#Detective Corva
wolfeyedwitch · 2 years
1, 4, 10, & 17 for the Weird Questions for Writers! <3 - TheCityThatDoesntSleep
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
I used to write in Book Antiqua, because I like how it looks. Then I stopped switching from the default in Google Docs, which is Arial, and it turns out I write so much faster when what I'm writing doesn't look like a finished book about to be published? I have no idea why. I just happened to learn that during Whumptober 2021 when I was writing too fast to bother changing the font, so now that's what I use.
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Irregardless. Just writing it out makes me grind my teeth a little. It's just wrong. In the sense that it literally is wrong, gramatically, but also that it just hurts my soul.
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
The pieces of writing that are coming to mind are books: Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater, and The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. To me that means they've stuck with me through the years as something that still strikes home, still makes me feel so intensely. They both give me this intense longing for something, like a homesickness for a place I've never been.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
So the only WIP that has this amount of detail and history to it is one I haven't discussed too much. It's my OC Corva's story. It takes place in the same universe as "No Prisoners"; I actually started writing "No Prisoners" as a way to help troubleshoot some worldbuilding that was not cooperating. And this got long, so it's going under a readmore.
As for what won't make it into the text? Heck if I know; I'm still doing a shitton of research for how to write the damn thing in the first place. Corva's backstory is lab whump, but it's a lab that actually has rules and regulations in place. Which means I need to figure out the way the rules and regulations fall short of actually helping her, because her start in life isn't actually all that great.
Corva is actually a clone, magically created in a lab. (This world is a horrifying amalgam of sci-fi and fantasy and I will drag you all with me as I descend into madness writing it.) The elven experimenters had a willing participant who allowed herself to be cloned, because she was interested in being part of the research team too and being a human on an elven research team is a difficult task to accomplish. So she signed all the necessary paperwork to let herself be cloned.
Here's where things get complicated.
Cloning is not actually a difficult process. People have been doing it for centuries in this world as a way of testing medicines on themselves-but-not-themselves, if you get what I mean. The problem is that artificially created beings are basically empty shells. They're in a persistent vegetative state. No brain activity.
No soul.
Magic in this world works because of hand-wavey connections between souls and spirits that I'm not going to explain here (but will probably explain in "No Prisoners" in the not too distant future of that series, so. Eh.). The point is that souls give off energy that they can detect magically, and mages' souls are tied more loosely to their body than mundanes'. The experiment was to see if the mage that they cloned could create a connection with a similar soul to her own, and basically pull it into the empty cloned body that they had ready for it.
Well, the mage managed to pull a soul. It just didn't go into the cloned body.
It went into the mage's own body.
So, where did the mage's soul go? No one is quite sure, because the cloned body should by all rights have a soul in it. It was a nice empty vessel right there for a soul to inhabit! No one is quite sure why it didn't work! The cloned body is displaying different readings than before, but not nearly enough to be considered anything but comatose.
That body gets put into long-term storage. (Basically cryo.) Now the attention turns to the actually inhabited body.
See, the researchers were expecting to get back their research partner/experimental subject of the mage, and have a docile, confused new consciousness that they could interrogate talk to and study.
This is not what happened.
The being who would eventually name herself Corva woke up scared and in pain, strapped down to a table (for safety reasons for the mage, of course, wouldn't want her injuring herself if something happened during the experiment), surrounded by people she didn't know. She immediately panicked.
Her magic responded to the panic by attempting to destroy what had scared her. Aka the lab.
In this world, there are 6 elements that a mage can control. The four basic elements—air, water, earth, fire—are by far the most common. But there are two others that occur very rarely. Like once in a generation rarely. The mages of these elements are generally stronger than typical mages, and their elemental control allows them to live for (at least theoretically, because it hasn't exactly been tested) forever.
These elements are light/life, which is seen as a good omen, leading to light mages being almost worshipped. And shadow, which is connected to death. People are not all that tolerant of shadow mages; there was actually a purge not too long ago (a few centuries) where all the known shadow mages were found and killed.
This is, of course, ridiculous. Light mages can be horrifically destructive, and shadow mages can be excellent healers. It's all about the angle you approach the problem from. Cancer is just life that's out of control, and who better to hold off death than a mage that controls it?
Yeah, that argument hasn't made much headway in popular opinion.
So. Corva is a mage. Of the six elements, guess which type.
If you guessed the one that automagically makes people hate and fear her, you guessed correctly! She's a shadow mage.
But wait! There's more!
See, not only is Corva a shadow mage, she's a shadow mage without a familiar. In this world, all mages have a spirit as a familiar. The spirit is of the element they can control. So if you see someone doing magic without a familiar? The assumption won't be that the person is a mage. The assumption will be that the person is possessed by a spirit.
So yeah. There's a large number of people in the lab that straight up think Corva is a demon. There are even academic papers published on both sides of the argument, whether she's a demon (the colloquial term for a spirit possessing a mortal body) or a really, really strange mage.
Hey, they were messing with forces they didn't fully understand. Why wouldn't they get something new and strange out of it?
Being an untrained and very powerful mage, Corva can't exactly be set loose in the community. She's held in the lab—for everyone's safety, including hers, of course! And once she's learned control? Well... that's when the loopholes and everything come in.
(Aka more research needed. I need to research more. But yeah. They aren't just going to let their most interesting research project of the millennium just leave.)
All of which is a very long-winded explanation of who Corva is, and why she has sooooo many issues. Anyone who made it this far, great job! Wanna learn some more about the world and its inhabitants as a reward?
The world, called Arcadia, is a hotspot of magic because it's the pet project of the six major spirits of the world, the aspects of each element. They're not gods, and they don't have the same morality as mortals (catch-all term for non-spirit sapient beings). But they are endlessly curious and enjoy seeing how things play out. They made this world a torus, basically a donut shape. Theoretically it could happen naturally, but it's extremely unlikely to be stable in the long run, though there are stable toroidal configurations for planets.
(Did I spend a long time searching about this? Do I have an entire folder of bookmarks about this research? Yes. Yes I do.)
So the planet is shaped like a donut because the not-actually-gods wanted a more interesting shape than just another sphere. Their interest and meddling in the planet is what makes it more likely to have mages born there than anywhere else in the universe.
Toroidal planets have more areas of temperature differences (4 poles and 4 hot regions, with enough axial tilt to the planet) and just really fascinating fluctuations in gravity compared to spherical ones. This led to a large variety of life evolving on the planet. There are two main sapient life forms that evolved. One is a short, stocky species that lives in the higher gravitational areas and tends to reside underground. They are known as the dwarves. The other is a tall species that lives in the lower gravitational areas, braving the harsh weather and placing strong values on community and survival. My working name for them is the tarashi, but often in my head they get referred to as the not-orcs because well, they're not orcs, but there are a good bit of overlapping features!*
*(Okay what actually happened is that the worldbuilding originally was done by a friend of mine, and I just inherited it. He wanted to have more typical fantasy races: trolls and orcs, along with the dwarves and elves and humans. I decided that was too much, collapsed his ideas for both species into one, and have been trying to find a better name for them than not-orcs since then.)
But Lunar! I hear you say. That doesn't include elves or humans, and you already talked about those!
