher programs that pay for respite services. These programs provide a set amount of money each quarter. To find out more about these programs, visit your state’s website or call 2-1-1. You can also find out more about local respite programs by contacting your Area Agency on Aging or an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC).
The most popular form of respite is home-based. This type of respite can be provided by family members, volunteers, or paid professionals. The benefit of home-based care is that it enables the temporary caregiver to learn the person’s routine, where their medicines are kept, and where the car is parked.
Accommodation is a service that helps people with disabilities stay in the workforce by providing them with a reasonable and practical adjustment or modification to their workplace. This can include things like changing the way a job is done, the tools used, or access to equipment. It can also help with housing, food, transportation, and other daily needs.
Disability services providers also offer a range of other services, including support coordination, help with daily life tasks, creative therapies, and community participation. These services can help people with a disability achieve their goals, live independently, and participate in the community. To know more about Disability Services Provider, visit the Dabba Mallangyirren website or call 0403856995.
For example, Clubhouse Ballina and Lismore are looking for mentors to work with young people on music, film, robots, or coding after school. This is a great opportunity for retirees and students looking for hands-on youth mentoring experience.
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narrativestuff · 5 months
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The game contains depictions of violence. In games rated PEGI 7 this can only be non-realistic or non-detailed violence. Games rated PEGI 12 can include violence in a fantasy environment or non-realistic violence towards human-like characters, whereas games rated PEGI 16 or 18 have increasingly more realistic-looking violence.​
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The game contains bad language. This descriptor can be found on games with a PEGI 12 (mild swearing), PEGI 16 (e.g. sexual expletives or blasphemy) or PEGI 18 rating (e.g. sexual expletives or blasphemy).
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This descriptor may appear as 'Fear' on games with a PEGI 7 if it contains pictures or sounds that may be frightening or scary to young children, or as 'Horror' on higher-rated games that contain moderate (PEGI 12) or intense and sustained (PEGI 16) horror sequences or disturbing images (not necessarily including violent content).
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The game contains elements that encourage or teach gambling. These simulations of gambling refer to games of chance that are normally carried out in casinos or gambling halls. Some older titles can be found with PEGI 12 or PEGI 16, but PEGI changed the criteria for this classification in 2020, which made that new games with this sort of content are always PEGI 18.
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This content descriptor can accompany a PEGI 12 rating if the game includes sexual posturing or innuendo, a PEGI 16 rating if there is erotic nudity or sexual intercourse without visible genitals or a PEGI 18 rating if there is explicit sexual activity in the game. Depictions of nudity in a non-sexual context do not require a specific age rating, and this descriptor would not be necessary.
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The game refers to or depicts the use of illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco. Games with this content descriptor are always PEGI 16 or PEGI 18.
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The game contains depictions of ethnic, religious, nationalistic or other stereotypes likely to encourage hatred. This content is always restricted to a PEGI 18 rating (and likely to infringe national criminal laws).
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The game offers players the option to purchase digital goods or services with real-world currency. Such purchases include additional content (bonus levels, outfits, surprise items, music), but also upgrades (e.g. to disable ads), subscriptions to updates, virtual coins and other forms of in-game currency. This content descriptor is sometimes accompanied by an additional notice if the in-game purchases include random items (like loot boxes or card packs). Paid random items comprise all in-game offers where players don't know exactly what they are getting prior to the purchase. They can be purchased directly with real money and/or exchanged for an in-game virtual currency. Depending on the game, these items may be purely cosmetic or they may have functional value. 
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pm2ss · 5 months
PEGI 12 Rating
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A PEGI 12 rating is usually given to video games that show violence of a slightly more graphic nature towards fantasy characters or non-realistic violence towards human-like characters would fall in this age category. Sexual innuendo or sexual posturing can be present, while any bad language in this category must be mild.
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Games rated PEGI 12 can include violence in a fantasy environment or non-realistic violence towards human-like characters, whereas games rated PEGI 16 or 18 have increasingly more realistic-looking violence.​
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The game contains bad language. This descriptor can be found on games with a PEGI 12 (mild swearing), PEGI 16 (e.g. sexual expletives or blasphemy) or PEGI 18 rating (e.g. sexual expletives or blasphemy).
