#Digging Fossils
mattykelevra · 10 months
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Dinosaur Skulls
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housecow · 2 months
Hey I know this is a horny blog or whatever but a couple years ago I took a horticulture class and my professor majored in soil science so she was always talking about it and whenever I see you posting about it (which is seldom!!! Post more NOW) it reminds me of her and makes me smile because she was super nice and let me pet her hog in class.
that’s actually SO cool!!! how was the pet hog bc that’s cute asf… tbh. soil science is just so contextual sometimes i don’t wanna just start going on… but when i was little for some reason i just LOVED digging holes. you know that movie holes?? that was me. it was fun.
in my hometown, about 4/5 feet down you’d find a horizon with huge chunks of crystal clear gypsum!!! i’d crack open the lil pieces and they were literally like gems to 7 year old me
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communisticbones · 9 months
Gavin would call his ACNH island fucking "Pen Island," and the only one who notices right away is Lasko. 💀
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yugiohcardsdaily · 5 months
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Fossil Dig
"Add 1 Level 6 or lower Dinosaur monster from your Deck to your hand."
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gingersnapsstars · 11 months
a new hope luke was so funny defending obi wan (a man he barely knew) with his entire being like that when han was just making a little jokey joke at his expense
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melanodis · 7 months
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bunch of weems
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enderblogs-24 · 1 year
There's people in my neighborhood installing fiber optic internet for schools (I think?) and they've been digging up everyone's yards. TODAY, I decided to check out three of the holes in my yard, and the following rocks were the result :3
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I always find the two on the top, but in pieces. They crumble so easily! These ones are solid though, which I've never seen. I have no idea what the one on the bottom left is, so I'mma take it to the rock man so he can tell me what the hell it is. The bottom right is INTERESTING. When I was washing off the rocks in the driveway, this dude was BUBBLING. I /think/ that makes it a limestone, but it feels like a type of sandstone?? I'm not entirely sure and my rock book isn't being very helpful.
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The second picture is what I believe to be a type of quartz, but I like it because it's a lil puzzle!!!! I found each piece individually, and put them together on a whim haha.
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The THIRD picture… Y'all. These. Are FOSSILS. Specifically, they're baculite fossils! The area I live in is full of these dudes, because my area of my world was underwater when they were alive. So they were EVERYWHERE, just like antelope and prarie dogs are all over our area today.
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Here's a bonus picture of me in one of the holes 😁 My mom wanted one of the rocks on the wall of the hole, so I got in and started hammering at it LOL. I'm squatting here, it isn't that deep.
Literally, this was the best day. I've wanted to straight up dig holes in my yard for rocks my ENTIRE life. If anyone thought I wasn't gonna take advantage of this situation... I'm so freakin happy lol. It's taking all of my self control not to explore the neighbors' holes and dirt piles.
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strigops · 7 months
boy i love getting jumpscared by random raw chunks of unlabeled asbestos in the donated collections
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skittystimz · 10 months
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Roark Stimboard
(this is very self indulgent)
sources: ❤️/❤️/❤️/❤️/❤️
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ohdeargodwhy · 7 months
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captainmvf · 9 months
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Going to be very busy as I move this week so please take this Paraloph 🙌
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blorbologist · 1 year
*raises hand* i have no idea what Hell Creak is. tell me more
Hell Creek is a fossil-heavy rock formation located in Montana and North Dakota! It's one of the most complete fossil sites we have of the Mezosoic (along with other standouts like the Morrison and Kem-Kem). Hell Creek gets a few extra cool points for a handful of reasons:
It has a whole host of big name dinosaurs: T.rex, Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Edmontosaurus, and even a large raptor that's a real-life Jurassic Park 'Raptors' (the book and film used oversized Deinonychus, but Dakotaraptor is actually of comparable size. Potentially. I love the species and what it'd mean for the ecosystem, but I don't trust DePalma as far as I can throw him. He accidentally included turtle remains in the holotype, which... come on, man). Another cool big name potentially associated with the formation, but not a dinosaur, is a large Mosasaur species (think a giant marine monitor lizard) that was recently found to exist off the coast, as well as the (potentially) largest creature to ever fly, Quetzalcoatlus (I have no way to describe this, search it up, it's terrifying and weird).