Yes, well spotted dear reader! That's because neither elves nor humans originally evolved on Arcadia. I haven't worked out all the details on this, but they originally evolved elsewhere and have a common ancestor. (Yes, this means that half-elves are possible. Half-dwarves and half-not-orcs are not, not without some serious magical DNA manipulation, because the species are not related to humans at all.) They... didn't get along all that well. Elven experimentation on humans has a very long history, and it used to be even less ethical than it is now. (Toying with the idea of humans formerly being used as slave labor for the elves, but I would have to make sure that's written sensitively and I'm not sure I'm up to the task.)
How did they end up on Arcadia? I don't know. Haven't decided. But the planet they originally came from has been forgotten, or destroyed, and this fact will probably never show up in the actual writing.
This story is near and dear to my heart, and I've done a lot of work researching and planning and building for it. But I want to give credit where it's due: none of this was originally mine. I had a friend who dreamed all this up when he was back in high school and kept building on it from there. He sadly committed suicide a little over a year ago, and left his world in my care. I swing wildly between wanting to keep it preserved like a shrine to him, and gleefully tearing down stuff that he didn't think through very well and replacing it with my own work built off the same ideas but better planned because if he didn't want me to do that, he should have stuck around!!! I will probably never be able to say what's entirely mine and what's entirely his, because he had invited me to be a co-author on his book set in this world even before he passed, and I did a lot of brainstorming and worldbuilding with him while he was alive.
So yeah. This story means a lot to me, but it can also be really hard because of all that went into me getting here.
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creaturedom · 2 years
OC Masterlist
It’s time we got a handy dandy OC List, one that I can update regularly with new characters and that can be referred to whenever I reblog prompts, woo! 🧡
Beto Perez
Debut Fic - A Hispanic man with a slender frame and short curly brown hair with some lighter brown highlights to it. His has some nicely maintained scruff along his jawline, and his eyes are a darker brown with a hint of color in certain light. He’s most remembered for his calm demeanor and lazy smile, and may date Lucas Beckett on a later date.
Detective (Marcelo) Corva
Debut Fic - A Hispanic man, long curly hair pulled back into a loose ponytail. His jawline is more squared off compared to Detective Morgan’s, with a bit of scruff lining it, and while playful is usually seen as the more focused of the two. He prefers people call him by his last name, but only Morgan seems to be allowed to say his first name. There seems to be something more beneath the surface beyond a work partnership, but neither of them have confessed to such feelings just yet.
Detective (Grant) Morgan
Debut Fic - A tall, slender man with pale skin and dark freckles covering the upper half of his face. He has brown hair neatly cropped and styled to the side on top, and is used to being referred to by his last name. There seems to be something more beneath the surface beyond a work partnership, but neither of them have confessed to such feelings just yet.
Donovan Blackburn
Debut Fic - An olive skinned man with short brown hair and piercing yellow eyes that seem to glow like a cat’s in the dark. There’s a large scar down the left side of his neck, and has the power to morph his body into any animal he can think of. The only downside to this is that if shifting occurs too frequent or suddenly it can mess with body heat regulation and causes physical fatigue.
Father Izaak Hartley
Debut Fic (CW Priest) - A quieter, averaged sized man with rich dark skin, a short afro, and brown eyes that carry a certain warmth to them. He’s not often seen outside his official robes, but his broad shoulders fill out his cassock nicely and he has strong facial features that make him stand out.
Debut Fic - A shorter, pudgy man with tight yellow curls and deep brown eyes. Oddly his skin is oddly free of blemishes or scars, and he has the power of telekinesis. There’s a lack of control, however, so there are times when a loss of control can lead to him either levitating things around him or floating away himself. His lack of exposure to the outside world has created a weak immune system and lack of knowledge beyond a certain lab’s walls.
Debut Fic - A woman with warm black skin and long hair that’s carefully styled each week. She’s more put together in comparison to her girlfriend Mariana, priding herself on flashier outfits that can catch eyes in a crowd.
Lucas Beckett
Debut Fic - A Caucasian man with short red hair styled similarly to a fohawk, with thick eyebrows and bright blue eyes. His face is clean shaven and jawline is more squared off, but he’s a bit chubbier when compared to Beto Perez; who at the may be set to date at a later time.
Debut Fic - A Spanish woman with long black hair often braided and tawny beige skin. She has brown eyes and is often seen in more comfortable clothes, often fussing with them if they have a specific texture she dislikes. She’s currently dating a woman named Kanna.
Nenna Vuz (D&D)
Debut Fic - A petite tanned skin human with bright green eyes and long, curly brown hair. She always wears a necklace with a charm of a dive carrying a ring, which can be unhooked and worn on her finger. She is currently on the run and engaged to Ravomorn Hegrax.
Ravomorn Hegrax (D&D)
Debut Fic - A powerfully built blue Dragonborn with a deep scar running diagonally from his forehead to his right cheek. He has long tendrils that hang from the back of his head as well as a few protruding spikes lining his jaw, mirroring the pair of long white horns that swipe behind his head. He is currently on the run and engaged to Nenna Vuz.
Somar (D&D)
Debut Fic (N/A) - A shy Half-Orc, Half-Satyr with lavender colored skin and thick black hair, which hangs over the right side of his face. He has green eyes, long white tusks, and leaves his black satyr legs exposed for better mobility when fighting.
Thyemon (D&D)
Debut Fic (N/A) - A dry and rather sassy Tiefling with sky blue skin and dark blue hair swept to the back of his head. He has a set of large ram horns that curl on each side of his face, while his eyes are a deep, pupiless red. He wears long traditional brown robes, provided by his church, which help hide anything from his previous life before becoming a cleric. His tail is a bit longer than most and has a traditional spaded tip at the end, and if one looks closely at his mouth they can spy a sharp tooth in his scowl to the left side.
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wordofthewolf · 3 months
The Nighthawk Pt. 5
“You certainly get right to the point,” Corva said with a shrug. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to tell you what I am and explain a bit. After all, we are going to be working together.”  “We’re working together?” I asked. This young woman sure was pushy.  “We are,” Corva said, her eyes making it clear that she was not backing down. “Of course, detectives work with a partner, right? In the…
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wretchedsurvival · 1 year
the ladz
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Larz Brachov : leader of a city-wide crime syndicate that deals in the secrets of merchants, lawyers, royal advisors - anyone he thinks needs taking down a peg. Autistic and physically disabled, needs a cane to walk and is blind in his right eye. Rational, calculating, emotionally distant, untrusting.
Leandar Aravade : the librarian of Herton University and lives in the library tower. Has access to a lot of magic resources made publicly illegal by new legislation that others do not. Cottagecore househusband with nobody to husband.
Virgil Faehnya : Larz's most trusted spy and the handle of his blade but more importantly the blorbest meowmeow. Higher empathy than Larz but can be blinded by emotion. Does not remember most of his eleven years serving Corva's capital Ebascon as a spy. meow for us catboy
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Briar Okora : a hunter that works as an enforcer for Larz's empire. Big muscle wife (this picrew does not do her justice) and is the tallest of the cast at 6'2. Holds a lot of respect for the aethra, as she was raised in a religious environment and it stuck with her, though she is able to think critically about it.
Fenne Erador : a prince of Erador, studying at the University of Herton. Moved away from Ebascon to avoid the competition between his siblings. ADHD and is constantly held to impossible standards by his family and the public.