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This descriptor may appear as 'Fear' on games with a PEGI 7 if it contains pictures or sounds that may be frightening or scary to young children, or as 'Horror' on higher-rated games that contain moderate (PEGI 12) or intense and sustained (PEGI 16) horror sequences or disturbing images (not necessarily including violent content).
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The game contains elements that encourage or teach gambling. These simulations of gambling refer to games of chance that are normally carried out in casinos or gambling halls. Some older titles can be found with PEGI 12 or PEGI 16, but PEGI changed the criteria for this classification in 2020, which made that new games with this sort of content are always PEGI 18.
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This content descriptor can accompany a PEGI 12 rating if the game includes sexual posturing or innuendo, a PEGI 16 rating if there is erotic nudity or sexual intercourse without visible genitals or a PEGI 18 rating if there is explicit sexual activity in the game.
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The game refers to or depicts the use of illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco. Games with this content descriptor are always PEGI 16 or PEGI 18.
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The game contains depictions of ethnic, religious, nationalistic or other stereotypes likely to encourage hatred. This content is always restricted to a PEGI 18 rating (and likely to infringe national criminal laws).
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The game offers players the option to purchase digital goods or services with real-world currency. Such purchases include additional content (bonus levels, outfits, surprise items, music), but also upgrades (e.g. to disable ads), subscriptions to updates, virtual coins and other forms of in-game currency. This content descriptor is sometimes accompanied by an additional notice if the in-game purchases include random items (like loot boxes or card packs). Paid random items comprise all in-game offers where players don't know exactly what they are getting prior to the purchase. They can be purchased directly with real money and/or exchanged for an in-game virtual currency. Depending on the game, these items may be purely cosmetic or they may have functional value. 
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The PEGI System
when making games age rating system has to be thought about like if the game is to be a pegi 12 the game is allowed to have a low level of fantasy violence or to non human characters. Sexual innuendo or sexual posturing can be present, foul language must be kept to a minimum.
The System language is split into 2 categories.
 Mild swearing and/ or offensive language.  Sexual expletives.
Mild swearing or offensive language will get a game at least a PEGI 12.
Examples of mild swearing or offensive language in games  “Shit! They’re leaving!”  "Third shittiest landing ever…"  “We’re gonna hunt every single one of you sons of bitches down!”  “Low life bastards!”  “The bloody gun is jammed!”
Sexual expletives will get a game at least a PEGI 16.
Examples of sexual expletives in games  "die mother fuckers"  “You’re a fucking cop!”  "fucking cunt"  “Look lady, this muthafucka knows how to get shit done…”
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The game contains depictions of violence. In games rated PEGI 7 this can only be non-realistic or non-detailed violence. Games rated PEGI 12 can include violence in a fantasy environment or non-realistic violence towards human-like characters, whereas games rated PEGI 16 or 18 have increasingly more realistic-looking violence.​
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The game contains bad language. This descriptor can be found on games with a PEGI 12 (mild swearing), PEGI 16 (e.g. sexual expletives or blasphemy) or PEGI 18 rating (e.g. sexual expletives or blasphemy).
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This descriptor may appear as 'Fear' on games with a PEGI 7 if it contains pictures or sounds that may be frightening or scary to young children, or as 'Horror' on higher-rated games that contain moderate (PEGI 12) or intense and sustained (PEGI 16) horror sequences or disturbing images (not necessarily including violent content).
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The game contains elements that encourage or teach gambling. These simulations of gambling refer to games of chance that are normally carried out in casinos or gambling halls. Some older titles can be found with PEGI 12 or PEGI 16, but PEGI changed the criteria for this classification in 2020, which made that new games with this sort of content are always PEGI 18.
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This content descriptor can accompany a PEGI 12 rating if the game includes sexual posturing or innuendo, a PEGI 16 rating if there is erotic nudity or sexual intercourse without visible genitals or a PEGI 18 rating if there is explicit sexual activity in the game. Depictions of nudity in a non-sexual context do not require a specific age rating, and this descriptor would not be necessary.
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The game refers to or depicts the use of illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco. Games with this content descriptor are always PEGI 16 or PEGI 18.
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The game contains depictions of ethnic, religious, nationalistic or other stereotypes likely to encourage hatred. This content is always restricted to a PEGI 18 rating (and likely to infringe national criminal laws).