Actually? No. You deserve to see what a Quetz would look like.
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(Photo and model credit @bluerhinostudio. Seriously, they're so lifelike.)
Hell Creek's fossils were deposited at the very tail end of the reign of dinosaurs, so you get a look at their last glory days + a good handful of million years prior. Actually, the boundary layer - the actual moment the apocalypse became real and quartz was shocked by the Chixclub impact - is present! There's another site that seems to contain the actual aftermath, with molten glass raining into the mud and debris of animals caught in tsunamis thrown together (though some elements of the site are debated, because DePalma is sketchy as hell and reported different findings to the media vs his publications).
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(Credit conveniently included in the image, nice.)
We have SO much information about it! Remains of everything from megafauna and their interactions - herbivores that have healed bitemarks from T.rex, facial bitemarks between T.rexes - to the minute. Pollen and seeds from a host of plants; insects trapped in amber; tiny amphibians, and sharks. The list of species on the Wikipedia articles are absolutely insane - it's so complex and detailed.
There's also a video game in slow, slow development depicting this formation, Saurian - last I heard it's grinded to almost a standstill, and IIRC there is ~tea~ in the paleo community about it, but it was fun following the development for a few years. The concept art is also gorgeous, and you really get a feel for just how much material they have to work with to make this as accurate as possible!
TLDR, Hell Creek is fascinating - though there are plenty of other cool formations worth poking at, too! The Kem Kem Group, Dinosaur Park, Candeleros, Morrison, Jiufotang and Nemegt Formations are all favorites <3
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tomorrowusa · 1 month
A news story which has not gotten the attention it deserves here in North America this week is the intense heatwave in South and Southeast Asia. While Trump chants "drill drill drill" what's really needed is to get the planet to chill chill chill.
Thailand is reeling under the grip of a severe heatwave with temperatures soaring to record highs in some areas and authorities warned of harsher weather in the coming days. More than three dozen districts across Thailand’s 77 provinces have seen record temperatures in April, generally the hottest month of the year, with new highs beating records held as far back as 1958, according to data from the Thai Meteorological Department. Temperatures have topped 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) in 26 provinces this month, according to the agency. The northern province of Lampang has seen the highest temperature so far this year at 44.2 degrees, just shy of the highest temperature ever recorded in Thailand – 44.6 degrees – that was last seen in 2016 and 2023.
Thailand is roughly in the center of the affected area.
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The Philippines, at the eastern end of the heatwave, is seeing a strain on its power supply.
Meanwhile, parts of the Philippines face potential disruption to electricity supplies as an intense heatwave fuels cooling demand and leaves power systems “overloaded”, according to President Ferdinand Marcos Jnr.
Schools in the Philippines have suspended in person sessions. There is talk of returning to an academic calendar which sees the school year end in March.
Students suffer in wilting heat, thwarting education efforts
In this audio report from ABC Australia, we hear how the current heatwave is closing in on the limit of human survivability in some areas.
Dangerous heatwave sweeps south east Asia
Any politician preaching increased use of fossil fuels is a danger to the planet.
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The transition to sustainability may occasionally be bumpy but any other road leads to climate dystopia.
NOTE: For all you Fahrenheit fans, here's a quick way to convert temperatures mentioned in some of the links.
Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion | (°C to °F)
BTW, Asia won't be the only place hit with adverse climate incidents this year. The 2024 Atlantic Basin hurricane season is predicted to be well above average in number of storms.
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nightlightdragon1 · 10 months
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Whenever this happens I just see this
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justewil · 2 months
i keep buying new clothes in acnh .only to Never wear them
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madame-mongoose · 7 months
guys museum today we have museum today
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