Rosalva Myriapar : An ajai of Kyr's Wood that practises corporalist magic against the rules of her village. Autistic and has not been exposed to civilisations outside of her own interdependent village.
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Jiyn Zylinx : Formerly King Varden's entertainment, and given to Silas Shykler after a scar from a bar fight. Despises the Corvan Crown and wants nothing more than to bleed it dry. Believes he is wasted on being a personal whore and is set on proving this to Shykler.
Char : A noise with dirt on it. Had to flee the ancient Cretrou village they lived in when it was destroyed by Corvans under the guise of beneficial technology. They now live in the foothills of the mountains bordering Corva and Ozryn.
Ambra Estlin : Shykler's blade; the staple girl-askew girlboss. Has a list of names carved into her arm and it's the only thing she trusts. Lacks identity and is more comfortable in someone else's skin.
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Aravis Fray : a genderfluid chronically ill detective. Sent by the faery Court of Blood to cover a suspected suicide case in Herton. An absolute fanboy for Larz Brachov we love a parasocial relationship
Mylas : Slutty man and faery emperion. How is one supposed to slut it up in a culture adverse to touching?
the picrew v v v
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daydreamweavercat · 5 years
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I made several of my interactive fiction OCs in this Picrew. They are in order:
Hunter Corva Farabee from @whenthenightcomesgame
Sidestep Anna Maria Collings from @fallenhero-rebirth. 
Siblings Simone and Winona Wood from @heart-forge Bad Ritual and Manor Hill. 
Oracle Ninati Telavia from @willowishstudios‘s game Stellamore. 
Detective Corvus McKnight from @seraphinitegames‘s interactive series, The Wayhaven Chronicles. 
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seventhsith · 3 years
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ZION MORENO / / have you met SEVENTH SISTER yet ? SHE is a TWENTY-SIX year old TRANS FEMALE MIRIALAN. she is originally from MIRIAL, and now shows loyalty to THE EMPIRE / THE FIRST ORDER. she is best known for being an INQUISITOR, and i hear she’s pretty CUNNING yet also ARROGANT at times; i hope she survives the galactic civil war.
the PAST:
born on mirial in 29 bby to the family of VAHGREE, her force sensitivity was noticed at a young age. she was given to the jedi at the age of three in 26 bby, and was raised in the coruscant temple. there, she became ITAVA, and spent her time as a youngling training ferociously, with dreams of becoming a war hero like anakin skywalker or obi wan kenobi. in 19 bby, she traveled to ilum, where she claimed a kyber crystal and built a BLUE LIGHTSABER. 
she was 10 when order 66 occured, preparing to become a padawan once the war concluded. however, she often dreamed of a life beyond the temple, SNEAKING OUT into the undercity of coruscant to hear news of mirial, as well as to apply her skills in a non-training setting. although her crechemates offten threatened to tell master yoda that she was sneaking out to mind trick or steal from civilians, they never got the chance, as they were slaughtered during ORDER 66. having been out that night, itava managed to ESCAPE, sans lightsaber. the former jedi stole, fought, and manipulated her way into surviving until 16 bby, when she was thirteen. the GRAND INQUISITOR found her, then, and brought her into vader’s service instead of striking her down. 
for the next thirteen years, she was known as SEVENTH SISTER, leaving the identity of itava vahgree behind on that coruscanti street corner. during her training, vader forced choked her in punishment so hard that it permanently damaged her vocal cords, causing her to get a robotic replacement, like many of the other inquisitors who had required cybernetics due to their master’s rage. by the time she became an adult, she was REGARDED AS ONE OF THE BEST among their ranks, and was often sent out on missions to KILL ROGUE JEDI, which she completed brutally and effectively. 
however, in 4 bby, she was sent after ahsoka tano, a job that proved far more difficult than her past assignments. after several run-ins with ezra bridger & kanan jarrus, she was able to confront the three jedi on malachor alongside fifth brother & eighth brother. there, she also encountered darth maul, and engaged him & ezra bridger in combat. 
pulled through time from THE MOMENT OF HER DEATH, seventh sister awoke in the fortress inquisitorious on the planet nur, now desolately empty and abandoned. there, she stole a KYBER CRYSTAL belonging to one of the jedi that had been slain there, and made her way off the planet using a tie fighter. she built her new weapon in the style of her old inquisitor saber, with the ability to be used as one blade or two, but did not bleed the crystal, learning quickly in this new time that she was much more likely to be trusted with a BLUE BLADE than a red one. 
she has allowed her previously shorn-short hair to grow out as well, hoping to escape detection for the moment by those who would wish to capture her for the republic. for now, she is CORVA VARYS, trained by a jedi who escaped order 66, and certainly not a transplant from palpatine’s rift, much less a trained and deadly jedi hunter.
cunning and ambitious, seventh sister was a RUTHLESS inquisitor. leading up until her death, she was being eyed as a replacement for the grand inquisitor after he had been slain by kanan jarrus, and she let that knowledge get to her head. she believed herself SUPERIOR to many, if not most, of her fellow inquisitors, and treated them as such. she often toyed with her victims while fighting, or while torturing them, treating the situations with a smirk and FLIRTATIOUS attitude. to her, hunting jedi was a game, and one she thoroughly enjoyed. 
feeling robbed of the power she held during the time of the galactic empire, she seeks MORE, TRUE POWER, and allies who will help her achieve it. she doesn’t care for the lives she ruins on her way to the top. 
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bigsnzstanacct · 4 years
Secret Santa For Creaturedom
Hey @creaturedom! This is your Secret Santa! Hope you enjoy! And I hope I did Corva and Morgan justice. Enjoy!
“Well, buddy, you ready for the big party?” Detective Corva asked, as he and his partner, Detective Morgan made their way towards a pleasant-looking suburban home. The streets were lined with cars—many of them police-issue; technically they weren’t supposed to be using their department vehicles for regular travel, but this was official business, for all intents and purposes. In their precinct, there were few more important activities that happened all year, and that’s why, despite all his wishes for another option—any other option—Detective Morgan could make no other answer than:
“Of course I am! It’s a big party so…” Detective Morgan mustering his usual slightly sly, conspiratorial grin. Morgan’s energy was so upbeat that most people would have been fooled by the smile, the jaunt in his step, the warmth of his energy. But Corva knew him better than that. Corva could spot the pinkness around the rims of his nostrils, the faint shadows of bags beneath his eyes, the slight heaviness to his gait. Morgan wasn’t looking forward to the big precinct party, but for the life of him, Corva couldn’t figure out why. Normally Morgan was, if not the life of the party, certainly in his element around the rest of the officers and detectives they worked with. Perhaps not as open as with Corva himself, but comfortable, and having fun. But something was off this time…
“You sure?” Corva asked again, “You know, if you’re worried about something, you can talk to me about it, it’s no big deal. And we don’t have to go right now…”
“We’re literally at the door,” Morgan said, rolling his eyes and patting his partner on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, I got this.” But even as he said it, projecting confidence as best as he could, there was something Detective Corva knew was off, and he was wracking his brains for reasons why. One of the other offices? No, Morgan seemed to get along with everyone. A romantic fling gone wrong? Surely Corva would know about that. The long-haired man pondered on it, adding up his clues in the moments that they waited for someone to come open the door: the house, the hesitation, the slight pinkening of Morgan’s nostrils…
The answer came to him just as Carla, a fellow detective, came to door… along with her two of her “fur-babies”—a large, hairy cat, and a still-larger, still-hairier dog.