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The game offers players the option to purchase digital goods or services with real-world currency. Such purchases include additional content (bonus levels, outfits, surprise items, music), but also upgrades (e.g. to disable ads), subscriptions to updates, virtual coins and other forms of in-game currency. This content descriptor is sometimes accompanied by an additional notice if the in-game purchases include random items (like loot boxes or card packs). Paid random items comprise all in-game offers where players don't know exactly what they are getting prior to the purchase. They can be purchased directly with real money and/or exchanged for an in-game virtual currency. Depending on the game, these items may be purely cosmetic or they may have functional value.  The notice is always displayed underneath or near the age label and content descriptors:
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zooterchet · 7 months
The Story of Salvatore "Lucky Charlie" Luciano
Lucky Luciano, was a Canada Department police officer, his family Arab and Italian (Sicilian), entrusted as a prison minister's office in Canada to deported French and English, for the crime of refusing to masturbate and stealing semen, then suing, instead of visiting a sperm donor's bank in London for their wife, the end of gay rights and the groundlings in England.
He was charged with one of many assignments, for the United States government, under Calvin Coolidge. The FBI was being formed, an international counter terror and mercenary hire service, assisted by the nascent imperial power that was America, to replace the declining Comstock undercover services, the Sicilian Union, before it was replaced by the Mossad, the Sicilian Mob, in the 1940s.
Lucky, was in charge of comic books and media, DC Comics.
He went to Chicago, New York, Boston, Providence, and Newark, out of the Hague, "Attleboro Carpet", a shell company he set up to install carpet for casinos out of Atlantic City, the booking real estate investment for the Episcopalians, fake Catholics that practiced Sura Buddhism, an element of Buddhism called Sangrinism, which is not Buddhism, the first stage element of Catholic martial civil defense force training, Vatican logic; the Sacraments.
There were dozens of badges, working for Calvin Coolidge, during Prohibition, that Coolidge had set up, to destroy Warren G. Harding, for inventing the German police unions for prisons and deportations, centuries prior. Harding, had been deported by Ben Franklin, for treason, to Egypt, and had returned, an Evangelist, a prison czar. Coolidge hated him, and the FBI project, for using deported families, for mob hires, the bearer bonds unit, from the Dales, a Boston family of spies and diamond hedges, a diamond broker theorist that disrupts a diamond trade when cops are abused, the children of soldiers.
Lucky, had to kill a shitload of cops. But now, you have DC Comics.
The family survived, by taking the Arabic term for "bad luck", sawa al-hadh, in cursive resembling "Charlebois", a male stripper, and in Italian, "disgratzia"; Arabic, being the language of disadvantage in the courts, but bad luck, making only bad luck impossible in courts, disabling the last name from speaking Arabic, only Urdu, the language of the courts.
We survive today, as the Bridgewater Triangle Charlebois family, the Stewards of COINTELPRO, merged with the Bombardiers, the Arab pilot drug runners, and the Booths, the Scottish banker pornographers. The FBI, the Canadian logging industry, and the Narcotics Bureau, are merged with us, for COIN. The alliance with the O'Neills, Prince Philip's line of England, U'Niall of the Nine Hostages, the Sharif Tongue, the barbeque man, through the Garfields, the Hague's founder (the South Shore of Massachusetts), opened up endless opportunities, for political assassination, of those opposing the national cause of abolition of contract slavery, under Boudica, Hannibal, and David's mutual creation, per line being the same, of the contract holder of labor, being flipped into the slave, by stealing a shell company and creating a new liberty organization.
America was founded on slavery, but so was Rome.
The problem is, that the Germans, disrupt the entire system, of both America, and Rome, by assuming a slave, works for free, and then dies; not freedom, at test of contribution, a guarantee for labor. Germans, are Arab blooded, they're Muslims, without the proper religious system, ejaculating with urine, instead of semen, therefore capable of breeding. It's not Vatican, or Sangrinism, it's Socialism.
The Vatican, is the concept of support of police unions, by feeding the families of the tax burden's protectors. Sangrinism, is the concept of the sacrifice of a life, through accident of family bigotry, to the care of those disabled. But Socialism, is the concept of government, providing protection of finance, instead of the people.
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