“Oh.” Detective Corva said aloud without meaning to.
“Oh what?” Carla asked, “Oh you better come in here and enjoy this party?” She said, grin on her face.
“Oh yes he will!” Morgan responded, although now that he understood the reason for his hesitation, Corva could spot even better all the signs: Morgan must be lacking energy because he stuffed himself full of soporific anti-histamines, and with Morgan’s allergies, even that might not guarantee an allergy-free day, hence Morgan’s slight recoil at the appearance of the pets, particularly the dog. Morgan’s nose objected highly to dogs. Corva learned that the hard way with his own Akita. Hopefully Morgan would have more luck avoiding these pets than Corva’s—after a valiant attempt at denying his undeniable nose, Morgan succumbed to a pretty alarming fit of the sneezes. But perhaps meds would dull the reaction this time. They could only hope.
They entered the party, and before Corva knew it he’d lost sight of Morgan, as they were drawn into different conversations. For a long while, Corva strained to hear the hushed puffs of air he expected from Morgan, not that it would be particularly audible over the noise of the various officers enjoying each other’s company. He looked for Morgan from time to time, trying to see if his allergies were acting up. More than once he caught his partner looking terribly itchy, nose wiggling, eyes beginning to glaze over. Even from a distance, Corva could tell how Morgan’s eyebrows were arching, his nose running. He saw, more than once, how Morgan would hold the back of his wrist up against his nose, pressing against it, scrubbing back and forth, both to deal with the slight moisture starting to trickle down his nose and to forestall the sneezes that were surely itching at the reddening rims of his nostrils, teasing at the back of his throat, the roof of his mouth.
Still, Corva did have to actually attend the party; he couldn’t just focus on Morgan. And so Corva smiled and enjoyed the other officers’ company. They talked about surveillance, about cases they’d closed, about the annoyances of paperwork… they’d been there for about thirty minutes before Corva caught the first pair of tight, stifled “hhh… hiittscxxxx! G’TScchh!” sneezes. Morgan was hidden in a corner as he sneezed, clearly having wandered away from the party to try to get his nose under control. But these sneezes clearly slipped beyond his control. And slipping away would prove to be a mistake, because Carla’s dog, failing to get attention from the crowds of people talking, clearly decided to try to get some engagement from the one human off in a corner by himself. And so the dog ran over to Morgan, trying to jump onto him and engage him and play with him. Corva’s eyes went wide. This wasn’t good.
Quickly excusing himself from the conversation he was in, he headed over to Morgan. “You alright?” He asked Morgan. “Shoo!” Corva told the dog. He regretted being rude to the animal but he couldn’t worry too much about that now. He looked over at Morgan, who was clearly fighting the urge to sneeze as hard as he could. Corva rolled his eyes and patted Morgan’s shoulder. “You might as well let it out, Morgan. You know you’re going to eventually.”
“If I… hh-huh! if I st-start, I don’t know if I’ll be able to st-stuhh…” and here he wavered on the edge of a sneeze, his hand lifting from its place at his side as though ready to fly up to his nose to try to stifle at the last moment… but some desperate edge of willpower managed to stay the sneeze for a moment. But Corva knew that wouldn’t last too much longer. “I m-might not be able to st-stop.” Morgan said, still feeling the tickle but having somewhat of a handle on things for the moment.
“Morgan,” Corva said, rolling his eyes, “you know how allergic you are. Why didn’t you just tell Carla that you couldn’t make it? Or at least ask her to put the pets upstairs or something?”
“D-didn’t… snfff didn’t w-wanna be rude.”
“Well you might as well just sneeze, you know you want to. And then we’ll get out of here.”
“N-nnuhhh… n-no…”
For a moment, it crossed Corva’s mind to just grab the nearest pet and stick it in Morgan’s face just to get Morgan to finally give in and let himself sneeze, but that’d just be mean at this point. And besides, it seemed Corva wouldn’t have long to wait, as suddenly the dam broke, and Morgan’s hand shot up to his face, and his head tipped back and…
“H’KTtscch! Hehh… hetttcchhxxx! ttcchxxxx!” Three stifled sneezes pummeled their way out of Morgan, albeit typically stifled. But even stifled into relative auditory irrelevance, Morgan obviously in the throes of a sneezing fit couldn’t go unnoticed by the other officers, and as Morgan kept sneezing—“tchxx! ttcchxx! tscchxx!”—a few noticed him and wandered over to see if he was okay.
“You okay, Morgan?” One fellow detective, Jasmine, inquired.
“H’Tcch! G’Tscxxx!” Morgan sneezed.
“Just allergies,” Corva explained, giving his best “this is fine” smile. But of course a few more noticed, and soon it seemed like practically the whole group of officers were watching Morgan succumb to his allergies.
“Is he okay? How many times is he gonna sneeze?”
“Is he still going?”
“Ah, I’ve seen Morgan like this before.”
“I was wondering how long he’d make it with that dog around. Last time I saw Morgan within ten feet of a puppy I thought he’d never stop sneezing.”
“Poor guy, he’s got pretty bad allergies.”
Morgan attempted a few replies, but he could barely get out a few struggling “I’m f-fihhhhh… hihhhh…” before he jerked forward into cupped hands with another “ETtcchxxx!” And another. And another. And another.
Corva grabbed his arm and tried to whisper in his ear between sneezes. “Just let em out man. You keep stifling like that, your head’s gonna pop off.”
Morgan only shook his head and stifled another painful-sounding sneeze. Clearly he was seriousu about not being able to stop once he started. Corva could only imagine how much his nose had been tickling, how hard he’d fought to avoid this very moment, everyone watching him have a seemingly endless allergy fit. And so he made a decision.
“Alright, alright buddy. I got you.” Corva said, and then, putting a hand on Morgan’s shoulder, he gently but firmly guided Morgan through the crowd of officers, towards the front door. “Just a sec, just gonna grab some fresh air.” He said, while Morgan kept stifling sneezes.
When they finally got outside, Corva marched Morgan a few houses down, back towards his car, before he finally told Morgan, “Alright, we’re out of the party now. Now will you please let yourself just snee—”
But before Corva could even finish getting the instructions out, Morgan finally gave into an unstifled, rapid fire fit: “Tisshhhoooo! hahhTTssshh! ttscchh! ittscchh! hhisssh! ittshhh! Hittsshhoo! Isshhhoo! hhh… yehhhh… yessshhHOO!” Corva just left his hand on the other man’s shoulder, offering the comfort he could give in place of the relief Morgan could only provide himself. Well, that and getting away from all those damn pets.
As the fit calmed down, Corva looked at his partner: teary-eyed, moisture flowing freely from his nose, irritation still visible all over his face. And he made another decision.
“Alright, get in the car, Morgan.”
“Wh-whaahhh… uhhh… uttsschhoo!”
“Get in the car. I’m making up some excuse to send Carla and the others, but I’m getting  you out of here. We’re not aggrivating those allergies of yours anymore, ok?”
For a second it looked as though Morgan was going to protest, but he was stopped by another “ettscchhoo!” and then just shrugged his shoulders.
“Great. Now we’re going back to your place, and I’m getting you some more of that Benadryl, if you can take more, and you’re gonna take a nap. You deserve it after all that.” Corva said as they got into his car, and before long they were speeding away, Morgan still occasionally sneezing softly, and Corva gently patting him on the shoulder.
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Camilla’s Best Quotes #3
It’s been a while since we’ve had one of these, hasn’t it? A whole lot has happened since the last Camilla’s Best Quotes, and we’ve gone from fun bants with the jolly party to intense Murder Times with confusion, mystery and betrayal. No one seems to know what anyone’s doing or thinking and there is MILD DISSENT among the party members. So, let’s hear what Dancer, Tuile, Corva, Belloth and Heskan had to say this time!
1. Dagger party!
Corva: well I don't think I need 13 daggers
Hamster Master (GM): xD
Corva: I'll just take 1
Couch: that's quitter talk corva
2. Are you sure about that?
Shadowdancer: "Hey, where's Corva?"
Tuile shrugs.
Belloth: "Don't know."
Shadowdancer: "That's not good."
Belloth: "I'm sure she's alright. I trust her judgement."
Camilla: do you djskjksj
Eff: lmao good one
Camilla: after last time
3. I don’t need to caption this
Shadowdancer: "We should, uh, split up. I don't do well in crowds."
Tuile: "Hoe?"
4. We’re pretty useless
Hamster Master (GM): are you attacking straight away without talkin
Belloth: i mean that was what i was plannin
Hamster Master (GM): tell me what u do i cant read ur minds xD
Cravin Raisins: give a witty one liner
Hamster Master (GM): if ur quiet ur just standing there
Eff: oh my god i should've gone in huh
5. Detective Belloth Bittenbinder
Hamster Master (GM): erhw45h4wth
Hamster Master (GM): STREET SMARTS
6. I’m putting this here because I can. It isn’t funny but I thought it was a pretty cool conversation (just the sort of one you should be having in the middle of a battle!)
Corva: "Why did you lie to us?"
Frida: What do you mean?
Corva: "We found your assassins.Their actions may be questionable but their motivation is not."
Frida: What are you talking about?
Corva: "I- I don't want to hurt you. But you are a terrible ruler. You hurt people."
Frida: I do what I have to do! This town is falling apart!
Corva: "I don't care! It's wrong! Find another solution!"
Frida: I've saved a lot of people this way!
Corva: "But now a lot of people want you dead."
Frida: Including you apparently! Well, try it!
Corva: "No, I don't. I just want you to stop ruining lives."
Frida: I save lives.
Corva: "I knew someone once who made that same excuse. It's possible to do both." 
7.Okay, back to SMASH
Couch: i would like to smash but only when people are satisfied
Eff: do what bell would do. Let her smash
Couch: lemme smash
Hamster Master (GM): then smash
8. It honestly wouldn’t have been surprising at this point
Corva: I cast healing word on Belloth
Heskan: nice
Couch: danks
Eff: christ for a moment i thought you cast it on frida
Hamster Master (GM): gbgwthjnr4
Heskan: me too
Hamster Master (GM): nice
Cravin Raisins: PLOT TWIST
Eff: "there corva goes again that wild bastard"
Couch: "What the fuck bro"
9. I’d rather not
As you fight, you hear something.
Eff: shit
Couch: h-hewwo?
Cravin Raisins: hewwo??
Heskan: oh no
Cravin Raisins: wefkgjfrhedsAX
Shadowdancer: "Well fuck my donkey."
10. Looting a woman’s dead body in front of her guards!
Cravin Raisins: i wanna loot her body
Cravin Raisins: will corva be bissed lmao
Camilla: massively
Camilla: but go ahead
Cravin Raisins: welp
Cravin Raisins: yes
11. I’m getting deja vu from a few sessions ago
Belloth rolls a 4 on a dexterity save.
You all manage to grab onto something and stay upright.
Belloth: except for bell who dies 
And just as suddenly as it began, it stops.
Hamster Master (GM): oh right, Bell
Bell fell on her ass.
12. Seeing double
Corva: why are there two corvas
Cravin Raisins: AHH
Cravin Raisins: we have to fight them now
Hamster Master (GM): sorryyyyy
13. *side-eyes*
Shadowdancer joins the others.
Camilla: wonder what happened up there......... :)
Shadowdancer: "Post-battle makeout sesh. And you're free to come along, if you want."
Vinmin goes downstairs. 
Corva: "No thanks."
Corva fiddles with a ring on her finger.
Shadowdancer: "I was talking to Vinmin, you wee pacifist you."
Camilla: :))
Eff: also idk why but i'm gonna pretend corva said that and not cam
14. Murder is hungry work
Tuile: "I want to go to the bakery."
Shadowdancer: "Oh, me too! I'm in the mood for some ... hmm. Muffins?"
Tuile: "Mmm..."
Corva looks INCREDIBLY disenchanted.
Vinmin: I want muffins...
Shadowdancer: "Celebratory muffins?"
Belloth: "Those do sound good."
Tuile: "Cupcakes, maybe... Hm... Okay."
Shadowdancer: "I could never tell the difference."
Camilla: why would the bakery be open late at night?
Vinmin: Some nice bread!
Cravin Raisins: what time is it?
Tuile: "Bread. Yes."
Belloth: "Yeah!"
Eff: it's always open if you're not a coward
Tuile: "Obviously."
Hamster Master (GM): its like...morning soon. I would say 4 am.
Camilla: well bakers get up early to make the goods
Tuile: "Let's go!"
Camilla: so they've probably made some stuff at least
Hamster Master (GM): awergwe4
Tuile: "Quickly!"
Shadowdancer: "To the bakery!"
Hamster Master (GM): r u really leavin and goin to the bakeryx'D
Eff: ... yes ?
Cravin Raisins: yeehaw 
15. A lot has changed, and nothing has changed
Cravin Raisins: human emotions? whats that? Tuile just wants food. 
I’m so looking forward to arc 2 and I know the other guys are too! You guys better be ready for Corva’s intense glow-up...
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creaturedom · 4 years
Chill in the Air
Time to get back on track with fics!
Gonna be taking requests soon, but wanted to warm up with my boys 🧡
“Morgan, get back inside.”
The detective heaved a heavy sigh through his nose, a long stream of steam billowing out in front of him. A week. They had a week to unravel this missing person’s case, and they’d just barely scratched the surface.
“Morgan..” His currently exasperated partner, Detective Marcelo Corva, was standing behind him in the victim’s doorway. The temperature had dropped considerably since they entered the scene a couple hours prior, but it was to be expected with the recent cold fronts blowing into LA. And, as usual, only one of them seemed prepared for it.
Morgan was wearing a light sweater, looking over the railing of the apartment to the cityscape beyond. He just couldn’t wrap his head around the current suspect’s motivation. If she was truly responsible, how could she have carried her victims so far from the apartment complex without being seen? The detective sniffled against a cool breeze, scrubbing his chilled nose against the cuff of his sleeve.
“I need a minute.”
“Can’t you take it in here? C’mon man, you’ve been working yourself to the bone, at least fill me in on what’s going inside that head of yours.” Morgan scowled at that, not turning to meet his partner’s irritated gaze.
“Wouldn’t kill you to come out here.”
“It also wouldn’t kill you to get your ass in here!” Corva tucked his gloved hands into his jacket pockets, shivering lightly as the temperature started creeping up on him “It’s freezing out, you seriously gonna pout all by yourself instead of help me in here?”
Morgan felt a dull pounding in the back of his skull as he turned with a hiss to Corva “What’s left in there? We’ve found no motivation, no weapon, the most we’ve got is a name and even then what the fuck is left?” Though taken back by the snap Corva narrowed his eyes at the other.
“All the more reason to be more thorough. I know there’s something here, the least you can do is humor me here. Take a breath, come back inside-“
“—There’s nothing in there,” Morgan screeched “get your head out of your ass! You think if we turn over another shoe we’ll find a knife? How about a lock of the suspect’s hair, or a little note with their social security on it?” He stepped closer, sniffling sharply as he continued “You’re digging for something more, but there’s nothing here! Admit it, it’s a dead end!” It wasn’t like Morgan to be so impatient and snappy, but he couldn’t take another second looking aimlessly in one place. Not while there was still so much to find, in so little a time frame. But, something was still keeping Corva from seeing ya to eye with him.
As the shorter man huffed and puffed in front of him, Corva squinted suspiciously at his features. How long had his nostrils been rimmed with pink? And his eyes looked almost sunken in, tired with a strange spark to them. There wasn’t much spirit to his movements at that, despite his outburst, and it took Corva a few moments before he could breathe a much calmer response “... We need to take this conversation inside.”
“You’re not listening!”
“Oh I’m listening, I’m listening to every rasp and sniffle you throw my way. Or did you mean your hissy fit?” Morgan threw him a confused look, but the other continued “Morgan, I’m not gonna say it again. Come back inside. Dead end or not, at least come in for a break...” This only made Morgan’s blood boil. He shoved the others shoulder with another hiss “Break? A break? I don’t need a break, I need answers, and we’re wasting time here! We can’t just wait around-!”
And then, a startled silence. Corva reached out and pressed a finger roughly against the tip of Morgan’s nose and was waiting with his arms crossed against his chest. Morgan looked about ready to snap again, but his eyes started to flutter softly, an already pink nose scrunching as a low buzzing grew in his nose “Whh... We c-cahh... C-Can’t... Hih-!” Quick to pinch his nose shut Morgan’s head bobbed down suddenly.
“H-H’ptschxxx! W-Wait—! ghtschh, hih’txxx! Ghtxxx!” Corva sighed and grabbed his partner’s collar as Morgan’s mouth gaped with laboring gasps, dragging him inside just in time for the fit to resume “HUP’TSChhh! Tsch, tschh, tschHHhh-! Huh... H-Huh— gTSCHHhhoo!” Morgan muttered a curse under his breath as the sneeze slipped fully, but with the force building in his sinuses he knew this was a losing battle. Corva shut the door and stepped closer to his partner, at least offering a sympathetic hand as Morgan rode out this sudden fit. He looked so helpless just gasping, eyes streaming and nose glowing redder seemingly with each sneeze. It made Corva feel awful for what he did, but it was oddly satisfying as well considering what an asshole Morgan had been all day.
“Hiih’tschoo! Huh’tshhh! H-Hih, G’TSCHhhhuh..!” Panting, Morgan looked up in a haze. The room was far warmer, but his body felt heavy and off balanced. Even as he straightened up things just felt so off center, like he was standing on an incline “... Grant?” He blinked blearily at his partner and sniffled wetly, far too aware of the mess that lurked behind his trembling hands. Corva grabbed ahold of him again and made him sit on a nearby stool, already taking off his glove and feeling the back of his neck “Hmm... You’re definitely warm... Shit, you holding up alright?”
At least he had enough experience with his sneezier counterpart to carry around a pack of tissues. He handed it over as usual and waited for Morgan to regain some composure “Ughh... Feel like I got a couch dropped on me...” Corva huffed with amusement, patting his shoulder reassuringly “You look like it... Listen, we’re gonna figure this out. You’re right about wasting time, but we’re not gonna get anywhere like this. Let’s head back to your apartment, at least get a couple hours of rest, and see what we can do in the morning?”
Morgan visibly tensed, to which Corva quickly added “We’re not going to give up. There’s still a few more days to go, but we’re not gonna be able to find anything else if you completely run yourself down. And we’re certainly not gonna let Wilson’s crew catch wind of this.” He pressed with a playful grin.
This managed to coax a tired smile from Morgan who nodded wearily “One power nap... Th-That’s it you hih... H-Hhhh..” his mouth gaps with a few rough hitches, but sadly a shaken sigh is all that escapes. Corva hesitates, but after a moment he presses his partner’s nose again, watching as the reddened nostrils flared wildly again before being buried deep in a wad of tissues “Hetchxx! Huhtschxxx! HIH’KSCHhhh! Guhh...”
Chuckling Corva puts an arm over his shoulders and rubs his arm “Yeah, yeah, I know the drill...”
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creaturedom · 5 years
Hey today’s my birthday, so I’m just gonna write whatever I want and y’all gotta deal with it lol. Enjoy my detective ocs!
Referenced fic is here
Detective Corva couldn’t help but feel a bit drained today. Him and his partner hadn’t been assigned anything new in the office beyond the recent surveillance gig, but even then it shouldn’t have been so tiring. He sniffed as he glanced at the clock on his wrist, nose wrinkling as it read 11:20 AM. Morgan should have been here twenty minutes ago, yet it felt like he’d been waiting for hours
“Damnit, where is he...” He glanced around the block, but still no sign of the other man. With a defeated sigh Corva sunk into a park bench, closing his heavy eyes to listen to the sounds around him. Today they were supposed to keep watch on the previous subject’s son, as he was apparently meeting with a new supplier in the park this morning. They only had until 11:45 AM to get everything bugged and scanned before their meeting, and Morgan was just...
“H’TSCHhoo!” Corva paused at the sudden outburst, looking around as if he expected it to have come from someone passing. Pausing he gave a tentative sniffle, though as he did his eyes squeezed shut and his head bobbed with a single gasp “Hiih—TSCHOO! At’chhh!” He groaned softly, holding his forehead in his hand as he slumped forward.
Now, Corva could never predict his sneezes. They just came as they pleased, and he was often yelled at for not anticipating it fast enough to quickly shield his face. But again, he found that these left a dull pounding in his skull, not necessarily making him dizzy, but definitely light headed “Nghh... Morgan, c’mon...” He begged softly, blearily looking to the crowd again.
Everything felt so bright and noisy. Everywhere there was birds screeching, car tires and honks passing, children crying... “What the fuck is wrong with me..” He croaked, rubbing his tender temples. Then, as if to answer his prayers, he felt a cool hand on the back of his neck. A little too cold, but it felt a little soothing “You’re not sleepin on the job, are ya pal?”
Corva turned back to his partner with a weary grin, shrugging off the others hand “You kiddin? You’re the one whose late, what took you so long?” There was a pause, Morgan tilting his head as he tried to process what was said “Ah hah... You’re kidding, right?”
Corva’s brow furrowed “If you forgot to write it down again, I swear to fuck-“ Corva’s eye’s screwed shut, head bobbing forwards with a sharp “Gtschhhh!” This left the detective in a bit of a haze, only snapping out of it as he felt Morgan’s hand on his shoulder “Hello, earth to Corva, you catch that?” He took a moment to sniff and wipe his nose with the back of his wrist quietly “S.. Sorry bout that, what?”
Morgan seemed concerned as he looked the other over, slowly taking a seat beside him “I was just... Saying we’re supposed to be here at 12 PM. Remember? I’m just here cause I was gonna gloat that I was here earlier for once, and...” Again he paused, this time putting a hand on Corva’s back as his partner slumped again “Bud? You good? You’re not looking so hot...”
Morgan opened his mouth to speak, only to have a few small, hoarse coughs escape, at least quick to bury those in the crook of his arms “Mm, yeah, just fine.”
“Just fine my ass,” chided Morgan as he felt at the others face “Jesus, you feel like you’ve been standing in the sun for hours...” Now that he had a better look at his partner he felt his heart sink. His eyes were bloodshot, skin was heating up, and he looked just about ready to keel over. The usually playful man was just slumped with his forehead in his hand, grimacing as a few more coughs tried to escape “I think we need to get you home...”
Corva’s muscles tensed at this, and he was quick to pull away “No- we finally got a bigger lead, we have to stay and get more information! We just- w-we hahhTSCHhhh!” His hands shakily rose to cover his face as two more sneezes burst from him, each wetter than the last and leaving him shivering in their wake. He was fine this morning. He was completely fine, why the fuck was this happening now?
He couldn’t find it in him to pull away again as Morgan suddenly grabbed him, holding the other supportively and doing his best to rub his back “Easy, easy... Fuck, I know, but... I can’t leave you like this. There’s no way in Hell..” For a while, silence sunk in, at least as much as it could in such a public place. It wasn’t until Corva felt himself being drug onto his feet that he heard the other speak again “I’ll set up and put you in my car, how’s that? If you insist on staying I’ll come get you, we can listen in together, and then I’ll take you straight home, alright? You good with that?”
Corva stared blearily, but nodded softly, even smiling a bit “As long as you don’t take all the glory, I’m fine with taking a seat for a minute.” This helped relax Morgan as he put an arm around his partner, guiding him back to his car as promised. After that though, things got a little hazier.
Detective Corva heard his partner unlock the car and lower the window for him as he climbed in. He closed his eyes briefly and opened them to a somewhat brighter world. He clearly hear someone pulling in behind them, a door unlocking, feeling the car shake a little..
“... Cel.... O... Mar.... Hey—!”And then he was startled awake. The detective groaned softly, realizing too late he wasn’t leaning on the door anymore, though Morgan was quick to catch him before he could fully slip “Marcelo!” He croaked, holding the others face “Fuck, there you are bud, you scared the shit out of me...”
Corva’s throat felt painfully dry, and his head was pounding even worse, though it seemed by now it was later in the afternoon. Confused, he looked around to find they weren’t even at the park’s curb anymore, but rather parked in Morgan’s neighborhood. As panic arose, Morgan was quick to speak “Everything’s fine, you’re safe, the surveillance went well. When I came back to get you, you just... I couldn’t even wake you if I tried, you passed out hard.”
Damnit, he let the their team down. After all their work, after so many cold nights in front of that damn warehouse, he couldn’t even be there for the biggest information drop yet. Unable to stop himself, tears began to develop, putting both men into a panic as Corva trembled in Morgan’s grasp “M’s... Sorry... I didn’t mean... I...” His head dipped briefly, a couple coughs breaking out as he continued to sob softly.
“You really are out of it, aren’t you?” Detective Morgan took a minute to hold his partner, who by now was definitely overheating, but neither seemed to care. Corva was just too out of it to try and maintain a strong facade at the moment, and he melted into his trusted friend’s arms. When he calmed down after a bit, Morgan once more helped him out of the car and now into his apartment, masking worry with soothing words and reassurance that everything was going to be fine.
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creaturedom · 5 years
If you want you should write something w allergies! (Im pretty sure id die of happiness, your writing is gorgeous~)
Anon, you know the fastest way to my heart, thank you heehee. I think this is a good time to introduce my detectives..~
A fine mist was starting to settle over the streets of Downtown LA as the night slowly crept in. By now most would know not to be wandering around, save for a few homeless looking for a place to stay for the night, but tonight was a bit of a special case. At least, down in the industrial districts.
There was a rumor floating around one of the local warehouses in the fashion district was importing contraband from a new seller. Seeing as the accused had been arrested a few years prior for selling drugs out of his car, it only made sense to send someone out to keep an eye on things before anything escalated.
Detective Morgan sat with his foot on the seat and knee pressed against the glovebox, hazel eyes trained on the back door. He was a slender, pale man, with brown hair neatly cropped and styled to the side. Dark freckles peppered the bridge of his nose and over his cheeks, and tonight he chose to wear a hooded leather jacket to combat the chill. His knuckles raked under his nostrils as he sniffled for what felt like the thousandth time that night, but that wasn’t the only thing to break their silence.
“Blow your nose,” the man beside him stated flatly “I don’t want you dripping snot all over the seats.” Detective Corva was a Hispanic man, long curly hair pulled back into a loose ponytail. It was dark brown with some lighter highlights in it, something that popped against his tanned skin. His jawline was more squared off compared to Detective Morgan’s, with a bit of scruff lining it. He went with a full sweater that matched the gray interior of the car, and though he kept his eyes on the streets he gestured to the glovebox. “There should be some tissues in there, just dig around.”
“I wouldn’t need them if we just took my car...” Morgan grumbled as he began rummaging through the glovebox.
“Yeah, well someone forgot to fill up the tank again, so whose fault is that really?”
“Yours, for not vacuuming after your mutt?” Corva feigned offense as he gasped and smacked the detective’s shoulder, grinning afterwards with a soft sigh. Corva may have been better at staying focused, but he was just as much a goofball at heart as his partner. That, and Morgan always did like the way his nose would scrunch up whenever Corva was being a smartass. Finding one wadded tissue he brought it up to dab at his nostrils, already grimacing at how rough it felt. “I’m gonna be a damn mess tonight...”
“Did you take anything before we got in?”
“Mm, I thought I brought some with me, but I must have left the bottle on the counter..”
“God damnit, are you kidding? I knew I should have packed something, you always do this...”
“Hey, that’s not fair! I... I can...” Morgan groaned as he massaged at his nostrils “Urgh- be organized too, I was just excited to get out. We haven’t been on a stakeout in months, don’t you miss me..?” Corva shot the other a disinterested look, only to find Morgan throwing some watery looking, pleading eyes at him. It was enough to make the man snort and shove him again. “Focus on the door, asshole. Remember, the report said we’re on the lookout for the son too, he should be around nineteen. There hasn’t been too many sightings of him, but he’s starting to show some patterns.”
“Rodger that..” Morgan turned his attention back on the door, though he propped his cheek on a lazy hand. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, his nose was starting to burn with irritation, and the talking was helping to distract him more than anything. He was doing his best to stay quiet and dab at it, but the dander floating around in the car and clinging to the seats was making things difficult.
“Hihh...” His eyes glazed over as a trembling hand clasped over his nose, a few quick puffs of air before a quick pinch of his nose “HihTSxchh- tschxx!” He let go briefly, but he knew the mistake made as soon as he did. The pressure was steadily building up, and once more he had to be quick to pinch it off “Hrrtschxxx, ht’tschhih! H-Hah- heh’ktschh!”
“Jesus, would it kill you to let em out?”
“S-Sorry, old-! G’TSchxx! Habit...”
“You’re gonna pop a blood vessel,” Corva warned, eying him cautiously “I’d crack a window for you, but you’re bound to get us noticed if you really start going off. Sorry bout that... You sure you’re good to keep watch?” His question was only punctuated as Morgan gasped and buried his face in the wrinkled tissue for three more quick stifled sneezes, the look in his eye indicating this was a stupid move “Seriously, we can say someone started making a scene too close to the car, we could head back home...”
Morgan merely shook his head, doing his best to find something salvageable about the now wet tissue, only to fold and put it to the side “No, we’ve needed this lead for months, I can take it. Just gohh- gotta get myself under control.”
“Alright...” With that the two of them fell silent again, save for some wet sniffling here and there. Overall the night was peaceful, save for a few drunken shouts in the night and occasionally having to adjust themselves lower as a homeless person staggered past. Not too much activity, and certainly no trucks coming in. Morgan was looking worse for wear the longer the night drug on, never taking his gaze off the door entirely, but Corva could see it. How his nostrils were still flaring, how he bit his lip whenever he would start hitching to try and keep quiet, and worse still the overall redness to his face. The case was important, but this was starting to get ridiculous to watch “Take a lap, buddy.”
“I’m fiihihn...”
“Then I’m hungry, go get some snacks, or pretend the drugstore is a block down.” He caught the flutter of Morgan’s eyes and the gaping of his mouth again, the other man clearly on the edge of a fit “No one’s here yet, you could at least get yourself some tissues while you’re out.”
“I cah... Can’t..!” A few more sharp gasps was all it took for him to snap forward into his lap, hands templed over his mouth and nose “Tschxx, tschx, tschHHXxx, ghschxxx-!” His shoulders trembled as his head reared back briefly and dove back in “Hiitschhh! Tschoo, tsh tschh tSChhh tschh! Hp’tschh, tschhhh!” Corva was as helpless to do much more than lay a comforting hand on the man’s back as he finally rode out the rapid fit. Morgan’s sneezes weren’t booming, so Corva never understood why he would stifle, as it’d leave him like this. And sure enough Morgan was bobbing with these small, quick sneezes for a good minute or so before he just went limp beside Corva, body trembling with exhausted pants and hands not moving from his face.
“Bless you a hundred times over...” Corva sighed, rubbing his partner’s back soothingly “That’s it, we gotta get you out of here, you can’t focus and I can’t deal with the guilt.”
“Guhhhh... But the casehhITschh!”
“We gotta come back in a couple days, we’ll make up for it then. In the meantime you gotta try to clean yourself up and I’m gonna drive you home, alright?” There was a pause before a defeated sigh sounded, a bit of a triumph in this low moment to have reason shine through “Fide... But fuck, you got ady bore tissues? I’m dyid over here...”
“If you only found the one in there, then-“ Corva froze as he caught a glimpse of headlights, quick to get low with Morgan to avoid being spotted in the car. When it passed he looked up to find a large delivery truck with a silhouette of a hawk flying on the side, parked in the loading dock. And, soon after, the door on the side swung open, a young man around eighteen or twenty striding out with a grin on his face as he called out to the person in the delivery truck. Corva sat there watching while Morgan slowly sat up, a thick sniffle muffled by his hands as he tossed a teary glance to the side and back to Corva, hands still tightly clasped over dripping face “Too late for that tissue rud..?”
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creaturedom · 4 years
🗓️ for Corva
🗓️ #6 Have your character’s sneezes, illnesses or other symptoms somehow changed later in life? Perhaps they don’t get as sick as they used to, or maybe they suddenly developed an allergy out of nowhere?
So he doesn’t get sick nearly as much as he used to, but he still gets pretty bad fevers when he’s sick. On top of that he’s never been much of a sneezer, so when he started to sneeze more frequently as he got older, it was harder for him to really predict them. His sneezes tumble out without a lick of warning, so Corva doesn’t get to brace himself or cover them for the most part.
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creaturedom · 5 years
💡⚠️for Morgan and Corva?
💡Describe your character’s nose.
Detective Morgan:
The bridge of his nose is thin and closer to his face with a shorter tip, he’s rocking an East Asian nose profile! There’s dark freckles from the base about midway down which spreads to his cheeks, and his nostrils sometimes carry a light pink tint depending on the season.
Detective Corva:
He definitely has a more prominent bridge than Morgan’s, somewhere in the range of a aquiline mixed with greek nose, since it doesn’t have as high a bump. It’s broad like his face, elongating it with its length and smooth nostrils.
⚠️How sensitive is your character’s nose?
Detective Morgan:
He is highly sensitive, this boy can pick up on a dog’s presence two doors down and be sneezing for the next few hours if he’s not paying attention. He’s especially vulnerable if you brush against it or expose him to strong scents such as spices, cologne, or perfume, his poor nose just can’t take the strain.
Detective Corva:
He’s not as sensitive, it’s not like you can toss pepper in his face and it’ll automatically set him off. He is, however, sensitive when it comes to tempeture shifts and brushing against either his septum or the bridge of his nose. Light touches send him off and because he can’t predict when a sneeze will strike, he’s often helpless to hold it back if someone tickles in the right spot. And tempeture shifts apply to seasons sure, but also places. You know how coffee shops blast the AC and smell of coffee at you? He’ll start sneezing. Walking out of a cold movie theater into a warm night, or vise vera? There he goes sneezing! Not a lot will set him off, but he has his little quirks that make his nose go.
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creaturedom · 5 years
Do I love detective Corva and Morgan more than life? Yes. Yes I do. Would I die for Morgan and the stifled sneezes? Yes. Yes I would. ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Man I’ve been in the biggest slump, this really cheered me up and I’m glad you love them so much! Thank you anon 🧡🧡🧡
And to show my appreciation I’m gonna do something I’ve been too chicken to do, but that I love more than writing wheeze
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Just quick sketches but like, there’s some visuals I guess windodnskem
Also even though this isn’t fetish related, please don’t reblog to non-sneeze blogs, thank you!
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creaturedom · 5 years
For Corva? ⏳🎉
⏳ How much warning do they get before a sneeze? Can they use that time for anything useful?
If you take one and multiply that by zero, you get... Oof, zero seconds. I wanna write that fic next, but sneezes just kinda tumble out of nowhere, so there’s a lot of times he’s unable to cover them. He feels guilty for it, but he gets little to no warning beyond a consciousness that his nose is tickling, if there’s an obvious irritant.
🎉 How easy is it to make them sneeze?
It’s not super easy, but if you take something soft and brush it against his septum or nostrils you can eventually coax something out heehee.
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creaturedom · 5 years
uMMMMM WOW what kind of dog does Corva have I have to know who did this to Morgan
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An Akita named Haley! When they first met Detective Morgan didn’t want to be rude and make a fuss over his allergies, but unfortunately for him Haley was a bit too excited to meet her papa’s new partner and is a bit of a clingy pup. Corva does his best to clean up after her whenever Morgan comes over, but Morgan’s poor nose is just too sensitive.
Also I realize I forgot to link the fic they’re from, so here that is!
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